Right-sided mastoiditis of the brain stage of resolution. Mastoiditis of the ear: the main forms of the disease and its correct treatment. How the disease manifests itself

Mastoiditis is a pathology of bacterial origin that complicates the course and is manifested by local pain behind the auricle, fever and.

The mastoid process or mastoidus is a bone formation to which muscles are attached, designed to turn and tilt the head. This bony protrusion has a cavity inside that communicates with the middle ear and is separated from the skull by a thin bone plate. The process has a spongy structure: it consists of cavities filled with air and jumpers arranged like a honeycomb. In children, it is finally formed only by the age of 6.

The mastoid process differs in structure:

  • Pneumatic structure - the cells of the process are filled with air,
  • Diploetic structure - cells contain bone marrow,
  • Sclerotic - lack of cells.

The pathological process usually develops in the processes of the pneumatic structure.


The causative agents of mastoiditis are conditionally pathogenic and saprophytic microorganisms that live in the human body. When exposed to adverse internal and external factors, they begin to actively multiply, the number of bacteria increases, which leads to the development of pathology. These include:

In addition to bacteria, viruses, fungi, intracellular microbes - mycoplasmas and chlamydia can cause pathology.

Ways of infection:

  • Otogenic- from the tympanic cavity through a special opening. Mastoiditis is the most common complication of otitis media. This is the main route of infection of the appendix.
  • Hematogenous- the introduction of microbes with the blood stream in persons who have had syphilitic, septic, diphtheritic, tuberculosis infections.
  • Traumatic- as a result of injuries, blows, wounds.
  • Lymphogenic- infection of the process through the lymphatic vessels with purulent lymphadenitis.

Factors that provoke mastoiditis:

  1. Weakened immunity;
  2. Endocrine pathology;
  3. Rheumatoid arthritis;
  4. Chronic diseases of the ENT organs -,;
  5. Previously transferred otitis media;
  6. tuberculosis infection.


Stages of development of mastoiditis:

  • Exudative- inflammation of the mucous cells, periostitis - inflammation of the periosteum, filling the cells with serous-purulent exudate.
  • destructive- the development of osteomyelitis - inflammation of the bone, destruction of bone tissue, the formation of pus and granulations.
  • Stage of purulent fusion of the bone accompanied by the development of empyema, necrosis of the bone bridges and the fusion of cells with each other.

There are 5 pathomorphological stages in the development of the inflammatory process in mastoiditis:


An independent pathology that develops as a result of traumatic injury to the process is primary mastoiditis.

Inflammation of the mastoid process, occurring against the background of diseases of the middle ear, septic or tuberculosis infection - secondary mastoiditis.

Depending on the method of infection, mastoiditis is divided into:

According to the localization of the pathological process, mastoiditis is distinguished:

  1. left hand,
  2. right hand,
  3. Bilateral.

Mastoiditis happens:

  • Typical with characteristic clinical manifestations,
  • Atypical, proceeding slowly and sluggishly without the classic symptoms of pathology.


Symptoms of acute mastoiditis are divided into general and local.

Common clinical signs include the following:

  1. Fever,
  2. Signs of intoxication - weakness, fatigue, fatigue,
  3. decreased appetite,
  4. Insomnia,
  5. muscle and joint pain,
  6. A characteristic change in blood counts.

Local signs of pathology:

  • Bursting and throbbing pain behind the ear, worse at night,
  • Pastosity and swelling of the skin over the affected area,
  • The smoothness of the contours of the process,
  • inflammation of the tympanic membrane,
  • The exit of purulent contents through the perforation,
  • Hearing loss.

Each stage of the disease corresponds to a certain symptom complex:

  1. At the first stage, patients are dominated by pain, fever, and the appearance of mucous discharge from the ear. If mastoiditis is not treated, the discharge will become thicker and purulent, and pain and intoxication will increase.
  2. In the second stage, signs of complications of pathology appear.

Chronic mastoiditis complicates the course of the acute form of the disease, and also develops in people who have undergone surgical treatment of acute mastoiditis. The first manifestations may occur several years after the operation.

The disease usually lasts more than three months. The main and sometimes the only clinical sign of chronic mastoiditis are periodically appearing meager with a specific unpleasant odor. In patients, hearing is reduced by the type of sound conduction, the headache becomes constant.

With an exacerbation of the disease, it appears behind the ear with irradiation to the back of the head, upper teeth, parietal region, cheekbones. Then other signs of acute inflammation join. There is profuse suppuration with a characteristic symptom of the "reservoir" - the amount of pus exceeds the volume of the middle ear cavity.

Features of the disease in children

Since the mastoid process is underdeveloped in infants, pus with otitis media penetrates only into the cave of the temporal bone - antrum and leads to the development of purulent anthrite.

Otitis and anthritis are diagnosed in children with reduced body resistance, premature and rickety.

A distinctive feature of the pathology in babies is the rapid development of a subperiosteal abscess, often without destruction of the bone.

Clinical symptoms of mastoiditis in children:

  • Fever,
  • Cry,
  • capriciousness,
  • restless dream,
  • Bad appetite
  • Symptoms of meningism
  • Profuse purulent discharge.

Otoscopic manifestations: bulging of the tympanic membrane, change in its color, swelling, the appearance of a pulsating reflex at the site of perforation.


Extracranial consequences of mastoiditis are:

  1. Phlebitis,
  2. thrombophlebitis,
  3. Neuritis and paralysis of the facial nerve,
  4. Inflammation of the inner ear
  5. Purulent mediastinitis.

Intracranial consequences of mastoiditis:

  • inflammation of the meninges,
  • meningoencephalitis,
  • Petrositis - inflammation of the pyramid,
  • Endophthalmitis and panophthalmitis,
  • phlegmon of the eye socket,
  • pharyngeal abscess,
  • Sepsis.

If the pus breaks out, then the pain intensifies and a fistula appears in the affected area.

If pus breaks into the inner ear, it develops, patients develop dizziness, nystagmus of the eyes, unsteadiness of gait.

The penetration of pus into the cranial cavity leads to the development of severe conditions requiring emergency care - abscess, meningoencephalitis, thrombosis of the sigmoid sinus.

The spread of the pathological process to the facial nerve leads to its inflammation, and in some cases - paralysis. Clinically, this is manifested by an asymmetric mask-like face, omission of the corners of the eyes and mouth on the side of the lesion.


The diagnosis of mastoiditis is made by an ENT doctor after examination, questioning the patient and obtaining the results of additional research methods.

  1. The doctor palpates the mastoid process otoscopy, microotoscopy and audiometry.
  2. X-ray examination- the main diagnostic method that allows you to determine the degree of damage to the process by the intensity of pneumatization of its cells. The exudative stage is radiologically characterized by a decrease in pneumatization and veiled cells and antrum. At the destructive stage, the X-ray reveals areas of enlightenment due to the formed cavities filled with pus and the destruction of bone tissue.
  3. More accurate and reliable information can be obtained magnetic resonance and computed tomography.
  4. General blood analysis- leukocytosis and increased erythrocyte sedimentation rate.
  5. Microbiological examination of the detachable ear with isolation, complete identification of the pathogen and determination of its sensitivity to antibacterial drugs.


Treatment of mastoiditis is carried out in the ENT department under the supervision of a specialist. The volume of therapeutic measures is determined by the stage of pathology and the general condition of the patient.

Patients are given powerful antibiotic therapy with a wide spectrum of antimicrobial agents:

For topical use, it is prescribed with an antibacterial and antiseptic component - "Anauran", "Tsipromed".

In addition to antibiotic therapy, treatment is carried out with sensitizing, detoxifying and immunocorrective drugs, NSAIDs.

With a slight lesion of the bone tissue, patients are prescribed a myringotomy - a puncture of the tympanic membrane to improve the release of the contents and study its bacterial composition.

In the absence of the expected result from antibiotic therapy, they switch to surgical treatment, which consists in the behavior of trepanation of the process - mastoidotomy or its complete removal - mastoidectomy.

During mastoidectomy, the cells and antrum of the temporal bone are opened, the tympanic cavity is drained, pathologically altered elements are removed. With a mastoidectomy, the mastoid process is removed along with the anvil, malleus and remnants of the membrane.

Management of the postoperative period:

  1. Local and systemic administration of antibiotics,
  2. vitamin therapy,
  3. local UFO,
  4. Daily wound care.


Preventive measures for mastoiditis include:

Video: mastoiditis in the program “Live healthy”

Mastoiditis is an inflammatory type of lesion that covers the region of the temporal bone and has an infectious origin. Most often, this disease occurs as a complication of otitis media. The most common symptoms are pain in the area of ​​the mastoid process of the ear, the presence of edema and a decrease in auditory function.

The mastoid process is a protrusion of the temple bones in the skull and is located behind the shell of the outer ear. Its structure is a set of cells that are separated by partitions. They can be filled with air, bone marrow, or have a sclerotic type structure. The course of the disease depends on the type of affected cells. The disease is right-sided or left-sided.

Causes of the disease

Mastoiditis usually occurs due to the spread of infections (pneumococcus, and others) from the middle ear. An infection can get into the mastoid process if the eardrum has a too small opening or for other reasons. Rarely, patients are diagnosed with a disease that occurs due to infection due to the presence of or.

The main causes of the disease are:

  • gunshot wound;
  • mechanical damage;
  • traumatic brain injury;
  • other changes in the ear structure due to an illness (external, middle or aerootitis);
  • chronic diseases (, tuberculosis,);
  • nasopharyngeal diseases (,).

Types of illness

There are such forms of the disease, depending on the causes of its occurrence:

  • primary(occurs after mechanical damage);
  • secondary(formed against the background of other diseases).

According to the stages, the following types of the disease are distinguished:

  • exudative(with the release of liquid);
  • true(with the formation of bone processes).

According to the clinical form, there are:

  • typical manifestations: headache, pain in the ears;
  • atypical manifestations in which the disease proceeds almost imperceptibly or there are atypical signs of the disease.

In addition, chronic mastoiditis and acute mastoiditis are distinguished. In the first case, all symptoms appear rather sluggishly, and some are completely absent. In the second case, the patient complains of several signs of the disease, which appear quite clearly.

Separately allocate bezold's mastoiditis- a variety that also causes swelling of the neck, a purulent exudate is formed in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe eardrum or sternocleidomastoid muscle.

Symptoms of the disease

Symptoms of mastoiditis are different, and it manifests itself, as a rule, along with an average purulent (at 2 or 3 weeks). Mastoiditis in children can develop even in the absence of a formed bone process (up to 3 years, the process does not have time to form yet).

The usual symptoms of the disease are:

  • decreased perception of sounds;
  • increased body temperature;
  • headache;
  • acute pain behind the ear;
  • suppuration, which is observed from the external ear canal.

If the volume of suppuration significantly exceeds the size of the tympanic membrane, or if it is damaged, then this indicates the spread of the disease beyond the middle ear. If the amount of pus is insignificant, the infection does not spread further and the integrity of the eardrum is preserved. The patient can observe protrusion of the ear, the formation of smoothness behind the ear instead of the skin fold usually located there. Pus can spread to all parts of the skull, causing blood clots, periosteal necrosis, and external fistula formation.

Complications of the disease can be:

  • intracranial diseases (, encephalitis, blood clots);
  • facial injuries ();
  • damage to the functionality of the neck;
  • eye damage (panophthalmitis);
  • sepsis.

Diagnosis of the disease

A qualified otolaryngologist can diagnose acute mastoiditis within a few minutes. An exception may be an atypical variety of the disease. Diagnosis is based on the patient's testimony, obtaining an anamnesis of life and illness, as well as palpation of the area located behind the ear. Also, the otolaryngologist will prescribe otoscopy, audiometry, bacterial culture and, and in some cases, x-ray of the skull. This will help to determine the stage of development of the disease. Based on these studies, a diagnosis is made and a treatment plan is drawn up.

Treatment of the disease

Treatment of mastoiditis depends on the cause of occurrence, the nature of the course, as well as the stage of the process of inflammation of the behind-the-ear space. There are such main methods of treatment:

  • taking antibiotics, the action of which is aimed at destroying the source of infection (Ceftriaxone, Cefixime, Cefotaxime);
  • taking other medications (antihistamine, detoxification type);
  • surgical intervention;
  • physiotherapy;
  • folk methods.

Taking drugs is also called a conservative method of treatment, but its use is reasonable in the initial stages of mastoiditis, when the disease has not yet penetrated into the tissues of the ear and the skull area. The patient is prescribed drugs of various types of action (to correct immunity, eliminate the consequences and causes of inflammation, and others).

The surgical method is a more effective method of dealing with the disease. The operation is performed on the middle ear, and in the absence of a hole in the tympanic membrane that provides drainage, paracentesis is performed. During the operation, which takes place under anesthesia, the doctor flushes the ear opening with various medications, cuts the periosteum, removes the upper bone plate behind the ear, and then sews up the wound. The patient must be hospitalized and dressed daily until the wound is completely healed.

Treatment of mastoiditis with the help of physiotherapy involves the application of warm compresses, UHF therapy, and ultraviolet irradiation of the patient. Folk methods, like physiotherapy, are usually auxiliary, but not basic.

There are many folk recipes for getting rid of the disease, including:

  • hot onion treatment. It is supposed to bake the onion until soft, put a piece of butter and onion on cheesecloth, wrap and insert into the ear canal for 1-2 minutes. After wrapping the patient's head with a warm blanket or scarf;
  • bread crust treatment. It is supposed to be heated from both sides with a water bath, and then applied to the ear, warming it.

Disease prevention

You can prevent this disease if:

  • timely detect signs of an inflammatory type of lesion;
  • qualitatively treat emerging otitis media;
  • carry out sanitizing-type manipulations (clean the ear from dirt, excess sulfur, etc.);
  • lead a healthy lifestyle;
  • eat right (keep the balance of proteins, fats, carbohydrates and vitamins);
  • to carry out immunoregulatory therapy.

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How can mastoiditis be treated, what remedies effectively fight this disease?

Mastoiditis treatment means complex. In medical practice, two approaches are known. These include surgical and conservative methods. Now more about each of them.

Treatment of mastoiditis with antibiotics

This approach is usually used at the initial stage of the appearance of such a disease. This period ends at the moment when parts of the bones begin to be damaged and a violation of exudate drainage is manifested. It should be said right away that treatment is necessarily carried out in specialized clinics or in separate ENT departments.

In addition, the goal of such a process is to relieve pain. After that, you will need to deal with the treatment of the root cause - otitis media. This method is based on antibiotic therapy. It includes a large number of different potent drugs. It is worth noting that these drugs can cause some harm to the body, if you go too far with the dosage, of course. Doctors should also take into account the fact that there is a certain microflora in the ear, the removal of which can lead to other diseases.

Drug therapy must necessarily be carried out with special preparations. Doctors recommend antibiotic treatment of mastoiditis (ceftibuten, cefixime, cefaclor, cefuroxime and others can be prescribed). The doctor may also prescribe to treat mastoiditis with antihistamines, anti-inflammatory drugs, detoxification, immunocorrective drugs.

If it is necessary to remove pus from the middle ear area, this process is carried out using special tools. A puncture is made, and from there all the accumulated pus is removed. All this is carried out under the influence of anesthesia, but it delivers a certain discomfort and discomfort. Pain can occur due to scraping movements and careless pressure. This process is called myringotomy. In addition, specialists examine not only the auricle, but also some other parts of the head:

  • nose
  • nasopharynx;
  • special sinuses located next to the nose.

Mastoiditis is inflammation, followed by purulent fusion of the mastoid process in the region of the temporal bone.

The mastoid process is a special area in the region of the bones of the skull, associated with the middle ear cavity and acting as an air duct and resonator. Therefore, mastoiditis is usually a complication of otitis media, and is rarely an independent pathology.

common data

The mastoid process is the site of attachment of the muscles that turn the head to the sides. It is located behind the auricle, slightly downward and protrudes slightly if you feel it. Inside, the mastoid process is filled with bony partitions in the form of honeycombs, but it acquires such a structure as the body grows, by about six years.

It is at this age that typical manifestations of destructive processes in the periosteum and bone tissue of the process occur. The mastoid process is fenced off from the cranial cavity by a thin bone plate, which makes the inflammatory process in its zone extremely dangerous.


According to the occurrence of infection are distinguished:

  • primary mastoiditis, with the initial entry of the inflammatory agent into the cavity of the mastoid process,
  • secondary mastoiditis, which occurs as a complication of the inflammatory processes of the body.

Secondary mastoiditis can occur:

  • as a result of otitis media, it is called otogenic,
  • due to head trauma
  • as a focus during sepsis (septicopyemic focus).

Downstream mastoiditis can be:

  • typical, with all the classic symptoms,
  • atypical or latent, sluggish inflammatory process without pronounced symptoms.

The reasons

With mastoiditis, the infection is mainly microbial, penetrating from the middle ear. Most often it is pneumococcal flora, staphylococcal or hemophilic. Fungal (otomycosis) is less common.

There may also be:

  • traumatic mastoiditis (with blows, bruises, wounds),
  • transmission of infection with adjacent lymph nodes,
  • tuberculous disease,
  • granulomas in the process area.

Development mechanism

At the first stage of the process - exudative, inflammation of the mucous membrane and periosteum occurs, the cavity is filled with pus. As you move to the second stage - alternative, there is a destruction of the bone septa, filling the cavity with granulations, growths of connective tissue, a single purulent cavity is formed. In a complicated course, pus melts the posterior plate and breaks into the region of the meninges.

Manifestations of mastoiditis

Mastoiditis proceeds in stages, two stages of the disease are distinguished:

  • exudative,
  • alternative (destructive).

At the stage of exudation, the formation of an inflammatory process in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe process occurs, and usually does not differ much from the manifestations of acute otitis media. More often, processes develop in parallel. Arise

  • sharp pain in the ear
  • headache, especially when moving the head,
  • severe fever with a temperature up to 40 degrees,
  • discharge from the ear that occurs spontaneously or after a medical perforation of the eardrum.

If there is no adequate treatment of this stage of otitis media and mastoiditis, antibiotics are canceled too early and there is no outflow of pus, symptoms of deterioration appear:

  • the temperature rises again
  • pus from the ear becomes very thick,
  • there is a sharp pain in the ear, especially behind the auricle,
  • redness behind the ear
  • inside the process at this time, pus destroys the partitions and accumulates.

The second stage of mastoiditis is characterized by a breakthrough of pus into any cavity:

  • pus penetrates under the periosteum, under the skin and breaks out. At the same time, redness is formed, an increase in the volume of the purulent cavity and the fistulous tract opens outward with the flow of pus
  • pus can break into the area of ​​​​the inner ear. Labyrinthitis forms with dizziness, tinnitus and hearing loss, twitching of the eyeballs


With typical symptoms of mastoiditis, the diagnosis is made on the basis of clinical manifestations, but with an atypical course, diagnosis is difficult. Additional research:

  • general and biochemical blood test,
  • x-ray of the head and mastoid region, a picture with areas of fusion and a purulent cavity,
  • if necessary, an MRI or CT scan is performed to clarify complications.

It is important to distinguish mastoiditis from a furuncle in the region of the posterior wall of the ear canal.

Treatment of mastoiditis

ENT doctors are engaged in the diagnosis and treatment of mastoiditis. Hospitalization in the department of otolaryngology is required. Apply conservative and surgical treatment.

With a conservative appointment:

  • antibiotics intramuscularly or intravenously,
  • creation of an outflow of pus from the ear (myringotomy or self-opening of the membrane),

If such treatment is not successful within 1-2 days, surgical treatment is prescribed. In doing so, the following is carried out:

  • opening of the bone septum in the zone of the mastoid process behind the ear, while the affected tissues are removed with tools or with the help of special drugs.
  • a drainage tube is placed to drain the pus,
  • washing the purulent cavity,
  • injection of anti-inflammatory drugs into the cavity.

Untimely treatment of mastoiditis threatens with fatal complications, or in the most favorable cases - the transition to a chronic form with complex treatment.


The most serious complications of mastoiditis are lesions of the facial nerve:

  • facial asymmetry occurs
  • the corner of the mouth or eye drops down,
  • the face becomes like a mask,
  • eyelid does not close well.

The second dangerous complication of mastoiditis is the breakthrough of pus into the cranial cavity with the formation of inflammation of the meninges or brain substance. In this case, there are common symptoms of infection:

  • fever with inflammatory changes in the blood,
  • sleep and appetite disorders,
  • nausea and even vomiting
  • refusal to eat due to ear pain.

Mastoiditis is a pathological process that is accompanied by inflammation that affects the cellular structures of the mastoid process. It is centered on the temporal bone behind the ear. The structure of this process is made in such a way that there are bone cavities there. Their content is air. The development of the pathological process is due to the fact that the cells are affected by infection, resulting in the formation of secondary mastoiditis. It has more serious signs and disorders.

How to recognize the disease

The disease in question may have general and local symptoms.

The general ones should include:

  • rise in temperature;
  • general malaise;
  • change in the composition of the lymph.

The picture shows inflammation in mastoiditis

But local symptoms are accompanied by the presence of severe pain in the head and in the ear. The general clinical picture does not differ from the manifestations of purulent acute otitis media. Sometimes the pathological process begins to form not after acute otitis media, but along with it. At the same time, the temperature indicators increase slightly. The blood composition changes due to the fact that leukemia occurs. This leads to an increase in ESR, resulting in a decrease in appetite.

Mastoiditis is characterized by pain. They can be traced when probing and in the zone of the mastoid process. In some patients, the pain affects the floor of the head in the affected area and over time it becomes intense.

A characteristic symptom of the pathology is pain when probing the percussion of the process, extraneous noise in the ear, clouding in the head. Also, the disease is characterized by an overhang of the posterior upper wall of the auditory canal.

As a result, periostitis may develop. Pathological contents begin to exert pressure on the anterior wall. Sometimes this causes the development of a fistula. Through it, purulent contents affect the ear canal.

If we consider the symptoms of mastoiditis at the last stage of development, then the patient has a violation of the bony septa and enlightened areas. They are formed due to the formation of cavities.


Taking into account the characteristics of the course and the clinical picture, the disease is divided into several types:

  1. Chronic. This variant of the pathology can be diagnosed in those people who have already suffered from acute mastoiditis once. The reason for the pathological process is the insufficient removal of the affected area during the operation. In young patients, the chronic form of the disease occurs against the background of diathesis, rickets, and tuberculosis. The chronic form of mastoiditis is characterized by general malaise, pain in the ear and head, poor appetite, weight loss, purulent nasal discharge with an unpleasant odor.

    Chronic mastoiditis

  2. Spicy. This form of mastoiditis occurs against the background of a complication of inflammation of the middle ear. Its course proceeds in stages. During the pathological process, the mucous membrane thickens.

    Acute mastoiditis

  3. double sided. Mastoiditis of this type has even more complications. So do not delay with treatment, but immediately seek help at the first symptoms.

    Bilateral mastoiditis

  4. Left hand and right hand. The treatment and symptoms of these ailments are the same. But taking into account the stage of the disease, they make up a different treatment regimen.
  5. Atypical. For this type of disease, pain is not characteristic. The patient's condition is stable, there is no deterioration. There may be symptoms that indicate poisoning.
  6. Exudative. This pathological process is persistent and progressive. If adequate therapy is started in time, then it can be cured as quickly as it started.

On the video treatment of mastoiditis:

Each of these types of disease requires surgical intervention by a doctor. Given the type of pathology, he will be able to draw up an effective treatment regimen.

Treatment in an adult

Therapy for mastoiditis in an adult is reduced to the use of conservative, folk and surgical methods. The choice of the appropriate option is carried out taking into account the stage and the course of the pathological process is characteristic.

Conservative treatment

If mastoiditis has been diagnosed, then conservative methods of therapy are most often prescribed.

Such treatment is reduced to compliance with the following rules:

  1. The patient must be at rest.
  2. Use of antifungal and anti-inflammatory drugs.
  3. Relief of the main manifestations of the inflammatory process.
  4. Outflow of pus from the middle ear.
  5. Intensive medication.

It is advisable to use conservative methods of therapy at the initial stage of the development of the disease. If there is no positive dynamics, then the doctor decides on the appointment of surgery.


Surgical intervention to remove mastoiditis is called anthrotomy. Its essence is that the patient is given a local anesthetic, then the surgeon makes an incision in the skin and soft tissues. It separates the periosteum from the bone substance. He does this with the help of a special device called a reparator. After that, an opening of the process itself is observed and the surface plate of the bone substance is removed. At the end, the doctor rinses the cavity of the process and bandages the ear.

The surgical method of therapy involves hospitalization of the patient. After discharge, the patient is obliged to visit a doctor at a strictly fixed time until the wound heals. In addition, it is necessary to use auxiliary methods of physiotherapy. The patient undertakes to take vitamins, adhere to bed rest and eat right. As a rule, after the operation, the outcome is favorable, especially when this process is approached competently.

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Folk remedies

In folk medicine, there are only a few ways to treat mastoiditis. But it is impossible to get rid of pathology with their help. All that comes from such treatment is to stop the pain. For these purposes, you can use the washing of the ear canals with tincture or decoction of rose petals.

If the pain in the ear is shooting, then you need to carry out steam inhalation and warming up. You need to tilt your head over the vessel from which steam emanates, cover it with a towel. After such a procedure, it is necessary to drip a wormwood-milk solution into the ear and fix everything with a cotton swab.

You can get rid of pain in the ears with the help of heat. For these purposes, use a bag of warm salt or sand. You can take a plastic bottle, fill it with hot water and wrap it in a towel. Apply it as a compress. Instead of a bottle, you can use a heating pad. But how it can help, and how to cook it correctly, you can learn from this article.

Treatment in a child

Therapeutic measures to eliminate mastoiditis in children can be conservative or operative.

When choosing a suitable option, the following factors are taken into account:

  • patient's age;
  • history of the pathological process;
  • general health;
  • the course of the disease.

Treatment is carried out in a hospital. Very often therapy requires a complete hospitalization. In the treatment regimen, the doctor includes antibacterial drugs that are administered through an intravenous catheter.

The most commonly used antibiotics are:

They should be taken within 14 days. If there is no positive dynamics, then the doctor may prescribe another drug.

In severe cases of the disease, the child is prescribed an operation.

Surgery is to remove fluid from the middle ear cavity. For these purposes, myringotomy is performed. It is necessary to make a hole in the eardrum, and a pipe is installed into it, through which the mucus of the pathogenic fluid will occur. Thanks to such measures, it is possible to reduce pressure in the middle ear. In addition, antibiotics are administered through the inserted tube.

If conservative treatment does not give positive results or complications are observed, then the doctor prescribes antromastoidotomy. The essence of the operation is that you need to open the mastoid process. The procedure is performed under general anesthesia.

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There is no definite prognosis for the complete elimination of the pathological process in the ear after certain methods of therapy. The reason is that each patient has its own characteristics of the body and the course of the pathology. If the disease is not advanced and is at the initial stage, then it is worth trying to cure mastoiditis with the help of conservative therapy. But there is no exact guarantee that it will bring a positive result.

The same can be said about surgical treatment. For visual clarity, the picture needs to be constantly under the supervision of a doctor. The more inspections are performed, the more accurate the forecast will be.

Mastoiditis is a pathological process that is accompanied by painful sensations in the ear area and purulent discharge. In this case, the patient's body temperature rises and there is a general malaise. You can cope with the disease with the help of conservative or surgical methods. The choice of appropriate treatment depends on the stage of mastoiditis and its clinical picture.

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