Is it possible for a child to have beans a year. When to start introducing into the diet. Useful properties of the product

Wishing to provide maximum healthy diet to a child, mothers are interested in how much beans are needed for a child's body, and when it can be included in a baby's diet. Of course, these beans must be consumed by children. Parents should only properly introduce beans into baby food.

Whole necessary for the body complex of nutrients contained in bean seeds. nutritional value This leguminous plant is not accidentally compared with meat, from which the bean differs only in its low (2%) fat content.

A representative of legumes - beans, whose homeland is South America - was brought to European countries by Columbus in the 16th century. as an ornamental plant.

And from the XVII century. it began to be used for cooking not only tasty, but also hearty dishes. Although in China, beans were consumed as early as the 13th century, as mentioned in the annals.

Now more than 200 varieties of beans have already been bred, and everyone knows it nutritional value. In many families, it is consumed quite often; not only first courses are prepared from beans, but also side dishes and salads. Beans are pickled and canned.


Beans are rich in vitamins, micro and macro elements. It must be included in the child's diet.

100 g of these beans contains:

  1. Vitamins:
  • 0.02 mg beta-carotene ();
  • 3.8 mg tocopherol ();
  • 0.5 mg thiamine ();
  • 0.2 mg riboflavin (vitamin B 2);
  • 2.1 mg niacin (vitamin PP);
  • 90 mcg folate acids (vitamin B 9).
  1. Macronutrients:
  • 100 mg;
  • 150 mg;
  • 500 mg of phosphorus;
  • 40 mg sodium;
  • 600 mg potassium.
  1. Trace elements:
  • 1.34 mg manganese;
  • 6 mg;
  • 0.58 mg copper;
  • 3.2 mg;
  • 19 μg cobalt;
  • 43 mcg fluorine;
  • 12 mcg;
  • 39.4 micrograms of molybdenum.
  • proteins 21 g;
  • fat 2 g;
  • carbohydrates 54.5 g;
  • (or dietary fiber) 3.7 g;
  • pectins 2.6 g;
  • ash 3.5 g;
  • water 14 g.

Calorie content of 100 g of this protein-carbohydrate product averages 220 kcal.

Canning beans saves about 80% mineral composition and about 70% vitamins.


There are a lot of useful properties of beans:

  1. Combination high content easily digestible vegetable and a small amount of fat in bean fruits makes it an excellent balanced dietary product having a high energy value.

Beans will be a particularly important source of protein for children who, for whatever reason, do not consume meat and milk.

  1. The protein found in beans is digested faster and easier than animal proteins, without causing problems with digestion. On the contrary, contained in beans alimentary fiber improve the process of digestion.
  1. The carbohydrates in this product are enough to replenish energy needs organism, but they do not contribute to the appearance overweight body.

The complex carbohydrates contained in beans are broken down slowly in the gastrointestinal tract. Therefore, they do not lead to an increase in blood sugar levels, do not require additional amounts of insulin, which would lower blood glucose levels and thereby promote hunger, subsequent overeating and fat deposition.

Due to the absence of an undesirable effect on carbohydrate metabolism, beans are considered a dietary product that helps prevent not only, but also development.

  1. Harmonious vitamin and mineral complexes provide full function many organs. So, potassium and magnesium are necessary for normal functioning and correct rhythm cardiac activity, prevent thrombosis.
  1. For transmission nerve impulses and ensuring other functions of the nervous system, one cannot do without vitamins from group B, which enter the body with beans. Beans have been shown to have a calming effect on nervous system children with hyperexcitability.
  1. The diuretic effect of beans will be useful for children with pathology of the urinary organs, it will help get rid of edema.
  1. Essential amino acids that are not synthesized in the body, but are found in bean seeds (lysine, leucine, valine, etc.), will provide biochemical metabolic processes.
  1. Arginine (also an essential amino acid) will speed up metabolic processes in the liver cells, which will help cleanse, eliminate toxic substances and restoration of hepatic tissue.
  1. Trace elements will ensure the normalization of water and electrolyte balance in the body.
  1. Bean fruits also contain biologically active substances inhibiting the reproduction and growth of malignant tumor cells.
  1. Eating beans will increase secretory function stomach.
  2. Given the hypoallergenicity of beans, it can be given to children with.
  3. It is noticed that the use of products with beans facilitates the fight against viral and bacterial infections.
  4. The high protein content contributes accelerated healing and reduction recovery period after operations, injuries.
  5. The combination of nutrients in bean fruits has positive influence on respiratory function. It is recommended to include in the diet of children with tuberculosis.
  6. The combined effect of iron, copper and B vitamins increases hemoglobin levels at.

ethnoscience offers recipes using this plant for the treatment of rheumatism, diabetes, persistent diaper rash in children.


After eating beans, a child may experience bloating.

It is more correct to talk not about the dangers of beans, but about its side effect: increased gas formation and when eating beans. The accumulation of gases in the intestines of a child may be accompanied by painful sensations and bloating.

These manifestations are associated with a lack of enzymes necessary for the digestion of polysaccharides.

  • This is especially true for babies suffering from when eating mature bean seeds.
  • In older children, the same unpleasant phenomena may occur when eaten large portions bean dishes.
  • It is not recommended to give dishes with beans to children suffering from, and.

Allergic reactions to beans are possible, but extremely rare.

How to choose and store beans

Beans must be dry and whole, free of mold and rotting spots. When selling in packaged form, transparent bags should be chosen so that the quality can be seen.

It is necessary to store the beans in a hermetically sealed glass or ceramic container, in a dry, dark place. Fruits are subject to storage under such conditions for six months.

When and how to introduce beans to children

It is recommended to introduce a child to beans after reaching 7-8 months of age. For babies, you should use young beans, which are first added to the vegetable puree received by the baby earlier, or add half a green bean pod to the soup.

In a multi-component puree, beans go well with other vegetables:

  • brussels sprouts,

In the diet for a week, beans should be present no more than 2 times.

To introduce beans into the diet of crumbs, you can use ready-made mashed potatoes for industrial preparation, also starting with half a spoon for the first time.

You can prepare a monocomponent puree from young beans only after 2-3 years, and for the first time you can give the baby only half a teaspoon of the finished puree. If the tolerability of the new product is good, and the child did not react with bloating or a change in the stool, then the portion can be gradually increased to 50 g (and at 3 years to 100 g).

  • Green beans (that is, young ones) must be washed and poured into containers with water, leaving for 15 minutes.
  • Then the water is drained, and the beans should be boiled in a saucepan (with the lid open) until the grains are soft.
  • Salt is added already during the preparation of puree (grinding with a blender or rubbing through a strainer).

To reduce the possible gas formation in the baby, it is recommended to add a little mint to the beans.

Young beans can be cooked not only in the form of soup or mashed potatoes, but also included in salads, casseroles, omelets, stews. It matches perfectly with different types cabbage, with other vegetables, with meat.

If mature or dry beans are used, then it is better to fill them with water and leave them overnight. In the morning you need to drain the water, rinse the beans and cook until tender (about an hour). Ripe beans are used in soups, various salads, stews.

Ripe (dry) bean fruits are recommended to be used for cooking for children over 3 years old in combination with other ingredients and in pureed form; they can also be offered as a separate dish, but not more than 100 g. canned beans nutritionists and pediatricians recommend giving also after 3 years.

Differences between red, white and black beans

It is known that the fruits of beans have different colors - white, red, black. Moms, of course, are interested in the question, which of them is more useful, which beans to choose for a child.

Varieties with white and red seed color are more common. But the popularity of black beans is also growing. There are differences between the varieties of this leguminous plant - both in composition and in nutritional value.

  • 100 g of white beans contains 7.0 g of protein;
  • in red - 8.4 g;
  • in black - 8.9 g.

In terms of composition, black bean proteins are closest to animal proteins, which is important for the nutrition of children who do not eat meat (due to illness or in families).

In grains with black color, the content of carbohydrates is also higher than in red and white, therefore their calorie content is also different:

  • the most high-calorie black beans (341 kcal per 100 g);
  • somewhat less - red (333 kcal);
  • the least - white (102 kcal).

Therefore, black and red beans will quickly help the child recover from illness.

They differ in the content of minerals and vitamins:

  • white grains contain less of them;
  • potassium, magnesium, phosphorus, vitamins B 6, B 9, PP more in red beans;
  • folic acid, necessary for normal hematopoiesis - in black.

But in white beans more vitamin C, therefore, this particular type of bean will help increase immunity in a child. It also revealed an impressive content of calcium, which is important for the emerging skeletal system of children.

A significant amount of iron in white beans explains the recommendations of doctors to include them in the diet of children with anemia.

Black beans, due to the large amount of oligosaccharides in the composition, activates the intestinal microflora, which uses them in the process of life. And this leads to gas formation and flatulence more pronounced than when eating white and red beans.

beans white color more often used in first courses, and red and black - in salads, sauces, side dishes.

Summary for parents

Babies at 7-8 months of age who receive complementary foods should be introduced into the diet of such a useful herbal product like beans. The fruits of this leguminous plant contain not only valuable proteins, but also whole complex useful macro- and microelements, vitamins.

Video about the beneficial properties of beans:

This is explained by the fact that peas, beans and lentils are quite difficult for digestive system and the developing organism may not be able to cope with their processing. So from what age can legumes be given to children without fear and what is the use of them?

What nutrients do legumes contain?

Legumes are just as healthy as meat and vegetables. They are rich in fiber and protein and give a long-term feeling of satiety. Consider the common types of legumes in more detail.
  • Beans. Contains many trace elements, including copper, phosphorus, iron, zinc. It is very important that after heat treatment up to 2/3 of all useful substances are preserved. Diuretic and antimicrobial properties have been observed when beans are consumed by children. From what age to give this product, we will consider a little later.
  • Peas. Rich in vitamins C and B, iron, folic acid, magnesium. Very significant components are starch, vegetable fat, fiber, enzymes. These legumes have almost as many amino acids as meat.
  • Soy. Helps to form teeth properly skeletal system child. It contains carbohydrates that are good for the intestines. These legumes are a source of vitamins D, B, E, B, phosphorus, calcium. They contain specific fatty acid supporting normal work circulatory system.
  • Lentils. Provides the child's body with iron and magnesium. Like all other legumes, lentils contain B vitamins, as well as omega-3 and omega-6 polyunsaturated fatty acids.
However, despite such an abundance of useful substances in the composition, legumes should be introduced into the diet of children with caution, as they can cause increased gas formation. This statement is especially true for ripe fruits.

At what age can you give your child legumes?

At what age should children be given beans and other legumes? Young green beans can be gradually introduced into the diet from 8-9 months. It is advisable to use the product at the first stage industrial production, as it has a more uniform consistency, which is ideal for the baby's digestive system. Start feeding with legumes with half a teaspoon and gradually increase the portion.
Usually, when legumes are introduced into a child's diet, he is already familiar with cereals and vegetables. This allows you to create a puree from 2-3 components. Legumes add to the dish pleasant aroma and rich taste. It is allowed to replace the whole feeding with this product not earlier than when the child is one and a half years old. It is not recommended to combine legumes with meat, as they nutrients poorly digested with animal proteins.
After two years, you can already feed your child with mature beans, but they are still best offered as part of vegetable soups or puree. Lentils are allowed to be used for baby food only red.
However, earlier it was only about healthy children. If there are any deviations in the state of health, then the question of at what age beans, lentils, soybeans and other legumes can be given to a child should be decided on an individual basis, taking into account the recommendations of the pediatrician.

How to cook beans properly?

Before cooking, legumes should be carefully sorted out, removing debris. Then they need to be washed well and soaked for 3-4 hours in boiled water. It is recommended to boil legumes without a lid in in large numbers water. Salt is necessary at the very end.
The child can be offered ready-made legumes in the form of mashed potatoes or make meatballs out of them. It should be remembered that you need to grind the cooked beans immediately, before they cool down, otherwise lumps will come across in a thick mass. You can put a little butter in dishes to give them a milder taste. It is better not to eat raw legumes for a child, as they contain toxic components.

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Legumes are very satisfying, healthy and saturated products. However, they are heavy enough for the still fragile digestion of the baby. Therefore, pediatricians do not advise introducing beans, peas and beans into the baby's diet too early. In this article, we will consider at what age you can give beans to a child.

Types of legumes

Such products effectively combine the beneficial properties of meat and vegetables, contain a large amount of protein, which gives the child a lot of strength and energy. They give a feeling of satiety for a long time. The composition of these products includes various vitamins and minerals, including magnesium, phosphorus and calcium, sodium and iodine, zinc and copper.

Legumes have a diuretic effect and remove toxins from the body, excess liquid. They eliminate harmful bacteria and microbes. And after heat treatment, the products retain up to 80% of useful substances. The most common types of legumes are peas and beans.

Peas contain vitamins C and group B, folic acid, iron and magnesium, carotene, selenium and others useful elements. It strengthens bones and teeth, stimulates and develops the work of the brain, replenishes the expended energy and relieves fatigue, accelerates material metabolism. From how many months you can give peas to babies, see.

Soy and lentils are used in baby food less often. Although they also contain a large amount beneficial vitamins and elements, include protein on a par with meat and are well digested. Soy contains vitamins E and D, group B, sodium and magnesium, calcium and phosphorus, and iron. Soy provides proper development bone skeleton, increases and maintains visual acuity, improves skin elasticity. In addition, it activates the functionality of the brain and improves bowel function.

Lentils contain magnesium and iron, B vitamins, which have a positive effect on the functioning of the heart and blood vessels, nerve cells. It is an environmentally friendly and safe product, as it does not accumulate harmful compounds. However, let us dwell on beans, as they are often included in the diet of infants.

The composition and useful properties of beans

The composition of the beans includes proteins and fats, carbohydrates and proteins, fluorine and iron, iodine and copper, zinc and manganese, phosphorus and potassium, sodium and calcium, magnesium and other minerals. It contains vitamins E, C and PP, group B. Due to this composition, the product is very useful and at the same time dietary. By the way, in terms of protein content, it is second only to meat.

Beans perform the following useful functions:

  • Restores and regulates material metabolism;
  • Promotes harmonious growth and development of children;
  • Saturates the body with energy, vitamins and nutrients, eliminates stress and fatigue;
  • Removes from the body heavy metals, toxins and other harmful elements;
  • Increases production gastric juice improves digestion;
  • It has a diuretic effect and removes excess fluid, cleanses the body, eliminates swelling and helps with kidney stones;
  • Kills harmful bacteria and organisms, strengthens the immune system, saturates cells with oxygen;
  • Lowers blood sugar levels, promotes the formation of hemoglobin and helps with diabetes;
  • Prevents the development of anemia and tuberculosis.

Harm beans

However, pediatricians do not recommend administering this product in the diet of infants and nursing mothers too early. It increases gas production, slows down bowel movements, and can cause constipation. Legumes are hard and slow to digest and digest. By the way, white beans is absorbed more easily and causes less flatulence than red. And the safest and most suitable for a child is green beans.

In order not to cause flatulence and constipation, it is recommended to soak the product before cooking in soda solution for two or more hours, and then boil thoroughly. You can also add gas-reducing ingredients to the bean recipe. These are dill, buckwheat and millet groats, baked vegetables and boiled meat.

In addition, beans are not recommended for colitis and hyperacidity stomach, gastritis, ulcers and gout. Legumes should not be eaten raw, otherwise serious intoxication will occur! Let's take a closer look at how many months they give legumes to children.

At what age can beans be given

Green green beans can be given as early as 8 months. Boil the product or steam it and pass it through a meat grinder. Add a little vegetable broth and stir or beat with a blender. Do not put salt, pepper and other spices! You can add a few drops of vegetable oil for taste.

For the first time, give your baby half or a whole teaspoon of mashed beans and watch the reaction of the baby. If manifested allergic reaction or stomach problems, delay administration. Seek medical attention if necessary. If there are no complications, you can sometimes give the baby green legumes along with vegetable purees. In a year, you can cook a soup from green beans for a child. Such dishes are given to children no more than twice a week. You can buy ready-made baby purees.

Mature legumes, including white and red beans, are not recommended for children under two or three years of age. At first, thoroughly boil and wipe the product, use for making soups and mashed potatoes, do not give separately. First introduce peas, and after a week - beans. Wherein daily rate legumes should not exceed one hundred grams, and a week - two hundred.

Do not give canned beans to children under three years of age! They contain dangerous preservatives and chemical additives, which can harm the delicate stomach of the crumbs and cause severe poisoning or allergies. Full list products prohibited for children under three years old can be found at the link.

How to cook beans

  • To prepare green string beans, rinse the product, cut off the tails and soak in cool water for ten minutes. Then pour in plenty of water and bring to a boil. At the end, you can slightly salt;
  • To cook mature legumes, soak the product in cool water for three to four hours, then boil in plenty of water at a high boil without a lid. At the end, the dish is salted, mashed and mixed with vegetables or pieces of boiled meat;
  • Do not combine beans with others legumes and foods that are slow and difficult to digest! After two or three years, you can cook salads, casseroles, stews and meatballs for kids, as well as cook soup from canned beans;
  • For cooking, choose grains of the same size, without damage and dents, black dots and spots. They should be large, shiny and evenly colored.

Bean recipes for kids

Green bean casserole

  • String beans - 200 grams;
  • Broccoli - 200 grams;
  • Chicken eggs - 4 pieces;
  • Cheese hard grated - 200 grams;
  • Milk - ½ cup.

Prepare beans, cut together with broccoli and boil for five minutes. Beat eggs with milk, salt to taste. Place vegetables on a baking sheet, sprinkle with grated cheese and top with egg mixture. Bake in the oven for 15-20 minutes at 180 degrees. To make the casserole more satisfying, add pieces of chicken or turkey fillet to the recipe.

Soup puree with beans

  • White grain beans - 300 grams;
  • Onion - 1 head;
  • Flour - 1 tablespoon;
  • Butter - 100 grams.

Soak white beans, then drain and pour 1.5 liters of liquid. Bring to a boil, cook uncovered for 50 minutes. Then pour half of the water into separate dishes and mash the cooked beans. Peel and finely chop the onion, lightly fry in vegetable oil, mix with bean puree and pour in the remaining broth. Bring to a boil and add butter. In a ready-made creamy soup with beans, you can add chopped fresh herbs and complement the dish with crackers.

Light soup with green beans

  • Vegetable broth - 2 liters;
  • Green string beans - 200 grams;
  • Potato - 3 tubers;
  • Carrots - 1 piece;
  • Onion - 1 head;
  • Bay leaf - 1 pc.

Soak the beans, clean the vegetables. Finely chop the onion and lightly fry in a pan with vegetable oil. Grate the carrots and add to the onions, fry for another two to three minutes. Cut the potatoes into cubes, put them in the broth along with the beans and fried vegetables, cook for 15 minutes until the potatoes are ready. At the end add Bay leaf, a little salt and let it brew. When you can start feeding your baby with soups, read this article.

Can children have beans

When you are already gradually weaning your baby from the breast and starting to give him complementary foods, questions often arise: what is possible for a child and what is not. Today we will tell mothers about whether children can have beans and from what age. After all, this useful product playing important role in the diet of a growing child.

Health Benefits of Beans

Beans contain almost everything useful material and vitamins. It is a hypoallergenic product containing essential amino acids. Remarkably, even in the process heat treatment beans do not lose their beneficial properties. Therefore, to the question, children, the answer is only in the affirmative.

Is it possible to give beans to a small child

Bean is just a storehouse of useful micro and macro elements, but give it to children with early age it is forbidden. The product enhances gas formation in the intestines. Therefore, if a child suffers from gas, treat this product with caution.

In addition to increasing gas formation, beans are still hard to digest by the stomach. But this applies only to ripe fruits. Green beans are well absorbed by the body and are not such a heavy food as ordinary beans.

Green beans are given to children from 10, and if there are problems with the digestive tract, then from one year. At that time children's body already able to take such food. You can even say that green beans are simply necessary for a child, because there are so many useful and nutritious things in it. Give it 1-2 times a week, mash it up or make a light soup out of it. You can simply boil the beans for a couple, lightly salt, grind into gruel and feed the baby with it.

But the usual mature beans are given to children only after two years, and then, in small quantities and not every day. This restriction is explained by the fact that mature beans are hard to digest food and it is difficult for a child's body to digest it. Therefore, if the baby is already two years old or even more, then you can gradually include mature beans in his diet, but do it carefully, watching the reaction of the intestines.

If you notice that after the child ate the beans, he began severe swelling stomach or colic, then stop taking it and go back to young green beans. This means that your baby's body is not yet ready for such a heavy meal. Although nutritionists allow the inclusion of mature beans in the diet of children from the age of two, we all understand that the body of each person is individual and sometimes there may be exceptions.

Bean dishes are often present on the table of our compatriots, therefore, when a baby appears in the family who begins to try vegetable complementary foods, mothers are interested in whether it is possible to give it to the baby, whether it is good for children and how to cook it for the children's menu.


  • It is a valuable source of protein, so it is included in the diet of children who, for one reason or another, cannot consume milk or meat.
  • It contains a lot of fiber, so this product has a positive effect on digestive function.
  • From dishes with beans, the child will receive carotene, B vitamins, vitamin E, as well as vitamins PP, C and K.
  • It contains many minerals, among which there are sodium, calcium, iron, copper, iodine and many other substances.
  • Its use normalizes blood sugar, removes excess fluid and helps fight bacterial infection.
  • Beans belong to hypoallergenic products, so it can be included in the diet of children with diathesis.
  • She notes the ability to accelerate the elimination of toxic and harmful compounds from the child's body.

Beans enrich the children's body with vitamins, minerals, improve digestion and normalize blood sugar.

Which beans are healthier - white, red or black, see the program "Live Healthy".

Even red beans healthier than peas- so they say in the program "Life is great." See the next video for more details.

What is harmful?

Dishes from mature beans are digested in the body of a child of the first years of life with difficulty, so their early introduction into the children's diet can cause increased gas formation and constipation.

Eating too large a portion will lead to the same problems, so dishes with this type of legume are recommended to be consumed in small quantities.

When to introduce complementary foods?

Young beans appear in the diet baby together with another vegetable complementary foods. Such a green vegetable can be offered to a baby at 7-8 months old by cooking a single-component puree from it or adding a small amount of young to other vegetables (making a multi-component puree). Also, string beans can be found in ready-made canned purees.

Dry beans are not recommended to give at least 2 years. For a child of 2-3 years of age, this type of legume in its mature form must be ground and not given as a separate dish, but included in soups or other dishes with several ingredients. Cooking it as a separate dish is advised only to three-year-old babies and older children. In this case, the serving volume should not exceed 100 g.

As for the frequency of consumption, dishes from it should be offered no more than 2 times a week. Pediatricians, including the popular doctor Komarovsky, advise giving canned beans to a child from at least 3 years old.

Mature beans are included in the diet of children not earlier than 2 years old, and even better later.

How to enter?

The best option introduce the baby to green beans consider inclusion a small amount this young vegetable vegetable puree or vegetable soup. So the baby will gradually get used to the green beans, and his digestive tract can easily digest it.

a little later baby you can make mashed green beans. To do this, the vegetable is washed and soaked in water for 10-15 minutes. Next, the water is drained, the pods are poured with a large volume clean water, bring to a boil and cook until soft, uncovered. For the first time, the crumbs are treated with half a spoonful of mashed potatoes. If the baby has not responded to this product with tummy pains, stool changes and other negative symptoms, the volume of the dish is gradually increased.

Introduce green bean puree into the baby's diet gradually, starting with the minimum portion

To cook mature beans for a three-year-old, its grains are washed and poured with water for at least 3-4 hours. Cooking such a product involves the use of a significant amount of water and a strong boil. It is not necessary to close the pan with a lid, and salt is advised to be added at the end of cooking (before mashing it).

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