How to treat periodontitis at home. properties of sea salt. Alternative Medicine Recipes

Periodontitis is a pathological process in the tissues surrounding the tooth. The disease is characterized by inflammation of the periodontium, resulting in the destruction of the periodontal junction and bone tissue the jaw that contains the teeth alveolar processes jaws). The inflammatory process negatively affects the functioning oral cavity and at work gastrointestinal tract.

As a result of pain during chewing, the food is not crushed finely enough, which provokes injury to the mucous membrane of the esophagus and stomach. Delayed treatment periodontitis contributes to increased bleeding of the mucosa and subsequently loss of the affected tooth.

Causes of periodontitis

The causes and development of periodontitis are:

Symptoms of periodontitis

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To development signals inflammatory process in the oral cavity include the appearance of a viscous salivary fluid with a bad odor and an increase in regional lymph nodes. There is a feeling of pulsation of the gums.

To specific symptoms Periodontal lesions in the oral cavity include:

  1. increased bleeding gums (we recommend reading:);
  2. appearance yellow plaque on tooth enamel;
  3. severe swelling and redness of the mucous membrane;
  4. the appearance of periodontal pockets;
  5. there is increased mobility of the teeth, subsequently their loss;
  6. sensitivity of teeth to hot and cold food increases.

Stages of the disease

To prescribe an effective treatment for periodontitis, the specialist determines the degree of development of the disease. So, what are the stages of periodontitis?

  1. initial stage;
  2. stage of development;
  3. stage of stabilization or remission.

The disease affects separate parts of the periodontium, symmetrical inflammation is often noted. In the absence of treatment of periodontitis with folk or medications, the lesion becomes generalized and covers the entire surface of the periodontium.

At the initial stage of the disease, periodontitis is characterized by the absence of pain. The patient has increased bleeding of the gums while eating or brushing his teeth, a burning sensation and numbness in the gums. Only a dentist can diagnose incipient periodontitis during the rehabilitation of the oral cavity. This stage is treatable. folk remedies.

At the stage of progression of periodontitis, swelling of the mucosa is noted. The gums begin to separate from the teeth, forming small pockets (5-6 mm), visually lengthening the surface of the tooth. There is a subgingival deposit that penetrates into the gums, affecting the root of the tooth. The gap between the teeth increases, which leads to increased mobility tooth. Do not treat the progressive stage of the disease at home.

The last stage of the progression of periodontitis is characterized by displacement and loss of teeth, as a result of the expansion of periodontal pockets. From the damaged surface of the gums begin to stand out purulent formations. The process is accompanied by the appearance of a strong bad smell from mouth.

The stabilization stage occurs as a result complex treatment periodontal disease (we recommend reading:). The inflammatory process is reduced, there is a decrease in tooth mobility as a result of prompt removal periodontal pockets. Stages of progression pathological process in adults and children can be seen in the photo.

Is it possible to get rid of periodontitis at home?

Periodontitis is amenable to self-treatment at home at the initial stage of the disease, which is characterized by the absence pathological changes in the gums. The maximum allowable depth of the periodontal canal at home treatment can reach 4 mm. With the progression of periodontitis, folk remedies may not have the desired effect. To cure progressive inflammation of the tissues, you should immediately contact your dentist for prompt removal of plaque and cleaning of the gum cavity.

Comprehensive treatment of periodontitis is aimed at suppressing the development pathogenic microorganisms, which adversely affect the tissues and mucous membranes in the oral cavity. For this, pharmacological medicines that affect pathogenic flora reducing puffiness and pain, restoring microcirculation in the affected tissues, provoking accelerated regeneration inflamed areas.

Self-treatment of periodontitis consists in the use of medications:

  1. antibacterial agents with a wide range effects on the body (drink as directed by a doctor);
  2. drugs, groups of NSAIDs;
  3. vitamin complexes;
  4. immunomodulators.

Topical preparations

For the effective treatment of periodontitis, local preparations, the action of which is directed directly to the mucous membrane of the oral cavity and gums. Preparations with antibacterial, anti-inflammatory and analgesic effects are available in the form of a spray, lozenges and dental gels.

Name of the drugRelease formCompoundpharmachologic effect
Dologel STDental gel
  • Lidocaine;
  • Benzalkonium chloride;
  • Choline salicylate.
It has a pronounced analgesic, antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory effect.
KamistadDental gel
  • Lidocaine;
  • Chamomile flowers.
Shows a local anesthetic effect. Due to the extract of chamomile flowers, it has an antimicrobial effect.
Metrogil DentaDental gel
  • Metronidazole.
It has an antiseptic, antimicrobial effect against most gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria.
HolisalDental gel
  • Choline salicylate;
  • Cetalkonium chloride.
Destroys pathogenic microflora, has an anesthetic property.
  • Biclotymol
It has an anti-inflammatory effect, is active against streptococcal and staphylococcal infections.
  • Benzydamine
Reduces swelling of the gums, eliminating the inflammatory process.
Tantum VerdeRinse solution, spray, lozenges.
  • Benzydamine
Shows antimicrobial, antiseptic effect on pathogenic microflora. Has an analgesic effect.


An effective way in the fight against microorganisms and their metabolic products is rinsing the mouth with pharmaceutical preparations or herbal decoctions. Among a wide range pharmacy medicinal rinses, the most effective are the following drugs:

An effective disinfecting effect, promoting the healing and regeneration of tissues, has a solution of sea ​​salt. cook salt rinse simple - you need to dissolve a teaspoon of finely dispersed sea salt in a glass of boiled warm water. It is recommended to rinse your mouth at least three times a day, and the duration of therapy depends on the speed of healing of the wound surface.

To relieve inflammation and promote healing of the periodontal pocket, rinse your mouth with a decoction of oak bark. To prepare the broth, you will need carefully crushed raw materials and water. Cold water in an amount of 500 ml. pour two tablespoons of raw materials and simmer for 30 minutes over low heat.

Important! Before using the decoction, it must be filtered through a thick layer of gauze to avoid particles of oak bark getting into the inflamed areas.

St. John's wort has an astringent and disinfecting effect. To prepare a decoction, it is necessary to pour two tablespoons of crushed raw materials into boiling water (500 ml). It is not necessary to boil the mixture. To obtain pharmacologically active home remedy, the mixture must be tightly closed with a lid and let it brew for a quarter of an hour.

Herbal tinctures

Often, when the initial stage of pathology occurs, specialists prescribe rinsing the mouth with tinctures. The effectiveness of these funds is explained by the interaction on the affected areas of the tooth and gums. ethyl alcohol(as an antiseptic) and herbal raw materials.

The most prescribed tinctures for periodontitis that can be prepared at home are:

  1. Calendula tincture - dissolve a teaspoon of tincture in a glass of warm water. The minimum number of rinses per day is 3 times.
  2. Eucalyptus rod tincture - add 15 drops of tincture to a glass of warm water. Rinse your mouth twice a day.
  3. Honey tincture - dissolve a tablespoon of honey in 300 ml of vodka or alcohol. The tincture is infused for at least a week. To prepare the solution, add a teaspoon to a glass of water. honey tincture. Rinse your mouth twice a day.

Therapeutic compresses

play an important role in the treatment of periodontitis therapeutic compresses applied to the affected area. Contact biologically active substances with inflamed gums delicately affects the cause of periodontitis, helps to reduce bleeding gums.

Periodontitis is dangerous and quite serious illness, in connection with the development of which the condition of the teeth and gums changes. The treatment of the disease and the elimination of symptoms such as bleeding, loss of sensitivity, suppuration and unpleasant odor should be comprehensive and effective. However most of modern means is overpriced. The treatment of periodontitis at home has spread.

Periodontitis - dangerous disease gums

Using folk remedies for periodontitis, you can not only save money, but also benefit inflamed teeth and gums. It is important that the chosen methods of treatment are of high quality and safe, as well as eliminate the cause of the development of the disease.

What folk remedies are the most effective treatment periodontitis?

What is the treatment of the disease?

In order not to acquire such a disease as periodontitis, a person must not only constantly monitor his oral cavity, providing it with care, but also regularly visit dental office for inspections. If it was not possible to prevent the problem, and the gums began to bleed, stones and plaque appeared on the teeth, others were disturbed discomfort, then the first task is to select the right therapy.

Treatment of periodontitis with folk remedies and traditional medicine has almost the same popularity among patients. It should be noted that the application alternative medicine known for a long time, thanks to high efficiency when combined with professional treatment. Treatment at home in combination with the use of traditional methods gives amazing fast results and significantly speeds up recovery.

Self-therapy occurs with the help of medicinal herbs, essential oils and other improvised means. In addition, the patient is prescribed professional remedies for the treatment of periodontitis: gels, toothpastes or ointments. Which of the drugs and recipes are the most effective?

Homemade mouthwash

Starting to consider folk methods treatment, you need to start with a procedure such as rinsing, because it is in first place in the ranking of the most used home remedies. How to choose what to rinse your mouth with?

  • You can resort to the help of vegetable oil, which, moreover, is excellent prophylactic. It is used daily for six months. Rinse your mouth before and after sleeping on three minutes.
  • The use of tinctures is the most common. Especially effective in this matter are oak bark, calendula, alder cones, horsetail, sequence. Each of the medicinal herbs is poured with boiling water and kept in a closed container for 25–20 minutes, after which it is filtered and used. Such remedies for unpleasant periodontitis are aimed at eliminating the symptoms of the disease. For example, oak bark helps strengthen the gums, heal the mucous membranes and fight bleeding. The use of calendula allows you to quickly get rid of inflammation, and alder cones, horsetail relieve gums from discomfort.
  • Tincture using two parts of violet and one part of a string is infused for 40-50 minutes. Due to the fact that the series contains vitamins A and C, the medicinal herb significantly helps strengthen the gums. The use of violet helps to eliminate bleeding.
  • Treatment and prevention of periodontitis can be carried out using decoctions. It can be decoctions on the root of comfrey, walnuts and St. John's wort. For their preparation, the selected component is poured into cold or heated water and left on fire. In the case of comfrey, it is important to wait half an hour for successful tissue regeneration and for the teeth to benefit. St. John's wort should boil for about 5-8 minutes - it is used to strengthen the gums. Peel of walnuts is boiled for about 25-35 minutes and is aimed at strengthening loose teeth, getting rid of friability.
  • The use of herbal-alcohol tincture on celandine and medical alcohol is the best preventive medicine. For cooking, 100 grams of celandine and half a liter of pure honey are taken. Alcohol. After, the components are placed in a glass container and aged for 7-8 days. Next, the tincture is filtered and mixed with a drop of glycerin.

Taking folk remedies for unpleasant periodontitis inside is not worth it.

Rinse Forest Balm relieves inflammation

Rinse your mouth to three times in a day. Rinsing can also take place using special pharmaceutical preparations: « forest balsam", effectively preventing the formation of tartar and bleeding.

About other effective folk recipes

As you can see, the symptoms and treatment of periodontitis are closely related. This or that remedy can have an effect on the gums, but not improve the condition of the teeth and vice versa. Below we will talk in more detail about other independent ways treatment of periodontitis.

  • The use of sea buckthorn and fir oils in the same ratio. After mixing in a bowl or container, wash your hands thoroughly and wrap your finger with a bandage, which is then dipped in the mixture. Massaging and massage of the gums with periodontitis is prescribed by many leading specialists, in the described case, it is enough to carry out the procedure twice over several weeks or months.
  • Application bee honey, viburnum or chokeberry. In order to cook healing agent, mix honey (150 ml) with the selected component (600 grams) and grind with a blender. The medicine is taken orally for 4 weeks 3-4 times a day.
  • Rinsing saline solution, which improves blood circulation, nourishes tissues and fights symptoms. Prepare the drug by dissolving a teaspoon of salt in cold purified water. Rinse teeth after eating in adults should last until the disease is completely eliminated. Besides, good effect give applications on the gums from sea salt.
  • The use of aloe (agave) for dental treatment has already become quite traditional and universal way. It is enough to cut a leaf of the plant together and apply to the teeth before going to bed, leave it all night. The duration of the course can be 7-12 days.
  • Treatment of gums with periodontitis with folk remedies is impossible without fresh and natural propolis. This ingredient taken in the amount of one hundred grams and poured with half a liter of vodka. The infusion period is two weeks in a place closed from the sun. You can’t take it inside, but you can choose one of several options for use. You can brush your teeth with tincture, rinse your mouth 2-3 times in 7 days, or leave a cotton swab moistened with it in your mouth while sleeping.
  • Plantain is a truly universal folk remedy that also has an impact in the fight against diseases of the mouth. To obtain the effect, the leaf of the plant is washed and thoroughly chewed until total loss them taste. Repeat the procedure several times a day.
  • Treatment of periodontitis with hydrogen peroxide requires compliance certain rules. Before applying the peroxide, it is important to massage the gums for a few minutes. After, about 30 drops of the product are taken and diluted clean water(up to 50 ml). After wetting your fingers with the solution, continue gentle massage for 4 minutes.
  • Celandine for dental treatment is used as a tincture, which is rinsed in the mouth for 10 days after eating. Enough 100 grams of grass per liter of vodka or water.
  • The use of a golden whisker is recognized as effective even in advanced stages diseases, and sometimes can replace the accepted traditional pills and medicines. Applying it yourself is very simple: just grind a mustache leaf and apply overnight. In one month, all signs of the disease will disappear completely.

Periodontitis, which can and should be treated with folk remedies, brings a lot of discomfort and pain to a person. For successful therapy it is necessary to use not only home, but also traditional medicines, because otherwise, there is a risk of developing serious and very dangerous consequences.

Home treatment - honey and chamomile decoction

Applying independently these or those folk remedies for periodontitis, you can "delay" the healing process for a long time.

Application of traditional medicine

Modern pharmaceuticals diverse and quite effective, because dental problems are treated precisely by professional means. What is suitable for the treatment of periodontal disease?

  • Taking vitamins. Even external problems are always associated with malfunctions within the body. In order for health to be normal, it must be maintained with special vitamins. In the case of diseases of the gums and teeth, such complexes can enhance protection and activate the healing process. To treat the disease, you can drink Vitrum, Alphabet, Sana-Sol. One dose per day is enough. The duration of the course of vitamins for periodontitis is determined by the doctor or ends at the time of recovery.
  • The use of medical dental empty with antiseptics, components that have an astringent and regenerating effect. Dentists around the world resort to the help of pastes: Lacalut Phytoformula / Active, Parodontax Classic / Exclusive or Parodontol. Some pastes are used daily, others - periodically. Features of use depend on the stage of the disease.
  • Treatment with gels, ointments and balms. Similar drugs have anti-inflammatory, antibacterial and healing properties and are aimed at restoring damaged tissues. The most famous are: Asepta balm and "Forest balm", fighting plaque and tartar; gels for the treatment of periodontitis - Metrogil, which has an anti-inflammatory effect, Parodium (based on rhubarb and chlorhexidine), which quickly and effectively fights bleeding gums and brittle teeth. It is appropriate to use ointments from periodontitis. Levomekol is especially effective and healing, which also regenerates tissues. The drug is applied as an application daily until complete recovery. Ointment Ortofen reduces inflammatory manifestations and improve tissue nutrition. It is applied for 10-14 days.

Pasta Lacalut Active is known for its effectiveness

All gels for the treatment of periodontitis are created using antiseptic components that heal inflamed tissues, restore the natural microflora and are aimed at fast recovery. One of the most effective and popular components is chlorhexidine. In addition to being included in the preparations, it can also be used independently. Chlorhexidine is included in therapy with compresses or rinses. In the first case, chlorhexidine 0.1% is needed - they are moistened with a sterile gauze cloth and applied to the gums, repeating the procedure twice a day. In the second case, chlorhexidine is used to cleanse the mouth by rinsing. Water solution applied for two weeks.

Chlorhexidine sold in pharmacies

What to do to prevent the disease?

The causes and treatment of periodontitis are also closely related, because if you prevent the first, you will not need the second. In order to protect the oral cavity and not resort to the use of creams, gels from periodontitis, it is important to follow these rules:

  • brush your teeth in without fail it is necessary twice a day in order to prevent rotting and decomposition of food in the mouth: if there is no opportunity to use a brush and paste, then chewing gum will save the situation;
  • must use mouthwash;
  • visit the dentist regularly (several times a year);
  • avoid alcohol and smoking;
  • drink vitamin complexes and enrich the body with calcium.

Avoid alcohol and smoking

It turned out that the answer to the question of how to treat periodontitis yourself at home is quite simple. Today, there are a lot of effective recipes that help cure periodontitis at home.

Periodontitis - this is gum disease, which is characterized by gradual atrophy of the tooth cells, causing loosening and loss of teeth.

In the 21st century, a lot of methods have been developed treatment of pathology in a hospital, but there are people who prefer the treatment of periodontitis at home. It is possible to treat this disease at home, but just on initial stages pathology.

How to quickly and effectively treat gum periodontitis at home?

In order for periodontitis therapy at home to bring the desired result the sick simply can not do without complex therapy , which includes both the use of folk remedies and the use of a number of medicines.

In parallel with this, actions should be taken to eliminate the cause that provoked the development of the pathology.

In order for the treatment of periodontitis at home to give positive effect, it is necessary to perform the following manipulations:

  • thoroughly monitor the condition of the oral cavity;
  • after eating and while brushing your teeth, rinse aids must be used;
  • should be excluded from the diet carbonated drinks and sweets;
  • should be careful with food, which can damage gums;
  • visit the dentist regularly;
  • follow all doctor's recommendations;
  • use folk remedies for the treatment of periodontitis as ancillary components.

Attention! Following these rules, and choosing the right means traditional medicine, possible in short time get rid of the disease.

How to remove pain and unpleasant symptoms with folk remedies

Among the folk remedies that are widely used for the treatment of periodontitis, the following can be distinguished.

Beekeeping products

Honey and propolis have been used for a long time to treat periodontitis and stomatitis - the effectiveness and safety of these products allows them to be used even in the treatment of children.

An excellent remedy for periodontitis is honey with the addition of chokeberry or viburnum. To prepare the remedy, berries and honey are taken in the ratio 1:4, the product is used as a dessert after eating. The duration of the use of such a composition varies 25 to 30 days.

Medicinal herbs

To rinse the mouth, use a decoction of comfrey or infusion oak bark with the addition of linden flowers. Finely chopped comfrey roots are boiled and simmered for 20 minutes, after cooling, the product is used twice a day for rinsing.

An infusion of oak bark is prepared in a similar way, but after boiling it is also added linden flowers,in a ratio of 2:1. After cooling the product 4-5 times a day used for rinsing the mouth. The procedures are repeated until the symptoms of periodontitis completely disappear.

Photo 1. Packing of pharmacy oak bark for making decoctions. Weight 75 g, manufacturer "PharmaTsvet".

Vegetable oils

From sea buckthorn and fir oil, you can make a product suitable for lubricating gums. Composition used twice a day, with a finger rubbed into the gums. To get rid of the inflammatory process, it is required carefully, in a circular motion, massaging the gum from the inside and outside.

Prevention of the disease: what is it

Prevention of periodontitis at home is not a one-time action, but regular monitoring of their own health.

Preventive actions include the following:

  • semiannually you need to visit a dentist;
  • in the event of even a slight discomfort or the detection of caries, redness, bleeding, it is required consult a doctor;
  • don't give up on regular brushing teeth and gum massaging;
  • plaque or tartar need to be removed in time;
  • occasionally recommended apply medicated toothpaste;
  • it is desirable to refuse such bad habit like smoking, since it is often a provocateur of periodontitis and a number of other diseases associated with the condition of the gums.

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Nuances when choosing drugs

Choosing a drug that is suitable for the treatment of periodontitis a number of points need to be taken into account:

  • The degree of development of the disease. If on early stages the course of the pathology, its treatment can be carried out through the use of infusions and decoctions for rinsing the mouth, prepared at home, then on late stages disease can not be avoided without drugs.
  • Features of the body. Since the body of each person is individual, then when choosing a drug to get rid of periodontitis, you should pay attention to the composition of the medicine. It is important that there are no components that the patient manifests allergic reaction.
  • Availability side effects. It is preferable to select drugs with a minimum number of side effects, for sure they will have more high cost, but such drugs will significantly reduce the risk of deterioration general condition patient.
  • Indications and contraindications for use. These aspects should be taken into account without fail, because if the remedy is not suitable for the treatment of periodontitis, but is used for the treatment of other gum diseases, then it will not give the desired effect. As for contraindications, it is recommended to pay attention to them first of all, because if the drug is prohibited for use by one or another group of people, but it is still used, then you should probably expect the development of side effects.

Preparations for the treatment of periodontitis in adults at home

For the treatment of periodontitis at home, use the following groups of drugs:

  • Rinsers. The conditioner is very popular "Periodontax". It is available in several types, so each patient will be able to find a remedy to their taste.

Photo 2. A bottle of Parodontax rinse. The drug removes plaque, thereby reducing the likelihood of periodontal disease.

  • Ointments. Ointment is considered effective Levomekol. This tool simultaneously guarantees two effects: the destruction of the infection and getting rid of the inflammatory process. The drug is widely used for exacerbation of symptoms of periodontitis. In addition, you can use ointments such as Levosin and Fulevil- these funds ensure the destruction of the infection, anesthetize, and also relieve the inflammatory process and swelling.
  • Gels. Gel is very popular. Holisal. This tool has combined action: analgesic, antiseptic and anti-inflammatory effect is provided. The action of the agent is noted already after a few minutes after application, the duration of the effect is 3 to 8 hours.
  • Antibiotics. Among the effective antibacterial agents from periodontitis Erythromycin. This is a broad-spectrum drug that quickly relieves purulent-inflammatory processes.
  • Anti-inflammatory drugs. These funds include Levomecithin. It is a broad-spectrum drug used in purulent forms periodontitis, is available in the form of tablets, aerosol and solution for rinsing the mouth.

Periodontitis is an inflammatory process in the tissues surrounding the tooth. As a rule, its occurrence is due to the following reasons:

  • poor oral hygiene;
  • tartar;
  • metabolic disease;
  • immunodeficiency and vitamin deficiency;
  • bite pathology;
  • poor-quality prosthetics or filling;
  • disease internal organs and endocrine system.

You can identify the disease by some characteristic signs:

  • bleeding during cleaning;
  • swelling and redness of the gums;
  • bad breath;
  • the formation of pathological gingival pockets;
  • exposure of the roots of the teeth.

When symptoms of periodontitis are detected, home treatment makes sense only in the initial stages. mild inflammation removed special pastes, gels or decoctions of herbs that have an antiseptic effect.

Means for the treatment of periodontitis at home

There are several popular ways to treat periodontitis with folk remedies.


Get rid of pain applications will help in the gums. It is recommended to moisten essential oil fir, tea tree, immortelle or clove a piece of cotton wool and apply it to the damaged area for fifteen minutes. Repeat the procedure daily for a week.


Knead the gum tissue with soft circular motions. To enhance the effect, you can take honey mixed with salt.


The most effective folk remedy in the treatment of periodontitis. Decoctions of pine needles, linden flowers, oak bark, calendula and chokeberry berries have an antibacterial and soothing effect, cleanse the oral cavity of plaque and soften tartar.

During pregnancy, many patients with periodontal disease refuse to visit the dentist for fear of harming the child. Using home methods without first consulting a specialist is an even more risky step! Rinsing with a decoction of calendula leads to placental abruption, chamomile can provoke internal bleeding, and pharmaceutical medicines may contain adrenaline that is detrimental to the fetus.

The effectiveness of gum treatment for periodontitis with folk remedies

Gels, pastes and rinses really relieve a little inflammation, stop the spread pathogenic bacteria and disinfect the mucous membrane. However, it is important to remember that the treatment of periodontitis at home or folk remedies is rather preventive. It only helps with early manifestations illness. At more advanced stages, it is better to entrust the solution of the problem to qualified specialists.

With symptoms of periodontitis, treatment with folk remedies should be carried out only in order to improve or maintain the results of professional procedures for more long term and also as a prophylactic supplement to daily care behind the mouth.

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Periodontitis of the gums and teeth is a disease that is often diagnosed by dentists at the present time. Not every patient goes to dental clinic when the first symptoms and complaints appear, in connection with which, most often, doctors during a dental examination find already quite pronounced periodontitis.

The first symptoms this disease usually there is swelling and redness of the gums, mucous membranes and periodic bleeding during or after brushing your teeth. And only later certain time there is pain in the gums, bad breath, severe swelling of the gums. Many patients do not consider these manifestations serious enough, do not apply for qualified help and independently seek information about how to treat periodontitis at home.

However, given the variety of symptoms in all inflammatory diseases oral cavity, the choice of therapy without examination and the conclusion of a dentist cannot be correct. That's why drug treatment periodontitis should be carried out only on the basis of the appointments of the attending dentist - periodontist.

Modern principles of treatment of periodontitis are based on certain schemes, following which in 98% of cases it is possible to correctly diagnose the degree of damage to periodontal tissues and, based on the data, prescribe necessary drugs and procedures. Since the question of how to treat periodontitis worries every patient with this disease, in this article we will consider the main types of drugs and drugs that can be recommended for damage to periodontal tissues and gums.

With periodontitis in the tissues of the periodontium, against the background of the inflammatory process, there is a gradual destruction of all structures that hold the teeth. Also, with prolonged inflammation of the gums and damage to deeper layers of tissues, in the thickness of the periodontal structures, the depth of periodontal pockets, which are filled with the contents of plaque, may increase. As a result, purulent contents may be released from these pockets.

Also, all the periodontal tissues undergo destruction during the long course of the disease, the teeth in the sockets begin to loosen and in advanced cases may fall out. The main cause of this disease is the presence of a microbial factor, that is, foci of infection in the oral cavity. First of all, it is plaque and stones, neglected dental caries or previously untreated gingivitis.

Apart from local factors can affect the course of periodontitis systemic diseases, disorders of the endocrine system or pathology of the gastrointestinal tract. Presence of deformities or anomalies dental system, bite pathologies or incorrectly performed dental treatment earlier can also aggravate periodontitis.

That is why when drawing up a plan for the treatment of periodontitis, it is necessary to take into account all indicators of laboratory and diagnostic examination, conclusions from related specialists- therapists, pediatricians, family doctors, and data from the patient's medical history. The correct sequence of examination of the patient includes:

  • An examination by a periodontist and a conclusion about the condition of the teeth, their prognosis and the decision to preserve or remove the teeth.
  • Sounding out to the patient all options therapy and manipulation, to save teeth
  • Coordination with the patient of the treatment plan
  • Determining the stages of using the selected methods of treatment and prescribing drugs, taking into account this clinical case

This scheme allows each doctor to correctly begin to address the issue of how to treat periodontitis in each clinical case.

Treatment regimens for periodontitis

With a disease such as periodontitis, drugs for treatment can only be prescribed after all hygiene measures to eliminate foci of sources of infection in the oral cavity. And since the main cause of microbial effects on the tissues of the oral cavity is dental plaque, plaque under and above the gums, caries and tartar, the first stage of treatment is professional cleaning teeth.

Currently, periodontists use Vector hardware treatment methods for high-quality and thorough removal of all types of dental plaque and sanitation of inflamed pockets in the periodontium. ultrasonic cleaning and other types professional care behind the mouth.

Medical treatment of periodontitis

The next parallel stage of treatment is drug therapy, which includes preparations for use in the oral cavity and restorative means. To eliminate the inflammatory process in periodontal tissues and gums, anti-inflammatory drugs are used.

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AT dental treatment such means as gel and ointment from periodontitis, applications and compresses are actively used. Rinsing with periodontitis is also recommended with antiseptic and antimicrobial agents. All drugs used topically are prescribed for a period of 7 to 10 days and are applied about 2 times a day, in the morning and evening.

Medicines for periodontitis

At easy course periodontitis and the presence of swollen and reddened gums, applications or rinses with a solution of Chlorhexidine are used. There are also ready-made funds based on Chlorhexidine and antibacterial drug Metronidazole, such as a gel or ointment for periodontitis - Metrogyl for gums, Asepta gels, Holisal and others.

All drugs used on the area of ​​​​inflamed tissues in the oral cavity have anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial action, and also an anesthetic effect. After applying these drugs, swelling and bleeding from the gums decrease, and pain and a feeling of fullness in the periodontal tissues decrease within a few minutes.

Antibacterial agents are recommended for moderate to severe periodontitis, the drugs of choice are antibiotics of the Fluoroquinolones, Lincosamides, Metronidazole-based drugs and others, depending on the results of the sensitivity test pathogenic microflora mouth to drugs.

Means for rinsing with periodontitis

Rinsing with periodontitis complements the treatment and allows you to effectively clean the oral cavity from plaque and remove the microbial layer. With periodontitis, the most effective drugs will be in solution - Chlorhexidine and Miramistin, or ready-made rinses in the form alcohol solutions, such as Chlorphyllipt, Stomatofit, Tantum - Verde and others.

All rinse solutions must be used strictly according to the instructions, since when overuse alcohol formulations a burn of the mucous membrane and areas of inflamed gums can occur. Therefore, when choosing drugs, it is necessary to consult with the attending periodontist to obtain information on how to rinse your mouth with periodontitis will be most effective and safe, given the clinical situation.

Treatment of periodontitis with herbal preparations

In addition to drug therapy recommended herbal remedies, decoctions of chamomile or calendula flowers, compositions with eucalyptus, oak bark and mint. Oils are also used in the treatment of periodontitis, applications with sea buckthorn or fir oil have a pronounced anti-inflammatory and disinfecting effect on the mucous membranes. Oils for applications are used up to two times a day, preparations are applied to cotton pads and placed on areas of inflamed tissues for 10-15 minutes. Within 5 - 7 of such therapy, it is possible not only to eliminate swelling and redness, but also bleeding gums.

Restorative therapy

Since periodontitis is often observed in patients with reduced immunity, for general strengthening health recommended vitamin complexes. Also important point In the treatment of diseases of the tissues of the oral cavity is the correction of nutrition, it is necessary to carefully monitor the balance of the diet and the intake of vitamins and minerals with food.

In addition, oral care products should be changed. Toothpaste with periodontitis, a special one should be selected. Currently, pharmacies have a fairly large range of pastes based on herbal ingredients, which not only strengthen damaged gums, but also have an anti-inflammatory effect. Paste from periodontitis in combination with rinsing allows you to carefully and effectively clean the oral cavity from microbial plaque on the teeth.

Where is the best place to treat periodontitis and who to contact?

As the experience of dentists - periodontists shows, following daily care and drug treatment of periodontitis, it is possible to completely stop inflammatory and destructive changes in the periodontium and gums. However, it should be noted that the success of treatment also depends on the timeliness of the visit to the doctor and the correct use of the recommended treatment regimen. If you are concerned about these symptoms - do not waste time on self-treatment contact professionals, because your health is your main value.

At the PerioCentre clinic, you can go through everything in just a few visits to the attending physician. necessary examination, and based on the diagnostic data, together with the doctor, plan the optimal treatment regimen for you. Trust the professionals, because at present, curing periodontitis is not a problem.

Contact the PerioCentre dental clinic - keep your health strong for many years.

Untimely diagnosis and treatment of periodontal tissue diseases can lead to tooth loss! Self-healing doesn't work! Contact PerioCenter specialists!

  • 044 337-93-60
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