Myoma and mastopathy relationship. Fibrocystic mastopathy: clinic, diagnosis and treatment. Subscription by e-mail

Phytotherapy for myoma: 1.400 g of washed aloe leaves through a meat grinder, mix with 650 g of honey and 680 ml of Cahors, pour into a glass dish, close the lid and insist in a dark, cool place for a week. Take 1 teaspoon 3 times a day one hour before meals. Course 1 month.

2.100 g rose hips, 200 g chaga, 100 g yarrow, 100 g pine buds, 5 g of wormwood. Pour the mixture with 3 liters of water, leave for 2 hours, then bring to a boil and simmer for 1 hour over low heat. Infuse for 24 hours in a sealed container. Strain, add 200 ml of aloe juice, 200 ml of cognac, 800 g of honey. To stir thoroughly. Insist in a sealed container for a day. Take 1 teaspoon 3 times a day one hour before meals for 6 days, then switch to 1 tbsp. spoon 3 times a day one hour before meals. Course of the month.

3. Sporysh, tr. shepherd's bag, tr. fireweed, tr. yarrow, birch leaf, nettle leaf, tr. sweet clover, tr. wormwood, hawthorn fruit, rose hips, juniper fruit or needles, plantain leaf, mint leaf, tr. horsetail, tr. oregano, tr. motherwort, tr. celandine, coltsfoot sheet, tr. succession, calendula flowers, dill seeds equally. Two tablespoons of the collection pour 0.5 liters of boiling water, pour together with the grass in a thermos, insist overnight. Take 1/3-1/4 cup 4-5 times daily, preferably before meals. month course of treatment.

4. Sabelnik (any part of the plant), birch leaf, tr. wormwood, rose hips, tr. boron uterus, tr. knotweed, nettle leaf, tr. wormwood, tr. mints, tr. yarrow - equally. Two tablespoons of the collection pour 0.5 liters of boiling water, pour together with the grass in a thermos, insist overnight. Take 1/3-1/4 cup 4-5 times daily, preferably before meals. month course of treatment.

5. Hop cones, clover flowers, oregano grass, tr. mint, lingonberry leaf, tr. sweet clover, chamomile flowers, burdock root, nettle leaf, shepherd's purse herb, rose hips, birch leaf, fireweed herb, yarrow herb, tr. knotweed, viburnum bark, plantain leaf, tr. St. John's wort equally. Two tablespoons of the collection pour 0.5 liters of boiling water, pour together with the grass in a thermos, insist overnight. Take 1/3-1/4 cup 4-5 times daily, preferably before meals. month course of treatment.

6. Sabelnik, birch leaf, tr. oregano, tr. knotweed, calendula flowers, burdock root, licorice root, deviant peony root, tr. mistletoe, tr. celandine, tr. yarrow, lingonberry leaf, tr. mint, red brush, hop cones - equally. Pour 2 tablespoons of the collection with 0.5 liters of boiling water, pour it into a thermos with the grass, insist overnight. Take 1/3-1/4 cup 4-5 times daily, preferably before meals. month course of treatment.

The course of treatment of mastopathy with herbs for a month, after which they take a break over the top and continue treatment with a different composition of the collection. Total duration treatment - from 2-3 months. After completing the course, you must pass a control examination.

1.root or tr. cinquefoil, birch leaf, tr. celandine, calendula flowers, tr. yarrow, tr. hypericum, tr. knotweed, dandelion root, plantain leaf, coltsfoot leaf, currant leaf, tr. oregano, fruits of mountain ash red - equally. Mix plants, 2 tbsp. spoons of the resulting mixture pour 0.5 liters of boiling water, leave overnight in a thermos, strain, take 1/3-1/2 cup 4-5 times a day.

2. raspberry leaf, dandelion root, red rowan fruit, tr. St. John's wort, birch leaf, burdock root, plantain leaf, chamomile flowers, calendula flowers, tr. yarrow, tr. sweet clover, rose hips - equally. Mix plants, 2 tbsp. spoons of the resulting mixture pour 0.5 liters of boiling water, leave overnight in a thermos, strain, take 1/3-1/2 cup 4-5 times a day.

3. dandelion root, tr. oregano, nettle leaf, burdock root, hawthorn fruit, tr. sweet clover, dill seeds, red ashberry fruits, tr. boron uterus - equally. Mix plants, 2 tbsp. spoons of the resulting mixture pour 0.5 liters of boiling water, leave overnight in a thermos, strain, take 1/3-1/2 cup 4-5 times a day.

Uterine fibromyoma, or simply fibroids, is a benign tumor of muscle and connective elements. It is observed in 15-20% of women over 30 years old, but it also occurs at a younger age. It develops due to hormonal disorders in the body. After menopause, fibroids usually decrease in size, sometimes disappear completely.

Symptoms: Abundant and prolonged menstruation, uterine bleeding is possible in the intermenstrual period. Sometimes the disease is asymptomatic.

Traditional methods of treatment: Constant medical supervision. Sometimes hormonal therapy is performed. If the tumor is growing rapidly, it is removed surgically.

Unconventional and folk methods treatment:

1) For uterine fibromyomas, a decoction of the whole strawberry plant is used. Pour 1 tablespoon of the crushed plant with 1 cup of boiling water, leave for 3 hours and strain. Take 0.3 cup 3 times a day.

2) Take 0.5 cup of juice daily on an empty stomach. Derived from raw potato tubers. The course of treatment is 1 month.

3) Pour 1 tablespoon of dried potato flowers in a thermos with 1 cup of boiling water and insist for 4-5 hours. Drink 3-4 times a day 30 minutes before meals for 0.25 cups. The course of treatment is 1 month. Additionally, it is necessary to cleanse the body with the help of potato days, using mainly potato juice, potato water, baked potato.

4) Carrot tops, fresh or dried, brew with boiling water: 2 handfuls of tops per 1 liter. boiling water. Insist 30 minutes. Drink until the bleeding stops.

5) Take by weight 5 parts of a strawberry leaf, 2 parts of St. Pour 2 tablespoons of the mixture into 1 liter. boiling water, insist overnight in a thermos. Drink 0.5 cup 2 times a day for 10 days. The recipe is complex but gives good results.

6) Pour into a thermos 1 tablespoon of yarrow flowers, motherwort herb, 2 tablespoons of herb succession, pour 0.5 l. boiling water. Leave for 1 hour, strain and squeeze. Drink morning and evening 0.5 cups 30 minutes before meals. The course of treatment is 1-1.5 months.

7) Take 25g. yarrow herb and nettle leaf. Cut, mix. Pour 1 tablespoon of the mixture with 1 cup of boiling water, insist, wrapping, for 1.5-2 hours. Take 0.5 cup 3 times a day.

8) Grind into gruel 200g. aloe leaves, finely chopped 1 fruit horse chestnut, 600gr. honey and 3 glasses of red wine. To put on water bath, boil for half an hour, then cool, strain, squeeze out the rest. Take 3 times a day, 1 tablespoon.

9) For fibroids, take 1 tablespoon of herb cutter (sold in a pharmacy), pour 1 cup of boiling water and leave to cool. Drink 0.3 cups 2-3 times a day before meals.

10) Mash 30g. partitions of walnuts and pour them with 1 glass of vodka. Insist in a dark place for 1 week, then squeeze and strain. Drink 3 times a day, 30 drops 20 minutes before meals with water.

11) Drink 3 times a day for 50 ml. within 15 days, a decoction of hemp or flaxseed.

12) Take 100g. burnet herbs, 75g. nettles, 100 gr. Chernobyl root, 75g. chamomile, 75 gr. sweet clover herbs (everything is sold in a pharmacy). 3 tablespoons of the collection from the evening put in a thermos and pour 3 cups of boiling water. Strain in the morning and take 1 glass 3 times a day.

13) 1 tablespoon of finely chopped chopped peony roots, pour 3 cups of boiling water, leave for 30 minutes in a sealed container. Strain and take 1 tablespoon 3 times a day before meals.

Fibromyoma is a benign tumor of fibrous connective tissue in a woman's uterus.

Freshly prepared gruel from a small slice white onion(it has a shell, like garlic), about the size of two medium garlic cloves, grate or chop with a knife. wrap in ironed gauze, tie with silk or nylon thread, leaving the end about 20 cm, and insert this tampon deeper into the vagina, leaving it all night. Do this every day for a month or more until the fibromyoma resolves

Collect second-year burdock roots in spring, wash, finely chop and dry in a draft in the shade. After drying, crush and grind. Pour 2 cups of boiling water over 5 g of crushed mass of roots and insist (preferably in a thermos) for 12 hours, strain. Take 1/2 cup 4 times a day for a month with uterine fibroids and profuse bleeding. Take a break for 10 days and continue taking until recovery

In the treatment of mastopathy and uterine fibroids, it is recommended to use tincture from the internal partitions walnut. Partitions from 20-25 nuts are poured with 100 ml of alcohol, insisted for a week and taken 5-20 drops 3 times a day with water for 2 months.

Mastopathy is a dishormonal disease of the mammary gland.

3 art. l. chopped beets, 1 tbsp. l. honey. Cooking method. Grate red beets, add honey to the gruel, mix the composition. Put the mixture on a cabbage leaf and apply to the seal on the chest. Daily use beets on honey will lead to a gradual resorption of the formation.

100 g white cabbage, 2-3 tbsp. l. curdled milk. Grind white cabbage to the state of gruel, pour yogurt, insist, Apply the resulting mixture to a linen napkin, distribute evenly on a piece of cloth. Apply regularly to the sore spot until the pain disappears completely. At the same time, take dill milk for mastopathy.

For pain in the mammary gland warm compresses from raspberry leaves boiled in milk; keep half an hour.

Take 5 tablespoons of parsley and plantain leaves, pour 300 g of olive oil and simmer for 1 hour in a water bath over low heat. Use for compresses on the chest 3 times a day, keep for 2 hours.

Another simple recipe for the treatment of mastopathy with folk remedies: take tinctures of herbs of zyuznik and motherwort, mix in a ratio of 1: 9, take 10 drops 3 times a day.

What herbs can effectively and safely cure mastopathy

The appearance of seals or nodes in the mammary gland is the first alarm signal to the fact that a woman needs to be examined by a mammologist. One of the most common diagnoses is mastopathy. By agreement with the doctor traditional therapy can be supplemented with medicinal herbs for mastopathy.

Not always traditional methods help to quickly cope with the disease, so you need to know what herbs to drink with mastopathy. However, it should be remembered that folk remedies are only an addition to the main therapy, and their use in without fail must be agreed with the specialist.

Timely consultation with a mammologist allows you to identify the disease in the early stages of its development.

Causes of the disease

The exact causes of the development of mastopathy are unknown, but the factors contributing to its occurrence have been studied:

  1. Stress, overwork, depression, quarrels have a negative impact on the human body.
  2. Abortion can cause mastopathy.
  3. Sexual dissatisfaction.
  4. Late or difficult childbirth.
  5. Diseases of the genitourinary system.
  6. Endocrinological diseases.
  7. Overweight.
  8. Postponed injuries.
  9. Liver dysfunction.
  10. Hormonal disruptions.
  11. Problems thyroid gland.

Mammologist's advice on choosing herbs for mastopathy will allow you to choose the right, comprehensive treatment in order to eliminate all the causes that provoke the onset of the disease.

Herbal treatment

In the treatment of such a disease, women use various healing herbs already long years. The collection of herbs for mastopathy is more effective than the use of each plant separately. There are a huge number of prescriptions for the treatment of mastopathy, each of them must be used individually, after examination at a medical center, to identify the cause of the disease.

Advice! Adding seaweed salad to your diet will also help get rid of mastopathy, vegetable oil, vinegar, lemon juice, boiled beets, garlic, walnuts.

In the treatment of mastopathy, an important place is occupied by proper, vitamin-rich nutrition.

Herbal collection from mastopathy

Horsetail and common bruise are considered popular herbs in the treatment of the disease. It is necessary to mix horsetail and bruise in a ratio of 2: 1.

1 st. l. pour the resulting mixture with a glass of cold water, bring to a boil, cook for half an hour. After preparation, the drink must be cooled and filtered. Add clean boiled water to the initial volume.

Important! The common bruise is poisonous plant, therefore, it must be used carefully, in an increasing pattern, and not combined with cytostatics.

On the first day, take a decoction three times a tablespoon half an hour before meals.

On the second day, a single dose is doubled (2 tablespoons).

On the third day - three times.

On the 4th, 5th, 6th days - a single dose is 1/3 cup.

On the 7th, 8th, 9th, 10th days - a single dose of 1/2 cup.

On the 11th, 12th, 13th and 14th days - a single dose is brought to 2/3 cup.

From the 15th day, you need to prepare a decoction in the amount of half a liter and drink it per day in three doses.

The course of treatment with decoction is at least three months. 15 days after the first intake of the drink, a new decoction should be brewed, increasing the proportions of the ingredients.

Note! When preparing a decoction, it is better to consult a doctor, he will help to establish correct dosage drink so that the plants do not show side effects, and the herbal collection is as useful as possible. These herbs for fibroids and mastopathy are among the most effective.


Herbs from mastopathy can be supplemented with special compresses. For their preparation, you will need chalk, kefir, cabbage. The method of using these ingredients is quite simple. It is necessary to mix kefir with chalk to a homogeneous mass, spread the breast with the mixture, and put a cabbage leaf on top. Rinse off the mixture only after it dries. The course of treatment is not more than a month, in rare cases longer therapy is required.

Medical treatment can be supplemented with useful compresses

Many are looking for a recipe for herbs for the treatment of mastopathy, but it is best to consult with your doctor, who can prescribe the right therapy and, if necessary, select the right collection of herbs.

Other recipes

One of the popular means traditional medicine is alcohol tincture boron uterus. With the help of such a tool, various neoplasms of the mammary gland can be eliminated.

The course of treatment with tincture takes two months. You need to drink a drink for 1 tsp. 2 times a day half an hour before meals.

Important! If the fair sex comes critical days during therapy, the course of treatment should be stopped until they pass.

Herbal treatment of mastopathy is a safe and quite effective way to get rid of the disease. AT summer period you can make healing compresses from a variety of herbs, such as burdock. The burdock leaf must be washed and applied to the chest at night.

A compress of burdock leaves can be an additional remedy in the treatment of the disease.

Note! Burdock leaves are the easiest way to treat disease. They can be applied both whole and in crushed form as compresses.

You can quickly get rid of mastopathy with a mixture of 100 g of honey, lemon juice, castor oil minced burdock root. All ingredients should be mixed in equal amounts, put on gauze and applied to the chest every night, fixing the compress well. Minimum exchange rate treatment of the disease with the help of such compresses - 3 weeks.

The first symptoms of the disease

Herbs for mastopathy of the mammary gland will be effective if they are supplemented with a complex treatment prescribed by a specialist. Based on statistics, 15 percent of women do not feel any signs of the disease, despite the fact that changes are already taking place in the mammary glands. The most common symptoms:

  • periodic pain in the mammary glands;
  • heaviness in the chest;
  • enlarged lymph nodes;
  • when feeling the chest, you can feel foreign solid formations.

Note! If a woman has such symptoms, you should definitely consult a specialist, and not look for medicinal herbs for mastopathy, because self-medication can aggravate the problem.

Ignoring the first symptoms of the disease can aggravate the course of the disease.

The doctor will help establish the stage of the disease, select a comprehensive treatment to eliminate the causes and the disease itself. It should be remembered that any folk remedies are only an addition to the main therapy.


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Treatment of gynecological diseases Mastopathy, myoma, fibroma, endometriosis

After the end of herbal treatment, take a break for a week, and begin to be treated with tinctures (second course). Further treatment the same for all gynecological diseases. Such a treatment will continue to strike at the point where the first course of herbs was intended to hit.

Take hemlock once a day (in the morning, at 8-00 o'clock), on an empty stomach, half an hour to an hour before meals. On the first day, take one drop. Take 50 grams pure water and drip one drop of hemlock tincture there. Measure a drop with a pipette, before this, the tincture must be shaken. On the second day, take two drops. On the third day - three. Increase the dose by one drop per day. When you reach a dose of 10 drops, then take not 50, but 100 grams of water. Reach (increase the dose of hemlock) to fifteen drops. Do not exceed this dose. Be treated with this dose all the time while drinking cinquefoil. That is: while you are taking a tincture of cinquefoil roots, you must also take hemlock. This will take a little over two months.

This was the first course of treatment. When it's over, take a week off. It is advisable not to take any herbs this week. And move on to the second course.

And in the evening (before dinner) take a tincture of sophora and mistletoe.

What herbs are used in the first course of treatment

Before a course of treatment with cinquefoil and hemlock, certain herbs must be taken.

Take 25 grams of propolis, dry pine buds, calendula, yarrow, marina root, wormwood, celandine. Pour everything into a two-liter jar, pour 1 liter of alcohol. Insist in a dark place for two weeks, shaking occasionally. Strain, store in the refrigerator. Take 1 teaspoon 3 times a day on an empty stomach. You can eat food no earlier than 30 minutes. The course of treatment - until the end of the tincture.

Take cucumber lashes (stalks). It doesn’t matter what varieties of cucumbers, the main thing is that there is no mold on the lashes. Scourge must be harvested after harvest. Cut and discard leaves, tops and bottom. Scourge cut into pieces with a length cm. Dry. Pour one tablespoon of dry chopped lashes with 1 cup of boiling water, boil for a minute, leave for an hour, strain. Take 1/3 cup 3 times a day on an empty stomach. After that, you can eat food no earlier than 30 minutes later. The duration of treatment is several months. This tool is considered one of the most effective.

You can use a different collection of herbs. Take equally dry chopped grass of a string, yarrow, mint, St. John's wort, celandine, calendula flowers and valerian root. Pour 200 g of boiling water over one dessert spoon of a mixture of herbs, simmer in a water bath for 20 minutes, leave for an hour, strain. Take 100 g 2 times a day on an empty stomach. You can eat food no earlier than 30 minutes. The course of treatment is a month. Make a week break, and repeat the course of treatment. And so several courses.

1st collection. Take a dessert spoon of yarrow, horsetail, juniper berries, and a tablespoon corn silk. Pour a tablespoon of the collection with a glass of boiling water, leave for half an hour, strain. Take 1/3 cup 3 times a day after meals. The duration of treatment is a month. Then you take a break for a month, and start taking the second collection.

2nd collection. Take a dessert spoon of eucalyptus leaves and herb string, and add a teaspoon of celandine herb. Pour a tablespoon of the collection with a glass of boiling water, leave for half an hour, strain. Take 2 tablespoons 3 times a day after meals. The duration of treatment is a month. Then you take a break for a month, and start taking the third collection.

3rd collection. Take a tablespoon of the following herbs: nettle leaves, string grass, and a dessert spoon of tricolor violet herb, horsetail and valerian root. Pour a tablespoon of the collection with a glass of water, bring to a boil, leave for half an hour, strain. Take 1/3 cup 2 times a day after meals. The duration of treatment is a month. Then you take a break for a month, and start taking a tincture from the inner partitions of walnuts.

Tincture. Take the inner partitions of 25 walnuts. Pour 100 g of alcohol. Insist in a dark place for 2 weeks. Strain. Keep refrigerated. Take 15 drops (mixed with 1/4 cup warm water) 3 times a day on an empty stomach. You can eat food no earlier than 30 minutes. The course of treatment is 2 months.

When treating with these medicines, it is necessary (in addition to treatment) to make compresses on the chest, or to smear the chest with ointments. Here are the recipes.

Recipe one. Rub the raw red beets on a grater, put on a sore spot, put polyethylene on top, fix with a scarf or bandages. Take beets not from the refrigerator (it is necessary that it be room temperature). Keep an hour or two. Discard the beets, rinse the skin at the site of the compress with warm water.

Recipe two. You can make cabbage compresses with honey or burdock compresses with honey. Take whole leaf cabbage or a whole leaf of burdock. Spread a little honey, and put this (smeared) side on the chest. Put polyethylene on top, fix with a scarf or bandages. Keep an hour or two. Discard the sheet, rinse the skin at the site of the compress with warm water.

Recipe three. Grind dry leaves of celandine into powder. Take one teaspoon of this powder and mix with two teaspoons of ghee. butter. Apply this ointment before going to bed.

Recipe four. Collect fresh immature hemlock seeds. The jar should be one quarter filled with seeds. Immediately in the field, fill the jar with sunflower oil to the top. Infuse for two weeks (shaking daily). Strain. Lubricate before bed.

Recipe five. Pass fresh burdock root through a meat grinder. Mix 100 g of this root, 100 g of castor oil and the juice of two small lemons. Put this mixture on a linen napkin and apply to your chest at night.

Before you start using any ointment, you should check this ointment for allergenicity. That is, you first need to find out if you are allergic to this ointment. To do this, apply a little ointment to the skin on the inside of the arm (between the elbow and palm), and wait a day. If there is no irritation or rash, then you can apply this ointment. If irritation or a rash appears on the skin, then this ointment should not be used.

Douching in the treatment of fibroids, fibroids and endometriosis

During the period of treatment with these herbs and tinctures (in addition to treatment), the following should be done.

Recipe 1. Oak bark, chamomile flowers - 1 part each, nettle leaves - 3 parts, highlander grass - 5 parts. Two st. spoons of the mixture pour 0.5 liters of boiling water, insist in a thermos for an hour. Strain, cool, douching with this volume of broth once a day.

Recipe 2. Oak bark - 6 parts, oregano herb - 4 parts, marshmallow root - 1 part. Two st. spoons of the mixture pour 0.5 liters of boiling water. Insist in thermosemin. Strain, cool, douching with this volume of broth once a day.

Recipe 3. St. John's wort (herb) - 1 tbsp. l., celandine (grass) - 1 tbsp. l., yarrow (grass) - 3 tbsp. l. Two st. spoon collection pour 0.5 liters. boiling water and leave for half an hour. Strain, cool, douching with this volume of broth once a day.

Recipe 4. Linden (flowers) - 2 parts, chamomile (flowers) - 3 parts. Two st. spoons of the mixture pour 0.5 liters of boiling water, leave for 20 minutes. Strain, cool, douching with this volume of broth once a day.

Sabelnik, boron uterus, red brush and sophora with mistletoe

Take dry, finely ground roots (stems) of the cinquefoil. Fill a three-liter jar halfway. Top up with vodka. Insist in a dark place for 3 weeks. Strain. Top up with clean boiled water to a volume of 2 liters. Store in a dark cool place. Properly prepared tincture should be transparent, red.

Take upland uterus- 50 grams of grass. Pour 0.5 liters of warm vodka. Insist in a dark place for 2 weeks. Strain. Top up with water to the original volume. Properly prepared tincture should be almost opaque, of an indefinite brownish-greenish color.

Take a red brush - 50 grams of roots. Pour 0.5 liters of warm vodka. Insist in a dark place for 2 weeks. Strain. Top up with water to the original volume. Properly prepared tincture should be almost opaque, dark red.

For three parts by weight of the seeds (fruits) of Japanese Sophora, one weight part of the white mistletoe plant is taken. One hundred grams of collection from sophora and mistletoe pour 0.5 liters of warm vodka. Insist in a dark place for 2 weeks. Strain and add water to the original volume. Properly prepared tincture should be of an indefinite greenish-brownish color, cloudy (small precipitation is allowed).

Part 5 - Treatment of gynecological diseases Mastopathy, myoma, fibroma, endometriosis

Herbs for breast mastopathy

Is it possible to cure mastopathy with folk remedies, especially if there are already nodes in the chest? You can’t take risks and trust only homemade recipes, because mastopathy is one of those pathologies in which only A complex approach. Folk remedies can be used to treat this disease, because they increase the effectiveness of general therapy, have a positive effect on the patient's health, and help relieve painful symptoms.

Mastopathy is a pathological process that occurs in the tissues of the mammary glands, which is accompanied by the formation of seals, cysts, nodes. According to many doctors, the main cause of the disease is hormonal imbalance. Various factors can provoke these violations: endocrine diseases, excess weight, malnutrition, abortions and miscarriages, stress.

The benefits of folk remedies

To effectively and quickly cure mastopathy, you should supplement drug therapy folk remedies. They help to normalize hormonal levels, eliminate symptoms or reduce their intensity. There are many recipes that are prepared on the basis of medicinal plants that have antitumor activity. Using traditional medicine, a woman can significantly increase her chances of a successful recovery. But with them you need to be extremely careful, because there are substances containing strong poisons. If used improperly, it can seriously harm the body.

A variety of tinctures, decoctions, compresses, prepared on the basis of medicinal herbs, increase the effectiveness of therapy for mastopathy, improve the general condition of a woman.

Action folk remedies is as follows:

  1. elimination of pain in the chest;
  2. reduction in the size of nodes, resorption of seals and cysts;
  3. prevention of the emergence of new formations;
  4. conversion warning benign cysts in malignant tumors;
  5. normalization of hormonal balance;
  6. treatment of pathologies that could provoke the development of mastopathy;
  7. stabilization of the mental state of the body.

You can not rely only on folk remedies. Mastopathy should be influenced from different sides in order to achieve the most positive result. It is highly not recommended to start the disease, even if it does not progress and does not bother the woman. Any factors (stress, experiences, medications, malnutrition) can stimulate the further development of the pathological process. If you do not take up the treatment of mastopathy on time, neoplasms can turn into malignant tumors.

Herbal treatment

Wormwood, hemlock, celandine - these plants can prevent the progression of the disease, relieve symptoms, speed up recovery, especially if they are used in the initial stages.

Herbs such as red brush, echinacea, help strengthen the immune system, increase the body's resistance to infections. If used poisonous herbs, preparations prepared from them must be taken in very small doses.

If mastopathy has not yet passed into the nodal stage, a noticeable result will be observed already after the start of the course of admission.

Herbs are used to prepare infusions for alcohol. You can use diluted medical alcohol or vodka. Take 10 parts of liquid for one part of raw materials or three parts of dry.

Compresses and lotions

Compresses for local application always give positive results.

They are prepared on the basis of medicinal herbs, vegetable oils:

  • Recipe 1. At night, apply coltsfoot leaves to the affected area of ​​​​the mammary glands. They have an anti-inflammatory effect, soothe pain. In the morning, the skin of the chest should be lubricated with castor oil.
  • Recipe 2. Blue and red clay can also be used for mastopathy. It is better to buy a product in the form of a powder, then dilute it with water to get a mass that resembles sour cream in consistency. The mixture is applied to the chest at the site of the lesion, covered with plastic wrap, left for five to six hours, then simply rinse off the compress.
  • Recipe 3. Compresses with salt have a good effect on the condition of the breast. To prepare such a tool, just lubricate the fabric olive oil, sprinkle generously with salt, attach to the sore spot.
  • Recipe 4. A cabbage leaf compress is often used for diseases of the mammary glands. This remedy has an anti-inflammatory effect, reduces the size of the nodes.
  • Recipe 5. Buy natural yellow wax on the market, heat it in a water bath, pour it on metal lids, wait until it cools down. You will get such cakes that you need to apply to the sore chest every day.

To prepare compresses, you can use beets, it also has positive effect in the treatment of mastopathy, relieve chest pain, extinguish the inflammatory process.

A burdock leaf is also applied, it has anti-cancer properties, stops the progression of the disease.

You can increase the effectiveness of treatment if you regularly apply a compress prepared from a mixture of herbs. It will take a kilogram of medicinal plants (wormwood, St. John's wort, burdock, hemlock). Grind the herbs in a meat grinder, add a pound of chopped pig garden, leave in the refrigerator. This tool is applied in a thick layer on parchment and applied to the chest.

Means for oral administration

If you choose the right folk remedies that increase the effectiveness of treatment, you can quickly cure breast mastopathy, remove discomfort, restore breast beauty and health. positive impact render fresh juices prepared at home. It can be carrot, beetroot, lemon juice. And you can prepare multi-component juices by adding a little chopped garlic. Take this remedy should be three times a day for a tablespoon.

Decoctions and tinctures against mastopathy

Means for oral administration have an immunomodulatory, tonic effect, help relieve inflammation, quench pain.

  • Pour boiling water over the grass of the red brush, insist for several hours, take a glass three times a day. This remedy helps to relieve pain in the mammary glands, relieve inflammation.
  • Dry the horse chestnut flowers, chop them, pour water, boil, boil for 5-10 minutes over low heat. Leave the decoction overnight to cool down. This remedy should be drunk within two weeks (with the calculation of one liter per day).
  • Collect potato flowers, pour boiling water over them, leave for a couple of hours. Potato flowers contain toxic substances, so the infusion should be taken with caution. Dosage - 1 tablespoon three times a day.
  • Treatment of mastopathy can be supplemented with a decoction of burdock. To prepare it, you need to grind the fresh root of the plant and pour boiling water over it, leave to infuse. The drug is taken before meals three times a day for a tablespoon.
  • Collect partitions of walnuts, put them in a glass container and pour alcohol, leave for a week in a cool place, shake occasionally. Before taking this remedy, dilute 15 drops in a glass of water and drink in one gulp.

Fly agaric tincture on vodka is another effective remedy that is used for mastopathy. A remedy is prepared from mushroom caps, they are crushed and poured with vodka, left to infuse for at least three days. You need to start the course with one drop three times a day, the dose gradually increases to 20 drops, then decreases back.

Propolis and honey

Propolis contains a large number of substances beneficial to the body. This unique tool has a wide range of applications. It is used for colds, fungal and infectious diseases.

The benefits of the product are due to its properties:

  1. powerful bactericidal effect;
  2. immunomodulatory action;
  3. increasing the body's resistance to pathogens;
  4. destruction of pathogenic microorganisms;
  5. removal of painful symptoms.

Honey - natural product, is used for the treatment and prevention of a large list of diseases. Honey helps to strengthen the immune system antibacterial action, normalizes the work of the digestive system. To increase the effectiveness of this remedy for mastopathy, you can not only take it orally, but also prepare compresses from a cabbage leaf smeared with honey.

In order for the treatment of mastopathy to be effective, a variety of methods should be used. It can be physiotherapy, hirudotherapy. You can not do without folk remedies. medicinal plants have a positive effect on the condition of the breast, they contribute to the normalization of hormonal levels, have anti-inflammatory, antitumor, immunomodulatory effects. But still, before using this or that remedy, you should consult with your doctor so as not to harm your health.

uterine fibroids and fibrous mastopathy– Are these diseases related to the female genital area interrelated? Certainly yes. Physiological disturbances in the functioning of the ovaries lead to both of these pathologies.

It is believed that the slightest imbalance in the functioning of the ovaries (we are talking about an increase or decrease in the amount of estrogen produced, a sharp violation of their correct ratio) leads to the disease.

As a rule, an imbalance of hormones leads to the formation of tumors (cysts, nodes) in the mammary glands of a woman, or to the formation of tumors directly in the wall of the uterus, and possibly to the growth of the mucous membrane lining the inner wall of the uterus.

Actually, we have given the generally accepted point of view regarding fibroids, mastopathy, today's official medicine.

Naturally, modern medicine does not stand in one place; new diagnostic methods and the latest treatment methods are being actively developed. But, despite this, the number of diseases with fibroids and mastopathy is growing at an alarming pace.

For example, oncological diseases of the female breast, which developed after mastopathy, today occupy the first place ( the largest number), among all cancers.

Modern women, even at a relatively young age (30-40 years), fall ill, undergo major operations, after which their normal cycle functioning of the ovaries.

Unfortunately, often such problems can pose a real threat to a woman's life, since all benign tumors, both of the breast itself and of the uterus itself, have a dangerous tendency to degenerate into malignant tumors, especially after surgical interventions.

The similarity of the etiology of the described diseases

I must say that hormonal disorders (imbalance of sex hormones in the first place) with the development of fibrous disease of the breast or with uterine myoma, definitely take place.

Although such hormonal disorders are not always the main cause of these diseases, they can rather be considered only a reason for the development of the disease.

There can be a lot of real reasons for the development of such diseases as fibroids and mastopathy. These diseases can develop after:

  • The beginning of the aforementioned disturbances in the work of the endocrine system (and here we include disturbances in the work of: ovaries, thyroid gland, adrenal glands, pituitary gland). These are violations, after which hormonal disruptions are provoked.
  • Passed into chronic forms (after acute forms) purulent diseases respiratory organs: banal bronchitis, pneumonia and sinusitis.
  • Violations of the psycho-emotional state of a woman, after stress, neurosis, psychosis, etc.
  • Wrong lifestyle, bad habits, harmful malnutrition, improper diet, dangerous ecology.

It should be understood that the glandular tissue of the female mammary gland is considered an excellent filter of various purulent toxins.

The mammary gland filters in a peculiar way, and then accumulates toxins in itself, and after a while, it simply reacts to the presence of those - the very tumor growth (associated with mastopathy). As a result, there is pain and swelling of the mammary gland, its compaction and the formation of nodes.

That is why it is so important to cure infectious diseases in a timely manner and why an adequate diet is so important.

In general, a similar process can usually take place in the walls of the uterus with myoma. The main reason for the growth of a benign tumor of the uterus can be purulent toxins that come directly to the walls of the uterus from the large intestine, clogged stool through our circulatory system.

After that, all the symptoms of myoma become visible. This is an almost constant dull or pulling pain felt in the lower abdomen and painful, rather long, very heavy menstruation etc.


Many of our readers actively use widely for the treatment of mastopathy and breast formations. known technique based on natural ingredients, discovered by Elena Malysheva. We definitely recommend checking it out.

Also, for tumors of almost any localization, whether with uterine myoma or with fibrous disease of the mammary gland, a significant deterioration in health is characteristic.

Both fibroids and mastopathy are often accompanied by nervousness (this is associated with the presence of pain and a decrease in hemoglobin in the blood). Both diseases are characterized by swelling in the mammary glands and their soreness.

Modern doctors are increasingly inclined to think that it is not necessary to fight tumors or pain symptoms at all, but rather the root cause - the toxins that cause the formation of such symptoms, which the right diet can contribute to a large extent.

Indeed, in reality, quite often there are situations when women agree to the removal of nodes in the mammary gland with mastopathy and are faced with the subsequent development of tumors in myoma.

Feedback from our reader - Victoria Mirnova

I recently read an article that tells about the Zdorov wax cream for the treatment of mastopathy. With the help of this cream, you can FOREVER cure mastopathy, normalize breastfeeding and improve breast shape at home.

I was not used to trusting any information, but I decided to check and ordered a package. I noticed changes within a week: the pain subsided, and after 2 weeks they disappeared completely. The chest became softer, the seals resolved. Try it and you, and if anyone is interested, then below is a link to the article.

Or vice versa, after removal of a tumor in the uterus, a woman is faced with the formation of a tumor in the mammary gland and is diagnosed with mastopathy.

Is the treatment of the ailments discussed similar?

No matter how unpleasant it is to realize this, but after the removal of the fibroids, the woman does not fully recover, as well as after the excision of the nodes in the mammary gland associated with mastopathy.

The similarity of the treatment of these ailments, first of all, lies in the fact that both therapy for myoma and therapy for fibrous disease chest - should be comprehensive and full-scale, prescribed by an experienced doctor.

Self-medication in the case of these diseases is not allowed, in principle, even if it is treatment with folk methods.

Both representatives of traditional medicine (naturopathic doctors) and practicing doctors of official medicine are unanimous that one surgical intervention for uterine myoma or fibrous breast disease is catastrophically insufficient.

Moreover, sometimes it is not enough and powerful hormonal treatment, recognized by official medicine. It is not enough to remove the tumor, which is a consequence, not the cause of the disease, and to artificially normalize the level of hormones. It is important to begin to deal with the causes of ailments.

And for this you should:

  • Get rid of bad habits.
  • Cleanse the body of toxins by cleansing the blood, intestines ( therapeutic diet) and lungs.
  • Reconsider the principles of nutrition, (proper diet is extremely important).
  • It is possible to use the methods of physiotherapy, herbal medicine or hirudotherapy, etc.

Do you still think that it is impossible to CURE MASTOPATHY forever?

From 60% of women suffer from mastopathy. The worst thing is that most women are sure that mastopathy is the norm and do not rush to the doctor ... but the risk of developing BREAST CANCER in its place is very high ... If you notice:

  • aching or drawing pains in the chest before menstruation ...
  • sensations of swelling and swelling of the mammary glands. It's like your breasts are getting bigger...
  • tension, seals and nodules. Feel the lymph nodes under the arm...
  • nipple discharge...
  • change in the shape of the breast, the skin on the nipples retracted and cracks appeared ...
  • weight change...

All these symptoms may indicate the development of MASTOPATHY. But perhaps it is more correct to treat not the consequence, but the CAUSE? That is why we recommend reading new methodology Elena Malysheva, who found an effective remedy for the treatment of MASTOPATHY and breast restoration in general.

08 February 2018 4691 0

According to experts, such diseases of the female genital area as mastopathy, uterine fibroids are closely related. This is due to the fact that the development of both pathologies is preceded by disturbances in hormonal system caused by dysfunction of the ovaries. A disease of the reproductive system, like a disease in the breast, is associated with an increase or decrease in estrogen production and a sharp imbalance in its balance in a woman's body.

Please note that this text was prepared without the support of our.

With data pathological conditions tumors (nodules and cysts) form on the walls of the uterus and in the mammary glands. All of the above proves the relationship of fibroids with mastopathy, not without reason, given the similarity of diseases, some experts call myoma uterine mastopathy.

Mastopathy, like uterine fibroids, develops most often in women over 35 years of age, especially in those who have had surgical interventions followed by ovarian failure.

Mastopathy: basic concepts

Mastopathy is a benign disease of the mammary glands, in the development of which it plays an important role.

The occurrence of mastopathy may be due to a decrease or increase in the level of sex hormones and thyroid hormones, which is typical for pathologies such as:

  • adnexitis;
  • thyroid pathology;
  • liver disease;
  • endocrine pathologies;
  • diabetes.

Most often, mastopathy is manifested by constant and periodic pain in the mammary glands, especially before and during menstruation, seals in the mammary glands. However, the disease often occurs without characteristic symptoms and is found at scheduled inspection gynecologist.

Mastopathy does not pose a danger to a woman's life, but can significantly reduce the quality of her life. This disease is not precancerous, but its symptoms are similar to those of breast cancer, which must be taken into account in the diagnosis.

Uterine fibroids: basic concepts

Uterine fibroids is a hormone-dependent, benign, tumor-like formation. May be single or multiple different localization. The size of myomatous nodes can vary. Depending on where the growth of myoma formation is directed, the following types of fibroids are distinguished: subserous, submucosal, interstitial. Myoma rarely degenerates into malignancy, but such cases also occur.

In women with small myomatous nodes, the disease often occurs without characteristic symptoms, being detected during a preventive examination by a gynecologist.

As the tumor grows, the following manifestations join:

  • prolonged and heavy menstruation (menorrhagia);
  • the presence of blood clots in menstrual flow;
  • acyclic uterine bleeding (metrorrhagia);
  • anemia.

With myoma, as a rule, there is pain syndrome in the lower back or lower abdomen, depending on the size and location of the tumor.

The slow growth of fibroids is characterized by constant, aching pains. With myomatous nodes of submucosal localization, a woman complains of sudden cramping pains.

Continuing its development, myomatous formation can compress nearby organs - the bladder and rectum, as a result of which their functions are violated: the process of urination becomes difficult, chronic constipation appears.

Large fibroids (corresponding to 20 weeks of gestation) can provoke the development of inferior vena cava compression syndrome, which is characterized by increased heart rate and severe shortness of breath (especially in the horizontal position of the woman).

The similarity of the causes of the development of uterine fibroids and mastopathy

Violation of the ratio of sex hormones in the female body, invariably leading to hormonal disorders, is one of the main provoking factors in the development of both uterine fibroids and fibrous growths in the mammary glands.

In addition, the occurrence of these pathologies is due to the following reasons:

  • endocrine disorders (dysfunction of the ovaries, adrenal glands, pituitary gland or thyroid gland);
  • purulent chronic diseases(banal bronchitis, sinusitis or pneumonia);
  • psycho-emotional disorders associated with stress, psychosis, neuroses;
  • bad habits and the wrong way of life, poor environmental conditions and an illiterate diet.

Breast tissue is a kind of filter in which toxins accumulate in large quantities. As a result, the risk of development and growth of pathological cells in it, which is accompanied by swelling of the breast, the appearance of pain in it, compaction and the formation of nodal joints, is not ruled out. That is why a huge role in the prevention of mastopathy belongs to the timely treatment of infectious diseases and an adequately selected diet.

On the mucous membrane (endometrium) of the uterus, there is also an accumulation of a large number of purulent toxins that enter the reproductive organ through the circulatory system from the large intestine, which contains feces. This is one of the causes of symptoms in uterine fibroids, which appears with constant dull or pulling pains in the lower abdomen, painful, rather long and excessively heavy menstruation.

In addition, with tumors of any localization (both with mastopathy and with myoma), the general condition of the woman significantly worsens.

Both of these pathologies are characterized by the nervousness of a woman, due to constant pain and low level hemoglobin in the blood, as well as soreness and swelling of the mammary glands.

Methods of treatment of mastopathy and uterine fibroids

According to modern experts, it is not the tumor itself or pain symptoms that needs to be eliminated, but, first of all, the root cause, i.e. toxins, causing development such symptoms, which can be done by choosing the right diet.

As practice shows, quite often after the removal of nodes in the mammary glands, a woman develops a tumor in the uterus, and, conversely, after removal of the fibroids, mastopathy occurs.

Thus, the removal of tumors does not always lead to a complete recovery, therefore, most experts recommend conducting complex treatment, eliminating the causes of the disease and reducing its manifestations.

Used as a treatment hormone therapy, endovascular methods, as well as UAE (for the treatment of uterine fibroids). UAE (embolization uterine arteries) is a modern method of treating fibroids, despite its relatively young age, which has managed to win the recognition of both specialists and patients. With the help of this organ-preserving and minimally invasive method, it is possible to permanently get rid of myomatous nodes - there are no relapses after UAE. EMA is carried out in leading medical centers equipped with the necessary high-tech equipment, the list can be found.

To know detailed information about the UAE method, the nuances of preparing for the procedure and you can sign up for a consultation with a specialist.

The effectiveness of treatment largely depends on the woman herself. It is recommended to give up bad habits, cleanse the body of harmful toxins, normalize nutrition, do not neglect additional methods of treatment: physiotherapy, herbal medicine, hirudotherapy, etc.

Any disease is much easier to treat if it is detected on early stages development. Therefore, at least once a year, a woman, especially over 40 years old, should undergo a preventive examination and diagnostic examination by a gynecologist.


  • Savitsky G. A., Ivanova R. D., Svechnikova F. A. The role of local hyperhormonemia in the pathogenesis of the growth rate of the mass of tumor nodes in uterine myoma // Obstetrics and gynecology. - 1983. - T. 4. - S. 13-16.
  • Sidorova I.S. uterine myoma ( contemporary aspects etiology, pathogenesis, classification and prevention). In: Uterine fibroids. Ed. I.S. Sidorova. M: MIA 2003; 5-66.
  • Meriakri A.V. Epidemiology and pathogenesis of uterine fibroids. Sib honey journal 1998; 2:8-13.

Mastopathy, myoma

Are these diseases of the female genital area related to each other? Yes, definitely. They lead to violations in the work of the ovaries, that is, the female sex glands.

Any imbalance in the work of these organs, and it can be very different - an increase or decrease in the amount of estrogens produced, a violation of their ratio, a violation of the secretory work of the ovaries - leads to the formation of tumors in the mammary glands or in the wall of the uterus, or the growth of the inner lining of the uterus - endometriosis .

This is the generally accepted point of view of official medicine. Medicine does not stand still: diagnostic methods are developing, new methods of treatment are being created, new medicines are being developed, the technique of operations is being improved, but, nevertheless, the number of these diseases is growing at an alarming pace throughout the world.

Breast cancer in women ranks first among all cancer and takes on the character of an epidemic. Women, even at a young, childbearing age, get sick, undergo mutilation operations, disrupt the normal cycle of the ovaries, and often all this is a threat to life, since benign tumors of the breast and uterus tend to turn into malignant ones.

Painfully familiar picture: a woman, accidentally or during examination, found a seal in her chest - not in a sick, weak, old, but in an outwardly healthy woman at a flowering age. Treatment tactics: remove immediately, while "the tumor has not yet grown." Removed, the operation is also cosmetic. After a while - another seal, in another gland. Removed.

Tissue analysis shows the presence cancer cells. Sentence. The world is collapsing, the prospect is gloomy, the woman is depressed, her relatives are in panic and, worst of all, everyone has a sense of doom: the woman herself, her relatives, and doctors. She can live five more, and ten, and more years, but this is a cancer patient with periodic courses of chemotherapy. The verdict remains.

In the meantime, it's completely wrong! Naturopathic doctors have a completely different view on these things. And if the cause of the trouble is correctly determined, then by removing the cause, the trouble can be prevented.

Hormonal disorders in tumors of the breast or uterus, of course, take place. But they are only the cause, not the cause of these diseases. And the cause is (as already noted in articles on diseases of the thyroid gland, kidneys, spine) chronic purulent diseases respiratory organs: bronchi, lungs and paranasal sinuses (sinusitis). And it does not matter at all whether they manifested themselves or not during life.

The situation is as follows: with a breast tumor of different quality and at different stages, many women come to me. I tell everyone the same thing: you have chronic obstructive bronchitis and chronic sinusitis and frontit. It is not the tumor that needs to be treated (this will only make things worse - metastases or destruction will occur). immune system), and these chronic inflammatory processes. Answers are of two types:

1) yes, I often had a sore throat, sinusitis, bronchitis;

2) no, I never coughed or got sick (this is less common).

And the result is the same. How can it be? And here's how: with those who are sick, everything is clear - the pus accumulated in the bronchi and lungs with bronchitis is partially released, but for the most part remains in the lumen of the capillary bronchi. Pus toxins (putrescine, cadaverine) seep everywhere, and most of all into the mammary gland and ... the heart, since they are closer.

glandular tissue female breast a very good filter and sump of these purulent toxins. She filters and accumulates them, and then gives an answer to their presence - tumor growth (mastopathy). Initially, the tumor is benign, that is, it still does not contain very aggressive, "armed to the teeth" cells - malignant. Then they appear, and it does not depend at all on whether the fibrous node or cyst is removed or not.

It is not the tumor that needs to be removed, but the toxins that cause its formation, because if they are present in the bronchi, more and more new tumors, often malignant, will appear in the mammary gland. And we will remove them, and then irradiate or destroy tumor cells, and at the same time the entire immune system with tissue cytostatics (chemotherapy), provoking the appearance of new tumors - metastases in any organs, up to the liver, that is, the dead-end path adopted throughout the world in the treatment tumor processes.

But there is still not most of women who did not cough or get sick. How to explain breast swelling in such a woman? Similar. They did not get sick thanks to a strong, full-fledged immune system, which compensates for the time being for the state of health, but does not save the body from the accumulation of pus in the cavities.

The lumen of the capillary bronchi in the lower third of the lungs is clogged with pus since childhood, because the cells of the mucosa in them die and rot, are not removed from there due to improper shallow breathing. And the death of these cells is facilitated by the same purulent toxins that enter the bronchi already from the intestines (with blood), where they are formed during the decay of protein foods.

This is how the invisible but real connection between what we eat and what we get sick goes. The roots of our diseases are in the intestines, and inflammation and tumors of various organs are just flowers. And we pluck or treat poisonous flowers, leaving roots that give new flowers.

So, in a healthy woman who never coughed, never gave birth, or gave birth to one or two children, breast-fed them for a short time (or did not feed various reasons), a tumor is detected - a fibrous node or cyst in the mammary gland.

The mechanism of its occurrence is exactly the same, the only difference is that her bronchitis did not manifest itself due to a full-fledged immune system. And for the same reason (strong immune system), she has an intensive tumor growth.

In addition, most of their toxins are excreted through the kidneys (since they are not excreted through coughing), therefore, in such patients, the kidneys are always affected - chronic pyelonephritis, although there may be no changes in urine.

Toxins that have entered the breast tissue melt it, a cyst is formed - a purulent sac surrounded by a dense capsule. Another option: cause the proliferation of connective tissue - a fibrous node. The third option, the most dangerous: cause the growth of glandular tissue with a change in the quality of the cells.

Embryonic-type cells appear, capable of rapid growth, having two or four nuclei instead of one - these are aggressor cells that are synthesized by a strong immune system to destroy the stranger - dead, rotting tissue, that is, pus in a living organism.

Does the body act correctly, wanting to get rid of the enemy? Quite. Why cut out these cells (especially since you can’t cut everything out, they float in the lymph) or kill them with chemotherapy, and with them normal immune cells and create a strong general intoxication? Wouldn't it be better to "disarm" them peacefully, removing the enemy they want to "swallow" and destroy?

After all, reproducing uncontrollably in order to destroy dead cells harmful to the body, they begin to destroy healthy tissues, that is, they destroy everything in a row and are deadly, like any army oversaturated with weapons.

A completely similar process takes place in the wall of the uterus with the growth of fibroids or any tumor or proliferation of the mucous membrane - endometriosis. What was the cause of tumor growth in this case? Purulent and cadaveric poisons that enter the uterine wall through the circulatory system from the large intestine clogged with feces - regardless of whether you have a daily stool or once or twice a week, which happens often.

Returning to mastopathy, let us remind women (and men too) that mothers who have given birth and nursed 4–5 children or more practically do not get cancer or mastopathy, and men suffer myocardial infarction five times more often than women.

The attentive reader, I hope, has caught the essence of the matter: men do not have a tissue glandular mass that filters and deposits pus from the blood washing the bronchi. But the heart is very close. And slags from the blood are sent straight to the heart wall, richly supplied with blood vessels. Here is thrombosis of the coronary arteries, a violation of the blood supply to the corresponding part of the myocardium, its necrosis - a heart attack.

It is clear that it is necessary to treat it, first of all, cleansing the blood and lungs. And it’s better just not to experience this disaster, that is, to carry out the correct, naturopathic cleansing of the body before a heart attack overtook.

It is not entirely clear why women who breastfeed for a long time do not suffer from breast tumors. We will answer with a question: why does a woman in labor have mastitis? Mastitis is purulent abscess breast after childbirth, when the gland is actively functioning. Pus has been there for a long time, and it breaks through when tissue processes are activated.

Is it good or bad? Very well. The woman suffered mastitis, she was freed from pus in the breast. Unless, of course, she was treated with antibiotics and this pus was not forced to “dissolve”, that is, to be absorbed back into the cells of the gland.

And if she did not get sick with mastitis, but safely feeds the child for a year and a half? Do we praise such a mother? Of course. But it is more necessary to praise a child who conscientiously sucks out with milk those same purulent poisons that, piling up in the tissue of the gland, would cause a tumor.

But what about the child? Does such food pass without a trace for him? Of course not. He suffers from "colds" that do not actually exist. That is, there is no illness that is caused by a cold. You can only freeze from the cold, but if a person gets sick from the cold, this means that the energy of the tissues of the area where there is pus has decreased, because these tissues are defective, they are already half dead.

It is known that "pus is afraid of the cold." sore spot it starts to hurt, the organ gets sick - this is either a sore throat or bronchitis; pneumonia, which very often affects young children. When treated with antibiotics and chemotherapy, these diseases turn into bronchial asthma, rheumatism, skin diseases, etc.

It becomes clear that mastopathy or fibroids need to be treated by cleansing the lungs and intestines. Working for forty years as a doctor, I can say for sure that there is not a single woman with mastopathy who does not have chronic bronchitis, although it is not always found even on x-rays. But weakened, harsh breathing is always audible. A good cleansing therapy of the whole organism eliminates mastopathy in six months.

Very indicative was the case of Vika K. (32 years old, did not give birth), who managed to be treated in the hospital of the district hospital of the village of Novokorsunskaya. She complained of seals in both mammary glands, but did not notice bronchitis. When listening to the lungs, it is found that the lower third breathes very weakly (bronchial obstruction), above - hard breathing.

After a two-month intensive cleansing of the whole body - fasting on herbal infusions with honey and fruit juices, a plentiful fruit, berry and raw vegetable diet (this was in the summer) and running in the morning - normal breathing was restored to her.

All this time a large amount of sputum was secreted from the lungs, which surprised her very much. The tumors in my breasts have shrunk significantly. Subject to periodic cleaning and proper nutrition in the future, she completely cured mastopathy.

Interestingly, malignant tumors are cured faster, since they occur in an organism with a highly reactive immune system, but treatment should be started at the very beginning of the disease, before the tumor process has gained momentum and without chemotherapy and radiation, which destroy the immune system.

From all that has been said, one more conclusion follows, probably the simplest and most important, but always overlooked. And the conclusion is this: let's not accumulate pus in the lungs, bronchi, pharyngeal tonsils, paranasal sinuses nose. And this must be done from early childhood (breastfeeding has already been mentioned), and most importantly, this must be done in the prenatal period.

This means: so that in 30–40 years a woman does not have mastopathy, fibroids or cancer, and a man has a heart attack, a mother who has not yet given birth to these children, that is, a pregnant woman, must periodically cleanse herself and eat right.

You can read about the behavior of a woman during pregnancy and the treatment of infertility in the following article.

And now we note once again that the real prevention of all types of tumors of the breast and uterus in women (as well as ovarian cysts, ectopic pregnancy) is a treatment for chronic obstructive bronchitis in adults and children. Parents! Pay attention to your children!

My experience as a doctor suggests that 70% of kindergarten children suffer from chronic tonsillitis or chronic obstructive bronchitis, treat them even if you think they are healthy. Treat now so that in 20-30 years you will not face a greater evil.

Summer, nai best time for treatment natural methods, that is, cleansing the body with the help of an abundance of fruits and vegetables, creating new, clean, healthy tissues instead of old, polluted, defective ones.

Children don't study. Many parents are free and take vacations. The best time to cleanse and restore the body is impossible to find. In addition, this can be done at sea, and wherever you want to spend the summer. Best conditions to restore health, of course, outside the city.

And how often mothers with children come to us in September or later to cure asthma, allergies, dysbacteriosis, because medicines could not get rid of the disease. Of course, you can always be cured if you wish, but the best time has been lost.

To prevent any disease in an adult or child, it is necessary to periodically cleanse and eat properly while you are healthy. Cleansing techniques are described repeatedly in articles on the treatment of asthma, thyroid, liver, etc.

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Mastopathy, fibroids Are these diseases of the female genital area related to each other? Yes, definitely. Disorders in the work of the ovaries, that is, the female gonads, lead to them. Any imbalance in the work of these organs, and it can be very different - an increase or decrease

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Fibromyoma (uterine fibroids) The disease, to be sure, is serious, and please treat the treatment very responsibly, then you can avoid surgical intervention. This benign tumor develops in women aged 20 to 50 years. If she is located

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53. Uterine fibroids Classification. According to localization, fibroids of the body of the uterus (occurs in 95% of cases) and myoma of the cervix (cervical fibroids - in 5% of cases) are distinguished. In relation to the myometrium, there are three options for the growth of fibroid nodes: intermuscular, or interstitial (tumor

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Uterine fibroids A fibroid is a benign tumor of the muscular layer of the uterus. A special conspiracy helps a lot in her treatment, however, the myoma should be no more than four weeks old (then it is more difficult to speak). You need to get up before dawn, that is, before sunrise, and wash your face

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19. "Myoma" Woman, 50 years old, married for 30 years. I have a complicated question - a gynecological disease, which caused problems in intimate life. Myoma of the uterus. Pain, disturbances, all the usual symptoms. But for a year and a half these symptoms have been accompanied by a strong

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Myoma Myoma or fibromyoma is a benign tumor of the uterus. It can cause menstrual irregularities, abdominal pain, inability to conceive, threatened miscarriage, and premature birth.It is believed that the leading cause of fibroids are hormonal disruptions,

This book is not a medical textbook. All recommendations must be agreed with the attending physician.

When we get sick, we strive to find the most effective and safest way to treat. Books of the series " Family doctor”, written by professional practitioners, offer the best, proven by many years of experience:

The most effective recipes;

Universal healing methods.

Many women are interested in the question, what kind of vaginal discharge can be normal? Yes, indeed, in the absence of a disease, there may be discharge from the genital organs, but in a small amount, mucous consistency, transparent and odorless.

As for the observations of specialists, in their opinion, in 50% of cases, endometriosis occurs against the background of thyroid diseases, especially often with autoimmune thyroiditis, as well as with violations of the production of pituitary hormones.

Therefore, as a rule, in the treatment of endometriosis, it is necessary to restore the endocrine system, immunity and health of the pelvic organs at the same time.

What is mastopathy? This is an overgrowth of breast tissue. It can affect the alveoli, ducts, connective tissue and, less commonly, adipose tissue.

Three whales of women's well-being

Women's health, women's happiness ... Such familiar phrases. Beauty, youth, health... Three pillars of women's well-being? The last one is for sure, because the first two are a consequence of health. If a woman is healthy, then she is beautiful, young, happy, successful. She will make a career, and she will grow up children, and she will conquer all the men she wants - in a word, she can do everything. That is why it is so important for a woman to take care of her health. In the next book of our wonderful Family Doctor series, we will talk about three "female" diseases - fibroids, endometriosis, mastopathy - which cannot be called very dangerous, but which, without proper treatment, can cause a lot of problems. I would like to emphasize that the book presents not only our professional point of view, but also the opinions of our authoritative colleagues (unfortunately, not all of them, since the volume of the book does not allow).

In addition, we will once again discuss the issue of the urgent need for a woman to carefully monitor her health, since early diagnosis often decides her fate: she noticed in time - the problem was solved painlessly.

As in all books in this series, we will describe not only traditional, but also, if possible, all existing alternative methods treatment, so that each of you, dear readers, understand: there is always a path to health, it is important not only to outline it, but also to pass it!

So, go!

Chapter 1
Physiology of the female reproductive system

Starting the discussion of these diseases, we will make small digression in the field of female physiology: without knowledge in this area, it is hardly possible to understand the causes and types of treatment for female diseases.

Female reproductive organs

Before talking about female diseases, it is necessary to dwell on the structure and functions of the genital organs, on the state of which the health of a woman largely depends.

After all, only knowing about the norm, one can suspect any pathological changes that occur with the reproductive system, which means to prevent the development of the disease and prevent its transition to an advanced stage.

Structure and functions

The female reproductive organs are divided into external and internal. The external genitalia include the pubis, labia majora, labia minora, clitoris, hymen and perineum. To the internal - the vagina, uterus and ovaries.

Clitoris is an organ similar to the male penis. In the area of ​​the clitoris and labia minora, the skin is very sensitive, as it is permeated with many nerve endings. Immediately behind the clitoris is the external opening urethra then the vagina. Vagina is an elastic tube 10–12 cm long. Its inner surface is covered with a mucous membrane with large quantity folds. The vagina is, as it were, the excretory duct of the uterus. Through it, menstrual blood is released, and the fetus is born through it.

Many women are interested in the question, what kind of vaginal discharge can be normal? Yes, indeed, in the absence of a disease, discharge from the genital organs can be, but in a small amount, of a mucous consistency, transparent and odorless. The microorganisms that are normally found in such vaginal contents are safe and even perform a certain protective function, producing lactic acid, which prevents the development of other types of microorganisms that cause various diseases of the genital organs.

Sometimes the color and volume of vaginal discharge may change, indicating various diseases. For example, abundant curdled discharge is characteristic of thrush, and greenish discharge may be a sign of an inflammatory process.

The uterus resembles in its shape and size, a small pear. Its length in its normal state is 7–8 cm, width 4–6 cm, thickness 2–3 cm. It is surprising how such a seemingly small organ during pregnancy can increase tenfold and contain amniotic sac, the volume of which sometimes reaches 10-12 liters!

AT uterus distinguish body and neck. They call her Sheik lower part, which is, as it were, inserted into the vagina. The body of the uterus has a triangular-shaped cavity covered with a mucous membrane. If the egg has not been fertilized, then it is this shell that leaves the body in the form of menstruation. If fertilization occurs, then it is in the mucous membrane of the uterus that the egg is introduced.

Fallopian tubes depart from the upper body of the uterus and go to the side walls of the small pelvis. Usually, the fusion of the egg with the sperm takes place in the tube.

An important part of the female genital organs are ovaries. Germ cells (eggs) “live” in them. By puberty, the egg begins to grow and turns into special vesicles called follicles. As the follicle matures, it moves towards the surface of the ovary. Its walls are thinning and torn. The ovum released in this process enters the abdominal cavity or into a pipe.

The whole process of maturation of the follicle and the formation of an egg cell is called ovulation. It usually occurs in the middle between two periods. It was found that at four weeks menstrual cycle the egg is released on the 14-16th day, counting from the first day last menstrual period. The period of ovulation is the most favorable for pregnancy.

In place of the burst bubble after the release of the egg, the so-called corpus luteum. It is at the time of growth and development, as well as the follicle, secretes the corpus luteum hormone, or progesterone, into the blood.

Thus, the follicle and the corpus luteum secrete hormones that enter directly into the bloodstream and cause changes in the woman's body that distinguish her from the man.

And now we will move on to a discussion of the three stated problems: fibroids, endometriosis, mastopathy.

Chapter 2
uterine fibroids

The female reproductive system is a well-established mechanism, the activity of which is regulated by hormones. However, in some women, due to age, there may be irregularities in the ratio of various hormones, which leads to the development of fibroids. Few of the women to whom the doctor made this diagnosis understand what it is, and if they have an idea, it is only from the words of acquaintances and girlfriends. So that such a diagnosis does not horrify you, we will talk about this disease and its treatment methods in more detail.

So, fibroids (or fibromyomas) of the uterus are benign tumors from elements of muscle and connective tissue. The disease is common, approximately 15-17% of women over 30 years of age suffer from uterine fibroids.

By modern ideas, uterine fibroids is a tumor associated with hormonal imbalance in the body. The tumor occurs first between the muscle fibers, then, depending on the direction of growth, the nodes develop in the thickness of the uterine wall, grow towards the abdominal cavity or towards the uterine mucosa. A capsule is formed around the myomatous node from the muscular and connective tissue of the uterine wall.

The consistency of the tumor is dense. The degree of density depends on the blood supply and the content of connective tissue in the tumor. On the cut, the nodes often have a whitish appearance, since the tumor tissue is poor in blood vessels. Myoma has well-developed lymphatic vessels. Sometimes, in case of difficulty in the outflow of lymph, these vessels dilate, and cysts can form.

Most often (in about 80% of cases) there is multiple uterine fibromyoma with different sizes of nodes (from microscopic sizes to the size of an adult head or more) and number (from 2-3 to 20 or more). Sometimes the tumor takes a bizarre shape.

Types of fibroids depending on the location of the nodes

Intramural (intermuscular growth).

Subserous (growth from the muscle towards the abdominal cavity).

Subserous on the leg (not associated with the muscle layer).

Submucosal (growth from the muscle towards the uterine cavity).

Submucosal on the leg.

Single nodes located on outer surface or in the thickness of the uterine wall, are rare. The former may be associated with the body of the uterus wide base(such knots are very immovable) or only a leg (their leg is easily subjected to twisting). Submucosal nodes are observed in approximately 10% of patients. In 95% of cases, fibromyoma develops in the body of the uterus and only in 5% - in its neck. With fibromyoma of the cervix, her body often remains unchanged and, with large tumor sizes, is located, as it were, on the upper pole of the fibroid. Low-lying fibromyomatous nodes emanating from the body of the uterus are characterized by low mobility and can lead to compression of the ureters and large vascular formations of the pelvis. In the ovaries in this disease are often found cystic changes, follicular cysts or true tumors.


From 10 to 45% of women, most often in the age group of 30-40 years, suffer from this disease.

From 10 to 30% of patients with myoma suffer from its clinical manifestations.

Fibroids are significantly “younger” – there are frequent cases of diagnosing this disease in young women 20–25 years old.

Unfortunately, to date, the unambiguous cause of fibroids is unknown, only the estrogen dependence of the tumor has been confirmed.

Symptoms of the disease

Uterine fibromyoma occurs, as a rule, during puberty. The reproductive function is reduced. Patients either suffer from infertility, or pregnancies in the past ended in miscarriages.

Clinical manifestations of uterine fibroids depend on its anatomical condition. Tumors growing towards the abdominal cavity usually do not large sizes, often do not cause any disorders in women and do not affect menstrual function.

At a large number patients, even with a significant size of the tumor, there are no symptoms of the disease, but sometimes they appear quite early.

Every woman, regardless of whether she has fibroids or not, needs to know main manifestations of the disease. These include bleeding, pain, signs of compression of neighboring organs. With multiple fibromyoma with the location of the nodes in the thickness of the uterine wall, the uterine cavity is stretched and its inner surface is enlarged. This increases the amount of blood lost during menstruation. In addition, the contractility of the uterus is impaired. Especially severe bleeding occur with uterine fibroids with submucosal nodes. Such localization is characterized not only by prolonged heavy menstruation, but also by the presence of intermenstrual bleeding with the development of anemia. Irregular bleeding is often due to concomitant ovarian dysfunction.

chronic anemia, associated with constant blood loss, causes disturbances in activity of cardio-vascular system, dizziness, shortness of breath, general weakness, palpitations, fatigue, malfunction. The skin becomes pale yellow, the visible mucous membranes become pale, the face is puffy, on lower limbs edema is determined, the pulse quickens, the amount of hemoglobin decreases, the number of erythrocytes decreases, their immature forms appear.

Pain syndrome caused by tension ligamentous apparatus uterus, stretching of its walls, as well as the pressure of a growing tumor on the surrounding organs. With uterine fibromyoma with a submucosal arrangement of nodes and growth into the cavity of the organ, pain can be cramping in nature. Nodules located directly under the mucous membrane and having a stalk may occur in the vagina, which is accompanied by increased pain and bleeding. The compression of neighboring organs depends on the location and direction of growth of the nodes. Nodes emanating from the anterior wall of the uterus put pressure on the bladder, causing various violations urination. Sometimes tumors compress the ureters with subsequent development of complications from the kidneys. Pressure on the rectum impairs the function of the gastrointestinal tract.

Fibroids tend to grow slowly. fast zoom tumors in some cases may be a sign malignant process(uterine sarcomas). Therefore, it is important to consult a gynecologist at the first signs of the disease to rule out cancer.

Women who are careless about their health and are not treated in time are threatened with various complications of fibroids that occur during the growth of the neoplasm: torsion of the tumor stem, necrosis and infection of the nodes, malignant degeneration, acute bleeding, in which the general condition of patients worsens, corresponding to complications appear clinical symptoms which often requires emergency care in a hospital.

Secondary changes in fibromyoma nodes are most often observed in the form of necrosis of the tumor tissue associated with a violation of its nutrition, as a result of which melting and suppuration occur, sometimes cavities filled with liquid or semi-liquid contents (uterine cyst) are formed. There are cases of so-called dry necrosis followed by the deposition of calcium salts into the tumor tissue. In any variant, uterine fibroids are accompanied by sharp pains, fever and an increase in the number of leukocytes in the blood. Submucosal nodes are most often subjected to necrosis, less often located on the outer surface or in the thickness of the uterus (usually during pregnancy, in the postpartum or post-abortion period).

The inflammatory process, as a rule, occurs in submucosal fibroids or in nodes growing towards the abdominal cavity, infection of which occurs from the intestine, most often from the appendix.

Torsion of the leg of the fibromyomatous node is a common complication of fibromyoma, which causes sharp cramping pains in the lower abdomen and lower back, signs of peritoneal irritation (such as vomiting, dysfunction of the bladder and rectum), fever, changes in blood tests (increase in the number of leukocytes and erythrocyte sedimentation rate). The nutrition of the tumor is disturbed, dystrophic and degenerative changes and swelling of the node. It gives the impression rapid growth tumors.

Terrible, but rare complication is rupture of the tumor vessel with bleeding into the abdominal cavity. In this condition, there is a sharp pain and signs of internal bleeding (shock, loss of consciousness).

Please note that prior to the development of deployed clinical manifestations fibroids may occur different kinds vegetovascular disorders: migraine, fainting, early or late menarche (first menstruation), endocrine diseases, diseases of the circulatory system, neurasthenia. If you have or have had any of these symptoms, you should be especially alert for this disease.

Uterine fibroids are often combined with other diseases - tumors and ovarian cysts, endometriosis (Chapter 2 of this book is devoted to this disease), inflammation of the uterine appendages.

So here are the symptoms again:

Profuse prolonged menstruation with clots, often leading to anemia.

Intermenstrual bleeding with submucosal nodes.

Pain, frequent urination or constipation (compression of neighboring organs).

pain during or bloody issues after sexual intercourse.

Violation of the reproductive function (infertility, miscarriage).

Myoma, pregnancy and childbirth 1
Svetlana Sleptsova, General Director of the Center for Perinatal Prevention, obstetrician-gynecologist, doctor the highest category, MD / Available online:


Difficulties in conception due to fibroids are explained by the most different factors, including compression of the fallopian tubes, which impedes the movement of spermatozoa, impaired ovulation. By itself, fibroids are not considered a cause of infertility, however, if all established causes infertility are eliminated, the removal of fibroids greatly increases the likelihood of conception. True, this applies to fibroids, the size of which is less than a 12-week pregnancy. If the fibroid is large and deforms the uterine cavity, it is quite difficult to maintain the ability to bear children when it is removed, especially since such an operation may be accompanied by bleeding, sometimes requiring removal of the uterus.

First trimester of pregnancy

Serious complications arise if there is contact of fibroids with the placenta (i.e., with placentation in the area of ​​​​myomatous nodes). In addition, the size of the nodes matters (most women with small myomatous nodes during pregnancy do not experience any complications and the disease is asymptomatic).

Patients with uterine fibroids are more likely to have spontaneous abortions. This is associated with an increase in uterine contractility (the fact is that when the fibroids are destroyed, prostaglandins are released from it - physiologically active substances, causing contraction of smooth muscles, including the muscles of the uterus) and circulatory disorders in the uterus, as well as with neuroendocrine disorders, chronic infectious diseases, processes manifested by the growth of the uterine mucosa (hyperplasia, endometrial polyposis).

Second and third trimesters of pregnancy

It is believed that the presence of fibroids increases the risk of spontaneous abortion and premature birth. This is associated with a decrease in free space for a child in the uterus due to myomatous nodes, as well as with an increase contractile activity uterus. As a general rule, the larger the fibroids, the higher the chance of preterm birth. Again, the location of the fibroid and the presence of its contact with the placenta matters.

Large fibroids have a certain effect on the growth and development of the fetus. Thus, there are cases of the birth of children with a deformity of the skull and torticollis, apparently due to the pressure of the fibroids. Pregnant women with large fibroids are more likely to have low birth weight babies.


It is believed that fibroids affect the course of childbirth. Indeed, about half of pregnant women with fibroids have prolonged labor. In addition, in the presence of fibroids, the need for delivery by caesarean section often arises. Although the myoma itself, as a rule, does not represent a true obstacle to the birth of the fetus, myomatous nodes (especially large ones) are often combined with anomalies in the position and presentation of the fetus (transverse position, breech and facial presentation), in which natural delivery is not possible. In some cases, for example, if the incision area for a caesarean section is on a fibroid, the doctor may remove the tumor.

In patients with fibroids, placental abruption occurs more often (especially if the fibroid is located behind the placenta - retroplacental). Doctors must take this into account when conducting childbirth.

postpartum period

The presence of fibroids can be associated with both early and late postpartum complications. The early ones are postpartum hemorrhage associated with decreased uterine tone, tight attachment and placenta accreta; to late - incomplete involution of the uterus (when the uterus does not decrease to the "initial" size), infectious diseases.

How do pregnancy and childbirth affect fibroids? As you know, for the development of pregnancy, an increased formation of both estrogen and (to an even greater extent) progesterone is necessary - both of which, as explained above, significantly affect the condition of the fibroids. In addition, in addition to hormonal changes during pregnancy, purely mechanical changes occur - an increase and stretching of the muscular membrane of the uterus (myometrium), an intensification of blood flow in the uterine wall. The impact of these changes on an already existing fibroid depends on where exactly and how it is located, to what extent it “captured” the uterus.

It is generally accepted that fibroids grow during pregnancy, but there is an opinion that this is not true, but an apparent growth associated with the growth of the uterus as a whole. Basically, a slight increase in the size of fibroids is observed in the first and second trimesters, and in the third, all fibroids become smaller. In general, a significant growth of fibroids during pregnancy is rare and practically does not complicate the course of pregnancy.

More often during pregnancy, another phenomenon is observed - the so-called degeneration (ie, destruction) of fibroids. I am forced to disappoint those who consider this phenomenon a positive change: the destruction of fibroids is associated with very unpleasant processes - necrosis (necrosis) of fibroid tissues, the formation of edema, cysts, bleeding, etc. Degeneration can occur at any stage of pregnancy, as well as in the postpartum period - it depends on the location of the fibroids.

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