Ear staphylococcus aureus in dogs. The reasons for its occurrence. Is the disease contagious to humans?

Staphylococcus in some quantity, as a rule, is always present on the skin of a dog. In most cases, staphylococcus bacteria do not harm the animal, as they cannot penetrate the skin due to the immune system. However, when the dog's immunity fails, the number of staph bacteria begins to grow rapidly, causing a staph infection.


There are two types skin reactions associated with staph infection in dogs. The first type manifests itself in the form of tuberous inflammation on the skin, according to appearance resembling a pimple filled with pus in the center.

Second type staph infection often confused with infection in dogs ringworm, manifested on the skin in the form of inflammation round shape, along the edges covered with a crust. The skin in the center of this formation is usually prone to baldness.

Staphylococcus in dogs also manifests itself in the form of serious skin diseases, such as:

staph ear infection

Common symptoms of this disease include a foreign smell and discharge from an infected ear. The dog will usually show signs of anxiety, shaking his head and scratching his ear. In the most severe cases, temporary paralysis is possible. facial nerve.

Treatment for a staph ear infection usually involves the use of antibiotics and topical treatments.

Staphylococcal pyoderma

Staphylococcal pyoderma is one of the most common staph infections that occurs in both adult dogs and puppies. This disease usually occurs when there is an overgrowth of staphylococcus bacteria on the dog's skin.

Symptoms of a staph infection include crusting, usually on the animal's abdomen, and moderate to severe itching accompanied by redness and inflammation of the skin.

Often a staph infection appears as a secondary infection. For example, a dog is infested with fleas that cause allergic itching. The dog itches, small scratches form at the site of scratching, where staphylococcus bacteria penetrate. There they begin to actively multiply, causing infection.

In this case, staphylococcus, including secondary infection treated with antibiotics, used special shampoos and other means for outdoor processing affected skin.

Allergy to staphylococcus aureus

Allergy to staph is extremely rare in dogs. However, an animal's immune system may react negatively to the presence of staphylococcus bacteria on its skin. This hypersensitivity reaction causes severe allergies.

Common symptoms of a bacterial allergy include irritated skin that contains different size ulcers, often itchy, which worsens the dog's condition.

Treatment of Staphylococcus aureus in Dogs

A skin culture or biopsy is required to diagnose staph in a dog.

Veterinarians usually treat staph infections in dogs with antibiotics. Antibiotics are usually given for a maximum of three and six weeks.

In order to prevent a recurrence of the infection, it is important to find out the underlying cause or trigger of the staph infection. Testing for allergies and immune diseases is required.

If the dog itches, treatment should be aimed at eliminating itching, as this symptom makes treatment difficult and complicates the animal's recovery process.

Also, the treatment includes a good hygiene care behind the dog, the use of special antibacterial ointments and shampoos. These remedies reduce inflammation and promote healing.

If a dog has a recurring staph infection, it is important that the veterinarian finds the root cause. Recurrent staph infections may be a sign of another condition, such as hypothyroidism.

website - wishes your pet a speedy recovery!

Staphylococcus bacteria are constantly present in the dog's body, but the disease does not always develop. What is it connected with? Usually, for a shift, some mechanism is needed that triggers the disease, and such a mechanism turns out to be a decrease in immunity. Some seasonality has been noted. AT warm time year the disease is detected more often. This is attributed to the greater activity of the dog in the summer, as well as to its wide range of communication. In summer, there are many more people who want to walk in the park in the evening with dogs than in winter.

The disease can develop in homeless animals, and in those who live in ideal conditions. It all depends on the dog's body.

Consider the main causes of the progression of staphylococcal infection in animals.

Staphylococcus bacteria.

The main causes of the disease

The most common reason is communication with a sick relative . At the same time, many healthy dogs they remain healthy, and in weak pets, the disease begins to progress.

A pet can get infected from a sick dog.

If we study the nature of the disease more deeply, we can divide it into 2 types:

  1. primary form , in which it is staphylococcal bacteria that become a decisive factor in the development of the disease.
  2. Pri secondary form it turns out that the dog at the time of infection with staphylococcus already had another disease that weakened the immune system. In this form, the disease is quite dangerous. Unforeseen complications may arise, health deteriorates many times over. The infection can spread to internal organs.

This is what staphylococcus looks like in a dog.

staph infection

A staphylococcal infection can appear as a result of infection of pets with ticks or fleas.

Illness often begins in old age. Dogs at this point acquire a bunch of chronic diseases, their immunity is weak, and they are not able to fight staphylococcus aureus.

Often the disease manifests itself in older dogs.

Risk group

If a pet has some of the diseases from the list below, then we can say that it belongs to the risk group:

If the dog is starving, then it belongs to the risk group.

Signs of staphylococcus

You need to look at the photo, which is a staphylococcal skin lesion. Outwardly, it can be seen characteristic symptoms and characteristics of the disease

  1. Suppuration in the form of a tubercle appears on the skin of the pet.
  2. With the progression of the disease, spots similar to appear. These places are visibly inflamed, covered with a crust around. Wool is partially absent.

Disease progression

If the disease is not detected in time, it begins to progress, while the condition of the animal worsens significantly.

Constant itching interferes with sleep, the pet itches and gnaws the skin at the sites of lesions. Wool falls out intensively, the skin of the animal has huge bald spots. Infection can develop not only on the surface. Appearance huge boils indicates that the bacteria settled in inner layers skin cover.

The resulting itching prevents the dog from sleeping normally.

Is the disease contagious to humans?

This question can be answered positively.

People who are completely healthy may not get sick when in contact with an animal and following all hygiene measures, but weakened by the disease, the elderly, small children are at risk. The dog must be isolated from them, as well as regular treatment of the premises where the pet lives. In addition, you should definitely show the animal to the veterinarian and start treatment as soon as possible. This is the only way to achieve recovery of the dog and not get infected yourself.

Dogs can infect small children.

The consequences of the disease for the dog

Staphylococcal infection on the paw.

The disease leads to severe itching of the skin, and scratching can cause other skin diseases:

  1. An attached ear infection can be identified by pus and bad smell from the auricles . The dog behaves restlessly, in severe cases, paralysis of the facial nerve occurs. Ear problems can turn around. This results in tissue damage inner ear, ulcers appear from erosions. The disease may be accompanied by and.
  2. Scratching insect bites leads to the penetration of staphylococcus deep into the skin . Against the background of purulent processes, pyoderma develops.
  3. Severe itching in some dogs causes an allergic reaction in the body . In this case, on the skin, you can notice places of irritation (redness) and ulcers.
  4. If a pathogenic bacteria staphylococcus settled on the mucous membranes, then in dogs can be identified and .

The disease can turn into otitis media.


Staphylococcus bacteria are different, so the symptoms of the disease may vary.

For example, when infected Staphylococcus aureus, appear .

Symptoms of Staphylococcus aureus are similar to poisoning.

Staphylococcus aureus

It's pretty dangerous disease that young dogs suffer from.

Staphylococcus aureus often appears in young individuals.

For diagnosis, the dog is sent for examination.

After a complete diagnosis of the body and finding out the causes of the progression of staphylococcus aureus, they begin treatment.


  1. The first thing to do - eliminate itching . For this will be used inside antihistamines, and externally - Chlorophyllipt, Tribax. If there are wounds or boils on the pet's body, they are washed with Dimexide solution. Novocaine is used for compresses.
  2. Swimming requires purchase antibacterial gel . Tannin can be purchased to dry weeping wounds.
  3. Treatment of staphylococcal infection is not complete without the use of quinolone antibiotics . Most often prescribed: Baytril, Cyflox, Enrosept. Sometimes a cross-treatment method is used, in which 3 antibiotics from different groups are used at once.
  4. Such enhanced therapy does not allow staphylococcus to survive, but at the same time it is reflected in the animal. To protect the liver, the use of any hepatoprotective drug is mandatory (for example, Karsil).
  5. In order for the dog's body to actively resist a staphylococcal infection, drugs are prescribed - immunostimulants . Introduction Antifagina not justified in all cases, this remedy is not effective for all types of staphylococcus aureus.
  6. At the initial stage of the disease, when staphylococcus infection affected only the surface of the skin, using passive immunotherapy . To do this, the dog is injected with a special serum from staphylococcus aureus.
  7. one more effective method treatment is considered bacteriophage introduction , which by its nature is a virus that helps in the fight against staphylococcus aureus.

Staphylococcus aureus is a disease caused by bacteria (cocci). The disease is rarely transmitted from a sick organism to a healthy one and usually does not pose a danger to other pets. Decreased immunity is the main factor in the start of active reproduction of bacteria.

Staphylococcal infection occurs in two forms:

  • the first (secondary) is an addition to the underlying skin disease;
  • the second (generalized) - independent disease that affects not only the skin, but also the internal organs.

Reference. In the absence of treatment, the second form of staphylococcus easily passes into the second (generalized).

These bacteria are part of the normal flora of the skin, intestines, and mucous membranes, but when sharp decline immunity, they begin to multiply actively. Here are the main causes and factors for the development of staphylococcus aureus:

  1. Violation of the integrity of the skin (wounds, scratches, burns, etc.).
  2. Decreased immunity caused by disease, stress or other causes.
  3. Communication of a healthy pet with a sick animal.
  4. Poor skin care (especially for breeds with folds: pugs, sharpei, etc.).
  5. Excess weight.
  6. Skin diseases (allergic flea dermatitis, demodicosis, etc.).

The development of infection begins with a violation of the integrity of the skin. In the affected area, staphylococci begin to actively multiply, which leads to inflammation and tissue necrosis. Leukocytes destroy bacteria, and as a result, pus is formed.

A photo. Staphylococcus aureus in a dog

A photo. Staphylococcus aureus in a dog

If the dog's immunity is not able to limit the infection within the skin, staphylococci enter the bloodstream, and then affect the internal organs: lungs, heart, kidneys, spleen, liver, brain.

The disease can develop in dogs of any age, but it is most severe in young and older dogs. Chronic diseases only aggravate the condition of the pet.

What are the symptoms of staph in dogs

Staphylococcus in dogs manifests itself in the form of dermatitis (pyoderma) of various depths of damage:

  1. Superficial pyoderma. Small sores or pustular rashes form on the skin, which hurt and itch. Groin, neck, tail and dewlap suffer. Hair falls out on the affected areas.
  2. Deep pyoderma. The lesion extends not only to the epidermis, but also to the subcutaneous tissue, which leads to the formation of boils. With generalized pyoderma, the dog's temperature rises, deep ulcers form on the skin, from which discharge flows profusely. More often the skin on the head, between the fingers and around the anus suffers.

Reference. Staphylococcus can affect not only the skin, but also the mucous membrane of the genital organs. Bitches develop vaginitis, which is accompanied by the release of pus from the loop. Without treatment, bacteria enter the uterus and cause pyometra and endometritis. In males, staphylococcus infects the prepuce (purulent discharge appears from it).

Disease, while discharge accumulates in it, and squelching sounds are heard on palpation. With staphylococcal otitis media, the pet's ears swell and turn red.

How the disease is diagnosed

For diagnostics veterinarian takes samples of pus from areas affected by staphylococcus aureus. The smear is Gram-stained and examined under a microscope, but bacteria may be Gram-negative at rest. In the course of research, they determine a large number of leukocytes containing staphylococci.

What treatments are available

For the treatment of staphylococcal infections, a complex of general and local therapies is used.

Immunostimulants are used for treatment.

Here is a scheme with which you can overcome the disease:

  • Specific treatment (active and passive immunotherapy). For treatment, drugs are used: ASP (polyvalent staphylococcal toxoid), hyperimmune antistaphylococcal sera, immunoglobulins. This treatment gives good effect on the early stages diseases.
  • Not specific treatment immunostimulants ( , ASD fraction 2 or 3, Roncoleukin, Gamavit, etc.).
  • Antibiotics. For the treatment of staphylococcus drugs are used: Enroxil, Baytril, Ciflox. For greater efficiency, veterinarians practice treatment with 2-3 antibiotics at once. Before prescribing the drug, it is imperative to test for the sensitivity of bacteria to certain antibiotics.
  • Ulcers, erosions, mucous membranes of the genital organs are irrigated with solutions of Chemotrypsin, Lysozyme, etc.
  • For drying and cauterization of foci, drugs are used: Dermatol, Protargol (solution 2%), Tannin.
  • To destroy bacteria that multiply on the affected tissues, disinfectants and sorbents are used.
  • To relieve itching, the foci are washed with a solution of Dimexide or applications with Novocain are made (if the itching was caused allergic reaction, use drugs: Suprastin, Tavegil, etc.).
  • For the treatment of otitis caused by staphylococcus, a mixture of Novocaine and Dermatol is used (the powder is blown into the ear).

To strengthen the immune system, the course of treatment must include the intake of vitamins (orally or intramuscularly).

In no case should you combine the intake of antiserum from staphylococcus and toxoid. Corticosteroids for the treatment of infection are prescribed with caution.

Is dog staphylococcus dangerous to humans?

Staphylococci are bacteria that are conditionally pathogenic microflora. They live on the skin of any healthy person or pet, but manifest themselves only if the immune system is suddenly weakened.

Attention. Veterinarians say that a sick dog is not dangerous for the owner and other family members, including pets. Active reproduction of staphylococcus aureus on the skin usually indicates another disease that needs to be diagnosed and treated.

However, despite this, there is an opinion that staphylococcus aureus is contagious and can be transmitted by airborne droplets or through direct contact, therefore, safety precautions should be observed when dealing with a sick animal.

What methods of prevention exist

Feed high-quality feed, which will serve as a preventive measure.

The main preventive measure that helps prevent the reproduction of staphylococci on the skin of a dog is the vaccination of puppies and adult animals with ASP.

Here are a few more methods that will help avoid the development of the disease:

  • (dry or, meat and offal in raw or scalded form, vegetables).
  • If your dog eats "natural" foods, be sure to include vitamin supplements in his diet.
  • Take care of your pet's skin. If it has a lot of wrinkles, check them regularly and wipe first with a damp and then dry cloth.
  • Try to avoid any contact (especially sexual) of your pet with sick animals.

Staphylococcal infection is a very unpleasant and intractable disease. If you were able to overcome the disease, but the dog's immunity weakens again, there is a high risk of relapse (bacteria will again begin to actively multiply on the skin). Animals with this diagnosis should be regularly observed by a veterinarian.

Staphylococcus is a specific microorganism that causes a number of various pathologies. This bacterium lives in a latent (hidden) state and is able to "hide" in the body of a person or animal. for a long time. Staphylococcosis provokes the development severe infections at a time when the dog's immunity is reduced. Lack of rational treatment can lead to the death of a pet. Today we will look at the following concepts: staphylococcus in dogs, symptoms and treatment of this disease.

Feature of the microorganism

Representatives of the genus Intermedius (Staphylococcus Intermedius) have correct form ball. They are completely motionless, but constantly surround man and animals in daily activities. “That infection freely affects the weakened organism of a living being. The risk of infection increases with summer period because the pet is more often outdoors and comes into contact with other animals.

Staphylococci don't need oxygen to get energy. They live off chemical compounds and organic substances. The range of bacteria extends to the soil, air, and also to the skin microflora of living beings.

Factors of occurrence in the dog's body

Staphylococcus is transmitted through contact of your animal with another who already has the disease. The virus enters the bloodstream if the dog's immune system has low threshold. Specialists distinguish two forms of pathology:

  1. Primary - staphylococci become the main reason dangerous disease.
  2. Secondary - the microorganism develops in parallel with another virus or insects (ticks, fleas). This form is characterized increased risk complications. Here comes the danger infectious spread into the internal organs of the animal.

Owners whose dogs are of sufficient health should not be alarmed. At risk are weak and elderly pets, immune defense which can not cope with the aggressive effects of the microorganism . Veterinarians identify the following factors that affect the activity of staphylococcus aureus in dogs:

  • Gastric poisoning, accompanied by vomiting and diarrhea.
  • Kidney or liver problems in an animal.
  • Lack of essential vitamins (A, E and B).
  • diabetes mellitus and elevated level carbohydrates.
  • Skin diseases, flea or tick infestations.
  • Having an allergy in a dog.
  • Incorrect work of the "thyroid gland" and adrenal glands.
  • An unbalanced diet characterized by a lack of minerals and vitamins to improve immunity and normal functioning internal organs.
  • Injuries on the dog's skin that continue inflammatory process.
  • Genetic predisposition to infection with this microorganism.

Staphylococcus aureus: symptoms in dogs

More often the attack of the infection is directed on the upper layers of the skin of a puppy or adult. When staphylococcus gets on the skin, abscesses and inflamed round formations appear, covered with a dry crust. Often there is baldness of the affected areas. It is easier to cure the disease if the presence of staphylococcus is diagnosed in a timely manner and an appropriate course of therapy is carried out. Ignoring the problem aggravates the condition of the animal and appear severe symptoms staphylococcus in dogs

If the disease is not treated, global hair loss in the dog is provoked. The animal cannot fall asleep, because it constantly combs the affected areas. With the aggravation of the disease, boils occur.

The bacterium is also dangerous to humans. Newborns and the elderly are at risk. It is the responsibility of a sane owner to destroy the harmful pathogen in a timely manner.

Canine Staphylococcus aureus is the most dangerous and unpleasant variety. Symptoms vary depending on related problems with immunity. In addition to the signs of the usual staphylococcus, aureus is characterized by vomiting, diarrhea and dehydration of the pet. This species often affects young individuals, whose body is not strong enough to fight the infection.

How to cure staphylococcus aureus in a dog?

Early detection of pathology increases efficiency future therapy Therefore, it is necessary to bring the animal to the veterinarian at the first sign. The following methods are used to determine the disease:

  1. Visual inspection of the animal.
  2. Mucosal diagnosis.
  3. Tests for allergic rashes and immune diseases.
  4. Analysis of a smear from an ulcer on a damaged area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe skin.
  5. The conclusions of the veterinarian after the detection of Staphylococcus aureus in a dog.

Treatment includes enough therapeutic measures. Each of them systematically destroys the causes of the disease.

Self-treatment at home is strictly prohibited, since the organisms of dogs react differently to drugs.

Preventive actions

Timely detection of symptoms of staphylococcus aureus provides easier flow and fast recovery. Simple Rules drastically reduce the risk of developing a dangerous disease.

  • To raise the dog's immunity, it is necessary to build a nutritious and healthy diet. Vitamin complexes also help to increase resistance.
  • Minimize contact with sick animals.
  • Timely vaccinations against staphylococcus are required.
  • The owner must inspect the pet's skin daily, and treat the wounds with antiseptics.
  • Compliance with simple hygiene rules reduces the possibility of developing a dangerous disease.


Canine Staphylococcus aureus microorganism, disease-causing skin in an animal. The infection enters the blood if the immune system does not have sufficient resistance. Treatment of pathology occurs in a hospital and includes a number of therapeutic measures. To reduce the risk of manifestation of staphylococcus aureus, the owner must carefully monitor the pet.

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Staphylococcal infections in dogs usually come in two forms. The first is when staphylococcus acts as a secondary infection that complicates the course of already developed dermatitis. The second - as an independent generalized disease, in which pathological process not only the skin is involved, but also other organs. At the same time, there is no sharp boundary between them, and a second infection, if it is not treated, in a dog easily passes into a generalized form. In suckling puppies, staphylococcosis manifests itself in the form of food poisoning.

Etiology. Staphylococci are Gram-positive non-motile aerobic or facultative anaerobic catalase-positive cocci belonging to the Micrococcus family. Pathogenic staphylococci differ from non-pathogenic micrococci in their ability to anaerobically ferment glucose and sensitivity to lysostaphin endopeptidase. All strains of staphylococci that produce coagulase are called aureus. Staphylococcus aureus strains usually exhibit higher biochemical activity than coagulase-negative staphylococci.

epidemiological data. Coagulase-negative staphylococci are part of the normal flora of the skin, mucous membranes and lower section intestines; they are most often found in the anterior nasal passages in 70-90% of animals. They can stand out over an extended period. Carriage in the nasal passages is often accompanied by secondary colonization of the skin. Violation of the integrity of the skin barriers contributes to the colonization of Staphylococcus aureus.

Although staphylococci can survive in environment over an extended period, and some strains are airborne, transmission from one animal to another through contact is the most important route of infection. Dogs with acute staphylococcal infection or with extensive colonization, especially on the skin (burns, wounds, scratches, pressure sores, bites, scratches), are a major source for infections. Violations of aseptic and antiseptic rules by dog ​​owners contribute to the transfer of microorganisms from one animal to another. Both Staphylococcus aureus and epidermal Staphylococcus aureus can cause endemic infections with extensive skin lesions, especially in multidrug-resistant organisms as a result of intensive treatment antibacterial drugs. Upon careful examination of a sick dog, it is found that during the period of increased transmission of staphylococci in most carriers skin infection is activated.

Staphylococci are more often isolated as causative agents of both primary and secondary bacteremia, as well as skin and surgical wound infections.

Pathogenesis. Staphylococcal infections usually develop as a result of a combination of factors such as bacterial virulence and reduced body defenses. To important factors Virulence of staphylococci refers to their ability to survive in adverse conditions, components of the cell wall, the production of enzymes and toxins that promote penetration into tissues, the ability for intracellular persistence in certain phagocytes and the acquisition of resistance to antibacterial drugs. To important protective functions of the animal organism include the integrity of the mucocutaneous barrier, a sufficient number of functional neutrophils, and the removal of foreign bodies or dead tissue.

In case of violation of the integrity of the outer integument and mucous membranes, local reproduction of bacteria is accompanied inflammatory reaction and tissue necrosis. In such an inflamed focus, neutrophils quickly appear, capturing a large number of staphylococci. Thrombosis of adjacent capillaries occurs, fibrin is deposited along the periphery, then fibroblasts form an avascular wall around this zone. A staphylococcal abscess fully develops, which consists of a centrally located nucleus, destroyed and collapsing leukocytes and microorganisms, which gradually melt, turning into a characteristic thick, creamy pus surrounded by fibroblasts. When the animal's defense mechanisms fail to limit infection to the skin or submucosa, staphylococci can enter the lymphatic system and bloodstream. Common sites of seeding are the diaphyses of long bones, as well as the lungs, kidneys, heart valves, myocardium, liver, spleen, and brain.

Multinucleated leukocytes with the ability to normal chemotaxis, capture and destruction of microorganisms, and make up essential element defense mechanisms dog body against staphylococcal infection.

Despite the fact that these infections occur in animals of any age and breed, they are severe, especially in young and old animals, especially those suffering from chronic diseases. Primary staphylococcal pneumonia usually occurs in young animals, less often in adult dogs. Superficial staphylococcal infection is more common in the form of pyoderma in puppies, while abscess formation occurs mainly in adult animals.

Clinical picture. The main clinical symptom of staphylococcosis in dogs is dermatitis or pyoderma as they are called. It is customary for clinicians to classify pyoderma depending on the depth of the lesion of the dermis and clinical symptoms. Depending on the above, clinicians divide pyoderma into superficial, shallow.

Superficial pyoderma in dogs is accompanied by a lesion upper layers epidermal tissue and is manifested by shallow erosions, a small exudative process and periodic itching. The affected areas in the dog are often painful.

Superficial pyoderma has two varieties for veterinarians. One manifests itself - acute weeping dermatitis and is called wet eczema or summer eczema, due to the fact that its clinical manifestation hot and humid weather favors.

In oozing dermatitis, rapidly developing skin lesions may involve the groin, chest, neck, and tail.

In dogs, allergies (especially to fleas), obesity, and poor skin ventilation predispose to the development of this form of dermatitis. Poor skin ventilation is especially common in long-haired breeds, and also when dog owners do not care for the skin of their dogs. Sometimes small skin injuries lead to the development of this kind of dermatitis.

In the absence of treatment or an inadequate response immune system in a sick dog, the inflammatory process can spread and capture the deeper layers of the dermis.

With shallow pyoderma, all layers of the epidermis, as well as surface structures, are involved in the pathological process. hair follicles.

Superficial pyoderma in dogs can occur in two forms: impetigo, or pustular dermatitis early age and superficial folliculitis.

Impetigo in sick dogs is accompanied by the appearance of pustular rashes in the inguinal or armpit in dogs that have not yet reached puberty.

With superficial folliculitis, the surface structures of the hair follicle are involved in the inflammatory process. As a result of inflammation, during a clinical examination of such a dog, we note hair loss and baldness of certain areas of the skin. A sick dog develops severe itching, which causes scratches and microtraumas in the dog. In some sick dogs with staphylococcal infection, we register alopecia, erythema and hyperpigmentation.

In such dogs, we most often note the defeat of the lower abdomen, axillary and inguinal region.

deep pyoderma in sick dogs is characterized by involvement in the inflammatory process, not only of the hair follicles and the epidermal layer, but also of the dermis itself and subcutaneous tissue. The follicular walls are usually destroyed and the dog may develop boils.

The most common cause of this pyoderma is demodicosis, which in dogs is most often complicated by staphylococcal infection. Lack of production can also lead to pyoderma. thyroid gland thyroid hormone or elevated levels of adrenocorticotropic hormone, as well as severe immunodeficiency.

Deep pyoderma in dogs can be localized or generalized. The generalized form of deep pyoderma in dogs is considered by experts to be a severe skin disease and is accompanied by furunculosis, ulceration, and an increase in regional lymph nodes and abundant exudative processes. With a large area affected by deep pyoderma of the skin, in a sick dog we note elevated temperature body.

Of locally occurring deep pyoderma, the most common in dogs are head lesions, folliculitis and furunculosis, interdigital folliculitis, anal furunculosis, and nasal pyoderma affecting the back of the nose in dogs.

Staphylococcal infection in dogs can affect the mucous membranes of the genital organs. In bitches with staphylococcosis, staphylococcal vaginitis is diagnosed, accompanied by purulent and sometimes catarrhal discharge. If treatment is not started in a timely manner, then the staphylococcal process can pass to the uterus, causing endometritis and pyometra in bitches.

When males are affected by staphylococcal infection, they develop postitis, which are clinically manifested. purulent secretions from prepuce. If timely treatment is not carried out, then the disease passes into chronic form, leading to the development of proliferative processes that lead to pathological growth of the epithelial tissues of the prepuce.

Staphylococcal infection in dogs can occur in the form of staphylococcal otitis media. Staphylococcal otitis, depending on the intensity of the lesion, can be hidden in dogs, causing only slight anxiety in the dog when it often shakes its head and scratches vigorously sore ear paw.

During a clinical examination, by palpation of the affected ear, the veterinarian can hear squelching sounds that the accumulated exudate makes. In case of failure to carry out appropriate medical measures tissues of the outer ear and epithelium begin to be involved in the inflammatory process auricle. Otitis in a dog is accompanied by swelling, redness and soreness.

In some dogs, the course of staphylococcal otitis media can be complicated by conjunctivitis and inflammation in some glands.

In puppies, especially in the first days of life, staphylococcal infection proceeds according to the type food poisoning. The disease in puppies begins suddenly on the 2-7th day of life and is manifested by the development of diarrhea and rapid dehydration, which leads puppies to lethal outcome. In adult dogs, staphylococcal diarrhea is rare.

An infection of the hair follicles, manifested by small erythematous nodules without involvement in the inflammatory process of the surrounding skin or deep tissues, is called folliculitis.

A more extensive and deeper infection of the follicles or sebaceous glands with partial involvement in the process of subcutaneous tissues is called a furuncle.

A very extensive and deep infection of the follicles or sebaceous glands with partial involvement of the subcutaneous tissues is called a carbuncle.

Initially, itching and slight soreness appear in the affected area, then swelling and erythema increase in it, with pressure on it and when moving, an acute soreness occurs in a sick dog. After a spontaneous breakthrough or surgical opening of the boil, the pain quickly stops and the animal calms down.

Furuncles are most often formed on areas of the body that have undergone maceration or friction due to non-compliance with hygiene rules, with dermatitis. Typically, boils are localized in the area in the head, neck, chest, groin, tail, back, or between the toes. Staphylococcal infection can spread to sweat glands in armpit or inguinal region (purulent hydradenitis). In this case, deep localization of the boil is possible, its sluggish course and late breakthrough, there is a tendency to relapse and scarring.

Staphylococcal infections within the thick, inelastic skin of the neck, back, thighs, and tail are accompanied by the formation of a carbuncle. Due to the relative thickness and impermeability of the skin in dogs, the pathological process spreads in breadth with the formation of small cavities, and as a result, a large, dense, painful conglomerate is formed, consisting of numerous purulent cells that drain with difficulty. Clinically, carbuncle is accompanied by fever, leukocytosis and severe pain. At the same time, bacteremia is often recorded in a sick dog.

Diagnosis. When diagnosing staphylococcal infections, Gram-stained smears of pus are examined under a microscope, and they also produce bacteriological examination aspirated pus, diseased tissue, or sterile animal body fluids. AT clinical materials it is not always possible to detect a typical accumulation of bacteria, they can be located separately and in the form of identical short chains of three or four bacteria. Bacteria in the resting phase or inside white blood cells can be Gram-negative. Usually define big number neutrophils, of which many contain bacteria, with the exception of severely neutropenic dogs.

Therapeutic measures. Treatment of dogs with staphylococcal infection should be carried out in a complex manner. In the treatment, both local and general therapy are used.

Specific immunotherapy . The use of specific immunotherapy in the treatment of staphylococcosis in dogs is the most effective way treatment. Specific immunotherapy can be either active or passive. When using active immunotherapy, veterinarians use various commercially available staphylococcal toxoids and antigens. When they are used in the dog's body, the immune defense reaction is activated.

In the treatment of staphylococcosis in dogs, veterinarians use ASP (polyvalent staphylococcal toxoid). For passive immunization use antistaphylococcal hyperimmune sera and immunoglobulin preparations. It is better to use these drugs in the early stages of the development of the disease and when staphylococcal lesions are limited.

Nonspecific immunotherapy. Considering that with staphylococcal infections in dogs, the immune response in the body is suppressed, veterinary specialists of clinics resort to the use of immunostimulants. In this case, it is necessary to proceed from the fact that the most effective treatment is the stimulation of the cellular link of immunity (T-cells and phagocytes).

Antibiotic therapy. Given the rapid "addiction" of the causative agent of staphylococcosis to antibiotics, in the treatment of sick dogs it is necessary to use only antibiotics titrated in the veterinary laboratory. On the present stage treatment of staphylococcal infections, the most effective against staphylococci are antibiotics of the quinolone group (baytril, ciflox, enroxil). Therapeutic efficacy The number of antibiotics used can be significantly increased if they are used in combination, using 2-3 antibiotics simultaneously during treatment.

Bacteriophage. In the treatment of dogs with staphylococcal infection, a bacteriophage produced by the medical industry can be used.

Pathogenetic and symptomatic therapy.

In the treatment of staphylococcal infections, veterinarians use local therapy, which is aimed at reducing the number of pathogens in the pathological focus. When conducting local treatment Veterinarians use:

  • enzymatic preparations of lysozyme, chemotripsin and other solutions of these preparations irrigate ulcers, erosions, and also wash the vagina and prepuce cavity;
  • antibiotics;
  • drying and cauterizing preparations - 2% solution of protargol, solution of potassium alum, tannin or dermatol;
  • drugs and methods to reduce the number of pathogens in the pathological focus (sorbents, disinfectants, etc.).

In veterinary specialists, tribask and chlorophyllint are effective antistaphylococcal drugs.

At severe itching in sick dogs, it is necessary to use novocaine applications or washing the lesion with dimexide solutions.

If itching in a sick dog has allergic origin, then the sick dog must be prescribed antihistamines (pipolfen, suprastin, tavegil, etc.).

In the treatment of staphylococcal otitis media, the therapy used in the treatment of otitis media in dogs is used. Nice results obtained from blowing into ear canal powder consisting of a mixture of dermatol and novocaine. AT acute cases good healing effect obtained from the application novocaine blockade with local antibiotic therapy.

In the treatment of postitis and vaginitis, more attention should be paid to washing the vagina and prepuce with antimicrobial medicines. In the presence of pathological tissue growth, it is necessary to use cauterizing drugs in the treatment - protargol, lapis, etc.

In the treatment of staphylococcal enteritis, the dog is prescribed chlorophyllept, antibiotics and other antimicrobial agents inside. Good results are obtained by the use of probiotics (bifidumbacterin, lactobacterin, etc.).

In order to stabilize cell membranes in the body of a sick dog, a 10% solution is widely used calcium chloride and calcium gluconate.

Calcium chloride preparations have a good therapeutic effect on the course of immunological reactions and lead to a decrease in the allergization of the body of a sick dog.

Vitamin therapy is widely used in treatment. Especially widely used are vitamins A and E, as well as group B and ascorbic acid.

When treating, remember existing contraindications in the treatment of staphyloccosis in dogs:

  • it is impossible to use toxoid and antiserum at the same time;
  • be very careful when using corticosteroids.

Fighting activities with outbreaks of infection are the rapid identification of sick dogs that serve as its reservoir. For this purpose, a bacteriological examination of the contents of wounds, discharge from the nose and material obtained from the groin and perineum is carried out. Urine samples for culture should be collected using an indwelling catheter. Isolation of dogs in which positive results crops, reduce the possibility of spreading infection. Cleaning of the premises in which an infected sick dog is located should be done using phenolic preparations.

Although carriers of microorganisms in the nasal passages can serve as a source of infection, its spread more often occurs from patients with skin diseases(eczema, allergic dermatitis, dermatosis, scabies), easily complicated by colonization with Staphylococcus aureus. They should be isolated and investigated until negative laboratory results are obtained, or active therapy should be carried out.

It is necessary to clean the skin and nasal cavity in sick animals by washing the whole body using antiseptic soap (tar, baby), the deposits of which on the skin inhibit the development of microflora.

In order to prevent staphylococcal infection, dogs are immunized. ASP is used for immunization. To prevent staphylococcosis in newborn puppies, it is necessary to vaccinate female dogs with TSA on the 20th and 40th day of pregnancy.

Prevention of staphylococcosis in dogs should include:

  • elimination of factors that predispose to this disease;
  • observe the rules of hygiene, maintenance and feeding of dogs;
  • do not allow contact of their dogs (especially sexual) with animals sick with staphylococcosis.
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