Bromhexine syrup application. Bromhexine syrup for children: instructions for use for different ages. Bromhexine during pregnancy and lactation

Cough syrup Bromhexine for children and adults is a long-known mucolytic expectorant that improves the discharge of secretions from the bronchi.

The syrup has a mild effect on the body, has minimal amount side effects and contraindications. It is actively used by therapists for the treatment of respiratory diseases in adult and pediatric departments of hospitals. Local pediatricians recommend this drug for the treatment colds in children under one year old.

The product is divided according to its intended purpose - for children and adult consumers. For babies, a remedy is purchased with 4 mg per 5 ml, and for adults, a dosage of 8 mg per 5 ml is better suited. A properly selected remedy allows the active substance to effectively influence the body, contributing to a quick recovery.

When is a drug helpful?

Bromhexine cough syrup, the instructions for which, although it indicates that the drug helps to normalize the functioning of the bronchi, should not be taken for more than a week without a doctor's prescription. The medicine is effective for dry cough during an acute manifestation of the disease. Since changes in the bronchi often occur at the time the pathogen enters the body, the drug helps to start treatment in a timely manner and prevent the occurrence of complications.

The instructions attached to the drug describe single and daily doses for patients. different ages. Before you start taking the drug, you should carefully read the instructions to clarify the individual therapeutic dose. To avoid overdose, the manufacturer attached a measuring spoon to the drug, which is convenient to measure right amount syrup.

The drug can be prescribed by a doctor for chronic bronchopulmonary diseases accompanied by shortness of breath due to poorly separated sputum. It could be:

  • bronchial asthma;
  • cystic fibrosis;
  • COPD;
  • chronic form of pneumonia;
  • tuberculosis;
  • tracheobronchitis;
  • pneumonia;
  • bronchiectasis;
  • emphysema.

The syrup may be prescribed in the treatment of injury chest. An active remedy will help remove excess sputum after surgical intervention or instrumental examination respiratory organs.

Bromhexine Cough Syrup Improves Effects antibacterial agents on the mucous tissues of the respiratory system, and numerous reviews confirm this.

Attention! Treatment with bromhexine against the background of antibiotics leads to quick recovery body after illness.

Since the active substance does not start working immediately, tablets are taken with the syrup for the first 3 days or herbal infusions to improve general state sick child. You can use mints, cough drops, external agents.

A strong cough at the beginning of taking Bromhexine can be relieved by rubbing, which includes turpentine, menthol, badger fat and other components. The finished ointment is rubbed on the chest, back, feet and places of the bends of the arms and legs.

How the medicine works

The drug is a clear, viscous liquid that has no color. It has a bittersweet taste and nice smell. Cough syrup "Bromhexine Berlin Chemie", the instructions for which are no different from a syrup containing the same active substance, but released by another manufacturer, contains bromhexine hydrochloride.

Many pharmaceutical companies produce inexpensive syrups with this active substance, which help to quickly remove accumulated viscous sputum. Additional components are often introduced into their composition, which allows manufacturers to declare the originality of the product released to the pharmaceutical market.

The drug helps to normalize the work of the bronchi, which changes under the influence pathogenic microflora that got into internal system respiratory organs. Active substance works effectively with chronic pathologies associated with disruption of this mechanism. The use of syrup in the treatment of colds helps to quickly restore the properties of sputum and improve the drainage function of the bronchi. The syrup has a weak antitussive effect.

After taking a single dose, Bromhexine is rapidly absorbed into the blood plasma, binds strongly to proteins, penetrating through all barriers. It is excreted from the body by the kidneys and long-term use accumulates in cells. In order for the active substance to work effectively, it is necessary for the patient to ensure a normal drinking regimen.

Important! A feature of the syrup is a slow effect on the body.

Response to active substance does not appear immediately. On the third day after the start of treatment, there is an improvement in the functioning of the mechanism that helps to remove mucus from the airways, which fails during acute respiratory diseases. After relieving cough, the remedy is taken for another 3 days and canceled, switching to expectorant herbal preparations.

Bromhexine cough syrup, recommended for children and adults, has positive reviews. It can be used for several months if the doctor deems it necessary to do so. The syrup is non-toxic, combined with antibiotics, with essential oils medicinal herbs used to soothe coughs.

Like any drug, it has a number of contraindications. At active agent there are side effects that appear very rarely in patients with a weakened immune system.

When the drug should be discontinued

Preparations containing bromhexine hydrochloride may cause stomach bleeding. If there is a history ulcerative gastritis, the drug is used only on prescription, in the doses that he recommends for treatment.

If a child or adult has liver and kidney disease, then the active substance will be excreted from the body longer. This must be taken into account when determining daily dose, which should be reduced as recommended in the instructions. If necessary, it is recommended to seek advice from a specialist.

The drug is canceled if symptoms of intolerance to the active substance or auxiliary components appear. At different manufacturers Components medicinal product may differ. The syrup may include not only traditional substances, such as:

  • propylene glycol;
  • sorbitol;
  • flavor;
  • sodium benzoate.

Some manufacturers add to the syrup:

  • succinic acid;
  • oil of eucalyptus leaves;
  • mint oil;
  • anise oil;
  • menthol.

Any of these herbal ingredients can cause an allergic reaction in a child and an adult.

During pregnancy and lactation, a syrup containing bromhexine hydrochloride is used only on the recommendation of a doctor, because the active substance penetrates all barriers.

Prolonged use of the drug leads to side effects. This can cause dyspepsia, headache and dizziness.

Children's cough syrup "Bromhexine" can cause increased sweating and skin rash. In some children, the syrup causes an active cough and bronchospasm. The appearance of any side effect of treatment with the drug is canceled and the reaction to the attending physician is reported.

In case of accidental overdose, nausea and vomiting occur. As emergency assistance helps gastric lavage, alkaline drink, milk. If side effects occur, seek medical attention.

Interaction with other drugs

At the beginning of treatment, drugs containing codeine and other substances that block cough reflex. They lead to its significant weakening, and this can cause stagnation, which leads to chronic diseases respiratory organs.

Bromhexine should not be taken alkaline water because it prevents the active substance from being absorbed into the intestine. For this reason, cough tablets with thermopsis grass should not be taken with bromhexine. They include baking soda. Herb thermopsis actively affects the cough center and, together with bromhexine, can lead to a severe dry cough or bronchospasm.

On a note! The active substance works best in complex therapy.

Bromhexine for children is available in 2 dosage forms: solution (syrup) and tablets. Comparative characteristics drugs:

Information from the manual Bromhexine syrup Bromhexine tablets
Appearance Clear viscous syrup with apricot flavor. Small tablets in a yellow shell.
Active ingredient Bromhexine hydrochloride
Additional components Water, propylene glycol solvent, sorbitol sweetener, apricot flavor, solution of hydrochloric acid. Does not contain dye, sugar and alcohol. Lactose, starch, magnesium stearate, gelatin, silicon dioxide, coated with glucose, sucrose, povidone, dye.
Use in children From birth - with extreme caution, after 2 years - completely safe. From 6 years old.
Package Dark bottle of 60, 100 ml. 5ml measuring spoon included exact dosage. 1 scoop contains 4 mg of bromhexine. Blisters for 25 tablets. Each tablet of Bromhexine contains 8 mg.
Best before date A sealed vial - 3 years. After the start of use - 3 months. 5 years.

The required dose may be reduced by a doctor if there is a risk of accumulation of Bromhexine in the body due to liver or kidney disease.

How to give Bromhexine to young children

Bromhexine Berlin Chemi drink after meals. According to reviews, children like sweet and fragrant syrup, so there are usually no difficulties with taking it. Additional measures that significantly increase the effectiveness of treatment:

  1. In order for the drug to be able to normally remove sputum, an increased intake of fluid by the child is required during its administration. ARI can be accompanied by dehydration if the baby actively loses moisture through sweat and refuses to drink. To avoid it, the child is often offered a tasty, preferably warm drink.
  2. Moisturizes the respiratory tract steam inhalation (mineral water, saline), they are usually prescribed in support of Bromhexine. Inhalations can be carried out when the child's temperature is below 37.5 ° C.
  3. Another condition for increasing the productivity of coughing is cool air. Do not keep children indoors during illness. As soon as the temperature subsides, you can resume walking.

If, despite all these measures, the cough remains dry after 5 days, the child needs a second consultation with the pediatrician.

Reviews of doctors indicate that up to a year they try not to prescribe Bromhexine to children, since not all babies can cough. Used to help expel mucus Fresh air, frequent drinking, nasal instillation saline solutions. Reduce swelling of the nose and top respiratory tract You can use Nazivin or Sialor.


The list of contraindications for treatment with Bromhexine from the instructions (for both dosage forms):

  • allergy to drug components;
  • fructose intolerance, for tablets - a violation of the absorption of lactose;
  • an ulcer during an exacerbation;
  • first trimester of pregnancy. In the remaining trimesters, taking Bromhexine must be agreed with the doctor;
  • breast-feeding. Bromhexine passes into breast milk.

Bromhexine syrup is used for newborns in extreme cases and only under medical supervision (usually in a hospital).

Analogues and substitutes

In addition to Berlin-Chemie, under trade name Bromhexine is also produced by other pharmaceutical manufacturers:

  1. Tablets with a dosage of 8 mg are produced by Russian companies Atoll, the Kirov Pharmaceutical Company, Obolenskoye Pharmaceutical Enterprise, Medisorb, Farmasintez, Biosintez, Valenta and others.
  2. Analogues of syrup Bromhexine Berlin Chemi - Bronchostop (manufacturer Slavic pharmacy) and Bromhexine (Rozpharm, Akrikhin, Nycomed). Syrup with different flavors is produced by Pharmsandart.
  3. Children's tablets with a reduced dosage of 4 mg: Bromhexine Grindeks (Grindeks, Latvia), Bromhexine for children (Atoll, Russia).

Substitutes for the original Bromhexine have the same or half dosage, so they can be used without complex dose conversion.

The active substance closest to bromhexine is ambroxol. It is into it that Bromhexine is converted after metabolism in the body. Ambroxol is considered more effective and fast acting remedy, his original drug is the German Lazolvan. Also, the medicine has many cheaper analogues, including Russian ones.

approximate cost

A syrup from Berlin Chemi costs from 150 rubles. for 60 ml. bottle, tablets - from 115 rubles. for 25 pieces. Russian analogues cheaper. The price of a pack of tablets starts from 20 rubles, syrup - from 70 rubles.

Ambroxol is a little more expensive: the price of Lazolvan syrup for children is from 200 rubles, its analogues cost from 90 rubles.

How often do parents have to be witnesses. This is an incredibly painful sight, because it is very difficult for babies to cough up. A hysterical cough significantly worsens the child's well-being, as it can provoke a jump in temperature or lead to fainting.

And even if the cough does not cause noticeable inconvenience to the baby, it is necessary to get rid of it. Bromhexine for children - essential medicine, the reception of which will help the child to feel healthy again.

Release form and indications for the use of the drug

Today the drug is released in various dosage forms.

However children's drug presented just two: syrup and tablets.

It should be noted that Bromhexine for children has long and deservedly been recognized by all pediatricians on the planet.

This drug is one of the best mucolytics- expectorants and antitussives. Parents who have used it in their practice can confirm that its effect occurs very quickly - as early as 2-4 days from the start of administration.

Indications for the use of the drug- these are numerous diseases of the respiratory tract, especially when they are accompanied by difficulties with sputum separation. Usually, these are bronchitis of various nature:

  • tracheobronchitis;
  • bronchial asthma;
  • pneumonia;
  • pulmonary tuberculosis;

Quite often, they resort to his help even when the accumulation of sputum in the bronchi caused by surgery.

The safety of the drug for the child's body

Bromhexine is classified as a drug not having a negative effect on children's body . Rarely use for children can cause some side effects.

Such side effects may become: dizziness, headache, dyspepsia, including nausea and vomiting, as well as some allergic reactions.

However, like any drug, contraindications still exist.

Take Bromhexine for children with any kidney or liver disease, in addition, it is categorically contraindicated for babies, with sensitivity to its constituents(allergy to the components of the drug) in history.

It is also worth noting that tablet form the drug can be used only for those children who are already reached the age of 6.

Method of application and dosage of Bromhexine

Instructions for use Bromhexine clearly defines that for children under 2 years old, the dosage should be two milligrams three times a day.

To kids age group from 2 to 6 years, single dose determined in four milligrams.

children over six years old the required dosage is eight milligrams divided into three doses.

Often the drug is used for inhalation. However, I would like to draw the attention of parents that such inhalations are only suitable for preventing coughing, and not for treating it.

When the doctor prescribes Bromhexine in the fight against the disease, it is worth remembering that along with this drug, the child must be given a large number of liquids. This is due to the fact that the liquid significantly increases medicinal properties of this tool.

In addition, along with the ongoing course of treatment, do not forget that the baby must comply correct mode food and have enough time to rest.

Never use Bromhexine after its expiration date!

Price in Internet Pharmacies

Treatment of cough in children can be very long due to impaired sputum discharge. To speed up the healing process as well as improve ventilation bronchial tree Bromhexine syrup is prescribed, which is available for children with apricot flavor.

Bromhexine is a strong mucolytic that helps thin the mucus and evacuate it to the outside with the help of productive cough. It, in turn, becomes so due to an increase in the activity of the ciliated epithelium of the bronchi. In addition, the drug has a weak antispasmodic activity, eliminating unproductive cough. The syrup begins to act on the 2-3rd day of admission.

Bromhexine syrup composition for children

The main component that actively affects the tissues of the broncho-pulmonary system is bromhexine hydrochloride. It is thanks to his admission that the kids are quickly on the mend.

Besides chemical element to give aroma, pleasant taste and other necessary properties, the medicine includes: propylene glycol, succinic acid, water, fragrance, Eucalyptus oil, sorbitol, sodium benzoate.

With individual intolerance to any of these components, taking Bromhexine syrup, which is often prescribed for coughs for children, is strictly prohibited. Babies, whose reaction to these substances is not yet known, should be carefully given the first portions, carefully watching him.

How to give Bromhexine syrup to children?

The drug, as well as the method of its use, is most often prescribed by a doctor. But if for any reason the dosage of Bromhexine cough syrup for children is unknown, you should refer to the instructions. It says that:

  • babies under two years old should be given 2.5 ml three times a day;
  • children from two to six years old are prescribed 5 ml three times a day;
  • and those who got into age category from six to fourteen years, you need 10 ml three times a day.

From the instructions it follows that Bromhexine syrup for children is allowed for babies up to a year old, but on the recommendation of the attending doctor, since mucolytics at this age can cause excessive mucus production.

Most children like the medicine in the form of a sweet fragrant syrup, because it does not have an unpleasant bitter aftertaste. You can take Bromhexine at any time, three times a day, regardless of whether it will be before or after meals, and drink plenty of water. But it should be noted that taking sweet syrup before meals can kill the baby's appetite, but the child will drink it with more pleasure than after eating.

Bromhexine syrup analogues for children

If there is no prescribed drug in the pharmacy, do not despair, because you can buy its analogue, identical in composition and effect, and sometimes at a more affordable price. At this drug there are numerous analogues. It:

  • Phlegamine;
  • Solvin;
  • Vero-Bromhexine;
  • Flekoksin;
  • Bromhexine hydrochloride;
  • Bronchothil.

A group of drugs called Bromhexine from different manufacturers has a similar composition, which is indicated on the package.

Cough is a reflex reaction of the body to irritation of the respiratory tract, common cause occurrence - infectious diseases. In order for the cough to pass faster, it is necessary to get rid of sputum, the causes of numerous complications.

Bromhexine Berlin-Chemie (syrup) for children is used as an effective expectorant. Instructions for use will help you use the product correctly and expectorate secretions productively.

In contact with

Composition and pharmacological action

The high efficiency of the application is achieved by the influence of the main component - bromhexine hydrochloride. The instructions indicate that 1 spoon for taking medicine by children holds 5 ml of syrup (0.04 g of bromhexine). The medication also includes other additional components, including apricot flavor.


How to use

Syrup Bromhexine 4 Berlin-Chemie for children is prescribed for internal use. The duration of therapy according to the instructions for use is 4 days - 1 month.

Important! Do not use the remedy for more than 5 days without consulting a doctor.


The drug is used in pediatrics, is characterized by high safety and no restrictions according to the instructions for use. Taking the drug up to 2 years must be agreed with the doctor.

  1. Newborns, children from 1–2 years old are prescribed ½ tsp. in three steps.
  2. From 2 to 6 years. Drink 5 ml (dosed spoon), three times a day.
  3. At the age of 6-14 years. The recommended dosage is 2 scoops three times a day.
  4. Adults from 50 kg, adolescents from 14 years old are prescribed 3-4 scoops in 3 divided doses.
Caution is taken in patients with impaired renal function or serious liver disease. With such diagnoses, the amount of the drug according to the instructions for use decreases, the interval increases.

An overdose of the drug appears stomach disorders. Assistance according to the instructions is to induce vomiting and drink plenty of fluids. It is advisable to wash the stomach if 2 hours have not passed after exceeding the dosage. The withdrawal period is slow.

Important Notes

Instructions for the drug Berlin-Chemie suggests the following prescriptions:

The intake of syrup is accompanied by the use of water in a significant amount. Improves expectoration.

The use of syrup for children must be combined with drainage massage, which facilitates the discharge of sputum from the bronchi.

Bromhexine Berlin-Chemie for children with ulcers and bleeding of the stomach is taken under the strict supervision of a doctor.

In case of violation of bronchial motility, with excessive volumes of sputum, take the drug with caution in order to prevent a delay in excretion in the respiratory system.

Women in the position before prescribing the drug should consult a doctor to take into account the peculiarities of the course of pregnancy and the ratio of benefits and risks. On the initial stage the use of the drug is not recommended.

Restrictions to prescribing the medication according to the instructions for use indicate hypersensitivity, acute ulcer, breastfeeding.

Overview of reviews

Before use medical device Bromhexine Berlin-Chemie syrup for children, reviews help to present a real picture of the effect of the drug.

Based on the experience of using Bromhexine Berlin-Chemie, the conclusion is: the syrup really helps in 100% of cases.

Patients name the following advantages:

  • quick transition of coughing from dry to wet;
  • excellent expectorant;
  • effective elimination of cough;
  • affordable cost.

Some patients noted a slightly bitter taste that makes you want to drink it down. Exist negative feedback associated with improper use of the drug, failure to follow the instructions for use and self-diagnosis.


Similar Berlin-Chemie syrups for children are medicines with the most identical composition according to the instructions.

The most famous substitutes:

  1. Bromhexine Nycomed, manufactured by Takeda Pharma A/S Denmark.
  2. , manufacturer: Pharmstandard.
  3. Bromhexine, manufacturer: Grindeks, JSC Latvia.
  4. , manufacturer: JSC "Chemical-Pharmaceutical Plant" AKRIKHIN "Russia.
  5. Bronchostop, production: SLAVYANSKAYA PHARMACY, LLC Russia.

Syrups are used to treat diseases of the respiratory system. various etiologies are characterized by expectorant action. Berlin-Chemie for children is the most effective drug from a large number analogues, the degree of purification of the determining active component above. When using analogues, carefully read the instructions for use.

Useful video

For more information on the use of Bromhexine Berlin Chemi, see the following video:


  1. Bromhexine Berlin Chemi syrup for children is effective, simple and easy to use.
  2. Among many forms, the solution is popular for eliminating coughs in children.
  3. Distinctive advantages: comfort in use, neutral smell and taste, safe composition.
  4. Taking the syrup, according to the instructions for use, accelerates the process of clearing the bronchi of sputum, which helps to quickly cope with the disease.
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