Effective methods of treating alcoholism are folk remedies, medical and psychological coding. Treatment of alcoholism with a laser. Non-traditional methods of treatment

Currently, alcoholism is officially recognized by doctors as a disease that changes the physical and mental state alcoholic. Problems this disease most often narcologists and psychologists decide. The first are engaged in the removal of alcohol from the body, "cleansing" internal organs, recovery physical health. The latter affect the psyche of the alcoholic, bringing his consciousness to another, healthy level. Methods of treatment of chronic alcoholism are varied, but there is a certain order, due to the disease itself.

It is generally accepted that, first of all, you need to visit a narcologist, medical intervention in order to remove alcohol from the body of a sick person. But in itself the first drug treatment, these procedures do not cure, they only “cleanse” the body. Since the causes of alcoholism lie much deeper, are associated with a change in the psyche, immediately after cleansing the body, the stage of work with a psychologist should follow.

The first step is to stop or eliminate the hangover.

The body of an alcoholic, accustomed to the constant "inflow" of alcohol, with a sharp cessation of such infusions, experiences a shock, the so-called withdrawal syndrome.

And at the moment, the help of doctors is needed to stop the abstinence. This stage is carried out most often in a specialized narcological hospital by narcologists.

Some try to "dig out" at home, which is undesirable different reasons: there is no control by doctors, and isolation from alcohol is not guaranteed. Cases of fatal outcome of alcoholism treatment at home have been recorded.

After elimination from the body toxic substances the next stage of treatment begins.

Since various internal organs are affected in an alcoholic, attention is paid to restoring health.

Among the medicines used to treat addiction are tranquilizers, antidepressants, as well as drugs that reduce the duration of the state of euphoria, as a result of intoxication.
The attending physician prescribes drugs and controls their intake and effects.

Should be treated concurrently with medication nervous system sick. The stage is long, it can drag on for months, for years and be accompanied by breakdowns.

The main goal is to form an internal negative attitude towards alcohol.

Treatment methods for alcoholism

One of the methods is coding.

Coding simple from alcohol addiction

Efficiency has been confirmed by many years of observations, but statistics show that there is a high probability of a breakdown, a return to alcohol consumption.

Such assistance should be provided by experienced psychotherapists, taking into account the psyche of a particular person. In essence, coding is an anti-alcohol suggestion, an impact on the human psyche. That's why helps this method more often well suggestible people.

With this approach to treating a patient with a diagnosis of "alcoholism", a certain "code" is introduced into the subconscious (hence the name of the method), which forms a psychological indifference to alcohol and at the same time fixes a ban on "drinking" in the brain under threat. undesirable consequences and possible death.

Neurophysiological coding for alcohol addiction

Another coding method is based on the effect of electromagnetic pulses on biologically active points patient. At the same time, for several sessions, individual " nerve centers associated with alcohol cravings. The consequences can be migraines, nausea and vomiting, which gives rise to an aversion to alcohol.

Electrostereocoding for alcohol addiction

A deeper intervention in the body of an alcoholic occurs with neurophysiological coding. Should be used with extreme caution under the supervision of specialists.

The method can cause malfunction of the heart, lungs, and other internal organs, even with a single use of alcohol.

Hypnosis for the treatment of alcoholism

This method of treatment for alcoholism is sometimes used by doctors in group treatment. Having previously familiarized the patients with the essence of hypnosis, the doctor plunges them into a hypnotic sleep in standard ways. And then, in a state of sleep during a hypnosis session, patients are instilled with an aversion to alcohol.

The formed attitude is unstable, so hypnosis requires repeated repetition.

Injections in the treatment of alcohol addiction

The ban on drinking alcohol can be caused by entering medicines. For example, based on tetraethylthiuram disulfide, it does not adversely affect the body, but after drinking alcohol it can provoke disorders, even to the point of death.

After the injection, the drug is tested for its effectiveness by taking a small dose of alcohol.

The reaction of the body demonstrates to the patient the effect of the drug when trying to drink. The method requires additional administration of drugs, since it is gradually excreted from the body with fluid and its effect weakens.

Sewing under the skin of a "long-playing" drug for the treatment of alcoholism

Another method of introducing the drug into the body is associated with the implantation of capsules (tablets) such as esperal, or disulfiram, or torpedo to the patient. This so-called "sew-in" is an operation performed with anesthesia.

The effect persists for a fairly long period and depends on the number of sewn tablets.

Methods that prohibit the intake of alcohol with the help of drugs - "torpedo", esperal, etc. The main condition is that the convalescent must be sober up to last injection, "strings". After the injection, the patient has a clear understanding that while the medicine is working, you can not drink a single drop. However, after treatment is completed and the implanted medication has expired, relapses often occur.

Acupuncture programming

The method developed by Semenov S.P., a psychotherapist, back in 1979 is often confused with hypnosis and coding.

This acupuncture programming is one of the most progressive means of getting rid of alcohol addiction.

It has no side effects, however, in order for the effect to be effective, alcohol should be completely excluded for 10 days before the session.

Treatment in rehabilitation centers and groups of "anonymous alcoholics"

In Russia (much earlier in America), rehabilitation centers for alcohol and drug addicts are actively developing. Most often, these are religiously oriented organizations, but the degree of religious involvement varies in different centers. They use much less medical methods, but the psychological impact is expressed very actively.

Group classes have a lasting positive effect.

Those who have undergone rehabilitation at the Centers (up to a year or more) receive the skill to resist own desires and cravings for alcohol. If after rehabilitation center organized and social adaptation, the effect of recovery is even more pronounced. After a course of treatment, a convalescent person needs social rehabilitation.

Treatment gives results if a person is aware of the fact of his own illness, accepts it, without trying to assure himself and others that he will “tie up” on his own. The first step to recovery is the recognition by a person of his own impotence in the face of an illness.

It is believed that female alcoholism is much more difficult to cure than male alcoholism. Although addicted to alcohol, as statistics show, a woman can much faster. Binges are characteristic of female alcoholics.

The difference between female alcoholism is the fact that women can for a long time do not suspect even close people. As a result, belated access to doctors and low effectiveness of treatment.

Methods of treatment of female alcoholism are not much different from how men are treated. These are medicines, and all kinds of coding, etc.

Self-treatment at home

Used folk remedies can be divided into three categories:

  • do not let you get drunk;
  • reduce the impact of alcohol after a feast;
  • help to get rid of alcoholism in general.

Preliminary measures

Treating alcoholism on your own with folk remedies helps to reduce the effects of alcohol. To do this, you should prepare in advance for the upcoming feast.

Before the feast:

  • you should drink strong tea with mint, or coffee with a slice of lemon, repeat after taking alcohol;
  • eat cabbage seeds (white cabbage), about a spoon;
  • chew bitter almond pieces five cores.

Removing the body from a state of intoxication. Recipes

  • After the feast, adding, for example, 20 drops of mint tincture to a glass of water, drink it: headache passes. Or a couple of drops ammonia, the effect is the same.
  • It is recommended to strongly rub the ears of an intoxicated person with the palms: a strong blood flow to the head will “return” consciousness to normal.
  • Widespread methods that cause vomiting reflex. It can be hot coffee with salt or other saline solutions.

  • Sobering up occurs if you drink strong tea, coffee with the addition of a few tablespoons of honey. You can use an alcohol tincture of mint by adding 20 drops to about a glass of water.

Formation of aversion to alcohol: folk recipes

To force an alcoholic to breathe smoke from burnt birch firewood, previously sprinkled with sugar in front of a fire. It is believed that after that you don’t even want to look at vodka.

The gray dung beetle mushroom, as people believe, can cause a sharp aversion to alcohol. Mushrooms need to be fried or cooked with them in soup and fed to a drinking person, preferably in a sober state. When intoxicated, the body's reaction will follow, as to poisoning: severe nausea and urge to vomit.

In the summer, collect a few forest bugs and put them in vodka. Let it brew and then drink this vodka to an alcoholic, without talking about the infusion. Rumor claims that in this way you can cause a persistent aversion to alcohol.

You need to eat 6 teaspoons of sweet honey in three stages with an interval of 20 minutes. Repeat after a couple of hours. Let sleep. The next day, repeat the procedure in the morning before breakfast. For dessert - 4 tablespoons of honey. The hangover subsides. Contraindication is diabetes.

You can reduce the craving for drinking with the help of red hot pepper. Make a tincture in half a liter of alcohol or vodka (2 weeks). Then add 2-3 drops of pepper for each liter of vodka.

Infusion of thyme (creeping thyme) is used several times a day for a tablespoon. An infusion is prepared, pouring boiling water (a glass) three tablespoons of herbs. The drink causes nausea and vomiting.

Long-term treatment for alcoholism folk remedies

Relatives can try to discourage an alcoholic from alcohol with the help of herbs.

Up to three months is required for the treatment of elecampane. The infusion is prepared every day: 2 tablespoons of elecampane are left in half a liter of boiling water for half an hour. Strained solution is taken before meals. Take a break every month for two weeks.

The root of the hoof is used: boil a spoonful of root crumbs for 10 minutes over low heat (take a glass of water), then let it brew for 30 minutes. The strained broth is used, adding a tablespoon to a glass of vodka, no more, and they give it to drink without warning. The medicine provokes vomiting, nausea, aversion to alcohol. However, the plant is poisonous and should be used with caution.

There is an addiction to alcohol, both physical and mental. Therefore, it is logical that treatment is carried out in different directions and with the use of various means. According to the reviews of those who have passed the difficult path of liberation from alcoholism, with the joint efforts of the alcoholic himself and his inner circle, there is hope to learn how to suppress addiction and live without alcohol.

Video: We treat drunkenness without the knowledge of the patient

Video: Alcoholism - new methods of treatment

Alcohol addiction treatment

Since alcoholism has become one of the biggest social problems in the world, it is the subject of numerous studies that lead to the discovery effective ways getting rid of this disease.

The most effective are drugs that cause alcohol intolerance. These can be drugs such as Esperal, Disulfiram, Lidevin or Colme. Most often, after taking these drugs, a person who has consumed alcohol begins to experience discomfort, he develops nausea, vomiting and dizziness.

In addition to the use of psychological or physical method fight against alcoholism, doctors practice and complex treatment in a hospital, which includes procedures that exclude physical dependence, as well as psychological impact on the patient. It is capable of leading to a complete rejection of alcohol, but it takes several months.

Alcoholism is a pressing problem for many families who are devastated by exposure to alcohol. this disease. But in addition to ineffective persuasion and appeals to conscience, you can use more effective methods to help cure a loved one from alcohol addiction forever.


To spare human from, first determine the stage of development of this disease, assessing how often the patient consumes alcohol, whether he experiences a regular hangover and how long he falls into. By evaluating these criteria, you will quickly determine the degree alcoholism to you human and will be able to choose the best method of treatment for a serious illness.

Analyze the factors that have a direct or indirect effect on the alcoholic. Wanting to get rid of alcoholism patient, pay attention to the influence of the environment and bosom friends, which can stimulate the alcoholic craving for alcohol, the influence of society, as well as mental problems. If everything is simple with friends-drinking companions, then the hidden psychological dependence on alcoholic beverages needs to be identified more carefully.

Ask the patient about his life values, about attitudes towards society, about the situation in society, about work, since troubles in the service field often make it necessary to extinguish the problem in the use of alcoholic beverages. Let the patient know that avoiding problems leads to negative impact on his health and in the end will not lead to anything positive.

The most effective motivating factors affecting the patient are the preservation of health, the good of the family, independent choice, respect for relatives. Motivation is directly related to the reasons a person drinks, and if main reason illness is nervous and stressful work, then the conviction to lead a healthy life should also be associated with a career.


And people are more and more often wondering: how to get rid of alcoholism? Alcoholism is a type of substance abuse, this disease is characterized by addiction to alcohol, despite the negative consequences. People who drink constantly and often go on a binge can only be helped by the treatment of alcoholism in specialized narcological hospitals.

Useful advice

That's why the main objective alcoholism treatment - to save a person from alcohol addiction. From the point of view of psychologists and psychiatrists, any addiction is a pathological subordination of a person to something or someone. How to get rid of alcohol addiction? The fight against alcohol addiction is whole complex measures. To get rid of alcoholism there are various methods, but they are united by one thing - the patient must voluntarily or forcibly refuse to take alcohol.

Effective treatment of alcohol addiction is really possible only if the patient himself has consciously made a decision. In most cases, alcoholics do not consider themselves as such, and this fact is fiercely disputed. If it is not possible to do this in the family, you should use the services of doctors - narcologists, psychiatrists, psychotherapists.

You will need

  • - detoxification therapy;
  • - conditioned reflex therapy;
  • - sensitizing therapy;
  • - psychotherapy.


Treatment, depending on the patient's condition at the time of therapy, is carried out either inpatient or outpatient. In cases of severe, mental and somatic disorders, the presence of psychotic episodes in the recent past, hospitalization is recommended.

The first stage is detoxification therapy using parenteral routes of drug administration. They use "Magnesium sulfate", "Unithiol", vitamins, "Nootropil", "Piracetam", etc.

The patient is shown plentiful drink With simultaneous reception diuretics. During this period, enhanced nutrition, high-calorie and rich, is recommended.

Upon reaching positive results detoxification begins anti-alcohol treatment. The choice of methods and its consequences must be discussed with the patient and his relatives.

One of the common methods of treatment is conditioned reflex therapy. The patient develops a conditioned reflex reaction in the form of a gag reflex and the taste of alcoholic beverages. This result is achieved by the combined use of emetics and in a small amount. The method is indicated in the first stage of the disease and who usually do not tolerate vomiting.

The purpose of the method of sensitizing therapy is to suppress the craving for alcohol and create conditions for forced refusal from them. It is achieved by taking "Teturama", "Esperali" or other drugs that have the ability to accumulate in the body and, if alcohol enters it, cause severe, and often unpredictable.

Psychotherapy - component anti-alcohol treatment, aimed at explaining to the patient the severity and detrimental effect on his health of further consumption of alcohol-containing liquids.

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Useful advice

After discharge from the hospital, the most difficult period begins for the patient - remission and adaptation to a new way of life. Moral support from relatives, family, friends, employees can be the only barrier on the way back.

From alcohol deprives a person of a full and vibrant life - however, as well as his loved ones, who are often helpless and unarmed in the fight against the green serpent. Unfortunately, absolute cure from drunkenness has not yet been invented, but in a hospital drinking people they don’t like to be treated - it’s expensive and doctors are strict around. In this case, treatment at home can come to the rescue.

Features of the "home hospital"

The process of treating alcoholism at home is a hard and lengthy work that does not guarantee one hundred percent success. Maximum results can be achieved if a person himself gets rid of addiction, realizing the extent of its destructive impact on his life. Reception special medical preparations prescribed by a doctor for treatment in must be carefully monitored - this will have to be done by one of the indifferent close relatives.

If a person does not want to quit drinking, do not despair - perhaps in this case, the intervention of qualified psychologists will help.

Before starting any treatment, it is necessary to consult a specialist so as not to harm the person even more. Often, people who drink refuse to visit a doctor, citing the absence of a problem as the reason for their decision. In this case, a relative who is as knowledgeable as possible about the state of health of the patient can contact the doctor. It is strongly not recommended to start using drugs bought on the advice of the Internet.

Treatment of alcoholism folk remedies

Some recipes of traditional medicine have proven themselves in official medicine. So, if the patient agrees to, you need to take dry logs, sprinkle them with sugar and set them on fire. The burning fire should be extinguished, the patient should be allowed to breathe the smoke coming from the smoldering logs and pour him a glass of vodka.

The method with birch firewood has repeatedly caused the complete rejection of alcohol even in the most inveterate alcoholics.

The following recipe is considered no less effective among the people: three tablespoons aspen bark, Chernobyl root and thyme pour three glasses in the evening in an enamel bowl cold water. In the morning, boil the infusion over low heat for half an hour and strain. Give the patient a decoction three times a day, one hour before meals, one glass each.

Another popular remedy is wormwood, thyme and centaury, mixed with half a liter of vodka in a ratio of 4:1:1. The mixture must be infused for a week, then given drinking person three times a day, one tablespoon for three months. Advantage this tool in that it can be discreetly added to tea or any alcoholic beverage.

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Alcoholism is a disease that destroys many lives. Most often, it is impossible to overcome the craving for alcohol on your own. Remedies for the treatment of alcoholism can be a real salvation.

Alcoholism is terrible disease, which is often hidden under the guise of friendly gatherings and festive feasts, therefore, in most cases, the patient's relatives begin to look for methods of treatment already during the second or third stage of the disease. So, let's look at the most effective modern methods elimination of alcohol dependence.

Medical therapy

All drugs used in the fight against alcoholism can be divided into three categories:

  1. Medicines that cause a persistent aversion to alcoholic beverages - Torpedo, Esperal, Colme, Algominal and others. The mechanism of their action is based on the blocking of enzymes that are responsible for the breakdown of ethyl alcohol. As a result, alcohol in the body turns into acetaldehyde, a poisonous compound that can cause headaches, nausea, vomiting, increased heart rate, etc. As a rule, these drugs are administered in the form of implants.
  2. Drugs that reduce cravings for alcohol. In the CIS countries, only one drug is registered - Proproten - 100, other drugs do not have a license and are expensive (the average cost of a course of treatment is about $ 100).
  3. Medications that relieve withdrawal symptoms (hangover) - Aspirin, Medichronal, Alkaseltzer. These drugs are conditionally related to the treatment of alcoholism, because, while easing the patient's condition in the morning, they practically provoke immoderate drinking in the evening.

Thus, the main advantage of treating alcoholism with medications lies in the fact that the patient does not require special volitional efforts and tension, which can adversely affect mental balance even healthy person. The disadvantage is the elimination of the consequences of the disease, and not its cause.


This method is based on changing the psychological state of a person, resolving long-standing conflicts that have become the cause of alcoholism, and instilling an aversion to alcohol. Psychotherapeutic treatment takes several forms:

  • hypnosis - plunging the patient into a trance, the doctor inspires him with the need for treatment;
  • autogenic training - in a state of complete relaxation, the patient himself inspires himself with the need to maintain a sober lifestyle;
  • narcopsychotherapy - immersion in a hypnotic state occurs with the help of drugs.

The psychotherapeutic method is the most difficult, but also the most reliable way elimination of alcohol dependence. At the same time, it should be noted that even the most effective treatment for alcoholism in Moscow will not give positive results if the person himself does not decide to stop drinking.

Hardware treatment

Hardware treatment of alcohol addiction is based on electrical stimulation of the patient's brain with the help of specialized high-precision medical equipment. At the same time, the activity of cents responsible for cravings for alcohol is inhibited, and the desire to drink is eliminated. The most famous technology hardware treatment is TES-therapy, developed by Professor Lebedev V.P. Advantage - high efficiency method, disadvantages - a large list of contraindications.

An acute problem of society is alcohol addiction, people suffer from it different ages, sex, wealth .. Doctors, psychotherapists and scientists are constantly looking for effective means against this disease. Coding, "hemming", hypnosis, "Torpedo" and ethnoscience are gradually receding into the past.

Studies conducted in recent decades have made it possible to find out the effect of alcohol on the brain and establish a connection with human behavioral reactions. This has enabled the development of new treatments for alcoholism that help reduce cravings. However, still important condition success is the desire of the person himself to become sober and healthy.

European approach to the treatment of alcoholism

The purpose of such a complex of measures is to achieve a stable and prolonged remission in the patient. According to this modern method of treating alcoholism, it is necessary to go through a number of stages.

  1. Relief of a hangover and its symptoms. This stage takes place for the patient in the hospital. He receives intravenous infusions of drugs for detoxification, recovery normal operation internal organs.
  2. Prescribing drugs that cause aversion to alcohol. This stage can last for several years, at the end of the course a person can hope for a lasting effect.
  3. Social rehabilitation. New methods of treating alcoholism certainly take into account the importance of resocializing a former alcoholic. At this stage, the support of loved ones and relatives is of great importance. Art and occupational therapy, group classes help a person find new interests in life and ways of self-realization.

Treatment of alcoholism with gas: xenotherapy

Doctors use the inert gas xenon. Initially, it was used for anesthesia during operations. The use of this gas has no contraindications and side effects. It has analgesic, anti-inflammatory and soothing effects.

A new method of treating alcoholism is based on the ability of gas to specifically bind to receptors and regulate their work. It instantly relieves withdrawal symptoms, helps to stop depression and relieves cravings for alcohol. In addition, xenon is able to restore brain activity disturbed by alcohol intake.

Information-trance codings

The technique involves the study of the anamnesis and personal characteristics of the patient, the development of an individual multimedia program.

Stages of the modern method of treatment of alcoholism:

  1. preparatory. Includes psychological, pathopsychological diagnostics of personality, determination of indications and contraindications, assessment of personality resources;
  2. treatment stage. A new method of treating alcoholism involves a 50-minute session of watching a video clip on a computer screen with headphones.
  3. The video demonstrates the brain of a sober person and an alcoholic, building associative rows that help a person understand the perniciousness of his habit. A hidden line with sobriety settings blocks the mechanisms of craving for alcohol. At the end, the patient is fixed on a freeze-frame in the form of an eye, which helps to strengthen the installation for sobriety created during the session;
  4. rehabilitation. To maintain the effect, the patient is recommended 5-7 sessions of viewing similar clips that are recorded on digital media.

The effectiveness of a new method of treating alcoholism is confirmed by statistics. In 79%, remission reaches a year, in 61% - about a year and a half. All test participants noted a decrease in cravings for alcohol.

Laser therapy and intracranial translocation

Getting rid of addiction with a laser is based on physical and reflex effects. Laser ray is sent to bioactive points, which regulate internal processes in the human body. Thanks to this new method of treatment, patients get rid of alcoholism, losing cravings for drinking alcohol.

Intracranial translocation is based on a neurophysiological effect on the brain, namely on the so-called alcohol centers. This modern method of treating alcoholism creates the conditions for deactivation (a kind of immersion in sleep) of the cells responsible for cravings for alcohol. The effect persists for 1–5 years.

In addition, after intracranial translocation, one should not drink at all, since a paradoxical reaction of the brain is likely. The work of the motor, respiratory, cardiovascular centers is disrupted, which can lead to disastrous consequences.

Allen Carr method

A new method of treating alcoholism can be called the Allen Carr system, set out in the book " easy way quit drinking." She helped thousands of people with her own efforts, without drugs and hardware, rude interference in the activity of the brain and prohibitive settings to overcome addiction. Try it too!

The trend of alcohol addiction all over the world is growing year by year - in Russia it has become the cause of high morbidity, mortality and crime. Universal scheme treatment in modern medicine no, a technique that is effective for one patient may be completely useless for another. How to deal with alcoholism and is it really possible to defeat it at home?

What is alcoholism

There are several medical definitions for this problem - the Journal of the American Medical Association calls it a chronic primary disease, which is characterized by impaired control over alcohol intake, addiction to it, and distortion of thinking. In psychiatry (according to DSM-IV), alcoholism is understood as the use of alcohol with conscious recurrent negative consequences. For all definitions, 2 statements are true:

  • Alcohol addiction is progressive mental illness, a subspecies of substance abuse, in which a person develops an uncontrollable craving for ethyl alcohol on psychological and physical levels.
  • Drunkenness and alcoholism should be separated in terms, since the first - only the intemperate use of alcohol to the point of severe intoxication, precedes alcohol dependence.

According to the WHO, over 10 years (from 2000 to 2010), the number of patients with alcoholism increased by 68 million, while men are 3 times more susceptible to this problem than women. The main risk group is people aged 35-65 years. The main reasons for the development of cravings for alcohol, according to studies, are social and psychological factors biological predisposition. You can recognize the disease by the following points:

  • intoxication of internal organs;
  • increasing tolerance to ethanol (each time the dose must increase to achieve satisfaction);
  • withdrawal syndrome (neurological, somatic, vegetative and mental disorders).

Alcoholism treatment

Even the most effective methods the fight against alcohol addiction, especially long-standing, will not give a result if the patient does not determine for himself the need for such a step. Like other addictions, alcoholism is primarily a problem of a psychogenic nature, so you should work more with the patient's thinking, but this is not the only thing that needs to be influenced. Alcohol addiction treatment involves a comprehensive approach:

  • psychotherapy;
  • pharmacotherapy;
  • detoxification;
  • correction of social prerequisites.

When discussing the methods of treating alcoholism, they often forget about social and spiritual reasons, social and labor adaptation, preferring to find only effective pill, which will discourage cravings for alcohol. In reality (which is confirmed by the reviews former alcoholics and their relatives), the emphasis should be on the prerequisites for the emergence and development of alcohol dependence:

  • To regulate relationships in the patient's family - during the refusal of alcohol, it is important to receive support from loved ones, whose careless word will nullify the entire treatment process.
  • Stimulate social and labor adaptation - if, in view of long-term alcoholism the patient has lost his job, he needs to find a new job, or change the past (if it was the cause of addiction to alcohol).
  • To take care of the spiritual state of the drinker - this concerns his moral and ethical image, which is created against the background of alcoholism, and the search for meaning in life, which was replaced by a bottle of alcohol.

Medical therapy in general scheme treatment is an auxiliary point - psychological aspects are considered more effective. In addition, the patient and those who are in contact with him should prepare for a long struggle: each organism is individual, so one person will get rid of addiction in a few months, while another will take years.


There is no universal scheme for getting rid of alcohol dependence, since there are several prerequisites for its development, and for effective treatment it is necessary to single out the dominant one. Often, therapy begins with the removal of the patient from hard drinking, which is carried out by a specialist in the narcological center, and after the doctor signs an individual scheme of work. It may include the following modern methods of treating alcoholism:

  • Detoxification - the introduction of a number of drugs using a dropper to alleviate the patient's condition at the time of complete failure from alcohol (an effective method of dealing with physical addiction), to block the withdrawal syndrome.
  • Pharmacotherapy is an effective method for eliminating internal violations, mainly related to the work of organs and systems, provoked chronic intoxication. Additionally, during drug treatment, the patient develops and maintains a sense of their incompatibility with alcohol and high risk lethal outcome.
  • Psychological impact(consultations / conversations with a psychologist) - individual and / or group, to consolidate a negative attitude towards alcohol, prevent relapses, correct the patient's worldview system. This category also includes hypnosis (a technique that is not suitable for everyone).
  • Hardware effects on the nervous system and brain, blocking the activity of centers that are responsible for craving for alcoholic beverages.
  • Non-traditional methods(including traditional medicine recipes).


Some modern doctors coding is considered an effective method of treating alcoholism, although with scientific point vision is a pseudoscientific system that operates solely on the "placebo effect". The essence of coding is to suggest to the patient that drinking alcohol can be fatal - at such a setting, if you have faith in what has been said, you can stop drinking. In the USSR, coding for alcoholism was a popular method of treatment, since it did not involve the use of medical equipment. There are several variations of coding in Russian narcology:

  • Psychotherapeutic - the impact on the subconscious. This also includes hypnosis sessions.
  • Pharmacological - injection of alcohol inhibitors, stitching, oral intake drugs.
  • Hardware technique - laser exposure, electrostereocoding.

All methods of coding for alcoholism involve working with a patient who has not consumed alcohol for more than 2 weeks, which is one of the key drawbacks of this system - it will not work to get a person out of a heavy binge by coding. Doctors consider a quick result as an advantage: often the patient has to attend only 1 session, administer the drug once, and the rest falls on the shoulders of loved ones, who must cut off access to alcohol. Even 50 g of alcohol becomes dangerous. Often, after coding, the patient stays in the clinic for several weeks.

Dovzhenko coding

One of the first coding methods was formed by the Soviet psychiatrist A. Dovzhenko, who gave this system such a definition. The technology was based on psychotherapy with the addition of elements of hypnosis, is considered unique due to the patient's immersion in a trance state during open eyes. During the session, a setting for the dominant setting of refusing alcohol is inserted into the centers of the brain, which occurs through emotional stress psychotherapy - one of the following pressure points is used:

  • risk of death from alcohol abuse;
  • a positive image of a person and responsibility for loved ones.

Alcohol addict loses logical thinking, emotions, the instinct of self-preservation, which returns the status of dominant coding according to Dovzhenko. Programming takes place at the superficial depth of hypnosis, so that the patient is fully aware of what has been said, perceives information with all senses. The period for which addiction to alcohol will be blocked is determined by the patient himself, but the effect mostly lasts for 3 years. After that, you should visit a doctor to consolidate the result. The duration of this procedure is 1.5-2 hours.

Shichko method

If Dovzhenko's technology assumed the interaction of a specialist and a patient, then Shichko's coding method, which appeared in the last century, is based on the fact that the patient himself must inspire certain attitudes. For this reason, this coding scheme is only suitable for people who are on initial stage diseases, when logical thinking has not completely lost its dominant position, there is a chance to persuade yourself. The essence of the Shichko method is in step-by-step execution special exercises and the whole algorithm looks like this:

  1. Take portrait photos on day 1, 10, 30 and 100 to see the effect of alcohol on appearance.
  2. Drawing up a written autohistory - from the 1st day of alcohol consumption, which led to the formation of addiction.
  3. Written recording of sensations during sobriety.
  4. Clarification of the level of hypnotizability (sensitivity to the impact on consciousness).
  5. Working with self-hypnosis texts.
  6. Consolidation of results through the study of anti-alcohol materials, joining the union of teetotalers, etc.

Possibility self-treatment, safety, affordability, lack of contraindications are the key advantages of Shichko coding, but the effectiveness of this method tends to zero for people who:

  • deprived of willpower (a breakdown can occur very quickly);
  • have low hypnotizability;
  • do not understand their problem.

Drugs for alcoholism

Pharmacotherapy is an effective method of influencing alcoholism in several ways: properly selected drugs can eliminate the hangover syndrome, relieve intoxication, affect mental disorders and reduce cravings for alcoholic beverages. There is no universal prescription: drugs are selected depending on the stage of the disease, comorbidities, individual characteristics the patient's body. The main drugs for alcoholism are divided into 2 categories:

  • Drugs based on cyanamide and disulfiram, which block the action of acetaldehyde dehydrogenase, which provokes intoxication and forms the patient's aversion to alcohol.
  • Medicines systemic action that suppress cravings for alcoholic beverages by acting on metabolic processes.

Any medicine for alcoholism is purchased at a pharmacy only after presenting a prescription from a doctor, since all the substances that make up such medicines are toxic. This is especially true of disulfiram, against the background of which, even without a catalyst in the form of alcohol, severe intoxication can occur. Doctors call the most effective drugs:

  • Naltrexone (Vivirol) - an opioid receptor blocker, prevents the onset of euphoria from alcohol intake, due to which the patient ceases to experience the pleasure of alcohol-containing drinks and loses the meaning of their use. Available in capsules and as a solution, it can be prescribed after elimination of withdrawal symptoms and complete cleansing of the body.

  • Teturam is a drug in tablet format, a blocker for the breakdown of ethanol, which leads to severe intoxication, manifested by vomiting, headache, and tachycardia. It is prescribed in the absence of the effect of other medicines, without the knowledge of the patient. Requires prolonged use.

  • Acamprosate - reduces the risk of relapse by 80%, is popular abroad, it has to be ordered to Russia due to the lack of state registration. It is used after cleansing the body, does not eliminate the withdrawal syndrome. Restores functional activity neurotransmitter systems, reduces chemical addiction from alcohol. Therapeutic effect decreases with alcohol consumption.


Among modern safe techniques effects on the brain, experts highlight a hardware technology that involves the use of impulses electric current(electrostimulation). Mostly doctors recommend this technique in rehabilitation period after the main treatment, or to enhance the effect of other encoding schemes. Electrical stimulation helps:

  • suppress the production of endorphins from drinking alcohol;
  • normalize the functioning of the brain.

The method is recognized as very effective, but it is important that the procedures are carried out by a specialist neurophysiologist, otherwise harm can be done. brain activity. The hardware method also has contraindications: severe traumatic brain injury, brain tumors, skin damage where the electrodes will be placed, and infectious diseases nervous system.


If a person is suggestible (only a specialist can determine this), it is worth trying hypnosis coding in the treatment of alcohol dependence. The brain during the procedure is in a borderline state (between sleep and reality), it can perceive information from the outside. After awakening, he performs the task of realizing nested truths. General meaning the same as the above methods:

  • the specialist puts into the mind of the patient an attitude to aversion to alcohol and programs a different model of behavior;
  • recovery is real only if the patient experiences desire get rid of the problem;
  • the technology is safe if the procedure is performed by a competent specialist, but is not suitable for everyone and may require attending several sessions.


The most effective, but at the same time dangerous method elimination of alcohol dependence is considered to be sewing implants with substances that provoke severe intoxication when drinking alcohol. While the catalyst has not entered the body, the drug is inactive, but when taken, even small dose not the strongest alcohol, the substance begins to be released into the blood. How more quantity alcohol that got inside worse condition patient - may experience:

  • angina;
  • tachycardia;
  • cerebral edema;
  • heart attack.

With active drinking after hemming, it is not excluded fatal outcome, which is the main disadvantage of this method - not every patient can resist the bottle, even knowing the consequences. Often, doctors sew medicines based on disulfram into patients: Torpedo, Esperal, Algominal. Less dangerous are implants with substances that affect the center of satisfaction. This method works for about six months, before the procedure, a person should not touch alcohol for a week.

Treatment of alcoholism with a laser

innovative method coding has not yet gained such popularity as older technologies (psychotherapy, pharmacotherapy), but is already being used in a number of drug treatment clinics. Laser exposure has similar features with acupuncture, since it involves the impact on active points that are in strong connection with the areas of the brain responsible for the perception of alcohol. In the process of laser irradiation, the centers of alcohol dependence are suppressed, but this method has a lot of contraindications:

If we consider the above effective methods of treating alcoholism according to the principle of coding, laser irradiation comparatively safe, since it does not give complications if the patient obeys the desire to drink. Adverse reactions that occur after the session (disturbance of appetite, potency, sleep, mood swings, bouts of irritation) disappear on their own and do not harm health. Laser exposure can be considered effective only at stages 1-2 of the disease.


The Eastern method of treating alcohol addiction belongs to the category of alternative medicine. Whether acupuncture is effective, domestic doctors continue to argue, but in many respects the result depends on the specialist. This technology is based on the impact of thin needles on special acupuncture points (mainly behind the ears and on the back), which are responsible for cravings for alcoholic beverages. During the procedure:

  • endorphins are produced;
  • blood circulation improves;
  • the work of internal organs and systems is regulated;
  • eliminated unpleasant symptoms accompanying alcoholism (especially nausea, convulsions and headaches);
  • normalizes emotional condition, dream.

The elimination of cravings for alcohol is a secondary result of acupuncture - the emphasis is on relieving stress, strengthening the immune system and nervous system, and relieving symptoms of malaise. Procedures help to restore the body after drinking, but effective treatment becomes only when combining acupuncture techniques with more effective schemes. The therapeutic course of acupuncture should be 10 procedures or more, between them they make a break of 1-2 days.


Relatively safe, but not the most effective method of influencing alcoholism, doctors call the use of homeopathic remedies. As with coding, the result is a pure "placebo effect" where the patient believes that the herbal "pill" will help. The disadvantage of the method is the uselessness on late stages illness. The principle of treatment for alcohol cravings with homeopathy is based on several points:

  • suppression of hereditary influence and genetic predisposition to alcohol abuse;
  • cleansing the body of toxic substances;
  • stimulation of aversion to alcohol and the formation of a feeling of rejection.

Unlike toxic medicines used for pharmacocoding, homeopathic medicines almost do not provoke adverse reactions, but must be selected by a specialist. They can be used at home, while alcoholics are often prescribed lactose granules or water drops - non-alcoholic tinctures. Mostly doctors use:

  • Hamomilla;
  • Conium;
  • Capsicum;
  • Alcobarrier;
  • Alcoprost.

Conclusion from binge at home

Before starting coding and carrying out other manipulations that start the process of treatment for alcoholism, most patients should be removed from long binge what should be done qualified specialist. The procedure is carried out on an outpatient basis, by calling a doctor at home, and it consists of 3 stages:

  1. Infusion - the patient is given a dropper, which normalizes the balance of electrolytes in the blood in order to reduce the severity of intoxication.
  2. Supportive - helps to normalize the work of the heart and blood vessels, regulate arterial pressure. On the this stage doctors apply vitamin formulations, sedatives and antihistamines.
  3. Psycho-somatic - implies an impact on the patient's mental reactions, the activity of the nervous system. Nootropics, organotropic substances are used.

Dropper for alcohol intoxication at home

The bioavailability of drugs in intravenous administration higher than with oral administration, the result can be observed within a few minutes, therefore, only droppers are always used to get rid of binge at the 1st stage. The composition of the solutions used for them depends on the goal:

  • Alternating 5% glucose and sodium chloride to replenish fluid deficiency and thin the blood.
  • 10% glucose with magnesia to correct electrolyte balance.
  • 4% soda solution for normalization acid-base balance.
  • Detoxifiers (Reamberin, Mafusol) to remove alcohol residues.


Visiting sobriety societies is not an effective method of getting out of binge or treating the body, but is purely psychologically supportive. The patient may come sober or drunk, but in the latter capacity he loses the opportunity to speak at the meeting. The purpose of the work of such groups is to maintain a chance for recovery for everyone who comes, getting rid of loneliness, but they cannot be considered a substitute for official medicine.

Alcoholism treatment for free

If it is difficult to cope with the problem on your own, use the free state program treatment of alcoholics, which is implemented in most cities of Russia. It provides for the placement of the patient in a hospital, where, first of all, he will be taken out of a state of binge, for which the administration of detoxification drugs through droppers is mainly used. After specialists use the following ways alcoholism treatment:

  • Pharmacotherapy (tablets, injections, droppers).
  • Psychological support.

The key benefit of this program is isolation from alcohol, and with prolonged inability to receive a dose, the patient's craving for the forbidden weakens. The downside is that the method cannot be called an effective one: if, after leaving the hospital, the observance of the ban is not followed, the person returns to the previous way of life. Additionally, take into account the contingent served by free program: not always these are people who favorably influence psychological condition surrounding.

At home

Prolonged drinking, severe withdrawal symptoms, the presence of alcoholic psychosis are diagnoses in which outpatient therapy is not effective: the patient is hospitalized. In the initial stages of the disease, when a person is aware of his problem and wants to eliminate it, such effective methods of treating alcoholism at home can help:

Folk remedies

If you are afraid of drinking pills for alcoholism, at the initial stage you can fight the problem with medicinal plants, suppressing cravings for alcohol and restoring the body after hard drinking. Among them are dung beetle mushroom, elecampane, St. John's wort, wormwood, lovage root. Decoctions and infusions are prepared without the use of alcohol - only on water (the effectiveness of hot peppers or walnut earrings on vodka is doubtful). Effective Recipes:

  • Brew 2 tsp. thyme with a glass of boiling water, drink in the morning for a month.
  • Combine 1 tbsp. l. herbs of wormwood and thyme, pour a glass of boiling water, leave for an hour. If added to vodka, it will cause disgust for it through poisoning.
  • Within a month, in the morning, drink the juice of 4 lemons mixed with 100 ml warm water and 1 tsp. honey.


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