Favorable course of pregnancy with endometriosis. Endometriosis and pregnancy: is it possible to get pregnant with endometriosis or after its treatment Endometriosis in pregnant women

A disease is called, in which there is a pathological growth of the inner layer of the uterus - the endometrium.

Women of reproductive age are at risk, however, in some cases this disease is also diagnosed in adolescents.

Endometriosis develops due to hormonal failure or immune disorders.

What is endometriosis

It is rather difficult to give accurate statistics of the disease, since in half of the cases the disease proceeds in a latent form, and if a woman does not have a question about planning a pregnancy, she, as a rule, does not go to the doctor.

But, despite this, endometriosis is a fairly common disease, and is diagnosed a little less often than myomatous formations in the uterus.

Read more about endometriosis.

The cells of the mucous layer of the reproductive organ have receptors that actively respond to the activity of the spiral glands and sex hormones. If a woman is healthy, then the endometrial cells do not leave the uterine cavity.

With the development of the pathological process, endometrial cells can be thrown out of the genital organ and migrate to various organs. For endometrial cells, a characteristic feature is that during migration they do not lose their functions, and continue to perform them monthly during menstruation.

This pathology usually develops in the pelvis or in the abdominal cavity.

The origin of the disease has not been precisely established to date, but doctors identify , which can give impetus to the development of pathology:

  • immune disorders. The protective forces are designed to rid the body of all foreign tissues, but if they do not work at full strength, the endometrial cells are not eliminated, but continue to fulfill their functional purposes outside the uterus;
  • heredity. Specialists have long known that some diseases have a family history - that is, from generation to generation, women suffer from the same pathology;
  • hormone imbalance. Endometriosis can develop with an increase in estrogen and a decrease in progesterone;
  • menorrhagia. Abundant menstruation can contribute to the retrograde pathway of penetration of endometrial cells into other organs.

As for the symptoms, as a rule, this is persistent infertility, heavy and painful menstruation.


The initial stages of the disease in most cases are not accompanied by a clinical picture, and the presence of the disease can be determined only at a preventive examination by a gynecologist.

With the active growth of epithelial tissue, a woman can observe :

  • failure of the menstrual cycle;
  • intermenstrual spotting;
  • pain during intimacy;
  • discomfort during urination and defecation;
  • pain;
  • temperature rise.

Types of disease

Experts divide the disease into genital and extrageital.

With genital endometriosis, the main pathological foci are located in the reproductive organs:

  • in the fallopian tubes;
  • in the ovaries;
  • into the vagina.

Such a lesion is called adenomyosis, or in other words, internal endometriosis.

If there is damage to other organs of the abdominal or pelvic region, this is external endometriosis.

With adenomyosis, menstrual bleeding becomes more abundant and longer, which can provoke anemic diseases.

In the extragenital course of the disease, the main pathological foci are localized in other organs of the female body. This can be the bladder, intestines, lungs, and even more distant organs.

In this case, during menstruation, endometrial cells continue to function and be rejected, which leads to the formation of internal hematomas.

What is the chance of conception

With endometriosis, it is possible to become pregnant and give birth only after the treatment of the disease.

A fertilized egg can attach to the uterine wall only when the thickness of the endometrium is from 10 to 16 mm. If artificial insemination is planned, the endometrium must be at least 8 mm.

Endometriosis has four stages, which affect the possibility of conception in different ways:

  • first stage proceeds without a vivid clinical picture, and the only thing that can alert a woman is an increase in menstrual blood. The first stage of the disease and conception are quite compatible, since the disease does not yet have a strong effect on the woman's reproductive ability;
  • second stage accompanied by more pronounced symptoms - the endometrium increases and takes root tightly. In this case, when treated with hormonal drugs, pregnancy may be possible;
  • third stage the disease is already becoming dangerous for reproductive function, since damage to the serous layer is observed. Pathological foci spread to all reproductive organs or beyond them. The menstrual cycle is disturbed, cysts and adhesions are formed. Due to the adhesive process, the fetal egg cannot enter the reproductive organ, which leads to an increased risk of ectopic pregnancy. A woman needs surgery;
  • fourth stage disease is considered the most dangerous. The reproductive organs fuse together, and the woman needs urgent help from surgeons, since it is about saving her life.

The third or fourth degree of endometriosis and conception are not compatible concepts.

If endometriosis occurs on the walls of the ovaries, especially on one, conception is quite possible, and such a pathology practically does not affect the course of pregnancy.

How is the pregnancy

I must say that pregnancy with endometriosis proceeds almost the same as in healthy women.

Toxicosis develops, the level of hCG and basal temperature rise.

If the disease is diagnosed during an already ongoing pregnancy or immediately before conception, the woman received hormone therapy, then the risk of abortion may occur only in the first trimester.

It is in the first three months that the fetal egg passes through the tubes of the uterus and attaches to its walls. If this dangerous period has passed without consequences, the further course of pregnancy will be normal.

However, it is important to remember that endometriosis is a fairly rapidly progressive disease that can affect large areas in a short amount of time. This can cause miscarriage, miscarriage or ectopic pregnancy (in the early stages of pregnancy).

Taking into account all of the above, a pregnant woman with endometriosis should be constantly monitored by a competent specialist.

Why pathology prevents a woman from getting pregnant

For the onset of pregnancy with endometriosis, the following factors interfere:

  • change in the structure of the ovaries;
  • decreased patency of the fallopian tubes;
  • problem with the release of the egg;
  • increased risk of fetal development outside the uterus.

After undergoing a course of treatment, such complications are reduced significantly, which increases the chances of conception.


The fact of conception has a very positive effect on the disease itself, since the absence of the menstrual cycle suppresses infectious foci, which favorably affects the condition of the woman.

Risks in Endometriosis

Many doctors say that it is not desirable to become pregnant with endometriosis, since there are great risks for both the fetus and the mother. These risks are due to the state of the endometrium during the period of bearing a child.

The consequences may be as follows:

  • the threat of termination of pregnancy in the early stages due to the rejection of the embryo;
  • premature birth in the 2nd trimester of pregnancy;
  • poor blood supply to the placenta;
  • atypical placenta previa;
  • fading of pregnancy at any time;
  • caesarean section, as the elasticity of the uterine cervix decreases;
  • rupture of the uterine walls during fetal development.

In addition, the risks may be due to hormonal disorders, which are always present during pregnancy.

The most common complication is increased uterine tone, which leads to spontaneous abortion.

An ectopic pregnancy is also possible.

The percentage of probability of these risks is quite high, this must be remembered when planning a pregnancy with endometriosis.

Methods of treatment during pregnancy

Treatment of endometriosis should be carried out before pregnancy. For the treatment of endometriosis, they are prescribed, which in most cases are forbidden for pregnant women to take.

Hormonal treatment is most often prescribed as follows:

  • oral contraceptives - Yarina, Janine, Jess;
  • gonadotropic agonists and antagonists Burerelin;
  • gestagens - Duphaston, Mirena, Bysanne.

In some cases, laparoscopic treatment is prescribed. The operation is performed under general anesthesia, during the intervention pathological foci are removed.

In addition, a woman is assigned:

  • vitamins;
  • homeopathy;
  • hirudotherapy and more.

If endometriosis is diagnosed during pregnancy, then the goal of therapy is to preserve the fetus. In this case, the scheme is selected by the doctor individually, depending on the complications that endometriosis provokes during childbearing.

On the entire inner surface of the uterus is a mucous membrane called the endometrium. With hormonal or menstrual disorders, genetic predisposition and other reasons, the endometrium spreads outside the uterus. This disease is called endometriosis.

It is often possible to meet the statement that endometriosis is treated with pregnancy. This is partly true, because the period of expectation of the child favorably affects the condition of the uterus, because at this time the cyclic production of hormones stops, which led to the growth of the mucous membrane. The growth activity of the endometrium is reduced, and the size of the foci may even be reduced. But in most cases, this is a temporary phenomenon that will last until the onset of ovulation. Therefore, it is still better to neglect this method of treatment and plan conception no earlier than six months after treatment.

Termination of pregnancy is a huge stress for a woman, and with this diagnosis, its risk is very high. Therefore, draw conclusions: if you only want a child, then first get rid of endometriosis, and if you are already pregnant, then rely on the experience of specialists and follow all their instructions.

Is it possible to conceive with endometriosis?

Very many women for a long time cannot conceive a child in the presence of foci of the spread of the endometrium. Why? There are several reasons:

  • Lack of ovulation. Menstruation goes on as usual, spotting is regular, but true ovulation does not occur due to impaired ovarian function or difficulty in passing the egg through the fallopian tubes. This problem usually occurs with an endometrioid ovarian cyst.
  • Violations in the implantation of a fertilized egg. The diagnosis in this case is adenomyosis. In this case, miscarriage rather than infertility as such takes place, and an ectopic pregnancy can also develop.
  • Violations in the endocrine system of the body. They simultaneously lead to the spread of the endometrium and cause infertility.

Do not despair! Pregnancy and endometriosis may well coexist. This will happen if ovulation, fertilization occurred, and the egg was still able to pass into the abdominal cavity and gain a foothold.

It must be remembered that termination of pregnancy can worsen the course of the disease and lead to an increase in foci. Therefore, with this diagnosis, it is necessary to carefully monitor contraception in the case when the child is not desired.

How does endometriosis affect pregnancy?

Experts believe that in this case, the likelihood of a miscarriage increases. But medicine is now at a fairly high level, so an experienced doctor can help a woman avoid abortion. Perhaps the expectant mother will have to take hormonal drugs. Do not be afraid, this is necessary for the safety of your child.

If the mucous tissue of the uterus has not spread to the placenta, then the chance to save the baby increases many times over. But in any case, you need to monitor the condition of the woman and, if necessary, prescribe treatment.

Do you have endometriosis and found out you were pregnant?

Contact your gynecologist as soon as possible to get a referral for an ultrasound. First you need to confirm the fact of uterine pregnancy. In the case of an ectopic, urgent endoscopic surgery is performed and the fetal egg is removed from the tube. An interesting point: after this intervention, adhesions are cut in the fallopian tube, and in the future the chance of becoming a mother in a woman increases. If everything is in order, then in the first trimester, treatment is usually not prescribed.

In the 2-3 trimesters, estrogens suppress the production of progesterone and there is a risk of miscarriage. Therefore, at this stage, it is necessary to take progesterone preparations to help reduce the muscular activity of the uterus.

If there is internal endometriosis, then in the last weeks there is a high risk of uterine rupture, so the woman is placed in the prenatal ward in order to make an emergency caesarean section if necessary.


As we said above, before planning a replenishment in the family, it is necessary to cure endometriosis, especially if stage 3-4 occurs. And already in six months, or better in a year, you can begin to achieve your goal. If conception does not occur after the complete elimination of the disease, then additional studies are needed to determine the cause of infertility.

The tactics of treating endometriosis is chosen by the attending physician, depending on the individual characteristics of the woman.

  • hormone therapy. This type of treatment is based on the suppression of estrogens (female hormones), which lead to the growth of the endometrium outside the uterus. Usually it is a synthetic analogue of progesterone () or other similar drugs of similar action. This type of treatment is used at 1-2 stages.
  • Surgical intervention. It is not sad, but at the moment this is the only and most effective method by which you can completely get rid of the foci of endometriosis. Now endoscopic surgeries are being performed, after which the likelihood of a return of the diagnosis is minimal. In Russia, almost all such interventions are performed using laparoscopy. In addition to removing excess endometrium, during the operation they can restore the organ affected by it and separate the adhesions that have appeared. After this type of treatment, hormonal drugs are prescribed.
  • Expectant tactics. If a woman already has children or she does not plan pregnancy, and the type of her endometriosis is not accompanied by pain symptoms, then this therapy is fully justified. At the same time, it is necessary to monitor the condition of the pelvic organs with the help of ultrasound, as well as regularly donate blood for the presence of tumor markers, which indicate the early development of a malignant tumor.

There is a widespread stereotype that during pregnancy the course of all chronic diseases is complicated, because the load on the body is maximum.

Of course, this argument is not without merit. But, as in any rule, there are paradoxical exceptions here, namely: the “mysterious” endometriosis. This disease is very insidious, its prevalence is growing every year.

However, during pregnancy, a very interesting paradoxical pattern was revealed: endometrioid foci decrease in size, or completely disappear. With what it is connected, let's try to find out.

There are many theories about the origin of this disease. Their presence only confirms the multifactorial nature of endometriosis. However, none of the theories answers all the questions regarding this pathology. On the contrary, more and more mysteries and paradoxes appear.

Endometriosis is a disease in which the development and functioning of endometrioid tissue in uncharacteristic localizations occurs.

Normally, the endometrium is present only in the inner lining of the uterus; at the time of menstruation, it is this tissue that is shed and released in the form of blood clots.

And after menstruation, the endometrium begins to recover, which is called regeneration. The same cyclicity is also characteristic of ectopic endometrioid foci, which in most cases are located on the ovaries, fallopian tubes, intestines, and mesentery. But there are cases of even such amazing localizations of endometriosis as the lungs and even the conjunctiva of the eyes.

The most common hypotheses about the mechanisms of development of this pathology.

  • Violation of the hormonal status.

This theory is the most widely accepted today. In addition, in addition to the level of sex hormones (estrogens,) other endocrine pathologies (obesity, metabolic syndrome) also affect the development of endometriosis.

  • Violations in embryonic development.

This theory is called disembryotic. It says that in the process of embryo development, some cells from the inner lining of the uterus migrate to neighboring organs and tissues and attach there.

  • hereditary theory.

In the course of numerous studies, it turned out that in women with a burdened family history of endometriosis, the probability of developing this disease is about 60%. While in women in the general population, the incidence of this disease is 4 times less.

  • implantation theory.

The endometrioid cell transfer theory is also quite common. It has been proven that some women experience the phenomenon of "retrograde menstruation". What does this mean?

In this category of women, during menstruation, part of the menstrual blood is thrown through the pipes into the abdominal cavity. As we have already found out, this blood contains endometrial cells, some of which can attach to the abdominal organs and begin to develop there.

It is for this reason that the most characteristic localizations of endometrioid foci are the ovaries, tubes, and also the retrouterine space, where menstrual blood accumulates.

In addition, there is sometimes a transfer of endometrioid cells during pelvic surgery. For example, there are known cases of endometriosis after in the area of ​​a postoperative scar on the skin.

  • "Regeneration" of cells of other organs into endometrioid.

This theory arose after studying endometriosis in women who did not have a uterus (various anomalies). A detailed study of this issue confirmed the possibility of changing the cells of the peritoneum, like endometrial tissue.

In addition, this theory explains the possibility of endometriosis in men (this is also possible!).


This disease in the initial stages may be asymptomatic. However, the following symptoms may appear later:

  • Prolonged and painful menstruation.

This symptom is especially characteristic of adenomyosis. This is the name of the uterine form of endometriosis, in which endometrial cells are introduced into the muscular wall of the uterus and create foci there. As a result of this process, the contractility of the uterus decreases, so menstruation is long and painful.

  • The appearance of smearing brownish discharge before and after menstruation.
  • Tendency to constipation and pain during defecation, especially if the endometrioid lesions are located in the retrouterine space, in anatomical proximity to the rectum.
  • Pain during intercourse (dyspareunia). This complaint is presented by about 50% of patients with endometriosis.
  • Chronic pelvic pain is very characteristic of this disease.

Diagnostic methods

The most informative methods are:

  • Gynecological examination is the simplest, but at the same time effective method for diagnosing some localizations of endometriosis, such as endometriosis on the cervix or on the skin scar after surgery.

Outwardly, endometriotic lesions are visible as dark areas of a dark purple color, they are best visualized in the period before menstruation.

  • Colposcopy - examination of the cervix and vagina under a microscope.

This method is also effective for external forms of endometriosis.

  • Ultrasound is also very informative.

Adenomyosis is characterized by an increase in the size of the uterus, as well as heterogeneity of the muscular wall of the uterus, sometimes in the thickness of the myometrium, foci of pathological tissue can be seen. In the presence of endometrioid cysts, the presence of suspension in their cavity is characteristic.

  • Hysteroscopy - examination of the uterine cavity using an optical system.

This method helps to detect adenomyosis.

  • Magnetic resonance and computed tomography allow you to thoroughly study the localization of endometriotic lesions.
  • Laparoscopy is the most informative and effective method for diagnosing endometriosis.

Thanks to this method, it is possible not only to see endometrioid lesions, but also to take tissue for histological confirmation, as well as to excise pathological areas at the same time. Pregnancy after laparoscopy of endometriosis can occur quite quickly.

  • Biopsy and histological examination is the final and most accurate method for making a diagnosis.

It is after histological confirmation that appropriate treatment can be prescribed.

Is pregnancy possible with uterine endometriosis?

One of the most serious complications of this disease is infertility. Why does it occur?

The fact is that foci of endometriosis in the abdominal cavity cause the development of a severe adhesive process. As a result, the patency of the fallopian tubes may be impaired, which causes tubal-peritoneal infertility.

In addition, imbalance of sex hormones also leads to endocrine infertility.

Thus, with endometriosis, reproductive capacity is significantly reduced. However, with the appointment of timely treatment, it is possible to achieve improvement in the condition.

Moreover, even obstruction of the fallopian tubes is not a sentence. Modern possibilities of laparoscopy make it possible to restore the patency of the tubes by dissecting adhesions, introducing anti-adhesion gels, etc.

At this stage in the development of medicine with severe endometriosis, the IVF method is actively used. It allows women to bear and give birth to a child even with removed fallopian tubes.

How does pregnancy progress with endometriosis?

During pregnancy, hormonal changes occur. Thanks to the ovaries and placenta, the concentration of progesterone increases significantly. On the one hand, this hormone contributes to the preservation of pregnancy, and on the other hand, it inhibits the growth and development of endometriotic lesions. Thus, the course of the disease improves. Sometimes the foci of pathological tissue completely regress.

However, this does not mean that there are no risks. Women with endometriosis are prone to the following obstetric complications:

  • in the early stages;
  • pathology of placenta attachment (low placentation, presentation);
  • premature detachment of the placenta;
  • placental insufficiency;

Considering that endometriosis develops against the background of hormonal imbalance, it is justified for such women to prescribe the drug "Dufaston" or "Utrozhestan" in the first trimester of pregnancy.

This allows you to maintain a sufficient level of progesterone and protects the woman from unwanted complications.

Features of childbirth

It is important to be aware of the following features:

  • Women with adenomyosis are more likely to develop postpartum hemorrhage because the uterus may not contract well.
  • Rotation of the placenta is also possible.

With this pathology, the placenta grows deep into the wall of the uterus, and its manual removal can cause severe bleeding. This is a very serious condition that may require surgery.

What the doctor needs to remember:

  • Before childbirth, it is necessary to perform and check if there is an ingrowth of the placenta into the wall of the uterus (this is more common in women with a previous caesarean section).
  • In women who are shown a caesarean section, endometrial tissue should not be allowed to enter the abdominal cavity.

To do this, during the operation, sterile wipes are used, which are wrapped around the uterus before dissecting its wall. This prevents the spread of endometrioid tissue during operative delivery.

  • After separation of the placenta, it is necessary to administer drugs that promote uterine contraction (Oxytocin, Methylergobrevin, Pabal).

case from practice

A woman with contractions was admitted to the maternity hospital. Second birth, premature at 35 weeks (the first birth was operative due to placenta previa).

An anamnesis was collected: before pregnancy, the patient received treatment for 6 months for endometriosis (Vizanne), however, without a positive effect.

After that, she underwent laparoscopy, which revealed that both fallopian tubes were impassable due to a pronounced adhesive process.

After the operation, the patient underwent IVF, which resulted in pregnancy. During pregnancy, the patient was in the hospital with the threat of miscarriage, where the pregnancy was saved.

A vaginal examination was performed: the opening of the cervix is ​​4-5 cm, light amniotic fluid is leaking, the fetal head is present.

According to ultrasound, there are signs of partial rotation of the placenta into the wall of the uterus.

Given the suspicion of rotation of the placenta in a woman with a scar on the uterus, it was decided to perform an operative delivery. RBCs and fresh frozen plasma were also prepared in advance in case of bleeding.

After removing the child during the operation, as expected, there were difficulties in the separation of the placenta, bleeding began. It was decided to suture the placental bed of the uterus, after which the bleeding stopped.

Further stages of the operation were performed without any special features. Due to the correct collection of anamnesis, as well as the choice of operational tactics, it was possible to avoid serious complications.

Endometriosis is a disease that is difficult to treat, however, during pregnancy there is a positive trend.

In addition, these women are also encouraged to continue breastfeeding as long as possible. It also improves the prognosis of the disease. But it is important to know that pregnancy and childbirth have some features in this pathology, which must be taken into account.

The greatest happiness for a woman is to become pregnant and give birth to a healthy baby, to the delight of herself, her husband. But sometimes this long-awaited joy is overshadowed by the unpleasant news of a gynecologist - you have endometriosis. And the first question a woman wants to find an answer to is whether it is possible to get pregnant with.

Endometriosis is an insidious pathology associated with the fact that the cells of the endometrium (epithelial tissue), during monthly female cycles, they are not removed from the uterus, but begin to grow into its submucosal, muscle layer or other organs.


There are 4 stages in the development of the disease:

    I - endometrial foci penetrate into the submucosal layer;

    II - damage to the myometrium (muscle layer);

    III - multiple foci of overgrown epithelial tissue;

    IV - the serous membrane is involved in the pathological process.

Untreated endometriosis leads to damage not only to the uterus, but also to other organs:

Symptoms and Diagnosis

The severity of symptoms depends on the form, degree of the disease, comorbidities:

    The first degree usually proceeds without visible manifestations, pain, therefore the diagnosis is often established by chance - during a routine or special examination.

    Later, constant pains appear, aggravated before menstruation. Patients begin to be disturbed by spotting, spotting up to the expected menzies, prolonged, copious discharge during the cycle.

    Soreness, spotting during intercourse, excessive physical exertion.

    Spontaneous miscarriages, infertility.

    Possible increased urination.

    With the development of intoxication, there is a general malaise, weakness, constant chills.

The cause of internal endometritis (traumatic theory) may be abortion, caesarean section, medical procedures - thermocoagulation or cryodestruction. Endometrial cells can be brought into the uterus with blood during the advancement of the egg. There is an embryonic theory of the occurrence of pathology - the disease develops as a result of embryonic tissue growth disorders. At risk are women of reproductive age - from 20 to 40-45 years. In girls or post-menopausal women, pathology is rare.

Diagnosis begins with a gynecological examination, an ultrasound examination (ultrasound). Additionally, to clarify the degree of damage, MRI, endoscopy (laparoscoria, cystoscopy, colposcopy) is recommended.

Diagnosis - hysterosalpingography and ultrasound

Any stage of the disease requires immediate treatment, especially if a woman plans to have children. The main methods of treatment are medication (hormonal, anti-inflammatory, analgesic drugs) and surgical.

Can I get pregnant if my ovaries are removed for endometriosis? Modern techniques offer such patients to feel the joy of motherhood and undergo an IVF procedure.

Is it possible to get pregnant?

Pregnancy with this pathology may not occur. The reasons:

    hormonal failure that prevents ovulation, fertilization, implantation (attachment of the fetal egg to the wall of the uterus;

    constant microspasms, leading to disruption of the transport of the egg to the uterine cavity.

Before the planned conception, it is imperative to visit a gynecologist to determine whether there are no pathologies of the reproductive organs. Identified endometriosis, or other pathologies need to be cured. If after treatment no recurrences within six months, you can plan the conception, the birth of a child.

Compatibility of endometriosis and pregnancy

Are concepts such as pregnancy and endometriosis compatible? Doctors believe that they are compatible, but only in the early stages of the disease: firstly, the uterine layer that holds the growing fetus is not yet involved in the process; secondly, the absence of menstruation inhibits the growth of endometrial foci, which has a positive effect on the condition of the uterus and can stop the development of the disease.

It's important to know

If pregnancy does occur, you need to take your health and the health of the developing child seriously, visit the gynecologist regularly, and fulfill all appointments. Do not refuse hospitalization during a period threatening the fetus or before the expected date of birth.

What is the danger

Even with the onset of pregnancy, there is a high probability of spontaneous abortions and premature births. The embryo is more often attached to the lower part of the uterus (low placentation), which leads to the threat of spontaneous abortion.

endometriosis- pretty common disease modernity, which mainly affects women from 25 to 44 years.

This disease is characterized by the growth of the endometrium outside the uterine cavity.

As a result, there are small nodules containing a dark thick liquid, which can merge and form larger cavities, taking the form of a cyst.

During menstruation, bleeding occurs in these places and this is the cause of pain during, before and after critical days. This happens with every menstruation, up to the onset of menopause.

Endometriosis can occur:

  • on the cervix;
  • on the peritoneum;
  • in the thickness of the muscles of the uterus;
  • outside the organs of the reproductive system (intestines, eyes, kidneys, and so on).

Causes of the disease

There is no exact scientific information about why endometriosis develops. Most doctors explain the disease heredity.

There is also a theory that endometriosis occurs due to an imbalance in the female body of hormones.

Another point of view - implantation(the onset of the development of the disease is associated with the fact that the rejected particles of the endometrium remain on the organs and are a consequence of the disease).

No less important role is played by malnutrition, infection of the genital organs, and stress. The causes of the disease can be cesarean, abortion, difficult childbirth and even diathermocoagulation of the cervix. If the operation is performed before the onset of menstruation, this can cause the introduction of endometrial cells into the wound and the development of growths.

Symptoms of the disease

Symptoms largely depend on the characteristics of the organism and the stage of development of the disease. Almost everyone is worried pain in the abdomen, while sometimes the pain gives to the sacral spine.

In the period between menstruation, pain in the pelvic area may make itself felt. They are associated with the development of inflammatory processes. After menstruation in patients with endometriosis, discharge continues, but already dark brown in color.

If the vagina, pelvic cavities, or uterine ligaments are affected, pain may be present with intercourse and bowel movements. One of the worst symptoms is the inability to conceive for a long time.

Diagnosis of the disease

Diagnosis is complicated by a number of reasons. There are other diseases that have a similar picture. So that if there is even a slight suspicion of endometriosis, you should immediately contact a gynecologist.

During the menstrual cycle, the state of the disease changes, so the doctor may prescribe a woman several examinations. All without exception, first of all, an ultrasound examination is prescribed, with the help of which it is possible to determine the size of the uterus, to identify whether there are signs of the disease, to determine the size of cystic formations.

With the help of x-ray you can determine adenomyosis - foci in the uterine wall. Effective for diagnosing and endoscopic surgery which is considered to be the "gold standard" of diagnostics.

The patient is admitted to the hospital for the operation, and the procedure itself is performed under general anesthesia. The bottom line is that instruments are introduced into the abdominal cavity to determine the condition of the fallopian tubes and identify foci of endometriosis.

Why is endometriosis dangerous?

In 60% of women complications such as infertility. In addition, neurological disorders and anemia are possible.

Due to anemia, fatigue, tinnitus, weakness, dizziness, pain and other complications appear.

But the worst thing that endometriosis can threaten is the appearance of malignant tumors.

Treatment and prevention of endometriosis

Treatment for this disease is aimed at restoring reproductive function, reducing pain and suppressing the activity of endometrial development. Methods of correction and treatment depend on the woman's plans for pregnancy and the degree of development of the disease.

Doctors may prescribe medication, surgery, and restorative. Medicines are quite effective in suppressing the activity of the ovaries and slowing down the growth of lesions.

To turn off the menstrual function various hormonal preparations are used. Thanks to this, it is possible to achieve a regression of the development of endometriosis.

For medical treatment widely estrogen-progestin preparations, gestagens, danazol and other drugs are used. They are especially helpful zoladex, decapeptyl-depot because they stop estrogen production. After 2 months from the start of medication, patients experience a decrease in the manifestations of endometriosis.

Hormonal drugs are prescribed after use surgical method. Operations are performed for endometrioid ovarian cysts, nodular forms of endometriosis.

With a combination of laparoscopy and hormonal method, the best results are achieved.

Prevention is important to prevent the development of endometriosis. It should include the following activities:

  • regular examination by a doctor, especially if there is severe pain during menstruation;
  • regular examination after an abortion or other surgical interventions;
  • successful and timely treatment of inflammatory diseases.

Women need preventive measures if:

  • reduced cycle time;
  • suffer from obesity and metabolic disorders;
  • use intrauterine devices;
  • their age is 30 years and older;
  • have elevated levels of estrogen;
  • smoke.

Possibility of pregnancy with endometriosis

Luckily, with this disease, pregnancy is possible, although it is difficult due to the disturbed structure of the ovaries, reduced patency of the tubes and complications in the release of eggs.

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