How to drink mummy. Four main types of mummy. Why use and need Altai mummy in tablets and golden mummy evalar

For many centuries, nature itself has given humanity amazing remedies that help in the treatment of various diseases. This article will focus on a unique miraculous substance that has been used since ancient times by different civilizations and folk healers. It is called a natural medicine mummy (in tablets). The use of the drug, according to experts, will help prolong life and improve health. In the people it is also called the mountain balm and the blood of the mountains.

The deposit of the substance was found in the Caucasus and Altai, in limestone caves, on hills and rocky reliefs. The first to mention the healing properties of mummy was the great Greek naturalist and philosopher Aristotle. Now you understand how valuable mountain balm is? In the XXI century, the substance continues to be studied, constantly discovering new useful components.

What is mummy (tablets)?

The use of resin has found wide popularity in folk medicine. Scientists involved in its research prove that it is an organic product and has healing qualities. This is not just resin, it is a rock with a characteristic balsamic aroma and a bitter aftertaste. This is a kind of biostimulant for a person, helping to recover from a long illness. What is most surprising, the medicine can be stored for an unlimited amount of time.

Medicinal properties

It has been repeatedly proven and scientifically confirmed that mummy has antitumor activity (in tablets). Its use in some cases in malignant tumors gives the effect of conservation or partial freezing. The hemo- and immunostimulating effect of the drug is also known. The ancient healers of Naples have always considered it the elixir of life. The same opinion was held and still shared by traditional medicine.

It is also used as a mummy in tablets. The instruction states that the medicine can replace multivitamin complexes. It is prescribed for the elderly, because it relieves weakness, gives strength and stops the aging process. Doctors say that the remedy helps to rejuvenate the epidermis, activates brain activity and normalizes blood circulation.

It is used to treat duodenal and stomach ulcers, gastritis, fractures, and purulent otitis media. Shilajit is recommended for hemorrhoids, periodontal disease, colitis, thrombophlebitis, radiculitis, neuralgia, mastopathy. It helps to cleanse the body of chemical toxins and radicals, and also promotes weight loss, we will talk about this a little later.


However, it should be remembered that with excessive or prolonged use, mummy (in tablets) can damage our body. It is better to limit the use of the product to people prone to allergic reactions. Contraindications include pregnancy and breastfeeding. It should be avoided in the treatment of children under 12 years of age. In the presence of high pressure, tumors and bleeding, the remedy should be used with extreme caution. Its biochemical composition has not yet been fully studied, so no one can predict the reaction of the body.

For harmony

Altai mummy (in tablets) will help improve the quality of the skin with cellulite, smooth out stretch marks and reduce weight. The use of this tool will also have a great effect on well-being. Mountain mummy is not a fat-burning drug, but it helps to restore metabolic processes, reduces hunger, normalizes the digestive tract and has a laxative effect. All this leads to fat burning. Along with weight loss comes a feeling of lightness. Alcoholic beverages should be avoided while taking.

In order for the tool to bring positive results, it is necessary to strictly follow the instructions. The method of using mummy in tablets for weight loss is as follows: twice a day (on an empty stomach and an hour before bedtime), not more than 1 gram. With a weight of less than 70 kg - 0.2 g, up to 90 kg - 0.4 g. If the body weight exceeds 91 kg, then it should be taken up to 1 g. The tablet must first be dissolved in water. Course - 20 days. Then a 4-day break is made. Do not spend more than four courses, otherwise there will be no effect, and it is harmful to health.

Mumiyo tablets for stretch marks: how to use

Many women, especially during pregnancy or after childbirth, find unpleasant stretch marks on their bodies. Of course, no one and nothing will remove them, but the mummy will help smooth and make the stripes less noticeable. Essential oils and other components included in its composition have a tonic, smoothing and tightening effect. There are many recipes, and they all have an identical effect: they reduce the relief and size of stretch marks, increase the elasticity and smoothness of the skin, and also make the color of stretch marks less saturated.

First way

Dissolve 1.5 grams of the substance (crush the tablet) in cosmetic oil or rub into problem areas with light massage movements. The procedure is carried out daily for 30 days.

Second way

We make a miracle ointment from 1 g of the drug, a spoonful of boiled water and baby cream. We shift the resulting emulsion into a glass jar and store in the refrigerator. Rub the ointment into stretch marks daily.

Third way

Dissolve a few tablets in a water bath or microwave. We take sterile gauze, we apply medicine on it. Lubricate the affected areas of the body with olive oil and apply a gauze compress. We leave it all night.

Fourth recipe

Grind two tablets into powder, pour a little rose oil into it (you can replace it with olive oil). Rub the mixture into problem areas. Shilajit in pills for stretch marks helps with skin diseases, including eczema.

Natural mumiyo from the Altai Mountains in a convenient capsule form. Increases immunity and helps speed up the recovery of the body after serious illnesses, injuries and operations. It does not require prior dissolution - it is enough to drink each capsule with plain water.

Mumiyo- this is "mountain resin", known for thousands of years. It naturally forms in rock crevices and mountain depressions. Since time immemorial, hunters have seen how wounded animals lick a fragrant resinous substance and recover very quickly after that.

Shilajit is a unique natural mixture of organic and inorganic substances. It looks like a shiny homogeneous mass of dark brown color, elastic consistency. It dissolves well in water and has a peculiar pleasant aroma and slightly bitter taste. Mumiyo contains more than 70 elements, amino acids and essential oils. Modern research confirms its unique properties. In its solution, intestinal, typhoid, dysentery, diphtheria bacilli and Staphylococcus aureus die. The active ingredient of mumiyo is similar to penicillin. But, unlike him, does not harm the natural microflora of the body.

The use of shilajit is especially recommended in cases where other methods of treatment do not help, and pathogens are insensitive to antibiotics. Mumiyo not only inhibits pathogenic bacteria and viruses, but does much more - it activates the body's own defenses and accelerates the recovery of damaged cells and tissues.

Each capsule contains the optimal amount of mumiyo, which is suitable for a single dose. And the possibility of using it only once a day makes it possible to carry out a course of treatment with the help of mumiyo with particular convenience.

Indications for use

  • Weakened immunity, frequent colds and infectious diseases.
  • Postponed fractures, injuries (dislocations, bruises, muscle strains) and serious illnesses.
  • Purulently infected wounds, furunculosis, eczema, traumatic neuritis.
  • postoperative condition.
  • Diseases and disorders of the gastrointestinal tract (gastric and duodenal ulcers, gastritis, etc.).
  • Diseases of the cardiovascular system (deep vein thrombophlebitis of the lower extremities, myocardial infarction, hypertension, etc.).
  • Radiculitis, osteochondrosis.
  • Inflammatory liver disease, hepatitis.
  • Diseases of the urinary system (pyelonephritis, urolithiasis, cystitis, etc.).
  • Headaches, migraine.
  • Poisoning with toxic substances.
  • Anemia.

Impact on the body

  • Promotes healing of wounds, restoration of soft and bone tissues.
  • Strengthens immunity, increases vitality.
  • It has anti-inflammatory and bactericidal action.
  • Improves blood circulation, lowers blood pressure.
  • Normalizes digestion, helps with ulcers and gastritis.
  • Has an analgesic effect.
  • Helps cleanse the body of toxins, toxins and metabolic products.
  • Increases the level of hemoglobin in the blood.

Release form

20 capsules of 200 mg.

Mode of application

Adults take 1 capsule daily with meals. The recommended duration of admission is 1 month (1.5 packs).


Individual intolerance, pregnancy, lactation. It is not a medicinal product.


Indications for use:
- bone fractures, chest injuries, joint dislocations, bruises, muscle strains (the mixture is applied to the damaged area);
- ulcers of the stomach and duodenum, colitis, gastritis, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract (a solution of the product is used);
- thrombophlebitis of deep veins of the lower extremities (solution of the substance inside);
- purulent-inflammatory and infected wounds, burns, purulent ulcers, fistulas (wounds are lubricated with a 10% solution of the product and simultaneously applied inside);
- purulent otitis media, inflammation of the middle ear, hearing loss (a solution of the product is instilled);
- bone-tuberculous processes (solution of the substance inside);
- inflammatory and allergic diseases, acute respiratory infections, runny nose, cough, tonsillitis (mixed with cow butter, milk and honey or under the tongue until completely dissolved);
- bronchial asthma (ingestion);
- damage to the female genital organs: erosion of the cervix or vaginal walls, female diseases (sterile swabs soaked in the product solution are applied);
- male and female infertility, weakened sexual function in men, hyperaspermia;
- diseases of peripheral nerve trunks, disorders of the musculoskeletal system: sciatica, plexitis, neuralgia (rubbing into the skin);
- periodontal disease;
- salt deposits, joint pain;
- sinusitis, frontal sinusitis;
- heartburn, nausea, vomiting, belching;
- hemorrhoids (simultaneously external and internal use);
- for preventive purposes during an influenza epidemic;
- tonic and refreshing compositions.

Pharmachologic effect:
A tool for a wide range of applications. It has a powerful biostimulating effect, suppresses various mutational processes in the human body, helps to stimulate certain functions of the immune system, accelerates the recovery processes in damaged tissues, and has a rejuvenating effect.
A large number of biologically active substances and elements allow the product to have analgesic, anti-inflammatory and restorative properties. In addition, the product greatly facilitates the postoperative recovery period, eliminates the undesirable effects of chemotherapy and radiotherapy.

Mumiyo method of application and dose:
It is recommended to take the product twice every day: 30 minutes before meals in the morning and two hours after dinner before bedtime. The dosage depends on the age and weight of the patient.
In 94% of the correct use of the product, a positive effect was observed.

Mumiyo contraindications:
Individual intolerance to the components of the product, allergic reactions to the components of ointments.

Mumiyo side effects:
There are no side effects of the product, with the exception of individual intolerance to the components or overdose.

There was no negative effect of the product on pregnancy and lactation.

An overdose of the product is not common and causes dyspepsia. In general, it does not have a pronounced negative effect on the organs and systems of the body.

Use with other medicinal products:
Interacts with all drugs, but special attention should be paid to the appointment of the product in parallel with other drugs containing aminophylline.

Release form:
Ointments, applications, solutions.

Storage conditions:
In a cool dry place out of direct sunlight. Storage period: 5 years.

Arakul dshibal, Bagashun, Brogshoun, Kao-tun, Kier "ke-vuoitas, Miema, Mommia, Momea, Mumeea, Mumeiz, Momie, Mumijo, Mumlaj, Mummy, Saljit, Shilajit, Silajit, Steinsalbe.

Mumiyo composition:
Resin-like mass of biological origin initially with impurities of sand and gravel. It is collected in the mountains, rock cracks, voids. In fact, these are bat excrement that have reacted with rocks (dust, rock surfaces). After cleaning, the product becomes homogeneous and acquires a dark brown color with a shiny surface. It has a very peculiar smell and bitter taste.
The specific gravity is 2-2.5. melting temperature - within 80 degrees Celsius. During storage, moisture is gradually lost and the mass hardens. Easily soluble in water.

Shilajit contains about 30 macro- and microelements, within 10 metal oxides, phosphoric anhydride, silicate groups of silicon dioxide, numerous organic substances and acids.

Before using the medication "Mumiyo" you need to consult a doctor.
The instructions are provided solely for familiarization with " Mumiyo».


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The amazing properties of this remedy have been known for 3 millennia. And modern medicine, which has gone far ahead during this time, still officially recognizes its unique healing properties. natural origin, no harmful chemical additives, a high percentage of positive results from the application make the drug one of the most unsurpassed means in the treatment of various diseases. Instructions for use fully allow you to understand the dosages, indications and contraindications for use, features of use.

What it is?

The process of formation of mountain wax, black Altai gold, mountain resin, as the Altai mummy is often called in another way, is still not fully understood and causes a lot of controversy among scientists. Some believe that it appears as a result of the melting of rocks by sunlight, others that this substance is the fruit of the natural processing of rocks, resins, soil microorganisms, the remains of the plant world with essential oils contained in them and other compounds that are important for health, excrement and insect remains (to a greater extent - wild bees that feed on the vegetation of mountains and the nectar of flowers), animals (rodents, mainly bats that feed on insects). All these ingredients are fermented and concentrated in a unique mountain climate.

Pre-purified of impurities, is hard smooth shiny mass of black or dark brown color, bitter taste.

It dissolves completely in water, giving it the appearance of a strong brewed tea. It has a slight oily smell.

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What does it consist of?

About 80 mineral and organic components, chemical compounds that make up the product have been found to have a healing effect on the human body, including:

  • minerals (Ca, Na, K, Mg, etc.) and trace elements (Rb, Ba, Sn, Sb and about 30 more elements);
  • organic and inorganic acids - essential and non-essential amino acids responsible for the structure of protein in the human body, fatty acids: monounsaturated and polyunsaturated, reducing the level of LDL-cholesterol and blood pressure, taking part in the structure of cell membranes, humic and zoomelanoedic acids, which are a natural antibiotic, capable of destroying pathogenic viruses and microorganisms in the intestines, benzoic acid, which is an antiseptic and antifungal agent, fulvic acids, which have a bactericidal, anti-inflammatory effect and a unique ability to absorb heavy and toxic metals, etc.;
  • albumins, which are the main protein in human plasma;
  • phospholipids responsible for the plasticity of cell membranes;
  • vitamins of group B, to a lesser extent - A, C, P;
  • gum is a tree resin that has the ability to remove toxins from the body.

In addition to the above, the drug contains a number of other substances useful to humans- carbohydrates, fiber, essential oils, etc.

Release form and manufacturers

Forms of release means are very diverse. It:

  1. Natural product. It is sold in its natural form in the form of pieces or purified from impurities in the form of a thick plastic mass. In pharmacies and specialized online stores in this form you can buy: purified Altai Gold, manufactured by Almar LLC (Russia), packaged in a plastic tube of 30, 50 and 100 g. The average price for 30 g is 145 rubles, 50 g - 340 rub. Live 100% purified, manufactured by Shin LLC (Gorno-Altaysk, Russia), weighing 5 g, packaged in a plastic jar, the cost is about 50 rubles.
  2. In tablets in a dosage of 0.2 g. In pharmacies and online stores in this form you can find: purified Altai mumiyo, the manufacturing company is the Evalar company (Russia), in a package of 20 tablets, the average cost is 61 rubles, Golden Altai purified of the same company, in a package of 20 tablets, the price is about 110 rubles, Balm of the Mountains, produced by the Russian company Pharm Product LLC, in packages of 30 pieces, the price is about 128 rubles.
  3. Capsules. In this form, the following products are sold: the above-mentioned Golden Altai remedy, purified, in a package of 30 capsules (it is the Golden Altai remedy that is recognized as the best-selling brand among biologically active additives in the Russian Federation), Balm of the Mountains, 60 capsules of 0.2 g each, medium the price is 208 rubles, as well as the product of the company Narine (Russia), 20 capsules of 0.2 g, the cost is about 110 rubles, Altai Bragsun from Fitocom (Russia, Barnaul), in a glass vial containing 30 capsules, 130 rubles, 60 capsules - 220 rubles, Altai with vitamin C, manufactured by AltaVed (Russia), in a plastic jar of 30 capsules at a dosage of 0.5 g, the cost is approximately 190 rubles.
  4. Candles. In this form, you can buy rectal-vaginal suppositories from Sasher, in a package of 10 pieces at a dosage of 1.2 g. The average cost is 520 rubles.

The choice of the release form is made depending on the purpose for which the product is purchased.

Indications for use

The drug has

  • immunostimulating,
  • choleretic,
  • restorative,
  • antitoxic,
  • antithrombotic,
  • anticoagulant,
  • decongestant,
  • anti-tuberculosis,
  • expectorant properties.

The use of the product in the form of compresses contributes to

  • healing of various purulent-infectious wounds,
  • dislocations
  • sprains,
  • bone fractures about 14 days earlier than usual,
  • elimination of damage to connective and bone tissues.

Compresses are also used for frostbite, burns, various skin diseases, including those with significant infectious lesions of skin areas, neuralgia, facial paralysis, gum disease, oral cavity, joint pain and salt deposition.

Candles use

  • for the treatment of hemorrhoids,
  • boils,
  • bleeding and inflammation of the rectal mucosa,
  • rectal fissures,
  • various gynecological diseases,
  • including male and female infertility,
  • erosion of the cervix or vaginal walls,
  • thrush (candidiasis) in women,
  • weak male sexual function,
  • edema of various origins.

Used to contain the spread of cysts and metastases, stop bleeding, restore microflora.

Capsules and tablets are used for attempts to cure the following pathologies and diseases:

  • gastrointestinal tract: gastritis, duodenal ulcer and / or stomach, intestinal disorders - vomiting, belching, heartburn, nausea;
  • vessels of the head and brain: various causes, epilepsy, strokes, facial paralysis;
  • cardiovascular system: post-infarction condition, cardiac arrhythmias, consequences of rheumatism;
  • ENT organs: frontal sinusitis, otitis media, sinusitis;
  • sore throat, bronchitis, cough, runny nose, respiratory diseases;
  • tuberculosis, pulmonary bleeding;
  • thrombophlebitis,;
  • diseases of the kidneys, liver;
  • toxic and chemical poisoning;
  • immunodeficiency, diabetes;
  • damage to hair, nails, the presence of adhesions, wrinkles, fistulas;
  • the above injuries in which compresses are applied.

This is not a complete description of the diseases that are an indication for the use of Altai black gold.

Available contraindications

The drug is contraindicated in the presence

  • malignant neoplasms,
  • individual intolerance to mountain resin,
  • with severe bleeding - from the nose, uterine, intestinal, with high blood pressure,
  • in diseases of the central nervous system.

When taking the drug the consumption of alcohol is strictly prohibited. It is not recommended to use it together with medicines containing aminophylline.

Features of use

The medicine is contraindicated

  • pregnant women,
  • women during lactation,
  • elderly people over 75 years of age.

Children can be given the product, starting from the age of 3 months, in small quantities.

The dosage for children over 14 years of age is similar to the dosage for adult patients.

Instructions for use

Instructions for use of the mummy contains information about its dosages and proper use. It is better to take it in the morning, just waking up, after which it is recommended not to get out of bed for about half an hour, at lunch 1 hour before a meal and at night, 3 hours after a meal. The duration of treatment is from 25 to 28 days, in case of a complicated course of the disease, it is advisable to repeat the treatment with the drug after 10 days.

The substance is preliminarily diluted with milk or water, to which honey is added, or some juice in a ratio of 1 to 20.


  • at the age of 3 months to 1 year give 0.01 g - 0.02 g 3 times a day,
  • from 1 year to 9 years - 0.05 g 3 times a day,
  • from 9 to 14 years old - 0.1 g 3 times a day.

For people over 14 years of age, the dosage depends on body weight.

  • With a body weight of less than 70 kg, the dose is 0.2 g three times a day,
  • from 70 to 80 kg - 0.3 g three times a day,
  • 80-90 kg - 0.4 g three times a day,
  • over 90 kg - a single dosage will be 0.5 g.

Recipes for use

Depending on the disease, various prescriptions for treatment are used, and there are a huge number of them:

  1. With fractures, bruises, dislocations, sprains, skin lesions. A compress is made on the injured area from a substance with some vegetable oil in a ratio of 1:20 or the damaged area is rubbed with 3% ointment, at the same time they drink 0.5 g of the substance with milk for 6 days. Another option for internal administration (with simultaneous rubbing) is once a day, in the morning or at bedtime, 0.2 g dissolved in water. Duration of admission - 10 days, then a break, repeat after 10 days. Ointment 3% is prepared from 3 grams of the agent, heated three times in a water bath at 70-80 ° C (break between heating - 1 day), then dissolved in 20 ml of water, with the gradual addition of melted over 20 minutes at 180-200 ° C and slightly cooled down 30 g of anhydrous lanolin and 100 g of petroleum jelly.
  2. For diseases and pains of the joints, bones. With radiculitis before going to bed, for 4 weeks, rub the drug mixed with honey (1:20) into the sore spot, then wrap the rubbed place with a warm scarf. In case of rheumatism, a mixture of the remedy with vegetable oil is rubbed into the sore spot.
  3. Diseases of the digestive tract. Gornoaltaysky product in the form of resin (10 g) is dissolved in half a liter of water. The first 10 days take 1.5 tbsp. l. before meals, the next 10 days - 1 tbsp. l. before meals, the last 10 days - 1.5 tbsp. l. after eating. For the entire period of treatment should take 30 grams of the substance.
  4. Diseases of the vessels of the head and brain. Take twice a day - in the morning, before meals, and in the evening, after meals, the product (0.2-0.3 g) dissolved in milk with honey in a ratio of 1 to 20. The course of treatment is 25 days.
  5. Kidneys and liver. 3 g of the product is dissolved in 3 liters of water. Within 10 days, drink 3 times a day before meals, 20 ml of the resulting mixture, washed down with beetroot juice diluted with water (1:2).
  6. Inflammation of the mouth. A gauze swab is moistened with a 5% solution of the drug, applied to the inflamed gums for half an hour. At the same time, for 10 days, drink a solution of a substance dissolved in water or milk with honey (1:20), 0.2 g twice a day.

There are also a huge number of recipes for hair, their restoration and treatment.

The easiest to use can rightfully be considered

Hair Recipe:

When 1.5-2 g of the substance is simply added to the shampoo a few hours before shampooing. You can wash your hair with this shampoo for no more than 3-5 minutes, so as not to overdry them. As a health remedy for hair, you can dissolve 2 g of the substance in 0.1 l of kefir and 30 drops of burdock oil. The resulting mixture must be applied for 30 minutes on the hair, not forgetting the tips.

You can do this mask up to 3 times a week.

For face:

An excellent tool that fights skin pigmentation and acne can be a cream, which includes 1 tsp. aloe tree juice, 40 g butter, 20 g wax, 15 g Altai mountain resin dissolved in 1 tbsp. l. water. Butter is melted with wax, allowed to cool, aloe juice and resin dissolved in water are added.

The cream is used daily, applying a thin layer.

Preventive use

The resin of the mountains is used as a prophylactic during an epidemic of influenza and other viral infections. At this time, you need to take 0.2 g of the drug twice a day.

If the flu or other viral infection still could not be avoided, it is recommended to double the dosage.


According to the reviews of people who bought the drug in one form or another, the resin of the mountains really helps to get rid of a number of diseases. Several people write about faster healing of fractures, getting rid of joint pain, diseases of the oral cavity. There are positive reviews that the hair after washing it with shampoo with the addition of a substance really becomes smoother, shiny and strong. From the negative: it does not always help to get rid of wrinkles, it does not help much as a means for losing weight, although a lot is written about it on the Internet.

In general, it can be said that the remedy is effective as a treatment for many diseases, if it is used for a sufficiently long time and according to the correct formulation.

Collected by hand high in the mountains, Altai mummy - the instruction describes the application in sufficient detail, plays an important role in the treatment of a number of serious diseases, helping a person for more than one millennium.

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Shilajit is sold in pharmacies in the form of tablets of 0.2 g. In most cases, the daily dose is 0.3 g of Shilajit. Depending on the disease, the doctor may change the dosage.

Tablets are also prescribed for adolescents after 14 years of age. They are taken several times a day. In the morning - on an empty stomach and in the evening - half an hour before meals. As a rule, the course of treatment is 20-25 days. In some cases, the treatment time can be extended up to several months. The tablet is dissolved in 3 tablespoons of warm water. The solution must be drunk immediately, otherwise it will lose its healing properties.

Mummy tablets treat many diseases:

Mumiyo is used in the treatment of both the duodenum and intestinal diseases;

It helps with diseases of the liver and kidneys;

If you suffer from cholecystitis, diabetes mellitus or cystitis, mummy will help to cope with these diseases;

If you have breathing problems, in particular, bronchial asthma, a course of mummy tablets will greatly alleviate your condition;

Shilajit helps to cope with headaches, insomnia and diseases of the nervous system;

They are used as a treatment for impotence and infertility;

The tool perfectly helps and wounds of various origins;

Shilajit allergic diseases;

This medicine has an antitumor effect and is used in the complex therapy of tumor neoplasms;

Mumiye has bactericidal properties and strengthens the immune system;

The tool is used for hearing loss and otitis media;

Tablets help with poisoning by poisons of plant and animal origin;

If you are tired and feel a lack of energy, a course of mummy tablets will help you recover and feel a surge of strength.

While taking mummy tablets, exclude alcohol in any form, strong tea, coffee and any foods and medicines that affect the brain.


Shilajit contains about 28 chemical elements, 30 micro and macro elements, 6 amino acids, 10 metal oxides, a number of vitamins, essential oils and much more.

Useful advice

If you have mummy tablets in your home first aid kit, they will come to the rescue in the most unpredictable cases.

Mummy tablets should not be diluted in water whose temperature is above 40 degrees!


  • what pills for a fracture

Shilajit is a resin that is harvested high in the mountains. It contains a large number of biologically active substances. Shilajit has anti-inflammatory, restorative, rejuvenating, regenerating effect, can effectively relieve pain, promotes the healing of bone fractures and wounds, improves sleep and appetite, and inhibits the growth of tumors.


Take mumiyo to strengthen immunity, normalize the function of the gastrointestinal tract, treat kidney and liver diseases, normalize blood composition and coagulation, and in the complex therapy of tumor formations.

Drink mummy one tablet (0.2 g) in the morning and evening with meals. The duration of the drug is twenty to twenty-five days. Take mummy for bone injuries for two months.

Use the mummy as an external remedy for treatment. Heat two or three preparations in a water bath, spread them in a thin layer on gauze. Lubricate the stretch marks with olive oil or grapeseed oil. Apply gauze to the stretch marks, secure with a bandage and leave overnight.


Uncontrolled intake of Shilajit in large doses can cause toxic reactions. Diarrhea, palpitations, nervous disorders, increased blood pressure may develop, irritability and excitability may occur.

Useful advice

Do not take alcohol (including beer) during the treatment of mummy. Mumiye tablets are not recommended for drinking during pregnancy and lactation (breastfeeding), in case of hypersensitivity to the components of the drug.


  • mummy drink for

Shilajit is a unique remedy that has been known to mankind for three thousand years. The ancient Greek philosopher Aristotle mentioned the beneficial properties of this miraculous mountain balm.

Nowadays, many people are suspicious of traditional medicine, preferring to use ancient folk methods for their treatment. Proponents of alternative methods of treatment do not disregard the mummy - a unique natural product, the origin of which is not yet fully understood.

Shilajit can serve as the basis for many medicines that traditional healers use to treat dozens of different diseases. These funds are used in the form of aqueous solutions, alcohol tinctures, water-glycerin solutions and ointments.

Water solution

In order to prepare a medicinal solution, it is necessary to dissolve 5 grams of mummy in 400 ml of warm water. As a container for these purposes, you can use a beaker.

After the mummy is infused, and this process takes no more than two hours, the solution should be filtered through gauze and bring its volume to 500 ml. An aqueous solution can be used for compresses and rubbing with radiculitis, ulcers, burns, fractures.


When preparing an alcohol tincture, it is necessary to grind 10 grams of mummy and pour the resulting substance with 70 ml of an alcohol solution with a strength of not more than 20%.

The tincture should be kept at room temperature for seven days, stirring occasionally, then strain and add 30 ml of alcohol to the precipitate. After three days, strain again, mix both liquids and bring the volume of alcohol to 100 grams. Alcohol tincture can be used as a compress for soft tissue injuries.

Water-glycerin solution

In order to prepare this remedy, it is necessary to stir two equal parts of water and glycerin (200 ml) and pour 10 grams of mummy with the resulting mixture.

You need to insist the solution in a cool place during the day. After the solution is infused, it should be carefully filtered and brought to a volume of 200 ml, using water and glycerin in a ratio of one to one. A water-glycerin solution is recommended for the treatment of sinusitis.


To prepare the ointment, it is necessary to thoroughly stir 5 grams of mummy in a small amount of boiled water (no more than one teaspoon). After reaching a homogeneous consistency, the resulting mixture should be mixed with any day or night skin cream and infused for 15 minutes. You can use this ointment for women with skin stretch marks that appear as a result of pregnancy.

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Although the famous oriental healer Avicenna wrote about the mummy, unfortunately, there is still no exhaustive scientific data on this rare natural medicine. Shilajit is a dark, viscous, bitter substance like mountain resin. The researchers found in it three dozen macro- and microelements, many vitamins, rare amino acids, essential oils. Thanks to such a rich, unique composition, the mummy allows you to treat many diseases.

You will need

  • - mummy;
  • – water, tea or milk


The drug has a protective property against pathogenic flora and effectively strengthens the immune system. In patients, the state of health improves significantly, appetite increases, insomnia disappears, pain subsides.

Mumiyo has an antitoxic effect and is therefore useful for restoring shaky health due to various poisonings. It is desirable to take it after the removal of toxins with enterosorbent preparations.

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