Chest itches and green discharge. Discharge from the nipple of the breast. Types and color of secretions

The discharge of fluid from the nipple is a cause for concern. This can be an alarming sign indicating a serious illness, but do not panic ahead of time. In fact, there are many pathological factors that can provoke such a phenomenon, and oncology is in the very last place. Discharge from the nipples of the breast can be triggered by much more trivial factors - mastopathy, papilloma, or the common cold of the chest.


You may notice discharge from one gland or both. They pass through the same ducts as milk, so the pattern of their appearance is the same. Discharge from the nipples in women can be colored and a different color. Women of reproductive age may experience brown as well as green discharge. The latter usually indicate the development of mastopathy. In addition, the discharge is transparent, or reminiscent of colostrum. This phenomenon is typical for girls in anticipation of a child, nursing mothers and those who have completed breastfeeding. In fact, after the cessation of lactation, a slight discharge of fluid from the nipples can continue for another six months. If this phenomenon bothers you longer, consult a doctor.

The reasons

A specialist mammologist will conduct a special examination to find out the causes of problems in the body. Such a symptom may bother you with galactorrhea - this is an ailment that occurs due to the effects of various causes:

Enlargement of the thyroid gland (common after the birth of a child);
- the appearance of tumors (as a result of hormonal failures);
- consumption of medicines;
- nipple stimulation (breast pump or baby);
- various kidney damage.

Pathological causes:

- Oncological lesion of the breast. Sometimes discharge from the nipples indicates such a disease, although very rarely. Such a phenomenon is manifested by intraductal cancer, as well as Paget's cancer. The last ailment is a tumor that is located with the nipple entering the affected area. Other symptoms of such an oncological disease include a changed shape of the nipple, darkening of the areola area, as well as severe itching in the chest. The discharge is most often bloody. Timely diagnosis is the guarantor of successful treatment.

- Mastopathy. This is a lesion of the breast, which is manifested by an imbalance of the mammary glands, which is accompanied by the formation of cystic components (hardening of certain areas of the breast). Such an ailment can develop as a result of disruptions in the hormonal background.

- Mastitis- this is an ailment that is accompanied by the formation of pus, and it, in turn, sometimes passes inside the milk ducts.

Injury. Even minor damage to the breast can cause uncharacteristic discharge from the nipples.

- Intraductal papilloma. This is a benign formation, it is small in size and is located in the milk duct, provoking discharge. Usually such an ailment occurs in women who are in the age range from thirty-five to fifty-five years. Such an education appears for reasons unknown to science and it is quite easily eliminated, sometimes without surgical intervention.

- ectasia. This is an inflammatory lesion inside the milk duct. Such an ailment can affect a woman from forty years old, and it is treated using compresses and antibiotics selected by a specialist. Sometimes a doctor will recommend surgery to remove the affected duct.

- Abscess. This is the name of the accumulated purulent masses inside the mammary gland. This situation can occur during the lactation period. Active sucking of a child often leads to the appearance of cracks in the nipples, and they can serve as a kind of entrance gate for pathogens of various ailments. Such a pathological process makes itself felt with purulent discharge, while the chest may turn red and increase significantly in size. Therapy is usually performed surgically, in addition, you need to take antibiotics.

In this case, experts strongly recommend that women regularly palpate their breasts to determine seals of various etiologies. In addition, both the mammary glands in general and the nipples in particular should be visually examined in order to timely notice any deformations, redness and other possible changes.

Visit to the doctor

Regardless of your suspicions about the etiology of discharge, you should still visit a doctor. Only a specialist can determine the correct diagnosis and choose the right treatment.

You should tell your doctor about:

The color of the discharge;
- the frequency of their occurrence;
- whether they arise from one breast or from both;
- appear from one hole or from several;
- whether they appear themselves or after pressing;
- the presence of any other ailments or symptoms that bother you;
- chest injuries;
- use of any medications.

The specialist will conduct an examination and refer you to additional studies: ultrasound, mammography and other tests (UAC, blood test for hormones). Based on the data obtained, the doctor will make a diagnosis and select a treatment. It may involve the consumption of hormonal drugs, antibiotics, folk remedies, or surgical intervention.

Do not ignore such an alarming symptom as discharge from the nipples. A timely visit to the doctor can save your health, and sometimes even life.

A woman can detect discharge from the mammary glands by chance. They appear when pressed and can leave barely noticeable spots on the linen.

If a woman does not feed a baby at this time or she did not have to give birth at all, you should definitely be wary. Allocations are not necessarily associated with pathology, however, the breast is very vulnerable and it is necessary to check its health.

Physiological causes of discharge

Like most phenomena, discharge from the chest with pressure can occur for reasons:

  • physiological;
  • pathological.

Physiological features explain the discharge:

  • During pregnancy. In the female breast, preparations are made for the birth of the baby and its feeding. The glands are trained to make milk and excrete it. Similar processes occur in the third, final trimester. The increased tone of the uterus stimulates the release of a cloudy white or yellowish liquid from both mammary glands.
  • Some time after the end of feeding. Allocations can be observed for the next two or three years. It depends on the age of the woman and the number of pregnancies.
  • After an abortion. The presence of secretions and their duration are determined by the period at which the artificial termination of pregnancy occurred. They can disturb a woman from several days to a month.
  • When using contraceptives. Oral contraceptives contain hormones that stimulate lactation. Allocations should disappear after the abolition of contraceptives. They should be replaced with a different kind. But it is wise to do this only on the advice of a doctor.

The allocation of a small amount of clear liquid is possible during the treatment with hormonal drugs, the use of antidepressants. The reason can be too tight bra, and physical overload.

Pathological causes of discharge from the chest

The main reasons for the discharge are:

  • Ductectasia- an ailment, which is characterized by a pathological expansion of the ducts, called subareolar canals. The disease is typical for women after 40, since its main cause is age-related changes. The disease does not pose a danger to health, but only if timely treatment is provided. Otherwise, serious consequences are not excluded.
  • chest injury(blows, bruises). If this happened without violating the integrity of the skin, then within two days bloody fluid can be easily squeezed out of the nipple.
  • Intraductal papilloma- papillary benign tumor. It appears in the duct near the nipple. Due to the development of the tumor, a thick liquid is released, in which blood impurities are sometimes present.
  • Mastitis and abscess. Ailments either occur during lactation, or are the result of penetration of an infected object. With mastitis, the area of ​​the gland becomes inflamed. The cause is a bacterial infection, in most cases Staphylococcus aureus. With an abscess, pus accumulates in the tissues of the chest, the affected area is limited from the healthy area.
  • Galactorrhea- discharge from the nipples of milk or colostrum, not associated with breastfeeding. The most common cause is an increase in the hormone prolactin in the blood (hyperprolactinemia) or an increase in estrogen levels.
  • Fibrocystic mastopathy- the appearance of compacted areas of tissue in the mammary gland. The condition is dangerous because it can degenerate into cancer.
  • Malignant neoplasm (breast cancer)- a tumor that forms imperceptibly due to uncontrolled cell division. Allocations appear with pressure from both mammary glands or from only one.
  • Paget's disease- a malignant tumor that has engulfed the nipple or areola. The disease is extremely dangerous and needs prompt diagnosis and treatment.

The cause of discharge from the chest can be diseases of the genitourinary organs:

  • vaginitis;
  • cystitis;
  • syphilis.

Sometimes pathological changes in the pituitary and hypothalamus, malfunctions of the thyroid gland can also be responsible for secretion from the mammary glands.

Whatever the cause of the discharge, it should be identified as soon as possible.

Discharge color and causes

The secretions that appear from the mammary glands when pressed differ in color and consistency.

If they transparent or have a white, yellow color, most likely, the reason lies in the physiological imbalance.

Here is the secret with blood impurities, brown or green - a harbinger of a serious illness.

Slight transparent highlights are the result of:

  • stress;
  • hormonal disruptions;
  • taking contraceptives (containing hormones).

White discharge is a frequent and safe guest during the period of bearing a baby and for several years after stopping breastfeeding. They can also accompany galactorrhea caused by excessive production of prolactin and estrogen.

Discharge from the chest light milky yellow secretion often accompanies pregnancy. Perhaps after a bruise or a more serious external injury to the mammary glands. In this case, yellowish discharge indicates that the healing process is going well.

With mastopathy, secretion appears Green colour, thick and slimy in consistency.

brown discharge occur with bleeding in the milk ducts. Damage to the vessels occurs due to the growth of a malignant neoplasm or cystic mastopathy. Dark to black color is formed due to the presence of blood.

Bloody issues most serious, because they appear with the development of a tumor or papilloma. But sometimes they are present after injury to the mammary glands.

Purulent discharge is observed when inflammatory and infectious processes occur in the chest.

How to diagnose pathology

When a woman finds that there is a discharge when pressing on her chest, you should make an appointment with a mammologist. The doctor will direct her to the passage:

  • mammography;
  • Ultrasound of the mammary glands;
  • galactography (a type of mammography) - an x-ray examination of the milk ducts, involving the introduction of a contrast agent into them.

Also appointed:

  • blood test for prolactin, sex and thyroid hormones;
  • cytological examination of discharge from the chest.

Summarizing the results will help the doctor determine the diagnosis and further therapeutic actions.

Treatment of causes of discharge from the chest

Timely treatment will contribute to the appearance of positive results. Depending on the diagnosis, it can be conservative, but surgery is not excluded.

Pathologies such as mastitis and abscess are cured with antibiotics and opening of purulent cavities.

Ductectasia will require surgery. In its process, the affected duct in the mammary gland is removed.

Surgical intervention is also necessary in case of detection of intraductal papilloma. The diseased area of ​​the skin should be removed. The removed particles are subjected to histological examination to exclude the malignant nature of the papilloma.

In case of Paget's disease, a mastectomy is prescribed - the removal of the affected mammary gland. Next, chemotherapy sessions are scheduled.

Having found discharge from the mammary glands with pressure, it is not necessary to fall into a panic state. There are many factors that led to this phenomenon.

Regardless of the color and smell of the secretion, whether there are other unpleasant symptoms, you should immediately consult a doctor. After conducting the necessary tests, he will select an individual therapy. Surgical intervention is not excluded.

There are no women who are not at least somewhat concerned about the condition of their breasts. There may be physiological reasons for this - concern for the health of the newborn, when there is an understanding of the value of mother's milk for him and the relationship with this state of the mammary glands. Or aesthetic, for women employed in the modeling business or simply among well-groomed ladies who want to effectively present themselves. What to do if frightening discharge from the nipples suddenly occurs. From both at once, or from one.

It happens differently for everyone. Someone in a dream, someone, having removed the annoying “harness” of a bra in the evening, discovers that its cup is wet from the inside and has changed the color of the fabric, making it from pale pink greenish with brown stains.

It is necessary to go on a trip to the doctor with varying degrees of haste. Most women decide that without being pregnant, without giving birth to a child, and finding any discharge from the nipples in 99% of cases, they will be a pathology. which must be reckoned with.

They are different in density and color, up to green or blue, which seems to be unnatural for a living organism. The norm will be white or the color of highly diluted milk. In the first case, this is the excreted breast milk, in the second case, colostrum is a specific dairy product that is no less important for a newborn than milk.

According to statistics conducted by mammologists, up to 7% of patients who come to see patients suffer from diseases of the mammary glands, in which there are discharges from the nipples.

The main causes of discharge from the nipples

Three can be named:

  • Physiological
  • Non-oncogenic nature (benign)
  • cancerous (malignant)


The most natural cause for them is postpartum lactation. They occur mainly after childbirth, when the breast begins to intensively generate milk and colostrum. The first feeds the baby, allowing it to develop, gain weight, the second serves as a strong immunomodulatory substance that protects against allergies, diathesis, indigestion and other childhood troubles.

If the discharge from the nipples is transparent, has no color, and this happens outside of pregnancy or in the postmenopausal period, the main reason is most often the use of drugs containing metoclopramide or domperidone as active ingredients. They are included in the formulation of such popular anti-nausea drugs as Cerucal, Motilium, Ceruglan, Passazhiks.

NOT oncogenic (benign)

Not giving a reason to run to the doctor, giving up everything, but capable of complicating life in the future:

  • Fibrocystic neoplasms resulting from hormonal imbalance.
  • The presence in the tissues of the ducts of the glands of intraductal papillomas - neoplasms similar to polyps.
  • Ectasia (dilation) of the milk ducts.
  • Fibroadenoma of the breast.
  • Adenoma of the nipples is benign.
  • Ductal hyperplasia is a critical thickening of the walls of the milk ducts.

The reason for the leakage of the secret of the nipples, in addition to the pathologies of the glands themselves, can equally be the presence of eczema, which is diagnosed most easily due to the external location and visibility of the symptoms. Atopic dermatitis of the nipple and, in the most difficult case, hyperprolacthymenia with its increase in the level of the hormone prolactin in the blood, which can be of a different nature, up to pathological or pharmaceutical. It is impossible to exclude the physiological, simply as one of the features of the body that does not require correction.

The nature of the discharge is different, but it is customary to distinguish several signs inherent in these pathologies:

  1. The discharge is usually bilateral, from the right and left breasts at the same time.
  2. Appear or intensify when squeezing the nipple.
  3. They are light, color from white to slightly greenish
  4. The consistency of the discharge is sticky.
  5. The structure is homogeneous, without impurities


These are already precancerous or cancerous diseases.

  • Atypical ductal hyperplasia. It is a neglected case of ductal hyperplasia, when the degree of coarsening of the alveoli exceeded the critical one, and there are precancerous changes in them.
  • duct carcinoma. It is localized on the surface of the flow walls.
  • Localized neoplasm of glandular structures, or lobular cancer.
  • Cancer of the nipple and halo around it (Paget's disease).
  • Invasion of ductal carcinoma. A malignant tumor that grows in the breast tissue, affects the adjacent lymphatic system.

Allocations in the malignant form:

  1. Unilateral, from only one breast.
  2. Their occurrence is spontaneous, pressure on the chest is not required.
  3. The color can be pink, bloody, even black. As, however, and colorless, therefore, these signs should be considered in combination with others.
  4. Large lymph nodes under the armpits are enlarged, extraneous neoplasms are palpated in the mammary glands themselves.

Discharge color and related causes

  • White, yellow, green leaks from the chest are inflammatory processes, the most common of which is mastitis.
  • Thick, dark green - the process of suppuration in ductal cysts.
  • Brown (characteristic of ectasia).
  • Watery, transparent are characteristic of the initial stage of breast cancer.
  • Bloody - sprouted papilloma in the ducts.

Discharge from the nipples associated with the lunar cycle

The second phase of the cycle is always characterized by a decrease in the level of progesterone in the blood. If this decrease does not occur and the hormone content remains as high as in the first phase, there may be discharge from the nipples just before the menstruation. In turn, the discharge and the very persistence of a high level of progesterone often indicate ovarian disease.

Another reason for secretion from the chest is the use of hormonal contraceptives.

Also, in no way tied to the phase of the current cycle, nipple discharge occurs from caressing a woman’s breasts during exciting bed games. This happens from the hormone oxytocin secreted by the endocrine system during sexual arousal, which, in turn, causes the muscles of the alveolar formations that produce breast milk to contract reflexively, forcing it to squeeze out the liquid contained there from these ducts.

As we age, perimenopause comes with its radical hormonal changes. Losing the ability to conceive, the ovaries provoke the activation of the hypothalamic-pituitary system, which can also contribute to the appearance of the secret of the nipples of various types. Which sometimes indicates the onset of oncology, which is why regular, at least 2 times a year, examinations by a gynecologist and mammologist with tests are so important. Which most often reveal alarming symptoms.

But you cannot rely only on external signs, because of the individual characteristics of the body and the state of each specific immune system in women, cross-signs can mislead even experienced doctors. The hyperectomy operation should not cause any reaction from the mammary glands, but sometimes these reactions do occur.

So what can cause breast discharge after hysterectomy? Sometimes this is a normal process. But it may indicate the beginning of the pathology. It is possible to identify the disease and accurately diagnose it only with the help of complex measures, such as mammography, blood tests.

infections and mastitis

Abscesses of the mammary glands or their inflammations usually have a bacterial etiology. Less often - viral or fungal. Lactational mastitis, which affects the female breast, is often obtained by a woman in labor when feeding a child when bacteria multiply on the nipples of the breast. The reason is the non-compliance with the rules of personal hygiene when caring for nipples. Microcracks that occur in them during their compression by the gums or even the teeth of a child, not treated and washed in time, can serve as an impetus for inflammation, which quickly enters the glands.

A constant companion of mastitis is pain, accompanied by swelling of the soft tissues and redness of the skin of the chest, with the release of a white or yellow substrate from the nipples.

With the development of the inflammation process, a purulent abscess may form, with the formation of a focus of gangrene or phlegmon, in which the chest increases significantly, a jerking sharp pain appears in it with purulent discharge. There can no longer be any talk of feeding a child from such a breast, the treatment is surgical, with the opening of the affected areas, their cleaning and further treatment with the use of potent antibiotics.


The pituitary hormone prolactin, which stimulates the production of milk in parturient women, is normally released into the blood by the pituitary gland in very small quantities, each woman is strictly individual. Its production increases only during pregnancy (at first), and then, with active breastfeeding of the baby, stimulating the formation of milk in the mammary gland while actively restructuring it: both the volume of the female breast and its internal structure increase, with the expansion of the duct and an increase in their number .

Failure of the activity of the pituitary gland in the direction of increasing the generation of prolactin in conditions where there is neither pregnancy nor a child actively consuming milk is called galacteria. With her, all the same changes occur with the mammary glands that occur in pregnant women and women in childbirth. It is interesting that the medical literature describes cases when a woman lost a child, after a short time her breast milk production stopped, but then, when a baby appeared with a close relative, or if the child lost her mother, and the maternal instincts of the woman left without a child continued to act , there was a hormonal release, and the breasts were again filled with milk.

It happens that from the mammary glands from an excess of prolactin it is not milk that comes out, but just a white liquid similar to it. Moreover, this phenomenon can also occur in men, which in 80% of cases will be evidence of breast cancer. Both diagnosis and treatment of male breast cancer are no different from those of women.

Typical causes of hyperprolacthymenia are:

  1. Prolonged nipple irritation
  2. long stress
  3. Breast injuries
  4. Pituitary lesion of any etiology
  5. Enhanced nipple stimulation during sex
  6. Thyroid diseases
  7. Liver failure, chronic adrenal disease
  8. The use of oral contraceptives, individual drugs for hypertension, uncontrolled intake of drugs for depression.


Nipple discharge can begin already at the first stage of the disease, when other signs do not manifest themselves.

The main signs of a malignant tumor:

  • The liquid flowing from the nipple is watery or contains blood inclusions
  • On palpation, dense inclusions are found.
  • Nipple sunken into chest
  • A noticeable change in the shape of the breast, its deformation
  • Enlarged axillary lymph nodes.


In all cases of fluid discharge from the nipples, except after pregnancy and childbirth, be sure to go to the doctor! The timeliness of such treatment can stop oncology, in the case of its diagnosis, already in the early stages.

The development of the female breast begins at puberty and is closely related to the ratio of hormones such as estrogens, progesterone and prolactin. In the ducts and lobules of the mammary gland, milk production begins already during pregnancy. On each of the nipples there are holes through which it comes out. If secretions of a different type appear from the mammary glands, then special attention must be paid to this. Often this phenomenon is a sign of a serious illness. The color and smell of the released fluid matters. The cause of the discharge will help to establish a mammologist.

The liquid appears spontaneously or when squeezing the nipple. It depends on the individual characteristics of the structure of the mammary glands in each woman. Allocations can occur in one gland or in both. Their consistency is thick or watery. Colored discharge with an unpleasant odor requires special attention.

When discharge from the nipple is the norm

The appearance of colostrum in the breast during pregnancy is considered normal (transparent yellowish discharge that occurs when pressure is applied to the nipple). Colostrum sometimes appears even at the earliest stage of pregnancy, when a woman is not yet aware of its onset.

After childbirth, milk is produced in the breast. Lactation continues throughout the entire period of feeding and for some time after its completion. Milk production stops gradually. If its secretion from the glands occurs when pressing on the nipple for several months (and even 2-3 years) after the completion of breastfeeding, this is also normal.

Often milk appears after an abortion, miscarriage. This is due to the natural hormonal changes that occur in the state of the breast during pregnancy. After the hormonal background normalizes, the discharge disappears.

Addition: Sometimes scanty transparent discharge appears in women on the eve of menstruation with pressure on the nipple. These can be the usual hormonal changes characteristic of this phase of the cycle, and various diseases. It is necessary to visit a mammologist to make sure there are no pathologies.

The appearance of a clear liquid when pressing on the nipple also occurs in a woman taking hormonal drugs or antidepressants. Sometimes the discharge appears due to irritation of the nipples with a tight bra or during physical exertion associated with breast tension.

Normal secretions are clear or milky white and odorless. If there are discharges mixed with blood, pus, with any color, an unpleasant odor, this indicates the presence of a pathology. In addition, such discharge is often accompanied by changes in the condition of the breast and a deterioration in the woman's well-being.

Causes of pathology

The causes of pathological discharge from the mammary glands can be inflammatory and tumor processes, hormonal imbalance in the body, diseases of the pelvic organs. Hormonal disorders occur as a result of the use of certain drugs, oral contraceptives, frequent abortions, diseases of the endocrine system.

Video: Causes of nipple discharge in women

Diseases that cause discharge from the nipples

Unusual discharge may occur with the following diseases:

  1. Mastitis is an inflammation of the breast tissue. The inflammatory process occurs as a result of the penetration of a bacterial infection into the gland. This can happen during breastfeeding if cracks form on the nipples, as well as with galactorrhea (lactation not associated with breastfeeding).
  2. Intraductal papilloma. With this disease, growths form inside the lactiferous duct, which are easily damaged by pressure on the corresponding area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe chest. At the same time, bloody fluid is released from the nipples.
  3. Ectasia (dilation) of the milk ducts. This condition is not always a pathology. It occurs, for example, when the breast swells during pregnancy or before menstruation. However, in some cases the process is irreversible. Stretching of the walls of the thoracic ducts leads to the formation of cysts filled with fluid, as well as papillomas. Usually, irreversible expansion is the result of hormonal changes that occur in the body in women after 40-45 years.
  4. Mastopathy. There are various varieties of this disease. All of them are associated with the growth of gland tissues. The main symptoms of this pathology are pulling pains in the chest and the appearance of fluid from the nipples, which has a different color and consistency.
  5. Galactorrhea. The disease is expressed in the fact that milk appears from the nipple when pressed, and the process has nothing to do with breastfeeding. The main causes of the disease are hormonal disorders, increased levels of prolactin in the blood. Galactorrhea can occur with diseases of the thyroid gland, pituitary gland.
  6. breast cancer. When discharge from the mammary glands appears, a woman notices asymmetry of the nipples, an increase in one of the glands, deformation of the skin, the appearance of seals and other signs that require urgent diagnosis and treatment.

Liquid of various colors and consistency may be a concomitant sign of diseases of the pelvic organs caused by a violation of the microflora (thrush, intestinal dysbacteriosis). Discharge from the nipples occurs in diseases of the ovaries (chronic inflammation, polycystic, malignant tumors). After injuries in the chest, inflammatory processes occur that lead to the appearance of purulent discharge from the nipple.

Types of secretions from the mammary glands

By the color and consistency of the secretions that appear from the mammary glands when pressed, the doctor can guess what disease caused their formation.

Transparent, colorless and odorless. They are mostly of normal physiological origin, if they appear before menstruation or during mechanical stimulation of the nipples.

White. These include milk produced after childbirth and during galactorrhea. Appear with tumors of the pituitary gland, after prolonged use of birth control pills.

Greens. The color is given by pus, which is formed during the disease of mastitis.

Creamy yellow discharge occurs during pregnancy and in the first days after childbirth (colostrum). If they occur a few days before menstruation, accompanied by chest pain, this may be a sign of mastopathy.

Brown. They occur if small vessels are damaged and blood enters the ducts. Such secretions appear during the formation of cysts, as well as tumors of the mammary gland.

Blood. May be a sign of cancer growth, compression and damage to blood vessels in the ducts. Coloring is both light and dark.

What to do if there is discharge from the nipples

If unusual discharge from the nipples appears, then it is dangerous to wait or self-medicate with the help of folk remedies. In no case should you use heat compresses, warm the chest in other ways. This will only exacerbate the inflammatory processes in the tissues.

You can not squeeze the liquid out of the nipples, as this stimulates increased secretions.

You can take hormonal drugs only as prescribed by a doctor. If a woman resorts to hormonal contraception, then it is necessary to consult a doctor about changing the contraceptive.

To find out the cause of the pathology and prescribe treatment, it is necessary to visit a mammologist and undergo an examination.

Diagnosis of diseases

Before the examination, the doctor finds out how long ago the discharge appeared, whether it is formed constantly or periodically, whether the woman has pain, whether there were chest injuries, whether the woman used hormonal drugs.

The diagnosis is established by palpation of the breast, ultrasound, mammography, ductography (X-ray using a contrast agent injected into the ducts). The most accurate results are obtained when examining 2-3 days after the end of menstruation. In the second phase of the cycle, breast swelling occurs, which causes errors in the results.

If oncology is suspected, a puncture is performed (sampling of fluids or tissues from the affected area of ​​the gland). The contents are examined under a microscope to detect abnormal cells.

Video: Diagnosis of breast diseases

Prevention of diseases of the mammary glands

For the purpose of prevention, every woman should be examined by a mammologist once a year. It is also recommended to regularly conduct preventive gynecological examinations, timely treat diseases of the endocrine system.

An important role is played by self-examination of the breast, which must be carried out once a month. It allows you to detect seals and external changes in the state of the mammary glands at an early stage.

It is necessary to avoid hypothermia and chest injuries, stress, uncontrolled intake of medicines.

Video: How breast self-examination is performed

When fluid is released from the chest, this phenomenon often indicates the development breast disease . An exception is the period of bearing a baby, when such discharge from the chest can appear throughout. Therefore, as soon as a non-pregnant woman begins to have white discharge from the nipples or a liquid of any other color for a long time, she urgently needs to undergo a study and, as soon as possible, carry out the treatment that the doctor will prescribe.

Such a symptom should alert the representatives of the stronger sex. After all, it can manifest itself if inflammation of the mammary gland develops in men or other pathological processes. Therefore, fluid from the mammary glands in both sexes is an alarming sign that you should immediately contact a specialist.

Why do breast discharges appear?

There are many factors that provoke such a symptom, and they are varied. The main reasons for this phenomenon are listed below:

  • Hormone imbalance leading to the development galactorrhea .
  • Milk duct ectasia .
  • Constant wearing of tight squeezing underwear.
  • Inflammation of the mammary gland .
  • Malignant processes in the mammary gland.
  • Application oral contraceptives .
  • Intraductal papilloma .
  • Bearing a fetus.
  • The use of a number of drugs - this can provoke admission, etc.
  • Chest injury.

The female mammary gland is a paired organ whose task is to provide lactation . Milk is secreted from the mammary gland to feed offspring. The mammary glands are mainly composed of parenchyma - glandular tissue. Each breast has 15-20 lobes separated by connective tissue septa. The lobes are made up of lobules, and the lobules are made up of alveoli. Milk is secreted through the lactiferous ducts, which extend from each lobe towards the nipple.

During the period when a woman is carrying a baby, a gradual growth of glandular tissue occurs, as the breast is being prepared for lactation.

A little below the middle of the chest is the nipple, which is surrounded by dark skin. In women who have already given birth, the space near the nipple and nipple is dark brown, in young girls it is pink.

The skin of the peripapillary alveoli and nipples is very delicate and vulnerable, therefore, during pregnancy and especially breastfeeding, the risk of cracks and infections increases.

Isolation of colostrum before menstruation

What kind of manifestation is this and is it normal when colostrum is released from the breast in the last days before the onset of menstruation, many women are interested. The answer to the question of whether it can stand out before menstruation is positive. But only if this happens on the eve of menstruation, and 1-2 drops of a transparent secret are released from the chest. In this case, there is no need to worry about this.

However, if a woman is actively secreting colostrum without pregnancy, the reasons for this phenomenon should be determined by the doctor. Indeed, often the appearance of fluid from the nipples before menstruation indicates a hormonal imbalance and other disorders.

With sexual arousal

A few drops of clear liquid may come out of the nipples if the woman is aroused. This is possible when nipples are stimulated during love games, as well as directly during orgasm, when the milk ducts are actively contracting.

Already from the first days after conception, changes in the mammary glands begin. The chest increases, becomes sensitive, and a venous network often appears on it.

Quite often, expectant mothers have discharge from the breast during pregnancy. In most cases, this colostrum is yellow in color. Sometimes discharge from the nipples during pregnancy has a milky tint. Such signs are harbingers of milk.

Indeed, during the period when a woman is carrying a baby, there is an active increase in the volume of the mammary glands due to the growth of glandular tissue. This is how the hormone acts on the mammary glands.

Most often, colostrum from the breast during pregnancy begins to stand out on the eve of the birth of the baby. But sometimes discharge from the mammary glands during pregnancy appears earlier - in the second trimester, at about 23 weeks of pregnancy.

Only after the birth of a child, after 2-3 days, colostrum replaces milk. But colostrum is a substance that is necessary for the baby, since it is very high-calorie and contains a large amount that is very important for the newborn.

If discharge from the breast appears even before the birth of the baby, it is important to strictly monitor hygiene and monitor the condition of the nipples. The chest in the morning and evening should be washed with boiled water, and then gently wiped dry. It is also recommended to do air baths for the nipples - this procedure is the prevention of cracks after.

Those who note that the discharge stains underwear should wear special pads. If the price of breast pads for pregnant women seems high, sterile cotton pads, which are sold in pharmacies, can be used for this purpose.

If a woman is concerned about certain features of this symptom, it is better for her to tell the gynecologist about it.

You should also consult a pregnant doctor in the following cases:

  • with regular aching pain in the chest;
  • with an uneven increase in the mammary glands;
  • if cavities or bumps appear on the chest;
  • if bloody discharge appears from the chest.

It is important to wear comfortable underwear that will not constrain the chest.

Diseases in which milk is secreted from the breast

Below we will discuss the most common causes of the development of this condition.

Galactorrhea - what is it?

Galactorrhea is a condition in which milk or colostrum in non-pregnant women expire spontaneously. This condition is also determined when, after the cessation of breastfeeding, milk or colostrum flows after five or more months.

The causes of galactorrhea are associated with an excess prolactin , under the influence of which milk is formed. In men, galactorrhea also develops, since prolactin is also produced in the body of the stronger sex.

Idiopathic galactorrhea - a condition when it is impossible to determine the cause of the spontaneous outflow of milk. According to medical statistics, in about half of the cases it is not possible to identify why this happens.

The main symptom of this condition is white discharge, like milk, from the mammary glands. Also in women suffering from galactorrhea , develop (excessive hair growth), violation of the monthly cycle, decreased libido, acne.

To cure this condition, you need to treat the underlying disease. If we are talking about idiopathic galactorrhea, the patient or patient is prescribed the use bromocriptine that reduces the production of prolactin.

Milk duct ectasia

If a woman is diagnosed with ectasia, what it is and how to overcome this condition, the doctor will tell.

ectasia or duectasia - a condition to which the progressive expansion of the milk ducts leads. Gradually, an inflammatory process occurs, and ectasia of the milk ducts develops. This condition is characterized by the appearance of sticky, thick discharge, which, as a rule, is brown in color.

This disease is most often manifested in women in premenopausal age.

Treatment involves the use of anti-inflammatory drugs (for example,) and warm compresses on the chest. Sometimes the doctor prescribes a course of admission.

In particularly difficult cases, surgical removal of the milk duct may be necessary.


- This is an acute infectious disease that mainly develops when a young mother breastfeeds her baby. This disease is characterized by an acute course. The chest becomes very painful, swells, the temperature rises greatly. The mammary gland is very painful when pressed. In addition, with mastitis, not only the mammary gland hurts when pressed, but the pain worries if the chest is not touched. The skin of the mammary glands is hyperemic. Green discharge from the mammary glands appears, as they contain impurities of pus.

As a rule, mastitis develops due to improper pumping of the breast, cracked nipples, development lactostasis . Mastitis may be due to the fact that a woman has a wrong attitude to hygiene issues.

If mastitis progresses, it becomes abscess form . In this state, the woman feels very bad.

Therapy for this disease involves the rejection of breastfeeding with breasts affected by mastitis. Detoxification treatment is also carried out, the woman is prescribed antibiotics.

If an abscess develops, then the abscess in the mammary gland is opened surgically.

Sequelae of a chest injury

If a woman has suffered a serious chest injury, bloody discharge from the mammary glands may appear with pressure or voluntarily. As the lesion heals, brown or yellow discharge from the breast appears when pressed.

Fibrocystic mastopathy

At fibrocystic mastopathy a woman is worried about pain that grows in her chest in the second phase of the monthly cycle. In addition, in the second phase, fluid is sometimes released from the mammary glands when pressed. Yellowish discharge disappears when menstruation begins.

Transparent discharge from the mammary glands when pressed is an optional, although a characteristic symptom of mastopathy. The severity of such secretions can also be different. Sometimes they appear when pressed. Sometimes - on their own, which is confirmed by traces on the linen. If the transparent color is replaced by greenish branches, this means that a secondary infection has occurred. Bloody or dark discharge is an unfavorable sign in terms of prognosis, because such manifestations may be evidence of malignant tumors.

Therefore, if the causes of discharge from the mammary glands during pressure are associated with mastopathy, a woman needs to regularly undergo medical examinations and studies.

Malignant tumor in the breast

If it develops, a number of characteristic symptoms are present. The skin of the chest begins to peel off, the skin turns red, becomes like a lemon peel. Your breasts may feel hot to the touch. axillary lymph nodes enlarged, in the mammary gland a dense formation with uneven boundaries is determined. The nipple retracts, dark discharge appears from it. You should be aware that chest pain in malignant neoplasms occurs later, when other signs of cancer are present.

Discharge in breast oncology most often appears bloody, viscous. Most often they come from one breast. Therefore, if a woman has bloody discharge from one breast, this should alert and become a reason for immediate medical attention.

When the diagnosis is confirmed, surgical treatment is practiced.

Paget's disease

This condition is diagnosed in both sexes. This is one of the types of breast cancer, in which bloody discharge from the nipple appears. It turns red, a crust appears, as a result of which a person is worried about itching, burning and pain. To establish the diagnosis, a histological examination is also carried out to identify Paget cells .

The affected part of the mammary gland is removed promptly.


Thus, every woman should understand that discharge from the breast normally appears in the following cases:

  • A few days before the onset of menstruation.
  • With strong sexual arousal, nipple stimulation and orgasm.
  • During pregnancy.

If branches appear under other circumstances, the woman should consult a doctor. To determine the causes of this phenomenon, the following activities are carried out:

  • examination of the chest and its palpation;
  • palpation of the lymph nodes;
  • ultrasound procedure;
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