Removing glare on glasses in Photoshop. How good is yellow lenses? Where should you expect danger while driving

27.05.2015 14:05

Anti-reflex or anti-reflective lenses perfectly decorate your frame, and see through them much better and more comfortable than through ordinary ones.
Thanks to a special coating applied to the inner and outer sides of the lenses, solar or artificial bright direct rays of light are scattered, making vision more comfortable. The less glare, the more light gets through the lenses, allowing the eye to see better and the glasses to be prettier.
The anti-reflex, AR coating is especially suitable for high-index lenses, which reflect much more light than the plastic lenses we are used to. As a general rule, the higher the refractive index of a material, the more light it will eventually reflect.

Lenses made of plastic reflect about 8 percent of the sun's rays that hit them, so 92 percent of the light reaches the eye. High-index plastic lenses are capable of reflecting light 50 percent more than ordinary plastic (about 12 percent), and therefore even less light reaches the eyes. This problem causes a lot of trouble under low light conditions, for example, while driving in dark time days.
Today's AR-coated lenses virtually eliminate light reflection while allowing 99.5 percent of the sun's rays to pass through the lens and reach your eyes, improving vision clarity.
By eliminating reflections, the lenses of anti-reflective glasses appear almost transparent, allowing people to see your eyes and facial expressions more clearly. In addition, these glasses look much prettier, so you will always look great in them and under any conditions.

The advantages of lenses with anti-reflective coating include:

  1. Clearer visibility at night, which is especially important for drivers, because no glare will interfere with a calm and safe ride.
  2. The possibility of a long and more comfortable stay at the computer.
It is a good idea to cover with such a coating Sunglasses, then the light will not be reflected from inner surface lenses directly into your eyes when the sun is behind you. As a rule, for sunglasses, such a coating is applied exclusively to inside, since there is no need to eliminate the reflection from the outer surface.
Lenses with premium anti-reflective coatings have an additional "hydrophobic" surface layer that prevents water droplets from staining, making eyewear much easier to care for. Some lenses are also equipped with an "oleophobic" surface layer, which eliminates the stains that our fingers can leave, because there is always oil on the skin.
In some cases, the coating is applied to both sides of the lens, and this is done at special enterprises.

How is an anti-reflective coating applied to lenses?

Applying an anti-reflective coating to eyeglass lenses is a simple technical process that involves vacuum deposition technology.
First, the lens is cleaned, carefully inspected and checked for scratches or other defects. The cleaning process is very important, because even a minor scratch or speck at first glance can adversely affect the quality of the coating.
As a rule, the production process consists precisely in high-quality cleaning, even with the help of ultrasound, because the main goal of this work is a perfectly clean surface. Then the lenses are dried with air and heated in special ovens, which is done to remove excess moisture and gases from the surface of the lens.
The lenses are mounted on special metal supports with spring holes, where they are securely fixed and open for further coating. The supports are placed in a special chamber, with a tightly closed door, from there, to create a vacuum, all the air is pumped out.
While the lens supports slowly rotate, an energy source located inside the chamber focuses a beam of electrons onto a small crucible containing a certain amount of metal oxides in each individual compartment.
After successive firing of such a kind of electron gun with a beam, the oxides are converted into vapor, which gradually fills the entire chamber and settles on each lens, forming a uniform, thinnest anti-reflective layer.

Choosing the best coverage

Each manufacturer has its own secrets, but basically the anti-reflective coating consists of several layers of silicon oxide with alternating low and high refractive indices.
Depending on the production formula most of lenses have a dull aftercolor, usually blue or green. It is thanks to him that you can recognize whether there is a coating on the lens or not.
This coating is the thinnest, and the thickness of all its layers is approximately 0.3 microns, that is, 0.02 percent of a conventional lens.
Caring for these glasses
Typically, products with an anti-reflective coating are wiped with a microfiber cloth that is attached to the finished product.
Follow the recommendations of optics specialists, in this case you can always come to our store, where only highly qualified consultants work, and not only ask about all the features of this type of lens coating, but also order them from us. In addition, here you will find the richest selection of frames for every taste and color, for children and adults at anti-crisis prices.

Visual discomfort caused by regular use of a computer is called computer visual syndrome. It is diagnosed in 70% of people who work in front of a monitor for three or more hours a day. Anti-reflective glasses with regular use will help to avoid the development of myopia, hyperopia and astigmatism.

The effect of monitor radiation on the eyes

The reasons for this phenomenon lie in the peculiarities of the perception of the monitor by the human eye. When we read printed work, text and pictures are sharp, but the monitor includes a lot of flickering pixels. Therefore, the text on the monitor does not seem clear enough to the eye.

Focusing the eye is also difficult because the pixels near the center of the screen are brighter than those located at the edges. This dissonance provokes rapid fatigue. visual system. In addition, vision is affected by the intensity of the glow, font features, the location of information blocks, colors, and even the position of the monitor.

In order to prevent deterioration of vision, you need to constantly follow the rules of working at a computer, monitor your posture and the location of the monitor (60-70 cm from the eyes). Every hour you need to take a break, do gymnastics for the eyes. To avoid drying out of the mucosa, you can use moisturizing drops. For a prescription, you need to contact a specialist.

Using even the most protected and modern monitor, a person still blinks 2-3 times less than usual. This leads to the drying of the cornea and the formation of microcracks. The presence of lesions in the mucosa causes discomfort and over time provokes a decrease in visual function.

Even with a slight deterioration in vision, you need to undergo an examination and find out the cause. If the deterioration is due to computer use, you can purchase special glasses that minimize harm.

The difference between polarized and anti-reflective glasses

It is noteworthy that even in optics salons, these types of optical systems are often confused. In order to understand these concepts, you need to know what glare is. And glare is a spot of light that is observed on a convex or flat glossy surface that reflects light. It turns out that any surface can create glare (at a certain angle, as well as with proper lighting), even the lenses of glasses.

The polarization of light is a more complex concept. It occurs when light hits a surface at a certain angle, is reflected and propagates predominantly horizontally and vertically. Vertical polarization of light conveys information about colors, contrast, and so on to a person, while horizontal polarization creates noise, glare, interference, and blind spots. And the higher the ability of the surface to reflect light, the stronger the glare will affect vision.

Glare occurs at any time of the year. This occurs when light is reflected from snow, water, and even in foggy conditions. In conditions of poor visibility, glare reduces visual acuity by distorting colors, shapes, and contrast. All this provokes eye fatigue and corresponding discomfort.

It is noteworthy that reducing the intensity of lighting through the use of sunglasses does not reduce the amount of glare. To reduce the negative effect of glare from horizontal surfaces, only polarized lenses that have a polaroid coating. The principle of operation of glasses is hidden in a transparent polarizing film that blocks reflected rays.

Polarized glasses eliminate glare and allow you to see the world clearly without damaging the eyes. These glasses are recommended when driving vehicles, as bright glare can dazzle.

Anti-glare glasses are a different concept, since an anti-reflective surface means one that has almost no shine and no glare. It is correct to call anti-reflective those lenses that have a special coating that makes the optical system more transparent. Such glasses are also called enlightened or anti-reflex.

Anti-reflective lenses are designed to transmit light and reduce the reflection of light directly off the glasses. Thus, image contrast and visual acuity are increased. If you look at a person who wears such glasses, you can see his eyes, and not a reflection in the glasses. It turns out that anti-glare glasses Polarized lenses let in more light without glare, while polarized lenses block glare and let in less light.

The principle of operation of anti-glare glasses for a computer

The computer screen emits the entire spectrum of light rays, but mainly violet and blue waves overload vision. They are part of the ultraviolet radiation. It is also noteworthy that short-wavelength rays are refracted and scattered halfway to the retina, making way for green and yellow long-wavelength rays, and therefore often the image on the screen seems blurry. Interestingly, red rays are very useful, they restore metabolic processes in the eye tissue.

The benefit of anti-reflective computer glasses is that they block violet and blue rays, protecting the retina and lens from ultraviolet radiation. Similar optical systems protect your eyes from electromagnetic radiation from the monitor, as well as glare and excessive brightness.

Computer glasses are designed to let through the red and orange parts of the spectrum, which have a beneficial effect on the organs of vision. They also block shortwave - harmful - rays. Thus, contrast and color perception are increased.

Anti-glare glasses reduce drowsiness and increase efficiency by 30% (by reducing eye strain).

Indications for the use of anti-reflective lenses

In appearance, computer glasses do not differ from conventional optical systems with diopters. However, upon closer inspection, you can see green, blue and purple overflows on the surface of the lenses. This is due to the fact that a filter coating is applied to the glasses of computer glasses, which reflects glare - the cause of reduced vision when working in front of a monitor. Also, computer glasses have an antistatic layer that does not allow the glass to be magnetized.

If the patient has reduced vision, doctors usually prescribe anti-reflective glasses with diopters. It must be remembered that such glasses do not protect the eyes from negative impact completely, so you need to periodically take breaks from working at the computer. To minimize harm from the monitor, it is enough to give your eyes a rest for fifteen minutes every hour. For these purposes, you can install a special program on your computer that will remind you of the need to organize a break.

Computer glasses are shown to those people who spend more than three hours a day in front of the monitor. Similar optical systems are allowed for both adults and children.

Indications for the use of anti-reflective glasses:

  • regular and long-term use of equipment with screens (phones, tablets, computers, etc.);
  • tendency to dry out mucous;
  • feeling of pain or burning;
  • tearing;
  • photophobia;
  • redness;
  • chronic eye strain.

Patients note that when wearing anti-reflective glasses, their performance increases due to the fact that eye fatigue is reduced. With use, dryness and burning disappear, as well as pain during overvoltage. It also reduces the frequency of headaches and dizziness.

How to choose anti-glare glasses for work and life

You should always remember that even with minor health problems, it is always better to consult a doctor. Despite the simplicity and safety of anti-reflective glasses, it will be better if they are prescribed by an optometrist. This is due to the fact that during the examination, the doctor can identify a serious deviation and prescribe treatment in time. Pain and redness often accompany inflammation of the eyes.

When choosing anti-reflective glasses, you need to consider the following factors:

  1. Frame characteristics. For your own comfort, you need to choose a frame that will fit the shape of the face and the taste of the patient. You also need to make sure that the frame does not put pressure on the bridge of the nose or ears.
  2. Image quality. Glasses should not distort the picture, increase or decrease objects, narrow the horizons.

When the patient does not have vision problems, the doctor can prescribe ordinary "pacifiers", the glasses of which will be coated with a protective anti-reflective layer. Anti-reflective lenses are made of plastic and glass. Plastic ones get scratched quite quickly, but they are recommended for children, because they do not break into fragments under pressure and do not injure the eyes.

Types of lenses for anti-reflective glasses:

  1. Monofocal. Thanks to such lenses, a normal perception of objects without size distortion is ensured. Such optical systems are suitable for people with normal vision. Their task is to reduce eye fatigue, they prevent the deterioration of vision and even a violation of posture. Thanks to monofocal lenses, headaches and discomfort in the neck disappear. These glasses are most often prescribed to young and old people.
  2. Bifocal. These lenses have two optical zones: the upper one is designed for studying objects on the monitor, and the lower one helps to see objects at close range.
  3. (progressive). These lenses have three optical zones for different mode work (computer, near, far). These glasses provide the most comfortable use of modern technology.

When choosing glasses, be sure to study the documentation for the product. So you can save yourself from buying a fake, which is quite capable of being harmful to the eyes. The goods of German, Japanese and Swiss manufacturers are recognized as the highest quality. Chinese lenses are less effective and durable, but are sold at an affordable price.

It must be remembered that even the most expensive monitor does not provide eye protection. Therefore, anti-glare glasses will be indispensable for anyone who spends a lot of time in front of a computer or TV. You can always choose a frame that will make glasses not only useful, but also stylish.

Features of anti-glare glasses for drivers

If we talk about drivers, anti-glare glasses help them recover their vision faster after being blinded by the headlights of oncoming cars. However, such lenses (with the addition of diopters) are recommended only for drivers with reduced vision, since in normal vision, any lenses reduce light transmission. Drivers will benefit from polarized lenses that protect against glare, but should not be used at night or in bad weather.

Anti-headlight glasses will be much more effective when driving. They include yellow or yellow-orange lenses that delay Blue colour. These glasses can be used at night and during bad weather, as they increase the contrast of the image.

Given all of the above, we can conclude that all computer users need anti-glare glasses. They will not only save you from discomfort and eye fatigue, but also avoid serious violations vision.

Application polarized glasses due to the fact that the sun is the enemy of motorists. Its activity has a significant impact on the driver's well-being, on his attention and reaction speed. It should be noted that even a simple sunbeam can lead to an accident with lethal outcome. Therefore, glasses for the driver are necessary.

Where should danger be expected while driving?

In sunny weather, the most dangerous time the interval from 11 am to 4 pm is considered. The light at this point is the brightest, and the ultraviolet radiation is harder. In the morning and evening time its intensity decreases. However, at the same time, the light begins to hit directly into the eyes of the person who is driving. It hits a person's face at an angle of 45 degrees. The driver starts to squint. Due to this, the viewing angle is reduced. If you do not use special glasses for the driver, then the obstacle can be seen only 5 meters from the car.

Regular visors, used as sun protection, do not help in all situations. They will not be able to secure in the situation when the rays are reflected from the wet road. Naturally, direct light in this case does not pose any danger. But wet asphalt acts as a mirror, reflecting the sun's rays. Accordingly, neither the visor nor the special protective strip on the glass can help.

The danger is not only wet asphalt, but also straight windows, which are equipped with oncoming trucks and buses. You can go blind for a moment when leaving a dark place. It is a garage, a tunnel, an underground parking. If the driver does not see anything, then you should turn on the emergency gang, stop without changing lanes, and wait until your vision is fully restored.

Those glasses for the driver that do not have special UV protection can lead to complete loss vision. What is it connected with? A stream of light with the presence of ultraviolet in it will enter the retina of the eye. This can cause a burn, which, in turn, will lead to a significant decrease in vision. In such a situation, you can be completely blind.

Improve vision with glasses

Nessesary to use polarized glasses for drivers who have a special filter. Reflected light will scatter in them. Accordingly, the review will improve. A special layer, located in the center of the lens, will cut off the reflected light, making it so that the glare almost completely disappears. You can buy polarized glasses for drivers in automotive stores, in specialized departments for fishing and recreation, in pharmacies. In addition, they are available to order online. These glasses make you feel more comfortable. In addition to glasses, you should think about the purity of the glass, which glares quite strongly when dirty. It must be washed constantly.

An essential element for a comfortable ride

Special goggles for drivers have only recently been able to cause only a skeptical smirk. At first glance, they did not differ in anything so special from simple, sunscreen ones. In reality, things are a little different. Experts recommend purchasing glasses adapted for driving in conditions of poor visibility and in too intense light. In order not to make a mistake when purchasing glasses, you need to seriously approach the choice. Some design features require attention.

What should be the frame?

What should you pay attention to first of all when purchasing anti-glare glasses for drivers? The frame must meet some basic requirements. Wearing glasses, the driver should feel comfortable, not experience any negative feelings. Glasses that are fully suitable for drivers do not squeeze the temples, the bridge of the nose. It is necessary to choose those that do not constantly slide to the tip of the nose and do not cause irritation or discomfort. In other words, the glasses should not distract attention from the road. The ideal frame is characterized by lightness. It is not wide and has narrow ears. There is a nose pad. The ends of the temples in this frame are made of rubber. You should pay attention to how the ear hooks are attached to the frame. Compared to ordinary glasses, they must be fixed to the top or bottom of it. Due to this, the field of view of the driver will not be limited.

What should be the lenses?

When choosing anti-reflective glasses for drivers, attention should also be paid to the lenses. They can be made from materials such as plastic or glass. Both of them are able to provide the same comfort. But glasses with plastic lenses are safer. This is due to the fact that during an accident they do not injure the eyes.

If we talk about a special coating for lenses, then on present stage there are several different options. In specialized stores, the driver can be offered anti-glare glasses, glasses with gradient tinting. You can also purchase those that are great for driving in poor visibility. There are quite a few options.

Glare from oncoming vehicles, from wet roads, from windows and windshields, from chrome and other shiny surfaces, is quite common cause road accidents. Glasses for drivers have an internal anti-reflex coating, which reliably protects the eyes from various glare and from excess sunlight.

Practically the same function is taken over by the glasses already liked by most drivers, which have gradient toning. In them top part lenses are as dark as possible. It has a mirror finish. In the direction from top to bottom, the intensity of dimming decreases. It turns out that the human eyes are protected from bright light and from glare. Through lower part The dashboard lens is quite visible.

Models that are necessary for driving in low visibility

In addition, you can purchase such glasses for drivers that are suitable for driving in low visibility. For example, during snowfall or heavy rain. The lenses in this kind of glasses are painted in yellow, orange or red. They block blue-violet rays. Glasses of this type help to increase the contrast, as well as improve the color perception of the surrounding components. The level of absent-mindedness and drowsiness decreases, since its causes are quite often visual fatigue. The lenses on the driver's glasses (yellow, orange or red) contribute significantly to reducing headlight glare from oncoming vehicles.

Models for visually impaired drivers

But many people have poor eyesight. Is it possible to find glasses for drivers with diopters? Regardless of what many glasses apply plain lenses, there are also models that are suitable for people with poor eyesight. Many experts offer to purchase glasses that are equipped with optical glasses with special anti-reflective tinting. At the time of manufacture of such models, a polarizing coating is applied to the lenses. After that, they are darkened.

Additional funds

It is required to purchase not only glasses for the driver (night, anti-reflective, with gradient tinting). Naturally, they will help reduce eye strain by protecting them from blinding and bright sunlight. But they protect from the outside. Therefore, you should purchase those tools that will help protect your eyes from the inside. It was found that with the help of a substance such as lutein, it is possible to reduce the recovery time of vision after being blinded by the sun's rays or the headlights of oncoming vehicles at night. The reception of this device can improve visual acuity, the level of color perception. Eye fatigue after a long stay behind the wheel will be reduced.

How to find the best option?

In order to determine which glasses will be optimal for you, you should visit specialized stores or optics. Need to try on a few pairs. You can also consult with experts. But it should be understood that even the most best models will not be able to eliminate the need to observe the utmost care while driving. Regardless of whether you have anti-glare glasses or anti-glare glasses for drivers or not, you must follow the rules of the road.

What can glare influences lead to?

Bright sunlight, blinding light from oncoming headlights ... These factors can cause not only eye fatigue, but also lead to the occurrence of diseases. For example, glaucoma or cataracts. In order to protect drivers who spend most of their time behind the wheel, special glasses have been created. Consider what are their distinguishing features.

There is an opinion that academician S.N. Fedorov. He designed relaxation-combination glasses that protect the eyes from excessive light.

What models are the most popular? Driver reviews

The Cafa France driver's polarized goggles also protect the eyes. Judging by the reviews, this is the most popular brand. They were designed specifically for drivers. They should be worn while driving. adverse conditions for vision: in bright sun, glare from asphalt after rains, at dusk. They will also help with blinding light from the headlights of oncoming vehicles.

Principle of operation and distinctive features

Why do drivers respond so well to these models? Lenses in glasses of this kind are special light filters made of fairly high-quality plastic or mineral glass. They are covered thin layer material that creates polarization vibrations. These waves act only in the perpendicular direction of radiation. In other words, glasses are not only comfortable, but also provide high eye protection.

Ordinary light includes unpolarized waves. This is due to the fact that its atoms move freely in space. In order to change and order their structure, special linear-unidirectional polarizers are used. They contribute to the release of radiation from ordinary light, which subsequently pass in a certain direction of oscillation.

At the interface, some of the rays are reflected. The rest are broken. The vibrations of those rays that were reflected are basically perpendicular to the plane on which they fall. At a certain angle of incidence, the reflected rays become linearly polarized.


Cafa France driver glasses contribute to:

  1. A significant improvement in visibility in fog, during precipitation, at dusk, etc.
  2. Reduced brightness from the glare of oncoming vehicles.
  3. Reducing the degree of fatigue and drowsiness.

Mostly anti-reflective lenses are marked special sign AR. They are from simple glasses differ:

  1. Full delay of ultraviolet rays.
  2. Optimization of the intensity of the sun rays that are passed through. Increases the degree of clarity and contrast of the visible image.
  3. Good restoration of the normalized state of the eye tissues.

How good is yellow lenses?

What can you say about the color that the glasses for drivers have? Yellow lenses, judging by the reviews of numerous drivers, are the most preferable. But it's not. It is not worth wearing this kind of model all the time. Naturally, they contribute to the improvement of contrast. But due to them, there is also a change in color and spatial sensations. This is especially evident if the windshield is not in a perfectly clean condition.

Mostly yellow have night anti-light goggles. For the driver, it is in the dark that they are optimal, as they contribute to brightening the image, making it clearer and more contrasting. These models are also popular with fishermen and hunters. However, they are suitable for all sports lovers.

Are glasses with different lens colors so good? Reviews of specialists and drivers

In addition to yellow lenses can be black, transparent, brown or gray. In addition, they can be anti-reflective or night, day or diopter. Each individual model is designed for certain conditions and state of vision. For example, if there are visual impairments, then it is better not to use polarized glasses. In such situation the best option are "chameleons" that are able to adapt to the lighting.

What other nuances differ in driver's glasses? Reviews of many experts argue that it is best to abandon those models whose lenses have a purple or blue tint. It is believed that they entail the development of diseases of the lens. Pink lenses contribute to headaches and nerve problems. Dark ones perfectly resist direct blinding rays, reflections from wet asphalt and glass.

Which glasses will not tire your eyes?

To a lesser extent, the eyes will get tired in those glasses, the lenses of which have a green, gray or brown tint. But you still shouldn’t use them constantly, as they also change color perception. It is best to use them in the dark or in cloudy weather, as they make the image brighter, clearer and more contrasting.

So that your eyes do not get tired while driving at night, you should set the headlights to the middle position. In the event that due to them the wheels or trunk glass will be illuminated vehicle, which goes ahead, then the eyes will begin to strain more. The light beam needs to be directed slightly above the bumper of the car in front.

When choosing glasses, you should focus primarily on aspects such as security, safety and comfort. In addition, they must fully comply with the image of their owner.


In this review, we examined the main nuances that characterize driver's glasses of the night, anti-glare, polarized type. We hope that this will help you make a choice in favor of the optimal model.

The anti-reflective coating on your glasses does a lot of things, but it comes with some downsides. The decision whether or not to apply an anti-reflective coating on glasses is purely personal and should be made after weighing the pros and cons. For many people, an anti-reflective coating can help when driving at night. Often, people who wear glasses or contact lenses interferes with the halo effect around headlights and lanterns when driving at night. The coating eliminates this effect and can make night driving more comfortable.

The anti-reflective coating on your glasses can also be helpful if you spend a lot of time sitting at your computer. Working at a computer for a long period of time leads to eye fatigue as the eye muscles try to look at a specific area of ​​the monitor and try to fight off the glare of the monitor. Typical Symptoms Eye fatigue from computer work includes blurred vision, dry eyes, and irritation. A coating that reduces reflections can reduce eye fatigue and allow you to work comfortably at your computer for extended periods of time.

Eye fatigue can also occur in people who do not sit at the computer on a regular basis. Staying in a dimly lit room, for example, can lead to eye fatigue. If you are experiencing fast fatiguability eye, no matter the cause, anti-reflective coating on glasses can help you. The anti-reflective coating on the glasses also improves appearance, especially when taking pictures while wearing glasses. With uncoated glasses, the image is usually reflected in the glasses and the person's eyes are not visible in the photo. Your eyes will be easier to see if the glasses are anti-reflective coating.

On the other hand, after applying an anti-reflective coating, the glasses will be prone to scratches. When you buy coated glasses, your optometrist will most likely provide you with a special cloth and special eyeglass cleaner. The use of other items such as underwear or ordinary fabrics may cause scratches. Another disadvantage is that fingerprints and dirt are more likely to remain on such a coating. This results in the need to clean your glasses more frequently, which can be inconvenient if you don't have the proper cleaning products on hand.

Glasses are so firmly established in life modern man that many people can no longer imagine life without them. Sunglasses, corrective glasses, protecting from wind and rain, or simply complementing the image of a business person - the benefits and importance of this stylish accessory are undeniable. At the same time, they also have disadvantages, one of the most serious is the appearance of glare on the lens on a sunny day. And if for office workers this remains a tedious, but generally safe nuisance, then for people in active professions such reflections can be serious danger. No wonder many people who are forced to stay under open sky, prefer anti-reflective glasses to regular sunglasses.

Anti-glare glasses: luxury or necessity?

On a clear day, any shiny object, mirror, polished metal, or simply the sun can be reflected in the lens of your glasses, causing blurring. The reason is insufficient absorption of light by the lens. It is to reduce this effect that a special anti-reflective coating is used.

The flash that appeared on the lenses of the glasses worsens the view and distracts attention, preventing a person from responding to a change in the situation at the right speed. Wet roads, mirrored shop windows, shiny surfaces of cars - all this increases the amount of glare and creates a danger to people both on the road and in everyday life.

Create a very bad impression regular glasses and in photography, because the reflection of the camera flash often turns out to be only a shiny blur in place of the eyes.

It is especially important to purchase anti-reflective glasses in time for those people who experience vision problems. Reflections on the lenses make the eyes strain more, which causes overwork optic nerve and further loss of vision.

Anti-glare glasses for active people

For people whose life is connected with sports, driving or risky professions, they are dangerous enemies. A second of dazzle may be a minor annoyance for an office worker, but for a cyclist or tennis player, this very second can be decisive. That is why anti-glare glasses are so popular among fishermen, skiers, fans aquatic species sports.

Protection from unexpected flashes is especially important for car drivers, because the loss of visibility, even for a moment, is often the cause of terrible disasters. So, only in the Zurich canton of Switzerland, due to glare on the lenses, at least 5 accidents occur every month. Cars whose drivers use anti-reflective sunglasses, according to statistics, get into accidents much less often than the transport of their less prudent "colleagues".

Disadvantages of polarized glasses

Despite their many advantages, anti-glare glasses also have disadvantages that supporters of active life should be aware of.

Glasses with polarized lenses they get dirty very quickly, they need to be cleaned much more often than usual ones. At the same time, they are not very resistant to scratches, so it is recommended to wipe them with a special cloth - microfiber - using a cleaning spray.

Despite popular belief, when working on a computer, they are no better than regular tinted or corrective lenses. In such glasses it is not very convenient to view LCD screens, they will be practically useless even if it becomes necessary to consider something near the sun. However, they will still reduce the brightness, which will reduce eye strain by about 2 times.

It is also worth remembering that the anti-reflective coating of glasses is practically useless when the sun is at its zenith. The point here is the specifics of the refraction of rays in lenses.

Where to buy anti-reflective glasses

Glasses with anti-reflective coatings are becoming more and more popular every year, and there are many well-known companies specializing in their production. Thus, the most popular brands in Russia are Polaroid, Lozza, Avanglion, Cucci, Persol, Ray Ban and many others. Acquire polarized glasses better in company stores or large department stores, since in small stalls and in the market there is too much risk of getting a fake instead of a quality item.

It is needed not only for people with but also much more for those who suffer from myopia. Ordinary tinted glasses bring more harm than good, because they cause the pupil to dilate and thus can cause retinal burns. Many optical shops can apply the required coating directly to corrective lenses for spectacles. The anti-reflective properties of such accessories are in no way inferior to products famous brands and at the same time make it easier for visually impaired people to walk down the street.

How to tell polarized glasses from regular glasses

Unfortunately, the growing popularity of glare-absorbing accessories has led to a large number fakes. In order not to purchase high price useless item, you should be very careful in the buying process.

Anti-glare glasses have some properties that conventional light-absorbing glasses cannot boast. They absorb part of the light rays and thus play the role of a filter. Therefore, the easiest way to exclude a fake is to look at a brightly lit object first through outside lenses, then - through the inner. On real polarized glasses, the reflection intensity should change.

If doubts remain, try to put one glass on top of the other and turn the top one by 90°. Glasses with anti-reflective coating will become opaque.

Anti-glare glasses are an essential attribute of modern life, filled with high speeds and numerous bright objects. For many people this thing is great helper both at work and at leisure. The main thing to remember when purchasing glasses with polarization is that this accessory has not only advantages, but also disadvantages.

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