Oral care is hygiene. What is Oral Hygiene? Professional dental care

Most oral diseases are activity related. pathogenic bacteria that are in the human mouth. If a the immune system a person is strong and able to resist, bacteria do not harm health. In the event of a disease or weakening of the body, pathogenic bacteria begin to multiply and have a harmful effect.

Excessive consumption of foods with high content carbohydrates.

The results of the vital activity of pathogenic microorganisms visible as soft deposits in oral cavity on the surface of the gums, tongue, cheeks, outer and inner surfaces of the teeth.

To remove plaque and deposits, daily and proper cleaning at home is used, but sometimes it is not enough to cope with signs of bacterial damage. In this case, many turn to specialists for professional oral hygiene. Very often professional hygiene is necessary to improve the color of tooth enamel. This procedure is mandatory before the sanitation of the oral cavity.

Mechanical cleaning of the surface of the teeth and gums from bacterial deposits allows timely prevention of the development of caries and periodontal disease.

Professional oral hygiene: what is it

- these are measures aimed at removing deposits from the surface of the teeth and gums, which are carried out by a specialist using various methods. Used for professional oral hygiene special means and fixtures.

The procedure is performed by a hygienist who uses professional toothbrushes of various hardness and bristles for mechanical cleaning of the oral cavity. different lengths, ultrasonic and combined equipment, irrigators, therapeutic ointments, special abrasive cleaners.

Why Professional Hygiene Is Necessary

Without professional cleaning of teeth and gums impossible to perform dental procedures.

Removal of plaque is a means of preventing periodontal disease. Tooth enamel enriched with essential minerals.

While cleaning the surface of the teeth carious foci become visible, which allows you to start treatment of the disease in a timely manner.

Professional cleaning makes it possible to accurately determine the color of tooth enamel, which is very important for prosthetics or restoration.

Methods and means of professional oral hygiene

Before manipulation in without fail the oral cavity is rinsed with a special antiseptic solution . The whole procedure is carried out using local anesthesia in the form of sprays, gels or injections.

Dental plaque is removed by manual or hardware method.

For hardware removal of plaque, a special painless and safe system is used.

The destruction of tartar occurs using a laser device.

To remove soft deposits on the teeth, the specialist uses special abrasive plates and scrapers. Previously it was the only way get rid of tartar and deposits on soft tissues.

Currently, manual manipulations are carried out in areas that are inaccessible for cleaning using instruments.

What does professional oral hygiene include?

Professional hygiene oral cavity is carried out in several stages.

Additionally, whitening or implantation can be performed..

The basic procedures of hygienic professional cleaning of the oral cavity allow you to get rid of plaque, keep your teeth strong, and give them a natural color.

After professional cleaning, it may remain for a short time hypersensitivity teeth and mucous surface of the gums, since cleansers contain aggressive components.

Professional cleaning of the oral cavity is carried out taking into account the individual needs of the patient. To clean the braces, it is recommended to visit a specialist at least once every three months.

Contraindications for professional oral hygiene

Not all patients are eligible for these procedures. . Hygienic cleaning not carried out if patients have the following diseases and pathological conditions

After professional oral hygiene, the doctor will acquaint you with the rules of oral care and the basics of finger massage, help you choose toothpaste and toothbrush the required rigidity.

Among the many reasons dental diseases doctors call not only bad heredity. Most often they talk about insufficient hygiene of the chewing organs. What does anyone need to know about it? What is the difference between professional hygiene and personal hygiene? Let's figure it out in detail.

About proper personal hygiene

Hygiene is called providing the teeth with conditions for normal life, maintaining them in healthy condition, ensuring security and creating protection against negative impact from the outside. Fresh breath and healthy look oral cavity are impossible without hygienic care. The oral cavity in normal condition- these are chewing organs free from tartar and caries; pink, not bleeding during gum cleaning. If one of these signs is absent, perhaps the person simply does not own complete information about proper hygiene.

Healthy teeth are more than just a part of Hollywood smile, attractive appearance, but also provide a person with speech intelligibility, good chewing of incoming food. And this, in turn, is one of the components of healthy digestion.

correct and regular cleaning teeth with a brush and dental floss help prevent the development of oral ailments. In addition, such procedures are accessible to everyone and are less painful and expensive than the treatment of dental lesions.

Every man must follow daily simple advice, which significantly reduce the risk of developing periodontitis, caries, and other diseases of the oral cavity. Here they are:

  • Brushing your teeth in the evening and in the morning with a medium-hard brush and a toothpaste recommended by your dentist.
  • Cleaning interdental spaces with dental floss.
  • Balanced diet, limiting sweets on the menu.
  • Use of toothpastes good quality containing calcium, fluorine.
  • Regular rinsing of the oral cavity with special means.
  • If the water in your area is not fluoridated, then the paste must be fluorine-containing or you should use special nutritional supplements with fluorine.

Everyone should be able to properly brush their teeth. This is also an element of hygiene. So, the brush must be placed at an angle of 45 ° to the gums, to make sweeping movements from them to the teeth. It is recommended to clean first outer surface chewing organs, then internal. In the end, it is necessary to clean the surface of the tongue. This finishing touch will freshen your breath. It is important to brush your teeth thoroughly, slowly, devoting at least two minutes to each procedure.

You should also learn how to use dental floss correctly. Its length must be at least 40 centimeters. Each time you should use a clean area, 4-5 cm long. It is necessary to clean the interdental zones carefully, with unhurried movements, repeating the contours of the gums. Must be avoided sudden movements thread.

Professional oral hygiene

In order for the chewing organs to really look their best and be protected from diseases, the dentist must be visited twice a year. This will allow problems to be identified early stage and use professional hygiene services. Oral hygiene includes:

  1. Removal of pathological deposits, that is, tartar.
  2. Removal of pigments, soft plaque.
  3. Coating of tooth enamel with varnish containing fluorine.
  4. Tooth polishing.

The dentist removes hard deposits from the chewing organs with special tools. Many today resort to ultrasonic cleaning as it is the most qualitative and progressive way of professional hygiene. The procedure allows you to painlessly and gently separate the plaque from the enamel. If patients have increased tooth sensitivity, then they may be offered local anesthesia before such manipulation.

If a we are talking about pigmented contaminants, they are removed with an aerosol jet. A special air-water mixture with an abrasive substance in the composition is sent to the teeth. Ultradispersed cleansing is used to treat the teeth of heavy smokers and coffee lovers.

To strengthen the enamel, the dentist may suggest polishing with fluoride pastes or fluoride gel application, which ends with the coating of the dentition with fluoride varnish.

Usually professional oral hygiene takes 30-60 minutes.

How to brush your teeth properly

The traditional and familiar way is to clean the oral cavity from microorganisms and plaque with a toothbrush.

Cleaning the lateral surfaces of the teeth from the outside and from the inside:

  1. place the bristles at the base of the gums under acute angle, about 45 degrees;
  2. move towards the tooth and sweep deposits from the gums and enamel, while moving, turn the handle to chewing surface tooth bristles were at right angles to the side surface;
  3. without touching the lateral surface of the teeth and gums, move the bristles to the base of the gums;
  4. repeat at least 10 times.

The movements should be precisely sweeping, in the vertical direction - when moving along the lateral side of the dentition perpendicular to the interdental spaces, the plaque moves between the teeth.

Cleansing the chewing surface:

  • position the bristles perpendicularly;
  • move back and forth parallel to the outer and inner side surfaces of the teeth;
  • at the end, remove plaque from the gaps with dental floss.

at first hygiene procedure rinse your mouth, rinse the bristles with clean hands, apply a little paste, combine the movements described above into a specific pattern, for example:

  • The outer surface on the left - front teeth - the right outer side.
  • Inner surface on the right - front teeth - left inner side.
  • Chewing surface on the left, then on the right.

Brush the teeth of the other jaw in the same way.

Cleansing the oral cavity according to this scheme takes about 4 minutes, teeth are brushed in the morning and evening.

How to store your toothbrush

To avoid dental diseases, inflammation of the mucosa, wash the bristles after oral hygiene warm water with soap, lather and leave until the next use.

The bathroom is a convenient, but not the most suitable place to store a toothbrush. Humidity, heat, darkness - favorable conditions for the reproduction of microorganisms.

Between uses, the bristles should remain dry, isolated from the ingress of dust and insects. Store your toothbrush in the plastic case only when traveling.

Modern portable toothbrush sterilizers are battery operated and the ultraviolet ozone lamp kills most bacteria on the bristles.

Once every few days, disinfect the bristles - briefly immerse them in a pile of alcohol, mouthwash, 3%.

Store the brush in an upright position with the handle down - this will dry the bristles faster. To prevent the spread of pathogenic bacteria, use an individual cup or holder.

How to choose a toothbrush

For proper oral hygiene, prevention of mucosal diseases, it is necessary to choose the right toothbrush.

Synthetic fiber bristles do it all hygiene requirements, better than natural, there is no channel inside the villi, the surface is smooth, the end is rounded.

One of the main parameters is the stiffness of the bristles, there are only five degrees: very hard, hard, medium, soft, very soft.

If there are no diseases of the oral cavity, most adults are suitable brushes of medium hardness.

Children's toothbrushes have soft to very soft bristles.

Very hard bristles are used to clean the enamel of the teeth of smokers.

When choosing a toothbrush, you should pay attention to the frequency of the beams, the optimal distance between the beams is 2.5mm. Excessively frequent arrangement complicates care and hygienic processing, does not allow cleaning hard-to-reach surfaces. As a rule, each tuft has a conical shape, which facilitates penetration into the interdental spaces.

Classic brush - with beams of the same length, which are parallel. This design copes well with plaque, does not injure the gums.

The head, on which the tufts of villi are fixed, should not be excessively long. small head cleans the oral cavity easier, its area allows you not to make additional movements.

The optimal toothbrush head size for adults is 7-11mm wide, up to 30mm long, for children - 17-25mm long.

The toothbrush is replaced with a new one once a month. Some models are equipped with a special indicator - colored villi, at the end of the term they fade to the middle. For a month of use, a maximum of microorganisms accumulate in the bristles - the hygiene product becomes a breeding ground for infection. The toothbrush also needs to be replaced if the bristles begin to fall out, lose their shape, become shorter.

After past illness oral mucosa to prevent reinfection- it is worth replacing even an almost new brush.

Some use an electric toothbrush. According to modern research, there are no special advantages for this device.

A certain convenience is in the rapid mechanical execution of the number of movements that is necessary for hygiene. Also, an electric toothbrush helps children and the elderly to perform precise coordinated movements.

Choice of toothpaste

Hygienic. In this group - children's varieties, they do not contain medicinal substances, they are intended exclusively for oral hygiene.

Children's pastes are distinguished by reduced abrasiveness and the concentration of various additives. After six years, a child can use adult pastes - if they do not cause discomfort.

Therapeutic and prophylactic. Toothpastes of this variety clean and provide healing effect. For the prevention of caries in their composition - fluorine compounds. AT pure form the element is poison, but in small quantities it is necessary for bone tissue.

  1. Rinse your mouth for a long time with a warm decoction of sage, yarrow - hold the liquid in your mouth for several minutes.
  2. A piece of camphor, fixed on a diseased tooth with chewing gum, helps.

Recipe for caries:

  • mix 2 parts of oregano, 2 parts of St. John's wort, 4 parts.
  • Brew 300 ml of boiling water 3 tbsp. mixture, simmer over low heat for 2 minutes, insist 2 hours, strain.

Apply for oral hygiene, eliminate bad breath 2-3 times a day.

Remedies for stomatitis:

  • Rinse your mouth with a seven-day infusion.
  • Rinse fresh herb, chop, 2 tbsp. pour a glass sea ​​buckthorn oil, insist in a dark cool place for two days, strain.

Lubricate the oral mucosa several times a day.

  • Brew 1s.l. Hypericum perforatum and 1s.l. chamomile with a glass of boiling water, leave for half an hour, strain.

Rinse the mouth in case of mucosal diseases.

It is useful to chew fresh parsley - it is a wonderful antiseptic, promotes wound healing. Take inside a mixture of parsley, fresh and potato juices (2 tbsp four times a day), as well as a mixture of parsley, carrot and potato juices (3 tbsp once a day).

Eliminate bad breath:

  • rinse your mouth with 3% hydrogen peroxide 3-4 times a day.
  • wash and peel 50 g of horseradish root, pass through a meat grinder, pour a glass of vodka, leave for 3 days, strain.

Add a few drops to a glass of warm water and rinse your mouth.

Folk remedies for antiseptic and anti-inflammatory action in diseases of the oral mucosa:

  • chop fresh horseradish root with a blender, squeeze the juice through gauze.

Add to warm water, rinse your mouth several times a day.

  • chop 3 tbsp. leaves, 1 s.l. calendula flowers, brew two cups of boiling water, simmer for 10 minutes in a water bath, let cool, strain.

Use for rinses.

  • rinse your mouth fresh cabbage juice diluted with the same amount of warm water.

Treatment of gingivitis, periodontitis:

  • massage the gums with fir oil;
  • mix 3 parts oak bark, 2 parts lime blossom, brew 1s.l. mixture with a glass of boiling water, leave for 20 minutes, strain.

Use for rinses.

Folk remedies for healing wounds and sores in diseases of the oral cavity:

  • Brew 2s.l. crushed leaves with a glass of boiling water, leave for 15 minutes, strain.

Rinse your mouth with warm infusion.

  • Brew 1s.l. cudweed grass marsh with a glass of boiling water, leave for 45 minutes, strain.

Rinse your mouth to heal the mucosa.

Modified: 11/27/2018

Oral hygiene is a home and professional care of teeth and mucous membranes, interdental space. The procedure at the dentist should be done about 2 times a year. At home, brush your teeth every day 2 times a day. The evening procedure is considered the main one, since it removes food particles that have accumulated during the day.

Assessment of the state of the mouth at the dentist

Dentists use special indices to assess the degree of contamination of the oral cavity. The indicator is evaluated using dyes that are applied to the enamel. The procedure is absolutely painless, so patients should not be afraid of this test. The dye is applied to the anterior, anterior teeth, vestibular and medial surface of the elements.

The index is determined for each element in the oral cavity. The rating scale looks like this:

  • 1-1.5 - good;
  • 1.5-2 - satisfactory;
  • 2-2.5 - unsatisfactory;
  • 2, 5 - 3.4 - bad;
  • 3.4 - 5 - very bad.

Each clinic uses its own methods for assessing dental hygiene.

Devices for the procedure

It is possible to effectively clean the oral cavity from plaque and food debris only when using the complex hygiene products. The list of care equipment includes several types of toothpaste, floss, brush and irrigator. These devices will reduce the number of visits to the dentist.

Choosing a toothbrush

The principle of operation of an electric brush is the constant rotation of a disc with bristles under the influence of electric current. The replacement of an electric brush is carried out as often as a regular one - 1 time in 2-3 months

There are two main types of product - simple and electric brush. Devices also differ in the level of bristle stiffness. With bleeding gums and sensitivity of the enamel, it is recommended to use brushes with soft bristles. In addition to them, dental floss and irrigators are necessarily used, because such products cannot qualitatively remove all plaque from the teeth. If a person does not have dental diseases, then it is better for him to use brushes with a bristle of medium hardness. The choice of an oral care appliance largely depends on the structure of the human jaw and the condition of the teeth.

Features of the selection of an irrigator

The irrigator is designed to remove food particles from hard-to-reach areas that cannot be worked through with a conventional or electric toothbrush. hygiene care carried out by a powerful jet of water or medicinal product emitted by the device.

There are several types of products depending on the principle of operation and dimensions:

  • portable;
  • running on water supply;
  • stationary.

The smaller size has a portable irrigator. It works in the same way as an electric brush - from batteries. The device can be taken with you on the road and used at home. Stationary irrigator is different big size and needs to be plugged into an outlet. For this reason, it is more often used in dental clinics. The simplest and cheapest option is a device connected to the water supply.

The choice of device type depends on the characteristics of the dental disease:

  • for the prevention of caries and inflammation of the gums, any type of irrigator is used;
  • to combat pathologies, devices are used into which special medicines can be poured.

What is included in the irrigator kit? There are several types of nozzles included with the device. They are designed to treat various parts of the oral cavity: gum pockets, lateral and anterior teeth, braces

There are practically no contraindications to the use of the device, but before using it, you should study the instructions. The device is not recommended for use with significant bleeding of the gums and the presence of wounds on the surface of the mucous membranes. If there are doubts about the possibility of using an irrigator, then you should seek the advice of a dentist.

Need to use dental floss or floss

The device is necessary for effective cleaning interdental space. The accessory also comes in several types: twisted, flat and round. Floss is used after home oral hygiene with a brush and paste. The thread must be impregnated antiseptics and wax. The size of the device is determined depending on the distance between the teeth.

Toothpicks and brushes

The main cause of dental problems is the multiplication of pathogenic bacteria due to poor hygiene oral cavity. Pathogenic flora often lives in interdental spaces that are difficult to clean. For a warning carious processes use toothbrushes and brushes.

Toothpicks are thin wooden stick with one pointed end. Use the device carefully so as not to damage the gums and soft tissues

Brushes are different in design from a toothbrush. They consist of a thin metal base on which the villi are fixed.

Rules for choosing toothpaste

In the absence of dental diseases, children and adults are recommended to use preventive pastes. The composition should be changed 1 time in 2 months, so that there is no addiction to the components of the paste.

At pathological processes in the oral cavity, the choice of paste will be agreed with the dentist. For example, when gums are irritated, pastes and rinses with anti-inflammatory and decongestant components are required.

Algorithm for brushing teeth with a regular brush and paste

Proper oral hygiene includes using a toothbrush and toothpaste twice a day. Thus, the surface of the enamel is cleared of soft touch.

The brush is placed at an angle of 45 degrees to the gum and moves from the base of the gum to the cutting edge of the element. The movements are repeated up to 10 times for each zone. This method is used only when cleaning the front elements and fangs.

When moving to the cutting edge of the tooth, the brush is held at an angle of 90 degrees

To care for the side teeth, the brush is also placed at right angles to the teeth. Movements are made to the right and left for the front and inner surfaces. Remaining food particles between the teeth are then removed by flossing.

During the procedure, adhere to the following tips for oral hygiene:

  • cleaning starts from the left corner mandible towards the front incisors, and after that from the central elements they move to the lateral teeth on the right;
  • cleansing inside the lower jaw is carried out in the direction from right to left;
  • the upper jaw is worked out in a similar way.

The duration of the procedure is up to 4 minutes. Before carrying out personal hygiene, it is advisable to rinse your mouth with clean water.

Cleaning your mouth with an electric toothbrush

Many patients prefer not simple, but electrical products. They cost much more conventional brushes, but, as practice shows, do not provide noticeable advantages in oral hygiene in adults.

The movement of the villi is carried out by a running motor operating at a high frequency (more than 50 revolutions of the head per minute). Electric brushes dentists are more likely to recommend to children who do not know how to use regular brush. The same applies to older people who have problems with coordination of movements.

Rules for using floss

Flat products are more suitable for processing the interdental space between densely standing elements. The thread slides due to the action of saliva and special impregnating compounds.

Floss should be used in accordance with the recommendations for oral hygiene:

  • a small piece of tape up to 30-40 cm long is torn off and fixed on the first phalanx of the middle finger;
  • the tape is stretched and placed in the interdental spaces up to the gum;
  • moving back and forth to push the remnants of food to the cutting edge.

When using the floss, the fingers of one hand are placed in the mouth. The thread is directed to the desired position with the thumb or forefinger.

Sometimes dental floss comes with floss. It is necessary to hold the thread in a taut position.

Rules for using the irrigator

Not all patients know what an irrigator is and how to use it correctly. The situation is complicated by the fact that products purchased on the Internet are not always provided with Russian-language instructions.

Typically, the product has the following settings:

  • switching modes of operation;
  • changing the number of rotations per minute;
  • pressure control per minute;
  • automatic shutdown after a certain period of time.

The device is necessary for the hygiene of the gums and hard-to-reach areas in the oral cavity. The use of the irrigator is almost always carried out in the bathroom, so before using it, you must make sure that the wires of the device or the battery compartment are well protected from liquid penetration. Some irrigators are additionally equipped with ultrasonic lamps. The radiation coming from these lamps contributes to the death of pathogenic bacteria in the oral cavity.

Rules for using the device:

  • Teeth and gums do not immediately get used to the powerful flow of water, so the first time you need to set the water supply to the minimum value. Increase pressure as you get used to it.
  • First, open areas in the oral cavity are treated - the front teeth, palate, tongue, and then the side elements and inner surface row. Dentists advise patients to mentally divide the jaw into 4 parts and process each of them sequentially.
  • It is necessary to direct water to the gums with caution, since damage to it threatens with serious complications.

Professional dental care

It should be noted the main fact, which is an indication for a professional procedure - insufficient hygiene oral cavity, carried out at home. As a result of such cleaning, soft plaque forms on the teeth, which subsequently hardens and turns into tartar. A person cannot cope with the problem on his own.

The professional procedure includes:

  • ultrasonic cleaning. The method allows you to quickly and painlessly remove hard deposits from the surface of the enamel. The impact on the tooth is carried out with the help of vibrations. The ultrasound technique does not damage the enamel and has high efficiency. The method is prohibited for oral hygiene in pregnant women.
  • Airflow method. With the help of a special device, a soda solution and water are ejected into the patient's oral cavity under pressure. The elements are cleared of plaque, tartar and become lighter by several tones.
  • Teeth polishing with professional compounds containing zirconium microgranules.
  • Fluorination. Caps with gel are applied to dry enamel for 1 minute. During this time, the tooth has time to absorb fluorine ions.

Important milestone professional cleaning teeth - a consultation with a dentist. Doctor recommends certain kind oral care products suitable for a particular patient

Hygiene rules for children

The algorithm and rules for brushing teeth in children and adults are not much different. It is necessary to take care of the child's oral cavity from infancy. The gums of babies after each feeding are wiped with a cloth soaked in soda solution or a fingertip.

Teaching your baby the rules of oral hygiene is necessary after the appearance of milk teeth. For a child, a brush with soft bristles and pastes with neutral chemical composition. The first procedures should be short - up to 30 seconds. Each time, the duration of cleaning is increased.

Parents should teach the child to squeeze on the brush a small amount of pasta (no more than a pea). For additional hygiene oral cavity in children, you can use special wipes soaked in xylitol. Substance destroys pathogenic microorganisms breeding on enamel and gums. These wipes are stored in the refrigerator.

Consequences of poor hygiene

Index quality care behind the oral cavity - no problems with the gums. The procedure helps to prevent various dental problems: development of caries, early loss of teeth, periodontitis, bad breath.

Failure to follow the basic rules of the procedure leads to the fact that soft plaque on the teeth crystallizes and turns into stone.

Hard formations cause the gums to detach from the neck of the tooth. Bacteria thrive in periodontal pockets.

Scientists have identified more than 60 types of diseases that manifest themselves as a consequence of improper home oral hygiene:

  • endocrine disorders;
  • dysfunction of the digestive tract;
  • nervous disorders;
  • kidney pathology;
  • cardiovascular disorders;
  • rheumatism.

Active reproduction pathogenic flora leads to the formation chronic focus mouth infections. It affects work defensive forces organism and leads to the defeat of various internal organs. Therefore, comprehensive oral hygiene is important for maintaining a snow-white smile and maintaining overall health.

Dental hygiene is a professional cleaning of teeth by removing tartar (supra- and subgingival deposits) and smoothing the root surface, which prevents the formation of plaque in the future.

Proper oral hygiene includes:

thorough brushing of teeth with a toothbrush and paste;

cleansing the mouth after eating;

regular care of interdental spaces.

If after eating it is not possible to brush your teeth, rinse your mouth with water, but preferably with a special rinse. If this is not possible, use chewing gum.

Compliance with the rules of oral hygiene is the best means of preventing dental diseases.

The food we eat undergoes significant culinary processing, and therefore is poor in natural products. This does not contribute to the self-cleaning of the mouth. Our food does not require intensive chewing, which means that it does not provide the necessary load on the teeth and periodontal tissues. Under such conditions, rational oral hygiene is of particular importance, otherwise food debris, fermentation and decay products, bacteria will accumulate in it, which, in turn, will lead to the formation of tartar and plaque.

You need to brush your teeth properly. The upper teeth are cleaned with sweeping movements from top to bottom, and the lower ones - from bottom to top. Be sure to brush the inside of your teeth. To clean the side surfaces of the teeth, special dental flosses are used. Children are recommended to use children's low-abrasive toothpastes.

It is recommended to use a toothbrush with artificial bristles and a small size (to facilitate manipulation in the mouth). Before the first use, the brush should never be doused with boiling water. Simply rinse under running water.

Remember that toothpaste does not clean at all, but only a brush. The paste has an auxiliary, antimicrobial, deodorizing and refreshing effect. Do not use large amounts of paste. The size of a large (for small children) peas is ample volume.

Teeth should be brushed twice a day tooth powder or paste, both on the outside and on the inside. The toothbrush removes food debris and plaque, while the powder or paste refreshes the oral cavity, eliminates bad smell and destroy harmful microflora.

Tooth powders- complex mixtures based on calcium melhydrogen orthophosphate and with the addition of white magnesia to give them lightness and friability. Magnesium peroxide contained in tooth powders disinfects the oral cavity and whitens teeth.

Toothpastes There are two types: therapeutic and prophylactic (they serve to prevent diseases of the teeth and gums, and also contribute to their treatment) and hygienic (only refresh and clean). The composition of the toothpaste contains abrasive substances for polishing the surface of the teeth and cleaning them from plaque. Usually it is precipitated chalk, aluminum oxide and hydroxide, calcium phosphates, zirconium orthosilicate, silicon dioxide. For better preservation of the paste, gelatin-like components synthesized from cellulose, glycerin, sorbitol and other substances are added. Introduced into the paste and a little chlorophenol or formalin to provide a disinfectant effect. Foaming provides sulfonated soap, for example, the sodium salt of alizarin oil.

Treatment-and-prophylactic pastes include fluorine-containing substances - sodium fluorophosphate, tin fluoride, sodium fluoride, etc. These additives form a hard protective layer on the surfaces of tooth enamel. In addition, fluoride additives slow down the formation and spread of bacterial plaque on the teeth, which is the cause of caries. Anti-inflammatory substances are also introduced into toothpastes, which strengthen the oral mucosa and reduce gum bleeding. To give the toothpaste a pleasant taste and smell, add mint, cinnamon, eucalyptus or clove oil, as well as citric acid and other substances.

Transparent toothpastes are made on the basis of silica gel and can contain any flavoring and healing components, but their ability to mechanically clean teeth is worse than other pastes.

Non-observance of hygiene rules teeth and oral cavity often leads to the appearance of an unpleasant odor. To eliminate bad breath and strengthen the gums, it is recommended to rinse with a decoction of one tablespoon of St. John's wort flowers in one glass of water. Prevention and treatment of inflammation of the oral mucosa is carried out with alcohol or vodka tincture of St. John's wort. A decoction of mint perfectly refreshes the mouth after eating. To remove yellowness on the teeth, you can use baking soda with the addition of a few drops of lemon juice twice a week instead of toothpaste.

For dental hygiene, it is useful to eat a hard apple after a meal. The fibers of its fiber will remove plaque, and the abundant saliva with diligent chewing will wash away the remnants of carbohydrates. In addition, malic acid will restore the normal acid-base balance in the oral cavity.

Oral hygiene with the participation of specialists includes a certain set of measures aimed at removing tartar and soft plaque. Such procedures are carried out by a hygienist or dentist, and they precede orthodontic, surgical, orthopedic and therapeutic measures.

Professional dental hygiene is a complex of diagnostic and therapeutic measures aimed at identifying dental deposits and choosing the optimal method for their removal. In addition, the patient is taught the principles personal hygiene teeth, which most correspond to the type of dental deposits he has, and, if necessary, give him recommendations on the use of additional medicines in the form of applications, rinses, etc., which will promote the regeneration of periodontal tissues.

How professional oral hygiene is carried out

Thus, professional oral hygiene has a certain sequence: first, tartar is removed, after which pigmented plaque is removed. Subdental and anterior deposits can be eliminated in one of the following ways:

The most effective method of removing tartar today is carried out using a hand tool or an ultrasonic scaler. When removing tartar with a scaler, the patient does not feel any discomfort, because this procedure non-traumatic and painless, it does not harm tooth enamel. The principle of operation of an ultrasonic scaler is as follows: with the help of the oscillatory movements it creates, tartar is knocked down even in the most inaccessible places.

After the tartar has been cleaned off, the doctor proceeds to the procedure for removing pigmented plaque, for which he uses the modern Air-flow procedure (powder-jet effect). An aerosol jet containing an abrasive substance and water is directed to the places of plaque deposition and knocks it down. After such a procedure, the teeth become lighter by two tones, but you should know that this effect does not remain forever. If you need to whiten your teeth even more, you should use a special teeth whitening procedure.

After plaque is removed and tartar is removed, the doctor covers the teeth with a special varnish or fluorine-containing gel, which helps to reduce the sensitivity of the enamel.

Basic methods of oral hygiene

Regular teeth cleaning

Mouth rinse

Teeth cleaning, ideally, should follow every meal. But since this condition is difficult to fulfill, you can limit yourself to the morning and evening procedures. Throughout the day, personal oral hygiene products, such as breath fresheners or floss, can fill this gap.

Rinse your mouth needed after every meal. It is advisable to use such oral hygiene products as special rinses, which contain disinfectant and refreshing components.

Methods for assessing oral hygiene.

Indices of the state of the oral cavity Methods for assessing dental deposits

Fedorov-Volodkina index (1968) The hygienic index is determined by the color intensity of the labial surface of the six lower frontal teeth with iodine-iodine-potassium solution, evaluated on a five-point system and calculated by the formula: Kav = (∑Ku)/n where Kav. – general hygienic cleaning index; Ku - hygienic index of cleaning one tooth; n is the number of teeth.

Staining of the entire surface of the crown means 5 points; 3/4 - 4 points; 1/2 - 3 points; 1/4 - 2 points; no staining - 1 point. Normally, the hygienic index should not exceed 1. Green-Vermillion Index (1964). The Simplified Oral Hygiene Index (OHI-S) is an assessment of the surface area of ​​a tooth covered with plaque and/or tartar, does not require the use of special dyes. To determine OHI-S, the buccal surface 16 and 26, the labial surface 11 and 31, the lingual surface 36 and 46 are examined, moving the tip of the probe from the cutting edge towards the gum.

The absence of plaque is indicated as 0, plaque up to 1/3 of the tooth surface - 1, plaque from 1/3 to 2/3 - 2, plaque covers more than 2/3 of the enamel surface - 3. Then tartar is determined by the same principle. The formula for calculating the index.OHI is S=∑(ZN/n)+∑(ZK/n) where n is the number of teeth, ZN is plaque, and ZK is tartar. Plaque: Calculus: 0 none 0 none 1 on 1/3 crown 1 supragingival calculus on 1/3 crown 2 on 2/3 crown 2 supragingival calculus on 2/3 crown 3 3 supragingival calculus > 2/3 crown or subgingival calculus, surrounding the cervical part of the tooth Value Index score Oral hygiene score 0 - 0.6 Low Good 0.7 - 1.6 Medium Fair 1.7 - 2.5 High Unsatisfactory Very high Poor

Silnes-Low Index (1967) takes into account the thickness of plaque in the gingival region in 4 areas of the tooth surface: vestibular, lingual, distal and mesial. After drying the enamel, the tip of the probe is passed over its surface at the gingival sulcus. If soft matter does not adhere to the tip of the probe, the index of plaque on the tooth site is indicated as - 0. If plaque is not visually determined, but becomes visible after the probe is moved, the index is 1. Plaque from a thin layer to moderate thickness, visible to the naked eye, is scored as a score of 2 Intense plaque deposition in the gingival sulcus and interdental space is indicated as 3. For each tooth, the index is calculated by dividing the sum of the scores of 4 surfaces by 4. General index is equal to the sum indicators of all examined teeth, divided by their number.

Tartar Index (1961). The supra- and subgingival tartar is determined on the incisors and canines of the lower jaw. The vestibular, distal-lingual, central-lingual and medial-lingual surfaces are studied in a differentiated manner. To determine the intensity of calculus, a scale from 0 to 3 is used for each surface examined: 0 - no calculus 1 - calculus is detected less than 0.5mm in width and / or thickness 2 - calculus width and / or thickness is from 0.5 to 1mm 3 - width and/or thickness of tartar more than 1mm. The formula for calculating the index: Intensity of the ZK = (∑ codes_of_all_surfaces) / n_teeth where n is the number of teeth.

Ramfjord Index (1956) as part of the periodontal index, it involves the determination of plaque on the vestibular, lingual and palatine surfaces, as well as the proximal surfaces of the 11th, 14th, 26th, 31st, 34th, 46th teeth. The method requires preliminary staining with Bismarck Brown solution. The scoring is as follows: 0 - no plaque 1 - plaque is present on some surfaces of the tooth 2 - plaque is present on all surfaces but covers more than half of the tooth 3 - plaque is present on all surfaces but covers more than half. The index is calculated by dividing the total score by the number of teeth examined.

Navi Index (1962). The indexes of tissue coloration in the oral cavity, limited by the labial surfaces of the anterior teeth, are calculated. Before the study, the mouth is rinsed with a 0.75% solution of basic fuchsin. Scored as follows: 0 - no plaque 1 - plaque stained only at the gingival margin 2 - pronounced plaque line at the gingival margin 3 - gingival third of the surface covered with plaque 4 - 2/3 of the surface covered with plaque 5 - more than 2/3 of the surface covered with plaque . The index was calculated in terms of the average number per tooth per subject.

Turesky Index (1970). The authors used the Quigley-Hein scoring system on the labial and lingual surfaces of the entire row of teeth. 0 - absence of plaque 1 - individual patches of plaque in the cervical area of ​​the tooth 2 - thin continuous strip of plaque (up to 1 mm) in the cervical part of the tooth 3 - stripe of plaque wider than 1 mm, but covering less than 1/3 of the crown of the tooth 4 - plaque covering more than 1 / 3, but less than 2/3 of the tooth crown 5 - plaque covers 2/3 of the tooth crown or more.

Index Arnim (1963) when evaluating the effectiveness of various oral hygiene procedures, determined the amount of plaque present on the labial surfaces of the four upper and lower incisors stained with erythrosin. This area is photographed and developed at 4x magnification. The outlines of the corresponding teeth and colored masses are transferred to paper and these areas are determined by a planimer. The percentage of the surface covered with plaque is then calculated. The Hygiene Efficiency Index (Podshadley & Haby, 1968) requires the use of a dye. Then a visual assessment of the buccal surfaces of 16 and 26, labial - 11 and 31, lingual - 36 and 46 teeth is carried out. The examined surface is conditionally divided into 5 sections: 1 - medial, 2 - distal, 3 - mid-occlusal, 4 - central, 5 - mid-cervical. 0 - no staining 1 - staining of any intensity The index is calculated by the formula: PHP=(∑codes)/n where n is the number of examined teeth. PHP value Hygiene effectiveness 0 excellent 0.1 - 0.6 good 0.7 - 1.6 satisfactory poor

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