To improve sperm motility. How to increase sperm motility. Vitamins and trace elements

Spermogram - quite common these days and itself reliable procedure to identify the degree men's health. Deviations from normal indicators can cause impossibility of conception. To avoid this difficult problem, you need to know in advance how to increase sperm motility.

The success of fertilization depends on how mobile the spermatozoa are: the more active they are, the faster the child will be conceived. Low sperm motility can be caused by both biological predisposition and various diseases. Therefore, how to increase sperm motility will depend on the causes of the disease.

Causes of asthenozoospermia

Asthenozoospermia is medical term, which indicates a decrease in the number of active sperm. Its causes are still not fully understood by doctors. Among them are a congenital genetic defect of spermatozoa, a change in the composition of the plasma where they live, a decrease in the amount of carbohydrates that are the “fuel” for their movement. As a rule, asthenozoospermia is eliminated with medication.

Depending on the degree of motility, spermatozoa are divided into four categories. Depending on which of them will prevail in the ejaculate, the degree of the disease is distinguished and it is determined how to increase the speed of spermatozoa.

How to increase sperm motility with the help of various means

As already mentioned, a number of factors can be the cause of low sperm motility. If the cause of the disease lies in the external environment, then it is enough to simply exclude this factor.

  • considered normal that total Only 30-35 percent of spermatozoa move. But the higher the better. You can bring conditions closer to ideal by including in the diet a large number milk, fruits, vegetables, cereals, meat and nuts. It must be remembered that meals should be regular. At the same time, it is important to observe the daily routine, sleep normally and rest on time;
  • The most popular way to combat asthenozoospermia is perga. In fact, it is a bee product that is very rich in active enzymes that have a beneficial effect on seed formation;
  • Printed sources reporting on how to increase sperm motility with the help of a diet agree on one thing: vitamin C can help the problem. Therefore, red pepper, blackcurrant, rose hips, potatoes, butter, nuts and meat should be included in the menu;
  • Another one little secret how to increase sperm motility: a man needs to refrain from sexual relations. The fastest of the spermatozoa will appear during the first sexual intercourse.

We should not forget that the activity of spermatozoa directly depends on human health, timely treatment all diseases, nutrition, moderate use alcohol and favorable environmental conditions.

One of the optional, but desirable procedures for men is.

Based on results sperm analysis determine its quality:, and activity.

    How to check sperm activity?

    It is advisable for both partners to check with a doctor and pass the necessary ones before deciding to conceive a child. With the help you can find out how active a man is. This analysis identifies all possible deviations that may prevent pregnancy.

    ON A NOTE! It is quite difficult to notice any deviations in fertility on your own, because the disease does not affect sex drive, erection and ejaculation. That is why a man is sure that he is absolutely healthy.

    • Observe abstinence 2-7 days before delivery.
    • Exclude Reception alcoholic beverages any fortress.
    • Avoid high temperatures: refuse to visit baths, saunas, acceptance hot bath and also do not visit the solarium.
    • Temporarily stop taking any medication.

    Sperm donation takes place in a specially equipped room in the laboratory by masturbation. The established norm of ejaculate is at least 2 ml, the color is whitish-grayish, a yellowish tint is possible.

    Mobility assessment

    The viscosity of semen (prostatic fluid) also affects mobility, because it is on this that the dissolution rate and mobility of gums depend. To do this, the sperm is allowed through a pipette, measuring the length of the descending thread. Her length must not exceed 2 cm. Otherwise, it indicates problems in the prostate gland.

    There are the following activities :

    • Progressive movable (PR), mobile gums with active rectilinear, or in a circle of a large radius of movement.
    • Non-progressive movable (NP), sedentary tadpoles, with erratic versatile movements.
    • motionless (IM), there is no movement.

    How many active sperm should be?

    According to the new WHO (World Health Organization) guidelines, in normal sperm progressively mobile must be at least 32% if the percentage is less, then this indicates asthenozoospermia ( inflammatory processes in the genitals).

    Total mobility PR+NP should be above 40%. At the same time, the number of tadpoles having a normal one should be at least 14%.

    REFERENCE! Asthenozoospermia - a decrease in the total number of motile sperm, that is, a decrease in the group of gums A and B and an increase in groups C and D.

    Decreased sperm activity

    Over the past 7 years, the problem of activity in men has become the most common. The reason for this is affecting male fertility external and internal factors . IN medical terminology reduced level semen activity dubbed as asthenozoospermia . It can appear in a man due to any genetic abnormalities, and can also be acquired. In addition, the sperm itself can also be the cause, namely its qualitative changes:

    • Gluing together several sperm ().
    • Fusion with other cells ().
    • Decrease or increase in the PH level of the seed.

The problem of conceiving a child worries every tenth married couple in Russia. In half of the cases, the cause of failure is male infertility. Asthenozoospermia ( low mobility spermatozoa) is the main factor of poor male fertility, it accounts for 70% of cases of impaired human reproductive function. Pathology is diagnosed by visual examination of the ejaculate under a microscope or using a special apparatus that determines sperm motility based on changes in sperm density. The speed of movement of spermatozoa is assessed in real time using a special computer program.

Categories of sperm motility

The activity of male germ cells is determined by the amount of their movement in one second. During this time, a normal spermatozoon moves more than half its size in length, which is about 0.025 mm. Exist the following criteria his mobility:

  • Category A - the trajectory of movement is straight, the speed is normal (not less than 0.0025 mm / s).
  • Category B - movement is correct, rectilinear, but slow (less than 0.0025 mm / s).
  • Category C - the movement of spermatozoa around its axis or in a circle.
  • Category D - immobile spermatozoa.

What determines the mobility of male germ cells?

It is not always possible to determine the cause of low mobility. In 30% of cases, an idiopathic form of asthenozoospermia is recorded. Known factors affecting the activity of spermatozoa in the ejaculate:

  • Decreased testosterone levels. It is faced by people suffering from hypertension, overweight. Testosterone synthesis also declines with age.
  • An increase in temperature in the scrotum with varicocele (dilation of the veins of the vas deferens) or when wearing warm and thick underwear. The optimal temperature for sperm motility is 37 degrees, a higher temperature not only reduces mobility, but also causes the formation of abnormal forms.
  • Infections penetrating the gonads. These include smallpox, mumps, typhus, influenza, tuberculosis. In this case, the cause of infertility is specific inflammation testicles.
  • Sperm motility depends on proper nutrition. Insufficient amount of zinc, vitamins and microelements leads to disruption of the synthesis of protein structures of gametes, which leads to low sperm motility.
  • Delayed ejaculation as a result of decreased libido (sex drive). This happens with the abuse of alcohol, smoking. sexual attraction decreases with age, as well as in diabetes mellitus.
  • Messy sex life not only reduces the quality of male germ cells, but also increases the risk of developing sexually transmitted diseases. abstaining from sexual life leads to aging of spermatozoa, and a decrease in their mobility.

Gamete immobility can be caused by many factors. All of them are subject to correction before treatment. Many cases of low sperm motility are corrected by the appointment of the necessary trace elements and nutritional correction.

Degrees of asthenozoospermia

There are 3 degrees of impaired sperm motility, which determines the severity of the disease and the choice of treatment tactics:

  • Mild degree - mobility retains a sufficient number of spermatozoa of category A and B (50%) for conception. The speed of movement is determined one hour after ejaculation. Achieving normal activity is achieved by correcting lifestyle and nutrition.
  • Average degree- an hour after ejaculation, 70% of spermatozoa become immobile. At this stage resort to the appointment of bioactive pharmacological agents.
  • Severe - 80-90% of semen consists of immobile, atypical spermatozoa. The patient is facing difficult treatment.

The classification is proposed by WHO, it is guided for diagnosis male infertility in all clinics in the world. The degrees are determined by the results of spermatoscopy.

Treatment of insufficient sperm motility

Scales medical intervention with asthenozoospermia are different and depend on the causes. With varicocele, you can not do without surgical operation. But this - extreme case. In the absence of pathologies, it is often enough to correct spermatogenesis, eliminate bad habits and add to the diet necessary substances. reproductive system men cannot function properly without essential substances: L-carnitine, antioxidants, vitamins E and B9, zinc and selenium. Therefore, complexes of these substances are included in the course of therapy, for example, Russian drug Speroton.

The production of normal sperm is prevented by tight, tight-fitting underwear. Men with poor sperm motility are advised not to take hot baths, not to visit saunas and baths. Experts recommend wearing loose, non-restrictive clothing. Preference is given to cotton underwear.

How to avoid low sperm motility?

To ensure a fruitful conception, experts recommend adhering to the following recommendations:

  • Overheating of the testicles reduces sperm motility, so it is recommended to refrain from baths, saunas, heating in car seats.
  • The amount of alcohol drunk should not exceed 50 ml for spirits or 200 ml of dry wine.
  • It is better to avoid smoking completely, as nicotine destroys essential vitamins, trace elements and bioactive substances.
  • Physical activity activates the production of testosterone. For this, 30-40 minutes of exercise or swimming three times a week is enough.
  • Stress, as the main factor in reducing blood circulation in the genitals, should be excluded from your life as much as possible.

Low mobility is treated in simple, affordable ways for everyone. You just need to follow the proposed recommendations for 4-6 months.

Pharmacological correction of asthenozoospermia

Low sperm motility can be the cause of failed conceptions. Every third man suffering from infertility has no reasons for insufficient activity of germ cells. Therefore, it is possible to increase the ability of spermatozoa to fertilize with the help of means whose effectiveness has been proven.

In particular, the above-mentioned Speroton passed 9 clinical research, which showed its effectiveness in asthenozoospermia. Taking the drug for 3 months increased sperm motility, their concentration in semen and increased the number of sperm with a normal structure.

Sperm motility is the main factor affecting the fertilization of the egg. Therefore, stimulating the activity of male germ cells gives a real chance for the birth of a baby.

Deformed, overheated, weakened, lazy ... Sperm motility is constantly deteriorating. Increasingly, it is men who are the cause of fruitless intimate relationships. What threatens male fertility and sperm activity?

Sperm activity

According to studies, one in five couples have problems conceiving, despite the regularity of sexual intercourse and non-use of contraception. Statistically, men's problems with health (in particular, sperm activity) are already observed in half of these couples, although infertility doctors (with potentially curable people) claim that in Lately data fluctuate against men. At the same time, they emphasize that the treatment is much easier than for women. Eight out of ten would-be fathers walk out of the doctor's office with a prescription to increase sperm motility.

In particular, it is recommended to change lifestyle and undergo therapy with the use of oral medications(usually vitamins, antibiotics, hormones), and in the near future they will be able to enjoy the joy of fatherhood. Sometimes, of course, surgical intervention is necessary - for example, in the case of the location of the testicles outside the scrotum or varicocele, which is a pathological expansion of the pampiniform venous plexus, which is responsible for supplying the testicles with blood.

1 Cigarettes And Tight Underwear Affect Sperm Motility

Even a minor injury, seemingly harmless at first glance, and an infection caused by bacteria, viruses or fungi, can significantly reduce male reproduction. There are actually a lot of reasons for this - at least autoimmune diseases, limiting the mobility of sperm, or retrograde ejaculation (when ejaculation goes into bladder, and not into the urethra, and therefore has no way to hit the target). The latter can be called urological operation, multiple sclerosis or even the use of sedatives.

A healthy man can also have fertility problems if his sperm is weakened. Spermatozoa are very sensitive. Even smoking is bad for them. Not only does it provoke an obvious decrease in the mobility of germ cells, but besides, the amount of sperm becomes less, potency worsens. Even worse, it has been scientifically proven that nicotine tar can damage sperm DNA, causing offspring to have birth defects. Thus, even if it is possible to conceive a child, the father will already harm him with his smoking. Therefore, before planning a pregnancy, both parents must give up this addiction. Fighting nicotine addiction after the birth of the baby is also welcome, but it may be too late ...

The unsatisfactory condition of the sperm may be due to the contact of a man with drugs, anabolic steroids(used by gentlemen who dream of Schwarzenegger's biceps), lead and even caffeine.

If you are taking any medications, be sure to ask your doctor about their effects on fertility. Remember that many diseases, as well as their treatment, negatively affect general state body, including the quality of spermatozoa. The most dangerous in this respect are diabetes, tuberculosis, cardio - vascular diseases, thyroid disease and chronic anemia. Sometimes stress can be the culprit for a sperm problem.

2. Is everyone barren?

Analyzing the above factors that affect the quality of sperm, it seems that all people should be infertile. However, do not get ahead of yourself. It all depends on the individual quality and quantity of sperm at the beginning, as well as the totality of these adverse factors. A single cause (for example, a man's addiction to coffee) does not have such negative consequences. However, when coffee is abused by a smoker or a cyclist wears tight synthetic clothing, then there is a risk of reduced fertility. Moreover, if a woman's fertility is also not optimal, then the probability of paternity is very low.

The reaction of the partner's body to the spermatozoa of a particular man is also extremely important. Sometimes her cervical mucus is especially unfriendly to them, and then obstacles to conception arise from both sides. The strategy is wrong when a couple wants a child, but only a woman is examined and treated. But only when long time nothing brings results, then the future father goes to the doctor with great reluctance. It turns out a waste of time: the diagnosis and treatment of both partners should take place in parallel. Sperm also ages, so it cannot endlessly "hope" for the determination of its owner. The sooner you start treatment, the better.

3. How to do it for test tube?

Reluctance to visit a fertility specialist, let alone have a semen sample for analysis, is typical male behavior and a source of conflict in relationships. Women think that men don't want to be examined because "it doesn't bother them," but in fact, the more it bothers them, the more determination is required. Men are afraid of their partner's reaction if it turns out that the problem lies precisely in them.
They are afraid of "irrefutable, corroborated evidence" that they are inferior as men. In the end, they are held back by having to masturbate in a dark closet because it the only way get sperm for analysis.

Few people know that modern clinics not only equip special rooms that help men feel an intimate atmosphere, but also allow you to take sperm for analysis at home. Above all, however, they provide psychological support every couple. The long-term struggle for motherhood and fatherhood provokes mental discomfort, while chronic stress only exacerbates the problems. Thus, infertility treatment often begins with the soul, with lessons in mutual openness and recognition. Sometimes this is enough.

A whole team of specialists is increasingly struggling with infertility. Sometimes efforts to conceive a child help people diagnose other diseases that are dangerous to life and health. Reduced fertility is promoted by diabetes mellitus (then you need to register with an endocrinologist and treat this disease) or asymptomatic celiac disease (requires examination by a gastroenterologist), which leads to oncological diseases intestines.

4. When You Dare… Get Tested for Sperm Activity

The seed is best material for research, if a man refrains from sexual intercourse 3-5 days before donating sperm. The analysis will help determine the set possible deviations, including the following:

- oligozoospermia, or a decrease in the number of sperm in the ejaculate (a single dose of sperm ejected during ejaculation). About her in question when the sperm count is less than 20 million in one milliliter.

- asthenozoospermia - decreased sperm motility.

- teratozoospermia - abnormal structure of spermatozoa.

- azoospermia - indicates the absence of spermatozoa in the ejaculate.

- hypospermia, or a small amount of ejaculate (less than 2 ml).

- aspermia - absence of ejaculate.

Sperm analysis also helps detect inflammation of the male genital organs (indicated by the presence of white blood cells) and recognize autoimmune diseases (in this case, more than 20% of sperm cells are covered with antibodies).

A one-time result of a semen analysis, which indicates certain violations, is not the basis for a final diagnosis: it must be repeated after a quarter. If the same deficiencies are re-identified next time, then the man will need further specialized diagnostics (for example, functional and contact tests, hormonal studies, testicular biopsy), as well as treatment under the supervision of an andrologist.

5. It takes time!

If the doctor decides that your infertility requires drug treatment, then it is necessary to expect the first results of such therapy no earlier than in three months. It takes time for vitamins, antibiotics or hormones to take effect. It takes two months for a man to produce sperm, and it takes another two weeks for it to travel to the appendages. The process is significantly slowed down when something interferes with the production of class A sperm (for example, hypothermia or lack of sleep).

If the treatment requires surgery (usually performed in the urology department), then you need to be prepared for the fact that you will not immediately be in optimal shape immediately after the operation. It will take time for both you and the sperm to gain strength and energy.

When the number of spermatozoa is small and they are inactive, or there are problems during penetration through the female cervical mucus, then the solution to the problem can be artificial insemination, or delivery of sperm using a syringe and a special catheter directly into the uterus. Sometimes micromanipulation is necessary, when the spermatozoon is injected directly into the mature egg.

The test-tube method of fertilization is considered as the most stable. It is especially recommended for older couples who have suffered from infertility for many years in marriage, and also when the sperm has low-quality fruitful parameters, and classical attempts to improve the situation do not bring results.
Videos sperm motility

Couples planning to replenish, but who have not been able to conceive for more than a year, are recommended to be screened. Moreover, the problem may lie not only in the problems of the female reproductive system, but also with the same percentage of probability associated with . Not the last role in this is played by insufficient sperm motility.

Assessment of sperm motility

Only the strongest germ cells of a man, capable of overcoming many obstacles and reaching the fallopian tube, can fertilize a female egg. To determine their activity, special tests for sperm motility, carried out during the laboratory microscopic examination of the male ejaculate, help. Such an analysis is called a spermogram and includes the establishment of several indicators to assess the possibility of identifying some diseases of the reproductive system.

Sperm motility is assessed by the speed and direction of their movement. This term refers to the ability of spermatozoa to make translational rectilinear movements at a speed not lower than normal. If the cells perform oscillatory, circular or other types of movement, or move at a low speed, they speak of weak mobility. microscopic examination semen should be carried out by one laboratory assistant with sufficient experience in this field.

Sperm motility is normal

When analyzing sperm motility, the degree of their mobility is set as a percentage, taking into account all the sperm on a glass slide. According to the indicator under consideration, male germ cells are classified into four groups:

  • A - fast and straight moving (speed more than 50 microns / s);
  • B - slowly but straight moving;
  • C - making a non-translational movement or moving very slowly;
  • D - motionless.

Normally, the cells belonging to the first group should be more than 25%, and the sum of the first and second - at least 50%. Absolutely immobile spermatozoa must be less than half total number, and cells with no rectilinear motion - no more than 2%. In addition to the fact that the number of correctly moving cells is taken into account, the duration of the preservation of their mobility is determined. To do this, the sample is kept for two hours in a thermostat and re-visual calculation is carried out. During this time, the deterioration of mobility indicators in the norm is no more than 20%.

Low sperm motility

If the analysis shows a decrease in sperm motility, this condition is called asthenozoospermia and is divided into three degrees:

  1. Light- the speed of movement of cells of categories A and B, which is permissible for conception, determined an hour after ejaculation, is observed in 50% of sperm.
  2. Moderate- More than 70% of category D cells are observed one hour after sample collection for analysis.
  3. heavy- the ejaculate contains more than 80% of immobile and atypical spermatozoa.

Based on the data obtained, it is determined medical tactics. The reasons for poor sperm motility are different - from diseases of the reproductive system to radiation effects on the male accessory sex glands. In some cases causal factor cannot be established, and asthenozoospermia is considered idiopathic (approximately 30% of patients).

What affects sperm motility?

When looking for the causes of asthenozoospermia and the ability to influence the increase in sperm motility, a number of main provoking factors are considered:

  1. Problems with endocrine system- often the culprit is a reduced level of the hormone testosterone due to age-related changes, injuries, neoplasms, etc. In addition, other hormones are capable of affecting the quality of the ejaculate - secreted thyroid gland and the pituitary gland.
  2. Arterial hypertension - with this pathology, there is a violation of the normal blood supply to the genital organs.
  3. Varicocele - varicose veins spermatic cord, causing an increase temperature in the scrotum.
  4. Thermal effects on the testicular area, including those associated with wearing warm underwear, professional conditions work, etc.
  5. Insufficient amount of vitamins and microelements in the body, leading to a failure in the synthesis of protein structures of germ cells.
  6. Delayed ejaculation associated with problems sexual in nature, bad habits etc.
  7. Urogenital infections.
  8. Genetic disorders in the development of the genital organs, in the structure of the flagellar apparatus of spermatozoa.
  9. Unfavorable working conditions (effect of electromagnetic radiation, radiation, heat, chemicals, etc.).

How to increase sperm motility?

Only after conducting all the examinations and obtaining a complete picture of the existing problems, it is possible to determine how to increase sperm motility in each case. The scale of medical intervention can be different - from lifestyle changes to long-term pharmacological treatment And surgical interventions. With absence serious pathologies often you just need to go in for sports, introduce the necessary substances into the diet and protect yourself from stress.

Medication for sperm motility

Complex therapy for this problem may include pills to increase sperm motility, belonging to the following groups:

  • testosterone preparations (Proviron, Androxon, Testoral);
  • gonadotropins (Profazi, Pregnil);
  • means for improving regional blood flow (Trental, Actovegin).

In addition, men seeking to have a child may be recommended drugs to increase sperm motility related to dietary supplements:

  • Speman;
  • spermaktin;
  • Verona;
  • Viardot;
  • Tentex forte, etc.

Vitamins for sperm motility

When wondering how to improve sperm motility, you should definitely take care of the sufficient intake of such vitamins, trace elements, vitamin substances into the body:

  • vitamins A, E, B, D, C;
  • zinc;
  • selenium;
  • levocarnitine.

Nutrition to increase sperm activity

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