Diseases of the cardiovascular system: causes, diagnosis and symptoms. The main signs and symptoms of diseases of the cardiovascular system Human cardiovascular system possible diseases

The human cardiovascular system has a rather complex structure, which includes many arteries, veins and other organs. Its central link is the heart, which provides continuous transportation of blood to all human organs and systems. Such a structure ensures the normal functioning of the body and is laid down by nature itself. However, various cardiovascular diseases can disrupt the natural order of things, which will inevitably affect health.

The main causes of the development of cardiovascular diseases

For normal functioning, the human circulatory system must be constantly under load, stimulating its work. Otherwise, it gradually declines, which is fraught with the development of various pathological conditions. Cardiovascular diseases are one of them, and their formation can cause serious harm to human health.

To date, there is a fairly large list of diseases belonging to the category of cardiovascular diseases. All of them have their own characteristics and nature of the flow, disrupting the work of certain organs. Myocarditis or rheumatism affects the heart. Phlebitis or atherosclerosis are diseases of the veins and arteries.

There are also varieties that affect the entire system as a whole. A striking example of such a condition is arterial hypertension, which leads to impaired vascular tone and increases their fragility. However, sometimes it is quite difficult to draw a clear line between similar conditions, since one disease at various stages can first affect the arteries, and then the heart.

The causes of the appearance and development of diseases of the cardiovascular system are diverse, but most often the following factors contribute to the formation of such problems:

  • elevated levels of triglycerides and cholesterol in the blood;
  • high blood pressure;
  • the presence of bad habits;
  • lack of physical activity;
  • sedentary work;
  • increased body weight;
  • diabetes;
  • systematic stress;
  • depression;
  • age;
  • hereditary predisposition.

The above criteria will not necessarily lead to the development of pathologies of the cardiovascular system. However, their presence significantly increases the risk of their formation and significantly affects the well-being of a person.

The main clinical symptoms in diseases of the cardiovascular system

Symptoms of cardiovascular disease

Diseases of the human circulatory system are quite diverse. Each of them has its own characteristics and has a different effect on the body. However, there are some signs that are similar for all similar diseases, and their presence makes it possible to diagnose the problem in a timely manner and influence its course. They look like this:

  • pain in the chest area;
  • cardiopalmus;
  • violation of the heart rhythm;
  • dyspnea;
  • high swelling;
  • violation of pigmentation of the skin;
  • headache;
  • dizziness.

The identification of such symptoms indicates the development of a pathological process that has affected the work of the heart or blood vessels. Moreover, if the periodic occurrence of any one symptom does not necessarily indicate the presence of a problem of a similar nature, then the simultaneous manifestation of several of them requires immediate medical attention.

Ignoring such symptoms will not help solve the problem, but, on the contrary, will aggravate the situation. So, a slight dysfunction in the work of the vessels, if the manifestation of the problem is ignored, can develop into atherosclerosis, which is a much more serious disease.

Treatment of diseases of the heart and blood vessels: surgery

Treatment of cardiovascular diseases is multicomponent and based on the use of various techniques. The composition and main directions of the complex effect should be determined only by a doctor. It is he who, based on the symptoms, external examination, conversation with the patient and the results of the tests, selects the optimal treatment plan, and also determines its components.

However, sometimes a person comes to the hospital in a state where the slightest delay can cost him his life. In such cases, doctors resort to the most complex methods of treatment, which involve surgical intervention. To date, most often cardiac surgeons are forced to perform the following operations:

  • coronary bypass;
  • heart transplant;
  • removal of the aneurysm;
  • valve operations;
  • operation Bentall;
  • operation labyrinth.

Surgical intervention is a last resort and is carried out when it is not possible to treat the patient in another way. At the same time, such manipulations have to be resorted to in the most advanced cases, when the symptoms of the problem were ignored for a long time and the disease led to the development of complications.

The use of medicines and their classification

Drug treatment is the most justified and makes it possible to avoid aggravating the problem. There are a huge number of drugs, the purpose of which is to restore the work of the cardiovascular system. At the same time, each of them is narrowly focused and is responsible for restoring the functioning of a particular sector.

Based on this, when eliminating heart rhythm failures, the doctor prescribes several drugs designed to normalize the speed and rate of contractions, and to overcome the consequences of a stroke, a completely different list of drugs. In general, the following medicines are used to overcome the symptoms of diseases of the cardiovascular system:

  • antiarrhythmic drugs;
  • cardiotonic;
  • vasodilators;
  • beta-blockers;
  • angiotensin type 2 receptor antagonists;
  • antihypertensive agents;
  • diuretics;
  • peripheral vasodilators;
  • angioprotectors;
  • cardiac glycosides;
  • calcium channel blockers;
  • drugs that affect the renin-angiotensin system;
  • lipid-lowering agents.

Similar categories of drugs include 10-15 different components, which are quite specific. Their appointment is based on the diagnosed disease and the severity of its symptoms.

Physiotherapy procedures

The role of physiotherapy in the treatment of cardiovascular diseases is difficult to overestimate. Their positive impact on the course of the rehabilitation process has been clinically proven. With this purpose, physiotherapy is to relieve tension in the vessels and improve blood circulation, which is achieved as a result of relaxation of muscle fibers. Such methods include:

  • massotherapy;
  • relaxing baths;
  • infrared radiation;
  • ultratonotherapy;
  • local barotherapy;
  • acupuncture.

The effectiveness of these techniques for each specific case may be different. However, most often, if there are problems in the work of the circulatory system, massage is prescribed. Its use has a beneficial effect on muscle fibers, contributing to the development of reactive and working hyperemia, which has a stimulating effect on the peripheral and coronary circulation.


Alternative medicine for diseases of the cardiovascular system is rather an auxiliary tool and is aimed at consolidating the result of the main treatment. Folk remedies make it possible to improve the condition of the whole organism and consist in the use of various medicinal herbs and fees. First of all, their action is aimed at relaxing muscle structures, stabilizing blood pressure and dilating blood vessels. To achieve these qualities, apply:

  • yarrow;
  • valerian;
  • heather;
  • ginseng;
  • licorice trifoliate;
  • peppermint;
  • chamomile motherwort;

The above remedies have a lot of positive qualities, and their use for the treatment of diseases of the circulatory system accelerates the recovery of the body and increases the effectiveness of the main therapy. However, before using such tools, you should consult with a specialist, since they all have their own characteristics and, if used ineptly, can harm the body.

The role of physiotherapy exercises

Therapeutic exercise in cardiovascular diseases plays a huge role. Thanks to systematic sports and therapeutic exercises, there is a significant strengthening of the myocardium, an increase in its functionality and an improvement in blood circulation.

Constant physical activity improves blood flow, providing organs with oxygen and increasing the elasticity of blood vessels, the walls of which are cleared of cholesterol and acquire pristine purity. As a result, the likelihood of blood clots and the development of atherosclerotic plaques, which are one of the main causes of cardiovascular disease, is significantly reduced.

However, physical activity in this kind of ailments should be used with caution so as not to harm the patient. Based on this, the intensity and duration of training is selected individually based on the patient's condition, as well as his well-being.

Preventive actions

Prevention of vascular and heart diseases is aimed at consolidating the achieved result and preventing the re-development of the pathological process. To strengthen the circulatory system, a whole range of measures is used, the implementation of which is guaranteed, will bring a positive result and will prevent problems of this kind in the future. These reinforcing factors look like this:

  • proper nutrition;
  • giving up bad habits (alcohol, smoking);
  • body weight control;
  • avoidance of stress;
  • active lifestyle
  • good .

All these simple measures and their observance make it possible not only to restore the functioning of the cardiovascular system, but also to make the whole body stronger and more resilient. That will favorably affect the well-being of a person and his attitude to life.


Cardiovascular disease is a serious problem affecting an increasing number of people around the world. The reasons for their development are banal and grow from the modern lifestyle, in which there is practically no room for physical activity. At the same time, the presence of such diseases can significantly complicate a person’s life, and their treatment requires the implementation of a whole range of measures. However, timely seeking medical help makes it possible to avoid the progression of diseases, and preventive measures will prevent their occurrence in the future.

The mortality of the population of Russia from cardiovascular diseases is very high today. The risk group includes, as a rule, people who have reached old age. However, recently there has been a "rejuvenation" of many pathologies of the cardiovascular system. Bad ecology, frequent stresses, the modern rhythm of life cannot but affect the work of our heart. Most often, cardiologists register cases of myocarditis, angina pectoris, myocardial infarction, aneurysm of the heart or cerebral vessels.


Myocarditis is called inflammation of the heart muscle (myocardium), which occurs against the background of an infection, an allergic reaction, or a decrease in the protective functions of the body. Rarely, primary myocarditis occurs - inflammation that is not associated with the presence of any third-party pathology. In the case when it is impossible to establish the exact cause of the disease, they speak of idiopathic myocarditis. The cardiac muscle ensures the normal functioning of the heart and makes up the bulk of its entire mass. Its inflammation affects the ability of the heart to contract and pump blood.

The symptoms of the disease often differ depending on what caused it. Sometimes it is possible to determine the presence of inflammation only by performing an ECG procedure. Myocarditis, which develops against the background of an infectious disease, is usually manifested by severe sharp pains in the chest area, shortness of breath, general weakness, and there may be a slight increase in the size of the heart. With myocarditis, there is often a violation of the heart rhythm, its acceleration, a feeling of fading or cardiac arrest. A more severe course of the disease is accompanied by heart failure, thrombosis in the cavity of the heart, which leads to a heart attack.

To establish an accurate diagnosis, an x-ray of the organ, echocardiography is performed. In infectious myocarditis, antibiotics are indicated, other drugs may be prescribed depending on the general condition of the patient. Treatment is carried out, as a rule, in a medical institution.


Atherosclerosis is a chronic pathology associated with the formation of atherosclerotic plaques in the lumen of blood vessels. Such plaques are an accumulation of fats and the growth of surrounding tissues. Clogging of blood vessels leads to their deformation and the occurrence of obstruction, as a result of which blood circulation throughout the human body is disturbed. A plaque torn off from a vessel is very dangerous for human life and often leads to instant death.

The disease is usually accompanied by circulatory disorders in the lower extremities (the threat of gangrene), the brain and heart. Atherosclerosis of the heart vessels leads to ischemia. At the first suspicion of this pathology, you should call a doctor. So, an attack of atherosclerosis of the heart vessels begins with the onset of pressing pain in the chest and dizziness, the appearance of shortness of breath and a feeling of lack of air. Such an attack can be stopped with nitroglycerin. Frequent recurrence of such conditions ends in myocardial infarction, death or disability.

Cardiac ischemia

Ischemic heart disease is a condition in which the heart muscle does not receive the amount of blood necessary for the normal functioning of the organ. The cause of this pathology is the narrowing or complete blockage of blood vessels. There are several forms of ischemic disease. Each of them can be considered as an independent disease.

angina pectoris

Angina pectoris is one of the main manifestations of coronary disease, manifested by frequent pain in the heart area, which can radiate to the left shoulder, arm or neck. Most often, an attack of angina pectoris begins after an experienced emotional shock or physical exertion. At rest, heart pain usually subsides. A separate type of angina pectoris is characterized by the occurrence of chest pain in the absence of any stress and physical activity. An attack of angina pectoris can occur suddenly, for example, at night and ends after taking a tablet of validol or nitroglycerin. In addition to chest pain, an attack of the disease is accompanied by excessive sweating, a slowing of the pulse rate, and blanching of the face. Rest angina is life-threatening and can result in myocardial infarction.

Treatment is complex. First, the patient is subject to a comprehensive examination, then the specialist prescribes the necessary medications (to prevent attacks in the future). The patient is shown compliance with the diet, the alternation of physical activity with rest, the absence of stress and excessive stress on the body. A good effect in the treatment is given by drugs that have a vasodilating effect.

myocardial infarction

Myocardial infarction is an extremely life-threatening condition characterized by the death of certain sections of the heart muscle. Oxygen starvation of the myocardium due to a violation of the circulatory process in it leads to the occurrence of this pathology. Most often, myocardial infarction develops in people who have reached the age of forty. In general, the risk of developing cardiovascular disease increases dramatically with age.

The main symptom of myocardial infarction, as well as an attack of angina pectoris, is intense pain behind the sternum. Pain in angina pectoris is easily stopped by a nitroglycerin tablet or goes away on its own within 10-15 minutes. Pain during a heart attack can persist for several hours. At the first suspicion, medical workers should be called, the patient should be placed on a soft, flat surface, and he should be given 30 drops of Corvalol to drink. Further, no action should be taken until the arrival of doctors. Among the other symptoms of myocardial infarction: darkening in the eyes, sweating, blanching of the skin, fainting. Sometimes there are atypical cases of the disease, when the main symptoms as such are absent or they are very erased. A person may experience pain in the abdomen, difficulty breathing, dizziness.

Myocardial infarction requires urgent placement of the patient in the intensive care unit of a medical institution. Lack of assistance can lead to serious consequences in the form of heart failure, heart failure, cardiogenic shock. Conservative treatment involves the introduction into the patient's body of drugs that lower venous pressure, relieve pain, normalize the work of the heart. Only the first hours of a heart attack are dangerous for human life, then the possibility of a fatal outcome decreases. After normalization of the patient's condition, they are transferred to the hospital. The rehabilitation period after myocardial infarction lasts at least six months, some drugs are prescribed for life.


An aneurysm is a pathological condition of the vessel wall, in which an expansion of its separate section occurs. Often an aneurysm is localized in the aorta, blood vessels of the brain and heart. The cause of the development of this pathology may be atherosclerosis, infectious disease, injury. There are congenital aneurysms. Regardless of the place of formation, an aneurysm is always dangerous, its rupture is a great danger to human life. The symptoms of the disease vary depending on the place where the expansion of the vessel has occurred. An aneurysm that occurs on the wall of the myocardium is most often a consequence of an experienced heart attack. The presence of this pathology affects the work of the heart as a whole and contributes to the development of heart failure. Death from rupture of an aneurysm of the heart occurs instantly.

In medical practice, aneurysm of cerebral vessels (intracranial) is quite common. The disease proceeds, as a rule, without any main symptoms until the part of the vessel filled with blood reaches a huge size or until it breaks. Its rupture is accompanied by a severe headache, clouding of consciousness, double vision, vomiting, fainting. The rupture of an intracranial aneurysm is preceded by a rupture that lasts for several days in a row. Complete elimination of the disease is achieved only by surgery.

Timely diagnosis of diseases of the cardiovascular system is extremely important, since a fully functioning heart and healthy blood vessels are the key to adequate blood supply to all organs and systems of the body. In a certain part of cases, even serious heart diseases are asymptomatic, but often cardiac patients (that is, people with heart pathology) present typical complaints, on the basis of which one or another disease can be suspected. What are the symptoms? Consider below.

The main signs of heart disease

The main signs of heart disease are:

  • pain in the chest area, especially behind the sternum;
  • feeling short of breath, or;
  • interruptions in the work of the heart, (tachycardia);
  • and intermittent loss of consciousness;
  • weakness, fatigue;
  • heaviness, pain in the right hypochondrium.

Also, hoarseness and cough, complete lack of appetite (anorexia), fever (hyperthermia) and, or nocturia, may also indicate cardiac pathology.

Chest pain

Patients with heart disease often experience pain in the chest.

Pain in the chest (the so-called cardialgia) is the most common symptom of heart pathology, but it can be caused not only by diseases of the heart, but also by other organs and systems.

The following heart conditions can cause chest pain:

  • all forms;
  • pericarditis;
  • cardiomyopathy;
  • pathological sports heart.

Ischemic heart disease (CHD) is the cause of more than 50% of all cardialgia. Its most formidable forms are angina pectoris and. has a number of signs, on the basis of which it is not difficult to suspect this particular pathology:

  • the pain is localized behind the sternum, can radiate (give) to the left arm, left shoulder blade, left half of the neck;
  • usually an attack of pain lasts from one to fifteen minutes;
  • the pain, as a rule, is intense, has a burning, pressing, squeezing character, is accompanied by a fear of death, often with cold sweat;
  • pain attack occurs after physical or emotional stress, overeating, exposure to cold;
  • relieve pain rest, semi-sitting position in bed, taking nitroglycerin.

Sometimes, even at the first glance at a "heart" patient, one can determine the disease that he suffers from.

In heart failure (in mild cases), patients prefer to lie on their right side, since lying on their left side causes them discomfort in the region of the heart.

Patients with left ventricular failure prefer a sitting position.

Increased reabsorption of water by the tubules of the kidneys. DYSPNEA. In heart disease, shortness of breath is one of the earliest symptoms. In mild cases, it disturbs the patient only in a state of physical exertion, with moderate diseases - during normal work, and in severe cases, it appears even at rest.

The appearance of shortness of breath in diseases of the cardiovascular system can be explained by several reasons:

Stagnation in the pulmonary circulation;

Disorder of cerebral blood supply and hypoxemia (insufficient oxygen supply) of the medulla oblongata;

Lung diseases (emphysema, pneumosclerosis), when their respiratory surface decreases, breathing becomes frequent and shallow, which further worsens the supply of oxygen to the blood.

HEART BEAT. Heartbeat is the subjective sensation of heart contractions. In a practically healthy person, it can occur during physical exertion, after a heavy meal, or during stressful conditions. In diseases of the cardiovascular system, palpitations appear already in the early stages of the disease.

Often, palpitations are the result of cardiac neurosis and occur with increased excitability of the heart.

PAIN. In a healthy person, pain in the region of the heart can also occur with increased excitability of the nervous system, but more often it is the result of a pathological process. Pain is the watchman of our body, and when the watchman gives a signal, it means that there are failures somewhere.

If the pain occurs as a result of spasm of the coronary vessels, then they are called angina pectoris. In these cases, acute anemia of the myocardium develops, and the pain is the "cry of the starving myocardium." Angina pectoris pains are burning, squeezing or pressing in nature.

With inflammation of the membranes of the heart, the pain can be permanent dull in nature. In diseases of the aorta, it also has a dull permanent character and is felt behind the sternum.

Shortness of breath is a frequent and often the main complaint of patients with circulatory failure, its occurrence is due to excessive accumulation of carbon dioxide in the blood and a decrease in oxygen content as a result of congestion in the pulmonary circulation.

In the initial stage of “circulatory insufficiency, the patient experiences shortness of breath only during physical exertion. In the case of progression of heart failure, shortness of breath becomes constant and does not disappear at rest.

Breathlessness is distinguished from shortness of breath. characteristic of cardiac asthma, which occur most often suddenly, at rest or some time after physical overload or emotional overstrain. They are a sign of acute left ventricular failure and are observed in patients with acute myocardial infarction, with heart defects and high blood pressure (BP). During such an attack, patients complain of extreme lack of air. Often, pulmonary edema develops very quickly in them, which is accompanied by a strong cough, the appearance of bubbling in the chest, the release of a foamy liquid, and pink sputum.

heartbeat- a feeling of strong and frequent, and sometimes non-rhythmic contractions of the heart. It usually occurs with frequent heartbeats, but can be felt in individuals without heart rhythm disturbances. In the presence of a pathology of the heart, palpitations can be a sign of functional myocardial insufficiency in patients with diseases such as myocarditis, myocardial infarction, heart defects, etc. Often this unpleasant sensation occurs in patients with heart rhythm disorders (paroxysmal tachycardia, extrasystole, etc.). However, you need to know that palpitations are not always a direct sign of heart disease. It can also occur due to other reasons, such as hyperthyroidism, anemia, fever, reflex due to pathology of the gastrointestinal tract and biliary tract, after the use of certain drugs (aminofillin, atropine sulfate). Since palpitations are associated with increased excitability of the nervous apparatus that regulates cardiac activity, it can be observed in healthy people with significant physical exertion, excitement, in case of abuse of coffee, alcohol, tobacco. The heartbeat is constant or occurs suddenly in the form of seizures, such as proximal tachycardia.

Often patients complain of a feeling of “interruptions” in the heart, which are accompanied by a feeling of fading, cardiac arrest and are mainly associated with such cardiac arrhythmias as extrasystolic arrhythmia, sino-arterial blockade.

Particular attention should be paid to patients who complain of pain in the region of the heart and behind the sternum, which is observed during the course of various diseases. It can be caused by a violation of the coronary circulation (most often occurs with the development of angina pectoris or myocardial infarction), diseases of the pericardium, especially acute dry pericarditis; acute myocarditis, cardiac neurosis, aortic lesions. However, you should be aware that often patients complain of "pain in the region of the heart" or "pain in the heart" when the organs and tissues surrounding the heart are affected, in particular the ribs (contusion, fracture, periostitis, tuberculosis), intercostal muscles (myositis), intercostal nerves (neuralgia, neuritis), pleura (pleurisy).

Pain in the heart

The course of various heart diseases is characterized by pain, has a different character, therefore, when questioning the patient, it is necessary to find out in detail its exact localization, place of irradiation, causes and conditions of occurrence (physical or psycho-emotional overstrain, appearance at rest, during sleep), character (prickly, squeezing, burning, feeling of heaviness behind the sternum), duration, from which it passes (from stopping while walking, after taking nitroglycerin, etc.). Pain is often observed due to myocardial ischemia resulting from insufficiency of the coronary circulation. This pain syndrome is called angina pectoris. In the case of angina pectoris, pain is usually localized behind the sternum and (or) in the projection of the heart and radiates under the left shoulder blade, neck and left arm. Mostly its character is constricting or burning, its occurrence is associated with physical labor, walking, in particular with lifting up, with excitement. Pain, lasts 10-15 minutes, stops or decreases after taking nitroglycerin .

Unlike the pain that occurs with angina pectoris, the pain that occurs with myocardial infarction is much more intense, prolonged and does not go away after taking nitroglycerin.

In patients with myocarditis, pain is intermittent, of course not intense, dull in nature. Sometimes it gets worse with physical activity. In patients with pericarditis, pain is localized in the middle of the sternum or throughout the heart. It is prickly or shooting in nature, can be long (several days) or appear in the form of seizures. This pain is aggravated by movement, coughing, even pressing with a stethoscope. Pain associated with damage to the aorta (aortalgia) is usually localized behind the sternum, has a constant character and is not marked by irradiation.

For neurosis, the most characteristic localization of pain is at the apex of the heart or more often in the left half of the chest. This pain is prickly or aching in nature, it can be prolonged - it may not disappear for hours and days, it is aggravated by excitement, but not during physical exertion, and is accompanied by other manifestations of general neurosis.

Patients with heart disease may be bothered by coughing, which is caused by stagnation of blood in the pulmonary circulation. In this case, a dry cough is usually noted, sometimes a small amount of sputum is secreted. Dry, often hysterical cough is observed in the case of an increase in the heart, mainly the left atrium in the presence of an aortic aneurysm.

Hemoptysis in patients with heart disease in most cases is caused by stagnation of blood in the pulmonary circulation and facilitated release of erythrocytes from capillaries stretched with blood into the lumen of the alveoli, as well as rupture of small bronchial vessels. More often, hemoptysis is observed in patients with stenosis of the left atrioventricular orifice and pulmonary embolism. If an aortic aneurysm ruptures into the airways, profuse bleeding occurs.

Edema. as shortness of breath, is the most common complaint of patients with heart disease in the stage of decompensation. They appear as a symptom of venous congestion in the systemic circulation and are initially determined only in the afternoon, usually in the evening, on the back of the feet and in the ankle area, and disappear overnight. In the case of progression of edematous syndrome and accumulation of fluid in the abdominal cavity, patients complain of heaviness in the abdomen and an increase in its size. Especially often there is heaviness in the right hypochondrium due to stagnation in the liver and its increase. In connection with circulatory disorders in the abdominal cavity, in addition to these signs, patients may experience poor appetite, nausea, vomiting, bloating, and stool disorders. For the same reason, kidney function is impaired and diuresis decreases.

Headache (cephalgia) may be a manifestation of high blood pressure. In the event of a complication of hypertension - a hypertensive crisis - the headache intensifies, accompanied by dizziness, tinnitus, and vomiting.

In the presence of heart disease (endocarditis, myocarditis, etc.), patients complain of an increase in body temperature, often to subfebrile figures, but sometimes there may be a high temperature that accompanies infective endocarditis. When asking patients, it is necessary to clarify at what time of the day the body temperature rises, its increase is accompanied by chills, profuse sweating, how long the fever lasts.

In addition to the aforementioned main, most important complaints, patients may note the presence of fatigue, general weakness, as well as decreased performance, irritability, and sleep disturbance.

The most interesting news

Symptoms of diseases of the cardiovascular system

The most important most common signs of circulatory disorders in diseases of the cardiovascular system are shortness of breath, pain, palpitations, cyanosis and swelling. They constitute the content of the first complaints of the patient, they (shortness of breath, cyanosis, edema) in most cases are the first to be noted during an objective examination. In any case, if the patient himself does not indicate them, the presence or absence of these symptoms must be noted by the examining physician. In addition to these symptoms, which are noticeable to the patient, changes in blood pressure that are often not felt by patients are of great importance. All these symptoms, combined with each other and with other symptoms (fatigue, loss of efficiency, etc.), give a picture of circulatory failure.

Dyspnea in cardiac patients is one of the earliest and most persistent symptoms. At the very beginning of the development of heart failure, it appears only with greater physical exertion, and with the full development of insufficiency, shortness of breath does not go away even with complete rest.

The reasons for the development of shortness of breath in a cardiovascular patient are mainly: 1) stagnation of blood in the lungs and their worst aeration - mechanical shortness of breath; 2) reduced excretion or increased formation of metabolic products, especially acidic ones, and carbon dioxide - toxic shortness of breath. The accumulation of incompletely oxidized metabolic products during work and in a healthy person is somewhat faster and in greater quantities than the supply of oxygen necessary for their complete oxidation. The difference between required and actual oxygen consumption is called "oxygen debt". In heart failure, under-oxidized products accumulate more, “oxygen debt” lasts longer; increased breathing turns into shortness of breath. In severe heart failure, "oxygen debt" becomes permanent. In addition, a more or less significant role is played by: 3) increased excitability of the respiratory center due to oxygen starvation; 4) accumulation of gases in the stomach and intestines, as well as fluid in the abdominal cavity, leading to a rise in the diaphragm.

Shortness of breath, as an indicator of heart failure, predominantly of the left heart, includes a subjective sensation and objective signs, and in some cases either the subjective or the objective side may prevail.

Shortness of breath in a cardiovascular patient can take many forms. The following are most often observed: 1) shortness of breath during physical exertion; 2) constant shortness of breath; 3.) inability to hold one's breath; 4) rapid breathing without painful sensations; 5) shortness of breath that appears in the morning, as a result of a decrease in the tone of the cardiovascular system during sleep, but passes in the middle of the day: habitual work often raises the dynamics of blood circulation; 6) dyspnea of ​​the Cheyne-Stokes type; 7) shortness of breath, appearing with the transition to a horizontal position, causing awakening after two to three hours of sleep; 8) the most painful form of shortness of breath in a heart patient, occurring in the form of suffocation episodically, cardiac asthma (asthma cardiale).

Attacks of cardiac asthma usually develop suddenly in the form of severe shortness of breath, not associated with physical stress. On the contrary, asthma develops more often at night. Eating and drinking a lot at night contributes to asthma. The patient wakes up with a feeling of extreme lack of air (suffocation), with a feeling of compression of the chest. There is usually no pain. The face is bluish, the skin is covered with cold sweat. Frequent small pulse up to 140 beats per minute. Frequent cardiac arrhythmias. Breathing speeded up to 30-40 per minute. When the fit passes, another attempt to lie down causes it to reappear. Percussion noted increased sonority throughout the lung, auscultatory - often small moist rales, mainly in the lower lobes (stagnation). The mechanism of cardiac asthma is explained differently. The following explanation is most accepted: in the supine position, due to the partial absorption of edema, the amount of circulating blood increases, often already increased with heart failure. If the left heart has weakened more than the right, then more blood enters the small circlethan the left ventricle can pump out of it; the capillaries of the small circle are overfilled, and thus both the respiratory surface and the mobility of the lung are sharply reduced. In addition to the mechanical moment, shifts in the autonomic nervous system towards vagotonia seem to be of great importance. This is evidenced by the suddenness of the beginning, and often the end of the attack, and often after it a copious separation of liquid urine with a specific gravity of about 1003-1000 (urina spastica). In addition to muscular insufficiency of the left ventricle (for example, with defects in the aortic valves), another obstacle to the emptying of the small circle may be pronounced mitral stenosis. With it, asthma attacks are observed only in the presence of a strong right ventricle and an increased demand on the work of the heart. Under these conditions, the phenomena of stagnation in the lungs increase sharply and sharply, and an attack occurs. As soon as the right ventricle begins to weaken, asthma attacks with stenosis disappear. Thus, cardiac asthma is an indicator of the weakness of the left ventricle while maintaining the strength of the right.

With a significant attack of asthma, the blood serum begins to sweat into the cavity of the alveoli, and acute pulmonary edema develops. Pulmonary edema begins in the lower lobes, and the fluid, displacing air from the airways, gradually rises higher and higher. Depending on this, a strong cough appears, shortness of breath increases sharply, when listening, a large number of first very small, and then large moist rales are determined, and foamy liquid sputum, usually pink in color, resembling cranberry mousse, is released in large quantities.

Pain is a common complaint in heart patients. When taking into account the significance of pain, two main points must be remembered: 1) the individual sensitivity of the nervous system can change and distort the external manifestations of subjective sensations; 2) the intensity of pain is not always proportional to the danger and even more so the degree of anatomical changes.

In case of pain in the region of the heart, it is necessary to exclude diseases of the tissues and organs surrounding the heart - ribs (fracture, tuberculosis, gumma), intercostal muscles (myositis), nerves (neuralgia, neuritis), pleura (pleurisy), etc. Pain depending on the lesion hearts are called:

1) diseases of the pericardium, most often acute dry pericarditis:

2) acute stretching of the heart muscle;

3) acute myocarditis;

4) diseases or functional disorders of the activity of the coronary vessels;

5) lesions of the aorta;

6) pressure of the dilated parts of the heart and blood vessels on the nerve formations.

When analyzing heart pain, attention should be paid to the following features: 1) exact localization, 2) intensity, 3) nature, 4) connection with other phenomena, 5) duration, 6) direction of return, 7) associated characteristic phenomena.

For the differential diagnosis of pain, the following characteristic features can serve.

With pericarditis, pain is usually localized in the middle of the sternum or throughout the heart; their intensity varies up to very strong pain; the pains are stabbing or shooting in nature. Pain is aggravated by movement, coughing, even when pressed with a stethoscope. The pain may last continuously for several days or appear in separate attacks; recoil is rarely observed - in the left shoulder. With adhesive pericarditis, pain may occur when the head is tilted back (tension of the adhesions).

Acute distension of the heart is always associated with previous excessive physical stress - lifting weights, record running, etc. Pain does not represent characteristic features. Their intensity is not very high. Soreness is caused by stretching of both the heart muscle itself and the pericardium.

With myocarditis, pain is not constant, usually weak and deaf, often of a pressing nature; appear in the presence of a severe infection and approximately correspond to it in duration.

All of these types of pain can usually be easily explained by an analysis of the immediate past and present, due to a clear connection with recent or ongoing infections or trauma. In addition, they are characterized by relative constancy over a certain period of time, non-repeatability and lack of return.

Of much greater diagnostic interest is the group of periodic pain manifestations associated with acute impairment of coronary circulation. This group of pain symptoms is combined into angina pectoris syndrome.

Angina pectoris. At the heart of angina pectoris is an acute onset of a sharp lack of blood supply (ischemia) and metabolic disorders in a limited area of ​​​​the heart muscle. The reason is a temporary violation or complete cessation of blood circulation in the trunk or in one of the branches of the coronary arteries, more often in the left.

It is caused by a violation of the blood flow or a complete blockage of the artery (thrombosis), or a spasm, which can also occur in a healthy vessel, but more often in the presence of a vascular wall altered by atherosclerosis or inflammation (syphilis). To anatomical changes, up to the development of ischemic or hemorrhagic infarction. can lead to spasm and a perfectly healthy vessel. The reflex that caused the spasm can come from a wide variety of organs: the skin, stomach, genitals, etc. The skin reflex is usually caused by the transition from a warm room to a damp (cold-humid) atmosphere with a strong oncoming, especially cold wind, even contact with cold linen sheets or, conversely, the transition to an unusual hot atmosphere. The reflex effect on the coronary vessels is reinforced by the mechanical effect of the rise in arterial blood pressure often observed under the same conditions. The reflex from the gastrointestinal tract is reinforced by the mechanical action of raising the diaphragm by the stomach, overflowing with food and swallowed air, the chemical action of food, and increased blood flow. Walking after eating is especially often indicated by patients as a factor causing an attack of pain.

In general, mental moments (emotional trauma, mental fatigue), chemical (infections, tobacco) and mechanical (temperature, overload) can cause an attack. Attacks are often observed at night: the most likely reason for this is the nocturnal predominance of the vagus nerve tone.

Not only high, but also constant subfebrile temperature can cause complications in people with diseases of the cardiological sphere. What to do with its increase and how to prevent dangerous health problems? So, today it is worth telling you about a sharp increase and decrease in body temperature without symptoms in an adult and a child, associated with cardiological problems.

Why is this phenomenon dangerous?

Patients with heart disease constantly suffer from a wide variety of symptoms. High body temperature and a feverish state can be triggered by various factors, but with cardiological problems, even a short increase in it negatively affects the heart. There is an increase in the number of contractions (sometimes 2 times!), The heart suffers excessive loads.

This video will tell you about a sudden increase in temperature without symptoms:

Feature Varieties

  • very high (more than 39 C);
  • increased moderately (37-38 C);
  • subfebrile.

We will talk about the signs of the process of increasing body temperature below.

How to identify yourself

It is imperative to pay attention to the symptoms that accompany the temperature. Even a slight increase in temperature is often combined with weakness, decreased performance, and sometimes with headaches. Signs that may indicate heart problems include:

  1. . Dry and prolonged, sputum may gradually appear, sometimes even streaked with blood. There are several differences from a cold cough: duration, attacks in the supine position, it weakens when taking a vertical position.
  2. . Appears even against the background of small physical exertion.
  3. Chest pain of a different nature. Sometimes they are felt throughout the chest and in the back of it.
  4. Aches in the joints. This symptom is also characteristic of influenza, but rheumatism can also manifest itself in this way.
  5. and pulse rate.

About the reasons leading to an increase in body temperature in the evening and during the day in a child and an adult, we will describe further.

What could a rise in temperature indicate?

Heart problems

An increase in temperature can occur under the influence of SARS or, for example, with prolonged exposure to the sun. Many disorders in the body are accompanied by its rise, especially those of an inflammatory nature.

But most of all, the symptom is dangerous in the presence of heart disease. It may indicate the following problems:

  • and thrombophlebitis;
  • heart weakness;
  • , and other inflammatory pathologies of the heart;

Scientists have found that a prolonged febrile state associated with a rise in temperature is dangerous for the muscle layer that has already been damaged (for example, with myocardial infarction).

Sometimes, with heart disease, a rise in temperature occurs while taking certain medications. In this case, the symptom is accompanied by a skin rash, itching and a number of other side effects. The exact nature is clarified after examinations. If the cause really lies in the drug, the doctor will replace it with a suitable one and make sure that no side effects appear in the future.

Other diseases

In addition to heart disease, the symptom accompanies problems such as:

  • cystitis;
  • thyroid disease;
  • prostatitis;
  • viral hepatitis;
  • pyelonephritis;
  • bronchial asthma;
  • chronic diseases (bronchitis, salpingo-oophoritis, etc.),
  • cold, sore throat.

How to deal with such a symptom

Common means

  • It is necessary to take antipyretics at a temperature of 38.5 C, and if febrile convulsions were previously noted, then the drugs are drunk even earlier (at 37.5 C).
  • We must not forget to drink plenty of warm water, and if it is delayed, drink diuretics. This will help you get back to normal faster. It is better to use drugs in rare cases, but you should not delay a visit to the doctor. For a short treatment before taking, you can use the following means:
    • Ibuprofen.

If the temperature is elevated for a long time, a mandatory examination is necessary. It can be difficult to accurately determine the diagnosis during a visit to one doctor, so it is better to undergo an examination with several doctors. There can be many reasons for this problem, but it is strictly forbidden to constantly take antipyretics and antibiotics.

Self-medication with such serious drugs can lead to a deterioration in the functioning of the heart, which, against the background of the underlying pathology, will lead to a deterioration in the condition.

It will be possible to avoid a rise in temperature in the future if all the recommendations given regarding the treatment of the disease that provokes the symptom are followed. Additionally, it is worth taking a course of physiotherapy procedures (massage, mud therapy, balneotherapy, etc.) to increase immunity.

This video will tell you how to lower the temperature in a child:

Folk remedies

Alternative medicine recipes that have antipyretic effects are enough. Together with the prescribed medicines, it is still worth using decoctions aimed at strengthening the muscles and reducing inflammation (from wild rose, hawthorn). It is better to consult a doctor about the use of each prescription.

The following recipes can help with cardiac pathology that provokes an increase in temperature:

  1. Plentiful drinking includes not only water, but also, for example, fruit drinks. Particular attention should be paid to decoctions and fruit drinks from cranberries, lingonberries, sea buckthorn, currants.
  2. A decoction can be prepared from yasnitka, elderberry leaves and nettles. Rosehip, rowan and linden tea also have antipyretic properties.
  3. Honey (0.5 tbsp) is mixed with propolis and crushed garlic (1 tsp each). Take 4-5 spoons a day.
  4. Lemon juice is mixed with water and honey is added. Infuse the remedy for 20 minutes and drink. You can repeat the reception up to 4 times a day.
  5. To relieve heat, a potato compress is applied to the forehead. Raw potato gruel is mixed with apple cider vinegar (1 tablespoon), applied to the forehead (in gauze). If necessary, the compress is periodically changed.

Among folk remedies at a temperature, it is necessary to abandon recipes that contain Rhodiola rosea, St. John's wort. And, of course, self-medication can be dangerous, so it is not recommended to neglect qualified help.

About folk remedies and ways to help lower the temperature, this video will tell:

cardiac surgeon

Higher education:

cardiac surgeon

Kabardino-Balkarian State University named after A.I. HM. Berbekova, Faculty of Medicine (KBSU)

Level of education - Specialist

Additional education:

Certification cycle for the program "Clinical Cardiology"

Moscow Medical Academy. THEM. Sechenov

Many cardiologists are convinced that the spread of cardiovascular diseases is becoming epidemic. This is the price of evolution, civilization and progress. Treatment of the heart is the most important component of the fight against the problem. But this measure will be effective only with appropriate prevention of the disease and its early diagnosis.

Systematics of heart diseases

Depending on the characteristics of the appearance and course of heart disease, it is classified into several main types:

  • congenital (anatomical damage to the heart, its valves or vessels are laid during fetal development);
  • rheumatic (heart disease is formed due to inflammation of the connective tissue after pharyngitis or tonsillitis, provoked by one of the types of streptococci);
  • functional (disorders of the heart muscle do not lead to organic changes);
  • atherosclerotic (chronic changes in the coronary arteries), which include diseases caused by high blood pressure;
  • syphilitic (damage to the heart muscle by syphilis).

Important! One of the maincauses of diseases of the cardiovascular system - its chronic "underload".

Causes of heart disease

The causes of cardiovascular disease are varied, with each type having specific risk factors. But there are a number of factors common to all disorders of the heart muscle. The state of the heart is affected by:

  1. Infections and viruses. Sometimes microorganisms that provoke inflammation gain access to the heart. Untreated viral and bacterial diseases can lead to irreversible heart pathologies;
  2. Diseases of the spine. The spinal column includes many nerve endings, damage to which can provoke vascular diseases and affect the functioning of the heart;
  3. Hypodynamia. A sedentary lifestyle leads to loss of vascular elasticity and their atrophy;
  4. Unbalanced nutrition. Too fatty, salty, spicy food provokes the formation of cholesterol in the blood, and protein deficiency leads to atrophy of the heart muscles;
  5. Obesity. Excess weight is usually accompanied by metabolic disorders. To supply the body with enough oxygen, the heart works to the limit;
  6. Alcohol abuse. Alcohol provokes the development of hypertension and the formation of blood clots;
  7. Tobacco smoking. Leads to vasospasm, deposition of cholesterol on their walls and oxygen starvation;
  8. Psycho-emotional overload. Stress, depression, emotional outbursts activate the nervous system. Adrenaline releases increase heart rate and metabolism. As a result, the pressure rises, the vessels are deformed;
  9. Heredity. Genetic factors influence the response of a particular organism to a particular external influence.

The main symptoms of heart disease

Cardiovascular diseases are accompanied by manifestations similar to those of other diseases. Consulting a cardiologist is the best thing to do in such a situation. Warning symptoms, possibly concomitant with cardiovascular diseases:

  • cough. If it is dry and does not recede when the patient is in the supine position;
  • pale skin. Appears with spasms of blood vessels, an inflammatory process in the region of the heart;
  • fast fatiguability. If accompanied by poor sleep, loss of concentration, sometimes tremor of the limbs, it signals a neurosis of the heart;
  • high body temperature. Accompanies inflammatory processes in the heart muscle, sometimes causing fever;
  • high blood pressure. Can cause cerebral hemorrhage;
  • slow or fast pulse. Companion to processes that cause damage to cardiac activity;
  • swelling. Caused by kidney problems triggered by heart failure;
  • frequent dizziness. Signs of high blood pressure;
  • labored breathing. It is noted in angina pectoris and heart failure;
  • nausea and vomiting. Due to the proximity of the lower part of the heart and stomach;
  • "Osteochondrosis" pain. Registered in the region of the spinal column, in the left hand;
  • chest pain. The pain is obvious or not very, aching or manifested in spasms - the first sign of heart disease.

Signs of cardiovascular disease are an excuse for an immediate visit to the doctor. Only he will be able to assess the symptoms of heart disease.

Important! Edema in heart disease is not the only manifestation of the disease. Even before swelling, you can notice other signs of heart failure.

Features of common heart defects

Pain in the sternum is characteristic of many diseases, and not only cardiac. Injuries, neurological lesions, diseases of the respiratory and digestive systems, disorders in the musculoskeletal system have a similar symptom.

Only the attending physician can make an accurate diagnosis, but there are also characteristic signs:

  • cardiac ischemia. The pain is given to the arms, neck, throat, back. Psychosomatics plays an important role in the formation of the prerequisites for development;
  • myocardial infarction. The attack lasts about half an hour, taking medication does not help. The pain grows, but sometimes it does not exist at all (in diabetes mellitus);
  • arrhythmia. There is a feeling of a "jumping" heart. In some patients, signs of the disease appear episodically or do not appear at all;
  • heart valve damage. There is a feeling of heaviness in the sternum when inhaling cool air. Symptoms of valve damage do not reflect the course of the defect - the patient may not have them. And vice versa - quite serious signs of the disease can overshadow the life of an almost healthy person;
  • heart failure. Frequent irregular heartbeats. Sometimes the disease is accompanied by all the symptoms, but the heart is working properly. And it happens the other way around - there are almost no signs of illness, and the heart is worn out;
  • congenital heart defects. There may be no signs of the disease, it is detected unexpectedly only during a medical examination.

Important! The systematics and pharmacology of medicines used to treat the heart are given in the Rational Pharmacotherapy of Cardiovascular Diseases. As a guide for professionals,« Rational pharmacotherapy of cardiovascular diseasesfacilitates a specific approach to the choice of a drug and treatment regimen.

Sick heart: "male" and "female symptoms

It is noted that the gender of patients influences the picture of the course of heart disease: the symptoms and treatment are somewhat different. Men get sick more often - usually after 40 years. Women are at risk after age 55 when estrogen levels decline. Signs of heart disease in men appear textbook-like.

In women, the disease has a number of differences:

  • pains are insignificant;
  • heartburn, nausea, colic prevail;
  • pain is usually localized in the back, in the arms, between the shoulder blades;
  • often coughing;
  • there is a clear relationship between emotional outbursts and the occurrence of a heart attack.

At the same time, surgical operations on the heart in men are more effective than in women; drugs are more effective.

If an electrocardiogram is done as soon as the first symptoms of diseases of the cardiovascular system appear, the chance of establishing a correct diagnosis will increase significantly.

Heart problems and "interesting position"

With the use of modern drugs, women with heart disease can endure a strong baby. But there are certain nuances. During pregnancy, a patient with heart failure becomes more and more tired, even if she does not strain and eat properly. Special medical supervision falls on 28-34 weeks of pregnancy, the heart of the expectant mother is working hard.

Lesions due to narrowing of the lumen of the heart valves increase during pregnancy. The damaged valve, moreover, has an increased load due to the increased heart rate.

A woman with rheumatic changes in the heart before an expected pregnancy is shown mitral valve surgery. It can be done during pregnancy, but open-heart manipulation will increase the risk of miscarriage and premature birth.

Important! In psychosomatics, the heart lends itself well to beneficial effects when it comes to yoga and active meditation.

Major syndromes of heart disease

In diseases of the cardiovascular system, signs of diseases are often grouped into syndromes. These are similar complexes connected by the unity of pathogenesis:

  1. Syndrome of acute coronary insufficiency. There is a failure of the blood supply to the heart, which leads to myocardial ischemia and the accumulation of lactic acid. It is manifested by irritation of nerve endings, which patients perceive as pain;
  2. Syndrome of arterial hypertension. Blood pressure rises (140/90 mm Hg and above). Primary hypertension occurs without organic causes, secondary - with damage to the kidneys and endocrine system;
  3. arrhythmia syndrome. Occurs after inflammatory changes in the myocardium and malnutrition or after damage to the system of regulation of cardiac activity;
  4. Syndrome of cardiomegaly. The heart increases significantly, heart failure and arrhythmia appear;
  5. Syndrome of hypertension of the pulmonary circulation. The pressure in the vessels of the lungs increases;
  6. Chronic cor pulmonale. The right ventricle of the heart is enlarged. Occurs after a lung disease or with improper respiratory gas exchange;
  7. Syndrome of insufficiency of blood circulation. Failure can be cardiac and vascular.

Important! Against the background of disorders in the autonomic nervous system, cardiac vegetative vascular dystonia may develop, which is manifested by disorders of cardiac activity.

Emergency care for a heart attack

Heart disease behaves unpredictably. First aid for heart disease, provided on time, can save the patient's life. If you have symptoms of a heart attack, you should:

  • call a doctor;
  • freeing the chest and neck of a person, lay him down;
  • ensure the intake of the necessary drugs (nitroglycerin, validol);
  • in the unconscious state of the patient - to make artificial respiration and chest compressions;
  • crush the limbs.

If one of the family members is sick, the rest of the household should know the basic rules for first aid for cardiovascular diseases. The nursing process is also of great importance in the treatment of acute heart diseases.

Important! The nursing process facilitates the external reaction of the patient to the announced diagnosis.

Treatment of heart disease

Based on the diagnosis, appropriate therapy is prescribed. Sometimes it is combined with a diet and a special exercise program, which is carried out under the supervision of a physician. In some forms of cardiovascular ailments, massage is used. In diseases of the cardiovascular system, massage improves blood circulation, raises the tone of the heart.

It will take a long time to treat heart diseases, sometimes for the rest of your life. Regular medical consultations and treatment adjustments are needed. In the acute or severe course of the disease, surgery may be indicated - valve replacement, implantation of a cardiac pacemaker, or coronary artery bypass grafting.

The doctor may recommend that the patient consult a psychologist, since psychological rehabilitation for diseases of the cardiovascular system is sometimes vital. Recommendations will definitely be given on the prevention and, if necessary, on the treatment of cardiovascular diseases in sanatoriums.

"Heart" plants

At home, herbal medicine is used to treat and prevent diseases of the cardiovascular system:

  • soothing plants (zyuznik, verbena);
  • plants with anti-sclerotic, vasodilating action (anise, hops, hawthorn, parsnip, fennel, periwinkle);
  • plants that prevent blood clotting and thrombosis (acacia, white cinquefoil, chestnut).

Indoor lemon, aromas of poplar, lilac, eucalyptus, laurel have a beneficial effect on patients. Phytoncides of these plants improve well-being, stimulate efficiency.

Important! Many pharmaceutical preparations aimed at the treatment of diseases of the cardiovascular system are developed on the basis of medicinal plants.

The psychosomatics of cardiovascular diseases is simple and complex at the same time. The heart represents love, and the blood represents joy. If there is neither one nor the other in life, the heart shrinks and becomes icy. The blood slows down. Anemia, vascular sclerosis, heart attacks are coming. The patient winds up the vicissitudes of life into a ball. And this tangle is so large that it does not allow him to see the joy that lives around.

The causes of CVD are commonplace and known to everyone, but not every person takes into account the importance of these factors.

Many people spend their whole weekend on the couch watching some TV shows, not forgetting to refresh themselves with soda and sandwiches.

The worst thing that can happen is the development of diseases of the cardiovascular system. They occupy a leading position among diseases in terms of the number of deaths and prevalence.

Due to the changed way of life of people, the disease became widespread precisely at the end of the 20th - beginning of the 21st century.

Cardiovascular diseases

Only after studying the general characteristics can we talk about the causes of cardiovascular diseases. Among them, there are 5 different groups:

Arteries usually carry oxygenated blood. Therefore, their diseases lead to a lack of oxygen in the tissues, in advanced cases, ulcers and gangrene can develop. Veins carry blood saturated with carbon dioxide from the tissues.

Venous thrombosis of the extremities is common, leading to their numbness. Coronary vessels supply blood to the heart muscle. If they do not work properly, angina pectoris may occur.

Heart disease can be associated with a disorder of its muscles, blood vessels or valves. Since the life of a person directly depends on the work of the heart, failures in its work can quickly lead to death. Heart attack - tissue necrosis as a result of improper blood supply, lack of oxygen.

The human need for physical activity is explained very simply. The human body was formed as a result of centuries of evolution.

Ancient people moved a lot. They needed it to survive, so the circulatory system developed in accordance with these loads.

The activity level dropped so quickly that she didn't have time to adjust to it.

The heart is an organ made entirely of muscle tissue. Everyone knows that without proper physical activity, muscles become flabby. Due to decrepitude, it can no longer fully function.

Vessels are also dependent on physical activity. With insufficient activity, their tone decreases, this can lead to varicose veins.

Also, the blood flows more slowly, plaques grow on the walls, inhibiting its movement, hence atherosclerosis occurs.

Bad habits

Smoking and alcohol are the main causes of diseases of the cardiovascular system. These bad habits have a negative effect on the entire body, but are especially dangerous for the circulatory system, as they can most quickly lead to death by acting on it. Everyone knows about it, without exception, but few people attach due importance to it.

When smoking, poisons such as hydrocyanic acid, carbon monoxide, nicotine, etc. enter the human body. Their amount from one smoked cigarette is very small, but many smoke a pack a day for decades.

As a result of smoking, the lumen of blood vessels narrows, which slows down the flow of blood and leads to a breakdown in their work. Their elasticity decreases, the content of cholesterol in the blood increases.

The risk of blood clots also increases due to the combination of blood cells (platelets, erythrocytes, leukocytes) with substances that come from smoking.

Alcohol is quickly absorbed into the blood, under its influence, the vessels first artificially expand, the pressure drops - and a sufficient amount of oxygen does not enter the tissues. Then they sharply narrow, due to such frequent changes, their elasticity is lost.

Also, ethyl alcohol, or ethanol, which is part of alcoholic beverages, destroys the shell of red blood cells that carry oxygen on it, they stick together and can no longer perform their functions.

Emotional loads

The nervous system controls and interacts with all other organs and organ systems in the human body. Emotions often affect the circulatory system.

For example, from embarrassment or shame, a person blushes, as blood rushes to his face, blood vessels dilate. And during excitement and anxiety, the heartbeat quickens.

There is an opinion that stress negatively affects a person. This is not entirely true, this reaction is needed to save life.

Another thing is that after it emotional unloading is required, rest, which modern man is sorely lacking.

Here again it is worth mentioning physical activity, which is the best rest after experienced stress.

In the modern world, commensurate with the decrease in physical loads, emotional loads increase. Media, the Internet, daily stresses lead to a breakdown of the nervous system.

As a result, hypertension and atherosclerosis can occur, with all the ensuing consequences.

Disruption of the endocrine system

The endocrine system affects the human body with the help of hormones that reach their target (the desired organ) with the bloodstream. Her disorder inevitably leads to the appearance of diseases of the heart and blood vessels.

Female hormones, estrogens, maintain normal blood cholesterol levels. With a decrease in their number below the norm, there is a risk of developing atherosclerosis.

Usually this problem affects women who have reached the menopause period.

Women taking hormonal contraceptives are at risk due to increased blood viscosity. Accordingly, the possibility of blood clots increases.

Adrenaline and noradrenaline act on the autonomic nervous system. The first hormone makes the heart beat faster, raises blood pressure. It is produced in stressful situations.

The second - on the contrary, reduces the heart rate and lowers blood pressure. Violation of the production of even one of these hormones can lead to serious problems.

How not to eat

Eating "forbidden" foods in excess leads to obesity and high cholesterol. These two factors can be considered as separate causes of cardiovascular disease.

In overweight people, the heart works with an additional load, which leads to its gradual exhaustion. Fat is deposited not only on the sides, but also on the walls of blood vessels and even on the heart, making it difficult for them to contract.

Because of this, blood pressure rises - and hypertension, varicose veins, etc. appear.

An increased content of cholesterol leads to its deposition on the walls of blood vessels and a decrease in their elasticity, the formation of plaques.

As a result, blood cannot normally move through them, there is a lack of oxygen in the tissues and intoxication with carbon dioxide and other substances that are normally carried away by the blood.

As a rule, people whose diet is far from healthy do not receive the necessary vitamins and minerals.

They can be very important for the cardiovascular system.

For example, potassium strengthens the walls of blood vessels, vitamin C nourishes the heart muscle, and magnesium normalizes blood pressure.

Other factors in the development of cardiovascular diseases

There are many other reasons for the development of cardiovascular diseases. They are less common, but no less important.

Cardiovascular diseases are very dangerous and can be caused by everyday habits.

Smoking, alcohol, unbalanced diet and lack of physical activity are the main causes of vascular and heart diseases.

If you want to prolong your life and stay healthy, keep in mind what diseases appear from. Try to minimize the impact of these factors. All in your hands.

Cardiovascular diseases- diseases of the circulatory system at the beginning of the 20th century occupied no more than a few percent in the structure of the pathology of the population. Back in the 50s. according to a mass survey in more than 50 cities and rural areas of the Russian Federation, they occupied 10th - 11th place in the ranking of diseases. Approximately the same situation was abroad. Subsequently, the changing lifestyle of the population, industrialization, urbanization with psycho-emotional stress and other risk factors of a civilized society, as well as improving the diagnosis of coronary artery disease, hypertension and other lesions have dramatically increased the proportion of circulatory diseases. Today, cardiovascular diseases are in the first place for the causes of disability and mortality of the population of the Russian Federation.

Cardiovascular diseases such as hypertension (AH), atherosclerosis and coronary heart disease (CHD) constitute the so-called group of "social diseases", i.e. the culprits of these diseases are the achievements of the civilization of mankind, and the reasons are:

1.chronic stress;

2. hypodynamia - low mobility;

3. excessive body weight due to poor nutrition;

4.tobacco smoking.

Hypertonic disease This is a state of persistent increase in blood pressure. According to the WHO nomenclature, a value of 160 mm Hg is considered to be an indicator of hypertension (from the Greek hiper + tonos - over + stress). Art. and higher for systolic (greatest during contraction of the heart muscle) and 95 mm Hg. Art. and higher for diastolic (the smallest value during the period of relaxation of the heart) pressure.

The main cause of GB is neuropsychic overstrain. And the dangerous consequences are ruptures of the walls of blood vessels due to high pressure in them. If this occurs in the thickness of the heart muscle, then this is a heart attack, and if in the substance of the brain, it is a stroke.

Atherosclerosis(from the Greek athere + sclerosis - slurry + compaction, hardening) - is a lesion of the arteries (blood vessels through which oxygen-enriched blood moves from the heart to organs and tissues along the systemic circulation), in which numerous yellowish plaques containing a large amount of fatty substances, especially cholesterol and its esters.

The essence of atherosclerosis is that cholesterol is deposited on the inner wall of the vessels in the form of lipid spots, and then in the form of plaques that protrude into the lumen of the arteries. Over time, the plaques grow into connective tissue (sclerosis), the wall of the vessels above them is damaged, and a blood clot can form in this area. Sometimes the plaques themselves can completely clog the lumen of the vessel, which leads to the cessation of nutrition of the cells around it. If this happens in the thickness of the heart muscle, then it is called a heart attack, if in the substance of the brain, it is an ischemic (from the Greek isc + haima - delay, insufficiency + local anemia) stroke (from the Latin insulto - jump, attack, blow).

Cholesterol is essential for our body to: construction of cell membranes, formation of bile, synthesis of sex hormones, production of vitamin D. Only 20% of cholesterol enters the body with food, and 80% is produced by it (in the liver). Ischemic heart disease is a lesion of the heart muscle (myocardium) caused by a disorder of the coronary (inside the heart muscle) circulation. The main forms of coronary artery disease are angina pectoris (angina pectoris), myocardial infarction (a piece of dead tissue in the thickness of the heart muscle) and postinfarction cardiosclerosis (a scar that occurs on the heart after healing of an infarct wound).

The first stage of coronary artery disease is angina pectoris, which manifests itself in a patient with chest pains of a pressing, squeezing or burning nature, which can radiate to the left shoulder, shoulder blade, resemble heartburn. The sternum is a bone located in the middle of the front surface of the chest, to which the ribs are attached. It covers the heart, located in the middle of the chest, and only a small part of it - the top, protrudes from behind it on the left. If you feel pains of a stabbing nature in the region of the heart, then they have nothing to do with CCC - these are manifestations of neurosis.

Pain in angina signals us that the heart muscle does not have enough oxygen. During the work of the heart muscle, like any other, a decay product is formed - lactic acid, which must be washed out of it with a sufficient amount of blood. But if the vessel is affected by an atherosclerotic plaque, and even compressed as a result of a jump in blood pressure, then the amount of blood passing through it decreases, and may even stop completely. Any acid, acting on the nerve endings, causes pain, burning.

With myocardial infarction due to the cessation of oxygen access to the tissue of the heart, muscle, at the site of occlusion (blockage of the vessel), it dies off. But this process does not develop immediately, but after 2-4 hours from the onset of a heart attack.

Stroke, "brain stroke"- acute violation of cerebral circulation in hypertension, atherosclerosis, etc. It is manifested by headache, vomiting, impaired consciousness, paralysis, etc.

Stroke is currently becoming the main socio-medical problem of neurology. Every year about 6 million people in the world suffer from a cerebral stroke, and in Russia - more than 450 thousand, that is, every 1.5 minutes, one of the Russians develops this disease. In large metropolitan areas of Russia, the number of acute strokes ranges from 100 to 120 per day. Early 30-day mortality after a stroke is 35%, about 50% of patients die within a year.

Stroke is currently one of the main causes of disability in the population. Less than 20% of patients who survive after a cerebral stroke can return to their previous work. Among all types of stroke, ischemic brain lesions predominate. Ischemic strokes account for 70-85% of cases, cerebral hemorrhages - 20-25. Stroke is the second most common killer after myocardial infarction.

Risk factors for the development of a stroke are: genetic predisposition to vascular diseases of the brain, lipid metabolism disorders, hypertension, obesity, lack of physical activity, smoking, age of the patient, repeated stress and prolonged neuropsychic overstrain.

Strokes can be classified according to the nature of the course. The least dangerous stroke is a transient ischemic stroke, or a small stroke, which is caused by a short-term violation of cerebral circulation. A progressive stroke initially causes very small changes in the nervous system, and worsens after 1-2 days. With an extensive stroke, the nervous system experiences a strong “hit” from the very beginning. The sooner the patient goes to the doctor and begins treatment, the better the prognosis.

Chinese medicine considers diseases of the cardiovascular system as a violation of the flow of energy (too much or too little) in the heart meridian, blood circulation meridian, and related small intestine meridian, endocrine meridian, liver meridian, spleen/pancreas meridian, kidney meridian and lung meridian. .

The heart meridian belongs to the system of manual Yin meridians, paired. The direction of energy in the meridian is centrifugal. The time of maximum activity of the meridian of the heart is from 11 am to 1 pm (at this time it is recommended to do physical work), the time of minimum activity is from 11 pm to 1 am.

According to the canons of ancient oriental medicine, the meridian of the heart - a functional system that mainly affects the functional state of the blood circulation and heart. In addition, the ancient canons state that mental activity, consciousness and emotions are under the control of the heart. A person remains cheerful and cheerful as long as his heart is healthy. Deterioration of the work of the heart leads to low activity, irritability, lethargy, indecision, etc. In this regard, the points of the meridian of the heart are of primary importance in the treatment of various kinds of emotional stress disorders, neurosis, depression and some other functional diseases. Acupressure in these cases gives "improvement of the state of mind of a person and calming the heart." Eastern doctors believe that "the tongue is a mirror of the heart, and the face is a reflection of its condition." The heart also influences the condition of the eyes and ears. A pleasant "fire raging in the heart" makes a person sharp-sighted, and "a decrease in the energy of the heart" is accompanied by hearing impairment.

The circulation of blood in the arteries and veins is the result of the interaction of YANG and YIN energies. The pulsations of the heart felt in the arteries are due to the circulatory system itself. All life processes proceed as a rhythmic alternation of tension and relaxation (relaxations). Blood moves from the lungs, where it is enriched with oxygen, acquires a bright red color and is filled with Yang energy, to the small intestine, where it gives off oxygen and is saturated with YIN energy.

The movement of the blood flow is controlled by the forces of YANG and YIN, which are associated with two opposite organs - the lungs and the small intestine, which are two poles of energy. The heart does not beat without blood flow. Both oxygenated and depleted blood moves through the heart, causing it to contract and then relax.

The change in the rhythm of the heart is felt by the whole body, it manifests itself in all organic processes, controlling and adjusting their rhythms. From here follows the provisions of ancient medicine - the meridian of the heart controls the arteries between the lungs and the small intestine and "the lungs control the heart."

The meridian of blood circulation (pericardium) and sexual function controls the main circulation of the "life force" (Qi energy), which ensures the connection and joint work of the internal organs. It also performs the function of protection against the penetration of pathogenic microbes. Both the meridian itself and its internal organs are closely connected with the heart. Both the meridian and the heart have the same external signs of impending danger, they use similar mechanisms to ensure optimal functioning and begin in the same part of the chest. Carrying out general control over the regulation of the circulation of Qi energy in the entire vascular system, the meridian also provides energy to the sexual organs for their satisfactory functioning.

The time of maximum activity of the pericardial meridian is from 19:00 to 21:00. By this time, Chinese doctors recommend finishing physical activity and moving on to mental activities.

heart with positions of Chinese medicine and the theory of the five elements as the basis of everything that exists (including the human body) refers to the element of Fire. The emotion of the heart is joy, the color is red.

The heart controls the activities of all organs, and therefore in Chinese medicine it is called "the official who leads the rulers." If the Spirit of the Heart is disturbed, then the person becomes restless, he suffers from insomnia or heavy dreams, he develops forgetfulness, inattention - up to a disturbance of consciousness.

Pathologies in any organ can lead to heart disease. The most common syndrome of disorders in the cardiovascular system is "heat in the liver and stagnation of blood in the liver." This heat rises, and this, in turn, leads to an increase in blood pressure, to tachycardia.

Patients with "heat of the liver and congestion of the blood of the liver" have inflamed red eyes and a red complexion.

Another common syndrome in heart disease is related to the kidneys. Hypertension caused by kidney pathology is also known in European medicine. In the Eastern tradition, this syndrome is called "kidney qi emptiness".

You can call Qi the energy of life, circulating through the channels of the body. Syndromes of fullness and emptiness of Qi indicate a violation of the harmony of human life and, therefore, a disease.

The syndrome of "Emptiness of Qi energy of the kidneys" has a second figurative name - "the water of the kidneys does not flood the fire of the heart." The kidneys, which in the system of Chinese medicine are considered the “first mother of the body”, lack energy, and the harmony of life is disturbed. The result - tachycardia, heart rhythm disturbances, increased blood pressure.

Another common syndrome of heart disease is associated with pathology of the spleen. With improper nutrition, addiction to fatty, sweet, raw and cold foods, a tendency to alcohol, the spleen and stomach are damaged, dampness accumulates. "The mucus produced by the spleen clogs the heart and brain"

In addition to other cardiological manifestations of the syndrome, in this case, “the window of the brain closes”, the person’s consciousness is confused, in severe cases, up to delirium.

The syndrome of "empty blood" is close to the European diagnosis of "iron deficiency anemia".

Thus, diseases of the cardiovascular system can be treated in a complex way, using the methods of oriental medicine and the Voll electropuncture diagnostic methods based on them and the Vegetative Resonance Test. This approach is carried out in the "Center for Energy-Information Medicine".

Diagnostics allows you to identify the causes of cardiovascular diseases in a particular person, to choose an individual program of recovery:

1. balanced nutrition for the treatment of obesity and hypercholesterolemia, drinking regimen;

2. bioresonance therapy, acupuncture, hirudotherapy for the treatment of "causative organs";

3.elimination of emotional imbalance and increased stress resistance with the help of psychotherapy, induction programs;

4. Solving the problem of physical inactivity with proper physical exercises (exercise therapy, body flex, oxygen, yoga, qi-gong, tai chi).

It must be remembered that the prevention of diseases of the cardiovascular system and their complications lies primarily in a healthy lifestyle and timely access to a doctor!

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