When should the scab leave after cauterization of erosion. Questions. wound infection

Regardless of the method chosen, cauterization of the cervix is ​​a trauma. After treatment, a wound surface is formed, open to infection. Tissue healing goes through certain stages, and discharge after cauterization of cervical erosion inevitably occurs. Their nature may be different: everything is determined by the day after the procedure and the general condition of the woman. There may be pathological discharges that require additional diagnosis and treatment.

How does normal healing happen?

Any wound goes through several phases before a new epithelium forms in its place:

  1. Proliferation;
  2. Epithelization.

A feature of wound healing after cauterization of erosion is that it occurs under the scab. Rapidly formed blood clots clog the vessels, there is no bleeding. Coagulated blood, lymph and tissue fluid form a crust on the surface of the wound, which protects against the penetration of microbes or re-injury.

The phase of inflammation is expressed slightly. Leukocytes and fibroblasts flock to the site of injury, which absorb damaged cells and substances formed during the decay process. At the same time, collagen synthesis is stimulated.

In the proliferation phase, the granulation tissue under the scab gradually grows, small vessels grow into it. By the end of this stage, a young epithelium appears on the thin tissue formed by collagen, and the scab disappears. Normally, this happens on the 8-20th day. The time depends on the size of the defect on the neck and the reactivity of the organism itself.

The proliferative phase during the healing of cervical erosion consists in the growth of epithelial tissue and the replacement of the first tender collagen fibers with stronger ones. At this time, it is decided whether there will be a scar at the site of the wound after cauterization or a healthy epithelial tissue will form. If electrocoagulation was chosen as a treatment procedure, then the damage after it is deep. On the surface of the neck, the formation of collagen fibers, which form scar tissue, predominates. After removal of erosion by Surgitron, liquid nitrogen, laser, the damage is superficial, so the cells recover faster than the connective tissue grows, and scars do not form.

The radio wave method of treatment with the Surgitron apparatus allows avoiding tissue scarring, and the recovery period is most often not accompanied by the appearance of pain.

What discharge to expect after cauterization

Immediately after cauterization of erosion, no pronounced bleeding is observed: the scab securely fixes the vessels. In the first days, watery discharge may appear. They are transparent, of low intensity, they may be streaked with blood. Such allocations go up to 10 days. Gradually, they change to pink mucous membranes that look thicker. The intensity of staining can be different: from pale pink to reddish.

At the next stage, after cauterization of erosion, scanty brown discharge is determined. They are thick, smearing, last no longer than a week.

In some cases, the scab departs gradually, then throughout the entire time after cauterization, its pieces appear in the form of dense blood clots. Sometimes bleeding increases 8-20 days after cauterization. This is an indicator of the complete discharge of the scab, but some vessels are damaged, and bleeding begins. It should stop within a few hours.

If the bleeding does not stop or suddenly increases, you should immediately inform your doctor.

During cauterization, damage to the vessel is possible, which bleeds for some time after the procedure. But in most cases, spotting gradually changes to pale pink and soon stops completely.

Pale pink discharge after cauterization of cervical erosion are observed within 10-14 days. After complete healing of the affected area, the discharge stops.

Discharge can be considered normal, which lasts up to 3 weeks, gradually changes its color and density and does not have an unpleasant odor, is not accompanied by burning and itching. Then the usual leucorrhea appears, after which it is time for menstruation.

Possible complications after the procedure

The consequences of the treatment of cervical erosion can be different. When using modern methods - radio wave and - they are minimal. Depending on the type of complication, the nature of the discharge may change:

  • Damage to a large vessel - bloody, bright scarlet;
  • Accession of infection - color and smell change;
  • Endometriosis of the cervix - unusual timing of bloody daub;
  • Cysts - contact bleeding;
  • Erosion recurrence - light or bloody discharge.

Cauterization of a small defect is rarely accompanied by the development of complications. Large and neglected erosions, which require a more careful choice of treatment method, are often accompanied by unpleasant consequences.

What is considered unusual discharge

The change in the nature of the secretions must be observed. For convenience, you need to use during this period pads with a cellulose surface, and not a mesh. It is strictly forbidden to use tampons after cauterization of erosion. It is also better not to use scented pads: chemical fragrances act as an additional irritant that can cause an inflammatory or allergic reaction or provoke thrush.

After coagulation of cervical erosion, the use of tampons is strictly prohibited, as this can lead to injury to the vaginal mucosa, as well as adversely affect its microflora.

The help of a doctor is necessary if the discharge does not correspond to normal indicators.

You need to worry in such cases:


The appearance of scarlet blood already a day after cauterization of erosion indicates an injury to a large vessel. It is impossible to stop such bleeding on your own, so you need to contact the doctor who performed the operation and ask to eliminate the defect. This can be done by coagulation - cauterization, or by ligation of the vessel. The choice of tactics depends on the localization of the vessels and how strong the discharge is.

If blood appeared after 8-20 days, but its release stopped after a few hours, then this bleeding is associated with the discharge of a scab. Incessant bleeding, a rise in temperature is a reason to consult a doctor urgently.

The release of blood may begin after the healing of erosion and the past menstruation. Sometimes after sexual intercourse there is a slight bloody daub. Often it is the result of a developed complication - cervical cysts. They have no specific symptoms.

A complication can develop after cauterization of the neck with liquid nitrogen, cryodestruction and other methods. In this case, the scab clogs the glands and does not allow their contents to flow normally. Cystic enlargements gradually form, which can burst during intercourse with the release of a small amount of blood.

Bloody spotting that occurs shortly before menstruation indicates endometriosis of the cervix. Its development provokes an early onset of menstruation, even before the time when complete epithelialization of the wound defect occurs. Endometrial cells are fixed and begin to grow independently. With a significant rate of their development, cysts filled with blood-brown contents can form on the neck.

Smearing spotting that appears before menstruation can speak of endometriosis of the cervix.

Change the color of highlights

Pink or brown colored highlights can change it to a different one. If the discharge becomes yellow or greenish, more liquid in consistency, then this may be a sign of infection.

Obstetrician-gynecologist Dmitry Lubnin tells about what discharges are considered pathological and what their character can tell in the following video:

The reason for the development of this complication may be insufficient sanitation of the vagina before cauterization. If a 3-4 degree of purity was established by smears, then treatment of colpitis and cervicitis is necessary before the procedure. To do this, use vaginal suppositories, tablets and other local medicines, taking into account the identified flora.

Some diseases are manifested by the specific nature of the discharge. This is possible with sexually transmitted infections. For example, with the development of trichomaniasis, the discharge becomes liquid, with a greenish tint, foamy.

Sometimes bacterial vaginosis develops. Then the discharge becomes white or grayish-white.

Rarely, after treatment of erosion in the vagina, a fungus may appear - candidiasis. The reason for this is a decrease in local immunity, endocrine pathology or other chronic diseases. At the same time, the discharge becomes curdled, white, itching and burning are disturbing.


While the treated erosion heals, the discharge is not accompanied by a pronounced odor. But sometimes its appearance indicates a violation of the normal restoration of the mucosa.

The reproduction of opportunistic flora (gardnerella) leads to symptoms of bacterial vaginosis. This microorganism in the process of life releases volatile amines, which smell like rotten fish.

A dangerous sign is discharge with an unpleasant smell of decay. Such symptoms occur with the development of a purulent process in the uterus and appendages. This pathology requires urgent intervention. The combination of an unpleasant odor and a yellow, pus-like discharge from the genital tract is an indication for urgent medical attention.

Other unpleasant symptoms

Additionally, any of the listed signs of abnormalities may be accompanied by symptoms such as pain, fever.

After cauterization of erosion for some time, slight pain may be the norm. Strengthening of the pain syndrome against the background of abundant bloody discharge requires medical intervention.

Pain can be an indicator of developed inflammation. If an infection from the cervical canal has penetrated higher into the body of the uterus or appendages, or an exacerbation of a chronic process has occurred, then the pain becomes dull, pulling, which can sometimes intensify. With the defeat of the appendages, the pain is localized on the side of the development of inflammation.

Sometimes, after cauterization of cervical erosion, a woman may experience serious discomfort in the lower abdomen. If the pain intensifies, this may be a sign of developing inflammation.

An unfavorable sign is an increase in body temperature. It always speaks of an inflammatory reaction that needs to be treated with antibiotics.

Algorithm of actions upon detection of pathological secretions

In order not to miss, you need to strictly follow the medical recommendations after cauterization of erosion. But if the nature of the discharge changes or they do not go away for a long time, you need to follow a different algorithm of actions:

  1. Heavy bleeding in the first few days - emergency medical attention;
  2. After cauterization, the ichor acquires an unpleasant odor, does not become thick, but, on the contrary, remains liquid or foams - consult a antenatal clinic doctor;
  3. The appearance of fever, pain in the pelvic area - you can take a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug on your own at a temperature above 38.5 degrees and go to see your doctor;
  4. Contact bleeding during intercourse a month or more after cauterization of erosion - make an appointment with an obstetrician-gynecologist for an examination.

Self-treatment when symptoms of complications appear after cauterization of erosion is unacceptable. Without a vaginal examination, some tests, a smear and ultrasound, it is impossible to accurately determine the cause of the pathological processes.

It is possible to distinguish menstruation from bleeding after erosion by the time of onset and the nature of the discharge. The first menstruation in most women begins 3-4 weeks after cauterization. By this time, the discharge that was after the treatment of erosion ends. Menstruation itself is different in color from other discharges. The blood during menstruation is dark, sometimes there may be strands of the endometrium (clots) in it. The nature of bleeding is different - on the first day it is small, on the second and third days it is more abundant, in the last 1-2 days it decreases to spotting.

Pathological discharge indicates the development of complications and require immediate medical attention.

How to minimize the risks of complications after cauterization of erosion

Proper preparation for the treatment of erosion and compliance with medical recommendations after cauterization will help to avoid unpleasant complications.

Before treatment, a woman must take a swab from the vagina. It shows one of four degrees of purity, where 1 is an absolutely healthy state, and degree 4 is severe inflammation. If a woman, according to the results of a smear, has a 3-4 degree of purity, then before cauterization it is necessary to undergo treatment for vaginitis. For this, local preparations are used in the form of suppositories and vaginal tablets, for example, Ginezol, Terzhinan. With a slight presence of coccal flora, the doctor will suggest sanitizing the vagina (for example, with Povidone-Iodine suppositories).

If pseudomycelium or Candida spores are found in the smear, then antifungal treatment is necessary. The gynecologist may prescribe Clotrimazole, Pimafucin suppositories or take Fluconazole once orally.

The gardnerella found in the smear indicate the presence of vaginal dysbiosis and possible bacterial vaginosis. In this case, the treatment is carried out, for example, vaginal tablets of Metronidazole.

If, according to the results of the tests, representatives of a sexually transmitted infection are found, then appropriate treatment should be carried out. Chlamydia, ureaplasmas, mycoplasmas, Trichomonas, human papillomavirus are often combined with cervical erosion and support an inflammatory response on it.

To avoid complications after cauterization of cervical erosion, a thorough preliminary study of the vaginal flora is necessary to identify and identify bacteria.

After monitoring the treatment, you can proceed directly to cauterization. The rate of wound healing after cauterization depends on the method chosen. The most traumatic is electrocoagulation. Laser cauterization and - modern methods that damage the cervix to a lesser extent and rarely lead to the development of complications. When choosing a treatment regimen, you can focus on the reviews of other women, but you should definitely listen to the opinion of your doctor.

After cauterization for several days, you need to observe the nature of the discharge. Directly during the healing period, you can not:

  • Have sex;
  • Take a hot bath, steam in the bath and sauna;
  • Visit natural reservoirs, a public pool;
  • Sunbathe;
  • lift weights;
  • Go in for sports or physically hard work;
  • Use tampons.

To speed up regeneration, the doctor may prescribe special drugs. These are candles Betadine, Depantol, Genferon, suppositories with sea buckthorn oil. Those who had erosion against the background of a viral infection may be prescribed Kolpocid - these suppositories have antiviral activity. Levomekol ointment, Terzhinan vaginal tablets have an antibacterial effect.

The use of folk methods to accelerate healing is possible only after consulting with your doctor. Douching, laying tampons during this period is categorically contraindicated. In the first case, the normal microflora of the vagina will be washed out and there is a danger of ascending infection, as well as damage to the scab on the neck. Inserting tampons can also damage the crust that has formed, cause bleeding, or cause an infection.

Success in the treatment of any disease depends on the coordination of the actions of the doctor and the patient. If a woman listens to the recommendations, follows them correctly, and the doctor takes into account the individual characteristics of the patient, then the result of therapy will be positive.

A useful video on the prevention of complications after cauterization of cervical erosion

girls, it's like this.
The first birth took place with rupture of the cervix. There were no stitches, it healed on its own. cicatricial deformity remained. They prescribed conization. While feeding, while being examined, while treating all sorts of colpitis, I became pregnant again. There were no breaks in childbirth, but the cicatricial deformity did not run away. so I still have to conize, but we are waiting until I stop feeding.
I would like to determine the opinions of those who have experienced this or the procedure. How it all happens. My gynecologist only said that she had come and gone, she did not need to go to the clinic. but there was no time to ask in detail. Is there any anesthesia? Does it hurt later at the end of the procedure? Are there any complications? Do ABs inject like they do during surgery?
I would be grateful for any information.

I had a cone done on the pretext of cervical dysplasia. Indeed, he has come and gone. On a chair, under non-specialized anesthesia, the procedure itself may take 10-15 minutes, later 1 hour lay on the couch. At the time when the anesthesia was completely gone, I came to the doctor’s office (who was doing the operation), she pulled a tampon out of me on the chair (it is put at the end of the cone), looked at how everything looks there and let me go home. Of course, you yourself will not reach it (the condition is not enough), I went by taxi. Stay at home until evening. Nothing hurts there, in my opinion, the lower abdomen hurt until the evening. I bought painkillers in advance - I didn’t need them. The whole first week I went to the doctor for wound treatment. Do not lift anything heavy for the first month. Look like that's it.

Since I created the topic, now I will unsubscribe in it. I did the conization. I want to share information, suddenly someone will need it.

What needs to be done before conization?
It is necessary to pass a gynecological smear for flora, cytology and analysis for HPV (human papillomavirus). If any infection is found, treat it.
It is also necessary to think in advance who will help after conization is completed, since there are later restrictions, which I will write about later.

At what specific time and why?
Conization is done immediately after the end of menstruation - for 2-3 dry days. First, it is now most likely that the lady is not pregnant. Secondly, there is enough time left for the cervix to heal before the next menstruation.

How is conization going?
It is carried out on a simple gynecological chair in the usual position for us ladies
An iron plate is placed under the ass (as I realized, it is an electrode, or something like that). An anesthetic injection is made into the neck. Feelings are a little unpleasant, but fully tolerable. There is no pain as such, but while the doctor cuts out the tissues, nagging is felt in the lower abdomen, as during menstruation.
Immediately, the doctor cauterizes the opened vessels. Scabs form in these places (or scabs - I don’t know how right).
At the end of the procedure, the doctor treats the neck with an antiseptic and puts a medical swab, which will need to be removed after a couple of hours.

What at the end?
Since all the vessels are cauterized, there is no bleeding immediately after conization.
Belly ached for several more hours. It is possible to take painkillers.
Immediately after conization, profuse watery discharge begins. On the 7-10th day, the scab begins to depart, and the discharge becomes bloody, but not plentiful (to put it simply, a daub). Such discharge lasts until the menstruation itself. At the end of menstruation, the cervix must already heal enough so as not to bleed by and large.

Initially, the doctor prescribed only suppositories. From the next day after the end of conization Gravagin 10 days, later immediately Betadine until menstruation.
But since I know that I am prone to bleeding, I asked to prescribe something extra to reduce the risk. I drank Dicinon in pills for 5 days, and drank Askorutin in the minimum dose. If painkillers were needed, she drank Tamipul.

What are the specific restrictions?
Absolutely not:
- lift weights (the doctor told me no more than 2 kg)
- soar legs / take a steam bath / take a bath / go to the sauna
- take alcohol
-take vasodilators
- have sex life
- use tampons, as well as the next menstruation.

In general, for 4 weeks we perform sexual rest, do not lift heavy things and do not allow vasodilation.
Just on the basis of this, before conization, it is necessary to find someone who will help: raise the child if necessary, bring bags from the store, etc.

What are the specific complications?
From what I remember, this bleeding and somehow can affect the next pregnancy (maybe not affect - this is just a likely complication). So that there is no bleeding, do everything that the doctor says.

Complete healing occurs in 3-4 months. But the restrictions are lifted, at a time when the scab comes off and there is no risk of bleeding. Then it is possible to return to a simple life, and after a few months to see just a doctor. The material that is excised during conization is necessarily sent for a biopsy.

Z.Y. Everything outlined above concerns electroconization.
So everything happens specifically in Kharkov, specifically in the clinic where I was. Somewhere, maybe something different.

Removal of erosion by cauterization is the destruction of superficially located cells that look like ulcers. In their place, new, already healthy tissues are formed.

The whole healing process takes about a month.. The recovery period largely depends on how deeply the tissues were affected, as well as on the following factors:

  • what method was used;
  • were there any complications.

The healing takes the longest after diathermocoagulation - about 5-6 weeks. Somewhat less after radio wave treatment (about 4 weeks), laser intervention and cryodestruction (about 3-4 weeks).

After cauterization, the body needs some time to form a scab (a crust on the surface of the cervix). With almost complete healing, it begins to be rejected with increased secretions and the appearance of blood streaks in them. The whole process before the formation of a scab takes about a week, after which you can additionally use various local preparations, which are aimed at accelerating wound healing on the cervix:

Sometimes it is necessary to combine several means.

Immediately after the procedure and during it, discomfort and even pain in the lower abdomen may be felt.. They are stopped by taking painkillers, antispasmodics. Intense pain is a reason to see a doctor.

Immediately after cauterization, they may not be. Subsequently, their number increases every day, reaching its maximum on the 7-10th day. This is the time when the scab is shed. They can be purulent, with an unpleasant odor (especially after DEC), liquid (after cryodestruction) or simply resemble ordinary leucorrhoea, only larger in volume, there may be blood streaks. After their intensity decreases until normalization.

It is also allowed to change the menstrual cycle: Menstruation may come with a delay, be a little different than usual.

  • Limit physical activities, as they can provoke bleeding.
  • Observe hygiene, this is dictated by an increase in the amount of discharge in a woman. Most often, you have to use pads, change them regularly, wash 2-3 times a day during intense whiteness.

Absolutely contraindicated during the period of treatment and recovery:

  • Douching (permitted only at the discretion of the doctor at the end of the healing period).
  • Sexual contacts. They can cause inflammation, the formation of a rough scar, and even bleeding.
  • Taking baths, hot baths, saunas and even visiting the pool.

Douching with cervical erosion is carried out only with the permission of the doctor
  • Bleeding. During or a few hours after cauterization can be copious, you should seek medical attention. If it does not stop on the background of conservative treatment, it is necessary to additionally flash the vessels on the lateral surface of the cervix. Bleeding during rejection of the scab, as a rule, is small and stops on its own or after taking hemostatic agents.
  • Inflammation. The healing process itself involves a small inflammatory response. However, if hygiene is not observed or the doctor's advice on the additional use of suppositories is ignored, inflammation can spread to the uterine cavity, appendages. Pain in the lower abdomen, fever - indications for a second visit to the doctor.
  • Rough scar formation. Most often, ugly scars, which can even slow down the opening of the cervix during childbirth, are formed after diathermocoagulation. After radio wave treatment, laser, cryodestruction, they are soft and invisible, do not affect the function of the female genital organs in the future.

Causes of repeated cauterization of cervical erosion:

  • the wound did not heal well.

Example of successful cervical treatment

For some methods, reprocessing is the norm. For example, cauterization of the cervix using a mixture of acids is always carried out in 2-3 or more stages, which is prescribed in the instructions. Erosion may occur again, then this is not the fault of the doctor. Often it reappears after childbirth, so it is usually recommended to refrain from treatment unless absolutely necessary, and the woman is planning a pregnancy.

Full recovery after cauterization of erosion averages about 4 weeks.

Read more in our article about the consequences and discharge after cauterization of the cervix.

Read in this article

What happens to the neck after removal of erosion

Cauterization implies various manipulations, as a result of which the cervix is ​​healed. The meaning of all procedures is approximately the same: the erosion site is affected (by electric current, laser, a mixture of acids, radio waves, liquid nitrogen), as a result of which superficially located cells die.

This stimulates further intensive division of tissue areas located more deeply. They subsequently make up the future healthy cervix. In those places that were cauterized, crusts form, which then fall off as soon as a new epithelial cover has finally matured under them.

Therefore, the removal of erosion is the destruction of superficially located cells, which look like an ulcer when viewed. In their place, new, already healthy tissues are formed. The entire healing process takes about a month.

Healing time

The recovery period largely depends on how deeply the tissues were affected, as well as on the following factors:

  • what method was used;
  • whether additional treatment was used;
  • were there any complications.

The healing takes the longest after diathermocoagulation - about 5-6 weeks. A little less ̶ after radio wave treatment (about 4 weeks), laser intervention and cryodestruction (about 3-4 weeks). In general terms can be shifted.

Is additional treatment necessary after cauterization?

After cauterization, the body needs some time to form a scab (a crust on the surface of the cervix). The stages of healing are somewhat similar to a regular wound on the skin. Under this crust, an intensive process of renewal of the epithelium takes place. As soon as it is almost completed, the scab begins to be shed.

Clinically, this is manifested by increased secretions and the appearance of blood streaks in them. The whole process before the formation of a scab takes about a week, after which you can additionally use various local preparations that are aimed at accelerating the healing of the wound on the cervix.

The following are often used:

  • ointments with levomecol, panthenol, sea buckthorn oil for application to gauze swabs and then into the vagina;
  • candles "Terzhinan", "Betadine", "Clotrimazole" and others at the discretion of the doctor.

The duration of treatment is determined by a specialist. Sometimes it is necessary to combine several means.

Some cauterization options do not require additional treatment, for example, after treating the cervix with acid solutions.

Patient sensations, discharge, pain

Immediately after the procedure and during it, discomfort and even pain in the lower abdomen may be felt. They are stopped by taking painkillers, antispasmodics. There should not be very intense pain, their appearance should be the reason for going to the doctor.

The nature of the discharge changes.
Immediately after cauterization, they may not be. Subsequently, their number increases every day, reaching its maximum on the 7-10th day.

This is the time when the scab is shed. They can be purulent, with an unpleasant odor (especially after DEC), liquid (after cryodestruction) or simply resemble ordinary leucorrhoea, only larger in volume, there may be blood streaks. After their intensity decreases until normalization.

As soon as the discharge no longer bothers, we can assume that the healing was successful, but a second visit to the doctor is necessary to confirm.

It is also allowed to change the menstrual cycle. Menstruation may come with a delay, be a little different than usual.

See in this video about what may be the discharge after cauterization of erosion:

Help in recovery after cauterization of cervical erosion

After cauterization, the doctor usually gives a whole list of recommendations to the woman on how to behave at first in order to promote the rapid healing of the wound. Among the main ones:

  • It is useful to limit physical activities, as they can provoke bleeding, even if they were previously feasible.
  • It is important to observe hygiene, this is dictated by the increase in the amount of discharge in a woman. Most often, you have to use pads, change them regularly, and wash 2-3 times a day during intense whites.

What not to do during rehabilitation

The following is absolutely contraindicated during the period of treatment and recovery:

  • The use of tampons. They will provoke inflammation and can cause premature discharge of the scab, which is fraught with poor healing and bleeding.
  • Douching is allowed only at the discretion of the doctor at the end of the healing period.
  • It is necessary to abandon sexual intercourse for the entire period, they can cause inflammation, the formation of a rough scar, and even bleeding.
  • Baths, hot baths, saunas and even swimming pools should be avoided.

Possible complications and consequences of cauterization

  • Bleeding. It can occur both in the early postoperative period, and already at the time of partial healing. Bleeding during or several hours after cauterization may be profuse and medical attention should be sought. If it does not stop on the background of conservative treatment, it will be necessary to additionally flash the vessels on the lateral surface of the cervix.

Bleeding during rejection of the scab, as a rule, is small and stops on its own or after taking hemostatic agents.

  • Inflammation. The healing process itself includes a small inflammatory reaction, which is especially noticeable after DEC (diathermocoagulation). However, if hygiene is not observed or the doctor's advice on the additional use of suppositories is ignored, inflammation can spread to the uterine cavity, appendages. Therefore, pain in the lower abdomen, fever ̶ indications for a second visit to the doctor.
  • Rough scar formation. This largely depends on the method used and the properties of the woman's tissues. Most often, ugly scars, which can even slow down the opening of the cervix during childbirth, are formed after diathermocoagulation, so this method of treatment is gradually disappearing from practice. Scars after radio wave treatment, laser, cryodestruction are soft and invisible, do not affect the function of the genital organs in the future.

Causes of repeated cauterization of cervical erosion

Often, erosion has to be cauterized again, and this is not always the fault of the doctor. The reasons for this may be as follows:

  • initially, not the entire erosion surface was processed, for example, if it was large;
  • incorrectly chosen method of treatment;
  • the wound did not heal well.

For some methods, reprocessing is the norm. For example, cauterization of the cervix with a mixture of acids is always carried out in 2-3 or even more stages. It's even written in the instructions.

Expert opinion

Daria Shirochina (obstetrician-gynecologist)

Erosion may occur again, then this is not the fault of the doctor. Often, erosions appear again after childbirth, so it is usually recommended to refrain from treatment unless absolutely necessary, and the woman is planning a pregnancy.

Recovery after cauterization of erosion averages about 4 weeks. At this time, a woman must follow the doctor's recommendations, exclude sexual activity, visit baths, saunas, and limit physical activity. But even in this case, there is a possibility of a complicated course of the healing process: with inflammation, bleeding, or the formation of rough scar tissue.

Useful video

Watch in this video about how erosion heals after cauterization:

On the 2-3rd week the scab is rejected. The burn surface at this time is represented by either a delicate pink epidermis, or burned deep layers of the dermis (therefore, such burns are also called "dermal"). Unhealed whitish areas with small bright pink dots are a mesh pattern of the preserved papillary dermis. With such wounds there is always a purulent discharge. If its amount is small, then it is better to use ointment dressings that injure the “young” epidermis less and stimulate the epithelization of the remaining wounds. In addition, after the rejection of the scab, the wound surface becomes sharply painful and the removal of the ointment dressing, which does not dry to the wound, is not so painful for the patient.

With a significant amount of pus on the surface of the wound, ointment dressings should not be used, since they contribute to the accumulation of wound discharge, which adversely affects wound healing. In these cases, wet-drying dressings are used. The frequency of dressing changes depends on the nature of the wound. With a dry scab, and later with a meager discharge from the burn surface, there is no need for frequent dressings. They are carried out in 2-3 days. When the wound surface is represented by a wet scab, and after its discharge there is a large amount of pus in the affected area, it is advisable to dress at least once every 2 days, and sometimes daily.

Epithelialization of dermal burn sites usually occurs by the 3-4th week. Healed areas at the site of such burns are represented by delicate pink scar tissue. Over time (after a few months) they turn pale and become more whitish than the surrounding unaffected skin. The elasticity and mobility of such scars are significantly increased, due to which they do not cause restrictions on movements in the joints. This happens with a favorable course of the healing process of dermal burns. However, approximately 1/3 of the victims at the site of former III-a degree burns with the development of suppuration in the affected area, complicated course of the wound process, have coarse purple scars that rise above the surrounding integument. These scars can itch, restrict limb movement, and sometimes ulcerate.

In some patients, it is possible to achieve resorption of scars, a favorable cosmetic result, and the elimination of itching through the use of various physiotherapeutic procedures (lidase electrophoresis, ultrasound, mud therapy, etc.). If this treatment does not help, you have to remove these scars surgically. It should be borne in mind that often over time, partial or complete resorption of such scars spontaneously occurs. Therefore, surgical treatment should be resorted to no earlier than a year after the healing of a dermal burn. With uncomplicated healing of III-a degree burns, the ability to work is restored 5-6 weeks after the injury.

General treatment of victims with superficial burns usually does not present any particular difficulties. During the initial examination in a polyclinic or hospital, each burned person is injected with 3000 AU of tetanus toxoid and 0.5-1 ml of tetanus toxoid. Measures aimed at the prevention of tetanus should be carried out in all burned patients, regardless of the extent of the lesion. Other general therapeutic actions are largely determined by the severity of the thermal injury.

In cases where patients have burns of I-III-a degree in a small area and they are observed in the clinic, treatment is limited only to the appointment of drugs that reduce pain (amidopyrine or analgin 0.5 2-3 times a day). With an increase in body temperature, antipyretic drugs (aspirin or amidopyrine 0.5 2-3 times a day) and sulfonamides (sulfadimethoxine, sulfapyridazine or spofadazine 1.0 per day) can be used. If these drugs are not available, other drugs of the same groups may be recommended. With a decrease in pain and normalization of body temperature, the general treatment of light burns ends.

"Treatment of burns and frostbite",
L.B.Rozin, A.A.Batkin, R.N.Katrushenko

An eschar is a crust that forms on the surface of a wound, regardless of its etiology. The structure of the scab consists of clots of clotted blood, pus and necrotic tissue. Stupa is of great importance, since its presence allows you to protect the wound surface from infection and ensures the process of epithelialization of the defect. After complete healing of the wound, it disappears on its own.

The appearance of this crust is familiar to everyone from childhood; visually, the scab after cauterization of erosion looks almost the same as with wound skin defects. Most often, the scab leaves on its own in 14-28 days. Normally, the process of its separation is not accompanied by any discharge, including bloody. Also, like the uterus, it should be absolutely painless.

Attention! The information on the site is presented by specialists, but is for informational purposes only and cannot be used for self-treatment. Be sure to consult a doctor!

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