Undevit is an affordable drug for the treatment and prevention of vitamin deficiency. Vitamins "Undevit": reviews of doctors, instructions, prices


« Undevit"Assigned to improve metabolism and general mainly for the elderly. Due to the balanced composition, it helps to cope with the manifestations of hypovitaminosis, recover from antibacterial treatment and alleviate the course of chronic diseases. Besides, " Undevit" allows you to shorten the recovery period and.

Twice a year, in the autumn and spring, undergo a preventive course of treatment. Take one tablet daily Undevit a". Drink according to the same scheme in the presence of chronic diseases in remission, while following a therapeutic diet, due to which it is impossible to ensure the supply of a sufficient amount of vitamins to the body.

In case of exacerbation of chronic diseases, the appearance of pronounced signs of hypovitaminosis, deterioration of health for unknown reasons, increase the dosage " Undevit a ”up to two or three tablets per day. The use of the drug in several doses is more effective than a single daily dose.

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Take the drug with caution in the presence of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and impaired liver function. If an allergy occurs, discontinue therapy immediately.


  • undevit during pregnancy

Often, when taking any vitamins, people are not aware of the existence of certain rules and warnings that must be followed. The use of vitamins inappropriately can lead to improper absorption, overdose and many other complications. For the effective work of vitamins, follow these recommendations.



Multivitamins are used to maintain the health of the whole body. They must be taken daily, for greater effectiveness - at the same time.

Vitamin A

Vitamin A is essential for proper vision and healthy skin. For greater effectiveness, it must be taken daily, at the same time. The proper dose should be taken as vitamin A can cause liver damage.

Vitamin B

B vitamins are often presented as multivitamins. Vitamin B must be taken daily at the same time. Taking this vitamin can sometimes cause; therefore, it is better to take them during the day and exclude fatty foods from your diet. However, vitamins B12 and B6 should be taken empty and separately from supplements.

Vitamin C

Vitamin C is needed by the body to maintain healthy cartilage, skin, blood vessels, and bones. Vitamin C can be taken with or without food, 1-2 times a day with one glass of water. Vitamin C should be taken daily at the same time.

Vitamin D

Vitamin D ensures proper bone health. It can be taken with or without food. Vitamin D is recommended to be consumed daily at the same time, preferably at bedtime, so it will not interact with other drugs.

Vitamin E

Vitamin E is essential to protect cells from damage. This vitamin needs to be taken regularly and preferably at least 2 hours before taking any other medications or supplements.

Calcium ensures the proper functioning of muscles, bones, and cells. The daily dose of calcium should be divided into 2 doses. When taking calcium, it should be taken with one glass of water.

Iron is needed by the body to maintain blood levels. Iron supplements are best taken on an empty stomach, at least 1 hour before or 2 hours after a meal. When taking an iron supplement, take one glass of water. They should not be taken with vitamins B12 and B6.

Advice 3: "Sinekod for children": instructions for use and reviews

Most respiratory diseases in children are accompanied by a cough. If this does not produce sputum, antitussives should be used for treatment. One of the most effective drugs from this group is considered "Sinekod".

Instructions for use "Sinekod" in children

56% of Russians agree that it was by the age of 40 that their desires finally began to coincide with their capabilities.

Over the past decades, the image of a forty-year-old person has changed a lot: today, men and women look and feel much younger than their peers 30 years ago.

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Disputes about how and when to take vitamins have been conducted by experts for more than one year. You need to drink such drugs only taking into account the dosage and courses, so as not to harm the body. It would seem that all vitamins are harmless, but even these complexes can lead to poisoning. Is it possible to take vitamins without a doctor's prescription?

A pregnant woman needs to receive all the necessary vitamins and nutrients for the proper course of pregnancy and the development of the child. It is not always possible to monitor the nutritional value, so it is advisable to drink a complex of vitamins before conception, which will prepare the body for this responsible business. Very important for a woman planning the birth of a child, folic acid, vitamins B and C, as well as iodine, zinc, magnesium.


To the question of whether it is necessary, there is no definite answer. Some doctors are against additional drugs and insist on proper nutrition and a healthy lifestyle, others call for the use of vitamin complexes as an additional safety net. One thing can be said for sure: it is better to review your diet, get rid of bad habits, change your lifestyle and not drink vitamins, than vice versa. Vitamin preparations will be almost useless if the expectant mother eats fast food and does not eat fruits and vegetables.

It is necessary to prepare for pregnancy and start drinking vitamins at least before the planned conception. This is the minimum time for which the body will have time to accumulate all the necessary substances. For women with chronic diseases, high mental and physical stress, a weak body, problems with previous pregnancies, it is better to start a course of vitamins earlier. It is desirable to drink vitamins for both a woman and: in the male body, thanks to the vitamin complex, the quality of germ cells will increase.

For the proper course of pregnancy and the bearing of a healthy child, the female body requires either vitamin B9, which affects the formation of the fetal nervous system. Other B vitamins are also needed, as well as vitamin E (its lack is one of the causes of miscarriages). Based on the examination and analyzes, a more accurate conclusion can be made about which substances a woman needs in individual cases. For example, with a lack of iodine in the body, the doctor additionally prescribes iodine or selects a vitamin complex for the composition. Also, most people need to stock up on magnesium, calcium and zinc before pregnancy.

A doctor's consultation for the selection of a vitamin complex is optional. There are specially designed vitamin preparations for pregnancy planning, they contain all the necessary substances in the correct proportion. One of the most popular complexes is Elevit Prenatal, Alfavit Mom's Health, Vitrum Prenatal, Materna and others are also in demand. But still, it is advisable to contact a gynecologist, he will help you make the right choice, because all these drugs have a slightly different composition: some do not have iodine and trace elements, others have too high a dose of vitamin A, which can be even in large quantities for a pregnant woman, in third is not enough folic acid.

There is an opinion that a person can do without swallowing synthetic tablets with vitamins and minerals if he diversifies his diet sufficiently. Is it possible to take vitamins constantly and not think about a complex diet?

Vitamins on our table

Initially, people received these substances from food. However, the modern world and the living conditions of most urban and even rural residents simply do not provide the opportunity to eat varied and fully. There are kilograms of carrots, apples and strawberries, in order to get the daily dose of the desired vitamins and minerals, not everyone can also, but there is no need for this. So people take vitamins.

The standard vitamin-mineral complex contains doses of all the necessary vitamins and minerals in an amount slightly less than the daily requirement. This is done with the expectation that a person receives some part of the vitamins from his daily diet. The question arises: is it possible to take these magic pills all the time? After all, proper nutrition cannot be organized in a course of two to three weeks.

Many or few

The body's need for vitamins can vary. That is why they are recommended to be taken during periods of stress or illness, as well as strong physical or emotional stress - at this time, our body simply needs additional nourishment with vital elements. But is it possible to drink vitamin complexes constantly? To this question, nutritionists can not yet give a definite answer. A person eats most often incorrectly and not very balanced. Consequently, he constantly experiences a lack of one or another vitamin. From this point of view, the constant reinforcement of the body will only benefit.

If you are afraid of an allergic reaction or an overdose, read the instructions carefully and do not take vitamin complexes at the same time as intramuscular or intravenous injections of vitamin preparations. The fact is that when passing through the digestive tract, some of the vitamins are simply not absorbed by the body, so getting an overdose in this way is extremely unlikely. But if you use drugs by injection, you should be careful.

Although vitamins are sold in pharmacies without a doctor's prescription, if you plan to take them for a long time and constantly, it is better to consult a nutritionist or your doctor. General recommendations of pharmacists - 3-4 courses of vitamins per year. However, depending on your condition and wishes, the attending physician can adjust the admission rules and prescribe an individual course, possibly a very long one.

Advice 8: How to take the antibacterial agent "Sulfadimetoksin": instructions

"Sulfadimetoksin" is an antibacterial drug for oral administration, which is available in the form of tablets. The tool is active against such harmful microorganisms as staphylococci, streptococci, shigella, pathogens of dysentery and E. coli.

Indications for use

Sulfadimetoksin tablets are prescribed for the treatment of infectious and inflammatory diseases and acute bacterial infections caused by microorganisms sensitive to the drug. In particular, the drug can be used in the treatment of tonsillitis, bronchitis, otitis media, pharyngitis, sinusitis, dysentery, trachoma, purulent infections, inflammatory diseases of the urinary tract and biliary tract. Also, the drug is used in the treatment of a number of skin diseases: erysipelas, infectious eczema, furunculosis, pyoderma and inflammation of the sebaceous glands.

How to take "Sulfadimetoksin"

The dose recommended by the instructions for "Sulfadimethoxin" on the first day of treatment is 1 g (2 tablets), on the following days - 500 mg. In case of a severe course of the disease, the dose of the drug can be doubled (2 g on the first day of the course and 1 g on the following days).

For children "Sulfadimethoxin" is prescribed at a dose of 25 mg per 1 kg of body weight on the first day of treatment and 12.5 mg on the remaining days. In severe cases, children over 4 years of age on the first day of treatment, the drug is prescribed at a dose of 1 g, in the following days - 500 mg per day.

Tablets should be taken orally 1 time per day after meals. The duration of the course of treatment can be from 7 to 10 days.
During the treatment period, a plentiful alkaline drink is recommended. In severe infectious diseases requiring the use of high doses of "Sulfadimethoxine" and long-term treatment, blood and urine parameters should be monitored.

When using Sulfadimethoxin, it should be borne in mind that it can reduce the therapeutic effect of some bactericidal antibiotics, including penicillin and cephalosporin.

Contraindications and side effects

Contraindications to "Sulfadimethoxine" are:

Hypersensitivity to sulfanilamide drugs;

Pregnancy period;

Renal and liver failure;

Chronic heart failure;

Inhibition of bone marrow hematopoiesis;

Deficiency of glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase;



During the period of treatment with "Sulfadimetoksin" the following side effects may be observed:


Nausea, vomiting;

Digestive disorders;

cholestatic hepatitis;

medicinal fever;

Skin rashes.

In some cases, the drug can provoke the development of leukopenia and agranulocytosis.

Tip 9: "Creon 10000" for children: indications for use

"Creon 10000" is an effective drug that specialists can prescribe for the treatment of disorders of the normal functioning of the gastrointestinal tract in a child.

Indications for use

The appointment of the drug "Creon 10000" for children is made in several main cases. The first group of disorders of the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, for the treatment of which it is used, is a consequence of problems with intestinal motility. This, in turn, can lead to constipation or, on the contrary, loose stools, bloating and other unpleasant symptoms.

The second category of disorders in which "Creon 10000" can be prescribed is associated with insufficient enzyme activity in the process of digesting food. It can lead to nausea, heartburn, and a feeling of heaviness in the stomach. Finally, the third category of disorders in which it can be useful are situations associated with various manifestations of food allergies: experts argue that the course of taking Creon 10000 can significantly reduce the severity of this problem or completely eliminate it.

Mode of application

During clinical trials of this medication, it was proved that Creon 10000 is a completely safe medicine that can be used even in the treatment of infants. However, care should be taken to ensure that each dose does not exceed the maximum allowable, otherwise negative reactions of the body may occur, such as constipation or diarrhea, nausea, vomiting, allergies or other unpleasant symptoms.

So, for a child who has recently been born, experts recommend not to exceed a daily dose of 10,000 units of the drug. For children under the age of 1.5 years, the maximum daily dose is 50 thousand units, over 1.5 years - 100 thousand units. In order to ensure more effective absorption of the drug into the mucous membranes and thereby increase the effectiveness of its effect, it is necessary to combine the administration of the drug "Creon 10000" with the intake of food in a solid or liquid state.

If the doctor has prescribed your child to take significant daily doses of Creon 10000, you can use other forms of its release: for example, the manufacturer also produces this medicine in the forms Creon 25000 and Creon 40000. At the same time, to reduce the likelihood of some side effects when taking significant doses of the drug, for example, the appearance of constipation or other bowel dysfunction, will help to drink plenty of water both at the time of admission and throughout the day. In addition, it is necessary to carefully monitor the expiration date of the drug used: in addition to the fact that an expired medicine can be dangerous to health, it also will not bring the desired effect, since the effectiveness of the drug decreases by the end of the expiration date.


  • "Creon 10000" for children

It went back to the time of Catherine II. Then this very valuable product was delivered to France. In principle, the healing properties of the beaver jet are easy to explain.

The beaver is a medium sized animal. However, some individuals can weigh up to 30 kg. They live in the forest and feed on a variety of herbs. In this regard, their biological fluid is saturated with useful substances. In addition, beavers are sexually active animals, so it is possible to collect a large amount of their seminal fluid.

It can be said that the beaver jet was used to treat various diseases. In ancient times, it was epilepsy, healed wounds, and helped reduce tumors. Men also noticed that when using this remedy, their sexual strength increased. Even Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin has an "Ode to a Beaver Stream". And, as you know, the poet was a lover of women.

Effective but expensive

Currently, traditional medicine actively promotes the intake of a beaver jet inside for gynecological diseases in women and urological diseases in men. Regular use of this biological fluid of a beaver helps to normalize blood pressure, is the prevention of cardiovascular diseases, cholelithiasis. We can say that the beaver stream helps with many diseases of the internal organs. And even such a serious disease as tuberculosis is within her power.

The beaver stream also received an unspoken name - “natural" - due to the fact that it improves male potency. In addition, the beaver stream also helps people with weakened immune systems in strengthening the immune system. However, this remedy has contraindications, for example, pregnancy, lactation, etc.

The beaver jet is suitable both for oral administration and for making tampons. The latter is suitable for women using this remedy for the treatment of gynecological ailments. Those who plan to use the beaver stream inside should know that this is a rather bitter, unpleasant-tasting substance. Usually, a beaver stream is sold in pharmacies in the form of tincture for alcohol or it can be. It is necessary to take a beaver stream and alcohol in proportions of 1:10. In the form of a tincture, it is enough to take this medicine one teaspoon twice a day after meals. It is worth saying that getting a beaver jet is not so easy, and its price is quite high.

vitamin A (as retinol acetate)

vitamin E (as α-tocopherol acetate)

vitamin B] (thiamine hydrochloride)

vitamin Bg (riboflavin)

vitamin Wb (pyridoxine hydrochloride)

vitamin B^ (cyanocobalamin)

vitamin C (ascorbic acid)


folic acid

calcium D-pantothenate

excipients: flour, starch syrup, talc, vaseline lung oil, sugar, beeswax, mint essential oil or food flavoring.


The dragee is yellow-orange in color with a characteristic odor. In appearance, the dragee should have a spherical shape. The surface of the dragee should be smooth and uniform in color.

pharmachologic effect

Multivitamin complexes without additives.

Pharmacokinetics. Combined preparation containing a complex of vitamins, which are important factors in metabolic processes.

Vitamin A (retinol) is a fat-soluble vitamin that ensures the normal function of the skin, mucous membranes, and eyes.

Vitamin E (alpha-tocopherol acetate) - has antioxidant properties, maintains the stability of red blood cells, prevents hemolysis; has a positive effect on the functions of the gonads, nervous and muscle tissue.

Vitamin B; (thiamine) - as a coenzyme involved in carbohydrate metabolism, the functioning of the nervous system.

Vitamin B 2 (riboflavin) is the most important catalyst for cellular respiration and visual perception.

Vitamin B6 (pyridoxine) - as a coenzyme takes part in protein metabolism and the synthesis of neurotransmitters. ; ; ' "L,

Vitamin Bp (cyanocobalamin) - participates in the synthesis of nucleotides, is an "important factor in the normal growth, hematopoiesis and development of epithelial cells ... 1 Stetok; necessary for the metabolism of folic acid and myelin synthesis.

Vitamin C (ascorbic acid) - provides collagen synthesis; participates in the formation and maintenance of the structure and function of cartilage, bones, teeth; affects the formation of hemoglobin, the maturation of red blood cells.

Vitamin PP (nicotinamide) - is involved in the processes of tissue respiration, fat and carbohydrate metabolism.

Vitamin B c (folic acid) - takes part in the synthesis of amino acids, nucleotides, nucleic acids; essential for normal erythropoiesis.

Rutin (rutoside, vitamin P) - participates in redox processes, has antioxidant properties, prevents oxidation and promotes the deposition of ascorbic acid in tissues.

Calcium D-pantothenate plays an important role in the processes of acetylation and oxidation; promotes the construction and regeneration of the epithelium.


After oral administration, the drug is well absorbed from the small intestine into the systemic circulation, penetrates into all organs and tissues. Metabolic products are excreted in the urine and bile.

Indications for use


Elderly and senile age (to improve metabolism and general condition);

The period of recovery after prolonged illness, antibiotic therapy.


Hypersensitivity to the components of the drug.

Vitamin A: hypervitaminosis A, acute inflammatory skin diseases; with acute / snostyo: nephritis, heart failure II-III degree, I trimester

pregnancy. Vitamin Bi: nephrolithiasis. Vitamin B^: with caution / snostyo: peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum, coronary artery disease. Vitamin Bj?: thromboembolism, erythremia, erythrocytosis, malignant neoplasms; with caution: angina pectoris. Vitamin C: with caution: deficiency of glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase, hemochromatosis, sideroblastic anemia, thalassemia, hyperoxaluria, oxalosis, nephrolithiasis. Vitamin PP: arterial bleeding or hemorrhage; carefully:

peptic ulcer (in large doses can cause exacerbation). Vitamin E: with caution: increased risk of thromboembolism, cardiosclerosis, myocardial infarction, hypoprothrombinemia (against the background of thyroid pathologies), hypovitaminosis K.

Pregnancy and lactation

During pregnancy or lactation, the drug is used only as directed by a doctor. Women taking high doses of retinol can plan pregnancy no earlier than 6-12 months later. This is due to the fact that during this time there is a risk of abnormal development of the fetus under the influence of a high content of vitamin A in the body.

Large doses of retinol (over 10,000 IU) should not be taken by women during breastfeeding because of the risk of developing hypervitaminosis A in infants.

Dosage and administration

The drug is taken orally after a meal.

For prophylactic purposes, adults, children over 14 years of age, pregnant women from the second trimester and women who are breastfeeding are prescribed 1 tablet per day; elderly people - 1 tablet 2 times a day.

For therapeutic purposes, adults are prescribed 2 tablets 3 times a day. Pregnant women in the first trimester - 1 tablet per day, and in the II and III trimester - no more than 2 tablets per day.

The course of treatment is 20 - 30 days. Repeated courses are carried out in 1 - 3 months.

Side effect

From the side of the immune system: in persons with hypersensitivity, allergic reactions to the components of the drug are possible, including anaphylactic shock, angioedema; rarely - bronchospasm in persons with hypersensitivity to vitamins A, C, group B.

On the part of the skin and subcutaneous tissue: rashes, urticaria, itching, redness of the skin.

From the digestive tract: dyspeptic disorders, nausea, epigastric pain, belching, vomiting, diarrhea, constipation; rarely - an increase in the secretion of gastric juice is possible.

From the nervous system: headache, dizziness, malaise, sweating.

Others: blurred vision, thrombocytosis, hyperprothrombinemia, erythropepia, neutrophilic leukocytosis.

With prolonged use of the drug in high doses, the following are possible: irritability, fever, dryness and cracking of the skin, irritation of the mucous membrane of the gastrointestinal tract, paresthesia, arrhythmias, impaired renal function.

If these or any undesirable symptoms appear, the drug should be discontinued and consult a doctor.


With uncontrolled administration of the drug, manifestations of hypervitaminosis A are possible: drowsiness, convulsions, lethargy, headache, facial flushing, nausea, vomiting, irritability, gait disturbance, pain in the bones of the lower extremities. Treatment is symptomatic.

Interaction with other drugs

Vitamins A and E mutually reinforce the action and are synergists. Vitamin I provides a decrease in the toxicity of vitamin A, but in large doses reduces its reserves in the body. It should not be taken simultaneously with nitrites and cholestyramine, as they interfere with the absorption of retinol. Oral contraceptives cause an increase in the concentration of retinol, tetracycline antibiotics - the risk of malignant intracranial hypertension, salicylates and corticosteroids - a decrease in the risk of side effects. Calcium preparations in high doses initiate hypercalcemia, isotreonine - increased toxic effects of retinol.

Thiamine weakens the action of depolarizing muscle relaxants (suxamethonium), alcohol makes it difficult to absorb vitamin B].

Riboflavin is incompatible with streptomycin and reduces the effectiveness of antibacterial drugs (oxytetracycline, doxycycline, erythromycin, tetracycline and lincomycin). Riboflavin prevents or reduces the side effects of chloramphenicol (impaired hematopoiesis, optic neuritis).

Alcohol causes a slowdown in the absorption of vitamin B2, and chlorpromazine, imipramine, amitriptyline - a decrease in its effectiveness, probenecid - a decrease in absorption, and M-anticholinergics - an increase in absorption and bioavailability. Thyroid hormones initiate the acceleration of riboflavin metabolism.

Vitamin B 6 weakens the effect of levodopa, prevents or reduces the toxic manifestations that are observed with the use of isoniazid and other anti-tuberculosis drugs. Pyridoxine may enhance the effect of diuretics; hormonal contraceptives, penicillamine, cycloserine, ethionamide, immunosuppressants, isoniazid reduce the effect of pyridoxine and, with prolonged use, can cause peripheral neuritis or anemia. Vitamin B 6 can inhibit the absorption of vitamins B] and B 12-

Vitamin C enhances the action of sulfonamides and salicylates (the risk of crystalluria), penicillin, increases the absorption of iron, slows down the excretion of acids by the kidneys, reduces the effectiveness of heparin and indirect anticoagulants. The absorption of vitamin C is reduced when used simultaneously with oral contraceptives, acetylsalicylic acid, fresh juices and alkaline drinks. With simultaneous use reduces the chronotropic effect of isoprenaline. Long-term use of high doses of vitamin C by persons treated with disulfiramine inhibits the disulfiram-alcohol reaction. Ascorbic acid increases the excretion of drugs with an alkaline reaction, in high doses increases the renal excretion of mexiletine and reduces the effectiveness of tricyclic antidepressants, antipsychotics - phenothiazine derivatives, tubular reabsorption of amphetamine. Preparations of the quinoline series, calcium chloride, salicylates, corticosteroids with prolonged use reduce the reserves of ascorbic acid in the body.

Analgesics, anticonvulsants, hormonal contraceptives increase the need for folic acid. Cholestyramine disrupts the absorption of folic acid, and antacids (containing aluminum, magnesium) reduce absorption - they must be taken 2 hours before or after folic acid. Cholestyramine is best taken 1 hour before or 4-6 hours after folic acid. Sulfonamides (including sulfosalazine) inhibit the absorption of vitamin B c - its dose should be increased.

Vitamin E should not be used together with preparations of iron, silver, alkaline agents (sodium bicarbonate, trisamine, etc.), indirect anticoagulants (dicumarin, neodicoumarin, etc.). Cholestyramine and colestipol may reduce the absorption of tocopherol. Tocopherol can reduce the effectiveness and toxicity of vitamin D, reduce the toxicity of cardiac glycosides, and increase the effectiveness of anticonvulsants.

The action of rutin is enhanced when taken with vitamin C.

Calcium pantothenate can increase the action of cardiac glycosides, reduce: the toxicity of streptomycin and anti-tuberculosis drugs.

Application features

Take the drug under medical supervision.

When using Undevit, a complete protein diet is needed, which contributes to better absorption of vitamins.

It is possible to color urine yellow, which is a completely harmless factor and is explained by the presence of riboflavin in the preparation.

Autumn and winter are seasons that inevitably bring colds and viral diseases with them. Therefore, it is so important to protect the body from diseases, to support and strengthen it with vitamins.

The range of vitamin preparations presented in pharmacies is very diverse. When choosing a suitable option, a lot of questions immediately arise. What is better to buy - an expensive vitamin complex or a cheaper one? How to choose the right thing to focus on, which components are more important for the body?

"Undevit" instructions for use, reviews of doctors and customers are characterized as a vitamin complex that enhances recovery processes and metabolism in the body. The drug is highly effective for the restoration of the organs of the endocrine glands, which are violated with age.

Components of the drug

Vitamins "Undevit" reviews of doctors characterize as a drug represented by the following vitamin components: retinol, vitamins C, E, PP, P, vitamin B complex: B 1, B 2, B 3, B 5, B 6, B 9, B 12 .

The scientifically examined and substantiated ratio of the components that make up the preparation was developed by Professor V. Efremov. The basis for combining these groups of vitamins in the preparation is their simultaneous physiological effect on the body. Moreover, it is important not only the presence of the presented types of vitamins, but their quantitative ratio.

pharmachologic effect

"Undevit" is one of the best complexes, well balanced in its vitamin composition. Most often, it is recommended to take in order to prevent hypovitaminosis and improve the supply of vitamins to people of different ages.

The substances that make up the Undevit vitamin complex are described by doctors as having the following characteristics:

  • Vitamin A - helps to increase the body's resistance to interseasonal infections, maintains the integrity of the mucous membrane and skin. Contributes to the normalization of the retina, converts stem cells into red blood cells.
  • Ascorbic acid - contributes to the normalization of metabolic processes in the body, improves immunity, protects the body from the influence of free radicals. It provokes the synthesis of collagen, affects the development of red blood cells and the formation of hemoglobin. Participates in maintaining the functioning of cartilage, teeth, bones.
  • Tocopherol acetate - is considered a vitamin of youth, restores the condition of hair and nails, improves immunity, affects the functioning of nervous and muscle tissues. Prevents the development of hemolysis, which causes the destruction of red blood cells.
  • Nicotinamide - contributes to the good functioning of the epithelium of the digestive tract, skin and the full functioning of the nervous system.
  • Rutozid - an antioxidant, promotes the process of redox reactions in the body.
  • B 1 - helps to digest food, promotes the synthesis of fats and proteins, and also improves the functioning of the nervous system.
  • B 2 - accelerates the metabolism in the body. It has a positive effect on reproductive function, strengthens hair and nails.
  • B 3 - improves the functioning of the digestive system.
  • B 5 - promotes the synthesis of hemoglobin, neutralizes harmful toxins.
  • B 6 - a significant component for the production of serotonin, normalizes sleep and improves appetite.
  • B 9 - promotes the formation of red blood cells.
  • B 12 - restores damaged tissues, improves the condition of the nervous system, accelerates the metabolism of folic acid.

Indications for use

"Undevit" reviews of doctors characterize as a storehouse of vitamins for health. According to the instructions, the drug can be used:

  • in order to prevent the development of beriberi;
  • after prolonged antibiotic treatment;
  • to improve the general condition and stabilize metabolism;
  • during remission after operations and long illnesses;

Also, the vitamin complex can be used by people of middle and old age when the first signs of aging appear and to normalize metabolic processes in the body.

Adverse reactions

When taking vitamins "Undevit" reviews, instructions warn of the manifestation of possible side effects. It is recommended to immediately stop using the drug in case of individual intolerance to some of the constituent components and consult with your doctor.

According to reviews, the use of a vitamin complex can cause allergic reactions, skin rashes, itching. In case of an overdose, digestive disorders are possible, which are characterized by diarrhea and mild abdominal pain on palpation.

Special precautions for taking

The use of the drug "Undevit", the reviews warn, provides for the observance of a complete protein diet, which will contribute to the full absorption of vitamins.

Reception of the vitamin complex should be carried out with caution in the presence of severe diseases of the liver, duodenum, with a stomach ulcer. Also, a ban on taking the drug is cholelithiasis, chronic nephritis and pancreatitis.

Children under 14 years of age, this drug is not prescribed.

Use during pregnancy and lactation

Expectant mothers, when prescribing Undevit vitamins, reviews recommend that you follow the dosage indicated in the instructions (due to the danger of an overdose of retinol for the fetus). During breastfeeding, the use of the complex is not contraindicated.

"Undevit": instructions for use, price, reviews

Elderly people are recommended to take a vitamin complex twice a day, 1 tablet. For the prevention of diseases or during the period of remission, pregnant women, nursing mothers, children after 15 years of age, the drug, according to the instructions, is prescribed 1 time per day, 1 tablet.

In special cases, for example, with beriberi, vitamins "Undevit" reviews recommend taking 2 tablets 3 times a day.

The duration of taking the drug should not be more than 1 month, a second course can be carried out after two to three months. The need for repeated intake of the vitamin complex is determined by the doctor. The drug should be taken after meals.

The cost of the complex of vitamins is quite low (45-55 rubles per package), so almost all segments of the population can buy it.

"Undevit", reviews of which are only positive, was created taking into account the physiological characteristics of the human body. Vitamin preparation has a strengthening, tonic effect. Homeostasis is maintained normally due to the antioxidants that make up the composition.

Vitamins are recommended to be stored in a cool place, protected from sunlight, at a temperature not exceeding 20 degrees. "Undevit" in pharmacies is dispensed without a prescription, detailed instructions are attached to each package of the drug.


When taking a vitamin complex according to the instructions, an overdose is impossible. If an excess of vitamin A is obtained, lethargy, increased drowsiness are observed, cases of cramps in the lower extremities, disorders of the digestive tract and nervous system are noted.

Interaction with drugs

Vitamin A and PP, contained in the Undevit complex, enhance each other's action when taken. But at the same time, retinol reduces the effectiveness of drugs that contain glucocorticoids. Reception of nitrites reduces the effectiveness of vitamin A. Products containing iron in their composition reduce the beneficial effect of tocopherol.

Vitamin E, which is part of the complex, increases the effect of anti-inflammatory drugs. Vitamin C increases the action and toxicity of penicillin and sulfonamides. When taking oral contraceptives, ascorbic acid is much worse absorbed.

B vitamins reduce the effect of anti-tuberculosis drugs. Vitamin B 2 contained in the complex reduces the effect of antibiotics.

When taking "Undevita", it is possible to stain the urine in a yellowish color, which is associated with the presence of vitamin B 2 in the composition. The complex should not be taken simultaneously with other vitamin preparations to prevent a decrease in effectiveness.

Even though the instructions contain warnings about side effects, the complex is well tolerated when all the instructions given in the instructions are followed. All the vitamins that make up Undevita are assistants in the full and painless work of the body.

Multivitamin preparation "Undevit", designed to combat premature aging of the body, compensates for the lack of useful trace elements. Also, the complex helps to normalize metabolic processes, tones, improves the condition of a person as a whole.

Description and composition

The combined vitamin preparation "Undevit" is produced in the form of round orange dragees. As a rule, in a polyethylene or glass jar (depending on the manufacturer) 50 pieces.

The main components included in the composition:

List of vitamins Description
BUT An antioxidant that prevents viruses from entering the body. Promotes the speedy regeneration of the skin. Helps in the process of producing red blood cells. Nourishes the retina
IN 1 Participates in the formation of various enzymes necessary for healthy development: fats, proteins. Improves the functioning of the nervous system
IN 2 In interaction with retinol (vitamin A) contributes to the normalization of the retina, improves vision. Favorably influences a metabolism. Prevents free radicals from entering and spreading throughout the body
AT 3 Controls the work of metabolic processes. Necessary for the normal functioning of the digestive system
AT 5 Plays an important role in the biochemical reactions of the body: the production of hemoglobin, the elimination of toxins
AT 6 Controls the work of sex hormones, as well as appetite, sleep. Necessary for the formation of serotonin (hormone of joy), hemoglobin .. Improves the emotional stability of a person
AT 12 Promotes the recovery processes of damaged tissues. Ensures the normal functioning of the nervous system
AT 9 Folic acid improves blood circulation, nucleic acid metabolism
FROM Ascorbic acid increases the level of immunity, controls the processing of cholesterol. Protects the body from the spread of free radicals
E Ensures stable functioning of the reproductive and cardiovascular systems. Restores damaged structure of nails and hair. Improves skin condition and strengthens the immune system
R Rutin is a strong antioxidant that strengthens the walls of blood vessels, giving them elasticity. Reduces hypertension, venous edema, fights allergic reactions


Vitamins "Undevit" have a number of useful properties:

  • suitable for people of almost all age categories;
  • the tool helps to quickly restore vitality and tone of the body after illnesses, injuries;
  • it is allowed to take the drug during pregnancy and lactation (to replenish useful substances);
  • small list of side effects;
  • the complex contains all the main vitamins;
  • clinically confirmed the effectiveness of "Undevit";
  • the drug is bioavailable (easily absorbed by the body).

Indications and contraindications

Indications for the use of a multivitamin complex:

  • for preventive purposes and for the treatment of deficiency of useful vitamins and trace elements;
  • after a course of antibacterial medications;
  • as a rehabilitation therapy during the rehabilitation period after illnesses;
  • with increased mental and power load;
  • with loss of visual acuity;
  • during a diet;
  • with the wrong diet.

Important! The treatment complex contains antioxidants that prevent the rapid aging of the body. Therefore, the drug is especially useful for people over 50 years of age, when metabolic disorders are considered a natural process.

Contraindications to the use of "Undevita":

  • chronic inflammatory processes in the kidneys;
  • inflammation of the pancreas;
  • prohibited for children under 14;
  • hypersensitivity or intolerance to some components of the drug.

Taking the drug to patients with liver disease, kidney disease, ulcers, ischemia, diabetes is possible only after consulting a doctor.

Side effects

If you take the Undevit vitamin complex strictly according to the instructions, side effects are extremely rare. Most often, they manifest themselves in the form of allergic reactions on the skin - rash, itching, burning sensation.

In case of overdose, there are disorders in the work of the digestive tract, liver, diarrhea.

Important! If the above symptoms appear, you should immediately stop taking the remedy and consult a doctor.

Mode of application

For the prevention of hypovitaminosis, the recommended dose is 1 tablet per day. During the recovery period, as well as during intense mental and physical exertion, take 1 tablet 3 times a day. After the age of 50 (to normalize metabolism), you need to drink 1 tablet 2 times a day. Take after a meal. Course of treatment: 25-31 days.

Repeated therapy can be started after consulting a doctor, not earlier than after 2-3 months.

Undevit is a unique domestic complex designed to compensate for the lack of vitamins in the diet and stabilize metabolic processes in the body. The drug was created by the founder of domestic vitaminology V. V. Efremov, who himself took it for three decades and lived to a very advanced age. Clinical trials of Undevit multivitamins convincingly proved that this complex can reduce morbidity and increase efficiency and physical activity.

Undevit: composition of the multivitamin complex and dosage form

The vitamin preparation is produced in the form of orange spherical pills for oral administration. According to the instructions, Undevit can be sucked or swallowed whole. The composition of 1 dragee includes:

  • ascorbic acid (C) - 75 mg;
  • riboflavin (B2) - 2 mg
  • cyanocobalamin (B12) - 2 mcg;
  • thiamine hydrochloride (B1) - 2 mg (or thiamine bromide 2.58 mg);
  • nicotinamide (PP) - 20 mg;
  • rutin (P) - 10 mg;
  • α-tocopherol acetate (E) - 10 mg;
  • retinol acetate or palmitate (A) - 1.817 mg (3300 IU);
  • (B9) - 70 mcg;
  • pyridoxine hydrochloride (B2) - 3 mg;
  • calcium pantothenate (B5) - 3 mg.

The drug is supplied by pharmacological companies in dark glass jars (50 pieces each).

Indications for use

An indication for the start of taking Undevit universal multivitamins is an unbalanced intake of vitamins from food, as well as developed pathological conditions directly related to hypovitaminosis. In addition, the tool is recommended:

  • in old and senile age;
  • against the background of antibiotic therapy;
  • during the period of convalescence after somatic diseases;
  • with increased intellectual and physical stress;
  • with visual impairment.

How to take Undevit vitamins for adults?

Vitamins Undevit instruction advises to consume as a preventive measure one tablet per day after meals. During the period of convalescence (recovery after a serious illness), with metabolic disorders, in old age, as well as with physical and psycho-emotional overload, it is advisable to take 1 tablet 2-3 times a day.

For therapeutic purposes, a course is shown lasting from 3 weeks to 1 month.

Courses can be repeated if necessary and after consultation with your doctor. Between them, a time interval of 1-3 months should be observed.


Undevit instruction prohibits prescribing to persons who have:

  • individual hypersensitivity to one or more components;
  • erosion and ulcers of organs (digestive tract in the acute stage).

Special Instructions for Use and Warnings

Particular caution should be observed in patients with hepatic insufficiency, as well as those suffering from and (or) the duodenum (including during remission).

With a course of taking the drug, staining of urine in yellow is not excluded. The effect is due to the fact that riboflavin is included in the composition of the complex. This phenomenon should not cause any concern!

How does Undevit work?

The positive effect that Undevit, according to doctors, develops soon after the start of administration, is due to the complex effect of the biologically active components of the drug. For the synergistic effect on the human body, it is important not only the presence of one or another biologically active compound in the preparation, but also the quantitative ratio of the components.

The universal complex has a positive effect on metabolic processes and slows down the process of cell aging due to the suspension of peroxidation.

The visual acuity and the functional state of the mucous membranes and skin integuments largely depend on vitamin A.

B1 (thiamine hydrochloride) is a coenzyme necessary for the normal functioning of enzymes, which in turn are directly involved in the metabolism of carbohydrates and are necessary for adequate nerve stimulation.

B2 is a biologically active compound necessary for normal growth and development, the functioning of the reproductive system and good visual perception. The substance regulates the function of cellular respiration. In addition, riboflavin improves the functioning of the thyroid gland, as well as the condition of hair, nails and skin.

Vitamin B6 is involved in protein metabolism. In addition to the metabolism of proteins, pyridoxine hydrochloride is needed for the biosynthesis of neurotransmitters.

B12 is required for the synthesis of nucleotides, as well as the formation of neuronal myelin. Cyanocobalamin is one of the most important factors on which the hematopoietic function and the development of the epithelial layer depend.

Ascorbic acid determines the state of nonspecific (general), collagen strength and the process of hemoglobin synthesis.

Vitamin P is a bioflavonoid that is a powerful antioxidant and is involved in a number of redox processes.

Vitamin E is needed to maintain the normal functional state of the nervous tissue, muscles and gonads. Tocopherol acetate is able to prevent premature destruction of red blood cells.

B5 promotes the formation and repair of the epithelial and endothelial layer of the membrane of internal organs and the walls of blood vessels. Calcium pantothenate is also required for the vital processes of oxidation and acetylation.

Without folic acid, nucleotide synthesis is impossible. B9 deficiency negatively affects erythropoiesis.

Nicotinic acid is involved in lipid and carbohydrate metabolism. In addition, vitamin PP is needed for tissue respiration.

Side effects

In the vast majority of patients who took Undevit multivitamin, according to reviews, no side effects were observed. In very rare cases, against the background of hypersensitivity, allergic reactions can develop (more often in the form of skin rashes).

Interaction with other drugs

Parallel intake of iron preparations somewhat reduces the activity of tocopherol. Vitamin E preparations cannot be combined with indirect anticoagulants. Tocopherol acetate is able to potentiate the action of NSAIDs, steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.

Vitamin C increases the toxicity of drugs from the group of sulfonamides, as well as antibiotics of the penicillin series (simultaneously increasing their effectiveness). The therapeutic effect of the anticoagulant heparin is minimized. Ascorbic acid impairs iron absorption.

Under the influence of vitamin A, the effectiveness of GCS (glucocorticosteroids) decreases. The activity of retinol drops significantly under the influence of drugs based on nitrates.

B vitamins reduce the effectiveness of antibacterial agents (tetracycline and erythromycin), as well as the antiparkinsonian drug levodopa.

Interaction with alcohol

During the course of vitamin therapy, it is highly undesirable to consume drinks containing alcohol. The positive effect of a unique complex can be reduced to zero.


If you take Undevit multivitamins strictly according to the instructions, then the probability of an overdose is zero.

If you accidentally exceed the recommended maximum doses, you should consult a doctor. As an urgent measure, it is advisable to do a gastric lavage and take enterosorbents inside. Vitamin A hypervitaminosis can be manifested by reduced physical activity, drowsiness, the development of leg cramps, malfunctions of the nervous system and dyspeptic disorders.

Undevit during pregnancy and lactation

Pregnant and lactating women require an increased intake of a number of substances. Multivitamins Undevit should be taken during the period of bearing and breastfeeding a child, observing the dosages prescribed by the attending physician. In the first trimester, it is recommended to consume 1 tablet per day, and in the II and III - 1-2 pieces. Do not use the drug for more than 3 weeks in a row!

Undevit for children: at what age can you take multivitamins?

This complex should not be taken by children and adolescents under the age of 14, since the dosages of active substances in the dragee are calculated for an adult.

Storage conditions and shelf life

The shelf life of vitamins is 1 year from the date of issue.

Keep out of the reach of children and do not take after the expiration date!

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