Chronic trichomoniasis: treatment, symptoms. Trichomonas in women - infection, symptoms and ways to get rid of parasites

Trichomoniasis is a sexually transmitted infection of the genitourinary system. Most common cause the onset of the disease is considered unprotected contact with a sick person or a carrier of the infection, however, this is not the only way of infection. In this article, we will consider possible reasons infections and symptoms accompanying the disease.

The reasons

The development of trichomoniasis is caused by a pathogenic microorganism - Trichomonas, in total there are about fifty species, but not all (3 species) can provoke negative changes in the human body.

The risk of infection with this pathogen is quite high, according to WHO, 10% of the population are carriers of the infection, most of whom are not even aware of its presence. Health monitoring and periodic testing for Trichomonas cannot guarantee the absence of the disease.

Where does trichomoniasis come from, and who is at risk for developing the disease:

  • an adult of reproductive age can "acquire" flagellates through unprotected sexual contact with a carrier;
  • the child is able to become infected at birth from the mother. It is important to plan pregnancy in advance and undergo an examination before its onset; if a pathogen is detected, the treatment of both partners will simultaneously save the unborn child from undesirable consequences. During pregnancy, unprotected casual intercourse is not allowed.

Important. The possibility of becoming infected by the household method is negligible, which is associated with the low life expectancy of the pathogen outside the body, however, it is not completely excluded. Use by individual means personal hygiene eliminates the risk of household contamination.

Provoking factors

Infection with Trichomonas can be asymptomatic throughout life and never manifest itself, even passing an analysis when carrying an infection does not matter, no pathogen will be detected in the blood. However, under favorable conditions for flagellates, carriage develops into a disease with a pronounced clinical picture, sometimes even prolonged absence sexual contacts. What are the provoking factors, we will consider below.

Causes of occurrence, under what conditions carriage can manifest itself as symptoms of the disease:

  • change in microflora. Acid-base balance vagina provided by " beneficial bacteria", protects a woman from the development pathogenic flora, with an imbalance in this area, uncontrolled growth of pathogenic colonies occurs, causing venereal diseases. The main reasons for the violation of microflora: frequent changes of the sexual partner, violation of the rules of personal hygiene, in women, a failure in the vaginal environment is caused hormonal changes caused by menstruation and pregnancy. Frequent douching and love of antiseptics leads to destruction normal flora which can also cause the pH to change. When penetrating the weakened microflora of the vagina, Trichomonas attaches to its mucous membrane, causing symptoms of inflammation;
  • violation of the integrity of the epithelium of the vagina. The most common cause of this condition is a medical abortion, given that after the termination of pregnancy, antibiotics are required, and the microflora changes. The combination of these factors contributes to the activation of the "dormant" infection;
  • decrease in the body's immune response. Any disease of a chronic or systemic course leads to a violation in the internal regulation. Against the background of reduced immunity, Trichomonas can be activated during carriage or easily take root when infected.

So as not to be tormented by the question, where did I get genital infection It is important to follow basic preventive measures. Monitor the state of your health, not only the sexual sphere, but also general well-being. pass preventive examinations, which will allow timely detection of pathology and correct the work of the body. Lead whenever possible healthy lifestyle life (eat right, combine the regime of work and rest, refuse harmful production factors). Plan pregnancy in advance: approach childbearing and childbirth with full responsibility. Subject to the above rules, there will be no question of what causes trichomoniasis.


Trichomoniasis, regardless of the causes of occurrence, has three forms of manifestation:

  • "Fresh" trichomoniasis develops after infection, the duration of the disease does not exceed 2 months. May occur as an acute, subacute, or asymptomatic course;
  • Chronic infection when infected more than 2 months ago, is characterized by periods of exacerbation (manifestation clinical symptoms) and remission (when not disturbed);
  • Carrying. This form is difficult to diagnose due to the absence of clinical manifestations, it is more often detected during preventive examinations.

Of particular danger Trichomonas is the ability to carry other sexually transmitted infections. Trichomoniasis in women or men in its pure form is observed only in 10% of those infected, in other cases, along with this pathology, a whole “bouquet” of STDs is detected. This combination is explained by the fact that Trichomonas absorb pathogens various diseases and when introduced into the body, it “releases” them, thus, flagellates are carriers of pathological microflora.

How does it manifest

Symptoms of trichomoniasis appear 4-10 days after infection. The first signs of an acute infection are quite pronounced, the disease can be determined by the following manifestations:

  • The first sign of a Trichomonas infection is profuse leucorrhoea(discharge) from the vagina of a greenish or yellowish hue of a foamy nature;
  • pronounced bad smell(varies depending on concomitant genital infections transmitted in common with Trichomonas);
  • pain during intercourse;
  • in defeat urinary system(penetrates through the urethra) signs of infection join Bladder(cutting when urinating, frequent urges, increased body temperature);
  • itching and burning of the vagina;
  • hyperemia and swelling of the vagina and vulva;
  • pain in the lower abdomen of a aching nature.

Advice. The appearance of one or more signs of trichomoniasis should not be ignored. The lack of competent treatment leads to a chronic process and the occurrence various complications sexual sphere.

Symptoms of chronic trichomoniasis

Chronic trichomoniasis is observed in men and women who ignored the full treatment. This form of the disease is characterized by a periodic change of exacerbation and remission of pathology. During the period of exacerbation, patients experience the beauty of the disease, as in acute form. In remission obvious signs no, manifestation in the form of leucorrhoea and discomfort during intimacy with a sexual partner

Trigger of exacerbation chronic process are:

  • lack or violation of genital hygiene;
  • menstruation in women;
  • sexual contact;
  • drinking alcoholic beverages or consuming too spicy, salty or fatty foods;
  • overheating or hypothermia;
  • hormonal imbalance;
  • decrease in the body's immune response in various therapeutic and surgical diseases.

Possible Complications

The consequences of trichomoniasis may have distant manifestations. Scourge of a female suffering from chronic infections reproductive system, is infertility. Inability to conceive and carry healthy child, deprives the chance to experience the happiness of motherhood and leads to various psychological disorders. Difficulty in pregnancy due to impaired patency fallopian tubes or chronic inflammation appendages.

When pregnancy occurs, a complication of gestation is possible, accompanied by premature birth, underdevelopment of the fetus, and in severe cases and miscarriage or antenatal death. When infected during pregnancy, self-medication is not permissible, only a specialist will be able to select the necessary drugs depending on the duration of pregnancy, so as not to harm the unborn baby. After childbirth, it is necessary to monitor for the presence of the pathogen.

Attention. Of particular danger of infection with Trichomonas is for pregnant women. An acute process can provoke a miscarriage or premature birth, and the infection also interferes normal development fetus, which may be reflected in underdevelopment or the birth of a child with pathology or weak immunity.

Chronic trichomoniasis in women is a risk factor for development oncological process cervix.

The presence of infection is confirmed by laboratory tests of the contents of the woman's vagina. To this end, several diagnostic methods: seeding for sterility with culture cultivation, smear microscopy, PCR method.

Difficulties in determining trichomonas arise with the development of various combined genital infections (gonorrhea, mycoplasmosis, ureaplasmosis, chlamydia and other sexually transmitted diseases).


After confirming the diagnosis, the doctor prescribes treatment. Therapy of the infection is carried out simultaneously in both sexual partners, even if trichomoniasis in men has not manifested itself as more than one symptom. In the treatment, the appointment of drugs aimed at the destruction of Trichomonas, diet (exclude alcohol and spicy food) and sexual rest until complete recovery. Violation of one of the prescriptions contributes to the aggravation of the process and the difficulty of recovery.

After the symptoms disappear and negative tests for the pathogen are obtained, the woman is observed for 3 months (at the end of each menstruation, tests for the pathogen are taken three times).

The selection of the drug should be carried out by a specialist, self-medication can be harmful due to the lack of effect against protozoa in most antibiotics.

Drugs of choice for trichomoniasis:

  • medicines containing metronidazole and its derivatives. Trichopol is prescribed at a dosage of 250 mg, 1 tablet 3 times a day. The course of therapy is a week, if necessary, extended to 10-14 days. Tinidazole is prescribed once at a dosage of 2 grams (at the same time you should drink 4 tablets with a dosage of 0.5 g). The treatment regimen and the drug are selected individually, here is an example of only a few drugs;
  • simultaneously with systemic exposure, local destruction of the infection is necessary. For this purpose, vaginal suppositories and gel are prescribed (Terzhinan, Metrogil, Betadine). Local therapy is carried out in a course of 7-14 days;
  • inability to take drugs systemic action suppositories of antiprotozoal and anti-inflammatory effect (Osarbon) are prescribed.

Treatment of a chronic process is carried out in the same way as described above. Means that stimulate the patient's immunity are added. It is imperative to eliminate concomitant and background diseases.

Timely diagnosis and treatment of trichomoniasis allows short terms get rid of all symptoms and, with a full course of therapy, destroy the harmful agent. However, the lack of treatment or an attempt to eliminate the disease on their own with no follow-up treatment or the choice of ineffective tactics leads to serious complications(any pathology of the urogenital area or infertility may appear). With timely and full treatment the prognosis is favorable. However, the transferred infection does not leave immunity, which indicates the possibility reinfection during intercourse with a carrier.

To avoid infection, you must follow simple rules of prevention.


Prevention of genital infections lies in the absence of unprotected sexual contact with an unreliable sexual partner. Even when taking oral contraceptives the use of condoms is mandatory (prevents the transmission of Trichomonas).

During the treatment of trichomoniasis, complete sexual rest and simultaneous treatment of all sexual partners is also a preventive measure for re-infection.

Advice. In case of accidental unprotected sexual contact, it is possible to use Miramistin for the purpose of emergency preventive measure. It is important to treat the vagina and external labia no later than 1-2 hours after intimate intercourse with an unreliable partner. This measure allows you to prevent 70% of infection in the event of penetration of Trichomonas. AT last resort, treatment with a solution of potassium permanganate reduces the risk of infection, but is less effective than Miramistin.

It is also important to observe the rules of personal hygiene, body care items must be strictly individual. A systematic visit to the gynecologist (once every six months) allows you to identify infections with an erased or unexpressed clinic. Rejection bad habits and strengthening the body's immune response refers to non-specific preventive measures.

There are quite a few pathologies of the genitourinary system, but the most common physicians include trichomoniasis. According to statistics, more than 15% of the world's population suffers from this disease. However, first of all, it is advisable to evaluate the development of symptoms of trichomoniasis in women, since the disease is diagnosed in them more often than in men. This phenomenon can be explained by the fact that the representatives of the weaker sex more often undergo gynecological examination, and their symptoms are much more pronounced. In general, the disease develops equally in women and men, since it is transmitted during sexual contact, regardless of the method, be it oral-vaginal, anal or vaginal-anal.

It is extremely rare that infection occurs in a domestic way through washcloths, towels and other items, although this is quite possible, given that Trichomonas is able to survive in a humid environment for several hours.

Why the disease develops

woman negative phenomena arise due to exposure to Trichomonas vaginalis, which affects the organ of the same name along with bladder. Most of the causes include:

  • Promiscuous sexual intercourse in combination with frequent change of partners, especially in the absence of barrier contraception. However, in some cases, a condom may not contain Trichomonas, for venereal pathologies, such an incident is not such a rarity.
  • Sexual intercourse conducted in unsanitary conditions.
  • A history of venereal diseases that the patient has recently suffered.
  • Infections in the genital area, provoked by other pathogens.

The risk of trichomonas infection increases during menstruation and immediately after them, as there is a change in the acidity of the vaginal environment. Abortions or labor activity can prepare the ground for rapid infection - in both cases, there is a violation of mechanical protection against the background of the expansion of the muscles of the uterine cervix.

With trichomoniasis in women, depending on the duration of the development of the pathology and the signs that appear during this period, three forms of infection are determined:

  • Trichomoniasis is primary, which is also divided into several groups - acute, subacute and asymptomatic.
  • Trichomoniasis of a chronic course, in which subtle clinical manifestations, and the duration of the disease is two or more months.
  • Trichomonas carriage, which is characterized by an asymptomatic course. As for Trichomonas, they are found in whites.

The main danger in the development of infection is the possibility of damage to the mucous layers. urinary organs, which threatens the formation of HIV. At the same time, there is an increase in the acidity of the vaginal secretion.

Symptoms of the disease

Having considered the causes, let's talk about the symptoms of trichomoniasis in women. After Trichomonas enters the body, it lasts for 5-20 days incubation period, sometimes the first signs of a problem appear later. At this stage, pathogens are just beginning their reproduction, without damaging the mucous layer too much in the process, the pathology is able to develop without discomfort.

Often, the first signs of trichomoniasis in women appear only during menstruation, in addition, the symptoms can largely mimic fungal infection vagina. The first thing affected by trichomoniasis is the vaginal mucosa, the inner lining of the urethra along with the bladder. Not so often pathological processes affect excretory ducts, located near the entrance to the vagina, whose function is to secrete a secret that reduces friction during sexual contact.

When identifying and evaluating symptoms for prescribing treatment for trichomoniasis in women, consideration should be given to age group to which the victim belongs.

Mostly the disease is diagnosed in women aged 18-45 - this is reproductive age, and exactly on this stage have an active sex life. Pathology can develop during menopause, when carrying a child, the symptoms of trichomoniasis in women may differ slightly. Most often, representatives of the weaker sex are diagnosed with vaginitis, it is also trichomonas colpitis - the disease is a upper layers vaginal mucosa inflammatory processes.

With the development of acute vaginitis among the first symptoms of trichomoniasis in women:

  • Unbearable itching and burning sensation not only in the vagina, but also in the area of ​​the labia. Itching occurs against the background of the irritating effect of pathological microorganisms and the appearance of a foamy secret.
  • In the perineum, on the labia, due to itching, redness and scratching appear on the skin.
  • This pathology is characterized by frothy whites with an unpleasant odor. The amount of secretion secreted depends on the stage of development of the disease. At acute course which continues to progress, the secret may be profuse, yellow in color. In the chronic form, scanty discharge can be gray shade. Allocations in trichomoniasis become abundant and foamy in case of attachment to the pathological processes of vital activity of special bacteria capable of releasing gas.

If trichomonas in women develops with high immunity, it can proceed chronically, in a latent form. In this case, the symptoms of trichomoniasis may be subtle, often some of characteristic features- and sometimes all - are absent. Inflammatory processes also do not manifest themselves clearly enough. In the chronic course of the disease, exacerbations occur - usually this phenomenon occurs before the start of the next menstrual cycle, which is associated with reduced level estrogen. These hormones not only help to renew the cells of the vaginal mucosa, but also acidify the internal environment of the organ.

Pathology in menopause and childbearing

During menopause, the manifestation of pathology is not too rare, because with a lack of estrogen, the vaginal walls become thinner and the functionality of the organ decreases. Accordingly, there is a violation of microflora, immunity worsens, excellent conditions are created for the development of numerous pathogenic microorganisms. Signs of trichomoniasis in women in this case are as follows:

  • In anticipation of the vagina, itching appears, urinating is not only unpleasant, but also quite painful.
  • Purulent-mucous discharge is observed, in which bloody streaks may be present.
  • In some cases, there may be some bleeding after intercourse.

Usually, with the development of the pathology under consideration, inflammatory processes take place at the level of the reproductive system, respectively, during pregnancy, the disease has negative impact to its course. Among the complications that can cause trichomoniasis, premature labor and spontaneous miscarriage. This danger arises against the background of inflammatory changes, in which special substances are released into the blood - prostaglandins, which provoke an increased contraction of the muscles of the uterus. Accordingly, the risk of expulsion of the fetus from the uterine cavity increases.

But this is not the only danger that arises in female body during pregnancy. For a woman at childbirth or in the process of abortion, the risk of spreading infectious processes on the internal organs of the reproductive system - the uterus, fallopian tubes, ovaries. It has already been said above that Trichomonas often "absorb" pathological microorganisms, therefore, in the case of the development of vaginitis during pregnancy, the threat of complications when the infection passes to the higher parts of the reproductive system looks quite real.

Against the background of the development of a chronic form of pathology, temporary infertility can form.

In the process labor activity In some cases, the disease can be passed from mother to child. In order for Trichomonas to grow and develop, they need glycogen - this substance is produced by Dederlein sticks, in other words, lactobacilli. A certain amount of estrogen is also required, their function is to ensure the normal functioning of the rods. Both rods and a small amount of estrogen are transferred to the baby who was born, which ensures the creation of a favorable environment for the formation of Trichomonas. It is reassuring that by the third or fourth week, the level of estrogen decreases, against which the Dederlein sticks disappear. So even if Trichomonas enters the child's vagina, their development is impossible. However, during puberty, estrogens and progesterone are actively produced by the teenage body, which creates favorable environment for the reproduction of lactobacilli and increases the risk of infection with the pathology in question.

Other forms of pathology and associated dangers

There are a number of other dangers, including disorders that affect the central nervous system. flowing into inner layers inflammatory processes, the formation of purulent secondary infections, pathological abundant vaginal discharge negatively affect sexual life due to painful intercourse. With a prolonged chronic course of the disease, women may experience the appearance of frigidity, which causes not only physical discomfort, but also a negative emotional state.

  • The penetration of pathogens into the vaginal cavity.
  • If the victim is not treated, pathological process passes into the urethra, then into the region of the bladder.
  • Signs of trichomonas urethritis develop, which include soreness and burning during urination, a purulent-mucous substance with an unpleasant odor is released from the urethra.
  • Feeling of incomplete emptying of the bladder.
  • Difficulties in the appearance of urine - it can stand out almost drop by drop.

Gradually, such signs disappear, the excreted secret becomes mucous, the course of the process passes into the chronic stage.

Diagnosis of the disease

Before engaging in the selection of drugs in the treatment of trichomonas in women, it is necessary to diagnose the pathology. The difficulty lies in frequent absence characteristic or obvious signs. In order for the therapy to be timely and the treatment adequate, there is no need to wait until the undoubted signs of a problem appear, you should regularly visit a gynecologist, especially in the case of frequent changes of partners. The presence of the disease is determined by examining the victim on the gynecologist's chair and using laboratory tests:

  • When viewed on a chair, the attending physician determines the irritation of the mucous membrane of the vaginal layer, accompanied by a characteristic reddish hue.
  • There may be ulceration of the mucous layers on the genitals, an increase in their fullness with blood.
  • Due to inflammatory processes in the vagina, local hyperthermia may become apparent.
  • When selecting a vaginal smear, its light examination is carried out, in which the use of a microscope allows you to track moving microorganisms. Trichomonas can be detected in a smear for 15 minutes after the selection of the material.
  • Bacterial culture is necessary if the disease is a sluggish or asymptomatic process. The selected samples are placed in specially created favorable conditions. This method does not provide much discomfort, but its disadvantage is the length of the period during which the pathogen will grow.
  • A vaginal colposcopy may be done, which will need to look at dilated capillaries. When pressed, they break.
  • The most reliable method is PCR, when carrying out polymerase chain reaction a sensitivity of 84% is achieved, which makes it possible to detect the presence of the genetic material of the infectious agent.
  • When conducting a laboratory study of a pathological secret, an increase in the level of alkali is observed. In its natural state, the vagina is acidic.

In cases where there are other infections or vaginal dysbiosis when infected with Trichomonas, additional research. Only when the existing symptoms are fully identified, the doctor will be able to decide on therapy.

Traditional treatment of the disease

  • It will be necessary to conduct simultaneous therapy for both the lady and her partner.
  • When treating trichomoniasis in women, it is necessary to warn the victims about the inadmissibility of any sexual contact.
  • Pathology therapy should be carried out against the background strict observance personal hygiene.
  • The genitals should not only be kept clean, but antiseptics should also be used for this purpose - a weak manganese solution or furatsilin along with detergents, in other words, toilet soap.
  • When washing away, they observe a certain direction of movement - from the vagina towards the anus, which is necessary to eliminate the risk of infection being transferred to the urethra.
  • Toiletries are used individually, no exchange of soap, bath towels or washcloths.
  • Change underwear every day.
  • It must be remembered that symptoms and treatment are closely related - if there are signs indicating the development of other infectious and inflammatory pathologies in the genitourinary system, their mandatory therapy should be started.

As for how to treat trichomoniasis in women, the most effective means are Tinidazole (500 mg) or Metronidazole (250 mg). The duration of their use will be up to two weeks, the first dose includes 1 tablet, it should be taken three times throughout the day. Further reception is carried out in the morning and evening hours. For local sanitation, candles are used, in particular, the Macmirror complex. The introduction of candles is carried out before going to bed and after an intimate toilet. The duration of therapy reaches a week.

What other tablets will provide treatment for trichomoniasis? For quality prevention infection urinary tract Nalidixic acid is added to the preparations. The duration of treatment can be up to 7 days. You need to take a multivitamin. It should be remembered that self-medication is inadmissible in order to avoid various kinds complications. When taking antitrichomonas substances, treatment will be carried out subject to a number of conditions:

  • Within a few months after the treatment, it will be necessary to regularly take smears from the urethra and vagina for examination.
  • Smears should be taken 1-3 days after menstruation.

When trichomoniasis occurs in women, the gynecologist determines how to treat the pathology, although in some situations an examination by a venereologist may be required, and if necessary, treatment of concomitant inflammatory processes is prescribed by a urologist.

Using traditional medicine recipes

Before you start using herbal medicines, you should remember a few rules:

  • Traditional medicine, for all its effectiveness, cannot be in an independent way treatment, it is recommended to use it as additional remedy to increase the effectiveness of traditional therapy.
  • Before using any prescription, you should discuss this possibility with your doctor.
  • It is necessary to take into account the possibility allergic reaction on the components of the funds.
  • It is necessary to study possible contraindications before using decoctions and infusions.

  • To obtain healing effect it is necessary to use garlic by squeezing the juice from several of its cloves. The product should be drunk in half a small spoonful in the morning, afternoon and evening, while a fresh portion of juice is squeezed out before each procedure. The duration of such treatment is a month, while it is necessary to take into account the irritating effect of garlic on the stomach, respectively, each dose is carried out in the process of eating.
  • Aloe is considered universal medicines. For the treatment of trichomoniasis, juice is squeezed from one leaf, which is then drunk in a small spoon three times a day. After that, at least half an hour should pass before eating. The duration of treatment is selected individually.
  • To prepare a medicine from chamomile, five large spoons of the crushed component are brewed in 400 ml of boiled liquid and kept under the lid for two hours, wrapping the container in a warm cloth. Then the drink is filtered and taken in the morning and evening hours. The volume of each serving should be 120 ml.
  • Aloe leaves can be used to make tampons before going to bed. It is done like this - juice is squeezed out of aloe, in which the bandage is then soaked. Then it is rolled up and inserted overnight into the vagina. The duration of treatment is a month, then a ten-day break is necessary, after which, if necessary, the course is repeated.
  • From trichomoniasis, a collection based on eucalyptus helps well. You should mix four large spoons of dry leaves of the plant, add the same amount of tansy flowers, two spoons of dry yarrow grass, three small spoons of sophora fruits. After mixing the components, a large spoonful of the mixture is brewed in 250 ml of boiling water and infused for another 25 minutes. After the remedy is filtered, it should be taken before meals three times a day. The volume of each serving is two large spoons. The duration of treatment is three weeks.
  • You can use an infusion of calendula color, which has a powerful antimicrobial effect. To prepare the product, 60 grams of color is poured into 250 ml of medical alcohol and the liquid is infused for two weeks in the dark, shaking the container daily. After the end of the period, the drug is filtered, it should be taken half an hour before meals, one serving is two large spoons. The duration of treatment reaches two and a half weeks, after which they arrange a ten-day break and after it the course is resumed, if necessary.

This is not a complete list of recipes, you can find them on almost any medical site. But the main thing is to remember the rules and follow the dosages and methods of using such drugs.

It is not enough to know how to cure trichomoniasis in women, it is necessary to nullify the possibility of infection with this pathology. To this end, experts recommend adhering to the following treatment recommendations:

  • It is required to give up numerous casual sexual contacts.
  • You should use contraception using a condom, which is especially important if you have a new sexual partner.
  • Must be adhered to justifiably strict rules intimate hygiene.
  • Partners will be required to pass a control analysis twice during the year.

When the first symptoms of trichomoniasis appear, you should immediately contact a specialist, preventing the transition of the pathology into a chronic form. If the woman has been treated for the disease in question, her partner also needs therapy, otherwise the treatment may be pointless.

Chronic trichomoniasis in men and women is the most common form of this inflammatory infectious disease. This factor is due to the lack timely treatment and characteristics of the pathogen.

The oral form of Trichomonas is rare. The disease has practically no symptoms and is found mainly during a dental examination. The disease poses a threat to internal organs, since, having settled in the mouth, the pathogen enters the digestive tract with food.

Intestinal variety of trichomoniasis - rare form a disease that is difficult to diagnose due to symptoms similar to more popular infections of the digestive system.

Trichomonas pathogen belongs to unicellular asexual organisms. It is very mobile and has the ability for maximum adaptation in the human body: it can change shape, attract other bacteria, multiply rapidly and attach to the mucous membrane.

Trichomonas do not tolerate low and high temperatures contact with oxygen. Optimal conditions for them, it is the mucous membrane of the genital organs, genitourinary system and temperature regime from 35 to 37 degrees. Therefore, infection with trichomoniasis occurs through unprotected intimate contact.

Symptoms of the disease

The time interval from the moment of infection, that is, the penetration of Trichomonas into the body, until the onset of symptoms can range from a couple of days to a couple of months.

Trichomoniasis has three main forms of flow:

  1. Fresh. Has pronounced signs. For men - pain in the penis and when emptying the bladder. Discharge of a foamy substance from the urethra, blood impurities in the ejaculate. The female version is characterized by: swelling of the external genital organs, burning in the vagina, yellow copious discharge with a pungent odor, pain when urinating and with intimate contact.
  2. Trichomonas carrier. The course of the disease is asymptomatic. Trichomonas do not cause concern to their owner, but at the same time they develop, multiply and are transmitted to a partner. Their presence can only be determined through laboratory tests.
  3. Chronic. Symptoms come in waves. Exacerbations alternate with periods of remission. In women, the signs of trichomoniasis are more pronounced than in men.

In representatives of different sexes venereal disease manifests itself in different ways.

Manifestations of chronic trichomoniasis in men

The symptoms of the disease are similar to those inflammatory process walls urethra- urethritis. Purulent discharge and pain only affects a small percentage of infected men.

The main features characterizing the presence chronic disease:

  • discomfort when emptying the bladder;
  • periodic tingling in the head of the penis.

A provocation to exacerbate symptoms can be the use of alcohol and strong sexual arousal. With a long course of the disease, in half of the cases Trichomonas spread to the area prostate. A neglected infection threatens a man with prostatitis and inflammation of the epididymis (epididymitis).

Manifestations of chronic disease in women

With chronic trichomoniasis, women feel the symptoms more clearly. Trichomonas in the female body can affect several organs at once or one of them. The main complications of the disease are infertility and cervical cancer.

Symptoms of a lesion in the vagina

Manifestations practically do not differ from signs of inflammation of the genital mucosa (vulvovaginitis). Acute symptoms of a local nature:

  • sensation of irritation and tingling (itching);
  • irritating heat of the organs (burning);
  • overflow blood vessels(hyperemia) and swelling of the labia;
  • rash on the perineum;
  • vaginal discharge (leucorrhoea), having a bad smell, yellow-gray color and foamy texture.

Manifestations of the disease are aggravated by emptying the bladder, long hikes, during and after intimate contact.

Symptoms of damage to the bladder and urethra

The disease is characterized by manifestations similar to inflammation of the urethra (urethritis):

  • violation of the process of urination (dysuria);
  • copious pasty leucorrhoea of ​​a greenish tint;
  • pain localized in the lower abdomen;
  • discomfort during sexual intercourse.

Symptoms of damage to the cervix

The introduction of infection into the cervix often leads to the formation of erosion on the organ. Signs of defeat:

  • hyperemia and redness of the uterus (available to identify only on examination by a doctor);
  • whites;
  • violation of the cycle of menstruation.

Premenstrual syndrome in chronic trichomoniasis is characterized by an increase in all symptoms, regardless of the affected area.

Diagnostic methods

Detection is done using instrumental examination and laboratory analyses.

Main methods:

  • visual inspection of the genitals and cervix;
  • examination of the genital organs with binocular optics (colposcopy);
  • examination under a microscope of smears from the urethra and vagina (microscopy);
  • bacteriological examination of smears for culture (cultural method);
  • determination of DNA fragments or PCR diagnostic method (polymerase chain reaction);
  • clinical and biochemical analyzes blood;
  • identification of the interaction of blood plasma proteins (antibodies) and foreign organisms (antigens) - an immunological method.

Diagnosis of infection in men most often comes down to microscopy and sowing smears from the urethra, blood tests, and a verbal description of symptoms.


Treatment of chronic trichomoniasis is a long process, which should be carried out for both partners at the same time.

Therapy of the disease excludes:

  • sexual contacts;
  • consumption of alcoholic beverages. Medications negatively affect alcohol metabolism, causing Antabuse-like syndrome (alcohol intolerance);
  • the presence of hot spices in the diet.

Treatment is considered successful when pathogens are not detected during the diagnosis and the microflora of the body is completely restored. There is no immunity to trichomoniasis, so there is always a chance of re-infection.

Treatment of the disease involves A complex approach, including the use of a number of drugs:

  • special antimicrobials (Metronidazole), the use of this medicine in gel form for topical application:
  • drip injection of silver nitrate and protargol into the urethra (instillation);
  • antiviral drugs;
  • work-regulating drugs immune system(immunomodulators);
  • tetracycline antibiotics (in the presence of bacterial complications);
  • antiallergic drugs (antihistamines);

  • preparations for the restoration of microflora (prebiotics);
  • baths and douching with disinfecting components;
  • phytotherapeutic agents (decoctions and infusions) medicinal herbs prepared according to traditional medicine recipes).

Infection Prevention

To avoid infection with trichomoniasis, one should not neglect elementary preventive measures:

  • exclude casual sexual relations;
  • use condoms on a regular basis during intimate contacts;
  • visit a doctor at least once a year, take smears from the urethra (for women - from the urethra and vagina);
  • follow the rules of intimate hygiene.

In a situation of casual and unprotected sexual intercourse, the genitals should be immediately treated with a potent antiseptic (for example, Miramistin). This will cut the risk of infection by about half.

non-compliance preventive rules and excessive freedom of sexual intercourse provoke the spread of sexually transmitted infections (STIs). Many venereal diseases progress only because of a person's irresponsible attitude to their health.

Andrey Viktorovich Zhuravlev

Candidate medical sciences, doctor of the highest category

Trichomonas - the causative agent of trichomoniasis

Trichomoniasis is a common disease of the urogenital tract. The inflammatory process is caused by the bacterium Trichomonada vaginalis.

It is the most common sexually transmitted infection.

The disease affects both women, and also causes severe complications, the main of which is infertility.

How to identify the disease early stage, and what drugs can be used for treatment, you will learn from this article.

Trichomonas vaginalis is pear-shaped. At the anterior end of the pathogen there are several free flagella, with the help of which it moves.

The peculiarities of infection in women include the fact that Trichomonas does not multiply in the vagina at normal (4-5.5) and alkaline (> 7) pH, which is typical for the period before and after menstruation. Also not suitable for the development of bacteria is the vagina of girls and older women.

Favorable conditions for trichomonas is an anoxic environment with a pH of 5.9-6.5 and a temperature of 35-37 degrees Celsius.

Ways of infection in women

In women, transmission is always sexual. The likelihood of infection through contact with a sick partner is very high.

Extrasexual infection is extremely rare, because Trichomonas exist in the external environment for an extremely short time.

Only isolated cases have been described in girls (through dirty laundry, hygiene items, medical instruments).

It is also possible for a child to become infected from a sick mother during birth (vertical route).

Rectal and orogenital methods do not lead to infection, because Trichomonas vaginalis do not survive in the oral cavity and rectum.

How does the disease manifest itself?

The incubation period for trichomoniasis is 7-14 days. In women, trichomonas colpitis (damage to the vaginal mucosa) predominates.

The very first signs of defeat:

  • itching in the genital area;
  • burning in the vagina;
  • pain in the lower abdomen;
  • pain when urinating.

Symptoms can also spread to the perineum, labia, adjacent parts of the thigh. In some cases, the itching is so severe that the woman cannot sleep and work normally. Therefore, irritability, nervousness and other depressive manifestations join.

The next diagnostic sign is vaginal discharge. They are foamy, gray-yellow in color, have a sharp unpleasant odor.

A photo. The manifestation of symptoms of trichomoniasis in women:

Types of trichomonas colpitis in women:

  • simple- the walls of the vagina are red, swollen. Allocations milky, frothy (because Trichomonas secrete carbon dioxide), viscous;
  • granular- the walls are covered with a granular coating. Points of red color, when pressed, their color turns pale. If the disease exists for a long time, the inflamed points can turn into papillae, from which genital warts are then formed;
  • macular- the walls of the vagina and cervix become stained. They consist of dilated capillaries that break easily when pressed and bleed. At protracted course warts appear in the form of "tongues";
  • chronic colpitis- the main symptom of the inflammatory process is leucorrhoea after menstruation and corrosive discharge from the vagina. possible with improper treatment acute process. Then repeat therapy may take a whole year.

Trichomonas urethritis in women is rare. It does not have any features and proceeds with standard symptoms (itching, burning during urination). The intensity of discomfort depends on the degree of inflammation.

Features of the disease

In pregnant women, trichomoniasis occurs as a multifocal disease.

Inflammation extends not only to the external genital organs, but also captures the vagina, cervix, urethra.

If at first the disease exists asymptomatically, then over the course of pregnancy, the clinic becomes brighter.

In girls, Trichomonas affects the vagina and labia. Main symptom indicating a disease - profuse discharge that irritates the perineum and folds of the inguinal region.

Diagnostics of the pathological process

When unpleasant symptoms a woman should consult a gynecologist or dermatovenereologist.

During the examination, the doctor detects redness of the entrance to the vagina, small labia, clitoris and urethra. All walls of the vagina are edematous, friable, can bleed when touched. Observes increased formation of fluid in the vagina. The discharge can be serous, purulent and even bloody.

To confirm the diagnosis, it is necessary to take a swab from the vagina and urethra and conduct a microscopic analysis or hang it on a nutrient medium. For the accuracy of the result, the test must be repeated twice.


Therapy of the disease must be carried out simultaneously in both sexual partners, even if Trichomonas is not sown in one of them. At the time of treatment and control of sexual life forbidden.

During the acute and subacute process, general therapy is used (drugs in the form of tablets are taken orally).

If the disease or proceeds with complications, you need to add local treatment.

There are the following therapeutic regimens:

  1. (analogues - Trichopolum, Rozeks,): 250 mg twice a day for 10 days;
  2. Metronidazole: 4 days, 250 mg 3 times a day, then 4 days, 250 mg 2 times a day;
  3. The same preparation: the first day 500 mg 2 times, the second day - 250 mg 3 times, then for 3 days 250 mg twice a day;
  4. second trimester.

    Control of treatment is carried out 7-10 days after taking the last drug and then repeat twice a month.


    Prevention of trichomoniasis is aimed at timely detection infected with Trichomonas.

    Therefore, women necessarily spend preventive gynecological examinations Every year. If sick people are identified, they are offered to go full examination and prescribe treatment.

    Trichomoniasis is easier to prevent than to cure. Therefore, the main preventive measure is to avoid casual sexual intercourse, as well as to use barrier methods contraception (condoms).

Inflammatory disease trichomoniasis is caused by the protozoan unicellular microorganisms Trichomonas, penetrating into the mucous membrane of the vagina or urethra. There are three main forms of the disease: fresh trichomoniasis, chronic and carriage of trichomoniasis.

We will consider the first two forms next time. Today we will talk about chronic trichomoniasis, treatment, symptoms of this disease. Let's consider them in more detail. It should be noted that chronic form trichomoniasis is most common in both sexes among all sexually transmitted diseases. But let's start by describing all three forms in order to learn how to distinguish them from each other.

Forms of the disease

We can talk about fresh trichomoniasis if the infection has occurred for about 2 months. back, but no more. At this stage, women are pestered severe itching, burning in the genital area, appear unpleasant discharge from the vagina. Men appear pain, burning at the time of urination, there are discharges from the urethra.

If you do not begin to treat the disease, given form smoothly turns into chronic (which we will discuss in more detail). This is evidenced by the complete disappearance acute symptoms 2-3 weeks after their onset.

Trichomonas carrier. This condition does not manifest itself in the patient. He does not feel any symptoms of the disease. Pathogenic microorganisms are found only in a laboratory study. But during sexual contact trichomonas are transmitted to a healthy partner, who has all typical signs trichomoniasis.

Chronic trichomoniasis

Trichomoniasis acquires chronic course when the disease lasts more than 2 months. from the moment of infection. This form is characterized by a periodic exacerbation of the disease with the appearance of all the described symptoms. varying degrees intensity. The disease usually worsens after large doses drunk alcohol, or with a weakened immune system. Also, an exacerbation can be triggered by active sexual contact.

Chronic trichomoniasis - symptoms of the disease:

The presence of chronic trichomoniasis is so imperceptible that often people do not even consider themselves sick, lead a normal life, are not treated, enter into sexual relations and safely "share" Trichomonas with their partners. This state can last for a long time. But then exacerbations of the disease begin to occur, which appear more and more often.

Women with chronic trichomoniasis may develop inflammation of the vagina, passing to the cervix. This, in turn, is fraught with the development of endometritis. As a result, this leads to problems with conception, difficulties in bearing a child. Ultimately, the woman may become infertile.

Men with chronic urogenital trichomoniasis suffer from lesions of the urethra. Usually the chronic form proceeds without severe symptoms. With exacerbations of the disease, all signs of an inflammatory process are observed with the release of purulent contents from the urethra.

Often this form causes quite serious consequences. In particular, it provokes the appearance of prostatitis, vesiculitis, epididymitis. In addition, epididymo-orchitis (inflammation of the testicles and appendages) may develop. All this ultimately leads to infertility.

It must be understood that the danger of chronic trichomoniasis also lies in the fact that in the process of its development, the risk of developing inflammation of the kidneys and bladder, the appearance of erosion and ulceration of the external genital organs increases.


The treatment of this disease is always complex. Treat with protistocidal drugs local procedures. Most effective drug in chronic trichomoniasis, ornidazole is considered. It has high activity against Trichomonas. He possesses destructive action on the DNA of this unicellular microorganism, acts very quickly. The cell dies after about eight hours. Ornidozol is prescribed in combination with other necessary drugs, 0.5 g twice a day. General period treatment is five days.

The complex therapy also includes specific immunotherapy. Assign, in particular, cyclin and antioxidant complexes.

During relapses, with an exacerbation of the disease, patients of both sexes are given the Solkotrikhovak vaccine. This drug is administered with three intramuscular injections with an interval of 2 weeks between them. The next vaccination is carried out in a year.

During the treatment period, it is extremely important to follow a certain diet. It is necessary to categorically refuse alcohol, limit the use of spicy, very salty, pickled, smoked, fatty, fried foods.

In addition, you should refrain from sexual life the entire period of treatment. It is necessary to observe mandatory personal hygiene, namely, to keep the body clean, change linen regularly, and take a shower daily.

Chronic trichomoniasis can be considered completely cured if, during the examination of smears, a decrease in the number of red blood cells is observed, and the symptoms and signs of pathology disappear. After the treatment and control examination, you will need to come to the doctor again in a year to conduct a control diagnosis. Women must undergo control checks within three menstrual cycles. Be healthy!

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