What causes depression. Signs and symptoms of depression - what you need to know. Frequent crying or lack of emotion

- a mental disorder, manifested by a steady decrease in mood, motor retardation and impaired thinking. The cause of development can be traumatic situations, somatic diseases, substance abuse, metabolic disorders in the brain, or lack of bright light (seasonal depression). The disorder is accompanied by a decrease in self-esteem, social maladjustment, loss of interest in habitual activities, one's own life and surrounding events. The diagnosis is established on the basis of complaints, anamnesis of the disease, the results of special tests and additional research. Treatment - pharmacotherapy, psychotherapy.

Causes of depression

In about 90% of cases, acute psychological trauma or chronic stress becomes the cause of the development of an affective disorder. depression resulting from psychological trauma are called reactive. Reactive disorders triggered by divorce, death, or serious illness loved one, disability or serious illness of the patient himself, dismissal, conflicts at work, retirement, bankruptcy, a sharp drop in the level of material security, relocation, etc.

In some cases, depression occurs "on the wave of success", when an important goal is achieved. Experts explain such reactive disorders as a sudden loss of the meaning of life due to the absence of other goals. Neurotic depression (depressive neurosis) develops against the background of chronic stress. As a rule, in such cases, the specific cause of the disorder cannot be established - the patient either finds it difficult to name a traumatic event, or describes his life as a chain of failures and disappointments.

Patients suffering from depression complain of headaches, pain in the heart, joints, stomach and intestines, however, during additional examinations somatic pathology either not detected, or does not correspond to the intensity and nature of pain. Typical signs of depression are disorders in the sexual sphere. Sexual desire is significantly reduced or lost. Women stop or become irregular menstruation, men often develop impotence.

As a rule, with depression there is a decrease in appetite and weight loss. In some cases (with atypical affective disorder), on the contrary, there is an increase in appetite and an increase in body weight. Sleep disturbances are manifested by early awakenings. During the day, patients with depression feel sleepy, not rested. Perhaps a perversion of the daily rhythm of sleep-wake (drowsiness during the day and insomnia at night). Some patients complain that they do not sleep at night, while relatives say the opposite - such a discrepancy indicates a loss of the sense of sleep.

Diagnosis and treatment of depression

The diagnosis is established on the basis of anamnesis, patient complaints and special tests to determine the level of depression. Diagnosis requires at least two symptoms of the depressive triad and at least three additional symptoms which include guilt, pessimism, difficulty concentrating and making decisions, decreased self-esteem, sleep disturbances, appetite disturbances, suicidal thoughts and intentions. If a patient suffering from depression is suspected of having somatic diseases, they are referred for a consultation with a general practitioner, neurologist, cardiologist, gastroenterologist, rheumatologist, endocrinologist and other specialists (depending on the existing symptoms). The list of additional studies is determined by general practitioners.

Treatment of minor, atypical, recurrent, postpartum depression and dysthymia is usually carried out on an outpatient basis. If the disorder is severe, hospitalization may be required. The treatment plan is made individually, depending on the type and severity of depression, only psychotherapy or psychotherapy in combination with pharmacotherapy is used. Antidepressants are the mainstay of drug therapy. With lethargy, antidepressants with a stimulating effect are prescribed, with anxious depression using sedatives.

The response to antidepressants depends both on the type and severity of the depression and on the individual patient. At the initial stages of pharmacotherapy, psychiatrists and psychotherapists sometimes have to change the drug due to insufficient antidepressant effect or pronounced side effects. A decrease in the severity of symptoms of depression is noted only 2-3 weeks after the start of antidepressants, therefore, initial stage treatment, patients are often prescribed tranquilizers. Tranquilizers are prescribed for a period of 2-4 weeks, the minimum period for taking antidepressants is several months.

Psychotherapeutic treatment for depression may include individual, family, and group therapy. They use rational therapy, hypnosis, gestalt therapy, art therapy, etc. Psychotherapy is supplemented with other non-drug methods of treatment. Patients are referred to exercise therapy, physical therapy, acupuncture, massage, and aromatherapy. In the treatment of seasonal depression good effect achieved with the use of light therapy. With resistant (not treatable) depression, electroconvulsive therapy and sleep deprivation are used in some cases.

The prognosis is determined by the type, severity, and cause of the depression. Reactive disorders usually respond well to treatment. With neurotic depression, there is a tendency to protracted or chronic course. The condition of patients with somatogenic affective disorders is determined by the characteristics of the underlying disease. Endogenous depression does not respond well to non-drug therapy; with the right choice of drugs, in some cases, stable compensation is observed.


Depression is the disease of our time

Studies around the world show that depression, like cardiovascular diseases, is becoming the most common ailment of our time. It is a common disorder that affects millions of people. According to various researchers, up to 20% of the population of developed countries suffer from it.

Depression is a serious disease that dramatically reduces the ability to work and brings suffering to both the patient himself and his loved ones. Unfortunately, people know very little about typical manifestations and the consequences of depression, so many patients receive help when the condition takes on a protracted and severe character, and sometimes it is not provided at all. In almost all developed countries, health services are concerned about the current situation and are making efforts to promote information about depression and how to treat it.

Depression is a disease of the whole organism. Typical signs of depression

The manifestations of depression are very diverse and vary depending on the form of the disease. We list the most typical signs of this disorder:

Emotional manifestations

* melancholy, suffering, oppressed, depressed mood, despair

* anxiety, feeling of inner tension, expectation of trouble

* irritability

* Feelings of guilt, frequent self-accusations

* dissatisfaction with oneself, decrease in self-confidence, decrease in self-esteem

* Decreased or lost ability to experience pleasure from previously pleasurable activities

* Decreased interest in the environment

* loss of the ability to experience any feelings (in cases of deep depression)

* depression is often combined with anxiety about the health and fate of loved ones, as well as with the fear of appearing incompetent in in public places

Physiological manifestations

* sleep disorders (insomnia, drowsiness)

* changes in appetite (loss or overeating)

* bowel dysfunction (constipation)

* Decreased sexual desires

* decrease in energy, fatigue under normal physical and intellectual stress, weakness

* pain and various discomfort in the body (for example, in the heart, in the stomach, in the muscles)

Behavioral manifestations

* passivity, difficulty engaging in purposeful activity

* avoidance of contact (tendency to solitude, loss of interest in other people)

* giving up entertainment

* alcoholism and substance abuse providing temporary relief

Thought Manifestations

* difficulty concentrating, concentrating

* Difficulty making decisions

* the predominance of gloomy, negative thoughts about yourself, about your life, about the world in general

* a gloomy, pessimistic vision of the future with a lack of perspective, thoughts about the meaninglessness of life

*thoughts of suicide (in severe cases of depression)

* the presence of thoughts about one's own uselessness, insignificance, helplessness

* slow thinking

To be diagnosed with depression, some of these symptoms must persist for at least two weeks.

Depression needs to be treated

Depression is often perceived by both the patient and others as a manifestation of bad character, laziness and selfishness, licentiousness or natural pessimism. It should be remembered that depression is not just a bad mood (see manifestations above), but a disease that requires the intervention of specialists and is quite treatable. The sooner the correct diagnosis is made and the correct treatment is started, the greater the chance of fast recovery, that depression will not recur again and will not take a severe form, accompanied by a desire to commit suicide.

What usually prevents people from seeking help for depression?

Often people are afraid to see a mental health professional because of the perceived negative consequences:

1) possible social restrictions (registration, a ban on driving vehicles and traveling abroad);

2) condemnation if someone finds out that the patient is being treated by a psychiatrist;

3) concerns negative impact medication, which is based on widespread, but not correct ideas about the dangers of psychotropic drugs.

Often people do not have the necessary information and misunderstand the nature of their condition. It seems to them that if their condition is associated with understandable life difficulties, then this is not depression, but a normal human reaction that will pass on its own. It often happens that the physiological manifestations of depression contribute to the formation of a belief about the presence of serious somatic diseases. This is the reason for contacting a general practitioner.

80% of people with depression initially seek medical help general practice, while the correct diagnosis is established approximately 5% of them. Adequate therapy receives even fewer patients. Unfortunately, on usual reception in the clinic, it is not always possible to distinguish between the physiological manifestations of depression and the presence of a true somatic disease leading to misdiagnosis. Patients are prescribed symptomatic therapy (drugs "for the heart", "for the stomach", for headaches), but there is no improvement. Thoughts arise about a severe, unrecognized somatic disease, which, according to the vicious circle mechanism, leads to a worsening of depression. Patients spend a lot of time on clinical and laboratory examinations, and, as a rule, come to a psychiatrist already with severe, chronic manifestations of depression.


The main types of depression

Depression often occurs against the background of stress or long-term severe traumatic situations. Sometimes they occur without visible reasons. Depression can be accompanied by somatic diseases (cardiovascular, gastrointestinal, endocrine, etc.). In such cases, it significantly aggravates the course and prognosis of the underlying somatic disease. However, when timely detection and the treatment of depression, there is a rapid improvement in mental and physical well-being.

Depression can occur in the form of single episodes of illness of varying severity or proceed for a long time in the form of recurring exacerbations.

In some patients, depression is chronic- continues for many years without reaching significant severity.

Sometimes depression is limited to mostly bodily symptoms without clear emotional manifestations. At the same time, clinical and laboratory examinations may not reveal any organic changes. In such cases, consultation with a psychiatrist is necessary.

Modern ideas about the causes of depression

Bio-psycho-social model of depression

Modern science views depression as a disease whose origin is contributed to by different reasons or factors - biological, psychological and social.

Biology of depression

The biological factors of depression include, first of all, specific disorders of neurochemical processes (metabolism of neurotransmitters such as serotonin, norepinephrine, acetylcholine, etc.). These disorders, in turn, may be hereditary.

Psychology of depression

Scientific research has revealed the following psychological factors depressions:

* a special style of thinking, the so-called. negative thinking, which is characterized by fixation on negative aspects life and self, the tendency to see negative light surrounding life and your future

* specific style of communication in the family with increased level criticism, increased conflict

* an increased number of stressful life events in personal life (separation, divorce, alcoholism of loved ones, death of loved ones)

* social isolation with few warm, trusting contacts that could serve as a source of emotional support

The social context of depression

The growth of depression in modern civilization is associated with a high pace of life, an increased level of its stressfulness: the high competitiveness of modern society, social instability - high level migration, difficult economic conditions, uncertainty about the future. AT modern society a number of values ​​are cultivated that doom a person to constant dissatisfaction with himself - the cult of physical and personal perfection, the cult of strength, superiority over other people and personal well-being. This makes people feel bad and hide their problems and failures, deprives them of emotional support and dooms them to loneliness.


The modern approach to the treatment of depression involves a combination of various methods- biological therapy (drug and non-drug) and psychotherapy.

Medical treatment

It is prescribed for patients with mild, moderate and severe manifestations of depression. Necessary condition The effectiveness of treatment is cooperation with the doctor: strict adherence to the prescribed therapy regimen, regular visits to the doctor, a detailed, frank account of one's condition and life's difficulties.


Proper therapy allows in most cases to completely get rid of the symptoms of depression. Depression requires specialist treatment. main class medicines for the treatment of depression are antidepressants. Currently, there are various drugs in this group, of which tricyclic (amitriptyline, melipramine) have been used since the late 50s. In recent years, the number of antidepressants has increased significantly.

The main advantages of new generation antidepressants are improved tolerability, reduced side effects, decreased toxicity, and high safety in case of overdose. Newer antidepressants include fluoxetine (Prozac, Profluzac), sertraline (Zoloft), citalopram (Cipramil), paroxetine (Paxil), fluvoxamine (Fevarin), tianeptine (Coaxil), mianserin (Lerivon), moclobemide (Aurorix), milnacipran (Ixel) , mirtazapine (Remeron), etc. Antidepressants are a safe class of psychotropic drugs when used correctly according to the doctor's recommendation. The dose of the drug is determined individually for each patient. You need to know that the therapeutic effect of antidepressants can appear slowly and gradually, so it is important to tune in positively and wait for it to appear.

Antidepressants do not cause addiction and the development of a withdrawal syndrome, unlike drugs of the class of benzodiazenine tranquilizers (phenazepam, relanium, elenium, tazepam, etc.) and Corvalol, valocordin, widely used in our country. In addition, benzodiazepine tranquilizers and phenobarbital, which are part of corvalol and valocordin, with prolonged use, reduce sensitivity to other psychopharmacological agents.

The main stages of therapy.

1. Determination of treatment tactics: the choice of an antidepressant taking into account the main symptoms of depression in each patient, the selection of an adequate dose of the drug and an individual treatment regimen.

2. Carrying out the main course of therapy aimed at reducing the symptoms of depression until they disappear, restoring the patient's previous level of activity.

3. Carrying out a maintenance course of therapy for 4-6 months or more after the general normalization of the condition. This stage is aimed at preventing the exacerbation of the disease.

What usually interferes with drug treatment:

1. Misconceptions about the nature of depression and the role of medication.

2. A common misconception about the unconditional harm of all psychotropic drugs: the emergence of dependence on them, bad influence on the state internal organs. Many patients believe that it is better to suffer from depression than to take antidepressants.

3. Many patients stop taking the medication if there is no immediate effect, or take medications irregularly.

It is important to remember that numerous studies have been carried out confirming high efficiency and safety of modern antidepressants. The damage that depression does to a person's emotional and material well-being is not comparable in severity to the minor and easily eliminated side effects that sometimes occur with the use of antidepressants. It should be remembered that the therapeutic effect of antidepressants often occurs only 2-4 weeks after the start of treatment.


Psychotherapy is not an alternative, but an important addition to the medical treatment of depression. Unlike drug treatment, psychotherapy involves a more active role of the patient in the treatment process. Psychotherapy helps patients develop the skills of emotional self-regulation and in the future more effectively cope with crisis situations without sinking into depression.

In the treatment of depression, three approaches have proven themselves to be the most effective and evidence-based: psychodynamic psychotherapy, behavioral psychotherapy, and cognitive psychotherapy.

According to psychodynamic therapy, psychological basis depressions are internal unconscious conflicts. For example, the desire to be independent and at the same time the desire to receive a large amount of support, help and care from other people. Another typical conflict is the presence of intense anger, resentment towards others, combined with the need to always be kind, good and keep the goodwill of loved ones. The sources of these conflicts lie in the patient's life history, which becomes the subject of analysis in psychodynamic therapy. Each individual case may have its own unique content of conflicting experiences, and therefore individual psychotherapeutic work is necessary. The goal of therapy is to recognize the conflict and help in its constructive resolution: to learn to find a balance of independence and intimacy, to develop the ability to constructively express one's feelings and at the same time maintain relationships with people. Behavioral psychotherapy is aimed at resolving the patient's current problems and removing behavioral symptoms: passivity, refusal of pleasures, monotonous lifestyle, isolation from others, impossibility of planning and involvement in purposeful activity.

Cognitive psychotherapy is a synthesis of both of the above approaches and combines their advantages. It combines work with actual life difficulties and behavioral symptoms of depression and work with their internal psychological sources (deep ideas and beliefs). As the main psychological mechanism depression in cognitive psychotherapy is considered the so-called. negative thinking, which is expressed in the tendency of depressed patients to view everything that happens to them in a negative light. Changing this way of thinking requires careful individual work which aims to develop a more realistic and optimistic view of ourselves, the world and the future.

Additional forms of psychotherapy for depression are family counseling and group psychotherapy (but not any, but specifically aimed at helping depressed patients). Their involvement can provide significant assistance in treatment and rehabilitation.

What usually prevents seeking psychotherapeutic help?

1. Low awareness of people about what psychotherapy is.

2. Fear of initiation stranger into personal, intimate experiences.

3. Skeptical attitude that "talking" can have a tangible healing effect.

4. The idea that you have to cope with psychological difficulties yourself, and turning to another person is a sign of weakness.

In modern society, psychotherapy is a recognized, effective method of helping with various mental disorders. Thus, a course of cognitive psychotherapy significantly reduces the risk of recurrence of depression. Modern methods of psychotherapy are focused on short-term (10-30 sessions depending on the severity of the condition) effective help. All information that the psychotherapist receives during the session is strictly confidential and remains secret. A professional psychotherapist is specially trained to work with difficult experiences and difficult life situations of other people, he knows how to respect them and assist in coping with them. Every person in life has situations (for example, such as illness) that he cannot cope with on his own. Asking for help and accepting it is a sign of maturity and rationality, not weakness.

Help from loved ones to overcome depression

The support of loved ones, even when the patient does not express interest in it, is very important in overcoming depression.

In this regard, the following advice can be given to relatives of patients:

* remember that depression is a disease in which sympathy is needed, but in no case should you plunge into the disease along with the patient, sharing his pessimism and despair. You need to be able to maintain a certain emotional distance, all the time reminding yourself and the patient that depression is transient. emotional condition

* studies have shown that depression is especially unfavorable in those families where many critical remarks are made to the patient. Try to make it clear to the patient that his condition is not his fault, but a misfortune, that he needs help and treatment

* try not to focus on the illness of a loved one and bring positive emotions into your life and into the life of your family. If possible, try to involve the patient in some useful activity, and not remove him from business.

 ( Pobedish.ru 378 votes : 4.25 out of 5)

Ph.D. A.B. Kholmogorova, Ph.D. T.V. Dovzhenko, Ph.D. N.G. Garanyan

Moscow Research Institute of Psychiatry, Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation

Previous conversation

Have you lost interest in things you used to care about? Do you avoid people, constantly feel tension and sadness, leading to despair? Do you know what depression is? After all, it might be her!

What is depression

Everyone experiences sadness, irritability, or low energy from time to time, but depression is different from these random feelings. If you have a state of depression, then serious problems may arise in Everyday life, and great difficulties in communicating with people around are not excluded. Depression affects not only your mood, but also your body, actions, thoughts. This condition can affect everyone - young and old, women and men, representatives of different ethnic groups and strata of society. What is depression? It is a disease, and fortunately, like most others, it is treatable.


According to the Institute of Mental Health, people with this disease do not experience all the symptoms at once, but if you notice at least three signs in yourself or your loved ones that have been observed for more than two weeks, then you can safely say that this is depression. It is not even necessary to be a qualified physician and know what depression is and what it is “eaten with”. What are the symptoms?

  • It is difficult for a person to concentrate when making decisions or when he recalls the details of the past day.
  • The patient experiences great fatigue and decreased energy.
  • He is overcome by a sense of guilt, absolute helplessness and worthlessness.
  • A person is haunted by a sense of hopelessness, pessimism.
  • He has insomnia or, conversely, constant desire sleep.
  • The patient feels irritability and excessive constant anxiety.
  • He may notice a decrease in interest in the usual activities or favorite hobby, as well as in sex.
  • The person does not enjoy life.
  • He is pursued by loss of appetite or significant overeating.
  • The patient suffers from "aching" headaches that do not go away even with treatment.
  • He feels constant sadness, anxiety, a feeling of emptiness.
  • The person has suicidal thoughts or even attempts to commit suicide.


To date, doctors conditionally divide depression into several types:

  1. clinical depression.
  2. Minor disorder.
  3. atypical depression.
  4. Postpartum (depression that occurs only after childbirth).
  5. neurotic depression.


We found out that depression is a disease, so it needs to be treated. Therapy may include counseling, medication, or a combination of these options. Counseling will help you see new ways of thinking. It will also encourage the practice of positive behavior. In addition, a team of trained professionals will encourage you to take active steps to manage your symptoms. And antidepressants will positive influence on brain chemicals that are directly linked to the disease. In addition, in order to get better soon, you need to adjust your lifestyle.

  • You need to walk more, run, exercise, all this will help improve your mood.
  • Eat only healthy food - "a healthy mind in a healthy body!".
  • Try to improve your sleep pattern. Good sleep will greatly improve your well-being.
  • Practice various relaxation techniques: soothing showers, deep breathing, outdoor recreation.

Depression is translated from Latin as repressed human condition. This is a special mental disorder and therefore it is very important to know how to get out of depression on your own or with the help of specialists. After all, it is characterized by a decline in vitality and mood, pessimistic assessment of the world around us, including ourselves, inhibited the state of motor and intellectual development, somatoneurological disorders of the nervous system.

Depression is characterized by such as low self-esteem, various cognitive properties associated with one's own destruction and renunciation of oneself from the external environment.

The person who is in depressed state differs from other people in the prevalence and variety of underestimations of his personality.

So, from this article you will learn:

  • What is depression, melancholy;
  • Types and signs of depression (postpartum depression, etc.);
  • Symptoms of depression in women and men;
  • How to get out of depression - 10 tips on what to do and how to get rid of it yourself;
  • etc.

What is depression, how to get rid of it and how to get out of this state, read further in the article. Types, symptoms and signs

Depression- this is fairly common mental illness to date. Doctors often equate it with a cold, since according to statistics, in percentage terms, these diseases are much more common than others.

You can often hear the phrase " I am depressed from an absolutely healthy person. Basically, people who feel failed in any life endeavors.

But despite their failures, a person continues to live in his usual environment, without making any changes in his life.

From another point of view, the person who actually suffers depressive disorders constantly experiencing depressed state and feeling of helplessness and alienation who never leave him for a second, does not notice his morbid condition, or rather, simply does not want admit to being sick .

This fact significantly violates the ability of people to adequately relate to the world around them, prevents them from communication with colleagues at work and with their family, as there is no or significantly reduced ability to logically and adequately evaluate one or another vital important situation.

Today, depression is one of the major public concerns. First of all, this is due to the increase in such a disease among people.

The relevance of this problem in Russia, according to psychologists associated with the economic crisis in the country. People do not have confidence in the future, they do not understand the current conditions, they are worried about their future and the future of their children, in this regard the amount of stress in the population increases.

Depression is hard to detect., which affects a more in-depth study of this disease and its causes.

Only results scientific research will help create the most relevant approach and diagnosis of depression and the implementation of related care for people who are concerned stressful situations and other psychological disorders.

2. What is melancholy 😟?

Melancholia is a disorder of the human psyche, which is accompanied by a number of characteristic symptoms.

These include: inability to experience joyful events, a certain degree of reduced thinking, absence Have a good mood , decrease in active life position.

People who are in state of melancholy prone to negative reasoning about life and others, they have a pronounced pessimistic mood in relation to real events.

People with this disease lose some interest in your job, they have no appetite, self-esteem is low. (We already wrote about how to raise our self-esteem in the article -?)

Today, melancholy occurs in almost half of the population. According to statistics, after the age of thirty, approximately 70% women suffer from this disease.

Probability of occurrence mental disorders and children adolescence , is also quite high.

To date, medicine is excellent at helping with the treatment of this condition. How exactly to recover from it is described in detail below.

Important point!

Before starting treatment, it is important to clarify the diagnosis correctly. That the disease is precisely depression, and not the usual blues, which happens in the spring or a typical mood swing and temporary life difficulties.

Serious intervention of specialists and properly selected medicines require biochemical, as well as psychosomatic consequences of the disease.

The idea that depression is disease of the 21st century, is erroneous from the point of view of experienced doctors. Since this disease was known and quite common in the distant past. Medieval healers defined depression as the last and worst stage of melancholy.

In ancient times, this disease was treated with tincture of opium, mineral healing waters , cleansing enemas , as well as full-fledged and long sleep.

The causes of depression are usually complex disorders of the nervous system, the factors of which are internal or external influences on the human psyche.

3. The main causes of depression 📝

  • Alzheimer's disease.
  • Increased load on the brain due to prolonged stress.
  • Use narcotic substances.
  • Psychological trauma, for example, the death of a relative, the loss of a job.
  • Climatic or seasonal factors, such as in spring or winter.
  • Excessive physical or mental stress.
  • Iatrogenic type of depression. Excessive use of drugs.
  • Various head injuries.
  • Separation from a loved one.
  • Changing of the living place.
  • (the habit of putting off important things for later).

It is not uncommon for a person to experience depression for no reason. According to experts in such situations an important factor is disruption of normal neurochemical functions in the human brain.

4. Signs of depression in women and men 📚 - symptoms of "illness"

The states of human depression manifest themselves quite diversely, while, in most cases, they affect the body as a whole. It is precisely complex symptoms, and this, in turn, contributes to the appointment correct and efficient treatment.

The doctor can prescribe certain medications, as well as concomitant therapy, only having spent general diagnostics mental disorder of the patient.

As a rule, the physiological signs of a state of depression differ individual characteristics organism.

For example, most people loss of appetite, and for some it is quite the opposite exacerbates during illness. The same feature applies to problems with full-fledged sleep person. One patient may suffer from insomnia and the other- constantly wants to sleep and suffers from a feeling of fatigue around the clock.

Symptoms of depression are divided into several groups according to concomitant symptoms.

Symptom #1. Emotional manifestations of depression in humans

  • Decreased or lost interest in life and the world around.
  • Increased irritability, even for no particular reason.
  • Depressed mood, feeling of melancholy and despair.
  • Feelings of helplessness and guilt in any situation.
  • Low self-esteem.
  • A state of anxiety and panic.
  • Anxiety, for example, for their loved ones.
  • Inability to be satisfied with previously favorite hobbies.
  • Anticipation of disaster and other unforeseen events.
  • Loss of emotional sensitivity.

Symptom #2. Physiological manifestations of depression in humans

  • Pain psychosomatic nature. For example, arms, legs, stomach, heart, head, etc. hurt.
  • Violation or lack of sleep.
  • Low performance.
  • Disorders of the human digestive system.
  • Increased fatigue, even with minor physical exertion.
  • Increased appetite, or its complete absence.
  • Decreased sexual desire, up to the onset of impotence (in men).
  • Weakness with any physical exertion.

Symptom #3. Significant changes in people's behavior

  • Alcohol abuse.
  • A tendency to loneliness and not wanting to communicate with other people.
  • Lack of desire for entertainment and hobbies.
  • The use of psychotropic and narcotic substances in order to improve mood.
  • Passive life position.
  • Replacing important, necessary and urgent matters with a waste of time.
  • Preference for a sedentary or recumbent lifestyle.

Symptom #4. Cognitive disorders of the human nervous system.

  • Difficulties in making any independent decisions.

  • Loss of clarity of thought and inability to focus on anything in particular.
  • Loss of the ability to concentrate one's thoughts.
  • Lack of attention.
  • Periodic thoughts about committing suicide.

As with any disease, whether it is a cold or a cough, if timely treatment of depression with properly selected drugs is not started, the patient's condition will worsen daily.

This increases the number of symptoms of the disease and their severity, which can even lead to suicide food patients, especially, if we consider depression of adolescence.

Not infrequently, the thinking of a sick person is so critical that they can easily be mistaken for dementia of a person, instead of a serious mental disorder associated with a neglected state of depression.

Often the disease is accompanied by an increased attraction of one's own attention to life problems. A patient, usually, completely sure that he has mental, or somatic disease.

In order for the doctor to correctly diagnose and prescribe the appropriate treatment, a stable ( at least 14 days) the presence of any of the above signs of depression in a person.

5. Main types of depression 📑

1. Endogenous depression

Endogenous depression is a severe form of the disease. She brings great amount suffering like the sickest person, as well as his family and all those around him.

To detect an endogenous type of depression in a person, there are certain symptoms.

These primarily include: inability to sleep at night, as well as early awakenings at dawn, lack of interest in the outside world and society.

There are also external signs this type of disease. These include: heightened state of anxiety, the systematic presence of causeless sadness and melancholy, depressed state of a person.

Minor signs of endogenous depression in a patient are: slow motion, constant stoop, quiet and uncertain speech.

The external features of such people are lifeless dull hair, as well as an earthy and gloomy complexion.

Characteristic features the presence of an endogenous type of depression in a person is delayed thinking and reasoning, absence concentration and attention, memory problems, no absolutely no desires or interests.

Advanced forms of this serious mental illness lead to deterioration general condition sick, there is apathy towards the world around and society as a whole. Patients characterize their state of health, in the form of heaviness in the soul, a depressed state, similar to the extent of a serious illness, and other similar symptoms.

People with this disease usually , with indifference apply to all surrounding citizens, including closest relatives. They lock themselves in their inner world and think only about their difficult life fate.

From the social position in society, such patients try to distance themselves in every possible way.

2. Manic depression

Allocate such a group of people who, in the course of the disease, develop megalomania, inappropriate behavior in any given situation, unexplained mood swings, for example, sudden onset of joyful emotions, or vice versa, sadness. This type of mental disorder is called manic depression , in other words, bipolar mental disorder .

This disease makes people irritable, overly active and quite self-confident.

Manic depression can be expressed in various forms.

The initial stage of this mental disorder of a person is a mild form of the disease, called - cyclothymia . Citizens suffering from this type of depression experience constant mood swings. They may have no reason to cry or laugh. The initial stage of mania appears (mild form).

The most dangerous is bipolar in other words, a major depression. At the stages of exacerbation of this serious mental illness, a person has obsessive thoughts about committing suicide, and during manic phase depression all bad thoughts instantly disappear, there is clarity of mind and sobriety of the mind. In addition, these patients are not able to foresee the dangerous consequences of their own actions in advance.

Not infrequently found dysthymia diseases . This is depressive nervosa, the mildest stage of a person's depressive disorder. Otherwise, it is called minor depression or minor depressive disorder of the human nervous system. This includes postpartum depression , which is detailed below.

In various manifestations, depression is such a state of a person in which he disfigures the manners of behaving in society by himself. Not a single person is immune from diseases of a depressive disorder of the nervous system.

The state of depression can hit absolutely anyone century a, old and young, single people and divorced or never had a family, the poor and millionaires. By the way, we also wrote in the last article.

In the life of every citizen, such events can occur that will certainly lead him to overstrain and stressful situations, which are the initial stage of a depressive disorder of the human nervous system, especially if unpleasant events simultaneously overtake the psyche or their systematic sequence follows.

When applying for psychological help women, in most cases detected and diagnosed major depressive disorder nervous system, compared with cases of male patients seeking help.

Experts are of the opinion that women more often recognize a serious illness in their condition and rush to see a doctor, and men They try to be treated on their own, so they rarely go to the hospital.

But, as a rule, such depressive experiences as loneliness, helplessness, sadness and other mental disorders, more common in female patients . In such states of depression in men, instead of the qualified help of a specialist, they prefer to drown out their sorrows and hardships with the help of alcoholic beverages or other substances that can temporarily improve mood and give imaginary self-confidence.

3. Masked depression

The stage of such depression, which proceeds imperceptibly to other people, is called masked, or hidden depression. Its experts consider it not as an independent disorder of the human nervous system, but as a result alcoholism or acceptance of other psychotropic substances uplifting. In such a situation, men are practically don't ask for help .

In the most various forms may manifest depressive disorder. In certain situations, states of depression in people differ in their degree of severity. For some, this state is clearly visible to others, while another category of people hides their psychological state from strangers.

Easy, depression is in that situation, if, against the background of certain symptoms, a person has a breakdown and mood, he finds the strength to do daily work and his usual activities.

Moderate, depression is when the combination of symptoms of a mental disorder does not allow you to properly perform daily work.

severe depression, this is when a person has all the signs of a disorder of the nervous system and they are noticeable to others, as well as all these symptoms, completely do not allow a person to do daily activities and work.

4. Clinical depression

Clinical depression is also called big, or monopolar depression. This form of disorder of the human nervous system is most common today.

Entitled " Clinical”, implies the presence of a single extreme position in the range of emotions. It is characterized with only one kind of patient mood, such as sad or depressed.

In most cases, this mood does not go away during the day, and also causes insomnia, loss of appetite, heartache and pain, lack of joyful emotions, inability to focus on anything.

AT similar condition Patients, usually, consider themselves useless, and consider their position in society or at work as absolutely meaningless and useless. These people have very low self-esteem.

The points of view of specialists, according to the occurrence of a state of depression in people, were divided.

Some doctors think that the disease is directly related to abnormal processes in the human brain. In most patients, the tendency to this disease is hereditary.

Other reasons include the following factors: stressful situations, postpartum period in women, death of relatives, feelings of guilt and helplessness, various stressful situations.

Doctors distinguish 4 main groups of symptoms of depression:

  • Mood disorders. People have unreasonable obsessive thoughts about their guilt in something, there is a feeling of loneliness and despair, they are constantly in a state of longing.
  • Changeable behavior. A person completely withdraws from communication with others, it is difficult for him to concentrate his thoughts, his mind is vague.
  • Manifestations of a physical nature. Change in body weight, disturbance or complete absence sleep, systematic pain in the head.
  • Complex mental disorders. The simultaneous presence of several of the above symptoms of depression.

The patient himself is not able to adequately assess his own well-being, since the symptoms of a person’s mental disorder can manifest themselves in different ways, and can be expressed to a greater or lesser extent.

The state of depression completely affects the mental attitude of citizens, clear thinking is significantly worsened.

6. The main signs of depression 📋

Experts identify two main signs of depression.

These include: lack of interest in the joyful events of the world, a persistent feeling of melancholy and depression, and extreme stage of the disease, this is complete indifference to all the surrounding people and everything that happens in the world and the public. Constant feeling of sadness and depression, hopelessness and misunderstanding of the meaning of one's own life lead not just to sadness and tears, but to acute mental torment diseases.

When depressed, most people close in on themselves and unwilling to communicate with others. In the process of such a psychological disease of a person, attraction to the opposite sex disappears, difficulties appear in achieving orgasm and erection.

Changes during depression physical state person. He differs from those around him with a slow gait, quiet speech, stoop, in medicine this condition is called psychomotor retardation patient.

But there are situations when people have an absolutely similar physical condition. They are distinguished by accelerated and restless movements, speech is loud and fast. This state is called - psychomotor agitation .

State of depression much affects people's feelings and their thinking. Usually, all thoughts of patients are directed to negative things in life. It is pronounced, it is difficult to concentrate on a certain issue, thinking is difficult, a person has problems with memory, absent-mindedness, confusion of thoughts.

In such a state, a person's feelings and thoughts do not reflect reality. The patient experiences anxiety, has low self-esteem, is surrounded by his own fear, guilt, and feels that no one needs him.

psychological feeling dissatisfaction with oneself and own life often intensified by all sorts of manifestations: the patient periodically has not only thoughts about suicide , but also his attempts, or developed plans to commit suicide.

Major depression comes in several forms.

Psychopathic depression, during which hallucinations and delusions appear in the patient, the number of suicides increases significantly and treatment is required under the supervision of specialists.

atypical depression when a mixed picture of the above symptoms is expressed.

postpartum depression observed in women after childbirth.


Minor depression is called dysthymia. This is a protracted mental disorder of a person, which is accompanied by a lack of joyful events in life and emotions.

Dysthymia can last for several years. The accompanying gloomy mood of people in the process of such a disease often leads to the loss of work and family.

Previously, the treatment of dysthymia was carried out with the help of psychotherapy, and mainly psychoanalysis. There are other ways to get rid of this disease. These include: interpersonal, cognitive, behavioral therapy . Most experts argue that the best is a mixed treatment with the simultaneous use of drugs and psychotherapy.

Spring depression - seasonal affective disorder

A special form of depression that manifests itself only in certain time year, for example, autumn or spring.

Many citizens who suffer from this mental disorder may feel great throughout the year, but in one season or another they experience lethargy and depressed mood.

According to statistics, such a disorder often occurs in the fall and ends by the beginning of spring. But there are other categories of citizens suffering from depression in other periods of the year. Usually, spring depression occurs in women, less common in men.

The symptoms of this disease are: fatigue, drowsiness, loss of appetite, decrease in working capacity, inability to focus your thoughts on a particular issue, increased irritability, sense of anxiety, unwillingness to communicate with other people.

Seasonal mental disorder passes, without any special therapy, with the onset of another season. People have a surge of strength and vitality.

Today's specialists can't answer definitively what exactly is causing this depression. Basically, they indicate a decrease in the level of the hormone of joy in people in certain period of the year. Typically, this mental disorder is hereditary.

Bipolar depression (mania)

During the period bipolar depression people have seen changeable mood . It can suddenly change from joyful emotions to sad feeling, or vice versa. On average, this category of patients has an absolutely normal mood, despite systematic changes in it during the depression phase.

During exacerbations, a person has symptoms similar to those major depression: excessive vigorous activity, emotional arousal and increased self-confidence. Usually, such changes in people's mood are absolutely not related to current life problems.

The course of this disease disrupts the usual activities of a person, and causes difficulties in performing daily work.

Development and onset of attacks of bipolar depression may be completely unexpected. People may experience all sorts of anxiety during the phase of an attack of mental disorder. It is difficult for them to focus on anything, there is a feeling of guilt and alienation from the world around them.

There is also an opposite phase of a mental disorder, as a result of which a person is different excellent well-being, elevated thinking abilities, feels energized and inexplicably elated.

As the mania increases, the patient's arousal increases, and his actions may become completely unforeseen. The feeling of immense joy can change into indignation and anxiety in an instant.

For people with such depression, various failures and life falls are unacceptable. They have excessive bouts of anger and excessive demands on the people around them.

The lack of a critical attitude towards one's own condition is the hallmark of mania.

In what situations is an overly joyful mood regarded as a sign of mania?

  • The need for rest and sleep disappears.
  • Instant change of mind.
  • Feeling of greatness and inflated self-esteem.
  • Obsession in communicating with others and increased talkativeness in general.
  • The tendency to be distracted by extraneous elements that are not relevant.
  • Hobbies for something that will lead to further complications.
  • Increased activity and acceleration of movements in all spheres of life.

Only in the situation when the above symptoms are expressed quite clearly, and also interfere with the normal existence of a person and his presence in public places, experts confidently put mania diagnosis and prescribe appropriate treatment.

In severe cases, the inexplicable self-confidence of a patient diagnosed with mania may gradually turn into delusions of grandeur. With such a psychological disorder, a person decides for himself that he has the opportunity to communicate with supernatural invisible objects and recognize their voices. Such behavior of patients is very dangerous for the surrounding people.

With mania, the speed of thinking of the brain increases significantly, physical activity patient, increased sexual desire.

Rarely, other forms of bipolar disorder occur. These include: accelerated circular disorder and sullen mania.

Symptoms of the course of such diseases are similar to the above causes of psychological disorder in people.

7. What causes depression in women 🙍‍♀️?

There are several types of depression that can develop in women.

These include:

  1. Agitated depression. The disease is associated with self-concern, loss social status and self-criticism.
  2. Pathological form of depression. It usually causes the death of relatives and close friends.
  3. Alcoholic or drug. Occurs with excessive use of alcoholic beverages or psychotropic substances.
  4. iatrogenic depression. It develops from the uncontrolled use of drugs, usually with a sedative or hypnotic effect, without a doctor's prescription.
  5. Somatic. It is caused by diseases such as a brain tumor, hydrocephalus, sclerosis, epilepsy, thyroid disease and others.
  6. Postpartum depression and depression in pregnant women.

All types of these mental disorders are accompanied by hormonal changes and other physiological processes in the body of women.

postpartum depression

Mental disorders in women are significantly affected overabundance active substances in the body that are responsible for the normal production of beneficial hormones that help maintain a person’s mood in the normal range.

Usually, depression in pregnant women or those who have given birth to a baby in the last six months, arise and end on their own, without any reason or medication.

But in the event that the signs of a mental disorder are sufficiently pronounced, immediate medical intervention and the appointment of concomitant treatment are required. According to statistics, postpartum depression affects approximately 40% of women different age categories.

postpartum depression is a disorder of the nervous system that develops in women from 0 before 6 months after the birth of a child.

Periodic disorder of the nervous system that occurs in about 15% residents of the fair sex childbearing age is called premenstrual syndrome.

In the process of such a disease, women experience nervousness, disturbed sleep and appetite, broken and depressed mood. This period lasts no more than two weeks and ends with the onset of menstruation.

Depression. symptoms in women. How to get out - advice from doctors and psychologists

8. Signs of depression in women 🙅‍♀️

Very often the occurrence of a state of depression directly associated with hormonal disorders in the body . They affect the fertility of women of the appropriate age. In a woman's body, this period is divided into several stages.

These include: menstrual cycle , pregnancy and childbirth , menopause. Peculiar changes in the hormonal background in the body occur in each of these periods. These features female body disrupt certain functions of the nervous system and, consequently, affect mental state generally.

Patients with these disorders of the nervous system experience mood swings depending on one or another phase. menstrual cycle within 1-2 weeks.

Rarely leads to depression pregnancy, regardless of whether it is long-awaited or not.

But, oddly enough, abortion, only in exceptional cases can cause depression. Most Likely the appearance of depressive disorders in women, this is the time of the birth of the baby, it does not affect which child was born in a row.

Postpartum depression can be light form nervous breakdown, or a severe form of depression, which can occur even a few weeks or months before delivery.

The experts claim that suddenly such a depression cannot come, and this is related to the fact that woman and previously had mental problems but did not seek medical help.

The psyche of women in labor is also affected by a sharp decrease in hormone levels. This condition is explained by the stressful situation associated with childbirth, as well as the occurrence new difficulties and responsibilities in your life, which are added with the birth of the baby.

In particular, postpartum depression is directly related to unsuccessful childbirth, problems in the family, material trouble and other factors.

Not so dangerous for the onset of depression is menopause woman. Experts say that mental disorders during menopause are no different from depression, which can occur in any other life period.

The most susceptible to mental disorders are such categories of women who have previously experienced disorders of the nervous system.

Today, the occurrence of depression in young girls is quite common. (ages 14 to 29). The risk of all kinds of mental illness in the younger generation prone to depression 4 times higher.

Girls at a young age during a period of nervous overstrain have digestive disorders, they are prone to overeating, or, conversely, completely refuse to eat food. Such mental disorders often lead to other various diseases, and also significantly affect the physical development and health of the body.

With food refusal, it can develop serious disease, entitled anorexia, which leads to a decrease in the resistance of a young organism and contributes to the emergence of no less dangerous diseases, such as tuberculosis or pneumonia, as well as other infectious diseases.

How to help a girl cope with depression?

The general condition of the patient needs to be given sufficient attention. Since the problems associated with digestive system, require long-term treatment by a psychiatrist.

First of all, symptomatic therapy is carried out, contributing to general strengthening organism. Nutritionists select special food for the patient, and doctors monitor her general well-being.

Treatment will be most successful if started in a timely manner.

Stressful situations in women

The impact on the body of a woman of various stressful situations causes high percent depression diseases.

Stressful situations include:

  • caring for a small child,
  • trouble and disappointment in personal life,
  • lack of a life partner,
  • loneliness.

Great amount divorced women suffer from depression.

Many women leave their loved ones, which can lead to reactive depression, which is major and requires long-term treatment.

Women with distinctive character most often subject to mental disorders due to their imbalance or excessive self-confidence.

Symptoms of Reactive Depression

  • Self-criticism increased without any reason.
  • Lack of interest in everyday life and surrounding society.
  • Poor memory and difficulty in making independent decisions.
  • Sleep disturbance and increased unreasonable irritability.
  • Having recurring suicidal thoughts.
  • Constant feeling of tiredness.
  • Headaches and general physical exhaustion.
  • Increased heart rate, pain in the heart area and pressure problems.

Depression in citizens male less common than in women. As it is considered to be men do not cry”, and it is this expression that they try to match in everyday life.

But such a statement does not save men from the occurrence of various mental illnesses, including various forms of depression.

The main symptoms of depression in men are: inability to control one's emotions, weakness, inability to independently overcome all sorts of life obstacles, problems in personal life.

According to experts, it is quite difficult for men to express their own emotions and feelings due to the usual shyness.

Usually, men do not discuss personal problems or difficulties in the workplace. They believe that they can independently overcome the possible obstacles that, one way or another, are present in their daily lives.

Among men, few people think about visiting a psychiatrist for the purpose of drug treatment of problems with mental state health. Men also practically do not turn to psychologists for the required consultation.

Male depression - signs and symptoms

9. Signs of depression in men 🤦‍♂️

Among the main signs of detecting depression in men are the following:

  • The systematic use of alcoholic beverages or various drugs.
  • Addiction to gambling.
  • Aggressive and unstable behavior.

These signs are only capable of drowning out a serious illness for a while, which requires immediate treatment.

Get out of depression with alcohol for example no man can. In addition, the above symptoms of depression contribute to the worsening psychological state and difficult situation in society and family. Do not be afraid of depression and related symptoms.

The best thing for a man would be a timely appeal to a specialist for help. Only a psychotherapist will help improve the quality of life and embark on the path to recovery.

The same stressful situation in different men can cause the development of a complex form of depression, or get by with a minor mental disorder.

The following life troubles can become the reasons for stress:

  • Dismissal from a permanent place of work.
  • Bad relationships with women.
  • Difficulties in personal life and family.
  • All kinds of psychological tragedies.
  • An assignment to carry out a responsible and complex task.
  • material difficulties.
  • Lack of purpose in life.
  • Changing of the living place.
  • Retirement age.

In addition, many cases of the occurrence of a psychological disorder in men without any significant problems of apparent causes of depression can be cited.

It is important to note that in a situation where a person previously had difficulties with the emotional and mental state , then in consequence a minor stressful situation will be enough for the occurrence of a serious mental disorder and prolonged depression.

The factor of heredity is also important in the possibility of depression with little stress.

The experts claim that the tendency to such a state is passed down from generation to generation, and in such a family it is very difficult, and almost impossible, to avoid problems with mental disorders.

Children from such families require special individual approach. Recommended limit them in possible ways from stressful situations, and if there is the slightest suspicion of possible deviations in mental development, you need to immediately seek psychological and medical help from specialists in order to avoid serious complications and disastrous consequences.

10. Depression in men and women: what are the differences 📖?

From the above, it follows that men suffer from depression almost 2 times less, compared to women. This feature, first of all, is explained by the high dependence of the body of women on the hormonal background.

Lability of the nervous system of women is another reason for these statistics. Since the fair sex, emotional reactions are more pronounced. Often it is enough for a woman to say a rash word for the development of a severe form of depression in her.

The duration of depression in men is much shorter in time, compared with the course of female psychological disorder. Depression in women usually lasts from a few months and can last for years. Only with the right treatment can they get rid of this serious disease.

Despite the fact that depression in men is not so long, the disease can develop intensively and become more severe.

Statistically, suicide attempts men commit more often than women. Since, the weak half of the population needs quite serious reasons for attempting suicide, rather than the loss of one or another interest in life.

Women, even during depression, can go to work and do everyday household chores, while men are practically not capable of this during a period of mental illness.

How to get rid of depression on your own - advice from psychologists. Treatment for depression

11. How to get out of depression on your own - 10 tips from a psychologist to get rid of depression 💊

Proven advice from psychologists will help and suggest how to get out of depression on your own when there is no strength to do anything.

Tip number 1. Take responsibility.

Tip number 2. Watch interesting and inspiring series and movies.

Council number 3. Avoid solitude and loneliness. Communicate more often with people around you. Go to interesting events. Find a fun activity or hobby.

Council number 4. Allow yourself to accept help from other people.

Council number 5. Reach out to the spirit world.

Council number 6. Avoid alcohol and other drugs completely. They negatively affect the state of the psyche of people and worsen it with each use.

Council number 7. Adjust sleep. Only a long and healthy rest can restore the human nervous system.

Tip #8. Get some exercise.

Tip #9. Do something useful for the people around you selflessly - show love to them, and they will reciprocate.

Tip number 10. Use affirmations.

12. How to deal with depression 💉?

In modern medicine, any, even the most complex forms of human mental disorders can be cured. It should be noted that treatment will be most effective if it is started at the first signs of the disease.

Today it is difficult to avoid permanent stress at work or in personal life, but properly selected medication will help to cope with life's difficulties.

Only highly qualified specialists can help to avoid depression, this psychologists and psychiatrists.

One of the most common treatments for depression is psychotherapy. The doctor will help you learn how to communicate correctly, communicate with people around you, change the negative style of thinking and behavior to a positive attitude towards life.

The specialist will help to normalize the emotional comfort of a person and advise how to avoid the recurrence of a mental disorder. In cases of severe disease, apply electroshock therapy for patients. It is prescribed in situations where the patient for some reason does not take, or cannot take necessary medicines or in cases where the patient's condition poses a threat to his life or the life and health of the people around him.

The main medical treatment is application antidepressants . Select, advise and appoint who may only professional doctor.

self-medicate Not recommended and even strictly prohibited. Only a specialist can choose the right drug therapy, which is safe for the patient's health and most effective in a particular case of a person's mental disorder.

During postpartum depression, as a rule, a woman feeds breast milk your baby. In this situation selection of drugs should be especially careful so that in the process of treating the mother not to harm her small child.

Improvement in the condition of patients is manifested in the first weeks of taking the drugs prescribed by the doctor.

However, it must be taken into account that in order to achieve good result treatment, and its stability, as well as the avoidance of recurrent mental disorders, use medicines required for at least six months, and in some cases even several years.

13. How to get rid of depression on your own 📌?

In addition to drug treatment of depression, today it is widely used and is quite effective. aromatic therapy. This is a great way to get rid of some types of mental disorders without the use of drugs.

This type of treatment of the disease will be an ideal option for women suffering postpartum depression because not all medicines can be used by them.

Aroma oils penetrate through the pores into the human body and contribute to general improvement in well-being. With the help of such means, you can cheer up your mood, since the aroma of oils has a positive effect on the human brain.

There are several ways to use aromatic oil. You can simply breathe them indoors, add a few drops while taking a bath, use essential oil during a massage.

To get rid of mental disorders there is a huge variety aromatic oils. The most effective are: Melissa oil, rosemary, lavender, orange and many others.

14. Treatment of depression: 2 main ways 💡

depression is serious medical disease and patients require complex treatment.

If stressful situations gradually disappear on their own, then the diseases caused by them will never go unnoticed if effective, properly selected complex treatment is not started in time.

To date, distinguish two main treatments for depression, this is self-treatment, or with the help of doctors.

You can cure yourself only the initial forms of the disease, which have minor symptoms and last a short period of time.

Treatment by specialists is the most preferred and effective option. Since it is almost impossible (or very difficult) to get out of depression on your own, when there is no strength to do anything.

doctors, usually, are not supporters of self-treatment of diseases, especially when it comes to complex mental disorders in humans.

Let's take a closer look at the most modern, safe and effective methods of treatment of various mental disorders.

It should be noted that, first of all, successful therapy depends on the established emotional contact between the patient and the psychotherapist. Only with a trusting and benevolent relationship, the result of the applied therapy will not be long in coming, and it will also be stable and more pronounced.

The main directions of treatment:

  • Hypnotherapy.
  • Social therapy.
  • classical psychotherapy.
  • Treatment with medicines.
  • Electroconvulsive therapy.

Today, experts are trying to use aggressive treatments for depression, namely, electroconvulsive, or drug therapy , exclusively in serious health problems, when the mental disorder is complex and lasts for a long time.

The main drugs for the treatment of psychological disorders are sedatives and various antidepressants. For each patient, medical treatment is selected individually by doctors.

For achievement best result treatment and its long-term effect, the desire of the patient to get rid of depression forever is of great importance.

In the process of rehabilitation, patients must strictly follow all the recommendations of doctors, as well as monitor their own behavior and try to establish friendly and trusting relationships with people around them.

What can be done to prevent depression?

In order to prevent all sorts of psychological disorders in yourself, it is recommended to monitor the occurrence of initial signs of depression and try to get rid of them in a timely and effective manner.

If you think you've become irritable and hot-tempered, notice changes in mood, lose emotional attraction to daily activities, have problems with sleep, then you need to urgently think about a good rest, or a change of job and other changes in your life.

Healthy and prolonged sleep is one of the most important conditions for getting rid of stress and improving your psychological and emotional well-being.

Correctly composed daily routine, also plays an important role in getting rid of the initial signs of depression.

15. Conclusion

In conclusion, the following should be noted:

depression is heavy human mental illness. Its treatment must be taken with great responsibility. It is impossible to drown out all kinds of symptoms of the disease with the help of alcoholic beverages and various drugs.

If you find any signs of a psychological disorder, you must urgently take action. Best Solution in such a situation, it seeking qualified help from specialists.

Do not confuse this serious condition with ordinary mood swings or seasonal blues(for example, spring depression). Depression is distinguished by physiological signs that occur in the human body. It never passes without a trace, but only gets worse every day, and gradually passes from a mild form into a severe stage.

Now you know how to get out of depression, what it is, how best to get rid of it, what are the symptoms and signs of depression in a person, etc.

Never do not start the course of such a disease, and do not wait for it to pass on its own. Seek advice from a psychotherapist, and he will definitely help you!

The symptoms of depression should never be ignored. People who don't take mental problems seriously are actually wrong. According to experts, the majority of serious illnesses in people aged 15 to 44 are caused by the lack of treatment for a depressive disorder. As you can see, depression can provoke a serious blow to a person's health, and sometimes cause disability.

Researchers at Washington University in St. Louis claim that 17.5 million Americans suffer from this mental illness. The risk group includes women who are twice as likely to suffer from disorders of the central nervous system. Unfortunately, many people are not even aware of their condition, and therefore do not seek help from specialists. Here's what you need to know about symptoms of depression.

Frequent crying or lack of emotion

The average woman is very emotional. She cries a lot and is used to taking various life situations to heart. That is why it is difficult for representatives of the beautiful half of humanity to recognize where spontaneous tears are, and where the body's natural response to stress is. Sometimes tears provoke an excess of hormones in the body. If you are in doubt about the symptoms, watch the frequency of crying: with depression, it tends to increase. The reason for this is the increase in sad irritants in the daily environment. Many patients at the appointment in the psychotherapist's office note increased tearfulness, but there is a downside to the coin. Some people who are depressed report problems expressing any kind of emotion.

Dr. Edward Shorter explains this alarming symptom this way: deep depression people can't feel anything." If you are experiencing this change in behavior, do not hesitate for a minute, go to see a specialist. If you are crying more than usual for no apparent reason (life tragedy or hormonal fluctuations), if you overreact to certain things and then can't stop, you should tell others about your condition.


According to clinical and forensic psychologist Ali Mandelblatt, depressed people show anger and irritability. This trend is especially relevant for those with more young age: “Irritability and frequent quarrels with other people are signs of a mental disorder. Depression affects an individual's thoughts and can lead to a focus on negative aspects. You can suddenly attack a member of your family with angry cries, and there will be no limit to your indignation. It is worth noting that you have not shown negative reactions to such situations before. According to certified clinical consultant Victoria Ivanova, for some people, irritability and anger are another way to overcome emotional pain. And this is a clear sign that a person needs to seek help.

Loss of interest in usual hobbies

Depressed people may be surprised to find that they have lost all interest in the things they used to love so much. Here is how it describes similar situation psychologist Helen Odessky: “You just don’t feel pleasure from things that used to bring you joy. Any activity that could improve your mood is not perceived by you as pleasant. You don't want to enjoy food, meet friends and go to festive events. You are not happy with music and your favorite movies. This is a warning sign that you should not ignore. If you feel constantly bored and discouraged, talk to someone. It could be a sign of depression."

One of the most common symptoms

In fact, loss of interest in hobbies can be identified as one of the most common symptoms of depression. Dr. Susan Noonan, who is a consultant at Harvard Medical School Psychiatry, spoke about the DSM 5 (Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders).
This publication is a set of diagnostic guidelines that the American Psychiatric Association has developed to help doctors diagnose depression. If for two weeks or longer, of the proposed nine symptoms, a person has at least five, he will be diagnosed with depression. Loss of interest in pleasure is one of the five symptoms listed in the manual.

Sleep disturbance

Depressive disorder can also affect sleep quality. Dr. Noonan argues that both extremes, insomnia and a constant desire to sleep, may indicate the presence of clear mental problems. This also includes interrupted sleep, when a person suddenly wakes up long before the alarm goes off. This includes an increase in the frequency and intensity of nightmares. Many people who visit a specialist report that they do not feel rested after sleeping. In addition, patients experience difficulty falling asleep. This symptom is especially characteristic for women who experience postpartum depression. According to the expert, young mothers are in constant fear that something might happen to their babies.

How to explain sleep disturbance during depression? Dr. Prashant Kiran Gajwani says that people who experience mental disorders have disturbed sleep-wake cycles. But here the unfortunate people are waiting for another an unpleasant surprise: the worse they sleep, the more irritated. And this means that lack of sleep only exacerbates the depressive disorder. If you sleep too much, try to limit your time in bed to 8 hours a night. If you do not get enough sleep regularly, take care of improving the conditions in the bedroom, as well as physical activity.

Suicidal thoughts

Here is what Dr. Darius Rassin says: “Suicidal thoughts are always a warning sign. Please seek help if they are present in your head. Do not think that you are alone and forgotten by everyone. You are an important member of society that can change the world for the better.” However, passive thoughts about death, as well as reasoning about the frailty of being, can also become a dangerous warning sign.

Self-inflicted harm

Pay close attention to the markers of suicidal thoughts, which include a feeling of complete hopelessness, the desire to cause deliberate harm to yourself. It can be any form of beatings, scratches, injections and wounds.

social isolation

This symptom is especially susceptible to those individuals who have suicidal thoughts. As time goes by, they develop a sense of worthlessness and hopelessness. They begin to avoid social activities more and more, often citing malaise and fatigue. Pay close attention to this trend if you are a social person.

Decreased sex drive

Most experts cite decreased sex drive, loss of interest in sex, and the inability to become aroused or achieve orgasm among other signs of depression. However, sometimes people suffering from depression can observe the opposite picture, when the number of promiscuity increases.

Craving for alcohol or drugs

Alcoholism and drug addiction are independent diseases. But if a person has not previously suffered from these ailments, and he suddenly has a craving for alcohol and drugs, this can also be a sign of depression. In addition, individuals suffering from mental disorders at the initial stage of the disease begin to seek solace in smoking, pornography, computer and gambling and other controversial addictions. However, most often depressed personalities looking for solace at the bottom of the glass. Alcohol allows these people to escape from problems for a while. This is not an option, since alcohol has a destructive effect on the central nervous system. Therefore, it is better to look for solutions in the office of a neurologist or psychotherapist.

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