Is it possible to feed a cat with raw chicken: all the features of “cat cooking. Can kittens eat meat? Why can't cats eat raw meat?

Our purring four-legged friends are real predators. However, over the years of living with humans, many of them have lost their hunting skills, but the need for high-protein nutrition remains. More and more people are inclined to buy ready-made food, but it's no secret that meat is natural, and therefore the most useful product for a cat. Let's discuss whether a cat can eat raw beef, and how eating meat affects the health of the animal.

Can you give your cat raw beef?

It seems logical that the main food for a predator is meat. It fully satisfies the needs for energy and nutrients, vitamins and minerals, and is well absorbed. Among the products recommended for home diets, beef is very often found - red meat containing relatively little fat, rich in protein and iron, and also less likely to cause allergic reactions.

If you give raw beef, then all the useful substances contained in it will be preserved, and in addition, such meat smells very attractive and has an optimal structure for cats - soft and fibrous at the same time, and if it also has veins, then this has a beneficial effect on dental health.

So, at first glance, raw beef for cats is the best option, but not everything is so simple.

Cutout doesn't mean best

In nature, predators do not eat animal fillets. They catch prey, most often rodents and small birds, which they eat together with wool, feathers, claws, small bones and entrails. And each of these seemingly inedible components contains a huge amount of essential substances, including vitamins and minerals.

For example, liver contains a lot of vitamin A, which is not synthesized in the body of cats and must be obtained from food, and the same can be said for almost any component of whole prey. Blood, cartilage, ligaments, tendons are extremely rich in useful substances.

Wool, leather, and other indigestible components improve intestinal motility, as does a small amount of plant food contained in the victim's stomach.

It turns out that the composition of meat eaten in nature is very different from what we buy in stores, so feeding one fillet will invariably lead to beriberi and digestive problems. Thus, the answer to the question of whether it is possible to give raw beef to cats has a twofold answer.

On the one hand, yes, because it is a good source of animal protein and fat, but on the other hand, feeding only raw beef will lead to a serious imbalance in the diet. It needs to be supplemented with other sources of protein, fiber, a small amount of carbohydrates and a vitamin and mineral premix.

Can a cat eat beef after heat treatment?

It is widely believed that raw meat is harmful to animals due to the risk of infection with helminths and bacteria. Many owners, breeders and even veterinarians still advise to process the meat before putting it in the cat's bowl.

Processing is reduced to scalding with boiling water or boiling beef. However, scalding does not make any sense at all - such a surface temperature effect is not capable of killing bacteria, not to mention helminth eggs. Boiling meat may be relevant if you suspect that it is infected, that is, it was obtained from a sick animal.

The veterinary check that every cow carcass that goes on sale is subjected to practically eliminates contamination of the meat. A cat may like boiled beef less than raw beef, and there will be less valuable substances in it. Thus, heat treatment is not necessary at all.

Beef is an excellent source of protein and fat when fed to cats whose owners prefer homemade food. But you can not give the animal only meat, the diet should be tailored to all the needs of the animal and must contain other products and additives.

What canned food is best for cats?

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The question of whether it is possible to feed a cat with raw meat seems strange to many owners, because everyone knows that these pets are predators by nature, and no one cooks for animals in their natural habitat. In fact, the intestines of a cat are perfectly adapted to process raw meat, however, it can be dangerous for a pet. Especially often when feeding raw meat, health problems arise in exhibition purebred cats, in which, for the sake of external data, little attention is paid to health, and kittens already at birth have certain disorders.

Meat is essential for cats, as it is the main natural food for them. Raw meat is the best food for cats. In order for this product not to harm the animal, each owner must know exactly how to prepare it for giving a pet. If everything is done correctly, then the meat will only benefit the cat and will not cause any violations of its health. Do not forget to give the kitten raw meat, thanks to which it will fully develop.

What raw meat is suitable for a cat

Not all meat can be used to feed cats. Some of its species will harm the animal by causing indigestion. Useful for cats:

  • beef,
  • goat meat,
  • horsemeat,
  • lean lamb,
  • rabbit meat,
  • chicken,
  • turkey.

In addition, offal, which cats eat especially willingly, will also benefit the animal with a moderate summer cottage. However, the owner must remember that their animal can be given no more than 200 g per week (the same applies to fish). You can feed raw foods to an animal only if they are well tolerated by them. Not every cat easily digests offal.

The freshness of meat is of great importance for the animal. The statement that cats like not quite fresh meat that has a smell is nothing more than a delusion. It arose because some owners simply want to save on animal nutrition. In fact, bad meat is just as bad for a cat as it is for humans. You should also remember that you need to purchase only proven meat for feeding your pets, which has all veterinary certificates. Raw meat can be given to a cat only fresh and without the addition of salt.

What kind of meat can not be given

Not all meat can be included in a cat's diet, even if it is of very high quality. In nature, animals can eat all types of meat and therefore hunt a wide variety of game. Domestic cats living in comfort already have a different metabolism, and therefore a number of foods can harm them, and this should not be given. A cat can get sick if her diet includes such meat.:

  • pork;
  • any fatty meat;
  • duck;
  • goose.

Minced meat deserves special attention, especially ready-made. It usually contains too much fat. In addition, such a product negatively affects the intestines and stomach of the cat, as it is not digested properly due to its consistency.

It is also unacceptable to feed the animal with bones. They are not digested in the intestines and only clog it, which can lead to obstruction. They can also injure the walls of the gastrointestinal tract and lead to the death of the animal within 2-3 hours from internal bleeding.

What is the danger of raw meat for a cat

Feeding cats with raw meat should be literate. The product must first be prepared.

In the event that meat is bought in the market from an open counter, where flies that carry many diseases could sit on it, it must also be processed before giving it to the cat so as not to bring infectious diseases to the pet. To do this, it is necessary to pour over the product with boiling water, but do not keep it in it so that the beneficial substances in the composition of the meat do not collapse.

Having bought meat, even in the most reliable place, it must certainly be frozen before giving it to a cat. Due to the fact that a person does not consume raw meat, the product, even if it contains eggs of a number of worms, is considered safe and goes on sale.

What kind of meat is better to give a cat

Raw meat is good for a cat's health. It contains all the amino acids and proteins necessary for the animal and ensures the proper functioning of internal organs and systems. Also, in its raw form, the product is much easier to digest by the pet's stomach, and therefore the cat does not risk getting diseases of the digestive system.

It is strictly forbidden to give a cat fried and smoked meat. Such products will only harm the health of the animal. There is nothing useful in them for a cat, but they cause irritation of the stomach and liver. Also, if the pancreas is weak, it can also suffer.

Is it possible to combine raw and boiled meat

It is not uncommon for owners to give a cat not only raw, but also a boiled product, since many pets eat meat more readily when cooked. Boiled meat contains enough nutrients for a cat, and if desired, you can feed it with such a product in combination with raw meat, but only without combining them in one feeding.

The fact is that if a cat eats raw and boiled meat at a time, then the production of different enzymes will be required to digest two dishes at once. This can overload the cat's digestive system, causing diarrhea or vomiting. The interval between giving food should be at least 3 hours.

What is the best way to give meat?

Feeding a cat raw meat every day is best in the morning, when her body is as active as possible, and digestion will go fairly quickly. You should not give the product in large pieces, because if the pet does not chew it and swallow it almost entirely, the cat will vomit. Cut the meat into cubes 15 by 15 mm. The juice that appears after defrosting the meat can be given to the cat, as many animals are very fond of lapping it.

In order for the feeding to be complete, you should not give meat alone. For one serving you need to take:

  • 75 g of meat (optimally fed with raw beef),
  • 1 tablespoon of olive oil;
  • 25 g vegetable puree made from steamed carrots, zucchini or cabbage.

By mixing all the ingredients, the owner gets the perfect balanced, healthy pet food. Every kind of cat, all year round, should be fed the right food with raw meat.

Do not listen to the myth that raw meat and a cat are incompatible. In fact, it is meat nutrition for an animal that is the most natural and correct.

Meat contains protein, which is so necessary for a young growing pet's body. Some lovers believe that the animal will determine the time when raw meat can be given to a kitten, but this is not true. The answer to the question of whether it is possible to give a kitten raw meat also depends on the type of food. If, in parallel with mother's milk, the baby receives special food, then there is no need for meat complementary foods.

Methods and procedure for the introduction of complementary foods for kittens is akin to human. Just as young children should not be given several new foods at the same time, so should kittens. Each unknown product is introduced gradually from the smallest portions. In this case, you need to observe the behavior of the baby, because he can then spit up undigested food. Digestion and stool disorders are possible.

As for the opinion that the kitten itself will start eating meat when the time comes (that is, give meat and observe whether it eats or not), so it can pounce on it with greed and swallow it at one moment without chewing. The kitten must first be taught to chew by offering him thin slices of fresh beef. This should be done no earlier than 5-6 weeks old.

Perhaps poultry meat is much softer, but that is why experts do not recommend starting with it. The baby can get used to not straining when chewing and is unlikely to want to eat meat harder after. The very first time it is better to give meat scraped. To do this, freeze it and scrape it with a spoon or knife. Then roll this meat into a ball no larger than a pea.

The opinions of experts about the first meat food for a kitten in the form of minced meat are ambiguous. Some breeders consider this method acceptable, others impose a categorical ban on it, explaining that any minced meat is not digested properly by kittens and does not bear any benefit. This applies to industrial canned fish and meat.

Prophylaxis against worms should be done regularly, regardless of the kitten's meat diet, once every six months. Moreover, raw meat can serve as a source of various infections. Signs that the diet is beneficial to the kitten are its healthy appearance and behavior: smooth coat, mobility.

Only a healthy animal needs to start introducing new foods. The first time you can give boiled beef, divided into fibers. If during the week the kitten normally eats boiled meat, then you can gradually switch to raw meat.

It should be noted that boiled meat for a kitten is prepared without salt and spices, and all meat ingredients, including offal, must be pre-frozen. However, before you treat your pet, the meat must be warmed to room temperature. It is better to give the fish boiled.

Even if a pet absorbs meat well in any form, one should not be zealous and switch only to meat and fish. The same applies to any products: cereals, eggs, vegetables. It is better to mix meat and fish ingredients with cereals. Pork for cats, even adults, is contraindicated. Yes, and the meat of other animals should be given without fat.

Some experts recommend the first time, if not boiled, then pour boiling water over beef meat. When you can give raw meat to a kitten also depends on the breed. For example, the "British" can boiled beef from a month, but the Scottish breed only from 1.5 months.

Moreover, Scottish kittens are recommended from 5 weeks to start giving liver, chicken meat first, and only then switch to beef. Therefore, before introducing meat into the diet of a kitten, it is better to consult a specialist. This, of course, applies more to thoroughbreds.

Some rules for feeding kittens in the first months of life are relevant for all breeds without exception. In order for a kitten to grow and develop in accordance with its age, you need a rational balanced diet, where meat is given special attention.

It is believed that the more meat a pet receives, the healthier, more beautiful and stronger it will be. When it comes to cats, there is some truth in this statement. Proteins are the main, most important part of the diet of a nocturnal predator, supporting its physical health, visual acuity, hearing, smell and all other body systems. Trying to do the best, many owners begin to feed the cat with raw meat, and this is far from always good and safe.

Meat makes up 85–95% of a wild cat's diet. Living in the forest, a cat cannot get milk, cottage cheese, porridge, it feeds on its prey, sometimes it eats grass and fruits of plants. Note that the quadruped does not skin the carcass before eating it. The stomach and intestines are suitable for food, with all its contents, most often, these are grass, semi-digested cereals and plant fruits.

It is the owner's task to make sure that the cat receives a sufficient amount of proteins, vitamins, trace elements and other necessary substances every day.

Many owners do not have time to prepare food for their pet every day, so they teach cats to eat. In addition, with a number of chronic ailments, for example, with, it is very difficult to choose the optimal diet.

Industrial feed

The ad says: made from natural meat and vegetables. Even without delving into the details, we can conclude that natural products are more natural for cats. On the “drying” side, there are a number of owner-friendly benefits:

  • Convenient to store- open food can be stored up to 3 months, in an airtight container up to 9-10 months. Fresh food placed in the refrigerator becomes unfit for consumption after 2-3 days, in hot weather, placed in a bowl after 2-3 hours. Freezing is the only alternative.
  • Time saving– industrial feed does not need to be cooked, the granules only need to be poured, and the canned food needs to be opened.
  • Convenient to dose– on packages with feed there are calculation tables with recommendations for the daily rate of feed. Depending on the type of food, recommendations can be divided by age, gender, coat type, temperament. There is a separate segment for pregnant, mating and lactating cats.
  • Family budget savings- dry food can be bought in large packages, which saves a lot of money. In addition, a quality natural diet is rarely cheaper than a good feed.

Feeds are divided into types and classes. It is customary to distinguish between dry (granules), semi-moist (gravy and pieces) and wet food (pate). A separate segment includes liquid food for debilitated animals, milk substitutes for feeding kittens and treats. By class, feed for daily use is divided into:

  • Economy class - not recommended for daily feeding.
  • Premium and super-premium - a class for daily feeding of healthy animals.
  • Holistic is the highest class of products for daily use.
  • Therapeutic and preventive - this includes products for cats suffering from chronic ailments: allergies, diabetes, urolithiasis, etc.

There are special, salt-free foods for neutered and neutered cats, usually super-premium or holistic.

Do not confuse neutered cat food with stone prevention products.

natural nutrition

Raw meat is part of a cat's natural diet and should not be mixed with industrial meat. Naturally, only meat is not enough for a domestic cat, since it needs vitamins, trace elements, coarse fibers, and sometimes carbohydrates.

What meat will best meet the needs of a cat? There is no unequivocal opinion here, each owner chooses products intuitively.

The statistics are as follows:

  • Beef is the best choice for feeding cats.
  • - A cat can only be fed lean pork.
  • Lamb - not recommended for pets due to high fat content.
  • Rabbit - recommended for cats on a diet.
  • - suitable for feeding cats, but should be alternated with beef.
  • Turkey meat - turkey meat is suitable for feeding cats, but should be alternated with beef and chicken meat.
  • Quail - can completely replace chicken.
  • Duck, goose - not recommended for feeding pets due to high fat content.

In addition to red and white meat, offal must be included in the cat's diet: heart, lung, scar. Offal is better to give only beef. The heart can be chicken, turkey. You need to be careful with the liver, because when raw, it weakens the intestines, and when boiled, it strengthens. It is better not to give pork liver and kidneys.

Any type of meat must be free of bones, skin and fat. Sometimes, for brushing their teeth, cats can be given soft cartilage to chew on.

In addition to meat, the cat's diet includes:

  • Milk (if the cat does not suffer from lactose intolerance).
  • Dairy products - cottage cheese, ryazhenka, yogurt, yogurt, kefir, low-fat sour cream.
  • Eggs chicken and quail (if there is no allergy).
  • Seafood and.

Vegetables act as a source of vitamins and coarse fibers. In the cat's diet, you can include any vegetables and even fruits that your pet likes. Caution must be exercised with juicy and sour fruits. It is better to exclude some vegetables from the diet, for example, raw cabbage leads to bloating, and boiled potatoes are very high in calories.

For a better digestive system, cats need to plant grass. It is recommended to add a small amount of vegetable oils, fish oil, bone meal and vitamin complexes to food.

Raw meat in the cat's diet

Let's take a closer look at how to properly feed a cat if raw meat is present in its diet.

Under the ban is:

  • Any fatty meat, fat, bones, skin, beaks, claws.
  • Raw pork is a source of infection with flukes and false rabies.
  • Lamb, duck, goose in any form.

Meat products that are cooked with the help of salting, pickling, smoking should not be added to food.

Next, let's look at the nuances. For example, why is beef better than rabbit? It is not obvious, but beef meat contains more protein, while rabbit meat is lower in calories. Many owners feed their cat chicken as it is the most affordable option from a financial point of view. This approach is acceptable if chicken is diluted with other types of meat, offal, vegetables.

Why is chicken feeding often frowned upon by veterinarians and breeders? It is impossible to give a definite answer, it all depends on the quality of the meat that you buy. The problem is that it is almost impossible to choose the chicken meat that best suits the needs of the cat, judge for yourself: domestic chicken is most often fatty and tough, since the bird is slaughtered at the age of 2–5 years. Regarding the factory bird, there are even more nuances:

  • Broilers are grown on compound feed and hormones - this is no secret to anyone.
  • Before slaughter, the bird is fed salt so that it drank more and weighed more. Bottom line: salted meat, with a water content of up to 30-40%.
  • Chicken carcasses are not plucked by hand, but treated with acid. The skin (of an already mortified chicken) and the fat layer underneath absorbs the acid.
  • To preserve the marketable condition, the carcasses are kept in special chemical and saline solutions.
  • Skin, bones, fat and evaporated water can only be thrown away. Waste cannot be used even for making broth.
  • It is undesirable to use offal (innards), except for the heart, of factory carcasses for feeding and eating.

If a cat is on a salt-free diet, it is categorically not recommended to use factory-made chicken for feeding it.

General requirements that must be observed when using any type of meat:

  • Freshness - a cat cannot have fresh and lying meat. If you bought fresh meat, it must be kept in the freezer for 3-5 days.
  • Any meat purchased for an animal must pass veterinary and sanitary control, which detects infection with worms and viruses that are dangerous to humans (and partly to animals).
  • It is not recommended to buy meat in vacuum packages, since moisture and vacuum are a very beneficial environment for the reproduction of bacteria. In addition, the film hides the obvious shortcomings of the lying meat - color, smell.

Before feeding the cat meat needs to be processed to reduce the risk of infection with worms and viruses. There are three main ways:

  • Deep freezing for 4 or more days.
  • Grinding and processing with boiling water.
  • Cooking.

In fact, the only way to feed raw meat to a cat is to pre-freeze it. The meat needs to be chopped, but not too much. It is natural for cats to chew meat into large pieces and swallow it. If we are talking about a kitten, only boiled meat, ground to a state of minced meat, can be given to him for food.

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