How to develop schizophrenia in yourself. How to get schizophrenia. Intrauterine infections and difficult births

There is hardly anyone among us who would like to suffer from dementia. Rather, on the contrary, the question of how to get schizophrenia worries those who are really worried about their mental and psychological problems. To help with this, we will examine the points at which risks of mental disorders may arise.

No one wants to have schizophrenia in their right mind, so you need to know some of the features of this disease so that you never encounter it.

A large part of the world's population suffers from mental disorders. According to the WHO, every hundredth is prone to mania, depression, etc., and every year the number of patients is growing. There are many reasons for this, and the main one is the rapid pace of the modern world, excessive information flow, and scientific and technological development. The list can be listed for a long time, consider the most basic of them.


I would not want to scare you right off the bat, but people who have or had mentally ill people in their families run the risk of being on the lists of a psychiatrist. So, in any case, the majority of doctors think, although discussions on this subject have not yet ended. The reason is the blurring of the scope of diagnosis, the difficulty in determining the disease in an atypical, mild form of the disease. But all experts are united in one thing - there is no heredity due to a particular gene. Rather, the decisive factor is the combination and interrelation of several types of genes, due to which the propensity for psychiatric disorders is inherited. There is also an opinion that a child brought up in the family of a sick person adopts tendencies precisely because of contact with him.

Features of intrauterine development - a lack of vitamins, a violation in the formation of the cerebral cortex, the nervous system and other pathologies cause serious problems with the mental state of the child.

Important: often a tendency to dementia occurs under the influence of a suddenly mutated gene.

It turns out that heredity is one of the important factors in the development of mental illness.

Heredity is perhaps the most important factor in the development of mental illness

In this case, you don’t even need to think about how to earn schizophrenia. Any stress, depression, trauma can become a provoking factor. Therefore, it is important:

  • do not expose yourself to excessive mental and physical stress;
  • avoid conflict situations;
  • choose a quiet place of work, where there are no provoking factors;
  • periodically consult a doctor and take preventive treatment.

Age indicator

According to doctors, young people aged 15 to 35 are susceptible to the disease. And it is not difficult to explain this phenomenon, it is during this period of life that a person experiences emotional overload, experiences the formation of his own personality, and faces the first problems. There is an opinion that the disease also depends on gender, but it is erroneous. Woman or man, it doesn't matter. Get sick with schizophrenia only with a combination of factors.

Important: despite the fact that doctors have identified a period in which the risk of developing mental disorders is maximum, it is necessary to be attentive to babies. In the case when the child behaves inappropriately, talks about visions, sounds in his head, tormented by nightmares, there is a high probability of developing psychosis. At this age, the psyche has plasticity, which can be influenced and schizophrenia is cured.

How to get schizophrenia at home

Mental anguish in an unhealthy situation in the family, scandals, cruelty or complete indifference of parents often cause mental deviations in the child. The words of leading psychiatric scientists that residents of large metropolitan areas are more prone to mental illness have become alarming. It is in urban areas that communication problems often arise, children behave more aggressively. Also contributing factors are:

  • low social level - poverty;
  • discrimination;
  • bullying classmates, peers;
  • lack of family support;
  • loneliness, indifference of adults.

Loneliness, low social level, conflicts in the family - all these factors provoke the development of schizophrenia.

Due to these and other factors, a person closes in a limited world, cannot solve the problems of even his own child, which is why mental disorders occur in children.

Important: the main source of moral strength to overcome difficulties in a child is parental attention, guardianship and love.


Divorce of parents can cause schizophrenia. According to scientists, the children of divorced adults make up the majority of adolescents with schizophrenia. For a child, father and mother are a single whole, but after parting, a split state is formed in his brain. There is an exact term for the phenomenon - a schizophrenogenic family. And if the family lives in friendship, harmony, parents find time to communicate with children, constantly spend time with them, doing one exciting thing, then the risk of disease is practically reduced to zero.

The situation in the family directly affects the psychological state of the beloved child. A child can get schizophrenia even with a banal dispute, when adults splash out emotions excessively. Opposite, mutually exclusive demands of adults lead to a severe form of the disease - ambivalence. In such cases, complex processes take place in the soul of the child. He seems to love the elders, but at the same time he is ready to kill his parents, he hates them so much.


The formation of the psyche is completed by about 35 years. Drug addicts mainly become in adolescence, young people, when there is still no strong psyche. In addition, the young body is subjected to emotional overload and stress, and chemicals that poison the body and affect the brain aggravate the process. Scientists closely link drug addiction and schizophrenia, since drugs cause an artificial splitting of personality. But there is another, opposite opinion, that it is precisely because of mental disorders that a person can become addicted to drugs.

Drugs can also cause mental illness

Important: psychogenic and dangerous substances include drugs such as marijuana, hashish.


The effect is about the same as in the case of drugs. The components of alcohol affect brain cells, this can be judged by the behavior of a drunk person. Entire areas die, just as in the case of narcotic drugs, antidepressants. A person ceases to control himself, carries delirium, hallucinations, aggression, etc. occur in a state of severe intoxication.

If friends from a schizophrenogenic family, alcoholics appeared in the circle of a drug-addicted teenager, the risk of mental disorders and the development of schizophrenia is high.


It would seem that no one is worried about problems at work, school, in the family. But everything is more than serious. Doctors are mostly worried in this sense for the psyche of children in whom, due to a stressful situation in childhood, the foundation is laid for a serious, mental disorder. If a dangerous situation arises later that causes stress, then this can become a trigger, which most often happens.


Patients of doctors often become people with an unstable psyche, serving, participating in military conflicts, witnessing an act of violence, murder, etc. Here it is difficult to protect everyone from a serious and difficult situation, but at the slightest opportunity, it is better not to allow a sensitive nature to serve in the army, not to load it with too complex mental or physical work, surround it with attention, care, turn to a psychiatrist, a psychologist in time to calm a nervous breakdown. .

People who experience severe stress, tension, are at risk of developing schizophrenia after another bout of depression.

Is schizophrenia curable or not?

Relatives of the patient can only cause regret, because a person who is dear to them suffers. There is not a single moment that could brighten up the situation. Pain, confusion, horror are created in the soul when they think about whether schizophrenia can be cured. But don't panic right away. This is another myth that non-professionals are afraid of. According to statistics, approximately two-thirds of patients with adequate therapy are completely cured. An additional healing factor is a strong family, harmony in relationships, once again convinces everyone that schizophrenia is curable. It all depends on the depth of the mental disorder and the causes that provoke the development of the disease. A certain part needs constant care and for this reason they need care in specific institutions - neuropsychiatric boarding houses, clinics, etc. Fortunately, modern medicine has methods and drugs that can significantly alleviate severe disorders, even in the most severe forms of the disease, but in such cases, schizophrenia is completely incurable.

What is dangerous schizophrenia

For the most part, people with mental disorders are more of a danger to themselves than to others, although this also happens. Relatives should be attentive already at the initial stages of the disease and sound the alarm in cases of:

When a patient talks about suicide (especially in adolescence), involuntarily he signals to relatives about problems and hopes for help from them. In such cases, any harsh statement or indifference can become fatal. It is also necessary to hide all cutting, piercing, firearms, chemicals, poisons, ropes. Those living on high floors will have to be close to the patient at all times.

Schizophrenia can even lead a person to suicide, especially for young people who need family support.

Is schizophrenia dangerous for others

We all know that a person with an upset psyche can threaten the lives of others. We constantly hear about rapists, murderers, maniacs and other terrible types who commit crimes precisely because of the splitting, splitting of the mind. They are forced to follow the orders of the voice, hallucinations, as well as psychological trauma suffered in childhood that caused perverted thinking, etc. The danger lies especially in schizophrenia if it is hushed up, and the sick person is smart, knows how to deftly hide his problems, calculates his steps in advance and no one doubts his integrity.

Prevention of schizophrenia

Unfortunately, it is still impossible to completely get rid of the disease with a severe course. When they learn to treat schizophrenia without remission is unknown. In any case, if this happens, and it is to be hoped for, most of the problems will cease to torment people. There will be no aggression, terrible crimes and even wars caused by inadequate types. In the meantime, you can fight it with available methods, which include the attention and care of others, harmonious relationships, and the absence of conflicts. A healthy lifestyle, complete trust in the family, active activities - sports, gymnastics, exciting hobbies will prevent the disorder of thinking of a person, especially a child.

In a family from childhood, you need to create a favorable atmosphere, learn to pay attention to your children.

Being a parent is not only a great happiness, but also an incredible responsibility. Each of our words, deeds, actions children perceive in their own way. And what word has sunk into the soul of a beloved child - good or evil, depends on what sprouts it will give in his mind.

But is any "normal" person immune from mental illness? Answer: no.

Experts call schizophrenia the "queen of psychiatry." According to statistics, in the modern world there are more than 45 million people with it. Regardless of race, nationality, cultural level, 1% of the world's population suffers from it.

Everything that is incomprehensible causes a person's subconscious distrust, and even fear. Therefore, it makes sense to understand the causes of the disease, to understand how to identify the first signs of schizophrenia, how to deal with and live with this disease.

Causes of schizophrenia

In the scientific community, there are a number of hypotheses that explain the mechanism of the disease and its sources.

Most often, experts "sin" on genetic factors. There is a widespread belief that schizophrenia is inherited, and exclusively through the female line (men can also get sick, but the disease goes to the child from the mother).

As the second theory of the occurrence of this disease, there is a violation of biochemical metabolism (substances such as dopamine, serotonin, glutamate, acetylcholine).

The third category of specialists sees stress as a trigger for the development of this disease. It is assumed that stress has a more severe effect on the vulnerable psyche of a person with a predisposition to schizophrenia. It is believed that most often it is stress associated with the load of adult roles.

American psychiatrists Bleitseg and Linds are supporters of the psychosocial hypothesis. In their works, a special place is given to the role of the mother as a provocateur of schizophrenia in a child. Even the term "schizophrenogenic mother" has been introduced. This woman, as a rule, is cold, uncritical, with confused thinking.

The fifth theory of schizophrenia is viral. Based on a number of studies, it has been suggested that schizophrenia is a slowly developing process similar to encephalitis. It has also been observed that the volume of the brain in patients with schizophrenia is reduced.

Who is at risk

Unfortunately or fortunately, the signs of schizophrenia in men and women are detected in the same ratio. But if a man is sick, the disease begins earlier and is more severe than in a woman. It is also noticed that the townspeople suffer from this disease more often than the villagers; people with low incomes are also more likely to develop the disease. This confirms the theory that stress is, if not the main cause, then certainly the provoking factor of this disease.

It is terrible that the disease affects not only adults, but also children. The age of patients varies, but the average age for a man is 21 years, for a woman - 27 years.

Surprisingly, but reliably confirmed that "future patients" were born in March-April, i.e. at the junction of winter and spring. Scientists explain this fact either by special biorhythmic fluctuations, or by the impact of infections on the expectant mother. Although in the future it is schizophrenic patients who are particularly resistant to biological stress and physical exertion - they can withstand up to 80 doses of insulin, they are less likely to get ARVI and other viral diseases, they tolerate hypothermia well.

Stages of the disease

Psychiatrists distinguish three stages of the course of the disease:

  1. Pre-painful stage - the signs of schizophrenia are not pronounced.
  2. The height of the disease, alternating with remissions (temporary relief of symptoms).
  3. The final stage, characterized by symptoms of varying severity.


As with any disease, it is very important to see and correctly interpret the first signs of schizophrenia and its manifestations. The complexity of diagnosing schizophrenia lies in the fact that it is necessary to consider not specific symptoms, but their combination, duration, as well as the impact on human behavior and performance.

“Strange” behavior, non-standard hobbies and interests, subject to successful adaptation of a person to society and life, are not yet signs of a mental illness.

It is worth thinking about the disease in cases of sudden changes in character, the appearance of neurotic symptoms - persistent fatigue, increased anxiety, constant rechecking of decisions and actions, insomnia, nightmares, vague sensations in the body. A person prone to the development of schizophrenia loses interest in life, family, notes a depressive state, suddenly becomes addicted to alcohol, draws gloomy pictures. It is worth noting that such symptoms can manifest themselves to some extent in each person, therefore, a qualified specialist should diagnose the signs of schizophrenia.

About the disease

The symptoms and signs characteristic of a disease called "schizophrenia" were identified by the author of this term, Erwin Bleuler. In psychiatric practice, they are called Bleuler's tetrad or four "A".

  1. An associative defect (alogia) is the absence of a connected purposeful logical thinking.
  2. A symptom of autism is the immersion of the individual in his inner world, the lack of interest in the outside.
  3. Ambivalence - the presence in the patient's picture of the world of multidirectional affects in the same period of time (love - hate).
  4. Affective inadequacy - an affect that is inadequate to the situation - laughter at a tragic moment, etc.

Hidden disease

There is a concept of latent (latent) schizophrenia. It is characteristic of patients with eccentric and inconsistent behavior, which gives the impression of a disease. Latent schizophrenia, whose symptoms do not resemble those of the classical variant, is difficult to diagnose.

Illness in women

In general, schizophrenia manifests itself in patients in a similar way, regardless of gender and age, so the signs of schizophrenia in women practically do not differ from the standard ones.

Already at the first stage of the disease, two symptoms are characteristic: delirium and hallucinations. But in women, depression and a heavy emotional background are added. Signs of schizophrenia in women can be periodically noted for a long time before the disease fully manifests itself.

In cases of sluggish schizophrenia in a woman, she will not be aggressive, but she will be irritated and avoid social contacts. It will also be pronounced sloppy.

For women suffering from this disorder, verbigeration is also characteristic - the mechanical repetition of words.

The next signs of schizophrenia in women, which should alert relatives and friends, are the loss of abstract thinking, difficulties in generalizing, in determining similarities and differences, and constant soul-searching.

Signs of schizophrenia in men

As already noted, the signs of schizophrenia in men and women are generally similar. But there are a number of features of the course of this disease in a strong half of humanity. The onset of the disease in men can be noted as early as the age of 15 (for women this is rare).

The course of the disease is more severe, leading to complete destruction of the personality. A frequent companion is the isolation of the individual and the constant stay in the disease. Whereas in women, the manifestation of schizophrenia in the form of seizures is possible.

Signs of schizophrenia in men are often accompanied by cravings for alcohol, which aggravates the course of the disease. Also, the stronger sex is more susceptible to craniocerebral injuries, which contributes to the development of the disease.

Schizophrenia in children

Unfortunately, the flexible nervous system of the child is not able to protect against diseases, including mental ones, therefore, infrequently, schizophrenia occurs in children. Signs of it are quite difficult to notice.

It is rare that a parent is inclined to sound the alarm at the strange behavior of their children. And sometimes you should! The first symptoms of schizophrenia are the emergence of fears, suspiciousness of the child and a quick change of mood. In children at risk, lethargy and passivity, obsessive movements and complaints of boredom appear.

All children tend to fantasize, but in children with schizophrenia, fantasies and desires contain hostility towards people. The child himself becomes cold to relatives and friends, feels emptiness, avoids spiritual intimacy.

The hobbies and interests of the child become unusual. Instead of fairy tales, dictionaries and reference books are read. They are especially interested in astronomy, the secrets of the universe and antiquity, "fall through" into these worlds.

There is also schizophrenia in children, the signs of which are underdeveloped motor skills, lack of emotions on the face, clumsy, angular movements.

Games of sick children are monotonous, their essence does not change for a long period.

Signs of schizophrenia in adolescents

Adolescence is a difficult stage in the life of both the child and the parents. Many diseases, including hereditary ones, start and progress at this age. Therefore, a teenager requires a particularly attentive and scrupulous attitude on the part of parents and, if necessary, specialists.

Against the background of hormonal changes in the body, adolescents react to what is happening in different ways. The early stages of schizophrenia are characterized by tearfulness, mood swings, nervous breakdowns, a sharp change in activity (tide - loss of strength).

Signs of schizophrenia in adolescents are the instantaneous appearance of negative emotions, their forcing, severe autism, impaired intellectual thinking.

Schizophrenia is very common in teenagers. Out of 5 cases of mental imbalance, 1-2 cases of schizophrenia.

There are significant differences between adult and adolescent schizophrenia. There are the following types of teenage disease:

  1. Ongoing schizophrenia manifests itself in early childhood. In adolescence, it progresses and is severe. Characterized by lethargy and alienation, refusal to perceive reality. In the future - nervousness, aggressiveness, the appearance of phobias. The teenager becomes constantly unbalanced. The disease progresses, there is a delay in development. Characterized by seasonal exacerbations.
  2. Paranoid schizophrenia, the symptoms of which develop at the age of 12. Outwardly similar to the previous type of disease. A feature is sharp mood swings, inventing relationships and great feelings, as a result, confusion in stories. In the future, delusional ideas are formed - delusions of persecution, greatness, poisoning, etc.
  3. Hallucinatory-delusional variants of the paranoid type are a rare type of illness in adolescence. Signs of schizophrenia are hallucinations in the form of a black hand reaching for a teenager, red eyes, a disfigured appearance, etc. The disease manifests itself cyclically.
  4. Recurrent schizophrenia is more common in girls. It manifests itself in the form of sudden seizures, accompanied by a loss of personality. The occurrence of seizures is preceded by infectious or viral diseases, physical injuries.
  5. Acute pubertal schizophrenia is characterized by attacks in an undulating pattern. The period of the attack is equal in time to the period of calm. In the absence of treatment or the adverse effects of others, the attack is aggravated.

Predictions for Patients with Schizophrenia

It is quite difficult to talk about a 100% cure for this disease. However, it can be argued that with timely and competent treatment, it is possible to achieve a decrease in the severity and duration of symptoms. However, about 1/3 of patients who show signs of schizophrenia need specialist help for the rest of their lives.

Internal split: how schizophrenia occurs

Elena Foer

Some scientists associate the origin of schizophrenia with the development of a person's cognitive and speech abilities, despite the fact that the disease itself rather suppresses them. The causes of its occurrence, development, symptoms still cause a lot of controversy: someone believes that schizophrenia is transmitted through a certain set of genes, and someone finds a connection with viral diseases. But doctors agree on one thing: the incurability of schizophrenia is a myth.

Side effect of speech

It is not known who our distant ancestor was, the first who fell ill with schizophrenia. But there is reason to believe that he had a good command of stone tools, wrapped himself in a skin, sitting by the fire on cold evenings, and was just mastering the fine arts. This is indicated by the hypothesis of the origin of the disease, put forward by the English psychiatrist Timothy Crow. He suggested that the emergence of schizophrenia is directly related to the emergence of language.

Anthropologists call the appearance of speech in humans a genetic “event”, its significance can hardly be overestimated - language separated us from all other animal species. The chromosomal changes that caused its appearance caused asymmetry in the development of the hemispheres - the left became responsible for the analysis and "assembly" of speech, for syntax and morphology, and the right - mainly for the semantic content. Crow's idea boils down to the fact that the asymmetry of the hemispheres was the cause of schizophrenia. The hypothesis, of course, has its evidence - in patients with this diagnosis, the asymmetry of the hemispheres is actually less pronounced, which also causes speech disorders.

The “independent life” of the hemispheres began about a thousand years ago, at the height of the Paleolithic era, when our ancestors learned to paint the first ornaments on the walls of their caves, and, according to Crowe, the first schizophrenic patients appeared in those far, far away times.

However, Crowe's hypothesis is not the only one. One of his most reckless opponents is Jonathan Kenneth Burns, the author of the evolutionary theory of schizophrenia. According to her, the disease is not associated with the language at all, but with the development of a person's cognitive abilities and social skills. However, the “date of birth” of the disease in this case will not fundamentally change.

I must say, the reasoning above is nothing more than speculation - the Rhodesian man, the hero of the Middle Paleolithic, alas, did not leave behind a list of his illnesses. But already the ancient Egyptians fully mentioned in their documents symptoms resembling schizophrenia.

However, the very name of this very old disease appeared relatively recently - in 1908, thanks to the Swiss doctor Eigen Bleuler. He considered the main symptom of schizophrenia to be ambivalence - the duality of experiences and attitudes towards something. The split, division in ancient Greek is called schism, hence the term schizophrenia appeared (in English it sounds closer to the original).

Genes, infections and psychotrauma

There are even more hypotheses about why people get schizophrenia than those that explain where it came from in the first place. According to the most popular model in this area today, biopsychosocial, both biological and socio-psychological factors play a role in the development of schizophrenia.

Biological causes include, for example, genetic anomalies, that is, heredity. Schizophrenia - does not arise as a result of a breakdown of any one gene, but there are a number of genetic disorders that most often accompany this disease. Moreover, the "candidate genes" are already well known to scientists. That's just no unambiguous and consistent relationship "there is a breakdown - there is a disease" does not exist. On the one hand, there are patients who do not have a single sick relative. On the other hand, even if both parents suffer from schizophrenia, the risk that the child will also have it is only 40%. If only one of the parents is sick, it is even less - 6-10%. This, of course, is much higher than the average for the population (in general, the incidence is 0.7-0.8%, that is, 7-8 people out of a thousand), but still too small to talk about a direct relationship.

In addition to heredity, biological factors include the consequences of drug use, including the lungs, complications of pregnancy and childbirth, infections suffered in early childhood. Some scientists also mention the influence of past infections, such as viral encephalitis. But in addition to biological factors, socio-psychological ones can also have an impact. One of the most significant is family relationships. American anthropologist Gregory Bateson came to the conclusion that a significant prerequisite for the development of schizophrenia is "double communication" in the family, this situation is also called "double clamp". It is known that words are far from the only way to convey information. Some parents, for one reason or another, convey messages to the child at different levels. For example, a father verbally praises his son for his success in the chess club, but nonverbally demonstrates contempt and disappointment because the boy did not go to the football club. In such cases, children, as a rule, do not ask again and are left alone with this conflicting information. It is these situations that can become one of the causes of the development of schizophrenia.

It is interesting that a trifle can become critical for people with an increased risk of developing the disease - transfer to another class, moving, quarrel with relatives. Such an event is called a "start". These factors are far from all of those mentioned in the academic literature. But the full list still cannot be called exhaustive - after all, no one still knows how to determine the risk for sure.


Schizophrenia consistently ranks second after "delirious tremens" among the people's psychiatric scarecrows. What does she represent? All symptoms of schizophrenia can be divided into 9 groups:

Thoughts cease, according to sensations, to be the property of the patient - they can be taken away, reported, listened to, and even something mentally answered in the same way;

Thoughts, sensations, body parts or all at once are stolen by someone alien and hostile, and he, hostile and alien, now controls all this at his own discretion.

In them, crazy ideas take on a clearer shape. They can be visual, auditory, olfactory and tactile and sometimes last for months. This also includes obsessive "voices in the head."

Thinking stops, breaks off, a new thought starts in the wrong place and is simply confused. The person loses the logical thread and cannot remember his previous reasoning.

This is the name of complete immobility, stupor. The patient in this state can be put, planted or placed in any bizarre position - he will remain in it.

If the rest of the named symptoms, productive, add something to the general condition, then the negative one, on the contrary, takes away - working capacity, emotions, feelings.

The patient becomes very withdrawn into himself, stops responding to others, loses all past interests and hobbies and stops making plans for the future.

Schizophrenia has many forms and types of course, but one thing is always true: the diagnosis is made only when there is at least one unambiguous or two "blurred" symptoms from points 1-4, or at least two symptoms from points 5-9. At the same time, what is important, the symptoms should appear for at least a month. True, all life, as is often presented in the myths about the disease, they also do not have to appear at all. 14% of patients recover in the first five years, about 20% suffer only one attack of the disease in their entire life, and the same number achieve varying degrees of recovery.

The specificity of the manifestations of the disease, apparently, somewhat depends on the era - in recent years, the symptoms in patients with schizophrenia have become "softer", severe forms of the disease requiring mandatory hospitalization are much less common. There is a myth about the extreme danger of patients with schizophrenia for society - but, as a rule, this is not so. The proportion of offenses committed by these people is lower than the number of crimes committed by those who do not suffer from this disease.

For help in preparing the article, we thank the doctor of medical sciences, professor, researcher at the Moscow Research Institute of Psychiatry Alexander Shmukler.

How to get schizophrenic?

There is hardly anyone among us who would like to suffer from dementia. Rather, on the contrary, the question - how to get schizophrenia worries those who are really worried about their mental and psychological problems. To help with this, we will examine the points at which risks of mental disorders may arise.

A large part of the world's population suffers from mental disorders. According to the WHO, every hundredth is prone to mania, depression, etc., and every year the number of patients is growing. There are many reasons for this, and the main one is the rapid pace of the modern world, excessive information flow, and scientific and technological development. The list can be listed for a long time, consider the most basic of them.

Several reasons why you can get schizophrenia


I would not want to scare you right off the bat, but people who have or had mentally ill people in their families run the risk of being on the lists of a psychiatrist. So, in any case, the majority of doctors think, although discussions on this subject have not yet ended. The reason is the blurring of the scope of diagnosis, the difficulty in determining the disease in an atypical, mild form of the disease. But all experts are united in one thing - there is no heredity due to a particular gene. Rather, the decisive factor is the combination and interrelation of several types of genes, due to which the propensity for psychiatric disorders is inherited. There is also an opinion that a child brought up in the family of a sick person adopts tendencies precisely because of contact with him.

Features of intrauterine development - a lack of vitamins, a violation in the formation of the cerebral cortex, the nervous system and other pathologies cause serious problems with the mental state of the child.

Important: often a tendency to dementia occurs under the influence of a suddenly mutated gene.

It turns out that heredity is one of the important factors in the development of mental illness.

In this case, you don’t even need to think about how to earn schizophrenia. Any stress, depression, trauma can become a provoking factor. Therefore, it is important:

  • do not expose yourself to excessive mental and physical stress;
  • avoid conflict situations;
  • choose a quiet place of work, where there are no provoking factors;
  • periodically consult a doctor and take preventive treatment.

Age indicator

According to doctors, young people aged 15 to 35 are susceptible to the disease. And it is not difficult to explain this phenomenon, it is during this period of life that a person experiences emotional overload, experiences the formation of his own personality, and faces the first problems. There is an opinion that the disease also depends on gender, but it is erroneous. Woman or man, it doesn't matter. Get sick with schizophrenia only with a combination of factors.

Important: despite the fact that doctors have identified a period in which the risk of developing mental disorders is maximum, it is necessary to be attentive to babies. In the case when the child behaves inappropriately, talks about visions, sounds in his head, tormented by nightmares, there is a high probability of developing psychosis. At this age, the psyche has plasticity, which can be influenced and schizophrenia is cured.

How to get schizophrenia at home

Mental anguish in an unhealthy situation in the family, scandals, cruelty or complete indifference of parents often cause mental deviations in the child. The words of leading psychiatric scientists that residents of large metropolitan areas are more prone to mental illness have become alarming. It is in urban areas that communication problems often arise, children behave more aggressively. Also contributing factors are:

  • low social level - poverty;
  • discrimination;
  • bullying classmates, peers;
  • lack of family support;
  • loneliness, indifference of adults.

Due to these and other factors, a person closes in a limited world, cannot solve the problems of even his own child, which is why mental disorders occur in children.

Important: the main source of moral strength to overcome difficulties in a child is parental attention, guardianship and love.


Divorce of parents can cause schizophrenia. According to scientists, the children of divorced adults make up the majority of adolescents with schizophrenia. For a child, father and mother are a single whole, but after parting, a split state is formed in his brain. There is an exact term for the phenomenon - a schizophrenogenic family. And if the family lives in friendship, harmony, parents find time to communicate with children, constantly spend time with them, doing one exciting thing, then the risk of disease is practically reduced to zero.

The situation in the family directly affects the psychological state of the beloved child. A child can get schizophrenia even with a banal dispute, when adults splash out emotions excessively. Opposite, mutually exclusive demands of adults lead to a severe form of the disease - ambivalence. In such cases, complex processes take place in the soul of the child. He seems to love the elders, but at the same time he is ready to kill his parents, he hates them so much.


The formation of the psyche is completed by about 35 years. Drug addicts mainly become in adolescence, young people, when there is still no strong psyche. In addition, the young body is subjected to emotional overload and stress, and chemicals that poison the body and affect the brain aggravate the process. Scientists closely link drug addiction and schizophrenia, since drugs cause an artificial splitting of personality. But there is another, opposite opinion, that it is precisely because of mental disorders that a person can become addicted to drugs.

Important: psychogenic and dangerous substances include drugs such as marijuana, hashish.


The effect is about the same as in the case of drugs. The components of alcohol affect brain cells, this can be judged by the behavior of a drunk person. Entire areas die, just as in the case of narcotic drugs, antidepressants. A person ceases to control himself, carries delirium, hallucinations, aggression, etc. occur in a state of severe intoxication.

If friends from a schizophrenogenic family, alcoholics appeared in the circle of a drug-addicted teenager, the risk of mental disorders and the development of schizophrenia is high.


It would seem that no one is worried about problems at work, school, in the family. But everything is more than serious. Doctors are mostly worried in this sense for the psyche of children in whom, due to a stressful situation in childhood, the foundation is laid for a serious, mental disorder. If a dangerous situation arises later that causes stress, then this can become a trigger, which most often happens.


Patients of doctors often become people with an unstable psyche, serving, participating in military conflicts, witnessing an act of violence, murder, etc. Here it is difficult to protect everyone from a serious and difficult situation, but at the slightest opportunity, it is better not to allow a sensitive nature to serve in the army, not to load it with too complex mental or physical work, surround it with attention, care, turn to a psychiatrist, a psychologist in time to calm a nervous breakdown. .

Is schizophrenia curable or not?

Relatives of the patient can only cause regret, because a person who is dear to them suffers. There is not a single moment that could brighten up the situation. Pain, confusion, horror are created in the soul when they think about whether schizophrenia can be cured. But don't panic right away. This is another myth that non-professionals are afraid of. According to statistics, approximately two-thirds of patients with adequate therapy are completely cured. An additional healing factor is a strong family, harmony in relationships, once again convinces everyone that schizophrenia is curable. It all depends on the depth of the mental disorder and the causes that provoke the development of the disease. A certain part needs constant care and for this reason they need care in specific institutions - neuropsychiatric boarding houses, clinics, etc. Fortunately, modern medicine has methods and drugs that can significantly alleviate severe disorders, even in the most severe forms of the disease, but in such cases, schizophrenia is completely incurable.

What is dangerous schizophrenia

For the most part, people with mental disorders are more of a danger to themselves than to others, although this also happens. Relatives should be attentive already at the initial stages of the disease and sound the alarm in cases of:

When a patient talks about suicide (especially in adolescence), involuntarily he signals to relatives about problems and hopes for help from them. In such cases, any harsh statement or indifference can become fatal. It is also necessary to hide all cutting, piercing, firearms, chemicals, poisons, ropes. Those living on high floors will have to be close to the patient at all times.

Is schizophrenia dangerous for others

We all know that a person with an upset psyche can threaten the lives of others. We constantly hear about rapists, murderers, maniacs and other terrible types who commit crimes precisely because of the splitting, splitting of the mind. They are forced to follow the orders of the voice, hallucinations, as well as psychological trauma suffered in childhood that caused perverted thinking, etc. The danger lies especially in schizophrenia if it is hushed up, and the sick person is smart, knows how to deftly hide his problems, calculates his steps in advance and no one doubts his integrity.

Prevention of schizophrenia

Unfortunately, it is still impossible to completely get rid of the disease with a severe course. When they learn to treat schizophrenia without remission is unknown. In any case, if this happens, and it is to be hoped for, most of the problems will cease to torment people. There will be no aggression, terrible crimes and even wars caused by inadequate types. In the meantime, you can fight it with available methods, which include the attention and care of others, harmonious relationships, and the absence of conflicts. A healthy lifestyle, complete trust in the family, active activities - sports, gymnastics, exciting hobbies will prevent the disorder of thinking of a person, especially a child.

Being a parent is not only a great happiness, but also an incredible responsibility. Each of our words, deeds, actions children perceive in their own way. And what word has sunk into the soul of a beloved child - good or evil, depends on what sprouts it will give in his mind.

How to develop schizophrenia in yourself

Modern methods of therapy allow to stop the manifestations of schizophrenia for a long time

Schizophrenia is a real scourge of our time. She sneaks up on a person imperceptibly and distorts his reality. Unfortunately, this disease is still not treated, but it can be kept under control. True, for this it needs to be recognized in time!

Of course, only specialists can diagnose such a serious mental illness. But you can take a quick test to understand that you have nothing to worry about!

What is schizophrenia

Schizophrenia has many forms and variations. But the main sign of this complex mental disorder is that a person’s idea of ​​​​reality and his own personality completely changes.

The whole difficulty in diagnosing schizophrenia lies in the fact that few people are able to adequately assess their mental state. A true schizophrenic is absolutely sure that he is healthy. Moreover, he is convinced of his exclusivity and a special great mission on Earth.

This is how it turns out that many people simply do not reach specialists. Of course, they suspect that something is wrong with them, but they attribute their “strange” state to stress, fatigue, or some external cause. Meanwhile, the insidious disease progresses and completely changes their lives.

Not every psychiatrist can correctly diagnose schizophrenia. What can we say about ordinary people? Therefore, having noticed dangerous signs in yourself or your friends, it is best not to panic, but to seek advice from good specialists.

How does schizophrenia start?

Reliably about the causes of schizophrenia is still not really known. Psychiatrists say that genetics, multiplied by stress, is most often to blame.

Typically, the first signs of schizophrenia appear at 18–35 years of age. But this mental illness can occur in absolutely any person at any time of his life. In the case of childhood schizophrenia, strange behaviors are often attributed to adolescence or character traits.

The initial signs of schizophrenia are difficult to notice. But what happens most often is:

A person withdraws into himself, avoids communication with people. He does not make contact well and loses interest in everything that previously brought him joy.

All physical sensations are dulled: such people may not notice hunger, and they also forget to wash and change clothes on time.

A person may show inadequate emotions: for example, the most innocent question causes irritation and aggression in him.

Important: this behavior is typical not only for a patient with schizophrenia. This can be the behavior of a traumatized child, a rebellious teenager, or an adult during depression.

Therefore, if you notice the above signs in someone, you should not immediately suspect schizophrenia. Such behavior only indicates that something is happening in the human soul. Perhaps you should talk to him and convince him to see a psychologist to get rid of stress and psychological trauma.

Real schizophrenia is manifested not only by these signs. When making a diagnosis, psychiatrists also pay attention to two types of clinical symptoms: major and minor.

How to recognize a schizophrenic: a rapid test

This special rapid test will help you self-assess your risk of developing schizophrenia. Just remember that its results are just an occasion to think about your mental health and turn to a professional!

So, to make a preliminary diagnosis, carefully review this list of symptoms of schizophrenia and mentally check the box where you agree with the description.

Major circle symptoms

Hallucinations (voice, less often visual). A person can either understand that the voices in his head only seem to him, or consider that he is talking to an invisible interlocutor. The main danger lies in the fact that the VOICE can not only tell something, but also give directive instructions. For example, to order someone to harm.

Echoes of thought. This is a special feeling that one's own thoughts are repeated or echoed (but not spoken out loud) at a small interval. In addition, a person can feel the "OPEN" thoughts. In this case, it seems to him that others can know everything he thinks about. Sometimes the patient believes that those around him deliberately control his thoughts: they erase them from memory or, conversely, put their own thoughts into his head.

Brad impact. A person is convinced that someone or something is in control of him. He can tell others that he was hypnotized, programmed, or specially influenced by some kind of rays.

Crazy ideas. The schizophrenic sincerely believes in his great MISSION. He must uncover a Masonic conspiracy, save the world from aliens, decipher the messages of unknown civilizations, invent a time machine, and so on. Often a schizophrenic comes to the conclusion that everyone around does not understand anything, he alone sees the TRUTH.

Small circle symptoms

Strange speech constructions. A person is trying to explain something very important to him, but completely INCOMPLETE to others, since there is no logical connection between the phrases. Sometimes words are used that he himself invented, something like: “Barkalo. Flimsy shorts poked around the nave ... ".

Inhibited reaction. A person stops responding to others, can sit for a long time and look at one point. In some cases, he falls into STUPOR up to complete immobility.

Persistent illusions. They arise when the patient's brain completes its own REALITY. For example, a schizophrenic may feel that people on the streets periodically grow horns, or that at night his things come to life.

negative symptoms. They are called so because a person gradually LOSES skills or skills: he becomes less emotional, loses interest in work, practically does not communicate with people, etc.

Rapid test result: POSSIBLE schizophrenia is indicated by the presence of AT LEAST one major symptom in combination with two minor ones.

In any case, the presence of any of these signs is a clear reason to go to a psychiatrist to figure out what exactly is happening.

How to deal with a schizophrenic

Having found a schizophrenic next to you, it is important to remember that some forms of this disease lead to exacerbations. At this time, the symptoms of the disease manifest themselves especially strongly, and the person himself seems to fall out of reality.

Since the patient does not understand what he is doing, it is impossible to predict his behavior. In the worst case scenario, a schizophrenic may show aggression, which can be directed both at other people and at himself.

What to do in this case? Call psychiatric emergency! In the meantime, the doctors are going to try to establish a trusting contact and reassure the patient.

In no case should you prove to a schizophrenic that everything really is not at all the way he thinks. Not only will he not believe you, but he will rank you among his enemies. Do you need it? Better try to play along with the person. For example, if he believes that he has invented a time machine, ask him to be sure to take you with him when he travels to the past, as you have a lot of unfinished business there.…

It also happens that a person is perfectly aware of reality, but at the same time periodically demonstrates certain symptoms of schizophrenia. Try to persuade him (for his own peace of mind!) to undergo an examination by a psychiatrist. It's difficult, but essential. If the patient refuses to go to the doctor, do everything possible to start his treatment: invite specialists to your home, contact private clinics, motivate with anything

Modern methods of therapy make it possible to stop the manifestations of schizophrenia for a long time. Therefore, do not hesitate to turn to professionals in a timely manner!



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how to recognize a schizophrenic. Find a schizophrenic in yourself: the first signs

Schizophrenics are commonly referred to as people who are unbalanced or simply scandalous. In fact, this disease affects people of a certain type who have nothing to do with brawlers.

Scientists suggest that brain biochemistry plays an important role in the development of the disease. For example, a lack of dopamine, the hormone of pleasure, which leads to immersion in oneself, gloominess, "insensitivity" in relation to others, and sometimes to extravagance in behavior.

Another of the mysteries: among those who suffered from clinical schizophrenia, there are many prominent people. There are scientists, and artists, and writers, and other artists. Why is it that they are affected by this disease? It can be assumed that a highly developed psyche has increased fragility: this is a retribution for giftedness, talent.

sharply reduced, thoughts are slowed down, unpleasant sensations may be present, such as a stone in the body. The causes of endogenous depression are also unclear. However, they learned to correct it with the help of drugs.

To find out about the predisposition to this disease, doctors recommend carefully analyzing your behavior. The first signs of schizophrenia are easy to identify. The main thing is not to confuse them with symptoms of other diseases.

People prone to mental illness are distinguished by a number of behavioral factors.

1. A sign of schizophrenia is a changed manner of communication. If a person speaks exclusively in short phrases, often keeps silent or finds words with difficulty, then his mental state is not in order.

2. If you find it increasingly difficult to look into the eyes of the interlocutors, and you look away with relief, just in case, make an appointment with a specialist.

3. Do you no longer like your former hobbies? Can't concentrate and finish what you started? Perhaps it's not just laziness and fatigue.

4. Do you have a lot of important thoughts huddled in your head that you can’t think through to the end? Try to switch and get some rest. If it does not help, you can start sounding the alarm.

It should be remembered that schizophrenia is a sluggish disease. The interval between the detection of the disease and the onset of its severe stage can be not a year or two.

The following signs of mental illness characterize its more serious form:

1. Hallucinations. The patient talks to non-existent characters, talks about things that never happened, etc.

2. Mania of persecution (concretization of one's enemies).

3. Untidiness. A schizophrenic sufferer becomes deeply indifferent to how his apartment and himself look.

4. A sharp change of mood.

If you still found the first signs of schizophrenia in yourself, you should not be upset. This disease, with proper treatment, has long periods of remission. In order to delay the severe form of the disease as much as possible, it is necessary to avoid stressful situations and not take drugs.

Echo of thoughts and 7 more signs that you have a schizophrenic in front of you

Schizophrenia sneaks up unnoticed and robs a person of reality. The disease can be controlled, but for this you need to notice it. And she disguises herself too well.

What is schizophrenia

Schizophrenia is a complex mental illness with many forms. Its main feature is that a person's idea of ​​reality and his personality changes.

Where schizophrenia comes from, no one can say for sure. Most likely, genetics is to blame. But illness or stress can help her.

Unfortunately, many people simply do not reach specialists. This is connected both with fears and myths about psychiatry, and with the fact that schizophrenics do not consider themselves sick. A person with such a disorder is sure that he is healthy. Or that great truths were revealed to him, or that his great mission in the world is more important than everyday fuss.

With mild signs of schizophrenia, a person does not receive psychiatric help, and the disease gradually progresses and subjugates his life.

Schizophrenia is one of the most common diagnoses in psychiatry. But not every psychiatrist can understand its forms. For an ordinary person, the main thing is to notice dangerous signs and either go to the doctor or help the patient and persuade him to be examined.

How does schizophrenia start?

The initial signs of schizophrenia are difficult to notice. Most often it manifests itself in 18-35 years. But you can always get sick.

Sometimes the first signs of schizophrenia appear in childhood or adolescence. Then the oddities of behavior are attributed to a transitional age or to character traits.

A person becomes isolated, communicates little with people, does not make contact and loses interest in what used to please him. Sometimes physical sensations are dulled: the patient does not notice hunger, forgets that he needs to wash and change clothes. Unexpected emotions appear: for example, a request to pass salt can cause irritation, aggression.

This all fits the description of a rebellious teenager, a child experiencing severe stress, or a person weakened by an illness.

The signs listed above are not a reason for a diagnosis, but just a warning that it is worth talking with a loved one and, possibly, going to a psychologist in order to overcome stress and trauma.

Is it worth dragging a person to a psychiatrist for every whim or because the relationship has deteriorated? No. Trying to find a disease where there is none is even worse than the disease itself.

The main signs of schizophrenia

True schizophrenia has two types of symptoms: major and minor. To make a diagnosis, you need either one large symptom or two small ones.

Major symptoms of schizophrenia

  1. Echoes of thought. The patient believes that others can control his thoughts: read them, erase them, or, conversely, put alien ones into his head. This is not a funny idea like “What would happen if my thoughts were read”, but the certainty that it is.
  2. Brad impact. The person thinks they are being controlled. Programmed, hypnotized or affected by rays. Sometimes a schizophrenic thinks this way about other people: everyone has already been deceived, he alone sees the truth.
  3. Voice hallucinations. The patient may understand that the voices in his head only seem to him, or may not be aware of this, talking with an invisible interlocutor. The voice can simply communicate and tell something, or it can give instructions.
  4. Crazy ideas in which the patient sincerely believes. In a conspiracy of reptilians, saving the world from aliens, encrypted messages from unknown civilizations, and so on.

Minor symptoms of schizophrenia

  1. Persistent hallucinations (not only vocal). Most often, these are illusions when the brain completes reality. For example, it seems to the patient that people on the streets grow hooves or that the scarf on the chair is alive.
  2. Incomprehensible speech. The patient explains something very important to him, but it is impossible to understand him. There is no logical connection between the phrases, but the person does not notice this. Sometimes the patient uses words that he himself invented to call phenomena that exist in his head: “There are exactly 340 steps from the house to the corner. And yesterday the gabags are digging up the balcony!”
  3. Slow reactions. The patient does not react to others, falls into a stupor up to complete immobility. A person can sit and look at one point.
  4. negative symptoms. They are called negative because some skills or abilities are lost. A person loses emotions, interest in work, communicates little with people.

These signs are a definite reason to go to the doctor and figure out what is happening and how to return to reality.

What to do if a person has signs of schizophrenia

Some forms of schizophrenia lead to exacerbations. Roughly speaking, these are such periods of illness when the symptoms are especially strong and the person falls out of reality.

Patients do not understand what they are doing, they are in their own world, so it is impossible to predict their behavior. In the worst case scenario, the schizophrenic awakens aggression directed at himself or other people.

What to do? Call doctors. In the meantime, they are going to try to establish a trusting contact and reassure the person.

Do not prove to the patient that he is wrong, that the voices in his head only seem to him, or that he is delirious.

First, he won't believe. Secondly, it will write you down as an enemy. And you need something completely different.

Better try to understand what exactly seems to a person, and play along. If the patient believes that the reptilians have taken over the world and is eager to save the planet, tell him that you are an anti-aggressor agent and will now make him your colleague.

Sometimes a person does not lose touch with reality, but there are symptoms. The most difficult thing is to persuade him to undergo an examination, but it is necessary. How exactly to do this, unfortunately, no one can tell. If the patient refuses to go to the doctor, try to invite the doctor to your home, contact private clinics. The main thing is to get to treatment.

Current therapies are good enough to successfully treat schizophrenia.

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Incompetence _ Not wanting: Reality _ Not one's own: Actual status _!: And Doing: Hostile moves To become a puppet ((Rogue _ Manager _ Without knowledge about: Controlled _. If.)) _ Controlled: Puppet _ Influence = Brad influences. ..Voice hallucinations: ?! How many alien with: Astral consciousnesses Come to you _ From: Own: Physical bodies _ With Consciousness: To talk _ With you: Relatively

Competently,!: And you: Pay _ attention to them: Consciousness of your _ If: This concerns your interests _

How do doctors understand that in front of them is a patient with schizophrenia? By external signs, it is far from always possible to determine “shizu”, so experts use a number of tests. The most popular of them are presented below.

Instruction (important!): When answering a question, be guided by sensations, not logic.

So the question is:

Is the mask convex on one side or both?

Correct answer:

The mask shown in the image is convex on one side only

Does the mask rotate one way or both?

Correct answer:

The mask only rotates to the right.

Analysis of results

If you answered both questions not properly- hurray, you are absolutely healthy! Artificial shapes and shadows in the picture mislead the brain, and it shows a healthy reaction - "completes" reality and, therefore, is mistaken. In our favor:).

If the correct answers were given to both questions ... The brain of a schizophrenic cannot analyze the whole picture and complete the reality. As a result, a person sees the mask only as it really is. Such a person, of course, is unhealthy.

But don't jump to conclusions! Let's figure it out. Have you really not seen ANYTHING, except for the convex and unidirectional rotating mask? It is quite possible that you simply answered at random or saw an illusion, but nevertheless decided to get to the bottom of the correct answer, looked for a long time and made a conclusion. In addition, the optical illusion will not work if you have been drinking or under the influence of drugs.

There is a third conclusion - you ... genius! A man of genius has the mindset of both a healthy and a schizophrenic patient, and is able to instantly switch between them. In our case, the genius will see the illusion (healthy reaction), but will be able to figure out what the matter is and where the mask is rotating (schizophrenic reaction). Moreover - if he wants, he will simply stop perceiving the deception once and for all!

Important note: the results of all tests on this page do not diagnose you with 100% accuracy, this can only be done by a qualified specialist or medical consultation. Please treat the results as food for thought, not as a diagnosis!

… Not so long ago, a new test for schizophrenia, the Chaplin Mask, was developed in the UK. Look at the image below and tell me - is the mask on the back convex or concave?

Correct answer:

A healthy person will see that the mask on the back is pink and bulging. As in the previous example, there is an optical illusion here (the brain is misled by rounded shapes and shadows).

2. Luscher test

The method was developed in the 1940s. Swiss psychologist Max Lüscher. The scientist noticed that depending on the psycho-emotional state, a person perceives colors differently.

The Luscher test exists in two versions: short and full.

Short version: the patient comes to the doctor during the day (because natural light is required). The doctor ensures the uniformity of illumination and the absence of sun glare. The patient is offered numbered cards in eight colors - black, brown, red, yellow, green, gray, blue and purple. His task is to distribute the cards in accordance with personal preferences at the current moment, and nothing else.

The full version includes 73 colors (various shades of gray, the eight colors mentioned above and a mix of the four primary colors - red, green, blue and yellow). They are grouped into tables, which are given to the patient one after the other. His task is to choose from each table one color that he likes the most. After a few minutes, the test is repeated again. So the doctor will understand what condition the patient is actually in, because. for the first time, a person chose colors for the state in which he would like to be.

Video with the Luscher test:

What colors do schizophrenics choose?

Most often they prefer yellow colors. Patients with schizophrenia in a sluggish form are indifferent to colors and confuse shades, in a progressive form they negatively perceive black and red.

In addition, a good doctor will also look at the colors of the patient's clothing during testing. You should be wary when observing extremes: inexpressive and boring or bright and incompatible shades.

3. Rorschach test

Another very good test from a Swiss psychologist (they know a lot about “shiz” back in Switzerland!). The patient is shown 10 cards with pictures in the form of black-and-white and color blots, they are presented in strict order. The doctor sets the task - carefully, slowly examine the card and answer the question "What does it look like?". The technique is very much appreciated by specialists - according to it, they not only see the whole picture of the psychopathologies of a particular person, but also receive answers to many questions of a personal nature.

Here is a test on an example of one picture:

And here is the full version with comments:

4. Test pattern

A very revealing test. Schizophrenics, as noted above, confuse colors and shades: their sun can be black (a sign of fear and depression), trees are purple, and grass is red.

Schizophrenia (from the Greek "split the mind") is a mental disorder that is accompanied by deviations in the perception of reality. The patient may experience hallucinations, carry delirium, suffer from failures in speech and thinking. Usually symptoms appear in adulthood, the risk of the disease is about 0.5%.

In patients with schizophrenia, the risk of drug addiction and alcoholism is up to 40%, it is not surprising that the average life expectancy of such patients is 10-12 years less. Diagnosis is carried out mainly on the analysis of the patient's complaints, the analysis of his behavior.

Schizophrenia can quickly destroy the life of a person and his loved ones. This is what gave rise to a wave of rumors around this mysterious disease that affects the mind.

The cause of schizophrenia is the mistreatment of a person in childhood. As scientists have found out, factors such as religion, upbringing, family status, or socio-economic reasons do not play a role in the appearance of this disease. Schizophrenia is the result of a metabolic disorder of certain substances in the brain; no circumstances in a child's life can change this situation in the future. However, you should be aware that adverse living conditions can aggravate or provoke an aggravation of the disease.

Schizophrenia is contagious. In fact, mental illness is not contagious at all. It is impossible to get schizophrenia through the usual airborne route or in any other way, just by close contact with the patient.

The disease is hereditary. The fact that someone in the family had more schizophrenia earlier does not allow us to assert with absolute certainty that the disease is inherited. Even an already mentally ill woman is quite capable of bearing and giving birth to a full-fledged child. The heredity factor in the case of schizophrenia manifests itself similarly to diabetes mellitus or cancer - if both parents are sick, then the probability of the child's illness is 50%, and if only one, then already 25%.

Schizophrenia can easily be completely cured. The methods that medicine has today are not able to cure a completely sick person. True, modern drugs can significantly reduce the manifestations of schizophrenia, thereby improving the quality of life of both the patient and his loved ones.

People with schizophrenia are very aggressive. This is not true, people with schizophrenia usually do not experience aggression. Usually such people behave aloof and quiet. Statistics show that the number of cases of aggressive behavior among such patients does not exceed the usual values.

Schizophrenia stems from bad deeds. If a person is ill with such a mental illness, then this does not at all indicate the accomplishment of once unfavorable actions by him. There is no reason to be ashamed of schizophrenia and its manifestations in the family. After all, this disease is the most common, like an ulcer, diabetes, or something else chronic.

Schizophrenia is a sign of moral weakness. Mentally ill people cannot eliminate the signs of illness by mere effort of their will. After all, we cannot, only through a strong desire, strengthen our sight or hearing.

Schizophrenia is an indispensable "companion" of genius. Indeed, mentally ill people have non-standard thinking, their ideas can be original. But not all patients with schizophrenia are brilliant.

If a person is sick with schizophrenia, then he can no longer work. The employer should be aware that the diagnosis of "schizophrenia" cannot be a reason for removing a person from work. A person may well perform his direct duties in this state. It is only necessary to remember that it must be morally supported in order to get rid of the attack as quickly as possible. After leaving the hospital, the employee will be able to resume his work. This will allow a person to gain self-respect, prove the need for society in it.

People with schizophrenia should be in prison. Mentally ill people sometimes end up in jail. At the time of an attack of the disease or its exacerbation, failures in the social framework of people are possible - vagrancy, drug addiction and substance abuse, petty offenses. All this leads to complications with the law. Society often considers prison as a means of combating patients with schizophrenia and isolating them. But after all, in the prison hospital, it is unlikely that unhealthy people will be given the necessary treatment, their condition will only worsen. Yes, and other prisoners often behave cruelly with the sick, only aggravating the punishment. As a result - the final social loss and growing isolation.

People with such a diagnosis, in principle, are not able to think about their treatment. The vast majority of schizophrenic patients are aware that they are unhealthy and seek to overcome their illness. Only at the first stages it can be difficult to convince a person to fight, he still needs to accept the fact of his illness. If a person's family members are interested in a positive result, helping, approving and supporting steps towards treatment, then the patient himself begins to make decisions about the struggle for his health much easier.

Severe mental illnesses can be treated with a number of methods. There are no methods that would cure a patient from severe manic-depressive psychosis or continuously ongoing schizophrenia. Although some psychiatrists claim to be able to treat such patients, such methods, reproduced by other specialists on randomly selected groups of patients, simply did not work. What is really possible is only the weakening of symptoms, which will improve the quality of life of both patients and their relatives. We must also remember that there are different types of schizophrenia. It can be followed by attacks, albeit severe, but not leading to significant disruptions in life. Such episodes can be replaced by remissions of the patient's well-being almost at the level of complete recovery.

Schizophrenia means separation of personality. Schizophrenia does not mean having a split personality. After all, such an effect is associated with a unique mental state, which is called in the language of specialists multiple dissociative personality disorder. Just it can be caused by frequent mental trauma in childhood. People with these disorders are characterized by transitions from one personality state to the exact opposite. For example, a seductive nightlife adventurer can suddenly turn into a shy and awkward prude. It is interesting that people can call themselves by different names in different conditions. In general, this disorder is extremely rare. Psychoanalytically oriented American specialists succeeded well in diagnosing it. Such a disease is well displayed in the film "The Color of the Night" with Bruce Willis. Split personality has nothing to do with schizophrenia.

Schizophrenia is a very rare disease. Approximately 1% of all people living on the planet have symptoms of this disease. Although in some countries these figures are noticeably lower, and in some - more, scientists still cannot fully figure out the reasons for the prevalence of the disease. There are also interesting incidence statistics for different social groups.

As a person well versed in the symptoms of psychological disorders, he decided to feign one of the types of schizophrenia and see if he could get into a psychiatric hospital in this way. I must say that Rosenhan's experiment was a success.

For me, David Rosenhan's experiment is very interesting and curious, since it is known that American psychiatrists are quite pedantic, they thoroughly analyze the diseases of their patients, carefully compare all symptoms with reference books, etc. But the cunning patient still managed to plausibly pretend to be sick, as a result, he was placed in a psychiatric hospital, where he spent about a week, after which he also skillfully feigned recovery.

Now he had to use his wits again, but this time, in order to convince psychiatrists of his miraculous cure. After that, David Rosenhan decided to repeat this experiment with his friends. Eight people: five men and three women simulated auditory hallucinations. All of them were successfully recognized as mentally ill and assigned to mental hospitals, where they spent from 7 to 52 days. At discharge, their hospital records showed a diagnosis of schizophrenia in remission. Such a nice "lifetime" bonus.

David Rosenhan's experiment was carried out in 1973. I think this inquisitive scientist is lucky that in our time people with mental illness are treated, and not burned at the stake, as it was two hundred years ago)

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Causes of schizophrenia

Schizophrenia is a group of mental illnesses that have a certain impact on the volitional and emotional sphere. This factor greatly complicates the adaptation of the patient in society. The disease in question is not amenable to self-correction and requires timely therapeutic intervention. Even in the case when the signs of schizophrenia appear only once during a lifetime, one cannot speak of a complete independent cure. This disease is characterized by a long remission, but the patient must be constantly under medical supervision. According to WHO statistics, the disease in question is present in more than one percent of the inhabitants of our planet. Let's look at the causes of the development of this disease and what will happen to a person if schizophrenia is not treated.

Schizophrenia is considered a multifactorial disease

The mechanism of the development of the disease

Schizophrenia is a hereditary disease or acquired, a question that medicine still cannot answer. Multi-shift studies have not been able to identify the main cause of the development of this disease. However, scientists have found out a lot regarding the mechanisms of development of this mental disorder. According to scientific data, the clinical symptoms characteristic of this disease in children have several characteristic features in comparison with the "adult" disease. Children's consciousness perceives the surrounding reality in a special way. That is why most doctors do not risk making a final diagnosis before the end of puberty.

In the last century, the ailment in question was designated using the term "precox dementia". This term should be understood as an incurable mental disorder that arose in childhood, which later becomes the cause of dementia. However, until now, the factors that entail the development of schizophrenia are not known to medicine. Leading world experts in the field of psychiatry put forward several theories regarding the development of this disease:

  1. Genetic predisposition - according to statistics, some manifestations of this mental disorder are transmitted through the family line. The risk of developing schizophrenia in a child, one of whose parents has a similar diagnosis, is about ten percent. This theory is supported by the fact that in most families that do not have such disorders, the risk of developing schizophrenia in offspring is less than one percent. In the case when both parents in the family have the disease in question, the risk of developing the disease in children exceeds fifty percent.
  2. Problems with the production of dopamine is one of the possible causes of the development of a mental disorder. This hormone is a neurotransmitter and its increased content in the body can lead to constant overexcitation of the nervous system. It is these problems with the hormonal background that explain the attacks of hallucinations, paranoia and obsession.
  3. Impact of infection - there are a number of pathogenic microorganisms that have the ability to destroy the nervous system. The herpes virus belongs to this category of microorganisms. According to WHO, more than ninety-five percent of the inhabitants of our planet are carriers of this virus. In most cases, the immune system of the human body prevents the activation of the virus. A decrease in the quality of the immune system leads to the fact that the virus wakes up and begins to destroy the cells of the brain and nervous system. Toxoplasmosis also has a similar effect on the body.

The exact and unambiguous cause of the origin of schizophrenia has not been established.

Relationship between toxoplasmosis and schizophrenia

Approximately one third of the world's population are carriers of this infectious agent.

Based on this, one can ask a completely logical question: “how is toxoplasmosis associated with schizophrenia and what is the reason for its development”? According to scientists, this simple infectious agent can cause damage to certain cells of brain tissue. Against this background, the level of dopamine in the body of an infected person increases, which causes uncontrolled aggression, attacks of hallucinations and paranoia. The elderly and children are especially vulnerable to infection.

Based on the foregoing, we can say that this infectious agent acts only as an indirect factor in the development of schizophrenia. However, under certain circumstances, it is the infection that can trigger the mechanism for the development of a mental disorder.

Psychological factors

According to British psychiatrist Tim Crow, one of the reasons for the development of mental disorders is related to a person's ability to talk. The development of the speech apparatus during evolution has led to asymmetric development of the human brain. Each of the hemispheres of the brain has clear functions and is responsible for certain skills. Thus, it was the very moment of awareness of one's own "I" by an ancient person that became the key reason for the emergence of various mental disorders.

Schizophrenia has been known for centuries

However, this theory is far from the only one. Raising the question of what causes schizophrenia, the English philosopher D. Bers in his report says that the mechanism for the development of schizophrenia is closely related to the socialization of the individual. To date, there are no true historical facts about the prevalence of this disease in the Middle Ages, however, according to archaeologists, there is indirect evidence that even the ancient Egyptians knew about this disease.

Eugen Bleiler, a psychiatrist from Switzerland who lived in the last century, is the discoverer of the main symptom of this mental disorder, namely the duality of the attitude of patients to the world around them. An example is a situation in which the patient says one thing, but in reality performs completely different actions. According to Bleuler, the main points associated with the development of mental disorders are observed in childhood. The lack of an adequate analysis of the surrounding world and the inability to perceive dual attitudes leads to the fact that the child comes face to face with contradictions. It is the lack of necessary answers to emerging questions that leads to the development of the disease in question.

According to Bleuler's theory, there is a critical age when the above factors can cause the development of mental disorders. The risk group includes people whose age is from eighteen to twenty-five years.

The reason for the development of mental disorders in children

Psychologists say that childhood is a special period in the formation of human consciousness. In childhood, the foundation of the future person is laid. In children, the pathology in question is diagnosed extremely rarely due to the peculiarities of mental development.

There are special psychiatric techniques that allow you to recognize the onset of the disease, but a final diagnosis can only be made after the end of the puberty period.

Schizophrenia is a chronic mental illness with distinct symptoms of psychosis, thought disorders, emotional disturbances and inappropriate behavior.

Speaking about how schizophrenics become, one should pay attention to the fact that this diagnosis can be made in childhood only if there are acute manifestations of a mental disorder. The development of the disease becomes the cause of dementia, deterioration of the speech apparatus and inhibition of overall development. Thus, we can say that the development of the disease negatively affects the usefulness of the child. Let's look at the mechanism of development of this pathology in childhood:

  1. Preschool age - at this age, the patient develops inexplicable fears, panic attacks, attacks of hallucinations. Increased excitability leads to a change in behavior, which is expressed in excessive obsession and impulsivity. In a severe form of the course of the disease, retrograde behavior is observed.
  2. Adolescence - an outstanding German specialist in the field of psychiatry Emil Kraepelin, said that schizophrenia originates precisely in this life period. It was Kraepelin who gave the name of the mental disorder in question - “precox dementia”. At this age, the clinical manifestations of schizophrenia acquire similarities with the "adult" disease. The patient shows strong dissatisfaction with his own appearance, begins to show suicidal tendencies, delusions and movement disorders. It should be especially noted that the teenager does not realize that he is sick.

Attacks of paranoia in adolescence are extremely rare, which greatly complicates the diagnosis of the disease. Difficulties in diagnosis are due to the peculiarity of psychosomatics at this age. In order to accurately diagnose the development of schizophrenia, the child must be under full medical supervision for more than six months. It is precisely such a long observation of the behavior of a teenager that makes it possible to exclude the possibility of such a manifestation of personal characteristics of character.

Clinical picture

On the Internet you can often see the question: “how to understand that you have schizophrenia”? There are dozens of different forums dedicated to this disease. It is here that you can meet not only specialists, but also people who are familiar with this problem firsthand. Each of the people with this mental disorder is familiar with the following symptoms:

  1. Consciousness and body no longer belong to the patient. Quite often, thoughts come to the head of a schizophrenic that someone controls his mind.
  2. The appearance of one or more voices that begin to control the behavior of the patient.
  3. Attacks of delirium and identity substitution, which makes the patient feel like the hero of a book, film or computer game.
  4. Hallucinations are the occurrence of visual images that interfere with the normal conduct of life.
  5. Confusion of consciousness that interferes with concentration. The patient can start his monologue with one thought, and end it with a radically opposite one.
  6. Trying to withdraw into your own world. This condition is accompanied by bouts of causeless aggression and apathy.
  7. Catatonic state - this syndrome is characterized by "freezing" in certain poses. During a catatonic attack, the patient stops responding to external stimuli. The consciousness of the patient is separated from the body, and he can freeze in absolutely any position for a long time.

Almost all theories of the origin of schizophrenia exist at the level of hypotheses.

The fear of this disease is natural for any individual. But experts from the field of psychiatry say that in order to make an accurate diagnosis, the above symptoms must appear over a long period of time. A single manifestation of the described symptoms is not an absolute fact of the development of a mental disorder. According to doctors, there are mild forms of manifestation of the disease that do not require forced hospitalization of the patient.


In conclusion of the conversation about where schizophrenia comes from, attention should be paid to the importance of a timely diagnostic examination. The removal of the acute form of the disease and the subsequent stabilization of the condition allow the patient to return to normal life within a short period of time. However, the recovery period for this disease is quite long. After removing the acute form of schizophrenia, the patient should attend psychocorrection sessions for several years. This approach allows you to prolong remission and reduce the risk of relapse.

10 signs that will help identify schizophrenia. Be careful!

Do you suspect that your psychological state is out of the normal range? Maybe it's all due to a mental disorder. Often patients do not even realize that they have a terrible diagnosis - schizophrenia.

Here are 10 signs to watch out for. They are the first signs of schizophrenia. If you have all of these signs, you should consult a doctor.

1. Causeless bouts of anger, irritation, aggression. You can kick a cat for no reason, break a plate, yell at loved ones. Inadequate expression of emotions occurs without a good reason. And then the anger instantly disappears.

2. You are looking for flaws in your appearance. Schizophrenics sit in front of a mirror, carefully examine their face and look for missteps. They feel like their nose is big or crooked. The chin is too heavy and the eyes are an ugly color. Secretly they want to get themselves plastic surgery.

3. Nothing brings joy. You used to love traveling, reading books, listening to music. And now these once favorite activities have become indifferent. But you didn't have any new hobbies. You have absolutely no interest in anything. There is no joy in life.

4. You are afraid that someone will read your thoughts. It seems like other people can easily know what you're thinking. There is an obsession that you are secretly tapped. And people with schizophrenia are also afraid that during sleep they can tell all their secrets.

5. Don't feel like doing anything. It's not even lazy. You are seized by a complete and all-encompassing feeling of apathy. It seems that the slightest act requires colossal physical and mental effort. The patient becomes practically helpless, his productivity reaches zero.

6. The voices in my head are giving orders. This is a pretty serious sign. And dangerous, because the teams can be very different. A voice can order a person to cut his hand, steal a phone from a friend, pour paint on a car. And the patient unquestioningly fulfills all these commands.

7. Almost nothing is remembered. All new knowledge instantly disappears. Yes, a person cannot receive them, because he is not able to concentrate. Something always distracts him. He is unable to focus even for a minute. He also begins to forget recent events. They seem to be completely erased from memory.

8. It is impossible to think normally. Thoughts are always confused, they are illogical. The patient is not able to build even the simplest logical chain. Because of this, his actions are meaningless. It is very difficult for schizophrenics to construct a sentence. The words are confused and the meaning is distorted.

9. Delusions of grandeur. Patients think that they are great people with supernatural powers. A person believes that he is endowed with some unique talent, that he is a messenger from above, a messiah. A great schizophrenic person constantly convinces others of his greatness and genius.

10. Hallucinations. Final stage. A schizophrenic may experience sounds and images. Some patients feel that they are visited by deceased relatives or celebrities. They hear music or strange sounds. Especially often hallucinations occur when a person is alone.

If you have found all 10 signs of schizophrenia in yourself, you should immediately consult a doctor. But do not be discouraged if, for example, you have found a couple of items. Alone, these signs do not say you have a mental disorder.

For example, hallucinations can be a reaction to taking medications. Apathy arises in difficult life periods, and a lack of interest in life can be a consequence of a severe life shock.

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How to get schizophrenic?

There is hardly anyone among us who would like to suffer from dementia. Rather, on the contrary, the question - how to get schizophrenia worries those who are really worried about their mental and psychological problems. To help with this, we will examine the points at which risks of mental disorders may arise.

A large part of the world's population suffers from mental disorders. According to the WHO, every hundredth is prone to mania, depression, etc., and every year the number of patients is growing. There are many reasons for this, and the main one is the rapid pace of the modern world, excessive information flow, and scientific and technological development. The list can be listed for a long time, consider the most basic of them.

Several reasons why you can get schizophrenia


I would not want to scare you right off the bat, but people who have or had mentally ill people in their families run the risk of being on the lists of a psychiatrist. So, in any case, the majority of doctors think, although discussions on this subject have not yet ended. The reason is the blurring of the scope of diagnosis, the difficulty in determining the disease in an atypical, mild form of the disease. But all experts are united in one thing - there is no heredity due to a particular gene. Rather, the decisive factor is the combination and interrelation of several types of genes, due to which the propensity for psychiatric disorders is inherited. There is also an opinion that a child brought up in the family of a sick person adopts tendencies precisely because of contact with him.

Features of intrauterine development - a lack of vitamins, a violation in the formation of the cerebral cortex, the nervous system and other pathologies cause serious problems with the mental state of the child.

Important: often a tendency to dementia occurs under the influence of a suddenly mutated gene.

It turns out that heredity is one of the important factors in the development of mental illness.

In this case, you don’t even need to think about how to earn schizophrenia. Any stress, depression, trauma can become a provoking factor. Therefore, it is important:

  • do not expose yourself to excessive mental and physical stress;
  • avoid conflict situations;
  • choose a quiet place of work, where there are no provoking factors;
  • periodically consult a doctor and take preventive treatment.

Age indicator

According to doctors, young people aged 15 to 35 are susceptible to the disease. And it is not difficult to explain this phenomenon, it is during this period of life that a person experiences emotional overload, experiences the formation of his own personality, and faces the first problems. There is an opinion that the disease also depends on gender, but it is erroneous. Woman or man, it doesn't matter. Get sick with schizophrenia only with a combination of factors.

Important: despite the fact that doctors have identified a period in which the risk of developing mental disorders is maximum, it is necessary to be attentive to babies. In the case when the child behaves inappropriately, talks about visions, sounds in his head, tormented by nightmares, there is a high probability of developing psychosis. At this age, the psyche has plasticity, which can be influenced and schizophrenia is cured.

How to get schizophrenia at home

Mental anguish in an unhealthy situation in the family, scandals, cruelty or complete indifference of parents often cause mental deviations in the child. The words of leading psychiatric scientists that residents of large metropolitan areas are more prone to mental illness have become alarming. It is in urban areas that communication problems often arise, children behave more aggressively. Also contributing factors are:

  • low social level - poverty;
  • discrimination;
  • bullying classmates, peers;
  • lack of family support;
  • loneliness, indifference of adults.

Due to these and other factors, a person closes in a limited world, cannot solve the problems of even his own child, which is why mental disorders occur in children.

Important: the main source of moral strength to overcome difficulties in a child is parental attention, guardianship and love.


Divorce of parents can cause schizophrenia. According to scientists, the children of divorced adults make up the majority of adolescents with schizophrenia. For a child, father and mother are a single whole, but after parting, a split state is formed in his brain. There is an exact term for the phenomenon - a schizophrenogenic family. And if the family lives in friendship, harmony, parents find time to communicate with children, constantly spend time with them, doing one exciting thing, then the risk of disease is practically reduced to zero.

The situation in the family directly affects the psychological state of the beloved child. A child can get schizophrenia even with a banal dispute, when adults splash out emotions excessively. Opposite, mutually exclusive demands of adults lead to a severe form of the disease - ambivalence. In such cases, complex processes take place in the soul of the child. He seems to love the elders, but at the same time he is ready to kill his parents, he hates them so much.


The formation of the psyche is completed by about 35 years. Drug addicts mainly become in adolescence, young people, when there is still no strong psyche. In addition, the young body is subjected to emotional overload and stress, and chemicals that poison the body and affect the brain aggravate the process. Scientists closely link drug addiction and schizophrenia, since drugs cause an artificial splitting of personality. But there is another, opposite opinion, that it is precisely because of mental disorders that a person can become addicted to drugs.

Important: psychogenic and dangerous substances include drugs such as marijuana, hashish.


The effect is about the same as in the case of drugs. The components of alcohol affect brain cells, this can be judged by the behavior of a drunk person. Entire areas die, just as in the case of narcotic drugs, antidepressants. A person ceases to control himself, carries delirium, hallucinations, aggression, etc. occur in a state of severe intoxication.

If friends from a schizophrenogenic family, alcoholics appeared in the circle of a drug-addicted teenager, the risk of mental disorders and the development of schizophrenia is high.


It would seem that no one is worried about problems at work, school, in the family. But everything is more than serious. Doctors are mostly worried in this sense for the psyche of children in whom, due to a stressful situation in childhood, the foundation is laid for a serious, mental disorder. If a dangerous situation arises later that causes stress, then this can become a trigger, which most often happens.


Patients of doctors often become people with an unstable psyche, serving, participating in military conflicts, witnessing an act of violence, murder, etc. Here it is difficult to protect everyone from a serious and difficult situation, but at the slightest opportunity, it is better not to allow a sensitive nature to serve in the army, not to load it with too complex mental or physical work, surround it with attention, care, turn to a psychiatrist, a psychologist in time to calm a nervous breakdown. .

Is schizophrenia curable or not?

Relatives of the patient can only cause regret, because a person who is dear to them suffers. There is not a single moment that could brighten up the situation. Pain, confusion, horror are created in the soul when they think about whether schizophrenia can be cured. But don't panic right away. This is another myth that non-professionals are afraid of. According to statistics, approximately two-thirds of patients with adequate therapy are completely cured. An additional healing factor is a strong family, harmony in relationships, once again convinces everyone that schizophrenia is curable. It all depends on the depth of the mental disorder and the causes that provoke the development of the disease. A certain part needs constant care and for this reason they need care in specific institutions - neuropsychiatric boarding houses, clinics, etc. Fortunately, modern medicine has methods and drugs that can significantly alleviate severe disorders, even in the most severe forms of the disease, but in such cases, schizophrenia is completely incurable.

What is dangerous schizophrenia

For the most part, people with mental disorders are more of a danger to themselves than to others, although this also happens. Relatives should be attentive already at the initial stages of the disease and sound the alarm in cases of:

When a patient talks about suicide (especially in adolescence), involuntarily he signals to relatives about problems and hopes for help from them. In such cases, any harsh statement or indifference can become fatal. It is also necessary to hide all cutting, piercing, firearms, chemicals, poisons, ropes. Those living on high floors will have to be close to the patient at all times.

Is schizophrenia dangerous for others

We all know that a person with an upset psyche can threaten the lives of others. We constantly hear about rapists, murderers, maniacs and other terrible types who commit crimes precisely because of the splitting, splitting of the mind. They are forced to follow the orders of the voice, hallucinations, as well as psychological trauma suffered in childhood that caused perverted thinking, etc. The danger lies especially in schizophrenia if it is hushed up, and the sick person is smart, knows how to deftly hide his problems, calculates his steps in advance and no one doubts his integrity.

Prevention of schizophrenia

Unfortunately, it is still impossible to completely get rid of the disease with a severe course. When they learn to treat schizophrenia without remission is unknown. In any case, if this happens, and it is to be hoped for, most of the problems will cease to torment people. There will be no aggression, terrible crimes and even wars caused by inadequate types. In the meantime, you can fight it with available methods, which include the attention and care of others, harmonious relationships, and the absence of conflicts. A healthy lifestyle, complete trust in the family, active activities - sports, gymnastics, exciting hobbies will prevent the disorder of thinking of a person, especially a child.

Being a parent is not only a great happiness, but also an incredible responsibility. Each of our words, deeds, actions children perceive in their own way. And what word has sunk into the soul of a beloved child - good or evil, depends on what sprouts it will give in his mind.

Instructions on how to become a schizophrenic

A tulpa is a stable self-suggested conscious visualization, capable of independent thoughts and actions, having its own consciousness. What is characteristic, it is created quite consciously, through purposeful actions over a long period of time, and allows you to set the initial character and form at your discretion.



Stable - does not disappear and does not appear spontaneously, only according to your or your desire.

Self-hypnotic - only you can create a tulpa

Conscious - you understand that you see what others do not see.

Visualization - does not exist in the world familiar to us, but, nevertheless, it can influence your consciousness in such a way that you receive information about it in the general stream of sensations. This means that, ideally, your tulpa will be realistic, able to interact with you and the world around you. Interaction with you includes the whole range of sensations - sight, touch, hearing, tactile and other sensations. It should not be called a hallucination, because. it is not capable of appearing without your effort.

A conscious tulpa will behave in such a way that you cannot tell them apart from any other human. If you set yourself such a goal, it will pass the Turing test, however, only inside your brain. It should be understood that her "consciousness" is still based on the computing power of your brain. Why in quotes? Because it is not possible to accurately establish the presence of a creation in her because of the inseparability of yours, her consciousness and your brain. Therefore, it can be assumed that the tulpa is just an attempt by your brain to imitate consciousness. True, this assumption is also impossible to verify (there is no outside observer), and since there is no difference for you, then we will further assume that she still has consciousness. Without any quotes.

Created consciously - means that you will not be able to wake up tomorrow and find a tulpa next to you without making any effort for this or / and not even though it. At the moment, there are several guides and tips, for the most part that do not contradict each other, which allows us to talk about a somewhat systematic approach to creating a tulpa.

Allows you to set the initial character and form - you can create any creature that you have enough imagination for, and with any character that you can imagine. After a certain threshold, when it will be possible to talk about the self-awareness of the tulpa, she may want to change something in her appearance or character, and it is not certain that you will be able to forbid her.


Host - the person on whose resources the tulpa exists, the one who created it.

Forcing, tulpaforcing, TF is the process of actively creating a tulpa. Active - this means that only certain actions can be called forcing, and not just a period of time from making a decision to creating a tulpa

Wonderland, Wonderland, wonderland - an imaginary space or world in which you can do forcing and practice interaction with your tulpa long before the tulpa appears in ILRL (IN Local Real Life 😉

A welder is a person who invents or embellishes his progress in forcing and its results. Comes from a joke. There is an opinion that this is not so bad.

Servitor - differs from the tulpa in that you can directly influence his judgments, thoughts, actions. It's not a puppet or a tulpa with no consciousness of its own. By apt definition of Winged Man, a servitor is a person to whom you have root access.

A tulpa (versus a servitor) is a person that you cannot control. If compared with the previous definition, then this is a person to which you only have user access. If you want to change her mindset, you'll have to convince her first.

Waifu (from wife) - a person (tulpa or servitor), created with the aim of being an object of love.

Sigils are connecting elements, associations, anchors. Photo, music, image, memory, object. Anything that connects you to your tulpa.

VD - imaginary friend

AVL - autonomous virtual personality


So, at the very beginning of its existence, the tulpa was just such a fingerbox. Around the years, threads began to appear on foreign boards describing how people revived their favorite anime and movie characters in their own minds, talking about the fact that they replace girls and boys with them. The idea was received with enthusiasm, on the one hand, by those who understood that it was a fingerbox, and expected tons of questions and strange answers to them in connection with it (okay, this is called trolling and lulz). On the other hand, to lonely nerds, a tulpa seemed like a great way to get a girlfriend, even an imaginary one. While the first part of those supporting the legend was doing just that (wrote messages and in every possible way supported the appearance of the reality of the tulpa), and was not at all going to follow simple instructions (that's right, who will collect the fingerbox in all seriousness?), the second part is not like that active, began to actively engage in forcing.

Then the unexpected happened. For some people, completely invented instructions led to quite tangible results! This was somewhat unexpected, and spurred a number of people to try, including those who perceived the tulpa only as a fingerbox. Then the process went on increasing, within six months the first results were collected, and it became clear in which direction it was necessary to move in order to obtain results with greater probability.

Somewhere in early 2012, the first manuals began to appear on Russian boards, first translated and then written. Currently, there is a very active Russian-speaking community, a website, a forum, several active blogs that describe the process of creating your own tulpas.

Process of creation

  • Creating a visual image
  • Visualization of the tulpa and conversations with her
  • Bringing your tulpa into the real world

    Now for each of the items.

    Creating a character - you think about it, write it down on a piece of paper or remember the "backbone" of the character - a list of 5-10 (as many as you can remember without difficulty) personal qualities, pieces that make up the character.

    For example, "Compassion, curiosity, cheerfulness, loyalty, resourcefulness." Do not take it as an axiom in the following steps, this cheat sheet is needed only for you.

    Creating a visual image - Find a suitable image (if you can't draw, you'd better choose an existing image), stock up on pictures, photo and video materials. During forcing, you will have to constantly maintain the image in your head, the easiest way to do this is by looking at the image and then trying to restore it in memory. Once the image has been rendered, you can opt out of reinforcing images. Keep in mind that when creating a visual image of an existing person you know, the tulpa will most likely get a part of his character, no matter how much they want it.

    Creating wonderland - you can do without this item, but it will be easier with it. In this step, with the help of simple self-hypnosis and simple forms of meditation (there is nothing that an ordinary person could not do), you create a piece of the virtual world. Your task is to learn how to get into it (and come back). The classical scheme is usually used - a staircase of a number of steps is imagined, along which you slowly descend, at each step more and more relaxing and plunging into a trance. Near the last step, imagine a door, opening which you find yourself in wonderland. However, you can come up with your own way. One of the enforcers hit him while wearing dark glasses.

    Tulpa visualization and conversations - you have to make your brain believe in the existence of the tulpa. Briefly - you start talking to the void, referring to the tulpa. Watch the movie - comment. Do the work - consult, ask, tell. Think about what your tulpa will tell you, according to their personality from the first point. Gradually, if you do everything right, you will begin to receive “responses”. First, in the form of emotions - all of a sudden, for no apparent reason, you will be overwhelmed by a wave of approval or interest. Then the voice will be added. You can do this at the same time as the previous step, then, most likely, by the time you get an emotional response, you will get a visual image in wonderland.

    The transfer of the tulpa to the real world is a continuation of the previous stage. You practice in wonderland to communicate with your tulpa, and in the real world you get more and more strong response, and further, visualization.

    Benefit from a tulpa

  • Argue and express a different view of the problem
  • Get access to your memory to pull out what you forgot.
  • Manage your feelings, turn off headaches, improve your condition, relieve stress.
  • Talk and let her cry into her vest.
  • Having sex with you
  • Indirectly influence the world (for more details, see the servopragmatics guide)
  • Act as secretary.
  • Play the role of positive feedback - praise for unpleasant, but necessary actions. They say it's a great cure for procrastination.


    In the city of Orekhovo

    What problems can interfere with the result?

    The most important is laziness and lack of results. Desire to quit half way. The old guides say you can't do this, but there's nothing terrible about it. You can stop progress at any point, and then quickly return to the point where you left off. Few return.

    The second problem is too literal reproduction of guides and other people's experience. In this case, the repeater drives himself into a framework from which it is very difficult to get out. Just because the manual says "it takes 100 hours" doesn't mean you won't get results before that time. You can create a tulpa in a week and a half, or you can create it in six months. Everything is individual. Despite the fact that these are called manuals, they should not be taken as the ultimate truth.

    Once again: Don't take guides or diaries as the only way. You have yours.

    Another problem is doubt.

    And the first pebble is about to fall down inadvertently,

    And with a wild roar, the collapse will go down the slope.

    And after storms and after thunderstorms, only a tuft of gray hair

    I will be a modest and only reward.

    And so, scratching my nose, I ask myself a question:

    And why do I, a fool, need all this?


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