French bulldog 3 months old French Bulldog - history and characteristics of the breed. Ears - wide at the base, elongated, with a rounded tip

As a rule, the entire period of development and formation of a dog is divided into several main stages, during each of which the animal acquires a certain life experience.

The process of feeding is accompanied by characteristic movements of the puppy's paws, as if repelling the mother's stomach, which help him suck out more milk.

1st stage (initial)

In French Bulldog puppies, the initial period of development lasts from the 1st to the 7th week of their life. Before reaching 2 weeks of age, the baby is practically helpless and completely dependent on the mother.

The basic needs of a puppy at this age are food intake (mother's milk), prolonged sleep and constant warmth. The sucking reflex is given to the dog from birth, which allows the baby to quickly find the mother's nipple, hold it for a certain time and actively suck milk.

According to how vigorously the puppy sucks mother's milk, dog breeders determine its potential vitality, character and degree of activity.

From about the 15th day of life, a bulldog puppy begins to develop visual and auditory perception of the world around him. Three-week-old Bulldogs are already able to walk on their own with balance, and can also consume liquid food as a supplement to their mother's milk. At this age, babies still retain a certain dependence on their mother, but do not yet have a social connection with their fellows.

2nd stage (adaptation)

The puppy adapts to environmental conditions during the first month of life. At this time, the baby is gradually mastering a new world for him. Playing with the mother and with other puppies, the little bulldog learns the basics of relationships with his own kind, learns to discipline.

In the first weeks of life, the puppy's behavior is based mainly on innate instincts, which he inherited from his mother. Further, the formation of the character and habits of the dog will largely depend on you.

This period is very important for the development of basic conditioned reflexes, because 4-7-week-old puppies are very susceptible to all changes in the world around them and they already have a pronounced ability to acquire certain skills.

During the period of adaptation to the environment, it is necessary to carefully observe the behavior of babies, noting the most striking manifestations of their character. Adaptation to the external environment is achieved by puppies through auditory, visual, tactile and olfactory contacts with the objects around them.

At this time, the puppy gradually adapts to the mother. The reflex acquired by him - to always follow her - will later manifest itself in the owner's house: the puppy will very quickly get used to following a person. Lethargic, inactive puppies do not adapt well to environmental conditions, subsequently it will not be easy for them to establish contact with people and relatives.

By the way, sniffing a person is a kind of way for a puppy to get to know him. By smell, a dog is able to remember many different people. From the number of new acquaintances of the puppy will depend on his communication skills in the future.

At the age of 4 to 8 weeks, bulldog babies do not yet experience fear of strangers, and puppies older than 8 weeks are usually afraid of strangers and hide when they meet them. Therefore, taking a puppy into the house, the owner must first of all pay attention to the communication of his pet with other people. If this is not done, the dog may grow up either too shy or, on the contrary, too aggressive towards others.

Do not deprive the bulldog of communication with your close friends, relatives, neighbors: remember that your dog's sociability is the key to its successful upbringing and training.

At 4-6 weeks of age, the puppy is given a nickname, which is chosen at the request of the owner. It may not coincide with the nickname that was assigned to the puppy at the time of its registration in the stud book.

In the nickname of the French bulldog, there must be the following vowels - such as A, I, E and Yu. And in no case should the dog's nickname repeat any human name (Maxim, Sasha, Misha, Olya). As a last resort, rare or unused names in our country are acceptable.

Keep in mind that the dog's name should consist of a small number of syllables. The more of them, the longer the bulldog will get used to his name. The nickname should be clearly pronounced, so try to include the following letters in it: H, L, R, H, B, C and D. The letters C, W, K, D, P and T are not recommended.

The nickname very quickly becomes an important part of the personality of the French Bulldog. That is why, as soon as possible, start teaching the puppy to respond to it. Remember, the longer the nickname, the harder it is for the dog to remember it.

As soon as you bring the puppy home, let him know that he now has his own name to respond to. Try to plan the training process in such a way that the dog associates the nickname with something pleasant, such as food or a walk.

3rd stage (socialization)

The puppy's socialization stage is the period of his active acquaintance with the outside world. This stage falls on the age period from 8 to 12 weeks. At this age, bulldog puppies are very mobile and curious. Toddlers treat other living creatures with friendly curiosity. They sniff their new acquaintances, and the loud yelping or barking of the animal is just a common reaction to an unfamiliar object.

The puppy is very interested in various sounds: voices coming from the TV or radio, the noise that occurs during the operation of household appliances, phone calls and other sounds. During this period, your pet gets acquainted with many new phenomena and things: furniture in the apartment, flowers and trees on the street, birds outside the window, perhaps some animals that are in your house (cat, hamster).

French bulldog puppies are very curious

At the age of 8-12 weeks, puppies have increased excitability and an unstable psyche. During this period, they just need an attentive, sensitive and careful attitude of the owner towards them. It must be remembered that stressful situations in a puppy can arise not only as a result of overwork, but also, for example, during therapeutic and prophylactic manipulations, vaccinations at the veterinarian, etc. Therefore, when going to the veterinary clinic, take some treats with you to divert your puppy's attention from frightening procedures.

The period of socialization is considered the most suitable for mastering the basics of training. Raising a bulldog begins with the simplest thing - accustoming him to hands. That is, a puppy (and later an adult dog) should be allowed to calmly take himself in his arms, examine his teeth, ears, turn over, put on the table and on the floor in a rack and allow him to do with him everything that the owner considers necessary. You should accustom a puppy to such consistency from the first days of his appearance in the house. Believe me: this will make it easier for you to care for him in the future.

At this time, you should also start teaching the puppy general commands and actively discipline him. At this time, the baby must successfully carry out such commands of the owner as “Place!”, “Walk!” and “Come to me!”, and by the beginning of the 4th month of life, master more complex tasks. Now he can cope with the implementation of those orders and prohibitions of the owner, which are expressed by the commands “Lie down!”, “Sit!”, “Fu!”, “No!”.

When raising a dog, one must observe the well-known rule that any extremes are harmful. The owner's boundless love, as well as his excessive severity in communicating with his pet, will not help to raise a good dog.

If you handle your bulldog skillfully and patiently, he will become a good and obedient student.

It is very important from the first days of communication with the puppy to make him understand that he must always obey the owner, and try to develop this skill even during the game. The charming appearance of the French Bulldog and his good-natured nature often lead to the fact that these dogs are over-pampered from childhood. Punishment in this case does not bring much grief to the puppy, and he can become capricious and self-willed.

Here it must be said about the aggressiveness, which nevertheless can be present in the behavior of a small puppy and which is often not taken seriously. And this is fundamentally wrong.

The bulldog puppy must be strongly shown from the very beginning that there is subordination in relations with a person. It often happens that the owners only laugh if the puppy growls or tries to bite. Therefore, it is sometimes impossible in an adult dog to distinguish congenital aggressiveness from improper upbringing.

During the socialization period, try to teach your pet to establish friendly contacts with other dogs that the owners walk at the same time as you. Enjoying communication with their own kind, the dog grows more balanced, there are much fewer problems during training.

The French Bulldog is a breed, in the breeding and development of which a lot of work and experience of many people were used. Take seriously the appearance of a puppy in the house. Take care of the breed, raise, educate the dog and take care of it daily, and not from case to case.

It would be useful to remind the owner of the puppy that before the baby reaches 2 months of age, it is inappropriate and even harmful to start classes with him, because during training the dog's psyche is exposed to a huge load, which can lead to stress.

4th stage (dominance)

This stage in the life of puppies occurs approximately at the 12-16th week of life, when a struggle for leadership begins between peer dogs. The main thing that should happen during this period in the puppy's psyche is the recognition of its owner as a dominant personality, and other family members should also be higher in rank. Otherwise, the dog will pretend to be the leader, and the owner must always remain such.

Practice shows that there are three types of relationships between the owner and the dog, which are intensively formed when the puppy reaches 3-4 months of age. In the first case, leadership belongs to a person, in the second - to a bulldog, in the third, a certain equality is established between them.

A maturing bulldog at the first opportunity will definitely check who is in charge in the family. When playing, he can bite the owner, growl or bark at him. But, each time receiving a worthy rebuff, the puppy begins to recognize the dominant role of a person and learns to obey the owner.

If you want to raise your dog properly, your personal leadership should be the only acceptable option for you. Therefore, during games and walks, always pay special attention to the behavior of the dog towards you. Restrain your pet's curiosity and emotionality by not letting it pull you one way or the other. Use "Don't" commands and "Fu!", lightly slapping the dog's thigh; over time, she will learn that it is unacceptable to behave with you as she pleases. A properly educated dog will never bark at the owner, especially bare his teeth and growl at him during the game.

Thus, at the stage of dominance, a closer psychological contact is established between the dog and its owner. A three-month-old bulldog, with proper upbringing, fully recognizes the rights of its owner.

During the period of dominance, the puppy already needs systematic training, during which the owner works out the commands “Come!”, “Stand!”, “Sit!”, “Lie down!” with him. Physical and mental stress at this age can gradually increase. For a 13-week-old bulldog, you should already purchase a collar and walk him on a leash.

The sooner the dog recognizes the leadership of the owner, the more successful the results of training will be, and communication with the animal will give you great pleasure.

It must be taken into account that by the age of 16 weeks, French Bulldogs (especially males) are already completing the formation of an emotional perception of the world around them, and therefore certain skills and attitudes received from you by this time will remain with your dog for life.

5th stage (independence)

This stage of the psychophysiological development of the dog lasts from 4 months to 8 months of age. This is exactly the period when your pet, generally recognizing the leadership of the owner, can allow itself some liberties, trying to demonstrate its independence to a person and thereby showing individuality and realizing the desire for self-affirmation (it is characteristic not only of people, but also of dogs). What can express such independence of your bulldog, which he will not fail to prove to you at the first opportunity?

Most likely, you will have to watch with disappointment how your beloved dog, which yesterday perfectly performed this or that command, this time seems to not hear it at all and, in spite of it, does not at all what is required of it.

In such a situation, you can’t relax and give your pet a chance to become the master of the situation, at least for a while. If you see that your bulldog is self-willed, persistently ignoring the tasks received from you, do not follow his lead and stubbornly demand obedience and complete submission from the dog. Otherwise, your ward will have an incorrigible habit of doing as he pleases.

Keep in mind that by demonstrating such behavior, the bulldog is trying to win for himself the right to do as he wants, which, of course, is completely unacceptable for you.

Remember that if you do not pay due attention to the manifestations of its independence, the dog will begin to demonstrate willfulness in any situation, and in the future you will periodically be deprived of the opportunity to control it and control its behavior.

At the same time, you should not bring down your anger on him and, using brute force, repeat the command in a threatening tone, wanting to achieve its correct execution by all means. Get your dog into the habit of obeying your commands in a different way: just keep the bulldog off the leash until you are sure that your pet is doing everything you want him to do flawlessly.

The owner, indulging the whims and whims of his dog, runs the risk of getting an uncontrollable and aggressive animal in the future, barking loudly at every passing car or random passers-by. By showing firmness and perseverance in dealing with your ward, you will be able to help him successfully overcome the period of independence and develop an unchanging habit of accurately following all your commands.

Stage 6 (overcoming fear)

This stage is characterized by the fact that your pet suddenly, for no particular reason, is afraid of various objects that are already familiar to him and did not cause him any negative emotions before. At the same time, there is also a fear of new, unfamiliar objects. The owner should help the dog in overcoming fears of this kind.

This period can last for 1-2 months. It begins, depending on the individual characteristics of the development of the dog, at the age of 6 to 14 months.

You should give the dog the “Stop!” command, then approach the object that causes unreasonable fear in your four-legged friend, and touch the thing that frightens him with your hand. After that, having commanded “Come to me!”, You must wait until your pet also approaches an object that is not at all scary for you (you have already clearly demonstrated this), and he will make sure that this thing does not pose any danger. Be calm and confident, and this state will immediately be transmitted to your dog.

7th stage (transitional age)

This stage begins when the bulldog reaches one year of age and continues for 3 years. The dog, as in the period of independence, may attempt to impose its will on the owner and take a dominant position in the family, as well as among its relatives.

During this period of time, the dog may behave inappropriately even with those to whom it was previously very friendly and calm. For example, she is able, quite unexpectedly for her owner, to attack a tribesman living in the neighborhood and fight with him, despite the fact that before both dogs were very friendly with each other and even played together. Friends who come to visit you can also be greeted with a menacing growl or barking right on the doorstep, although earlier your “Frenchman” treated the same visitors quite friendly.

If the dog behaves too aggressively and you are not able to control it, you will need the advice of an experienced dog handler: a specialist will help change the situation for the better.

The main thing that is required of the owner during this period is not to lose self-control, perseverance and firmness, but at the same time maintain a good relationship with his four-legged stubborn.

Suppose that acquaintances came to visit you, to whose visits your pet has long been accustomed, but lately has clearly not shown them its cordiality. In such a situation, however, you should not isolate the dog from the people who came to you by locking it in another room. In this case, it is recommended to command the bulldog: "Place!" and give him the opportunity to stay among the guests who have arrived and feel like a full member of this company. At the same time, warn your friends that they themselves do not seek to communicate with the dog: let it show its interest in those who came first. In this way, you show your pet that you are in full solidarity with your guests, that you are on their side and they demand respect no less than you yourself.

The transitional age in a dog is also the period of reaching puberty. However, this does not mean at all that the process of physical and mental development of your bulldog has already been completed. Training sessions must necessarily remain regular, it is not necessary to give the dog the opportunity to present its own requirements to the owner regarding its rights and obligations.

The French Bulldog has a number of innate and acquired character traits that are finally formed only by the age of 3 (as a rule, these are instincts associated with the dog's ability to protect its owner and his property).

The controversial dog is the French Bulldog: on the one hand, his ancestors are a fierce fighter, an implacable opponent who fought not only with relatives, but also with much larger enemies. On the other hand, he turned out to be an affectionate, devoted friend, capable of devoting himself completely to his adored master. Big ears, smart big eyes, a variety of colors - all this allowed the French Bulldog to become a universal favorite.

It is still not entirely clear which of the countries is the birthplace of the breed: England or France. Breeders from Foggy Albion claim that the “fraznzuz” was obtained as a result of a change in toy bulldogs, which are mini-copies of English bulldogs. The Frogs, on the other hand, assure that they used a rare breed, which has already disappeared today, the Spanish bulldogs. Experts from France say that only they took care of getting offspring from English and Spanish bulldogs.

At the initial stages of the formation of the breed of dogs, these could only be found in the French suburbs with the owners of small shops. "Frantsuzyat" girls of free morality were very fond of. It was the acquaintance with the ladies of the demi-monde that made it possible for the breed to reach a new level - to move into the living rooms of bohemians. The writing brethren have always been associated with the aristocracy, so soon the dogs managed to climb even higher up the "career" ladder - to get into the homes of politicians and nobles.

Curious fact! For quite a long period of time, the French Bulldog was a favorite of aristocrats, a kind of canine elite. This was especially true for England and America.

At the beginning of the 20th century, a puppy could be purchased for $750 (at that time, you could buy a small apartment in a bad area or a good car with this money). However, there were copies, the cost of which reached $ 5,000! The mafiosi's girlfriends were very fond of dogs of this breed.

The breed was brought to our country at the beginning of the 20th century. In Moscow and St. Petersburg, they were especially valued as the most fashionable breed. At all exhibitions, French bulldogs met like show business stars. As before in France, in our country, creative people are very fond of bulldogs. It is known that Fyodor Chaliapin had two dogs of this breed, Mayakovsky also had a dog, which added to his popularity with women.

French bulldogs appeared in Russia at the beginning of the 20th century, when they were considered the most fashionable breed.

Breeders knowingly ate their bread at that time: their hard work significantly increased the number of French bulldogs around the world. From animals for the nobility, they became favorites for everyone and everyone. Nowadays, any family can get such a puppy.

The purpose of the breed, appearance, photos

The French Bulldog is a companion dog. She not only loves her master - she lives for him. She needs to see the owner 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. She wants to “talk” with him, eat, sleep, walk.

French Bulldogs adore children, they do not have aggression, but also fear, so they will be ideal companions in pranks and games for a child. Given that this breed is insensitive to pain, the “hugs” of the child will not be afraid of her.

Characteristics and breed standard

The modern French Bulldog, whose description allows you to imagine the cutest creature, is not a giant at all: his height is about 30-35 cm at the withers. The muzzle is short, the animal is muscular and strong. A distinctive feature of the breed is high large ears, a forked upper lip, a flat nose and protruding incisors.

A photo. French Bulldog

french bulldog photo

The coat color can be absolutely any, except for black: white, white-fawn, brindle, cream, fawn. How much a French Bulldog weighs depends on its appetite. Average, the weight of males is about 10-15 kg, females - 8-12.

The latest version of the standard is valid from 03.11.2014.

Here are the characteristics of French Bulldog articles:

French Bulldogs are very peaceful. They are moderately gentle and devoted. A dog with such a bright temperament will not let the owner and his guests get bored, because he feels great in a crowd of fans. They need attention, and the opportunity to demonstrate charisma.

The pet is calm, although somewhat outrageous. The psyche is stable - these animals do not know fear, panic. The dog is touchy, but if the owner took a step forward, she is ready to forget about all the differences.

French Bulldogs get along well with both households and pets.

The French Bulldog, whose character allows you to get along well in a family with children, is still more suitable for adults. The fact is that babies are rarely ready to endure such an abundance of energy and emotions all the time. In addition, the dog itself is not always correct with children, because it lacks patience.

"French" prefer to be the only pets, but if there are other animals in the house, they will get along with everyone. Despite their small size, bulldogs consider themselves responsible for the territory they jealously guard. They will definitely warn you if someone comes to the door.

It is very easy to establish contact, a trusting relationship with a dog. Bulldogs like to spend as much time as possible next to the owner, fully justifying their purpose.

"French" are affectionate pets, devoted friends and cheerful companions.

Education and training

Even a first-grader can be engaged in training. Of course, we are talking only about the main commands:, "Fu", etc. - these commands are necessary for any animal to know, and it is not at all difficult to teach them to a French bulldog.

French Bulldogs, although a little stubborn, are very smart and quickly remember commands.

Training should begin the day the puppy is home. If an adult untrained dog comes to you, do not be upset - bulldogs are smart, therefore, with some perseverance, such an animal will learn everything it needs.

Properly raising a dog is also not difficult. Of course it is advisable to start theoretical training even before purchasing a puppy, but even without this, everyone can get a well-mannered pet. The most important thing is to timely correct the behavioral deficiencies that appear in any animals.

With sufficient perseverance of the owner, the bulldog will learn not to beg at the table, not to take food from strangers, not to bite the owner, and so on. A child of primary school age can also raise a dog, but parents should follow his efforts and be ready to help.

Rules for maintenance and care

The French Bulldog is the perfect pet to keep in an apartment. He does not need open spaces for living and walking, he is quite satisfied with a small couch near the owner.

It is important to remember that the bed cannot be equipped near heating systems or in a draft. The surface should be fairly firm, spacious and clean. With all the love for a pet, placing it in your own or children's bedroom is unreasonable - due to the structural features of the nasopharynx, the animal snores heavily during sleep.

Walks with a bulldog can be of a calm nature - the dog is not particularly active on the street. In the heat or cold, you should not walk for a long time, because the short coat does not protect the dog too much. For the winter it is better for her to buy clothes, and for extreme cold and shoes.

French Bulldogs have a short coat, so they need warm clothes for the cold.

It is advisable to walk the dog on uneven surfaces: sand, gravel, forest soil. Climbing stairs can injure a dog's spine, so it's best to walk up the stairs with your dog in your arms. This is especially important for dogs under one year old, since their skeleton is not yet rigid enough.

Interesting! It is believed that there was a dog of this breed on board the Titanic. Witnesses claimed that after the sinking of the ship they saw a dog swimming towards the shore. This story is not so easy to believe, because the paws of this dog are quite short and the head is too heavy. Most of the breed is completely unable to swim.

Grooming, paws and muzzle

Caring for the "Frenchman" is quite simple. They need to be brushed once a week to remove dead hairs. It is recommended to bathe the dog only in case of significant pollution. It is not advisable to do this more than 2 times a year.

It is necessary to regularly cut the nails and monitor the cleanliness and integrity of the paw pads.

It is necessary to monitor the condition of the eyes, regularly wipe them with a damp cloth. It is important to wipe the wrinkles on the face, which accumulate dirt and moisture that can lead to infection. Wrinkles are wiped with cotton pads.

How to take care of your ears

The ears of French Bulldog puppies stand up on their own by 3-6 months.

It is enough to clean the ears twice a month. If discharge, an unpleasant odor, redness, swelling and swelling appear, you should immediately consult a doctor, as these symptoms may indicate.

The ears of a French Bulldog should be erect, but you should not worry about this until the dog is 3 months old. In some individuals with heavy, fleshy ears, this can happen even by six months. Nevertheless, even if the cartilages do not want to straighten up, you can help them. To do this, you need: a bandage, a paper or medical plaster, cotton wool.

Glue the ears as follows:

  • prepare two rolls of cotton wool, the width of which is about 5 cm, the length exceeds the length of the ears by 2 cm;
  • wrap the rollers with a bandage so that they do not lose their shape;
  • put the resulting "chrysalis" vertically in the ear, and "wrap" it with the ear. Fix the resulting shape with a plaster.

In the matter of setting the ears, not only the vertical is important, but also the symmetry. If the ears are in opposite directions, the judge will consider this a defect.

Therefore, additional efforts are needed:

  • take two pieces of plaster equal to the length between the ears + the width of the ears;
  • wrap the ears with ribbons in front and behind, gluing them together in the middle.

This design must be left for 7-10 days. If after this the ears do not rise, it is necessary to repeat the gluing. Most often, two times is enough. In order not to spoil the ear cartilage of the dog, you should not stroke it on the head, touching the ears.

Many freshly baked owners are interested in. There is no consensus among experts on this matter, but still most of the animals themselves vote for natural food. Of course, we are not talking about borscht and sausage: you need to feed the dog only food prepared for him.

Many owners feed bulldogs with natural food, which is necessarily dominated by meat (beef, lamb).

When feeding "natural" should give most of the diet to the meat. It can be lean lamb or beef. You can give boiled or raw meat, cut into small pieces. The bird is given only boiled and only pitted. It is preferable to give a puppy a scraper rather than minced meat. If you treat your pet with offal, it is better to boil or scald them. Only sea fish is allowed.

The diet should include buckwheat and rice porridge, a boiled egg yolk is given weekly. Carrots, cabbage, pumpkin are useful for dogs. Fruit should be given raw, avoiding citrus fruits and grapes.

Health, longevity and breed diseases

"French" - not the biggest centenarians among dogs: the average life expectancy is 10-12 years.

In general, these are quite healthy and strong animals, but there are some medical problems inherent in this particular breed:

The first vaccination is done at two months (Nobivak DHPPi + Nobivak Lepto). The second is done in a month, the composition is the same. The third vaccination (against rabies) is done after the change of all teeth.

Every year you should vaccinate your dog against rabies, distemper and leptospirosis.

Buying a puppy: how to make the right choice

If you take a puppy "from hand", its price will be small, but there is a high probability of acquiring a breed marriage or not a purebred animal at all. Sometimes you can find a really good puppy for as little as $100. The average price in the nursery is 200-500 dollars. Show class offspring from titled parents will cost from $1,000.

It is best to buy a puppy in kennels.

Moscow region:

  • "Mini Crumbs";
  • "From fawn bulldogs";
  • "From Kuntsevo"

St. Petersburg:

  • "Dashin Dom";
  • "Amber Light"


To determine how long French Bulldogs live, you must first carefully read the standard of this breed. This knowledge will help to understand the pace of development of the dog: to what age it grows, how much it weighs in a given month of its life, and so on. It is necessary to monitor these parameters, while taking into account the anatomical features of the structure of the animal.

The French Bulldog breed standard describes the following parameters:

  • head;
  • frame;
  • limbs and mobility;
  • wool cover;
  • color;
  • dimensions: height, weight;
  • character;
  • limitations;
  • vices.


The skull of a representative of this breed can tell about many hereditary traits. For example, about the structural features of his torso and the strength of the bones. French Bulldogs have several skull shapes:

  • ordinary - with a noticeable stop (transition from the forehead to the muzzle) and a bump on the back of the head;
  • heavy - large, powerful, rough, with clearly visible muscles;
  • light - narrow, with poorly developed muscles;
  • proportional - most suitable for the standard.

The degree of the dog's belonging to the purebred line of the breed will depend on the shape of the skull. According to the standard, breeding dogs should have an impressive square-shaped head. A shortened part in the nose area gives it a wide look. The slightly convex forehead should be clearly visible. The bump on the back of the head is almost invisible.

The skin on the dog's head forms folds. From the lip, between the eyes, there is a furrow, which should not go over the forehead.

The muzzle of the dog is short and rather wide. Its length is one part in six in relation to the head.

The wide and turned-in nose of the French Bulldog has symmetrical nostrils. They should be open and pointing up.

The dog's cheeks are sagging and rather thick. The lips are also thick, black in color, and their upper part covers both the teeth and the tongue.

The round, slightly bulging eyes of the dog have a dark tint. They should be low enough and not close to each other relative to the beginning of the ears, due to their large size. Eyelids are black.

In dogs of this breed, ears are one of the main components of an attractive appearance. Therefore, they should be small, set high, with a wide base and rounded ends. Upright ears allow full view of the auricle.

According to the standard, representatives of this breed have powerful square jaws. The lower part is slightly ahead of the upper and has the shape of an arc. It is desirable that this shift (overshot) is not too noticeable, but the standard does not particularly track this moment.

The French Bulldog has strong teeth that should not show any damage. The front teeth of the upper jaw are behind the front teeth of the lower jaw.

This dog breed has a short neck. She is slightly arched. The standard does not allow any excess fat, wrinkles or loose skin in the area. Ideally, the neck should have well-developed muscles and seven vertebrae, because the mobility of the head depends on these parameters.


The withers of the French Bulldog are formed by the five thoracic vertebrae and the top of the shoulder blades. They are interconnected by developed muscles.

The wide, well-developed back of the dog, according to the standard, should not sag or, on the contrary, arch. Otherwise, her vertebrae will not be able to withstand the physical load.

The sacrum should be short, but wide enough.

The croup of the animal should have a slightly rounded shape with a slight slope.

The width of the chest in the French Bulldog directly depends on the location of the ribs - on their bend. According to the standard, the ideal chest should be barrel-shaped, deep and well developed.

Sometimes in dogs of this breed there is such an anomaly as the presence of wedge-shaped vertebrae, mainly in the thoracic region. With this, the vertebrae do not have the correct rectangular shape, but the shape of a trapezoid. This can lead to problems with the functioning of the spinal cord. This can lead to limb paralysis.

Note: Males must have properly developed testicles that are completely in the scrotum.

The small tail of the dog should be thick at the base, decreasing towards the end. In an excited state, the tail should not be higher than the line of the back.

It is worth moving away from the main parameters of the standard a bit and consider this topic in more detail. Most French Bulldog puppies are born with a naturally short tail. This can be explained by a genetic predisposition.

But not always representatives of this breed have such a tail. Some puppies are born with a tail that is longer than the standard. In this case, the breeder must immediately decide whether it is necessary to dock (cut off part of) the puppy's tail, since this operation is done when the puppy is three to five days old, not later.

When selling a puppy, the breeder is obliged to report whether he docked the tail of his pet. Especially if it is purchased for breeding - a long tail can be inherited. And in the case of a show career, a long tail can become an obstacle.

Sometimes surgery is necessary for medical reasons. For example, if a French bulldog's tail has begun to grow into the body or it fits so tightly to the body that it is not possible to care for the area under it, where diaper rash may appear.

Limbs and mobility

The forelimbs support the entire body of the French Bulldog under heavy load. Especially during exercise. Therefore, the limbs should not be close to each other. They should be straight, with well-developed muscles. The developed forearms should be straight and small, the shoulder blades and shoulders should be powerful and also small, and the elbows should be close to the body.

The compact, slightly rounded paws of the dog are slightly turned forward. They have tight pads and tight toes.

The length of the powerful hind limbs is ideally slightly longer than the front. They are even and parallel to each other. Powerful hips should not have rounded shapes. The hocks have a slight angulation and are fairly close to the ground.

The French Bulldog moves easily and straight, his limbs should move parallel to his body.

As the dog grows and gains muscle mass, the dog feels all the assurance during exercise.

wool cover

French Bulldogs are born short-haired, with straight hair that lies close to the body. The dog's coat should be shiny and slightly rough to the touch.


To find out how old these animals grow, you need to track how much the dog weighs during its growth. For convenience, all the necessary data is presented in the French Bulldog weight table by month:

As can be seen from this table, standard dogs grow up to the age of ten to eleven months. After that, the animal stops gaining weight and begins to grow in breadth. First comes the growth of the chest and head, as well as building muscle mass. French Bulldogs reach their final size by a year and a half.

But not all French Bulldogs grow and develop according to these data. There is an unofficial variety of mini bulldogs, whose weight is less than the standard minimum of eight kilograms, respectively, and the growth of such individuals can be less than twenty-five centimeters. Such dogs are called dwarf French bulldogs.

The life expectancy of standard representatives of the breed varies from ten to twelve years. But mini dogs do not fit the standard parameters due to a shortfall in height and weight. If an animal between the ages of eleven months and two years weighs less than the standard minimum, then its development is not going well compared to ordinary French Bulldogs.

As a result, mini bulldogs live less, sometimes not living up to the minimum standard age of ten years. The average life expectancy of mini dogs varies from seven to nine years, or even less.

With poor care, a dog's life can be shortened by several years. In general, such animals did not reach in height and weight due to a tendency to various diseases and mental disorders. That is why they need additional conditions throughout the years of life.


French Bulldogs are multi-faceted. Mostly they are energetic, but sometimes lazy. They have a stable and calm psyche, but sometimes they can show aggression towards other dogs.

Representatives of this breed are friendly, love the owner and his family, they are happy to spend time with children.


Any, even a slight deviation from the basic parameters of the standard is considered a defect. The severity of flaws is assessed according to their degree of materiality.


A French Bulldog may be disqualified if it has the following faults:

  • multi-colored eyes;
  • nose is not black;
  • lip anomalies;
  • scissor bite;
  • visible fangs with closed mouth;
  • incorrect set of ears;
  • cropped ears or tail;
  • dewclaws;
  • non-standard coat color;
  • absence of a tail.

Does your dog fit the standard norms?

The ancestors of these dogs were excellent guards and took part in fierce dog fights. Recalcitrant character, powerful jaws and a stern look - with such a pet you will not spoil! But soon European enthusiasts wanted to turn the fierce warrior into a good-natured and energetic companion. After several decades of selection, a charming decorative dog appeared - the French bulldog.

An affectionate animal with large locator-like ears, intelligent brown eyes and a huge variety of colors quickly won the love of people all over the planet.

Observational qualities
Security qualities
The size
Attitude towards children

History of the breed

Historians unanimously believe that the ancestors of the French Bulldogs were four-legged fighters and hunters. But the origin of the breed is not so easy to determine. There is no reliable information about the progenitors of charming babies.

For a long time, England and France competed for the title of the homeland of these little puffing beauties.

The English word "bulldog" ("bull - bull, dog - dog") residents of Foggy Albion called the dogs involved in bull-baiting. These fighting dogs are descended from the ancient Molossian Great Danes, who came to Great Britain from ancient Athens.

Of course, the Athenian emigrants were subjected to chaotic selection. They were kept by both noble people and the poor, crossing with a variety of local breeds. But still, in the appearance of the French and the first Old English Bulldogs, you can find a lot in common. For example, relief muscles and a shortened torso.

baby vs bull

The descendants of the Athenian four-legged aliens decreased in size over time. But it was these creatures that were destined to become the most ferocious gladiator dogs. They have entertained the English nobility for centuries by driving large animals to death. Even miniature toy bulldogs weighing up to 20 pounds participated in cruel games.

The bloody sport of bull-baiting was very popular among gambling aristocrats. The competition was traditionally held twice a week and for many decades became the national spectacle of England. The most courageous and enduring dogs were bought by the rich from their owners for a lot of money.

But in 1802 Parliament banned these cruel entertainments. True, the decree did not apply to dog fights - and the bulldogs went from the Colosseum to the rings. Oddly enough, here the breed did not last long. It turned out that in order to fight with their own kind, mobility and flexibility are needed, which four-legged bull fighters did not possess.

Instead of a cat

In the middle of the 19th century, dog fights were also banned in England. So, the bulldogs were out of work. The same fate befell their owners. People in factories were replaced by machines and machine tools. Therefore, the crowds of unemployed Englishmen decided to try their luck on the mainland. Some of them went to France, taking their favorite toy bulldogs with them.

This was an important turning point in the history of the breed. In the new homeland, the ancestors of the "Frenchman" found a new job. It turned out that they hunt rats very well. Since the Europeans, who survived several centuries of the Inquisition, treated cats with superstitious fear, the rat-catcher dogs that arrived from England came in handy.

The four-legged "English" became very popular among the poor in France. London dealers have made fortunes supplying these dogs to Paris and the surrounding area. Export completely eliminated the number of toy bulldogs in Foggy Albion. But the French accidentally gave this breed a new look and a new life.

Spaniards and beyond

It is believed that it was in France that the toy bulldog made friends with his Spanish counterpart - Alan. This now extinct breed was popular in the Iberian Peninsula during the Middle Ages. For some time, Spanish Bulldogs were used to accompany and guard cattle. But then the four-legged shepherds changed their specialization and, like their English counterparts, turned into warriors.

The city of Burgos became the most popular center where bull-driving competitions were held. Here, not for life, but for death, dogs fought, whose head corresponded to the head of modern French bulldogs.

But the Toy was actively crossed not only with Burgos dogs. The blood of terriers and pugs was also mixed here. The result is a unique compact dog with a short, snub-nosed muzzle and signature large, upright ears.

mother for piglets

A charming bulldog named Baby became famous for the fact that at different times she became a foster mother for kittens, rabbits and even a raccoon. A year ago, she began to take care of six wild piglets. She keeps them warm and cares for them like puppies.

How to get into the upper world?

By 1870, the appearance of the new breed was fully formed. However, it did not immediately arouse enthusiasm among the majority of Parisians. This dog still served as a rat catcher and guard on the working outskirts of the city in the families of the poor, cab drivers and employees.

The French bulldog even managed to get a bad name when Parisian girls of easy virtue fell in love with him. They were photographed on their advertising cards with these charming dogs. It was thanks to such advertising that bulldogs got into high society.

The dog instantly became noble and respectable. It turned out that she not only has a pleasant appearance, but also a wonderful character. The price of puppies has skyrocketed. Representatives of bohemia and the aristocracy laid out sums for their favorites equal to the cost of a new car.

The fame of the French bulldog was strengthened by the famous secular lion and Don Juan Leopold de Carneillon la Tour. He bought as many as three dogs and often walked with them along the Champs Elysees. And he gave their puppies to rich women whose hearts he wanted to win.

Favorite of the princess

The most famous dog of pre-revolutionary Russia was the French bulldog Ortino, the pet of Grand Duchess Romanova, daughter of the last Russian Emperor Nicholas II. Alas, the faithful dog was shot along with the royal family during the revolution. For a long time, the breed was banned in the USSR - it was considered a relic of imperialism.

Thank you King

The English King Edward 7th was a well-known connoisseur of good style and elegance. It was he who made the local nobility take a closer look at the virtues of the French bulldog when he rode through the streets of Paris with him in his hands.

Return to Foggy Albion

In 1880, the first French bulldog club appeared in Paris. The famous breeder Marcel Roger became its president. Five years later, outlandish four-legged "French" appeared at exhibitions. True, they were demonstrated together with toy bulldogs. But already in 1898, the breed standard was approved.

In 1903, a large-scale dog show was held in Paris, where as many as five dozen French bulldogs were presented. They were shown as an independent breed. The public rejoiced!

But English breeders for a long time refused to accept the "French freak", endowed with undesirable features. Protruding ears, wavy tail and frog face seemed unaesthetic to them. In addition, local cynologists considered bulldogs to be a national treasure and could not bear such a blasphemous selection of a toy bulldog.

Only in 1904 did breed kennels appear in England. The breeders were forced to recognize the charm of the "French dandy", but tried to refine his appearance. For example, they managed to shorten the tail of a dog.

French bulldog standard: weight, height, colors, breed description

The breed standard has changed many times. The latest version was adopted in 1995. According to this document, all French Bulldogs must weigh between 8 and 14 kg. Not so small for a compact height up to 35 cm, right? Everything is explained by the fact that this is a very strong animal with a muscular back and hind limbs.

The front legs are shorter, so the dog with the body raised at the back looks slightly stooped.

Probably because of this feature, all French bulldogs love to lie down with their hind legs stretched back. And the British jokingly call them frog dogs.

But the most remarkable thing about the breed is its square and broad head with a prominent, wrinkled forehead and a short upturned nose. The eyes of French Bulldogs are bulging and large. The look is lively, intelligent, good-natured. And the ears are very large with rounded tips. On a neck and under a throat folds, traditional for bulldogs, are located. And, of course, do not forget about the huge variety of variegated colors: uniform, brindle or spotted. They range from brown to red-brown. But there are also white ones. In general, you will not confuse such a prominent handsome man with anyone!

French Bulldogs are one of my favorites. The perfect city dog. He is one of the three most popular dogs in the world. The French Bulldog doesn't need a lot of space, they don't need it. The French are not athletes, they were not bred to become champions. Forget about skeet-hopping Labrador Retrievers. Due to the heavy upper part, they cannot float, more like an anchor than a float.

Because of the characteristic crumpled muzzle, French Bulldogs are classified as short-headed dogs. So called dogs with a short nose. The French have a very short head compared to the length of the skull, often the result of an elongated or split palate. Short-headed, flat-faced dogs can have many health problems. Because of this, they have loud and labored breathing. For this reason, the French Bulldog does not feel well and is not ready to frolic for hours. Special breathing conditions cause French Bulldogs to snore. The charming shape of the muzzle leads to another charming feature of the Frenchie - wrinkles.

These wrinkles are genetic in origin. During the breeding process, bulldogs acquired these wrinkles to drain blood from their eyes in case the dog was injured during a fight. Another obligatory element is ears, like a bat. Initially, the breeders favored droopy ears, but nowadays, all French Bulldogs have bat-like ears. Finally, French Bulldogs have serious reproductive problems.

Regular mating is not for them. The dog named after the most romantic country in the world does not use the standard canine stance. Due to the heavy upper body, narrow hips and weak legs, males cannot successfully climb onto the female. Therefore, it is necessary to resort to artificial insemination. But even more remarkable - due to the large head in relation to the body, during childbirth, puppies often cannot get out into the light, due to the fact that the passage is not wide enough. All this makes reproduction difficult and more expensive. For that, you can be sure that the birth of French Bulldog puppies will be planned.

dog and son

A white French bulldog became the subject of a Japanese blog. Young mother Aya Sakai has been filming the life of her son and his four-legged friend for a month now. The story of this family in pictures is the best proof that the "French" love kids.

french bulldog personality

As for the character, in this matter French bulldogs are often compared with English ones. Let's dispel the myths: the temperament of the two breeds is very different. The four-legged "English" are restrained and calm. But the nimble and funny "French" love to play pranks and have fun from the heart. No wonder they are called the most talented clowns among dogs. On the other hand, they are very patient and affectionate dogs that get along well even with small children. They will make great companions for the whole family. They do not have a drop of malice or aggression, but this breed does not have the courage. A baby can fearlessly approach a strange dog and get to know each other. Yes, and yard cats, he will drive with passion.

However, you should not be afraid of pranks and disobedience. The French Bulldog is highly trainable. He will be a bit stubborn, but can be negotiated with if you turn the workout into a fun game. And in order to curb the hot temperament, you can teach your pet to compete with an obstacle course.

Raising and caring for a French Bulldog

But do not load the bulldog with physical exercises. Remember, dogs of this breed have a very short nose, which sometimes causes breathing difficulties. In addition, the specific structure of the respiratory system causes snoring during sleep and frequent sniffing. Yes, and colds among the "French" are not uncommon. Be careful while walking! Take care of your pet's winter outfit, because short hair will not save him from the cold.

Make sure that the four-legged friend does not injure the bulging eyes. Also, keep your bulldog out of the water. Representatives of the breed do not know how to swim at all - a massive head immediately pulls them to the bottom.

Remember that the forces in this fourteen-kilogram miracle are unmeasured. Therefore, in no case do not trust his walking to small children. They probably won't be able to keep him. And, of course, do not overfeed your pet. Due to overeating, a muscular baby may well turn into a flabby fat man.

The rest of the French Bulldog will not give you trouble. It is great for keeping in apartments. You can take it with you on trips right in your bag. The dog will easily endure a change of scenery, retain a playful and restless disposition.

Palette from the Americans

Breeders from the USA played an important role in breeding the breed. They were guided by their own standards and were able to develop varieties of French Bulldogs with cream, red and fawn colors.

Dogs that inspire

French Bulldogs are often seen in paintings from the 19th and 20th centuries. For example, portraits of the great Russian singer Fyodor Chaliapin, Prince Yusupov, the imperial family of Alexander the 2nd are known, which are depicted with their beloved pets.

Today, the breed pleases and inspires many stars. Among them are Leonardo DiCaprio, Mick Jagger, Malcolm McDowell, Sergei Zhigunov, Martha Stewart and many others. In addition, representatives of the breed starred in many films, including Titanic, Armageddon, Used Lions.

Charming good-natured and cheerful French Bulldogs gave and will continue to give inspiration to their owners, charge people with optimism and joy. Invite a little eared merry fellow to your house - and he will become your faithful muse in all your endeavors!

Price of puppies

The first question that is usually asked to a breeder who wants to buy a French Bulldog is: "How much does a puppy cost?"

Currently the price of French Bulldog puppies varies from 10,000 to 30,000 rubles. This is the average level. Although the upper bound can be much larger. The cost is affected by the presence of a pedigree, as well as titled parents.

Articles about the breed

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One of the main questions that puppy owners ask is how big it will be. An adult French Bulldog must weigh from 8 to 15 kg depending on gender. Females are usually smaller than males and usually weigh between 8 and 12 kg. The Frenchie is located between small and medium dog breeds and can be classified as one or the other depending on size.

Weight calculation

First, an adult dog will typically weigh twice its weight at 4 months of age. Giant breeds double their 5-month-old weight.
And second, your puppy at 8 weeks of age will weigh about a quarter (25%) of his adult weight.

Monthly French Bulldog Puppy Weight Chart

Age, month The weight
Newborn puppy weight 200-300 gr
Puppy weight 4 weeks (1 month) 1-1.5 kg
Puppy weight at 2 months 2-2.5 kg
Puppy weight at 3 months 3.2-5.2 kg
Puppy weight at 4 months 4-6.5 kg
Puppy weight at 5 months 4.8-7.8 kg
Puppy weight at 6 months 5.6-9.1 kg
Puppy weight at 7 months 6.4-10.4 kg
Puppy weight at 8 months 7.2-11.7 kg
Puppy weight at 9 months 8-13 kg
Puppy weight at 10-12 months 9-15 kg

Factors affecting growth

Genetic factors have the greatest influence on the height and weight of the French Bulldog. Environmental factors are next in importance - puppies that breastfeed well and often in the first weeks of life are likely to grow faster and become larger.

The correct diet for a puppy after weaning it can also affect its growth rate. Puppies that don't get enough food or are fed a low-calorie diet may grow smaller. Overfeeding can cause bulldog obesity. Disorders and diseases can also affect its growth and final size.

Stages of growth

On average, French Bulldogs tend to grow to their final size and reach their maximum height at the withers by 9-12 months. They then develop their musculature over the course of 2 years of life and are fully mature by 2 years of age.

During the growth stage, puppies can become quite heavy, and then in the second year of life they become more lean and fit. Therefore, a one-year-old puppy may be slightly heavier than an adult dog.

Photo of a french bulldog puppy at 1 month (4 weeks)

Photo of a french bulldog puppy at 2 months old

Photo of a french bulldog puppy at 3 months old

Photo of a french bulldog puppy at 4 months old

Photo of a french bulldog puppy at 5 months old

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