Trichomonas vaginalis in a girl treatment. Treatment of trichomoniasis in children. The symptoms of urinary tract infections are

Trichomoniasis in children and adults is caused by the protozoan Trichomonas. These are unicellular, belonging to the class of flagellates, which have a round or pear-shaped body, and are equipped with several flagella that they need for movement.

The causative agent of trichomoniasis is Trichomonas or protozoan infection Trichomonas vaginalis. Bacteria belong to the flagella family.

Regardless of the fact that the disease is sexually transmitted, experts have proven that the infection occurs in childhood. The disease has a congenital form.

According to statistics, only the twentieth baby becomes infected from a sick mother at the time of passage through the birth canal.

Intrauterine infection is excluded, the placenta is able to protect the fetus from infection. If the expectant mother has Trichomonas, which causes inflammation, the microorganism is able to get on the shell that protects the baby before birth.

The disease manifests itself already at an older age, not making itself felt after birth, actively spreading through the children's genitourinary tract.

Vaginitis signals a possible trichomoniasis in a newborn girl.

It is not difficult for a baby to treat vaginitis, but the treatment process does not get rid of bacteria, they tend to attack the urethra for a long period of time.

Caution: young children can become infected through household contact. To babies, the infection is transmitted through a dirty towel, staying in the same bed with a sick parent.

Therefore, experts recommend observing the rules of personal hygiene in families where adults are carriers of the infection. Each baby is required to have a separate place to sleep, personal household items that are strictly prohibited for use by other family members.

According to statistics, this type of infection is extremely rare. Most often, trichomoniasis is observed from 1.5 to 8 years. Children 4-8 years old, becoming infected, are subject to the development of trichomonas vulvovaginitis.

Reference: the symptoms of trichomoniasis in a child are weakened, so 50% of parents, not observing complaints from children, do not know about the disease for a long time.

From the age of 11 years, infection is sexually transmitted. You can become infected during unfinished attempts to have sexual relations.

Symptoms at an older age will have similarities with the signs of the disease of adult women.

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It is different for children and adults. The strength of the manifestation of the disease depends on the age and sex of the child. As with adults, infection of children occurs sexually, but the possibility of household infection cannot be ruled out.

According to statistics, the vast majority of children with trichomoniasis are girls. Due to the structural features of the male genitourinary organs, boys are less susceptible to infection.

Causes of trichomoniasis in children

Children can become infected with trichomoniasis:

  • during childbirth - from a sick mother;
  • through the sexual act;
  • household way;
  • if the person caring for the child is sick with trichomoniasis and violates the rules of personal hygiene.

Infection of newborns with trichomoniasis occurs in the household way or at the time of birth. According to statistics, the child of a sick mother can in 5% of cases.

The most dangerous age in terms of trichomoniasis is from the onset of the first menstruation to 16 years. During this period, the child's body undergoes significant hormonal changes.

The ovaries begin to work intensively. The concentration of estrogen in the blood increases. The epithelium of the vagina is filled with glycogen, which contributes to the rapid reproduction of Trichomonas vaginalis, as they feed on polysaccharides.


In children who have not had sexual contact, biomaterial is taken for analysis from the urethra and the posterior recess of the vaginal bulb. Girls are examined using children's gynecological mirrors and material is taken for examination from the cervical canal.

The diagnosis of "urogenital trichomoniasis" is made on the basis of a biomaterial during a microscopic or cultural study.

Culture is a time-consuming method that takes almost a week. The sensitivity of the cultural study is up to 95%. The test helps to identify trichomoniasis if it occurs in an asymptomatic form, and also if the diagnosis is not confirmed by microscopic examination.

When examining children, another protozoan from the same family, Trichomonas hominis, which lives in the large intestine, is often mistaken for.

A relatively harmless intestinal microorganism accidentally enters the vaginal mucosa and urine collected for microscopy and / or culture. Visually different from the vaginal shorter membrane.

For maximum diagnostic accuracy, the microscopy of the child must be confirmed by the application of nucleic acids. ANK is an immunological method aimed at detecting in the biomaterial antigens secreted by the immune system on trichomonas vaginalis.

Infancy and puberty

In a newborn in the first 20 days of life, trichomoniasis occurs without any special symptoms. There is not enough glycogen on the mucous membranes of newborns and girls under two years of age, so trichomoniasis is inactive.

Puberty is the senior school age, the transitional time between childhood and the achievement of biological and puberty. In most girls, puberty lasts from 12 to 16 years, in boys from 13 to 17-18 years.

Trichomoniasis in puberty has features associated with the immaturity of the child's immune system against the background of the rapid growth of all organs and tissues. In a child in the pubertal stage, inflammatory foci are poorly limited. The infection seems to spread throughout the urogenital tract.

Symptoms of the disease in a child

Clinical picture

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In adults, trichomoniasis may be asymptomatic in the form of carriage or with signs of minor inflammation of implicit etiology.

In children, the disease always proceeds clearly, acutely due to the fact that in childhood and in the period before menarche, the protective abilities of the body are underdeveloped.

In a child, any organs of the genitourinary system and the lower part of the intestine can be involved in the pathological process. In the specialized literature, reports of children's trichomonas proctitis regularly appear.

Manifestations of infection can be subjective and independent. The first is due to the feelings of the child himself. The doctor can observe independent manifestations visually.

Subjective symptoms of trichomoniasis:

  • foamy discharge from the genital tract;
  • in the area of ​​​​the external genital organs, the child feels itching and burning;
  • trips to the toilet "in a small way" become painful;
  • pain or heaviness in the lower abdomen.

Independent symptoms:

  • the genitals become red and swollen;
  • purulent discharge is visible on the vaults of the vagina;
  • on the genitals, and sometimes on the inner surfaces of the thighs, scuffs and sores are visible.

In girls, the discharge is more abundant than in boys. Girls are more likely to feel itching and burning in the genital area. Discomfort is aggravated by walking. The doctor, during a visual examination of the girl, discovers that the mucous membrane of the hymen and vulva has acquired a bright red color, is swollen, and abundant discharge is freely flowing from the vagina.

In girls, as a result of infection with vaginal protozoa, vulvovaginitis develops, a disease that is extremely rare in women of childbearing age.

Vulvovaginitis is a consequence of infection of the vagina with bacteria or protozoa. Trichomonas vulvovaginitis has pronounced signs of inflammation - redness and swelling of the mucosa, abundant purulent discharge that irritates the skin in the perineum and on the inside of the thighs. Children with vulvovaginitis are always irritable, restless, cry, sleep poorly.

Vulvovaginitis inflammation involves the vaginal mucosa and cervical canal. The vaginal part of the cervix is ​​covered with pinpoint small hemorrhages. Experts call this phenomenon "strawberry neck".

Trichomonas inhabit the Bartholin glands - large paired formations located in the vestibule of the vagina in the thickness of the labia.

Dysuria in girls and boys with trichomoniasis is associated with lesions of the urethra and infection of the bladder. Dysuria manifests itself as frequent urination or a feeling of pain or itching during urination. If, in addition to the urethra, the bladder is infected, cystitis develops. In this case, at the end of the act of urination, a little blood is excreted in the urine.

Pain in the lower abdomen was noted by 10-15% of girls with trichomoniasis. The pains are of a weak pulling nature, aggravated after physical exertion.

Infection treatment

Treatment of a sick child should be comprehensive. The main role in therapy is given to oral administration of antiprotozoal drugs.


A sick child must follow a diet. Nutrition depends on the severity of the course of trichomoniasis.

Flour products in the diet should be limited. Excluded from the menu:

  • pickles;
  • sweets;
  • fried foods;
  • spicy foods.

It is important that the body of a sick child does not lack the necessary nutrients, so it is better to consult a dietitian to develop a diet.

To strengthen immunity, the menu includes vitamins, vegetables, berries and fruits, if they are not allergic.


Dose Metronidazole for a newborn is calculated by a specialist and depends on the weight of the child.

Metronidazole is prescribed at a dosage of 10 mg per kilogram of body weight. The medicine is taken orally 3 times a day. The course of treatment is 5 days.

Can be used instead of metronidazole Ornidazole- 25 mg per kilogram of body weight, taken 5 times a day for 5 days. If there is no effect, the drug is changed or left, but the dosage is increased.

In the acute stage of the disease, bed rest should be observed. Warm sitz baths with highly diluted potassium permanganate are shown. Baths help eliminate pain when urinating, soften itching. After the procedure, the swelling of the external genital organs decreases.

The genitals of girls and boys are washed from the outside two to three times a day with a warm solution of potassium permanganate 1: 10,000, infusion of chamomile, and a 2% solution of orthoboric acid.

For very young girls, the vagina is irrigated twice a day through a catheter with a one percent solution of baking soda. After evening irrigation, a suspension of Nitasol (an antiprotozoal drug) is poured into the vagina. Babies under 3 years of age are irrigated with an aqueous solution of methylene blue (a course of 7 to 10 days).

An older child should not take a bath during treatment. All hygiene procedures are carried out under the shower. After washing, the genitals are not wiped with a towel, but blotted with a soft cloth so as not to provoke itching. Children's clothes are ironed or steamed after washing.

After completion of treatment, small patients are observed by a specialist for another 3 months. Children at this time should be checked for recurrence of trichomoniasis.

Infection prevention

Even at the planning stage of pregnancy, parents are tested for STDs in order to exclude the possibility of infection of the child during childbirth.

Dermatovenereologist about trichomoniasis in children and pregnant women in the video:

If there is an adult infected with trichomonas vaginalis in the family, it is necessary to carefully monitor the hygiene of the baby. A child can become infected from a sick family member through a shared towel or as a result of sleeping in the same bed.

The child should sleep in his own crib and use his own hygiene items. If there are no infected people in the family, if trichomoniasis is detected in a child, it is worth connecting a psychologist to find out possible channels of infection.

Trichomoniasis belongs to a group of diseases that are sexually transmitted. Despite this, it is often diagnosed in children. The causative agent of the infection trichomonas transmitted to babies from an infected mother. The course of the disease and therapy in this case will have their own characteristics.

The main causes of the disease

Trichomoniasis in children is a fairly rare disease. Pregnant women are advised to be tested for sexually transmitted diseases and, if necessary, undergo therapy.

Why is trichomoniasis dangerous in childhood?

In newborns, the consequence of infection may be vaginitis. It is accompanied by a strong inflammatory process that occurs on the mucous surfaces of the genital organs. Sometimes treatment helps to get rid of the manifestations of the disease, then the pathogens remain in the urethra. Years later, an attack of acute trichomoniasis can occur.

Often trichomoniasis in children provokes the development of inflammation of the genitourinary system. In girls, this manifests itself in the form of cystitis or barolinitis. In boys, trichomoniasis can provoke an earlier appearance of prostatitis in the future.

Important! The disease greatly worsens the state of the immune system. We will have to take measures to restore the protective functions of the body.

Symptoms of the problem

At a younger age symptoms diseases may not appear. Identifying the problem can be difficult. Because of this, trichomoniasis can progress. First symptoms can appear only when complex and long-term treatment is needed. There are the following main signs Problems:

  • Burning and itching in the genital area.
  • Vaginal discharge. They have a whitish tint and a curdled texture. Pus may come out of the urethra.
  • There are pain during urination. The child wants to go to the toilet too often.
  • There is swelling of the genital organs.
  • Signs of irritation appear on the thighs and in intimate places. This is due to skin contact with secretions.

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Manifestation and treatment of trichomoniasis during pregnancy

Such symptoms suggest that treatment should begin immediately. It is impossible to diagnose the disease on your own, therefore, at the first alarming signs, you should immediately consult a doctor.

Diagnostic measures

The earlier trichomoniasis is diagnosed in a child, the easier and more effective treatment will be. Experts use the following techniques to identify the problem:

  • Inspection. The doctor must assess the condition of the genital organs of the child, identify all available symptoms. In girls, the acidity of the vaginal secretion is determined. Its increase indicates a possible infection with Trichomonas.
  • A laboratory study of biological material taken from the child is being carried out. Techniques such as bacteriological culture, serological testing or PCR are used.

Diagnosing the disease in boys is much more difficult than in girls. This is due to the fact that in the male body, the pathogen, as a rule, is present in a sedentary form. For an accurate diagnosis in boys, studies will have to be carried out repeatedly.

Principles of treatment

Trichomoniasis in children is treated according to the same principle as in adults. The difference is only in the dosages of the drugs. The main part of therapy is taking medications. Among them are:

  • Metronidazole. This is a complex drug that has antiprotozoal and antibacterial action.
  • Tinizalod. This is a more modern and safe analogue of Metronidazole. Its use rarely leads to side effects.
  • Girls are shown the use of vaginal suppositories, which contain substances that defeat the pathogen.
  • Douching and sitz baths are carried out with specialized mild disinfectants. The most commonly used is sodium bicarbonate. It is inserted into the vagina with a thin catheter. Such procedures must be carried out twice a week. For very young girls, a solution of methylene blue is used. Douching with it can be carried out for no more than 10 days.
  • It is recommended washing the genitals with decoctions of medicinal plants. Calendula or chamomile work well for this. It is fashionable to use tea tree oil dissolved in warm water.

Neonatal therapy can be carried out as early as the first week of life. Possible manifestation of side effects from drugs, but the harm to the body in this case will be much less than with the development of the disease. After the main course of therapy, it will be necessary to conduct a second diagnostic examination to monitor the effectiveness of treatment.

Urogenital trichomoniasis is a disease that affects people of any age. Including, children can be infected, starting with newborns.

One of the ways of infection is the entry of pathogens into the child's body during the passage of the newborn birth canal. At the same time, due to structural features, girls are more susceptible to infection. According to statistics, trichomoniasis, transmitted perinatally, is observed in approximately 5% of children born from a sick mother.

When they talk about children's trichomoniasis, they usually mean only girls. Boys in childhood are practically not susceptible to this disease. In a newborn girl, the consequence of trichomoniasis can be vaginitis - inflammation of the mucous membranes of the external genital organs. However, at such an early age there is a possibility of spontaneous recovery from vaginitis, although this will not get rid of Trichomonas, which will remain in the morning for a long time. Vaginitis is accompanied by symptoms such as swelling, swelling and redness of the tissues of the vagina with a possible spread to the perineum and thighs. Erosion, itching, burning, painful sensations during urination are possible.

Trichomoniasis in children the first three weeks of life usually proceeds without pronounced symptoms, which is associated with the strong influence of maternal antibodies that have overcome the placental barrier and the action of the mother's estrogens, which help the vagina of a newborn girl to self-cleanse. Starting from the third week of life, the disease manifests itself with pronounced signs.

Infection at a younger age can also occur by contact and household contact, although this route of infection is considered quite rare. In this case, the sources of infection with trichomoniasis in children are, most often, sick mothers. A child can use an adult towel or sleep in the same bed with his mother, and thus bring Trichomonas into his body. Therefore, if there is an infected adult in the family, it is necessary to strictly observe the sanitary and hygienic regime. The child must have his own bed and individual household items that are not available for use by other family members.

There is also such a way of infection as an attempt to physically abuse a child. Therefore, if there are no patients with trichomoniasis in the family, the detection of this infection in a child should serve as an initiation for checking the psychological state and careful questioning about possible violence.

Older girls, from the age of 11, become infected sexually even during unfinished attempts to have sexual intercourse. In this category of patients, the symptoms will be the same as in adult women.

Diagnosis of this infection in children must necessarily be multi-stage and include confirmation of the diagnosis by the cultural method, in which the sowing of the pathogen is placed in a nutrient medium.

For the treatment of pathology, children are usually prescribed metronidazole in doses lower than adults in a weekly course or a course of 10 days. At the same time, baths or douching with solutions of mild disinfectants are often prescribed. Vaginal preparations in the form of suppositories or tablets can also be used. During the period of treatment, a diet should be strictly observed with the exception of fried, salty and spicy foods. It is often necessary to change the child's bed linen, after ironing it with a hot iron. You also need to take a shower every day, thoroughly washing the genitals.

After therapy, it is necessary to conduct monthly control examinations for 3 months.

Trichomoniasis in childhood is rare in medical practice. Previously, it was believed that the infection was transmitted only sexually.

But more and more often, newborn girls become patients, who become infected with pathology during the passage of an infected mother through the birth canal. It is extremely rare that the disease is transmitted by contact-household means.

It is important to know that the disease does not spread to boys in childhood; in girls, the infection leads to inflammation of the mucous membranes on the external genitalia.

Many cases have been recorded when at an early age the infection resolves on its own without therapeutic intervention. But at the same time, the pathogens of the pathological process Trichomonas - vaginalis do not disappear from the body and continue their activity at an older age of the baby.

In infants, the consequence of infection may be vaginitis, which is characterized by inflammation of the mucous membranes of the external genital organs.

With timely treatment, vaginitis is eliminated, but the Trichomonas infection remains in the urethra for many years. Vaginitis has symptoms:

  • swelling on the genitals outside;
  • vaginal tissues swell, redden;
  • pain and swelling of the perineum and thighs;
  • itchy sensations;
  • burning in the vaginal opening;
  • pain during urination;
  • increase in body temperature;
  • restlessness;
  • irritability;
  • bad dream.

The disease proceeds without much in the first twenty days of the baby's life. Further, the disease is manifested by symptoms characteristic of the inflammatory process.

Therefore, if an infected adult in the family is recommended to monitor the hygiene of the baby with special attention. The child must have his own crib, use his own personal items.

Attention: cases of transmission of infection during an attempt to physically abuse minors have been recorded.

If there are no patients with trichomoniasis in the family and an infection is detected in a child, psychologists should be involved who can find out the cause of the disease by communicating with children.

Treatment of trichomoniasis in a child in this situation requires a special approach. Psychologically traumatized children perceive therapy much more difficult, which leads to a long process of treatment.

According to statistics, the treatment of trichomoniasis in children most often occurs between the ages of one and eight years.

At an older age, girls can become carriers of the infection after sexual intercourse, even if they were unfinished. This category of young patients has symptoms, like adult women.

Treatment of trichomoniasis in children

Correct diagnosis is required for a competent pathological process. Only after a full examination of the baby or teenager, the doctor prescribes medications.

The beginning of treatment is taking Metronidazole. This medication expel the infection from the body in adults and children. Children are prescribed tablets in a lower dosage than in the treatment of infection in adult patients.

If the infection after the course of treatment again worries the child, specialists prescribe therapy with Furazolidone, Trichomonacid, Nitasol.

An additional procedure during therapy is douching and baths. Weak disinfectants are considered high-quality solutions. The girl should douche under the supervision of her mother in order to do everything correctly, not to harm the genitals inside and out during this procedure.

Baths are taken at a younger age. They help eliminate pain during urination, itching and burning. When using baths, puffiness becomes less.

Trichomoniasis in a child, the treatment of which takes a lot of effort, time for parents and a small patient includes vaginal preparations. A qualified specialist can prescribe or suppositories after a preliminary visual inspection and after receiving the results of laboratory tests.


It is important that special attention should be paid to nutrition when infected with Trichomonas - vaginalis. Diet therapy today occupies an important place in the treatment of any pathological processes.

A strict diet for children implies an exception:

  • pickles;
  • a large number of flour products;
  • sweets;
  • fried food;
  • do not eat spicy foods.

A specialist should prescribe and develop a diet individually for each small patient, her dishes depend on the severity of the pathology.

To quickly expel the infection from the body, treatment includes complex vitamins. Their use has a positive effect on the body, strengthening the protective immune system.

Older children, in addition to medicinal complexes, take large quantities of allowed vegetables, berries, and fruits.

For preventive action, it is recommended that all children's things be steamed after washing, if possible, ironed. Parents should change bedding sets on an ongoing basis at least once every five days, after heat treatment.

Pediatric patients require assistance and training in personal hygiene. For children suffering from the disease, doctors recommend taking showers more often than bathing the child in the bath.

Every day you need to carefully wash the genitals with special means. After that, you can rinse the vagina with a decoction of chamomile or calendula.

Do not use ordinary soap when washing. After a shower, it is not advised to thoroughly rub the affected organs, it is better to blot them well with a soft towel so as not to provoke itching and itching.

Parents need to protect the girl from colds, hypothermia, which, if cured, can provoke the resumption of the disease.

After the course of treatment, patients are required to be observed by a specialist for three months, take laboratory tests, and follow the recommendations of the treating doctor.

Preparations for the treatment of trichomoniasis in children

The most common and effective drug for treating infections in children is. Its use is practiced orally in 1/3 tablets, the content of which is 250 mg 2-3 times a day for children from one to five years old.

From six to ten years, 0.125 g twice a day. From eleven to fifteen years, the dosage is increased to 0.25 g also twice. The dose for newborns is calculated by a specialist, it depends on the weight of the baby.

Modern medicine is constantly looking for new drugs for the treatment of trichomoniasis in children. An effective analogue of Metronizadol from Trichomonas is Tinizadol.

The course of treatment and dose is determined by the attending physician individually for each patient of childhood.

Girls with a thin catheter irrigate the vagina with a solution of sodium bicarbonate. The procedure is carried out at least twice a day. After evening irrigation, a suspension of Nitasol is introduced into the vagina.

Babies up to the age of three are irrigated with an aqueous solution of methylene blue for at least seven days, but not longer than ten.

Treatment is not so painful for children and parents with a timely visit to the doctor. If a child has symptoms of a pathological process, it is not necessary to postpone going to a medical institution, which will simplify and speed up therapy at the first stage of the disease.

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