Postpartum psychosis symptoms. How to recognize the disease. Used for treatment

Postpartum psychosis in women is a mental disorder when hallucinations and delusions begin after childbirth. The behavior of a woman in labor becomes inadequate when she sees everything around her in a suspicious light. Even a newborn may seem not his own, but someone else's child, they say, he was replaced.

Such disease state occurs in no more than two out of a thousand women in labor. Women who have their first childbirth are subject to postpartum psychosis 35 times more often than those who give birth again.

Having not really recovered from childbirth, the young mother becomes tearful, complains about general weakness, bad dream. Constantly worried that she has little milk or may disappear altogether, then the child will remain hungry. It begins to seem to her that something hurts there, for example, his tummy, which is why he screams so much.

Groundless care leads to an excited state, fussiness. Suspiciousness develops, crazy ideas appear when it may seem that she has given birth to an unhealthy child or he will be taken away. Then suddenly she has a sharp mood swing: she becomes melancholic, dull - she falls into a stupor. The breakdown is accompanied by a loss of all interest in the child. Does not want to breastfeed him, refuses to take care of him.

When such symptoms appear even in the maternity hospital, doctors immediately try to stop them, prescribe a certain treatment to bring the woman in labor back to normal. Only after that they are discharged. Much worse when postpartum psychosis develops at home. If the family did not notice the strangeness of the young mother in time, this could end badly for her, the newborn, or both together. There have been cases when the mother committed suicide with the baby.

Or here is such a case. A woman is holding a baby in her arms. Suddenly, something came over her: delusional thoughts appear, voices are heard that this is not her baby, he was thrown. In a confused mind, she screams loudly and throws the child to the floor. Here already without calling an ambulance and psychiatric hospital not enough. Treatment may take for a long time. The baby in such cases remains with someone close, this places a heavy burden on the family.

It is necessary to distinguish postpartum psychosis from depression, when, after childbirth, sad thoughts appear that the former carefree life is already in the past. As a rule, such a mood passes quickly, a woman understands that motherhood imposes a responsibility on her - taking care of a newborn.

The main causes of postpartum psychosis

The psychiatry of postpartum psychosis deals with a range of mental illnesses that cause this condition. Some character traits also contribute to the development of the disease. Suppose excessive suspiciousness can become one of the reasons that leads to a violation normal functioning mental health after childbirth.

Let's consider all these cases in more detail. Causes of postpartum psychosis can be:

  • genetic predisposition. When, in the female line, one of the relatives suffered from mental illness, for example, schizophrenia.
  • Affective insanity. Characterized by rapid mood swings. Despondency is replaced by elation, and vice versa, a cheerful mood is replaced by sadness.
  • Infection birth canal . During childbirth or postpartum period staphylococcus is introduced - bacteria that cause painful processes in the body of a woman in labor. Body temperature rises, tachycardia and muscle pain appear, mucous membranes dry. It provokes anxious mood. The result is psychosis.
  • Heightened emotionality. One of the factors in the development of postpartum psychosis. It can manifest itself in women who have not previously had mental disorders, but are very emotional, for example, during menstruation.
  • Alcohol, drugs, psychotropic drugs. Abuse of alcohol, drugs and certain drugs that stimulate the central nervous system can cause the disease.
  • Trauma during childbirth. Injuries caused by an oversight of the medical staff taking delivery can lead to a health disorder for the woman in labor, stress, when gloomy thoughts and moods appear.
  • Hormonal shifts. The birth of a child is a big burden on a woman's body, which leads to its significant restructuring. Biologically active substances, hormones, regulate the rhythm of life processes, hormonal disruptions lead to serious illness, including mental.
  • Fatigue. Chronic fatigue during pregnancy has a bad effect on mood and can be a factor that caused postpartum psychosis.
  • Unsuccessful birth. Severe, with great loss of blood when a miscarriage occurs or a stillborn child is born.
  • Various diseases. Sick liver, elevated blood pressure, others chronic ailments can cause mental postpartum disease.
  • Head injury. If this was during pregnancy, it is more likely that during difficult childbirth or after them, the mental health of the woman in labor will become upset.
  • Unpreparedness for childbirth. A woman is not psychologically ready to become a mother. Does not understand that childbirth is a serious restructuring of the body, completely new period life. She is afraid of motherhood. It depresses the psyche, leads to nervous breakdown and mental illness.
  • Unhealthy family relationships. She was discharged from the maternity hospital, and her husband is not happy with the child, behaves rudely, does not care about the newborn. The woman is nervous, begins to scandal, her milk disappears. This condition can lead to psychosis.
The consequences of postpartum psychosis can be very sad. Such mothers are very dangerous. Delusional thoughts make you lay hands on yourself or kill a child. Statistics show that 5% of women in this state end up committing suicide, 4% kill their children.

Characteristic manifestations of postpartum psychosis

Symptoms of postpartum psychosis are manifested in inappropriate behavior and hyperemotions, when a woman in labor reacts too sensitively to the appearance of a newborn. The opinion that everything will pass by itself and the woman will quickly “stand on her feet” is erroneous. If you do not see a doctor in time, this condition can result in a mental illness for a young mother, and a serious developmental delay for a child.

Warning factors in the behavior of a woman after childbirth can be as follows:

  1. mood swings. When unreasonable gaiety, vanity, anxiety, that the child is poorly looked after, he is hungry, gives way to a gloomy mood and complete indifference. Often a young mother becomes anxious and suspicious, she has ridiculous thoughts, for example, that the child was replaced in the maternity hospital, she refuses to feed and care for him.
  2. Loss of vitality. Difficult childbirth affected health. A weakened body struggles with its sores. This affects the mood. There is a feeling of anxiety, depression, causeless irritation, when a woman can scream at loved ones. All around seem to be enemies. Even your own child is not cute. Life looks dark and uncomfortable.
  3. Insomnia. The woman complains that she constantly has nightmares, often wakes up at night or does not sleep at all. As a result of this, nervous, confused thoughts and speech, an incomprehensible anger arises at your baby. In this state, auditory and visual hallucinations develop. A young mother is practically unable to care for a child and even poses a danger to him.
  4. Refusal of food. Disappeared after childbirth taste sensations, appetite disappeared, food became disgusting, in the hospital they were persuaded and almost forced to eat a bowl of soup by force. This indicates that the woman does not adequately perceive reality, she has an unclear mind, which may mean the development of postpartum depression.
  5. Ambiguous attitude towards the child. It can be exaggeratedly attentive to the point of lisping, when a newborn mother constantly shakes and kisses, or complete indifference to him. Suppose a child screams, demands attention, and this only causes anger.
  6. paranoid thoughts. When after childbirth there is suspicion and distrust of others. All the time it seems that even loved ones are up to something bad, so you should not trust them. The attitude towards the born baby can be twofold. It seems to other women in labor that not everything is fine with him, he is in danger. All the time trying to save him from an invisible enemy. Some are disgusted with the newborn, because it seems that they did not give birth, they just threw someone else's child, so you should not take care of him.
  7. Megalomania. A previously quiet, modest woman after childbirth suddenly began to overestimate own possibilities. The birth of a child seems to her such an incredible event that everyone around her must bow before her. This is already an occasion to take a closer look, perhaps a woman in labor should be shown to a psychiatrist.
  8. Suicidal thoughts. After childbirth, a woman becomes angry, starts scandals for every reason, and sometimes for no apparent reason. In fact, she has fear in her soul, fear of everything new that lies ahead with the birth of a baby. Gloomy thoughts fill the whole being, pushing to suicide. Often she decides to take this step together with the child.
Experiences that you will have to raise a child alone have an extremely negative effect on the psyche. The woman in labor becomes sullen and irritable. On this basis, a serious mental illness occurs after childbirth.

It's important to know! Any of these symptoms indicates that the young mother should be shown to a psychiatrist. Otherwise, such strange behavior ends very sadly.

Treatment options for postpartum psychosis

In severe cases, postpartum psychosis is treated in a psychiatric hospital. It can take from one to two months to a year. To achieve the result, fixing therapy is carried out by a psychotherapist. Already at home, the patient needs careful care. Only in this case it is possible to speak with confidence about a stable positive result. Consider all the methods of therapy.

Treatment of postpartum psychosis with medications

If, after childbirth, the psyche of the woman in labor is clearly disturbed, for example, she starts talking, she nervous breakdowns, does not recognize the child, she is sent to a psychiatric hospital. The consent of the relatives in this case is required. In the hospital, a complex of medical treatment methods is combined with physiotherapy procedures.

Antipsychotics are used to relieve mental disorders (delusions and hallucinations) latest generation. They are prescribed as prescribed by the attending physician in tablets or administered intravenously. These are potent drugs that have a sedative and hypnotic effect, improve memory, brain activity. These include Aminazine, Clopisol, Triftazin, and many others.

Antidepressants help relieve depression. A large group of such drugs includes Amitriptyline, Fluoxetine, Pyrazidol, Melipramine, and other antidepressant drugs.

To improve mood, mood stabilizers can be prescribed - mood stabilizers, for example, lithium salts (Kontemnol) or valproic acid (Depakine). All of these drugs must be taken long time. As a maintenance treatment, it is recommended to take at home.

Along with medical treatment, patients are shown physiotherapy. These are massage, various water, electromagnetic procedures. In exceptional cases, an electric shock is prescribed.

It's important to know! Long term use medicines can cause unwanted side effects, such as tachycardia, heaviness in the stomach, dry mouth. But so far, medicine is not able to offer anything better.

Psychotherapy for postpartum psychosis

Psychotherapy of postpartum psychosis is aimed at consolidating the results drug treatment. This will help the woman control her behavior in order to avoid a recurrence of the disease.

At psychotherapeutic sessions, the psychotherapist helps the patient to realize what happened to her, and suggests how best to get out of this state, what should be done so that this does not happen in the future.

Truly maternal care for a child - such a psychological attitude helps a woman tune in to a “healthy wave”: not to reject her child and endure all the hardships of family life, naturally, not forgetting about her health.

It's important to know! According to statistics, up to 75% of women in labor successfully cope with their mental disorders after childbirth. This is the great merit of psychotherapeutic procedures.

Support of loved ones

When a survivor of a birth psychosis is discharged from the hospital, it is necessary that the family carefully monitor her well-being and behavior. A woman needs a sparing regime, if possible, she should be freed from family worries, she must take care of the child under supervision. If the psychosis was severe, it is not recommended to breastfeed the child. Children food on the milk mixture - exit in this position.

In no case should a young mother be left alone with a newborn! In the event of a recurrence of the disease, it can harm him. Let's say, accidentally or on purpose, drop it, leave it open in a draft. The husband will have to deal with the baby more, it’s good if someone close to him can help him.

A calm atmosphere should reign in the family so as not to provoke a woman to an emotional outburst. Quarrels cause nervous excitement, and this is a direct path to the return of psychosis.

Medications should be monitored. If she says that she is already well and no longer wants to take pills, this is her subjective opinion. Only the attending physician can cancel the drugs. And this means that for a long time the woman will be registered in a psychiatric dispensary. Family members should be sympathetic to this.

It's important to know! The support of her husband and loved ones is a guarantee that a young mother will forget about her postpartum stress and quickly return to normal life.

How to treat postpartum psychosis - look at the video:

Postpartum psychosis is a rather rare disease, but if it does happen, serious treatment and prevention are required for many years to come. Caring for the child at this time falls on the husband, when for some reason this is impossible - on one of the relatives. Great chance that the disease will pass without serious consequences, the woman will return to healthy life and will not affect the child. serious disease mothers after childbirth.

After giving birth, the woman seemed to have been replaced. The newly-made mother behaves aggressively, eats almost nothing, refuses to sleep, does not let anyone near the baby. "I know you want to kill him!" she insists furiously. Do you think this is the beginning of a detective story? No. Thus begins a disease that is dangerous to the life and health of the mother and child - postpartum psychosis.

In absolutely healthy women, postpartum psychosis is quite rare. In this case, the culprit is hormonal changes in the body of the woman in labor, as well as the strongest emotional shock caused by the birth of a child.

Basically, psychosis after childbirth threatens women who are initially at risk. Provoking factors include:

  1. Heredity, genetic predisposition(delusions of mind occurred in the family, among blood relatives).
  2. Mental illness diagnosed before pregnancy, traumatic brain injury, brain infection.
  3. Traumatic situation in the family during the period of gestation and after the birth of a child, constant overwork, systematic lack of sleep, severe physical fatigue of the mother, chronic emotional stress.
  4. Highly difficult childbirth with a large blood loss or blood poisoning, which led to a serious deterioration in well-being.
  5. Abuse of drugs, alcohol.

Postpartum psychosis occurs in only 0.1 - 1.2% of women in labor, most of whom are primiparous. After the second and subsequent births given state develops less frequently.

The main symptoms of postpartum psychosis

Manifestations of the disease can be noticed in a woman in labor already in the first days after the birth of a child, but most often the signs of the disorder occur 2-4 weeks after discharge from the hospital.

The new mother complains about bad feeling, chronic fatigue, insomnia. She may be tormented by regular headaches, cramps in the stomach or heart area.

Mood swings are pronounced. Hysterical attacks of anger are replaced by joy, hyperactivity turns into depression, lethargy and excitement - into a breakdown, weakness. Loquaciousness, openness suddenly without visible reasons are replaced by gloominess, depression.

The woman eats very little and reluctantly, loses her appetite. Familiar tastes and smells cause inexplicable, previously uncharacteristic reactions.

In the future, anxiety grows to the size of obsessive and frankly delusional ideas - for example, a young mother may claim that the child was changed in the maternity hospital, that they want to kill or steal him. There are dangers all around life threatening and the health of the baby, others cause unreasonable fears and suspicions. At the same time, the newborn is subjected to excessive guardianship, the mother does not even let anyone close to her child. Or vice versa - there are manifestations of complete indifference and hostility to the baby: a woman refuses to feed, take care of her child, speaks of her desire to cause him any harm.

At this stage, the patient has various hallucinations, she hears non-existent voices or noises, talks to herself, smells, sees events, objects that do not really exist.

In severe cases, even suicide attempts or mutilation of one's own child, murder are possible.

At the same time, the woman in labor is not able to objectively assess her behavior, considers it absolutely normal, and denies the need for medical intervention.

It is important for family and friends to be aware of what is happening. Of course, many women, after giving birth, experience manifestations of anxiety, anxiety associated with a new high responsibility, with hormonal changes in the body. However, postpartum psychosis is a serious mental disorder that has nothing to do with normal maternal anxiety.

In the video, psychiatrist Sergei Vetoshkin talks about the consequences of postpartum depression and psychosis, what are the causes of this condition and why it is necessary to see a doctor in time

Unlike postnatal depression, which often goes away on its own in mild forms, psychosis after childbirth, if treatment is not started on time, is dangerous for the mother herself, her baby and those around her. Relatives must necessarily isolate the baby from the mother, since in this state she is not able to be responsible for the consequences of her actions. And it is very important to apply for medical assistance. The sooner a woman gets necessary treatment, the greater the chance of a favorable outcome and a quick return to normal life. Otherwise, the consequences can be completely unpredictable.

How to diagnose and treat

If postpartum psychosis began to develop already in the maternity hospital, then the woman is immediately prescribed specific therapy, for the continuation of which the patient can be transferred to a psychiatric hospital.

Unfortunately, most often the manifestations of psychosis become noticeable much later, when the woman in labor has already left the walls of the maternity hospital and is not under the supervision of doctors. It is very important that in the first weeks after the birth there are attentive and friendly relatives nearby, who can not only provide support, but also sound the alarm if the behavior of the young mother seems suspicious to them. This is especially true of postpartum women at risk, but since postpartum psychosis develops in perfectly healthy women, it is better not to leave the new mother alone at all.

To normalize the condition in postpartum psychosis, the following medications are used:

  1. Antidepressants. They help with depression, reduce manifestations of anxiety, irritability, normalize sleep, appetite, return interest in life.
  2. Normotimics. Stabilize mood, are used to prevent relapses in affective disorders of consciousness. Reduce irascibility, impulsivity.
  3. Antipsychotics. They are prescribed for distortions of an adequate perception of the real world and disorganization of behavior.

Taking medication is necessarily combined with psychotherapy sessions. It is important to help the patient accept his new status mothers and the birth of a child. The woman will again begin to rejoice and appreciate the changes that have taken place in her life, she will no longer feel fear of caring for the baby. She will again feel the support of loved ones and friends who can tell her what to do with the child if the process of caring for him is too frightening.

Often postpartum psychosis if symptoms suggest severe form disease requiring hospitalization for treatment. In this case, the relatives of the patient take care of the newborn. Even if the course can be taken at home, she will have to be temporarily protected from communicating with the child. It should also be taken into account that the mother will not breastfeed the baby for the entire therapeutic period due to medication.

At home, you must comply with a number of conditions for get well soon young mother:

  • provide the patient with a state of rest, comfortable conditions for relaxation, completely free from household chores, monitor compliance with sleep, food;
  • make sure that the general atmosphere of the house is calm, peaceful, friendly;
  • exclude visiting guests, if possible, isolate other children living in the house from a sick woman;
  • do not leave the patient alone, control medication in strict accordance with the doctor's recommendations;
  • treat the patient with warmth, sympathy and understanding, as she needs the full support of family members. During this period, it is very important that someone is constantly there, comforting, encouraging, entertaining, not letting you worry and be depressed.

If you strictly follow these and medical recommendations, bring the course of treatment to the end, then the patient will have a real chance to recover and return to her baby. Treatment of postpartum psychosis is not a quick matter, and a woman will remain under the supervision of a psychiatrist for a long time after recovery.

Possibility of warning

Unfortunately, psychiatry does not yet know how to prevent postpartum psychosis for sure. But doctors concluded that mothers who have completed special courses in preparation for childbirth have a reduced risk of getting sick. This is due to the fact that the level of stress from the birth of a child is reduced, it is easier for the mother to cope with new responsibilities.

Women who have already been diagnosed with mental disorders during pregnancy are shown to be monitored not only by a gynecologist, but also by a psychiatrist. And for expectant mothers at risk, it will be enough to carefully study possible manifestations postpartum psychosis and acquaint your loved ones with this information.


Postpartum psychosis is a rather rare, but extremely serious disease, the causes of which have not yet been fully elucidated. Any new mother can face such a condition, so it is very important to at least approximately know about the signs and symptoms of this disorder. This will help to avoid serious consequences and not delay contacting a doctor if necessary.

With the birth of a child, a woman begins a difficult period. Emotional and physical stress increases. Cardinal changes in life psychologically put pressure on a young mother. The tension of the first weeks negatively affects mental health young mother. Such loads often lead to mental disorders. Postpartum psychosis is one of the insidious diseases which happens to 1 in 1000 new mothers.

The symptoms of postpartum psychosis are often referred to as depression and are hoped to go away on their own. Conversely, a slight drop in mood is mistaken for psychosis. It is important to distinguish this disease from other mental disorders. Psychosis is a manic condition that requires immediate treatment.

In this article, we have described how to recognize the symptoms of postpartum psychosis in time, how to treat and prevent it.

Postpartum depression and psychosis are conditions that require different types of treatment. The outcome of the disease depends on the correct and timely diagnosis. Depression manifests itself in symptoms such as mood swings, tearfulness, guilt, loss of appetite. They are not dangerous for the life of mother and baby, and are found in a quarter of women who have given birth.

But in a state of postpartum psychosis, a woman does not control herself and can harm herself and the child. Postpartum psychosis overtakes a woman in the first 1 - 2 weeks after childbirth. The patient loses orientation in space. There is confusion, auditory hallucinations. The young mother has crazy ideas: that the child is the devil, and he must be killed. The woman insists that she was replaced by a child in the maternity hospital.

The perception of tastes and smells changes or disappears altogether. As a result, the appetite disappears and the woman refuses to eat. She cannot sleep and suffers from insomnia. The mother, being in a manic state, is capable of suicide and harming the newborn.

If at least one of the described symptoms appears, you should immediately consult a psychiatrist or call an ambulance psychiatric care. Relatives should take responsibility for calling a doctor, because a woman, as a rule, does not recognize herself as sick.

Causes of the disease

Medicine has not yet given an exact answer why some women experience postpartum psychosis. There is an assumption that women prone to hypochondria, excessive suspiciousness, and hysteria face this disease. Women who suffered from PMS before childbirth are more likely than others to experience this disease. The hereditary factor also plays an important role. If this disease was encountered in the family, then the risk of experiencing postpartum psychosis increases.

Factors that provoke the appearance of postpartum psychosis can be:

  • Hormonal changes in the postpartum period. A sharp drop in estrogen entails changes in mood.
  • Fatigue, lack of sleep, high emotional stress associated with the birth of a child.
  • difficult birth and postpartum complications at mother.
  • Traumatic brain injury in the past.
  • Schizophrenia, history of manic disorders.

Faced with manifestations of psychosis, you should not reproach yourself and try to change your attitude to the situation. This is a dangerous disease that is treated with the help of a psychiatrist.

Treatment of postpartum psychosis

Basic principle of treatment manic disorder says: the sooner you start treatment, the faster you can cope with the disease. Those who turn to the doctor at the first signs of the disease will be able to get out of the state of psychosis in 2-4 weeks. If you start the disease, then it will take from six months to a year to recover.

Medical treatment

Psychosis therapy is carried out in a hospital, with the use of drugs incompatible with breastfeeding. The child will have to be separated during treatment. The psychiatrist will first prescribe antipsychotics to eliminate delusions and hallucinations. Then treatment is carried out with antidepressants and normolytics, which stabilize the mood. If some kind of postpartum infection provoked a psychological disorder, then these diseases are also treated in parallel.

If the therapy gives positive results, after 2-4 weeks the woman is discharged home. But the course of treatment can continue for another year.

What to do with relatives

The support of loved ones during this difficult period is very important for a young mother. Relatives are required to:

  1. Organize sick night sleep at least 8 hours.
  2. Provide good nutrition easily digestible food.
  3. Strictly control the patient's medication intake.
  4. Household chores should be taken over by relatives.
  5. Mom is encouraged to walk more often in the fresh air.

If treatment is started on time, then in 80% of cases it is possible to return to normal life.

Prevention of psychosis

In order to prevent the disease, you need to mentally and physically prepare for the birth of a child. It would be nice to attend prenatal courses in order to know for sure what awaits a young family. Responsibilities for caring for a newborn are shared among all family members, thereby reducing the burden on the mother.

If in the past a woman has encountered this disease and is afraid of a repetition of the situation, then she needs to contact a psychologist. He will give recommendations on how to avoid exacerbation of a psychological disorder.

Postpartum psychosis is a very dangerous, rapidly developing condition. You can’t wait for it to go away on its own, as is the case with other mental disorders after childbirth. Seeing a doctor early in most cases guarantees a return to full life and happy motherhood.

Postpartum psychosis is a condition in which a woman is pestered by a manic syndrome to do something to herself or her baby. It is caused by complications that occur after childbirth. It is important that a woman with problems of this nature be under the control of a highly qualified specialist. This condition is not always met. Because not all mothers suspect that they have a problem. Yes, and recognizing the symptoms of psychosis is not always easy.

ICD-10 code

  • O99.0 Anemia complicating pregnancy, childbirth and the puerperium. Conditions classified in D50-D64
  • O99.1 Other diseases of the blood and hematopoietic organs and individual disorders involving the immune mechanism that complicate pregnancy, childbirth and the postpartum period. Conditions classified in D65-D89
  • O99.2 Diseases endocrine system, eating disorders and metabolic disorders complicating pregnancy, childbirth and the postpartum period.
  • O99.3 Mental disorders and diseases of the nervous system complicating pregnancy, childbirth and the puerperium.
  • O99.4 Diseases of the circulatory system complicating pregnancy, childbirth and the puerperium.
  • O99.5 Respiratory diseases complicating pregnancy, childbirth and the puerperium.
  • O99.6 Diseases of the digestive system complicating pregnancy, childbirth and the puerperium.
  • O99.7 Diseases of the skin and subcutaneous tissue that complicate pregnancy, childbirth and the postpartum period.
  • O99.8 Other specified diseases and conditions complicating pregnancy, childbirth and the puerperium

ICD-10 code

F53 Mental and behavioral disorders associated with the puerperium, not elsewhere classified

Causes of postpartum psychosis

The main reasons lie in somatic and psychogenic factors. Thus, aggravating heredity plays a huge role. In this case we are talking about the presence of any of the relatives of mental illness, as well as disorders. The problem can arise against the background of difficult childbirth. Especially if they were accompanied by strong physical stress. This leads not only to mental disorders, but also hormonal changes. Often the problem affects vegetative system and leads to shifts. The result is psychosis.

Severe and protracted labor, protein shifts and blood loss entail a number of deviations. Dehydration, changes in pressure and impaired liver function can affect psychosis. It is possible to hide everything even in ordinary overwork, lack of sleep and a difficult situation in the family. Finally, not all women are ready for childbirth and motherhood. This depresses them and leads to various thoughts in my head. Some personal qualities able to contribute. This may be suspiciousness, anxiety and previous severe mental trauma.


It should be noted that there are no obvious pathomorphological and pathophysiological changes. The main specificity of the disorder is the presence of a depressive and stressful state in the last weeks of pregnancy. The fair sex begins to worry, think about the upcoming birth and wind herself up. Sometimes this condition is complicated by the presence of family problems. All this affects the pregnant psychogenic. There are certain risk factors that add to the situation.

If during the bearing of a child, the level of hormones responsible for blood flow increases sharply, and at the time of childbirth the uterus contracts, then at the end of the process an ordinary emotional decline occurs. This leads to the fact that the woman feels uncomfortable. She doesn't understand what's going on. The main thing is to support her and not let emotions take over. In this case, the situation will begin to improve and the body will return to normal operation.

Symptoms of postpartum psychosis

First of all, a woman begins to pester manic manifestations. Mania is a state of painful increased arousal. It is characterized by the presence of obsessions, as well as ideas that are not based on any real events. Mania can be paranoid. In some cases, megalomania occurs, but this is not typical for a young mother.

hallucinations. This symptom is the most common. Auditory hallucinations are the most common, visual hallucinations are less common.

A woman may think abnormally. Her condition changes, severe depression overtakes. There is no way to organize yourself, to start thinking normally. It becomes difficult for a woman to formulate her own opinion. The conversation becomes incoherent.

Lack of adequate self-esteem. Often women are not able to assess their condition. Therefore, relatives should convince the victim to see a doctor. Naturally, it will not be possible to avoid quarrels and scandals. But, nevertheless, there is a chance to alleviate the condition of the young mother. In addition, the woman does not want to eat at all. Finally, the most severe symptom is suicidal thoughts and the desire to do something about it. own child. This symptom is one of the most common.

First signs

The first symptomatology begins to manifest itself during the first few weeks. The woman is constantly bad mood, it is especially worse in the morning hours. Waking up too early, appetite reduced. In addition, there is always a feeling of guilt, self-accusation for no reason. There are many negative thoughts in my head, up to suicide.

It is easy to notice psychosis in a woman. She behaves inappropriately with the child. He annoys her, constant screams are heard. A woman is capable of injuring a child. Violation of concentration of attention, as well as hesitation or indecision during the adoption of important decisions, is not excluded.

The woman suffers from a mental disorder called anhedonia. It is characterized by the absence of a sense of joy. There is anxiety, excessive concern about their own condition and the health of the baby. Irritability and nervous overexcitation are always present. Sleep is disturbed, interests in life are lost, excessive fatigue appears. Suicidal thoughts rarely occur. Women refuse to have sex because they are afraid of getting pregnant again.

Acute postpartum psychosis

This condition is often associated with difficult childbirth. Women receive the so-called birth trauma and can't get away from it for a long time. It occurs at prolonged labor that last from several hours to days. Mental changes do not occur immediately, and this is the main danger. The first manifestations can be detected after a few days or weeks.

After being discharged from the hospital, a young mother returns home depressed. Instead of joy, she is overwhelmed with negative emotions. She is not happy about the appearance of a child, you can notice both indifference and aggression in his direction. Attitudes toward relatives can also change over time. Even the slightest sleep problems can indicate a problem.

Over time, the woman's behavior becomes strange and even unusual in relation to the child. So, the mother may not approach the baby at all, or vice versa, not leave him for a minute. Sometimes she begins to think negatively about one of her relatives, saying that they allegedly want to harm the child. There are thoughts that they are trying to steal, kill the baby. The most dangerous thing is that a woman can begin to treat a child for no reason for a non-existent disease. At the same time, very strong medicines are used that can cause irreparable harm.

In addition to delusions, hallucinations appear over time. As a result, the young mother is no longer able to be responsible for her actions. She can safely throw the baby out of the window or cause him irreparable harm. If help is not provided to a woman in time, her condition will worsen significantly. Changes can progress, leading to unpredictable consequences.

Postpartum schizophrenic psychosis

This condition is especially dangerous. Indeed, in addition to the fact that a woman experiences difficulties associated with the birth of a baby, serious thoughts begin to visit her in order to get rid of him. Often this condition can be caused by taking steroid hormones. Usually, they try to eliminate psychosis with the help of hormonal drugs, but this can cause its consequences. So, cases were recorded when a woman acquired acute schizophrenic psychosis. In this state, the patient is constantly overwhelmed with fears and hallucinations appear.

True postpartum psychosis is the main postpartum schizophrenia. Such a condition can arise at absolutely any age, regardless of the number of births and their severity. Nonspecific fragility of the nervous system, anxiety and neurotic disorders may manifest themselves. In addition, conflicts can sharply increase, which is closely related to the topic of childbearing. It should be noted that the picture of psychosis is not uniform. Each individual case has its own problems and symptoms. The main thing is to notice deviations in time and prevent the situation from aggravating.


The most dangerous consequence in this case is causing irreparable harm to the child. This condition is not able to affect the health of women. Simply put, it will not go further than a mental disorder. Over time, it can fade away and the young mother returns to her usual life. But, you need to give her the appropriate help. After all, without it there is a risk of causing serious injury baby.

Psychoses are different. Some women simply do not sleep well, eat and do not enjoy their lives at all. Perhaps this is the safest form. When obsessions appear, a young mother screams at her baby, beats, she should be given medical care. This condition is characteristic of a schizophrenic episode. Often, mothers try to throw the baby out of the window, etc. It's very scary. When a woman comes to her senses, she may not even remember her own deeds. Therefore, it is important not to let her harm both herself and the baby. With timely assistance, there will be no consequences.


Postpartum psychosis is a fairly common condition. It can be caused by both difficult births and some psychical deviations in a woman, present even before childbirth. It is important to follow the young mother and help her in every possible way. Letting the condition go by itself is dangerous both for her life and for the health of the baby. If strange symptoms are found, a young mother should not be left alone with her child in order to prevent the development of a suicidal scenario.

Complications after psychosis is the presence of serious mental disorders. If the mother is not treated in time, her condition will worsen. In this case, the risk increases. Because not in all cases, a young mother is able to independently return to normal life. Psychosis is serious breach. Waiting for it to pass on its own is very risky. You should drink a row sedatives for the woman to come to her senses. With timely elimination of the problem, complications are completely excluded.

Diagnosis of postpartum psychosis

No objective pathological signs are observed. Usually when taking anamnesis Special attention pay attention to the presence of depressive diseases in relatives. If this is the case, then in almost 50% of cases, postpartum psychosis occurs.

After collecting the anamnesis, a physical examination is performed. It is necessary to determine the severity of the condition. Then proceed to laboratory research. It is important to take a blood test bacterial culture. This will determine the level of leukocytes, ESR and other components that affect the human condition.

Next comes the screening. it special examination mother, as a result of which it is possible to fix the presence of depression. Particularly pronounced symptoms are observed on the 6th week after birth. After the main studies have been carried out, a quality treatment. If there is any doubt, carry out additional research. This applies to cases where a woman before childbirth had mental disorders.


The first step is to collect an anamnesis of the patient's life. Usually, pathological signs are absent, and it is not so easy to determine the presence of deviations in a woman. Therefore going detailed information about her relatives. The fact is that if someone in the family has mental disorders or suffered from psychosis, the risk of the same problem in a woman in labor is high. In almost 50% of cases, the situation repeats itself. After collecting all the necessary information, they begin to examine the patient. Some of the signs are prominent. This point is important to capture. Because the forms of psychosis can be different, including aggravating.

When the details are collected, proceed to the analysis. They are nothing serious. This is an ordinary blood test, as well as bacterial culture according to indications. It is important to examine the mother, and identify signs of depression in her. No other inspections or manipulations are carried out. In most cases, the clinic is "on the face."

Instrumental diagnostics

There are no special diagnostic measures in this case. It is enough to simply collect information about the patient and conduct a physical examination. Thus, the likelihood of developing psychosis increases if someone in the family suffers from serious disorders. This is especially true in cases where someone has postpartum psychosis. The probability of repeating the situation is as much as 50%. Naturally, aggravating consequences can be if a woman constantly suffers from depression.

After collecting information, you need to examine the patient. No tools are needed for this. It is enough just to visually assess its condition. Based on the data obtained, an assessment is made of the severity of certain symptoms. It is important to carefully examine the woman for the first week after childbirth. Development Peak negative symptoms seen at 6 weeks. Correct staging diagnosis and quality treatment will eliminate mental stress and return the woman to a normal life.

Differential Diagnosis

It should be noted that postpartum psychosis in most cases indicates the presence of sepsis. This condition requires urgent differential diagnosis. In most cases, the examination is followed by hospitalization. It is important that the medical institution has the opportunity to provide both gynecological and psychiatric care.

It is not at all excluded that psychosis is associated with bipolar affective disorder. This condition is called manic-depressive psychosis. It quite often occurs in women with schizophrenia or other mental disorders. In most cases, they were not diagnosed before delivery.

The first symptoms manifest themselves in the form of persecution mania, severe depression and schizophrenic manifestations. Such signs take place already in the second week after childbirth. Patients may suffer from uncontrollable fear, hallucinations. A young mother may experience fear about the condition of her baby.

Treatment of postpartum psychosis

Most women need to be hospitalized. This is the only way to manage to observe them and prescribe high-quality treatment. If possible, both mother and child are hospitalized. Unfortunately, not every medical institution boasts of having a department for people with mental disorders, within the walls of which both a young mother and her baby can be.

In order to alleviate the condition of a woman, special antipsychotic drugs and mood stabilizers are prescribed. As a rule, a woman should not breastfeed her baby while taking medication. When the condition begins to gradually stabilize, it is important to surround the victim with the support of relatives. In no case can you blame a young mother for anything. In most cases, this condition is not controlled at all.

Full recovery occurs in about a year. It all depends on the complexity of the situation and the condition of the patient herself. Usually the most severe symptoms stop pestering literally after 2-12 weeks. After recovery, there is often a period of depression and anxiety. To cope with this, the support of loved ones will help.


Antidepressants can help reduce symptoms. True, at the same time, you should not breastfeed the child, so that the sedative effect is not transmitted to him. Psychotropic drugs are prescribed only when absolutely necessary. This is done after examination by a psychiatrist and under his control.

If excessive anxiety and a sense of agitation are pestering, then resort to the help of Amitriptyline and Pyrazidol. With the predominance of adynamic symptoms, it is worth paying attention to Paroxetine and Citalopram. Therapy should start with minimum doses, this will reduce the likelihood of a complete clouding of reason. Over time, the dosage increases until the desired therapeutic effect is observed.

  • Amitriptyline. The dosage of the drug should be administered individually. Usually prescribed 50-75 mg per day, this is equal to 2-3 tablets. The dose may be adjusted depending on the condition of the patient. Contraindications: hypersensitivity, heart failure, acute diseases liver and kidneys, peptic ulcer. Side effects: constipation, dry mouth, headache, nausea.
  • Pyrazidol. The dose is also prescribed on an individual basis. It is necessary to appoint from the minimum dosage. Usually it is 50-75 mg 2-3 times a day. Over time, the dose can either increase or decrease. Contraindications: acute inflammatory diseases liver, hypersensitivity, blood diseases. Side effects: dry mouth, sweating, tachycardia.
  • Paroxetine. The drug is taken once a day in the morning. On the initial stage one tablet is enough. The dose is selected individually for 2-3 weeks after the start of treatment. Contraindications: pregnancy, lactation, hypersensitivity. Side effects: constipation, dry mouth, blurred vision, urinary retention.
  • Citalopram. The tool has the same effect as Paroxetine. It should be taken in the morning hours once a day. Over time, the dosage may be adjusted depending on the condition of the person. Contraindications: hypersensitivity. Side effects: dry mouth, nausea, increased sweating.

Alternative treatment

Traditional medicine can have an incredible effect and calm the nervous system. But, this is possible only in cases where the symptoms are not pronounced. In a schizophrenic episode, only antidepressants will help.

Women suffering from psychosis should take baths with an infusion of poplar leaves more often. It is enough to take the main ingredient and pour boiling water over it. After the product is infused, add to the bathroom.

It is worth paying attention to the infusion of ginseng root. It's easy to prepare. It is enough to take the main ingredient, pour it with boiling water and instruct until fully cooked.

Mint has always been considered the number one remedy for nervousness. You can add it to tea and use it without restriction. You can drink directly infusion of mint. Enough half a glass in the morning and evening. Chicory root also has a similar effect. You should take a tablespoon of the product and pour a glass of boiling water. Take a tablespoon 6 times a day.

Herbal treatment

Herbal treatment is very effective, but only if the person has some knowledge in this area. After all, many herbs have a toxic effect and can harm. With psychosis, nervous disorders, it is recommended to pay attention to knotweed.

  • Knotweed weed. Take one tablespoon given ingredient and pour two cups of boiling water over it. Then let it brew for an hour. You need to take the drug in a small amount before eating.
  • Mint. You should take a tablespoon of the main ingredient and pour it with a glass of boiling water, then boil over low heat for about 10 minutes. The medicine is taken in the morning and evening hours. It helps to cope with depression and invigorate for the whole day.
  • Thyme. To prepare an effective remedy, you should take 5 grams of grass and pour 500 ml of boiling water over it. Then let the infusion stand for 30 minutes in a sealed container. Finished product It is used 2-3 times a day in small portions throughout the week. Significant relief will come almost immediately. After application, a break is made for a couple of weeks, after which the course is repeated.


Homeopathic treatment of mental disorders is especially popular. Quite often, homeopathy is used together with color therapy. This will allow you to influence the human condition with the help of certain colors. The impact is on biological active points, zones and systems.

To solve the main problem, a number of various drugs. Thus, Aconite napellus, Belladonna and Medorrhinum are widely used.

  • Aconite napellus (wrestler) D3, D6, D12. This remedy widely used for anxiety disorders, it should be taken for 10-15 days. The person feels better in the open air. Deterioration is possible due to loud sounds, tobacco smoke and cold air.
  • Belladonna (Belladonna) D3, D6. The remedy relieves excessive irritability, nervousness, impressionability. Most often, the drug is prescribed to people with obvious deviations with head. Especially in cases where the patient is plagued by a feeling of fullness in the head, pain.
  • Medorrhinum (gonorrheal nosode) D30, C200, C1000. This tool is powerful. It is shown only for chronic course mental disorder.

Detailed treatment should be checked with a homeopathic doctor. In general, it is recommended to seek help traditional medicine. This will avoid possible consequences and return the young mother to normal life.

Homeopathy can really help positive action. But when choosing one or another method of treatment, it is worth considering all the pros and cons. Because the life of a young mother is at stake, or rather her mental condition. In case of any wrong actions there is a risk of leaving everything as it is. That is, not to eliminate a mental disorder, but rather to aggravate it.

Surgical treatment

Surgical intervention for this type of disorder does not make sense. After all, the problem lies directly in the nervous system of a woman. In most cases, no disease affects it. The appearance of psychosis is associated with difficult childbirth and the unwillingness of the mother to monitor the child. Many women endure the process of childbirth very hard, after which they need a lot of time to recover. It is important to support a young mother during these periods and not let the problem worsen.

In severe cases, drug treatment is used. It will calm the nerves and completely put the nervous system in order. For this, both sparing medicines and antidepressants are used. Specific treatment is prescribed only by the attending physician after a complete examination of the patient and the collection of anamnesis. It is important to record the severity of symptoms. Surgical treatment is not used due to the fact that it simply does not make sense.


Prevention of this condition involves the use of predictive diagnostics, taking into account some factors. So, it is necessary to identify the presence of depression in the patient, as well as relatives and relatives. It is likely that someone from the environment has pronounced nervous disorders or depressive states. It is important to find out if any of the relatives encountered such problems immediately after childbirth. This will help prevent a repeat scenario and “save” a young mother in time from a raid of negative symptoms.

The psychological situation in the family should also be identified, the main thing is that it should not be dysfunctional. In this case, it will be necessary to change either the place of residence, or all relatives become more united and avoid quarrels and conflicts during the woman's pregnancy.

A special role is played by traumatic events that could occur both before pregnancy and after it. Dangerous cases that arose directly during the period of bearing a child. They can affect the birth process and aggravate the situation.

Lack of sleep, overwork, the birth of a baby out of wedlock - all this leaves imprints on the psyche of the mother. These situations should be excluded and try to surround the woman in labor with positive emotions. This will help save the situation.


If the treatment was adequate and timely, then the postpartum mental disorder proceeds well. It is treatable and in most cases the woman returns to normal life. In 75% of cases, there is a complete recovery after suffering a psychosis.

It is necessary to remember the fact that many women are subject to the influence of aggravating heredity. This aggravates the situation and can lead to the development of serious consequences. The prognosis in this case is able to take an unfavorable course. Most often this applies to people suffering from schizophrenia. In this case, childbirth only provokes the development of negative symptoms and aggravates the condition of the woman. The risk of developing mental disorders over time is high. Not necessary strong manifestation deviations in the postpartum period, they may appear much later. Therefore, it is important to consult a psychiatrist regarding further treatment. This will avoid serious consequences and make the prognosis favorable.

postpartum psychosis and postpartum depression- these are conditions that manifest themselves in a woman as a consequence of complications that arise during . It is imperative that new mothers who are diagnosed with postpartum psychosis be sure to seek help from qualified specialist and receive the necessary treatment.

This point should be taken into account due to the fact that most new mothers are not even aware that they are already suffering from the manifestations of postpartum psychosis. Sometimes such manifestations are not perceived as a serious illness and close people of a woman.

It is necessary to separate the concepts of "postpartum psychosis" and "postpartum depression". Both of these ailments are very severe psychotic conditions that require immediate medical treatment. But the approach to the treatment of these diseases is different: the treatment of postpartum depression is carried out using antidepressants , and the treatment of postpartum psychosis is carried out using antipsychotics . Compared with the manifestations of postpartum depression, postpartum psychosis occurs less frequently in women. It is necessary to clearly distinguish between postpartum psychosis and postpartum blues, which occurs in most new mothers in the first weeks after childbirth. In most cases, this spleen goes away on its own. However, it happens that the protracted blues turns into a state of postpartum depression. This condition must be treated with the help of qualified professionals.

Causes of postpartum psychosis

Postpartum psychosis is a serious psychotic condition. During the period in a woman who later suffers from postpartum psychosis, there is no noticeable abnormality. However, those who are prone to postpartum psychosis tend to have suffered from severe emotional fluctuations in the premenstrual period.

To date, there is no information about the clear causes of the manifestation similar condition in a woman after childbirth. There are some assumptions according to which the change in the psyche of a woman who has recently given birth to a child is associated with fluctuations hormonal balance in her body.

A high risk of developing postpartum psychosis exists in women who have a history of a variety of mental illnesses and disorders. Thus, young mothers suffering from schizophrenia and bipolar disorders are more susceptible to postpartum psychosis. The risk of developing postpartum psychosis is significantly increased in those who have previously abused a variety of drugs.

However, postpartum psychosis can also develop in healthy women who have experienced severe emotional stress in connection with the birth of a child.

Symptoms of postpartum psychosis

As a rule, postpartum psychosis manifests itself on the 3-6th day after childbirth. When characterizing the features of postpartum psychosis, we often talk about the loss of the patient's connections with reality. With the progression of postpartum psychosis, the higher nervous activity. In women, immediately after childbirth, it manifests itself as light , and heavy form of postpartum psychosis. If its course is especially severe, then the young mother may completely lose the ability to take care of the newborn.

During the development of postpartum psychosis, a number of variety of symptoms. A woman sometimes has certain manic manifestations, which are expressed increased level excitement, the occurrence of obsessions that are not connected with reality.

Another very common manifestation of postpartum psychosis in women is hallucinations, mostly auditory. The young mother gradually develops personality changes, her thinking becomes abnormal. A woman affected by postpartum psychosis finds it difficult to formulate her thoughts out loud and organize them. Accordingly, a woman can conduct incoherent conversations, express thoughts without intelligible content.

The patient cannot give an adequate self-assessment, correctly defining her own condition. Convincing a young mother that she needs to seek qualified help, her relatives and friends must make significant efforts to achieve what she wants. Over time, after complete cure, a woman, as a rule, is aware of the fallacy of her own beliefs.

Another symptom of postpartum psychosis is an appetite disorder: a young mother often cannot eat normally.

A woman in a state of severe postpartum psychosis is often visited by ideas of possible suicide or murder. Similar symptom indicates that the patient's condition is extremely serious, and she needs the help of specialists.

Diagnosis of postpartum psychosis

When a woman contacts a doctor with complaints about the manifestation of the symptoms described above, the doctor should conduct the most complete examination of her state of health. Identification of organic ailments, blood tests and other studies contribute to explaining the causes of postpartum psychosis. In addition, it is necessary to bring a neurological examination, as well as to study the results of computed tomography.

Treatment of postpartum psychosis

Treatment of postpartum psychosis has been practiced for a long time. Currently used both oral and intravenous and intramuscular injection drugs. But any drugs should be used as soon as possible, since the treatment of postpartum psychosis should be carried out as early as possible. The success of such therapy directly depends on this. Accordingly, the effectiveness of treatment may decrease if it is started later.

If urgent medical intervention did not happen, then with postpartum psychosis, the condition of a woman can deteriorate sharply. And this directly threatens the health of the child and mother.

postpartum depression

Postpartum depression can occur in every woman who has recently given birth to a child. A similar condition is also manifested in those women who gave birth to a dead child or after a miscarriage. Postpartum depression is manifested by changes in the psychological state of a woman. She may suffer from a constant manifestation of feelings of sadness, pessimism, hopelessness. A young mother ceases to feel the joy of life, the pleasure of caring for a child. Sometimes a new mother feels that it is too difficult for her to take care of her baby on a daily basis. To date, there is evidence that the prevalence of manifestations of postpartum depression reaches up to 15%. It is very important to take into account the fact that postpartum depression in the mother can affect the health of the child in the future.

If we evaluate the condition of a young mother immediately after the birth of a child, then the state of fatigue, weakness and exhaustion is observed in almost every woman. In the first few weeks after childbirth, a young mother may suffer from insomnia and fatigue. All these feelings in most young mothers appear in parallel with the state of joy and great satisfaction from the fact that a child has been born. But in a normal state, a woman already after a few weeks feels that her condition is becoming more stable and unpleasant manifestations disappear without treatment.

Causes of postpartum depression

There is an opinion that the cause of postpartum depression is a sharp hormonal imbalance in the body of a woman, which manifests itself immediately after the birth of the baby. Significant changes occur in a woman's body during pregnancy. psychological , somatic and endocrine character. Mental dysfunction in the period after childbirth, according to doctors, is associated with a sharp decrease in the amount of gonadotropic hormones in.

But at the same time, there are some factors that provoke an increase in the risk of postpartum depression. First of all, it is important to consider that postpartum depression is more often manifested in those women who had already suffered from such a disease at the time of the birth of children. Especially often postpartum depression occurs in this category of women at the birth of a child after 35 years. However, there is evidence that postpartum depression is much more common in women at the birth of their first child.

In addition, the risk of manifestation of this condition significantly increases the lack of adequate support for a young mother, which should be provided by relatives and friends. Postpartum depression is more common in women who have experienced severe . It can be provoked by health problems in a newborn, regular colic in a child, the presence of other family or psychological problems.

If a woman was prone to depression even during the period of bearing a child, then in 75% of cases a depressive state will manifest itself in her after childbirth. The hereditary predisposition of a young mother to depression also increases the chances of depression. depressive states either to bipolar disorder .

Symptoms of postpartum depression

Since the birth of a child is a serious stress for a woman, the development of depression in the postpartum period occurs quite often.

The most typical symptom of postpartum depression is the young mother's denial of the need qualified assistance. A woman who has just given birth to a child feels that it is very difficult for her to cope with new responsibilities, and at the same time feels guilty. The woman suffers from great restlessness, and she becomes very slow and has great difficulty concentrating. Sometimes a woman completely rejects all social contacts and is completely immersed in the chores of a child. In other cases, postpartum depression causes the mother to give up caring for the child altogether. Often, postpartum depression becomes chronic and negatively affects the condition of the child and mother for a long time.

Very often, a young mother also suffers because she does not receive confirmation of the theory that her maternal instincts will help her to endure all the difficulties of the period of adaptation to the child quickly enough. But in fact, in order for such a connection between mother and baby to appear and grow stronger, it takes several months. Therefore, disappointment from failures can provoke an aggravation of the depressive state. In addition, very often the mother is convinced that she alone is responsible for the child.

Thus, a feeling of sadness, spiritual emptiness and constant anxiety can haunt a woman for a long time. Gradually, she loses the ability to enjoy everyday pleasant little things. Symptoms of postpartum depression are also often loss of appetite, a sharp decline weight in a young mother. A woman can also suffer from insomnia.

The symptoms described above can occur in a woman both in the first week after childbirth, and after a few restless weeks. Postpartum depression can last for a young mother for about three to four months.

Types of postpartum depression

In medical practice, a certain classification of postpartum depression has been adopted. At neurotic depression in a woman, those disorders that occurred during pregnancy are exacerbated. She is despondent, often crying, and gradually comes to an extreme degree.

Traumatic neurosis , as a rule, manifests itself after a very difficult process of childbirth. In women who have experienced a difficult birth, before the next birth of a child, a state of anxiety and obsessive fears gradually increase.

At melancholy, which is accompanied by delusional inclusions , the state of a woman is characterized by severe lethargy, a sense of guilt, as well as thoughts about her own insolvency. A woman may not recognize people close to her, suffer from the constant manifestation of unpleasant hallucinations. Very often, such a state precedes the manifestation manic-depressive psychosis .

With postpartum depression with a neurotic component, a woman may experience hypochondriacal symptoms, as well as insomnia and a feeling of powerlessness. A mother is constantly afraid of harming her child in some way.

Most common in young mothers lingering course postpartum depression. At the same time, such a condition very often occurs in a woman undiagnosed, although approximately 20% of young mothers suffer from it. Symptoms of this condition are constant feeling fatigue, despondency, exhaustion. It is very difficult for a mother to endure the crying of a baby, she becomes irritable, and at the same time she constantly feels guilty for such behavior.

Diagnosis of postpartum depression

Diagnosis of postpartum mental disorders is carried out by medical examination, as well as a detailed survey of the patient. It is extremely important that a woman tell the doctor in as much detail as possible about her own feelings, thoughts and emotions that prevail in her after the birth of a child. In the process of treatment, the doctor necessarily observes the patient and monitors her psychological state. It is important that there is Attentive attitude doctor to the woman's complaints, as mental disorders sometimes go unnoticed.

Treatment for postpartum depression

Treatment of postpartum depression and postpartum psychosis involves a mandatory consultation with a psychologist and an appointment medications. Treatment for postpartum depression antidepressant drugs . But if the patient has moderate postpartum depression, then in some cases medications can be dispensed with. To date, the use of modern antidepressant drugs allows you not to refuse breastfeeding a child, since they do not negative impact on the baby. But it is very important that such funds are prescribed exclusively by a specialist.

However, treatment for postpartum depression also involves proper nutrition defined physical activity, enough hours of daily sleep. In addition, a woman needs to realize the wrongness of her own behavior and be sure to seek help from her loved ones.

Prevention of postpartum mental disorders

It should be understood that the prevention of postpartum depression and postpartum psychosis must be taken care of long before the birth of the child. The expectant mother should always be in a comfortable environment to feel care and support. It is especially important to provide such conditions for women who are at increased risk of mental disorders. In this case, the attitude towards the woman of her partner is extremely important.

Both husband and wife should understand before childbirth that every woman has a risk of developing postpartum depression, so it is important to recognize this condition in time and provide adequate treatment.

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