The cat is not affectionate what to do. How to massage a cat A whole cat from one sheet of paper

If kittens have positive experiences with people between the ages of 3 and 7 weeks, if they are picked up, stroked and cared for, they usually grow up to be very friendly and highly socialized. But what if you don't know what your cat's first steps in life were like and want her to spend more time on your lap, come petting and purring next to you? There are five great and proven ways to make her friendlier, and you are sure to succeed if you yourself are ready for it.

- Be restrained and calm.

Cats are afraid of sudden movements, loud voices and may mistake them for aggression. Move slowly so your pet has a chance to get used to your presence and learn to trust you. Even if the cat is not new to your house, and you have been living under the same roof for some time, she will definitely appreciate your new manners.

- No need for staring.

Most cats do not like direct eye contact and regard this as a signal of danger. When looking at the cat, try to blink more slowly and avoid prolonged direct eye contact. By changing tactics, you will quickly achieve results, and the animal will soon show more trust in you.

- Look after your cat.

Cats love to groom themselves and each other - for them it is a form of social behavior. Your cat will appreciate it if you comb her hair with slow, gentle strokes, all the while talking to her at that moment in a low voice. If the cat does not like what you are doing, she will begin to lick herself at that moment. And if her tail began to twitch, then the cat is tired, and the procedure must be stopped.

- Do not touch the cat in places where it is unpleasant for her.

When the cat has already trustingly approached you to caress, you should not take it in your arms at this moment, especially with a sharp movement. Just sit down next to her, scratch her head between her ears or under her chin, let her muzzle rub against you and stroke the bridge of her nose at that moment. Many people like stroking the back, right along the spine, but the tummy and the base of the tail should not be touched. These are very vulnerable places, and many cats instinctively begin to defend themselves. There are glands in the head area, with the help of which the cat "marks" its friends, however, we do not feel these smells. But the glands in the tail area produce completely different odors that are not intended for you and me, so you should not touch these places.

- A treat for the cat.

Keep a few pieces of special cat treats with you at all times to reward your pet when she comes to sit next to you. Of course, a double portion should be given for the fact that she jumped into your lap. At this moment, be absolutely calm so as not to frighten the animal with your stormy joy about this. Be patient, first look at the behavior of the animal and make sure that the cat wants to be stroked. If the cat lay down next to you and puts its head or back under your arm, then be sure to pay attention to it, and stop petting at the slightest sign of displeasure.

If you follow these simple rules, then soon your communication with your pet will become a pleasant ritual for both of you.

Giving a cat massage can help your furry pet relax, calm down after a stressful event, and feel surrounded by love and care. In fact, massage will make the cat feel much better than after the usual petting. Use this method of bonding with your pet 1-2 times a day to help your cat become more relaxed and trust you more.


Part 1

Providing comfort for the cat

    Pick the right time for a massage. Choose a quiet time for the massage. Your cat may have recently returned from the street or may be busy licking. Wait for the moment when she will not do anything before proceeding with the massage.

    Make sure your cat is comfortable in your presence. Approach the cat and make sure she is happy to see you. You can even wait for the cat to come to you instead of pulling the cat out of her comfort zone. Wait until she rubs around you, relaxes, lays down, or even purrs or naps next to you.

    Talk to the cat or sing to it. Allow the cat to calm down and enjoy, first bringing her into the right frame of mind. Start humming softly to your cat in a low, soothing voice, and also tell her how nice she is.

    • Don't use the high, yelling tone of voice that some people try to communicate with their cats ("You're such a cute kitty!!!") or you'll stress the cat, if not worse.
  1. Spend 5-10 minutes daily on a massage. Massage shouldn't take long. It will be enough just 5-10 minutes a day. Massage each part of the body for about one minute so that the cat is pleased and able to fully relax.

    Start massaging slowly at your cat's favorite petting spot. Start the massage with gentle strokes so that the cat gets used to the touch during the massage. Choose your favorite place to caress, such as under the chin, on the back, or behind the ears. Starting the massage in a cat's favorite spot will make it more receptive to accepting the massage of the rest of the body.

    Use your entire hand to massage. Many people stroke a cat with just their fingertips. Such touches may be too light for the cat, especially on the back or stomach. Use your entire hand and apply light pressure to the cat's body while petting. Leave your fingertips to massage the head and muzzle.

    • When massaging, you can use one hand or two at once.
  2. Watch your cat's reactions during the massage. Pay attention to the reaction of the cat during the massage. If the cat is trying hard to get up, she may not be in the mood for this procedure. If she's blinking slowly, purring, snoozing, falling asleep, or even looking semi-conscious, she's probably enjoying herself immensely.

Part 3

Cat head and neck massage

Rub the cat's back. Moving from the shoulders to the back, begin to lightly massage the back and sides in a circular motion.

Massage the cat's abdomen. If the cat is relaxed enough, she may roll over onto her back and let her stomach be rubbed. Gently hold the cat with one hand, and with the other - massage her stomach, rubbing the skin. If the cat is completely relaxed, then you can even use both hands at once to massage the abdomen.

Do a tail massage. Start massaging the tail at its base near the hips, and then gradually move towards its end. You can use both hands, but work lightly with your fingers as the tail is very sensitive in cats. If you try to start massaging directly from the tail, the cat will most likely run away from you. Before massaging the tail, the rest of the cat's body must already be relaxed so that she can enjoy this massage.

  • You can massage the cat's head with one hand, its tail with the other.
  • If the cat begins to nervously twitch its tail, then it is likely that it is annoyed and even angry, which is completely the opposite of your intentions.

Part 5

Cat Health Check
  1. Check the condition of the cat's fur. Massage is a great time to check on your cat's overall health. Examine the fur to make sure the cat keeps it clean by licking.

    • If the fur is tangled or dirty, it can indicate problems such as diabetes, bladder infections, and other diseases. If the fur is dirty in only a few places, then the cat may have trouble licking those areas of the body, possibly due to arthritis.
    • If the fur is excessively slick and sparse or completely absent in certain areas, then this may indicate problems of a dermatological nature, such as skin irritation or allergies.
  2. Check the condition of the skin. When rubbing the cat's body with your fingers, try to bring them to the base of the coat in order to simultaneously be able to check the condition of the pet's skin. If you feel bites or bumps on your skin, your cat may have fleas or skin irritation.

In this article, we will talk about how to properly raise a kitten so that a well-mannered and docile cat or cat grows out of a cute baby.

It should be said right away that along with proper care, a kitten simply needs a good upbringing. If good care allows you to ensure good health through proper nutrition, hygiene and the creation of all the necessary conditions for a full-fledged life of the animal, then education plays a key role in how comfortable and harmonious your life together with your pet will be.

After answering a few questions, you will be offered the best food for your kitten.

Professional cat food "Sanabel" is available in all cities of Russia, a developed network of distributors will allow you to find a store on our "Map"

Kitten games

Be sure to play with the kitten. Friendships are established in the game. Do not use your arms and legs for playing, otherwise, having matured, an adult pet will painfully dig into your body, causing a lot of discomfort.

For the game, use special toys, these can be balls, fluffy balls, mice, and so on. The main thing is that the toy is made of safe materials and does not have small parts that a kitten can swallow.

Do not let the kitten climb on you, catching clothes and scratching you, in adulthood you will not wean your pet from spoiling things for you.

Don't forget care!

Teach your kitten to hygienic grooming procedures. Brush your kitten every day. This is not very pleasant for the cat, but it is good for the coat, so let the baby get used to combing from childhood.

Clean ears and eyes, cut claws.

The sooner you teach your kitten to swim, the easier this procedure will be later.

There is dry cleaning in the form of aerosols that are sprayed onto the coat and combed out along with the dirt. It is advisable to carry out water procedures no more than once every two months.

You need to bathe the kitten using special shampoos that correspond to the type of coat. The pet store will advise you and help you choose the right shampoo.

Of course, swimming is stressful. Do not scream or hit the kitten if it struggles. Find a comfortable water temperature for the kitten that is closer to the kitten's body temperature, around 38-39°C. Caress and kind words will help the kitten to relax. Bathe the kitten in a basin, do not use a shower head, this can scare him. Rinse off the shampoo in another basin.

It is better to dilute the shampoo in advance with a little water, so it will be faster and easier to lather. Soapy water should not get into the ears, mouth, eyes and nose of the kitten. Leave your head dry, you will wipe it with a wet palm towards the end of the bath.

After washing, wrap the kitten in a large towel and dry it with a hair dryer set on a quiet setting so as not to burn or scare the kitten.

Caress the kitten, it will calm him down and bring a lot of pleasant emotions, as well as establish a trusting relationship between you.

If we define raising a kitten one principle, then it consists in one do not allow the kitten to do those things that you would not want your pet to do in adulthood.

grow up kittens, care and education must change, but your love and patience must remain unchanged. If you want a soft, affectionate and obedient pet, then bring him up in affection and love!

Love animals, let this feeling decorate your life!

All animals have their own unique character, some are sociable, others are unsociable. Why is the cat unkind? The reason may be stress or illness, distrust of a person in general, or fear of the owner. Cats are unkind from birth. There are animals that do not need contact with a person, they shy away from excessive attention and, if their personal space is violated, they show aggression. But if the cat, which has always been affectionate, suddenly began to release its claws or stopped showing attention to the owner, then you need to look for the reason for this behavior.

Causes of Behavior Change

If a previously affectionate cat has stopped making contact with the owner or has become aggressive, then most likely something is bothering her. The most common causes of changes in animal behavior:

  1. disease;
  2. puberty;
  3. stress;
  4. poor care;
  5. age.

If you correctly understand the cause and eliminate it, then the cat will become habitually affectionate.

The cat got sick

Poor health greatly affects the character of the pet. A sick cat, who yesterday loved affection, today can hide from the owner or even attack him. By its behavior, the animal shows that something is bothering him.

Show the animal to the feline doctor - veterinarian. After examination and examinations, he will be able to determine whether the animal is healthy and, if necessary, prescribe treatment. Follow all the recommendations and your pet will quickly get better. After a full recovery, the pet will be the same as it was before the illness.

The kitten has grown

The kitten grows up and under the influence of hormones its character begins to change. Tags appear in the house, the animal may even try to escape in search of a member of the opposite sex. Often the cat becomes aggressive, can scratch the owner or bite him. Behavior does not depend on whether the animal is released into the street or not. Some owners believe that if you take the cat for mating, he will become calmer, but this is fundamentally wrong, the situation will only get worse.

The only solution is castration. After the operation, the cat will be as affectionate as before.. The animal will be more calm and will happily begin to spend time with the owner.


In an unfamiliar environment, the animal behaves warily, and sometimes aggressively. Moving to a new home or acquiring a new pet disrupts the cat's usual way of life. Also, pets will not be happy with vacation trips or moving to the garden for the summer.

After adaptation, which lasts about 3 weeks, the cat will become affectionate again. In order to facilitate this process, you can give your pet soothing tablets that are sold in pet stores. Most likely, the cat will not be affectionate until the adaptation is over.

Poor animal care

Poor care of a cat can make it unloving. A hungry animal becomes irritable. Therefore, it is important to give the animal high-quality healthy food that contains all the necessary vitamins and minerals. A dirty litter box can also make your cat nervous, so either clean the litter box immediately after use or buy absorbent litter.

The animal must not be beaten, shouted at him. A frightened cat will not be affectionate, as it is afraid of the owner. Communication should be friendly, pamper the animal with treats more often and play with it. A satisfied cat will be affectionate with the owner and will be happy to spend time with him.

The breed of a cat affects its character

Some cats are not affectionate from birth, but they can be made more friendly. There are factors that influence the behavior of an animal. The first value here is the breed: the British cat, most likely, will not want to sit on his hands, as he has an independent character.

In order to make a cat more affectionate, pamper her, spend time with her, play, then she will purr more often and herself will begin to seek communication.

When a fluffy ball crosses the threshold of the house, the whole family is delighted: “So gentle, so kissable, so you want to cuddle!”. And somehow I don’t think at all about how to make a cat affectionate, sociable, playful. Here to accustom to the tray, to cutting the claws, to bathing - yes, these are important tasks. And the caress? Yes, of course, she will grow up affectionate, we love her so much! Why does a cat suddenly become a capricious mean?

However, raising a preferred character in a pet is a more difficult task than raising a child. The cat does not understand or does not fully understand the meaning of the words, does not feel guilty and acts based on previous experience. For a cat to become very affectionate, care and love alone are not enough, although we like to think otherwise. It is important to understand the psychology of these animals and realize that lost time is the biggest problem. If a small monster of five years of age lives at home, even in six months it will not work to turn it into a gentle princess - cats are stubborn and conservative to the extreme.

However, with due patience and free time, even a wayward aggressive cat can be taught affection and trust. By the way, without absolute trust in the family, all efforts will be in vain: constant alertness will not allow the pet to relax, and the cat will never become affectionate. So, seven secrets of raising and keeping a small predator:

Cat. Just take it easy, it'll be easier. Of course, any person understands that he is stronger, smarter and has more opportunities to achieve goals. But in many cases, the reason why a cat is not affectionate is because the pet has realized it too. No need to demonstrate your superiority for any reason, let the cat believe that she is at least on an equal footing with the rest of the family. Cats do not know how to obey, they are loners by nature. If the cat realizes that it does not dominate, it leaves the territory and looks for a more suitable place. For a pet, this is impossible, hence the stress and anger. It is important not to put this dog on the same level with people, but with cats it’s the opposite - the more confident they are, the less reason for aggression.

Cuffs, slaps with a newspaper, a jet of water in the muzzle - all this scares the cat. A frightened animal is not able to perceive information. Cats, like dogs, do not learn anything good if you frighten and punish them.

However, the above does not mean that you need to pamper your pet, indulging all her whims. An affectionate cat and an insolent cat are two big differences. It’s just that in the process of upbringing, you need to control yourself: never shout, never force, in no case punish. Persuasion and cunning are your weapons. She messed up - pretend to be a cat, hiss, but do not forget to praise when your pet deserves it.

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