Pain after a temporary filling. What to do in case of pain? Most people take painkillers like

Many people neglect the rule to consult a dentist on time. As a result, the teeth are in a neglected state, and they need to be treated in several stages. One of the most common problems is deep caries, pulpitis, periodontitis. In this case, the doctor, in most cases, installs a temporary filling. Some patients complain that after such a stage of treatment, their teeth begin to hurt. Why is this happening, and what to do - let's figure it out.

The filling can be a little disturbing

Temporary fillings are often used by dentists. The main task of such a restoration of destroyed teeth is to protect the drilled place from the penetration of microbes, saliva and food debris. A specialist can install a temporary filling during the treatment of deep caries, when it is necessary to observe the condition of the tooth and nerve. It is also needed when medicine is placed in the root canals.

With the help of this type of filling, pulpitis is treated. The cavity of the tooth is opened and a special paste based on arsenic or another drug is placed, then this place is closed with a temporary filling. After a few days or two weeks, depending on the type of preparation, the patient is already given a permanent filling.

In the treatment of periodontitis, i.e. inflammation at the apex of the tooth root, a temporary filling is also first applied. The doctor rinses the canals of the tooth and puts a special medicine in them for several weeks, and then puts a temporary filling.

This type of filling is installed during the treatment of a tooth cyst. Because the this procedure involves several stages, doctors first put a temporary filling to protect the root canals from infection. Also, the dentist can use it during the period of prosthetics.

Any of these treatments may result in mechanical damage tissues near the teeth, or the nerve may be “touched”. Therefore, if in the first days after the installation of the filling you are in pain, you should not worry. This reaction body - normal, especially if the tooth or canals also contain medicine. Please note that in the first two hours after installing a temporary filling, food and drinks should not be consumed in order to allow its chemical composition to completely harden.

How to get rid of pain at home?

Consider what ways can help relieve pain:

  • You can drink a combined analgesic, as well as drugs that contain paracetamol, ibuprofen, drotaverine.
  • Doctors advise rinsing several times a day oral cavity warm solution with the addition of soda and salt in equal proportions.
  • Some people prefer to rinse their mouth with hard liquor to relieve pain.
  • A simple application of aloe can be applied to the gum near the diseased tooth. To do this, you need to cut an aloe leaf in half and attach it to the gum where the tooth hurts.
  • An application on a tooth with an infusion of valerian, mint or calendula will help reduce pain. On a cotton swab, you need to drip 10-15 drops of any of these tinctures and apply to the sore spot until the pain subsides.
  • A great way to get rid of pain is to make a lotion from cotton pads with propolis. It is necessary to moisten two cotton pads with a 2% alcohol solution of propolis and apply to the sore spot.
  • You can also prepare a mixture for rinsing the mouth. Add two teaspoons of an alcohol solution of propolis to warm water and rinse several times a day.
  • A decoction of chamomile and honey will help relieve pain and inflammation. Take two tablespoons of chamomile and pour a glass of boiling water over it. Add two teaspoons of honey and rinse your mouth several times a day.
  • Part of the gum near the diseased tooth can be lubricated a small amount essential oil carnations.
  • Do not forget about the simple, but effective method relief from pain by applying a piece of unsalted bacon.
  • Massage of the earlobe will also help relieve pain. You need to do it on the side where the tooth hurts, for 5-7 minutes.
  • If the pain intensifies, does not go away within 3-5 days, and it is difficult for you to chew food, then you should not neglect a visit to the doctor, because in this case, the channels and tissues near the tooth may become inflamed. And if, in addition, the temperature rises, chills are felt, the gums are swollen, then you should immediately contact a specialist.

With the help of fillings, many dental diseases are cured. Before placing a real filling, in many situations, the specialist resorts to a temporary filling. There are situations when a patient has a temporary filling, and the tooth hurts. Let's see why this happens and how to solve this problem.

What is a temporary filling for?

A temporary filling is used to protect a damaged tooth from long-term treatment. Such fillings are made from a special material, the composition of which will allow the filling to be removed when necessary.

The use of a temporary composition contributes to the effectiveness and quality control of the treatment process.

A temporary filling is placed during treatment:

  • cysts;
  • during depulpation.

The following explanation can be given to situations when a patient has a temporary filling, and he feels pain. The most common cause is drug exposure. If the pain appears a week or even longer after treatment, then you should immediately rush to the dentist.

The essence of a temporary filling is that under it the doctor places medicine used to treat caries, pulpitis or periodontitis. The specialist in such a situation should warn the patient that exposure to drugs may cause him pain, which will last for several days, so that the patient does not worry about this.

Causes of discomfort

Main reasons:

  1. The occurrence of toothache at night and during pressure is evidence that the patient has an inflammatory process that has not yet been affected by the medicine.
  2. With constant, but mild (aching pain), there is most likely an allergic reaction to a certain composition. If in this case the head does not hurt, there is no general irritability and other serious accompanying symptoms, the aching pain can be drowned out with painkillers. If such symptoms are present, you need to contact the dentist, before the visit, you can pull out the filling yourself and cover the tooth with a cotton swab.
  3. Failure to comply with medical recommendations on the procedures required after installation can also cause discomfort.
  4. The temporary composition can also fall out unnoticed by the patient. In this case, pain is a signal of an inflammatory process that occurred when an infection hit the opening of the tissue.

What to do in case of pain?

Often patients are confused about what to do when a tooth hurts after a temporary filling, and whether it should hurt at all. Most patients in this case complain about the allegedly poorly performed treatment. But it should be understood that the pain in the first days after the installation of the seal is absolutely normal.

After all, a temporary composite is used during treatment. That is, the tooth has not yet been cured, but is only in the process. As a result of sensitive nerves, the tooth aches. BUT medications can cause adverse reactions.

It should be noted that the previously used, quickly crumbling materials for temporary fillings, today have been replaced by stronger modern ones, thanks to which the treatment is much easier.

How to get rid of tooth pain under a temporary crown? The dentist may prescribe antibiotics if he notices a severe lesion. It is important for the patient to carefully follow the instructions. Minor pain can be drowned out with simple painkillers, but you should also consult your doctor before purchasing them.

Chew solid food on a tooth that is in the process of treatment is not recommended, so you protect yourself from discomfort.

In the absence of painkillers, with painful sensations from a temporary filling, decoctions of chamomile, sage or mint can be used. Disinfection can also be done with soda or saline solution. For a while, tinctures of valerian or lemon balm will help to drown out the pain, cotton wool is moistened in them and applied to the aching tooth.

Prudent patients always get the phone number from their dentist. After all, an unpleasant situation can occur in which only a doctor can give useful advice(for example, if swelling or redness is detected).

A toothache under a temporary filling when pressed

Tooth pain under a temporary filling is the result of the still existing sensitivity of nerve endings to the medications used. And at first it is the norm.

In the case when the soreness persists after the removal of the temporary composition and the treatment performed, it is already time to worry.

Tooth pain in the evening and at night indicates inflammation of the pulp under the influence of arsenic.

In addition, an allergic manifestation is possible. At the same time, the tooth hurts both during the day and at night. Analgin can help in this situation.

Severe pain that is not drowned out by painkillers is a signal to immediately visit a doctor. If allergic reactions occur, pain cannot be tolerated, this can lead to a general deterioration in the patient's health. The doctor can remove the filling if necessary, or the patient himself can do it, after which the hole in the tooth must be carefully closed with sterile cotton wool.

It is necessary to follow all the instructions of the doctor who placed the temporary filling, so you will save yourself from discomfort.

It is important, after installing a temporary composition, to check its presence in the tooth. The filling can fall out while eating, which will give all kinds of irritants access to the exposed tissues of the tooth and cause infection.

Soreness during pregnancy

Pregnant women are required to undergo a dental examination. The condition of the teeth of expectant mothers often suffers during pregnancy, since the future baby takes a large amount of calcium, and the teeth can suffer from caries or pulpitis.

In this case, treatment is mandatory, including the installation of a temporary filling. It can be placed around the 15th week of pregnancy, when the fetus is already sufficiently formed and anesthesia can be used.

The pain of a tooth under a temporary crown during pregnancy causes a lot of anxiety, since during this period the expectant mother tries to exclude the use of any medication so as not to harm the baby.

How to reduce pain in such a situation? It's best to endure the pain.

You can also reduce it with the help of folk remedies and methods:

  1. There are modern pharmaceutical analgesics that are allowed to be taken during pregnancy. But, when using them, of course, you need to consult a doctor and read the instructions.
  2. Decoctions prepared from sage and chamomile will also reduce pain.
  3. Excellent means for disinfection - soda and saline solutions.
  4. Important also careful attitude to a temporary filling. Avoid hard, very hot and cold foods. It is best not to chew on a damaged tooth at all.
  5. Walking in the air, swimming, doing your favorite thing will help to distract and reduce pain.

To avoid complications for pregnant women, it is very important complete sanitation oral cavity, which will not allow infection to occur and enter the body.

In what cases should you immediately contact the dentist?

There are cases in which the pain does not subside after the period indicated by the doctor. It is important to figure out which cases are safe, and in which you should be wary.

Symptoms that indicate serious complications and require an immediate visit to the dentist's office:

  1. Increase in body temperature.
  2. General weakness, malaise.
  3. The presence of purulent smell from the mouth.
  4. Swelling on cheeks and gums.
  5. Pain in the restored tooth when chewing and swallowing.

If the pain after a temporary filling is very strong and does not go away for a long time, you can remove the temporary composition with something sharp before visiting the dentist and cover the damaged tooth with cotton wool.

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Modern dentistry today is a fairly advanced and effective branch of medicine. However, even the most reliable system sometimes fails. For example, after a filling is placed, a person may start to have a toothache. This can happen the day after the filling or it can appear several years after the restoration. It all depends on the specific situation. However, this problem exists and needs to be addressed.

You should not be afraid of this, as this is a completely common occurrence, and in most cases it passes on its own. The only exceptions are those situations when patients without indications begin to use various drugs, wrong concentrations of solutions and alternative methods medicine to relieve toothache.

The third reason is post-filling pain due to overdrying of the dentin. The fact is that when preparing a tooth for filling, it must be thoroughly dried. However, carefully - this does not mean "maximum" and "as strong as possible." Drying must be carried out in such a way that there is no liquid on the surface of the dentin, and in depth it remains optimal level moisture. If it is not there, then the pulp cells will intensively secrete fluid to compensate for its lack. This causes post-filling hypersensitivity, which manifests itself as pain in the tooth when cold, hot, sour, spicy food after installing a new filling. When the pulp normalizes (after 1-2 weeks), the pain completely disappears.

The fourth reason is pain under the filling as a result of non-compliance with the dentine etching technique. Etching is one of the steps in preparing a tooth for filling. Since dentin has a tubular structure, during the preparation of burs, the dentinal tubules become clogged with sawdust and other foreign matter. In order to free these channels, etching gels based on phosphoric acid are applied to the tooth. It is important to strictly observe the duration of this process, since excessive exposure to the gel contributes to deeper etching. As a result, the photocomposite or cement during filling penetrates too deeply into the dentinal tubules, irritating the pulp tissues. As a rule, this effect is not so toxic and powerful as to cause pulpitis. Most often, it manifests itself in the form of mild constant pain and disappears within 1-2 weeks.

The sixth reason is the increased load on the sealed tooth. This may be due to overfilling or for other reasons. Often with pathological forms of bite, disorders of the masticatory muscles, diseases of the temporomandibular joint, filling becomes a rather complicated manipulation. The fact is that with the listed pathologies, a person can close his teeth in different positions. And all options for occlusion (closure) can be both comfortable for the patient or uncomfortable. Therefore, the dentist can make a perfect restoration of the tooth in optimal occlusion of the teeth, but the patient will close the teeth in a different position. And this can cause overload of the treated tooth. As a result, it will be provoked pain syndrome which can lead to the development of pulpitis or periodontitis.

The seventh reason is microcracks between the filling material and the walls of the tooth cavity. At poor quality treatment microspaces may remain between the filling and its bed. Thus, when a cold, sour, sweet liquid enters these cracks, short-term pain may occur. Also, such gaps can be formed due to the development secondary caries under a new or old filling. There are situations when a child undergoes fissure sealing and the sealant is applied to carious tooth. Such inattention leads to the development of a carious process under the material, which is not visually determined during external examination. After microcracks appear between the sealant and the tissues of the tooth, the child will begin to complain of pain in the tooth.

The eighth reason is poor-quality filling in the cervical area. The mucous membrane of the gums is very tender and supple. It does not tolerate the impact of aggressive mechanical and chemical factors. When the treatment is completed with a restoration in the cervical area, it is very important to use the highest quality material and carefully polish the filling. If the filling is made of stitched or low-quality material, then there is a possibility of a negative impact of unhardened particles on the gum tissue. And if you do not polish the restoration, then it will remain rough and fine-grained. Such relief will inevitably lead to damage to the gums. It is also worth noting the poor-quality restoration of contact points (contacts between adjacent teeth). If this manipulation is carried out without taking into account the location of the gingival papillae (gingival protrusions of a triangular shape between the teeth), then the seal will put pressure on the papillary (papillary) part of the gum. This will inevitably lead to papillitis and may provoke localized periodontitis.

The ninth reason is arsenic under a temporary filling in the treatment of pulpitis. One of the methods of devitalization is the use of arsenic paste. The method implies that the tooth is prepared, left in it a small amount of arsenic and closed with a temporary filling. Through certain time this leads to toxic pulp necrosis. Since arsenic is inherently a poison, the pulp at the beginning of devitalization tries to activate all the mechanisms of protection against its effects, and final stages undergoing decay. All these processes are accompanied by toothache.

The tenth reason is the exacerbation of chronic periodontitis at the stages of its treatment. If a person went to the clinic and found one of the chronic forms of periodontitis, then he will undergo instrumental and drug treatment of root canals. After the channels are cleaned, medications will be left in them to eliminate the inflammatory process. The tooth will then be covered with a temporary filling until the next visit. It is possible that in the period between visits, the tooth will begin to disturb, there will be a feeling that the temporary filling hurts when biting on the tooth. This phenomenon is quite typical, although rather unpleasant. In any case, it is necessary to continue the course of treatment, after which not only pain will disappear, but also the inflammatory process in the periodontium.

The eleventh reason is the treatment of deep caries without an insulating pad. Because the composite material has a toxic effect on the pulp, it is necessary to separate the photopolymer filling from the nerve. For this, glass ionomer cement is most often used, which has optimal insulating properties. If the doctor neglected the rules for the treatment of deep caries, then pulpitis and its complications may develop.

The twelfth reason is pulp overheating. If the dentist worked without cooling or prepared the tooth without interruption, then the neurovascular bundle will be exposed to high temperature. We have already mentioned the unfavorable thermal effect of a photopolymer lamp. However, the temperature to which the pulp is heated when a metal tool is rubbed against hard tissues tooth, significantly higher than the temperature during operation of the photopolymer lamp. Therefore, in this case we can talk not only about the pain under the filling, but also about the development of pulpitis.

The twelfth reason is residual pulpitis. In order to clearly demonstrate the meaning this concept, we can imagine the following situation. A patient with pulpitis turned to the doctor, he was given anesthesia, the nerve was removed, the canals were sealed, a filling was placed, and the next day the tooth hurts. That's what it is residual inflammation pulp. It could have happened by different reasons. In some situations, the doctor could not completely remove the nerve (lack of experience, severely curved canals, lateral branches of the canal, etc.). In this case, part of the inflamed pulp remains in the tooth. Since the manipulations are often performed under local anesthesia, the patient does not feel pain during the dental appointment. But when he comes home, the effect of the anesthetic drug begins to subside, and the person realizes that he was given a filling, and the nerve hurts. Often, children with immature roots undergo a vital amputation of the pulp. In this case, part of the nerve is removed, and part remains in the tooth. It is worth saying that this form of treatment, although gentle, is at the same time quite unpredictable. Indeed, at any moment the remaining part of the neurovascular bundle can become inflamed. It depends to a greater extent on the immunological properties of the body and the qualifications of the doctor.

The thirteenth cause is residual periodontitis. The essence of this problem differs little from residual pulpitis. As a result of the course of treatment of periodontitis, the canals are cleaned for the patient, anti-inflammatory therapy is carried out and the tooth is restored. After a while, the filling begins to bother, there is constant pain, which intensifies when biting and chewing. In this case we are talking about incomplete treatment of the disease. Could remain in the focus of inflammation pathogenic flora, which, with a decrease in the reactive properties of the body, could cause inflammation.

Fourteenth reason - toxic effects filling material to the periodontal ligament. To date, dentists are trying to work as accurately as possible in the root canals. To do this, they use X-ray diagnostics, various apex locators (sensors for determining the length root canal), endodontic microscopes, etc. But, such equipment is not available in all dental institutions. And, if the lack of additional visualization tools is added to the insufficient experience of the dentist, a situation may arise in which the filling material will be outside the apical opening of the root canal. Those. the material will be removed into the periodontal gap, while having a toxic effect on the ligamentous apparatus of the tooth. Thus, with a high-quality restoration, but irrational filling of the root canals, the tooth may begin to disturb. And although there is a new filling in it, the unwanted localization of the filling material causes discomfort.

The fifteenth reason is pain in the adjacent tooth. It may seem that this theory sounds rather absurd and unrealistic. However, very often patients come to the dentist with complaints of acute, unbearable pain. At the same time, most of them point with their finger at a tooth that has recently been treated. After the diagnosis in clinical setting it turns out that a completely different tooth ached, most often the neighboring one. When the pain is quite strong, it tends to spread to the rest of the teeth. Therefore, it is almost impossible to accurately identify a diseased tooth. But, the patient recalls that he recently had a tooth treated and a filling was placed. Therefore, in his opinion, this tooth is more likely to get sick than the rest. After such conclusions, a person begins to believe in his theory and concentrates only on pain in a particular tooth. Moreover, many people, feeling the futility of tooth treatment, lost money and time, immediately go to the surgeon to remove the suspected tooth. Just as confidently, they point to a tooth with a filling and insistently ask the surgeon to remove it. If the surgeon has basic experience, he will refuse to perform the removal, determine the true source of pain and refer the patient to appropriate treatment.

Risk factors

A large number of factors can contribute to the occurrence of pain after filling. Often the predisposing factor is non-compliance with the recommendations of the doctor during the treatment course. Many patients believe that dental treatment is the task of a purely dentist, because he receives financial payment for this. However, complex therapy involves the participation of both the dentist and the patient. And, if one of these people does not fulfill their tasks, then the achievement of the expected result may become doubtful. Often patients tend to permanent shift dentists. This is reasonable to some extent, because each person seeks to find the most experienced and honest specialist. However, if this happens during the course of treatment of any disease, then each dentist has to re-diagnose, evaluate the clinical situation and draw up his own therapeutic algorithm.

A risk factor is any situation that provokes an imbalance in the blood supply, innervation and metabolism of the tooth. The fact is that after filling the tooth is in a state of rehabilitation. After all, all the manipulations that were carried out during the treatment are a huge stress for the dental system. Extraneous chemical solutions, cutting instruments, filling cements and composites act on the teeth with a powerful blow. Therefore, the body needs some time to adapt to new conditions. If the fragile system is disturbed at this point, it may be disrupted. For example, during the period of hypersensitivity after filling, the pulp is in an irritated state. And if at this time you use too hot or cold foods, then the development of an inflammatory process in this tooth. One of the main risk factors is a decrease in immunity, hypovitaminosis and emotional stress. These are common causes that can provoke the occurrence of inflammatory diseases. Also, not the last role in this is played by genetic factors, which determine the threshold of pain sensitivity for each individual. The role of heredity should not be underestimated, since two people with the same lifestyle, age and physique may perceive the action of adverse factors differently. And often the difference in perception is connected precisely with hereditary characteristics. Therefore, for some, genetics is a risk factor, and for some, it is a protection factor.


Symptoms of post-filling pain can manifest themselves in varying degrees depending on the reasons for which they arose. If the pain is associated with post-filling hypersensitivity, then its first symptoms will be unobtrusive, weak, aching pain in the tooth, which may be aggravated by the use of cold and hot food. If to speak plain language, then a person has a toothache under a filling. The intensification of symptoms when eating food at high and low temperatures is due to the fact that an additional stress agent acts on the irritated pulp. Therefore, the nerve reacts to it more sharply than in the normal state. As a rule, such pain goes away on its own in 1-2 weeks.

If under the seal began to progress carious process, then the complex of symptoms will differ from hypersensitivity. Pain will appear only with the use of provoking foods: cold, hot sour and sweet food. This will create the feeling that something is going into the tooth. Such pain can appear both after the installation of a new filling, and a year after the restoration.

At increased load pain on the filling will appear during eating, when biting and when pressing on the tooth. If the tooth is not “disturbed” and chewing pressure is not directed to it, then the pain will be absent. In such a situation, it is important to provide rest to the problem tooth to prevent the development of traumatic periodontitis.

After applying arsenic paste, the tooth is restored temporary cement. When arsenic begins to act, you can feel pain under the temporary filling. For each person, the degree and duration of pain can be different, but most often people feel constant aching pain in a sealed tooth. As a rule, this pain disappears within a few hours after the application of the devitalizing drug. This is due to the fact that the composition of devitalizing pastes includes an anesthetic that blocks pain sensitivity. But, far from all people, the anesthetic stops the pain attack, for many people the threshold of sensitivity is very low and the dose of the anesthetic drug in this case will be too small for this organism.

If in a dental clinic a person was treated for caries in the cervical (near-gingival) part of the tooth, then an inflammatory process in the gum tissues may develop. The first signs of inflammation in the gingival region are reddening of the gums, itching, burning and slight soreness. If the process progresses, then the pain in the gums will become more pronounced, and swelling and bleeding will be added to it.

In the treatment of chronic forms of periodontitis, an exacerbation of the inflammatory process is possible. In this case, there is a strong, constant, aching pain, which increases with pressure on the tooth with a temporary filling. Also, the pain gets worse when the person eats, especially solid food. If the course of treatment is continued, these symptoms will gradually disappear after 1-2 days. Wherein chronic process will also stop progressing. But, some patients, feeling pain in the tooth, cease to trust the therapeutic plan of their doctor. This is logical to some extent, because the medicine is left under the filling, and the tooth hurts. But, it is worth noting that such a reaction of the body is observed not only in dental pathologies. At the initial stages of treatment of many sluggish diseases, there is a certain exacerbation of the inflammatory process, and after completion of therapy chronic inflammation disappears, the disease goes into a stable remission. That's why, positive result in treatment is possible only if the person will fulfill all the conditions of the doctor and in no case change the treatment plan at his discretion.

Residual periodontitis after the installation of a permanent filling is a rather unpleasant phenomenon. This is due to the fact that the course of treatment is over, a permanent filling is installed (possibly even with a pin), and the tooth hurts. Most often, the pain is not acute, but weak and unobtrusive. It can appear and disappear at any time of the day, intensify when chewing. A person often doubts whether to go to the dentist or not. After all, the pain is not so strong as to run to the doctor, but not so weak as not to pay attention to it. However, it is worth saying that it is definitely worth reporting such problems to the dentist. Even if you just have to observe the condition of the tooth for several days, it is better to let it happen under the supervision of a specialist. If the pain does not go away, then the question of further treatment tactics will be decided.

Development chronic periodontitis accompanied by some specific processes. The pulp stops its vital activity and turns into necrotic masses. This leads to the fact that the tooth externally acquires a grayish tint and against its background the filling looks more contrasting (due to the fact that its color does not change). In this case, no other symptoms may be observed.

If pulpitis has begun after filling, then you should immediately contact the dentist who performed the treatment. This is necessary to find out the cause that provoked the development of the inflammatory process. If pulpitis has developed as a result of caries under the filling, then gray areas of enamel and dentin can be seen in the tooth. In this case, the filling can also take on a similar shade and, as a result, most of the tooth looks black. Symptoms acute pulpitis most often bright: a tooth with a filling hurts from hot, from cold, and pain can also appear spontaneously. The duration of attacks can vary from 1 minute to several hours, depending on the stage. Often the pain does not go away for a whole day. It can wave-like decrease and increase, but not completely disappear.

Some of these symptoms go away on their own, while others require medical attention. However, for any suspicious phenomena and sensations, consult a specialist. Asking a question is simple and quick, but treating caries complications is a long and unpleasant process.


Self-diagnosis of their diseases is a rather dangerous business. The reason for this is not even that you do not have a special education for this. The problem is that any person who is sensitive to his health cannot objectively assess his condition. This is due to emotions, worries about the consequences of the disease and other psychological moments. Paradoxically, even a doctor who suddenly falls ill immediately becomes a patient. And he should be treated by another doctor. This is correct from the point of view of medical rationalism. Therefore, you can look problem tooth, note all complaints, record data on the onset, duration, degree pain attack and make some assumptions about the condition of the tooth. But, for the final diagnosis, you should go only to the dentist. He not only has a higher education, license and experience, but also expensive diagnostic equipment, which is available only in specialized medical institutions(various tomographs, radiovisiographs, etc.). Also, the doctor has the conditions for conducting various clinical tests that will determine what provoked a pain attack.

Treatment or what to do if a tooth hurts under a filling

It is not recommended to prescribe and carry out dental treatment without consulting a specialist. Indeed, at home, even a diagnosis is almost impossible to make. And we can't even talk about treatment. But what if the filling hurts? There are some methods to help manage toothache before visiting the dentist. Just note one point - no need to experiment with your health! You can not apply garlic, lemon to the tooth, smear it with balm. golden star". Also, do not rinse your mouth with vinegar, alcohol and other aggressive solutions. This will definitely not lead to an improvement in the condition. Of the folk methods, only the use of herbal medicine is allowed. Some solutions based on medicinal herbs inhibit the work of nerve endings and thus reduce the sensitivity of the teeth. First recipe: 5 drops eucalyptus oil dilute in 100 ml of water. Heat to a temperature of about 30 °, rinse 3 times a day after meals. The second recipe: prepare an infusion of chamomile, rinse 3 times a day after meals. This solution will also be effective for inflammation of the gums after filling. Third recipe: 3 drops of oil tea tree dilute in 100 ml of water. Use by analogy with the previous solutions. But, if you are pregnant, then even herbal medicine is not recommended for you to practice without the permission of a doctor.

If you suspect that you have hypersensitivity after filling, then desensitizers can be used to reduce it. This is a group of drugs that reduce the sensitivity of dentin. They can be found in toothpastes, gels, rinses and other dental hygiene products. An example of a toothpaste with a desensitizer is DESENSIN gel paste. The method of its application is almost the same as the use of other pastes. The only thing that the manufacturer strongly recommends doing is rinsing the mouth before brushing your teeth. It is also worth noting that this paste contains fluorine in its composition. If you live in a region where the amount of fluorine in the water is higher than normal, then such a paste is contraindicated for you. In addition, there are pastes and other popular brands (Sensodyne, Lacalut, Blend-a-med, etc.). Listerine is commercially available as a desensitizing mouthwash. The method of its use is quite simple - take 4 teaspoons of liquid, rinse your mouth for 30 seconds, spit out the contents. There are also special gels to reduce tooth sensitivity, for example, President sensitive plus. It should be applied twice a day immediately after brushing by applying the gel to the teeth. To additional methods Some of the things that will help get rid of dental hypersensitivity faster include: using a soft toothbrush, avoiding foods that are too hot or too cold, and regular oral hygiene.

Pain in the tooth, which is caused by tooth hypersensitivity, has insufficiently specific and vivid symptoms. Therefore, the method of observation is most often proposed. At the same time, every day the patient notes the dynamics of pain under the filling. If the discomfort with each becomes softer and weaker, then no intervention is required. The body will stabilize its condition on its own and the tooth will continue to function normally. If the pain becomes stronger every day, then we are talking about the progression of the pathological process and immediate therapeutic intervention is required. If the symptom complex corresponds to caries, then the installed filling must be removed and the tooth cleaned from the affected hard tissues. After that, the doctor will perform a second restoration. If the dentist diagnosed pulpitis, then the treatment will be more radical. The doctor will remove everything carious tissue, extract the nerve, clean the canals, seal them and perform the restoration. With periodontitis, the situation is more complicated. If the process is chronic, then the treatment can take place in several visits until the inflammatory process is completely eliminated. In the case when the material was removed beyond the top of the root and against this background there is pain in the tooth, the necessary physiotherapy will be prescribed, for example, fluctuorization. If the pain persists for 2 weeks, surgical treatment will be indicated.


There are a lot of risk factors for pain after filling. But, we can exclude only some of them, and for this there are certain recommendations. The first rule is to always follow the recommendations of the attending physician. If you came to the dentist to get the expected result, then you must fulfill your obligations as a patient. It is also important to understand that the body strong immunity and a stable metabolism is less prone to inflammatory processes. Therefore, the normalization of diet and sleep, the rejection of bad habits can contribute to the fact that inflammatory processes will not develop. Also, you should always inform your doctor about your feelings and suspicious dental disorders.


Hypersensitivity after filling is not a diagnosis, it is just a symptom. And the reason that causes these sensations can be any disease. If we take into account the usual hypersensitivity after the filling, then its prognosis is quite favorable. It will disappear without a trace after a short period of time. The outcome of other diseases, the symptom of which is hard tissue hypersensitivity, depends on human consciousness and responsibility. If a person applied for specialized help in time, then the probability full recovery the dental system is much higher. If he chose to self-medicate, use grandmother's methods of healing, then the result can be the most unpredictable. The doctor who deals with the treatment also plays an important role. If he is serious about the complaints of patients, carefully evaluates them, then even pulpitis and periodontitis do not become an obstacle to the normal functioning of the tooth.

When a person turns to a dentist for help, he naturally wants not only to cure a tooth, but also to make sure that he never gets sick in the future. However, the realities of life sometimes make their own adjustments here and create obstacles to this: after filling a tooth, some people feel that it suddenly starts to hurt for some unknown reason. It would seem that the doctor did everything as expected: he sealed the canals and (or) put a filling, but the tooth still hurts under it.

It must be understood that the impact on tooth enamel and dentin with a drill, and, moreover, cleaning and filling canals - this is a kind of small surgery removal of infected and necrotic tissues. It is quite natural after it is the presence of minor pain - for the period of recovery of the body.

Practitioners have certain criteria according to which pain after filling can be considered as either normal condition, or, on the contrary, as a kind of deviation from the norm. This takes into account the dynamics of pain, its nature, the level of treatment, the presence of errors and complications during it, and other factors.

Let's try to figure out why a tooth can hurt after filling, in which cases you can not worry about it, and in which you should suspect something is wrong and urgently contact your doctor for advice ...

Why can a tooth hurt under a filling?

Pain in a filled tooth can be observed in the following typical cases:

  • after caries treatment (under a permanent filling);
  • after canal treatment (under a temporary or permanent filling).

First, let's take a closer look at why pain can be felt after caries treatment and filling.

Dentists-therapists for the most part are always optimistic, as they strive to keep the diseased tooth “alive” for any type of caries, that is, without removing the pulp (“nerve”) from the canals. However, in some cases, at the stage of diagnosis and treatment, errors occur, which are more related to the tactics and approach of the doctor.

The most common errors that provoke pain in a sealed tooth are the following:

On a note

There is a well-established opinion among the people that the filling that interferes with the bite “will rub itself in”. In fact, this is a false and dangerous idea, since an overestimated filling not only causes pain in the sealed tooth, but also provokes trauma to the tissues surrounding the root, which leads to the risk of developing traumatic periodontitis (inflammation of the tissues surrounding the root), and this already carries risk of tooth loss.

  1. polymerization stress. Modern light-curing composites ( light seals) have a negative property - to cause the so-called polymerization stress, or shrinkage of the filling, because of which the tooth begins to hurt some time after filling. During the curing of the material with a special lamp, it loses volume and causes stress on the walls of the tooth, which are superimposed by the dentist. The more the filling layer was made, the more pronounced this stress will be in most cases. As a result, non-compliance with the technology of working with light fillings leads to the fact that after filling the tooth sometimes hurts a lot, and the pain can be either short-term (up to 1-2 weeks) or not go away at all.

Cause of pain after canal filling

Pain after filling the canals of the tooth does not always occur and not in all clinical cases. Some dentists are of the opinion that normally, after filling the canals in the tooth, there should be no pain at all. At the same time, some practitioners believe that, nevertheless, short-term pain in a tooth without a “nerve” is within allowable rate, even if the work in the channels was carried out according to the treatment protocol and without errors.

So, what is the nature of toothache after canal filling:

  • Pain when biting into a sealed tooth. After the dentist has placed a temporary filling on the tooth, after a few hours or the next day, pain may occur when pressing on it. Many patients note that pressing on a sealed tooth is especially painful during meals. If no mistakes were made during the treatment of the canals of the tooth, then the cause of such pain is the reaction of the tissues surrounding the tooth root to the removal of the “nerve”, processing, expansion of the canals and the introduction of filling material into them. Usually, a filled tooth hurts no more than 5-7 days, sometimes up to 2-3 weeks. It depends on the material used for filling the canals and the individual reaction of the body in response to the “irritant”. In any case, a tooth normally treated in the canals should have a positive trend: the pain should gradually subside until it disappears completely.
  • Aching pain after treatment. After the canals have been sealed, sometimes there is a aching toothache under the filling immediately after the passage of anesthesia. As a rule, its duration is no more than 1-2 hours. If the aching pain does not go away long time, and especially if its intensity increases every day, then you should urgently contact your dentist for clarification.

Does filling a tooth hurt?

Tooth filling with caries can be carried out without anesthesia, if during its processing there is no sensitivity. If a good “freeze” (pain relief) is done, then pain does not occur at any stage of treatment. In the treatment of canals, with rare exceptions, anesthesia is always required, which makes the treatment painless.

It is impossible not to say about the options for complications that occur during and after root canal treatment. Sometimes toothache after filling them can be a direct consequence of certain mistakes on the part of the doctor.

The most common medical errors that occur during root canal treatment:

  • Filling the canal with the removal of the material beyond the root. This error leads to long-lasting pain when pressing on the tooth, despite a properly installed filling.
  • Canal filling not up to the apex (apex). The canal should normally be sealed to its full working length. If this does not happen, then it turns out to be empty in a certain area. Nature does not tolerate emptiness, therefore, microbes accumulate in an unsealed area, which further provoke inflammation at the root. Some people immediately or after some time experience either aching pain under the filling, or the sealed tooth hurts when pressed on it. In this case, retreatment and refilling of the canal is required.
  • Broken instrument in the canal. In this case, a complication arises from leaving a piece of a dental instrument in the canal with a source of infection - an inflamed "nerve" or with bacteria not washed out of the canal. In the future, this often leads to pain after filling the canals of the tooth - immediately or after a few weeks (sometimes years).
  • Poorly processed channels. Due to unprofessional or complex root canals, the dentist sometimes cannot clean them properly. And any unattended area inside the root is the risk that the tooth will hurt under the filling. Often, the transition of the infection to the tissues surrounding the root leads to a struggle for repeated preservation of the tooth in the future.

How to relieve pain after a tooth filling at home

If after cleaning the channels and placing a filling you have a toothache (post-filling pain), then there are several approaches to eliminate discomfort.

Generally speaking, if the dentist has not made any mistakes, then there is no need to prescribe rinsing, however, a number of experts recommend relieving pain with warm rinsing with soda and salt.

On a note

Salt and soda have been known for a long time in folk medicine as a means of getting rid of many pains. The mechanism of their action is due to the fact that they have anti-inflammatory and antiseptic effects. It is widely known that salt is able to actively “pull out” pus on itself, which is why, for example, it is used together with soda as a solution for rinsing an open canal when purulent form tooth periodontitis.

So, what to do if there is a toothache under the filling? If the tooth hurts under a temporary or permanent filling, you can start warm rinses with soda and salt, preferably as soon as possible. In this case, it is necessary to heat the tooth from the inside, but in no case from the outside (you do not need to press your cheek against the radiator).

To carry out the procedure, you need to make a slightly more than warm (as far as your mouth tolerates) solution for rinsing by adding a teaspoon of soda and a teaspoon of salt to a glass of water. Rinse should be 4-5 times within an hour until the pain disappears completely.

From the experience of a dentist

In some cases, 2-3 drops of 5% tincture of iodine can be added to a solution of soda and salt. However, it is worth remembering that for some people iodine preparations are contraindicated due to individual intolerance or problems with the thyroid gland.

If you have on hand home first aid kit, then you can look for general anesthetic drugs, such as: Ketorol, Baralgin, Nise, Ketanov, MIG 200.

When you need dental help

As noted above, sometimes after root canal treatment and filling, serious complications arise that can further lead to pain in the sealed tooth.

The decisive factor here is timely appeal to a specialist for advice. This is especially important if, after filling the canals, the gums begin to hurt and swell.

In order to understand the essence of the problem, the dentist will definitely clarify the diagnosis with which the first visit was made. If a filling was placed during caries, and the tooth after that hurts for a long time and severely, then the dentist will inspect the installed filling, palpate the gums, percussion of the tooth (tapping), make an EOD to clarify the viability of the pulp and X-ray diagnostics. If inflammation of the “nerve” is confirmed, or, even worse, inflammation at the root, then in order for the tooth not to hurt under the filling, the doctor will extract the entire pulp from the canals and seal them along the entire length.

If the "dead" tooth hurts after filling the canals, then the dentist will definitely do X-ray. If errors are found in the treatment, the tooth will be retreated. In rare cases, if it is impossible to treat a tooth, the doctor will offer to remove it, and in its place to put either an implant with a crown, or make a “bridge” with an artificial tooth.

Question to the dentist: “Immediately, as soon as my filling fell out, the tooth began to hurt a lot, why?”

If a filling was placed on a tooth for caries, then the pain after it fell out is due to the fact that a large area of ​​sensitive and unprotected tissues opens up for irritants. Often, the filling flies out because the tooth was prepared poorly: carious tissues were not removed, so the destruction of the tooth continued under the filling.

An interesting video about the possible causes of pain in a tooth under a filling

The filling can be a little disturbing

Temporary fillings are often used by dentists. The main task of such a restoration of destroyed teeth is to protect the drilled place from the penetration of microbes, saliva and food debris. A specialist can install a temporary filling during the treatment of deep caries, when it is necessary to observe the condition of the tooth and nerve. It is also needed when medicine is placed in the root canals.

With the help of this type of filling, pulpitis is treated. The cavity of the tooth is opened and a special paste based on arsenic or another drug is placed, then this place is closed with a temporary filling. After a few days or two weeks, depending on the type of preparation, the patient is already given a permanent filling.

In the treatment of periodontitis, i.e. inflammation at the apex of the tooth root, a temporary filling is also first applied. The doctor rinses the canals of the tooth and puts a special medicine in them for several weeks, and then puts a temporary filling.

This type of filling is installed during the treatment of a tooth cyst. Since this procedure involves several steps, doctors first place a temporary filling to protect the root canals from infection. Also, the dentist can use it during the period of prosthetics.

As a result of any of the listed types of treatment, mechanical damage to tissues near the teeth may occur, or a nerve may be “touched”. Therefore, if in the first days after the installation of the filling you are in pain, you should not worry. This reaction of the body is normal, especially if there is also medicine in the tooth or canals. Please note that in the first two hours after installing a temporary filling, food and drinks should not be consumed in order to allow its chemical composition to completely harden.

How to get rid of pain at home?

Consider what ways can help relieve pain:

  • You can drink a combined analgesic, as well as drugs that contain paracetamol, ibuprofen, drotaverine.
  • Doctors advise several times a day to rinse the mouth with a warm solution with the addition of soda and salt in equal proportions.
  • Some people prefer to rinse their mouth with hard liquor to relieve pain.
  • A simple application of aloe can be applied to the gum near the diseased tooth. To do this, you need to cut an aloe leaf in half and attach it to the gum where the tooth hurts.
  • An application on a tooth with an infusion of valerian, mint or calendula will help reduce pain. On a cotton swab, you need to drip 10-15 drops of any of these tinctures and apply to the sore spot until the pain subsides.
  • A great way to get rid of pain is to make a lotion from cotton pads with propolis. It is necessary to moisten two cotton pads with a 2% alcohol solution of propolis and apply to the sore spot.
  • You can also prepare a mixture for rinsing the mouth. Add two teaspoons of an alcohol solution of propolis to warm water and rinse several times a day.
  • A decoction of chamomile and honey will help relieve pain and inflammation. Take two tablespoons of chamomile and pour a glass of boiling water over it. Add two teaspoons of honey and rinse your mouth several times a day.
  • Part of the gum near the diseased tooth can be smeared with a small amount of clove essential oil.
  • Don't forget about a simple but effective method of getting rid of pain by attaching a piece of unsalted lard.
  • Massage of the earlobe will also help relieve pain. You need to do it on the side where the tooth hurts, for 5-7 minutes.

If the pain intensifies, does not go away within 3-5 days, and it is difficult for you to chew food, then you should not neglect a visit to the doctor, because in this case, the channels and tissues near the tooth may become inflamed. And if, in addition, the temperature rises, chills are felt, the gums are swollen, then you should immediately contact a specialist.

Pain after filling: what are the causes?

Aching pain in the area of ​​the treated tooth is a consequence of damage to the deep periodontal tissues, irritation of the dentin, as well as microtrauma of the nerve process due to the vibration of the drill. During therapy, the doctor performs a number of complex manipulations: drilling carious cavity, mechanical and drug treatment of canals, the imposition of filling material. All this can greatly “disturb” not only the tooth, but also periodontal tissues. Therefore, pain often occurs even after the removal of the nerve, when it would seem that there is nothing to hurt.

Another one possible reason toothache is an allergic reaction to the filling material, but such cases are very rare.

The nature of the filling pain

Normally, painful sensations occur when pressure is applied to the crown, for example, while chewing food or the usual closing of teeth. A reaction to thermal stimuli is also possible, which is quite natural.

The main criterion for determining normal character post-filling pain is its duration. If the discomfort does not go away and does not even decrease after 2-3 days, you need to see a doctor. Perhaps the treatment was carried out incorrectly, and this led to the development of the inflammatory process.

Complications after filling

The most common dental errors include:

  • incomplete filling of the root canal with filling material;
  • poor-quality cleaning, after which pathogenic bacteria remained in the tooth cavity;
  • pulp burn due to prolonged exposure acid-containing drugs;
  • the use of high concentration antiseptics;
  • falling into the tooth cavity fragments of dentin.

Why does a tooth hurt under a temporary filling?

A temporary filling is installed in the treatment of pulpitis or periodontitis, which require several stages of therapy. The main purpose of such an intermediate filling is to seal the cavity hermetically for the duration of the action. antibacterial drugs. This guarantees protection against infection inside the crown, and also prevents the medicine from leaking out.

Pain under a temporary filling is normal. The main thing is to come to the re-filling in time, because the result of the treatment will depend on it. If the medicine is not removed in due time, it will begin to release toxins that destroy dentin. In this case sharp pain will talk about development pathological processes inside the tooth.

High-quality tooth filling always depends on the competence of the doctor. You can find an experienced specialist in your area thanks to a convenient search system on our portal.

Stages of nerve removal and filling of tooth canals

After the removal of the nerve, almost all nutrients cease to flow to the tooth, its shell becomes fragile and begins to darken, i.e. the tooth is already dead by this point. It is for this reason that dentists do their best to keep the nerve in the tooth, thereby prolonging its life. However, depulpation (the nerve will be removed in this case) sometimes becomes the only way out of this situation.

The nerve removal procedure consists of several stages. At the first visit to the dentist, a thorough examination is carried out. If canal cleaning and depulpation are inevitable, the dentist performs the following procedures:

  • cleaning of dental tissues;
  • application of non-arsenic or arsenic paste;
  • placing a temporary filling.

It is possible that, as a result of the preparatory phase The patient has a toothache under a temporary filling. Stage two ahead:

Modern dentistry allows the depulpation procedure in patients to be completely painless. In order to correctly assess the quality of the procedure, the patient is recommended to take an x-ray, and the results will show the quality of the work performed. This is the only way to avoid a situation where a tooth hurts after brushing, without a nerve. That is, it hurts already treated and dead tooth.

Why does a tooth hurt when pressed after treatment?

When a person decides to visit a dentist to remove a tooth nerve, he hopes to get rid of the pain forever. Sometimes hopes do not justify the goal, and the dental unit continues to hurt, although already without a nerve and after the filling procedure, and especially when you press it.

Dentists tolerate minor pain. This takes into account the nature of pain, dynamics, the presence of complications, etc. Consider the main causes of discomfort that a pulpless tooth can cause when biting or tapping after treatment. Let's figure out how long the pain can last.

Poor quality filling

Voids in fillings are the most common cause of toothache after nerve removal. It lies in improperly selected or poor-quality filling material. In this situation, the sensitivity is maintained for a long time when pressed, sometimes it reacts to temperature changes.

Some time after the treatment, bacteria penetrate into the voids formed in the filling and begin to multiply with increased speed. Develops an inflammatory process. You should immediately contact your dentist - he will change the filling material to a better one.

It is also impossible to exclude the factor allergic manifestation on the composite composition of the material. This happens very rarely, but it does happen in dental practice. An allergic reaction to the filling material is accompanied by swelling and pain. In this case, the problem can be solved simply by changing the composition of the filling material.

Root perforation

A root perforation is a hole at the top of a root that can be accidentally made by a dentist during treatment. It should be noted that most often such a doctor's mistake occurs due to the use of outdated instruments.

Normally, there is a small hole at the top of the root. It is necessary for the normal functioning of the tooth, the entrance of the lymphatic vessels, nerve endings, arteries and veins. Therefore, during treatment it is very important not to disturb its anatomical structure. Until recently, after this type of complication, dentists made the only right decision - surgical removal. The result of such a complication is a violation of the tightness of the tooth with its further infection:

Thanks to modern equipment dental offices and innovative research methods, specialists manage to timely determine the site of root perforation after the nerve has been removed. Under a dental microscope, the perforated area is washed by special means, disinfection and restoration of the root. This procedure in dentistry is called endodontic treatment.

Other reasons

  • Among other reasons, when a pulpless tooth continues to hurt, one should name inaccurately processed canals, non-compliance with all the rules of cleaning. In most cases, this is a doctor's mistake.
  • This can happen not only due to the unprofessionalism of the dentist, but also due to the complexity of the structure of the canals in the affected tooth. An incompletely processed root area can provoke pain under the filling (especially if you knock on it or press hard), it will constantly react to hot.
  • Penetration into the canal by a piece of dental instrument. This "phenomenon" can be observed if the channel has a curved shape. Depulpation in dentistry is a jewelry work where dentists use thin and brittle instruments. When treating a curved canal, there is a possibility of a slight chipping of the instrument, which can easily get lost in the canal with a piece of inflamed nerve and cause infection. As a result, the filling will be of poor quality, the dead tooth will react in a peculiar way to hot and cold.

How long can a sealed tooth hurt?

Post-filling pain after depulpation is a normal phenomenon. Their duration and nature depends on the characteristics of the patient's body, as well as on the qualifications of the doctor and the instruments used and the drugs that were treated. Normally, they should stop after a maximum of 1-2 days after the filling was placed. If the pain gets worse, you should take a pain reliever and visit a dentist.

Symptoms that should see a doctor

We have already found out that post-filling pain in dentistry can be both a norm and a symptom of complications. We list the symptoms that should alert the patient:

In most cases, such symptoms should prompt the patient to immediately contact the dental clinic for re-examination. A timely response will avoid any kind of complications.

What to do in such a situation?

Modern dentistry creates real miracles, which until recently no one had any idea about. After filling, dentists prescribe painkillers, rinses or gels to the patient to reduce pathological sensitivity.

Pain medications

In order not to endure severe pain before visiting the dentist, you can take light painkillers. The only rule and requirement is not to exceed the recommended dose, which is prescribed in the annotation in the package for the tablets. Pay attention to the following pain relief pills:

If the pain does not subside, and there is no opportunity to visit the dentist at the moment, then you can use the action more strong drugs. Tablets from this group will help relieve pain and stop the inflammatory process:

  • Actasulite is an effective anti-inflammatory drug that temporarily reduces the intensity of toothache. Contraindicated in children under 12 years of age and women during pregnancy.
  • Nurofen - after taking the drug, the intensity of pain subsides after 15-20 minutes. Contraindicated in kidney and liver diseases, hypertension and Crohn's disease.

Folk methods of treatment

Traditional medicine also offers its own methods of treatment. In most cases, the pain is relieved by rinsing with a soda-salt solution:

  • add a teaspoon to a glass of water table salt and baking soda;
  • mix thoroughly and rinse the mouth 5 times an hour until the pain completely stops.

If you are unlucky and your treated tooth hurts after cleaning the canals, where there is no longer a nerve, it is best not to delay the therapy.

A toothache under a filling: the main causes

Most often, toothache occurs for the following reasons:

1. Pain that occurs immediately after surgery is called "reactive pain." Like any intervention, every dental procedure is, in a sense, a trauma, because the doctor can remove parts of the tooth, clean caries, inject drugs into the gums. For example, after treatment of pulpitis, people may experience discomfort for a long time, and even pain after filling. In addition, discomfort can also occur when closing teeth. As a rule, after a few weeks, this symptom disappears.

2. An incorrectly established diagnosis can cause serious complications able. For example, if the attending physician instead of pulpitis treated ordinary caries and simply sealed the tooth, then the true disease is likely to progress. In addition, it is important to know that in the chronic form, untreated pulpitis can lead to total loss tooth.

3. Severe overheating of a sealed tooth can cause aching pain. This problem arises in the absence of special cooling, which must be used when preparing teeth.

When hard tissues are overheated, the patient develops a burn and pulp necrosis develops, which provokes severe pain. In severe cases, overheating can provoke the development of periodontitis.

4. Incorrect bite of the filling can also provoke stabbing pain. Such a medical flaw can be explained by the fact that most fillings are carried out under anesthesia (the entire oral cavity of a person becomes numb), so the patient simply does not feel whether a new filling interferes with him or not. When a person comes home and starts talking or eating, he clearly feels discomfort and pain in the tooth. Fortunately, this problem is easily solved. You just need to contact the dentist, who will clean off the excess material for the filling.

5. Polymerization stress. It can be caused by modern light fillings, which over time cause shrinkage of materials and pain in the tooth. Most often, such a pathology occurs when the technology for establishing light seals is not followed.

A toothache under a filling: additional reasons

Pain in a sealed tooth does not always occur. This is more the exception than the rule. Pain during the installation of a seal can occur in the first two days after the procedure, and this is considered acceptable, however, if the pain does not go away and continues to disturb, then it is necessary to identify the source of its occurrence.

Additional reasons due to which a person may be concerned about pain in a sealed tooth are:

1. Individual intolerance by the patient to the metal contained in the filling material. As a result, a person may experience swelling, pain in the tooth and reddening of the gums.

2. The incompetence of a doctor and his desire to save money can cause terrible discomfort in a filled tooth. In this case, a person will suffer from pain when eating cold, hot and even sweet foods.

3. Poor cleaning of the tooth cavity can lead to the development of secondary caries and, accordingly, to new pain sensations. It is important to know that neglected forms of caries can cause total tooth extraction.

4. Periodontitis often becomes a source of tooth pain under a filling. With this disease, an inflammatory process develops in the deep tissues under the tooth, which is often accompanied by an infection.

In severe forms of periodontitis, the integrity of the bone tissue is disturbed, causing an unpleasant sensation of a “grown tooth”. Because of this, even with a light touch on a diseased tooth, a person will shudder from terrible pain. Also unpleasant symptoms can give to the ears, the area of ​​the temples and the back of the head. This condition requires immediate medical treatment.

5. Pulpitis. Most often, it develops as a result of untreated (neglected) caries. This disease is accompanied by acute paroxysmal pains of the tooth under the filling, which usually bother a person at night. Also, pulpitis can pass into chronic form- then the pain will appear periodically.

6. Tooth cyst. It can develop for quite a long time (from two months to several years). You should know that in the initial stages it practically does not cause any pain, however, in a neglected state, it can provoke severe pain. This disease is quite dangerous because it provokes the destruction of bone tissue (teeth and jaw). If left untreated, the cyst will cause weakness, migraine, high fever, and sinusitis.

With a cyst, the tooth can hurt not only during meals, but also at rest. Thanks to modern medical techniques dentists can save a person from this neoplasm, while maintaining the integrity of the tooth.

A toothache under a filling: symptoms

A toothache in a filled tooth can have the following character:

1. Pain that occurs when biting on a sealed tooth. The reason for this may be an inflamed nerve, as well as uncleaned dental canals. Some people endure such pain, believing that it will pass with time, but this is a big mistake, because painful conditions can lead to infection and severe inflammation.

2. Aching pain that occurs after treatment. As a rule, it intensifies after the passage of anesthesia, when all receptors become sensitive again.

3. Sharp throbbing pain can signal the development infectious process. In addition, if pus collects under the tooth and gum, then the person will bad smell from the mouth and rise high temperature. In severe cases, the cheek near the tooth may swell and turn red.

A toothache under a filling: what to do

Toothache is considered one of the most difficult to bear. In order to reduce it as quickly as possible, you must adhere to the following recommendations:

1. Do not eat too cold or too hot food. The best option This is food at room temperature.

2. Observe oral hygiene at least twice a day.

3. Rinse your mouth with a strong chamomile decoction or an infusion of mint and sage.

4. When severe pain you can rinse the aching tooth with a solution of soda (1 tsp of soda in a glass of water).

5. Carefully monitor the condition of the tooth: if the gum around it turns red, suppurates or swells, then you should contact your dentist as soon as possible.

6. Apply gauze swab dipped in valerian tincture to the aching tooth. This will help relieve acute pain attacks.

Except folk methods Toothache can be managed with medications (analgesics). Most effective medicines given pharmacological group are:

Dentol (gel, which is applied directly to the diseased gum or tooth);

Holisal (gel, which is used in the same way as Dentol);

Nurofen (may be in tablets or oral syrup);

Dexalgin (tablets).

There are also special tooth drops, which are called: "Drops for teeth." They help to quickly relieve pain, but before using them, it is recommended to consult your doctor.

What not to do when a tooth hurts under a filling:

You can not prick yourself in the gum any medical preparations, since only a dentist should deal with this;

It is impossible to warm up a diseased tooth, since such a procedure will only contribute to the development of the inflammatory process and infection;

You can’t try to extract a filling from a tooth on your own, even if it hurts unbearably (so in any case, you will only make it worse);

Do not apply ice to the tooth (this can lead to frostbite).

When pressing on a filled tooth, pain is felt, why? After visiting the dentist, pain in the treated tooth is a natural phenomenon. Hence the question: is it worth going to the doctor, or maybe you can be a little patient and the discomfort will disappear? If this pain gets worse or continues long span time, then, of course, you need to contact your doctor.

What causes a toothache after a filling?

Many patients complain about this problem. The treated part, and when you press it, discomfort appears. If this problem is ignored, then inflammation develops, as a result of which the tooth can deteriorate and collapse. After treatment, the tooth may and should hurt for some time. This is not cause for concern, because the dentist used instruments that affected both hard and soft tissues.

When a tooth hurts precisely during chewing food and pressing on it, this may mean that:

  • the filling is made too high (the dentist generously used the filling material);
  • the solution could shrink a lot after solidification or it is not enough;
  • the procedure was carried out in violation of the rules;
  • channels are inflamed;
  • dental canals have become infected (careless treatment of instruments);
  • the filling solution is of poor quality;
  • there was an allergic reaction;
  • misdiagnosed.

If the tooth hurts when you press on it or when you chew food, the filling may not have been placed correctly.

Video - If a tooth hurts after filling

In the first situation, discomfort is noted, since the treated tooth is higher than other teeth. It is impossible to squeeze the jaws tightly, and when biting into solid food, the filling presses on the root system and nerve endings, because of this and . An excess amount of filling material can cause periodontitis if the material is behind the roots of the teeth.

Filling too small

When the doctor uses insufficient material and makes the filling quite small, then some food residue or liquid gets in during the meal, or maybe just air. All this will cause even more discomfort. And also caries and an inflammatory process can develop.

Low work experience

Incompetence is also the result of trouble. The dentist may not dry or overdry the surface on which the filling is attached. When overdrying, the nerves are damaged or may even disappear. The seal will lie loosely and unevenly if not dried, which causes small holes, but they will cause a lot of discomfort.

Competence and experience of the dentist play a lot important role

Actions that the doctor should do before dental treatment:

  • remove the remnants of a former filling or caries;
  • rinse the cavity
  • dry with a special device;
  • clean the dental canals;
  • remove nerves (at the request of the patient);
  • dry the dental canals;
  • seal each channel in turn;
  • dry the cavity
  • install a temporary or permanent filling (depending on how damaged the tooth is);
  • edit the filling according to the bite.

It also happens that the doctor cured neighboring tooth. This is an extremely rare situation, but anything is possible. To check whether the correct tooth was treated, you need to make tapping movements on other teeth with a metal object. If pain is felt, then you need to go to the dentist's office.

If there is pain when tapping on the tooth, you should consult a dentist.

It is imperative to make a correction. Changes in the bite, curvature and trauma of the roots of the teeth are guaranteed. The natural edges of the tooth can crack and crumble due to high pressure.

Infection in the dental canals

Inflammation of the channels is another reason why during pressing. Dentists offer to remove the nerve to the patient quite rarely. Of course, you want to keep the tooth, but endure unpleasant pain nobody wants. Before starting, the doctor needs to remove the old filling and clean the channels. They come in different diameters and the doctor uses spiral needles to expand them. Channels are cleaned and disinfected. Drying and filling of the material takes place. When the dental canals are poorly cleaned and poorly closed, then an infection develops.

Inflammation can develop diseases such as:

  • flux(this is swelling of soft tissues. The body temperature rises, weakness and malaise appear. The dentist surgeon will eliminate the pathology);
  • pulpitis(this is an inflammation of the internal tissues of the tooth. The tissues are composed of nerves, blood vessels and connective tissue);
  • purulent process(dangerous because the likelihood of meningitis is high. The brain may be exposed to pus from the oral cavity).


One fourth of the population is affected allergic reactions. Poor-quality material from manufacturers from China, which is used by a doctor for filling, can cause allergic reactions.

Signs may be:

  • edema;
  • the appearance of tearing;
  • discharge from the nasal cavity;
  • bouts of suffocation.

If these signs appear, contact your dentist immediately!

You need to know: there are situations in which the tooth aches due to the inattention of the victim. The attending physician should warn that after the procedure, you should not eat and drink for several hours. A photopolymer filling that petrifies under the action of a polymerization lamp is an exception.

Refusal of solid foods (carrots, meat, crackers, cucumbers) will help prevent pain. Also, when brushing your teeth, be careful not to press too hard with the brush.

Unbearable pain

Pain is not ignored if:

If at least one of these symptoms can be traced, then self-medication cannot be done.

7 reasons to see a doctor if you have these symptoms

SymptomsA photo
The intensity of post-filling pain does not stop within 3 days
The temperature rose after filling the tooth above 38.5 ° C
Inflamed gum near the sealed tooth
The appearance on the cheek from the side of the diseased tooth
When pressing on the tooth, aching pain turns into acute
There is pain when swallowing and
There was an unpleasant purulent smell from the mouth

What if the pain is without symptoms?

There are a few steps you can take to ease the discomfort.

Need to know! If the cheek is swollen, it should not be heated. A purulent process may be hidden, if it is heated, there will be a risk of an abscess.

Video - 6 ways to relieve a toothache quickly and without a doctor


A number of drugs can be used as an anesthetic.

A drugDosageDuration


1 tablet every 6 hoursno more than 3 days


1 tablet 2 times a dayno more than 3 days


1 tablet 3 times a dayno more than 3 days


400 mg 4 times a dayno more than 3 days


1 tablet 3 times a dayno more than 3 days

How to alleviate your condition after filling?

Annoying factors can be reduced:

  • not drinking too hot and cold drinks;
  • giving up smoking;
  • rinsing your mouth herbal decoctions or whatever the dentist recommends;
  • using ointments as an anesthetic (also based on the advice of a doctor!).

It is necessary to visit the dentist's office approximately once every six months. Thanks to this, you can avoid many hidden diseases, as well as keep your teeth in excellent condition.

Video - Why does a tooth hurt after filling?

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