Hair is shedding heavily in autumn. Why does hair fall out so much in the fall. Life cycle of hair

Most people experience permanent hair loss in one way or another. This misfortune concerns someone more, but for someone the dropout coefficient is normal. However, in the autumn period, this trouble often intensifies. And today we will talk about why hair falls out in the fall.

The rate of hair loss in humans

Every day people lose a certain amount of hair, which, in comparison with the total hairiness, is quite insignificant. So, for example, it is generally accepted that the loss of about 50-150 hairs per day is an absolute norm, because the average hair on the head of most people reaches 10-15 thousand.

However, as we said above, hair falls out more in autumn, and below we will understand why.

Why does hair fall out so much in autumn?

There are several reasons at once that can answer the question of why hair begins to fall out more actively in autumn. First of all, you need to understand that summer is the time for fruits and vegetables. It is in summer that the body of most people is most actively saturated with all kinds of vitamins, because the abundance of all kinds of fruits and vegetables is surprising, and the price for them is at the most favorable rates.

With the end of summer, in turn, people stop consuming fruits and vegetables so actively, and, accordingly, the intake of nutrients and vitamins in the body is sharply reduced. This inevitably affects many processes in the body. In particular, autumn beriberi leads to the fact that hair begins to fall out in the fall.

There is another factor that may be the answer to the question of why a lot of hair falls out in the fall. The fact is that summer is the period of the year when people have the opportunity to show themselves "in all their glory." In particular, this applies to the beautiful half of the population of the planet Earth. The fact is that it is in the summer that women manage to show everyone their hairstyles, and the presence of a beautiful hairstyle obliges each time before leaving the house to use all kinds of varnishes, sprays and other hair cosmetics. Of course, all this chemistry used in relation to hair cannot pass without a trace, and by autumn the hair can be powerless, which leads to their more abundant loss.

What to do and how to treat hair loss

Having figured out why hair falls out in the fall, you need to understand and what to do when observing such troubles.

And procedures such as laser treatment, electrotrichogenesis, as well as many other cosmetic surgeries offered in most beauty salons, can help in this situation.

What causes hair loss in the fall and how to recognize it in time. Recipes for folk remedies, an overview of the best cosmetic products and tips for their use, nutritional features.

The content of the article:

Fall hair loss is a fairly common problem, especially among women. It can occur at absolutely any age and under completely different circumstances. This phenomenon cannot be attributed to trichological diseases, since most often it has any external causes and with the onset of December it usually disappears on its own. But competent treatment is still necessary here in order to avoid the appearance of bald patches.

Causes of hair loss in autumn

Trichologists believe that a partial decrease in the amount of hair on the head from September to November is quite normal. The main thing here is that the problem does not turn into alopecia when bald patches appear. Among the reasons that can lead to the activation of baldness, doctors consider the negative impact of various environmental factors, some problems with physical and psychological health, and dietary habits.

It is necessary to study in more detail each of the possible reasons:

  • Abrupt weather change. Around mid-October, the first tangible colds come and heavy rains begin. As a result of exposure to low temperatures, the vessels of the head narrow, preventing the normal flow of blood to the hair follicles. As a result, the curls are deprived of nutrients, which is why they begin to fall out.
  • Decrease in the amount of estrogen in the blood. This is usually observed just the same in the fall and is accompanied by migraine, the appearance of excess weight and depression of libido. The volume of this female beauty hormone increases closer to winter-spring. This process is embedded in the genes and occurs with almost every woman.
  • UV exposure. With frequent exposure to open sunlight, the activity of the male hormone testosterone increases and the number of free radicals in the blood increases, which are one of the culprits of hair loss. Therefore, curls have to pay for a beautiful tan from the beginning of September-October until the very end of autumn.
  • Stress. No wonder there is such a thing as "autumn blues", because it is at the beginning of this time of the year that a huge number of problems fall on a person's head. For some, all this is connected with going to work after vacation, for others - with the arrival from the countryside, and for someone - with the resumption of classes at school or at the university. Rainy weather, which causes a bad mood, does not contribute to a stable psycho-emotional state. Do not forget that in the body experiencing stress, the amount of the hormone of happiness (serotonin) decreases, and constant nervous tension is directly related to hair loss.
  • Nutrition. In summer, a large amount of fresh vegetables and fruits are included in the human diet, but with the onset of the first cold weather, their share decreases several times. As a result, beriberi develops against the background of a deficiency of iron, biotin, magnesium and other substances. As a result, all this leads to malnutrition of the hair follicles and, as a result, to the loss of curls.
Usually, autumn hair loss occurs for several reasons at once, and the situation is only aggravated due to improper care of the hair - the use of low-quality shampoos and combs with too coarse teeth, frequent and careless washing of the head.

The main signs of seasonal hair loss in the fall

First of all, people who complain about this notice shreds of unusually large sizes on the comb that remain after styling. It is worth taking what is happening seriously if the number of falling hairs is more than 100 pieces. per day. A significant part of them leaves their owner while washing their hair.

Vegetation, which remains in large quantities on the pillow after sleep, should also alert. In such a situation, in the near future, the hair can thin so much that the skin will be very noticeable.

Often this phenomenon occurs along with increased fragility of curls, the roots of which are pale in color, which indicates a violation of their nutrition and blood supply.

Along with the main symptom (fallout), the need for frequent washing of the head due to the rapid contamination of the hair may also disturb. It is also important that they become thin, decrease in volume, acquire an unhealthy appearance.

This can be joined by a sharp increase in the amount of dandruff and a slowdown in the growth of curls, general weakness, apathy and headaches.

If hair loss in the fall is associated with malnutrition, then beriberi can manifest itself in a tingling sensation in the limbs and their numbness, a decrease in hemoglobin levels, nausea and severe itching of the skin.

Under stress, a bad mood, reduced performance, and insomnia are disturbing.

How to deal with autumn hair loss

To successfully solve the problem, an integrated approach is needed: taking vitamin and mineral complexes, using various cosmetic and folk remedies - in the form of decoctions, oils, masks. Equally important is a normal, healthy diet, with the inclusion in the menu of sources of various micro- and macroelements, vitamins. But first of all, you should remove stress from life, pick up a comb with soft teeth, stop blow-drying your hair and stop dyeing it for a while.

What cosmetics will help get rid of hair loss

On the shelves of stores you can find various sprays, shampoos, balms, masks, whose manufacturers promise to solve the problem in just a few months. Naturally, this is possible only in combination with the intake of vitamin-mineral complexes. For greater success, oil solutions of alpha-tocopherol and retinol can be added to ready-made products, which are needed in 20 ml per 200 ml of product. It is recommended to wash your hair no more than twice a week.

The leaders among such funds are the following compositions:

  1. Sprays. The most famous of these will be the product from Alerana based on 2% and 5% minoxidil solution. It stops hair loss, restores the hair structure and activates their growth. It must be used once a day, in particular after shampooing. A good analogue of this spray is Selenzin, which contains collagen, biotin and many other biologically active components. It is sprayed onto the hair roots, holding the bottle at a slight angle, the course of application is equal to a month.
  2. Shampoos. Here, as in the case of sprays, Aleran products hold the leading position. The company has a shampoo for hair loss for both normal and problematic hair types. Both of them do not violate the acid-base balance of the skin and improve blood circulation. In addition, the restoration of the structure of the follicles and their nutrition due to vitamin B5, lecithin, and wheat proteins are ensured.
  3. masks. The best results are obtained by using Elfa 7 Oils, which contains castor, burdock and other effective oils. It is produced by a Ukrainian company and is used for all types of hair. It is recommended to use it 2 times a week, applying to the roots, spreading over all curls and rinsing with warm water. If this option is not suitable, a great solution would be to buy a burdock balm-mask against hair loss from the Pharma Bio Laboratory brand. Its effectiveness is based on the action of a decoction of medicinal herbs, which account for up to 75% of the composition. Apply the product like a regular shampoo, keeping it on the head for 1-2 minutes.
  4. Balm conditioners. A product called "Hair Strengthening" from the Biocon brand helps very well. It must be used after rinsing off the shampoo every time you wash your hair. You can replace this remedy with the no less effective Burdock Anti-Hair Loss Series by Dr. Sante. It provides deep restoration of their structure, hydration and nutrition, thereby eliminating brittleness and loss.

How to get rid of severe hair loss in autumn with vitamins

Basically, we are talking about vitamin-mineral complexes, which must contain vitamins B9, B6, C, A, E, B5, iron and magnesium, they are responsible for the condition of the curls. These drugs can be produced in the form of pills, capsules, tablets and even syrups. They should be applied in courses of 2-4 weeks with a break of six months. A trichologist prescribes treatment after donating blood for thyroid hormones (TSH, T4, T3, calcitonin).

The most popular and most effective means are:

  • Perfectil plus. This is a rather expensive drug from an English manufacturer. Its composition includes more than 15 different useful substances, ranging from vitamin A to selenium. The capsules are covered with a gelatin shell, they need to be drunk after meals and whole so that they dissolve directly in the stomach. The recommended daily dose is 1 piece, washed down with plenty of water. Treatment is carried out for 4 weeks, after which a doctor's consultation is required.
  • Vitrum Beauty. This is the main competitor of Perfectil Plus, since the effectiveness of this vitamin-mineral complex is also high, and the price is several times lower. It contains ascorbic acid, alpha-tocopherol, retinol, iron and more. etc. The release form of the drug is tablets, of which there are 30 or 60 pieces in one plastic jar. Swallow them without chewing, drinking plenty of water, people over 18 are recommended to drink 1 table. twice a day after meals.
  • Pantogar. This is the most expensive drug designed to eliminate "hair loss". Calling it a vitamin-mineral complex is not entirely correct, since of such substances there is only calcium. The successful use of the product is due to the presence of keratin in the composition, which restores the structure of the hair follicles. These capsules are relevant even when the cause of thinning hair is not found. They are taken in 1 piece. three times a day after meals, chewing and drinking water. Children under 12 years of age are not prescribed the drug, the course of administration is one month.
  • Dragee "Merz". Officially, they belong to dietary supplements, they contain a combination of all substances important for hair health - iron, cyanocobalamin, retinol, biotin, etc. The drug was released in Germany and should be taken for a month, 1 pc. in the morning and in the evening. One bottle is exactly enough for the course.

Note! It is impossible to combine the intake of different vitamins, this can lead to hypervitaminosis and a violation of the absorption of certain nutrients.

How to deal with seasonal hair loss in autumn with masks

This method will help to cope with the task if the problem is not very serious. On their own, masks are certainly effective, but when combined with oral vitamins, they will work even better. If you are going to prepare such products, you should pay special attention to natural ingredients of both plant and animal origin - eggs, sour cream, honey, glycerin. It is necessary to include various oils and herbs in the masks.

We have studied many recipes and selected the best among them:

  1. Mix some not very expensive cognac (20 ml) with egg yolk (2 pcs.) And a spoonful of non-candied honey (2 tbsp. L.). Rub the mixture well, heat it, cool, apply to the ends of the hair and soak for 30 minutes under a cap.
  2. Dissolve mustard powder (3 tablespoons) in strong black tea (10 ml), pour burdock oil (10 drops) and one yolk into the mixture. Stir the composition, rub it into the scalp and leave for 20 minutes, then rinse.
  3. In a solution of dimexide (2 tablespoons), add rosemary and castor oil (10 ml each), spread the composition over the surface with your fingers and wash your hair after 20 minutes.
  4. Peel the onion from the husk, grate it on the smallest grater, rub it into the skin and leave for 15 minutes, then rinse your hair well first with shampoo and then with clean water.
  5. Grind cottage cheese (30 g) with thin sour cream (15 ml), add lemon juice (20 drops) to the mass, stir and distribute over the head with massaging movements. Then wrap it with a film, wait 20 minutes and rinse the composition with water.
  6. Dissolve in vodka (50 ml) red ground pepper (1 tsp). Next, apply the mixture to the skin with your fingers and, massaging it, distribute the composition evenly over the entire surface. You need to keep it on your head for no more than 10 minutes, otherwise you can get burned.
Masks should be applied once a week with slight hair loss and twice in case of volumetric baldness.

Proper nutrition against seasonal hair loss

Foods rich in folic and ascorbic acid, iron, biotin, alpha-tocopherol, retinol and magnesium should be added to the diet. At the same time, most of them should come with raw vegetables and fruits, since heat treatment reduces the amount of nutrients by several times.

It is worth falling in love with green apples, seaweed, pomegranates, any greens, sweet bell peppers, beets, Brussels sprouts and cauliflower.

Green tea, a decoction of wild rose, mint and linden will help improve the blood supply to the hair follicles.

If possible, it is necessary to include nuts in the menu - walnuts, almonds, cashews.

You can prepare yourself a mixture of lemon (half with zest), dried apricots, dates, raisins and honey, dried fruits are required 50 g each, and the last ingredient - 3 tbsp. l. They must be connected together, twisted in a meat grinder, pour over with honey, mix and eat 4 tbsp. l. on an empty stomach

Dairy products, which contain the necessary protein for hair, deserve special attention.

Be sure to eat lightly salted red fish - salmon, pink salmon, etc.

How to stop hair loss in the fall with folk remedies

To prepare such products, you can use any herbs that strengthen hair follicles - coltsfoot, nettle, calendula, burdock, aloe. Additional ingredients can be honey, lemon juice, egg. It is allowed to use decoctions, infusions, tinctures, but they must all be fresh, you should not store them in the refrigerator for more than a week.

Perhaps the following combinations will work for you:

  • Pour boiling water over coltsfoot grass and nettles, 3 tbsp each. l. each. Let the mixture cool, strain it and rinse your hair with the resulting liquid. After that, they can smell unpleasant, so you have to use shampoo.
  • Pour calendula flowers (7 tablespoons) with boiled water (1 liter), leave them for 2-3 hours, strain and wash your hair with the finished infusion before using shampoo.
  • Squeeze aloe juice from young plants, which you need 5 tbsp. l., combine it with vodka (10 ml), lemon juice (20 ml) and anti-hair loss shampoo (40 ml). Pour the mixture into a bottle, shake it up and apply to curls, starting from the roots and ending with the tips. Rub the composition well, leave it for 1-2 minutes and rinse with clean water.
  • Grind burdock roots (3 tablespoons), put them in a jar and fill with warm (300 ml) boiled water. Then cover the container with a lid and leave it for 5-6 hours. Strain the infusion before using it.
  • Washing the hair with a simple serum helps a lot, which improves their blood supply, eliminates dandruff and helps accelerate growth.
Before using one or another composition stored in the refrigerator, it should be heated to room temperature, since cold products slow down blood circulation and create a stressful situation for the follicles, just like too hot masks.

How to stop seasonal hair loss in women in the fall - look at the video:

Considering how long autumn hair loss lasts (approximately from the beginning of October to the end of November), you are unlikely to go bald. But in any case, you need to be very attentive to yourself and provide them with carefully thought-out care, both with the help of folk and cosmetic products.

Women are more susceptible to autumn “molting”, as the level of estrogen in the body decreases with cold weather. Hormone deficiency leads to increased irritability, frequent mood swings, forgetfulness, and a breakdown. The lack of estrogen negatively affects the condition of the hair: it weakens, becomes thinner, looks dull and lifeless, grows more slowly, and more streaky.

The causes of excessive hair loss, in addition to hormonal imbalance, can be:

  • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • diets or a monotonous menu;
  • taking medication;
  • decreased immunity due to colds;
  • busy work schedule;
  • spasms of the blood vessels of the scalp caused by cold weather.

In autumn, tufts of hair that fall out when washing or combing are practically the norm. With the onset of stable frosts, the hormonal background, as a rule, stabilizes, and the accelerated thinning of the hair stops. It makes sense to contact a trichologist if slow hair growth is accompanied by the appearance of dry or oily dandruff, itching. Qualified treatment is required for a prolonged period of increased hair loss (more than 1-2 months) and noticeable hair degradation.

With seasonal shedding, it seems that hair is everywhere: on clothes, pillows, in the bathroom. Their number increases sharply on the comb. If you look closely in the mirror, you can see that the parting on the head has become wider. Others may notice that the quality of the hair has deteriorated. The lack of volume, the scalp showing through the hair, the lifeless look of curls - all this makes you think about additional care aimed at strengthening and protecting.

You need to start taking care of your hair with nutrition correction. Your diet should contain a lot of fish and nuts - foods rich in omega-3 and 6 fatty acids. Good for hair products are seeds, bananas, kiwi, milk, kefir, soy, beef liver, spinach. Instead of muffins and white bread, it is better to eat bran: it has a lot of fiber, there is biotin, panthenol, B vitamins. With severe hair loss, it is worth drinking a vitamin-mineral complex.

Salon procedures will also be effective. Quickly restore weakened hair allows keratinization, carried out by therapeutic compounds based on AHA acids, natural keratin, and vegetable oils. Hair that is subject to frequent dyeing, curling, blow-drying should be protected by biolamination. For radical recovery, injection and hardware methods are more suitable: mesotherapy, laser therapy, plasma lifting, electrotrichogenesis.

You can improve the condition of your hair on your own - with the help of professional products. Shampoos containing mild surfactants, biotin and peptides gently cleanse the scalp and restore the structure of damaged hair. Growth activators - balms, tonics, sprays, lotions - improve blood microcirculation, providing hair follicles with good nutrition.

It is recommended to include concentrates in the care program for weakened hair. At the heart of the drug formula Hair Concentrating Serum from the South Korean manufacturer "Dermahil" is a complex of biomimetic peptides. The serum contains the “beauty vitamin” biotin, salicylic acid, extracts of ginkgo biloba, oriental arborvitae, garden purslane. You need to use the remedy daily for several months.

Therapeutic spray “R” of the SYSTEM 4 series, thanks to the liquid keratin in the composition, quickly revives the hair. Makes them stronger, elastic, shiny. Thus, it slows down the process of hair loss and improves the appearance of hair. Balm Kosmoteros with lactic acid enzymes, arnica and hops strengthens hair follicles, eliminates dry hair. Mask Hair Nutrition Pack from Dermaheal restores hair from the inside, saturating the skin with amino acids and peptides. The phytoextracts contained in the product - sophora roots, eucalyptus leaves, grapefruit fruits - improve blood circulation.

ampoule lotion R.25 PAPPA REALE on the basis of royal jelly provides complete nutrition to hair follicles. With hair loss, accompanied by oily seborrhea, it is recommended to use URTINOL with nettle extract. If the cause of thinning hair is overdrying of the scalp, the drug will help DSM from Dixon. Serum contains silk proteins, suitable even for sensitive scalp. Ampoule products are used for hair mesotherapy. At home, they can be applied to the scalp under the mesoscooter.


In autumn, you should provide gentle care to your hair: wash your hair only with warm water, use a sulfate-free shampoo, and use a hairdryer only occasionally. Wear a hat to protect against wind and cold. Complete your basic hair care routine with masks and serums. Strengthen stress resistance and immunity, because the beauty of hair directly depends on the health of the body as a whole.

So, the main reason for the autumn “hair loss” in women is a natural decrease in estrogen levels. Frequent colds, food restrictions, stressful situations, low temperatures can increase the loss. To strengthen hair, it is recommended to take multivitamin complexes, use cosmetics with keratin, lactic acid, biotin, extracts of nettle, hops, ginkgo biloba.

You can get acquainted with the prices and choose cosmetics for hair in the section:.

Autumn brings with it not only the gold of foliage, rains and the first frosts, but also seasonal weakening of the immune system, deterioration of the body. Many people notice that the hair becomes thin, dull, loses volume and begins to leave the head too intensively.

The main reason for autumn hairfall is a sharp change in temperature and a reduction in daylight hours. With the onset of the first cold weather, we do not always warm ourselves according to the weather, and the cold causes the vessels responsible for the blood supply to the scalp to narrow. Follicles receive less nutrition, hair growth slows down.

There are several reasons for hair loss in autumn. With a decrease in the duration of daylight hours and the onset of constant cloudy and rainy weather, the production of serotonin in our body decreases. This hormone, in addition to being responsible for a good mood, helps to resist negative emotions, stress and depression. Stress hormones also constrict blood vessels, including the scalp. Due to a lack of nutrients, hair can fall into the telogen phase - the life processes in such a hair freeze, and after 2-3 months it leaves the skin. In women, seasonal hair loss can also be associated with a sharp drop in the level of estrogen in the blood - it is this hormone that makes women's strands so long and thick.

How to stop fall fall

What to do if you notice that your hair falls out a lot in the fall? Your hair needs proper care and nutrition from the inside - and in a month or two it will begin to return to normal.

Protect your hair from harmful temperatures. In addition to the obligatory headdress in cold weather, do not overdry your curls with a hot hairdryer and tongs. If you do styling every day, use protective products, and in no case direct a jet of hot air directly to the roots - in addition to stimulating excessive fat content of the roots, the follicles suffer from such overheating.

If you do not wear a hat in windy weather, it can blow out the scalp. From this misfortune, heated nourishing oil (burdock, olive, almond), applied to the skin and aged under insulation for at least half an hour, will help.

Be sure to wash your hair as it gets dirty, especially for those with oily skin types. Sebum is an excellent breeding ground for microorganisms that cause inflammation.

Hair loss in the fall is perfectly treated with various wraps, rinses, masks. Head massages will help to cope with seasonal hair loss.

To saturate the strands from the inside with nutrients, eat balanced and right. Autumn is not the best time for diets. Eat more fresh vegetables and fruits, especially since in season they are found in abundance on the shelves and are saturated with useful trace elements. Take special supplements to make up for the deficiency of vitamins and minerals.

How long does autumn hair loss last?

Autumn hair loss may stop immediately after the elimination of the negative factors that caused hair loss. If the strands have been lacking care, then after a couple of weeks of taking active measures, you will notice that there are much fewer hairs left on the comb. Deficiency of vitamins, minerals, nutrients causes a longer loss. And after you start eating right and taking vitamins, the fallout can continue for another month or two. Replenishment of the necessary trace elements in the body is not such a fast process.

If you have suffered serious illnesses, stress, succumbed to autumn depression, your hair can be very shed after 3 months or even after six months. Hair falls out in the fall - this may be due to the fact that in the summer you were very sick or had surgery. In this case, the restoration of hair will be a rather long process. Be sure to take care of your health. Of course, no one canceled care as a strengthening measure - proper care will not only reduce flow, but also make the strands soft and shiny, give visual volume.

Women make great efforts to keep their hair beautiful and healthy. And if suddenly the hairs begin to fall out more than usual, this causes great anxiety, if not despair. And there are always enough reasons for falling out, both internal and external. What exactly causes autumn hair loss, is it worth worrying about and what measures should be taken?

Causes of autumn hair loss
Surprising as it may sound, autumn hair loss is normal. It would seem that over the summer the body has accumulated vitamins and must breathe strength. But then new mechanisms are turned on, and the hairs fall out even more actively. Why?

  1. On the eve of winter, many processes in the body slow down. In particular, hair growth is affected by estrogen, the production of which decreases during this period. As a result, the hair grows worse and keeps worse in the head.
  2. In summer, the hair is constantly exposed to the scorching sun and hot wind (after all, no one wears panama hats and hats, but they should). As a result, the top layer of hair burns out, becomes thinner and becomes brittle. And the number of fallouts in the region of the crown and forehead increases.
  3. Regardless of the season, the lack of iron and zinc, as well as a whole group of vitamins affect the condition and vitality of the hair.
  4. Another important factor can be called stress and general psychological state. What about in autumn? That's right, autumn depression. Of course, not for everyone, but this is another minus for the health of the hair.
  5. Due to the cold snap, temperature drops appear in the room and on the street, which also has an extremely negative effect on the curls.

Do not forget that another “big” cause of hair loss is various diseases. Fungal infection of the scalp, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, disorders of the hormonal system, oncology. Therefore, if increased hair loss lasts more than 2-3 months, this is most likely not a seasonal condition. Contact your therapist and he, after the examination, will refer you to an endocrinologist or other specialist.

How to stop hair loss?
First of all, you need to understand that “the process is already running”. That is, the bulbs that have begun to shed hairs can no longer be stopped. Therefore, even within 1-2 weeks after you start applying the measures, the hair can still “climb in a terrible way”. But on the other hand, you will strengthen the bulbs and prevent new losses. So,

● vitamin complexes for hair with zinc, iron, vitamin A, group B and everything else;

● on the autumn table, a pumpkin is obligatory;

● you can also not only eat it, but also make hair masks;

● wear a hat according to the weather;

● shampoo and conditioner should be separate, not in one bottle;

● nourishing masks 1-2 times a week;

● do not comb wet hair, the hairs are stretched and torn;

● but do not “tear” dry - first comb the tips, then gradually rise to the roots (if necessary, use a tool for easier combing);

● and without fanaticism with all sorts of hair dryers, irons and curling irons.

Periodic increased hair loss is normal. The main thing is to pay attention to how it differs from the usual and how long it lasts. If you get hair literally in bunches or it lasts more than 2-3 months - go to the trichologist or your family doctor.

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