Otrivin baby for irrigation of the nasal cavity. Otrivin baby nasal aspirator. otrivin baby - instructions for use

In the treatment of rhinitis in children, much attention is paid to moisturizing and cleaning the mucous membrane. Also, sometimes you can not do without vasoconstrictor drugs. Means called Otrivin are represented by various medicines, among which there are isotonic solutions that are safe for babies, and medicines that act on adrenoreceptors.

Which of them are allowed for children, when they are prescribed by pediatricians and ENT doctors, in what dosage are they used in childhood, and what analogues can be replaced?

Can it be used for children?

In the Otrivin line of medicines, there are drugs designed specifically for children:

  • "Otrivin Baby". Such a medicine in the form of nasal drops can be used even in newborns, and the spray is prescribed from 3 months of age.
  • Otrivin for children. This medication is allowed from 2 years of age.

Otrivin More is also considered safe for babies, so this remedy is used in children older than 3 months. As for the other types of Otrivin, they are contraindicated at an early age. Children over six years of age can spray "Otrivin Sea Forte", and Otrivin sprays for adults are prescribed even later - from the age of 12.

"Otrivin Baby"

Two drugs are produced under this name:

  1. Drops, which is a solution of sodium chloride. This is a transparent sterile liquid, placed in a volume of 5 milliliters in disposable plastic bottles equipped with a dropper. The drug is sold in 18 vials per pack and, in addition to sodium chloride at a concentration of 0.74%, includes sodium phosphate, sterile water, macrogol and sodium hydrogen phosphate.
  2. Spray based on sea salt. This medicine is an isotonic solution and does not contain any preservatives. One spray bottle contains 20 milliliters of solution.

Together with them, the manufacturer also offers nasal aspirator "Otrivin Baby", which comes with interchangeable nozzles (disposable). It is intended for babies who have not yet learned to blow their nose, and helps to effectively and simply remove mucous secretions from the nasal passages.

How does it work?

The use of "Otrivin Baby" helps:

  • Moisturize the mucous membrane of the nasal passages, which is especially important in very dry air, for example, during the heating season.
  • Remove bacteria, allergens, dust particles, viruses and other substances from the surface of the mucosa.
  • Increase the resistance of the upper respiratory tract to infectious agents and other adverse external factors.
  • Reduce irritation of the mucous membrane due to colds or inhalation of polluted air.
  • Thin the mucus in the nose and make it easier to remove, which improves nasal breathing.

When is it used?

"Otrivin Baby" both in drops and in the form of a spray is recommended:

  • For the prevention of colds and SARS in the winter.
  • For daily hygienic treatment of the nose.
  • For the treatment of the common cold of a viral, allergic or bacterial nature.
  • For the treatment of sinusitis.
  • To moisturize the nasopharynx, if the room is very dry air.
  • For the prevention of an inflammatory reaction to surgical treatment in the nasal passages.


It is impossible to inject or drip "Otrivin Baby" only in case of intolerance to such drugs.

How to apply correctly?

Drip "Otrivin Baby" is prescribed from 2 to 4 times a day, and sometimes more often. To drip the medicine, the child needs to be laid down and his head turned to the side. It is also recommended to first remove excess secretions from the nose (for example, using a nozzle pump). Having opened one bottle, it is pressed to obtain a few drops, which are poured into the nasal passage.

After lifting and seating the baby in a few seconds, the leaked medicine is wiped off, and if necessary, the procedure is repeated.

The same actions are needed to process the second nasal passage. Next, the bottle is closed with a cap and left at room temperature until the next use. If there are several children in the family, each child should irrigate the nose with a solution from a new bottle.

Spray treatment is also prescribed 2-4 times a day, and if necessary, injections can be done more often. A single dose is 1 injection into each nostril. To perform it, remove the cap from the bottle, press the sprayer several times (if this is the first use), then place the tip in the nostril and press on its base to spray the spray inside the nasal passage. Further, the manipulation is repeated for the second nostril, the tip is washed and closed with a lid.

Features of purchase and storage

Otrivin Baby products are over-the-counter, so they are sold in pharmacies without any problems. The average price of a pack of drops is 280 rubles. The shelf life of both forms is 3 years. An opened bottle of drops is allowed to be stored no longer than 12 hours.

"Otrivin Sea"

This spray is an isotonic solution, which contains only two components - sea water and purified water. There are no preservatives in the preparation, and nitrogen acts as a propellant. The drug is produced in aluminum cans with a spray device. The volume of the solution in one cylinder is 50 or 100 ml.

"Otrivin More" appoint:

  • For washing the nose, if the child has congestion, allergic rhinitis has developed, or there is an acute respiratory viral infection with a runny nose. In such cases, the drug is used as needed.
  • To irrigate the nasopharynx if the child breathes excessively dry air, such as when air conditioning or turning on room heaters. For preventive purposes, the spray is used 1-2 times a day.

The drug should not be used in children with intolerance to sea water. After each use, the spray tip must be rinsed and dried, and then closed with a cap. The shelf life of Otrivin More is 3 years.

"Otrivin Sea Forte"

This drug, which is also available as a nasal spray, differs from Otrivin More in a higher concentration of sea water (because of this, the solution is not isotonic, but hypertonic). In addition, eucalyptus essential oil and menthol obtained from wild mint have been added to the Forte spray.

Additional ingredients of the solution are sorbitol, polylysine and some other fillers. There are no preservatives or propellants in Otrivin Sea Fort. The solution in a volume of 20 ml is packed in a plastic bottle, which has a sprayer and a protective cap.

The most common reason for the use of this medicine is a feeling of nasal congestion. According to reviews, breathing becomes easier 2-3 minutes after injection. This action is called osmotic and is associated with the pressure difference between the mucous membrane and the solution. In addition, the solution mechanically flushes out mucus, viruses or bacteria, and moisturizes the nasopharynx.

"Otrivin More Forte" is applied 1 injection into each nostril from 1 to 6 times a day. The shelf life of the drug is 3 years, but after the first use, the bottle can be used for no longer than 6 months. Before use in children, after a nose injury or surgery, a doctor's consultation is required.

If the spray package is damaged or the patient is allergic to any component of the drug, its use is prohibited. After treatment, a slight tingling sensation may occur.

Otrivin for children

Otrivin for children is a spray and is produced in polyethylene bottles with a pump device and a protective cap. One pack contains 10 ml of a solution that is odorless and colorless.


The main ingredient in children's Otrivin is xylometazoline hydrochloride. Its amount in 1 ml of the drug is 0.5 mg (0.05% solution). This substance complements benzalkonium chloride, hypromellose, sorbitol, sodium chloride, disodium edetate, pure water, sodium hydrogen phosphate and sodium dihydrogen phosphate.

Mechanism of action

Otrivin for children has the ability to influence alpha adrenergic receptors located in the nasal mucosa, as a result of which the blood vessels narrow. The therapeutic effect after applying the spray appears quite quickly (within 1-2 minutes) and lasts a very long time (up to 12 hours).

As a result of the use of such Otrivin, swelling and redness of the nasopharyngeal membrane are reduced, and mucus is secreted in a smaller amount, resulting in improved breathing through the nose. Since the drug contains sorbitol and hypromellose, its use also has moisturizing effect, protecting the nasopharynx from irritation and excessive dryness.

When is it used?

Otrivin for children is most in demand for a runny nose, which can be caused by both infectious agents and allergens. The drug is also prescribed for otitis media, inflammation of the paranasal sinuses or eustachitis. Another spray is used before a diagnostic or surgical procedure in the nasopharynx.


The drug is not used if the child has high blood pressure, has tachycardia, or has had brain surgery. In addition, Otrivin for children contraindicated in patients with hyperthyroidism and glaucoma. It should not be injected with atrophic changes in the mucous membrane, as well as with intolerance to any of the components.

If a child has diabetes mellitus or a pheochromocytoma is detected, the use of Otrivin requires medical supervision.

Side effects

When treated with a spray, a child may experience burning, sneezing, dryness, tingling in the nose, palpitations, nausea, headache and other symptoms. If they appear, you should immediately inform your doctor.

Instructions for use

For children aged 2 to 5 years, the spray is prescribed one injection into each of the nostrils 1 to 3 times a day. A child 6-11 years old is recommended to use 2-3 times, 1-2 injections. The last time the medication is used at bedtime. The duration of treatment is influenced by the course of the disease, but more than 10 days you can not use children's Otrivin(there is a risk of atrophy of the mucous membrane or the appearance of a drug-induced rhinitis).

Is an overdose dangerous?

Exceeding the dose of Otrivin for children leads to increased sweating, dizziness, a decrease in body temperature, a slowing of the heart rate and other symptoms dangerous to the health of the child. Therefore, if an overdose is detected, you should immediately seek medical help.

These solutions are contained in a concentration of 0.1%. In children, they can be used from the age of 12, one injection no more than three times a day. Possible side effects, a list of contraindications and overdose symptoms in adults and children Otrivin are the same.

In addition, in pharmacies you can see a drug called "Otrivin Complex". Such a spray effectively fights the symptoms of a cold due to the combination of two active substances at once - xylometazoline and ipratropium bromide.

However, in childhood, it is contraindicated and is not prescribed to patients who are not yet 18 years old.

For the treatment of the nasopharynx in young children, products with a natural base and harmless action are in demand. One of them can be called Otrivin Baby drops. When should they be dripped into a child's nose, at what dose and what analogues can be replaced?

Release form and composition

The drug is produced in disposable transparent dropper bottles. Each of these vials contains 5 ml of a sterile solution. Such a liquid does not have any color and there are no inclusions (the solution is completely transparent).

The basis of the drug is a saline solution with a concentration of sodium chloride of 0.74%, that is, it is isotonic.

Otrivin Baby does not contain any preservatives, and of the additional ingredients in the drops, there are only macrogol, purified water, hydrogen phosphate and sodium phosphate.

One pack contains 18 bottles.

Operating principle

Otrivin Baby in drops helps to moisturize the nasopharyngeal mucosa and cleanse it of germs, dust particles, viruses, allergens and other substances. In addition, irrigation helps to increase the resistance of the upper respiratory tract to the effects of pathogens of bacterial and viral infections, which helps prevent colds and viral diseases. The medication eliminates the dryness of the mucous membrane and helps to get rid of irritation caused by a cold or some unfavorable conditions.

By its pH, the drug is similar to the natural secretion of the cells of the nasal mucosa, so it is harmless and can be used for daily hygiene care.

The use of Otrivin Baby has a positive effect on the inflamed mucosa, and also thins the mucus, as a result of which it is easier to remove from the nose, and breathing through the nose improves.

It is especially important to help babies breathe freely with their noses up to a year old, because it is difficult for children in the first months of life to breathe through their mouths, and with nasal congestion or a runny nose, the child’s condition worsens (the baby behaves restlessly, cries, refuses to eat, and his sleep worsens).


Otrivin Baby drops are used:

  • with acute or chronic inflammation of the mucous membrane of the nasopharynx;
  • with diseases of the paranasal sinuses;
  • with allergic rhinitis;

  • with increased dryness of the air in the room (in order to maintain the protective function of the mucous membrane and moisten it);
  • when inhaling polluted air (to clear the mucous membrane of impurities);
  • for the prevention of colds and SARS occurring with rhinitis;
  • to prevent an inflammatory reaction after operations in the nasopharynx.

At what age are they prescribed?

Drops Otrivin Baby can be used from birth. They are used both in newborn babies and in children older than a year.

Such a medication is called harmless and completely safe for a child of any age.


The drug is not prescribed only for allergies to any of the ingredients of the solution. There are no other reasons not to use drops.

Side effect

In very rare cases, the child may develop intolerance to the drops, which is why they are immediately canceled. Other negative effects during the use of Otrivin Baby (for example, burning, redness, increased symptoms of a runny nose, etc.) do not occur.

Instructions for use

You can use Otrivin Baby 2-4 times a day or more often if necessary. For washing, perform the following actions:

  • Separate the dropper bottle from the others and open it by turning the cap clockwise.
  • The child is laid lying down and his head is turned to one side.
  • The nasal cavity is cleaned of excess mucus, for example, using an aspirator.
  • Slightly pressing on the bottle, the required amount of solution is injected into the nasal passage (a few drops or more).

Drops for newborns Otrivin baby are able to maintain the normal (physiological) state of the mucous membranes of the upper respiratory tract.

They can easily eliminate allergens, thin mucus for better outflow, prevent the penetration of pathogens into the sinuses and nasal passages, and simply moisturize the mucous membrane.

This drug should not only be used when you have trouble breathing, but also as part of your daily nasal cleansing routine.

Otrivin baby is sold in special dropper bottles. One package includes 18 units of 5 ml vials.

Drops Otrivin baby should be used in such cases:

  • hygiene procedures;
  • treatment and prevention of colds accompanied by nasal congestion;
  • moisturizing mucous membranes;
  • allergic rhinitis.

According to the instructions, the agent can be used to prevent the formation of compacted mucous secretions.

They can be prescribed during the recovery period after surgical interventions on the upper respiratory tract to prevent the development of inflammatory processes.


With proper use of the drug, the risk of adverse reactions is minimal.

As contraindications, the instructions for use indicate only individual intolerance to the components that make up Otrivin baby drops.

Therefore, before use, you should carefully study the composition of the drug.

It includes the following components:

  • sodium chloride;
  • purified water;
  • EL Cremophor;
  • sodium phosphate.

If a child may be allergic to any component, then the use of this remedy should be discarded.

Also, when using, side effects may occur. They are divided into reactions of local and systemic type.

  1. local reactions. Frequent sneezing, swelling or dryness of the mucous membranes, burning and other unpleasant sensations.
  2. Systemic reactions. Nausea and vomiting, rapid heartbeat, increased pressure (blood pressure), headaches, sleep disturbance, dizziness and arrhythmia.

In case of adverse reactions, you should immediately contact your doctor.

Mode of application

Otrivin baby drops should be used according to the instructions:

  • opening the package with the drug;
  • checking the integrity of the content;
  • separation of the dropper bottle;
  • opening the vial clockwise.

After these manipulations, the child must be laid on his back, his head turned to the side (in the direction of the nostril being washed). Clear the nasal passage from the accumulated mucus, and then drip the remedy. The same actions must be done with the second move.

Aspirator Otrivin

A couple of minutes after the procedure, you need to seat or lift the child and hold it in an upright position.

After the procedure, the product must be closed and removed until the next use.

The medicine dropper bottle should only be used on one child within 12 hours of opening to minimize the risk of infection.

Dosage and overdose

To prevent colds, the remedy is used 1 time in 24 hours. 2-4 drops of the drug are instilled into each nasal passage.

The appointment usually lasts 6 days, but the attending physician can individually adjust the timing.

When washing the nasal passages, the drug is used 1 time in 24 hours.

However, with the secondary formation of mucus, washing can be repeated. 2 drops should be instilled into each nostril and cleaned after 1-2 minutes.

In the treatment of nasal congestion in children, it is necessary to use the drug 2-4 times in 24 hours. Instill 1-2 drops into each nostril. Preliminary hygiene of the nasal passages is required.

In individual cases, the doctor can change the number and frequency of taking the drug Otrivin baby.

If, upon inspection of the dropper bottle, damage and integrity violations are found, then it cannot be used. You should inspect the next one and open it.


Otrivin baby has analogues similar in composition and effect.

They have the following names:

  • "Sea water";
  • "Ansimar";
  • "Nosalen";
  • "Aquazoline";
  • "Aqua Maris";
  • "Daxas";
  • "Salin";
  • "Physiomer";
  • "Humer";
  • "Aqualor";
  • "Marimer".

These drugs can be purchased at almost all pharmacies. They are released without a doctor's prescription, but it is better to consult a pediatrician before buying and carefully read the contraindications and composition before use.

The cost of Otrivin baby in the form of drops varies from 248 to 289 rubles per 1 pack.

Unfortunately, a cold and its main companion, a runny nose, does not pay any attention to age. At a very early age, in children under one year old, this phenomenon is also very common. A child suffers from a cold, perhaps even more than an adult. After all, an adult can sometimes just blow his nose in order to get rid of nasal congestion. And the child can't do that yet. Due to the mucus in his nose, he cannot sleep and eat normally, and therefore becomes moody.

What is the Otrivin Baby aspirator and its equipment

Some parents use rubber bulbs to clear their baby's nose. But this method is unsafe, you can damage the mucous membrane and very thin nasal septum. And in order to make the process of clearing the nose safe were created nozzle pumps. The Otrivin Baby nasal aspirator is one of the most popular such mechanisms.

Safer than rubber pears and aspirators with an electric pump, the Otrivin Baby nozzle aspirator is made by the fact that the process of cleaning the nose is under the control of the mother. She herself decides with what force to draw in the contents of the nasal passages. Also safe is the material from which the nozzle pump is made - plastic and silicone. And the aspirator consists of four parts, these are:

  • rounded transparent tip that is easily inserted into the nasal passage without damaging it. And transparency allows you to control how much liquid got into the device.
  • the body in which this liquid is collected, it also contains a gasket that does not allow mucus to penetrate further into the nozzle pump.
  • forty centimeter bendable tube,
  • a mouthpiece through which the parent sucks the mucus out of the child's nose.

The tip and gasket are replaceable elements of the aspirator, therefore, after each use, they must be changed, and the used ones must be disposed of. In total, there are three of them in the Otrivin Baby nasal aspirator kit. But this does not mean that after the replacement parts have run out and the nozzle pump itself must be thrown away. You can purchase them separately. Replacement tips and gaskets are sold in packs of 10.

Considering that the Otrivin aspirator and its components are not so cheap, some parents manage to reuse replacement parts by washing them thoroughly. But I want to immediately warn that this can lead to emergence of a new infection. Therefore, it is better not to risk the health of the child, and do as it is written in the instructions for use.

How to use the Otrivin Baby aspirator

Before telling how to use this nozzle pump, it should be said that it has only one task - to cleanse the nasal passages of a child of the first and second years of life from mucus. The indications for its use are

  • rhinitis of various types,
  • allergic rhinitis,
  • other diseases accompanied by a runny nose.

The device is quite easy to use. After reading any instructions for use, mom will be able to assemble it or replace interchangeable parts. And the Otrivin Baby aspirator is used as follows. If the child is still very tiny and cannot hold his head on his own, he must be picked up and tilt your head slightly. And if the baby is already 6-7 months old and he can hold his head on his own, it is enough just to put him on his knees.

The mother clamps the mouthpiece with her lips, and the second end with a rounded nozzle is inserted into the child's nasal passage. You can not push it too deep, as this will bring discomfort and pain to your child. It can also injure the mucosa.

Inhale evenly, even with all your might, trying to get all the liquid contents of the baby’s nose in a removable housing. They are afraid that the snot will be in your mouth, it’s not worth it, the gasket in the case will protect you from this. After you have finished clearing one nostril, do the same with the second. If there is a lot of mucus, and you feel that the tip and gasket are clogged, it is worth replacing them with new ones.

After use, the Otrivin Baby nozzle pump should be thoroughly rinsed, and replaceable parts should be disposed of, replacing them with new ones.

The use of drops when cleansing the nose

To achieve best effect Otrivin aspirator is recommended to be used together with Otrivin Baby drops. Or rather, say with saline, which not only helps to clear the nose, as stated in the instructions for use, but also has a preventive effect. The composition of the solution includes:

  • purified water,
  • sodium hydrogen phosphate,
  • sodium chloride 0.74%,
  • macrogol glyceripricinoleate.

These drops help to moisturize the nasal mucosa and the process of cleansing with the help of the Otrivin Baby aspirator becomes noticeably more effective.

Precautionary measures

Nasal aspirator Otrivin Baby, the device is safe and has no contraindications. However, it can only be used for its intended purpose, that is, to cleanse nasal congestion. The main thing to remember here is that Otrivin Baby is a nasal aspirator, and you should not use it to cleanse other organs. For example, mucus in the throat, or pus in the ears.

Every small child is prone to colds. This is especially true for babies in the first year of life, when their immunity has not yet been formed. A cold at this age is more than every second baby. The situation is aggravated by the lack of natural breastfeeding. To treat a particular disease, pediatricians prescribe various drugs and devices. This article will tell you about what Otrivin baby is (nasal aspirator). You can find out the features of the application of this mechanism. It is also worth mentioning what prices are for the Otrivin Baby (nasal aspirator).

The composition of the product

The Otrivin Baby mechanism (nasal aspirator) consists of four main parts: a nozzle for the mother, a tube, the device itself and a replaceable tip for the baby. All parts are made of high quality plastic or silicone. They can be heat treated and sterilized. It is worth noting that this must be done after each illness.

When can this device help you?

The device "Otrivin Baby" (nasal aspirator) is prescribed for children of the first and second years of life. The device performs only one function: clears the nasal passage from excess mucus. This means that the device should be used for rhinitis of any nature, allergic rhinitis, for washing the nasal passages, and so on.

Are there any contraindications to the use of the device?

Aspirator children's Novartis "Otrivin Baby" (nasal) is an absolutely harmless remedy. However, it must be used strictly for its intended purpose. Do not try to remove mucus from the throat or pus from the ears with the device. The device is intended exclusively for cleansing the nasal passages and has no contraindications to this.

How to apply the remedy?

How should the Otrivin Baby device (nasal aspirator) be used? The instruction says the following. Take the child in your arms and tilt his head back. If the baby is already 6-7 months old, then you can put the baby on your lap. In this case, he will independently hold the head. With one arm, hug the child and hold him in one position.

Clamp the nozzle for mom with your lips, and insert the other end of the device into the baby's nose. Remember that you can not overdo it here. Do not push the device too far. This can cause discomfort or even pain to the baby. Also, excessive insertion of the nozzle leads to injuries of the nasal mucosa.

Inhale as hard as you can and ensure that the contents of the baby's nose fall into the removable block. Do not be afraid that the snot will be in your mouth. The built-in foam insert reliably protects against this. When the mucus is in the device, you need to carefully remove the device. Then repeat the same procedure with the second nasal passage. If there is too much mucus, then you can change the nozzle to Otrivin Baby.

A nasal aspirator can be used after preliminary sinus lavage. For young children in this case, appropriate drugs are prescribed.

What to do with the device after use?

As you already know, it has "Otrivin Baby" (nasal aspirator) nozzles. This fact greatly facilitates the life of mother and child. You just need to remove the used tip and dispose of it in the usual way. Place a new nozzle on an empty place and, if necessary, proceed with the procedure.

Remember that tips should be changed after each use. Otherwise, a viral infection can develop into a bacterial one, and all this is much more serious.

Price category of the device

The Otrivin Baby device (nasal aspirator) has different prices. It all depends on where you buy the product. It is worth noting that not only pharmacy chains can sell the device. This product is not a drug and can be purchased without a prescription.

The standard package contains one device and three interchangeable nozzles. The cost of such a device is approximately 300 rubles. Please note that prices may vary depending on where you live.

You can also purchase replacement tips. It is very comfortable. You no longer have to overpay for the aspirator himself. Buy only attachments for it. One package contains 10 tips with foam inserts. Such a product will cost you between 200 and 250 rubles.

Reviews about nasal aspirator "Otrivin Baby"

Most opinions about this device are positive. However, there are some parents who were dissatisfied with the adaptation. Otolaryngologists and pediatricians say that this mechanism is one of the most convenient for the mother and safe for the child. Let us consider in detail what the Otrivin Baby device (nasal aspirator) has reviews.

The device has become a lifesaver for the whole family.

Many parents say that the device has greatly facilitated the course of the disease for the child and his family. Young children are not yet able to clean their nose and get rid of the accumulation of mucus on their own. This fact greatly prevents them from eating and sleeping normally. Snot does not allow easy breathing and constantly irritates the sinuses.

Parents note that everything has changed with the purchase of this system. After removing the mucus from the nose, the child can finally breathe in deeply. Also, the baby begins to eat and sleep normally. Doctors say that such a procedure speeds up the process of recovery of the crumbs.

Ability to avoid complications

Doctors say that the nose and ears of a small child are closely related. As a result, during a runny nose, bacteria can enter the ear canal. Because of this, otitis media is a common complication of a cold in babies.

If you use this device to remove mucus, you can easily avoid such a combination of circumstances.

Great alternative to outdated aspirators

Previously, people used rubber devices to remove mucus from the nose of babies. Such devices not only do not clean the nasal passages properly, but are also a breeding ground for infections.

With the purchase of this aspirator, everything becomes much easier. Now you can simply throw away the used slime tip and put on a new one.

Want to save? Do not throw away nozzles!

Parents say that the device can help save on changing blocks. Just do not throw away the old nozzles, but wash and sterilize them. After that, you can insert a piece of cotton wool into the device and perform the usual suction of mucus from the baby's nose.

It is worth noting that the instruction does not accept such a move. The manufacturer says that this way you can only aggravate the situation, since the used nozzles are a breeding ground for bacteria.

negative opinion

There is also a group of parents who remained dissatisfied with this device. Moms and dads say that the tool is absolutely useless. With a weak breath, the mucus is not completely removed, but with a strong one, it enters the parent's mouth.

Doctors, however, note that in this case, it is first necessary to liquefy the nozzles. To do this, you can use the drug "Aquamaris" or regular saline. Drip a few drops into each nasal passage of the baby and only then remove the mucus.


Now you know how to use the snot removal system. Remember that as soon as your baby learns to blow his nose, you should abandon this device. It is possible to remove mucus from the nose with this device at any age. In this, the manufacturer does not set restrictions.

Clean your baby's nasal passages properly and don't get sick!

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