Ultrasound sensitivity in the study of ppn. Ultrasound of the nose and accessory sinuses: features and benefits of the procedure. In what cases is the procedure prescribed

Indications for sinoscopy

Sinusoscopy of the paranasal sinuses carried out if the patient is concerned about the following clinical manifestations:

    Bleeding from the nose of unknown etiology;

    Inflammatory processes of soft tissues, including purulent.

The procedure is mandatory if the patient is diagnosed with the following diseases:

    Inflammation of the mucous membrane of the nasal strip - rhinitis;

    Inflammatory processes of the pathologically overgrown palatine tonsil - adenoiditis;

    Inflammation of the frontal sinus - frontal sinusitis;

    Inflammatory processes of the mucous membrane of the maxillary sinus - sinusitis;

    Polyps, cysts, or foreign objects in the nose.

An ultrasound examination is prescribed after suffering injuries to the nose or mechanical damage to the nasopharynx.

Features of sinoscopy and preparation for it

Most often Ultrasound of the paranasal sinuses carried out in the A-scan mode. This means that the doctor places the ultrasound scanner probe in the projection of the sinus. A medical gel is preliminarily applied to the area under study to ensure the closest possible contact. In the process, the uzist asks the patient to tilt his head in different directions.

The peculiarity of the procedure is that after capturing the reflected ultrasonic waves, the device does not convert them into a graphic format. They are displayed as a straight line, any deviations of which are a sign of a pathological change in the properties of the medium.

This feature is due to the fact that the nasal paranasal sinuses are normally filled with air, which is why the signal reflection is minimal. During inflammatory processes, fluid accumulates in the cavity, the presence of which immediately fixes the sinoscope in the form of a deviation from the line.

Ultrasound diagnostics allows you to obtain a number of important data on the condition of the paranasal sinuses:

    mucosal condition;

    the size of the anatomical structures of the nose;

    the presence of neoplasms;

    the presence of foreign bodies;

    volume of fluid in the maxillary sinuses;

    the presence of polyps or cysts.

It does not require specific preparation from the patient. It is enough to stop using nose drops a few hours before it and visit the ultrasound room on time.

How is an ultrasound of the paranasal sinuses performed?

The procedure is carried out using a device such as a sinoscope. This is an ultrasound device designed to study this area. Just like a traditional scanner, it creates ultrasonic waves, captures them and converts them into a diagram, thus providing a picture of the state of the nasal cavities.

During the procedure, the doctor drives the sensor over the areas of the face in the projection of the paranasal sinuses:

    maxillary - located in the upper jaw on both sides of the nose;

    frontal - located in the frontal bone above the nose;

    ethmoid labyrinth - formed by cells of the ethmoid bone;

    Ultrasound of the maxillary sinuses- a highly specialized examination used in the treatment of ENT diseases. Nasal ultrasound is an affordable and safe alternative to x-rays and computed tomography of the maxillary sinuses, but ultrasound is not always as informative as the above examinations.

    With the help of ultrasound of the nasal sinuses, it is possible to determine the presence of fluid or pus in the nasal cavities, the condition of all structures (including vascular septa, cartilaginous tissue), the presence of neoplasms of a different nature, foreign objects.

    The procedure is completely painless, non-invasive and safe. It can be performed on patients of any age without restrictions, including children and pregnant women. You can make an ultrasound of the nose of a child at any age.


    Ultrasound examination of the maxillary sinuses is effective for diagnosing pathologies of the nasal septum, identifying foci of inflammation in sinusitis, frontal sinusitis, rhinitis, sinusitis. Ultrasound of the nasal cavity is used to study the causes of nosebleeds, allergic reactions, in the presence of polyps, lipomas, the consequences of mechanical damage, as well as in dental practice.


    The session itself lasts 10-15 minutes, no preparation is needed. If necessary, ultrasound of the maxillary sinuses is prescribed repeatedly to track the dynamics of treatment or combined with other diagnostic examinations.



    The cost of ultrasound of the maxillary sinuses in Moscow ranges from 600 to 6200 rubles. The average price is 1410 rubles.

    Where to do an ultrasound of the maxillary sinuses?

    Our portal contains all the clinics where you can do an ultrasound of the maxillary sinuses in Moscow. Choose a clinic that suits your price and location and make an appointment on our website or by phone.

    The study of the sinuses using ultrasound waves - echosinusoscopy - is carried out to diagnose infectious and inflammatory diseases of the frontal and maxillary sinuses. Ultrasound reveals the presence of fluid in them, neoplasms, polyps, cystic formations and disorders in the mucous membrane, since in a healthy state they are filled with air.

    Indications for ultrasound

    The main advantages of ultrasound diagnostics are fast results and absolute safety of the procedure for the patient. Such a study is often assigned to a child, and it is also allowed to be carried out during the period of gestation.

    Since children often develop ENT diseases, the safety of this procedure is of particular importance. In addition, ultrasound has no side effects, and there are no painful sensations. A distinctive feature of this type of ultrasound is the absence of the need for special preparation before conducting. A similar diagnostic method is actively used in otolaryngology for both adult patients and children.

    Ultrasound of the paranasal sinuses has a fairly wide range of indications. These include:

    • diseases of ENT organs in the chronic stage;
    • inflammation of the maxillary sinuses - sinusitis;
    • inflammation of the frontal sinuses - frontal sinusitis;
    • allergic rhinitis;
    • causeless bleeding from the nose;
    • inflammation of the inner ear;
    • the formation of polyps in the nose;
    • purulent-necrotic diseases of hair follicles - furunculosis;
    • curvature of the nasal septum;
    • entry of foreign bodies into the nose;
    • various innovations.

    Ultrasound of the sinuses helps to identify sinusitis

    The advantage of the ultrasound method is the absence of harmful radiation and therefore it can be repeated as many times as necessary to make a diagnosis. Often, ultrasound is prescribed to monitor the ongoing treatment of various diseases of otolaryngology. Based on the data of an ultrasound examination of the nose, the doctor can correct the treatment, assessing its insufficiency or decide on its successful completion.

    How is the ultrasound procedure performed?

    The action of ultrasound is based on the fact that by means of an ultrasound examination, the reflection of the tissues of an organ is recorded. On the monitor of the apparatus, this is displayed in the form of bands corresponding to the number of echogenic layers. The apparatus determines the depth and content of each of them.

    To obtain an image, the transducer of the ultrasound device is applied to the skin in the area being examined. A gel conductor is applied to the place where the sensor is installed. The transducer captures ultrasound beams from different angles for a detailed examination of the sinuses. As a result of the diagnosis, the thickness of their walls, the size of the formations found in the nasal cavity are estimated.

    If during the study it is necessary to determine the presence of fluid in the sinuses, the study is performed in two positions - in the position of the patient lying on his back and in the prone position. When examining in the supine position, it is possible to detect the presence of fluid in the area under study, even a small amount of it. If the study is done to a child, then parents may not worry that it may cause discomfort in the child.

    In time, this procedure takes about 10 - 15 minutes.

    Such an ultrasound cannot replace the need for an X-ray examination, but can provide detailed information confirming or refuting the presence of fluid or pus in the area being examined. In addition, on the basis of ultrasound data, a fairly accurate diagnosis can be made, this will be within the competence of the otolaryngologist.

    After the end of the diagnosis, the patient is given a conclusion, according to which the otolaryngologist will select, if necessary, adequate treatment.

    Nasal ultrasound - how accurate data can be obtained?

    Any medical examination can have both advantages and disadvantages. Thus, ultrasound examination of the nasal passages (or echosinusoscopy) is inaccessible, and not all specialists in ultrasound diagnostics know the methodology for its implementation. In addition, sometimes, to clarify the diagnosis, it becomes necessary to conduct additional studies.

    Preparation of the device for ultrasound of the sinuses

    It happens that the data obtained through the use of ultrasound and the data obtained as a result of an x-ray can differ significantly in favor of the latter. In general, medical practice suggests that ultrasonic examination is characterized to a certain extent by overdiagnosis, i.e. data may indicate a disease, which in fact may not be. In this case, the patient is prescribed treatment, which, in fact, is not required. Therefore, before making an independent decision on the need for an ultrasound examination, it is recommended to contact an ENT doctor, who, after the examination, will decide on additional examination measures. This is especially important if the patient is a child.

    Despite the modern equipment of the equipment with which an ultrasound examination is carried out, it is necessary that the specialist in ultrasound diagnostics have the appropriate experience and be familiar with the methodology for conducting such an examination. This will prevent inaccurate survey data from being obtained. Thus, such a diagnostic study can be applied to adults and children, but first it is necessary to determine the degree of its necessity and expediency by consulting an otolaryngologist about this.

    Ultrasound is a non-invasive method of diagnosing diseases, which is carried out with the help of ultrasonic waves. It is widely used in medical practice for diagnosis, including ENT pathologies. An ultrasound for the nose and its sinuses is different from other types of ultrasound. This is mainly due to the anatomical feature of this area - due to the high density of the bones of the skull, it is only possible to visualize the superficial sinuses (ethmoid and sphenoid sinuses are not scanned).

    Ultrasound of the nose, in other words, echosinusoscopy, is performed using special equipment, sometimes in conjunction with dopplerography, to study blood flow. The device is stationary and portable, which is very convenient for research. Before the procedure, the skin is treated with a special gel that improves the visibility of the visualized areas. Inspection is performed using a sensor. When conducting a detailed examination, the patient's head must be tilted to both sides so as not to miss the fluid in the sinuses.

    Echosinusoscopy allows you to evaluate:

    • The nature of cartilage.
    • Sufficiency of blood supply.
    • The presence of neoplasms.
    • development of the subcutaneous tissue.
    • The thickness of the walls of the vessels.

    The resulting data is then decoded.

    This type of study does not require any prior preparation from the patient. On average, the procedure takes about 10 minutes.


    With ENT pathologies, there are a large number of conditions in which the attending physician recommends that the patient undergo an ultrasound scan of the sinuses. Below are the main ones:

    • Change in the shape of the nasal septum.
    • Traumatic damage to the mucous membrane.
    • Sinusitis.
    • Increased secretory function (with an allergic reaction).
    • Dental pathology.
    • Identification of formations.
    • Episodic epistaxis of unknown origin.
    • Surgical interventions on the ENT organs.

    Sinusitis is a serious inflammatory disease of the paranasal sinuses of an infectious origin. Depending on the localization of inflammation, there are: sinusitis, frontal sinusitis, etmoiditis and sphenoiditis. Most often, ultrasound of the sinuses is prescribed for sinusitis. Visualization of the frontal sinuses by ultrasonic methods in frontal sinusitis is difficult due to the high density of the frontal bone, which impairs the penetration of high-frequency waves.

    For the study of deep sinuses, this diagnosis is not prescribed due to its low information content. Ultrasound of the maxillary sinuses helps to easily identify the fluid accumulated in them and detect a foreign body in the nasal passages. Also, the method is often used to detect cysts and polyps in the paranasal sinuses.


    The list of positive aspects from the ultrasound method is quite extensive. The main advantages are:

    • Low cost.
    • Painlessness.
    • Fast results.
    • The absence of radiation exposure to the patient's body.
    • Possibilities of dynamic observation.
    • The simplicity of the research principle.
    • Absence of contraindications and undesirable reactions.
    • The presence of a Doppler sensor to study blood flow.

    Also, ultrasound of the maxillary sinuses is often used to monitor the effectiveness of therapy in ENT pathologies.

    Due to the lack of influence on the intrauterine development of the fetus, as well as on children, echosinusoscopy is the most preferred research method in women during pregnancy and lactation.

    Disadvantages of the method

    There are situations when the use of ultrasound examination of the maxillary sinuses is not appropriate. This is mainly due to the lower information content of this method in comparison with computed tomo- or radiography. That is why, with the development of complications, they always resort to the help of highly specialized diagnostic methods (CT, MRI).

    Do not forget that ultrasound of the nose is a rather subjective method and its results directly depend on the quality of the device and the skill level of the specialist.

    Application in childhood

    An ultrasound of the sinuses of the nose can be prescribed to a child only from the age of two. This is due to their anatomical and physiological characteristics in children. Changes can be detected only in the maxillary and frontal sinuses, the rest remain unformed until the age of 12. The child is examined in the supine or sitting position, the duration of the procedure does not take more than 30 minutes.

    Venue, cost

    People suffering from ENT diseases are often interested in where they can do an ultrasound of the maxillary sinuses. Currently, this diagnostic method is considered quite affordable. Studies can be carried out in private clinics or in public hospitals in Moscow, St. Petersburg and other large cities of the Russian Federation.

    The cost of ultrasound of the maxillary sinuses varies from 500 to 1500 rubles, which is associated with the prestige of the chosen clinic and the city in which it is located.

    The paranasal sinuses are cavities filled with air. They occupy the body of the upper jaw (maxillary), and are also attached to the bones of the face. They connect with the passages of the nose. In inflammatory diseases of the upper respiratory tract, mucus and fluid from the nasal passages can enter the sinus cavity. An ultrasound examination of the sinuses can reveal the onset of the disease.

    The ultrasound technique is based on the ability of ultrasonic waves to pass through the tissues of the human body and be reflected at the border of areas of different density. This is called reflected echo. It is “catches” by the ultrasound machine.

    Waves cannot travel through a mass of air. Since in a healthy state the sinuses are filled with it, the ultrasound signal is reflected completely and is not fixed on the equipment. If inside the paranasal sinuses there is mucus, liquid, there are seals - signs of the development of the disease - then ultrasound penetrates without obstacles and is recorded by an ultrasound machine.

    Scanning of the internal contents of the sinuses occurs using a high-frequency linear sensor. Preliminary gel-contact is applied to the surface of the skin of the examined area. The gel is needed for a better visual display of the results of the study on the monitor, since the bone prevents this.

    The sensor is fixed motionless in one place. It collects information about the state of the sinuses and displays it on the screen in a graphical form. The specialist interprets the data obtained, draws conclusions about the existing diagnosis.

    Advantages and disadvantages

    The advantages of the ultrasound technique are as follows:

    • availability;
    • safety;
    • low cost;
    • absence of pain;
    • obtaining reliable information;
    • a small list of contraindications;
    • non-invasiveness;
    • detection of the concentration of foreign bodies in the nasal cavity;
    • quick result;
    • no major preparation required.

    There are 2 scanning methods:

    • A-scan (one-dimensional ultrasound);
    • B-scan (two-dimensional ultrasound).

    One-dimensional scanning is based on the use of only one ultrasound beam. This method has the following disadvantages:

    • inaccuracy of the result;
    • low information content;
    • inability to examine areas that are too deep (ethmoid sinus).

    In this mode, the beam does not "see" that there is a cyst, liquid or pus in front of it. Therefore, the diagnosis is difficult. Such an examination is prescribed only if the presence of lungs is expected and for a preventive purpose.

    The second scanning mode is more accurate and efficient. Several ultrasonic waves are applied. Each of them is directed to a specific point. A deep study of all areas, as well as organs and tissues close to the sinuses, is carried out. Disadvantages - high cost, inability to conduct examinations too often due to strong exposure.

    What pathologies can be identified?

    The ultrasound technique makes it possible to obtain information on the following criteria:

    • how thick is the layer of fat under the skin, and in what condition is it;
    • is there any damage to the mucous membrane;
    • what condition are the septa of the vessels in;
    • nasal cartilage parameters;
    • condition of blood vessels;
    • at what level is the fluid in the cavity of the sinuses;
    • condition of bone tissue;
    • tumor size.

    According to these data, the diagnosis is specified. Ultrasound will show the following pathologies:

    • sinusitis;
    • ENT diseases at the chronic stage;
    • polyps;
    • bone and cartilage damage;
    • tumors of various etiologies;
    • vascular diseases.

    Even on ultrasound, foreign objects that clog the nasal cavity are visible. The study is also assigned to control the therapeutic process. Ultrasound allows you to identify the main cause of the disease state and establish the correct diagnosis.

    Indications for diagnostics

    Indications for the appointment of ultrasound are as follows:

    • pain in the head (especially in the forehead) with "clogging" of the airways and thickening at the site of the sinuses;
    • or cartilage;
    • the alleged allergic nature of rhinitis;
    • nosebleeds for unknown reasons;
    • purulent inflammation inside the nasal cavity (with colds and ENT diseases);
    • swelling, thickening of the sinuses, pain when touched;
    • suspicion of finding foreign objects in the nose;
    • injured mucous membrane, hematomas;
    • assumption about the development of neoplasms.

    Preparation for the procedure

    To prepare for the procedure, special conditions are not required, for example, refusing food for several hours. The patient must meet the minimum requirements:

    • clothing should be without metal inserts and accessories;
    • remove makeup from the face (foundation, powder, eyeliner);
    • remove all jewelry (earrings, piercings);
    • remove dentures;
    • take off your glasses.

    All foreign objects and coatings on the face interfere with the accuracy of the signal reflection. The entire examination takes no more than 15 minutes and practically does not cause discomfort.

    How is the examination carried out?

    The examination takes place as follows:

    1. The patient sits on a chair. The back is straight and vertical, hands lie on the armrests. The head is slightly tilted forward. During the process, the doctor may ask you to tilt it back a little or to the side.
    2. A contact gel is applied to the skin in the nose and paranasal area.
    3. A sensor is attached to the area to be examined. As the study progresses, the specialist moves the sensor from one point to another.
    4. The information collected by the sensor is displayed on the monitor in the form of a graphic image.
    5. The specialist works with the received testimony. He describes the result.
    6. Upon completion of the process, the patient receives a conclusion and pictures - printed on a sheet of paper or on an electronic medium.

    If you need to find out if there is fluid in the sinuses and what boundaries it fills, the patient first takes a horizontal position face up, and then face down. The final diagnosis is reported by the otolaryngologist after the examination is completed, there are test results and ultrasound.

    Features of the children

    Ultrasound of the sinuses is indicated for children older than two years. At this age, the frontal and maxillary sinuses are subject to inspection. The formation of all the rest occurs up to 12 years.

    The ultrasound technique has no special contraindications. It will not hurt the child and will not harm his health. Babies and their parents will not have to wait long for the end of the process - the entire procedure from the beginning of the diagnosis to the receipt of an answer to the hands will take no more than half an hour.

    The study is prescribed for children with suspected chronic pathologies inside the nasal cavity, with colds, and sinusitis. If necessary, health workers will talk to and reassure the child before the examination.

    Deciphering echosinusoscopy

    The diagnostic detects the following conditions:

    • neoplasms of a malignant or benign nature;
    • accumulation of pus and fluid in the cavity of the sinuses;
    • objects of foreign origin in the passages of the nose and in the cavity of the sinuses;
    • polyps, cysts;
    • fracture of the nasal septum.

    Also, based on the results, conclusions are drawn about the effectiveness of the prescribed therapy (if ultrasound is prescribed during the treatment process). Only a doctor can decipher the result.


    Contraindications to the procedure are as follows:

    • phobias (before visiting the office of an ultrasound specialist, take sedatives for several days);
    • the state of psychosis and exacerbation in severe mental illness;
    • wounds and abrasions on the skin area to be treated with the gel;
    • acute cardiac, pulmonary, liver failure;
    • the presence of serious injuries of the face, in which a person experiences severe pain from touch.

    If there is a metal plate in the skull or a pacemaker, it is necessary to inform the attending physician about this and consult with him about the possibility and conditions for conducting ultrasound diagnostics. In general, the procedure has no particular contraindications.

    Where is the procedure carried out?

    The procedure is carried out in municipal public medical institutions and in private paid research medical centers. The main criteria for choosing a place for examination:

    • that the establishment has all the necessary documents and permits to conduct this survey;
    • satisfactory sanitary condition of the premises where the whole process will take place;
    • availability of a complete set of medical equipment necessary for diagnostics - sensors, monitor, gel;
    • the procedure should be carried out by competent and experienced specialists who are trusted by patients.

    You need to be careful if the choice fell on a paid institution, and this is not a large medical center that has long earned a good reputation.

    Experienced diagnosticians with a diploma do not always work in private offices - before doing an ultrasound, you should make sure that the specialist is competent!


    The cost is made up of the following factors:

    • quality and versatility of equipment;
    • the status of a medical institution - private or municipal;
    • study mode - one-dimensional or two-dimensional.

    Ultrasound in public clinics is free of charge if the clinic belongs to some enterprise, and the patient is an employee of this facility. In the municipal clinic, the cost is lower, and does not exceed 1000 rubles. In paid centers, the price can be higher than 1000 rubles. On average, price indicators in state institutions vary from 300 to 1000 rubles, in private ones - from 350 to 3000 rubles.

    Ultrasound diagnostics of the sinuses is a safe, operative method of examination. It is available to people of all ages. Diagnostics helps to collect information about the state of the sinuses and nasal passages. Ultrasound examination makes it possible to detect the cause of the disease and the timeliness of its diagnosis.

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