How to use a boron uterus. Boron mother. Application, instructions, contraindications of herbs upland uterus. Reasons for the development of amenorrhea

Or a boar mother. Its medicinal properties and contraindications will be described in this article. Ortilia cures women's diseases, helps to conceive a child, improves reproductive functions.

Morphological description of the plant

The upland uterus, the medicinal properties and contraindications of which are clearly spelled out in the instructions for use, is a perennial plant. The stems are adjacent to the ground and grow up to 25 cm. The leaves are oblong, pointed upwards. Inflorescence drooping, collected in a brush, consisting of small bell-shaped white-greenish flowers. Fruits in August. The fruit is a small oval-shaped box up to 6 cm in length.

Prefers cold and temperate climates for growth. Distributed in the European part of Russia (Siberia, Far East, Ciscaucasia). It occurs in coniferous, mixed and small-leaved forests, on clearings and forest edges, glades and in ravines.

Procurement and storage

The upland uterus, the medicinal properties and contraindications of which must be taken into account during the reception, has valuable properties. In folk medicine, the entire visible aerial part is used. Grass is harvested during the period of active flowering, which, depending on the region of growth, falls in June or mid-July. The cut plant is laid out in a layer of no more than four centimeters and dried in a place closed from direct sunlight.

The history of the use of the boron uterus in folk medicine

"Upland uterus" means "mother of the forest." For a long time, the plant was used to increase the reproductive functions of women. They said that only it can save a woman from infertility. They considered it a lifesaver from everyone. It was argued that God created the one-sided ortilia especially for ladies, breathing only female nature into it, endowing it with valuable properties. After all, there are many stories of miraculous healing, including the onset of a long-awaited pregnancy.

The upland uterus, the medicinal properties and contraindications of which are described not only by folk herbalists, but also proven by official medicine, has diuretic and antimicrobial effects. Since 2003, it has been registered with the Russian Ministry of Health. Its use is regulated by regulatory and technical documentation.

The upland uterus was depicted in the drawings of our ancestors. Such examples were found on the Altai slabs of the 5th-6th centuries BC. The image of this grass was constantly next to the woman and the moon. The interpretation of ancient frescoes has not yet been unraveled. Artifacts do not fully reveal the culture of using a medicinal plant. They only talk about eating the herb and using it as a medicine for women.

Chemical composition

The upland uterus (reviews of doctors in relation to it are very skeptical, but despite this, gynecologists prescribe it when planning pregnancy and from infertility) contains many healing substances. These are organic acids with a predominance of citric and tartaric, tannins, bitter glycosides (methylarbutin, arbutin), natural hydroquinone. The plant is rich in coumarins and flavonoids (quercetin, isoquercetin, hyperoside). It contains quinones, a large amount of vitamin C, as well as trace elements especially necessary for the body, such as iron, manganese, copper, zinc, and titanium. The most important component is phytoestrogens. They contribute to the cure of gynecological diseases.

Ortilia lopsided is distinguished by a specific aroma, similar to the smell of fish. This amber is obtained due to the high concentration of iridoids. The same substance is found in fish scales. Dry grass loses its smell, but in tinctures it is pleasant and light.

The use of boron uterus in medicine

The upland uterus for women is simply irreplaceable. Has a wide spectrum of activity. It is often used in the treatment of diseases of the genitourinary organs. It has diuretic properties, disinfects and relieves the inflammatory process. Fights microbes. It is used for diseases of the kidneys and bladder. It has proven itself in the fight against cystitis and pyelonephritis. Disinfectant qualities help in the treatment of hemorrhoids. Folk herbalists recommend using ortilia for disorders of the gastrointestinal tract. Decoctions based on the hog uterus stop bleeding and heal wounds. Phytotherapy using a plant improves the functioning of the endocrine system.

Gynecologists advise drinking infusion for inflammation of the genital organs, menstrual irregularities, absence of menstruation and their severe course. It treats ortilia unilateral fibroma, myoma, promotes the resorption of adhesions and fights obstruction of the fallopian tubes. Helps stop bleeding. Used for diseases of the cervix and ovarian cysts. Improves the microflora of the vagina, relieves the inflammatory process. It acts as a good antiseptic for thrush, vaginitis and colpitis. It debugs the processes of ovulation of cells. Increases libido.

Boron uterus is often taken to get pregnant. Restores the full functioning of the ovaries and uterus. It improves the reproductive functions of a woman due to a beneficial effect on the hormonal background. Gives chances for successful conception of a child. During pregnancy, it helps to resist toxicosis.

The upland uterus in the premenopausal period will be useful. Another hormonal restructuring of the body causes a number of unpleasant symptoms, from which this herb helps to get rid of. It has a positive effect on the nervous system, normalizes sleep and prevents the occurrence of a depressive state. Phytoestrogens and antioxidants contained in the plant have anti-aging properties.

Antitumor properties have proven effective in preventive treatment and in the complex therapy of benign and malignant tumors. It has a beneficial effect on the work of the heart and blood vessels. Heals them. It is recommended to drink it with diabetes to prevent the occurrence and development of cataracts. Brings pressure back to normal. Heals scars and wounds. Useful for stomach ulcers.

Despite the fact that the upland uterus is considered to be able to cure male diseases. In case of infertility, one-sided ortilia is advised to drink to both partners. Stimulates the activity of spermatozoa, makes them active. Increases their number. Anti-inflammatory qualities relieve prostatitis, hemorrhoids, prostate adenoma.

Mode of application

Borovaya uterus (drops can be bought ready-made and do not waste time preparing tinctures) is used in the form of an aqueous or alcoholic tincture. They also make a decoction out of it.

If a ready-made tincture is used, then it should be used 10-20 drops under the tongue or dissolved in a small amount of liquid. It is taken twice a day, 20-30 minutes before meals. Shake the tincture before use. The course is one month.

To prepare a decoction, a tablespoon of boron uterus is poured with boiling water (250 grams). Simmer on fire for ten minutes and insist for four hours, filter. Take a tablespoon four times a day, before meals.

Alcohol tincture is prepared from 0.5 liters of vodka and two tablespoons of grass. Aged for three weeks in a dark place. The bottle is shaken from time to time. It is taken 15-20 drops in the morning, afternoon and evening, an hour before meals.

To prepare an aqueous infusion, you need to take two tablespoons of boron uterus and pour two cups of boiling water. Insist fifteen minutes, strain. Drink ½ cup three times a day.

Ortilia lopsided should be drunk in courses. The duration of the first is 21 days. Its beginning should fall at the end of menstruation. Reception continues until the next this herb can not be consumed. Phytotherapists advise doing several courses (2-5).

A decoction and infusion of ortilia lopsided is used both inside and for various procedures, such as douching, treatment of purulent wounds. Good How to take it, it was described above.

Indications for use

In the treatment of various ailments, both grass and herbal tea "Borovaya Matka" can be used. In the latter, in addition to ortilia lopsided, other medicinal herbs may be present in the composition. Boron uterus helps in the treatment of such diseases:

  • myoma and fibroma of the uterus;
  • mastopathy;
  • uterine polyps;
  • infertility;
  • inflammatory processes;
  • uterine bleeding;
  • failure of the menstrual cycle;
  • endometriosis;
  • cervical erosion;
  • polycystic and ovarian cysts;
  • cystitis;
  • toxicosis;
  • obstruction of the pipes;
  • prostate adenoma;
  • haemorrhoids;
  • urinary incontinence;
  • diabetes;
  • prostate inflammation.

The herb has a positive effect on sperm quality and sperm activity. Increases their quantitative content.


Despite the fact that the upland uterus (the price for it is acceptable) is useful, it has contraindications. This is an individual intolerance to the components of the plant, the period of pregnancy (2nd and 3rd trimesters), lactation. With obstruction of the fallopian tubes, the plant can contribute to the onset of an ectopic pregnancy.

You should be wary of the upland uterus when using hormonal contraceptives. You should not drink infusions and decoctions of ortilia lopsided during menstruation. It is also undesirable to use the plant for gastritis due to ingredients that can provoke a wave of exacerbation and discomfort in the stomach area.

Side effects

Reception of a boron uterus should be agreed with a gynecologist. Far from harmless and can cause a number of side effects, the upland uterus. Reviews of doctors recommend adhering to the doses indicated in the instructions, since a higher concentration of medicinal herbs can cause intoxication of the body.

At the beginning of treatment, a slight exacerbation of the disease is sometimes observed, which subsequently disappears. While taking the herb, the length of the cycle and the period of ovulation may change. Bloody discharge in some cases becomes more abundant. There is a change in body temperature. Some women begin to worry about migraines, nausea, weakness and lethargy, stomach discomfort. In this case, the reception is stopped until the state of health normalizes. If these signs reappear, then there is a case of individual intolerance.

The use of a boron uterus and a red brush

The upland uterus and the red brush are often used together in medicinal formulations. is not inferior to ortilia lopsided in terms of the content of useful substances and complements its amazing properties. This combination helps to achieve maximum results in the treatment of female ailments. A medical collection is used, which includes a red brush and a hog uterus, for conception (how to take it is described below), the treatment of fibroids, mastopathy, fibroids, with painful menstruation, infertility, cystitis.

For these purposes, two tablespoons of a mixture of herbs are poured with 250 grams of boiling water. Simmer for fifteen minutes on low heat. Strain and drink. The upland uterus and the red brush in the form of an infusion are taken in a tablespoon three times a day for fourteen days. Take a break for 14 days. After that, the therapy is continued.

Upland uterus: price

Ortilia lopsided is a product accessible to people. Herbal tea containing ortilia costs about 60 rubles. For 25 g of this grass, you will have to pay from 50 to 150 rubles. The price of the finished tincture is about a hundred rubles.

In this article, we will consider the herb upland uterus - medicinal properties, use of this medicinal plant in gynecology. You will learn what this herb treats and how to properly take the boron uterus for various ailments. Let's take a closer look at the pathologies and painful conditions in which this medicinal plant is used.

This is a perennial plant from the heather genus, since ancient times it has been used to treat diseases of the reproductive system. The upland uterus enjoyed well-deserved popularity among Slavic healers and among the Indians of North America.

Usually, the Upland uterus is associated with the treatment of female gynecological diseases, however, the plant has a beneficial effect on both the male body and the general state of human health. It can also be taken by children.

Where the grass grows Borovaya uterus

This wonderful medicinal plant has many names, although officially in botany it is called Ortilia lopsided.

Ortilia grows most often in the temperate climate zone.

Mixed coniferous forests are the native element of Ortilia, it is also found in meadows in swamps and even in mountains up to a height of 1000 m. The areola of its distribution is North America and Eurasia.

Found in Siberia and the Far East. You can find it on the edges, in ravines and forest clearings.

The upland uterus is a perennial plant of the heather family, shoots are low up to 30 cm high. It has very long roots, every year it adds 1 meter of root system. The leaves are small, up to 8 cm, oval, dark green. It blooms with modest inflorescences collected in tassels.

Flowering time June-July, flowers in the form of miniature white bells with a slight greenish tint. They are collected in a brush hanging in one direction, which is why Ortilia got its original name - one-sided. The seed ripening time is August, the fruits are a spherical box


Herbalists and traditional healers claim that Ortilia is the best assistant for the treatment of 40 ailments. Traditional medicine gave this plant an honorable first place in the treatment of women's diseases.

It is worth noting that official medicine, after a thorough study of the benefits and harms of the Boron uterus, began to put it on a par with expensive drugs that are intended for the treatment of female gynecological diseases.

For its special healing properties, for the fact that the grass saved women from infertility and gave the joy of motherhood, people have glorified this plant for centuries and gave it many affectionate and very original names.

  • boron uterus;
  • Borovinka;
  • hare salt;
  • pear tree;
  • female grass;
  • grass from 40 diseases;
  • motherboard;
  • borovushka.

The chemical composition of the plant

Official science has identified several main components that allow the plant to cope with its therapeutic task:

  1. Phytohormones - in particular phytoestrogens are substances that affect the endometrium and regulate the menstrual cycle.
  2. Hydroquinone - a natural antioxidant that kills bacteria and some viruses;
  3. Organic acids - tartaric and citric acids, are natural metabolism accelerators. Beneficial effect on the endocrine system and gastric mucosa.
  4. Flavonoids - natural accelerators of the secretion of bile and pancreatic juice, improve digestion and absorption of nutrients.
  5. Coumarins are natural non-toxic anticoagulants, substances that prevent the formation of blood clots and thin the blood.
  6. Vitamins - vitamin C is the main vitamin for strengthening blood vessels and improving blood composition.
  7. Trace elements - zinc, copper, manganese. All these microelements actively influence the basal metabolic rate and can reduce the level of inflammatory response in the body. Manganese and zinc are involved in the synthesis of many sex hormones and affect the strength of bone tissue.
  8. Tannins - astringent and bactericidal property, will help to cope with inflammation.

The use of the Boron uterus

Consider the application, the medicinal properties of the boron uterus in more detail: in what cases can this plant be used, for the treatment of which diseases Ortilia lopsided is used and how to do it correctly.

Hormonal disorders

Ortilia lopsided, as already mentioned, contains phytoestrogen - these substances in chemical composition are very similar to the sex hormones of the female body, progesterone and estrogen.

Hormones affect the health of a woman, namely, with an excess or lack of hormonal substances, the endometrium does not go through its life cycle. It is otherwise called the woman's menstrual cycle. Due to the difference in concentrations of estrogen and progesterone in the endometrium, three successive phases occur:

  1. Desquamation is the phase in which, in the absence of pregnancy, the uterine mucosa undergoes necrosis and is shed. The blood vessels that supply the endometrium are also destroyed. Within a few days, the entire glandular cover departs in menstrual bleeding.
  2. Proliferation - in the phase of proliferation, new glands are born, the mucosa is slowly renewed and grows again.
  3. Secretion - in this phase, the glands actively produce substances that will help the embryo to penetrate the uterine mucosa and gain a foothold in it. It is during this period that women ovulate, that is, the release of an egg from the ovary.

If in a woman's body there are interruptions in the work of the ovaries or the work of the central neurohumoral regulation, then the level of hormones does not allow a phase change to occur. Thus, even if the egg was fertilized, and the uterine cavity does not meet the requirements for the implantation of the embryo, then pregnancy will not occur.

In addition to the process of reproduction, hormones affect the possibility of the formation of malignant and benign neoplasms of the uterine cavity. So elevated estrogen levels can contribute to the development of atypical endometrial hyperplasia.

Another option for hormonal disorders can be the growth of polyps from the endometrium. Polyps are benign neoplasms of the cavity, but they contribute to bleeding outside the phase of the cycle or longer and more painful periods.

How does the boron uterus work?

Phytohormones compensate and balance the hormonal background, due to which the menstrual cycle is evened out. Also, as a result of a balanced level of estrogen and progesterone, premenstrual syndrome in women is more mild and painless.

Fight inflammation and infertility

Another action of the Boron uterus is aimed at combating inflammation. The inflammatory process in the pelvic cavity for millions of women is not new. Approximately every second woman in different periods of her life suffered thrush.

In addition, inflammation in the fallopian tubes, or salpingitis, is a disease of every fifth woman, according to official statistics. Often in their youth, girls suffer from acute salpingitis on their legs, do not go to the doctor and do not receive appropriate treatment.

By the time these girls are going to start a family and will hope for pregnancy, a chronic course of salpingitis may be detected. The fallopian tubes are very thin tortuous, inside they are covered with microscopic villi or cilia.

In acute inflammation in the cavity of the fallopian tubes, connective tissue strands appear. Pregnancy may not occur only due to the fact that the fertilized egg cannot pass through the fallopian tube and enter the uterine cavity.

Moreover, chronic salpingitis is a direct threat to the occurrence of ectopic pregnancy and needs surgical treatment.

The upland uterus, which contains substances with an anti-inflammatory effect, can cope with the disease.

Other inflammatory diseases that are treated with Boron uterus:

  • vaginitis;
  • urethritis;
  • cystitis;
  • adnexitis;
  • pyelonephritis;
  • chronic and acute prostatitis in men;
  • endometritis;
  • endocervicitis or erosion of the cervix;
  • cervical erosion.

Antitumor effect

A group of diseases in the treatment of which the use of the Boron uterus may be relevant is the fight against diseases of a tumor nature.

Among women, especially in the middle age category with menopause or on the eve of menopause, a large number of cases of growth, the so-called uterine fibroids.

Fibromyoma is nothing more than a benign formation of the muscular layer of the uterus. This neoplasm rarely becomes malignant. But it can grow to huge sizes.

Ovarian cysts that occur at any age, but are most often malignant after thirty. Among the cysts, there are those that arose at the site of a mature egg, and those that appeared due to an unstable concentration of sex hormones in the blood.

Some oncologists believe that a malignant neoplasm of the uterine mucosa is also a consequence of an imbalance of hormones.

Boron uterus has unique properties due to its chemical composition. For the treatment and prevention of drugs based on this plant, both women and men are prescribed.

Therapeutic effects of the upland uterus:

  1. stabilizes hormonal balance;
  2. strengthens the level of immunity;
  3. enhances libido;
  4. helps with chronic diseases, especially inflammatory nature;
  5. normalizes the hormonal and menstrual cycle of a woman;
  6. improves sperm quality;
  7. eliminates the causes of infertility;
  8. helps to eliminate the consequences of salpingo-ovoritis;
  9. reduces pain and sensitivity in the mammary glands during menstruation.

Boron uterus preparations


Form release drops for oral administration, capsules and tablets. The drug is used as an addition to the main treatment. It treats diseases of the urinary system, such as cystitis, pyelonephritis.

Helps with diseases that are accompanied by inflammation in the fallopian tubes, ovaries, as well as benign neoplasms of the uterus, cervical erosion, bleeding.

Gynekol is a preparation that is a herbal collection of several types of plants, in addition to the hog uterus itself. taking pills removes the unpleasant sensations from the smell of herbs. Strict dosage of components eliminates the possibility of side effects.


Tablets which include several plants - Ortilia lopsided, meadowsweet grass, oregano, chamomile.

They help a woman cope with menopause by improving her general condition. In addition, it acts as a preventive measure for the occurrence of fibroids, abnormal uterine bleeding, adhesive processes in the pelvis.

Also, the drug relieves inflammation and relieves pain in other organs.

Consider the use of Borovoy uterus in folk medicine. You will learn how to properly prepare and take this medicinal plant.

Ortilia tincture

Alcohol extract is prepared from half a liter of vodka and 50 grams of dry plant material. Combine these components in a dark glass or ceramic dish, close tightly with a lid and infuse for two weeks in a dark place.

Drink half an hour before meals, approximately 35 drops per 100 ml of water, three times a day. Treatment with alcohol tincture lasts a course of 3 weeks with a week break. If necessary, it is repeated in the same way. In dosage, it is important not to overdo it.

Infusion from Borovoy uterus

Dry grass must be chopped, and fresh plants finely chopped with a knife. Take two tablespoons and pour 500 ml of boiling water. Wrap the dishes with the infusion with a terry towel and set aside for two hours. Strain.

Drink four times a day before meals, five tablespoons. Treatment lasts a course of 3 weeks and depends on the nature of the disease. At the same time, it is worth paying attention that every day it is necessary to prepare a fresh infusion.

Boron uterus decoction

Combine 400 ml of water, preferably purified, and 50 grams of the plant. Boil the broth for 10 minutes, insist under the lid for another half hour. Strain.

Drink two tablespoons, four times a day. Course 21 days.

How to drink a boron uterus

Before starting treatment with drugs that contain Ortilia lopsided, you should consult your doctor. This medicinal plant has a rather strong therapeutic effect, so it can have a significant effect on a woman's body.

Thus, if the level of one's own estrogens is below normal, it is necessary to take infusions or tablets with a boron uterus in the secretion phase.

If the level of hormones is normal, you can drink the boron uterus after the end of the cycle, or on the first day of bleeding. But not later than the seventh day after the start of menstruation.

Do not take drugs with a boron uterus along with other drugs that contain sex hormones.

Upland uterus for conception - how to take it correctly

Borovushka is a very effective remedy if a couple has problems conceiving. However, you should not despair, in order for a woman to become pregnant, she needs to drink a boron uterus in the form of an infusion or in the form of an alcohol solution.

Let's prepare the infusion:

  • pour a tablespoon of vegetable raw materials with a glass of boiling water;
  • simmer everything in a water bath for 15 minutes, and then insist for half an hour and filter.

We accept the resulting infusion of one tablespoon from 4 to 5 times during the day. Should be taken 20 minutes before meals. The scheme of reception is as follows: 21 7-21 - this means that 3 weeks of admission, and then 1 week of break. After that, the course is repeated again for 3 weeks.

Alcohol tincture of Ortilia should be drunk 30 drops 3 times a day. This should be done before meals in the same way: 21-7-21.

Very effective for conception and bagged tea from Borovoy uterus!


Before starting a course of treatment with Ortilia unilateral, you will need to consult a doctor. It will be necessary to pass tests for hormones - estradiol, progesterone.

The treatment process requires regular control tests for hormones, as well as ultrasound. If a woman has a decrease in estrogen levels, then first of all it is recommended to drink a course with sage, and only then a boron uterus.

Medicinal properties of Ortilia lopsided for women

Since ancient times, the side flower has been called a female grass and this name is far from an accident, because the specialization of this plant is mainly the treatment of gynecological diseases:

  • female infertility;
  • myoma, fibromyoma;
  • uterine bleeding;
  • cervical erosion;
  • obstruction of the pipes;
  • infantility of the uterus.

Also, regular use of this herb normalizes the menstrual cycle. For treatment, you need to take a standard ordinary infusion of the Boron uterus, according to the recipe described above. It has exceptional healing properties for women of all ages.

Polycystic ovaries

Polycystic ovaries is a formidable female disease, its cause is mainly endocrinological disorders. It is worth paying attention that a neglected disease can turn into infertility for a woman. That is why you need to see a doctor in time.

Usually, Ortilia is used for the complex treatment of this disease, which is used to treat the disease in the form of a decoction - 3 tablespoons, three times a day before meals or as an alcohol tincture - 30 drops per tablespoon of water, also three times a day before meals.

The course of treatment is 3 weeks, then you need to take a 7-day break and repeat the three-week treatment again. Treatment courses are repeated until the disease is completely cured. It is worth noting that the treatment is quite long, while the prognosis is usually favorable.

Polyps uterine

Ortilia lopsided is also used to treat polyps in the uterus. Of course, this method is unlikely to save a woman from already formed polyps. However, due to the intake of grass, the hormonal background is normalized, and this will help to avoid the appearance and growth of new formations in the future.


It is especially worth noting that the intake of the Boron uterus significantly reduces the risk of degeneration of these formations into malignant ones.

Thanks to the use of the lateral flower in the pelvic organs, blood stasis is reduced, cholesterol levels are reduced. And cholesterol is one of the reasons for the formation and growth of polyps.

It has a significant antimicrobial effect on the body, thus a kind of prevention from this disease occurs. The upland uterus with polyps is recommended to be taken in the form of a regular alcohol tincture. For treatment, 40 drops of tincture are diluted with a tablespoon of water and taken 3 times a day, one hour before meals.

Taking Ortilia can eliminate another rather serious problem that accompanies uterine polyps - this is severe pain during menstruation. The fact is that the tincture or infusion of this plant has an analgesic effect.

Alcoholic infusion of the boflower is taken 15 drops 3 times a day 1 hour before meals. The decoction should be taken one tablespoon according to the same scheme. You can also drink a water tincture of Borovoy uterus, the dose of taking half a glass 3 times a day.

After surgery to remove a polyp, taking the herb for the first few days is not recommended - it can cause bleeding. The upland uterus should not be taken if the level of estrogen in the blood is elevated - this can provoke an even greater growth of polyps.


In the case of fibroids, it is also recommended to use the herb Ortilia lopsided. Drink infusion: one tablespoon of chopped herbs is poured with a glass of boiling water, insisted for half an hour, then filtered. The resulting infusion should be drunk 1/3 cup three times a day.

In addition, you can consult a doctor about the doses of admission and the course of treatment. The standard treatment regimen is to take the infusion for 21 days, after which they take a break for a week, and then repeat the treatment again.


In case of mastopathy, the treatment with the Borovoy uterus is carried out as follows: you need to take 10 drops of an alcohol tincture of this plant, dilute it a little in water. Drink three times a day half an hour before meals.

The course of treatment is 1 month, if necessary, the course is repeated after 2 weeks.

Ortilia lopsided with amenorrhea and cystitis in women

Amenorrhea is a condition in which women do not have menstruation for a long time from six months or more. This disorder can occur in women between the ages of 16 and 45.

The situation on the normalization of the menstrual cycle can be corrected by taking the infusion of the Boron uterus. It is worth considering that in order to achieve optimal results, you can combine a boron uterus with a red brush and drink these herbs in a complex collection.

For reception, two plants are mixed in equal proportions, poured with boiling water, infused, then filtered. Drink the resulting infusion 3 tablespoons three times a day. With its regular use, the menstrual cycle and ovulation slowly begin to return to normal and recover.

Bokotsvetka has well-defined anti-inflammatory, disinfectant and diuretic properties. That is why this herb is highly recommended to take with inflammation of the mucous membrane of the bladder - cystitis.


With the disease Endometriosis, the treatment with Borovoy uterus gives a very good effect. in this case, an alcohol tincture is taken from 20-25 drops 3 times a day 20 minutes before meals. A decoction of Ortilia should be taken in the same way.

With endometriosis, the course of treatment is at least three months. It is worth considering that the treatment with alcohol tincture is more effective, since its properties are much stronger than those of the decoction.

It is worth considering the fact that the more a woman is sick and the more the disease is started, the longer it will be necessary to continue taking the Boron uterus in order to recover from the disease.


There are quite a few positive reviews about the use of Borovoy uterus in menopause. For women, this period is quite difficult in life. This is the time when a lot of unpleasant symptoms and psychological experiences appear that bring a certain discomfort to life.

One of the options that can improve the quality of life of a woman during menopause is the use of traditional medicine and the use of traditional recipes. Practice has shown that taking the Boron uterus is able to normalize the hormonal background, as a result of this, the woman feels much better, becomes more confident, her strength returns and her mood improves.


  1. The properties of the boron uterus help the fetus to gain a foothold in the uterus. Therefore, if there is a risk of an ectopic pregnancy due to adhesions in the fallopian tubes, then you can not drink a medicinal plant.
  2. You can not drink drugs with Ortilya if you have gastritis, especially in the acute stage.
  3. An absolute contraindication to taking a boron uterus for women who carry a child. Despite the fact that in the first weeks of pregnancy, Ortilia helps the fetus to implant in the uterine mucosa, at a later date it can contribute to a miscarriage.
  4. Individual intolerance and allergic reaction to the plant component.
  5. Do not use a boron uterus during breastfeeding.
  6. For children under fourteen years of age, it is contraindicated to take any dosage forms.
  7. If blood clotting is reduced, this is an important contraindication. The substances that make up the plant thin the blood and further reduce clotting.


The chemical composition of the plant Borovaya uterus or Ortiliya one-sided is so rich in a variety of useful components that it has a powerful healing effect on the body.

It is not for nothing that herbalists, healers and traditional healers treated this plant with trepidation, they successfully treated many ailments with the help of the hog uterus, long before the development of official medicine.

Remember - the most important guarantee of successful treatment with this plant is the correct prescription of the dose of drugs, the number of days of admission and the dosage form. And this can only be done by a doctor or an experienced homeopath. Do not self-medicate, so as not to aggravate the state of health!!!

The medicinal plant upland uterus is familiar to many of the fair sex.

For women, the grass is useful, because it has a diuretic and antibacterial effect, resolves and eliminates inflammation.

Medicinal herb is used in combination in the treatment of female pathologies and helps in the fight against infertility.

That is why the plant is widely used in gynecology.

Brief botanical information about the plant

The upland uterus or Ortilia lopsided is a herbaceous plant.

Perennial can reach a height of 20 cm.

The root system grows rapidly with numerous, thin appendages, as well as with rising shoots.

The foliage is in the form of an oval or circle, sharp-toothed, with a pointed top.

The stem does not branch, small scaly leaves are located on top, and at the end there is an inflorescence in the form of a brush, consisting of small green-whitish flowers

The fruit is flattened spherical, box 6 mm. Blooms in early to mid-summer.

Gives fruits at the end of the summer period.

What is included in the unique composition of the boron uterus?

The medicinal properties of ortilia lopsided can be explained by its unique chem. composition.

The composition includes:

  1. Arbutin.
  2. Hydroquinone.
  3. Coumarins.
  4. Vitamin C.
  5. Flavonoids.
  6. resins.
  7. Saponins.
  8. Wine acid.
  9. Lemon acid.

Also in the composition are minerals (Ti, Cu, Zn, Mg).

In ortiliya lopsided, there is a large amount of water-insoluble organic substances of the aromatic series.

Due to this composition, doctors often prescribe treatment with a boron uterus in combination with traditional medicine methods:

  • Arbutin, which is in the composition, eliminates inflammation and gives a diuretic effect.
  • Hydroquinone has antioxidant properties.
  • Coumarins are the strongest anticoagulants.
  • Flavonoids fight inflammation, have a choleretic effect, give a sedative and antioxidant effect.
  • Saponins tone, soothe, have a diuretic effect.
  • The antiseptic and anti-inflammatory quality of the plant is due to hydroquinone.

Boron uterus in gynecology - beneficial properties for the female body

The medicinal plant has:

  • anti-inflammatory action,
  • antimicrobial activity,
  • antitumor,
  • absorbable,
  • painkiller,
  • diuretic,

Medicines from this herb are able to normalize uterine activity and the proper functioning of the appendages.

Also, preparations based on this medicinal plant normalize the functioning of the reproductive system as a whole, and therefore are useful for conception.

For women, medicines based on the hog uterus are prescribed for various kinds of gynecological pathologies, mainly of an inflammatory nature.

For what diseases is the upland uterus taken in gynecology?

Ortilia one-sided in complex treatment is prescribed for the following pathologies:

  1. Mastopathy.
  2. Endometriosis.
  3. Hyperplasia.
  4. polyps of the uterus.
  5. With myoma.

Used for hormonal pathologies that lead to infertility, treat inflamed ovaries.

In addition to the above pathologies, cysts are often treated with a hog uterus.

Ortilia is very often used for the treatment of gynecological diseases that occur with inflammation, bleeding.

Ortilia helps to normalize menstruation, eliminates failures and erosion of the cervix.

In particular, the herb showed a good therapeutic effect in endometriosis.

Women have long known that a medicinal plant helps to get pregnant and carry a baby.

The herb treats infertility, so alternative medicines based on ortilia have long been taken to get pregnant.

Before taking the medicine, you should consult with a specialist herbalist or therapist, he will tell you how to drink the medicine for conception in order to get a positive result and not harm your health.

Tincture / infusion / decoction of medicinal herbs are used as an antiseptic for inflammation in the paired organ and the genitourinary system.

Also, the medicine of alternative medicine has shown itself well in the treatment of such diseases as:

  1. Cystitis.
  2. Pyelonephritis.
  3. Urinary incontinence.

It is not uncommon for doctors to prescribe drugs based on ortilia lopsided for the treatment of uterine fibroids.

How to use the upland uterus correctly for the treatment of female diseases?

Treatment is traditionally carried out using the following dosage forms:

  1. Water infusion.
  2. Decoction.
  3. Boron uterus tincture for alcohol.

At the same time, drugs are used not only for internal use, it is also prescribed for douching with inflammation in the appendages, in the ovaries, as well as in case of menstrual cycle failures, with uterine fibroids, adhesive processes in the small pelvis, with obstruction and inflammation in the uterine tubes.

Recipes for use - treatment regimen

It is possible to use ortilia in the form of tinctures and decoctions.

The course of therapy and the scheme of taking the drug depends on the type and duration of the pathology.

During the period of menstruation, drinking an alternative medicine is strictly prohibited. Also, you should not use drugs internally and externally in combination with oral contraceptives and other hormonal drugs.

  • Boron uterus tincture

Five tablespoons of dry grass and pour vodka (500 ml).

We leave to infuse for two weeks in a dark place, periodically shaking (stirring) the tincture.

We filter. This tincture should be taken 40 drops one hour before meals, at least three times a day.

Usually, according to doctors, for each year of the disease, it is necessary to take 250 ml of tincture of the boron uterus. If the drug is used for prophylactic purposes, then the course of therapy should be at least 3-4 weeks.

  • Boron uterus decoction

Two tablespoons of dry leaves or flowers of a boron uterus, pour 1.5 glasses of water. Bring the solution to a boil and simmer for 10 minutes over low heat. Remove from fire.

Cover with a lid and let the broth brew for another half hour. Strain. And take a tablespoon three times a day half an hour before meals.

You will learn even more about how the upland uterus is used in gynecology if you watch this video.

How to prepare a plant correctly?

For therapy in combination with traditional methods of treatment, raw materials are harvested.

Prepare the entire above-ground part:

  1. Foliage.
  2. stems.
  3. Color.

It is necessary to harvest raw materials during the flowering period, starting from the end of spring time and until October.

The collected raw materials must be dried well in a shady place in the open air or in a well-ventilated area.

Contraindications for use

Medicinal herbal preparations can provoke the development of side effects.

You can not take drugs if diagnosed:

  1. Allergy.
  2. Individual intolerance.
  3. During pregnancy.
  4. During lactation.

Drugs can lead to general malaise, weakness, pain in the epigastric region, diarrhea, and headaches.

With pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract, gastritis can worsen. The drugs can cause bleeding if the person has bleeding problems or is taking anticoagulants.

In order not to harm your health, as well as to take the drug correctly, you need to consult a doctor

It is extremely dangerous to self-medicate, alternative medicines have a strong effect and can lead to negative consequences!

But with the correct use of herbs, you can get a high-quality therapeutic effect.

Phytotherapy is a generous gift of nature, which carries the power of medicinal herbs that can cure a large number of diseases. Herbal treatment has a milder effect than synthetic drugs, but the effect of some plants can be many times stronger than that of drugs. A large number of medicinal plants are recognized by traditional medicine and are widely produced by pharmaceutical companies in the form of infusions, drops, dry herbal extracts and other forms. Among the large list of medicinal herbs, such a herb as the upland uterus is quite popular, which has been used by mankind for more than a dozen years and is widely used both for therapeutic and prophylactic purposes for the treatment of ailments associated with the female reproductive system.

The upland uterus has several names - "Ortilia one-sided", "Maternal" and others. This plant is recognized as official medicine and is often used in the production of dietary supplements, it is also produced in the form of an alcohol tincture or herbs that have undergone primary processing. Borova uterus tincture - instructions for use allows you to get acquainted in more detail with the miracle plant, its properties, indications, contraindications, methods of administration. The upland uterus found its use hundreds of years ago, when ancient healers prepared drinks from this plant for women who could not get pregnant. At the moment, the scope of this herb is wider, since it is used not only in gynecology, but also in urology and gastroenterology.

Borova uterus: properties

In herbal medicine, the stems, leaves and flowers of the Boron uterus are used. It is they that contain a large number of useful substances, vitamins, flavonoids, as well as phytohormones, tannins, resins, sapotins and other components that, in combination, have a powerful effect. Due to the unique composition of the boron uterus, its use has a pronounced antibacterial, immunostimulating, antitumor and analgesic effect. Useful properties of the boron uterus are as follows:

  • Stimulates the reproductive system.
  • Improves the function of the ovaries, uterus and its appendages.
  • Increases immunity.
  • Normalizes hormonal balance.
  • Reduces the intensity of pain during menstruation.
  • Increases libido in men and women.
  • Improves the quality of sperm in men.
  • Improves sperm motility.
  • Eliminates the causes of female and male infertility;
  • Prevents the development of tumor-like processes.
  • Improves the composition of the blood.

In addition to the above properties of the upland uterus, its intake has a positive effect on the whole organism: it reduces the development of allergic reactions, improves sleep, and stimulates mental and physical activity. Based on all of the above, we can conclude that the upland uterus is a real panacea, but this is far from being the case. This plant is able to provide high efficiency in the early stages of the development of almost any disease. In addition, the upland uterus is quite a powerful plant that should be taken in accordance with a strict dosage and only after consulting a doctor.

Fields of application of the boron uterus

Basically, the upland uterus is used in gynecology, but it has also found its application in other areas of medicine: urology, gastroenterology. Also, infusions from the upland uterus cope well with diseases of the respiratory tract or the musculoskeletal system. Before using the boron uterus as a medicine, it is important to pay attention to the fact that this herb has enough contraindications and side effects. Grass or infusion of the boron uterus is used in the following areas of medicine:

  1. Gynecology. Mother grass has found its application in the treatment of endometriosis, fibroids, polycystosis, fibromas, infertility and other diseases. The use of a boron uterus during menopause can reduce climatic symptoms and improve a woman's well-being. Before using the upland uterus in gynecology, a woman must be tested for hormones and be examined by a doctor.

  1. Gastroenterology: gastritis, colitis, enteritis, duodenitis, peptic ulcer of the stomach or duodenum.
  2. Urology: pyelonephritis, cystitis, urethritis.

A decoction or infusions from the hog uterus are used in the treatment of bronchitis, pleurisy, as well as rheumatism, gout and other diseases. In any case, you need to take this herb after consulting a doctor, since it is considered a fairly powerful natural remedy and can both cure a large number of diseases and harm health.

Upland uterus with myoma

The course of treatment of fibroids with Borovoy uterus is quite long, but effective. You can take this herb in the form of a decoction or alcohol infusion inside, and douching can also be done to increase the effect. During the period of using the herb, an exacerbation of the disease may develop, but despite a relapse, treatment should be continued.

Recipe number 1. Douching. For cooking, you need 1 tbsp. a spoonful of boron uterus, pour 1 cup of boiling water, insist for 1 - 2 hours. Ready broth should be filtered and used for douching. You need to start the douching procedure after the end of menstruation for 7 days. Then they take a break and apply again after menstruation.

Recipe number 2. For cooking, you can take both pharmacy alcohol tincture, and cook it yourself from the grass. For cooking, you will need 50 g of grass + 0.5 liters of vodka or alcohol 40 degrees. Alcohol should be poured over the grass of the upland uterus, tightly closed and left for 3 weeks in a dark and cool place. After the expiration of the specified time, the finished tincture should be filtered and taken from the 4th day of the menstrual cycle, 30 drops 1 time per day for 3 weeks.

Most women prefer to take an alcohol infusion of a boron uterus, but it must be remembered that the alcohol included in the tincture dilates blood vessels, increases blood pressure, which is not recommended for those women who suffer from pathologies of the heart and blood vessels. The upland uterus with myoma is a fairly effective remedy, but it is not recommended to take this remedy without consulting a doctor.

Boron uterus with endometriosis

For the treatment of endometriosis, Borovoy uterus can be used alone, or together with a red brush, which is also highly effective in the treatment of this disease. Red brush and boron uterus, how to take, you can consult a doctor or use our prescription. Treatment is carried out in 4 stages. In the beginning, each herb must be prepared separately and taken 3 times a day before meals, 1 tablespoon of decoction for 2 weeks. Then they take a break for 1 week, then for 2 weeks they take only a decoction from the hog uterus, then again a break for 7 days and again take a decoction of the red brush for two weeks. To enhance the effect, douching can be done from a decoction of the herb of the upland uterus.

Recipe number 1. It will take half a liter of alcohol 40 degrees, pour 50 grams of grass, stand for 3 weeks and take 20 drops per day. Boron uterus with endometriosis is quite effective in the initial stages, but, as in other cases, its use should be carried out after consulting a doctor.

Boron uterus with infertility

Many women take an infusion or decoction of the boron uterus for infertility, but before starting such treatment, it is imperative to know the level of hormones - estradiol and progesterone in the blood. Only then, together with the doctor, it is possible to develop a treatment regimen. In addition, during the period of taking the boron uterus, you need to monitor the level of hormones. Drinking a decoction of the Boron uterus is recommended for those women who have elevated estrogen levels. If the level of hormones is normal, then this herbal decoction is taken on time for 2 phases. When there is a deficiency of hormones, then it is not recommended to take Borovaya uterus.

The intake of the Boron uterus cannot be combined with the intake of hormonal drugs, since such a complex can lead to the development of side effects. You can prepare decoctions from a hog uterus according to the same recipes that are described above.

The upland uterus with menopause, allows you to regulate the level of sex hormones. This action reduces the appearance of climatic symptoms, as a result, a woman is better able to endure this period. With menopause, you can take both a decoction and an infusion of a boron uterus, you can also buy ready-made drops at a pharmacy and take them 20 drops per glass of water 2 times a day for 1 month.

In the period of premenopause or menopause, when menstruation is present, it is not necessary to use the infusion. It is important to remember that Borovaya uterus should be used for any gynecological diseases in courses. Usually one course lasts 1 - 2 weeks, then there is a break and 1 week and a new reception. Many doctors in the field of gynecology assure that a woman should drink no more than 200 mils of tincture per year. After each completed course of treatment, you need to consult a doctor, pass all the necessary tests. After examining the patient, the doctor will be able to assess the state of health, and will also tell you whether it is necessary to extend the treatment with the Borova uterus.


The upland uterus is a unique natural plant that allows you to get rid of a large number of ailments associated with the female genital area, but despite the fact that it is quite effective, there are still several contraindications to its use.

  • poor blood clotting;
  • period of pregnancy;
  • lactation period;
  • frequent uterine bleeding.
  • taking hormonal drugs.

Botanical characteristic

Moldavian snakehead, translated -Dracocephalum moldavica, other names: honey cake, Turkish lemon balm, dragonhead, mother plant, mother plant herb. The plant is annual, herbaceous, taproot type, rather thin. The stem is branched, erect, tetrahedral, grows in the range from 50 to 70 centimeters.

The leaves are opposite, ovate-oblong, located on short petioles, their edge is somewhat serrated, as for the apical leaves, their shape is lanceolate. The flowers are painted in a pale purple color, they form racemes. The fruit is in the form of a trihedral nut, it is dark brown.

Distribution of Turkish lemon balm

The plant is distributed directly on the territory of the European part of Russia, in Siberia, the Moldavian snakehead is found in the Far East, as well as in Asia. You can meet this representative of the plant world in the gorges, on the steppe slopes.

Used part

This plant is considered medicinal, it uses the aerial part, this is due to the presence of some chemical medicinal components in the herb, I will list them: flavonoids, alkaloids, there are coumarins, essential oil, it contains limonene, citral, geraniol, nerol, thymol, citroneol, sesquiterpene and some other active substances.

Collection and preparation of raw materials

The grass is harvested at the moment when it is in a state of violent flowering. To do this, it is cut in the required quantity, then it is qualitatively sorted, removing all rotten and darkened specimens that occur. Then it is dried on spacious pallets, which are placed in a ventilated room.

Every day, the grass should be turned over well so that it dries out in the best possible way, this procedure will prevent the raw material from becoming damp. When it reaches the required condition and acquires a characteristic dryish structure, it can be packaged in cloth bags.

Ready raw materials are placed in a ventilated place, and used as needed. The shelf life of this herb should not exceed 24 months, after which it is not recommended to use it.

The use of the Moldovan snakehead

This herb is actively used by folk healers to heal their patients, they prepare an infusion and decoction from it, which have anti-inflammatory, soothing, wound healing, as well as analgesic, anticonvulsant and antispasmodic effects on the body.

Drugs are used in the pathology of the gastrointestinal tract, infusion and decoction are used for hepatitis, nephritis, and also to stimulate appetite. These drugs are also effective for the treatment of certain gynecological diseases.

They are used in the presence of tachycardia, with neuralgia, in the presence of migraine, as well as with headache. Drugs have proven their effectiveness in stomatitis, with a cold. A decoction made directly from snakehead seeds is used as an astringent, carminative, and sedative.

Infusion recipe

To prepare an infusion from the herb of the Moldavian snakehead, you will need 15 grams of dry raw materials, it is recommended to grind it first, after which it is poured into a dry container, where boiling water is poured in the amount of one glass. Next, the drug should stand for a while, while it will cool down and infuse well.

Then, after about forty minutes, you can start filtering it, you need to pour the infusion into a clean container through cheesecloth, which is pre-folded in several dense layers. The cake that has settled on the fabric can be thrown away, it is no longer useful.

Store the infusion in the refrigerator for three days, after which it is not recommended to use it. Use it at 15 or 30 milliliters about 20 minutes before meals up to four times a day in the presence of a heartbeat.

decoction recipe

You can prepare a medicinal decoction from the seeds of this plant, they will be needed in the amount of 5 grams, they are first ground in a ceramic mortar to a homogeneous structure. Then they are poured into an enameled saucepan and brewed with boiling water, no more than one glass.

Next, the container is put to boil on a small fire for about four minutes, then the drug is removed from the stove and cooled. After that, they begin to filter the broth, for this you can use gauze, it is first folded into several layers.

Then clean dishes are covered with gauze and the decoction is poured into it, that part of the grass that settles on it must be disposed of, it can be wrung out beforehand, after which it can be thrown away. The drug is recommended to take thirty milliliters up to three times a day, in the presence of pain in the head and with migraines.

The decoction should be stored in the refrigerator, while the implementation period of this drug is limited to 5 days, after which it should not be used, since fermentation processes may begin in the liquid, and this will not benefit the body.

If necessary, it is better to prepare a fresh decoction of this herb than to use an already expired drug. In this case, the benefits will be much greater for human health.


Of course, a doctor's consultation never hurts, so in our case, if you want to use the Moldavian snakehead for medicinal purposes, do not forget to consult a doctor, and only then prepare a decoction or infusion from this representative of the flora.

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