Signs of autumn depression. How to deal with autumn depression

FROM scientific point of view, the autumn depressive state can be characterized as an unstable psycho-emotional phenomenon, characterized by mood swings, absent-mindedness and lethargy. As a rule, this period stretches from mid-October to January.

Seasonal depression causes general malaise and, in some cases, a number of diseases. This condition is especially common in women.

Causal factors

Doctors consider cloudy weather, short daylight hours, the predominance of gray and black colors to be the causes of this phenomenon. In addition, the autumn blues is associated with a decrease in the body's production of a substance such as melanin, which prevents the development of many diseases, including cancer. Violation of the production of melanin and serotonin affects the mood of a person.

In turn, transforming into dark time days into melatonin, serotonin has a hypnotic effect on a person. The most susceptible to the influence of such a process are anxious, closed people.
In view of its biological feature women are especially sensitive to this factor.

Against the background of depression, they develop characteristic symptoms:

  • thoughtful mood;
  • feeling of uselessness, emptiness;
  • they feel like they get little attention;
  • complete apathy;
  • distraction;
  • physical inactivity;
  • lack of sleep.

In women, autumn blues occurs more often than in men, as they are more sensitive to changes in the annual cycle of awakening and hibernation. by the most unpleasant moment is their desire to withdraw into themselves. If they fail to do so, they begin to lash out at those around them. During this period, the most close and dear people get it.

How to get rid of blues

How to deal with autumn depression There are several ways for a woman. Since this phenomenon has a cyclical nature of manifestation, many women have learned to cope with it on their own. You can cope with the blues by changing some of the usual things in your life - in nutrition, daily routine, rest. Autumn depression heals faster if a person is in a constant whirlpool of events, movement and communication.

Psychotherapists are advised to adhere to the following recommendations:

  1. If a woman is overwhelmed by apathy and nothing is nice to her even at home, you can generally forget about household chores. good decision there will be pleasant music, a little wine with a chocolate or fruit dessert. Tryptophan, found in chocolate, improves mood, and vitamins useful in fruits strengthen it.
  2. You should reconsider your morning rise. A woman should start her day with a cup of aromatic coffee and in no case with high-speed panic gatherings.
  3. Regular exercise helps to cope with the autumn blues, or at least morning exercises which will help to cheer up and recharge for the whole day.
  4. A morning contrast shower should be a mandatory procedure.
  5. Before going to bed it is better to take a walk on fresh air. An oxygenated body will help speed up recovery.
  6. Sleep time should be adjusted. The body needs at least eight hours of sleep.

How to eat during depression

Not the last role in how to cope with autumn psycho-emotional apathy is balanced diet. Compliance correct mode nutrition, including rich foods useful substances helps to strengthen the protective properties of the body and improve it energy composition. An organism weakened by depression should not be loaded special diets for weight loss. This will exhaust him even more.

Malnutrition prevents the body from working to its full potential, and this, in turn, demonstrates constant fatigue, melancholy. It is necessary to include coarse grain bread, dairy products, protein food, fruits and vegetables. It is especially worth paying attention to the use of vegetables and fruits rich in serotonin, which is found in citrus fruits, bananas, and dried fruits.

During the period associated with depression, better habitual strong teas and replace coffee with herbal decoctions from lime blossom, Ivan-tea, rosehip, ginger, mint, lemon balm. They perfectly tone the body and stimulate the physical and mental activity. To maintain immunity, it is necessary to include products or vitamin complexes containing vitamins C and group B.

Treatment of depression

One of the reasons that can cause seasonal depression in the weaker sex are hormonal disorders. The energy that is lost female body can be replenished by frequent exposure to the sun. Sunlight helps in the production of vitamin D, and also reduces depression and symptoms of malaise.

Bright sunny colors, surrounding yourself beautiful flowers, brightly decorated things will help deceive the subconscious. Artificially added bright color schemes help prevent the violation of hormonal failure - this is a fact long recognized by physicians. It is better to resist the gray slushy autumn can only be orange, yellow and all shades of the sun.

Psychologists believe that most of the body disorders that occur during a depressive period are associated with a person's isolation. It is necessary to share your experiences, fears with loved ones. This will help relieve the psychological burden and alleviate the condition.

The condition of the blues can be removed using aromatherapy. Correctly selected essential fragrances help improve mood, relieve fatigue, calm down. For this purpose, oils are used: bergamot, geranium, grapefruit, sandalwood, lemon, patchouli, eucalyptus, rose.


Depressive symptoms should always be taken seriously. This is especially true of the fairer sex during menopause, students, single young mothers. There are known facts when the wrong attitude to the problem led to suicide, alcohol abuse, drug use. Properly selected therapy helps to avoid complications.

To the main medical methods relate:

  • psychotherapeutic procedures;
  • light therapy – light therapy;
  • use of antidepressants.

The use of light therapy for depression helps to influence the processes of sleep and wakefulness by influencing The biological clock. This method of treatment provides for a systemic course, the effectiveness of which is noticeable already on the second or third day.

Do not stop the self-started course of treatment, as this may cause reverse effect- and the person will again be in a depressed state. In light therapy procedures, fluorescent lamps, lasers, LED beams are used. During the procedures, patients are closed in special light boxes that imitate real sunlight.

In combination with light therapy, it is recommended to use antidepressants - Paxil, Sertralil, Fluoxetine, the action of which has a stable effect after a three-week course of treatment. Such methods as relaxation, aerobic exercises, and meditation also have good therapeutic indicators.

You can not self-medicate during a state of apathy. Depressants have many side effects that can seriously harm mental state human

Antidepressant methods

Along with various medical methods used for seasonal depressive states, ethnoscience shows no less effect.

  • viburnum helps against loss of strength and apathy. In a glass of boiling water insist 1 tbsp. l. berries for 2 hours. Drink strained infusion 2 times a day. This tool helps not only to restore strength, but also to protect against seasonal colds, improve metabolism and normalize blood pressure;
  • six lemons with peel without seeds are twisted in a meat grinder, poured with a liter boiled water. Close the lid, put in the refrigerator for two days. Add 500 g of honey and leave for another two days. Take 50 ml before meals three times a day.

Depression can be treated not only medical procedures. Sometimes caring attention from relatives, meetings with friends, a new hobby, travel, positive emotions will help to cope with melancholy much faster.

It has been noticed that with the advent of autumn days, people more often notice various ailments: they are mercilessly attacked by viruses, sharply remind themselves chronic ailments, fails the cardiovascular system. Also, with the onset of bad weather, many lose their courage, complain of oppressive melancholy, loss of strength. A person is not only sad about those who have flown sunny days rushing vacation, but also forced to change to a new rhythm of work in conditions of shortage sunlight. For most people, the autumn blues is temporary, and the mood is restored in a matter of days.

However, some go deep into their minor mood and note that depression manifests itself in many other ways. unpleasant symptoms. Autumn depression does not accept neglect to their “surprises”: an unresolved problem will worsen over time and cause significant damage to health.

What makes himself out seasonal depression, and how to get rid of pathological melancholy without swallowing handfuls of medicines, will be discussed in this post.

The reasons

Although, in the understanding of most contemporaries, depression in the fall is directly related to the decrease daylight hours, the predominance of cloudy and rainy weather, scientists have a different point of view about the causes of this endogenous disorder. Autumn depression can be triggered by a variety of negative external factors, however, the soil for the disease is "nurtured" by the person himself. Seasonal depression can be the result various factors, the main "culprits" of which are:

  • unfavorable heredity - a tendency at the genetic level to mood swings and focusing attention on one's bad feelings;
  • arising from stressful conditions deficiency of neurotransmitters that regulate the emotional sphere;
  • some somatic pathologies dysregulatory functions of the central nervous system, thyroid gland or provoking metabolic disorders.

Often depression is a direct consequence of the problem of "growing up": raising a child in conditions of excessive criticism and exactingness from parents, which led to the formation of an inferiority complex.

Depression often occurs as a result of excessive physical or mental stress, being in extreme situations for the body after serious injury(for example: acquired disability);

Depression is usually fixed in people with a "special" structure of mental organization: suspicious, impressionable, overly responsible, overly pedantic. It is for this reason that autumn depression in women is recorded more often than in men.


Autumn depression has its classic signs: instability of emotional status, impaired cognitive functions and changes in habitual behavior. And for this seasonal disorder various combinations of symptoms of different intensity are possible. Among the main, most common symptoms of autumn depression:

  • dreary mood, oppressive, regardless of the time of day and ongoing activities;
  • apathetic state, lack of desire to perform any actions, even those that were previously within the scope of interests;
  • lack of need for social contacts, or, conversely, the desire to draw attention to their problems;
  • a significant decline in working capacity, a decrease in the quality of work performed;
  • inability to focus on one type of activity, fussiness and incompleteness of actions, which further leads to irritation;
  • dissatisfaction with oneself and others, excessive demands, criticality;
  • bad night sleep with frequent awakenings, difficulty falling asleep, rising early, combined with daytime sleepiness;
  • change eating behavior and taste preferences
  • irrational anxiety, the appearance of various fears, the anticipation of an imminent catastrophe;
  • "mental gum chewing": a condition in which a person continuously analyzes his life and tries to find new evidence of his worthlessness, which often results in suicidal attempts.


Unambiguous universal council about how to get rid of this endogenous disorder: taking medication, relying on or the possibilities of psychotherapy, it is impossible to give. In each case, the choice of treatment regimen depends on many factors:

  • stages of the disorder;
  • severity of symptoms;
  • degree of risk of suicidal actions;
  • peculiarities hereditary history(availability depressive disorders close relatives);
  • general human health, concomitant diseases and individual tolerability of medicines;
  • personal interpretation of feelings, preferences and financial situation of the patient.

Means and methods of self-help

“Any depression should be met with a smile.

Depression will think you're an idiot and run away."

Robert DeNiro

Most doctors are convinced that the primary measure for getting rid of the blues is precisely an independent thorough analysis of a person’s habitual lifestyle, elimination negative phenomena in the environment, making useful adjustments to the daily routine. How to deal with melancholy on your own? If you have overcome the autumn depression, follow the recommendations of experts and follow simple but effective steps.

Step 1. Reviewing your diet

For those who occasionally suffer from seasonal depression, it is not recommended to autumn period torture your body with now fashionable weight loss diets. Deficiency of vitamins, minerals and protein foods in combination with emotional stress, which inevitably arises in response to the restriction of the amount of food, is an ideal soil for the predominance of a minor mood.

If autumn depression nevertheless captured emotions, you should use natural antidepressants: products that stimulate the synthesis of serotonin. It is necessary to include in the daily diet suppliers of the amino acid tryptophan, from which serotonin is produced in the body: bananas, dates, nuts, sea ​​fish, dairy products, brightly colored fruits and vegetables, dark chocolate. Depression requires replenishing the lack of vitamin D. This will help: beef liver, fatty varieties fish, seaweed, cheeses, chicken yolks, butter.

Although caffeine energizes for a short time, it is advisable to give preference to vitamin drinks: freshly squeezed grapefruit, orange, carrot, beetroot juice. Herbalists claim that autumn depression can be overcome by the healing abilities of infusions of St. John's wort, linden, hawthorn, thyme, rosehip. When depression overcomes in the off-season, it is recommended to take adaptogens: an infusion of lemongrass, ginseng, eleutherococcus.

Attention! It should be borne in mind that depression is not cured by alcohol, alcohol will only aggravate the severity of the disorder. We are guided by Remarque's saying: "It is better to pour out your sadness in front of the paintings of Delacroix, Rembrandt and Van Gogh than in front of a glass of vodka or surrounded by impotent pity and anger."

Step 2. Eliminate a bad mood with physical activity

How to deal with blues without medication? An effective way, conceived by nature itself: to move actively and a lot, preferably in the fresh air. Depression will loosen its grip on jogging in a forested area, long walks in the park, football tournaments, hiking in the mountains, swimming in a natural reservoir. "Wash away" longing under the force contrast soul, and a Russian bath can expel a deeply penetrated ailment.

Try to perceive the time of bad weather as an ideal opportunity to devote time to self-improvement and look at your health. Your body will surely appreciate and thank you good mood for the hours devoted to the study of yoga complexes, wushu, fitness, shaping, aerobics. The secret to exercise success is simple: active movements blood flow in the brain is accelerated, metabolism improves, pleasure hormones - endorphins are synthesized, depression disappears.

Step 3. Use the resources of sunlight

Although in autumn the weather rarely spoils us with sunny, fine days, it is necessary to use the hours of daylight as fruitfully as possible. To do this, you should try to think over the regime in such a way as to get up with the first rays of the sun. Depression requires compliance with the rule: as soon as the clouds have cleared, we dress comfortably and go for a country walk.

In order to avoid internal discomfort caused by a reduction in the length of the day, care should be taken to sufficiently intense artificial lighting. A weekly visit to the solarium will help maintain a summer bronze tan and get a lot of pleasant emotions.

Step 4. Adjust the sleep-wake mode

Almost always, depression is accompanied by insomnia, which, in turn, causes even more nervous tension and reduces performance. To break this vicious vicious circle, takes measures for a good night's rest:

  • going to bed at a certain time;
  • we have dinner no later than 2 hours before lights out;
  • we do not strain the "gyrus" before going to bed with scientific research;
  • we refuse to watch horror films and emotional TV programs in the evening;
  • we equip our sleeping place good quality mattress bed linen and comfortable pillow
  • well ventilate the room and observe temperature regime not higher than 20 degrees;
  • takes in evening time warm bath with pine extract;
  • drink a glass of sedative herbal collection.

Step 5. Discover the secrets of art

Creativity is capable of restoring a good mood. Depression will recede when visiting art exhibitions, classical theatrical performances, concerts, watching comedies or when trying yourself in painting, beadwork, vocal art. Remember, after playful summer colors and the color triumph of golden autumn, when gray and gloomy days come, a person develops an “aesthetic” hunger - a shortage of catchy saturated colors. Add bright details to your interior, give up the conservative black range of clothes, allow yourself a bold extravagant make-up.

Simple rules on how to deal with despondency: communicate with positive, cheerful optimists, hone your sense of humor, try to smile when faced with any trouble, compliment your reflection in the mirror.

Medical and psychotherapeutic treatment

AT difficult situations, when depression significantly complicates the usual rhythm of life, the desire to not only fulfill one's professional duties, but also to indulge in fun disappears, the conviction arises that life is aimless and unpromising, the only sure way out is to apply for medical care. The doctor will choose the appropriate program pharmacological treatment using a huge arsenal modern medicine. Usually, endogenous depression treated with serotonergic antidepressants such as fluoxetine.

A course of psychotherapy will not be superfluous, which will help to identify real reasons bad mood, reconsider the interpretation of the current situation, get rid of existing complexes, discover new facets of your personality and gain motivation for further actions.

With the advent of autumn, many people complain aboutlow mood, apathy and loss of energy. This seasonal mood can turn into a dangerousautumn depression - the most common variety.

The cause of autumn depression, according to scientists, may be a waning day, cloudy rainy weather, which affects mood.
If with the onset of autumn you begin to fall into a dreary state, then you have been overtaken this disorder and action must be taken as soon as possible. It is difficult for a person suffering from autumn depression to control himself, while it is negative thoughts and emotions that lead to various disorders.

Symptoms of autumn depression

Consider the main signs of autumn depression:

  • guilt
  • yearning
  • fear
  • fatigue
  • heightened emotionality
  • sleep disorders, insomnia
  • sudden mood swings
  • cravings for high-calorie foods

Some of the symptoms may be more pronounced, others less so.

Autumn depression can be mild or severe. FROM mild form you can successfully fight it yourself, but if the symptoms do not go away, and the condition worsens, you need to resort to the help of specialists.

How to deal with autumn depression?

Perhaps the most important thing to pay attention to is nutrition. Eat plenty of fruits and vegetables, as well as foods that promote the production of serotonin - bananas, citrus fruits, dates, as well as meat and dairy products rich in protein.

The generally recognized antidepressant is chocolate, eat a small bar of chocolate a day, but do not get carried away, because. Excessive consumption of it can lead to obesity. During the autumn depression, many people feel cravings for sweets and starchy foods, but such foods are of little benefit. It is also desirable to diversify the diet with products with vitamins C and B. So, they found out grapefruit helps to ease depression, improves mood and ability to work.

It is advisable to replace tea and coffee with herbal infusions. Decoctions of the following herbs help to cope with a bad mood: thyme, mint, linden. Beneficial features of these herbs are beneficial for nervous system and general well-being.

Very effective during depression physical exercise: light jogging, walking, exercising in the gym. Water also has a relaxing effect on the body, so you should visit the pool if possible. After the pool, you will recharge your batteries, in addition, the water has a relaxing effect. If you do not have the opportunity to visit the pool, use a contrast shower.

It is necessary to spend as much time as possible in the fresh air, in the sun. Lighting at home and at work needs to be made more intense.

Adjust sleep-wake mode. Sleep at least 8 hours daily. If you do not get enough sleep for any reason, be sure to sleep off.

It will not be superfluous to be short daytime sleep, which should be no more than half an hour.

Take one day, forget about the media and be free from it. If it is difficult for you to spend the whole day in this way, free at least the evening.

Yoga or meditation are also beautiful way fight depression.

Don't forget about positive attitude during the period of autumn depression, watch comedies, communicate with those with whom you are pleased to communicate, joke and laugh, because laughter inhibits the production of stress hormones - adrenaline and cortisone.

During the autumn depression, do not lose your sense of humor and try not to indulge in the dreary autumn mood!

Who said that nature has no bad weather? It is hard to agree with this statement when it is raining and slush outside the window. Darkness, cold and wind can spoil the mood of even the most cheerful and funny people. "Autumn Syndrome" can manifest itself in different ways: from a slight feeling of despondency, it can grow to complete hopelessness and unwillingness to do anything.

How to distinguish harmless Bad mood from severe depression? Do not forget that sadness is a completely normal state that is characteristic of every person. True, if the state of depression does not go away for a long time, but only gains momentum, you can be sure that depression has knocked on the door.

Despite the fact that autumn is a time of emotional decline, this does not mean at all that all people without exception should become depressed. It all depends on psychological characteristics man and how he perceives reality. The more realistic you are about yourself and your abilities, the more less likely become a victim autumn blues. How to determine anxiety syndromes and deal with them in time?

Sign No. 1 - depressed and dreary mood, desire for loneliness

Advice: Start each morning not with a sour expression on your face and shuffling steps to the bathroom, but with a cup of tea, chocolate and your favorite music. It doesn't matter if it's pop tunes or Marilyn Manson exclamations.

In the case of the first signs of depression, you need to eat more bananas, cheese and chocolate, as well as drink dry wine (only in moderation, no more than one glass a day!). Start going to the solarium. But don't overdo it! 5-10 minutes a week is enough, you don't want to look like bitter chocolate, do you? Yes, and it is not good for health. Go to the theatre, cinema, exhibition or restaurant. Arrange meetings with friends and enjoy communication. This will become the best medicine!

Sign No. 2 - lack of appetite, drowsiness, a sharp decrease in activity

Advice: Autumn is not the best best time for a diet. So eat what you want. Of course, in reasonable quantities. Remember, fruits and vegetables are now an integral part of your daily diet: Vitamins are now especially needed.

Here are 10 foods that can boost your mood:

  1. grain bread
  2. spinach
  3. rice and potatoes
  4. turkey meat
  5. dried fruits
  6. oranges and tangerines
  7. nuts
  8. dairy
  9. chocolate

Appreciate every fine day. As soon as the sky cleared and the sun came out, say no to the computer and run outside. Since the days are getting shorter, use your lunch break to "feed off" a little. solar energy. Make sure that the room is present enough Sveta.

Form a suitable daily routine and, if possible, go to bed and get up at the same time if you do not want to knock down your biological clock. Go in for sports, and then the body will not be slow to thank you with good health.

Sign No. 3 - excessive irritability

Advice: Smile! And it will definitely become brighter around everyone, because it’s not for nothing that it is sung in a children’s song. A smile not only cheers up, but also makes people forget about all the troubles. The thing is that it contributes to the production of endorphins - hormones of happiness. Once a day, go to the mirror and say to yourself: "I am calm and balanced, I love this world, and everything will be fine with me." Let it become a habit. Learn to distract yourself from things that irritate you, try to switch your attention to other activities. Get rid of excessive demands, because they are the cause of irritability.

Get a pet. Give your love to a little friend, and then there will simply be no place for irritation.

4 sign - increased resentment

Advice: Your mood is completely in your hands. Do not think that everyone around you owes you something and do not expect certain behavior from them. All people are different and you should not equate them on your own. Stop comparing yourself to others and don't rely too much on the opinions of others.

Try to express your claims aloud to yourself (the option with a mirror will do just fine). Imagine that most you spend your life on meaningless and empty grievances instead of developing, communicating with people and doing what you like. Is it worth it?

Sign No. 5 - low self-esteem and negative attitude towards yourself

Advice: Forgot about yourself beloved? It's time to remember! Do everything that you have long dreamed of, but for which there was not enough time. A change of hairstyle, manicure and beautiful makeup will not solve all problems, but they will definitely cheer you up.

By the way, you can fall in love not only in spring. If you haven't met your soul mate yet, then the right moment has just arrived. Make new acquaintances. Maybe the autumn romance, which began under random circumstances, will grow into something more.

Polina Kuznetsova lifted the mood

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