Goosebumps in the esoteric. Simple tests for the state of the chakras and non-obvious causes of female diseases. Goosebumps or goose bumps

Everyone has experienced the feeling that many small bugs are running through their skin - it is also called goosebumps. This feeling cannot be called unpleasant, since it does not bring any pain, but only temporarily excites the skin. Situations are also familiar to everyone, for which the appearance of pimples on the skin is typical, for example, a breath of cold wind or a sensual touch on the body. When localizing the sensation in the head area on a frequent basis, it is worth thinking about the reasons, because goosebumps can also form as a symptom of the disease.

What causes goosebumps on the scalp

Goosebumps, or the so-called goose bumps, are small bumps that appear on the skin in the hairline. They appear uncontrollably in response to strong emotional arousal or the influence of low temperatures. The mechanism that is responsible for the formation of such an interesting phenomenon is called the sawtooth reflex. When exposed to peripheral nerves originating from the spinal cord, zones are excited that are responsible for the smooth muscles of the hair follicles. These muscles contract, the hairs rise as a result, and an effect called piloerection occurs, which is recognized by a person as goosebumps.

Such a reaction can occur on any part of the body where there are even completely imperceptible small hairs, not to mention the head. Provided that the hair and skin on the head are clean, goosebumps can occur in this area under the influence of such reasons:

  • a state of emotional arousal, such as fear;
  • general poor health;
  • response to touch with increased sensitivity of the integument;
  • sexual desire, state of arousal;
  • low air temperature;
  • increased body temperature, for example, with a cold;
  • the presence of certain diseases.

What diseases can cause goosebumps

As mentioned above, goosebumps can be a symptom of the presence in the body of some kind of pathological process or disease. "Goose bumps" in the scalp area may well be the result of the following conditions:

  • disruption of the occipital nerve (neuropathy). Due to this dysfunction in the back of the head, unpleasant sensations can occur in the form of constant numbness, tingling and goosebumps. There may be partial insensitivity to touch in the affected area;
  • transient ischemic attack - malnutrition of brain tissues due to a sharp narrowing of the vessel. In such a situation, the crawling continues for several hours, after which it simply disappears;
  • neuropathy of the cervical plexus. Painful sensations and goosebumps with such a violation will be concentrated in the back of the head, neck and near the ears;
  • Bell's palsy is inflammation of the facial nerve. With this problem, first goosebumps begin to actively run along the right or left side of the face, after which the muscles on this side weaken and gradually cease to provide movement of the part of the face;
  • hypoparathyroidism is a disorder of the parathyroid glands. The localization of goosebumps can be different, but the problem is also accompanied by increased nervous excitability.

What to do if goosebumps run down your head

You should not immediately panic if goosebumps appear on your head, because this is most likely a natural reaction of the body to a psycho-emotional state or external influence. In this case, the feeling will quickly pass, and will not have a systematic character. If the origins lie in the increased excitability of the nervous system, then you can take light sedatives - for example, the drug Glycine, mint tea or aromatherapy with mint or lavender oils. It will improve overall well-being and massage the back and neck, because often headache, irritability and increased nervous sensitivity are a consequence of the accumulation of salts in the cervical region.

The attention of a person should be attracted by the pathologically frequent appearance of goosebumps and their presence for a long time. In this case, most likely the problem lies in the presence of a disease, which cannot be determined without a visit to the doctor and a series of examinations. It is worth considering that symptoms similar to osteochondrosis (headache, irritability, etc.) can also form with deviations in the normal functioning of the thyroid gland. Consultation with a specialist is necessary if you have the following symptoms:

  • numbness and goosebumps do not stop for more than an hour;
  • along with goosebumps from one part of the head, its immobilization is observed;
  • simultaneously with goose bumps, there is pain in the head, high blood pressure;
  • the condition is accompanied by functional disorders (hearing, vision, etc.);
  • in the area of ​​goose bumps, a change in skin temperature is noted, it turns red.

Without making a diagnosis, it is impossible to take any measures, since, for example, the same massage for problems with the thyroid gland or back injuries is most often contraindicated.

How to get rid of this feeling

If the condition is caused by natural causes, then it will quickly pass by itself, without causing unnecessary and prolonged discomfort. If goosebumps are a sign of a disease, then it will be possible to finally get rid of the problem only after curing the underlying disease that provokes it. There are no special procedures to eliminate this symptom, since it does not cause extremely unpleasant sensations, however, sedatives may be prescribed by a doctor to calm the nervous system.

a) Small and large chakras on the face

1. The solar and lunar currents (ida and pingala) are to the right and left of the central channel. Rising from the Muladhara, they intersect with the Sushumna at the points of the chakras, uniting in the Ajna Chakra.

This point is in the center of the forehead. At an early stage of cleaning/opening, it feels like a slight itch when the hand is brought up. In later stages, with better energy circulation, it feels like a minty cold burning sensation. The size of the burning sensation is a circle with a radius of two centimeters. One of the most powerful and clear sensations.
With such a sensation, one may get the impression that the third eye is opening, but this is not so - Ida and Pingala are simply cleansed and energy circulates better, which is felt most strongly in the Ajna chakra. The opening of the third eye is the last stage of purification.

If there are sensations in this chakra, then you can "train" its opening (clearing the channels), imagining that you rhythmically inhale and exhale prana from the environment in this place. At the same time, it feels like the sponge gets wet, becomes more wet and heavy. At the same time, the sensations of itching and burning increase by an order of magnitude. Sometimes, at the same time, white or golden light is visible in the center of the forehead.

2. There are a few small dots under the center of the forehead, also felt in the early stages of cleaning. Four points form a small cross: the bridge of the nose and the ends of the eyebrows from the side of the bridge of the nose. Through these points, obviously, Ida and Pingala pass further after Ajna, ending at the nostrils. The points are felt exactly as points of small radius, but quite clearly.

3. At the place of completion of Ida and Pingala, there are bioactive points near the nostrils. After massaging them for a couple of minutes, you can completely get rid of nasal congestion for a short period of time.

4. There is a small chakra at the tip of the nose, at the tip of the chin, two small chakras under the middle of the eyes. These points belong to the canal system, the physical reflection of which is the facial nerve. The facial nerve itself is sometimes also felt almost entirely.

5. Sensations of the cerebral cortex - a pleasant minty burning sensation of the entire surface of the brain from the top of the head to the ears. Apparently this is how the Sahasrara feels in the later stages.
In the early stages, the opening of the Sahasrara begins with a micro-stroke in the form of a flash in the eye and the sensation of a broken paper clip in the crown at the same time - as if a latch or a wedge is popping out. The opening of other chakras is felt in a similar way, it can be missed only through great inattention. After opening - it seems that a hole has formed in the crown. This hole begins to expand and descend, after which the closest analogy is like a snake crawling out of old skin. Feeling of freshness, at first as if the lid of the skull were missing.

6. At a certain stage of cleaning, a thin, barely audible ultrasonic whistle / ringing appears in the ears. It signals the normal circulation of energy in the head area.

All sensations on the face - minty cold, burning with mint - are pleasant. The sensation of boiling water and lava arose once when Kundalini was raised (the direction of energy through the central channel) - on the contrary, it hurts for the first time.

Burning on the face and, first of all, the cerebral cortex is the opening of the source of the downward flow from the Higher Self (information, consciousness, spirit)

b) torso sensations

1. The first sensations during cleaning are goosebumps. This is the first very gross sensation of the electrical currents of the nervous system. The feeling appears with sincere prayer, humility, forgiveness and repentance (lowering the point of attention from the head lower, as if bowing the head, humble, kneeling). Depending on the congestion of the back channels, goosebumps can begin to run from different places on the back, but always from the bottom up. When cleaning the channels, over time, goosebumps will run lower and lower. For example, first - from the scruff of the neck up, then from the center of the back up, then from the lower back up, then from the sides (ribs) to the spine and up, then from the hips up, then from the shins up and finally from the feet up.
As you progress in the cleansing, the tingling sensation turns into a sensation of electric current. It is not unpleasant, on the contrary. The current always runs from the bottom up, is a manifestation of the upward flow and cleans the ascending channel system.

The current and goosebumps in any part of the body is the cleaning of the channels. The sensations on the back are the clearing of the ascending channel system.

2. After preliminary cleaning and sufficient study of the Ajna Chakra, sensations begin to appear from the front side of the torso. Begins with a minty cold burning sensation in the region of the heart. This burning sensation may be accompanied by arrhythmia, squealing and heart failure. This can be quite frightening, doctors treat it as vegetative-vascular dystonia. An additional symptom for VSD is a constant whistling/ringing in the ears, which is usually present at this point, and which means that the ida with pingala are quite clear.
The burning area in the Anahata region is getting larger, eventually capturing the entire torso. There may be a whirlpool sensation in the chest. Over time, the burning area captures the solar plexus, then the middle of the abdomen and the navel, creating a single spot of cold burning from the neck to the navel.

Cold burning in this case means the gradual opening of Anahata, under which there is a soul, the second of the three sources of energy. The soul throws out energy in a fountain, but this source is clogged for almost everyone. When it is raked, the heart begins to change rhythms and function normally.
To train and speed up cleaning - you can concentrate on the sensations in the center of the chest, try to figure out what causes them, remember this state.

The sensation on the front of the torso is the clearing of the descending duct system

3. After cleaning the entire system of channels, Kundalini begins to wake up. The experience of awakening the Kundalini is different for everyone, one of them is described below:
Suddenly, heat rises up my spine, burning everything in its path. Reaching the heart, lava makes it pound with incredible force, it seems that it will burst and you will die (which of course is not so, you should not be afraid). If the Kundalini passes higher to the brain stem (third eye), then the feeling of heat intensifies - the more, the higher it is. At the very top, Kundalini feels like lava burning out the brain. Shooting to the very top, the top of the head, it then flows down in hot streams, forcing you to feel literally every channel from the entire system of channels, both from behind and in front. At the same time, confidence and a feeling that you are about to die. At the time of death, the same process occurs - the kundalini opens with a jump, destroying everything in its path.

4. After the awakening of the Kundalini, it begins to be felt constantly as a wave of heat spilled over the back and swaying along it higher and lower. Over time, this heat can rise higher and higher, to the neck, then up the back of the head. While the heat is spread over the entire surface of the channels, this is additional cleaning and burning of slags. However, this heat can eventually be learned to concentrate into an energy bundle. In this case, the kundalini rises through the central channel to the region of the heart, after which it exits to the front side of the chest. This tourniquet is powerful and should be used with caution and expediency when interacting with the outside world. When the tourniquet is raised to the heart, it begins to beat as if 200 beats per minute, as if adrenaline was injected into it. In fact, the way it is - kundalini rising through Sushumna is the hormone adrenaline produced by the adrenal glands (first chakra)

5. A channel from the heart to the neck was felt several times, then it rises to the eyebrow, goes around it and goes down to the nostril. The flow of energy is felt like a viscous, cold and viscous cord. Perhaps this is the channel of Ida, but on the contrary, it is descending.

6. Numbness of the little fingers during sleep. Associated with reconfiguration of the heart.

7. In the later stages - cold needles along the body and from the sides, mainly from the back side: shoulders, back, armpits

c) sensations in the legs and arms

1. The chakras of the feet begin to vibrate noticeably when the vertical flow is carried from top to bottom and discharged through them into the ground.
2. The chakras of the knees and palms should theoretically be felt. Feeling the chakras of the palms indicates a predisposition to healing

Beginning in №7/2014

Anyone can become a psychic
Thus, it is clear that such phenomena of supersensory perception as clairvoyance and clairaudience are derivatives of the etheric body. This also applies to clairsentience. Being clairsentient is much better and more reliable than being clairvoyant, hearing, or feeling. And below I will explain why this is so and what is meant by the concept of “clairsentience”.
Are you familiar with such states when there is no physical impact on the body, but there are physical sensations? Do not rush to answer, but analyze the presence or absence of such a phenomenon in you. For example, when you come into contact with the beautiful, whether it be music, poetry or a song, goosebumps can often run through your skin. At the same time, notice that no one touched you on the physical plane. So it turns out that there is no tactile impact, but there are clear physical sensations! Or sometimes your ears may “burn”, while no one rubs them for you, but nevertheless there are sensations. Sometimes people say that they feel the approach of certain events with their skin, and someone feels it "inside", someone - with the "spinal cord" and the like.
Here, in fact, there is a substitution of the concepts of feeling and sensation. People cannot feel anything with their body parts, they can only feel with them. Feelings include those or other states of the body that differ from the original ones. And it is these altered states that people call feeling, although it is not such.
Let me give you one more example. Remember, when you studied at a university and took exams, before entering the classroom and taking an exam ticket, certain sensations arose in the body: fading in the chest area, “sucking in the pit of your stomach”, tension in the stomach, “throat interception”, sensation of heat or cold in the back. It doesn’t matter at all what sensations accompanied you at that moment - these or others, what matters is that they were. Next, you took a ticket and received an assessment. If you remembered the feelings you had the day before and the assessment you received and compared a similar feeling the next time, under any circumstances, you would be amazed: the result will always be similar.
Such sensations are a function of the etheric body, or to be more precise, a function of the sense organs of the physical body, represented at the field level in the etheric body. And for us it is important that such physical sensations that arise in the physical body without physical influence never deceive! This is due to the fact that in the Subtle World there is no deceit, everything there is real and everything is true. Clairsentience is the first stage of energy-informational interaction with the outside world through supersensory perception.
I will give one more example from my practice: a young woman of 34 years old, beautiful, slender, pleasant in all respects, asked for a consultation. She was about to marry for the fifth time. Having already some experience of married life, she was interested in the prospects of the current marriage. I asked her:
- Did you marry for the first time for love?
- Oh sure.
- And the second time?
- Of course, out of love, this is such a magical state that it seems as if butterflies flutter in the soul.
- And for the third time, too, out of love, and also butterflies fluttered?
“Of course,” she replied.
“Stop,” I said to myself and thought: we have found the key to the happiness (or misfortune) of this woman. And this "key" was in the form of repetitive sensations.
- And before the last marriage, too, butterflies fluttered?
“Fluttered,” she replied.
- And now?
- Same.
After that, everything became clear: her new marriage would be doomed just like all the previous ones.
For this woman, the characteristic sensations of "fluttering butterflies in the chest" mean only one thing: the marriage union will not be long and happy. These "butterfly" sensations are good for creating any kind of relationship: sexual, romantic, erotic, friendly, but not marital. When such sensations are repeated, the result will always be the same.
Here is another similar case. A 29-year-old girl asked for advice; her problem was that she could not get married in any way. Outwardly, she was not offended by anything: tall, slender, easy to communicate with. In acquaintances with men, she is cautious and picky. During our conversation, it turned out that she allows dating and begins romantic communication with men only if, as she herself voiced, "if I feel that he is mine." Naturally, I asked her: how do you feel it, what sensations and where do they arise? It turned out that the sensations that told her that this man was supposedly hers were warmth in the region of the heart. Undoubtedly, these are pleasant sensations, but they told her: you will have a good romance and nothing more. And in order to meet her future husband, she needs to focus on completely different sensations.
Another example. A 44-year-old man turned for advice, he has a business related to grain grinding, and he was interested, among other things, in the following question: “Will the person to whom I loaned them return the money (3 thousand USD) to me? » As he himself said, the time to return the money has long passed, and the person did not even make an attempt to return them. Then I asked this miller: “And when you gave money, what were your inner feelings?” He replied, "I was absolutely calm and serene." When I asked him how he feels when he invests in his business, in his ideas, he replied: “My internal rhythm accelerates and a certain excitement and anxiety appear.” Then, to his question on the fact of the return of the debt, I answered: “Be absolutely calm, this money will not be returned to you.”
Thus, for this man, the inner feeling of a state of calmness means that when dealing with money, the expected result will not be achieved. When a positive result is achieved, he has completely different feelings.

These examples by no means mean that the conditions described are typical and characteristic of all people. Other people in similar situations can and certainly will have very different feelings.
The main task of everyone who wants to use the potential of the etheric body with maximum benefit for themselves is to learn to verify their internal sensations and the state of the body.
For example, when an idea comes to my mind how to make money or make some useful transformations in my life, then I carefully listen to my feelings. If at the same time there is an internal excitement and fuss, a certain obsession to quit everything and do only this, plus a feeling of heat in my head, I say to myself: “Stop. Calm down, it's all useless fuss." Because I already know from experience: such states and sensations warn that there will be a waste of effort and money, and the expected result will not be. But when a certain feeling of a stretched string arises in the chest - I know: everything will work out, take it and calmly embody your plan.
Once again I return to the fact that being a clairsentient is much better and more reliable than a clairvoyant, sentient or clairaudient, because the sensations are clear and concrete: they either exist or they don't. They are either this or different, you can’t confuse them and you can’t make a mistake. You just need to listen carefully to them.
As for, say, clairsentience, which is a function of the astral body, there are always doubts: what if it just seemed to me, because feelings are so changeable. Clairvoyance: what if I just dreamed it, clairaudience - I heard it. Moreover, this can be verified only by the fact of what happened, which is far from always the case, and in everyday life it is not reliable to rely on this.
In addition, voices and visions can be the product of induced states or the result of the habitation of various entities. In the professional environment of esotericists, the fact is well known that when harmful entities are settled, a person in the form of “voices”, “visions”, “pure knowledge” can initially receive true information. He gets used to this and begins to focus on it, then he is given true information mixed with false, and when a dependence on this information is formed, completely false information comes in. In this case, a person loses success, begins to worry about what causes the loss of energy. The harmful essence achieved this by imposing false information, painful experiences, oppressive thoughts - in this case, a person loses energy, and the essence feeds on it. Thus, a person falls into the web of energy vampirism.
From this it is clear that the biofield must be clear of induced states and harmful psychic viruses and entities.
I am often asked: “Are you a clairvoyant?” To this I always answer, "No, I am clairsentience." At the same time, the questioner often has some kind of disappointment, but this is due to his incompetence in matters of professional esotericism.
When a person comes into my office, I feel immediately, from the threshold, whether he has induced states. Under the induced states, I understand what the people call the evil eye and damage.
Through sensations through the etheric body, it is possible to constantly monitor the surrounding energy-information environment. For me, this happens as naturally as, for example, a person fixes a change, let's say, in the brightness of the lighting. Here he went into the shade, the sun was covered by a cloud, here is the bright daylight, the shadow that suddenly ran through, the muffled light of the room, twilight, predawn blue, and so on. When clairsentience develops, then naturally, as if by itself, verification of the entire energy-informational background occurs - both open space and premises, both individual objects and people; both technical means and wildlife objects; as well as the presence or absence of elementary entities (brownies, elves, nymphs, gnomes, and many others) or subtle entities, both harmful and good. There is a reliable opportunity to determine exactly which egregore a person is included in: demonic or blissful, whether you are in a geopathic zone or, conversely, are in a Place of Power. Relying on your ethereal sensations, you will discover a “parallel” world for yourself and gain the ability of supersensory perception. This does not mean that only your psychic abilities will be limited to this, but, of course, this is where you should start.

According to the leading channels of perception, psychologists divide people into kinesthetics, auditory, visual and digital. Kinesthetics are those people who are dominated by the tactile nature of cognition of the world, they definitely need to touch everything, touch, crush, stroke, taste, that is, feel. For a visual person, the main thing is to see; for an audial person, it is to hear. Digitals are rational digital people, they don't care what it looks like, what it feels like and what sounds it makes. For them, the most important thing is functionality and usefulness.
In humans, one channel is usually leading, the other is auxiliary, the other two are simply accompanying.
So, for example, if a person buys something, he first of all focuses on his leading channels of perception. And those sellers who hang signs-inscriptions on their goods make a very big mistake: “Do not touch with your hands.” They immediately lose at least a third of potential buyers. Kinesthetics, in order to make a purchase decision, you must definitely touch the product. Or, say, one can often observe the following picture: the seller makes a thin slice of the product and invites the buyer to try, to which the latter replies: “No, thanks. I see everything". That is, such a buyer is a visualizer, and, accordingly, he determines the taste, appetizingness of the product by its appearance, and not by taste. But kinesthetics must definitely try the product. And at the same time, he will also specify whether it is soft, say, lard or hard. When buying a product, a digital will focus on its usefulness, calorie content, freshness, manufacturer, price, storage conditions and terms, recipe for preparation and the need for this product for itself.
Naturally, these channels of perception are a continuation of the channels of the etheric body, and it is very possible that with an exacerbation of sensitivity (clairsentience), visualists will have clairvoyance, auditory people will have clairaudience, and digital people will have “pure knowledge”. The sense of smell is also related to kinesthetic perception, and the phenomenon of clairaudience may arise, and people will be able to perceive astral, ethereal smells.
Once I exchanged favors with a woman who had the gift of clairaudience. Using this peculiarity of her etheric body, she was engaged and is still engaged in the diagnosis of karma, she simply hears the information she needs. And she told me that, they say, if I didn’t smoke, I would be clairvoyant. And then I told her about some of the phenomena that began to manifest themselves in me, connected specifically with smells. I have always been very sensitive to various smells of a completely physical nature. And somehow, while advising a man, I felt the smell of the cheapest pies coming from him, which are sold at railway stations and bazaars. I asked this man if he sells these same pies? To which the client replied: “What are you, I haven’t touched them since my student years.” "How so? I thought. - There are no pies, but their smell is there! It surprised me then. As time went on, I met with a variety of people in the course of my work, and sometimes the same, already familiar smell of pies reappeared. Summarizing my experience, I found that all these people who smelled of pies had one thing in common: they were tormented by deep and global fears. Such fears appeared on the eve of the trials, threats of imprisonment, threats of losing an apartment, job, divorce, etc. In fact, these people did not smell like pies, they exuded astral smells, to which my etheric body reacted through the smell of pies. To all other people, they all possessed the usual smell.
That is, what I wrote about above - "verify my sensations" - this means to determine what happens when I feel something. Thus, the smell of pies coming from people is verified as the smell of fear, oppression and depression. And when I accurately determined in what cases and when this smell occurs, I thereby verified it. And now, when a person comes to me for a consultation, and I smell this smell, I immediately ask him: “What deep fears torment you?” As a rule, he answers the question with a question: “How did you know this?” With all due respect to the client, I cannot tell him the truth that my nose told me about it. A person in this situation simply does not understand me.
Later, I verified the smell of death, that is, a few months before their death, people begin to smell in a special way.
Icons often exude astral odors, so strong that they can be felt by ordinary people, without any paranormal abilities.
The possibilities of the etheric body in terms of supersensory perception are enormous, you just need to learn how to use it.
In addition, if you learn to work with your feelings, you will stop making mistakes, you will always make the right decisions and, accordingly, will be a successful, healthy and loved person.

Andrey Desni
(To be continued)
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Five signs that indicate the awakening of prana

When the yogi's energy is awakened through persistent practice, he experiences five signs that indicate the activation of the Kundalini:

1. Experience of blissful rapture in the body, accompanied by flashes of clarity (ananda).

2. Feeling of flight (levitation), accompanied by a temporary penetration into the Clear Light (udbhava).

3. Trembling (campa).

4. Awakening of awareness in sleep due to the fact that the pranas enter the central channel (yoga nidra).

5. Rocking in bliss, accompanied by trembling or turning of the head (ghurni).

These signs are described in the Shiva Sutra. However, before these signs appear, the yogi will experience many initial experiences associated with the purification of the channels and the circulation of energy through them.

Common Experiences at the Beginning of Kundalini Yoga Practice

Heat and cold

With an intense awakening of energy from the muladhara region, a strong fever rises, accompanied by a rapid heartbeat, and the yogi may also experience chills. This is due to the awakening of the Kundalini energy in Muladhara and the activation of the pingala and ida channels, which are still unbalanced. The yogi may have a rise in temperature, as with a cold. At this time, he is severely tested by the "sun" and "moon" that are in his body.

Goosebumps and itching

The opening of superficial channels and marmas on the skin is felt as tingling, itching, itching, as if insects were crawling over the body. Itching, itching can be severe in places where the channels are spasmodic or clogged. As cleansing in these places, there is a feeling of bliss, a feeling of transparency of the skin.

Soaring, lightness in the body

Soaring, lightness in the body indicate the opening of muladhara and the activation of udana-vayu, partial filling of sushumna with prana.

Heaviness and "fullness" of the limbs

Due to the impurity of the channels, the fingers, toes, and feet are unevenly filled with prana, which can cause a feeling of swelling and bursting, puffiness. Over time, this goes away on its own, because. prana naturally harmonizes.

Light flashes

Flashes occur in the region of the heart and between the eyebrows. When enough prana enters these centers, they feel full and light is seen, which can sometimes be bright like lightning or a lamp, and sometimes dim.

Vibrations in the body

The vibrations are associated with the upward movement of vyana vayu and other vayus through the channels. Sometimes the yogi's body may bend while sitting and his head tilted back, sometimes his knees may tremble, or while sitting in the lotus position, he may bounce slightly. Also, his stomach may contract involuntarily, or his shoulders may twitch, and his throat may develop muscle spasms. These movements should not be frightened, they indicate that the wind has begun to move through the channels, but the channels are still narrow, uncleaned. When they expand, these movements will disappear.

Sounds in the ears

Whistling, ringing of bells, ear plugging, buzzing, buzzing, voices, various melodies.
All of these experiences precede the more subtle "true" sounds used in Nada Yoga. These are signs of purification of the anahata channels - the chakra and the central channel.

"Experiences of a yogi when prana rises
When prana and Shakti begin to move away from each other, the yogi recognizes it this way: he hears seven sounds, he sees five colors, he feels three smells, he knows two tastes - this is how the Lord of Light determined the signs. Rishi Tirumular "Tirumantiram", tantra 3 (723)

Streams of energy come to the brain from the coccyx or from space. They enter the channels of the upper centers, activating the subtle body.

At this stage, the yogi can enter the energy and astral bodies with the power of energy, see the colors of pranas, elements, chakras, energies of other people or distant events.

The yogi should not be fascinated by the visions, trying to interpret them, or be very interested in them, thinking like this: "This is neither bad nor good, this is another layer of consciousness." These next layers of consciousness are essentially the same illusion as thoughts: empty, like a rainbow in the sky, like an echo in the mountains, like mirages, like a dream, like a dream, like a moon in water.

According to the teachings of Taoism, in the human body, as in the entire universe, an invisible subtle energy called qi circulates. Qi is the Chinese equivalent of the word "breath". In the Indian esoteric tradition, this energy is called prana or Kundalini.

Ni circulates through the energy channels of a person, just as blood circulates through the veins. It is on the doctrine of qi and energy channels that acupuncture and reflexology are based.

It is believed that the circulation of blood through the vessels is also provided with energy. As long as the energy moves freely through the channels, so does the blood; when qi stagnates in certain areas of the body, there is also stagnation in the blood vessels of these areas. It is for this reason that energy and blood in Eastern medicine are often compared with an object and its shadow.

As long as the circulation of qi in the body is not disturbed, a person is healthy both mentally and physically. The circulation of energy is affected by many factors - external, internal, natural, social, etc. It is disturbed by both climate change and strong emotions or the lack of necessary loads.

The Chinese never gave a precise definition of what qi energy is. For them, it did not matter what nature qi had - material, spiritual or any other. The Chinese were practitioners, and they were much more concerned not with irreproachable definitions, but with how the fact of the existence of qi could be used. In this they succeeded.

Many orthodox European physicians, referring to the fact that there is neither an exact definition of qi, nor instruments that would fix it, deny the existence of this energy, and explain the effectiveness of acupuncture either by the fact that needles act on certain nerve endings, or by some other manner.

At the same time, almost every one of us, being pleasantly excited, in love or making love, experienced specific experiences, felt how certain flows, sometimes light, sometimes strong, sometimes cool, sometimes hot, sometimes tickling like gas bubbles, spread through the body. , awakening in it absolutely indescribable sensations. This was the movement of qi flows.

Another type of qi movement can be seen in moments of anxiety or sudden fear. Very often it is observed during nightmares.

Most people at least once in their lives have seen in a dream one of the most common nightmares, which consists in falling into an abyss or from a great height. Anyone who has experienced this can easily remember something like a heavy cold wave that rapidly spreads along the spine and causes an unpleasant aching sensation in the kidneys, back, neck or nape.

The sensation defined by the expression "goosebumps" in terms of Eastern medicine means a surge of protective or sexual qi to the surface of the skin (although this may be another type of energy).

We, following the example of the Chinese, will not rack our brains over definitions, but simply learn to feel qi and work with it. The Taoist classification of qi energy types has thirty-two varieties. We will not delve into such subtleties for now and will limit ourselves to acquaintance with two types of qi - protective and sexual energies.

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