What does an angiosurgeon treat? Additional diagnostic methods. Prevention of vascular diseases

Today, every second inhabitant of the planet faces cardiovascular diseases. For the most part, the older generation suffers. At the same time, in public clinics not always possible to get qualified assistance narrow specialist. Not every city has an angiosurgeon. What does this doctor treat? Let's try to figure it out.

Features of the specialty

An angiosurgeon is a specialist in the field vascular pathologies. It uses minimally invasive methods for the treatment of diseases associated with the lymphatic and blood vessels. Lots of people have problems in this area. However, in many state medical institutions, the role of an angiosurgeon is performed by a cardiologist. And only with the development of complications, patients are sent to specialized centers. At the same time, precious time is lost, irreversible changes develop in the vessels.

Vascular surgery also includes such a direction as microsurgery. The work of a specialist in this direction can be considered jewelry. The slightest wrong movement of the surgeon can lead to the development of serious complications.

What is the job of an angiosurgeon? What does this specialist treat? The most common diseases will be discussed below.


The disease is characterized by damage to the arteries, the formation of cholesterol deposits inside the vessels. As a result, their lumen is significantly narrowed, the blood supply to organs and systems is disrupted. The most dangerous is atherosclerosis of the heart vessels, which can manifest itself as angina attacks. Significantly increased risk of myocardial infarction. In addition, coronary heart disease may develop. Atherosclerosis is a disease that can lead to disability and even death of the patient. Therefore, delay in applying for medical care it is forbidden.

The disease usually develops in patients older than 50 years. Great importance also has heredity. Some patients complex disease may appear as early as 30 years of age. What is the job of a vascular angiosurgeon? Initially held conservative treatment diseases. The patient is on a diet. Be sure to exclude cholesterol-containing foods. In addition, medications can be prescribed to help lower blood cholesterol levels. If the disease is advanced, surgical treatment is prescribed. It is important to exclude the possibility of developing vascular occlusion.

Carotid stenosis

With this disease, you will also have to seek help from an angiosurgeon. What does a specialist treat? His actions are aimed at identifying the cause of occlusion. As a rule, people suffering from atherosclerosis face a pathological condition. Inside the vascular wall is a plaque that prevents full blood flow. For acute stenosis carotid artery there is a serious risk lethal outcome. A common complication is ischemic stroke, which can cause disability and even death of the patient.

For carotid stenosis, various surgical tactics. The choice depends on the degree of neglect of the pathological process. Often, the specialist makes the decision to perform the operation after the patient has had an ischemic stroke.

Varicose disease

Many middle-aged men and women face this disease. Pathology develops due to thinning of the venous wall. As a result, the lumen of the vessels increases, varicose nodes appear. With such a pathology, you can also seek help from an angiosurgeon. Who it is and what it treats has already been described above.

Varicose veins are manifested by a feeling of heaviness in the legs, swelling of the legs and feet. The disease is more susceptible to people with overweight body. Varicose veins can also appear in hairdressers, saleswomen, massage therapists and other professions in which a lot of time has to be spent on their feet. Genetic predisposition is also of great importance.

What does an angiosurgeon treat? What symptoms to treat? If there were discomfort in the legs, it is already worth signing up for a consultation. Swelling in the ankle area, a feeling of heaviness that disappears in the prone position can also alert. On the early stage The patient is treated conservatively. Nice results gives compression stockings. If the pathological process is running, varicose veins are removed by surgery.

Diabetic angiopathy

The pathological process is a complication of diabetes mellitus. Diffuse vascular damage develops due to an increase in blood glucose levels. Statistics indicate that in diabetics atherosclerosis develops 10-15 years earlier than in other patients. Obese people are also at risk. Significantly increases the risk of developing angiopathy in patients who do not adhere to the doctor's recommendations, do not inject insulin according to the regimen.

Pathology is manifested by ischemic disorders of the heart, angina pectoris. Such dangerous complications like an aneurysm, thrombophlebitis. Some pathological processes are asymptomatic, although they threaten the life of the patient. The risk of a fatal heart attack is significantly increased in people with type 2 diabetes.

What does an angiosurgeon do? What does a specialist treat? Its actions are aimed at slowing down dangerous processes developing in the vessels of a diabetic. In addition to insulin, drugs containing acetylsalicylic acid. With their help, it is possible to make the blood less thick. Trophic ulcers are treated under the supervision of a surgeon.


With this disease, you will also have to contact an angiosurgeon. What does a specialist treat? The actions of the doctor are aimed at eliminating the violation of the outflow of lymph. The development of the disease may be due to huge amount factors. Often, pathology develops in people suffering from heart failure, kidney disease. In this case, the lymphatic lines simply can not cope with the outflow of lymph.

Malformations of the lymphatic system can also cause edema. Wherein unpleasant symptoms develop as a result of injury lymphatic vessels. In this case, it is possible to eliminate the disease only with the help of surgical intervention.


Not in every medical institution an angiosurgeon works. What the specialist treats has already become clear. In order not to have to seek help from a narrow specialist, you should monitor your health and follow the recommendations of the therapist.

Unfortunately, we are often approached by patients with diabetes mellitus and already in the late stages of the development of the disease with its complications in the form of trophic ulcers. The course of atherosclerosis in diabetes mellitus is much more aggressive, the frequency of critical ischemia is about 5 times higher than in the rest of the population. Trophic disorders develop in 10% of elderly patients with diabetes mellitus. About 40-50% of lower limb amputations for peripheral arterial insufficiency are performed in diabetic patients. Major amputations are 11 times more common in diabetics than in other patients, with amputations being required in younger people.

What diseases are treated by vascular surgeons?

Vascular surgeons are doctors involved in the diagnosis, prevention and treatment of diseases that affect the blood vessels: arteries and veins. The most common vascular disease that vascular surgeons encounter in their practice is atherosclerosis. Normally, the inner wall of arterial blood vessels is smooth, which allows blood to flow to human organs without difficulty. With pathology, the inner wall of the arteries becomes uneven, due to the deposits of cholesterol and other lipids, it thickens. This pathological process is called atherosclerosis, or "hardening" of the arterial wall. With the progression of the atherosclerotic process, narrowing or blockage of the arteries occurs, which leads to a significant decrease in the flow of blood to human organs. Significant narrowing or blockage of arteries by atherosclerosis causes "vascular catastrophes" in human body: stroke, heart attack, gangrene lower extremities. The task of vascular surgeons is to prevent formidable, disabling complications of atherosclerosis using modern possibilities medicine.

What are the first signs of atherosclerosis of the arteries of the lower extremities? What should be done when they appear?

Unfortunately, often the first symptoms of atherosclerosis are detected when there is already a pronounced lesion of the arteries. Even with a significant narrowing or blockage of the arteries, the disease is often asymptomatic. A significant decrease in the flow of blood to the lower extremities in atherosclerosis is manifested by discomfort, cramps, and causes pain in the hips and legs when walking. Pain in the muscles of the thighs or lower legs that occurs when walking is called intermittent claudication. With the progression of the atherosclerotic process and more significant damage to the arteries of the lower extremities, pain in the muscles of the legs can also occur at rest. This symptom is called rest pain and is due to the fact that the arteries cannot supply adequate blood flow to the legs, even at rest. The resting pain is aggravated by raising the legs while lying in bed and at night. Patients find relief from pain when they lower their foot from the bed. Gangrene or "tissue death" can occur when the nutrition needed for normal growth and tissue repair, cannot be ensured due to severe arterial narrowing or total block of the arteries of the lower extremities. If you or your friends have these signs of atherosclerosis of the arteries of the lower extremities, you should urgently contact a vascular surgeon. Timely assistance can save the limb and prevent the development of gangrene.

Tell us about new directions in the treatment of such a formidable disease as aortic aneurysm?

The aorta is the largest and most powerful artery in the entire human body. The aorta originates from the left ventricle, from where it receives oxygenated blood. Further, the blood passes through the aorta, entering all the arteries departing from it, supplying all organs and tissues. One of the diseases of the aorta is an aneurysm. An aneurysm of the aorta and other arteries is a sac in some part of an artery resulting from a weakening of its wall. An aneurysm can take several years to form. A “Sword of Damocles” hangs over a person with an aneurysm, in other words, life can end at any moment as a result of a rupture of the aneurysm sac.

On the basis of our center, there is a program for the treatment of patients with aneurysms of the abdominal aorta using endovascular prosthesis. This became possible thanks to our cooperation with vascular surgeons from the USA, who have repeatedly performed demonstrative operations in the Department of Vascular Surgery for diseases of the aorta and peripheral arteries. Endoprosthesis replacement of aneurysm of the abdominal aorta can significantly expand the contingent of operated patients due to the low-invasiveness of the technique, which in many cases allows performing the intervention under local anesthesia.

Please tell us about your Center.

Center for Vascular Surgery. T. Topper was created on the basis of multidisciplinary hospital one of best clinics St. Petersburg Clinical Hospital No. 122 named after L.G. Sokolov. The powerful scientific and practical potential of the clinic, the availability of the latest modern diagnostic and medical equipment, comfortable conditions hospital stays allow for a high-quality examination and treatment of patients with vascular diseases at a high level.

The specialists of the center are highly qualified vascular surgeons who have completed training in leading clinics in Russia, Europe and the USA. They are fluent in modern methods of treatment of vascular diseases. For the diagnosis of vascular diseases, we use modern techniques diagnostics: ultrasonic duplex and triplex scanning of the main arteries and veins, computed spiral tomography, radiopaque digital angiography.

In the center of vascular surgery at the modern level in the latest techniques conservative and surgical treatment of diseases of the carotid, vertebral subclavian arteries, aorta, iliac arteries, arteries of the lower extremities (atherosclerosis, aorto-arteritis, thromboangiitis, diabetic angiopathy, aneurysms); diseases of the venous system varicose disease, post-thrombophlebitic disease). Center specialists provide round-the-clock emergency assistance patients with acute vascular diseases (arterial thrombosis and embolism, deep vein thrombosis, thrombophlebitis, vascular injury). A unique feature of the CSC is the opportunity in individual, complex cases or at the request of patients to consult and invite leading vascular surgeons in Europe and the USA, with whom our center cooperates.

Is stroke associated with vascular disease? Tell us about the mechanisms of its development.

Stroke is one of the main causes of death and disability both in our country and abroad. In Russia, stroke develops annually in 450 thousand people, a third of them die in the acute period of the disease, 80% of survivors have movement and speech disorders

In the United States, more than 600,000 strokes occur annually and more than 200,000 brachiocephalic artery surgeries are performed to prevent or recur ischemic strokes. In Russia, this statistics is even more depressing - 450,000 strokes and only about 10 thousand operations on the ACA. Mortality from ischemic stroke among men aged 35 to 74 is 9 times, among women 10 times higher than in France.

Indeed, in most cases, a stroke or acute cerebrovascular accident develops with severe atherosclerosis of the arteries supplying the brain. The carotid arteries are the main blood supply to the brain. Atherosclerotic narrowing or blockage of the carotid arteries leads to temporary or permanent damage to the brain by cutting off part of the brain from the blood supply. The risk of developing a stroke increases with the progression of atherosclerosis, the growth of an atherosclerotic plaque and the formation of its "instability", that is, a state when there is a risk of ulcer formation, destruction of the inner lining of the artery and on the surface of the altered vessel, the risk of developing thrombosis increases significantly. When a blood clot or part of an atherosclerotic plaque breaks off, with the blood flow through the carotid arteries, they enter the brain and block the flow of blood to a certain area of ​​the brain. Depending on the size of the particle and where it ultimately ends up, the patient develops a transient (minor stroke or transient) ischemic attack) or persistent violation cerebral circulation(stroke).

The classic signs of a cerebrovascular accident are: loss of vision in one eye, impaired (difficulty) speech, numbness, weakness or paralysis of one side of the body or face, problems with balance or coordination. If the indicated symptoms of damage to the cerebral vessels occur, or the desire to pass preventive examination contact our center for a consultation with a vascular surgeon. Thorough examination of the state of the carotid arteries using ultrasonic methods(first of all duplex scanning) allows you to answer the question of what measures should be taken to prevent a stroke or its recurrence.

With pronounced atherosclerotic narrowing carotid arteries, the main measure for preventing stroke is the elimination of atherosclerotic plaques that prevent normal blood circulation in the brain, which can only be achieved surgically. In this case, such an operation, known for more than 50 years, is performed, such as carotid endarterectomy. This operation, first performed in 1953 by the eminent American vascular surgeon Michael DeBakey, has been well established in leading vascular clinics world, provides a long-term positive result, and carries minimal risk in most patients. The stay in the clinic is usually 24-48 hours. Most patients experience minor discomfort for a short time and are able to return to ordinary life after treatment after 7-14 days.

As an alternative surgical treatment an intravascular (endovascular) technique is used, which is a balloon angioplasty with stenting. Currently, international studies are evaluating the effectiveness of this technique for the treatment of atherosclerosis. This procedure is performed along with angiography under local anesthesia through a puncture in the groin. The essence of the procedure is the intravascular supply to the site of narrowing of the carotid artery with a special catheter with a balloon. When the balloon is inflated in the lumen of the carotid artery, the narrowed area is expanded. To consolidate the effect, stenting of the dilated carotid artery is performed by installing an internal stent (framework) of the vessel. The recovery period after angioplasty with stenting is also 1-2 days.

What does the term OASNK mean?

This term stands for Obliterating Atherosclerosis (endarteritis) of the Vessels of the Lower Extremities. The main complaints in peripheral arterial disease are pain in the legs when walking or during exercise. Due to the narrowing of the arteries, the muscles receive less blood, which leads to pain or cramps. This is called intermittent claudication. After you stop and the blood flow to the muscles becomes adequate, the pain will gradually subside.

Thus, the main symptoms of chronic arterial insufficiency can be:

  • Feeling of chilliness, numbness, "tingling", cramps in the legs;
  • Feeling tired, pain in the legs or thighs when walking, forcing the patient to stop and rest (intermittent claudication);
  • With the progression of the disease, the pains are permanent, they deprive them of sleep (rest pains). May form trophic ulcers and necrosis.

Only 20% of patients with lesions of the arteries of the lower extremities receive adequate treatment which often ends in amputation.

You need to see a specialist of our Vascular Surgery Center, where we can assess your condition and outline further tactics. Until you see a doctor, it will be useful to follow these instructions:

  • If you smoke, then you need to quit, as smoking is the main cause of BPS. Approximately 97% of people with ABP have been smoking for over 20 years. It is never too late to quit smoking, and your doctor will help you with this if possible;
  • Keep your blood glucose and blood pressure at the right levels, which reduces the risk of developing complications (including BPS) of diseases such as diabetes mellitus and arterial hypertension;
  • Take regular walks, start with 20 minutes and then gradually increase this time. Feeling the pain, try not to stop as long as possible, this will not hurt your legs, but rather improve their condition.

When you contact the vascular surgery center, our specialists will decide whether you need urgent operation. Treatment can be, of course, complex, often combining conservative and surgical methods. The most common surgical intervention is bypass surgery using one's own vein taken from the arm or leg, or an artificial prosthesis.

What is endovascular surgery? Please tell us about endovascular methods used in the treatment of vascular diseases?

Endovascular surgery (endo - inside, vascular - vascular) is a type of intervention in which therapeutic effect carried out from within the vessel. The use of endovascular techniques is modern direction treatment of vascular diseases.

The most commonly used methods of endovascular surgery are angioplasty and arterial stenting. Angioplasty is a procedure in which a narrowed artery is expanded with a balloon catheter inserted into its lumen. A balloon catheter is placed at the narrowing of the artery and inflated to restore the normal diameter of the vessel. This technique is used for diseases of various vessels, but most often it is used for lesions of the coronary (heart), renal and iliac arteries. In the vast majority of cases, angioplasty of the vessel ends with its stenting. A stent is a structure that serves as the internal frame of a vessel. It is installed in the area of ​​the performed angioplasty and prevents the re-narrowing of the vessel in this place. Stenting allows you to fix the effect of angioplasty on long time. The main advantage that makes endovascular techniques so attractive is low risk for the patient and a shorter hospital stay compared to open surgical interventions. Open interventions, in turn, show high efficiency in remote period. Therefore, the approach to choosing the type medical procedure in vascular diseases should be based on individual characteristics patient.

Specialists of the Center for Vascular Surgery of the Clinical Hospital No. L.G. Sokolova, the method of simultaneous combination of endovascular treatment and direct vascular operations, which improves outcomes, reduces the number of complications and significantly reduces the time of hospitalization.

(phlebologist) is a specialized doctor involved in the diagnosis, prevention and treatment of pathological development of the vascular system.

An angiosurgeon should be contacted if you are concerned about fatigue and heaviness in the legs, swelling, appearance on the legs vascular networks or asterisks, increased venous pattern, pain, the appearance of varicose veins, inflammation of the vein, the presence of a trophic ulcer.

An angiosurgeon is a specialist in the prevention and treatment of:

  • reticular varicose veins;
  • thromboangiitis;
  • thrombophlebitis;
  • post-thrombotic disease;
  • telangiectasia;
  • varicose veins in the lower extremities;
  • diabetic angiopathy;
  • aortoarteritis;
  • obliterating endarteritis;
  • lymphostasis;
  • trophic ulcer.

What is included in the competence of an angiosurgeon?

The main task of an angiosurgeon is to study blood and lymphatic vessels, their structure, ability to function, as well as diseases and any pathological conditions. The method of treatment of diseases can be conservative and operative (with surgical intervention).

An angiosurgeon studies and researches:

  • atherosclerosis;
  • angiopathy;
  • arteriovenous fistula;
  • arteriovenous marlrmation;
  • varicocele;
  • phlebeurysm;
  • gas embolism;
  • Wright's syndrome;
  • dyscirculatory encephalopathy;
  • diabetic angiopathy;
  • stroke;
  • ischemic heart disease
  • Goodpasture's syndrome;
  • heart attack;
  • heart failure;
  • myocardial infarction;
  • subarachnoid hemorrhage;
  • phlebitis;
  • thrombophlebitis;
  • thrombosis;
  • stenosis of the carotid arteries;
  • Morfan's syndrome;
  • marbling of the skin;
  • scurvy.

What organs does an angiosurgeon deal with?

Veins, vessels, arteries, heart, legs.

When should you contact an angiosurgeon?

  • with convulsions, burning, tingling;
  • with pain in the legs;
  • with edema;
  • with redness and compaction in the legs;
  • with loss of sensation and movement;
  • with necrosis and blackening of the foot with fingers;
  • for a long time non-healing ulcers, gangrene;
  • with sudden swaying, falling and loss of consciousness;
  • with headache;
  • with noises in the head and dizziness.

When and what tests should be done?

  • clinical analysis blood;
  • lipid spectrum (triglycerides, total cholesterol, atherogenic index, HDL, VLDL, LDL);
  • blood chemistry;
  • serological blood test for infections (as indicated);
  • hemostasiogram (prothrombin time, prothrombin index, fibrinogen);
  • epinephrine, norepinephrine;
  • creatine kinase;
  • C-reactive protein;
  • D-dimer;
  • potassium/sodium/chloride;
  • homocysteine.

What are the main types of diagnostics usually carried out by an angiosurgeon?

  • Doppler of vessels (ultrasound);
  • Magnetic resonance imaging;
  • X-ray angiography;
  • Positron emission tomography;
  • Endoscopic studies;
  • echocardiography;
  • 24-hour ECG monitoring (according to indications);
  • Daily monitoring of blood pressure (according to indications);
  • . Thyroid gland . (ultrasound of other organs according to indications);
  • Duplex sonography of the main arteries of the head;
  • Duplex sonography of the vessels of the extremities (according to indications);
  • Anthropometry with calculation of body mass index.


Patients suffering from atherosclerosis should be examined by an angiosurgeon at least twice a year.

Patients with diseases of the lymphatic system, such as lymphedema, may also need the help of an angiosurgeon. With lymphedema, there is a delay in fluids that deliver blood components from blood vessels to cells. Patients suffering from scleroderma also turn to an angiosurgeon ( autoimmune disease causing tissue thickening) or Raynaud's syndrome (a disease of the extremities in which there is spasm blood vessels and circulatory disorders).

Quite often, if there are no indications for urgent surgical intervention, angiosurgeons prescribe drug treatment. For example, diseases such as intermittent claudication are treated with pills. A small abdominal aneurysms or narrowing cervical arteries medium degree can be treated in a non-contact way. And even when intervention is required, innovative technologies are available to avoid abdominal surgery. Manipulations performed inside the arteries using special balls and catheters can restore blood circulation or the integrity of the walls of the vessel without the need to open the vessel. Since angiosurgeons have the knowledge to perform different kind treatment from medical to abdominal surgery, they always suggest the patient to start with the type of treatment in which he will be subject to minimal risk of complications.

Patients with serious illnesses vascular nature know who is it angiosurgeon and what he does. A doctor of this profile is also called a vascular surgeon.

An angiosurgeon deals with all pathologies of veins, arteries and lymphatic ducts that require surgical intervention.

Principles of therapy at the angiosurgeon

When asked what exactly does vascular surgeon not everyone can answer. The doctor of this profile performs the following tasks:

  • diagnosis of any pathologies associated with the blood vessels and lymphatic system of the human body;
  • restoration of the integrity of traumatically damaged veins and arteries;
  • fight with oncological diseases that affect the vessels, germinate in them or are in dangerous proximity;
  • prosthetics of damaged vessels;
  • elimination congenital anomalies vessels, for example, hemangiomas or malformations;
  • microsurgical operations that are performed to restore the integrity of blood vessels and other tissues in case of traumatic amputation of limbs or parts thereof;
  • conducting conservative therapy with diseases of the vascular system;
  • development and implementation of methods for the prevention of pathologies of their profile (as well as methods that prevent the development of complications of the disease and stop its progression).

In addition, an angiosurgeon and a vascular surgeon is a specialist who develops new surgical techniques treatment vascular lesions. He conducts research, studying new pathologies and the atypical course of old diseases, finding out the prerequisites for their occurrence and methods of therapy.

What diseases are treated by an angiosurgeon

The angiosurgeon specializes in the following pathologies:

In addition to the listed diseases, an angiosurgeon treats rare vascular pathologies, more often of a systemic nature, for example, some types of vasculitis.

What symptoms should you see a doctor for?

An angiosurgeon is often referred to by other specialists, in particular a general practitioner. Also, preventive examination this doctor should be periodically taken by all people, and especially diabetics.

A person should go to an angiosurgeon if they are concerned about the following symptoms:

People who appear similar symptoms, need to be examined by an angiosurgeon, so they need to know who he is and what he treats. alternative this specialist can become an angiologist or phlebologist.

Basic diagnostic methods

At the appointment with an angiosurgeon, a thorough examination of the patient is carried out. The doctor collects an anamnesis, finding out what could cause the disease. On the this stage can already be placed provisional diagnosis, after which the patient is prescribed laboratory and instrumental studies.

The patient will need to do tests:

  • general blood analysis;
  • blood test for lipid spectrum;
  • biochemical indicators;
  • coagulogram;
  • hormonal studies (not always);
  • serology for infection(according to indications);
  • definition C-reactive protein and other acute phase indicators (if a heart attack is suspected).

Instrumental techniques can be as follows:

  • dopplerography of blood vessels;
  • angiography;
  • endoscopic examination;
  • electrocardiography;
  • daily ECG study;
  • echocardiography
  • sonography of the arteries of the head or vessels of the limb.

Research will depend on what the specialist is treating. Sometimes additional counseling is required related specialists who conduct their own diagnostics. The diagnosis is approached very carefully, since the health and even the life of the patient will depend on the correctness of the diagnosis.

An angiosurgeon is a doctor who specializes in diseases of the vascular and lymphatic systems. The blood vessel system is made up of arteries and veins, while the lymphatic system is responsible for delivering from veins and arteries to cells. An angiosurgeon performs operations on all issues related to vascular surgery, with the exception of the vessels of the brain and heart - this is the field of activity of neuro- and cardiothoracic surgeons. Until the 70s. 20th century vascular surgery related to the activities of surgeons general practice. However, over the next 10 years, innovators from the UK, Australia and the US successfully developed and launched a training program for narrow-profile surgeons - angiosurgeons.

If you feel constant feeling heaviness and fatigue in the legs, a vein swelled or appeared spider veins, then you need to consult an angiosurgeon.

What diseases does an angiosurgeon treat?

Most often, an angiosurgeon has to deal with conditions such as aneurysm abdominal aorta or carotid artery. This specialist is able to prevent a possible stroke or heart attack if a blood clot circulating in the bloodstream is found in time. Then the angiosurgeon removes the thrombus from the arteries in the neck or chest and clears the blocked vessel. Also, a vascular surgeon treats patients with injuries of the vascular system, when it is necessary to redirect blood flow from damaged vessels to healthy and arteries in order to improve blood circulation in patients with diabetes and disease. peripheral vessels.

Patients suffering from atherosclerosis should be examined by an angiosurgeon at least twice a year.

Patients with diseases of the lymphatic system, such as lymphedema, may also need the help of an angiosurgeon. With lymphedema, fluids that deliver blood components from blood vessels to cells. Patients suffering from scleroderma (an autoimmune disease that causes thickening of tissues) or Raynaud's syndrome (extremity disease in which blood vessels spasm and blood circulation is disturbed) also turn to an angiosurgeon.

Quite often, if absent for urgent surgical intervention, angiosurgeons prescribe treatment. For example, diseases such as intermittent claudication are treated. And small abdominal aneurysms or moderate narrowing of the cervical arteries can be treated non-invasively. And even in cases where intervention is required, innovative technologies are available to avoid surgery. Manipulations carried out inside the arteries using special and catheters can restore blood circulation or the integrity of the walls of the vessel without the need to open the vessel. Since angiosurgeons have the knowledge to carry out various types of treatment from medical to abdominal surgery, they always suggest that the patient begin with the type of treatment in which he will be subject to minimal risk of complications.

An angiosurgeon is a doctor who specializes in pathologies of the vascular system. An alternative name is a vascular surgeon. The list of diseases that the doctor deals with includes disorders of the lower extremities, cardiopathology, kidney failure and potency problems. What do you need to know about angiosurgery, when should you see a doctor and what treatment/diagnosis methods does he use?

General characteristics of the direction

As separate industry angiosurgery was formed not so long ago. Even in the last century, it was part of other medical areas. The need for angiosurgery is justified by the desire of medicine not only to remove organs, but to restore and preserve the affected body systems.

A modern vascular surgeon must receive a basic higher education, complete an internship, get a specialization in surgery, and then choose a specific direction of future activity. An angiosurgeon specializes in the treatment/diagnosis/prevention of diseases of the veins, arteries and all internal violations with vascular etiology.

What is included in the list of duties of a specialist?

An angiosurgeon specializes in all types of diseases that are associated with pathological processes in the vascular and lymphatic system. The doctor also works with some varieties cancerous growths. A tumor that grows into or is located next to the veins / arteries is within the competence of the angiosurgeon. The specialist prosthetics the vessels that were injured or damaged during surgery, removes congenital pathological vascular formations. One of the professional duties of a doctor is replantation. This is a microsurgery that allows you to replant (“sew” or transplant) amputated limbs or their fragments.

What kind of diseases does an angiosurgeon treat?

The vast majority of patients consult a doctor with atherosclerosis. it chronic illness arteries, which occurs due to a violation of fat and protein metabolism. Atherosclerosis is accompanied by the deposition of cholesterol (plaques) in the lumen of blood vessels. Gradually, the plaques grow, narrow the lumen, and eventually clog the vessel.

According to statistics, about 80% of the population over 60 years of age suffer from one or another vascular disorders and should have regular check-ups with a doctor.

An incomplete list of diseases that angiosurgery deals with:

  • stroke, heart attack, ischemic disease hearts;
  • atherosclerosis of cerebral vessels, renal vessels and lower limbs;
  • aortic aneurysm;
  • thrombophlebitis, pathological lesion of the veins;
  • lymphostasis;
  • damage to large / small vessels in diabetes mellitus;
  • Takayasu, Reynaud, Morfan, Budd-Chiari, Goodpasture syndrome.

What symptoms should you see a doctor for?

Ideally, each person should visit an angiosurgeon once a year. At the age of 60 years and with specific symptoms intervals between visits are set individually. Monitor your own health to notice and eliminate the disease, preventing exacerbation.

You should consult a doctor with atypical swelling of the limbs, periodic or chronic cramps, decreased sensitivity in the arms and legs. Special attention should be addressed for worsening at night. A person should be alerted by tingling in the limbs, an atypical skin color (black or cyanotic), a burning sensation in the calves and feet, redness, and induration of some parts of the body. Another reason - headache without identified etiology. Wounds and ulcers that do not heal on their own, dizziness, lack of coordination, sudden loss consciousness, fainting, tinnitus - also serious reasons for a trip to the angiosurgeon.

Necessary tests and diagnostic methods

For determining accurate diagnosis the doctor prescribes a combination of several tests. Most often, this is a standard analysis and a biochemical blood test. A general clinical blood test helps to specify the state of the vascular walls, determine the concentration of erythrocytes, leukocytes, platelets and hemoglobin. Biochemical research blood helps to evaluate the functionality internal systems body, the concentration of certain nutrients and hormones. In addition, the doctor may need a urinalysis, coagulogram or hemostasiogram. Full list necessary analyzes gives an angiosurgeon at the first consultation.

Diagnostics also consists of a whole complex of manipulations. The specialist may prescribe MRI angiography to obtain a two-dimensional image of the vessels, Dopplerography to assess the functionality and speed of blood flow, the condition of the vascular walls and the presence / absence cholesterol plaques. They may also prescribe echocardiography, endoscopy, tomography, ultrasound procedure not only the affected areas, but also the organs that are responsible for the hormonal background.

The number and features of diagnostic methods are determined by the doctor in each case. Sometimes an angiosurgeon may seek help from specialists from related fields.

Principles of therapy

After complex diagnostics an angiosurgeon develops a therapeutic course. What does it consist of? It depends on the specific disease and the current condition of the patient. Most often, combined therapy is used. It provides for medication compression treatment and sclerotherapy. The drug component is responsible for the use of drugs with subsequent withdrawal. Compressive treatment is used to maintain veins, create additional frame to relieve tension in the limbs. To do this, use the standard elastic bandage or medical compression underwear. During sclerotherapy, a special drug is injected into the lumen of the vessel. He "sticks" vascular walls, and over time, it dissolves and is excreted from the body. In particular severe cases surgical intervention is possible.

Is it possible to protect yourself from vascular pathologies? Yes. For this, it is necessary to healthy lifestyle life, completely abandon bad habits(smoking is one of the factors in the development of atherosclerosis), normalize physical activity. But the most important component of health is awareness. It is necessary to periodically measure the concentration of sugar in the blood / blood pressure, regularly pass a standard list of tests and visit a vascular surgeon.

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