Withdrawal syndrome in quitting smoking (nicotine withdrawal). Quitting smoking: how to survive the withdrawal syndrome

Cramps - involuntary muscle contraction that occurs against the background of a general overstrain of the body, alcohol abuse. They are short-lived, accompanied by strong painful sensations. Cramps can cover one or a group of muscles. The neck, abdomen, hips and back are most susceptible to paroxysmal contractions.

Depending on the degree of manifestation, convulsions are weak or severe. At mild form there is a sharp twitching, tingling in any part of the body. If short-term fainting, urinary incontinence, feces are added to the previous signs, this indicates middle degree gravity. most dangerous form seizures are considered epileptic seizure, accompanied by an inexplicable feeling of fear, increased salivation, numbness, nausea, vomiting, foaming from the mouth.

What is the danger of involuntary muscle contraction? What to do if convulsions increase after drinking alcohol? Let's consider in more detail.

Causes and consequences

Alcohol abuse is accompanied by a pronounced muscle contraction, which is a sudden neurological attack. Seizures occur as a result of changes in the brain, resemble an epileptic seizure, and are characterized by an acute course.

First, the alcoholic begins to fall into a semi-conscious state, as evidenced by the pale shade of the face. Then a feeling arises in the tissues and joints severe burning sensation, unbearable pain is felt, legs and arms go numb. The whole body and limbs of a person begin to shudder under the influence of involuntary relaxation, and subsequently contractions. AT given state the alcoholic experiences goosebumps, it seems to him that a lot of needles have stuck into the body. Sometimes there are temperature drops in the hands and feet. Muscle spasms may be accompanied by twisting of the limbs, which the person is unable to control due to constricting pain. During convulsions of a tonic nature, the alcohol addict does not lose touch with reality, is in full consciousness.

Attacks of involuntary muscle contraction are prone to repetition and can turn into chronic form. The first case is never the last, since the pathology was formed gradually as a result of negative impact the breakdown products of alcohol into brain cells. Thus, sooner or later it will again make itself felt.

Causes of alcohol cramps:

  1. Lack of magnesium and potassium salts. The abuse of alcoholic beverages greatly dehydrates the body, since alcohol has a pronounced diuretic effect. With urine, useful salts, mineral compounds and vitamins are washed out of the body, the deficiency of which provokes muscle spasms.
  2. Defeats nervous system. Often hangover syndrome leads to mental disorders due to lack of nutrients and toxic interaction of ethyl metabolites. Under the influence of alcoholic beverages, the cells of the spinal cord and brain begin to gradually die off, which disrupts nerve impulse conduction. This leads to the appearance of limb tremors, motor discoordination, uneven and involuntary muscle contractions, and convulsions.
  3. Depressive disorders, traumatic brain injury.
  4. sharp narrowing small vessels and expansion of large. The result of this reaction is a failure in blood circulation, especially the lower limbs suffer. Blood begins to stagnate, which leads to malnutrition, inflammation of blood vessels.

Each muscle spasm poses a danger to the health and life of the patient, since during an attack an alcoholic can choke on vomit, be injured by moving mechanisms in the workplace, or get hurt when falling. Sometimes convulsions are attributed to a hangover, but after each subsequent attack, the situation will worsen. For example, if an alcohol addict initially experienced leg cramps after drinking alcoholic beverages, then over time, involuntary muscle contractions will begin to affect the entire body. At the same time, the duration of their manifestation from time to time will only increase until they are transformed into. If you do not give up alcohol, brain cells will continue to break down, and negative processes in them will intensify. As a result, irreversible disturbances in thought processes will occur, a person will experience personal degradation.

Remember, frequent seizures lead not only to damage, but also to the death of some parts of the brain.

The drug "Alcobarrier"

Alcoholic epilepsy is deadly dangerous state, in which muscle spasms can occur constantly, interrupted for a couple of minutes. This can lead to respiratory or cardiac arrest, a person falling into a coma, brain edema.

First aid

With minor cramps with a hangover, a person can help himself on his own. On the initial stage alcohol addiction, the patient still owns himself, controls his actions, performs deliberate actions.

What to do in this case?

  1. Take a sit-down or lying position body, while the legs should be located above the level of the head.
  2. Massage the involuntarily contracting muscles to normalize blood flow in the tissues and relax them.

In case of hyperedema of the extremities, anti-varicose veins should be worn. compression underwear. This will narrow the veins, restore blood circulation, ease the work of the valves, and remove the physiological root cause of seizures.

  1. Take a warm bath with essential oils chamomile, calendula, St. John's wort or sea ​​salt. This procedure has a good relaxing effect, helps to relieve muscle clamps, restores blood circulation.

If alcoholic convulsions appear very often and their intensity only increases, it is recommended to consult a doctor to minimize the risk of alcoholic epilepsy. It should not be brought to a critical state, wait until a person loses consciousness. However, if this has already happened, it is necessary to lay the victim in such a way that the head is tilted to the side, in order to prevent the tongue from sinking, insert a spoon into the interdental space.

Alcoholic epilepsy: symptoms, treatment

The disease occurs against the background of the systematic abuse of alcohol, its surrogates, denatured alcohol. Most often, the patient is concerned about convulsions, which intensify after taking another dose of alcohol. Initially, epileptic psychoses are rare, but worsen as the disease progresses. As a result, seizures happen without drinking alcohol.

Alcoholic epilepsy destroys the nervous system. If the seizure has already happened once, it will definitely happen again. The danger of this pathology is that it gradually flows into a chronic form and only worsens with time.

The main symptoms of the disease include: speech, sleep, behavioral disorders, personality disorders (viscosity, resentment, anger, pickiness).

On the onset epileptic seizure the patient turns pale skin, there is spasm chest, body aches, lips turn blue, breathing becomes hoarse, a loud cry is possible. During a seizure, the patient's head may lean back, which is dangerous by throwing back the tongue, suffocation.

Upon completion, the alcoholic experiences very realistic hallucinations with great emotional load are characterized by insomnia, headache, irritability, weakness, weakness.

Treatment for alcoholic epilepsy is complete failure from alcohol, taking anticonvulsants, providing psychological help. If you ignore the symptoms, the consequences of the pathology will be devastating for internal organs and systems of the patient, which will ultimately lead to death.

After the first signs of an upcoming seizure appear, the victim should not be allowed to fall, otherwise he may be injured. It is important to control yourself, help the patient to sit down, do not restrain convulsive movements by force, remove the belt, unfasten the buttons on the clothes.

For quick and reliable getting rid of alcoholism, our readers advise the drug "Alcobarrier". it natural remedy, which blocks the craving for alcohol, causing a persistent aversion to alcohol. In addition, Alcobarrier launches regenerative processes in organs that alcohol has begun to destroy. The tool has no contraindications, the effectiveness and safety of the drug is proven clinical research at the Research Institute of Narcology.

The insidiousness of alcoholic epilepsy is that it can be inherited. According to statistics, if one of the parents suffered from this disease the probability of developing pathology in a child increases by 6%.

Interestingly, convulsions from alcohol can occur 1-2 days after drinking strong drinks. At the same time, at the end of them, it often happens, accompanied by persistent aggression, seizures, uncoordinated motor function, violation of facial and speech abilities.


The abuse of alcoholic beverages has not yet added health to anyone. When poisoned with ethyl, the body experiences increased load, begins to function in an unusual mode, which leads to premature wear of internal organs and systems. As a result, the psyche of an alcoholic is disturbed, the body cramps, limbs go numb, there is a feeling of constriction, muscle aches, dizziness, nausea, pain in epigastric region up to loss of consciousness. The longer the experience of the drinker, the more intense the consequences of addiction. Against the background of the body, often the muscles begin to contract involuntarily, epilepsy occurs.

In order to avoid deterioration of the state of health, it is recommended to strictly control the dose of drinking alcoholic beverages.

An elegant man is walking down the street and suddenly stops. On the face is a mask of suffering. A few minutes later, as if nothing had happened, he continues on his way. What's the matter? In severe pain in the legs.

The pain is especially sharp when climbing up, for example, up the stairs. It makes you stop or slow down. After 2-4 minutes, the pain disappears. But it is worth setting off again, as she returns. And so it is repeated again and again: walking - pain - rest, walking - pain - rest. This is intermittent claudication - a symptom, alas, familiar to many firsthand.

Its cause is insufficient blood supply to the muscles. lower extremities occurring under load. At this time, the muscles require much more oxygen, but the arteries of the legs cannot cope with their work. Oxygen is not supplied in the proper volume, and the muscles signal this with pain.

Intermittent claudication is a symptom of "related" diseases: obliterating endarteritis and obliterating atherosclerosis of the lower extremities. In both cases, the arteries of the legs are affected. But the reasons leading to this are different.

At obliterating endarteritis vasospasm occurs. Prolonged spasm leads to change inner wall artery, its coarsening, thickening. As a result, limb tissue suffers. Endarteritis is typical for men aged 20-30 years.

The cause of obliterating atherosclerosis is the well-known atherosclerotic plaque: a place of accumulation of cholesterol and other fats. Atherosclerosis is a systemic process that affects the arteries in many organs. In addition to the lower extremities, his “prey” is the brain, heart, kidneys.

Atherosclerotic plaque grows into the lumen of the artery, blood clots form, and the blood supply to the lower extremities deteriorates sharply. Atherosclerosis usually affects large vessels: aorta, iliac arteries, the arteries of the thigh and lower leg departing from it. The higher the pain is felt, the closer the affected artery is to the heart, the more severe the disease. Atherosclerosis has its own "contingent" - men over 40. The vast majority of them are smokers.

Since the blood supply to the tissues decreases, the cells left without oxygen die, die - gangrene develops. And then amputation is inevitable - a finger, a foot, a part of the lower leg, a knee, a thigh ... It's scary. Especially when you consider that young, able-bodied men become disabled.

The necrosis can develop gradually, or it can come on suddenly. Sharp pain in the leg indicates that a disaster has occurred.

What else causes arterial disease?

There are chilliness, tingling, burning in the fingertips. The leg turns pale, becomes cold to the touch. The skin of the feet and legs dries, peels off. Nail growth slows down, hair falls out on the leg. To clarify the cause of the pain, the doctor will prescribe an examination, including rheovasography, thermography, and ultrasound. One of the most informative methods diagnosis of arterial diseases - angiography - X-ray of blood vessels after filling them with a special contrast agent. The information obtained will give the doctor the opportunity to determine the tactics of treatment, and most importantly, to decide whether surgery, shunting the affected arteries and creating a bypass for blood flow.

You can check the condition of the arteries yourself.

Sit with your legs crossed. If in calf muscle pain appears on the top of the leg, and numbness in the fingertips and “goosebumps” crawl, which means that not everything is fine with you.

Raise both legs up - in the one where the arteries are damaged, the sole will turn pale. If the skin on the legs has acquired the color of ivory, pain is felt not only in the lower leg, but also in the hips, buttocks and lower back, along with other troubles, impotence (Lerish's syndrome) threatens you.

How to avoid disease progression?

Usually in such cases, drugs that affect blood clotting are used. However, if you continue to smoke during treatment, do not hesitate - you are wasting your energy and money. Smoking has given impetus to your troubles, and if you do not stop, it will complete the destruction of your blood vessels.

Vegetovascular dystonia is an outdated and controversial diagnosis, but in last years occurs more and more frequently.

In 35-45% of patients seeking medical help, VVD is diagnosed.

Most patients are heavy smokers who prefer to hide this fact from the doctor.

Observed functional impairment on the part of the digestive system: constipation, alternating liquid stool, increased production of bile secretion, epigastric and hepatic pain. There may be a violation of urination, which is often confused with signs of cystitis.

Reasons for the development of VVD

There are many reasons that serve the development of VSD. Most often, pathology develops in the course of diseases of the nervous system, after frequent catarrhal pathologies and infectious. During the period of illness, immunity forms a stable defense against bacteria and viruses.

After undergoing a course of therapy and destruction pathogenic microflora autonomic system erroneously reacts to overwork after treatment, provoking VVD symptoms.

provoking factors in development of VVD may become frequent stay in stressful conditions and improper diet.

Lack of adequate physical activity also causes dystonia.

Lost muscle tone, cardiovascular, as a result of the body can not cope with external negative factors which leads to VSD.

Other provoking factors include:

  1. psycho-emotional exhaustion, increased mental or physical stress;
  2. disruption of work hormonal background(more common in women during menopause or pregnancy);
  3. climate change during an abrupt move;
  4. the presence of pathologies of the endocrine system;
  5. diseases of the musculoskeletal system (osteochondrosis);
  6. increased consumption of alcoholic beverages, leading to intoxication of the body.

In many cases, dystonia develops after prolonged smoking or exacerbates an already present VSD.

The effect of smoking on the cardiovascular system

At the time of smoking, inhaled tobacco smoke instantly spreads throughout the body, carbon monoxide is a toxic gas that replaces oxygen. During which all organ tissues are tested acute deficiency oxygen.

By increasing the dose of nicotine and the number of cigarettes smoked, there is an inhibition of both subsystems of the nervous department - sympathetic and parasympathetic.

As soon as nicotine enters the body, the process of damage to the plasma membrane starts, platelet aggregation accelerates, and blood flow through the vessels is disturbed.

Small doses of nicotine reduce the concentration of prostaglandin I2 in the vessels, which is what leads to the acceleration of the development of cardiomyopathies - a whole group of heart diseases.

Speaking of cardiomyopathy, you can name a number of symptoms of heart failure: shortness of breath, fatigue, fainting, swelling of the legs.

More often smoking causes the development of arrhythmias. There are many possible arrhythmias, including relatively benign ones such as atrial fibrillation and life threatening such as ventricular fibrillation.

Atrial fibrillation is one of the most common arrhythmias in smokers (a disorder heart rate). It is often asymptomatic and can be diagnosed incidentally during cardiography.

Other signs depend on the heart rate during fibrillation, mainly tachycardia is observed. In other cases, bradyfibrillation is diagnosed, accompanied by insufficient blood supply fabrics.

Which increases the risk of atherosclerosis. The main consequence is gradual narrowing or sudden complete obstruction blood vessel.

Affected vessels in a certain place begin to narrow, blood flow worsens, many organs are endangered due to lack of oxygen (so-called ischemia).

As a very serious complication, a situation arises when a small rupture of the atherosclerotic narrowing occurs. The wall of a blood vessel is suddenly damaged, followed by the formation of a blood clot (thrombus).

The harmful effects of smoking in VVD

The cardiovascular system is subjected to the greatest negative impact, which means that VSD and smoking - dangerous combination. What effect does nicotine have on dystonia?


One cigarette smoked can increase the heart rate, speed up the pulse.

Small vessels, which are elastic tubular formations, undergo spasm, the duration of which is 30-40 minutes.

In a heavy smoker, the vessels are in constant spasm, which disrupts normal blood circulation and nutrition of organ tissues.

All this leads to the development of resistance. AT severe cases The result of nicotine abuse can be myocardial infarction - damage to heart muscle cells due to a sudden lack of oxygen. Without emergency medical care leads to necrosis of myocardial tissue.

angina pectoris

Another common manifestation in long-term people who smoke. classic symptom this violation- recurring chest pain during exercise (burning, pressure, discomfort).

At the same time, there are no problems during rest or light activity, since the need for myocardial oxygen is provided even with narrowed arteries.

When a certain degree of influence is manifested, the demand for oxygen increases so much that the constricted vessel is unable to perform its function.

Angina pectoris can cause serious heart rhythm disturbances, sometimes with sudden fatal consequences. This means that the treatment of the disease should be started as early as possible, and most importantly, smoking should be completely abandoned.


The number of patients diagnosed with " ischemic disease heart", "angina pectoris", "heart failure", where the root cause is nicotine addiction.

It is a mistake to believe that smoking with VSD and panic attacks allows you to get back to normal. The relief is short-term, and the damage to health is significant.

Those people who smoke 3-5 cigarettes daily, regardless of age category are already potential patients of the cardiology department.

It will not be possible to completely get rid of the negative effect of nicotine on blood vessels.

But the faster a person “tied up” with such an addiction, the more he minimizes the risk of developing serious pathologies hearts.

Video: Vegetative-vascular dystonia (VVD), heart, cardiac neurosis, hypertensive crisis and panic attacks

In experienced smokers, when quitting smoking, an abstinence syndrome occurs, resembling the withdrawal of a drug addict when the next narcotic dose is not received.

Nicotine withdrawal syndrome is a failure of some organic systems, provoked by the absence (reduction) of the dose of psychoactive substances, which, with constant intake, are addictive. In most cases, the withdrawal syndrome is manifested by the nervous system, but the functions of the urinary and digestive organs.

After quitting smoking, health problems depend on individual reaction person, smoking experience, chronic diseases in history.

The essence of the withdrawal syndrome when quitting smoking

After quitting smoking, smokers with experience - and sometimes those who "smoked" 2-3 years - in most cases, health problems appear. Tobacco causes the same psychological and physiological dependence as alcohol and drugs.

In the early days "healthy lifestyle" there is a strong painful desire to smoke, and due to the inability to do this, there are: irritability, anxiety, headache, inability to concentrate, insomnia, dizziness, bad taste mouth, cramps...

This is due to the fact that tobacco alkaloids - in particular nicotine - entering the bloodstream stimulated the production of dopamine, the hormone of pleasure. A reflex was developed: they lit a cigarette - they enjoyed it. A psychological dependence has formed, and the nervous system reacts quite negatively to the termination of the constant stimulation of the pleasure center in the brain.

Nicotine affects not only the central nervous system, but also the peripheral one, participates in all processes that occur in the body. get excited endocrine glands– including the pituitary gland, accelerate metabolic processes, the secretory functions of the digestive organs change, the vessels expand.

Quit smoking symptoms

Physiological manifestations after quitting smoking can be quite serious:

  • hand trembling;
  • convulsions;
  • jumps in blood pressure;
  • the appearance of shortness of breath;
  • indigestion.

withdrawal syndrome can manifest itself quite hard - everyone can fail organic systems simultaneously. The body is under stress, which causes quite serious painful symptoms- in the first days of quitting smoking, the immune status is significantly reduced.

At this stage, there is an increased susceptibility to pathogenic flora of all types - ulcers appear in the mouth, you can get ARVI, which will give complications to respiratory organs. Constantly occur: nasal congestion, cough.

It would seem that it should be the other way around. Stress on respiratory system decreases, and in the period of adaptation, an improvement should come sharply - the smoker's cough, shortness of breath disappear, but it turns out the other way around. Why?

Side effects of smoking are a persistent spasm of blood vessels and bronchioles, the body defends itself, tries to protect itself from damage. When refusing bad habit the body relaxes, the spasm is relieved, and " full chest» not used to breathing - immunity has temporarily decreased. Until the secretory function stabilizes, diseases will follow one after another.

On the part of the digestive organs, when quitting smoking, there are also side effects. In smokers, acetylcholine receptors responsible for intestinal motility gradually lose their sensitivity. Now cuts smooth muscle also become addicted to nicotine intake. In its absence, intestinal tone decreases, and disorders begin - pronounced constipation or diarrhea.

Interestingly, ex-smokers' weight gain after quitting is not so much due to recovery secretory function stomach and pancreas and taste buds - a considerable amount of time must pass before they stabilize - how much depression.

Depression is caused by the absence of pleasant moments associated with smoking, and the constant physical discomfort and malaise. In order to somehow alleviate their condition, to get short-term pleasure, they begin Bad mood"to eat". Again there is a reflex: something tasty - the production of dopamine. The smoker replaces one addiction with another. While the withdrawal syndrome lasts, you can recover significantly.

Is it possible to quit smoking without stress for the body, or at least speed up the adaptation period?

How can you ease the effects of quitting smoking?

You can get up on Monday, throw a pack of cigarettes in the trash, and vow to yourself to “never touch” tobacco. This may well work out for those who are strong in spirit and have excellent health - it has not yet been destroyed by a long-term addiction to smoking. However, for these people, quitting smoking will cause consequences - physical and psychological discomfort.

How the smoking cessation syndrome will manifest itself, and how long it lasts, largely depends on the person himself. To reduce the symptoms in those who quit smoking, you should tune in psychologically.

If there is a history of chronic diseases - especially at the stage of exacerbation - then when quitting smoking, it is desirable to be under medical supervision. most needed health care suffering from diseases of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems.

In this case, quitting smoking abruptly is not recommended. You must first gradually reduce the dose, then use aids to help the body adapt to a new state - nicotine patches, special chewing gum and the like. Transfusion therapy may be required - a similar method of cleansing the body is used to relieve alcohol intoxication.

Currently, there is a method of using nicotinic receptor antagonists. These measures help restore organic functions and eliminate withdrawal symptoms in just a few days. Get rid of psychological dependence you still have to do it yourself.

To improve the situation, the following measures are taken:

  1. introduce medications, removing "withdrawal", prescribe antidepressants, tranquilizers, sedatives.
  2. to eliminate the symptoms of psychological dependence, they conduct psychotherapeutic classes, collect groups of patients with similar problems, offer alternative activities that help to distract from their own experiences.
  3. during the adaptation period great attention give good nutrition- balance the diet, make sure that it contains foods with high content useful substances without overloading the body. calories daily menu should be reduced.

If unpleasant symptoms appear when quitting smoking, the deterioration in health is so pronounced that an appeal to official medicine, then we can conclude about the appearance of withdrawal syndrome. In this case, independently cope with the transition to healthy lifestyle life is impossible.

Collaboration former smoker, others and - maybe - doctors should be aimed at creating conditions under which conditions are created for fast cleansing the body from toxins, elimination of withdrawal symptoms and restoration of psychological comfort. The greater the desire of the patient to get rid of nicotine addiction the sooner the adaptation period ends.

Cardiovascular diseases are the leading cause of death in the world. According to statistics, every third inhabitant of the planet is diagnosed with vegetative-vascular dystonia (VVD). VVD includes a number of diseases manifested by a violation of work of cardio-vascular system and the autonomic nervous system. Smoking is one of the factors influencing the course of VSD.

How smoking affects the heart and blood vessels

Cigarette smoke is harmful, in addition to nicotine, it contains a number of chemical substances. Among them is carbon monoxide (CO2). In the lungs, carbon monoxide instead of oxygen enters the bloodstream, causing oxygen starvation organism. Under the influence of CO2, the density (clotting) of the blood increases, blood clots form, the vessels lose their elasticity and symptoms of VVD appear. When a thrombus breaks off, acute disorder circulation - stroke or myocardial infarction.
4 components of cigarette smoke:

  • Nicotine.
  • Arsenic.
  • Formaldehyde.
  • Carbon monoxide (carbon monoxide).

Nicotine causes vasospasm. During smoking, the blood vessels constrict and relax after a few minutes. In heavy smokers, especially smoking with VVD, obliteration of the vessel often occurs when it slams shut during spasm and no longer opens. When obliteration of the vessels of the fingers or toes occurs, tissue death begins due to circulatory disorders, which, without urgent amputation, ends with progressive gangrene.
This happened to the famous Soviet actor Pavel Borisovich Luspekaev, who was a heavy smoker. During the filming of the film "White Sun of the Desert", he had an obliteration of the vessels of his left leg, which, due to delay, was amputated under the groin. He finished the film already being disabled. Luspekaev did not quit smoking and soon the vessels “slammed shut” right foot. The actor did not allow the amputation to be carried out on time, he died in an ambulance on the way to the hospital.
In a smoker, the heart rate is increased to 90 beats per minute. Due to such a load, the heart and blood vessels wear out quickly. Signs of VVD begin to appear: hypertension, tachycardia, heart rate increases to 140-150 beats.

Does smoking cause VSD

Vegetative-vascular dystonia is not a disease, but includes a number of symptoms of physical, psycho-emotional state. Having started smoking, a person begins to notice signs of diseases that he had not observed before:

  • Shortness of breath.
  • Irritation.
  • Cardiopalmus.
  • Panic attacks.
  • Coldness, tingling of the fingers.

These signals are signs of vegetative-vascular dystonia and early serious illnesses. Smoking with VVD - contribute to the development of cardiovascular diseases.

Common Emotional Traits of Smoking and VSD

Against the background of quitting smoking, an exacerbation of the symptoms of VVD is possible. Over the course of several years, a number of chemical compounds, which were artificial stimulants of the organs and systems of the body. During smoking cessation, the body is deprived of stimulants and tries to compensate for their lack, thereby worsening a person's well-being.

Common emotional traits of smoking cessation and VSD:

  • Deterioration of attention.
  • Sleep difficulties.
  • Depression.
  • Irritability.

At the same time, the main obsessive thought- smoke a cigarette. There is often a feeling of intense hunger. So the body tries to return or compensate for nicotine and other stimulants.

According to statistics, appeared physical symptoms VSD, after smoking cessation, disappear in 7-10 days.
Psycho-emotional signs of VVD take much longer.

How to quit without hurting yourself

To overcome addiction smoking is essential mental attitude. The thought “I'm quitting smoking” should be categorical, peremptory. It is necessary to feed this thought in every possible way, doing everything possible so that this mood does not pass.
There are a number of nicotine-containing drugs that alleviate the symptoms of VSD during smoking cessation - lozenges, chewing gum, tablets, patches ...
In the presence of chronic diseases, vascular pathologies, vegetative-vascular dystonia or health complaints, you need to see a doctor who will prescribe an examination and supportive therapy. It is strictly forbidden to receive medications not prescribed by a doctor! What can help someone, for you can, in best case, a waste of money. There are drugs that are incompatible with each other.

If the symptoms of vegetative-vascular dystonia appeared after quitting smoking, most likely the problem will be solved within a month. Often, such symptoms have a psychological origin, you can get rid of them by being distracted by something pleasant and joyful.
Key tips for quitting smoking:
Drink a lot clean water during the day. Water removes toxins from the body, thins the blood. Coffee, alcohol increase the need for nicotine, reduce the level of self-control.
Physical exercise, walking fresh air. Physical activity strengthens blood vessels, stimulates the production of hormones that can replace the feeling of “pleasure” that the body received when smoking. Exercise stress in the fresh air has a positive effect on sleep and reduces the manifestation of VVD.
Good rest, sleep 6-8 hours. This time is necessary for the body to recover in stressful situation decreased signs of VVD.
Avoid smokers. Often, in order for all efforts to come to naught, it is enough to smoke passively, inhaling the smoke from a nearby smoker.
VSD and smoking are a dangerous combination. To improve health, it is simply vital to overcome addiction. To forget about VVD, learn to enjoy life, communication and work; set goals for yourself, achieve them, love yourself and take care of them.

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