Will there be a cure for diabetes? When the absolute cure for diabetes is invented: current developments and breakthroughs in diabetology. Patients are guinea pigs of pharmacists

Everyone knows that diabetes is divided into 2 types. Insulin-dependent type 1 diabetes is characterized by abnormalities in the work of the pancreas, which stops producing insulin or produces it in insufficient quantities. In this case, replacement therapy with insulin-like drugs is used. In type 2 diabetes, insulin is produced in sufficient quantities, but the cellular receptors are not able to absorb it. In this case, drugs for diabetes should normalize blood sugar levels and promote the utilization of glucose.

Medications for non-insulin-dependent diabetes are prescribed taking into account the individual characteristics of the patient, his age, weight and the presence of concomitant diseases. It is clear that those drugs that are prescribed for the treatment of type 2 diabetes are absolutely not suitable for diabetics, in whose body insulin is not produced. Therefore, only a specialist can choose the right remedy and determine the necessary treatment regimen.

This will help slow the progression of the disease and avoid serious complications. What drugs for diabetes are better and more effective? It is difficult to give an unequivocal answer to this question, since the remedy that suits one patient is completely contraindicated in another. Therefore, we will try to give an overview of the most popular diabetes remedies and start with the drugs used to treat type 2 diabetes.

Patients with type 2 diabetes can go without antidiabetic pills for a long time, and maintain normal blood glucose levels only by following a low-carbohydrate diet and sufficient physical activity. But the internal reserves of the body are not infinite, and when they are depleted, patients have to switch to taking medications.

Drugs for the treatment of type 2 diabetes are prescribed when the diet does not work and blood sugar continues to rise for 3 months. But in some situations, even taking oral medications is ineffective. Then the patient will have to switch to insulin injections.

The list of drugs for type 2 diabetes is very extensive, all of them can be divided into several main groups:

Photo: drugs for type 2 diabetes

  1. Secretagogues are drugs that stimulate insulin secretion. In turn, they are divided into 2 subgroups: sulfonylurea derivatives (Diabeton, Glurenorm) and meglitinides (Novonorm).
  2. Sensitizers are drugs that increase the sensitivity of tissues to the action of insulin. They are also divided into 2 subgroups: biguanides (Metformin, Siofor) and thiazolidinediones (Avandia, Aktos).
  3. alpha-glucosidase inhibitors. The drugs of this group are responsible for regulating the absorption of carbohydrates in the intestines and their excretion from the body (Acarbose).
  4. Type 2 diabetes drugs of the new generation - incretins. These include Januvia, Exenatide, Liraglutide.

Let us dwell in more detail on each group of medicines:

The drugs of this group have been used in medical practice for more than 50 years and enjoy well-deserved popularity. They have a hypoglycemic effect due to a direct effect on beta cells that produce insulin in the pancreas.

Reactions occurring at the cellular level ensure the release of insulin and its release into the bloodstream. The drugs of this group increase the sensitivity of cells to glucose, protect the kidneys from damage and reduce the risk of vascular complications.

At the same time, sulfonylurea drugs gradually deplete pancreatic cells, cause allergic reactions, weight gain, indigestion, and increase the risk of developing hypoglycemic conditions. They are not used in patients with pancreatic diabetes, children, pregnant and lactating women.

During treatment with drugs, the patient must strictly adhere to a low-carbohydrate diet and tie the intake of tablets to the diet. Popular representatives of this group:

The average cost of sulfonylurea preparations is from 170 to 300 rubles.


The principle of action of this group of drugs is to stimulate the production of insulin by the pancreas. The effectiveness of medications directly depends on the level of glucose in the blood. The higher the sugar levels, the more insulin will be synthesized.

Representatives of meglitinides are drugs Novonorm and Starlix. They belong to the new generation of drugs, characterized by a short action. Tablets should be taken a few minutes before meals. They are most often prescribed as part of the complex therapy of diabetes mellitus. They can cause side effects such as abdominal pain, diarrhea, allergic and hypoglycemic reactions.

  1. Novonorm- The doctor selects the dosage of the drug individually. The tablet is taken 3-4 times a day, immediately before meals. Novonorm lowers glucose levels smoothly, so the risk of a sharp drop in blood sugar is minimal. The price of the drug is from 180 rubles.
  2. The maximum effect of the drug is observed 60 minutes after administration and lasts for 6-8 hours. The drug is different in that it does not provoke weight gain, does not have a negative effect on the kidneys and liver. The dosage is selected individually.

These type 2 diabetes drugs interfere with the release of sugar from the liver and promote better absorption and movement of glucose in the cells and tissues of the body. Medicines in this group should not be used in type 2 diabetics suffering from heart or kidney failure.

The action of biguanides lasts from 6 to 16 hours, they reduce the absorption of sugar and fats from the intestinal tract and do not provoke a sharp drop in blood glucose levels. Can cause taste changes, nausea, diarrhea. The group of biguanides includes the following medicines:

  1. Siofor. The drug is often prescribed to overweight patients, as taking pills helps to reduce weight. The highest daily dosage of tablets is 3 g, it is divided into several doses. The optimal dose of the drug is selected by the doctor.
  2. Metformin. The drug slows down the absorption of glucose in the intestine and stimulates its utilization in peripheral tissues. The tablets are well tolerated by patients; they can be prescribed in combination with insulin with concomitant obesity. The doctor selects the dosage of the drug individually. A contraindication to the use of Metformin is a tendency to ketoacidosis, serious kidney pathologies, and a rehabilitation period after surgery.

The average price of drugs is from 110 to 260 rubles.

Drugs for diabetes in this group, as well as biguanides, improve the absorption of glucose by body tissues and reduce the release of sugar from the liver. But unlike the previous group, they have a higher price with an impressive list of side effects. This is weight gain, bone fragility, swelling, a negative effect on the functions of the heart and liver.

  1. Aktos- this tool can be used as a monodrug in the treatment of type 2 diabetes. The action of the tablets is aimed at increasing the susceptibility of tissues to insulin, slowing down the synthesis of sugars in the liver, and reducing the risk of vascular damage. Among the shortcomings of the drug, an increase in body weight during administration is noted. The cost of the medication is from 3000 rubles.
  2. Avandia - a powerful hypoglycemic agent, the action of which is aimed at improving metabolic processes, lowering blood glucose levels and increasing tissue sensitivity to insulin. Tablets can be used for type 2 diabetes as monotherapy or in combination with other hypoglycemic agents. The drug should not be prescribed for kidney disease, during pregnancy, in childhood and hypersensitivity to the active substance. Among the adverse reactions, the appearance of edema and impaired functions of the cardiovascular and digestive systems are noted. The average price of a medicine is from 600 rubles.

Alpha-glucosidase inhibitors

Such drugs for diabetes block the production of a special intestinal enzyme that dissolves complex carbohydrates. Due to this, the rate of absorption of polysaccharides significantly slows down. These are modern hypoglycemic drugs that have practically no side effects, do not cause digestive system disorders and abdominal pain.

Tablets should be taken with the first sip of food, they reduce sugar levels well and at the same time do not affect the cells of the pancreas. The drugs of this series can be used in combination with other hypoglycemic agents and insulin, but the risk of developing hypoglycemic manifestations increases. Bright representatives of this group are Glukobay and Miglitol.

  • Glucobay (Acarbose) - the drug is recommended to be taken if the sugar level rises sharply immediately after eating. The drug is well tolerated, does not cause weight gain. Tablets are prescribed as adjuvant therapy to supplement a low-carbohydrate diet. The dosage is selected individually, maximum 300 mg of the drug can be taken per day, dividing this dose into 3 doses.
  • Miglitol - the drug is prescribed to patients with moderate type 2 diabetes, if diet and exercise do not work. Tablets are recommended to be taken on an empty stomach. Contraindications to treatment with Miglitol are pregnancy, childhood, chronic intestinal pathologies, the presence of large hernias. In some cases, the hypoglycemic agent provokes allergic reactions. The cost of drugs in this group varies between 300 - 400 rubles.


In recent years, a new generation of drugs has appeared, the so-called dipeptidyl peptidase inhibitors, whose action is aimed at increasing the production of insulin, based on the concentration of glucose. In a healthy body, more than 70% of insulin is produced precisely under the influence of incretin hormones.

These substances trigger processes such as the release of sugar from the liver and the production of insulin by beta cells. New drugs are used as independent agents or are included in complex therapy. They smoothly lower glucose levels and release incretin stores to combat high sugar.

Take the tablets during or after a meal. They are well tolerated and do not contribute to weight gain. This group of funds includes Januvia, Galvus, Saxagliptin.

The average cost of Januvia is 1500 rubles, Galvus - 800 rubles.

Many patients with type 2 diabetes are afraid to switch to insulin. However, if therapy with other hypoglycemic drugs does not work and the sugar level steadily rises to 9 mmol / L after a meal for a week, you will have to think about the use of insulin therapy.

With such indicators, no other hypoglycemic drugs will be able to stabilize the condition. Ignoring medical recommendations can lead to dangerous complications, since with consistently high sugar, the risk of developing kidney failure, gangrene of the extremities, loss of vision and other conditions leading to disability increases significantly.

Alternative drugs for diabetes

Photo: Alternative drug for diabetes - Diabenot

One of the alternative means is the diabetes drug Diabenot. This is an innovative two-phase remedy based on safe plant ingredients. The drug was developed by German pharmacists and only recently appeared on the Russian market.

Diabenot capsules effectively stimulate the work of pancreatic beta cells, normalize metabolic processes, purify blood and lymph, lower sugar levels, prevent complications and support immunity.

Taking the drug will contribute to the production of insulin, the prevention of glycemia and the restoration of liver and pancreas functions. The drug has practically no contraindications and side effects. Take the capsules twice a day (morning and evening). The drug is currently sold only on the official website of the manufacturer. You can read more with instructions for use and reviews on Diabenot capsules.

Medicines used to treat type 1 diabetes can be divided into 2 groups: these are vital insulin and other drugs that are prescribed to eliminate concomitant diseases.

Insulin is usually classified depending on the validity period into several types:

The choice of the optimal drug, the selection of dosage and treatment regimen is made by the endocrinologist. Insulin treatment is carried out with the help of injections or stitching of an insulin pump, which will regularly deliver doses of a life-saving drug to the body.

The drugs from the second group, which are used in the treatment of type 1 diabetes, include:

Complex therapy for type 1 diabetes is aimed at improving the general condition of the patient and preventing possible complications. Diabetes mellitus today is considered an incurable disease, and you will have to take hypoglycemic drugs or receive insulin therapy throughout your life.

Watch the video: How diabetes drugs affect health

Diabetes Medicines: Find out everything you need to know. Understand how to choose the right pills and use them correctly to get more benefit than harm. Read about the latest latest generation products - how much better they are than older and cheaper drugs. Many patients fear the side effects of their diabetes medications. Learn about pills that make sense to take because they are safe, lower blood sugar and increase life expectancy.

Medications for Type 2 and Type 1 Diabetes: Detailed Article

Many popular type 2 diabetes pills are actually harmful and it is advisable to stop taking them. Read their list, what to replace, which drugs are safe and affordable.

Find out answers to questions:

After reading the article, you will be able to competently compare the old, proven drugs for diabetes with the new expensive pills. Also learn about medicines for high blood pressure and medicines for foot problems. Understand when people with type 2 diabetes need to inject insulin in addition to taking pills and dieting, how to lower blood sugar and cholesterol at the same time.

What medications are used to treat type 1 diabetes?

The main treatment for type 1 diabetes is insulin. In some patients, impaired glucose metabolism is complicated by overweight. In this case, the doctor may prescribe tablets containing metformin in addition to insulin injections. This medicine in overweight people reduces the need for insulin and improves the course of diabetes. Do not rely on pills to completely abandon insulin injections.

Note that metformin is contraindicated in people who have been diagnosed with a renal glomerular filtration rate (GFR) below 45 ml/min. For lean patients with type 1 diabetes, it is useless to take this remedy in any case. In addition to metformin, any other pills for type 1 diabetes are not effective. All other blood sugar-lowering drugs are for type 2 diabetes only.

How to recover from type 2 diabetes without doctors and drugs?

What should be done:

  1. Go to .
  2. Understand . Stop taking them immediately.
  3. Most likely, it makes sense to start taking one of the inexpensive and harmless drugs, the active ingredient of which is.
  4. Get some exercise.
  5. In order to bring sugar to the levels of healthy people 4.0-5.5 mmol / l, you may need more insulin injections in low doses.

This method allows you to keep type 2 diabetes under control without taking harmful pills and minimally communicating with doctors. You need to follow a daily regimen, lead a healthy lifestyle. There is no easier way to protect yourself from the complications of diabetes today.

Insulin or drugs: how to decide on the method of treatment?

The goal of diabetes treatment is to keep blood sugar stable at 4.0-5.5 mmol/L, as in healthy people. First of all, they are used for this. It is supplemented with some tablets, the active substance of which is metformin.

Read about drugs containing metformin:

Physical activity is also useful - at least walking, but jogging is better. These measures can lower sugar to 7-9 mmol / l. They need to be supplemented with low-dose insulin injections to bring the blood glucose level to the target.

Feel free to inject insulin if you need it. Otherwise, the complications of diabetes will continue to develop, albeit slowly.

Official medicine encourages diabetics to eat junk food, and then inject huge doses of insulin to bring down high sugar. This method brings patients to the grave in middle age, reducing the burden on the pension fund.

Can you advise a remedy for the initial stage of diabetes so that it does not get worse?

α-glucosidase inhibitors

α-Glucosidase inhibitors are medications that block the absorption of ingested carbohydrates in the intestines. Currently, this group includes only one drug Glucobay in dosages of 50 and 100 mg. Its active ingredient is acarbose. Patients do not like that these pills have to be taken 3 times a day, they do not help much and often cause gastrointestinal discomfort. Theoretically, Glucobay should reduce body weight, but in practice there is no weight loss in obese people who are treated with these pills. Overeating on carbs and taking medication to block their absorption at the same time is crazy. If you comply, then there is no point in using acarbose and suffering from its side effects.

Glucagon-like peptide-1 receptor agonists

Glucagon-like peptide-1 receptor agonists are the latest generation of type 2 diabetes drugs. By themselves, they have little effect on blood glucose levels, but reduce appetite. Due to the fact that the diabetic eats less, the control of his disease improves. Glucagon-like peptide-1 receptor agonists slow down the movement of food eaten from the stomach to the intestines, increase the feeling of satiety. reports that these drugs are good for patients who suffer from uncontrolled gluttony. Unfortunately, they are available only in the form of injections, like insulin. They do not exist in tablets. If you do not have an eating disorder, then it hardly makes sense to inject them.

Glucagon-like peptide-1 receptor agonists: drug list

Glucagon-like peptide-1 receptor agonists are new drugs that are expensive and do not yet have cheap analogues. These drugs can cause pancreatitis, but the risk is small. For type 2 diabetics who suffer from uncontrolled binge eating, they can be of significant benefit. They are contraindicated in diabetics who already have pancreatitis. During the period of treatment, they need to regularly take a blood test for the pancreatic amylase enzyme for prevention. If the results worsen, discontinue the medication.

The drug Byetta, which has a frequency of use 2 times a day, is inconvenient to use in practice. Accumulated experience in the use of funds that need to prick 1 time per day. Subcutaneous injection should be given before meals, during which the patient is most at risk of overeating. Most people with type 2 diabetes have a bad habit of overeating in the evening, at night, but this is not the same for everyone. Glucagon-like peptide-1 receptor agonists, which need to be injected once a week, have appeared quite recently. Perhaps they will be even more effective in normalizing appetite.

Dipeptidyl peptidase-4 inhibitors (gliptins) are relatively new drugs for type 2 diabetes that appeared in the late 2010s. They lower blood sugar without pancreatic depletion and the risk of hypoglycemia. These pills usually do not cause serious side effects, but they are not cheap, and they work poorly. They can be supplemented or, if metformin preparations do not help enough, but you do not want to start insulin injections. Gliptins do not reduce appetite, unlike glucagon-like peptide-1 receptor agonists. They usually have a neutral effect on the body weight of patients - they do not cause either its increase or weight loss.

Dipeptidyl peptidase-4 inhibitors (gliptins)

The gliptin patents have not yet expired. Therefore, there are no inexpensive analogues of dipeptidyl peptidase-4 inhibitors yet.

Sodium-glucose cotransporter type 2 inhibitors (gliflozins) are the newest drugs that lower blood sugar. In the Russian Federation, the first drug from this group began to be sold in 2014. All patients with type 2 diabetes who are interested in news in the treatment of their disease pay attention to gliflozins. It will be helpful for you to understand how these medicines work. In healthy people, blood sugar is kept in the range of 4.0-5.5 mmol / l. If it rises to 9-10 mmol / l, then part of the glucose leaves with urine. Accordingly, its concentration in the blood decreases. The intake of sodium-glucose cotransporter type 2 inhibitors causes the kidneys to excrete sugar in the urine, already when its concentration in the blood is 6-8 mmol / l. Glucose, which the body cannot absorb, is quickly excreted in the urine, instead of circulating in the blood and stimulating the development of complications of diabetes.

Sodium-glucose cotransporter type 2 inhibitors

Gliflozins are not a panacea for type 2 diabetes. They have serious shortcomings. Patients are most upset by their high price. We should not expect the appearance of cheap analogues of these newest drugs in the coming years. In addition to the price, there is also the problem of side effects.

Gliflozins rarely cause side effects immediately after administration. Increased frequency of visits to the toilet (polyuria). There may be dehydration, especially in older diabetics, as well as a significant decrease in blood pressure. These are all minor annoyances. Long-term side effects are more dangerous. The presence of glucose in the urine creates a favorable environment for the development of fungi and bacterial infections in the urethra. This is a common and serious problem in patients with type 2 diabetes who are treated with drugs, or Invokana.

Worst of all, if the microbes through the urethra get to the kidneys and cause pyelonephritis. Infectious inflammation of the kidneys is almost incurable. Taking strong antibiotics can muffle it, but not completely eliminate it. After the end of the course of treatment, the bacteria in the kidneys quickly restore their morale. And over time, they can develop resistance to antibiotics.

Pay attention to, which helps well and does not harm at all. If it were not there, then it would make sense to prescribe the drugs Forsig, Invokan and Jardins to diabetics. Since a wonderful and free diet is at your disposal, there is no point in taking gliflozins. Pyelonephritis is an irreparable disaster. Urinary tract infections also do not bring any joy. Don't expose yourself to unnecessary risk. Diet, metformin tablets Combination medicines that lower blood sugar

insulin therapy

Depending on which drug is used, insulin is administered several times a day. Some drugs are designed to be injected only once a day.

As insulin, only human or its close analogues are used. By the nature of the duration of actions for children and adolescents choose:

  • ultrashort;
  • short;
  • with an average duration.

Until adolescence, insulin mixtures of various durations are not used. This is due to the fact that only a 1:1 ratio is used for children, while the ratio in mixtures can be 3:7.

Child nutrition

The diet is built according to the scheme: proteins + complex carbohydrates with a small amount of fat for each meal. Meals 6 meals a day.

The daily diet consists of the following products:

  • bread with bran, rye;
  • tomato;
  • beans;
  • low-fat cheese and milk;
  • beef, duck, chicken, turkey;
  • fish, seafood;
  • sweets based on sorbitol and fructose;
  • berries and fruits with a low glycemic index (GI) - see the table below.

From fast carbohydrates, in rare cases, natural products with fructose are allowed (their use is only in agreement with the doctor):

  • fruits (bananas, watermelons, melons);

The menu must be composed of allowed products. For example, a child's meals for one day might look like this:

  • Breakfast : a portion of salad with tomatoes, cucumbers and herbs, a slice of bread, 90 g of cheese, an apple.
  • Snack : tomato juice or fruit, such as nectarine.
  • Dinner : a portion of borscht, vegetable salad, buckwheat porridge, a piece of baked fish, berry compote.
  • Dinner : fish cake with vegetables, freshly squeezed orange juice.
  • Snack : a glass of milk or kefir. Natural yogurt is allowed.

Folk remedies

The following remedies are great for keeping your baby healthy:

  • Teas from lingonberry and blueberry leaves.
  • Boil the root of the ratania and give the child 1 tablespoon 3 times a day.
  • Mustard seed half a spoon 3 times a day.
  • Pour 300 ml of boiled water 1 tbsp. l. shoots and leaves of swamp blueberries, put on fire and leave for 10 minutes. After straining, you can give the child 1 tbsp. l. three times a day.
  • Give freshly squeezed red beet juice ¼ cup four times a day.
  • Pour 1 teaspoon of blueberries with a glass of boiled water, keep on a hot stove for 30 minutes. After straining, give 1/3 cup three times a day.

Read more about folk methods for treating type 1 diabetes -.

Physical exercise

As for physical activity, activity in the yard or on the playing field is enough for children. An hour of outdoor activity is a perfectly acceptable physical activity for every day. Gymnastics is no less effective in the morning after waking up. Moms can arrange exercises with their child, doing not only physical education, but also having fun.

Treatment of type 1 diabetes in men

For men, diabetes mellitus will necessarily affect the genitourinary system. This is due to damage to the nerve endings, and if aggravated or left untreated, sexual dysfunction and urological problems develop. In these cases, men are credited with Viagra because it solves erection problems.

Insulin therapy

There are at least several schemes for administering insulin. Most often, short and background insulins alternate. The latter is also called long-term. It replaces the natural insulin background, which is absent in a diabetic. Short-acting insulin lowers blood sugar from carbohydrates ingested during meals.

Adults, as a rule, are prescribed just such a treatment regimen, and it consists in this order:

  • Background insulin is administered 1 time per day, sometimes 2, but no more.
  • Short - before meals.

Dosages are purely individual and depend on:

  • diabetic daily routine
  • intensity of physical activity;
  • parallel course of other diseases;
  • severity of illness, etc.

In the morning, insulin dosages should be higher than in the evening.

Diet food

If insulin therapy is thought out correctly, then a strict diet will not be required. However, a number of rules still exist, since the body's need for insulin varies greatly throughout the day, and it is difficult to calculate doses.

  • pastries and bakery products;
  • flour, various desserts;
  • fruits with a high glycemic index of 60 and above (pineapples, watermelon, melon).

It is especially important not to eat carbohydrate foods directly in the morning, as fast carbohydrates will dramatically increase blood sugar. However, it is impossible to completely abandon carbohydrates. The emphasis should be on such slow carbohydrates as:

  • cereals;
  • durum wheat pasta;
  • wholemeal bread;
  • vegetables;
  • fruits with a glycemic index below 60.


To maintain normal blood sugar levels, men can use the following remedies:

  • Grind 4 tbsp. l. root crops of Jerusalem artichoke, pour 1 liter of boiled water. When infused, you need to strain, dilute with filtered water in a ratio of 1 to 1. Drink once a day instead of tea.
  • Grind 20 g of stevia herb, pour a glass of boiling water and let stand for 12 hours. Make a second tincture - add half a glass of boiling water to 20 g of raw materials and leave for 8 hours. After the time has elapsed, combine the mixtures in a new jar. Use for tea and various dishes as sugar.
  • 10 bay leaves pour a glass of boiling water, insist for 3 hours. Drink half a glass a day 30 minutes before meals. About the benefits of bay leaf for diabetes -.
  • 1 st. l. hawthorn flowers pour 1 cup boiling water, leave for 30 minutes and strain. Drink half a glass three times a day before meals. There is another recipe - 1 tbsp. l. hawthorn fruit pour a glass of boiling water, leave for 3 hours. Strain and drink 3 tbsp. l. three times a day before meals.

Physical training

Men can and should train in the gym if aerobic exercise is not suitable. But it doesn't have to be hard endurance exercises. For example, you can train in the range of weights no more than 50 kg on the scales. This is quite enough to support an acceptable, but not too intense load.

If possible, light power loads at low weights are combined with cycling or running on the track. And once a week you can go swimming. The main thing is that the loads should be regular and everyday, but not intense.

How to treat type 1 diabetes in women?

The treatment conditions are standard, but you need to make a footnote on the female characteristics of the body and take into account:

  • menstrual cycle;
  • menopause;
  • pregnancy.

Any of these factors affect the dosage of medications taken and the amount of insulin used.

Insulin therapy and nutrition

With a slight decrease in the insulin used, the weight melts before our eyes. However, this is a false weight loss - water leaves, and this is always 2-3 kg. But if you restore the necessary doses of insulin, then the weight comes back, but already taking with it serious complications of the disease.

When treating, women need to take into account blood sugar levels throughout the entire menstrual cycle, track jumps and write them down in a diary to show them to their doctor later. He will adjust the dose of insulin according to the cycle.

During menopause, insulin is the most difficult to control. When the ovaries stop producing estrogen, hypoglycemia occurs more often than usual, and the disease itself is more difficult. That is why the doctor may prescribe higher doses of insulin, since the usual dosages will not work.

The lifestyle of a diabetic is as follows:

  1. Building a low-carbohydrate diet with allowed foods of the same type as in children.
  2. Measurement of insulin in the blood.
  3. Keeping a diary with records of dosages and sugar levels.

Each meal should contain an equal proportion of proteins and carbohydrates, but the quality of the latter must always be carefully considered. Their glycemic index should not be high.

Women need to take consultations with an ophthalmologist, nephrologist and cardiologist in parallel with the main treatment.

Folk recipes

For women, decoctions and tinctures are especially useful, because they not only maintain the desired level of sugar, but also have a calming effect on the nervous system:

  • Pour 1 tbsp. l. befungin with a glass of boiling water and drink three times a day 30 minutes before meals. After 10 minutes, it is recommended to take calendula tincture - 30 drops. It is worth pre-mixing with water in a ratio of 1 to 4. It is advisable to drink sauerkraut juice during meals. Such manipulations are carried out within a month.
  • Eat rowan berries or brew as herbal tea.
  • Grind 20 walnut leaves, pour into a saucepan, pour a glass of boiling water and keep on fire for 10 minutes. You can drink without restrictions.
  • Mix 20 g of blueberry leaves + birch buds + pansies + nettles. Add 10 g of dandelion root and 5 g of St. John's wort to the mixture. Mix thoroughly, pour boiling water, leave for 5-10 minutes, strain and take 3 tbsp. l. three times a day.

Physical exercise

Daily exercises include loads that will help maintain body tone:

  • jumping rope;
  • light jogging;
  • badminton games;
  • cycling, etc.

Before you go for a run or to the gym, you need to measure your sugar. After training, sugar is measured again. Usually this should be done after 1.5 hours. If sugar drops too much, then you need to eat something carbohydrate, such as candy or a spoonful of honey.

Basic drugs

In the treatment of type 1 diabetes, the following drugs can be used:

  • Special patches - These are patches that are effectively involved in the normalization of blood sugar.
  • Dialek - a drug that normalizes the work of the pancreas, as well as pressure and weight control.
  • monastery tea - a herbal preparation that has proven itself in the fight against progressive diabetes.
  • Short acting insulin - a hormone whose action begins 15 minutes after insulin has entered the body. More about this insulin -.
  • Intermediate acting insulin - a hormone that is activated after 2 hours.
  • long term insulin - a hormone that acts after 4-6 hours from the moment of injection.

Also, diabetics need drugs that remove the side effects of concurrent diseases or those arising from diabetes:

  • ACE inhibitors - normalize blood pressure, serve as a preventive measure for kidney function.
  • Medications for the gastrointestinal tract - a wide range of drugs (for example, tsurekal, erythromycin), which removes symptoms and treats gastrointestinal diseases precisely against the background of type 1 diabetes.
  • Cardiomagnyl - taken in diseases of the vessels and heart.
  • Lovastatin - necessary for lowering cholesterol levels, if necessary, an alternative is used - simvastatin.

What's New in the Treatment of Diabetes?

Technical solutions are constantly being sought to finally simplify the treatment of patients with diabetes. So far, there are few results, but some promising options are already being considered.

In particular, soon the market will have insulin pumps with the so-called feedback. The mechanism is to attach a device to the patient's body that measures the level of sugar. In this case, the device itself determines how much insulin needs to be injected.

In the longer term, consider growing or cloning the pancreas . Cloning is a long and expensive process in itself. However, in the modern world, technology is developing rapidly and, perhaps, in the coming years, the cultivation of a new pancreas will become common practice.

Read more about the modern treatment of diabetes -.

Are stem cells used?

Even if there are negotiations and discussions published, stem cells are not officially used to treat diabetes. Moreover, this statement applies to the whole world - so far no one has issued official press releases and has not announced the use of stem cells for treatment.

Of course, studies are ongoing, but they are still experimental, and patient participation is offered only on a voluntary basis.

Is treatment possible without insulin?

Unfortunately, there are no other solutions or alternative approaches for type 1 diabetes yet. Regardless of who is being treated, it will necessarily include insulin.

Can type 1 diabetes be cured?

Type 1 diabetes is juvenile diabetes, and it develops due to autoimmune processes, which are based on the destruction of pancreatic beta cells. As a result of blocking insulin in this organ, the vast majority of beta cells die, and modern medicine is not yet able to stop this process.

In fact, there is nothing to treat if the beta cells are dead. This is an autoimmune process and, as in any similar disease, unfortunately, it is irreversible.

At the moment, official medicine claims that type 1 diabetes is incurable, and insulin levels can only be maintained by injections.

Nevertheless, there is reason for optimistic hopes. In the future, scientists may well learn how to implant healthy beta cells or develop drugs that stimulate the growth of new beta cells. In this case, diabetes will be treated easily and quickly.

Video: treatment of type 1 diabetes

Watch the video from 8:55 minutes on what are the treatments for type 1 diabetes today:

The endocrine system is susceptible to various diseases, one of them is diabetes mellitus (DM). The disease is divided into 2 types: insulin-dependent and insulin-independent. The first is rare, in percentage terms it is five, a maximum of ten percent of patients. At risk for detection of DM1 are adolescents, young people under 35 years of age, more often the weight of patients is normal. The disease requires constant monitoring, specialized treatment, which consists in the introduction of insulin. To alleviate the disease, additional methods are used, more about them below.

Diet for type 1 diabetes

Before starting treatment, choosing a method, it is necessary to consider the causes of the disease, the symptoms that characterize it, and the methods of diagnosis. Diabetes mellitus is a violation of the functioning of the pancreas, certain processes in the human body, provoked by a lack of insulin. With a disease, the cells of the pancreas responsible for the production of the hormone are not able to fully do their job. As a result, sugar levels rise, which negatively affects the functioning of organs and health.

Lack of insulin and excessive blood sugar causes irreversible consequences: impaired vision, brain function; blood vessels are depleted. In order to regulate the level of the hormone, the metabolic process, patients diagnosed with type 1 diabetes mellitus are required to inject daily throughout their lives. Treatment without insulin DM1 is impossible, the dose of the hormone is adjusted individually.

Scientists do not know the reliable reasons that provoke a deficiency of the hormone insulin. With a high degree of probability, it is possible to assert that the main point in the development of type 1 diabetes mellitus is the destruction of β-cells located in the pancreas. And the prerequisites for this problem can be a variety of factors:

  • The presence of genes that determine the hereditary predisposition to diabetes mellitus.
  • Malfunctions of the immune system, the course of autoimmune processes.
  • Transferred infectious, viral diseases, for example, measles, hepatitis, chickenpox.
  • Stress, a constant tense mental state.

For type 1 diabetes, symptoms are inherent, in many ways similar to the second type. All signs are not sufficiently pronounced, therefore, they rarely cause concern for the patient until the onset of ketoacidosis, which sometimes leads to irreversible complications of the course of the disease. It is important to carefully monitor your health and if several signs of diabetes are detected, you should take a blood test, urine test and visit a doctor specializing in the disease - an endocrinologist. Symptoms characteristic of the disease of the first type:

  • Constant intense thirst.
  • Dry mouth.
  • Frequent urination (day and night).
  • Strong appetite, but the patient loses considerable weight.
  • Visual impairment, everything becomes blurry without clear outlines.
  • Rapid fatigue, drowsiness.
  • Frequent, abrupt mood swings, vulnerability, irritability, tendency to tantrums.
  • Women are characterized by the development of infectious diseases in the area of ​​intimate organs that do not respond to local treatment.

If ketoacidosis (complications) has already begun, additional symptoms are observed:

  • Explicit dehydration, dry skin.
  • Breathing becomes frequent, deep.
  • Unpleasant smell from the oral cavity - the aroma of acetone.
  • General weakness of the body, nausea, possible loss of consciousness.

Mandatory direction of treatment for type 1 diabetes mellitus is continuous injections of insulin. But additional techniques can favorably affect the course of the disease, alleviate its symptoms and prevent the occurrence of complications. It is possible to apply and use certain methods of treatment only after consulting with the attending doctor and obtaining his approval.

An important point for the treatment of the disease is proper nutrition in type 1 diabetes. A properly composed, selected diet will help to reduce, prevent an increase in glucose levels, which will make it possible to reduce the dose of insulin. Nutrition for DM1:

  • The menu should not be at the expense of health.
  • For food, you should choose a variety of products.
  • With diabetes, it is worth choosing natural products.
  • It is recommended to draw up a menu for a week, carefully analyzing the dishes and their ingredients.
  • Observe the regimen of food intake, the time of insulin injection, avoid eating at night.
  • Meals should be in small portions, divided at least 5 times a day.
  • Exclude from the diet sugar in its pure form, which is especially dangerous for patients with diabetes.
  • Do not eat foods from the "forbidden" list in the diet.
  • It is worth quitting smoking.

  • Sugar-containing - all kinds of sweets (sweets, chocolates, cakes).
  • Alcohol, in particular, is dangerous for diabetics, dessert red wine and low-alcohol drinks.
  • Sweet fruits (eg mango, banana, grapes, melon).
  • Sparkling water.
  • Fast food products.
  • Smoked meats, pickles, fatty broths.

Approximate diet, patient menu:

  • The main meal is breakfast. It is better to choose porridge, eggs, herbs, unsweetened tea.
  • The first snack is low-sugar fruits or vegetables.
  • Lunch - vegetable broth, vegetables cooked in a double boiler or by stewing, a boiled piece of meat or fish.
  • Snack - low-fat dairy products, vegetable salad or bread with unsweetened tea.
  • Dinner - boiled or stewed meat, vegetables - fresh or steamed, steamed fish, sour-milk products with a low percentage of fat.

Physical exercises

Sport is one of the methods of treating diabetes. Naturally, getting rid of the disease for good will not work, but it will help to lower blood sugar. In rare cases, exercise can lead to an increase in glucose levels, so you should consult your doctor before starting classes. When exercising in the presence of diabetes, it is important to measure the sugar levels before the start of physical education, in the middle of the workout and at the end. You need to monitor insulin constantly, and with certain indicators, it is better to cancel the workout:

  • 5.5 mmol / l is a low indicator at which playing sports may be unsafe. It is recommended that you eat a high-carbohydrate food (such as bread) before starting your workout.
  • Indicators in the range of 5.5-13.5 mmol / l give a green light for training.
  • Indicators above 13.8 mmol / l indicate the undesirability of physical activity, this can serve as an impetus for the development of ketoacidosis, and at 16.7 mmol / l they are strictly prohibited.
  • If during a workout, sugar drops to 3.8 mmol / l or less, classes should be stopped immediately.

Performing physical exercises for patients with type 1 diabetes has its own characteristics:

  • Classes should be carried out outdoors to achieve maximum effect.
  • The regularity and duration of classes for type 1 diabetes is half an hour, forty minutes, five times a week or 1 hour with classes every other day.
  • When you go to work out, take some snacks with you to prevent hypoglycemia.
  • In the early stages, choose simple exercises, over time gradually complicating them, increasing the load.
  • As an exercise, it is ideal: jogging, stretching, squats, body turns, intensive aerobics, strength exercises.

Drugs for the treatment of diabetes

An effective tool developed by German scientists from Labor von Dr. Budberg in Hamburg. DiabeNot is ranked number one in Europe for diabetics.

Reduces blood sugar levels, stabilizes the pancreas, reduces body weight and normalizes blood pressure. Limited Party!

Drug treatments are conventionally divided into 2 groups: insulin, which is vital for people suffering from type 1 diabetes mellitus, and drugs to eliminate diseases associated with the main one. It can be classified into several types, according to the expiration date, duration of action:

  • Short acting insulin. The hormone takes effect fifteen minutes after it enters the body.
  • The medium-acting drug is activated 2 hours after administration.
  • Long-acting insulin starts working four to six hours after the injection.

It is possible to inject insulin into the body of patients with type 1 diabetes by injection using a special syringe with a thin needle or a pump.

The second group of drugs includes:

  • ACE (angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitor) - a drug that helps normalize blood pressure; prevents or slows down the development of kidney disease.
  • Medicines to combat gastrointestinal problems that have arisen in type 1 diabetes. The choice of drug depends on the frolicking pathology and the nature of the problem. It can be Erythromycin or Cerucal.
  • If there is a tendency to heart or vascular diseases, it is recommended to take Aspirin or Cardiomagnyl.
  • In case of peripheral neuropathy, drugs with an analgesic effect are used.
  • If there are problems with potency, erection, it is possible to use Viagra, Cialis.
  • Simvastatin or Lovastatin can help lower your cholesterol levels.

Folk remedies

Many patients with type 1 diabetes use traditional methods to fight diseases. Some foods, herbs, and fees can lower blood sugar levels or even normalize it. Popular means of alternative, home medicine are:

  • Beans (5-7 pieces) pour 100 ml of water at room temperature overnight. On an empty stomach, eat swollen beans and drink the liquid. It is better to postpone breakfast for an hour.
  • Make an infusion, including 0.2 liters of water and 100 grams of oat grains. I use 0.5 cup three times a day.
  • Fill the thermos at night with a combination of 1 cup of water (boiling water) and 1 tbsp. l wormwood. Strain in the morning and drink 1/3 cup for fifteen days.
  • Grind a few medium cloves of garlic until a slurry is formed, pour water (0.5 liters) and leave in a warm place for half an hour. With diabetes, drink as tea all day.
  • For 7 minutes, boil 30 grams of ivy, poured with 0.5 liters of water, insist for several hours, strain. Rules for taking: drink before the main meals.
  • Collect partitions of forty walnuts, add 0.2 liters of clean water and simmer for an hour in a water bath. Strain the tincture and drink a teaspoonful before meals.

New treatments

Work on the study of diabetes mellitus, methods of its treatment has been carried out for many decades in different countries of the world. There is a group of scientists whose main goal is to solve this issue. Their research is funded by pharmaceutical companies, large firms, charitable organizations, foundations, and even the state. There are several promising approaches for type 1 diabetes in development:

  • Scientists are trying to force human stem cells to degenerate into beta cells, which are able to perform the function of producing a hormone and cure diabetes. But before the logical conclusion of the study and the possibility of using the remedy for the treatment of people with diabetes, it is still far away.
  • Other scientists are working on the creation of a vaccine that would prevent the development of an autoimmune process, in which pancreatic beta cells get hit, diabetes develops.

Ural scientists are at one of the final stages of creating a new drug for diabetes. A vital invention is being created by scientists at the Ural Federal University.

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According to the press service of the university, the drug will be used not only for treatment, but also for prevention. Developments are carried out jointly with scientists from the Volgograd Medical University. According to Professor Alexander Spasov, Head of the Department of Pharmacology at Volgograd State Medical University, the difference between the new drug is that it will stop the process of non-enzymatic transformations of protein molecules. The specialist is sure that all other vaccines can only reduce blood sugar, but not eliminate the root cause of the disease.

“Currently, molecules are being selected for subsequent preclinical studies. From the selected ten substances, you need to decide which one to bet on. It is important to work out the regulations on substances, dosage form, study pharmacology, toxicology, prepare the entire set of documents for clinical trials,” spoke about the specific stage of the work of the professor.

However, not all synthesized compounds will survive to preclinical trials.

“Only one connection will reach this process. This will be followed by animal studies, the first phase of clinical trials on healthy volunteers, then the second and third phases, ” Vladimir Rusinov, director of HTI Ural Federal University assured.

Soon the drugs will appear in pharmacies.

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