The leadership of the Urgpu and its rector commented on the situation with the sports complex. Jobs will remain

In Yekaterinburg, Pedagogical University students ask Mutko to intervene in a dispute with the rector

Students of the Institute of Physical Education of the Ural State Pedagogical University sent a complaint to Deputy Prime Minister Vitaly Mutko against the rector of the university Alevtina Simonova and Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs Svetlana Minyurova. The university management does not pay for the rent of sports facilities and does not repair our educational and sports building.

Their detailed complaint reveals the essence of the problem. So, since November 2016, physical education classes have been discontinued for all students of the university due to the emergency state of the educational and sports building. This complex on Cosmonauts Avenue was closed in June of this year.

“With the beginning of the school year, sports grounds were rented for physical education classes. But the rector of the university refused to pay the rent, so classes are not held. Because of this decision, students of the Institute of Physical Education suffer the most,” the letter says.

As the students note, the vice-rector issued an order to postpone the classes to the next semester, but this did not suit them. At the same time, the complaint addressed to Mutko indicates that the director of the IFC tried to solve the problem and even found sports grounds, but the rector of the USPU is now trying to bring the head of the institute to disciplinary responsibility.

“It is not clear why we pay money if we are not taught according to the curriculum in full, and who will return this money to us? It is also unclear where the budget money allocated for free education of students will be spent,” the students conclude the letter.

The site turned to the university for a comment, where they said that in the spring of this year it turned out that the educational and sports building was in disrepair. “An examination was carried out by the relevant organization, which recognized that there is some potential danger and that, most likely, it is necessary to strengthen the foundation. The university announced a competition, and design work has already begun to eliminate the shortcomings. It is planned to launch the complex by the end of March. USK premises were opened in 2006, they are not old. The problem is different. It turned out that water had been standing in the basement for a long time due to a burst pipe, and Terentyev (director of the IFC - ed.), who had been the director of the IFC for many years, did not take any measures to pump out the water. This hot summer, the basement dried up, after which, apparently, the foundation led,” the university noted.

The rector of the USPU, Alevtina Simonova, explained that the administration of the university had taken measures to move practical classes to other sites. “A schedule was drawn up, space was rented, the payment for which in September amounted to about 350 thousand rubles for two halls, and we could conclude an agreement without announcing a tender from a single supplier. It was the arena "Uralmash" and the second hall called "Going to the sun." At the end of September, we received the conclusion of the examination, and it became clear that it was necessary to strengthen the foundation of the building. Terentiev was asked to prepare contracts and consider the options that are possible for us, always taking into account the financial capabilities of the university.

However, he presented the contracts only at the end of October, and for a large amount - 610,500 rubles. for two rooms in one month. If during the period from September 5 to October 10 we paid 309,000 rubles, then in October Terentyev showed “independence” and submitted documents for October after the fact. From a legal point of view, he had no right to admit students to those halls that were not legally rented. But, having committed legal violations, Terentyev brought the Ural State Pedagogical University to fines for violations of the contract system, and this is all university-wide money, including students, ”concluded the rector.

At the court session, Liliya Vasilievna Simonova acts as the current rector of the institute, representatives of the department do not refute this, was there a dismissal? [anonymous 23470] Aug 17 2009 20:02 # That's right, they fired me. I knew Simonov. The prettiest and most self-confident person. Here's what I'll tell you! answered Aug 17 '13 2009 18:54 # What does this have to do with fitness? Benedict Aug 26 2009 5:48 pm # direct relationship, as the person used his official position to the fullest, ruining the fates and lives of people who were objectionable to her ... [anonymous 77715] 27 Aug. 2009 21:18 # Vovan! Try not to go public. When you do not lie, the soul does not ache. Farmer Aug 26 2009 07:11 # Is that you, Rambo? Clever 26 Aug. 2009 17:49 # Woke up after half a month!!! answered Aug 26 '11 2009 15:56 # Why lie to me, let your soul ache! answered Aug 26 '11

Who covers the Medinan? such as Alevtina Simonova, Rector of Urgpu


In this case, the director of the Institute of Physical Education, who himself does not want to organize this process, and we are more than sure that we have such facts, incites students to such unruly behavior. SE: Will any organizational conclusions be drawn in connection with this? Maybe some kind of reprimand will be announced or even dismissal? N.P.: I think that the rector is now deciding this, since this issue has not yet been completed, various examinations are still underway - both on the schedule and on who and where violated it, because commissions from the educational and methodological department came out and we looked at what was in the schedule, there was a hall, but there was no teacher at the Institute of Physical Education.

He doesn't just come to work. And he gets paid a day's work.

Open letters to Zhirinovsky V.V.

Things have not yet reached open “military actions” at the university, but the degree of tension between the team of teachers and university staff with the rector Alevtina Simonova has already reached a certain height, and after it, as a rule, there comes a threshold, which leads to the fact that the internal conflict, usually transferred to the public sphere. Rector of USPU Alevtina Simonova. Conflict on the Threshold of the Public Sphere The public sphere in this case should be considered not only publications about the conflict in the media, but also the reasons associated with the participation of official authorities in it.


Such as courts, institutions that manage the educational process in the region or the Russian Federation. In this case, this is the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation, which is in charge of the university, as well as, if necessary, the prosecutor's office, or other law enforcement agencies.

Rector and administration

Employment contract for the post of USPU rector and announce the election of a new rector. We all knew about this forgery, so we turned to the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation.

The very content of the letter was handed over to Simonova A.A. Without taking measures to appeal. This led once again to the violation of Art.
332 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation and the unlawful appointment of A. A. Simonova to the post of rector. The term of Simonova A.
A. Since April 26, 2016, he has been considered illegal as the rector of the USPU. New order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation No. 12-07-03 / 09 dated January 31, 2017 on the extension of the stay of Simonova A.

A. The position of rector of the USPU until April 25, 2018 must also be canceled, and she must be held accountable for official forgery. All local authorities from the prosecutor's office to the FSB are aware of this, but no measures are taken, because

SE: As I understand it, the previous rector Boris Igoshev was a somewhat more popular figure than Alevtina Smirnova. It seems to have even been said that such things would not have happened under him.

But they say no, even with him there was water in the basement. I.: Yes, it is possible that there was water with him. But the fact that Boris Mikhailovich was the more popular rector among students is a fact.

He always visited student couples, came and talked with students without these information stuffing in the media, in the ministry. If there was any problem, he went out to the students, tried to solve it, without taking dirty linen out of the hut.

He always supported the policy of the university, strengthened the university in the city as one of the leading universities in the city and region. And the Ural State Pedagogical University is considered one of the leading specialized universities for teacher training in the Urals Federal District.
That Alevtina Alexandrovna, that Boris Mikhailovich's merits are great.
As for students, for students, for November this legal situation was not yet resolved, a variant was proposed. Firstly, the curriculum itself was revised, and part of the laboratory classes, which involve athletics and outdoor games, was postponed to the second half of the year. On the other hand, students were given the opportunity to study in two halls, good gyms in the hostel, which is located next to the educational complex. But Terentiev again forbade both students and his teachers to conduct classes, because he was not satisfied with such conditions. Teachers break the schedule and children break the schedule because either the teachers don't go to classes, or the students don't attend classes and don't fulfill their obligations, which are stipulated by the law on education.

Simonova rector reviews

You can also rejoice and enjoy that there is less one more school in the region. It seems that the Opponents of “something or someone” are trying to prove to the Defenders that they are wrong and unhealthy ... But what's the point! Why such work! to teach (according to the Opponents) "stupid, sick, zombified L. Simonova" parents? So let them rally, file a lawsuit, especially since Opponents are sure that everything is legal - by the way, banning or condemning parents in these actions is an indicator of legal illiteracy.
Thus, Alevtina Simonova, by her sole decision, literally "killed" two birds with one stone - she deprived a whole group of young citizens of the Russian Federation of the opportunity to receive free higher education, which, whatever one may say, is guaranteed by the Constitution, and provided training for specialists of a lower level, so as, we have already mentioned that state employees study better. Given all these circumstances, Yuri Repin made an official statement to the rector, however, despite the fact that this happened at the beginning of the academic year, he did not receive an answer.
Meanwhile, events at the university unfolded in accordance with the guidelines set by Alevtina Simonova.
Oh my God! how simple everything turns out to be ... CORUND_thermal insulation 15 aug. 2009 22:41 # Yeah. Which was what was required to prove. Thanks CORUND – Citizen Aug 16 '11 at 10:02
2009 08:38 #


IUU is not a private shop, but if Simonova, by virtue of her natural abilities, can create a non-state educational institution - and you want to send your children to it - honor and praise, but you will have to pay for everything in excess of what is provided for [anonymous 44123] Aug 15 2009 21:31 # Not for everything, but for everything. private is private. [anonymous 29788] 15 Aug. 2009 23:49 # There is no such law, unfortunately for you! [anonymous 20660] Aug 16 2009 02:33 # +10000 [anonymous 04484] Aug 15 2009 21:59 # You tell these tales to Muscovites and Petersburgers. There are branches of educational institutions on every corner and they are licensed in a general manner, by obtaining a separate license.

Farmer Aug 15

SE: Why not the Federal Ministry of Education? After all, universities are federal structures, and it is the Ministry of Education and Science that oversees them. I .: Of course, they could write to the federal level, but it seems to me that such a situation could have arisen that the Ministry of Education of Russia would have sent it to a subordinate organization, that is, to our region, and at the regional level this would have been all decided.

In order to pass this period of data processing at the Ministry of the Russian Federation, so that this month, which was given a response by law to the Ministry, so that they would respond to those who applied, the students decided to take the path of less resistance so that this could be considered faster, namely to the local Ministry of Education . SE: Looking ahead a little, in this whole story, the name of the head of the Institute of Physical Culture, Mr. Terentyev, appears in the university.

Dear students! Recently, there have been a lot of rumors and speculation about the situation with USC. Today the official response of the USPU administration has been published!
Please read and do not believe the speculation!

In recent days, starting from Friday, November 25, the leadership of the USPU and its rector have been subjected to a real information attack. Information about the non-working educational and sports complex and the alleged non-conducting of physical education classes was published on several information portals. Of course, all statements are anonymous and written ostensibly on behalf of students. Perhaps, only the question arises: where do students get the numbers and dates of orders and instructions that regulate the relationship between the university leadership and the directorate of the Institute of Physical Culture? I think there is no need to explain to adults, nevertheless, we asked the rector of the Ural State Pedagogical University Alevtina Simonova to comment.

- Alevtina Alexandrovna, you are accused of violating the rights of students

It's not fair. Our university was created for students. None of the university management has any intention to violate their rights in any way. The interests of students are primary for us. But, unfortunately, our IFC students showed a complete lack of patriotism in relation to the university. They did not come with questions to me, or to the students' trade union committee, or to the council of public organizations. And they started right away by going to the media, to some peripheral portals, where distorted information was posted. For example, the portal "Interesting Yekaterinburg" posted a photo of some barn, but not the hall of our USK, we were not too lazy and found on the Internet that this is a photograph of the hall of one of the schools in Pripyat. Why twist the facts like that? If you want to know the truth, then you must fight honestly for this truth.

- Let's get back to the history of the issue with USC

In this situation, I counted on a higher level of qualification of the IFC director. There were and are opportunities for a worthy way out of the situation, but A.E. Terentiev, instead of resolving issues, decided to incite students to riots.

In the spring of this year, A.E. Terentiev informed me that there was a crackling sound in the USC and stated that the building was in a state of disrepair. An examination was carried out by the relevant organization, which recognized that there is some potential danger, and that, most likely, it is necessary to strengthen the foundation.

The university announced a competition, and design work has already begun to eliminate the shortcomings. It is planned to put the complex into operation by the end of March. Maybe it will turn out faster, it depends on many components, including the competitive situation. If small funds are needed, this is one procedure, if large funds are needed, an auction must be announced.

USK premises were opened in 2006, they are not old. The problem is different. It turned out that water had been standing in the basement for a long time due to a burst pipe, and Terentiev, who had been the director of the USC for many years, did not take any measures to pump out the water. This summer, the pipe was replaced, the basement dried out, after which, apparently, the foundation began to move.

The leadership of the USPU and IFC took measures to transfer practical classes to other sites. A schedule was drawn up, space was rented, the payment for which in September amounted to about 350 thousand rubles for two halls, and we could conclude an agreement without announcing a tender from a single supplier. It was the arena "Uralmash" and the second hall called "Going to the sun".

At the end of September, we received the conclusion of the examination, and it became clear that it was necessary to strengthen the foundation of the building. Terentiev was asked to prepare contracts and consider the options that are possible for us, always taking into account the financial capabilities of the university.

However, he submitted contracts only at the end of October, and for a large amount - 610,500 rubles. for two rooms in one month. If during the period from September 5 to October 10 we paid 309,000 rubles, then in October Terentyev showed "independence" and submitted documents for October after the fact. From a legal point of view, he had no right to admit students to those halls that were not legally rented. But, having committed legal violations, Terentiev brought the Ural State Pedagogical University to fines for violations of the contract system, and this is all university-wide money, including students.

In addition, the director of the Institute of Physical Culture refused to draw up a schedule and organize classes on the premises available at the USPU. The organization of the educational process, according to the Charter of the USPU, is entirely the task of the head of the unit, which Aleksey Evgenievich Terentyev did not cope with. The educational and methodological department under the leadership of Elena Petrovna Antipova made a schedule, we tried to rebuild the curriculum. Now it is possible to strengthen theoretical classes, use small gyms at the university - hostels and other buildings. They are workers, classes have always been held there and are being held (see the top photo). Previously, we even had conflicts between the IFC and student clubs, as they claimed the same areas. In November, part of the laboratory classes were held at these areas, the rest were postponed to the second half of the year.

In their letters, anonymous students express concern that they may lose their scholarships due to lack of credit in physical education.

This can't even be discussed. We have a very good system of social protection for students, a serious trade union organization that guards the interests of students, and student self-government bodies work.

For a comment, we also turned to the head of the legal support department, Svetlana Kardashina.

- Providing the rector of the university with contracts after the fact is a legal violation. The decision of the IFC director raises the most questions in connection with the difference in prices for the same premises, which are completely unjustified. There's another thing: if Terentyev had applied to us in advance, we would have carried out a tender procedure, and it's not a fact that these two enterprises, which offered us halls at such a high price, would have won. We could have gone down on prices and we would have had a real opportunity to rent, but for some reason he chose these facilities himself and put everyone before the fact. Under the law, we cannot pay for services after the fact, because this is a violation of the law, and we are a state university. And now, on the initiative of Terentyev, we are forced to resolve the issue of payment with these organizations through the courts. Judicial order is a necessary measure, however, preventing the situation with fines. Now we are working on a claim procedure in order to pay this money in the future by a court decision. It won't work any other way. For us, this is an unpleasant situation, again dictated by the unprofessional actions of director A.E. Terentiev.

At the end of the post, I would like to add. Recently, they began to freely handle the word. Secondary media take anonymous statements in order to inflate the scandal and attract the attention of the audience. It is not fashionable to check the facts: what if they are not confirmed? Lying is fashionable. And the worst thing is that it becomes moral to lie. It is a pity for the students who became hostages of an immoral situation. But I really want to believe that this can serve as a lesson for them. For the future…

You have to be responsible for your words. And don't hide behind anonymity.

To the Chairman of the LDPR Zhirinovsky VV Dear Vladimir Volfovich! We are compelled to turn to you with a request to take measures to restore justice and legality in relation to teacher education in the country and the ambiguous attitude of the leadership towards state policy in the field of education. In December 2013, the elections of the rector were held at the USPU. Simonova A.

A. At that time she was 63 years old. The Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation concluded an employment contract with A. A. Simonova until April 25, 2016, because K.

She was 65 years old by that date. Before the expiration of the contract, namely until April 25, 2016, Simonova A. A. Knowingly forged documents were submitted to Moscow to extend the term of office of the rector. Namely, the petition of the Academic Council of the USPU dated January 28, 2016 was submitted. This procedure is assumed by TC Art.

332. Such a request was not submitted for discussion by the Academic Council. There is a full decision of the meeting of the Academic Council of the USPU, which is posted on the USPU website. That is, Simonova A.A. most likely entered false information into the extract of the decision of the Academic Council, which was not checked in the Department of Public Service and Personnel of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation.

As a result, Order No. 12-07-3/55 of March 23, 2016 was issued to extend the term of office of the rector of the USPU until April 25, 2017 for Alevtina Alexandrovna Simonova. Simonova A.A. did not apply to the Academic Council of the USPU because of the ambiguous attitude of many university staff towards her. What was the reason for the execution of false documents. The outrage became some showdown at the university.

Many dissatisfied were simply morally eliminated and fired. And some simply "went into the shadows", afraid of losing their jobs. The chaos continues to this day. Understanding that the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation does not check the submitted documents and, hoping for their "kindness", Simonova A. A. It seemed a little to extend the term of office of the rector of the USPU until April 25, 2017 and, feeling great unlimited power over people, she took the same, previously submitted in 2016, a false petition of the Academic Council of the Ural State Pedagogical University, again taken to Moscow.

Exactly the same actions in the Department of Civil Service and Personnel of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, only with different signatures, led to the issuance of a new order No. 12-07-03 / 09 of January 31, 2017 on the extension of Simonova A.A. Rector of USPU until April 25, 2018. Taking advantage of her official position and the possibility of presenting deliberately false documents, Simonova A.A. As the rector of the USPU, she is trying to change the management system of the university departments without the decision of the Academic Council of the University, in order to reduce the "uncomfortable" workers and completely subjugate power over people.

During the last academic year, this problem has been feverish for the entire staff of the university. Simonova A. A. All day long she solves the issues of her self-preservation as a rector, publishing a number of documents that worsen the educational activities of the university, which has already led to a decrease in the image of the educational institution itself. Our appeals to the Minister of Education and Science of the Russian Federation to Vasilyeva O. Yu.

They did not reach and settled in the Department of Public Service and Personnel, allegedly taken into account and further work. The appeal was registered with the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation No. PG-MON-49363 dated November 17, 2016. This appeal contained a request not to renew Simonova A.A.

Employment contract for the post of USPU rector and announce the election of a new rector. We all knew about this forgery, so we turned to the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation. The very content of the letter was handed over to Simonova A.A. Without taking measures to appeal. This led once again to the violation of Art.

332 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation and the unlawful appointment of A. A. Simonova to the post of rector. Since April 26, 2016, Simonova A. A. has been in the position of rector of the Ural State Pedagogical University and is considered illegal.

The new order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation No. 12-07-03 / 09 dated January 31, 2017 on the extension of the tenure of A. A. Simonova in the position of rector of the USPU until April 25, 2018 must also be canceled, and she should be held accountable for official forgery . All local authorities from the prosecutor's office to the FSB are aware of this, but no action is taken, because K. The instruction is given "not to take any drastic measures in connection with the elections."

The American writer, poet Charles Bukowski (1920-1994) said: "The problem with this world is that well-mannered people are full of doubts, and idiots are full of confidence." Dean of the Faculty of Life Safety of the Ural State Pedagogical University, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor, Honorary Worker of Higher Professional Education of the Russian Federation, Academician of MANEBYU, retired colonel

Yury Viktorovich Repin Attaching documents: Appeal of O.Yu. Vasilyeva; response from MI-NOBRNAUKI of RUSSIA dated 09.12.2016 No. 12-PG-MON-49363; Results of the meeting of the Academic Council of the USPU on January 28, 2016; orders of the Ministry of Education and Science on the extension of the term of office of the rector. Sent by email

Recording from a closed meeting with the rector Alevtina Simonova.

The day before, a meeting was held for employees and the head of the Institute of Physical Culture of the USPU, which was attended by a number of interested employees and students of the university, but the rector was outraged that the results of the meeting might become known to the public, and demanded that everyone she considered "outsiders" leave. The audio recording is at the disposal of our editors. On the evening of that day, in the group “Overheard at USPU”, a vote was opened for the new rector of the Pedagogical University under the title “While the leadership of the university is pressing us, we are holding early elections.” About five hundred students have already registered for the impromptu declaration of will. Aleksey Terentiev, the director of the Institute of Physical Culture of the Ural State Pedagogical University, is in the lead, the last place in the voting is taken by the current rector Alevtina Simonova.

Recall that the reason for the conflict between Terentyev and the students of the Institute of Physical Culture, on the one hand, and Simonova, on the other, was the inability to conduct physical education classes. One of the USPU students turned to the media, a sophomore of the Institute of Physical Culture said that for two months now, due to the fault of the university management, future coaches cannot attend physical education classes.

“We have a sports complex on the basis of the university, where practical classes in physical culture and sports should be held. Since the beginning of this academic year, classes in this complex are prohibited, since it is in an emergency condition, and it is unsafe to study in it. The rector of the university Simonova Alevtina Alexandrovna initially concluded lease agreements for practical classes, in particular, they were held on the basis of the Uralmash arena (Bakinskikh Komissarov St., 6, Yekaterinburg). But later she refused to renew the lease, and since then, for at least two months, students have not had practical classes in physical culture and sports,” the student said.

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He added that the administration of the educational institution tried to solve the problem by organizing "couples" for physical education in the halls of the hostels. But this practice had to be stopped, since the premises are not intended for full-fledged lessons in the subject. It turns out that due to the fault of the rector, students "shirk" their profile couples, the student concludes. Teachers have no right to issue tests, "athletes" who receive scholarships, and "beneficiaries" whose payments depend on academic performance, may be left without money.

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