Recovery from alcoholism - how to recover from a long binge. How to restore the body after drinking

High-quality alcoholic drinks in small quantities do no harm and are even beneficial to some extent. For example, a glass of red wine has a beneficial effect on the cardiovascular system. After a few glasses of this drink, the metabolism improves and the mood rises.

But alcohol abuse negatively affects the human body, in addition, frequent use alcohol can provoke the occurrence of diseases. As a rule, after a fun evening with alcohol, a person wakes up broken and suffers from a hangover.

After one such feast is not difficult. But this, if intoxication in mild form. With moderate and severe poisoning of the body, you will have to try hard to bring yourself to your senses.

Cold and hot shower

Getting up in the morning after drinking and feeling headache, the first thing to do is to accept cold and hot shower to improve systemic blood flow.

Before that, you can take vasodilator, but do it very carefully, if you are not sure about the drug and its action, it is better not to take it at all.

More liquid

With a hangover, toxins accumulate in the body and the body becomes dehydrated. Therefore, often there is a "dry".

But instead of water it is better to drink green tea or freshly squeezed juice. They have the most beneficial effect on the body and contribute to rapid withdrawal toxins.

Helps you recover quickly ordinary water, preferably mineral, various herbal infusions, fruit drinks and sweet juices. After a couple of glasses of drunk liquid, it will immediately feel better, the body will receive necessary water and the hangover will immediately decrease.

Coffee and black tea, on the contrary, can enhance the effect of poisoning the body, so it is better not to drink these drinks with a hangover.


After alcohol poisoning, a complete imbalance is created in the body and, first of all, the gastrointestinal tract suffers. There is a violation of digestion, nausea and similar symptoms.

In order to bring the body back to normal and speed up the elimination of toxins, you can take sorbents in the allowed dose. safe and without side effects a tool that is suitable for these purposes is activated charcoal. You need to take it 2-3 days after the last intake of alcohol in the proportion of 1 tablet per 8 kilograms of weight.

On the first day, the drug is taken every 6 hours, on the second and third - every 12 hours. Already on the first day after taking activated carbon by the evening the person will feel better.

Now on the market great amount drugs that help get rid of a hangover. These are Alko-seltzer, Antipohmelin and similar instant and insoluble. But before taking any drug, we strongly advise you to read its composition and instructions for use.

But not everyone has confidence in the new, so if for some reason they don’t suit you, then you can use the old proven methods.

Advice: if before going to bed you take an aspirin tablet, a no-shpa tablet and several tablets of activated charcoal, then with highly likely You will wake up in the morning with no hangover symptoms at all. But the whole difficulty is that, being in a state alcohol intoxication you may not remember the need to rid yourself of its consequences.

In principle, any painkillers will help get rid of a headache in the morning. But they relieve only one symptom, and as a rule, a hangover is accompanied not only by a headache, but also by nausea, weakness and other “charms”.


If you woke up with a aching head and other signs of a hangover, then sleep is the best medicine from such a state.

But falling asleep when you feel sick is problematic, so you can get up, go to the shower, drink water or other liquids, take a couple of pills, and only after the condition improves a little try to sleep.

This is especially true if you feel that you have not fully slept and have not yet completely got rid of alcohol intoxication.

Vitamin C

Vitamin C is great way fight against hangover.

To improve health, you can eat a lemon or a few ascorbs. After that, the dose of alcohol in the blood will noticeably decrease, and general state improve.

You can also drink strong tea with lemon or eat other foods that contain a lot of ascorbic acid.

With its help, you can quickly come to normal condition and without harm to your health, although frequent use of alcohol causes significant harm to the body.

protein breakfast

Hangovers often require proteins, which are found in protein foods.

They are involved in the production of seratonin, which in turn fights toxins in the body.

Therefore, with a hangover for breakfast, you need to eat eggs, protein salads, seafood and other foods with high content squirrel.

After eating, the condition immediately normalizes, and if the symptoms of a hangover do not disappear, then they will significantly decrease.

It is important not to overdo it with protein, as its overabundance can also adversely affect the condition.

salty foods

A well-known way to get rid of a hangover is to drink brine in the morning.

The fact is that the body in the fight against alcohol has lost a lot of electrolytes: magnesium, potassium and sodium. And now this shortcoming needs to be filled.

For these purposes, brine and pickles, sauerkraut, bread kvass are suitable. Doctors in this case use drugs Panangin and Asparkam.


Ginger is the root perennial plant, which is used in many dishes and has some healing properties.

Green tea with ginger can help relieve hangover symptoms and make you feel better.

You can also prepare a decoction from the root, and if there is no boiling water on hand, the root can be eaten without pre-treatment.

Ginger will help get rid of the effects of copious outpourings in any form, whether it is cooked or not. The main thing is that the root is fresh, and not in the form of a dried seasoning in a bag.


It is possible to treat the consequences of binge with the help of seasonal berries.

For example, by eating a cold watermelon, you will get rid of the signs of a hangover.

This berry has a diuretic effect, which will ensure the rapid removal of toxins from the body.

Rosehips, lingonberry juice or lingonberries grated with sugar will help to remove the morning hangover syndrome.

To give up smoking

If you like to start the morning by smoking a cigarette, then with a hangover it is better to postpone this ritual.

Nicotine will only make you feel bad.

It is better to do this after a contrast shower and fluid intake, if you have no strength to endure and really want to smoke a cigarette.

In general, it is better to postpone it and do not smoke for three or four hours after waking up.

Gastric lavage

If it is very bad in the morning, then the condition can be improved by getting rid of the remnants of alcohol.

Gastric lavage will not purify the blood, but will stop the entry of new alcohol breakdown components.

The stomach is washed out tritely: a couple of glasses of water are drunk, potassium permanganate can be diluted in them.

The urge to nausea may appear on its own, or it may be necessary to induce vomiting artificially. You can also get rid of the remnants of alcohol with an enema.

As a rule, with mild alcohol poisoning, such radical methods are not required.

Common Mistakes

What definitely should not be done is to beat a wedge with a wedge and try to remove the hangover syndrome with the help of alcohol.

Yes, after a drink from a hangover, it becomes easier, but this is not for long. Alcohol, getting into the liver is divided into two substances: ethanol and methanol. Ethanol is released first and does not carry any consequences, while methanol causes hangover symptoms.

Also, don't believe in modern achievements pharmaceuticals.

Note: trying to cure a hangover with alcohol, you just postpone the problem until later. Because the liver switches to the release of ethanol, the condition becomes easier, but then the turn comes to methanol and the body becomes worse, even than it was.

Although medicine has reached high altitudes, but pills will not be able to instantly and quickly rid you of a hangover. They only help to remove toxins naturally.

Therefore, after drinking an aspirin tablet and not feeling the effect, you do not need to mindlessly “treat” with everything that is at hand. This will not only not help, but also hurt.

How not to suffer

The amount of alcohol you drink affects everyone differently. The younger the body, the easier it is to cope with the consequences of alcohol poisoning.

Therefore, if in your youth you could drink a bottle of alcohol and get up in the morning without any consequences, at an age it will be difficult to do so. So it’s better to drink to know your limits and drink wisely so that in the morning you don’t suffer from headaches and nausea.

So that a hangover does not appear, one should not forget the old rule: do not interfere with alcoholic drinks and do not lower the degree. If you started drinking high-grade drinks, then do not switch to weak wine or beer.

Drink only quality drinks who bought in a good store, and not in a dubious place. It is not known what such alcohol will be made of, and there is a higher probability of getting health problems, and much more serious than a hangover.

During the feast, do not forget to eat. Fatty food neutralizes alcohol, therefore, you will get drunk more slowly and a hangover, if any, will be insignificant.

How to recover from alcohol, see expert advice in the following video:

A hangover is a deterioration general well-being, coming a few hours after alcohol poisoning. Large doses alcohol provoke swelling of the brain, which leads to pain and dizziness. The entry into the blood of the decay products of ethyl alcohol causes symptoms of poisoning: nausea, vomiting, intense thirst.

The degree and severity of the condition depends on the quantity and quality of the drink, as well as the individual ability of the body to tolerate alcohol. You can quickly recover from drinking with the help of pharmaceutical products And folk methods.

Normalization of the state with a hangover

With obvious symptoms of poisoning (fever, severe vomiting, diarrhea) it is recommended to drink water often in small sips. In addition to water, warm unsweetened tea, dried fruit compote, Regidron, Smekta medicines are suitable.

To relieve intoxication and eliminate the consequences of drinking, the following means are used:

  • Physical methods: enema and gastric lavage. Effective for nausea and vomiting. You can wash the stomach at home as follows: drink a liter of water and induce vomiting by pressing on the root of the tongue.
  • Sorbents (Polysorb, Atoxil, Enterosgel, activated carbon). They relieve headaches and nausea, accelerate the elimination of toxic substances - thus, improve well-being.
  • paracetamol and aspirin. Deal with headaches.
  • Hangover drugs sold in pharmacies without a prescription (Alka-Seltzer, Zorex, Medichronal, Antipohmelin, Alka-Prim).
  • Green tea. Restores digestion; caffeine raises the tone and helps to cheer up.
  • Cool shower. Soothes headaches.
  • Sedatives. Help with irritability and nervous excitement.
  • Hilak-Forte or Lineks. Improve digestion and restore the microflora in the intestines.

Ice showers or alcohol in the morning are common hangover cures, but dangerous. Cold water causes vasospasm, which only worsens the condition, and alcohol increases the load on the liver and stomach, which are struggling with the consequences of intoxication.

Recovery of the body after drinking

If hangovers are experienced by people who drink rarely and a little, then alcoholics experience another condition called “withdrawal syndrome”. It is characterized by dry mouth, sweating, pressure drop, hand tremors, sleep disorders, impaired attention and memory, aggressive attitude towards others, mental disorders. withdrawal syndrome develops at 2-3 stages of alcoholism.

Restore the body after long-term use alcohol is difficult. It is not enough to remove intoxication - you need to help the liver get back to work after alcohol poisoning, cleanse the blood of the decay products of ethyl alcohol, and normalize the psycho-emotional background. IN severe cases get out of binge with infusion therapy in the hospital. If the condition is not a cause for concern, treat at home, but for full recovery it will take a lot of time.

Important! heart rhythm disturbances, sharp pain, problems with urination, breathing, hallucinations, blood in the urine and stool, confusion requires immediate hospitalization

After the end of the binge, they do everything the same as with a hangover: an enema, gastric lavage, a cool shower, taking sorbents and liquids. After that, the liver, digestive, nervous, immune system because alcoholism destroys the body.

Digestive organs in drinking

The digestive system is the first to take the hit of alcohol. drinking people often suffer from gastritis, stomach ulcers. The reason is that against the background of constant drinking, a person loses his appetite and stops eating. But concentration gastric juice does not decrease: acidic enzymes act on the unprotected walls of the stomach, corroding them.

To avoid inflammation, you need to eat both during binge and when you exit it. To avoid vomiting, you must adhere to fractional nutrition, eat a little 5-6 times a day. Not recommended fats, fried, smoked, spicy dishes, sweets, carbonated and energy drinks.

Preference is given to low-fat chicken, turkey, rabbit broth, protein products (eggs, cottage cheese, fish, lean meat in the form of steam meatballs and meatballs), vegetables and fruits. To forge digestive process, resort to enzymatic agents (Creon, Festal, Digestal, Mezim), drugs that improve the motility of the stomach and intestines (Motilium, Domrid, Domperidone).

Immune and central nervous system

Do not expose the body to cold, stress, alcohol. Strengthen defensive forces simple home remedies will help: St. John's wort tea, parsley, cumin, celery (root and leaves), walnuts, garlic, sea ​​kale, Birch juice.

The central nervous system (CNS) reacts to ethanol poisoning with anxiety, hand tremors, overexcitation, possible panic attacks, depression, sleep disorders. Light degree disorders of the central nervous system are treated by taking sedatives on plant-based(Glycine, Persen, motherwort tincture). serious mental disorders require consultation with a narcologist and treatment.

How to restore the liver?

The liver suffers the most from drinking alcohol, as blood clogged with toxins passes through it. Before cleansing the liver, enterosorbents are taken - agents that absorb harmful substances and bring them out naturally.

Popular preparations-enterosorbents - Polysorb, Enterosgel. They operate in several directions:

  • removed from the body toxic substances, formed after the decomposition of ethylene;
  • Act on pathogenic microorganisms without disturbing the balance of microflora in the intestine;
  • eliminate nausea, vomiting and headache.

Natural sorbents are cereal bran, vegetable fiber, pectin, lignin, seaweed alginates.

The liver is an organ capable of regenerating itself, but alcohol loads reduce this ability. To help the body to establish work, you need to follow some rules:

  1. 1. Refuse to take any kind of alcohol and smoking.
  2. 2. Do moderate physical exercise to fully rest and sleep.
  3. 3. Follow a strict diet.
  4. 4. Take drugs that improve liver function (Karsil, Essentiale, Gepabene, milk thistle seed powder).

Recovery of the body after drinking

As a result of prolonged and excessive use alcoholic beverages, ethanol which is part of them, is capable of destroying human organs and systems from the inside. The main task of the patient is to recover after a period of heavy drinking, namely the most important organs and systems: liver, kidneys, gastrointestinal tract, cardiovascular and nervous systems.

  • the use of drug therapy;
  • cleansing the body of toxic elements of the decay of ethyl alcohol;
  • application diet food;
  • refusal of alcohol;
  • conducting healthy lifestyle life.

Manipulations for the restoration of organs and systems


It is the first organ that suffers from harmful effects ethanol, since it plays the role of a kind of filter that has the ability to deactivate toxic substances that enter the body. With the abuse of alcohol-containing liquids, liver tissue can be reborn, develops fatty degeneration cirrhosis and hepatitis.

To cleanse the liver after drinking, you can take 1 tbsp. l. olive oil with the addition of lemon juice morning time, namely on an empty stomach.

Drug therapy includes the use of essential phospholipids (Essentiale forte N, Enerliv), thus, liver recovery is faster. The mechanism of action of phospholipids is to restore the destroyed membranes of liver cells. During this period, you should adhere to dietary nutrition, namely, you should refrain from fatty, salty, fried and spicy food. It is best to eat foods rich in fiber, fruits and vegetables in season.


Almost all toxic substances, including alcohol, leave the body through the kidneys, so they cannot avoid negative effects. Also, with excessive consumption of alcohol, a person loses a large number of fluids, which in turn leads to dehydration and increased load on the kidney.

If the patient has a history of kidney pathology, then it will not be possible to quickly restore them, only the help of a doctor is needed. But if there were no problems with this body before, then you can use the following recommendations:

  • Drink plenty of fluids before meals: pure water, rosehip-based decoction, cranberry juice, mineral water.
  • Refrain from eating fatty and spicy foods.
  • Temporarily give up cigarettes.
  • For the recovery period, refuse salty foods.
  • Start doing light exercise.
  • The diet should be dominated by fruits, vegetables and vegetable oil.

Gastrointestinal tract

The mucous membrane of the stomach is exposed to a strong irritant effect when drinking alcohol, problems arise in the work of the pancreas. As a result of this, the development of such pathologies is possible: inflammation of the pancreas, peptic ulcer stomach and duodenum, gastritis and other diseases that disrupt normal digestion.

The recovery process after binge is impossible without normal functioning gastrointestinal tract, since the normal functioning of the digestive tract ensures the timely removal of decay products from the body of a sick person.

Proper nutrition and inclusion in the diet certain products will start the stomach, namely:

  • fruits and vegetables help get rid of toxic substances;
  • dairy and sour-milk products have the ability to neutralize toxins;
  • sufficient fluid intake: cranberry juice, green tea, mineral and pure water, natural juice.
  • every day the patient should consume broth, porridge and soup.

The cardiovascular system

From the side of cardio-vascular system the following changes are observed: blood pressure, tachycardia and potassium deficiency.

An attack of tachycardia is stopped by sublingual nifedipine. In some cases, propranolol is added, but only under the strict supervision of the attending physician.

To lower blood pressure, you need to use antihypertensive drugs(Adelfan, magnesium sulfate) with the addition of diuretics (lasix, triampur compositum and acetazolamide).

Panangin and asparkam will help to compensate for the lack of potassium in the body of the victim. It is worth adding viburnum, honey, dried apricots, bananas, oranges, apples and tangerines to the diet.

It is possible to develop complications such as: failures in heart rate, development cardiovascular insufficiency and impaired blood flow in the region of the heart muscle. But all of the above changes in the work of the cardiovascular system are treated only in a hospital and under the supervision of a cardiologist.

Nervous system

It is necessary to direct all efforts to restore the functions of the central and peripheral nervous system, which are inhibited under the influence of alcohol-containing liquids. Most severe consequences may occur when the brain is involved in the process, namely, memory impairment, coordination of movements, the patient becomes irritable and aggressive towards others.

All manipulations are necessary to restore brain function. For this purpose, drugs are used to remove toxins from the body, nootropics and vascular agents. Medicines help improve blood circulation in the brain, as a result of which brain cells begin to function normally. Positive dynamics begins to be observed only after a month of therapy, prerequisite there should be no alcohol in the patient's diet.
Refusal of alcoholic drinks

Of course, the first thing the victim should do for his body is to completely abandon the use of alcoholic beverages, since they are able to hide most of the pain during various diseases. In any situation related to alcohol, a person must himself realize the seriousness of the situation, and the severity of addiction, and go for treatment himself.


In this article, we have collected tips for recovering from drinking: what is better to drink and eat, what activities are suitable and what should be excluded, what is needed for recovery certain body or systems.

Why is it necessary to restore the body after drinking alcohol?

Sitting with alcohol brings a number of problems, the most minimal of which is a hangover. Alcohol affects the human psyche and the functioning of internal organs - the brain, liver, heart and kidneys.

Some develop psychosis, expressed in unreasonable aggression, with a sense of anxiety and insomnia. Cases of depression on the background of alcohol consumption, leading to suicidal thoughts and apathy, have also been recorded.

To get rid of such unpleasant consequences, it is necessary to cleanse the body. The action of alcohol extends to almost the entire body, affecting many organs, so recovery should be comprehensive.


To restore the body after alcohol, it is necessary first of all to get rid of the remnants of the alcohol itself and the toxic products of its decay. For this you need:

  1. Cleanse the body. This can be done with an enema or take sorbents. Activated charcoal works great.
  2. Help in removing toxic substances from the body. To do this, you need to use foods and drinks that speed up these processes: milk, kefir, lemon juice.
  3. Removal of edema. A contrast shower will help with this. It is better to refuse to take a bath and visit the sauna, since these methods greatly burden the cardiovascular system.
  4. Restore acid-base balance. For adjustment, it is necessary to use fermented milk products and mineral water.
  5. Increase performance. To cheer up, drink green tea or a cup of coffee, walk down the street on foot.
  6. Calm your nerves. On the background hangover syndrome sometimes develop and panic attacks mixed with anxiety. Help to calm down herbal teas or tablets with sedative properties, such as valerian.

To restore the body after alcohol, detox is necessary

Recovery after drinking in several stages

How to quickly get in shape after alcohol? There are several tips on this subject.

  1. First, remember to drink plenty of water. It is better to give up sugary drinks, giving preference to mineral waters and distilled water. Soda and industrial juices retain water in the body, not allowing you to quickly get rid of toxic substances. And mineral water allows you to remove toxins faster, and also has a beneficial effect on metabolic processes.
  2. Secondly, the use of green tea. This drink has useful properties that the body needs after alcohol intoxication. Tea helps the digestive system, and also has a tonic effect, allowing you to cheer up before the start of the working day.
  3. Third, drugs. To recover quickly, you will have to resort to the help of special medicines. You can find them at any pharmacy or get after consulting a doctor. Medical treatment allows you to improve the functioning of the cardiovascular system, restore the nervous system and the work of the gastrointestinal tract.

How long does it take for the body to return to normal?

How much does the body recover after drinking? One of the most popular questions in the topic of recovery from alcohol. In order to physically feel better, get working capacity, get rid of nausea and dizziness, at least 6 hours must pass from the moment of drinking alcohol.

It is difficult to name the exact time - it directly depends on the amount drunk and the characteristics of the body that reacts to alcoholic beverages. For someone, 7 hours is enough to feel quite good, but for someone it will take a whole day for recovery processes and only to next day he will be fit.

On average, for men, the recovery process after drinking takes up to 9 hours from the moment of taking alcohol, for women a little more - up to 11 hours.

During this time it recovers most of functions, toxins are removed. At the same time, a person can accelerate the removal of toxins from the body with the help of special products thereby reducing the amount of time for recovery.

Recovery of the body

How does the body stop after drinking? Everyone suffers from alcohol addiction. internal organs, so we will analyze how to recover from alcohol in stages.

hangover cure

A hangover cannot be removed immediately, because the process of intoxication of the body can last about a day. However, you can eliminate the main symptoms of a hangover syndrome. This will require more fermented milk products, can be used honey drinks and lemon juice. To get vivacity, a contrast shower, green tea or coffee with big amount milk.

You can also resort to medication. Alka-seltzer, Coficil-plus and Askofen will help get rid of the hangover syndrome.

Help the liver

Since the liver is actively involved in the recovery processes, it must be taken care of first. by the most in an efficient way is the reception medicines, hepatoprotectors that protect the liver from negative impacts. A one-time use of such medicines will not help, in order to restore health with regular drinking, you need to drink drugs in courses. They usually last two or three times a year. It is also recommended to refuse to eat: fried, spicy and salty foods, replacing them with fruits, vegetables and foods that are rich in fiber.

To restore the liver, the drug "Essentiale N forte" is suitable, for cell regeneration - the remedy "Dipana". And the drug "Geptral" will help to remove toxins on a hangover morning.

Help for the kidneys

Recovery of the body after alcohol should also pay attention to the kidneys, because alcohol disrupts the stable functioning of this organ. The excretory and filtration functions usually suffer. To improve kidney function, doctors recommend resorting to therapeutic diet. When it should be excluded from the diet: sweet, fatty, cheeses, legumes, pickled vegetables, fried meat and fish, smoked meats, spicy dishes. At kidney diet it is recommended to reduce the amount of protein in food.

For first aid for kidney problems, adsorbing agents are suitable - Carbrolong and Polysorb, for symptomatic treatment- Zorex. The drug "Anestezin" is also suitable if severe nausea is felt.

Help with the gastrointestinal tract

The body recovers gradually, so work digestive tract normalizes only during the day. To restore the digestive tract, it is necessary to include more fermented milk products in the diet, eat soups and broths more often, eat more fruits and vegetables. In the first days after taking alcohol, provide the body enough water - about two liters per day.

If available strong pain and spasms, then you should take “No-shpa” or “Smecta”. Recovery normal operation digestive tract suitable "Motilium".

Help the brain

One of the main points in the rehabilitation process is restoration brain activity. To do this, use nootropic and vascular preparations, whose action is aimed at improving cerebral circulation and normalization of cell nutrition. The process of restoration of brain activity takes time, about a month.

To help the brain, Piracetam, Cerebrolysin are suitable, and drugs will also have a beneficial effect. plant origin- “Bilobil” and “Tanakan”.

Recovery of brain activity is the main thing in rehabilitation

Memory recovery

How to restore memory? After drinking alcohol in the morning, many cannot remember the past evening or some periods of time. Only friends will help to accurately recreate the past evening, and you will be able to remember a little on your own. To do this, you have to wake up brain activity - go to the shower, drink strong tea take a walk in the fresh air. It is possible to completely restore memory after alcohol only on the condition that alcohol addiction will be defeated, then rises brain activity and with it improves memory.

To improve memory and concentration are perfect: "Glycine", "Phezam" and "Phenotropil". Please note that these drugs must be drunk in courses - at least two weeks.

What products are suitable for recovery of the body?

In addition to water and green tea, you can drink other drinks. Berry juice is perfect, rich in vitamins and helping to improve work digestive system. good choice will become and cucumber pickle familiar to many alcoholics firsthand. The brine will be able to help the body regulate the amount of electrolytes in the body. Herbal teas will also help to positively affect the restoration of the nervous system, and with the addition of mint, such a drink can also eliminate pain. Dairy products should not be avoided either, milk and low-fat kefir will be the most advantageous options. You can also drink drinks with the addition of ginger and lemon juice which are excellent for nausea and vomiting.

With a hangover, you usually do not want to eat, the body resists the intake of food. Therefore, a good alternative to breakfast will be honey, which has a beneficial effect on the cardiovascular and nervous system. Bananas and kiwis, which contain a lot of potassium, are an excellent option for a snack. As full breakfast regular oatmeal is suitable - it contains a lot of calcium, iron and magnesium.

Drinks Infused with Ginger and Lemon Juice Great for Nausea

Other factors

Many mistakenly believe that physical activity will help get rid of a hangover, so they advise you to go for a run in the morning or do a couple of exercises. IN regular time when the body is not fighting toxic substances these tips are pretty helpful. But not with a hangover.

During a hangover, the body experiences stress, it is exhausted and tired, processing alcoholic products. He needs recovery sharp rises activity. An excellent option would be the usual walking tour to a store or stop. Fresh air will help to recover and cheer up, while not heavily burdening the body.

When you are trying to recover from alcohol, you must stop smoking.

Tobacco smoke often brings dizziness, activates bouts of nausea, and even more so after a hangover. It is better to wait a while, giving the body the opportunity to kill all the harmful elements, without adding new negative consequences.

Help with long drinking

The remedies described above are suitable for occasional alcohol consumption in order to restore the body after prolonged use another set of measures is needed. You can read more about recovery from alcoholism in the corresponding article on our website.

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A hangover is one of the most unpleasant conditions after drinking alcohol. Symptoms most often appear in the morning, so you may experience headaches, chills, weakness, fever, high blood pressure, constant nausea. Want to get rid of a hangover fast at home and feel cheerful after an unforgettable party? Our tips will help you recover from a hangover and restore strength.

It is important to know what causes a hangover

  1. Intoxication. When alcohol enters your body excess, poisons are formed.
  2. Dehydration. Alcohol contributes to the improper distribution of water in the body, resulting in dehydration. The face swells and bags appear under the eyes, not due to lack of fluid, but due to its improper distribution.
  3. Work is disrupted brain cells, as a result, a person becomes hypersensitive to bright lights and sounds. As a result of the fight against a hangover, your body spends a lot of energy, vitamins, macro- and microelements.

Simple ways to get rid of a hangover

In ancient times, people did not fully understand what a hangover was, so they used enough strange methods, for example, they drank wine infused with frogs and eels, or diluted soot in a glass of milk and drank it. Thanks to modern medical research it became more clear how to remove all the symptoms that cause a hangover at once.

Our liver is able to process a small amount of alcohols, which it converts into carbon dioxide. With an excess of alcohol, the liver cannot cope, and as a result, hangover symptoms and oaths that you are now “not a drop in your mouth” appear anymore.

At home, everyone can get rid of the symptoms of a hangover on their own, if appropriate measures are taken in time. In order not to aggravate the situation, we recommend that you immediately rinse the stomach of the patient in order to wash out the remnants of alcohol. After such washing, it is advisable to drink 1.5 liters of still water with a small amount salt. A cool or contrast shower will wake you up and make you feel much better.

Useful minerals and trace elements are removed with alcohol, so it is important to replenish their deficiency. The pickle from a tomato or cucumber helps a lot, as it not only quenches the feeling of thirst, but also replenishes the lack of sodium in the body. Remember that if the body lacks potassium, calcium, magnesium and phosphorus, you may experience cramps and spasms. If you just want to quench your thirst, try drinking orange juice, bread kvass, kefir or water with lemon.

Headache relieve pills if you do not feel sick. However, remember that during a hangover, the blood becomes thick and viscous, so aspirin helps a lot. Of the folk methods for headaches, raw potatoes are effective, the circles of which are applied to the temples and tightened with a bandage.

Do's and Don'ts for a Hangover

You can relieve nausea with salt tomato juice.

- Neutralize toxins easily with activated charcoal. The number of tablets depends on body weight (1 pc per 10 kg).

- Do not drink strong tea or coffee, as these drinks can cause pressure surges, and your condition will worsen.

- Drink herbal teas: chamomile, calendula, willow bark.

How to recuperate after a hangover

  1. Drink chicken or beef broth.
  2. Decoction of oats. Such a drink is especially effective in the first parts of a hangover. To prepare it, take a glass of oats and fill it with 1.5 liters of water. You need to cook for an hour, then filter, salt and drink a little.
  3. Exit to Fresh air to increase blood flow while walking.
  4. For several days, do not eat fatty and smoked foods.

We hope that ours will help you enjoy life after a fun weekend, and neutralize the symptoms of a hangover. Of course, it is better to know the measure in taking alcoholic beverages, then you will never experience a hangover, and your liver will be healthy.

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