What is intoxication of the body in children. Diet after poisoning. When you need a doctor

Children often suffer from gastrointestinal disorders. The task of parents is to recognize in time food poisoning in a child, his symptoms and treatment. To do this, you need to know what the baby can get poisoned with, what signs appear first and what needs to be done before the doctor arrives.

The most common cause poisoning in a child is expired products. If food begins to spoil, toxins dangerous to health are formed in it. At the same time, as a rule, the expiration dates of the products have not yet expired, because no mother will knowingly buy an expired product. It's all about improper storage, without observing the required temperature regime. That's why most of food poisoning is fixed in the summer.

Sometimes a child may eat a product that is poisonous. It can be mushrooms, plants, berries or household chemicals. In addition, food poisoning in children may be the result of correct dosage medicines.

Food poisoning can occur as a result of improper preparation of certain foods. As a rule, this is food of animal origin, which got into.

Eating raw fruits and vegetables can cause food poisoning if you don't take proper precautions. In this case, the nitrates on which these products were grown are to blame.

Many people say that you can get poisoned by unwashed fruits or vegetables, because various bacteria live on their surface. This is not entirely true. Of course, in order to avoid health problems, it is necessary to wash all the fruits, but such a violation is an intestinal infection, not poisoning.

List of "dangerous" products:

  • seafood and fish;
  • dairy;
  • raw eggs;
  • meat dishes that have not undergone sufficient heat treatment;
  • greens for salads and root crops;
  • cream in confectionery.

How is poisoning different from an intestinal infection?

It is important to be able to distinguish between these 2 ailments. After all, if the baby is poisoned by food, he can be treated at home under the supervision of a pediatrician, hospitalization is required only in the most severe cases. But if a child has an intestinal infection, treatment is possible only in a hospital. What is the difference?

So, if a child is poisoned, the first signs appear within 48 hours, no more. In the case of an intestinal infection, from the moment of infection to the appearance of the first symptoms, it can take from 1 to 30 days, or even more.

Symptoms of food poisoning in children appear suddenly and disappear very quickly. The onset of infection rarely lasts less than 7 days.

The main symptom of an intestinal infection is a high body temperature that persists for several days. If the temperature passed quickly and did not exceed 38 ° C, then this is food poisoning.

Symptoms of the violation

How quickly signs of food poisoning appear in children depends on the type and amount of toxin and the child's metabolic rate. By the way, by the speed of onset of symptoms, you can determine which organ has responded to the toxin.

If it is a stomach, it will appear 30 minutes after poisoning. The intestine reacts in 4-6 hours. It takes a little longer for the toxin to reach the liver and pancreas (up to 48 hours).

Nausea - natural reaction body, after getting the toxin, the child will soon begin to vomit. In this way the body tries to purify itself.

On the part of the intestine, there are various pain. Most often, these are spasms or cramps in the lower abdomen, rumbling and bloating of the intestines are observed.

Diarrhea is another way to cleanse the body of toxins. Manifested in case of intestinal irritation. may be single or multiple. However, according to pediatricians, most often with poisoning in children, vomiting is observed without diarrhea.

violated general well-being child, he becomes lethargic and sleepy, refuses food and complains about headache. In case of dehydration, symptoms such as:

  • pallor and dry skin;
  • convulsions;
  • a sharp decline blood pressure;
  • acidosis.

This condition is very dangerous and can lead to lethal outcome, so you need to urgently call an ambulance and go to the hospital, where the child will be put on a drip,

Of course, severe dehydration occurs when you lose fluid 10-12 times a day. But already after the third attack of vomiting, either help is needed to restore the water and electrolyte balance. In this case, special solutions will help.

General intoxication leads to an increase in body temperature. As a rule, it does not exceed 38 ° C. But in children under 5 years of age, body temperature can reach 39.5°C.

First aid for poisoning

What should I do if my child has symptoms of food poisoning? First of all, call the pediatrician. If the doctor does not have the opportunity to examine the child in the coming hours (late evening or weekend), you need to call an ambulance. In case of mild poisoning, they will not be hospitalized, but they will be able to prescribe adequate treatment.

Before the doctor arrives, the child must be given a sorbent. When vomiting, so that there is no bad reaction, the drug is diluted in water and given to the child in small portions every 5-10 minutes.

You can do a gastric lavage, but only if the child is over 6 years old. You need to take warm water 10 ml / kg of weight and dissolve 2-3 crystals of potassium permanganate in it. After the solution has cooled, it is necessary for the child to drink it completely, followed by vomiting and cleansing of the stomach. This method is effective if symptoms appear 30-60 minutes after ingestion of the toxin and it is still in the stomach.

You can clean the intestines with an enema. It is necessary to take the age dose of the sorbent (activated carbon, Smecta), dissolve in water and make a cool enema. Its volume depends on the age of the patient:

  • 1-2 years - 70 ml;
  • 2-3 years - 140 ml;
  • 3-4 years - 200 ml;
  • over 4 years 250-300 ml.

In case of poisoning, the child must fast for the first day. This is very difficult for mom, but you need to remember that if you load the stomach, all acute symptoms will return. In addition, it is desirable that the baby observe bed rest.

Treatment for food poisoning

How to treat poisoning? After all, all of the above will only help to alleviate the condition of the child, but will not eliminate the main cause.

For treatment is drug therapy which can only be prescribed by a doctor. As a rule, it consists in taking drugs such as:

  • sorbents;
  • probiotics;
  • products containing enzymes;
  • antibiotics;
  • electrolyte solutions.

As mentioned above, sorbents are the first medicine to be given to a patient with food poisoning. The drug can be absolutely anything, the main thing is to determine the required age dose. Sorbents bind toxins and remove them from the body without harm to health, so than earlier child starts drinking them, the less toxins will enter the bloodstream.

Special solutions will help restore the fluid level, they can be purchased at any pharmacy. The most popular solution is Regidron, it must be diluted in boiled water and given to the child several times a day, and also after each attack of vomiting or diarrhea. If you give the entire portion at once, then the solution taken can provoke another attack of vomiting.

If it is not possible to purchase a solution, often children are poisoned on vacation, you can prepare its analogue. The tool is slightly less effective, but its components are always at hand. Would need:

  • 1 l cold boiled water;
  • 1 tsp salt;
  • 1 tsp soda;
  • 2 tbsp. l. Sahara.

Such a solution can also be given in case of an increase in temperature in infectious diseases.

After the symptoms go away, you need to restore work gastrointestinal tract. This will require probiotics (Linex, Yoghurt) and preparations containing enzymes, such as Creon (to improve digestion). They restore the intestinal microflora, reduce pain symptoms will speed up recovery. They are used both for the treatment and for the prevention of gastrointestinal disorders.

The decision that a child needs antibiotics can only be made by a doctor. prescribed in case of intestinal infection.

In case of poisoning in a child, vomiting, if it is repeated, it is advisable to stop. This will prevent dehydration. As a rule, pediatricians recommend the drug Domrid. But you can take it only after consulting a doctor.

Antidiarrheal drugs can help relieve severe diarrhea. 1 loperamide tablet will significantly improve the condition of the child. Also suitable drugs such as Enterofuril or Nifuroxazide. But we must remember that uncontrolled intake of antidiarrheal medicines will bring more harm than benefit.


You can speed up recovery if you supplement home treatment with recipes. traditional medicine but only with the permission of a doctor. The most common of them is a decoction of rice or oatmeal.

Rice water fights both diarrhea and vomiting. You will need 1 part rice and 5 parts hot water. The groats need to be poured and put on fire, after boiling, the remedy is boiled for 2-5 minutes, filtered and taken several times a day.

To prepare a decoction of oatmeal, you need 2 tbsp. l. flakes pour hot water and cook for at least 5 minutes. Take the medicine in the same way as rice water.

Will help and decoction from chamomile and marigolds, 1 tsp. mixture of herbs in 1 liter of water.

In case of poisoning with meat or fish effective tool is cinnamon tea, 2-3 sticks of bark should be poured with water and brought to a boil. After 5 minutes, the product is removed from the heat and filtered. Take 1 glass twice a day.

Alteika helps not only with coughing. In case of food poisoning, 2 tsp are needed. root pour 1 cup boiling water and insist for 30 minutes. Take the remedy for 1 tsp. 4 times a day, you can add a little honey.

Diet for food poisoning

As a result of the ingestion of toxins, the mucous membrane of the stomach and intestines becomes inflamed, and the pancreas and liver are subjected to severe stress. Therefore, food should be as sparing as possible.

On the first day after poisoning, you must completely refuse food. The child can only drink. The exception is children under one year old, they need food already 3-4 hours after the disappearance acute symptoms. But you can only give breast milk(if the mother did not use a toxic product) or an adapted milk formula.

Important! A day after the normalization of the condition, the child should eat. When fasting for more than 2 days, the only possible variant is hospitalization and artificial feeding through the probe.

Diet rules after food poisoning:

  • all food should be grated;
  • you need to eat in small portions;
  • eating 5-6 times a day;
  • food should be boiled, stewed or steamed.

In cases mild poisoning, already on the 2nd day the baby may feel great, however, it is necessary to adhere to a minimum of 5-7 days.

What to give a child with poisoning? For children older than a year, cereals cooked in water are suitable, it is better to give preference to rice, oatmeal or buckwheat. Can be offered mashed potatoes without butter and milk, as well as puree soup on the water. Broths should be excluded for the entire duration of the diet.

On the third day, you can offer the child a little cottage cheese, or kefir with low percentage fat content, baked apples, sweet crackers. The main thing is not to overdo it.

Meat dishes are allowed for the baby no earlier than 4 days. Suitable rabbit meat, turkey and lean fish.

After poisoning, it is forbidden to eat foods such as:

  • smoked, pickled and spicy;
  • juices, raw vegetables and fruits;
  • fatty or fried;
  • canned food;
  • sweets;
  • fresh bakery.

During the recovery period of the gastrointestinal tract, food should be mainly vegetarian, since animal products are much more difficult to digest.

Each mother carefully treats the issue of nutrition of her child, chooses the most best products, tries to give only freshly prepared dishes. Despite this, food poisoning is not at all uncommon for young children. General weakness, abdominal pain, and especially significant loss of fluid along with feces and vomit can pose a threat to the health of the baby if not promptly measures taken. In this regard, parents should clearly understand how to deal with food poisoning in children and when to seek medical help.

  • the use of stale foods affected by pathogens (streptococci, staphylococci, E. coli, clostridia, salmonella) and toxic products of their vital activity;
  • eating inedible or improperly prepared foods ( poisonous mushrooms, certain types fish and shellfish) containing life-threatening toxins that have not been neutralized during cooking;
  • use herbal products treated with poisonous chemicals (eg pesticides) to control plant pests and diseases.

Most often, such poisoning in children occurs in summer period. Food left without a refrigerator spoils very quickly in the heat, since the rate of reproduction of bacteria increases significantly when high temperature air. In addition, fruits and berries beloved by children appear in the summer, which are often treated with various chemicals to give them a beautiful appearance. If the mother does not control, then the child can take the fruit he likes, which is in the easy access zone, and eat it, forgetting to wash it, as a result of which he will get a gastrointestinal upset.

A high probability of poisoning is noted after a child consumes fish and seafood, unboiled milk and dairy products (cottage cheese, kefir, yogurt, ice cream), raw eggs, soft-boiled eggs, fried eggs, meat and sausage products, canned food. It is dangerous to drink unboiled water, eat unwashed or insufficiently well-washed fresh vegetables, salad greens and fruits. You can not allow to buy pies, salads and other ready-made meals sold by weight in stores. Confectionery (cakes, cakes with butter or protein cream) should be taken only at trusted outlets.

Mushroom poisoning is especially dangerous for children, which may contain toxins even after prolonged soaking and heat treatment. Mushrooms are generally not allowed to be given to babies under 5 years old, even in small quantities as part of the filling for pies or pancakes. They are a heavy and indigestible product for small organism due to insufficient production of enzymes.

In addition to mushrooms, it is highly recommended not to give children canned food, sausages, ham, smoked meats, dried or salted fish, as these products may contain botulism pathogens that produce the deadly poison botulinum toxin that affects the nervous system.

Interesting: Optimal conditions for the development and reproduction of pathogenic microorganisms in food are temperatures from 5 to 60 ° C and high humidity.


The sensitivity of children to the action of pathogenic microorganisms and toxins is much higher than that of adults, so poisoning occurs more often and is more severe. How younger child the worse he tolerates intoxication. Symptoms of food poisoning occur suddenly within 30 minutes to 48 hours of eating the suspect food. The disease is characterized by an acute onset, inflammatory process and irritation of the gastrointestinal mucosa, the child has:

  • nausea, pain, cramps and colic in the abdomen;
  • diarrhea, possibly with impurities of mucus and greens in the feces;
  • chills, rise in temperature (not higher than 38 ° C);
  • general weakness, lethargy, capriciousness;
  • headache;
  • lack of appetite.

In case of mushroom poisoning in children, convulsions are additionally present, cold sweat, decreased heart rate, dizziness, shortness of breath, hallucinations, and if pathogens of botulism (bacteria of the genus Clostridia) enter the body - fog, double vision, difficulty in moving the limbs, impaired gait, confused speech.

Food poisoning is similar to intestinal infection, but is more favorable course and not contagious to others. The main differences of intestinal infection are longer incubation period and time of illness, rise in body temperature above 38°C.

When you need a doctor

In most cases, food poisoning in a child can be managed. on your own without going to the doctor, but his consultation will still not be superfluous. However, there are a number of indications in which, without qualified medical care not enough. These include the following situations:

  • the age of the child is less than 3 years;
  • there is a rise in temperature;
  • there were mushrooms in the food taken the day before;
  • dysfunctions are noted nervous system(dizziness, double vision, impaired coordination of movements, swallowing, slurred speech);
  • yellowing of the skin, mucous membranes and sclera is observed;
  • in feces or vomit there are impurities of blood;
  • vomiting is indomitable;
  • it is not possible to give the child a drink for several hours;
  • symptoms of dehydration are observed;
  • poisoning occurs in several family members or children's team;
  • rashes appeared on the skin.

It is also necessary to call a doctor if home treatment poisoning within two days there is no improvement in the child's condition. This may indicate that there are other causes of vomiting and diarrhea.

In case of poisoning in the baby, you should call " ambulance”, while waiting for her, only water is allowed for the baby. To prevent vomit from accidentally getting into Airways, put the baby on its side.

First aid

With food poisoning, you need to start helping your child as soon as possible. All measures taken should be, first of all, aimed at cleaning the body of toxins and preventing dehydration.

One of protective reflexes when poisoning the body is vomiting. If it does not occur spontaneously, then it is necessary to help the child clear the stomach. To do this, give him 1-2 glasses to drink. warm water, and then press with a spoon on the root of the tongue or put two fingers in your mouth. The procedure is repeated several times until clean wash water appears.

For children under 3 years of age, gastric lavage at home is not recommended, it is better to immediately go to the hospital. Gastric lavage is started already at the first signs of poisoning, which helps prevent the spread of toxins throughout the gastrointestinal tract, their absorption into the systemic circulation and significantly accelerates the improvement of the child's condition.

Vomiting and diarrhea provoke significant fluid loss, which can become critical for a small organism and lead to the development of dehydration, cause severe violations functions internal organs(heart, brain, kidneys). Overt symptoms dehydration are considered:

  • pale skin;
  • rapid breathing and heartbeat;
  • lowering blood pressure;
  • dry skin and mucous membranes;
  • dry mouth;
  • no urine for 4-6 hours or too concentrated urine.

To compensate for the fluid deficiency caused by poisoning, it is necessary to give the child water. Considering that large volumes of liquid can cause vomiting due to distension of the stomach, drinking is given in small portions of 5-15 ml, depending on age, every 5-10 minutes. The best drink in this situation would be special water-salt solutions for rehydration, which you can cook at home on your own in the proportion of 1 tsp. salt and 1 tbsp. l. sugar per liter of water or buy ready-made mixtures for dilution with water in a pharmacy (regidron, Biogaya ORS, human electrolyte, reosolan, trisol, hydrovit, trihydron, re-sol).

How more baby drink liquids after poisoning, the better. The temperature of drinking solutions should be close to body temperature. If a child refuses to drink water-salt solutions that have a rather specific taste, you can give him simple boiled or non-carbonated mineral water, fruit drink, weak tea, compote, or any other, not even very healthy, drink that he agrees to drink. It is better to drink at least something than nothing at all, which pediatrician E. O. Komarovsky draws attention to. Plentiful drink shown until the cessation of vomiting and frequent loose stools.

Important: For a child under one year old, the minimum amount of liquid recommended for poisoning is 200 ml per 1 kg of body weight, for older children - 150 ml per 1 kg.

Medicines for poisoning

The main drugs that can be used for food poisoning in children without a doctor's prescription are enterosorbents. They bind and remove toxic compounds that have entered the digestive tract with spoiled food. They should be given immediately after the end of the gastric lavage procedure.

The simplest and most affordable of them is activated carbon. Its dosage for a child is calculated from the ratio of 1 g per 1 kg of weight. To increase the effectiveness of activated charcoal, it is recommended to crush the tablets into powder beforehand, which will increase the area of ​​the adsorbing surface. From the resulting powder, a suspension is prepared in boiled water and given to the child to drink. The same suspension is allowed to be used for gastric lavage. In addition to activated carbon, sorbents (smecta, enterosgel, lactofiltrum, polysorb, polyphepan) can be used.

If a child's temperature rises above 38 ° C, antipyretics containing paracetamol or ibuprofen in an age-appropriate dosage form are given.

also in recovery period after poisoning, children are prescribed drugs that normalize the intestinal microflora (probiotics and prebiotics) and enzymes to prevent dysbacteriosis and other complications. However, the need for their use is agreed with the doctor.

Warning: In case of food poisoning in children, it is unacceptable to independently prescribe antibacterial, antiemetic, painkillers and antidiarrheals.

Video: First aid tips for food poisoning from pediatrician Komarovsky E. O.

Nutrition after poisoning

If symptoms of poisoning appear, you should not feed the child with anything until his condition stabilizes and appetite appears, which is one of the signs of recovery. It is necessary to give the body time to recover, and the digestive tract the opportunity to rest. For at least a week after poisoning, it is recommended to follow a diet. Food should be given frequently (up to 8 times a day), but in small portions so as not to overload digestive tract. Food should be light and gentle, neither hot nor cold, crushed, liquid or semi-liquid consistency.

Immediately after poisoning, when the child asks for food, but not earlier than 4-6 hours after the last bout of vomiting, you can offer him biscuits, baked apples, liquid rice or oatmeal, boiled in water. Later add boiled eggs, croutons, yesterday's bread, boiled potatoes or mashed potatoes in water, boiled or steamed lean meat, mashed vegetable soup, yogurt, kefir. It is strongly not recommended to give children in the first days after poisoning milk, fatty, spicy food, fresh vegetables and fruits, smoked products, canned food, fresh bread, sweets, spices, freshly squeezed juices, sweet sparkling water. The transition from diet to ordinary food should be smooth and gradual.


To prevent food poisoning in a child, you need to follow elementary rules personal hygiene, mode of storage and preparation of products. The main responsibility for what happened lies on the shoulders of adults. Prevention includes the following measures:

  1. Control that the child wash their hands with soap before eating, after coming home from the street and using the toilet. Hand treatment time soapy water must be at least 30 seconds.
  2. the washing up fresh vegetables and fruits, and it is better to douse them with boiling water before use.
  3. Store cooked food in the refrigerator for up to 48 hours.
  4. Avoiding cafe meals fast food and other questionable places, buying and eating buns, pies or other products in unauthorized outlets on the street.
  5. Compliance with the rules for preparing, defrosting, freezing and storing food, ensuring the cleanliness of dishes, work surfaces and kitchen utensils, washing hands before, during and after cooking.
  6. Compliance with the requirements for the heat treatment of products, thorough boiling and roasting of raw meat, poultry and fish.
  7. Control of cleanliness and temperature on the shelves of the refrigerator (below 15 ° C in freezer and below 5°C in the refrigerator).
  8. Check the expiration date of products before buying.
  9. The exclusion of the child from drinking unboiled milk bought on the market of thermally untreated cottage cheese.

Avoid eating foods that smell or appearance which raises the slightest suspicion.

Poisoning in a child is one of the most common diseases. Babies under three years of age often suffer, because at that age they explore the world and try to taste everything. A child's body that has not yet fully formed cannot resist microbes and harmful microorganisms, while an adult may not feel the signs of poisoning.

It is extremely important to understand in time that the child has been poisoned, to determine what, to know the symptoms of poisoning in children, to provide timely needed help and avoid disastrous consequences.

1 Types of poisoning

Conventionally, poisoning is divided into types:

  • food poisoning in a child digestive system as a result of taking poor-quality or expired food;
  • drug poisoning - occurs most often due to an overdose of drugs and carelessness of parents;
  • poisoning chemicals, acids and alkalis, toxic substances, carbon monoxide.

2 Provoking factors

Food poisoning in children is the most common type. If a child is poisoned, he suffers for several days, but the infection is safe for others.

What are the symptoms of food poisoning in children? The first symptoms may appear a couple of hours after ingestion of food. Toxic infection is caused pathogenic microorganisms, staphylococci, salmonella and other bacteria that enter the children's body with food.

Improper food preparation, storage and consumption of expired foods contribute to an increase in the number of harmful microorganisms. Accumulated toxins disrupt the digestive system.

Food storage for outdoors and in a hot place dirty hands in children, flies and other insects can all lead to infection.

Worth paying Special attention on products before consumption. Color change, bad smell and uncharacteristic consistency for the dish should be alarming. For example, if it is soup or broth, then air bubbles will be a sign of spoilage. Compliance with all sanitary and hygiene standards cooking and food storage will ensure the safety of both the child and the adult.

Often children suffer from the use of the following products:

  • canned fish, fish products;
  • meat products, pates, sausages;
  • dairy products, cottage cheese, ice cream, yogurt;
  • seafood;
  • cakes, desserts and any confectionery with an abundance of cream;
  • greens;
  • eggs.

Some "delicacies" can also cause food poisoning in children. Buying a child (especially under 1 year old) ready-made meals in supermarkets, buffets and other catering places is not worth it, because no one knows under what conditions food is prepared and from what products.

3 Symptoms

Signs of food poisoning in children often appear suddenly, and within 30-60 minutes after consuming products of inadequate quality, the baby may complain of bad feeling. But not always in children, symptoms appear so soon: the body can react even after a day.

poisoning mild nature appear as allergic reaction in the form of a rash, slight swelling, the child may refuse to eat, will be lethargic and lazy. Among other signs of poisoning are observed: nausea, abdominal pain, vomiting.

Then appears liquid stool(diarrhea), sometimes vomiting continues, chills associated with an increase in body temperature are possible. Vomiting is most often repeated: from 15 times a day. Discharge from diarrhea is watery, can be seen undigested residues food, mucus, blood.

Symptoms of poisoning in a child in mild cases may not be noticed, because in general the baby's well-being is normal. But after some time, signs of poisoning can accumulate. In case of severe poisoning, pallor appears, breathing and pulse quicken, the child complains of dry mouth, sweating is possible. Should alert infrequent urination and dark (concentrated) color of urine.

Frequent incessant vomiting and loose stools are the most dangerous signs when poisoned. Vomiting and diarrhea cause rapid dehydration of the baby's body, disturbed water-salt balance. If you do not start helping a small patient in time, then toxic shock is possible.

4 Stages of treatment

Poisoning in babies is dangerous because the signs are similar to the symptoms of certain diseases, such as appendicitis, intestinal obstruction, dysbacteriosis and others. Therefore, a doctor's call home is simply necessary, because only experienced specialist will make a correct diagnosis and tell you how and how to treat poisoning.

Assistance steps:

The first thing to do is to wash the stomach. After all, the remains of poisoned food are inside, so it is important to urgently remove them.

If the child is 3 years old or more, then you can wash the stomach yourself at home, but if the baby is younger, then you can not treat poisoning outside the hospital. For small victims, the stomach is cleaned only using a probe, after which solutions are intravenously instilled that maintain the water-salt balance of the body.

Therefore, it is worth urgently calling an ambulance team, and in anticipation of their arrival, put the little patient on his side and carefully monitor that the airways are not clogged with vomit.

What to give a child with poisoning? To begin with, the baby needs to drink warm boiled water. Can be added to a glass baking soda(for 0.5 liters of water 0.5 tsp of soda). Despite the fact that even an adult is sometimes difficult to drink a large amount of water at once, this must be done.

Then you need to provoke vomiting. To do this, click on the root of the child's tongue. Flushing should be repeated several times until the fluid from vomiting is clear.

The second step is to give enterosorbents. These are substances that, when they enter the stomach and intestines, are able to absorb toxins and toxic compounds. Excreted by defecation. It is worth giving medicines to a small patient in case of poisoning only in compliance with the dosages and age indicated in the instructions for medicines. Enterosorbents include: smecta, activated carbon, enterosgel, polyphepan and others.

In case of poisoning, the baby needs to drink warm boiled water. You can add baking soda (0.5 tsp of soda per 0.5 liter of water). If the drug is in tablets, then you need to grind it, then take it to small amount water. Activated carbon- the most common and cheapest type of enterosorbent, which is usually found in every first aid kit. A child over 7 years old should be given 1 tablet for every 10 kg of weight.

The third step is to water the baby as often as possible. It is necessary to give plenty of fluids, because with vomiting and diarrhea, the baby's body loses water reserves and becomes dehydrated. This is bad for the baby.

It is best to drink weak sweet tea. Ordinary non-carbonated water, rice water, rosehip infusion, water-salt solutions are also suitable. It is not recommended to give milk and juices.

Children under one year old should be given 1 tsp. every 5-10 minutes, older children take a sip every 10-15 minutes. Such small doses are given so that the liquid has time to digest. mineral water you should not give the child, because the presence of salts will lead to additional load on the baby's kidneys.

5 Important to know

In no case, before the arrival of doctors, you should not give the baby painkillers. By the nature and location of the pain, the doctor will be able to make a correct diagnosis. A warm heating pad on the stomach is also contraindicated, because if abdominal cavity inflammation, then heat will accelerate its development.

You can not give antibiotics and drugs that stop vomiting and diarrhea on your own. These reactions of the body cleanse it and remove toxins and microbes. In addition, not knowing the correct dosage medicines, can only harm the little patient.

If at self-treatment the baby does not get better, it is worth going to the hospital. When the child is admitted to the hospital, they will receive prompt assistance.

6 Nutrition rules

It is very important to provide the baby proper nutrition. During the first 4-6 hours after poisoning, food should be completely abandoned, but it is important not to forget about drinking. Then you can give the child some white crackers with weak tea.

After the baby's condition improves and appetite appears, it is worth feeding the baby with grated or liquid food. Portions should be small, but you need to take food often (up to 8 times a day).

It is undesirable to give baking, fresh bread and milk. They provoke fermentation in the intestines. Food should not be fatty, spicy, smoked, salty. Fried and flour products should also be excluded from the diet. Raw vegetables, freshly squeezed juices should not be given. Steam cooking is best. Dairy products are useful for restoring the intestinal microflora.

In the diet, you can include an omelet, lean fish and meat, 0% fat cottage cheese, baked apples. Such a diet should be observed within 14-21 days after recovery.

7 Prevention methods

  1. In order not to wonder what to give a child in case of poisoning, it is important to follow the rules of hygiene, sanitary standards and requirements.
  2. Be sure to teach your child to wash their hands before eating, after going to the toilet and when they come home. Refrigerator and kitchen surfaces, food storage areas should always be clean.
  3. Upon contact with raw meat or fish, eggs, too, you need to wash your hands with soap. After all, raw products contain big number bacteria.
  4. Meat and fish must be cooked well. Store food in the refrigerator.

Children can get poisoned with medicines due to the irresponsibility of adults who leave first-aid kits in accessible places. It is often difficult to determine that the baby has been poisoned, because at first the child does not experience any pain, and before the first symptoms appear, a small dose of the drug already has time to get into the blood.

At any hint of drug poisoning, you need to rinse the stomach a couple of times, then give a laxative and put the child to bed. In this case, you should definitely call a doctor, because it is impossible to prescribe a medicine that neutralizes the drunk on your own.

It is important to try to find out from the child what he has taken. If this is a baby up to a year old and a little older, then you need to inspect the place of games. It is important to start treatment very quickly.

Pesticides (along with drugs and chemicals) should be kept out of the reach of children. They can enter the body through digestive organs, baby's skin and respiratory system.

Signs of poisoning are nausea, abdominal pain, vomiting, dizziness, increased salivation, headache. If poisoning occurs through the skin, rashes and itching are possible. Seeing a doctor is a must. While waiting for the doctor, you can wash the stomach, and the mucous and skin the child should be washed with a solution (put 1 tsp of soda in 200 ml of water).

Poisoning in babies is always dangerous. Therefore, it is extremely important to observe food poisoning prevention measures, to hide from children medications, chemical substances, acids and pesticides. The health and safety of the baby depends only on adults.

Intoxication is the poisoning of the body. large quantity harmful toxins that affect the internal organs. main reason such a state can become endotoxins, exotoxins, which respectively appear due to the influence of internal or external factors. Signs of intoxication small child differ in manifestation toxic syndrome.

Toxic syndrome is a condition of the body in which the baby looks lethargic, naughty, has poor appetite, low blood pressure, accelerated heartbeat - this is a clear signal for parents that it is urgent to see a doctor. It is easily confused with the common cold.

Do not self-medicate, you risk aggravating the condition of the child.

A child in this state needs urgent hospitalization and medical supervision. Treatment of the underlying disease of the disease will be accompanied by the appointment additional drugs to eliminate not only the body's toxic syndrome process, but also the symptoms.

Depending on the symptoms, they distinguish between acute and chronic forms of intoxication, depending on how long the baby is in a state of poisoning with toxins. Also, special attention should be paid to the tuberculous form of intoxication of the body.


Acute intoxication occurs due to the influence a large number medical preparations. Children may show the following symptoms:

  1. lack of appetite;
  2. weakness;
  3. nausea;
  4. headache.

Toxins are very quickly absorbed into the blood, change its composition, are transferred throughout the body to other vital important bodies disrupting their work.


Chronic intoxication occurs when the baby is not provided with the necessary assistance for a long time.- this form has more severe consequences, difficult to treat. Therefore, you should not self-medicate, but provide the necessary timely medical treatment in the hospital.

During chronic form diseases of the child, he quickly gets tired, does not remember well, complains of dizziness and headaches.

Others are bright severe symptoms may be missing. There is a risk of linking this condition of the child with any other diseases or common ailments.


Tuberculous intoxication of the body is a form of tuberculosis in which characteristic symptoms without a local manifestation of the disease itself, a primary infection with a microbacterium is diagnosed. May have a number specific symptoms The child has:

  1. excessive excitement;
  2. irritability;
  3. nervous imbalance;
  4. headache;
  5. sleep disturbance.

You can also notice external signs:

  1. pale skin;
  2. swelling of the lymph nodes;
  3. enlarged spleen, liver, which can be detected by touch;
  4. frequent violation of the digestive tract.

These symptoms refer to early tuberculosis intoxication.

A month later, poisoning with toxins of the child's body can manifest itself positively. tuberculin test. During this period, there may be erythema nodosum, an increase in body temperature.

When the tuberculous form of intoxication crosses the line of chronic, the child may experience a developmental delay.

The color of the skin is particularly pale, and The lymph nodes increase noticeably. Periodically, conjunctivitis and conflicts may occur. Perhaps the appearance of allergies, easy fatigue, he begins to avoid noisy games, often sleeps.


Treatment acute form presents no difficulty. The main thing is to do everything in a timely manner, then the poisoning of the body will not leave bad consequences. It is important to carefully monitor the condition of your child. Do not ignore his complaints about bad condition- this will help in time to pass tests in order to diagnose and find out the cause of the disease.

When prescribing treatment, doctors prescribe special absorbent agents that remove harmful toxins from the body. Application possible useful tinctures, decoctions and . These methods help to quickly relieve the symptoms of toxin poisoning.

In order to prevent, it is important to follow a diet, take vitamins and supplements that will speed up the restoration of health.

Tuberculous intoxication in children is treated much longer than usual. The baby must be diagnosed and taken quality treatment drugs while in the hospital. Diagnosis may include tomography, bronchoscopy, bacteriological, and other studies.

The first stage of treatment for a child can last about 4 months. Thereafter internal systems the child should recover over a period of six months to several years.

Even after treatment, it is necessary for the patient to be constantly monitored in a tuberculosis dispensary.

The chronic form of intoxication in children is treated throughout the year. The patient can be prescribed at the same time about 3 different anti-tuberculosis drugs, with the help of which chemotherapy is carried out. Rifampicin, isoniazid, ethambutol are often prescribed.

In addition to the main treatment, drugs are prescribed that are necessary to eliminate allergies. Particular attention is paid to the restoration of immunity, including through physical and breathing exercises.

Food bacterial poisoning in a child is also called intestinal infections - this is a large group of diseases, the causative agents of which can be bacteria and viruses. More often than others, there are infections such as dysentery, salmonellosis, escherichiosis, campylobacteriosis, yersiniosis. Intestinal infections affect all people, regardless of age, including often children. younger age.

Poisoning in children can be caused by eating poisonous mushrooms, which can retain their toxic properties after soaking, boiling, drying, pickling, pickling and other processing methods. As well as poisoning from poisonous plants (aconite, castor oil, bitter almonds, henbane seeds, belladonna berries, crow's eye, wolf's bast and May lily of the valley) In addition, in contact with poisonous plants or contact with the skin of the juice of a poisonous plant can develop acute inflammation, eczema, dermatitis.

Causes of poisoning in a child

Food poisoning in children due to intestinal infections can be called "diseases of dirty hands", because they are transmitted from a person suffering from an intestinal infection to healthy baby, as a rule, through dirty hands or objects (for example, toys, dishes).

Intestinal infection caused coli(escherichia), most often occurs due to poor quality fermented milk products- kefir, yogurt. BUT disease-causing staphylococci in warm weather especially actively multiply in creams and cakes, which leads to food poisoning. The causative agents of salmonellosis enter a person through any contaminated products: chicken meat and eggs, boiled sausage, sausages, poorly washed or washed dirty water vegetables and greens. Yersinia is spread by rodents that “walk” on vegetables and fruits stored in the cellar. And dysentery can begin if you drink raw water, unboiled milk, eat yogurt, cottage cheese, sour cream, as well as unwashed fruits, berries, and vegetables.

What's happening?

After the pathogen enters the body, its toxins are released into the body. various departments gastrointestinal tract, intoxication occurs; inflammatory process in the intestine. Loss of fluid in the stool, vomiting leads to dehydration.

The first symptom of poisoning in a child due to an intestinal infection is an acute onset of the disease, repeated vomiting, abdominal pain (primarily in the stomach), loose stools with impurities (mucus, greenery, blood streaks). Vomiting may appear simultaneously with the rise in temperature or precede it. Kids feel bad, lethargy, weakness, headache appear, they refuse to eat - all these are symptoms of poisoning in a child caused by the action of microbes on the organs and tissues of the body (intoxication).

When a child is poisoned with mushrooms, poisoning with a pale toadstool is considered the most severe, phalloidin, contained in the mushroom, having penetrated into the human circulatory system, destroys and dissolves erythrocytes (blood cells). It is enough to swallow 1/4 of the cap of a pale grebe to cause fatal poisoning. Amanitas contain toxins muscarine and muscaridine. Poisoning with these poisons manifests itself after 0.5–2 hours, sometimes after 10 hours. Poisoning is possible with both edible and conditionally edible mushrooms, such as morels or lines, if the technology for their preparation is violated. Or old and stale mushrooms are eaten, which begin the process of decomposition, and poisonous products of protein breakdown appear. When eating mushrooms home canning, may lead to serious illness- botulism. The causative agents of botulism that have fallen on the fungus from the soil develop well in the absence of oxygen, in hermetically sealed jars, forming a very strong toxin (poison).

Food poisoning diagnosis

The diagnosis of an intestinal infection is made by a doctor based on the clinical picture. In addition, additional laboratory research: determination of the pathogen in vomit, feces; determination of antibody titer in venous blood.

Signs of mushroom poisoning appear after 0.5 hours. up to 40 hours. Headache, dizziness, feeling of anxiety begins. Then there is pain in the abdomen, diarrhea, convulsions. All this is accompanied by weakness, a rare pulse, the appearance of profuse cold sweat. In case of poisoning with the poison contained in the fly agaric, symptoms of nausea, vomiting, thirst, profuse sweating, weaknesses. Sometimes there are dizziness, delirium, hallucinations, rare pulse, shortness of breath, convulsions.

The main signs of botulism are headache, dizziness, dry mouth, blurred vision - fog and double vision, poor pupillary response to light, wobbly gait, the eyelids are lowered, the movement of the limbs is difficult, the temperature is normal.

Treatment of food poisoning in children

As soon as you notice the child's signs intestinal disorder, it is necessary to immediately begin treatment, at the same time seeking help from a specialist. the main task- even before the doctor arrives, try to compensate for the liquid and salt lost by the child's body. Start immediately to give a drink: 1 tsp. or 1 tbsp. l. (depending on age) every 5-10 minutes. Drink the baby with Regidron glucose-salt solution, compote, fruit drink, tea, 5% glucose solution.

For diarrhea, enterosorbents are used: smecta, polyphepan, microsorb. If mucus, greens, blood appeared in his stool, the doctor prescribes antibiotics to treat poisoning in a child.

If the child is breastfed, at the first signs of illness, take a short break in feeding and start drinking boiled water. Then, if the condition begins to improve, return to the usual feeding regimen.

If the child is on artificial feeding, then after a pause of 8-12 hours, it is preferable to give him fermented milk mixtures, to which rice water can be added. Other complementary foods vegetable puree, fruit puree, yolk, cereals, meat) are introduced gradually from the third day. It is important to remember that until the child has fully recovered, the menu should not include new foods that he has not yet tried.

In case of poisoning in older children, a sparing diet is also used. The most adapted option for most situations: rice porrige on water, kefir, mashed potatoes without milk and oil, crackers, mashed vegetarian soups, baked apple- at short intervals and in small portions.

In case of poisoning with cooked mushrooms: there are complaints of abdominal pain, headache, the baby becomes lethargic (even if the signs of poisoning are mild, not pronounced), and even more so, if there is a suspicion of botulism, then you should immediately consult a doctor: immediately call an ambulance or independently deliver the victim to the nearest children's hospital. Treatment of botulism is carried out only in the infectious diseases hospital, where, as specific treatment an anti-botulinum serum will be urgently administered to neutralize the toxin

Treatment of victims of poisoning with poisonous plants is carried out by removing the poison that has entered the body and reducing its toxicity with the help of various antidotes. It is very important before the arrival of a doctor or admission to medical institution take the necessary measures in the order of self- and mutual assistance. Regardless of the type of plant poison that caused poisoning, it is urgent to induce vomiting by irritation of the pharynx or root of the tongue.

Prevention of poisoning in children

Prevention consists in the observance of elementary hygiene rules: wash hands before eating and after going to the toilet, use only boiled water, thoroughly rinse vegetables and fruits with boiling water, boil milk, store cooked meals only in the refrigerator and not more than 2 days. Exclude snacks in fast food cafes, as well as purchases of products in unreliable stores;

In the warm season, it is better not to cook for future use at all. A freshly prepared dish is harmless, but after a few hours, even if you thoroughly washed and processed all the ingredients, it can become the culprit of the disease. For example, in 1 gram minced meat immediately after scrolling contains about 2 million bacteria, and a day later - already more than 100 million.

Care should be taken when bathing children in bodies of water. The causative agents of some intestinal infections (for example, dysentery) live there for up to 50 days. And a child who has been ill with dysentery is a carrier of the infection for a month: during this period, contact with other children should not be allowed. Remember intestinal infections It is a disease that can always be prevented.

Prevention of poisoning vegetable poisons is the unwavering fulfillment the following rules: do not allow children, especially younger ones, to pick mushrooms and berries on their own, without adult supervision; do not eat unfamiliar plants, mushrooms, you should know that children under 5 years old are not recommended to be fed mushrooms and dishes from them, even if it is just a filling in pies, pancakes, pizza or dried mushrooms for mushroom soup, since the child's body does not have enough enzymes for their digestion; do not take orally without the consent of the doctor and do not spontaneously increase the dose of the tincture prepared in the pharmacy.

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