What vitamins should be taken for facial skin. Rules for the use of vitamins. The right combination of individual vitamins for the face

The eyes are the mirror of the soul, and the skin is the reflection of the health of the body. Vitamin deficiency leads to the appearance of wrinkles, dryness and flaking, as well as a gray and nondescript complexion. For girls, it is especially important that the skin shines with beauty and health.

What vitamins are needed for the skin and why

What vitamins does the skin need? All.

Medicine knows 13 groups that contribute to the normal functioning of the body:

What products contain

A competent diet not only keeps the skin in good condition, but also cures many diseases.

To fully provide the body with useful substances, it is necessary to include a number of products in your diet:

  • green vegetables. The key is to eat them fresh. heat treatment significantly reduces the concentration of vitamins, because with high temperature they split;
  • meat products and seafood;
  • legumes to replenish group B;
  • dairy products to replenish vitamin D reserves;
  • eggs, tomatoes, melons, peaches conceal a considerable supply of group A.

There is not much to say about citrus fruits. They are full of ascorbic acid. This antioxidant is also found in blackcurrant, cranberry, sauerkraut and bell pepper. Rutin (R) search in walnuts, green tea and rose hips.

The best vitamin complexes for the skin

Aevit is the simplest and available drug. It is based on two vitamins A and E. The drug is suitable for preventive measures according to the condition of the skin and hair. Care must be taken when using own feelings, upon detection side effects reception is stopped.

The price for packing is 100-200 rubles.

Revalid from the manufacturer of the same name is considered complete complex drug. In addition to vitamins, it contains amino acids, minerals and plant extracts. It contributes to the normalization of metabolic processes, the speedy healing of wounds and the cleansing of the dermis. Take the drug before or after a meal.

Problems usually disappear after a month.

Before taking it is necessary to consult a doctor, since the complex is potent and can cause allergic reactions.

The cost ranges from 300-450 rubles.

The drug contributes natural cleansing skin and its restoration, as well as improving the condition of hair and nails. The processing of fats and the digestion process as a whole are significantly improved. It is prescribed for malnutrition, increased loads and treatment of vitamin deficiencies.

For packaging, you will have to pay 250-500 rubles, depending on the type chosen.

External use of vitamins

The problem, as they say, must be addressed from two fronts. Without active action she won't get through. And regular care makes itself felt after a short period of time. The body is always grateful for Attentive attitude to yourself.

For acne

Beauticians fully approve of the external use of the vitamin. The main thing is to strictly follow the recipe and strictly observe the dosage.

Pimples and acne is one of the most common problems.

Vitamins of groups A, B and E help to get rid of them. Citrus fruit help fill the gap.

AT emergency situations you can use a mask. The orange pulp is crushed with a small amount cherries without peel, add a few teaspoons of corn or potato starch and let it swell for 5 minutes.

The resulting mass is applied to the entire face and kept for 15-20 minutes. Wash away cool water and apply a nourishing cream.

For rejuvenation

It is necessary to mix a couple of teaspoons of ground oatmeal with kefir or homemade yogurt, add a little honey and 5 drops of vitamin A and E. Gently put the mixture on the face and décolleté area, rinse after 15 minutes warm water and apply daily care.

For oily skin

The shine of the oil lump indicates a deficiency of B2.

To bring the skin in order, rub fresh potatoes and add a teaspoon of lemon pulp with juice.

The mixture is smeared on problem areas and after 15 minutes removed with cool water.

Regular use of this mask will regulate the secretion of sebum and get rid of the ugly shine.

From dryness

AT winter period The dermis needs nutrition and hydration. Vitamins A and E will help fill it with healing moisture. Grate a small apple, add sour cream and 3-5 drops oil solution. The mask is applied to the entire face and lasts for about 15 minutes, after which it is washed off with warm water.

From age spots

Vitamin C brightens spots and post-acne well.

A tablespoon of cottage cheese is mixed with sour cream (proportion 2: 1), and then a teaspoon lemon juice. The mask is applied to required areas and hold for 20 minutes.

After maintaining the prescribed time with a cellulose sponge, it is necessary to wipe the mixture and rinse off the residue with cool water.

Solutions and masks should be kept for no more than 20-30 minutes.

Vitamin deficiency symptoms for the skin

The body always gives a signal about the problem and the lack of something. Dryness, peeling and the appearance of new wrinkles indicate a deficiency of nicotinic acid and vitamins A and E. Fat, on the contrary, about the lack of group B. Also, their lack makes itself felt as allergic dermatitis and manifestation of hyperpigmentation. Inflammation and acne appear due to a lack of fatty (as if not surprising) acids. If the skin turned yellow, then it's time to add foods filled with B12 to your diet.

A well-groomed face is not always a gift from above. It's still proper nutrition, positive emotions and good sleep. The complex of self-care includes vitamins for facial skin, useful elements. They enrich the skin with everything you need, give radiance, promote the healing of wounds and abrasions, rejuvenate, add freshness. What are the best vitamins for facial skin?

What useful components are necessary for facial skin?

Each of the vitamins has an incredible effect on the beauty of the face, and also participates in the recovery process. Having certain information about the properties useful elements, you can independently choose the most suitable vitamin complex. Vitamins enter the body together with certain products but the skin still needs extra nourishment.

Some Beneficial Vitamins

Retinol promotes the elimination of age spots on the skin, the restoration of the epidermis, the synthesis of fibrillar protein. Eliminates excessive dryness. contain a certain percentage of vitamin A, which helps to remove oily sheen. Retinol is responsible for skin hydration.

Thiamine prevents skin aging. Riboflavin restores a healthy complexion, regulates metabolism. Calcium pantothenate smoothes mimic wrinkles. Pyridoxine intensively fights against inflammatory skin diseases. Folic acid eliminates acne. Vitamins for facial skin with the content of this substance effectively fight against an aggressive environment.

Cyanocobalamin takes part in the process of regeneration of skin cells. Any vitamin complex for rejuvenation necessarily contains B12. Ascorbic acid tones the blood vessels, makes their walls more dense, promotes the production of collagen. Calciferol is the only vitamin that helps keep the skin in perfect condition and prevents premature aging.

Tocopherol makes the surface of the skin smoother and more elastic, and also protects against ultraviolet rays. In addition, it makes the skin velvety and youthful. Phylloquinone is the only useful microelement that actively eliminates age spots. eliminates swelling, and also fights inflammation and acne. Nicotinic acid activates cells, evens out complexion, serves as a barrier against negative factors environment.

Biotin helps to instantly restore the upper skin. The main task is the normalization of fat and carbohydrate metabolism. Hyaluronic acid is able to retain water in the cells, the mass of which is more than a thousand times. Therefore, hyaluron is excellent tool to maintain water balance in the dermis. This vitamin for facial skin protects the skin from mimic wrinkles, cracks, improves elasticity and smoothness.

Alpha- lipoic acid It is considered the most powerful antioxidant, which is both fat-soluble and water-soluble. It protects cells from toxins and free radicals (both outside and inside). This microelement, together with hyaluron, is used as injections and massages for rejuvenation and tightening of the epidermis.

All of the above substances are among the most the right vitamins for facial skin. Let's consider them in more detail.

How to properly saturate the skin with vitamins?

Any woman whose skin looks perfectly healthy should remember that nourishing and moisturizing the skin with useful components is simply necessary. If you do not carry out such procedures systematically, then you can meet with the most unforeseen problems - withering, wrinkles, aging, peeling, sagging, dryness, "orange peel".

There are four ways to solve the problem

The first, the simplest, is the intake of vitamin and mineral complexes. This method is the easiest, since it is necessary to consume vitamins every day. Once in the body, they spread through the blood vessels, while nourishing them with useful trace elements, thereby positively affecting the epidermis of the face from the inside. What are the best vitamins for facial skin?

A multivitamin complex can be selected individually for each patient. This can be done both independently and by contacting a specialist. If the representative of the fair half does not have special problems with the skin, then the vitamin-mineral complex can be selected with a general spectrum of action.

If there are any rashes or problems with the epidermis, then you need to contact a beautician to find the most suitable vitamins. Multivitamin complexes can be purchased at any pharmacy.

The second way is to receive useful components separately. This method is effective if the patient knows exactly which vitamin is deficient in him. At the same time, you can go to the pharmacy and buy essential vitamins for facial skin. It happens that some useful material are available in ampoules and need to be pierced. In such a situation, it is best to seek the advice of a cosmetologist.

The third way is proper nutrition. To do this, you need to stop eating fast food, carbonated water, and you also need to stop smoking and drinking strong drinks. All these moments have a detrimental effect on the skin of the face, quite often provoke a rash, peeling, flabbiness and premature aging. To enrich the skin with useful trace elements, it is necessary to add fiber, fruits and vegetables to the diet.

Consume at least one and a half liters per day pure water. Sufficient fluid intake per day will give the skin freshness and restore water balance. The epidermis will stop peeling and be dry. Water is a natural solvent. It promotes the elimination of toxins excess salt, due to which the pores in the temples and chin are clogged.

The fourth way is face masks. They are very useful and effective, because the effect is almost instantaneous.

The impact of tocopherol

According to the instructions for use and reviews, vitamin E for facial skin has a complex effect. Rejuvenation occurs, cells are more actively restored, mimic wrinkles decrease, the epidermis becomes more elastic and resilient, blood microcirculation improves.

Tocopherol is natural antidepressant and a natural antioxidant, vitamin E relieves stress and fatigue, gives vigor. After using it, the face looks more rosy. In addition, tocopherol has therapeutic effect, weakens allergic manifestations, normalizes the functioning sebaceous glands and promotes recovery from anemia.

How to use vitamin E for facial skin? Tocopherol is available in capsules, in the form of an oily solution, liquid for injection. concentrated solutions it is not recommended to use on large areas of the epidermis, as inflammation or allergies may occur.

The use of vitamin E for facial skin in capsules is considered the most convenient and in a simple way to eliminate small scars and age spots. To do this, it is necessary to pierce the capsule with a needle and gently apply to the affected area.

Tocopherol in the form of oil can be used to prepare a cream, face mask. Weakly concentrated liquids are also used, which can be applied with a cotton pad over the facial massage areas. After applying the drug, it is necessary to massage with fingertips.

Can pure tocopherol be used?

According to the instructions and reviews, vitamin E for facial skin can be used as follows:

  1. First you need to cleanse the skin of cosmetics.
  2. Next, the face is moistened with water, since it should not be dry.
  3. Then cover the face with oil and leave for ten minutes.
  4. At the end, thoroughly rinse off the remaining oil and apply a moisturizer.

Is it necessary to wash off tocopherol from the face?

Vitamin E applied to the epidermis is characterized by certain advantages. The composition and its properties help it dissolve quickly and be instantly absorbed into the skin. As a result, it does not need to be washed off. As a rule, it is advisable to apply it before going to bed and leave it on overnight, and wash it with warm water in the morning. This therapy should be done two to three times in seven days.

If vitamin A has been used in creams, then in this case it is necessary to remove the residues after a certain time.

Retinol: where to find it?

According to reviews, vitamin A for facial skin is useful for increased dryness, itching, peeling. The result is immediately noticeable - the epidermis is cleansed, microcracks and peeling disappear, the feeling of skin tightness disappears. Retinol can be found in carrots and spinach, it contributes to the protection and regeneration of the epidermis, it must be taken to accelerate the recovery processes in the body.

How to use retinol correctly?

A useful trace element is available in the form of capsules and oils for external use of vitamin A for the face. According to reviews, it is known that retinol should be used regularly after thirty-five years, one procedure per month will be enough.


  • vitamin A should be applied at night or in the evening;
  • it is necessary to add the main types of oils to the cream and masks - sea buckthorn, rosehip, amaranth;
  • therapy with masks with retinol is carried out for forty-five days, after which a break is made for three months;
  • to make vitamin A more effective, add a couple of drops of olive oil to the mask;
  • when making a mask, add one or two drops of oil.

Frequent use of masks with vitamin A can contribute to premature aging, cause dryness, peeling. In this connection, after ten to twelve procedures, it is necessary to take small breaks for a couple of months.

Vitamins for acne skin

Acne and acne is one of the most acute problems. To eliminate them, you will need B vitamins, retinol, tocopherol. Citruses help make up for their deficiency. If acne needs to be eliminated urgently, then you can use a face mask:

  • you need to take the pulp of an orange;
  • then it must be rubbed with a small amount of cherries;
  • then add a few tablespoons of corn starch;
  • let the composition brew for five minutes.

When the composition has turned into a homogeneous mass, the mask is applied to the entire face and kept for thirty minutes.

What multivitamins can you take?

An overview of the most useful and common vitamin and mineral complexes:

  1. Vitrum.
  2. "Aevit".
  3. Biostop.
  4. "Complivit: The Shining".
  5. "Aekol".
  6. "Perfect".
  7. "Lady's Formula".
  8. Serum InstaNatural.

What are the best vitamins for facial skin? Let's consider in more detail.


it multivitamin complex, which has immunostimulatory and antioxidant properties. The drug is indicated for use in the following conditions:

  • disturbed microcirculation;
  • vascular atherosclerosis;
  • psoriasis;
  • lupus erythematosus;
  • hemeralopia;
  • keratomalacia;
  • xerophthalmia;
  • diarrhea;
  • gastrectomy;
  • steatorrhea;
  • celiac disease;
  • cholestasis;
  • cirrhosis of the liver;
  • cystic fibrosis.

"Aevit" is available in the form of capsules, in a package of thirty tablets.

Mode of application:

  1. Vitamins are taken after a meal, the capsules must be swallowed whole and washed down with a sufficient amount of water.
  2. The duration of therapy is from thirty to forty days.
  3. You need to take one tablet per day.

According to reviews, "Aevit" if taken incorrectly can cause Negative consequences. The cost of the drug varies from 20 to 100 rubles.


Vitamin-mineral complex, produced in the form of tablets, in one package there can be from thirty to one hundred and twenty pieces. "Vitrum" helps the body recover after past illnesses, and also the drug promotes instant regeneration of the dermis, as well as the production of fibrillar protein (collagen).

Mode of application:

  1. You need to take one tablet once a day.
  2. The duration of the course is determined by the attending physician.

Available without a prescription, shelf life - five years. The cost of Vitrum vitamins ranges from 450 to 1300 rubles.

"Complivit: The Shining"

Biologically active food supplement additional source obtaining useful trace elements. It is produced in the form of tablets, in one package there can be from thirty to ninety capsules. These vitamins for hair and facial skin work effectively.

Multivitamins have an antioxidant, detoxifying effect, and also support the formation of fibrillar protein, restore tissues, protect the skin from ultraviolet radiation, and speed up metabolism.

Mode of application:

  • biologically active additive must be taken with food;
  • you need to use no more than one tablet per day;
  • the duration of treatment is one month.

The cost of the drug varies from 190 to 400 rubles.

"Lady's Formula"

Multivitamins are available in the form of capsules, one package contains thirty tablets. The drug is intended for women who suffer from beriberi. In this condition, the skin becomes flabby, flaky, the hair falls out strongly, peeling of the nail plate is observed. In addition, vitamins are taken for dermatitis, cracks, wounds and other diseases of the epidermis.

Method of reception:

  1. Take no more than three tablets per day.
  2. Take the drug during a meal.
  3. Do not give to children under twelve years of age.

The cost of the drug is 800-900 rubles.


Combined multivitamin medication for external use, which is used to heal wounds and abrasions, burns. The result of tissue repair is achieved thanks to vitamin A and E, beta-carotene and menadione.

Produced in the form of a solution, the cost of the drug is 170 rubles.

  • Why skin needs vitamins
  • The best vitamins for skin problems
  • Methods for delivering vitamins to the skin of the face
  • Proper nutrition
  • Cosmetics
  • Overview of cosmetics with vitamins

Why skin needs vitamins

The family of vitamins and vitamin-like substances is gradually expanding. And we will not exaggerate a bit if we say that these compounds are very important for beauty and health. Some of them significantly affect the condition of the skin.

Experts like to say that we do not feel the presence of vitamins in the body, but we acutely feel their deficiency.

The main vitamins for the skin of the face

Let's list the vitamins, without which the skin is threatened with dullness, dryness and premature old age. We tried to make short description, but the list is still impressive.

No one doubts the benefits of vitamins for facial skin. © iStock

Vitamin A (retinol)

Accelerates cell renewal, promotes tissue regeneration, provides skin and hair elasticity. With its deficiency, the skin becomes dry, rough, and the protective properties of the lipid barrier are reduced.

Widely used in anti-aging products, and retinol derivatives are well established in the treatment of acne.

Vitamin B1 (thiamine)

Required for normal functioning nervous system of a person, which is closely related to the condition of the skin. Stress often causes redness or breakouts.

Vitamin B2 (riboflavin)

Involved in the processes of growth and renewal of tissues in the body. When it is deficient:

    cracks appear on the lips, and in their corners the so-called "jams" are formed;

    the skin becomes dull;

    there is peeling around the lips and on the wings of the nose;

    dandruff appears.

With a strong lack of riboflavin, dermatitis can develop.

Vitamin B5 (panthenol)

Known as effective remedy wound healing:

    stimulates regeneration processes;

    reduces inflammation;

    relieves dryness;

    helps to remove puffiness.

It is used in healing products, as well as in anti-aging cosmetics and for the treatment of acne (in high doses).

Vitamin B6 (pyridoxine)

Participates in almost all metabolic processes promotes protein absorption and unsaturated fat especially good for the skin. Hypovitaminosis is manifested by peeling and dermatitis above the eyebrows, in the nasolabial folds, cracks in the corners of the lips.

Vitamin B7 (H, biotin)

Stimulates tissue repair, makes the skin firmer and more elastic, improves complexion.

Deficiency is manifested by unhealthy pallor, hair loss, inflammation on the skin, peeling.

Vitamin B9 (folic acid)

Vitamin of growth and development, it stimulates cell regeneration, provides health and elasticity of the skin, is responsible for strong nails and hair. With its shortage, hair falls out, the skin fades.

With a lack of vitamins, peeling and cracks may appear on the skin. © iStock

Vitamin B10 (H1, para-aminobenzoic acid)

Useful in after-sun products as it helps reduce the negative effects of UV exposure. Its properties are also used for severe photosensitivity of the skin, to stop hair loss and to treat vitiligo.

Vitamin B12 (cyanocobalamin)

Participates in the process of cell respiration, helps to provide oxygen to all tissues, including the skin. And this directly affects the fresh complexion.

Vitamin C (ascorbic acid)

Perhaps the most popular vitamin in the world - and deservedly so. Ascorbic acid is involved in thousands of processes in the body, and for the skin this substance is of particular interest as an antioxidant and stimulator of collagen production. In this role, as well as as a bleaching agent, vitamin C is widely used in cosmetics.

Vitamin D (calciferol)

In fact, it turned out to be a hormone, so its predecessors are used in cosmetics. Entire studies have been written and are still being written about its merits. For the skin, vitamin D provides:

    healthy life cycle cells;

    strengthening local immunity;

    protection against infections and inflammations;

    cancer prevention.

Vitamin E (tocopherol)

Powerful antioxidant. Slows down aging, smoothes wrinkles, nourishes the skin. Widely used in cosmetics.

Vitamin F (linoleic acid, Omega-6)

The good old remedy for healing wounds, getting rid of inflammation on the skin - even the most delicate and sensitive (in newborns). Vitamin F deficiency manifests itself acute reaction skin on temperature changes - severe dryness, peeling, micro-inflammation.

Vitamin K (menaquinone)

Strengthens the walls blood vessels improves blood circulation and microcirculation. The first sign of deficiency is the spider veins on the face. With the optimal dosage, the manifestations of redness and rosacea are reduced.

Vitamin N (lipoic acid, thioctic acid)

Often included in beauty products, as it is an antioxidant and in combination with other fighters with free radicals creates a synergistic effect. For use in cosmetics, it is important that lipoic acid is active in both aqueous and fatty media, in contrast to water soluble vitamin C and fat soluble vitamin E.

As a powerful antioxidant, this substance can act as a kind of preservative in cosmetics.

With a lack of lipoic acid, the process of glycation intensifies - the gluing of collagen and elastin fibers, which deprives the skin of elasticity. And vice versa: with a sufficient amount of this substance, the aging process slows down.

Vitamin N is included in the funds:

    for the treatment of acne and post-acne;

    sun and after sun;

    rejuvenating and nourishing.

Vitamin P (rutin, citrine C-complex, bioflavonoids)

Included in the same products as the famous vitamin C, has similar action. Vitamin D deficiency also manifests itself vascular network, therefore, the substance is used not only in anti-aging products, but also in cosmetics for the treatment of rosacea.

Vitamin PP (nicotinic acid, niacin)

It improves cellular respiration, gives a healthy tone and smoothness to the skin, is widely used in caring and anti-aging cosmetics. Deficiency is expressed in micro-inflammation, peeling.

Proper nutrition

It is no coincidence that the complexion is judged on the state of health. Internal processes organism cannot but affect the state of the largest organ human body- skin. One of the main conditions of beauty is good health.

The main components of the beauty diet:

    multi-colored fruits and vegetables at least five servings a day (vitamins A, C);

    moderate but obligatory consumption vegetable oils(E);

    cereals (group B) and nuts (E, group B);

    fermented milk products (some B and K vitamins are synthesized healthy microflora intestines).

Vitamin complexes and bioadditives

Take in one capsule daily dose vitamin convenient, and the main plus vitamin preparations- exactly at the best way applications.

On the other hand, the question of bioavailability remains open: will the drug declared on the package get into the blood, and from there to the organs that need it? From this point of view, natural products more reliable. However, they are not always rich in useful substances.

It is known that the content of vitamins directly depends on the period and storage conditions of vegetables and fruits, the soil on which the gifts of nature grew, the quantity and quality of fertilizers.

By way of life modern man radically different from its ancestors, it needs significantly fewer calories and food in general. Therefore, the medical community was puzzled by the "reformatting" of vitamins into tablets and capsules. As well as the creation of functional products enriched with compounds necessary for the normal functioning of the body.

Complex of the main vitamins for the skin: A, C, E. © iStock

Now, unfortunately, it is almost impossible to get the optimal set of nutrients from food. That's why balanced diet does not preclude admission vitamin complexes. Manufacturers develop products to solve a variety of problems, including those related to skin and hair, and take into account the compatibility of the components for their greatest effectiveness.


Creams and serums saturated with vitamins a few years ago caused skepticism. It was believed that they could not penetrate deep into the epidermis in order to participate in the processes of respiration, nutrition, cleansing, healing, and cell restoration.

But scientists have proven that many vitamins work great when used topically. And for some important molecules, special crushing, packaging and transportation technologies have been developed to help them penetrate into the right layers of the skin in order to protect it from the effects of external and internal adverse factors.

How effective are cosmetics based on vitamins

Unlike the vital compounds that we get from food, the vitamins contained in cosmetics act precisely on the site where you applied the cream or serum. So why not take advantage of the skin doping benefits? For example, products with vitamin C get rid of a dull complexion after a week of use, and after a month or two, the skin becomes smoother and more uniform.

Where to find?


Vitamins for the skin are of great importance. With a lack of vitamins, the skin can lose elasticity, peel off, redden, sag or become covered with acne. This can not be called the most pleasant feature of our body, but you can’t get away from it. It remains only to humbly take the missing vitamins, while applying to the skin different kind masks and creams.

However, we can give you some tips that will tell you what to do with a lack of vitamins.

For the skin around the eyes, face and hair

Facial skin, hair and skin around the eyes are the most delicate elements of the human body. It is they who suffer from the very beginning if something goes wrong with the body. Pimples appear, bags under the eyes, the skin becomes oily or, on the contrary, too dry, begins to peel off and lose elasticity, hair begins to fall out, and many other unpleasant factors appear. Don't wait for it all to go away on its own. You need to take measures, the best of which will be taking vitamins. What exactly - we will tell you now.

  • Most main vitamin to improve the skin of the face and hair - vitamin C. It is responsible for the elasticity and youthfulness of the skin, therefore, with its lack, the skin loses its elasticity and may become wrinkled ahead of time. Also, if you often notice bruises and bags under the eyes, this also indicates a lack of vitamin C.
  • Per update upper layers skin responds with vitamin E, the lack of which can affect the color of the skin of the face, as well as its structure. Problem skin that flakes off from exposure to frost or heat requires vitamin E.
  • Vitamin BUT is responsible for the dryness of the skin of the face, as well as for its elasticity. The lack of this vitamin can be noticed if the skin has become flabby or too dry.

In order to enrich the skin of the face, skin around the eyes and hair, you need to include in the diet foods that contain these vitamins, as well as use masks regularly.

For hands and feet

Rough or sagging skin on the hands and feet also needs vitamins. Also, very often acne pops up on the skin in the area of ​​​​the shoulders or forearms, which is also alarm signal. As for the feet, many are faced with such a problem as cracked heels. This is also a consequence of a lack of vitamins.

  • Most often, problems with the skin of the hands and feet are obtained due to a lack of b vitamins. They are responsible for nourishing and moisturizing the skin of the hands and feet, as well as for the strengthening and health of the nails.
  • Vitamin To, which is in loss, makes the skin rough and problematic, and also causes premature aging. Because of this, age spots may appear on the fingers and toes.
  • vitamin deficiency BUT in the body makes the skin of the hands and feet dry, and also changes its color.

Care for the skin of the hands and feet consists of periodic massage and bathing with useful supplements. It is also necessary to include vitamins in daily diet as vegetables and fruits. You can also use creams and injections of vitamins under the skin.

For lips

Vitamin deficiency in the skin of the lips makes their surface rough and ugly. Acne begins to jump up around the mouth, lips crack and wind. To avoid such troubles, it is very important to properly care for the skin of the lips, use scrubs, hygienic lipsticks, and also take correct complex vitamins.

  • The most important vitamin for healthy skin lip is vitamin A. With its deficiency, the skin of the lips quickly dries out and can crack.
  • Inflammation on the lips may appear due to a lack of vitamin AT, since it is he who protects the delicate skin from the penetration of viruses and bacteria.

Lip skin requires very careful care. AT vitamins must be rubbed into it in the form of oil, which can be bought at a pharmacy. It is also necessary to provide the body with a healthy diet.

Now you have learned about what vitamins the body lacks for certain skin problems. However, not everyone knows where these vitamins come from. In fact, there are several ways: buy vitamins in a pharmacy, get them by ingesting products containing them, and use vitamin-based masks and creams. The best and easiest way is to simply include in your diet foods that have a lot of the vitamins you need. We present you a table in which you will see in which products you can find vitamins suitable for the skin.



Operating principle

Full of vitamin A following products: tomatoes, parsley, chicken eggs, peaches, melon, apricots, lettuce, carrots and prunes.

The effect of naturally occurring vitamin A on female skin characterized by an improvement in its color, as well as elasticity increase.

Vitamin B group (B1, B2, B3, B6, B9, B10)

Each individual vitamin from the entire group is contained in different products. We will give you a list of products that contain one or another vitamin from the entire group: lean fish, rice, wheat grains, buckwheat, avocado, millet, mushrooms, spinach, nuts, lettuce, beans and cabbage.

B vitamins protect the skin from ultraviolet radiation, as well as from premature aging. Together with other trace elements, these vitamins nourish the skin, have a rejuvenating effect and help strengthen the immune system.

Vitamin C or vitamin C found in such products: kiwi, oranges, lemons, currants, potatoes, liver, onions, red peppers, tomatoes, cabbage of any variety, rose hips and kidneys.

Vitamin C helps the skin produce collagen, which keeps it youthful and supple. Also good decision will take vitamin C various diseases skin.

Vitamin D is found in cheese and cottage cheese, as well as in other dairy products. It can also be found in fish and seafood.

Vitamin D is very useful and effective in keeping the skin clear and also in preventing acne. It is able to slow down the aging process and keep the skin in good shape.

This vitamin can be found in milk and dairy products, in fish and nuts, as well as in olive or sunflower oil.

Contains vitamin K, preferably in rowan, carrot, apple, pumpkin and tomatoes.

Age spots on the skin are a matter for vitamin K, since it is he who is responsible for pigmentation and the appearance of acne and pimples on the face.

By taking note of this table with the content of vitamins for the skin in food, you can make the best for yourself. healthy menu and forget about skin problems forever, monitor the prevention of its health and even improve it. Your body will receive the required amount of vitamins, and then you do not have to go to the pharmacy for them.

Undoubtedly, in order for our body to be healthy, it needs vitamins. Facial skin is no exception. These biologically active substances needed to improve the condition of the skin, to give it youth.

This article is intended for persons over 18 years of age.

Are you over 18 already?

What vitamins are needed for clear and healthy skin

When the skin of the face lacks the necessary components, it loses its color, becomes pale, and excessive pigmentation, so hated by all girls, appears on it. In order for the face to glow with health, shine with beauty and delight you every morning, it needs proper care.

What vitamins should be taken in tablets to improve the condition of your facial skin, and which ones will be useful in capsules applied directly to the skin? You can be sure that all 13 vitamins that are on this moment known to people, are very important for your body. But there are certain ones that are useful for clean skin more than others.

In order to decide which are more useful and which are less, you need to know what functions each of them performs.

Let's list the very vitamins that do so much for our youth and to improve our health:

  • vitamin A or retinol. Helps reduce dryness skin reduces inflammation and flaking. Combats skin exhaustion. Its main advantage is the calming effect. Retinol stimulates cell activity, thereby accelerating their regeneration;
  • B1 Or thiamine. "Knight" against aging. This is the most important vitamin to prevent premature aging;
  • B2 - riboflavin. This substance can be called an "oxygen mask" for the skin. It is it that ensures the respiration of cells and helps to speed up possible metabolisms. Thus, riboflavin helps the skin to acquire a healthy color;
  • B5 - panthenolic acid. Auxiliary stick of thiamine. Easily and quickly smoothes wrinkles and heals scratches. Useful for improving and youthfulness of your skin;
  • B6 or pyridoxine. It has beneficial features for treatment skin diseases. It is necessary to improve the condition of the entire skin, takes care of its healthy condition;
  • B9 - folic acid. Essential for clear skin. Helps fight acne and acne. Folic acid actively removes toxins from the body, helps to absorb nutrients, works best when taken in tablets.
  • B12 or cyanocobalamin. Another helper of thiamine. This element helps the metabolism in the skin and is useful for skin rejuvenation;
  • Vitamin D. It also fights the aging process of the skin. Needed for youth and to maintain skin tone. Slows down all aging processes;
  • Vitamin E - tocopherol. The so-called "skin shield". Protects it from UV rays. Evens out complexion and helps fight age spots, which is certainly important for improving the appearance of facial skin;
  • Vitamin K. Considered the best way fighting freckles and other age spots. Helps to remove puffiness and is very useful in the fight against inflammatory processes.
  • Vitamin PP - niacin. Another trace element that has a stimulating effect on cells. As a bonus, this skin protector is very helpful in improving the complexion;
  • Vitamin H or biotin. A very interesting element. It is able to simultaneously help fight fat deposits and help break down such cells, as well as accelerate the regeneration of useful and good cells, thereby rejuvenating the skin.

Vitamins for acne skin

Having considered the properties of all vitamins, you can determine which ones are needed for clear and healthy skin. As you can see, one of the most important is folic acid. It should be used by every woman at any age. But it has its most important effect on female body during the stages of pregnancy and lactation. Since during this wonderful period the child draws vitamins from the mother, she herself may not have enough of them. This can lead to acne problems. To improve the condition of the skin, you need to take a double dose of folic acid, as well as use creams that contain Vitamin B6 and Vitamin PP. These two components will help folic acid fight acne and other possible skin diseases.

You can take a vitamin complex in tablets. But you can also use masks that will act locally and enhance the effect of vitamin complexes. Cosmetic preparations can be purchased in specialized stores or salons, or can be prepared from components purchased at a pharmacy. To improve the condition of your skin, you need constant and comprehensive care. Therefore, it is impossible to be lazy or save money here.

What vitamins are needed for dry skin

Vitamin E or tocopherol was mentioned above. This biocomponent is best friend dry skin. Since it can protect against ultraviolet rays, it is thus useful for accelerating cell regeneration.

This vitamin helps to retain fluid inside the cells, gives a lifting effect, has medicinal property with microscopic damage to the upper layer of the skin. Since tocopherol has special influence on the whole state of a woman's body, it is very important for improving complexion. In its absence, the skin becomes very dry, and recovery processes slow down in it. For youth, your body should always have enough vitamin E.

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