The daily routine of a primary school student. The correct daily routine of the student, its justification and strict observance

School day routine


according to the model

What do you need to know?

  1. Daily regime - this is a rational distribution of time for all types of activities and recreation during the day.
  2. Daily routine is necessary to ensurehigh performance throughout the entire waking period.
  3. The mode is based on biological rhythm functioning of the body.

The rise of working capacitynoted from 11 am to 1 pm .

Second climb at 16 - 18 hours lower intensity and duration.

The main elements of the school day regimen

  1. Study sessions at school and at home
  2. Active holidays with maximum outdoor experience
  3. Regular and adequate meals
  4. Physiologically good sleep
  5. Free activity of individual choice.

! When organizing a regimen, one should take into account the state of health and functional features given age period. With a clear daily routine, a habit is formed when exact time is a signal for appropriate action.

At 6-7 years old noted hypersensitivity to unfavorable external factors and fatigue when learning.

At primary school age the processes of ossification and growth of the skeleton, the development of small muscles of the hand and the functional improvement of the nervous system continue.

Age 11-14 years old characterized by sharp hormonal changes and intensive growth. going on fast development internal organs: the heart grows faster than the lumen of the vessels, and juvenile hypertension occurs.

At 15-18 years old puberty is completed, the predominance of general arousal and mental imbalance.

Morning work-out

It is no coincidence that morning exercises are called exercises, they relieve drowsiness and “charge” the body with vivacity for the whole day.

Gymnastic exercises enhance the work of the heart and lungs, improve metabolism, and have a positive effect on the nervous system.

! Exercises must be performed in a certain sequence: firstsipping,then exercisefor arms and shoulder girdle, then torso and legs. Finish chargingjumping and running, after which they dosoothing breath. Charging time depending on age from10 to 30 minutes. Exercises gradually become more difficult, and the pace of movements accelerates. It is advisable to change sets of exercises every 7-10 days. It is mandatory to ensure the flow of fresh air at the time of class.

In addition to charging, physical education includes outdoor games . The best are considered outdoor games as well as sports activities. The game improves motor skills, increases emotional tone.

In addition, outdoor games give a good health effect. Pay attention to swimming, skiing, cycling and other sections depending on your inclinations.

Team games are well disciplined: volleyball, basketball, football. Don't forget about dancing.

It is especially important for the child to be outside in the evening before going to bed. Proved that the best mode is the presence of 3-4 walks with a total duration of 2.5-3.5 hours.

! H eat younger child the more time he has to spend outside .

Water procedures

After morning exercises, they are waiting for you water procedures. children school age after each physical training must be accepted comfortable shower .

Gradually reduce the temperature: from 30 to 20-15 degrees at the end. This is a good tempering procedure. Available cold and hot shower with alternating warm and cool streams of water. Nothing drives away sleep like a morning wash with cold water.

Wiping is the weakest water procedure, so it is necessary to start water procedures with them.


Breakfast must be hot and fairly dense, making up a quarter of daily requirement child.

Eating should take place in a quiet, calm and friendly environment. No need to read books and talk while eating.

Lunch around 13-14 hours, dinner no later than 19.30.

Adherence to the regimen in food will ensure a family meal, a sufficient variety of dishes and the absence of snacks.

After school, rest

After returning from school, the child must have lunch and relax . Afternoon rest will be about 1-1.5 hours, without reading books and watching TV. This is the time for weak and often ill children to devote to sleep.

During rest, the processes of restoration of substances intensify in the tissues, the exchange shifts that have occurred are eliminated and proper working capacity is restored.

The largest Russian scientist I. M. Sechenov proved thatthe best rest is not complete rest, but the so-called leisure, ie change from one type of activity to another .

The best active rest is mobile activity, especially outdoors. Fresh, clean air strengthens the body, improves metabolic processes, activity of cardio-vascular system and respiratory organs, increases its resistance to infection.

The best types of mobile activities are movements chosen by the children themselves, performed by them with pleasure, joy, and emotional uplift. Such movements are outdoor games and sports entertainment(in warm time years - games with a ball, jump rope, towns, etc .; in winter - sledding, skating, skiing).

For outdoor games outdoors First shift students should be allowed time in the afternoon before starting homework. Total duration stay outdoors, including the way to school and back, should be for junior schoolchildren at least 3-3.5 hours, for seniors - at least 2-2.5 hours.

In the daily routine, time should also be allocated for a freely chosen creative activity such as construction, drawing, modeling, music, reading fiction. On it for the day for younger students it takes 1-1.5 hours, and for older students - 1.5-2.5 hours.

Every student should be involved in feasible housework. The younger ones can be entrusted with cleaning the room, watering the flowers, washing the dishes; for the elders - a walk with the kids, buying food, working in the garden, in the garden, etc.


To prepare home lessons in the daily routine schoolchildren lower grades you need to take 1.5-2 hours, middle classes - 2-3 hours, senior classes 3-4 hours.

With such a duration of homework, as shown special studies, children all the time work attentively, with concentration, and by the end of the lesson they remain cheerful, cheerful.

! If the preparation of homework is delayed, then educational material poorly absorbed. You can't do homework right after school! In these cases, the student, after mental labor at school, without having time to rest, immediately receives a new load. As a result, he quickly develops fatigue, the speed of completing tasks decreases, memorization of new material worsens.

! The break between training sessions at school and the start of preparing lessons at home should be at least 2.5 hours. Most of this break, students need to walk or play outdoors.

! Students studying in the first shift can start preparing homework no earlier than from 16-17 hours. When doing homework, as well as at school, every 45 minutes you should take a break for 10 minutes, during which you need to ventilate the room, get up, walk, it would be nice to do some breathing exercises.

Students in many cases have to prepare assignments when the room is loudly talking, arguing, the radio is on.

These outsiders external stimuli distract attention (which happens especially easily in children), slow down and disorganize the well-established activity of the body.

As a result, not only the time for preparing lessons is lengthened, but the child’s fatigue also increases, and besides, he does not develop the skills of concentrated work, he learns to be distracted.

Interest classes

A child can use one and a half to two hours of free time for hobby activities (reading, drawing, playing, watching television programs, etc.).

! Duration of TV viewing - no more than 1.5 hours 2-3 times a week. L The best pastime will be a walk in the fresh air. Interest groups are very useful.

! A child can be engaged in no more than two circles.

Approximate scheme of the day regimen for schoolchildren of the first shift (class starts at 8:30)

Type of activities and recreation

Age of schoolchildren

7-9 years old

10 years

11-13 years old

14-17 years old






Morning work-out

Water procedures

Bed making, toilet

7.00 – 7.30

7.00 – 7.30

7.00 – 7.30

7.00 – 7.30

Morning breakfast

7.30 – 7.50

7.30 – 7.50

7.30 – 7.50

7.30 – 7.50

Road to school

7.50 – 8.20

7.50 – 8.20

7.50 – 8.20

7.50 – 8.20

School lessons





Hot breakfast at school

around 11 o'clock

around 11 o'clock

around 11 o'clock

around 11 o'clock







sleep or rest



Games and sports

outdoor activities





afternoon tea














Dinner and free

activities (reading,

music lessons,

manual labor, help

family, activities

foreign language, etc.)




For 14-15 years old:


For 16-17 years old:


Getting ready for bed

(cleaning clothes, shoes,











For 14-15 years old:


For 16-17 years old:


! On weekends and holidays, the student’s daily routine should differ from the usual one in that much more time should be provided for being outdoors, for visiting cinema, theaters, museums, etc.

! Rest should be active - hiking in the forest, picking berries, mushrooms, medicinal plants, collecting material for collections, various outdoor games, swimming. Useful is also feasible physical labor in the air, in the garden, orchard.

! Properly organized daily routine of students during the holidays is the basis good rest and contributes full recovery performance of the child's body.

Durationvarious daily activities(in hours)





at home






in circles














11 – 10,5


1 -1,5




11 – 10,5


1,5 - 2




11 – 10,5


2 – 2,5




10,5 -10


2 – 2,5




10 – 9,5


2,5 - 3




9,5 - 9


3 - 4




9,5 - 9


3 - 4




9,5 - 9


3 - 4




9 -8,5


3 - 4




8 - 8,5

AT primary school exemplary study and grades appear not only because of the efforts of children, but also from good rest, day and night. The regime of the day means the optimal distribution of time for certain work and rest during the day.

School day routine primary school has elements:

  • classes at school and at home;
  • regular outdoor recreation;
  • good nutrition;
  • sound, healthy sleep;
  • independent hobbies and activities of your choice.

A child of elementary grades should have at least 11 hours of sleep. If a child, attending school, often suffers from diseases, he is recommended to sleep during the day, after school hours. During sleep, he will gain strength and energy, which will help to fulfill homework.

It is better to go to bed at 10 or 11 pm so that he has time to sleep and get ready for school in the morning. You can’t scream at children, swear at bedtime, otherwise he will be upset, excited nervous system and he won't be able to sleep peacefully.

It is necessary to ask about the past day, discuss existing problems, praise for his success. Parents need to ensure that the morning collection of the child to school without haste and fuss.

It consists:

  1. Ironing clothes and collection of the briefcase should be done in the evening.
  2. All things, clothes, shoes should lie in a permanent place so that you don’t have to look for them before classes.
  3. Be sure to do morning exercises with the children, which will give them vigor, strength, energy for the whole day.
  4. It is best to feed breakfast after exercise, 5 minutes before going to school.

You need to plan in advance and calculate how much time it will take to get ready for school. In primary school, parents are always required to accompany their child to school. You need to allocate time in order to walk at a calm pace and at the same time not be late for class.

  1. On the chosen route, explain to the child the meaning of road signs encountered on the way.
  2. Watch other road users, tell the baby about the mistakes they make when driving.
  3. Tell the child how to cross the street, use the traffic light.

It's important to know! Explain to the child that even with the green light of the traffic light, before crossing the road, you need to look around.

Student's schedule

In order to facilitate compliance with the child's regimen, you can create your own sample schedule for the school week.

You can draw a schedule for your child with your own hands, a table can help for this, and hang it in a conspicuous place. Or you can buy a special form and fill it out. But there are classes that take place in the second shift, where children study from lunch. It is more difficult for them to adapt and get used to such a regime.

Need to compose correct schedule days, so that the baby has time to do homework, play, relax. Health status, positive grades at school, physical development directly depends on a well-designed daily routine.

Each student needs a dedicated space to complete homework assignments. The desktop should be comfortable so that work textbooks and notebooks can fit on it.

The size of the table and chair should correspond to the height of the child. If they do not fit, a curvature of the spine may occur, the baby will quickly get tired and will not be able to competently do homework.

Daily routine during exams

Exams are mental load on the student's body. During this period, you should carefully consider the regime of the day, periodically change classes and rest. During the exams, you need to strictly monitor the favorable atmosphere and the situation in the family.

It is impossible to break the time of rest and sleep in order to prolong the mental load. This can seriously affect the nervous system and physical condition the student as a whole. On weekends and holidays the schedule of the day should be different from the school week.

These days you should spend as much time as possible in the open air, go to theaters, shops, cinema. During the holidays it is useful for children to relax in health camps and sanatoriums. For the summer, it is also necessary to draw up a daily routine so that the child can recover for the new school year.

Schedule for high school

Daily routine for high school. As for elementary grades, for high school students it is important correct routine day. They have differences from each other. Adult children are allowed to stay awake at lunchtime.

High school students will also benefit from walking on the street, wellness classes sports, for the nervous system, and the musculoskeletal system.

A favorable time for doing homework is the hours from 16-00 to 19-00, after which overwork of the body, headaches, and memory impairment begin.

You should not distract the attention of children, while doing homework, they can go astray and it will be difficult to remember main idea. Progress and good grades depend largely on parents.

They need to be helped to fulfill the daily routine, prepare things so that he is neat and accustomed to order.

If a student does not follow the correct daily routine, then classes at school can adversely affect his health:

  • incorrect posture at the desk causes curvature of the spine;
  • the muscular system weakens;
  • blood circulation of the muscles and brain is disturbed;
  • frequent stress can cause nervous breakdowns;
  • by the end of training sessions, the child develops fatigue, drowsiness;
  • indigestion may occur due to malnutrition;
  • vision falls.

If you do not take care of your children, then the school can adversely affect his physical and mental development.

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Hello my dear readers!

Here comes September. Our children again sat down at their desks to replenish their luggage with new knowledge. And problems began: sometimes the child does not want to get up in the morning, because he watched a movie until late, then he does not have time to have breakfast, he needs to run to school. And at the lessons he will sit sleepy. And all why? Because we don't follow the daily routine. And in vain. It is very important for elementary school students to observe the daily routine.

Let's talk today about the daily routine for younger students.

Daily routine, do younger students need it?

In order for our children to grow up healthy and study normally, they need to observe the correct daily routine. Daily regime- this is the distribution of time for all activities and rest during the day.

The daily routine is built on the basis of the rhythm of the functioning of our body. After all, our body is a system that is controlled by the daily rhythm.

For the child and his health, the schedule of mental and physical activities, rest, nutrition is of great importance.

If the child does not get enough sleep, he does not feel well, he is lethargic and inattentive in the lessons, he does not learn school material well. If a child develops the habit of getting up and going to bed at the same time, then it will be easier for him to fall asleep peacefully in the evening, and in the morning he will get up on time and get ready for school without haste. Without haste and mother's cries. And in the classroom, such a child will listen to the teacher, his performance will be higher.

This also applies to nutrition. Children who are accustomed to eating at almost the same time a good appetite food is better digested. Therefore, parents whose children went to primary school, you need to control the daily routine for your child, create the necessary conditions in order for the child to study well, be less tired and be healthy.

Daily routine for younger students

The main elements of the daily routine of schoolchildren are training sessions at school, at home, outdoor recreation, regular and nutritious meals, good sleep, and free activities at the request of the child.

With a clear daily routine, a child develops a habit when a specific time serves as a signal for certain actions.

1. In the morning the child wakes up calmly and goes to school without haste. The rise time needs to be adjusted depending on where the school is located and how you get to it. The daily routine is compiled taking into account this item.

2. It’s good to start the day with morning exercises to shake up the remnants of sleep and be cheerful. Choosing exercises for different groups muscles, including loads for the trunk, arms, legs, abdominals, back, on the flexibility of the spine. We perform exercises in a certain sequence: first, sipping, then exercises for the arms and shoulder girdle, torso and legs. We finish the exercises with jumping and running, breathing exercises.

Charging can be done from 10 to 20 minutes, together with parents, if possible. (I would like that ideally, but it does not always work out, unfortunately).

3. After charging - water procedures. You can take a shower, gradually lowering the temperature of the water. This is good for hardening the body. washing cool water in the morning it banishes sleep well.

4. In the morning, the child needs to be fed with a hot breakfast, it is better to cook what the baby likes. If the child does not want to eat, then the school has the opportunity to have breakfast after the first lesson. Usually in our school children are given hot tea with a bun or a sandwich.

5. On the way to school, you can take a walk and talk to your mother if you are walking. And it is better to choose the road away from the roadway.

6. Children are usually at school from 8:30 to 13:00. After the lessons, the children are very tired, especially because they just came from kindergarten.

If the child did not have lunch at school, then at home he should eat. And you can organize an afternoon rest for the child. Let him sleep for 1-1.5 hours. If the child does not want to sleep, then let him just rest, but without a TV and a computer. It’s better to play outside with the neighbor’s kids: ball, run, jump rope, just sit with your girlfriends on a swing, talk about your business.

7. Homework is best done from 4 to 6 pm. It is better to start lessons with easy subjects, gradually move on to more complex ones. Every 15-20 minutes take a break with physical exercises.

For classes, the child must have his own workplace, equipped with a table, chair, table lamp, shelves for books. The light should fall from the left, and the lamp beam should be directed to the work surface. When a child does his homework, nothing should distract him: not TV, not music.

The child must have free time so that he does his favorite thing: reading books, board games watching a movie.

Many children are engaged in hobby groups and sections: art school, dancing, swimming, gymnastics.

After dinner, it's not bad to take a walk before going to bed.

In addition to all these moments, children need to instill self-service skills from childhood. He can help mom wash the dishes, take out the trash or walk the dog.

The duration of sleep in younger students should be at least 10 hours. Sleep deprivation is detrimental to a child's health. The baby should go to bed and get up at the same time. ventilate the room before going to bed hygiene procedures. Do not allow children to watch movies before going to bed, sit at a computer monitor, play computer games Don't have a late dinner.

If the child is studying on the second shift, then it is better to do the lessons after breakfast, but not late in the evening, when the working capacity is zero.

These are the main elements of the daily routine.

Approximate daily routine for younger students

7.00 - rise

7. 05 — 7. 30 — morning work-out, water treatments, bed making

7.30 - 7.545 - breakfast

7.50 -8. 10 - road to school, communication with parents

8.30 - 13.00 - lessons at school

13 - 13. 30 - walk, road from school

13.00-14.00 – lunch

14.00-15.00 00 - walk, games

16.00-17.30 - do homework

17.30 - 19.00 - walk or mugs

19.00 - 20.30 - free activities, manual labor, help around the house

20.30 - 21.00 - getting ready for bed, hygiene procedures.

21.00 - go to bed. Goodnight!

What not to do for parents:

- Do not wake the child last moment before school;

- feed dry sandwiches;

- to do homework immediately after school;

- do not deprive the child of a walk if he received a bad mark or received a remark;

- do not yell at the child when he is doing homework;

- do not force you to repeatedly rewrite from a draft to a notebook;

- you can not allow the child to sit at the computer for more than an hour;

Don't watch scary movies before bed.

Write your comments. Are you able to follow the daily routine with your younger students?

Preparing for the first of September, parents make sure that the child has a beautiful school uniform and study supplies good quality. And, as a rule, they do not think about planning in advance the regime of the day for the period of study.

It consists in the rational distribution of the time of day into the phases of activity, rest and sleep, taking into account the growing organism.

Parents are obliged to organize for the student in order to ensure best conditions both for work and leisure. His health, physical development, school performance directly depend on this.

The student's daily routine, organized correctly, is built on the basis of a strict alternation of its elements (morning rise, meals, homework, etc.). When they are performed in a certain order, daily at the same time period, the central nervous system forms connections that facilitate the transition from element to element, spending a minimum of energy on their implementation.

When composing a student, it is necessary to take into account his age features, first of all - After all, a simple load for middle-aged and older students will be unbearable for elementary school students.

Every morning a schoolchild should begin with exercises that drive away the remnants of drowsiness and give a charge of vivacity for the day. The main activity of school-age children is studying. An important point is to involve children in physical labor(school workshop, classes in circles, help with household, work in the garden and garden, etc.).

Preparing homework for younger students takes from one and a half to two hours, middle school students spend two to three hours on it, and older students need three to four hours. It is not recommended to do homework immediately after returning from school. The break between schoolwork and homework should be at least two and a half hours, and most of time should be allotted for walks and outdoor games. Students of the first shift should start preparing homework no earlier than at 16-17 hours. And the daily routine of a student of the second shift provides for the start of homework from 8 - 8.30 in the morning. After their implementation - a walk in the air. Moreover, the parents of these students should ensure that homework is not done by them in evening time after coming home from school.

Performing tasks at home, it is advisable to take a ten-minute break every 40-45 minutes and ventilate the room. To complete homework, the student must be provided with conditions with a calm environment.

The student's daily routine also provides time for activities of interest (drawing, reading, music, construction) - from one hour for younger students to two and a half hours for older students. Schoolchildren are also without fail should be involved in feasible domestic work.

Compliance with schoolchildren's diet in strict certain time contributes to the development conditioned reflex, causing appetite, and better absorption nutrients, and also becomes a guarantee of health.

The schoolchild's day routine ends with evening hygiene procedures, which takes 30 minutes. During this period, the student must also bring his shoes and uniform into proper shape.

A child's nighttime sleep time is approximately 10 hours. It is very important to go to bed and wake up at the same time. Pupils younger age should go to bed no later than 21.00, and the elder - at 22.00 - 22.30. Pupils of both the first and second shifts must rise in the morning at seven o'clock.

Approximate mode of the day for a student studying in the first shift:

at 7 am - rise;
from 7 am to 7. 30 min. - exercise, hygienic manipulations, cleaning your bed;
from 7.30 min. up to 7.50 min. - breakfast;
from 7.50 min. up to 8.20 min. - travel time to school;
from 8.30 min. until 12.30 min. - school lessons;
from 12.30 min. until 13:00 - travel time from school;
from 13:00 to 13:30 - dinner;
from 13.30 min. until 14.30 min. - sleep or rest;
from 14.30 min. until 4 pm - outdoor games or a walk;
from 4 pm to 4 pm 15 min. - afternoon tea;
from 16.15 min. until 18:00 - work on homework;
from 18:00 to 19:00 - outdoors;
from 19:00 to 19:30 - dinner;
from 19.30 min. up to 20. 30 min. - hobby activities (reading, quiet games, helping the family, etc.);
from 20.30 min. until 21:00 - preparation for next day and sleep (cleaning shoes and clothes, hygiene procedures);
from 9 pm - sleep.

An example of a daily routine for a junior student studying on the second shift:

at 7 am - rise;
from 7 a.m. to 7.15 min. - exercise, hygienic manipulations, cleaning your bed;
from 7.15 min. up to 7.35 min. - breakfast;
from 8 am to 10 am - work on homework;
from 10 a.m. to 11 a.m. - Hobby activities (music, reading);
from 11h. until 11.30 min. - second breakfast;
from 11.30 min. until 12.30 min. - stroll;
from 12.45 min. until 13h. - dinner;
from 13:00 to 13:20 - travel time to school;
from 13.30 min. until 18-19 - school hours;
from 18-19 to 20 o'clock - a walk;
from 20:00 to 20:30 - dinner;
from 20.30 min. until 21.30 min. - hobby classes;
from 21.30 min. until 22:00 - preparation for the next day and sleep (cleaning shoes and clothes, hygiene procedures);
from 10 p.m. - sleep.

For a first grader, it plays a special role. After all, the workload increases significantly, and new responsibilities require greater composure. The regime disciplines, helps to get used to the new conditions of life.

Doctors insist on strict observance, emphasizing that this way you can save the student from overexcitability and irritability. Only with its help you will maintain the normal working capacity of the child, not just during the day, but throughout the whole school year. The daily routine that we offer is also suitable for younger students in other grades - our schedule is designed taking into account the time required to complete homework.

According to scientists, it is possible to distinguish two peak performance during the day. The first is 8-11 am, when the child is at school. After this time, the quality indicators of performance in the body fall. The second peak - 16-18 pm. Then follows an intense decline.

Vitaly Stepnov, pediatrician: “It is impossible not to reckon with the peaks of the child's ability to work. Parents often wonder why, after all the circles and sections, the child does homework for so long, although until recently he was cheerful. Yes, because he gets tired in the evening! The peak of the body's performance has already passed, and now it's time for him to rest, despite the fact that the child can have fun playing or running around the apartment.

Basic rules of the daily routine for a first grader

A first grader should sleep at least 10 hours, a plus - daytime sleep to which the body is accustomed. Therefore, try to ensure that he goes to bed no later than 9 pm and gets up at 7 am.

Immediately after school, take a walk with your child for at least 40 minutes. Only then go to lunch - let work up an appetite. In addition, elementary school students must walk for 3 hours a day.

Lunch should be at 13.30-14.00. After that, give your fidget plenty of rest. There is no need to immediately seat him for lessons - now he has a decline in working capacity, so nothing good will come of this venture anyway.

Even if the child no longer sleeps during the day, he can come home and fall asleep immediately. This means that the body is exhausted. Give your child a chance to rest.

Only when the child has eaten and rested, you can sit down for lessons. Homework in first grade has been cancelled, but when your child moves into the next grade of elementary school, remember that 30-60 minutes is the maximum for this class. Optimal time - 16.00-17.00.

Valentina Filenko, child psychologist: “When it's time for homework, don't force your child to quickly drop toys and sit down for homework. Wait for the moment when he puts aside one toy and takes on the second. If you interrupt the process of the game, the need to complete homework will take on a negative connotation.

After preparing homework, the child can go to the section or circle. The road there can be combined with a walk. Do not forget that you need to be in the fresh air for at least three hours a day.

No homework tonight! Can't make it to the circle? It is better to postpone one lesson than to reschedule the lessons for the evening.

The overexcitation that has accumulated during the day must be removed by a walk. Do not think that evening dancing and unprecedented activity indicate that the child is not tired. Take a walk with your child before bed to relieve stress. If we go to bed at 21.00, then it is worth starting the walk no later than 19.30, immediately after dinner.

You can watch TV for no longer than 45 minutes a day, and it is better to do without it at all. You can’t watch it lying down, only sitting and at a distance of 2-2.5 m from the screen. And after an evening walk, it’s better not to sit down at the screen, but take a warm shower, drink a glass of warm milk and go to sleep.

Going to bed should be calm, without talking about daytime difficulties. and without reminders of annoying mistakes or failures of the past day.

First grader's daily routine: sample

  • 7.00 climb
  • 7.00-7.30 water procedures, exercise
  • 7.30-7.50 breakfast
  • 7.50-8.20 road to school
  • 8.30-12.30 school lessons
  • 11.00 lunch
  • 12.30-13.00 way home (preferably fresh air)
  • 13.00-13.30 dinner
  • 13.30-14.30 afternoon rest and better sleep
  • 14.30-15.00 afternoon tea
  • 15.00-16.00 walk, play, sports
  • 16.00-17.00 hometasks
  • 17.00-19.00 stroll
  • 19.00-20.00 dinner and free activities (reading, helping mom around the house, games, etc.)
  • 20.00-20.30 Preparation for sleep
  • 20.30-7.00 dream

First grader diet

  1. First-grader meals should be five times a day: breakfast at home, lunch at school, lunch, afternoon tea and dinner.
  2. A hot breakfast for a child is required. Hot porridge is best, but we know that with much more pleasure, kids pounce on cereal. Make sure the cereal is whole grain and the milk is warm. You can pamper your child with cheesecakes, pancakes, scrambled eggs - a variety of food is also very important.
  3. Breakfast should be calm and measured. No "Hurry, we're late!" It is better to wake the child up half an hour earlier than later you will adjust it. For health (both physical and psychological) there is nothing worse than the stress that is created by the limitation of time.
  4. For lunch, the child should be offered light soup (no need to boil strong meat broth- it is not useful for a growing organism). The second dish should not be spicy, fried, fatty. Do not serve mayonnaise or ketchup (unless natural, without additives). Add a lot of vegetables to your dinner, for example, big portion lettuce.
  5. Perfect for an afternoon snack fresh fruits, pancakes or pancakes. Additionally, please your baby with fresh cocoa.
  6. Dinner should be light but satisfying. The child should not eat for the whole day. If he goes to bed at 21.00, then we sit down to have dinner at 18.00-19.00, no later than.
  7. Food should be varied. We mean not just the composition of the products, but also. After all, children are more willing to eat if the plate is decorated with funny faces, or products of several colors lie beautifully on it.

Circles and sections in the daily routine of a first grader

Physiologists do not recommend starting school in parallel with the basics of dance steps or the first blows of kung fu. It is better to do this a year before school or already from the second grade. In the first class, the loads should be minimal.

If you see that it is difficult for a child to cope with studies, combining it with a circle started a year ago, it is better to postpone classes for a year. But be sure to listen to the opinion of your student: if extra classes he really likes it, leave one section, and “pause” the second.

Remember that at this time the child really needs our support. No need to constantly tell him what to do, focus on school difficulties, demand excellent results and scold him for sloppy notebooks.

You must be one team: let the child feel that he has protection, that his parents are on his side. And observe. Good luck to you and your little student!

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