The process of cell regeneration: how and why it happens. Skin regeneration: how to speed up tissue repair

Why can't a person regrow lost parts of his body? Why are we worse than lizards?

Scientists have long been trying to understand how amphibians, such as newts and salamanders, regenerate severed tails, limbs, jaws. Moreover, their damaged heart, eye tissues, and spinal cord are restored. The method used by amphibians for self-repair became clear when scientists compared the regeneration of mature individuals and embryos. It turns out that in the early stages of development, the cells of the future creature are immature, their fate may well change.

This was shown by experiments on frog embryos. When an embryo has only a few hundred cells, a piece of tissue destined to become a skin can be cut out of it and placed in a region of the brain. And that tissue will become part of the brain. If such an operation is performed on a more mature embryo, then skin cells still develop into skin - right in the middle of the brain. Because the fate of these cells is already predetermined.

For most organisms, cellular specialization, which causes one cell to become an immune system cell and another, say, part of the skin, is a one-way road, and the cells stick to their “specialization” until death.

And amphibian cells are able to turn back time and return to the moment when the destination could have changed. And if a newt or salamander loses a leg, in the damaged area of ​​the body, cells of bones, skins and blood become cells without distinguishing features. All this mass of secondarily "newborn" cells (it is called a blastema) begins to intensively divide. And in accordance with the needs of the “current moment”, they become cells of bones, skin, blood ... To become a new paw at the end. Better than before.

How about a person? Only two types of cells are known to regenerate, are blood cells and liver cells. But here the principle of regeneration is different. When a mammalian embryo develops, few cells are left out of the specialization process. These are stem cells. They have the ability to replenish blood or dying liver cells. The bone marrow also contains stem cells, which can become muscle tissue, fat, bone, or cartilage, depending on what nutrients are given to them. At least in cuvettes.

If you inject bone marrow cells into the blood of mice with damaged muscles, these cells gather at the site of injury and straighten it out. However, what is true for mice does not apply to humans. Alas, the muscle tissue of an adult is not restored.

And some mice can

Is there any chance that the human body will acquire the ability regenerate missing parts? Or is this just the stuff of science fiction?
More recently, scientists firmly knew that mammals cannot regenerate. Everything changed completely unexpectedly and, as often happens in science, completely by accident. Philadelphia-based immunologist Helen Heber-Katz once gave her lab assistant a routine task: pierce the ears of lab mice to label them. A couple of weeks later, Heber-Katz came to the mice with ready-made labels, but ... she did not find holes in the ears. Naturally, the doctor gave a scolding to her laboratory assistant and, despite his oaths, she herself took up the matter. A few weeks passed - and the astonished eyes of scientists were presented with the purest mouse ears without any hint of a healed wound.

This strange case led Herber-Katz to make a completely unbelievable suggestion: what if the mice simply regenerated tissue and cartilage to fill holes they do not need? Upon closer examination, it turned out that in the damaged areas of the ears there is a blastema - the same non-specialized cells as in amphibians. But mice are mammals, they shouldn't have that ability...

What about other parts of the body? Dr. Heber-Katz cut off a piece of the tail of mice and ... got 75 percent regeneration!
Perhaps you are expecting that now I will tell you how the doctor cut off the mouse paw ... In vain. The reason is obvious. Without cauterization, the mouse would simply die of massive blood loss, long before regeneration of the lost limb had begun (if at all). And cauterization excludes the appearance of a blastema. So complete list of regeneration abilities Katz mice could not be identified. However, this is already a lot.

But only, for God's sake, do not cut the tails of your house mice! Because special pets live in the Philadelphia laboratory - with a damaged immune system. And Heber-Katz made the following conclusion from her experiments: regeneration is inherent only in animals with destroyed T-cells (cells of the immune system).

And amphibians, by the way, do not have any immune system at all. So, it is in the immune system that the key to this phenomenon is rooted. Mammals have the same genes necessary for tissue regeneration as amphibians, but T cells do not allow these genes to work.

Dr. Heber-Katz believes that organisms originally had two ways of healing from wounds - the immune system and regeneration. But in the course of evolution, both systems became incompatible with each other - and I had to choose. While regeneration may at first glance seem like the best choice, T cells are more urgent for us. After all, they are the body's main weapon against tumors. What's the point of being able to regrow your lost arm if cancer cells are thriving in your body at the same time?
It turns out that the immune system, while protecting us from infections and cancer, at the same time suppresses our ability to "self-repair".

Which cell to click on

Doros Platika, CEO of Boston-based Ontogeny, is confident that one day we will be able to start the process regeneration, even if we do not understand all its details to the end. Our cells carry the innate ability to grow new body parts, just as they did during fetal development. The instructions for growing new organs are written into the DNA of each of our cells, we just need to get them to “turn on” their ability, and then the process will take care of itself.

Ontogeny specialists are working on the creation of tools that include regeneration. The first is already ready and may soon be allowed for sale in Europe, the USA and Australia. This is a growth factor called OP1, which stimulates the growth of new bone tissue. OP1 will help treat complex fractures, where two pieces of broken bone are severely misaligned and therefore cannot heal. Often in such cases, the limb is amputated. But OP1 stimulates the bone tissue so that it begins to grow and fills the gap between the parts of the broken bone.

All doctors have to do is signal the bone cells to "grow" and let the body know how much bone it needs and where. If such growth signals are found for all cell types, a new leg can be grown with a few injections.

When does the leg become mature?

True, there are a couple of traps on the way to such a bright future. First, stimulation cells for regeneration can lead to cancer. Amphibians, which lack immune defenses, are otherwise protected against cancer by growing new body parts instead of tumors. But mammalian cells succumb so easily to uncontrolled landslide division...

Another trap is the problem of time. As embryos begin to grow limbs, the chemicals that dictate the shape of the new limb are easily distributed throughout the tiny body. In adults, the distance is much greater. You can solve this problem by forming a very small limb, and then start growing it. This is exactly what tritons do. It only takes them a couple of months to grow a new limb, but we're a bit bigger. How long does it take for a person to grow a new leg to its normal size? London scientist Jeremy Brox believes that at least 18 years ...

But Platika is more optimistic: “I see no reason why you can’t grow a new leg in a matter of weeks or months.” So when will doctors be able to offer the disabled a new service - growing new legs and arms? Platika says that in five years.

Incredible? But if someone had said five years ago that they would clone a person, no one would have believed him ... But then there was Dolly the sheep. And today, forgetting about the amazingness of this operation itself, we are discussing a completely different problem - do governments have the right to stop scientific research? And force scientists to look for a patch of extraterritorial ocean for a unique experiment? Although there are completely unexpected incarnations. For example dentistry. It would be nice if the lost teeth grew back ... This is what Japanese scientists have achieved.

The system of their treatment, according to ITAR-TASS, is based on the genes that are responsible for the growth of fibroblasts - the very tissues that grow around the teeth and hold them. According to the scientists, they first tested their method on a dog that had previously developed a severe form of periodontal disease. When all the teeth fell out, the affected areas were treated with a substance that included these same genes and agar-agar, an acidic mixture that provides a nutrient medium for cell reproduction. Six weeks later, the dog's fangs erupted. The same effect was observed in a monkey with teeth hewn to the ground. According to scientists, their method is much cheaper than prosthetics and for the first time allows a huge number of people to return their teeth in the literal sense. Especially when you consider that after 40 years, a tendency to periodontal disease occurs in 80 percent of the world's population.

People have always been amazed at the incredible properties of the animal body. Such properties of the body as the regeneration of organs, the restoration of lost parts of the body, the ability to change color and go without water and food for a long time, sharp eyesight, existence in incredibly difficult conditions, and so on. Compared with animals, it seems that they are not our "smaller brothers", but we are theirs.

But it turns out that the human body is not so primitive as it might seem to us at first glance.

Regeneration of the human body

Cells in our body are also updated. But how is the renewal of the cells of the human body? And if the cells are constantly being renewed, then why does old age come, and not eternal youth last?

Swedish neurologist Jonas Friesen found that every adult is on average fifteen and a half years old.

But if many parts of our body are constantly being updated, and as a result, they turn out to be much younger than their owner, then some questions arise:

  • For example, why doesn't the skin remain smooth and pink all the time, like a baby's, if the top layer of the skin is always two weeks old?
  • If the muscles are about 15 years old, then why is a 60-year-old woman not as flexible and mobile as a 15-year-old girl?

Friesen saw the answers to these questions in the DNA of mitochondria (this is part of every cell). She quickly accumulates various damage. That is why the skin ages over time: mutations in mitochondria lead to a deterioration in the quality of such an important component of the skin as collagen. According to many psychologists, aging occurs due to the mental programs that have been instilled in us since childhood.

Today we will consider the timing of the renewal of specific human organs and tissues:

Body Regeneration: Brain

Brain cells live with a person throughout his life. But if the cells were updated, the information that was embedded in them would go with them - our thoughts, emotions, memories, skills, experience.

A lifestyle such as: smoking, drugs, alcohol - to one degree or another destroys the brain, killing part of the cells.

And yet, in two areas of the brain, cells are updated:

  • The olfactory bulb is responsible for the perception of smells.
  • The hippocampus, which controls the ability to absorb new information in order to then transfer it to the "storage center", as well as the ability to navigate in space.

The fact that heart cells also have the ability to renew has become known only recently. According to researchers, this only happens once or twice in a lifetime, so it is extremely important to preserve this organ.

Body regeneration: Lungs

For each type of lung tissue, cell renewal occurs at a different rate. For example, the air sacs at the ends of the bronchi (alveoli) regenerate every 11 to 12 months. But the cells located on the surface of the lungs are updated every 14-21 days. This part of the respiratory organ takes on most of the harmful substances coming from the air we breathe.

Bad habits (primarily smoking), as well as a polluted atmosphere, slow down the renewal of the alveoli, destroy them and, in the worst case, can lead to emphysema.

Body regeneration: Liver

The liver is the champion of regeneration among the organs of the human body. Liver cells are renewed approximately every 150 days, that is, the liver is “born again” once every five months. It is able to recover completely, even if, as a result of the operation, a person has lost up to two-thirds of this organ.

The liver is the only organ in our body that has such a high regenerative function.

Of course, the detailed endurance of the liver is possible only with your help to this organ: the liver does not like fatty, spicy, fried and smoked foods. In addition, the work of the liver is greatly complicated by alcohol and most drugs.

And if you do not pay attention to this organ, it will cruelly take revenge on its owner with terrible diseases - cirrhosis or cancer. By the way, if you stop drinking alcohol for eight weeks, the liver can be completely cleansed.

Body regeneration: Intestine

The walls of the intestines are covered with tiny villi from the inside, which ensure the absorption of nutrients. But they are under the constant influence of gastric juice, which dissolves food, so they do not live long. Terms of their renewal - 3-5 days.

Body Regeneration: Skeleton

The bones of the skeleton are updated continuously, that is, at every moment in the same bone there are both old and new cells. It takes about ten years to completely renovate the skeleton.

This process slows down with age, as bones become thinner and more fragile.

Body regeneration: Hair

Hair grows an average of one centimeter per month, but hair can completely change in a few years, depending on the length. For women, this process takes up to six years, for men - up to three. Eyebrow and eyelash hairs grow back in six to eight weeks.

Body regeneration: Eyes

In such a very important and fragile organ as the eye, only corneal cells can be renewed. Its top layer is replaced every 7-10 days. If the cornea is damaged, the process occurs even faster - it is able to recover in a day.

Body regeneration: Language

10,000 receptors are located on the surface of the tongue. They are able to distinguish the tastes of food: sweet, sour, bitter, spicy, salty. The cells of the tongue have a rather short life cycle - ten days.

Smoking and oral infections weaken and inhibit this ability, as well as reduce the sensitivity of taste buds.

Body Regeneration: Skin and Nails

The surface layer of the skin is renewed every two to four weeks. But only if the skin is provided with proper care and it does not receive an excess of ultraviolet radiation.

Smoking negatively affects the skin - this bad habit accelerates skin aging for two to four years.

The most famous example of organ renewal is nails. They grow back 3-4 mm every month. But this is on the hands, on the legs the nails grow twice as slowly. The nail on the finger is completely renewed on average in six months, on the toe - in ten.

Moreover, on the little fingers, the nails grow much more slowly than the others, and the reason for this is still a mystery to physicians. The use of drugs slows down the recovery of cells throughout the body.

Now you know a little more about your body and its properties. It becomes obvious that a person is very complex and not fully understood. How much more do we have to find out?

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So, in past work, we found out that it is possible to improve the body only with the help of. Now let's look at the second principle of maintaining health with you. As you remember, this is the ability of a cell to self-renewal (regeneration of body cells).
The cell simply must be healthy and give healthy offspring, even if the cell itself is not healthy - its offspring must be healthy!
But for this it is necessary that the building material be present, which promotes cell regeneration. The cell has a genetic memory of its health.
What could be the problem? Let's see.

Everyone imagines a pregnant woman. So, if we don’t feed her, what will happen to her, who will be born to her and who will be born later by this child who has grown into a woman, if she is also not given food during pregnancy or fed poorly.

But we have already considered the life of a cell, it constantly produces its own kind and very efficiently - one cell gives two, each subsequent two more are already 4 and this cycle is endless.

cell regeneration process

So, we found out what exactly contributes to the rapid regeneration of healthy cells. This is quality food.
So it turns out that due to a lack of nutrients, the so-called building material, each new generation of the cell will be inferior and will not be able to perform its functions.

The human body is built from 12 systems. Each system includes certain organs, which in turn are built from tissues, and they are already formed by cells. So, if in the process of its birth, the cell does not receive enough building material for its development, the system will not be able to function correctly in the body, and, accordingly, the whole body will work incorrectly.

So, for proper regeneration of healthy cells, you need to eat right. After all, through the food we eat, our cells get their nutrition. Therefore, human nutrition should be healthy and balanced in terms of vitamin and mineral complex. This will provide the cells of the body with all the nutritional material necessary for its regeneration, then future generations of the cell will be healthy, and new cells will be able to properly carry out their vital activity, and, accordingly, the body will establish its proper functioning.

Proper cell regeneration is the key to health and longevity

How did you come to this discovery?

This is how simple it would seem. And scientists have to work for many years to come to such conclusions. For example, the French scientist Dr. Alexis Carrel (Alexis Carrel), managed to continue the vital activity of the heart of a chicken for 34 years. For which he was awarded the Nobel Prize.
He spoke about the immortality of the cell, it turns out that the whole essence of her life lies in the liquid medium in which she lives and dies. With periodic renewal of this environment, the cell
will receive everything necessary to eat and therefore eternal life will be provided.

Dear reader, what do you think, what foods provide (for their regeneration) and rid the body of toxins? Write your recipe, and I will comment as usual.


Badertdinov R.R.

The paper provides a brief overview of the achievements of regenerative medicine. What is regenerative medicine, how realistic is the application of its developments in our lives? How soon can we use them? An attempt is made to answer these and other questions in this work.


regenerative medicine

stem cells






What do we know about regenerative medicine? For most of us, the theme of regeneration, and everything connected with it, is strongly associated with the science fiction plots of feature films. Indeed, due to the low awareness of the population, which is very strange, given the continued relevance and vital importance of this issue, people have developed a fairly stable opinion: reparative regeneration is an invention of screenwriters and science fiction writers. But is it? Is the possibility of human regeneration really someone's fiction, in order to create a more sophisticated plot?

Until recently, it was believed that the possibility of reparative regeneration of the body, which occurs after damage or loss of any part of the body, was lost by almost all living organisms in the process of evolution and, as a result, the complication of the structure of the body, except for some creatures, including amphibians. One of the discoveries that greatly shook this dogma was the discovery of the p21 gene and its specific properties: blocking the body's regenerative capabilities, by a group of researchers from the Wistar Institute, Philadelphia, USA (The Wistar Institute, Philadelphia).

Experiments on mice have shown that rodents lacking the p21 gene can regenerate lost or damaged tissues. Unlike normal mammals, which heal wounds by forming scars, genetically modified mice with damaged ears form a blastema, a structure associated with rapid cell growth, at the site of the wound. During regeneration, tissues of the regenerating organ are formed from the blastema.

In the absence of the p21 gene, rodent cells behave like regenerating embryonic stem cells, scientists say. Ane as mature mammalian cells. That is, they grow new tissue rather than repair damaged tissue. Here it would be appropriate to recall that the same regeneration scheme is also present in the usalamander, which has the ability to re-grow not only the tail, but also the lost limbs, or upplanarians, ciliary worms, which can be cut into several parts, and a new planarian will grow from each piece.

According to the cautious remarks of the researchers themselves, it follows that, theoretically, turning off the p21 gene can trigger a similar process in the human body. Of course, it is worth noting the fact that the p21 gene is closely related to another gene, p53. which controls cell division and prevents the formation of tumors. In normal adult cells, p21 blocks cell division in the event of DNA damage, so mice that have it disabled are at greater risk of cancer.

But while the researchers did find large amounts of DNA damage during the experiment, they found no evidence of cancer: on the contrary, the mice had enhanced apoptosis, a programmed “suicide” of cells that also protects against tumors. This combination may allow cells to divide faster without becoming "cancerous".

Avoiding far-reaching conclusions, nevertheless, we note that the researchers themselves say only the temporary shutdown of this gene in order to accelerate regeneration: “While we are just beginning to understand the repercussions of these findings, perhaps, one day we´ll be able to accelerate healing in humans by temporarily inactivating the p21 gene". Translation: "At the moment, we are just beginning to understand the full implications of our discoveries, and perhaps someday we will be able to accelerate the healing of people by temporarily inactivating the p21 gene."

And this is just one of many possible ways. Let's consider other options. For example, one of the most well-known and promoted, in part for the purpose of obtaining large profits by various pharmaceutical, cosmetic and other companies, is stem cells (SC). The most frequently mentioned are embryonic stem cells. Many have heard about these cells, they earn a lot of money with their help, many attribute to them truly fantastic properties. So what are they. Let's try to bring some clarity to this question.

Embryonic stem cells (ESCs) are niches of continuously proliferating stem cells of the inner cell mass, or embryoplast, of the mammalian blastocyst. Any type of specialized cells can develop from these cells, but not an independent organism. Embryonic stem cells are functionally equivalent to embryonic germ cell lines derived from primary embryonic cells. Distinctive properties of embryonic stem cells are the ability to maintain them in culture in an undifferentiated state for an unlimited time and their ability to develop into any cells of the body. The ability of ESCs to give rise to a large number of different cell types makes them a useful tool for basic research and a source of cell populations for new therapies. The term “embryonic stem cell line” refers to ESCs that have been maintained in culture for a long time (months to years) under laboratory conditions, under which proliferation without differentiation has occurred. There are several good sources of basic information on stem cells, although published review articles quickly become obsolete. One useful source of information is the National Institutes of Health (NIH, USA) website.

The characteristics of different stem cell populations and the molecular mechanisms that maintain their unique status are still being studied. At the moment, there are two main types of stem cells - these are adult and embryonic stem cells. We highlight three important features that distinguish ESCs from other types of cells:

1. ESCs express factors associated with spluripotent cells such as Oct4, Sox2, Tert, Utfl, and Rex1 (Carpenter and Bhatia 2004).

2. ESCs are non-specialized cells that can differentiate into cells with special functions.

3. ESCs can self-renew by multiple divisions.

ESCs are maintained in vitro in an undifferentiated state by precise adherence to certain culture conditions, which include the presence of the leukemia inhibitory factor (LIF), which prevents differentiation. If LIF is removed from the environment, ESCs begin to differentiate and form complex structures, which are called embryonic bodies and consist of cells of various types, including endothelial, nervous, muscle and hematopoietic progenitor cells.

Let us dwell separately on the mechanisms of work and regulation of stem cells. The special characteristics of stem cells are determined not by one gene, but by a whole set of them. The possibility of identifying these genes is directly related to the development of a method for culturing embryonic stem cells in vitro, as well as the possibility of using modern methods of molecular biology (in particular, the use of the leukemia inhibitory factor LIF).

As a result of joint research by Geron Corporation and Celera Genomics, cDNA libraries of undifferentiated ESCs and partially differentiated cells were created (cDNA is obtained by synthesis based on an mRNA molecule complementary to DNA using the reverse transcriptase enzyme). When analyzing data on nucleotide sequence sequencing and gene expression, more than 600 genes were identified, the inclusion or exclusion of which distinguishes undifferentiated cells, and a picture of the molecular pathways along which differentiation of these cells proceeds was compiled.

It is now customary to distinguish stem cells by their behavior in culture and by chemical markers on the cell surface. However, the genes responsible for the manifestation of these features remain unknown in most cases. Nevertheless, the studies carried out made it possible to identify two groups of genes that give stem cells their remarkable properties. On the other hand, the properties of stem cells manifest themselves in a specific microenvironment known as the stem cell niche. When studying these cells that surround, nourish and maintain stem cells in an undifferentiated state, about 4,000 genes were discovered. At the same time, these genes were active in the cells of the microenvironment, and inactive in all others.

In a study of Drosophila ovary germline stem cells, a signaling system was identified between the stem cells and specialized "niche" cells. This system of signals determines the self-renewal of stem cells and the direction of their differentiation. Regulatory genes in niche cells give instructions to stem cell genes that determine the further path of their development. It, and other genes produce proteins that act as switches that start or stop stem cell division. It was found that the interaction between niche cells and stem cells, which determines their fate, is mediated by three different genes - piwi, pumilio (pum) and bam (bag of marbles). It has been shown that for successful self-renewal of germline stem cells, the piwi and pum genes must be activated, while the bam gene is necessary for differentiation. Further studies have shown that the piwi gene belongs to a group of genes involved in the development of stem cells in various organisms belonging to both the animal and plant kingdoms. Genes like piwi (they are called, in this case, MIWI and MILI), pum and bam, are also found in mammals, including humans. Based on these discoveries, the authors suggest that the piwi niche cell gene ensures the division of germ cells and maintains them in an undifferentiated state by suppressing the expression of the bum gene.

It should be noted that the database of genes that determine the properties of stem cells is constantly updated. A complete catalog of stem cell genes could improve the process of identifying them, as well as elucidate the mechanisms of the functioning of these cells, which will provide differentiated cells necessary for therapeutic applications, as well as provide new opportunities for drug development. The significance of these genes is great, since they provide the body with the ability to maintain itself and regenerate tissues.

Here the teacher may ask: “How far have scientists advanced in the practical application of this knowledge?”. Are they used in medicine? Are there prospects for further development in these areas? To answer these questions, we will conduct a short review of scientific developments in this direction, as old ones, which should not be surprising, because research in the field of regenerative medicine has been going on for a long time, at least from the beginning of the 20th century, and it is completely new, sometimes very unusual and exotic.

To begin with, we note that back in the 80s of the 20th century in the USSR at the Institute of Evolutionary Ecology and Animal Morphology named after. Severtsev Academy of Sciences of the USSR, in the laboratory of A.N. Studitsky, experiments were carried out: the crushed muscle fiber was transplanted into the damaged area, which, subsequently recovering, forced the nervous tissues to regenerate. Hundreds of successful human surgeries have been performed.

At the same time, at the Institute of Cybernetics. Glushkov in the laboratory of Professor L.S. Aleev created an electrical muscle stimulator - Meoton: the impulse of movement of a healthy person is amplified by the device and directed to the affected muscle of an immobile patient. The muscle receives a command from the muscle and causes the motionless to contract: this program is recorded in the memory of the device and the patient can already work in the future. It should be noted that these developments were made several decades ago. Apparently, it is these processes that underlie the program, independently and independently developed and applied to this day by V.I. Dikul. More details about these developments can be found in the documentary film "The Hundredth Mystery of the Muscle" by Yuri Senchukov, Tsentrnauchfilm, 1988.

Separately, we note that even in the middle of the 20th century, a group of Soviet scientists, under the leadership of L.V. Polezhaev, studies were carried out, with the successful practical application of their results on the regeneration of the bones of the cranial vault of animals and humans; the defect area reached up to 20 square centimeters. The edges of the hole were covered with crushed bone tissue, which caused a regeneration process, during which the damaged areas were restored.

In this regard, it would be appropriate to recall the so-called “Spivak Case” - the formation of the histol phalanx of the finger of a sixty-year-old man, when the stump was treated with components of the extracellular matrix (a cocktail of molecules), which was a powder from the bladder of a pig (this was mentioned in a weekly analytical broadcast “In the center of events” on the state TV channel TV Center).

Also, I would like to focus on such an everyday and habitual object as salt (NaCl). Widely known are the healing properties of the sea climate, places with a high salt content in the air and in the air, like the Dead Sea in Israel or Sol-Iletsk in Russia, salt mines, widely used in hospitals, sanatoriums and resorts around the world. Athletes and people leading an active lifestyle are well acquainted with salt baths used in the treatment of injuries of the musculoskeletal system. What is the secret of these amazing properties of ordinary salt? As scientists from Tufts University (USA) found, tadpoles need table salt for the process of restoring a cut off or bitten off tail. If you sprinkle it on the wound, the tail grows faster even if scar tissue (scar) has already formed. In the presence of salt, the amputated tail grows back, and the absence of sodium ions blocks this process. Of course, it should be recommended to refrain from the rampant consumption of salt, in the hope of speeding up the healing process. Numerous studies clearly demonstrate the harm that excessive salt intake causes to the body. Apparently, to start and accelerate the regeneration process, sodium ions must enter the damaged areas in other ways.

Speaking about modern regenerative medicine, two main directions are usually distinguished. Adherents of the first way are engaged in growing organs and tissues separately from the patient or on the patient himself, but in a different place (for example, on the back), with their further transplantation into the damaged area. The initial stage in the development of this direction can be considered the solution of the issue of leather. Traditionally, new skin tissue was taken from the mustache of patients or cadavers, but today the skin can be grown in vast quantities. Raw waste skin material is taken from newborn babies. If a baby boy is circumcised, then a huge amount of living tissue can be made from this piece. It is extremely important to take the skin for growing newborns, the cells should be as young as possible. A natural question may arise here: why is this so important? The fact is that for DNA duplication at the entrance of cell division, these enzymes of higher organisms occupied by these enzymes require specially arranged end sections of chromosomes, telomeres. It is to them that the RNA primer is attached, which on each of the strands of the DNA double helix begins the synthesis of the second strand. However, in this case, the second strand is shorter than the first one by the area that was occupied by the RNA primer. The telomere shortens until it becomes so small that the RNA primer can no longer attach itself to it, and cell division cycles stop. In other words, the younger the cell, the more divisions will occur before the very possibility of these divisions disappears. In particular, back in 1961, the American gerontologist L. Hayflick found that "in vitro" skin cells - fibroblasts - can divide no more than 50 times. From one foreskin, you can grow 6 football fields of skin tissue (approximate area - 42840 square meters).

Later, a special plastic decomposed by microorganisms was developed. From it, an implant was made on the back of a mouse: a plastic frame molded in the shape of a human ear, covered with living cells. Cells in the process of growth adhere to the fibers and take the necessary shape. Over time, cells begin to dominate and form new tissue (for example, ear cartilage). Another version of this method: an implant on the patient's back, which is a frame of the required shape, is seeded with stem cells of a certain tissue. After some time, this fragment is removed from the back and implanted in place.

In the case of internal organs consisting of several layers of cells of different types, it is necessary to use slightly different methods. The first internal organ was grown and subsequently successfully implanted the bladder. This is an organ that experiences enormous mechanical stress: about 40,000 liters of urine passes through the bladder during a lifetime. It consists of three layers: outer - connective tissue, middle - muscular, inner - mucous membrane. A full bladder contains approximately 1 liter of urine and is shaped like an inflated balloon. To grow it, a frame of a complete bladder was made, on which living cells were seeded layer by layer. It was the first organ entirely grown from living tissue.

The same plastic mentioned just above has been used to repair damaged spinal cords in lab mice. The principle here was the same: plastic fibers rolled up a tourniquet and planted embryonic nerve cells on it. As a result, the gap was closed with a new tissue, and there was a complete restoration of all motor functions. A fairly complete review is given in the BBC documentary Superman. Self-healing."

In fairness, we note that the very fact of the possibility of a complete recovery of motor functions after severe injuries, up to a complete interruption of the spinal cord, in addition to single enthusiasts like V.I. Dikul, was proven by Russian scientists. They also proposed an effective method for the rehabilitation of such people. Despite the fantastic nature of such a statement, I would like to note that by analyzing the statements of the luminaries of scientific thought, we can conclude that in science there are no and cannot be any axioms, there are only theories that can always be changed or refuted. If a theory contradicts the facts, then the theory is erroneous and must be changed. This simple truth, unfortunately, is very often ignored, and the basic principle of science: "Doubt everything" - acquires a purely one-sided character - only in relation to the new. As a result, the latest techniques that can help thousands and hundreds of thousands of people are forced to break through a blank wall for years: "It's impossible, because it's impossible in principle." To illustrate what has been said above and to show how far and how long ago science has come forward, I will cite a small excerpt from N.P. Bekhtereva "The Magic of the Brain and the Labyrinths of Life", one of those specialists who were the originators of the development of this method. “In front of me on a gurney lay a blue-eyed guy of 18-20 years old (Ch-ko), crowded dark brown, almost black hair. “Bend your leg, well, pull it up to you. Now, straighten up. Another, - was commanded by the head of the spinal cord stimulation group, the informal leader. How difficult, how slowly the legs moved! What an enormous strain it cost the patient! We all wanted to help! And yet the legs moved, moved on orders: the doctor, the patient himself - it doesn't matter, it matters - on orders. During the operation, the spinal cord in the D9-D11 area was literally scooped out with spoons. After the Afghan bullet that went through the patient's spinal cord, it was a mess. Afghanistan has made a handsome young man an embittered animal. And yet, after stimulation carried out according to the method proposed by the same informal leader S.V. Medvedev, much has changed in visceral functions.

Why not? It is impossible to put an end to the sick just because the textbooks have not yet included everything that specialists can do today. The same doctors who saw the patient and saw everything were surprised: “Well, pardon me, comrade scientists, of course, you have science there, but after all, a complete interruption of the spinal cord, what can you say ?!” Like this. Have seen and seen. There is a scientific film, everything is filmed.

The sooner stimulation begins after brain damage, the more likely the effect. However, even in cases of long-standing injuries, much can be learned and done.

In another patient, the electrodes were inserted up and down in relation to the interruption of the spinal cord segment. The injury was an old one, and none of us were surprised that the electromyelogram (electrical activity of the spinal cord) of the electrodes below the break was not written, the lines were completely straight, as if the device had not been turned on. And suddenly (!) - no, not quite suddenly, but it looks like "suddenly", as it happened after several sessions of electrical stimulation, - the electromyelogram of the electrodes below the complete, long-standing (6 years) break began to appear, intensify and finally reached characteristics of electrical activity above the break! This coincided with a clinical improvement in the state of pelvic functions, which, of course, greatly pleased not only doctors, but also the patient, who psychologically and physically well adapted to his tragic present and future. It was hard to expect more. The muscles of the legs atrophied, the patient moved on a gurney, everything they could was taken over by his hands. But here, in the developing positive and negative events, the matter was not without changes in the cerebrospinal fluid. Taken from the site below the break, it poisoned the cells in culture and was cytotoxic. After stimulation, cytotoxicity disappeared. What happened to the spinal cord below the break before stimulation? Judging by the given animation, he (the brain) did not die. Rather, he slept, but slept as if under anesthesia of toxins, slept in a "dead" sleep - there was neither wakefulness nor sleep activity in the electroencephalogram.

In the same direction, there are even more exotic ways, like a three-dimensional bioprinter created in Australia, which already prints skin, and in the near future, according to the assurances of the developers, it will be able to print whole organs. His work is based on the same principle as in the described case of the creation of the bladder: sowing living cells layer by layer.

The second direction of regenerative medicine can be conditionally identified with one phrase: “Why grow a new one if you can fix the old one?”. The main task of the adherents of this direction is the restoration of damaged areas by the forces of the organism itself, using its reserves, hidden capabilities (it is worth remembering the beginning of this article) and certain outside interventions, mainly in the form of the supply of additional resources and building material for reparation.

There are also a large number of possible options. To begin with, it should be noted that according to some estimates, every organ from birth has a reserve of about 30% of reserve stem cells, which are consumed during life. In accordance with this, according to some gerontologists, the species limit of human life is 110-120 years. Consequently, the biological reserve of human life is 30-40 years, taking into account Russian realities, these figures can be increased to 50-60 years. Another question is that modern living conditions do not contribute to this: an extremely deplorable, and every year more and more deteriorating state of the environment; strong, and more importantly, constant stress; huge mental, intellectual and physical stress; the depressing state of medicine in the localities, in particular the Russian one; the focus of pharmaceuticals not on helping people, but on making super profits and much more, completely wear out the human body at some point when, in theory, the very flowering of our strengths and capabilities should come. However, this reserve can greatly help with recovery from injuries and the treatment of serious diseases, especially in infancy and childhood.

Evan Snyder, a neuropathologist at the Boston Children's Hospital (USA), has been studying the recovery process of children and infants after various brain injuries for a long time. As a result of his research, he noted the most powerful possibilities for healing the nervous tissues of his young patients. For example, consider the case of an eight-month-old baby who had a massive stroke. Already three weeks after the incident, he was observed only a slight weakness of the left limbs, and three months later - the complete absence of any pathologies was recorded. The specific cells discovered by Snyder while studying brain tissues were called by him neural stem cells or embryonic brain cells (ECM). Subsequently, successful experiments were carried out on the introduction of ECM into mice suffering from tremor. After the injections, the cells spread throughout the brain tissue and complete healing occurred.

Relatively recently, in the United States, at the Institute of Regenerative Medicine, in the state of North Carolina, a group of researchers led by Jerome Laurens managed to get the heart of a mouse that had died 4 days earlier to beat. Other scientists, in different countries around the world, are trying, and sometimes very successfully, to start the mechanisms of regeneration with the help of cells isolated from a cancerous tumor. It should be noted here that the telomeres, already mentioned above, of pre-sexual cancer cells do not shorten in the process of division (to be more precise, the point here is in a special enzyme - telomerase, which completes the construction of shortened telomeres), which makes them practically immortal. Therefore, such an unexpected turn in the history of sleep diseases has an absolutely rational beginning (this was mentioned in the weekly analytical program “In the Center of Events” on the state TV channel TV Center).

Separately, we would like to single out the creation of hemobanks for the collection of cord blood from newborns, which is one of the most promising sources of stem cells. Cord blood is known to be rich in hematopoietic stem cells (HSCs). A characteristic feature of SCs obtained from umbilical cord blood is their much greater similarity to cells from embryonic tissues than adult SCs in terms of such parameters as biological age and ability to reproduce. Cord blood derived from the placenta immediately after birth is rich in SCs with greater proliferative potential than cells derived from bone marrow or peripheral blood. Like any blood product, cord blood SCs need an infrastructure for their collection, storage, and transplant suitability. The umbilical cord is clamped 30 seconds after the birth of the baby, the placenta and umbilical cord are separated, and cord blood is collected in a special bag. The sample must be at least 40ml to be usable. The blood is HLA typed and cultured. Immature human cord blood cells with high ability to proliferate, multiply outside the body and survive after transplantation can be stored frozen for more than 45 years, then after thawing, they are more likely to remain effective in clinical transplantation. Cord blood banks exist all over the world, with over 30 in the US alone and many private banks. The US National Institutes of Health is sponsoring a cord blood transplant research program. The New York Blood Center has a placental blood program, and the National Bone Marrow Donor Registry has its own research program.

Mainly, this direction is actively developing in the USA, Western Europe, Japan and Australia. In Russia, this is only gaining momentum, the most famous is the hemobank of the Institute of General Genetics (Moscow). The number of transplants is increasing every year, and about a third of the patients are now adults. About two thirds of transplants are performed in patients with leukemia, and about a quarter in patients with genetic diseases. Private cord blood banks offer their services to couples who are expecting a baby. They store the cord blood for future use by the donor himself or his family members. Public cord blood banks provide transplant resources from unrelated donors. Cord blood and mother's blood are typed for HLA antigens, checked for the absence of infectious diseases, the blood type is determined and this information is stored in the mother's and family's medical history.

Currently, active research is being carried out in the field of reproduction of stem cells contained in cord blood, which will allow it to be used for larger patients and allow faster engraftment of stem cells. Reproduction of cord blood SC occurs with the use of growth factors and nutrition. Developed by ViaCell Inc. technology called Selective Amplification allows to increase the population of cord blood SCs by an average of 43 times. Scientists from ViaCell and the University of Duesseldorf in Germany described a new, truly pluripotent population of human cord blood cells, which they called USSCs - unrestricted somatic stem cells - unrestricted dividing somatic SCs (Kogler et al 2004). Both in vitro and in vivo, USSCs exhibited homogeneous differentiation of osteoblasts, chondroblasts, adipocytes, and neurons expressing neurofilaments, sodium channel proteins, and various neurotransmitter phenotypes. Although these cells have not yet been used in human cell therapy, cord blood USSCs can repair various organs, including the brain, bone, cartilage, liver, and heart.

Another important area of ​​research is to study the ability of cord blood SCs to differentiate into cells of various tissues, in addition to hematopoietic, and to establish the corresponding lines of SCs. Researchers at the University of South Florida (USF, Tampa, FL) used retinoic acid to cause cord blood SCs to differentiate into neuronal cells, which was demonstrated at the genetic level by DNA structure analysis. These results showed the possibility of using these cells for the treatment of neurodegenerative diseases. Cord blood for this work was provided by the child's parents; it was processed by a state-of-the-art CRYO-CELL laboratory and the fractionated frozen cells were donated to USF scientists. Cord blood has proven to be a source of much more diverse progenitor cells than previously thought. It can be used to treat neurodegenerative diseases, including in combination with gene therapy, trauma and genetic diseases. In the near future, it will be possible to collect umbilical cord blood when children with genetic defects are born, correct the defect by genetic engineering, and return this blood to the child.

In addition to cord blood itself, it is possible to use umbilical cord iperivascular cells as a source of mesenchymal stem cells. Scientists from the Institute of Biomaterialis and Biomedical Engineering of the University of Toronto (Toronto, Canada) found that the jelly-like connective tissue surrounding umbilical cord blood vessels is rich in mesenchymal progenitor stem cells and can be used to obtain lots of them in a short amount of time. Perivascular (surrounding blood vessels) cells are often discarded because the focus is usually on cord blood, where mesenchymal SCs occur at a frequency of only 1 in 200 million. But this source of progenitor cells, allowing them to proliferate, could greatly improve bone marrow transplantation.

At the same time, research is underway on the already found and the search for new ways to obtain adult human SCs. These include: milk teeth, brain, mammary glands, fat, liver, pancreas, skin, spleen, or more exotic source - neural cross SC from adult hair follicles. Each of these sources has its own advantages and disadvantages.

While debate continues about the ethical and therapeutic possibilities of embryonic and adult SCs, a third group of cells has been discovered that play a key role in the development of the body and are capable of differentiating into cells of all major tissue types. VENT (ventrally emigrating neural tube) cells are unique multipotent cells that separate from the neural tube early in embryonic development after the tube closes to form the brain (Dickinson et al 2004). The VENT cells then move along the nerve pathways, eventually ending up ahead of the nerves and dispersing throughout the body. They move together with the cranial nerves to certain tissues and dissipate in these tissues, differentiating into the cells of the four main types of tissues - nervous, muscular, connective and epithelium. If VENT cells play a role in the formation of all tissues, perhaps primarily in the formation of CNS connections to other tissues - considering how these cells move ahead of the nerves, as if showing them the way. Nerves can be directed along certain signs left after the differentiation of VENT cells. This work has been done in chicken, duck and quail embryos and is planned to be repeated in a mouse model that allows for detailed genetic studies. These cells can be used to isolate human cell lines.

Another advanced and most promising area is nanomedicine. Despite the fact that politicians paid their close attention to everything that has the “nano” particle in their names only a few years ago, this direction appeared quite a long time ago and certain successes have already been achieved. Most experts believe that these methods will become fundamental in the 21st century. The American National Institutes of Health has included nanomedicine in the top five areas of medical development in the 21st century, and the National Cancer Institute of the United States is going to apply the achievements of nanomedicine in the treatment of cancer. Robert Fritos (USA), one of the founders of the theory of nanomedicine, gives the following definition: “Nanomedicine is the science and technology of diagnosing, treating and preventing diseases and injuries, reducing pain, as well as maintaining and improving human health with the help of molecular technical means and scientific knowledge molecular structure of the human body. The classic in the field of nanotechnological developments and predictions, Eric Drexler, names the main postulates of nanomedicine:

1) do not injure tissues mechanically;

2) do not affect healthy cells;

3) do not cause side effects;

4)Medicines should independently:


To plan;


The most exotic option is the so-called nanorobots. Among the projects of future medical nanorobots, there is already an internal classification into macrophagocytes, respirocytes, clottocytes, vasculoids, and others. All of them are essentially artificial cells, mainly immunity or human blood. Accordingly, their functional purpose directly depends on which cells they replace. In addition to medical nanorobots, which so far exist only in the minds of scientists and individual projects, a number of technologies for the nanomedical industry have already been created in the world. These include: targeted drug delivery to diseased cells, quantum dot diagnostics of diseases, laboratories on a chip, new bactericidal agents.

As an example, let us cite the developments of Israeli scientists in the field of treatment of autoimmune diseases. The object of their research was the protein matrix metallopeptidase 9 (MMP9), which is involved in the formation and maintenance of the extracellular matrix - tissue structures that serve as a scaffold on which cells develop. This matrix provides the transport of various chemicals - from nutrients to signaling molecules. It stimulates the growth and proliferation of cells at the site of injury. But the proteins that form it, and primarily MMP9, getting out of control of the proteins that inhibit their activity - endogenous inhibitors of metalloproteinases (TIMPS), can become the causes of the development of some autoimmune disorders.

Researchers have taken up the question of how it is possible to “pacify” these proteins in order to stop autoimmune processes right at the source. Until now, solving this problem, scientists have concentrated on finding chemical agents that selectively block the work of MMPS. However, this approach has serious limitations and serious side effects - and biologists from the Irit Sagi group decided to approach the problem from the blue side. They decided to synthesize a molecule that, when introduced into the body, would stimulate the immune system to produce antibodies similar to TIMPS proteins. This significantly finer approach provides the highest precision: antibodies will attack MMPS many orders of magnitude more selectively and more efficiently than any chemical compound.

And the scientists succeeded: they synthesized an artificial analogue of the active site of the MMPS9 protein: a zinc ion coordinated by three histidine residues. Injecting it into laboratory mice resulted in the production of antibodies that act in exactly the same way that TIMPS proteins work: by blocking entry into the active site.

There is a boom in investments in the nanoindustry in the world. Most of the investment in nano-development comes from the US, EU, Japan and China. The number of scientific publications, patents and journals is constantly growing. There are forecasts for the creation by 2015 of goods and services worth $1 trillion, including the creation of up to 2 million jobs.

In Russia, the Ministry of Education and Science has created an Interdepartmental Scientific and Technical Council on the Problem of Nanotechnologies and Nanomaterials, whose activities are aimed at maintaining technological parity in the future world. For the development of nanotechnology in general and inanomedicine in particular. The adoption of a federal target program for their development is being prepared. This program will include the training of a number of specialists in the long term.

According to various estimates, the achievements of nanomedicine will become available only in 40-50 years. Eric Drexler himself calls the figure at 20-30 years. But given the scale of work in this area and the amount of money invested outside, more and more analysts are shifting the initial estimates downward by 10-15 years.

The most interesting thing is that such medicines already exist, they were created more than 30 years ago in the USSR. The impetus for research in this direction was the discovery of the effect of premature aging of the body, which was widely observed in the discharged, especially strategic missile troops, crews of nuclear submarine missile carriers, and combat aviation pilots. This effect is expressed in the premature destruction of the immune, endocrine, nervous, cardiovascular, reproductive systems, vision. It is based on the process of suppression of protein synthesis. The main question facing Soviet scientists was: "How to restore a full-fledged synthesis?" Initially, the drug "Timolin" was created, made on the basis of peptides isolated from the thymus of young animals. It was the world's first immune system drug. Here we see the same principle that was the basis of the process of obtaining insulin, at the initial stages of the development of methods for the treatment of diabetes. But the researchers of the Structural Biology Department of the Institute of Bioorganic Chemistry, headed by Vladimir Khavinson, did not stop there. In the nuclear magnetic resonance laboratory, the spatial and chemical structures of the thymus peptide molecule were determined. Based on the information received, a method was developed for the synthesis of short peptides that have the desired properties similar to natural ones. The result is the creation of a series of drugs called cytogens (other possible names: bioregulators or synthetic peptides; indicated in the table).

List of cytogens



Direction of action

Immune system and regeneration process


central nervous system


The cardiovascular system

Digestive system


Endocrine system


genitourinary system




Bronchopulmonary system

When the St. Petersburg Institute of Bioregulation and Gerontology conducted experiments on mice and rats (the intake of cytogens began in the second half of life), an increase in life by 30-40% was observed. Subsequently, a survey and constant monitoring of the health status of 300 elderly people, residents of Kiev and St. Petersburg, who took cytogens courses twice a year, were carried out. The data on their well-being was verified by the statistics given by the region. They observed a 2-fold decrease in mortality and a general improvement in well-being and quality of life. In general, over 20 years of using bioregulators, more than 15 million people have gone through therapeutic measures. The effectiveness of the use of synthetic peptides was consistently high, and, more importantly, not a single case of adverse or allergic reaction was recorded. The laboratory received the Prizes of the Council of Ministers of the USSR, the authors - extraordinary scientific titles, degrees of doctors of science and carte blanche in scientific work. All the work done was protected by patents, both in the USSR and abroad. The results obtained by Soviet scientists, published in foreign scientific journals, refuted the world-wide recognized norms and limits, which inevitably aroused the doubts of experts. Tests at the US National Institute of Aging confirmed the high efficiency of cytogens. In experiments, an increase in the number of cell divisions was observed with the addition of synthetic peptides compared to the control by 42.5%. Why this line of drugs has not yet been introduced to the international sales market, given the lack of foreign analogues, and this priority is temporary, is a big question. Perhaps it should be asked to the leadership of RosNano, which currently oversees all developments in the field of nanotechnology. You can learn more about these developments in the documentary film “Insight. Nanomedicine and Human Species Limit” by Vladislav Bykov, film studio “Prosvet”, Russia, 2009.

Summing up, we can be convinced that human regeneration is a reality of our days. A lot of data has already been obtained that destroy the ingrained stereotypes that have taken root in public opinion. Many different methods have been developed that provide healing from diseases that were previously considered incurable due to their degenerative properties, and successful and complete restoration of damaged or even completely lost organs and tissues. The “polishing” of the old and the search for new and different ways and means of solving the most complex problems of regenerative medicine is constantly being carried out. Everything that has already been worked out now sometimes strikes our imagination, sweeping away all our usual ideas about the world, about ourselves, about our capabilities. At the same time, it is worth realizing that what is described in this article is only a small part of the scientific knowledge accumulated to date. The work is ongoing, and it is quite possible that some of the facts presented here at the time of the publication of the article will already be outdated or completely irrelevant and even erroneous, as often happened in the history of science: what at some point was considered immutable true, a year later it could turn out to be a delusion. In any case, the facts given in the article inspire hope for a bright, happy future.


  1. Popular mechanics [Electronic resource]: electronic version, 2002-2011 - Access mode: (November 20, 2011 - February 15, 2012).
  2. Website of the National Institutes of Health (NIH, USA) [Electronic resource]: official website of the NIH USA, 2011 - Access mode: (November 20, 2011 - February 15, 2012).
  3. Knowledge base on human biology [Electronic resource]: Development and implementation of knowledge base: Doctor of Biological Sciences, Professor Alexandrov A.A., 2004-2011 - Access mode: (November 20, 2011 - February 15, 2012) .
  4. Center for Biomedical Technologies [Electronic resource]: official. Site - M., 2005. - Access mode: (November 20, 2011 - February 15, 2012).
  5. 60 exercises by Valentin Dikul + Methods for activating the internal reserves of a person = your 100% health / Ivan Kuznetsov - M .: AST; St. Petersburg: Owl, 2009. - 160 p.
  6. Science and life: monthly popular science magazine, 2011. - No. 4. - S. 69.
  7. Commercial biotechnology [Electronic resource]: online journal - Access mode: (November 20, 2011 - February 15, 2012).
  8. Foundation "Eternal Youth" [Electronic resource]: popular science portal, 2009 - Access mode: (November 20, 2011 - February 15, 2012).
  9. The magic of the brain and labyrinths of life / N.P. Bekhterev. - 2nd ed., add. - M.: AST; St. Petersburg: Owl, 2009. - 383 p.
  10. Nanotechnologies and nanomaterials [Electronic resource]: federal Internet portal, 2011 - Access mode: (November 20, 2011 - February 15, 2012).

Bibliographic link

Badertdinov R.R. HUMAN REGENERATION IS THE REALITY OF OUR DAYS // Successes of modern natural science. - 2012. - No. 7. - P. 8-18;
URL: (date of access: 03/07/2019). We bring to your attention the journals published by the publishing house "Academy of Natural History"

Skin regeneration is a natural process of healing damaged tissues and accelerating the production of various necessary and beneficial compounds at the molecular level. The regeneration process promotes the formation of new cells and enhances the protective properties of the skin.

Before choosing the drugs that are best suited for skin regeneration, you need to study the features of this process. Human tissues by nature tend to self-repair, therefore, they are intensively updated after any mechanical damage, a large number of acne or surgery. As a result of the death of old skin cells, new ones begin to appear in their place, which fill the damaged areas.

With age, this process slows down, the skin begins to lose its tone and becomes more susceptible to external factors, such as:
  • ultraviolet radiation;
  • mechanical damage;
  • stress;
  • poor environmental conditions and others.

The following reasons can have a negative effect on the synthesis of young cells:

  • severe stress;
  • weakened immunity;
  • frequent colds;
  • improper skin care;
  • infections;
  • increased physical activity.

After about 25 years of age, natural tissue regeneration slows down, so additional help is required in the form of special cosmetics or restorative procedures.

Properly selected ointment, cream or tablets help to increase the formation of new cells and stimulate the internal reserves of the body.

Tissue regeneration is of two main types:
  • reparative;
  • physiological.

Reparative skin regeneration is a process that restores tissues damaged as a result of mechanical damage. Depending on how quickly this process occurs, it will depend on whether scars or marks remain on the skin. Such recovery depends on immunity, nutrition and health status.

Physiological recovery determines how long the skin of the face and body will retain its youth and beauty. This process is influenced by physical condition, immunity and nutrition.

How to speed up skin regeneration

In order for the process of restoring tissues of the face or body to proceed faster, you can use different methods and stimulants:
  • healthy food;
  • medications;
  • cosmetics;
  • restorative masks;
  • procedures in salons (chemical peeling, hardware polishing).

Many food products are very useful and can successfully replace or enhance the effect of special medicines for tissue repair. The best stimulating abilities are provided by vitamins of groups B, C, A and E. These vitamins should be present in the diet of every person, especially a lot of them should be included in the diet with the appearance of the first signs of aging.

Products that stimulate the formation of new cells include:
  1. Fatty fish: salmon, mackerel, herring and sardine. These products stimulate local blood circulation in the tissues, improve the complexion and make the skin velvety and supple.
  2. Dairy products have a pronounced stimulating effect due to the fact that they contain selenium and vitamin A. Cheese, cottage cheese, kefir and milk strengthen bone tissue and have a beneficial effect on the entire body as a whole.
  3. Maintain stimulating processes in the tissues at the required level of cereals and whole grain bread. These foods remove toxic substances from the body, improve metabolic processes and help cleanse the intestines.
  4. Cereals that contain B vitamins have a similar effect, as they normalize the digestion process and rid the body of accumulated toxins.
  5. Be sure to include foods such as carrots, nuts and green tea in the diet. The stimulating properties of carrots and other orange-colored vegetables help speed up the formation of new cells and slow down the aging of the skin.
  6. Pomegranate will help accelerate cellular synthesis in wounds and activate the production of collagen and elastin in the body. Avocados, sour berries and fruits (currant, grapefruit, orange and kiwi) will help to get the necessary vitamins and make the skin smoother and more elastic.

If the regenerative processes in the body are reduced, stimulating drugs or pharmaceuticals will help to speed up the healing of the skin of the face after the disappearance of acne or injuries. For the treatment of pathologies of the skin, immunomodulators can be used, which increase the regeneration processes several times.

The following drugs are very effective:
  • levamisole;
  • thymalin;
  • pyrogenal.

Vitamin injections, steroids and folic acid have good stimulating effects.

Natural restoratives include:
  • sea ​​buckthorn oil;
  • jojoba oil;
  • badyaga.

With the help of a substance such as sea buckthorn oil, inflammation in wounds is relieved, healing is stimulated, and mucous membranes are restored. The oil contains vitamins K, E and A, so it is considered a good antioxidant. If you apply sea buckthorn oil to the skin, you can provide the necessary hydration to the tissues. To reduce the amount of cholesterol and lipids in the Rovi oil can be taken internally. Bepanthen cream has a healing effect when mixed with sea buckthorn oil. It is enough to take a small pea of ​​cream and combine it with sea buckthorn oil to make an effective healing agent.

Jojoba oil is the best remedy for moisturizing and nourishing dry facial skin, which has a regenerating effect. With it, the skin receives additional protection from ultraviolet radiation and increases elasticity and firmness.

With the help of such a remedy as badyaga, you can get rid of acne, get a healing effect and activate blood supply to the tissues. Under the action of an ointment or gel with a badyaga, seals under the skin dissolve and scar formations disappear.

Pharmaceutical agent Actovegin can be produced in the form of tablets, ointments, gels, injections or creams. The drug is of animal origin and is used to stimulate normal blood flow, tissue epithelialization and healing of even the deepest wounds. For external use, it is recommended to use an ointment or cream.

Dexpanthenol is an effective agent for increasing tissue turgor and stimulating regenerative processes. Available as a cream or ointment that contains pantothenic acid or coenzyme. Before taking pills or applying any products to the skin, such as a cream or ointment, you should consult your doctor.

Solcoseryl ointment or gel can be used to treat wounds, abrasions, burns, cuts and other skin lesions. This drug belongs to skin regeneration stimulants that enhance collagen synthesis, glucose transport and aerobic metabolic processes. Apply the ointment to damaged skin with a thin layer 2-3 times a day.

Helps rapid tissue recovery keratan cream, which is used to treat acne, scars and achieve a general rejuvenating effect.

For external treatment of the skin in the presence of deep poorly healing wounds, levomekol ointment can be used, which has a high healing effect. Eplan cream has anti-inflammatory, healing and anti-infective effects.

At home, you can use available stimulants in the form of natural or pharmaceutical face masks. The composition of the masks must necessarily include antioxidants and trace elements that prevent the destruction of the cell membrane and enhance the production of collagen and elastin. In order to avoid the development of side effects, you need to use the cosmetic product correctly.

If you apply a mask on inflamed skin, the risk of infection increases. Pharmacy or homemade masks can cause an allergic reaction, so it is advisable to apply a little ready-made substance to the skin in advance and hold for 30 minutes.

You need to choose a stimulating mask taking into account the type of skin and the degree of tissue damage. It is strictly forbidden to apply a restorative mask on open sores or wounds. The skin on the face must first be cleaned of cosmetics and makeup. It is recommended to keep the mask for at least 15-20 minutes, and it is best to wash off with warm and then cold water.

A few recipes:

  1. Replace an expensive cream or ointment with a clay mask, which is prepared from two tablespoons of gooseberries and one tablespoon of blue clay. Gooseberries should be well kneaded, then add clay and tangerine juice to it. The finished gruel should be applied to the entire face, avoiding the area of ​​​​the eyes and lips. Wash off after 15 minutes.
  2. A gelatin mask is considered no less effective, for the preparation of which you need to take a tablespoon of gelatin and 0.5 cups of juice from fresh berries and fruits. The finished mixture is boiled until the crystals dissolve, after which it is cooled in the refrigerator. The mask is applied for 15-20 minutes.
  3. The herbal mask has an anti-inflammatory and nourishing effect, and also helps the rapid healing of tissues. In order to cook it, you need to take the same amount of currant leaves, strawberries, plantain and yarrow. All plants need to be finely chopped, and then mixed with one yolk.

Skin regeneration in a beauty salon can take place using different procedures:

  • peeling;
  • mesotherapy;
  • laser resurfacing;
  • cryotherapy;
  • biorevitalization.

Peeling with fruit or other acids helps tissue repair, stimulates local blood circulation and increases. Procedures such as mesotherapy and biorevitalization have a rejuvenating, regenerating, anti-inflammatory and protective effect.

A properly selected drug or cosmetic procedure will help accelerate tissue healing and avoid unwanted complications. Healthy foods, physical activity and a complete rejection of bad habits will help improve the condition of the skin.

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