Day of healthy eating. What is the Day of Healthy Eating and Refusal of Eating and when is it celebrated? International Day of Healthy Eating

Every year there are more and more adherents of a healthy diet, or as they call themselves - pp-shnikov, in the world. Proper nutrition or “PP” is not only health, but also always a smart appearance. Being fat is no longer fashionable these days. But the most interesting thing is that the Day of healthy eating arose as a counterbalance to the Day of gluttony.

Healthy eating against obesity

On June 2, 2011, several Russian enthusiasts decided to establish a healthy eating day. By doing this, they wanted to troll the famous American holiday of gluttony, when you can eat as much as you like and anything. Russian PP-shniks, as it were, hinted to their overseas opponents that Gluttony Day in America takes place not only on June 2, but every day. This witty idea has found approval not only among the inhabitants of Russia, but also among adherents of a healthy diet from some other countries of the world. But the emphasis here was no longer on trolling. It was necessary to draw people's attention to the problem of excess weight.

Causes of obesity

A day of healthy eating and the rejection of excesses in food will not be able to change the situation with the obesity of the population overnight. He will only remind you that each individual person can change the situation, starting directly with himself. At first glance, it seems that the weight is gained only because of overeating. In fact, there are many more factors that lead to excess weight. These are bad habits, for example, drinking alcohol, as well as stress, which people, for the most part, are used to seizing.

food culture

You can blame a lot on the transience of our life, when it is impossible to allocate enough time for lunch, dinner and breakfast, but it is easier to grab the first pie that comes across and push it into yourself on the run. One pie is not a problem, but when their number begins to grow, it's time to sound the alarm. In addition, food is increasingly consumed not for the purpose of replenishing strength, energy, satisfying hunger, but simply for pleasure or as an antidepressant. Every year more and more people begin to live under the motto: "Live to eat", forgetting that you need to do everything exactly the opposite: "Eat to live."

Do you want to lose weight?

A wide variety of scammers profit from the problem of obesity. They didn’t come up with any miraculous ways: “lose 30 kg in a week”, “Kremlin diet”, “eat more - lose more weight”. All this is nothing more than a divorce. A person is offered to pay a huge amount of money for a miracle, the unfortunate believes in a way to lose weight, because for such money it must definitely work. As a result, time passes, the result is zero, there is no money, and another stress is obtained, which must be eaten well.

You are what you eat.

Incorrect or excessive consumption of food causes harm to the body. Non-compliance with the diet, overeating leads to fullness. In order to promote healthy food, adherents of a healthy lifestyle founded an unofficial holiday in Russia.

Day of healthy eating and refusal of excesses in food is celebrated in the Russian Federation on June 2. In 2019, the date is celebrated for the 9th time.


The holiday was founded in 2011 by members of the Russian Internet group on a healthy lifestyle, adherents of diets and those who want to lose extra pounds. The idea of ​​​​creation was the American National Day of Permissiveness in Food - Gluttony Day.

On this day, meetings, promotions and classes are organized that are related to proper and healthy nutrition. Flash mobs are organized. Nutritionists and psychologists conduct free consultations for those who want to change themselves and their lifestyle.

The physician and philosopher Hippocrates came to the conclusion that diseases in the body are due to malnutrition.

The main problems of improper or excessive nutrition are ignorance, hunger and stress.

In terms of popularity in the world among the products, pasta is in the first place, meat and rice are in the second and third.

The health of the human body is 74% dependent on the food it consumes.

On the planet, only 44% of the inhabitants are guided by health considerations when choosing food. The remaining 66% choose products based on their value.

Every year, the Russian market is increasing the sales of fast foods, salty and sweet foods to quickly and easily satisfy the feeling of hunger.

Healthy Eating Day is celebrated on June 2. This holiday, like many others, appeared recently, but has already managed to take root in Russia and other countries of the world. And this is understandable - after all, in the modern dynamic world with its high speeds, semi-finished products and malnutrition, the problem of refusing junk food and banal gluttony is especially acute. Moreover, many do not play sports and are overweight. The purpose of the holiday is to remind people that they are responsible for what they eat and for their health.

history of the holiday

Healthy Eating Day was established in 2011 as a full-fledged and symmetrical response to Gluttony Day, established in America. “We are what we eat” - this phrase was heard by all people without exception, but few people attach serious importance to it, but in vain. Overweight is in 50% of Russian men and 60% of women aged 30 years and older. And obesity is one of the main triggers for the development of heart and vascular diseases, oncology, diabetes, and the formation of tumors of the mammary and prostate glands. The essence of the Day of refusal of excesses in food is to remind a person that his health is in his hands and directly depends on what he eats.

It all starts simply and sadly - a person ceases to monitor what he eats, when and in what quantities. Mass is gaining slowly but surely, and it is very difficult to lose new 20-30 kg, especially if you have the habit of seizing stress. Healthy Eating Day is just designed to explain to people that eating right is the only chance to stay young and healthy for many years.

It's no secret that the excess is fraught with numerous problems. World history knows many examples of people who had to suffer from diseases provoked by overeating and obesity. We are talking about arthrosis, varicose veins, arterial hypertension, non-alcoholic fatty liver disease, erectile dysfunction, infertility, chronic kidney disease, oncological ailments.

Holidays are constant companions of people's life. Holidays for us are an opportunity to bring joy to loved ones! And of course, a holiday is not a calendar concept, it takes place where it is felt, where it is expected. Much has changed in our lives in recent years, but people's craving for holidays remains an important phenomenon for any person.

“We are not created for food, but food is created for us” - this statement can no doubt be called the motto of fighters with extra calories. Some representatives of this category of citizens adhere to this belief due to the desire for ideal forms, others out of a desire to stay healthy longer. The latter aspect was the reason for the emergence in the Russian Federation of a national, yet unofficial, holiday - the Day of Healthy Eating and Refusal of Excessive Food.

The history of the holiday Day of healthy eating and the rejection of excesses in food

The fact that our country has acquired such a unique, and, most importantly, relevant, celebration, has been helped by the Internet. Two years ago, members of a group dedicated to uniting dieters decided to strike back at American gluttons, or rather, their "National Eat What You Want Day" by organizing a rally in support of proper nutrition and a protest against overeating.

This initiative was approved by other virtual communities, a little later it received the status of a holiday, the main purpose of which was to focus on the problem of overweight Russian citizens and simply an unhealthy lifestyle. The latter really leaves much to be desired: a minimum of movement, a maximum of hearty food and work at the computer. As a result, physical inactivity develops, in most cases scoliosis (curvature of the spine), there are serious disturbances in the functioning of the nervous system. It is difficult for a person to cope with intense working conditions, with stress, and without noticing it, day after day he increases the portion of food consumed. The result is a disappointing diagnosis of obesity plus many chronic diseases.

The Day of Healthy Eating and Refusal of Excessive Food is an attempt to overthrow the cult of irresponsible attitude of a person to himself, which has taken root in modern society. This year the event will be held, as usual, under the auspices of promoting self-care and reducing the amount of harmful products in the daily menu of every Russian.

Consequences of overeating

Surely among the inveterate gluttons there are those who sincerely do not understand what, in addition to an unattractive appearance, a regular excess of food on a plate is fraught with. And there are many consequences, and all of them will by no means improve the mood and well-being of people who do not know the limits in the use of food.

Overeating creates unfavorable conditions for the work of almost all systems of internal organs. First, the heart suffers: its muscle tissues thicken, overgrow with a “fat cushion”, the engine of human life is forced to make blows more often than usual. The same thing happens with the contraction of blood vessels. As a result, a lover of goodies acquires such serious diseases as hypertension, angina pectoris, etc.

The liver sends SOS signals to its next owner, a glutton in the form of diabetes. The gastrointestinal tract also does not stand aside: constant overeating "results" in chronic pancreatitis, cholecystitis, gastritis with low acidity, and problems with the intestines. The level of cholesterol in the blood rises, the functions of the endocrine system are disrupted, beautiful ladies experience serious disruptions in the menstrual cycle, citizens, regardless of gender, have an excessive load on the joints, which leads to their rapid wear, which means the development of arthrosis.

It can be long and tedious to list all the negative responses of the human body to the recklessness of its owner, but it is often possible to get rid of such a “bouquet” by just reducing your daily diet by 2 times. True, no one promises that all problems will be solved immediately: it depends on the neglect of the obesity process.

Some nutritionists claim that it is possible to lose weight without reducing the usual amount of food consumed. Experts recommend that those wishing to lose weight eliminate the most harmful foods from their diet. First of all, this, of course, is fast food: all kinds of hot dogs, hamburgers, cheeseburgers, eaten in passing, instead of a full-fledged hot lunch. Store-bought mayonnaise, ketchup - solid preservatives and cholesterol. Chips in general, for the most part, do not contain anything not only useful, but even natural. An excess of sugar, salt, smoked meats, fried, butter should also be tabooed if you want to be slim and healthy. And replace delicious white bread and flour products with bread rolls - you will get a tremendous boost of energy thanks to B vitamins, and your heart will stop failing you. Also, no carbs.

Principles of healthy eating

On the Day of healthy eating and refusal of excesses in food, it's time to talk about the principles of healthy eating.

Do not eat after six in the evening, eat less or completely exclude high-calorie foods from the menu - this is not enough to feel great and have an excellent figure. There are other equally important foundations of proper nutrition.

At the forefront is compliance with the regime, that is, a person must eat at the same time every day. By the time of eating, gastric juice will begin to be processed in the right amount, which will allow useful substances to be better and faster absorbed and perform the required functions.

The second principle of the correct approach to the meal is as follows: eat more often, but little by little. It is desirable that the intervals between meals do not exceed 2-3 hours. During this time, the components that have entered the stomach will have time to be processed and the body will be ready for a new portion of the nutrient mixture. Calories are completely consumed in the process of physical, mental activity, and simply do not have time to be deposited in the form of fat cells in the most conspicuous parts of the body (belly, thighs, for example) in such a short time.

The third rule of a healthy diet is that the diet of any person must necessarily be balanced in terms of the main elements: proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals, and also satisfy the subject's needs for substances, depending on the nature of his activity and the amount of energy consumed. Contrary to popular belief about the absolute harm of fats and carbohydrates, these components perform certain functions in the cells of the human body, that is, in doses that do not go beyond the reasonable, they are very useful. For example, without lipids, the production of certain hormones is disrupted, and a complete rejection of carbohydrate-containing foods can lead to a sharp decrease in blood glucose levels and inhibition of brain activity.

What foods should you treat yourself to more often so that the problem of excess weight never touches you? These are vegetables (baked potatoes, lettuce, broccoli), cereals (buckwheat, rice, oats), vegetable oils (olive, linseed, sunflower). From berries, strawberries are very useful, rich in antioxidants, from fruits - grapefruit, pineapple.

A day of healthy eating and avoiding excesses in food is a great opportunity to work out before you go on a long diet or at least test your own willpower. After all, there are many things in life that deserve as much attention as enjoying delicious food.

We sincerely congratulate everyone on the holiday, on the Day of healthy eating and the rejection of excesses in food!

was "born" in 2011 as a kind of Russian answer to the American holiday - National Day, when you can eat what you want. In contrast to this "Day of gluttony" and the initiative was put forward to establish the "Day of the rejection of excesses in food."

The idea received fairly broad support in a short time and was recognized as timely and necessary.

So, June 2, 2011 was the birthday of the holiday, the main theme of which is attracting the attention of the general public to food culture issues.

It is no secret that the number of overweight people is growing markedly year by year. The reasons for this lie in various aspects of life. Bad eating habits, psychological dependence on food, a variety of conflicting information about the benefits and harms of certain products ...

Skipping breakfast, snacking on the run at lunchtime, a big late dinner… Often we eat not because we are hungry or need nutrients, but because we are not satisfied with life, we cannot find the best way to calm ourselves in a stressful situation. Food serves to satisfy not a physiological need, but an emotional need: for love, security, acceptance, emotional satisfaction.

All this has the most adverse effect on health. The number of diseases associated with obesity is on the rise. There is also a growing number of charlatans and businessmen who profit from a person's desire to lose weight. Belief in magic pills and drinks, in quick and easy getting rid of excess weight acquired over the years sometimes leads to irreparable harm to health, and often just to the loss of money thrown to the wind ...

Intended to remind you that we are responsible for what we feed our body. May there be more reliable and useful information on this day about which eating habits are good for health and beauty, and which ones are harmful and dangerous; how to properly build your diet so that it is tasty, balanced and does not lead to overweight.

And it is on this day that everyone who wants to become slimmer and has not yet begun to realize their dreams can begin their path to harmony. A common striving simplifies the solution of the problem, facilitates the first step, gives a starting point.

Down with excess in food and extra pounds! Long live healthy eating! Refuse at least for today from excess food. Eat only to satisfy physical hunger, simple and wholesome food. A journey of a thousand kilometers begins with the first step. Take that step- and the meal planning service will help you with this!

Good luck to everyone on the path of harmony and health! And see you on the same day next year - with better health, a slimmer body, a wonderful and cheerful state of health!

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