Rinse for gums "Forest Balsam": application features. What is the conditioner made of? What are conditioners

AT recent times appeared on the shelves of our stores and pharmacies great amount products for dental and oral care. Mouthwashes are consistently in high demand. But are they really necessary or is it just a way to earn on the trust of citizens?

What is the rinse aid for?

The American Dental Association states that for normal care for teeth, getting rid of plaque and preventing caries, it is enough to brush your teeth regularly with a properly selected brush with quality pasta and use dental floss. We are not talking about rinse aids. What then are they intended for?

One of the unpleasant side effects mouthwash - often after its withdrawal, the smell from the mouth increases significantly.

Learning how to properly care for your teeth is essential from an early age.

They are believed to give us additional benefits, such as killing bacteria and freshening our breath. Some of them contain extracts medicinal herbs beneficial effect on the gums and oral cavity. But none of the compositions can replace high-quality brushing and cleaning the interdental spaces with a floss.

Types of conditioners

All conditioners on the market today can be divided into two large groups:

  • hygienic or cosmetic, intended for washing the oral cavity and eliminating unpleasant odors;
  • therapeutic, designed to get rid of certain dental diseases.

Medicinal rinses, in turn, are divided into types depending on the purpose:

  • From plaque and gingivitis. These rinses slow down the growth of bacteria in the mouth. They usually include antiseptics - chlorhexidine digluconate or triclosan.
  • From caries. They contain fluoride, which strengthens the teeth and thus prevents the development of caries. They are often recommended for people who wear braces.
  • Against tartar. They usually contain calcium citrate and fight plaque formation.

Is there a need to use them? (Video)

Only the attending dentist can give an exhaustive answer to the question of whether it is necessary to use a rinse aid, and if necessary, which one. If the patient has a specific problem, such as increased plaque formation, gum disease, or problems with salivation, then good specialist will help you choose the best solution. In such cases, a specific medical rinse. Of course, you cannot use them without evidence.

As for hygienic or cosmetic rinses, the expediency of their use is very doubtful. Indeed, if you rinse your mouth after eating, it will help clean its cavity and reduce the likelihood of caries and other diseases. But you don't have to buy it to do so. expensive remedy, can be used plain water, green tea or decoctions of useful herbs.

Relatively harmless rinses can be prepared at home from medicinal herbs purchased at a pharmacy. For example, you can brew a tablespoon oak bark in a glass of boiling water and insist or take a spoonful of mint and sage for the same volume of water.

By themselves, hygienic rinses practically do not differ in composition and brightly pronounced effect do not bring. They mask the unpleasant odor well, but do not treat its causes, so their benefit is negligible.

In addition, some rinses can even be harmful, such as coloring tooth enamel. Many funds include ethanol therefore they are contraindicated in children. Of course, it is forbidden to swallow such liquids, but even during the rinsing process, a small part of ethanol can enter the bloodstream, since it tends to be absorbed from oral cavity. Use of such drugs can not be people with alcohol dependence.

Benefits only correct application rinse aid

Also, we must not forget that alcohol-containing rinses can destroy microbes. It is usually positioned as good property which helps prevent the formation of plaque and tartar. But in parallel they destroy normal microflora in the oral cavity. In addition, such products can cause irritation of the oral mucosa and its dryness.

How to use rinse aid correctly

If you still decide to use this remedy, then you need to remember some application rules that will help you get all the benefits and minimize the negative effects:

  • You can use it only after brushing your teeth and eating.
  • The duration of the rinse should be at least 40 seconds, it is desirable to increase it to 2 minutes.
  • Be sure to first study the composition of the product and instructions for its use. Some rinses need to be diluted with water before use, others do not.
  • This procedure will in no way replace complete care behind the teeth - brushing and flossing.
  • Most funds are not recommended for use over three times in a day.
  • They are strictly forbidden to be swallowed, especially if the composition includes alcohol or fluoride.
  • For half an hour, the field of using the rinse aid should not eat or drink anything - this will negate the entire effect.
  • If the rinse contains fluorine, then it is better to take the paste with calcium.

A good mouthwash is a necessary modern hygiene product. This liquid is used for additional cleansing of the oral mucosa and teeth. By rinsing with an antibacterial aromatic solution, you can quickly disinfect the oral cavity and extinguish inflammatory processes, freshen breath and protect teeth from destructive caries.

The rinse is not a cure, but it can heal. It can be used by men, women and children. The range of such products is very diverse, there are many multi-colored bottles on the shelves of pharmacies and shops, and it can be difficult for inexperienced consumers to make a choice. This article will help you make the right purchase.

What is in rinse aids

Before choosing a particular tool, you must have an accurate idea of ​​​​what is included in its composition. Rinse Formulas different brands and manufacturers may differ significantly. However, the general components that make up such hygiene products are usually the same. Tooth rinses include the ingredients listed below.

Fluorine. This substance is added to strengthen the teeth in order to protect them as much as possible from possible caries. Manufacturers introduce the most progressive fluorine-containing component, aminofluoride, into liquid rinses. On the packaging, it may be labeled as olaflur or sodium fluoride.

After rinsing the mouth, an imperceptible thin protective film is created on the tooth enamel, from which fluoride gradually penetrates into the enamel over 2 hours. When choosing a rinse aid, it is important to look at what percentage of fluoride it contains. Most optimal indicator- 250ppm.


  • chlorhexidine;
  • triclosan;
  • cetylpyridinium chloride;
  • methyl salicylate;
  • benzydamine etc.

The listed antiseptic substances give rinse aids special properties. Thanks to them, mouthwashes do not allow bacteria to multiply in the oral cavity, their use can serve not only as a prevention of gingivitis and stomatitis, but also helps in the treatment of these diseases, as well as in the treatment of periodontitis.

For long-term use, rinses with antiseptics are not suitable. The course of their application is no more than 2-3 weeks. It is important to read the instructions on how to use mouthwash and not to use such hygiene products after their expiration date.

Alcohol. For car drivers and for children, you need to carefully choose a rinse aid. The key factor here is the percentage of alcohol contained in the liquid. This figure in different solutions is different. Alcohol is one of the best preservatives and solvents, which is why it is included in many popular rinses. This must be taken into account!

Xylitol or xylitol. A natural substance with a sweet taste. AT pure form, xylitol looks just like regular sugar, but unlike the latter, it does not destroy, but protects tooth enamel, destroying the bacteria that cause cavities.

plant extracts, essential oils. People have learned to use healing power medicinal plants. Chamomile, mint, calendula and many other herbs and flowers are anti-inflammatory and refreshing. There is nothing surprising in the fact that their extracts are present in most rinses.

Manufacturers also add essential oils (menthol, eucalyptus, etc.) to dental elixirs. These additives actively influence the taste and smell of the product.

Useful properties of conditioners

Thanks to the special composition, the mouthwash elixir is simply irreplaceable. People who neglect this hygiene product in favor of ordinary water, apparently, do not even realize how much they are losing. Here's how this wonderful liquid works:

  • Protects teeth from caries. Due to the presence of fluorides, it is an effective additional protection against caries. Fluorides cover the teeth with a dense film and nourish the enamel, thereby preventing its destruction.
  • Helps prevent bad breath by washing out and destroying pathogenic microorganisms, which form plaque on the surface of the teeth and lead to gingivitis.
  • A good mouthwash protects your teeth from tartar formation. Most of these products contain sodium citrate. When rinsing, it gently and imperceptibly removes the smallest particles of solid deposits. On the initial stage the formation of stones daily rinse mouth rinse is enough to completely get rid of hard plaque.
  • Prevents inflammation and suppuration after surgical intervention. Dentists often recommend that patients use mouth rinses after complex removal tooth if there is a threat of infection of the hole.

How to apply?

Let's figure out how to use mouthwash correctly. It is advisable to use a similar tool after each brushing your teeth and learn how to properly combine toothpaste and rinse aid. Let's say you brush your teeth with a paste that contains a large number of calcium, and no fluorine. Then it is best to rinse your mouth with a fluoride-containing liquid. The duration of the rinsing procedure is about 1 minute.

Some people find it necessary to clean their mouth with water after using mouthwash. This should not be done, because water will wash away the active components of the product, and its effect will be reduced to zero. Another important advice: rinsing liquids are not intended for contact with gastrointestinal tract i.e. they do not need to be swallowed. Although, accidental ingestion permissible and cannot cause harm.

Contraindications for use

Due to the fact that most rinses contain herbal extracts, antibacterial substances, and alcohol, their use is not indicated for everyone. There are the following relative contraindications to use:

  • During pregnancy and breastfeeding. It cannot be unequivocally stated that pregnant women and breastfeeding mothers should not use purchased mouthwashes. But for this category of people, for security reasons, it is still better to get advice from a competent doctor.
  • Age up to 6 years. Usually, the manufacturer indicates on the bottle at what age the rinse aid is allowed to be used. If there is alcohol in the liquid, then not earlier than 12 years.
  • Allergy. Some people may develop allergic reactions to certain components of the liquid, such as an herbal extract or an antiseptic agent.
  • Treatment for alcohol addiction. Such persons are not recommended to use rinses that contain ethyl alcohol. This factor can provoke a breakdown and alcohol intake.

How to choose the right mouthwash

Going shopping? When choosing an elixir for rinsing, it is necessary, first of all, to focus on the problems that exist in the oral cavity. It can be difficult to identify them on your own. For example, a person wants to get rid of bad breath.

For this purpose, he begins to rinse his mouth with an expensive mint-flavored tooth elixir and great content fluorine, but the smell does not go away, because an inflammatory process progresses in the oral cavity, on which this agent cannot act in any way, because it does not contain an antiseptic.

How to choose a mouthwash, a dentist can always tell you. He, after a careful examination, can determine the condition of the teeth and gums, heal carious foci and give correct recommendations optionally hygiene products. And trying to make a choice by trial and error is a thankless task!

Mouthwashes - rating of the most popular

Let's look at a few categories. The best conditioners with anti-carious effect:

  1. Means from the company Colgate "Elmex. Protection against caries». The composition of the liquid immediately includes 2 components that strengthen tooth enamel: aminofluoride and sodium fluoride. Mouthwash from "Colgate" perfectly strengthens the enamel, preventing the formation of foci of caries. Another advantage of this tool: the absence of alcohol in it. The only relative disadvantage of this universal dental elixir can be considered high price. Elmex is a mouthwash that can be used several times a day for a long time. Rating - 10.0.
  2. Rinse aid “President. Classic Plus. It does not contain ethyl and antiseptics, but contains sodium fluoride and xylitol. Additional components: extracts of lemon balm and chamomile. It can be safely used by drivers and children who have reached the age of 6 years. This is a good mouthwash. Rating - 9.5.

  1. Lacalut active tool- alcohol-free. The composition of the liquid, in addition to sodium fluoride, includes a rather strong antiseptic - chlorhexidine. This component actively suppresses infectious processes in the oral cavity. Additional element: aluminum lactate (has an astringent effect). "Lakalut" is a mouth rinse that can not only strengthen tooth enamel and freshen breath, but also be a reliable help in the treatment of periodontal diseases. Rating - 10.0.
  2. Russian remedy "Asepta". Alcohol-free, with antibacterial and refreshing effect. Contains benzydamine (has analgesic and anti-inflammatory effects) and antiseptic chlorhexidine. Due to the content of xylitol and potassium citrate, it has a firming effect on tooth enamel, and substances such as sodium and potassium pyrophosphates, which are included in Asepta, provide prevention of plaque. The product also includes sage extract and chamomile, mint and lime. Rating - 9.8.
  3. Mouthwash "Listerine". The whitening effect is one of its main advantages, and the small content of ethyl can be attributed to the disadvantages. But, in addition to alcohol, this remedy includes such components useful for teeth and gums as sodium fluoride, eucalyptus extract, thymol, and also an anti-inflammatory additive - methyl salicylate. Rating - 9.7.
  4. Rinse "Parodontax". Does not contain alcohol, contains chlorhexidine and sodium fluoride, eugenol; has a minty flavor. Helps with bleeding gums and gingivitis. All in all, a very good mouthwash. In the reviews about it, you can read that the liquid has a burning taste, not all consumers like it. Rating - 9.6.
  5. Elixir "President Profi". Another mouthwash from President, but without fluoride. But it contains xylitol, chlorhexidine and extracts of lemon balm, sage, chamomile. Ethyl is not included. Rating - 9.5.
  6. Glister conditioner. A good antiseptic ethyl-containing agent, which is produced by Amway. It has a long-lasting refreshing effect, reduces inflammation in the mouth and can even help relieve a sore throat. Rating - 9.0.

The best vegetable-based mouthwashes:

  1. "Splat Complete" from a Russian manufacturer. A popular herbal mouthwash, the price of which is very low. It contains no ethyl, no antiseptics, no dyes. Despite the fact that the tool is relatively inexpensive, this elixir does an excellent job with inflammatory phenomena in the mouth, removes plaque and freshens breath. Its main components are: nettle extract, biosol (relieves inflammation), polydon (dissolves tartar). Rating - 10.0.
  2. Group of mouthwashes "Forest Balsam". The composition of these funds can vary significantly. There are about a dozen different variations of this brand. Moreover, in some of them, despite the fact that they are declared by the manufacturer as vegetable natural remedies, nevertheless, there are fragrances and an antiseptic. Therefore, when buying, you need to carefully study the composition indicated on the label. Rating - 9.5.

Children's mouthwash

Important: children under the age of six should not use such products! A child can simply swallow a liquid that contains components that are not intended for food.

Types of baby rinses:

  1. Fluids to use before brushing your teeth. They have the ability to stain the enamel in places where plaque accumulates in any color, thereby clearly demonstrating to the child which areas need to be given more attention during hygiene procedure purification.
  2. Rinses that go into action immediately after using toothpaste and brushes. They neutralize bacteria remaining in the mouth, are prophylactic from the formation of plaque and caries.
  3. Gargles that do not contain sugar and alcohol. The main components of such products are medicinal plant extracts and xylitol.
  4. Special anti-caries rinses. They strengthen the tooth enamel of children and effectively protect it from destruction due to the fluorides included in their composition.

Some parents believe that it is not necessary to force the child to rinse his mouth. special formulations. They believe that it is capable of reliably protecting the baby's teeth on its own. This is not entirely true. Regular additional use good mouthwash for the oral cavity can bring many benefits and make oral hygiene almost perfect. The effectiveness of rinses for children lies in the fact that they have the following advantages:

  • Enhance protection against pathological disorders in dental tissues. It is known that children's caries is a very common phenomenon. Children's mouthwashes provide double prevention, which can not be superfluous.
  • They have a healing effect. When milk teeth fall out, sores form in the child's mouth, which heal much faster if a medicated mouth rinse is used.
  • Useful for guys who wear braces. In such cases, the use of a rinse is simply necessary for the reason that the mechanical action of the toothbrush will not be enough to fully clean the oral cavity, since its bristles are not able to penetrate into hard-to-reach places. The conditioner successfully copes with this problem.
  • Help the child to develop good habit take care of your oral cavity as carefully as possible. This habit will help him keep his teeth in good condition throughout his later life.

Children's dental products - how to use?

These tools are equipped with both measuring caps and special built-in dispensers, thanks to which you can not worry that the child will not be able to measure right amount liquids. The procedure itself is very simple and is no different from that which is regularly carried out by adults.

To make it easy for kids to be interested in this method of oral hygiene, some manufacturers produce bottles of baby rinses with bright stickers that depict characters from popular fairy tales or cartoon characters. When teaching a child to use a rinse, parents must make sure that the baby does not swallow the product, but spit it out after rinsing.

Rating of children's mouthwashes

Many elixirs for adults can also be used by children. However, there are hygiene products specially designed for babies 6-7 years old. They differ from adult products the safest and most gentle composition. These include:

  1. Rinse aid "Drakosha". Kids love this mouthwash. Feedback from parents eloquently testifies to this. The product smells very nice. It contains aloe vera extract, which has the ability to soothe irritation of the mucous membrane and relieve inflammation, as well as minerals that strengthen the enamel of children's teeth. Rating - 10.0.
  2. A series of conditioners "Rocks". The products of this series are suitable for the whole family, including its youngest members. Rocks contains only natural ingredients. There is no fluorine, antiseptics and ethanol, but there are such needed by the teeth minerals. These conditioners are available in various flavors: raspberry, grapefruit, mint, etc. The rating is 9.9.


Now our readers know a lot about mouthwashes: how to choose, how to use, which of these products are the best, etc. It remains only, armed with the information received, to choose the most suitable elixir and start using it. Do not forget that mouth rinses are very effective remedies.

Rinse "Forest Balsam" - an emulsion for auxiliary oral hygiene. It contains active ingredients with therapeutic and preventive properties.

Rinse is used in courses to eliminate a specific clinical problem. It is important to choose the right tool to ensure effective therapy or prevention and do not harm the body.

The need to use

Wrong and insufficient hygiene oral cavity leads to the formation of microbial plaque. It is a collection of food debris and bacteria. On the early stages plaque is soft, it is easily removed with a brush, but if it is not removed, it begins to adhere more closely to the tooth enamel, gradually turning into tartar.

The deposition of the latter renders negative impact on the gum and is the cause of infection of tissues with infections. As a result, microcirculation in the vessels is disrupted and the dentogingival junction is destroyed. Subsequently, a harmless plaque leads to progressive pathological changes- inflammatory processes in the bone tissue.

To exclude the development of pathologies, it is necessary to provide proper care behind the oral cavity, which includes the following items:

  • Cleaning teeth from plaque with a toothbrush daily;
  • Application aids for oral hygiene, including rinse aid;
  • Influence the surface tissues of the gums with a massage (gently stroking with a soft toothbrush along the outside gums for three minutes for each jaw).

If the first symptoms appear, as well as for the prevention of dental plaque, it is imperative to take into account the dentist's recommendations for additional and thorough oral care.

It is necessary to rinse the mouth with auxiliary hygiene products from the "Forest Balsam" after each mechanical cleaning of the teeth, throughout the course. This will improve the microbiological condition of the oral cavity. Due to their properties, the products will complement the action of a regular paste, which means they will improve the microflora of the mouth.

Key properties of "Forest Balsam":

  1. Reducing the number of bacteria that cause adverse processes.
  2. suppression of inflammation and effective fight with bleeding.
  3. Supporting natural tissue regeneration.


The tool is produced by the concern "Kalina". The product range includes different types products, however, each unit is characterized by a common set of main active components. So, the composition of the rinse includes the following group of chemicals:

  • water;
  • glycerol;
  • alcohol;
  • Surfactants (surfactants);
  • solvent;
  • antistatic;
  • film former;
  • retainer;
  • flavor;
  • emulsifier;
  • softener;
  • humidifier.

The above components give the rinse aid color, taste and the possibility of long-term storage. They are present in different proportions in all such products, which is why It is not recommended to use any rinse aid constantly.. Its action must be targeted and limited in time to the appointed course.

Of the active ingredients in the composition of "Forest Balsam", ethanol (1.32% vol.), Triclosan, fluorine (0.02%), as well as natural extracts various plants, depending on the type of specific emulsion.

For example, decoctions of oak bark, fir, chamomile, yarrow, St. John's wort. There are aloe juice, extracts of nettle, calendula, echinacea and so on. The solution is dispensed in a vial with a volume of 250 and 400 ml.

Concerning pharmacological action, then it consists in increasing the secretion of saliva, improving protective function oral cavity, reducing bleeding gums, as well as reducing discomfort from wearing dentures. For everybody separate species rinse aid from the Kalina concern has its own indications.


It is forbidden to use the product for children under seven years of age. It is recommended to dose the drug with a cap (1 full container for 1 procedure). Rinse your mouth for one minute. Use the product at least twice a day, after brushing your teeth with a brush.

After application, it is undesirable to eat any food or drink for half an hour in order to active ingredients means managed to penetrate into the tissues and provide a therapeutic or prophylactic effect. Prohibited from ingestion.

Using rinse aid, you can achieve the following positive results in maintaining oral hygiene:

  • Cleansing of dental deposits; Compared to toothpaste, which cleans only the surface of the enamel from food and microbes, the rinse penetrates into hard-to-reach areas and provides a more thorough cleaning of the gums, spaces between teeth, tongue, and palate.
  • Efficient and long-term prophylaxis . After using the product, it is not necessary to rinse your mouth with water, so positive impact components of the agent on the microflora of the oral cavity continues.


There are the following varieties of mouthwashes "Forest Balsam":

  • « Naturalfreshness»; New composition provide fresh breath, prevention of caries, cleansing and protection against bacteria (price 100 rubles).
  • « Forte»; Reduces the number of microbial organisms, eliminates inflammation, helps cells recover (price 143 rubles).
  • Forsensitiveteeth; Reduces sensitivity for 12 hours, gently removes microbes, removes the first signs of bleeding (price 203 rubles).
  • Naturalwhiteningandcare; Helps restore the natural whiteness of teeth, prevents the growth of bacteria in the oral cavity, removes the first accumulations of plaque (price 100 rubles).
  • Atinflammation; Relieves inflammation, strengthens gums, stimulates natural tissue regeneration (price 95 rubles).
  • Againstbleeding; Strengthens blood vessels, eliminates inflammatory processes, provides prevention of periodontal disease (price 87 rubles).
  • intensiveprotection; Prevents exposure of the neck of the tooth, soothes the gums, removes inflammation, has an antimicrobial effect (price 85 rubles).
  • Professionalprotection; Suitable for daily protection, prevention, stimulates regenerative processes in tissues (price 85.90 rubles).
  • Forpreventiondiseasesgums; Prevents the formation of caries, provides strengthening and nutrition of the gums (price 124.90 rubles).

The manufacturer produces targeted tooth rinses that are applicable to eliminate a particular problem. To choose the right remedy, you need to determine the symptoms and follow the indications for a particular drug:

  • Mild gum inflammation and slight bleeding during brushing - use mouthwash 2 times a day after brushing your teeth;
  • Pronounced form of inflammation, pain during chewing - rinse after each meal;
  • Acute gingivitis, bleeding and/or discomfort when cleaning and eating - rinse every time after eating;
  • Age-related weakening of the gums - 2 times a day for prevention;
  • Regeneration of gums when wearing dentures - “Forest Balsam. Special care- twice a day after brushing.

Thus, "Forest Balsam" offers a target, A complex approach to solve a particular periodontal problem.

We watch a small video review of this conditioner in the following video:

Opinions of dentists

Not on the manufacturer's website detailed description composition of the rinse, but a lot is said about the presence of natural ingredients in it. This is incorrect, because the product contains various chemically active substances - solvents, fragrances and other synthetic compounds.

Some rinses in this series contain triclosan. Its fight against microbial organisms is much more effective than, for example, a decoction of chamomile or other medicinal herbs. Triclosan is non-toxic, but it is not recommended to use it longer than prescribed by the treatment course..

Microorganisms in the oral cavity tend to get used to the action of this antibacterial substance and mutate. In this regard, the effect of any other drugs aimed at eliminating bacteria is sharply reduced. Long-term use triclosan leads to dysbacteriosis.

The composition of the "Forest Balsam" also includes alcohol. His antiseptic properties are widely known, however, it will be problematic to combine the use of the product and driving a car.

As for another component - fluorine, then it is quite often criticized, since, according to some reports, it can reduce the sensitivity of the teeth. One way or another, there is an allowable daily rate the use of fluorine.

For daily care behind the oral cavity, it is allowed to use products with a concentration of this substance not more than 0.05%. In "Forest Balsam" its amount is 0.02%. Thus, the standards are met.


The vast majority of consumers note that the Forest Balsam conditioner has a good quality-price ratio. It can be used for prevention and maintenance therapy between major treatment courses(anti-inflammatory).

More serious problems(bleeding, sensitivity, caries) cannot be eliminated only with the help of this remedy, it can only be considered as an auxiliary component in the treatment.

You can leave your feedback about the Forest Balsam conditioner in the comments to the article.

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  • Tatyana Petrovna

    June 5, 2015 at 18:55

    This balm appeared on our bathroom shelf after my husband noticed that his gums began to bleed while brushing his teeth. Now she uses Forte Forest Balsam conditioner twice a day. He says that the gums have become noticeably stronger, small wounds in the mouth are healing. Sometimes I also use this balm when it is necessary to refresh the oral cavity - the aroma is unobtrusive, pleasant, I like it. In addition, the price, compared to other conditioners, is very reasonable. We use it in combination with Forest Balsam toothpaste.

  • Julia

    June 15, 2015 at 05:56 pm

    A very recognizable bottle of Forest Balsam conditioner, for some reason it is always the first to catch the eye in a pharmacy. In general, a rinse, a kind of final stage of brushing your teeth, it refreshes the mouth well and maintains the health of our teeth. I always rinse my mouth after brushing my teeth in the morning, so I feel more confident.

  • Yuri

    March 29, 2016 at 09:52 pm

    Despite the fact that "Forest Balsam" is inexpensive, I settled on it. I really liked the rinse aid against inflammation of the gums. My gums sometimes get red and sometimes bleed. And in combination with special pastes This balm gives excellent results. On the advice of the dentist, I always take breaks in the application. "Forest Balsam" differs from many other rinses in its specific aroma due to the presence of plant extracts in it, but I like it, it's nice to feel not only the usual smell of menthol.

  • Alyona

    November 5, 2017 at 7:03 am

    In general, we have been using the Forest Balsam rinse for many years, for the reason that my mother has periodontal disease, and as far as I can remember, my gums have been bleeding since childhood, and for prevention, the rinse has become an indispensable drug. The rinse aid is also effective in the fight against plaque and freshens the breath. I am glad that the composition includes useful herbs as well as an affordable price.

Proper oral hygiene includes the use of mouthwashes. If a person observes all the principles of hygiene, he visits the dentist only for prevention purposes. The choice of conditioners is currently huge, and it is important to choose the right one. good remedy understanding its composition and scope.

Benefits of mouthwashes

Ask your dentist about the benefits and necessity of using mouthwash. Most often they are used to solve certain problems, for example, with increased stone formation, the occurrence of plaque, diseases of the gums and teeth. In these cases, only a specialist is able to choose the optimal remedy.

The expediency of using cosmetic and hygiene products is doubtful. Of course, rinsing your mouth after eating helps prevent the development of caries and bad breath (), but for this purpose it is better to use plain water, tea or homemade mouthwash based on healthy herbs.

The benefits of hygienic rinses are low, they simply eliminate the unpleasant odor, but do not solve the problem of its appearance. It is worth considering that only the correct use of rinse aids is beneficial. Alcohol-containing products can destroy microbes, prevent the appearance of tartar, but at the same time they can cause irritation of the mucous membrane, dry mouth.

To the main useful properties conditioners include:

  • Additional cleaning of the oral cavity;
  • Removal of food particles and microbes from hard-to-reach places;
  • Freshness of breath.

There are two main types medicinal products that benefit:

  • Designed to relieve inflammation;
  • Opposing the appearance and development of caries.

The first group includes substances that have a beneficial effect on the blood supply to the gums and microflora, they are able to relieve swelling, heal small wounds. Often they contain chlorhexidine, which has a pronounced antiseptic effect, and neovitin, which allows you to relieve inflammation and pain, destroy microbes.

Anti-caries rinses often contain fluorine and calcium, they help to strengthen the enamel, improve the mineralization of the teeth. Their use differs from the usual, rinsing is done for at least 2-2.5 minutes so that all fluorine and calcium compounds are absorbed.

Cetylpyridinium chloride rinse has an excellent effect, this remedy a wide range action, reduces the likelihood of plaque and inflammation, has a pronounced antibacterial effect, prevents gum bleeding.

Compounds containing listerine and triclosan work favorably. They destroy bacteria, prevent the development of inflammatory processes, the appearance of stone and plaque, and improve the condition of the gums.

What to look for when choosing

Each type of rinse is designed to solve a particular problem, since it has certain complex active substances. When choosing a tool, you should focus on the specific problem that needs to be solved. It is best to buy products of the same series that will complement each other.

There are the following groups of drugs:

  1. Elixirs for gums. They have an anti-inflammatory effect, improve the microflora of the oral cavity and increase blood circulation, reduce swelling, heal wounds. Apply before brushing teeth.
  2. Antifungal. They contain iodine, they are shown to people with diseases thyroid gland. The product is absorbed into the gums up to 4 times a day.
  3. Dry. Applicable for purulent inflammations. Available in powder form, diluted in water before use. Not suitable for daily use.
  4. against caries. This balm has anti-inflammatory properties, prevents the development of caries, strengthens enamel and promotes mineralization of teeth.

Most often, drugs can be used to prevent diseases, hypersensitivity enamel, gum disease. For problems with teeth, it is recommended to choose anti-caries agents with aminofluoride or sodium fluoride. Antiseptics can be used only 14-21 days in case of urgent need, for permanent use better not to buy them.

For regular use, it is better to buy rinses based on plant extracts. You should pay attention to the composition, if ethyl alcohol is present in it, this remedy is not recommended for children and drivers.

The most famous brands

The following brands are the most popular among mouthwashes according to reviews.


The Italian remedy contains non-steroidal anti-inflammatory substances - methyl salicylate, thymol, eucalyptus extract, sodium fluoride and alcohol. The listerine mouthwash is used for periodontitis, it perfectly eliminates gum disease and bad breath.

Listerine mouthwash protects teeth and mucous membranes, creates a light whitening effect, and is easy to use. The disadvantages of the remedy include a not very pleasant sharp taste, the appearance of a burning sensation in the mouth. The use of Listerine mouthwash is carried out according to the instructions.

Splat (splat)

Famous Russian vegetable antibacterial agent with a whitening effect, has a hemostatic and anti-inflammatory effect, counteracts the formation of stone and plaque, respectively, periodontitis. Does not contain fluorine and alcohol.

Splat mouthwash can be used for disease prevention. It has pleasant aroma, its cost is low. Of the minuses, a specific taste and high concentration are noted.


An excellent tool for protecting enamel without alcohol and antiseptics, can be used for daily use, allowed for children from 6 years old. Perfectly freshens breath and cleans the mouth. The disadvantages include the high cost.

Elmex Sensitive Plus is more affordable, large bottle volume, suitable for the whole family.

Sv 12

The use of this drug provides fresh breath for 12 hours, the alcohol content is minimal, which allows it to be used by drivers, children from 14 years of age. Active ingredients mouthwash sv 12 destroy volatile sulfur compounds that cause bad smell from mouth.


Italian drug based on medicinal herbs, without alcohol, has antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effects, reduces the sensitivity of enamel, reduces the risk of tartar formation. It has a pleasant taste and smell, but its cost is quite high.


The unique formula of Colgate Total Pro is great for harmful bacteria mouth cavity, helps reduce inflammation of the gums and bleeding, freshens breath. It has a pleasant taste, suitable for daily use by all family members.


The German drug is effective in bleeding gums, has astringent action excellent protection of the teeth. It is used in courses of 21 days, does not contain alcohol, has a pleasant taste and aroma. The disadvantages include its high cost.


A drug Russian production contains two antiseptic substances, due to which it has an antibacterial and analgesic effect. It is used for inflammation of the gums - but it is used for no more than two weeks. Otherwise, dysbacteriosis may develop.

The rinse aid has a pleasant slightly minty aftertaste, it is achieved by natural additives. But there was a rapid consumption of funds and a high price for packaging.


The tool is used to saturate the enamel with minerals, reduces inflammation of the mucous membranes. Natural Ingredients the drug allows you to use it for prevention, it does not contain fluorine, antiseptics, alcohol.


The Russian alcohol-containing preparation contains licorice root, mexidol and a complex of amino acids. It can be used periodically to prevent the development of periodontal disease, stomatitis. Recommended for people wearing, which can cause inflammation.

It perfectly moisturizes and heals the mucous membrane, has an affordable cost, but is not suitable for daily use, it is prescribed by a doctor for certain diseases.


Made in the UK with alcohol content, it has a pleasant aroma and high efficiency. It should not be used for more than 21 days; it is prescribed by a dentist for bleeding gums.

The disadvantages of using it are high price, the possibility of development allergic reactions and other side effects. According to reviews, it has just a nuclear taste.


Contains fluorine compounds and disinfectants. Has the ability to reduce tooth sensitivity, but does not herbal ingredients designed to reduce inflammation and pain.


Prevents the appearance and development of caries, plaque. The composition does not contain alcohol and dyes, this includes antibacterial components and potassium chloride, which help relieve inflammation.

How to use conditioners correctly

When using drugs for the oral cavity, it is necessary to adhere to certain rules, which will allow you to get maximum benefit and prevent negative consequences.

  1. Rinses are in most cases used after eating and brushing your teeth with paste. There are exceptions, which you can read about in the instructions for a specific tool.
  2. The tool should be kept in the mouth from 30 seconds to 2 minutes, depending on what requirements are prescribed in the instructions. It is not recommended to exceed the dosage and exposure time.
  3. Before use, you should read the instructions, since some drugs are available in concentrated form, they should be diluted with water.
  4. Medicines should not be used uncontrollably. Their use is prescribed by a doctor, the duration of treatment is no more than 14-28 days. They can be used up to 3 times a day. After rinsing for half an hour, you should not eat.
  5. Do not swallow products, especially those containing alcohol or fluoride. When using a fluoridated drug, you should choose a toothpaste with calcium. Children are advised to choose special children's rinses.

Rinse is an excellent supplement for oral hygiene. But by no means essential.

Can you replace brushing your teeth?

It is worth noting that the procedure for rinsing the mouth various means does not replace proper dental care with toothpaste. Despite the high effectiveness of drugs, mechanical cleaning of teeth with floss and brush required condition maintaining the health of the mouth, teeth and gums.

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