Cabbage leaf is used for medicinal purposes. Features of the use of a compress from cabbage leaves and honey. Cabbage leaf treatment for joints

Cabbage leaves contain a lot of B and C vitamins, amino acids, fiber and other useful components. The leaves of the vegetable are used to treat various diseases. Let's take a closer look at when and how a cabbage leaf compress is used.

Scopes of cabbage leaves

Cabbage juice is applied internally, and the leaves externally. They drain the affected organ or tissue. The vegetable has anti-inflammatory, antioxidant and wound-healing effects.

Cabbage compresses are used to treat:

  • burns and frostbite;
  • bruises and various injuries;
  • coarsening of the mammary glands, mastitis and mastopathy;
  • rheumatism, neuralgia;
  • renal colic;
  • migraines;
  • gastrointestinal diseases, diseases of the liver, biliary tract;
  • colds, bronchitis, asthma, pleurisy;
  • bites of insects and animals;
  • arthrosis and arthritis in any part of the body.

When treating with a cabbage leaf, it is important not to miss an oncological formation. Cabbage compresses are considered safe. They rarely cause allergies. To achieve a quick recovery, it is recommended to use the remedy after consulting a doctor.

What cabbage to use for compresses?

Cabbage compress is recommended to be made from white and Savoy vegetables. Both types of cabbage consist of a stalk, leaves and a head. It is also important to know that the stalk with leaves is not sold in stores. Therefore, to carry out compresses, agree with the gardener from whom you will buy cabbage, which part of the vegetable you need.

Features of the compress

A compress of cabbage leaves is carried out as follows:

  1. Wash the vegetable leaves well and dry.
  2. If the leaves are applied to wounds or other skin lesions, they must first be doused with boiling water.
  3. Warm the sheet to room temperature before using if the ingredient has been refrigerated.
  4. Rinse the leaves, removing the hardest veins in advance. A mashed vegetable will release juice and bring even more effect.
  5. The outer side of the sheet is kneaded, which will be applied to the diseased part of the body. You can crush the leaves with a rolling pin, a knife.
  6. The compress should be of sufficient thickness. It depends on the size of the sore spot, as well as the size and thickness of the leaves themselves. Sometimes just two leaves are enough, but there are times when you need to attach a whole stack.
  7. Leaves must be applied overlapping each other.
  8. Fix the leaves with a bandage or bandage so that they are firmly pressed against the damaged area.

When treating joints in this way, the duration of applying a compress is 12 hours. Compresses for the treatment of wounds, bruises, pustules need to be changed as the leaf dries. Before applying a new layer of leaves, be sure to wash the affected area with water and dry.

If redness or burning occurs on the skin, lubricate it with sea buckthorn or calendula oil.

Ways to use cabbage compress

Cabbage compress is used to treat joints, mastopathy, cough, tonsillitis, bronchitis, bruises and sprains, burns and wounds, as well as other injuries and diseases. Each case has its own peculiarities of using cabbage for compresses.

Joint Therapy

Since cabbage relieves pain, it is often used to treat joint diseases. The remedy eliminates pain without the use of painkillers, and also relieves swelling of soft tissues, activates blood circulation in damaged joints.

Rinse the middle leaf of the vegetable, cut slightly on one side, soften and remove thick veins. Wrap the affected joint with the pulpy side. From above, cover with a film and a scarf or a warm scarf.

Mastopathy therapy

With mastopathy and lactostasis, in addition to drug treatment, a cabbage compress with honey is applied to the chest. It needs to be changed every 12 hours. If the pain does not go away, consult your doctor again.

Cough therapy

Separate the outer leaf from the head of cabbage. Wash it, make it soft. Apply some honey and apply the leaf as a compress to your back or chest. The procedure is carried out at night for several days.

Additional medication prescribed by a doctor will help get rid of even the most terrible and nasty cough.

angina therapy

Dip the cabbage leaf in boiling water for a few seconds. Lubricate it with honey and apply to the neck in front. To make the compress work better, it is recommended to fix the sheet on top with polyethylene and a warm scarf.

Change cabbage leaf compresses with honey every 10 hours. If the ingredient is applied without honey, the compress should be changed every three hours.

Therapy of bronchitis

For bronchitis, send the leaves for 60 seconds in warm water. Then put them on your chest. Dress warmly or secure the compress with a warm scarf. Change it after a couple of hours.

Therapy for bruises and sprains

After washing the cabbage leaves well, remember them so that the juice comes out. Wrap a bruise or sprain with soft leaves and fix with a bandage or bandage. Change the compress after a couple of hours. A few treatments are enough to soothe and relieve pain.

Therapy for burns and wounds

Wash and finely chop the cabbage leaves. Mix them with egg white. The resulting mass is applied to a wound or burn. The juice of the vegetable relieves the pain.

You can simply apply cabbage leaves with a burn, after washing and crushing them.

Now you know when and how cabbage with honey is used. Honey is allowed to be used only if there is no allergy to bee products. Otherwise, only the leaves of the vegetable can be used to treat various diseases and injuries. Before using cabbage-honey compress, you need to consult a doctor. Only a specialist will tell you which particular compress will help in a particular case.

Cabbage leaf. health pantry

Dear readers, today I want to talk about the medicinal properties of white cabbage leaves, without which it is difficult to imagine our table. It is no coincidence that cabbage is so loved and so common in nutrition, its leaves contain so many biologically active substances useful for our body that we can safely call cabbage a pantry of health.

Cabbage is useful in any form, you can eat it raw, adding it to salads, you can cook cabbage soup and borscht from it, stew, fry, stuff pies with it, cook vegetable stew, hodgepodge. In winter, sauerkraut is a real find, allowing us to get a lot of necessary vitamins in a difficult time for the body. Today we will analyze the medicinal properties of the cabbage leaf and learn how to use it for health.

Medicinal properties of cabbage leaf

Cabbage leaf is an inexpensive and affordable natural remedy that has many beneficial properties for our body. Cabbage contains a record amount of vitamins, especially ascorbic acid, which plays an important role in the functioning of all organs and systems and is very important for the human immune system.

Two hundred grams of raw cabbage provides us with a daily requirement for vitamin C.

It is also important that vitamin C contained in cabbage is quite stable compared to other vegetables and is much less destroyed during its processing, and in sauerkraut it can be stored for many months.

White cabbage contains provitamin A, vitamins B1, B2, B3, B6, K, U, PP, folic and pantothenic acids. Sauerkraut contains vitamin B12, which is not found in any other plant product.

In addition to vitamins, cabbage leaves are rich in mineral salts of calcium, potassium, phosphorus, it contains quite a lot of trace elements, including iron, manganese and zinc. Cabbage is rich in fiber, sucrose, glucose, fructose.

Cabbage leaves have the following medicinal properties:

  • restorative,
  • painkillers,
  • anti-inflammatory,
  • bactericidal,
  • diuretic
  • anti-sclerotic action.

Cabbage has a positive effect on all metabolic processes in the body, compensates for the lack of vitamins, it is useful for obesity, diseases of the digestive system, diseases of the bronchi and lungs, and damage to blood vessels and the heart. It is also very valuable that we can eat cabbage all year round, with its help maintaining our health.

Today I want to focus on the external use of cabbage leaves, since in this case the healing properties of the cabbage leaf are fully manifested.

Cabbage leaf treatment

The medicinal properties of the cabbage leaf have been used for a long time and very widely, and there are many treatment recipes, they can be found in all ancient medical books and among modern traditional medicine recipes.

For headache

If you are worried about a headache, try this recipe: you need to apply a fresh cabbage leaf to the place of the source of pain, it can be temples, forehead or nape, and in old healers I found recommendations to apply fresh, slightly beaten cabbage leaves to the forehead and temples, with high body temperature.

For sore throat

With a sore throat, you need to make a compress from a cabbage leaf and attach it to your neck for 1-2 hours. And you can also recommend gargling with cabbage juice. And below I will write recipes for other compresses for sore throats.

Cabbage leaf with mastopathy

A cabbage leaf compress will help to quickly relieve pain and swelling. There are several ways to apply it. You can simply overlay the sheet itself, and you can also add other components to the sheet.

The first method is the simplest and most effective. I myself have used it many times and still use it sometimes with problems. It is especially good to use it on our sensitive days before cycles, and also who have small lumps in the chest. And note that the cabbage leaf and the shape of our breasts are so similar…☺.

It is better to take small leaves from a medium-sized head of cabbage. That's the most convenient way. Carefully remove the cabbage leaves, wash, remove the thick part, dry and apply to the chest. If the leaves are thick, you can beat them off a little. We put on underwear and walk like that all day. If possible, change the cabbage leaves as they dry out.

Do everything better in the system, for several days, or even weeks in a row, depending on the problem. And I drew attention to the fact that if there are few problems in the chest, then the cabbage leaf does not dry out so quickly. If something is more serious, then almost after a couple of hours it needs to be changed.

The second way. Cabbage leaf plus butter. To do this, the leaf is beaten a little so that it becomes soft and starts the juice, grease with warm butter and put on the breast. From above you need to apply a bandage of clean cotton fabric and put on an old bra. Leave overnight, and in the morning remove the compress, rinse the chest with warm water. The procedure can be done every day for a week, then take a break for 3-4 days and repeat the chickens again.

The third way. Cabbage juice with honey. The recipe is the same as with butter, only honey is taken. The recipe is excellent. The only negative: you have to be at home, because. honey from contact with the body heats up, spreads. And this can bring not very pleasant emotions.

In case of inflammatory processes in the mammary gland, it is necessary to consult a doctor; treatment with cabbage leaves and other methods of traditional medicine is used only as an adjuvant.

For burns, purulent wounds, ulcers and bedsores

The upper cabbage leaves are not suitable here, you need to take the leaves from the middle of the head, chop them in any way and mix with raw egg white. Spread the resulting mass evenly on a sterile bandage and bandage it to the sore spot. Eggs for treatment should be taken from healthy village chickens.

With weeping eczema and exudative diathesis

Boil cabbage leaves in milk, rub the mass through a sieve or beat with a blender, then add wheat bran and apply to a sore spot, strengthening with a bandage.

For gout

Leaves of fresh cabbage should be applied to swollen joints, they are attached with a bandage or a clean cloth, socks are put on top. It is better to do this procedure at night, 6-8 procedures are enough for the pain to go away.

Cabbage leaf for osteoarthritis of the knee joint

Separately, I want to highlight the role of the cabbage leaf in the treatment of joints, which has been practiced since ancient times to the present day. Cabbage leaf is especially often and successfully used for arthrosis of the knee joints. The medicinal properties of cabbage leaves allow you to:

  • quickly relieve or reduce joint pain,
  • relieve swelling of soft tissues in the area of ​​​​the diseased joint,
  • improve blood circulation.

The easiest way to use a cabbage leaf for the treatment of joints is to simply wrap the joint with a clean, slightly softened leaf, making a kind of compress, putting compress paper over the sheet and warming it all with a piece of cotton wool, a warm scarf or scarf. Such a compress can be kept all night, but not less than an hour, otherwise the desired effect may not be obtained.

Cabbage leaf for bruises

The properties of the cabbage leaf to heal wounds, stop bleeding are used for bruises, especially on the arms and legs. Swelling and pain decrease, hematomas resolve, and the consequences of bruises are not so serious.

You can apply a clean whole cabbage leaf to the bruised place, or you can squeeze the juice out of it, moisten a piece of cotton or linen with it and attach it to the damaged area, applying any fixing bandage. This lotion quickly relieves pain and restores damaged tissue.

cabbage leaf compress

Let's take a closer look at the cases in which a cabbage leaf compress can alleviate the condition and how to make it so that all its healing properties are fully manifested.

It is recommended to apply a cabbage leaf in the form of a compress in the following cases:

  • with arthrosis and arthritis,
  • with the appearance of hematomas,
  • with various injuries and bruises,
  • with boils and carbuncles,
  • with frostbite,
  • for pain in the spine,
  • with neuralgia,
  • with headache,
  • with tracheitis and bronchitis,
  • with mastitis and mastopathy,
  • with insect bites.

How to apply a cabbage leaf

First of all, I would like to say that it is best to take a cabbage leaf for medicinal purposes from a head of cabbage grown on your own plot or bought on the market from farmers and individuals. Leaves for compresses must be thoroughly rinsed with running water and dried.

If the leaves are applied to wounds or other damaged skin surfaces, then they must be doused with boiling water before use. You can prepare several leaves in this way, put them in a plastic bag, place in the refrigerator and use as needed.

Before use, the leaves must be kept at room temperature for some time, do not apply them chilled.

The leaves must be washed before use, after removing the hardest parts of the veins from them. This is done so that the leaf releases juice, thereby we achieve the return of all the medicinal properties of the cabbage leaf. You need to knead its outer side, which is applied to the sore spot, for which you can use a wooden mallet, a rolling pin for rolling dough, and the blunt side of a knife. You can even cut the leaves slightly, but not through, so that the juice does not flow out, but only moistens the leaves.

The thickness of the compress depends on the size of the painful area, on the size and thickness of the leaves themselves. Sometimes one or two leaves are enough, and sometimes you may need a stack of leaves that overlap each other with a slight overlap.

Cabbage leaves should fit snugly to the sore spot and be fixed with a bandage bandage, or, depending on the place of application, with a scarf, sock, bra. To fix the compress on the knee joint, it is convenient to use a piece cut off from old cotton stockings or tights.

How long to keep the compress

If a cabbage leaf compress is applied to the joints, then it is usually convenient to do this all night. If the compress is used in the treatment of wounds, bruises, abscesses, then it should be changed more often as the cabbage leaf dries up or when an unpleasant odor appears. When changing the cabbage leaf for a compress, the skin at the application site must be washed with clean water and dried. If redness or burning occurs, lubricate with sea buckthorn oil or calendula oil.

cabbage leaf for children

It is very good to use cabbage leaves for sore throats and coughs for our children. I gave the recipe above. Make a compress for children, cabbage draws out inflammation well. And you can also recommend alternating such a compress with cottage cheese. A day of cabbage compress, a day of cottage cheese. Or one in the morning, another in the evening. Cottage cheese must be taken necessarily not soft, preferably rustic. Spread it on gauze, attach to the throat, then polyethylene, and wrap the throat. This treatment can also be given to adults.

At work, I often have to deal with colds among students, sore throats. And to whom I did not give such recommendations about alternating compresses from cabbage and cottage cheese, everyone thanks me. Try and you apply these simple compresses to treat a sore throat.

And you can also use the cabbage leaf for children with bruises, insect bites, burns, skin problems.

Cabbage leaf face masks

When you cook something with cabbage, leave some leaves and treat yourself to simple masks. Cabbage face masks are a product with a cosmetic “history”. Cabbage leaves were used by both noblewomen and peasant women to keep their skin fresh and young for as long as possible.

How best to apply everything, read about this in my article Cabbage Face Masks

Cabbage leaf. Contraindications

Despite the huge benefits, the use of cabbage in food has its contraindications. It is not recommended to use fresh cabbage in its raw form in case of pancreatic disease, with exacerbation of peptic ulcer. In these cases, cabbage should be eaten boiled or stewed.

Since cabbage is a gas-forming product, people suffering from flatulence should also limit its use in its raw form.

With external use, there are practically no contraindications, the only thing that can happen is an individual intolerance reaction, but this happens extremely rarely. If all hygiene rules are followed, the skin and the sheet itself are thoroughly cleaned and disinfected, then there should be no complications.

Dear readers, cabbage leaves have such wonderful healing properties. If you have your own proven cabbage leaf treatment recipes, I will be glad to hear everything in the comments. Health to all and good mood.

And for the soul, we will listen today to Love in September. Saxophone solo by Fausto Papetti. September, love, saxophone...

cabbage leaf compress

This method is very common today and is considered not only very effective, but also one of the safest. White cabbage contains almost the entire set of vitamins necessary for the life of the body and is used not only inside. Its use is also popular in external therapy.

We do the compress correctly

Many people know about the miraculous properties of cabbage, but not everyone knows how to make a cabbage leaf compress correctly. First of all, it should be noted that the use of autumn cabbage will be optimal, we often call it old. A young vegetable does not have such effective properties.

To make a compress from a cabbage leaf, you need to carefully separate one leaf from the head and rinse it thoroughly with warm water. You can often find recipes that recommend removing veins. But it is in them - all the benefits. For convenience, you just need to beat them well with a meat mallet. Further, it is with this side that we will apply the leaf to the sore spot.

Treatment of mastopathy and lactostasis

As you know, stagnation of milk in a nursing mother can bring an incredible number of problems. If the process is started and no action is taken, it can end in failure. In addition, many pharmaceutical preparations cannot be used by a nursing mother.

To treat milk stasis or blockage of the milk duct, you need to make a cabbage leaf compress with honey. It would be more correct to attach it to the sore chest at night, and replace it with a new one in the morning.

If angina has begun

Any infectious disease that can cause a sore throat is also treated with cabbage. With angina, we apply a cabbage compress to the neck in the throat area. It is best to leave the sheet overnight, although two hours is enough.

Injuries and hematomas

If you hit, bruised or injured, a cabbage leaf will also come in handy. A cabbage leaf compress on the joints will help well both with their injury and with pain and swelling.

When else can you use cabbage for a compress?

A cabbage leaf compress is useful for the following ailments:

Whatever problem you have, before making a cabbage leaf compress, you need to consult a doctor, although such treatment has no contraindications and cannot cause any harm. An exception is the possibility of allergic reactions.

Immunology and biochemistry

cabbage leaf compress

"Cabbage should be in medicine, like bread on the table." Cabbage juice is effective for internal use, and leaves - for external use. What is useful cabbage leaf (CL)? The main mechanism of the therapeutic action of CL is the drainage of the affected organ or tissue with a cabbage leaf compress. In addition, cabbage phytonutrients have anti-inflammatory, antioxidant and wound-healing effects.

It is recommended to apply a cabbage leaf in the form of a compress when:

  • burns and frostbite;
  • bruised;
  • injuries
  • coarsening of the mammary glands, mastitis and mastopathy infections - abscesses, phlegmon, boils, carbuncles, ulcers, dropsy;
  • rheumatism, neuralgia (lumbago, sciatica), dental pathology,
  • renal colic;
  • migraine;
  • gastrointestinal diseases, diseases of the liver and biliary tract; pancreas, spleen
  • pleuro-pulmonary pathology - colds, bronchitis, pleurisy, asthma
  • animal and insect bites
  • arthrosis and arthritis of all joints of the body.

Use a compress from KL should be only after consultation with your doctor and under his supervision. The main thing is not to miss oncopathology! The very application of the compress is absolutely safe.

A compress (wrap) is prepared from the leaves of two types of cabbage - cabbage and Savoy (Fig.). In these types of cabbage, a stump, leaves and head are distinguished. Please note that the stalk and leaves do not end up on the shelves of the market and the store, they are left on the field when harvesting. Therefore, if you decide to apply a compress from KL to treat your illness or illness of loved ones, you should negotiate directly with the gardener and explain what exactly you need.

Having obtained an armful of CLs, they should be washed well in running water with a sponge (without fanaticism!), dried, folded into a plastic bag with holes (do it yourself) and placed in the refrigerator (not the freezer), after making room for them. How many CLs you need depends on the disease and your desire to have an efficient, low-cost emergency room at home. CL cannot be superfluous in a home pharmacy.

How to apply a cabbage leaf?

CL is applied in the form of a compress. Preparation of CL for the formation of a wrap (according to Umberto Sinkigran, Handbook of Natural Medicine, Naples, 2013).

The scene is the kitchen.

  • A few dark green and a few white (top of head) CL
  • A plot of a flat surface, measuring 50 X50 cm;
  • Glass bottle - roller
  • Large flat plate for prepared leaves.

Preparation of CL for a compress

For each CL, cut off the middle thick vein with a sharp knife, put the sheet on a flat surface and, using a bottle, carefully roll out all even the smallest veins, the leaves should be completely smooth and wet with juice. Why a bottle? Raising the neck, it is convenient to knead the veins with the edge of the bottom of the bottle. This is a key operation in the preparation of CL, neglecting it makes the treatment of CL useless. The amount of CL for the compress: the thickness of the wrap should be at least 1 cm, the thicker the better. You can knead cabbage leaves using a home dough rolling machine. If your food processor has such a nozzle, then this part of the work is a joy for you and your family.

How to make a cabbage leaf compress?

  • Pouch made of thin soft plastic without handles (two fixed thin plastic sheets)
  • 3-4 squares of white paper towel
  • Mashed, even CL (savoy or white cabbage anyway, if possible - alternate)
  • Dressing

We prepare a compress in this order

We put white paper on the bag, put a dark green sheet on the paper with its upper side; if it is torn, then it must be connected - put the edges on top of each other like tiles, lay all subsequent layers on top of each other according to the same principle until a thickness of at least 1 cm is reached.

How to properly apply a cabbage leaf

Carefully take the prepared stack of CL in your hands and attach it to the body with the light green side. On top you have a plastic film. The CL compress should fit snugly against the skin. It shouldn't leak! If the CL were very juicy, then it is recommended to dry them slightly with napkins, if they are moderately juicy, leave them as they are.

Now you need to carefully fix the application, the applied compress should not move. For this, bandages, rags, old woolen scarves, a bra, panties are suitable (depending on the area where the compress is applied). Beforehand, it is useful to look at the site on desmurgy - the rules for applying bandages. Do this in advance and practice on the area where you intend to apply the wrap. The child must be prepared by playing the compress.

How long can you keep a cabbage leaf?

Usually the wrap is applied in the evening, if necessary, removed in the morning. It is better to leave until the evening. In the event of an unpleasant odor, pus, the change of compresses is carried out more often.

How many times should a cabbage leaf be applied?

Until the disease is cured.

How to objectively judge that the compress heals?

When removing the first wrapping, its bottom sheet is slightly dried, clean, odorless, wipes are clean and dry. This is the period when the biologically active compounds of CL went to the tissues to the diseased organ. In the next compress, the action of the compress is reflected, the drainage of fluid from the diseased organ is turned on, white napkins turn into the color of blood, pus, and a fetid smell of cabbage appears in the compress. As the organ recovers, all this goes into decline. With full recovery, the compress has the same appearance as when it was first applied. It is recommended to save the paper, examine it yourself (this is interesting), show it to the doctor. The state of the paper reflects the presence of the disease and the healing process.

If you have poorly prepared CL, then the compress will cause skin irritation, maceration, which is especially undesirable when it comes to a child. The kid will no longer want to be treated like this.

CL temperature in the compress

In summer there is no problem, a cool wrap is nice. At a low temperature, a plate with CL should be steamed. Check the temperature of the lower CLs when wrapping the child (do not burn!).

When changing compresses or after a compress.

Every time after changing the compress. the skin at the site of application should be thoroughly washed with water and mild soap, dried very well, possibly even with a hairdryer. Under the compress, drainage fluid and its contents accumulate on the skin. If this is not done or done poorly, you can get skin reactions such as redness, burning, itching, etc. The skin reaction is a reflection of local hypersensitivity. This is not something to worry about, because the reaction spontaneously regresses when the compress is interrupted and the affected area is lubricated with olive oil or calendula oil. But the most common cause of a skin irritation reaction is improper leaf kneading operation. To get a good compress from cabbage leaves, you need to do everything carefully, the edge of the sheet should be thin, there should be no vein residues on the sheets.

Cabbage compresses

Cabbage is known to many people as a healthy vegetable, from which they cook soup or make a hodgepodge. However, cabbage can not only be eaten, this vegetable copes well with many diseases. This article will discuss the beneficial properties of cabbage leaf.

Cabbage is an inexpensive product that everyone can purchase. It contains many useful substances. For example, cabbage contains vitamin C, which is necessary for the development of immunity.


White cabbage contains vitamins B1, B2, B3 and B6, as well as vitamin U, K, PP, A, as well as pantothenic and folic acids. It has been proven that when fermented, cabbage produces vitamin B12.

Cabbage is also rich in trace elements such as manganese, iron and zinc and mineral salts of potassium, calcium and phosphorus. It has glucose, sucrose, fructose and fiber.

Cabbage leaf has the following effects on the body:

  • Pain relief;
  • Strengthens immunity;
  • Eliminates inflammation;;
  • It is an anti-sclerotic agent;
  • Has a diuretic effect.

Cabbage is indispensable for people who are overweight, with diseases of the lungs, digestion, as well as damage to the heart and blood vessels. The advantage of this product is its long shelf life. As a result, it can be used all year round.


A cabbage leaf is applied to various parts of the body in the form of a compress. For the procedure, you should take the top white sheets of the vegetable. The veins are cut with a knife. Then the sheet is placed on the countertop and rolled out with a rolling pin until it is wet and perfectly smooth.

The thickness of the compress should be at least 1 cm, so you will need several cabbage leaves. If the leaf is applied to an open wound, it must be scalded with boiling water.


Anyone can make a cabbage compress. A cabbage leaf is taken and applied to the body with a light green side. The thickness of the sheets must be at least 1 cm, so several sheets overlap each other. When the desired thickness is reached, a film or plastic bag should be placed on top of the cabbage.

The cabbage leaf compress should fit snugly around the body. If the vegetable was too juicy, the sheets must be dried with a towel or napkin so that they do not flow. The resulting application should be well fixed with a bandage or unnecessary rags.


As a rule, cabbage compress begins to be applied in the evening and left until the morning. If an unpleasant odor is not formed, then the wrap can be left for a day. A compress is applied until the disease is completely gone.

Cabbage and honey compress

The first compress may be stained in the color of blood or pus. Subsequent wraps color of napkins becomes close to the original. It can be considered that the treatment has benefited when the used compress will have the same color as when it was first applied.


The healing properties of cabbage have been known since ancient times. Now there are many recipes using this vegetable.


If the throat begins to hurt, then the cabbage leaf is applied to the tonsils for several hours. And for rinsing, you can use juice squeezed from cabbage.


Headaches are also treated with the help of a cabbage leaf. It is applied to a place that causes discomfort, it can be the forehead, temples or the back of the head.


Cabbage leaf relieves swelling and reduces pain, so it is used to treat mastopathy by applying it to the chest.

There are several options for getting rid of mastopathy with cabbage.

A cabbage leaf is taken according to the size of the breast, washed thoroughly, excess fibers are cut off, wiped with a towel and applied to the body. A bra is put on top. You can walk with such a compress until the sheet dries. Drying time depends on the severity of the disease. The more serious the problem, the faster the sheet dries.

The cabbage leaf can also be used with butter. It is necessary to grease a clean beaten cabbage leaf with melted butter. After applying a compress to the chest, a bandage should be made so as not to stain the linen. Such a compress is done at night. In the morning you should rinse under a warm shower. The procedure should be repeated daily for 7 days.

Instead of butter, you can take honey. The procedure is the same. Honey is applied to the cabbage leaf, it is not necessary to heat it. A cotton bandage is applied on top of the compress. The downside of this recipe is that you need to stay at home, as the honey begins to flow when it comes into contact with the body and an unpleasant sensation is created.

With mastopathy, treatment with folk remedies is an addition to the main treatment, which the doctor should prescribe.

Wounds and burns

When treating burns, sheets are taken from the middle of the head. Then they are crushed with a knife or using a combine. Mix with raw egg white. The mixture is applied to a cotton bandage and applied to the area that needs treatment.


Cabbage leaves are boiled in milk, then crushed in a convenient way until porridge is obtained, wheat bran is added. The mass is applied to eczema and secured with a bandage.


Vegetable leaves are applied to gout and bandaged, warm socks made of natural fabric are put on top. A compress is made at night. Usually 6-8 procedures are enough for a cure.


To reduce pain in a joint with arthrosis, you should wrap it with a cabbage leaf, put a plastic bag on top and wrap everything with a woolen scarf or scarf. The compress can be kept from morning to evening or from evening to morning.

Compress for arthrosis

Cabbage juice is also good for joints. To prepare it, the head of cabbage should be divided into several parts and passed through a combine or meat grinder. The resulting mass is placed in a colander so that all the juice is stacked. If there is no time to wait, you can squeeze the juice with gauze by hand.

You need to drink cabbage juice fresh, since all vitamins evaporate during storage. You can store the juice in the refrigerator, but no more than three days from the date of preparation.

For joints (video)


Like any product, cabbage has contraindications. If a person suffers from diseases of the pancreas or stomach ulcers, the use of cabbage juice is prohibited, as it causes the formation of gases.

External use has no contraindications, except for individual intolerance, which is very rare.

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  • Endoprosthetics of the knee joint

Cabbage compress

For a compress, juicy cabbage leaves are needed. Rinse them under running water and dry with a paper towel.

I put a cabbage leaf on my sore knee. To keep the compress well, I wrap it with a bandage.

Such a compress can also be used for other diseased joints, it is also suitable for treating bruises from injections. It is also recommended for young mothers who suffer from very painful inflammation of the mammary glands. In this case, a cabbage leaf is taken and washed with running water. Next, the sheet is applied to the diseased area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe chest and fixed. Change sheets during the day several times. The next day the pain will be gone.

Medicinal properties of cabbage leaf: how exactly should it be used?

Cabbage leaf is endowed with many useful medicinal properties. This is the cheapest, most practical and affordable means to combat a number of diseases. The most important thing is that cabbage is a natural product that will not cause any harm to the body. Consider the health benefits of cabbage leaf in more detail.

benefits of cabbage leaf

To understand how this product manifests its medicinal properties, you need to study it in more detail. All the benefits of cabbage leaf lies in its composition:

  • rich in vitamins A, B 1, B 6, P, K, vitamin C is present in large quantities;
  • includes iodine, calcium, potassium, magnesium, phosphorus, iron and other trace elements;
  • contains a lot of fiber;
  • there are sugars;
  • there are a number of amino acids, some of which are considered very important for the human body;
  • in the presence of phytoncides, which are natural antibiotics.

In addition, cabbage is very low in calories, only about 27 kcal, so it is easily digested and does not burden the body.

Medicinal properties

The fact that the cabbage leaf can cure or alleviate a number of diseases is a generally accepted fact. This plant is known for the following medicinal properties:

  • significant analgesic effect;
  • removal or reduction of inflammation, direct effect on its focus;
  • fights bacterial infection;
  • has an active diuretic effect;
  • relieves swelling and bruises;
  • normalizes metabolic processes, improves digestion;
  • saturates the body with the necessary vitamins and minerals.

Pain relieving properties of cabbage leaf

What are the known medicinal properties of cabbage leaf? The analgesic effect of its use is quite significant. The applied compress in a short time gives tangible relief. It is believed that its action is compared on a par with medical anesthetics. That is why the cabbage leaf is considered indispensable for pain in blood vessels, injuries and other diseases and injuries.

Ways to use cabbage leaves

Depending on the problem that has arisen, the methods of using the cabbage leaf will always be different. In case of metabolic disorders and malfunctions in the digestive system, one cannot do without the systematic use of fresh cabbage and its juice. All vitamins, microelements and other useful substances, getting into the body, are easily absorbed and have a clear therapeutic effect. In other cases, you can use cabbage compresses, the imposition of which also stimulates recovery.

Cabbage leaf compresses

The whole point of the cabbage compress is that its active substances penetrate the diseased area and have a drainage effect. Most often, to achieve maximum effect, a warm cloth is placed on top. Types of compresses:

  • on the forehead - eliminates headaches;
  • on the eyes - cures or reduces cataracts;
  • in the cheek area - relieves swelling in dental diseases;
  • on the neck - treats tonsillitis, pharyngitis, tonsillitis and other similar diseases;
  • on the chest - helps with diseases of the lungs and bronchi, cures cough;
  • on the stomach - to improve the condition of the liver and biliary tract;
  • in the pelvic region - helps to solve problems with women's health, fights constipation;
  • compress on places with painful sensations - most often used for varicose veins and vascular diseases.
  • compress on skin areas with minor mechanical damage - promotes healing, in addition, helps with problem skin.

I would like to note that in the active stage of treatment with a cabbage leaf compress, a very unpleasant odor is observed. However, do not worry about this, as this phenomenon indicates a clear progress in the fight against the disease.

Diseases in which the cabbage leaf helps

I would like to note that the cabbage leaf is considered an adjuvant. First of all, one should not deviate from the course of treatment prescribed by the doctor, and use folk methods as a supplement. With a number of diseases, this product helps to alleviate the condition and quickly overcome the disease. So, cabbage leaf is used for the following pathologies:

  • breast diseases - lactostasis and mastitis, the compress is effective in the initial stages of treatment;
  • diseases of the bronchi and lungs associated with inflammatory processes;
  • female gynecological diseases, except for malignant tumors;
  • swelling or traumatic injury such as dislocations, bruises, burns, ulcers, etc.;
  • muscle pain;
  • headache;
  • digestive problems;
  • varicose veins, joint diseases - arthritis and arthrosis;
  • throat diseases;
  • skin diseases - diathesis, eczema;
  • gout.

Medicinal properties of cabbage leaf for headaches

Such a symptom as a headache is ambiguous, as it accompanies a whole host of diseases. Most often, until the diagnosis is clarified, many analgesics are used to relieve pain. As you know, the use of tablets adversely affects the kidneys, liver and stomach. That is why you should try treatment with a cabbage leaf compress.

The use of cabbage leaves for headaches:

  • a pair of medium-sized leaves is taken;
  • warms up slightly until the juice appears;
  • the leaves are superimposed on the head, fixed with a film and covered on top with a warm woolen hat or scarf;
  • for the time of applying the compress, take a supine position, leave until the symptoms disappear completely.

If you are concerned about the high temperature, such a compress is applied to the forehead and temples.

cabbage leaf for edema

Edema is considered the main symptom in diseases of the heart, blood vessels, kidneys and other organs. In this case, the hands, feet and face most often swell. To alleviate this condition, you can apply a compress of cabbage leaves and keep it all night.

How to apply the healing properties of a cabbage leaf for edema? Recommendations are as follows:

  • the leaf is sent to boiling water for a couple of minutes, where it should soften, instead of boiling water, you can use olive oil, leaving the cabbage there for about an hour;
  • a little soda is added to the prepared compress, which is quenched with lemon juice;
  • then the sheet is fixed with a bandage and left for at least overnight;

After this procedure, the pain goes away, and the swelling subsides or significantly decreases.

Medicinal properties of cabbage leaf with thrombophlebitis

The formation of a blood clot in the veins does not go away without health consequences. Over time, it becomes more and more, completely closing the passage of venous blood flow through the body. There can be many reasons for this, but in any case, you should immediately consult a doctor, and then use folk methods.

Cabbage leaf can relieve pain in acute thrombosis, reduce inflammation and remove swelling.

The use of cabbage leaves for thrombophlebitis:

  • separate the cabbage leaf and cut off the main large vein;
  • then knead or roll out until the juice begins to seep out;
  • applied to the desired area and well fixed in any way (film, bandage, etc.).
  • such a compress is put on at night, and in the morning they remove and wipe off all the released liquid;
  • the procedure must be constantly repeated until complete recovery.

Cabbage leaf for the treatment of joints

Joint disease is one of the most unpleasant and painful, it is impossible to get rid of it completely. Only a combination of medical methods and home treatment will help alleviate the condition. How to use the medicinal properties of cabbage leaf for joints? The following recipes are the most effective for pain relief.

Recipe 1 - getting cabbage juice:

  • a small head of cabbage is chopped with a knife into small pieces;
  • the resulting mass is transferred to a container with an enameled surface and knead well;
  • then it is placed in a juicer and freshly squeezed cabbage juice is obtained;
  • take a piece of clean woolen cloth and carefully soak in this juice;
  • such a compress is applied daily to the sore spot, but each time it is better to use fresh cabbage so that the beneficial properties are preserved.

This recipe is very good for people with osteoarthritis.

How else can you use the medicinal properties of cabbage leaves? The compress can be prepared according to the following recipe:

  • a few juicy cabbage leaves are selected from a fresh head of medium size;
  • on the inside, spread with ordinary flower honey and apply to the sore joint;
  • this compress is fixed with a plastic wrap and covered with a woolen cloth on top;
  • the sheet is left overnight, then it is removed and the skin is washed with warm and clean water.
  • the procedure should be carried out daily for a whole month.

cabbage leaf for sore throat

Will the medicinal properties of cabbage leaf help with a sore throat? Yes. If your throat hurts, then a compress made from a cabbage leaf will be just a godsend. It relieves pain, removes swelling, reduces or eliminates inflammation, sucks out toxic substances from the tonsils, and prevents the development of tonsillitis.

The use of cabbage leaf for sore throat:

  • the largest, juice-filled leaves are separated from the head of cabbage, rubbed on a coarse grater;
  • a mass of ground cabbage leaves and juice is laid out on the neck;
  • then gauze and a warm cloth spread on top;
  • the compress is left for a couple of hours.

In addition to this method, you can use cabbage juice for gargling. You need to do this at least three times a day.

Cabbage leaf with honey

It has already been said about the beneficial qualities of a cabbage leaf, now let's figure out what healing properties honey has:

  • considered a natural antibiotic;
  • improves immunity;
  • source of amino acids, vitamins and phytoncides;
  • contains a high content of fructose and glucose.

There are many varieties of honey, but for a compress in combination with a cabbage leaf, you will need the most ordinary flower honey.

Diseases in which the healing properties of cabbage leaf with honey will be effective:

  • Hematomas, swelling and bruises. Such treatment stimulates blood circulation, lymph movement and accelerates healing.
  • Arthrosis and arthritis - pain is relieved, the condition of blood vessels improves.
  • Cough - eliminates inflammation and pain, promotes the excretion of sputum. It can help even if the disease is in an advanced stage.
  • Mastopathy - compresses with this pathology must be worn constantly, changing them at least twice a day.

The combination of cabbage leaf and honey makes compresses twice as effective, which leads to a quick relief from the disease. However, before using this method, you need to conduct a test for the reaction of the body. After all, honey is considered a strong allergen and can cause skin irritation.

cabbage leaf masks

In addition to treating many diseases, the cabbage leaf also has anti-aging properties, fights against skin imperfections. Masks from it make the face fresh, smooth, remove wrinkles. You can simply make a gruel and apply it on your face, or you can add other components that will help achieve the desired effect, for example:

  1. With obvious age-related changes, honey, apple juice, and yeast are added to the cabbage mask.
  2. For dry skin, cabbage is soaked in milk and applied to the face.

Contraindications to cabbage leaf treatment

There are not so many contraindications to the use of cabbage leaves, but they should still be considered:

  • high acidity in the stomach;
  • flatulence;
  • cabbage allergy.

In other cases, you should definitely try homemade cabbage leaf treatment. Just remember that it is necessary to use folk recipes in combination with drug treatment, and not as an alternative to it. For any disease, it is necessary to consult a specialist, since self-medication can be fraught with negative consequences for the body. Be healthy!

Cabbage leaf is endowed with many useful medicinal properties. This is the cheapest, most practical and affordable means to combat a number of diseases. The most important thing is that cabbage is a natural product that will not cause any harm to the body. Consider the health benefits of cabbage leaf in more detail.

benefits of cabbage leaf

To understand how this product manifests its medicinal properties, you need to study it in more detail. All the benefits of cabbage leaf lies in its composition:

  • rich in vitamins A, B 1, B 6, P, K, vitamin C is present in large quantities;
  • includes iodine, calcium, potassium, magnesium, phosphorus, iron and other trace elements;
  • contains a lot of fiber;
  • there are sugars;
  • there are a number of amino acids, some of which are considered very important for the human body;
  • in the presence of phytoncides, which are natural antibiotics.

In addition, cabbage is very low in calories, only about 27 kcal, so it is easily digested and does not burden the body.

Medicinal properties

The fact that the cabbage leaf can cure or alleviate a number of diseases is a generally accepted fact. This plant is known for the following medicinal properties:

  • significant analgesic effect;
  • removal or reduction of inflammation, direct effect on its focus;
  • fights bacterial infection;
  • has an active diuretic effect;
  • relieves swelling and bruises;
  • normalizes metabolic processes, improves digestion;
  • saturates the body with the necessary vitamins and minerals.

Pain relieving properties of cabbage leaf

What are the known medicinal properties of cabbage leaf? The analgesic effect of its use is quite significant. The applied compress in a short time gives tangible relief. It is believed that its action is compared on a par with medical anesthetics. That is why the cabbage leaf is considered indispensable for pain in blood vessels, injuries and other diseases and injuries.

Ways to use cabbage leaves

Depending on the problem that has arisen, the methods of using the cabbage leaf will always be different. In case of metabolic disorders and malfunctions in the digestive system, one cannot do without the systematic use of fresh cabbage and its juice. All vitamins, microelements and other useful substances, getting into the body, are easily absorbed and have a clear therapeutic effect. In other cases, you can use cabbage compresses, the imposition of which also stimulates recovery.

Cabbage leaf compresses

The whole point of the cabbage compress is that its active substances penetrate the diseased area and have a drainage effect. Most often, to achieve maximum effect, a warm cloth is placed on top. Types of compresses:

  • on the forehead - eliminates headaches;
  • on the eyes - cures or reduces cataracts;
  • in the cheek area - relieves swelling in dental diseases;
  • on the neck - treats tonsillitis, pharyngitis, tonsillitis and other similar diseases;
  • on the chest - helps with diseases of the lungs and bronchi, cures cough;
  • on the stomach - to improve the condition of the liver and biliary tract;
  • in the pelvic region - helps to solve problems with women's health, fights constipation;
  • compress on places with painful sensations - most often used for varicose veins and vascular diseases.
  • compress on skin areas with minor mechanical damage - promotes healing, in addition, helps with problem skin.

I would like to note that in the active stage of treatment with a cabbage leaf compress, a very unpleasant odor is observed. However, do not worry about this, as this phenomenon indicates a clear progress in the fight against the disease.

Diseases in which the cabbage leaf helps

I would like to note that the cabbage leaf is considered an adjuvant. First of all, one should not deviate from the course of treatment prescribed by the doctor, and use folk methods as a supplement. With a number of diseases, this product helps to alleviate the condition and quickly overcome the disease. So, cabbage leaf is used for the following pathologies:

  • breast diseases - lactostasis and mastitis, the compress is effective in the initial stages of treatment;
  • diseases of the bronchi and lungs associated with inflammatory processes;
  • female gynecological diseases, except for malignant tumors;
  • swelling or traumatic injury such as dislocations, bruises, burns, ulcers, etc.;
  • muscle pain;
  • headache;
  • digestive problems;
  • varicose veins, joint diseases - arthritis and arthrosis;
  • skin diseases - diathesis, eczema;
  • gout.

Medicinal properties of cabbage leaf for headaches

Such a symptom as a headache is ambiguous, as it accompanies a whole host of diseases. Most often, until the diagnosis is clarified, many analgesics are used to relieve pain. As you know, the use of tablets adversely affects the kidneys, liver and stomach. That is why you should try treatment with a cabbage leaf compress.

The use of cabbage leaves for headaches:

  • a pair of medium-sized leaves is taken;
  • warms up slightly until the juice appears;
  • the leaves are superimposed on the head, fixed with a film and covered on top with a warm woolen hat or scarf;
  • for the time of applying the compress, take a supine position, leave until the symptoms disappear completely.

If you are concerned about the high temperature, such a compress is applied to the forehead and temples.

cabbage leaf for edema

Edema is considered the main symptom in diseases of the heart, blood vessels, kidneys and other organs. In this case, the hands, feet and face most often swell. To alleviate this condition, you can apply a compress of cabbage leaves and keep it all night.

How to apply the healing properties of a cabbage leaf for edema? Recommendations are as follows:

  • the leaf is sent to boiling water for a couple of minutes, where it should soften, instead of boiling water, you can use olive oil, leaving the cabbage there for about an hour;
  • a little soda is added to the prepared compress, which is quenched with lemon juice;
  • then the sheet is fixed with a bandage and left for at least overnight;

After this procedure, the pain goes away, and the swelling subsides or significantly decreases.

Medicinal properties of cabbage leaf with thrombophlebitis

The formation of a blood clot in the veins does not go away without health consequences. Over time, it becomes more and more, completely closing the passage of venous blood flow through the body. There can be many reasons for this, but in any case, you should immediately consult a doctor, and then use folk methods.

Cabbage leaf can relieve pain in acute thrombosis, reduce inflammation and remove swelling.

The use of cabbage leaves for thrombophlebitis:

  • separate the cabbage leaf and cut off the main large vein;
  • then knead or roll out until the juice begins to seep out;
  • applied to the desired area and well fixed in any way (film, bandage, etc.).
  • such a compress is put on at night, and in the morning they remove and wipe off all the released liquid;
  • the procedure must be constantly repeated until complete recovery.

Cabbage leaf for the treatment of joints

Joint disease is one of the most unpleasant and painful, it is impossible to get rid of it completely. Only a combination of medical methods and home treatment will help alleviate the condition. How to use the medicinal properties of cabbage leaf for joints? The following recipes are the most effective for pain relief.

Recipe 1 - getting cabbage juice:

  • a small head of cabbage is chopped with a knife into small pieces;
  • the resulting mass is transferred to a container with an enameled surface and knead well;
  • then it is placed in a juicer and freshly squeezed cabbage juice is obtained;
  • take a piece of clean woolen cloth and carefully soak in this juice;
  • such a compress is applied daily to the sore spot, but each time it is better to use fresh cabbage so that the beneficial properties are preserved.

This recipe is very good for people with osteoarthritis.

How else can you use the medicinal properties of cabbage leaves? The compress can be prepared according to the following recipe:

  • a few juicy cabbage leaves are selected from a fresh head of medium size;
  • on the inside, spread with ordinary flower honey and apply to the sore joint;
  • this compress is fixed with a plastic wrap and covered with a woolen cloth on top;
  • the sheet is left overnight, then it is removed and the skin is washed with warm and clean water.
  • the procedure should be carried out daily for a whole month.

cabbage leaf for sore throat

Will the medicinal properties of cabbage leaf help with a sore throat? Yes. If your throat hurts, then a compress made from a cabbage leaf will be just a godsend. It relieves pain, removes swelling, reduces or eliminates inflammation, sucks out toxic substances from the tonsils, and prevents the development of tonsillitis.

The use of cabbage leaf for sore throat:

  • the largest, juice-filled leaves are separated from the head of cabbage, rubbed on a coarse grater;
  • a mass of ground cabbage leaves and juice is laid out on the neck;
  • then gauze and a warm cloth spread on top;
  • the compress is left for a couple of hours.

In addition to this method, you can use cabbage juice for gargling. You need to do this at least three times a day.

Cabbage leaf with honey

It has already been said about the beneficial qualities of a cabbage leaf, now let's figure out what healing properties honey has:

  • considered a natural antibiotic;
  • improves immunity;
  • source of amino acids, vitamins and phytoncides;
  • contains a high content of fructose and glucose.

There are many varieties of honey, but for a compress in combination with a cabbage leaf, you will need the most ordinary flower honey.

Diseases in which the healing properties of cabbage leaf with honey will be effective:

  • Hematomas, swelling and bruises. Such treatment stimulates blood circulation, lymph movement and accelerates healing.
  • Arthrosis and arthritis - pain is relieved, the condition of blood vessels improves.
  • Cough - eliminates inflammation and pain, promotes the excretion of sputum. It can help even if the disease is in an advanced stage.
  • Mastopathy - compresses with this pathology must be worn constantly, changing them at least twice a day.

The combination of cabbage leaf and honey makes compresses twice as effective, which leads to a quick relief from the disease. However, before using this method, you need to conduct a test for the reaction of the body. After all, honey is considered a strong allergen and can cause skin irritation.

cabbage leaf masks

In addition to treating many diseases, the cabbage leaf also has anti-aging properties, fights against skin imperfections. Masks from it make the face fresh, smooth, remove wrinkles. You can simply make a gruel and apply it on your face, or you can add other components that will help achieve the desired effect, for example:

  1. With obvious age-related changes, honey, apple juice, and yeast are added to the cabbage mask.
  2. For dry skin, cabbage is soaked in milk and applied to the face.

Contraindications to cabbage leaf treatment

There are not so many contraindications to the use of cabbage leaves, but they should still be considered:

  • high acidity in the stomach;
  • flatulence;
  • cabbage allergy.

In other cases, you should definitely try homemade cabbage leaf treatment. Just remember that it is necessary to use folk recipes in combination with drug treatment, and not as an alternative to it. For any disease, it is necessary to consult a specialist, since self-medication can be fraught with negative consequences for the body. Be healthy!

Cabbage leaves are widely used in folk medicine for the prevention and treatment of many pathologies: joint problems, mastopathy, skin lesions of various etiologies, dermatological diseases, colds. Due to their shape, cabbage leaves are suitable for use fresh as compresses or in combination with other ingredients. For internal use prepare decoctions and infusions.

    Show all

    Beneficial features

    Cabbage leaves are endowed with the following medicinal properties:

    • immunomodulating;
    • painkiller;
    • bactericidal;
    • diuretic;
    • anti-inflammatory;
    • anti-sclerotic.

    A wide range of healing effects due to the rich biochemical composition, which includes:

    • vitamins of group B, P, A, K;
    • vitamin C;
    • methionine;
    • trace elements, iron, potassium and calcium, magnesium, selenium, iodine;
    • fiber, glucose, fructose.


    Cabbage leaf improves metabolism in the body and replenishes vitamin starvation. Its juice makes you feel better when you have a cold, relieves inflammation and lowers the temperature. Leaves are indicated for a number of diseases:

    • obesity;
    • migraine;
    • disruption of the digestive tract;
    • angina;
    • stomach ulcer;
    • cholecystitis;
    • external inflammation of the skin and open purulent wounds;
    • eczema, psoriasis, dermatitis, allergic rashes;
    • mastopathy;
    • pathology of the bronchi and lungs;
    • failures in the cardiovascular system.

    With bleeding wounds, compresses help stop bleeding, promote rapid healing and resorption of hematomas after bruises and injections.

    Due to the saturation of fiber, this product is suitable for weight loss. Cabbage can be eaten without restrictions, thereby acquiring a false sense of fullness with a minimum of calories.

    Recipes for folk remedies with cabbage leaves

    In folk medicine, there is a large selection of medicinal recipes using cabbage leaves. The most common are presented in the table:

    Indications for use Way
    Constipation, benign tumors, diseases of the stomach and duodenumJuice is prepared from crushed cabbage leaves by twisting through a meat grinder. The resulting mass is spread in gauze, tightly rolled up and squeezed out by hand. You can put it on a sieve and wait until the juice drains naturally. Store in the refrigerator for no more than 2 days. It is better to drink it fresh to have a healing effect. Recommended dosage - 100 ml on an empty stomach, 3 times a day
    Toxins in the body, stomach problems, inflammation of the upper respiratory tractA few leaves of cabbage are finely chopped, poured with water and set to boil. From the moment of boiling, wait 15-20 minutes, then cool at room temperature. All this time, the broth must be kept under a closed lid. A little honey is added before drinking. Take half a glass each time before meals
    Edema and inflammationWith such damage to the skin, cabbage paste for external use helps. Previously, the leaves are scalded with boiling water and crushed to a state of porridge. Take a more fleshy leaf, which is closer to the core. Apply the resulting mass like a cream
    Burns, purulent wounds, boils, ulcers, bedsores, diaper rash

    For such cases, you will need leaves from the middle of the head, which are crushed and mixed with raw egg protein.

    The mass is distributed over a gauze bandage and fixed on the affected area. It is better to take village eggs

    Weeping eczema, exudative diathesis

    Cabbage raw materials are pre-boiled in milk, only then they are ground through a sieve or a blender is used.

    Sprinkle wheat bran. Form a cake and put on a sore spot


    The leaves are beaten off so that the sap flow begins and the structure becomes softer. The chest is smeared with melted butter and a cabbage compress is applied.

    Warm it with a cotton bandage and fix it on top with a bra. It is recommended to do the procedure at night. In the morning, the compress is removed and the skin is washed with warm water.

    The course of treatment is 7 days daily, followed by a break for 3 days.

    Honey can be used instead of butter. But its drawback is the need to be at home at this time, as the product warms up on the body and begins to flow.


    It is important not to confuse the stagnation of milk in a woman who has given birth with mastitis, since in the first case the compresses are heated.

    You can apply cabbage leaves, smeared with honey or vegetable oil, on the chest.

    Another effective option: mince the leaves, add 2 tsp. curdled milk.

    A compress is made from the resulting mass. It needs to be changed as it dries.

    Arthrosis of the knee, gout

    With arthrosis of the knee joints, cabbage leaf therapy greatly alleviates the patient's condition, relieves swelling by improving blood circulation and reduces pain.

    First, honey is applied to the knee, covered with a leaf and tied with a woolen scarf.

    With gout, the legs are also wrapped in cabbage leaves, insulated with socks. After 6-7 applications, the pain goes away


    An effective tool that helps even in the severe stage of the disease.

    Leaves with a layer of honey are pressed to the throat and chest, without affecting the heart zone, fix them in any way.

    It is advisable to wear a warm jacket. The same compress can be applied to the back.

    Mask for dry skin

    Grind fresh cabbage to a mushy consistency, add the yolk and 1 tsp. olive oil.

    The mask is kept on the face for 20-30 minutes, then washed off with clean water.

    Mask for oily skin

    For skin with increased activity of the sebaceous glands, you will need sauerkraut and one chicken protein.

    Beat the composition and apply for 30 minutes.

    Treating a cough in a child

    Cabbage leaf is effective in the treatment of cough, especially dry, when it is necessary to achieve sputum discharge from the lungs. A child, like an adult, can make cabbage juice by adding a little honey to it. Such a remedy relieves fever and inflammation. Take 50 ml before meals, up to 6 times a day.

    Additionally, it is recommended to do compresses. It will be useful to alternate cabbage and curd compress. Homemade cottage cheese is distributed over gauze and tied to the throat for 2-3 hours. Leaves of white cabbage are taken external, as they are more useful in composition. Previously, several incisions are made on the outside, applied to the chest and fixed with a bandage. Warm with a scarf on top. It is better to do this procedure at night. Then the mucus will move away faster and it will be easier for the child to sleep.

    General requirements for compresses

    Cabbage leaf compresses will help with such problems:

    • hematomas;
    • arthrosis, rheumatism, arthritis;
    • physical injuries, abrasions, wounds, bruises;
    • pathology of the musculoskeletal system, with accompanying pain;
    • frostbite;
    • carbuncles and boils;
    • neuralgia;
    • headache;
    • bronchitis and tracheitis;
    • mastopathy;
    • insect bites.

    In all cases, the general rules apply. Leaves are recommended to take white or Savoy cabbage, preferably grown in their own suburban areas without the use of pesticides.

Cabbage leaf is endowed with many useful medicinal properties. This is the cheapest, most practical and affordable means to combat a number of diseases. The most important thing is that cabbage is a natural product that will not cause any harm to the body. Consider the health benefits of cabbage leaf in more detail.

benefits of cabbage leaf

To understand how this product manifests its medicinal properties, you need to study it in more detail. All the benefits of cabbage leaf lies in its composition:

  • rich in vitamins A, B1, B6, P, K, vitamin C is present in large quantities;
  • includes iodine, calcium, potassium, magnesium, phosphorus, iron and other trace elements;
  • contains a lot of fiber;
  • there are sugars;
  • there are a number of amino acids, some of which are considered very important for the human body;
  • in the presence of phytoncides, which are natural antibiotics.

In addition, cabbage is very low in calories, only about 27 kcal, so it is easily digested and does not burden the body.

Medicinal properties

The fact that the cabbage leaf can cure or alleviate a number of diseases is a generally accepted fact. This plant is known for the following medicinal properties:

  • significant analgesic effect;
  • removal or reduction of inflammation, direct effect on its focus;
  • fights bacterial infection;
  • has an active diuretic effect;
  • relieves swelling and bruises;
  • normalizes metabolic processes, improves digestion;
  • saturates the body with the necessary vitamins and minerals.

Pain relieving properties of cabbage leaf

What are the known medicinal properties of cabbage leaf? The analgesic effect of its use is quite significant. The applied compress in a short time gives tangible relief. It is believed that its action is compared on a par with medical anesthetics. That is why the cabbage leaf is considered indispensable for pain in blood vessels, injuries and other diseases and injuries.

Ways to use cabbage leaves

Depending on the problem that has arisen, the methods of using the cabbage leaf will always be different. In case of metabolic disorders and malfunctions in the digestive system, one cannot do without the systematic use of fresh cabbage and its juice. All vitamins, microelements and other useful substances, getting into the body, are easily absorbed and have a clear therapeutic effect. In other cases, you can use cabbage compresses, the imposition of which also stimulates recovery.

Cabbage leaf compresses

The whole point of the cabbage compress is that its active substances penetrate the diseased area and have a drainage effect. Most often, to achieve maximum effect, a warm cloth is placed on top. Types of compresses:

  • on the forehead - eliminates headaches;
  • on the eyes - cures or reduces cataracts;
  • in the cheek area - relieves swelling in dental diseases;
  • on the neck - treats tonsillitis, pharyngitis, tonsillitis and other similar diseases;
  • on the chest - helps with diseases of the lungs and bronchi, cures cough;
  • on the stomach - to improve the condition of the liver and biliary tract;
  • in the pelvic region - helps to solve problems with women's health, fights constipation;
  • compress on places with painful sensations - most often used for varicose veins and vascular diseases.
  • compress on skin areas with minor mechanical damage - promotes healing, in addition, helps with problem skin.

I would like to note that in the active stage of treatment with a cabbage leaf compress, a very unpleasant odor is observed. However, do not worry about this, as this phenomenon indicates a clear progress in the fight against the disease.

Diseases in which the cabbage leaf helps

I would like to note that the cabbage leaf is considered an adjuvant. First of all, one should not deviate from the course of treatment prescribed by the doctor, and use folk methods as a supplement. With a number of diseases, this product helps to alleviate the condition and quickly overcome the disease. So, cabbage leaf is used for the following pathologies:

  • breast diseases - lactostasis and mastitis, the compress is effective in the initial stages of treatment;
  • diseases of the bronchi and lungs associated with inflammatory processes;
  • female gynecological diseases, except for malignant tumors;
  • swelling or traumatic injury such as dislocations, bruises, burns, ulcers, etc.;
  • muscle pain;
  • headache;
  • digestive problems;
  • varicose veins, joint diseases - arthritis and arthrosis;
  • throat diseases;
  • skin diseases - diathesis, eczema;
  • gout.

Medicinal properties of cabbage leaf for headaches

Such a symptom as a headache is ambiguous, as it accompanies a whole host of diseases. Most often, until the diagnosis is clarified, many analgesics are used to relieve pain. As you know, the use of tablets adversely affects the kidneys, liver and stomach. That is why you should try treatment with a cabbage leaf compress.

The use of cabbage leaves for headaches:

  • a pair of medium-sized leaves is taken;
  • warms up slightly until the juice appears;
  • the leaves are superimposed on the head, fixed with a film and covered on top with a warm woolen hat or scarf;
  • for the time of applying the compress, take a supine position, leave until the symptoms disappear completely.

If you are concerned about the high temperature, such a compress is applied to the forehead and temples.

cabbage leaf for edema

Edema is considered the main symptom in diseases of the heart, blood vessels, kidneys and other organs. In this case, the hands, feet and face most often swell. To alleviate this condition, you can apply a compress of cabbage leaves and keep it all night.

How to apply the healing properties of a cabbage leaf for edema? Recommendations are as follows:

  • the leaf is sent to boiling water for a couple of minutes, where it should soften, instead of boiling water, you can use olive oil, leaving the cabbage there for about an hour;
  • a little soda is added to the prepared compress, which is quenched with lemon juice;
  • then the sheet is fixed with a bandage and left for at least overnight;

After this procedure, the pain goes away, and the swelling subsides or significantly decreases.

Medicinal properties of cabbage leaf with thrombophlebitis

The formation of a blood clot in the veins does not go away without health consequences. Over time, it becomes more and more, completely closing the passage of venous blood flow through the body. There can be many reasons for this, but in any case, you should immediately consult a doctor, and then use folk methods.

Cabbage leaf can relieve pain in acute thrombosis, reduce inflammation and remove swelling.

The use of cabbage leaves for thrombophlebitis:

  • separate the cabbage leaf and cut off the main large vein;
  • then knead or roll out until the juice begins to seep out;
  • applied to the desired area and well fixed in any way (film, bandage, etc.).
  • such a compress is put on at night, and in the morning they remove and wipe off all the released liquid;
  • the procedure must be constantly repeated until complete recovery.

Cabbage leaf for the treatment of joints

Joint disease is one of the most unpleasant and painful, it is impossible to get rid of it completely. Only a combination of medical methods and home treatment will help alleviate the condition. How to use the medicinal properties of cabbage leaf for joints? The following recipes are the most effective for pain relief.

Recipe 1 - getting cabbage juice:

  • a small head of cabbage is chopped with a knife into small pieces;
  • the resulting mass is transferred to a container with an enameled surface and knead well;
  • then it is placed in a juicer and freshly squeezed cabbage juice is obtained;
  • take a piece of clean woolen cloth and carefully soak in this juice;
  • such a compress is applied daily to the sore spot, but each time it is better to use fresh cabbage so that the beneficial properties are preserved.

This recipe is very good for people with osteoarthritis.

How else can you use the medicinal properties of cabbage leaves? The compress can be prepared according to the following recipe:

  • a few juicy cabbage leaves are selected from a fresh head of medium size;
  • on the inside, spread with ordinary flower honey and apply to the sore joint;
  • this compress is fixed with a plastic wrap and covered with a woolen cloth on top;
  • the sheet is left overnight, then it is removed and the skin is washed with warm and clean water.
  • the procedure should be carried out daily for a whole month.

cabbage leaf for sore throat

Will the medicinal properties of cabbage leaf help with a sore throat? Yes. If your throat hurts, then a compress made from a cabbage leaf will be just a godsend. It relieves pain, removes swelling, reduces or eliminates inflammation, sucks out toxic substances from the tonsils, and prevents the development of tonsillitis.

The use of cabbage leaf for sore throat:

  • the largest, juice-filled leaves are separated from the head of cabbage, rubbed on a coarse grater;
  • a mass of ground cabbage leaves and juice is laid out on the neck;
  • then gauze and a warm cloth spread on top;
  • the compress is left for a couple of hours.

In addition to this method, you can use cabbage juice for gargling. You need to do this at least three times a day.

Cabbage leaf with honey

It has already been said about the beneficial qualities of a cabbage leaf, now let's figure out what healing properties honey has:

  • considered a natural antibiotic;
  • improves immunity;
  • source of amino acids, vitamins and phytoncides;
  • contains a high content of fructose and glucose.

There are many varieties of honey, but for a compress in combination with a cabbage leaf, you will need the most ordinary flower honey.

Diseases in which the healing properties of cabbage leaf with honey will be effective:

  • Hematomas, swelling and bruises. Such treatment stimulates blood circulation, lymph movement and accelerates healing.
  • Arthrosis and arthritis - pain is relieved, the condition of blood vessels improves.
  • Cough - eliminates inflammation and pain, promotes the excretion of sputum. It can help even if the disease is in an advanced stage.
  • Mastopathy - compresses with this pathology must be worn constantly, changing them at least twice a day.

The combination of cabbage leaf and honey makes compresses twice as effective, which leads to a quick relief from the disease. However, before using this method, you need to conduct a test for the reaction of the body. After all, honey is considered a strong allergen and can cause skin irritation.

cabbage leaf masks

In addition to treating many diseases, the cabbage leaf also has anti-aging properties, fights against skin imperfections. Masks from it make the face fresh, smooth, remove wrinkles. You can simply make a gruel and apply it on your face, or you can add other components that will help achieve the desired effect, for example:

  1. With obvious age-related changes, honey, apple juice, and yeast are added to the cabbage mask.
  2. For dry skin, cabbage is soaked in milk and applied to the face.

Contraindications to cabbage leaf treatment

There are not so many contraindications to the use of cabbage leaves, but they should still be considered:

  • high acidity in the stomach;
  • flatulence;
  • cabbage allergy.

In other cases, you should definitely try homemade cabbage leaf treatment. Just remember that it is necessary to use folk recipes in combination with drug treatment, and not as an alternative to it. For any disease, it is necessary to consult a specialist, since self-medication can be fraught with negative consequences for the body. Be healthy!

Various kinds of puffiness cause considerable discomfort, a cosmetic defect, and often a number of other unpleasant symptoms.

It is important to find out what caused the disease and then think about how to remove the swelling. For the treatment of non-dangerous manifestations (for example, overwork), many folk remedies have been invented that will quite simply and quickly save you from the problem. For example, it is very easy to use a cabbage leaf for edema, and the healing effect will not be long in coming.

Beneficial features

The question of the benefits of vegetables in general is not in doubt. However, how do they help with tumors, when excess fluid accumulates in the tissues of the body?

Using a cabbage leaf for edema, it will have the following effects:

  • Anesthetic;
  • bactericidal;
  • The most important is a diuretic;
  • Anti-inflammatory;
  • Restorative.

However, due to what such a simple product has such an effect on the body? Cabbage contains:

  1. organic acids;
  2. Sodium;
  3. Potassium;
  4. Calcium;
  5. Iron;
  6. Phosphorus;
  7. Carbohydrates;
  8. Proteins;
  9. Magnesium;
  10. Vitamins of the following groups:
  • C (presented as ascorbic acid). 200 g of the product will provide you with the daily requirement of this vitamin.

This list of reagents has made cabbage leaf an effective remedy for edema, which is used in several forms and is recommended even by doctors if your condition is not at risk.

In what cases can it be applied?

The appearance of edema can be triggered by a variety of diseases of the liver, heart, other internal organs, as well as diseases of the joints. A similar phenomenon in most cases accompanies physical injuries and damage to blood vessels.

Naturally, it will not work to treat all existing swelling with a cabbage leaf. With such a problem, you should consult a doctor, sometimes a similar method acts as an auxiliary against the background of the main wellness course.

It will be justified to use a cabbage leaf from edema of this origin:

  1. bruises;
  2. Traces after injections;
  3. Inflammatory processes;
  4. Arthritis of various etiologies;
  5. Swelling on the legs due to increased physical exertion;
  6. Disturbed diet. An excess of salty, spicy, spicy and similar dishes in it;
  7. As an additional treatment is used in the following conditions:
  • Mastopathy (benign tumor of the mammary glands). Despite the absence of oncology, this is a dangerous disease that requires full treatment and regular medical examinations;
  • Varicose veins. The vascular tone improves, small blood clots resolve, the blood flow itself normalizes;
  • Laktostasis. The second disease of the mammary glands, which often haunts women who have recently given birth. This is the stagnation of breast milk, which is accompanied not only by the appearance of swelling, but also by redness, pain.

Although it is possible to treat a tumor with a cabbage leaf on the legs quite effectively, do not forget that sometimes this solution alone will not work.

First of all, consult with your doctor and select the appropriate treatment.


In folk remedies, not only the cabbage leaf is used for edema, but also the whole vegetable, its juice and combinations with other products.


This form is most commonly used. This is due to ease of use and possible combinations with other folk remedies, the recipe is as follows:

  1. Dip a leaf of ordinary cabbage in boiling water and wait until it becomes soft. Next, it must be pressed down with an iron or soaked in olive oil for 60 minutes. This method is good for swelling of the legs (minor).
  2. Before direct use, make a couple of cuts on a fresh leaf and add a little lemon juice, you can replace it with honey or a small amount of baking soda. Greater efficiency will be achieved by applying and fixing the compress with gauze at night.


Another way when a cabbage leaf helps with swelling of the legs is baths. Pour 250 ml of boiling water 2 tbsp. l. dried raw materials and let it brew for several hours. Pour the decoction into a foot container and dilute it with warm water, the procedures are best done before bedtime.


Often, swelling also affects the face. This may be as a result of sleep disturbances or salt balance, overwork, or a sign of a number of diseases. In the first cases, masks with cabbage leaves are often used. There are several recipes:

  • Grate one raw potato on a fine grater and mix with 1 tbsp. l. sauerkraut. Optionally, you can add vitamins A or C (in granules). Wrap the resulting mixture in gauze and apply to the problem area for 20 minutes. Then wash with cool water;
  • Mix sauerkraut and grated potatoes (one tablespoon each). Add clay (white) to the mixture until the mass acquires a viscous consistency. Apply the mask on your face and wait 5-6 minutes. Rinse with boiled water at room temperature.

For various problems with the mammary glands in women, you can resort to this solution method: beat off a few leaves until the juice starts to come out of them. Lubricate the side that you will apply to the body with warm butter. After the leaves have been applied, cover the resulting “compress” with a cotton bandage and secure it with linen.

When not to use?

One of the pluses why the cabbage leaf for edema has become a common remedy is the almost complete absence of any contraindications. However, there are cases when it is better to find another way to solve the problem:

  • Individual intolerance to the product;
  • If you observe additional symptoms (rash, itching, vomiting, pain, enlarged veins, and others) - consult a doctor;
  • Observing puffiness that does not subside for several days - you should not be limited to folk remedies. Go to a specialist who will prescribe the appropriate course.

Although cabbage helps with swelling quite effectively, it is better to use it as an adjunct treatment after consulting a doctor.

Dear readers, today I want to talk about the medicinal properties of white cabbage leaves, without which it is difficult to imagine our table. It is no coincidence that cabbage is so loved and so common in nutrition, its leaves contain so many biologically active substances useful for our body that we can safely call cabbage a pantry of health.

Cabbage is useful in any form, you can eat it raw, adding it to salads, you can cook cabbage soup and borscht from it, stew, fry, stuff pies with it, cook vegetable stew, hodgepodge. In winter, sauerkraut is a real find, allowing us to get a lot of necessary vitamins in a difficult time for the body. Today we will analyze the medicinal properties of the cabbage leaf and learn how to use it for health.

Cabbage leaf is an inexpensive and affordable natural remedy that has many beneficial properties for our body. Cabbage contains a record amount of vitamins, especially ascorbic acid, which plays an important role in the functioning of all organs and systems and is very important for the human immune system.

Two hundred grams of raw cabbage provides us with a daily requirement for vitamin C.

It is also important that vitamin C contained in cabbage is quite stable compared to other vegetables and is much less destroyed during its processing, and in sauerkraut it can be stored for many months.

White cabbage contains provitamin A, vitamins B1, B2, B3, B6, K, U, PP, folic and pantothenic acids. Sauerkraut contains vitamin B12, which is not found in any other plant product.

In addition to vitamins, cabbage leaves are rich in mineral salts of calcium, potassium, phosphorus, it contains quite a lot of trace elements, including iron, manganese and zinc. Cabbage is rich in fiber, sucrose, glucose, fructose.

Cabbage leaves have the following medicinal properties:

  • restorative,
  • painkillers,
  • anti-inflammatory,
  • bactericidal,
  • diuretic
  • anti-sclerotic action.

Cabbage has a positive effect on all metabolic processes in the body, compensates for the lack of vitamins, it is useful for obesity, diseases of the digestive system, diseases of the bronchi and lungs, and damage to blood vessels and the heart. It is also very valuable that we can eat cabbage all year round, with its help maintaining our health.

Today I want to focus on the external use of cabbage leaves, since in this case the healing properties of the cabbage leaf are fully manifested.

Cabbage leaf treatment

The medicinal properties of the cabbage leaf have been used for a long time and very widely, and there are many treatment recipes, they can be found in all ancient medical books and among modern traditional medicine recipes.

For headache

If you are worried about a headache, try this recipe: you need to apply a fresh cabbage leaf to the place of the source of pain, it can be temples, forehead or nape, and in old healers I found recommendations to apply fresh, slightly beaten cabbage leaves to the forehead and temples, with high body temperature.

For sore throat

With a sore throat, you need to make a compress from a cabbage leaf and attach it to your neck for 1-2 hours. And you can also recommend gargling with cabbage juice. And below I will write recipes for other compresses for sore throats.

Cabbage leaf with mastopathy

A cabbage leaf compress will help to quickly relieve pain and swelling. There are several ways to apply it. You can simply overlay the sheet itself, and you can also add other components to the sheet.

First way the simplest and most effective. I myself have used it many times and still use it sometimes with problems. It is especially good to use it on our sensitive days before cycles, and also who have small lumps in the chest. And note that the cabbage leaf and the shape of our breasts are so similar…☺.

It is better to take small leaves from a medium-sized head of cabbage. That's the most convenient way. Carefully remove the cabbage leaves, wash, remove the thick part, dry and apply to the chest. If the leaves are thick, you can beat them off a little. We put on underwear and walk like that all day. If possible, change the cabbage leaves as they dry out.

Do everything better in the system, for several days, or even weeks in a row, depending on the problem. And I drew attention to the fact that if there are few problems in the chest, then the cabbage leaf does not dry out so quickly. If something is more serious, then almost after a couple of hours it needs to be changed.

Second way. Cabbage leaf plus butter. To do this, the leaf is beaten a little so that it becomes soft and starts the juice, grease with warm butter and put on the breast. From above you need to apply a bandage of clean cotton fabric and put on an old bra. Leave overnight, and in the morning remove the compress, rinse the chest with warm water. The procedure can be done every day for a week, then take a break for 3-4 days and repeat the chickens again.

Third way. Cabbage juice with honey. The recipe is the same as with butter, only honey is taken. The recipe is excellent. The only negative: you have to be at home, because. honey from contact with the body heats up, spreads. And this can bring not very pleasant emotions.

In case of inflammatory processes in the mammary gland, it is necessary to consult a doctor; treatment with cabbage leaves and other methods of traditional medicine is used only as an adjuvant.

For burns, purulent wounds, ulcers and bedsores

The upper cabbage leaves are not suitable here, you need to take the leaves from the middle of the head, chop them in any way and mix with raw egg white. Spread the resulting mass evenly on a sterile bandage and bandage it to the sore spot. Eggs for treatment should be taken from healthy village chickens.

With weeping eczema and exudative diathesis

Boil cabbage leaves in milk, rub the mass through a sieve or beat with a blender, then add wheat bran and apply to a sore spot, strengthening with a bandage.

For gout

Leaves of fresh cabbage should be applied to swollen joints, they are attached with a bandage or a clean cloth, socks are put on top. It is better to do this procedure at night, 6-8 procedures are enough for the pain to go away.

Cabbage leaf for osteoarthritis of the knee joint

Separately, I want to highlight the role of the cabbage leaf in the treatment of joints, which has been practiced since ancient times to the present day. Cabbage leaf is especially often and successfully used for arthrosis of the knee joints. The medicinal properties of cabbage leaves allow you to:

  • quickly relieve or reduce joint pain,
  • relieve swelling of soft tissues in the area of ​​​​the diseased joint,
  • improve blood circulation.

The easiest way to use a cabbage leaf for the treatment of joints is to simply wrap the joint with a clean, slightly softened leaf, making a kind of compress, putting compress paper over the sheet and warming it all with a piece of cotton wool, a warm scarf or scarf. Such a compress can be kept all night, but not less than an hour, otherwise the desired effect may not be obtained.

Cabbage leaf for bruises

The properties of the cabbage leaf to heal wounds, stop bleeding are used for bruises, especially on the arms and legs. Swelling and pain decrease, hematomas resolve, and the consequences of bruises are not so serious.

You can apply a clean whole cabbage leaf to the bruised place, or you can squeeze the juice out of it, moisten a piece of cotton or linen with it and attach it to the damaged area, applying any fixing bandage. This lotion quickly relieves pain and restores damaged tissue.


How to live a full life without a gallbladder

To learn more …

cabbage leaf compress

Let's take a closer look at the cases in which a cabbage leaf compress can alleviate the condition and how to make it so that all its healing properties are fully manifested.

It is recommended to apply a cabbage leaf in the form of a compress in the following cases:

  • with arthrosis and arthritis,
  • with the appearance of hematomas,
  • with various injuries and bruises,
  • with boils and carbuncles,
  • with frostbite,
  • for pain in the spine,
  • with neuralgia,
  • with headache,
  • with tracheitis and bronchitis,
  • with mastitis and mastopathy,
  • with insect bites.

How to apply a cabbage leaf

First of all, I would like to say that it is best to take a cabbage leaf for medicinal purposes from a head of cabbage grown on your own plot or bought on the market from farmers and individuals. Leaves for compresses must be thoroughly rinsed with running water and dried.

If the leaves are applied to wounds or other damaged skin surfaces, then they must be doused with boiling water before use. You can prepare several leaves in this way, put them in a plastic bag, place in the refrigerator and use as needed.

Before use, the leaves must be kept at room temperature for some time, do not apply them chilled.

The leaves must be washed before use, after removing the hardest parts of the veins from them. This is done so that the leaf releases juice, thereby we achieve the return of all the medicinal properties of the cabbage leaf. You need to knead its outer side, which is applied to the sore spot, for which you can use a wooden mallet, a rolling pin for rolling dough, and the blunt side of a knife. You can even cut the leaves slightly, but not through, so that the juice does not flow out, but only moistens the leaves.

The thickness of the compress depends on the size of the painful area, on the size and thickness of the leaves themselves. Sometimes one or two leaves are enough, and sometimes you may need a stack of leaves that overlap each other with a slight overlap.

Cabbage leaves should fit snugly to the sore spot and be fixed with a bandage bandage, or, depending on the place of application, with a scarf, sock, bra. To fix the compress on the knee joint, it is convenient to use a piece cut off from old cotton stockings or tights.

How long to keep the compress

If a cabbage leaf compress is applied to the joints, then it is usually convenient to do this all night. If the compress is used in the treatment of wounds, bruises, abscesses, then it should be changed more often as the cabbage leaf dries up or when an unpleasant odor appears. When changing the cabbage leaf for a compress, the skin at the application site must be washed with clean water and dried. If redness or burning occurs, lubricate with sea buckthorn oil or calendula oil.

cabbage leaf for children

It is very good to use cabbage leaves for sore throats and coughs for our children. I gave the recipe above. Make a compress for children, cabbage draws out inflammation well. And you can also recommend alternating such a compress with cottage cheese. A day of cabbage compress, a day of cottage cheese. Or one in the morning, another in the evening. Cottage cheese must be taken necessarily not soft, preferably rustic. Spread it on gauze, attach to the throat, then polyethylene, and wrap the throat. This treatment can also be given to adults.

At work, I often have to deal with colds among students, sore throats. And to whom I did not give such recommendations about alternating compresses from cabbage and cottage cheese, everyone thanks me. Try and you apply these simple compresses to treat a sore throat.

And you can also use the cabbage leaf for children with bruises, insect bites, burns, skin problems.

Cabbage leaf face masks

When you cook something with cabbage, leave some leaves and treat yourself to simple masks. Cabbage face masks are a product with a cosmetic “history”. Cabbage leaves were used by both noblewomen and peasant women to keep their skin fresh and young for as long as possible.

How best to apply everything, read about this in my article Cabbage Face Masks

Cabbage leaf. Contraindications

Despite the huge benefits, the use of cabbage in food has its contraindications. It is not recommended to use fresh cabbage in its raw form in case of pancreatic disease, with exacerbation of peptic ulcer. In these cases, cabbage should be eaten boiled or stewed.

Since cabbage is a gas-forming product, people suffering from flatulence should also limit its use in its raw form.

With external use, there are practically no contraindications, the only thing that can happen is an individual intolerance reaction, but this happens extremely rarely. If all hygiene rules are followed, the skin and the sheet itself are thoroughly cleaned and disinfected, then there should be no complications.

Dear readers, cabbage leaves have such wonderful healing properties. If you have your own proven cabbage leaf treatment recipes, I will be glad to hear everything in the comments. Health to all and good mood.

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see also

Cheese buns for breakfast from Gordon Ramsay or NOT a crazy tea party with Alice in Wonderland Cabbage leaf with cough honeyCabbage leaf for a nursing motherCabbage - the queen of the gardenCabbage face masks - simple and effectiveWe take care of our heels

Hello, friends!

I love talking about our simple home healers, as well as using them myself. And today I will have a topic - cabbage leaf treatment. Probably, this old method, which has been used for hundreds of years, is known to many as a folk remedy for headaches, and for bruises, and for pain in the joints, and in the chest, and for coughing. And for those who do not know, I will tell you how to properly apply a cabbage leaf and what compresses can be done in certain cases.

And, of course, this is only an additional help to the main treatment prescribed by specialists, one cannot think that a cabbage leaf can completely cure arthritis. Although, in some cases, it will be very useful and will help relieve pain and relieve swelling.

Medicinal properties of cabbage leaf

It would be interesting to know what kind of power lies in this vegetable, what medicinal properties the cabbage leaf has.
We are talking mainly about white cabbage, which is almost always on our table. But you can also use red, it’s a pity that we still don’t eat it so often, but there are even more benefits in it than in white cabbage.

Cabbage is valuable for a significant content of vitamins C, PP, B1, B2, B6, U, potassium and calcium, iron, manganese, phosphorus, as well as folic and pantothenic acid, fiber, carotene, enzymes, phytoncides and an almost complete absence of sugar.

This composition provides:

  • slight choleretic effect
  • diuretic
  • anti-sclerotic
  • painkillers
  • anti-inflammatory
  • pronounced antiulcer effect.

It is useful to drink fresh cabbage juice for peptic ulcers, gastritis, colitis. It is also used as an antitussive and expectorant.

And sauerkraut juice is a good source of vitamin C, which is stored in it until spring.

Cabbage leaves are able to relieve swelling in the tissues, remove excess fluid, relieve pain and eliminate discomfort.

Red cabbage also contains anthocyanins, the same compounds found in cherry juice and blueberries. They not only give the cabbage its color, but also perfectly reduce pain and inflammation.

Cabbage leaf treatment

The external use of cabbage leaves in folk treatment is quite extensive. It is used for:

  • bruises and bruises
  • sprains
  • burns
  • bumps from injections
  • wounds
  • bedsores
  • insect bites
  • accumulation of fluid in the knee
  • joint pain
  • bursitis
  • gout
  • arthritis
  • headache
  • mastopathy, mastitis
  • varicose veins
  • heel spur
  • cracked heels
  • coughing
  • sore throat
  • and in many other cases for pain, inflammation and swelling.

Cabbage compress

Most often, compresses are used for treatment. Let's see how to make a cabbage compress in general cases.

  1. Cabbage should not be cold, taken fresh from the refrigerator. Leaves can be used at least at room temperature. Sometimes it may be necessary to heat them, for this purpose you can put the sheet in the microwave or hold it over the flame of a gas stove.
  2. Of course, before use, the leaves must be washed and dried with a napkin.
  3. Thick veins should be cut with a knife.
  4. If you simply tear off a leaf from a head of cabbage and attach it to a sore spot, then there will be little sense. After all, the main benefit is in the juice. To remove it, you can make small notches with a knife or beat the outer side of the sheet with a rolling pin, a wooden mallet, or the blunt side of the knife.
  5. A prepared sheet or several leaves, if necessary (overlapping each other), is applied to the right place and fixed with a bandage: with a bandage, scarf, any fabric, you can even use cut off old tights.
  6. Keep the compress until the leaves dry, then change them to fresh ones, while the skin needs to be washed and wiped dry. Often leave a compress for the night.

Cabbage leaf with honey

Often, to enhance the effect of treatment in many cases, I will talk about them later, the cabbage leaf is used in conjunction with honey, we know the beneficial properties of this unique product.

To do this, warm the cabbage leaf and smear it with a thin layer of liquid honey (if the honey is thick, melt it in a water bath). In this form, a compress is applied, covered with polyethylene, wrapped with something warm and tied.

It seems to me that it’s even easier to just smear the sore spot with honey, and attach cabbage on top.

The therapeutic effect of such a bandage is amazing, but there is, of course, an inconvenience in that honey flows out and sticks to the body.

Cabbage leaf treatment recipes

I found these tips in the reviews of different people who really helped the cabbage leaf treatment.

For bruises and bruises

Cabbage leaf with bruises helps to stop subcutaneous hemorrhages and dissolve hematomas, reduce pain and swelling.

A cabbage leaf is applied to the bruised place, making notches on it for the appearance of juice. You can grease the sheet with sour cream.

Treatment of bruises and bruises with simple folk remedies

With seals from injections

I also heard reviews that a piece of cabbage applied to the injection site softens the bumps and relieves pain after 2-3 hours.

Treatment of purulent wounds

When treating wounds, everything must be especially sterile. Therefore, the leaves should be taken from the middle part of the head, and not the top, and you need to pour boiling water over them, after which they will become softer.

In addition to using a whole leaf, there is another way when the leaves are crushed with a knife or in a blender and mixed with egg white, and then a compress is made from the resulting mass. Change as it dries.

The same recipe is used for burns.

cabbage leaf for headaches

This is probably the first folk remedy for headaches that everyone knows about. The recipe is simple - apply and fix the leaves on the forehead and temples until the pain decreases.

And I also read this method, it seemed very interesting to me: several layers of cabbage, naturally properly prepared (beaten off), are tightly laid on cling film, and then this whole structure, together with the film, is bandaged to the head.

My proven folk remedies for headaches

For sore throat

The same compress is placed for an hour or two on the neck for sore throats.

Cabbage leaf for cough

For the treatment of bronchitis and coughs, especially in children, this is generally a wonderful remedy. In this case, cabbage is used together with honey.

Two cabbage leaves are dipped in boiling water, immediately removed, allowed to drain and cool, and then smeared with honey.

How to apply a cabbage leaf when coughing: one leaf is placed on the back, and the other on the chest. They wrap themselves in a woolen scarf and lie down in bed. The compress is set aside until the morning.

Folk remedies for cough with honey: recipes

Joint treatment

To obtain a successful result, relieve pain and swelling, improve blood circulation in the knee joints with arthritis, it is best to use red cabbage.

Cabbage leaves must be heated over a gas stove, you can put them in the oven for a while, wrapping them in foil. But the leaves should not be too hot.

The cabbage leaf is laid on the knee in layers (3-4 sheets), covered with polyethylene or foil for better heat preservation. Top wrapped with a scarf.

The compress should be put on for at least an hour, and preferably four, then discard the dried leaves and make a fresh bandage. It is allowed to hold all night.

For the treatment of joints, cabbage leaves with honey are also used.

Cabbage with mastopathy

I myself practiced the treatment of mastopathy with a cabbage leaf, pain and inflammation are perfectly relieved.

In this case, you can use the leaves themselves, or grease them with honey, or melted butter, or spread grated raw beets on the leaves.

Leaves should be taken not cold and not hot, beat them off, put on the chest, cover with a cloth and put on an old bra, because especially in cases of sharing with other products, the linen will be very dirty, you know. This is exactly the inconvenience that this method of treatment brings during sleep.

Therefore, despite all its effectiveness, when I learned about the treatment with copper coins, I changed the method, which led to the final successful result.

Recipes for the treatment of mastopathy folk remedies

Spur treatment

Again, from the reviews, I first learned that a heel spur can be treated with a cabbage leaf smeared with honey. Put it on the heel and put on socks.

Even from cracked heels, such a cabbage leaf treatment helps.

How do I cure a heel spur?


There is practically no harm from the external use of a cabbage leaf, but some people may have an allergic reaction to honey, so you need to be careful here.

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Various kinds of puffiness cause considerable discomfort, a cosmetic defect, and often a number of other unpleasant symptoms.

It is important to find out what caused the disease and then think about how to remove the swelling. For the treatment of non-dangerous manifestations (for example, overwork), many folk remedies have been invented that will quite simply and quickly save you from the problem. For example, it is very easy to use a cabbage leaf for edema, and the healing effect will not be long in coming.

Beneficial features

The question of the benefits of vegetables in general is not in doubt. However, how do they help with tumors, when excess fluid accumulates in the tissues of the body?

Using a cabbage leaf for edema, it will have the following effects:

  • Anesthetic;
  • bactericidal;
  • The most important is a diuretic;
  • Anti-inflammatory;
  • Restorative.

However, due to what such a simple product has such an effect on the body? Cabbage contains:

  1. organic acids;
  2. Sodium;
  3. Potassium;
  4. Calcium;
  5. Iron;
  6. Phosphorus;
  7. Carbohydrates;
  8. Proteins;
  9. Magnesium;
  10. Vitamins of the following groups:
  • C (presented as ascorbic acid). 200 g of the product will provide you with the daily requirement of this vitamin.

This list of reagents has made cabbage leaf an effective remedy for edema, which is used in several forms and is recommended even by doctors if your condition is not at risk.

In what cases can it be applied?

The appearance of edema can be triggered by a variety of diseases of the liver, heart, other internal organs, as well as diseases of the joints. A similar phenomenon in most cases accompanies physical injuries and damage to blood vessels.

Naturally, it will not work to treat all existing swelling with a cabbage leaf. With such a problem, you should consult a doctor, sometimes a similar method acts as an auxiliary against the background of the main wellness course.

It will be justified to use a cabbage leaf from edema of this origin:

  1. bruises;
  2. Traces after injections;
  3. Inflammatory processes;
  4. Arthritis of various etiologies;
  5. Swelling on the legs due to increased physical exertion;
  6. Disturbed diet. An excess of salty, spicy, spicy and similar dishes in it;
  7. As an additional treatment is used in the following conditions:
  • Mastopathy (benign tumor of the mammary glands). Despite the absence of oncology, this is a dangerous disease that requires full treatment and regular medical examinations;
  • Varicose veins. The vascular tone improves, small blood clots resolve, the blood flow itself normalizes;
  • Laktostasis. The second disease of the mammary glands, which often haunts women who have recently given birth. This is the stagnation of breast milk, which is accompanied not only by the appearance of swelling, but also by redness, pain.

Although it is possible to treat a tumor with a cabbage leaf on the legs quite effectively, do not forget that sometimes this solution alone will not work.

First of all, consult with your doctor and select the appropriate treatment.


In folk remedies, not only the cabbage leaf is used for edema, but also the whole vegetable, its juice and combinations with other products.


This form is most commonly used. This is due to ease of use and possible combinations with other folk remedies, the recipe is as follows:

  1. Dip a leaf of ordinary cabbage in boiling water and wait until it becomes soft. Next, it must be pressed down with an iron or soaked in olive oil for 60 minutes. This method is good for swelling of the legs (minor).
  2. Before direct use, make a couple of cuts on a fresh leaf and add a little lemon juice, you can replace it with honey or a small amount of baking soda. Greater efficiency will be achieved by applying and fixing the compress with gauze at night.


Another way when a cabbage leaf helps with swelling of the legs is baths. Pour 250 ml of boiling water 2 tbsp. l. dried raw materials and let it brew for several hours. Pour the decoction into a foot container and dilute it with warm water, the procedures are best done before bedtime.


Often, swelling also affects the face. This may be as a result of sleep disturbances or salt balance, overwork, or a sign of a number of diseases. In the first cases, masks with cabbage leaves are often used. There are several recipes:

  • Grate one raw potato on a fine grater and mix with 1 tbsp. l. sauerkraut. Optionally, you can add vitamins A or C (in granules). Wrap the resulting mixture in gauze and apply to the problem area for 20 minutes. Then wash with cool water;
  • Mix sauerkraut and grated potatoes (one tablespoon each). Add clay (white) to the mixture until the mass acquires a viscous consistency. Apply the mask on your face and wait 5-6 minutes. Rinse with boiled water at room temperature.

For various problems with the mammary glands in women, you can resort to this solution method: beat off a few leaves until the juice starts to come out of them. Lubricate the side that you will apply to the body with warm butter. After the leaves have been applied, cover the resulting “compress” with a cotton bandage and secure it with linen.

When not to use?

One of the pluses why the cabbage leaf for edema has become a common remedy is the almost complete absence of any contraindications. However, there are cases when it is better to find another way to solve the problem:

  • Individual intolerance to the product;
  • If you observe additional symptoms (rash, itching, vomiting, pain, enlarged veins, and others) - consult a doctor;
  • Observing puffiness that does not subside for several days - you should not be limited to folk remedies. Go to a specialist who will prescribe the appropriate course.

Although cabbage helps with swelling quite effectively, it is better to use it as an adjunct treatment after consulting a doctor.

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