If depression what to do. How to understand that you have depression. severe depression treatment

People react completely differently to various events and changes in their lives, to blows of fate and troubles. Depending on the life situation and individual character traits, a person may experience a complex state of apathy, indifference, or even despair. If life began to seem unpromising and dull, no one makes you happy and you don’t want to do anything, and even the sunniest, warmest day looks dull, then with highly likely you could say it's depression.

Someone can quickly cope with it, and someone has to look for ways out of the situation for a long time. The main thing is not to despair and not give up. In this article, a lot of analytical work has been done to study the causes of depression, its types and most effective means out of this unpleasant state.

Origins and history of the disease

The first signs of depression were noted by Hippocrates, which he singled out from a wide variety of characters and behavioral moods. Man changed, improved the world and learning tools. Over time, more detailed and accurate descriptions of this phenomenon appeared.

Unfortunately, today it has already been proven that not only people with an unstable psyche and losers are susceptible to depressive disorder, as previously stated. They suffer and powers of the world of this, world stars and successful businessmen, authoritative leaders and qualified managers. One thing has been proven for sure that due to increased vulnerability and emotionality, an increased sense of responsibility and chronic fatigue most often depression is inherent in women, and different ages and areas of activity.

Depression can affect anyone

Manifestations of depression

Most often, depressive disorders are accompanied by melancholy, anxiety and anxiety. The woman feels helpless, unhappy and forgotten by everyone. As a rule, she is constantly dissatisfied with what is happening and annoyed, almost nothing can distract her from this state, and no one from the environment is able to change it. Often the following symptoms indicate the onset of depression:

    loss of appetite or its complete absence;

    loss of satisfaction from physical pleasures: walking, traveling, sports, sex, etc.;

    a variety of sleep disorders: waking up too early, nightmares, difficulty falling asleep, restless or shallow sleep that does not bring a feeling of rest;

    lack of interest in other people;

    unwillingness to set some goals and achieve them;

    constant feeling of fear and fatigue;

    the presence of guilt and anxiety;

    feeling of own uselessness and helplessness;

    obvious inhibition in actions and thoughts;

    alcohol abuse.

Even the presence of three or five clear signs of a depressive state should alert a woman, make her think about her well-being and analyze it in detail.

When we are depressed, we feel helpless.

The main reasons for the appearance of various changes

worldwide famous psychiatrist Carl Jung compared depression to a woman dressed in black knocking on a door, and it is not enough just to drive her away. She should first be invited to the house, greeted, fed and listened to the purpose of her visit. And only after such communication will there be a chance that she will leave forever. Therefore, first of all, it is necessary to deal with the causes of the disease, and not with its consequences. Experts note the following most common causes depressive disorder:

    genetic predisposition. Numerous studies by domestic and foreign scientists have shown that the risk of depression is higher in women who have similar symptoms in the family. This trend can be exacerbated by environmental, social and personal factors.

    Hormonal background and chemicals. Surveys with the latest devices MRI scans have shown that a person's brain looks different in a depressive disorder, especially those parts of it that are responsible for thinking, appetite, sleep, mood and behavior. The brain chemistry in women is directly affected by sex hormones, because they control mood and emotionality. Peak states occur during puberty, before menstruation, after pregnancy, and during menopause.

    postpartum depression. It is after childbirth that a woman is most susceptible to depressive disorder, when, in addition to physical and hormonal changes she is under increased responsibility for the life and health of the newborn.

    PMS. Scientists have proven that 10-15% of women are prone to the appearance of a severe form of premenstrual disorders, during which they experience bouts of anxiety and irritability. In addition, they may experience health problems and significant mood swings.

    Menopause. Before menopause and during menopause, many women develop depression, even the strongest and most active. First of all, such processes are associated with a change hormonal background, changes in career, appearance and personal life.

    Stress. The loss native person, life tragedies and troubles, a long illness or difficult relationships with loved ones can lead to a short-term or long-term depressive disorder. General anxiety and insecurity can be exacerbated by poverty, loss of a job, change of residence, harsh treatment from others, or other specific stresses.

The duration of depression and its course can be completely different. Even two women of the same age and social status may be different character processes. Some may experience only occasional symptoms of the disease, while others may have long-term effects with complex clinical consequences and significant problems.

Stress can trigger depression

Psychological factors of depression

Usually depression is associated with a loss of interest in the surrounding space and a decrease vital energy. Thoughts and body of a woman, as it were, fall into lethargy, under which once suppressed feelings and emotions, fears and fears are hidden. They may be associated with feelings of ugliness and worthlessness, misunderstanding and loneliness. Experts note that feelings of guilt and shame, sexual abuse and the demands of domineering parents can be hidden in the deep layers of memory. As a result of various somatic changes, a woman's depression can be caused by:

    Self-pity, when the energy of personal denial and repressed emotions invariably transforms into psychological discord and leads to depression.

    Pity for others, which can lead to denial of personal happiness and unconstructive experiences.

    Self-accusation or maximalism. Usually this condition is characteristic of women who are prone to self-flagellation, who, as a result of unproductive analysis, come to the idea of ​​the futility of their activities or even existence.

    Excessive focus on their emotions, which may be associated with a constant analysis of the current situation, regular interference in the affairs of their loved ones or spouse. Sometimes it’s worth stepping aside or going somewhere for a while to understand that without a wife and mother, a family can fully exist, and work moves on.

    dissatisfaction with their appearance. Perhaps the most common cause of depression, especially for teenagers. But adult woman prone to falling into a deep depression when gaining weight or various problems with appearance.

Hidden injustice and isolation can hide despair and a silent cry of danger, a thirst for attention and love. The main thing is not to be afraid to reveal all the problems and anxieties that have accumulated over the years, doubts and misunderstandings.

Many women ask themselves two questions: “How did it happen that I got depressed?” and "Why me?" It can take a long time to analyze the causes and contributing factors, but first of all, one should remember and accept the following statement as an axiom - nothing in a person's life happens by chance.

Depression is given to people with a soul, which means they have it. And how can one not remember the expression of the classic: “The soul must work, day and night ...” Yes, this state takes a lot of strength, which sometimes takes a lot of time to search for meaning and answers. But for that, having come out of depression, a woman will feel several times stronger than before, she will become confident to look into the future and not be afraid of any obstacles.

During depression, a woman is dissatisfied with herself

Diseases leading to depression

Separately, it is worth highlighting diseases that can lead to depression, become its onset or provoke a relapse:

    bronchial asthma;

    vascular and heart diseases;


    oncological diseases;

    viral hepatitis;

    stroke and other diseases associated with circulatory disorders of the brain.

By the way, if you do not pay attention to your anxiety state and other signs of depression, do not draw appropriate conclusions about its causes, then a woman may begin to have health problems, even if they did not exist before. Today, many domestic and foreign doctors, before putting correct diagnosis, carefully study mental condition patient.

A number of diseases are accompanied depression

The negative impact of depression on women's health

Almost all people suffering from depression, over time, there are many mental and physical symptoms. The first signs of the disease can be a headache, constant ache in the joints, discomfort in the heart and in the abdomen, dizziness and problems with the regularity of the menstrual cycle.

Separately, it is worth noting the vulnerability of hormonal and digestive system, problems with ovulation and dermatology. After all, the body of any woman is an integral complex in which there are no secondary functions and organs. And the insidiousness of a depressive state lies in the fact that it simultaneously affects the mind, body and, above all, the soul of a person. The following serious violations are added to these frequent signs:

    The cardiovascular system. Prolonged depression, fears and anxieties have a bad effect on the state of the vessels and the work of the heart. Persistent disorder, alcohol abuse, bad dream double the risk of severe chronic disease.

    Immunity. Initially, the body of a woman is naturally endowed with reliable immune system, which in the process of life should help her resist diseases and infections. Depression significantly reduces immunity, the body ceases to resist diseases, infections and viruses.

    Nervous system. Any signs of a depressive disorder are a direct manifestation of problems with the nervous system, concentration of attention and thought processes. Memory decreases, brain neurons are destroyed, and in the most negative cases, a mental disorder can occur.

    Skeletal system. Per last years many famous research institutes and laboratories have proven that bone fragility and the development of osteoporosis in women are directly related to the psychological state of the patient. Depression negatively affects the blood supply to the bone marrow and the general condition of the skeletal system.

You can endlessly and unsuccessfully be treated by surgeons, therapists, gynecologists and endocrinologists. However, according to official statistics, almost a third of patients must first recover from a depressive disorder, eradicate its causes and consequences, which can be completely done on your own if you regularly follow simple recommendations.

Depression affects our body in a negative way

General rules for self-treatment of depression

“Dozens of rivers” (reasons) can flow into the “sea” of the current depressive state, and each one will have to be dealt with. There will be positive results for sure. You just need to believe in yourself and methodically analyze all the reasons, looking for a solution to each problem. Each person has their own path. And it should be remembered that people are great and beautiful precisely because of their diversity and originality. The most important thing in self-treatment of depression is faith. However, it does not have to be faith in God. It is very important to trust the chosen method and trust yourself.

Depression can be successfully treated on its own. However, it should be remembered that there is no single standard approved and absolute scheme. It all depends on the form of the disorder, the duration of the disease, the severity of the condition and its manifestations. The main goal is to relieve depression, depression and, as a result, improve your mood. To do this, follow a few simple rules:

    Systematic and moderate approach. A depressed state, as a rule, absorbs a lot of strength from a woman, which in the end is not enough for daily activities and full communication with loved ones. At the initial stage, you should entrust some of the household duties, break tasks into several stages, do not set yourself complex plans or take on excessive responsibility.

    Exercise and go for a walk. At least three or four times a week, you need to give gymnastics, which must be done for at least half an hour. This will relieve muscle and nervous tension, increase the overall tone of the body, vivacity and self-confidence. Walking or strenuous exercise releases endorphins, which are very effective natural antidepressants.

    Avoid stress, tense situations, communication with conflicting and unpleasant people. This rule must be observed at the initial stage of treatment.

    Try to plan your affairs and time. Just do not be nervous if something fails or is delayed. The main thing is to get up and go to bed at the same time, take healthy food by the hour and do not skip exercise.

To get back to life faster, you need to play sports

    Eliminate completely alcohol, chocolate and other stimulants that can relieve the condition only for a short time and bring down the right attitude to recovery.

    Try to think positive and productive. Watch movies with a happy ending, do not abuse television programs, political and analytical programs. Build your own worldview, think about nice people and positive impressions.

    Never be alone. It is not necessary to communicate with someone specifically. Just go out, enjoy the cute cooing of lovers on the bench, the kids in the sandbox or the beautiful landscapes of the world around.

    Down with perfectionism. Relax, perfection only happens in the movies. Allow yourself to make mistakes, break schedules and be happy, regardless of the situation and the immediate result.

    Stock up on patience and willpower. Unfortunately, depression does not heal quickly. it systemic disease, which requires a detailed approach, discipline and strict implementation of the above rules.

It should be remembered that happiness is within each of us. No need to seek consolation and approval from the outside. We need to learn to be thankful for everything - both good and bad. Pain and pleasure are part of any person, his long and difficult path. Therefore, if a feeling of anger, resentment or fear suddenly sets in, you should not think, but simply stop and look at the situation from the other side.

It is important to begin to love yourself and accept all your weaknesses, shortcomings and imperfections. Do not be afraid to make mistakes and be misunderstood. It's scary to constantly pretend and lie. Don't take other people too seriously. After all, their relationship this moment can also be caused by problems and troubles. Try to surround yourself with pleasant and positive people, at least in an informal setting and on short span time.

    Celebrate and celebrate even small victories. A small success is also an achievement that should be remembered and projected into the future.

    Smile, no matter how trite it may sound. Watch humorous shows and comics, read jokes and funny stories. The main thing is the result!

    Know how to forgive yourself and others, quickly and easily, without a trace and resentment. It is important to get rid of the feeling of hatred, it is unconstructive and destructive. Transform it into indifference, passive pity or detachment.

    Fulfill a dream, even a small one, or start striving for it. Adjust to the rhythm of life, but do not give up on your plans.

    Review your photos and make a selection with nice shots. Be sure to look through them at the first stage and feed on positive energy.

    Love your body and start taking care of it, carefully and slowly. Let it be foot baths with fragrant drops or daily hair styling, face masks or body massage.

Do not forget to say compliments, words of love and gratitude to relatives and friends. Sincerity and care are the most important and available funds. Live only in the present, drawing conclusions from the past, you don’t need to cling to it. You should thank God for every day you live, creating around yourself a positive space of warmth, joy, prosperity and abundance.

Do not forget to combine the basic rules and tips with working on books, reading specialized forums, reading articles and magazines. This will allow you to quickly reach positive results and secure them more securely. With a better perception of sound or visual information, preference can be given to disks and cassettes dedicated to self-healing from a depressive disorder. Today, on the Internet, you can download special music for relaxation, and listen to it in the evenings before going to bed, after a walk in the fresh air and a warm shower.

Qualified specialists advise to improve the quality of treatment and its consistency with the help of regular records. In a notebook, you can write down your plans every day and analyze your achievements, record changes in your condition and delve into the course of the disease in more detail. This technique is guaranteed to help for a long time to track all the tendencies of depression and help yourself to be more disciplined.

Try to relax completely and forget about problems


At seasonal disorder or as additional therapy in autumn-winter period light therapy is recommended. During the procedure, every day you need to be in the rays of bright light, in a warm and comfortable position. It is expected that these procedures will compensate for the lack sunlight. Usually to improve general condition 5-10 sessions are required. It is believed that phototherapy works best on a weakened body in the morning. By the way, as an alternative, you can use a high-quality and certified horizontal solarium, which will also improve appearance women, giving her a fresher, rested look. The main thing is the absence of contraindications for health reasons.

Treatment of depressive disorder with folk remedies

All of the above treatments for depression can be combined with folk medicine, which will help alleviate the general condition and course of the disease, get rid of sharp moments and associated symptoms. It is better to pick up herbs and tinctures in a reputable, official pharmacy. Ideally, purchase them from special herbalists in monasteries.

It has long been known that despondency, sadness and melancholy are afraid of the smell of myrtle, which can be used in the form of dry and fresh flowers, take infusions and tea with it, add to baths and aroma lamps. Myrtle bags can be placed in the bedroom near your pillow and even hung in the car. In the workplace, you can periodically inhale the smell of grass, which will help you to be at peace, calm your nerves and balance your general condition. Traditionally, for depression, baths with mint and lemon balm, oak bark and lavender are used.

Perfectly strengthens the fragile nervous system freshly squeezed carrot juice. St. John's wort extract has a good calming effect, which is characterized positive influence to weakened female body with no side or negative effects. Treatment with St. John's wort usually lasts 4 weeks. Then a break is made for 2-3 months and the course is repeated.

Improve brain activity and walnut leaves will help to concentrate, which can be sewn into special aroma bags and carried with you all the time. Many experts advise using citrus oils such as lemon, grapefruit and orange to relieve stress and anxiety. They can be breathed out acute condition or use as an additive in ointments, creams and massage oils.

By the way, massage is traditionally indicated for depressive states. Qualitative massotherapy reduces the amount of hormones in the body, improves sleep and relieves general anxiety. Guaranteed to relieve the symptoms of depression in women of any age, daily meditation, in a quiet room, with pleasant relaxing music and special smells. It will help you quickly find peace, peace of mind and effectively relax. Besides, breathing exercises help increase the oxygen content in the blood, which leads to an improvement in the mood and general condition of the woman.

Severe depression is one of the pressing problems of the 21st century. Literally every 3-4 people have experienced its manifestations to one degree or another. Many people do not even realize that they are on the verge of this formidable state of its consequences.

Coping with the problem on your own can be quite difficult, severe depression is a disease in which a specialist should decide what to do.


Finally, the root causes of the negative state by specialists have not yet been established. There are many opinions about why this or that person may experience such a mental disorder.

Main reasons:

  • violence experienced by a person - from physical, to sexual or emotional;
  • uncontrolled intake of certain subgroups of medicines;
  • prolonged severe conflicts, for example, in the family or at work;
  • death of a relative, friend, loved one, and individuals- a pet;
  • negative hereditary predisposition - signs of severe depression can be traced for several generations in the same family;
  • alcoholic or drug addictionemotional condition such people are characterized by significant fluctuations, from to deepest depths affective disorder;
  • the presence in the human body of chronic somatic diseases in the stage of decompensation, for example, cancer, HIV, when the realization of the approach of the end has already come, or pain syndrome so pronounced that there is no desire to live;
  • certain important life events and changes, for example, retirement becomes the main root cause of depression in older people.

Whatever the causes of severe depression, it is not only possible, but necessary, to fight it.


Experts, based on their experience in the field of psychiatry, distinguish the following symptoms of severe depression:

  1. Emotional - expressed in severe longing, a feeling of depression, mental suffering, increased anxiety as well as irritability. In addition, a person experiences depression, a pathological decrease in self-esteem and self-doubt. Sometimes similar symptoms can also be observed at .
  2. Physiological - manifested in a decrease in appetite, sleep disturbance, lack of vital energy, malfunctions of the intestines, which can lead to severe constipation. Unmotivated weakness, excessive fatigue should be especially alarming - it seems that he did nothing, but he was very tired. A person may complain about pain in the muscles or the region of the heart, however, the hardware and laboratory research do not reveal pronounced deviations. The need for sex is significantly reduced.
  3. Behavioral - as well as adult people manifested total absence desire to attend school, work, loss of interest in communication. Such a person has only one desire - to retire, and that no one touches him. It is difficult for him to focus his attention on anything, to make a decision, to concentrate.

If any signs and symptoms of depression are observed in a person for more than a few weeks, it is not recommended to delay the consultation of a specialist.


All of the above manifestations of a depressive state can be characterized as the loss of the meaning of human life. This is where the consequences of the negative state will come from.

Since all human health problems come from the failure of activity brain structures, disorders in higher mental spheres, which is manifested by depression, is also reflected in somatics.

Formed physical and mental pathology, for example, hypertonic disease, ischemia of the structures of the brain, heart, kidneys, ulcerative defects of the intestine, pancreatitis and cholecystitis. Against the background of depression, various problems arise in family life, at work.

However, The worst outcome is, of course, suicide.. A severe form of depression pushes a person to commit suicide, as he no longer sees the point in his own existence. This outcome is observed in 10-15% of cases, if there is no help from a psychotherapist who will tell you how to survive severe depression and find the joy of being.

How to find a way out

Don't underestimate depression. The disease is insidious with its manifestations, which are disguised as a multitude somatic pathologies. It is quite difficult to deal with such a mental disorder alone.

How to get rid of severe depression on your own:

  • observe correct mode work and rest, with obligatory 8 hours of sleep;
  • adjust your own diet - give up overeating at night, heavy, fatty, fried foods, semi-finished products;
  • meet friends more often, spend weekends in the country;
  • to do outdoor activities, physical activity helps to increase the production of endorphins, hormones of joy, by the way, sex is also “physical exercise”;
  • change of scenery - when moving to another city, country, the brain is filled with new information, which needs to be realized, there is no time to be sad;
  • indulge yourself in amenities more often - a new dress, shoes, an accessory to a car or apartment, a visit to a beauty salon, everything will help to “run away” depression.

The best cure for anxiety is to fall in love. All thoughts and aspirations are directed to the new object, and positive emotions help to overcome the blues.

If none of the above helps, how to get out of severe depression, it is better to ask a specialist. Today, there are many modern and highly effective drugs helping to cope with the disorder. However, their independent reception is unacceptable - the effect on the nervous structures should occur only under the strict supervision of the attending physician.

It is necessary to take into account the fact that depression is, first of all, a mental disorder. Therefore, it is necessary to deal with it in a complex way - by combining the efforts of the patient himself, the psychiatrist, the psychotherapist and the effects of drugs.

If one day you woke up and realized that life is a meaningless and stupid thing, if you feel that nothing can be fixed, because the future has no prospects, if you no longer have an interest in what just recently gave you pleasure, then … Maybe it will pass tomorrow, but maybe not. And if this state has been going on for some time, think: “what is happening to me?” We all know about such a phenomenon as depression, and letters often come to our editorial office with the question: “It seems to me that I have depression. What to do?" We turned to our wonderful professionals to explain what depression is and what to do if it suddenly happens to us. We publish the most interesting answers today on the pages of the Psychological Navigator.

Ovchinnikova Svetlana Viktorovna - Psychiatrist of the 1st category, psychotherapist), psychologist-psychoanalyst:

Depression - what is it?
When we're in a bad mood, we often say, "I'm depressed." But this is only the everyday meaning of the word.
Psychologists often talk about seasonal depression - a decrease in mood and performance in certain time of the year. Autumn, winter, spring depression are described. So the only time of the year without depression is summer?
AT medical concept depression is not just Bad mood, as is commonly believed, and serious illness, which has certain clinical manifestations. It can occur at any time of the year, but it often begins with seasonal depression. Depression as a disease is included in a group of diseases called "affective disorders", i.e. mood disorders.

Manifestations of depression.

Main symptoms:
1. Reduced (depressed, depressed, dreary) mood.
2. Loss of interest and pleasure in things and activities that used to be enjoyable.
3. Decrease in energy, which leads to fatigue and a decrease in activity.
In addition, there are also additional symptoms, which often join the main symptoms of depression:
- Decreased ability to concentrate and concentrate.
- Low self-esteem and lack of self-confidence.
- Thoughts of guilt and self-accusation.
- A gloomy and pessimistic vision of the future.
- Thoughts or actions related to suicide or self-harm.
- Sleep disturbances - insomnia, difficulty falling asleep or early awakenings.
- Disorders of appetite - more often its absence and weight loss.
- Violation of sexual desire.
- Perceptible lethargy or excessive fussiness.
- Increased depression and depressive experiences in the morning and a slight improvement in the evening.
If these typical symptoms last at least two weeks, every day and take up most of the day, then in this case we can talk about depression as a disease that needs to be treated.

Marchevskaya Elena Borisovna - consultant psychologist, member of the Professional Psychotherapeutic League and the European Association for Transactional Analysis (EATA), consultant of the Psychological Navigator portal:

Depression - very common mental illness and few who managed to avoid it. In mild depression, we feel reduced level mood, we lose interest in what we used to have a passion for, we feel that we are tired of everything, we are tired. However, we are able to mobilize, to rally, and if we are stimulated and supported, and they show interest in us, we most often get out of depression.

With an average level of depression, it is experienced more vividly and affects 2 areas clinically - a change in the pattern of sleep and nutrition: longer or shorter hours of sleep, or an increase or decrease in appetite.
Many of us have experienced these symptoms. Such depression comes inevitably when we start something new. And then mild depression and even depression with clinical symptoms can visit us, as they say, in planned. To some extent, it simply must be, because in this case it leaves us no doubt that we are starting to do something new, very important for ourselves. Therefore, this depression must be met and passed through, although it is tempting to get away from it, to be distracted in a variety of ways.

Major depressive disorder can lead a person to self-harm and control difficulties in such a way that in this case there is a real suicidal risk. They open their veins, fight in the streets, drink and eat huge sums of money, go to dark places. And they replace living relationships with contact with a substance (alcohol, drugs, etc.). In this case, long-term therapy is necessary, and sometimes in combination with drug treatment.
Do not neglect psychological and psychotherapeutic help: a competent specialist will help you understand the causes of your condition and effectively go through them. For example, with my depressed clients, we usually form a "support box". This includes: a note with the phone number of a loved one with whom you can talk about your condition; two bottles with aroma oils (one with a relaxing aroma, and the other with a tonic); two discs with music (one with relaxing, the other with energetic). It is important to understand that depression is treated only in contact. As depression is spoken and lived, its symptoms begin to subside. Isolation in depression does not help. As clients say: “If you let it hurt, let yourself feel this pain, you will live it (it's really sad, tearful, sleepless). I myself tell, show, write about it, I can talk about it with those close ones who can understand and, of course, I talk about it to the therapist in such a way that as I talk and live, these symptoms begin to weaken, go away.
Remember that our health is not in ignoring the disease, but in assessing our condition, knowing the causes of our difficulties and being able to get through them. Take care of yourself!

Erinova Elena Gennadievna - clinical psychologist; family and developmental psychologist), employee of the PsiGrad Psychological Consultation Center:

Depression - this is not a weakness or laziness of a person, but a disease that he strives to overcome. But in most cases, professional help is needed. Modern methods allow you to effectively treat this condition, with the help of psychotherapy, and in severe cases with the help of medicines such as antidepressants. It is important to strive not only to get rid of the symptoms, but also to find and eliminate the true cause that contributed to the occurrence of such an unpleasant condition.
At the beginning of the disease, a person may complain of individual symptoms, such as
fatigue, unexplained somatic pain, irritation. A more detailed survey reveals a reduced mood or loss of interest.
Certain groups of people are at increased risk of depression (for example, women in postpartum period patients with stroke, parkinsonism or multiple sclerosis).

Diagnostic signs of depression:
- Low or sad mood
- Loss of interest or sense of pleasure.
Often there are also the following additional symptoms:
- sleep disturbance;
- feelings of guilt or low self-esteem;
- fatigue or decreased activity;
- difficulty concentrating;
- excitation or inhibition of movements or speech;
- appetite disorder;
- suicidal thoughts or actions;
- Decreased sex drive.
There are also symptoms of anxiety or nervousness.

What to do?

· Plan activities that give you pleasure and inspire confidence.

· Try to resist pessimism and self-blame, do not focus on unpleasant thoughts and feelings of guilt.

Do not make important life decisions during this period under the influence of pessimistic ideas (for example, dissolve a marriage, leave a job)

· Try to analyze current life problems and stressors.

· Focus on small, concrete steps you can take to make yourself feel better.

· Participation in sports and activities that give pleasure, relaxation methods will help alleviate the condition and improve mood.

· Once you feel better, make a plan for what you should do if you experience signs of depression.

If you have found most of the above signs in yourself or your loved ones, you should seek help from qualified specialist(clinical psychologist, psychotherapist, psychiatrist), also a specialist consultation is recommended in the following cases:
- if severe depression persists despite the above measures;
- if the risk of suicide is significant;
- if there are psychotic disorders.

Volkova Ekaterina Valentinovna - psychotherapist, NLP - master, candidate of medical sciences, author of the psychological site:

To paraphrase a well-known saying - depression depression strife. And accordingly, on what kind of depression depends on the way out of it. There is a hereditary depression that occurs "from scratch" more often in adolescence, youth or old age, for its treatment it is required drug therapy and psychiatric supervision. And there are depressions that develop either as a reaction to a psychotrauma (divorce, dismissal from work, etc.) or as a result of mental exhaustion. In these cases, a universal algorithm for getting out of depression helps, which, I note, is effective regardless of what kind of psychotrauma a person has experienced (with the exception of the death of a loved one, professional psychotherapeutic help is needed here) or how severe his mental exhaustion is.
The first and most important thing is the desire to get out of depression. Remember the cartoon about Munchausen, in which he pulled himself out by the pigtail? Depression is just the case when you need to drag yourself (at least to the psychologist's office). The second is that you need to get out of depression with your feet, and in literally the words. Walk, force yourself to get up from the couch, call your friends, leave the house. Start running, going to the pool or fitness. During physical exertion in the blood in large quantities act biologically active substances- endorphins that improve mood. The third is a productive analysis of what happened. Ask yourself the following questions: What happened? What has this situation taught me? What should be done next?

Vasilchenko Dina Evgenievna - psychologist, gestalt therapist, author of the psychological virtual office:

Padun Maria Anatolyevna-clinical psychologist, candidate psychological sciences), employee of the Laboratory of Psychology of Post-Traumatic Stress of the Institute of Psychology of the Russian Academy of Sciences:

Depression is increasingly seen as an inevitable attribute modern society. For example, it is known that more than half of US residents take antidepressants and tranquilizers. According to WHO forecasts, in the near future, depression will take the second place in prevalence after cardiovascular disease. This dynamic, of course, is not encouraging. The depressed patient is familiar to every psychiatrist and psychotherapist: he suffers from a breakdown, loss of enjoyment of life, insomnia, unpleasant thoughts, inability to concentrate on current activities. There are more complex (masked) types of depression, when it is "hidden" under the guise of other diseases (head, gastrointestinal, heart pain, etc.).
If we talk about the causes of depression, then today the most recognized are biopsychosocial models that reflect the relationship of biological, psychological and environmental factors in the genesis of depressive disorders. Biological causes consist in violation of biochemical processes in the body; psychological - in the distortion of the image of the "I" and ideas about the world around the depressive patient; environmental - in the increased stressfulness of modern life, excessive demands on the individual from society, the imposition of a "cult of success" on him. Cross-cultural studies show that cultures based on the priority of success and high achievement have much higher levels of depression than societies where success is not a cult.
What to do if you find symptoms of depression in yourself? First of all - don't panic! It is important to understand that your case is not unique, that depression is treatable. The most effective is the combined (drug and psychotherapeutic) treatment of depression, that is, you need to contact a psychiatrist to prescribe a treatment regimen and a psychologist or psychotherapist to eliminate the psychological causes of depression. Psychotherapy for depression, depending on individual case, may include working with experienced stresses and mental trauma; correction of the image of "I", self-esteem; elaboration of difficulties in interpersonal relationships and other areas. Modern research show that the use of medical methods has a short-term effectiveness: the intensity of symptoms decreases, but the ways a person interacts with the outside world remain the same, which, in turn, leads to chronic depression.

Razheva Svetlana Yurievna - gestalt therapist, psychologist (psychology of personality, psychology of management), candidate of psychological sciences:

It is not at all difficult to believe in this, especially since it seems to be becoming fashionable to attribute one's failures to depression. Then the mysterious state, the way out of which all the pundits of the world are looking for, becomes my integral part, I become involved in the great mystery of the world - isn't that fascinating?! On the one hand, my uniqueness is confirmed, on the other hand, my involvement in the society of intellectuals (they are the most likely to be depressed).
Why do I need this very depression now - the question is - WHY? And if I can be honest with myself at this moment (at the moment of searching for the answer to the question “WHY?”), then half, and even most of the work is done! There may be many answers, or there may be one - SCARY. It’s scary that my son has grown up, and I have become unnecessary, especially on weekends ... It’s scary to go for walks, suddenly they will get to know me, and I’m afraid that they will have to leave, or will my relatives start to be jealous of new acquaintances? It's scary to have sex, what if later I can't do without it? It’s scary to start a new job, because you gave a lot of energy in the same place, without getting the expected return?.. It’s scary to know, it’s scary, because you already know everything a few steps ahead, and you’re afraid to just lose precious time ...
And you don’t notice at all that this is how it, time, is lost. You yourself cease to feel, grieve, rejoice ... live, breathe. Yes, just breathe.

The first thing that draws the attention of the client, after he admitted his depressive state and found the answer to the question "why does he need her?" is a process of CONSCIOUS BREATHING. Concentration on observing one's breathing (without changing anything in it yet) allows a person to begin to feel his body, remove clamps, blocks, realize his true needs, resolve them.
Second, start being HERE AND NOW. It is this state that helps to cope with depression after a vacation, a holiday romance. Start saying to yourself, “The past is already gone, it is gone. The future has not yet arrived, it does not exist. There is today. I live here and now. The best day is today." It is not at all necessary to believe in this, because it is a fact that is very easy to verify. From experience I know for sure that these phrases, these experiments with the time line (we admit that time can be imagined as a line) cause bewilderment, and even irritation among clients, but as a result, there is a joy of discovery: “Exactly!”.
Third - be honest with yourself - answer the question: "What is really important to you now - continue to be afraid to live, or give yourself life with all its facets?" and learn to be generous to yourself. Give yourself LOVE, ATTENTION AND CARE - you are the one who can really do it. Then you will be able to give all this to the people around you, and not worry that someday all this will dry up - after all, love, care, attention are not the final product, but an endless action. And thus you will learn to let go of people (events, things) with whom the relationship has ended. Learn to accept people (events, things) into your life, relationships with which can become a gift of fate for you ... Love, care and attention will simply become a reality of your life, your natural components that will dissolve any depression.
You can try to cope with your depressive state on your own for a very long time, but it is much more effective to turn to a psychologist, a Gestalt therapist. With an experienced counselor, you will need to meet once, maximum five times, to feel free from depression, and up to ten times to build on success.
It's up to you to decide what is really important to you.

Clinical depression can manifest itself in the most different forms. Often there is a depressive-manic (it is also called "bipolar" or bipolar affective disorder) form of the disease. What to do if constant depression torments you with its manifestations and symptoms?

What to do if depression sets in?

First of all, it is important to determine whether you are suffering from depression, or if it is a short-term mood disorder. This is easy to do, just pass a special test. After that, it will be possible to determine not only your psychological condition, but also the severity of depression (if, of course, you have it). It could be:

1. Mild depression. In this case, a depressed mood manifests itself, the patient cannot engage in his usual activities. Some symptoms of a mental disorder are observed.

2. Moderate or severe depression of moderate severity. Several symptoms of depressive disorders have already been diagnosed (most often it is insomnia, weight gain or a state when, on the contrary, there is absolutely no appetite). All this leads to the inability to perform daily activities.

3. Heavy or deep depression. A person has almost all the symptoms of the disease. In this regard, it is difficult for him to cope even with ordinary household tasks.

This condition can develop in anyone, regardless of age or gender: a guy or a girl, at 18 or 50. What to do if a friend, mother, son or sister has clear signs depression? By the way, they include:

- decrease in vital energy;

− disruption of social functioning;

- disorder of self-consciousness;

- a significant decrease in self-esteem;

− voluntary social isolation;

- inability to meet biological needs (complete loss of libido, violation of diet);

− vision of the future in gloomy colors;

− decrease mental activity;

- feeling of devastation, self-accusation, uselessness, despondency and hopelessness;

− the impossibility of performing household self-service;

− repetitive and intrusive thoughts of suicide;

− unfounded fears.

Severe depression: what to do?

If you are suffering from depression, it is important to understand what could have caused it. It can be:

1. Physiological causes:

- poisoning with alcohol, drugs, medicines;

sedentary image life;

- traumatic brain injury;

− irrational nutrition;

− diseases of cardio-vascular system;

- hormonal imbalance.

2. Psychological reasons:

− existential crisis;

psychological trauma;

− frustration.

What to do if depression does not go away? A severe form of depressive disorder is just a protracted, and often chronic depression. Treatment this disease should be carried out with the help of special preparations and under the supervision of doctors. Of course, not everyone wants to resort to taking medication, as there is a risk of addiction.

There is a special group of over-the-counter drugs, for example based on lithium. These include Normotim, which helps to cope with subclinical and mild form depression, and also potentiates the action of other antidepressant drugs in the treatment of moderate and severe depression. It increases stress resistance, suppresses bad mood and negative emotions.

What to do if depression has attacked, but you do not have money for expensive antidepressants? If chronic spleen is tormented, it is worth resorting to the help of normotimics. This is a special group of drugs that will help you quickly cope with any form of depression.

What to do if you get depressed?

What helps with depression and stress? First of all, a change of scenery. Worth going somewhere for at least a couple of weeks. It can be an ordinary vacation spent in another country or just out of town. What to do if depression hits? In no case should you lead a reclusive and sedentary lifestyle. Force yourself to move more, visit more often fresh air, make new acquaintances.

What if depression and sad? A protracted form of the disease requires intervention by qualified medical workers: psychiatrists, psychotherapists or psychoanalysts. They will assess your psychological state, write out necessary medicines and, if necessary, prescribe therapy.

with no doubt!

Stabilizes mood, significantly reducing the amplitude of affective fluctuations; suppresses anxiety, anxiety, reduces emotional stress and enhances adaptive responses and resilience
to emotional stress. Has a mild antidepressant effect,
in anxiety-depressive cases.

NORMOTIM® - is a source of lithium with high bioavailability (a new lithium salt with unique properties), vitamin C and B vitamins (B1, B6).

The drug was voluntary
certification based on the results of clinical trials.

, Comments on I'm depressed, what should I do? disabled

When people come to me with the question: “I have depression, what should I do?”, I understand that the person has already tried all the methods that he knew, and they did not work.

Getting enough sleep, doing more pleasant things for yourself, minimizing irritants, reducing stress - all these are obvious ways to deal with a depressive state, but sometimes they do not help, because there is some strong stress factor in a person’s life that he does not notice or considers that nothing can be done about it.

Depression, what to do?

Hello, my name is Ilya, I have depression and I don't know what to do. I have been feeling very bad for a couple of years now, nothing makes me happy, everything is tired, people are annoying. It seems to me that my life has no meaning, that I am a worthless person and will remain so forever. What can I do to get out of depression?

Hello Ilya.

To help you understand what to do, I would need to know more about how you live, with whom and what you do. People often think that depression is like a cold: you caught it somewhere and now you need to take medication to get better.

Depression, unlike the common cold and other somatic diseases, can occur because a person does not live the way he wants, suppresses essential desires and is deprived of something very important to him. It is about the lack of satisfaction of important needs in life that depression signals. She seems to be saying: "Pay attention to your life, change it." This is why taking antidepressants helps, but most often only for a while while the person takes them. In a year or two, depression may reappear, because the conditions of life have not changed.

Depression: what to do?

1. Check your daily routine: are you overloaded at work or school, do you have at least two days a week to rest when you are not doing business; Do you go on vacation at least once a year, changing your usual surroundings? If you are overworked or not getting enough rest, first of all find an opportunity to unload yourself, no matter how important things may seem to you.

2. Think about whether your daily environment is a constant source of stress, whether it is difficult for you to go home from work in the evening, whether there are constant exhausting conflicts with someone from home or a tense situation at home. If you have a constant source of stress waiting for you at home, you should find ways to change this state of affairs. You don’t want to change things when you’re depressed, spend money on renting an apartment or ask your mother-in-law not to come so often, but your body is giving you signals that it can’t cope with stress, and therefore you should make an effort to make your life less tense, and eliminate the most obvious stressors.

Sometimes it seems that nothing can be changed, the situation is hopeless, but this point of view is a habit. An adult can change a lot in his life if he learns to protect his space, stop people who violate his boundaries, and say “no” to others. If conflicts scare you and make you endure what you don’t like at all, you can contact me for face-to-face consultations, and together we will think about what can be changed in your life and how to do it.

3. If you are most worried about the lack of fulfillment and lack of meaning in life, this means that your ideas about what your life should be are in conflict with your real opportunities and interests. It is time to understand the concepts that arose in childhood about how you should be and what success to achieve. Sometimes such ideas are very inflexible and, on the one hand, hinder self-realization, on the other hand, they force you to move in directions that do not “warm” you and in which, therefore, you cannot achieve success. Such beliefs can also be dealt with with a psychologist.

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