Nutrition of a nursing mother that is possible. Diet for a nursing mother in the first months. Foods in relation to their fortified value

After the birth of a child, a young mother has to perform a large number of various cases. Trying to embrace the immensity - caring for a newborn, caring for other family members, maintaining cleanliness and order, cooking, a woman often forgets even about the timely meal, which negatively affects her general well-being, at the level physical activity and, finally, on the processes of lactation. With the help of a competent diet, it will be much easier for a nursing mother to cope with daily stresses, while avoiding sensations. chronic fatigue and bad mood.

For organization good nutrition It is important for a nursing mother to follow several recommendations. Their implementation will not only improve food regimen, but also to structure your whole day, which will help the newly-made mother to save strength by the evening, despite the day full of worries and worries. In addition, compliance with the diet during breastfeeding will help to throw off excess weight those who have it as a result of pregnancy and childbirth, tk. the frequency and frequency of meals have a direct impact on the metabolic rate.

To take the first step towards correct regimen and figure out how to eat a nursing mother, you should follow some rules:

  • 4 to 6 meals a day. If you eat less often, you run the risk of rushing into food when you are very hungry and eating much more than you need to;
  • The last meal should be at least 2 hours before bedtime. If you go to bed at 23-00, then at 21-00 you need to have dinner;
  • the simpler the food, the better. Try to avoid multicomponent dishes, they are very undesirable when breastfeeding. The more ingredients in the recipe, the higher the risk of an allergic reaction, indigestion and other troubles;
  • give preference to cooking methods such as boiling in water or steaming, frying on a grill, baking in foil or a sleeve;
  • stick in your diet to those foods that are allowed for nursing mothers;
  • how younger child, the more strictly you must comply with the dietary restrictions provided for during breastfeeding;
  • alcoholic beverages are not compatible with breastfeeding under any circumstances.

It will be convenient for a mother who practices feeding her baby by the clock to associate meals with the time the baby is attached to the breast. This mode is especially convenient in the first six months after the birth of the crumbs.

  • First, a baby of this age is sleeping most time, and mom has more time to cook and eat.
  • Secondly, eating 20-30 minutes before the intended feeding contributes to the development of lactation.
  • And, thirdly, a baby, applied to the breast by the hour, eats about 6 times a day, and this is exactly the number of meals that is recommended for proper nutrition for a nursing mother.

For those who are breastfeeding on demand, it will be more difficult for them to establish a diet and stick to it, as babies may require the breast very often or suckle for a long time. In such cases, a nursing mother should prioritize so that in minutes baby sleep she could take care of herself and eat well. When the baby gets older, sticking to the chosen regimen will be much easier.

Mother's diet and child's age

Planning to stick to a certain diet when breastfeeding, you must take into account the age of the baby. The younger the baby, the less variety should be on the mom's menu.

First four weeks should be the most ascetic:

  • boiled, baked or stewed lean meat (turkey fillet, beef, rabbit);
  • boiled white fish;
  • cereals cooked on water (oatmeal, buckwheat, corn);
  • pasta;
  • some vegetables and fruits (potatoes, zucchini, carrots, greens, baked apples, bananas, greens);
  • bread;
  • fermented milk products (ryazhenka, kefir, matsoni).

In the second and third months You can gradually expand the diet, consistently including wheat groats, cabbage (white, cauliflower and broccoli), eggplant, cucumbers, tomatoes, cottage cheese, cheese, butter, crackers, as well as fruits that correspond to the region of your residence.

Starting from the fourth month, a nursing mother can afford fresh vegetable and fruit juices, beets, pastries, various berries and fruits. Of course, you should not try in one day various products, this may lead to allergic reactions and trouble with the baby's tummy.

From the sixth month mother can include legumes (beans and peas), various seafood, honey, other fruits and vegetables in the menu.

When the baby reaches one year old almost any food is allowed to a nursing mother, with the exception of alcoholic beverages. Alcohol and products containing it are prohibited during the entire period of breastfeeding.

Making the menu right

So, optimal amount meals a day - five or six. This includes tomorrow, lunch, dinner and 2-3 snacks. In general, the mother's diet should provide 2700-3500 kcal daily. However, it is important to monitor the quality of food, including foods rich in the menu:

  • fiber (vegetables and fruits);
  • protein (lean meat, hypoallergenic fish);
  • slow carbohydrates (cereals and vegetables).

Various cereals with milk or water, egg or cottage cheese dishes, sandwiches, sweet tea are perfect for breakfast. For lunch, preference should be given to dishes such as soups, vegetables or cereals with poultry or lean beef, salads, seasoned vegetable oil. Dinner should be predominantly protein: fish or meat with a side dish, vegetables, herbs. For snacks, you can use fermented milk products (kefir, yogurt, fermented baked milk), jelly, pastries (buns, cheesecakes, low-fat pancakes), some dried fruits or fresh hypoallergenic fruits.

An approximate menu for a nursing mother, scheduled by day, may look like this:

  • Breakfast: oatmeal on milk with apples or scrambled eggs, sweet tea, cheese sandwich.
  • Second breakfast: cottage cheese with a banana or dried fruits, a bun with tea.
  • Lunch: broth soup or low-fat pilaf with meat, bread, vegetable salad.
  • Afternoon snack: fruit or curd syrniki with sour cream, jelly or compote.
  • Dinner: vegetables with meat or fish, salad, bread, tea.
  • Snack before bedtime: a glass of yogurt, fresh fruit.

During the day, a nursing mother needs to drink a lot clean water, at least 7-8 glasses. Tea, juices and compotes should not be taken into account. Water promotes lactation processes, speeds up metabolism and, in the end, moisturizes the skin and contributes to a beautiful appearance.

Complete nutrition for a nursing mother great importance. It provides the baby necessary quantity milk needed for development and immune protection crumbs, and mom with vitamins, minerals and energy to perform everyday tasks.

When it comes to the nutrition of a nursing mother, many have associations with strict rules, restrictions, strict diet and big problems the baby, if the mother ate "something wrong." The topic of diet during lactation is shrouded in various myths and horror stories, and young mothers usually do not know who to listen to: pediatricians, grandmothers, girlfriends or breastfeeding consultants. Recommendations and opinions are contradictory, so we will understand together.

We advise you to bookmark this page, the page will be constantly updated and links will be added describing (pros and cons) of food for a nursing woman during breastfeeding. The article has a lot of video tips, we recommend that you watch it.

And what about the food?

Strictly speaking, lactation does not depend on the mother's diet. The process of milk production is regulated only by hormones (prolactin and oxytocin). Samo breast milk It is produced from blood plasma elements, so nutrition affects lactation in much the same way as blood composition - very indirectly, slightly changing the content of certain elements. Even with very poor nutrition, a woman is able to breastfeed, and the baby will not suffer from a lack nutrients. The body of a nursing mother is configured in such a way that everything useful and necessary for the baby enters the milk, and if anyone suffers from a deficiency essential substances So it's the mother herself. It turns out that a nursing mother needs to monitor nutrition so that her body has enough resources for itself, since the baby will take its own anyway.

We already wrote an article on nutrition, you can read:

Video #1

What and how to eat a nursing mother

The diet of a nursing mother is not much different from the diet during pregnancy, and the recommendations for organizing nutrition are similar.

  • It is advisable to increase the daily calorie content by 500-600 kcal compared to the usual state. If you do not go beyond these figures, then this will not affect the figure in any way. Milk production requires increased energy expenditure, so the extra calories are worth spending.
  • It is recommended to eat often and in small portions to provide the body with a constant supply of nutrients. Trying to fit meals into a routine special meaning No, just eat according to your appetite. It's good to have something to snack on. Considering that at first the baby is at the breast for a long time, the feeling of hunger can be caught during or immediately after feeding.
  • At the heart of the nutrition of a nursing mother after childbirth is the classic nutrition pyramid. The diet must contain cereals, meat, sometimes fish, vegetables and fruits. By and large than more varied food, all the better. There are no strict prohibitions, but there are some foods that you should be careful with and introduce them into the diet in a special way. About them we will talk separately.
  • A breastfeeding woman needs to drink enough fluids. Usually this is about 2 liters per day, but if you don’t really want to drink, you shouldn’t force yourself to pour water into yourself. It is important to find a middle ground here and not get carried away with watering, because we are talking about enough fluid, and it is different for everyone, is determined by weight and constitution.

Video #2

Moms take note!

Hello girls) I didn’t think that the problem of stretch marks would affect me, but I’ll write about it))) But I have nowhere to go, so I’m writing here: How did I get rid of stretch marks after childbirth? I will be very glad if my method helps you too ...

"No" for a nursing mother

Strictly speaking, there are no strict prohibitions and restrictions on the nutrition of a nursing mother. However, some foods are associated with the risk of allergies in the baby, so it is better to limit their use and generally eat with caution.

  1. The protein of cow's milk. Contrary to popular belief about the benefits of cow's milk for babies, this product is extremely undesirable for consumption not only by the crumbs themselves, but also by their mother. According to its composition cow's milk very far from the human and contains proteins alien to our body. The use of whole cow's milk by a mother can create intestinal problems in the crumbs or cause allergies. A completely different matter is products made from fermented milk (kefir, fermented baked milk, cheese). There, the same protein is in a different, slightly modified form and is perceived by the body much better.
  2. Vegetable protein gluten. All mothers have heard and know about gluten-free cereals for babies, but not everyone excludes this protein from their diet. Gluten is found in all cereals, with the exception of rice, buckwheat and corn. Sometimes it causes allergies, so you need to be more careful with other cereals, introduce them gradually and monitor the reaction.
  3. Chemical additives (dyes, preservatives, flavors). The body of a newborn child has not yet prepared for such " chemical attacks”, and what goes unnoticed by an adult can cause an allergy in a baby.
  4. Exotic fruits. At this point, it all depends on the region of residence. So, in Spain, oranges are used for the first feeding, and in our latitudes they are exotic. The best option there will be the use of local seasonal fruits, this reduces the risks of an undesirable reaction.
  5. Red fruits and vegetables. A potential allergen is precisely the red pigment, and in large doses. So a child can be “sprinkled” from a whole plate of strawberries or tomato salad, and nothing will happen from a couple of berries or spoons. In some cases, the allergen can be eliminated altogether, for example, by cutting off the skin from a red apple.

More about what you can’t eat for a nursing mother (and what is categorically not recommended for mothers during breastfeeding) — >

It is believed that if the mother does not have an allergy to anything, then the baby is unlikely to have it either. Sometimes quite unexpectedly there is a reaction to seemingly harmless and familiar products, on some varieties of fish or meat. Attention to the reactions of the child and the timely exclusion of an unwanted product will help to avoid protracted problems. Usually, mothers gradually expand the diet and by 6 months they do not deny themselves anything, as the baby's body adapts to new substances and becomes able to perceive them.

Video #3

Myths about nutrition while breastfeeding

There are many misconceptions about the nutrition of a nursing mother that are passed from mouth to mouth and confuse mothers. What of this pure water is not true, but what is still the place to be?

  • The more liquid enters the body of a nursing mother, the more milk will be. We have already determined that the amount of milk depends only on the hormone prolactin produced as a result of breastfeeding, so it is impossible to increase milk production by increasing fluid intake. However, another hormone involved in lactation is oxytocin. He is responsible for the "leakage" of milk from the breast. The release of this hormone provokes hot flashes known to all women. warm drink it starts the production of oxytocin in the body, so after a cup of tea it is easier to feed - the milk itself flows into the mouth. This process does not affect the amount of milk, so if you need more milk, you do not need to adjust your diet or increase fluid intake. The only way to achieve the effect - often put the baby to the chest.
  • Nuts increase lactation and make milk fatter. In general, the composition of breast milk is almost constant regardless of the products consumed, and it is generally impossible to increase the fat content of milk with the help of nutrition. Passion for nuts does not increase the fat content of milk, but changes the composition of fats, making milk more viscous, and therefore difficult for the baby.
  • Cucumbers, cabbage and grapes cause increased gas formation at the baby. This is not entirely a myth, such a reaction can really be, but if the mother herself does not suffer from bloating after these products, then the child is most likely not afraid.
  • Onions, garlic and spices make milk tasteless. Here, too, not everything is so clear. The taste of milk may change, but this does not mean that the baby will refuse the breast, so there is no need to categorically refuse these products. AT existing research in this regard, the children on breastfeeding did not neglect their mother's breasts.

Video #4

It turns out that the nutrition of a nursing mother is not associated with special difficulties and is not something transcendent. With caution, you can eat absolutely everything.

It is believed that the more varied the mother's diet, the less problems with digestion and allergies in a baby, since a breastfed baby through mother's milk gets acquainted with different products and his body adapts to them. When we say "everything is possible", we mean everything within the framework healthy eating. Fast food, alcohol and a huge amount of sweets have no place in the diet of a nursing mother. By and large, adhering to the principles of a healthy diet will not hurt anyone, but for young mothers this is especially true. Often, after the birth of a child, the whole family switches to proper nutrition which in itself is a big plus for everyone.

In order to feed the child for a long time and correctly, you need to follow the feeding regimen. It is equally important to stimulate lactation and maintain it for as long as possible. The possibility of full breastfeeding is provided both by the choice of products that the mother will consume, and the frequency of meals, as well as compliance with the drinking regimen. Let's talk about what can and cannot be included in your diet for a nursing mother.

A mother's diet and diet are extremely important for her baby's health, as they all affect the quality of her milk. Alcohol, chemicals and medicines can also pass into breast milk and affect the baby, so they should be avoided

Rules for choosing food

The main criteria that should guide the mother of a newborn from the moment he is born to the age of one month:

  • quality;
  • authenticity;
  • freshness;
  • seasonality;
  • diversity.

It is advisable to choose vegetables and fruits that grow in your native region. Include foods worth eating plant origin the time has come for them to bear fruit.

If possible, it is better to eat vegetables grown in your own garden or on the plots of farmers who do not use fertilizers. Then you can eat almost any fruit or vegetable - they will not cause allergies in the child.

Herbal products

Vegetables and fruits, of course, are needed by the mother's body - they are sources of nutrients, and also contribute to normal operation intestines, have a positive effect on the condition immune system, some improve the quality of milk and enhance its production. However, it is worthwhile to enrich the table of a mother who is breastfeeding with them, excluding those that can potentially harm the health of the newborn.

In the first months after childbirth, most of the plant gifts of nature should be consumed after heat treatment(steaming, boiling, baking).

During the formation of breastfeeding, vegetables and fruits in the mother's diet must be pre-treated thermally

When choosing products for your table, a nursing mother (especially in the first month after giving birth) should pay attention to the color of the products. Pigmented red fruits and vegetables are more likely to cause allergies than their green counterparts. This applies to apples, pears, apricots, raspberries, cherries, cranberries, etc.

Highly pigmented fruits and vegetables are more likely to cause allergies, even if their ecological purity is not in doubt. It is advisable to choose not imported analogues, but gifts of local nature

Meat products

Official medicine believes that the nutrition of a woman feeding a child is unthinkable without animal proteins. This question is debatable, but for those who are used to eating meat, it is pointless, if not harmful, to refuse it during lactation. It is believed that a suitable protein for a baby is one that is extracted from poultry meat (preferably turkey, because chicken can cause allergies), rabbit or calf.

Since many manufacturers use antibiotics in feed to rid livestock and poultry of infectious diseases, as well as hormones to accelerate livestock growth, it is better (if possible) to use poultry meat grown at home or small farms that do not abuse pharmacological drugs.

In any case, the meat is consumed boiled or stewed. Why not fried while breastfeeding? Proteins and vitamins with this type of cooking are very quickly destroyed, but there are more than enough carcinogens in fried foods - they are harmful not only for the baby, but also for the mother. From cooking based meat broth it is also better for a nursing mother to refuse up to 3-4 months.


Breastfeeding mothers can be recommended low-fat varieties of fish - pollock, pike perch, hake or flounder. It is believed that they can slightly affect the taste of milk, especially flounder or mackerel. However, there is no confirmed data for this. A well-known consultant on breastfeeding, Natalia Razakhatskaya, claims that there is no direct connection between the food consumed and breast milk, because it is formed not from food, but from blood and lymph components.

Seafood and caviar can cause severe allergies, in this sense, squid is considered the safest, but it is also recommended to introduce it into the diet only closer to six months. In addition, it is easy to get poisoned by seafood - the fish, if eaten, must be the freshest. You can cook it, like meat products, by boiling and stewing.

Fish broths are also best avoided for the same reasons as meat broths. Fisheries use the same antibiotics and hormonal agents.

Fish and seafood should be consumed with caution as they can greatly alter the taste of milk, cause allergies and breast rejection.


Cereals, especially during the first month, form the basis of the diet of a nursing woman. The most useful for mothers and their children during breastfeeding are buckwheat and oatmeal. Permitted are corn (inhibits the processes of decay in the intestines) and wheat. And here is the favorite of many rice groats removes beneficial trace elements and is not recommended for constipation. One of the significant advantages of these cereals is their low allergenicity and high safety.

You should not eat cereals with gluten in the composition (semolina, pearl barley, barley, rye) - they are potential allergens.

Milk and dairy products

Milk and dairy products are a storehouse of easily digestible protein, promote lactation and normalize digestion. Regarding the use of milk in the first month after childbirth, the opinions of experts differ. Some categorically do not recommend whole cow's milk, others suggest drinking it anyway, adding it to strong tea to increase lactation, but limit the amount to 200 ml per day.

Cottage cheese, like all fermented milk products, must be fresh, it can be consumed no more than 150 grams per day. You can drink liquid sour milk no more than 800 ml per day (kefir, fermented baked milk, bifilin, yogurt, acidolact, etc.). The fat content of such products should not exceed 2.5%.

It is believed that tea with the addition of milk improves breastfeeding. Since this fact has not been scientifically proven, it is still not worth focusing on the use of dairy products for a nursing mother in the first month.

Foods that are prohibited

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  • allergenic;
  • toxic;
  • exciting;
  • gas generating.

The list of these products is quite large, especially in the first month after childbirth. So, potential allergens can be:

  • tropical fruits and citrus fruits;
  • red fruits and vegetables;
  • caviar, seafood and fatty red fish;
  • chicken eggs;
  • cocoa beans and coffee;
  • whole cow's milk;
  • peanuts;
  • crayfish and crabs.

What foods are strongly discouraged for breastfeeding mothers? Of course, those that can cause maximum damage to the health of the baby, due to their toxic properties: alcohol, vinegar, all types of fast foods, foods with dyes and preservatives, smoked meats, spicy, salty, fatty and fried foods and spices. It is better for a nursing woman to exclude these “little joys” from her table for the entire period of breastfeeding, they will affect both the body of a newborn and a child 4-6 months old.

Watermelon, despite its ability to stimulate milk production, is better not to eat (we recommend reading:). Firstly, this berry can act as an allergen, and secondly, it accumulates nitrates and urea, which unscrupulous farmers stuff watermelons with.

Despite the well-known woman's love to sweets, products from cocoa beans are better to be postponed for several months. Cocoa is a strong stimulant nervous system, therefore, it can adversely affect lactation and the health of the baby. You can replace the sweet table with a small amount of cottage cheese with fruit

Summary table of useful and harmful products

Dr. Komarovsky notes that the nutrition of a pregnant and lactating woman does not differ significantly. Therefore, the main principle of introducing products into the diet is consistency - i.e. new product trial 1 time in 3 days.

We have prepared a table of proper nutrition for mothers, it can be taken as the basis of the daily menu:

MonthIt is forbiddenCarefullyCan
In the first month
  • seafood, red fish, caviar
  • sausage and sausages
  • potentially allergenic fruits and berries (red apples, grapes, kiwi, pineapple, strawberries)
  • gas producing vegetables (cabbage, celery)
  • mushrooms
  • pâtés
  • soft cheese
  • citrus
  • coffee and cocoa
  • cream cakes, nuts
  • fermented milk products (ryazhenka, curdled milk, kefir, yogurt)
  • cottage cheese and cheese
  • boiled / stewed / baked vegetables (potatoes, cauliflower, zucchini)
  • boiled / baked turkey, rabbit
  • lean fish (cod, hake, zander, carp)
  • cereals (buckwheat, oatmeal)
  • fruit ( green apple, pear, banana)
  • dried fruits (dried apricots, prunes)
  • wholemeal bread, crackers, biscuits
  • vegetable broths
1 to 3 monthsCan add:
  • meat broths
  • bright vegetables in fresh and boiled form (beets, carrots, eggplant, tomato, cucumber, radish)
  • fruits (apricots, peaches, plums, cherries), melon and watermelon
  • homemade jam
Can add:
  • lean beef, chicken
  • corn, millet, rice porridge
From 3 months to six monthsCan add:
  • boiled beets, carrots, pumpkin
  • tomatoes and cucumbers from the garden
  • nuts (except pistachios, peanuts)
From 6 months Can add:
  • lean pork (carbonade)
  • legumes
  • boiled red fish

Another useful table - balanced diet breastfeeding mother:

SquirrelsFatsCarbohydratesVitamins and trace elementsBeverages
sour milk (without additives) - 500 mlbutter - 50 grcoarse bread and pastry - 200 grvegetables (zucchini, potatoes, pumpkin, cauliflower, eggplant) - up to 800 grgreen tea - up to 500 ml
milk (in the absence of allergies) - 200 mlsour cream - 75 grcereals - 200 grfruits and berries (not brightly colored - red, orange) - up to 500 grdried fruit compote - up to 500 ml
low-fat cottage cheese - 150 grvegetable oil - 20 gr juice from green apples and pears - up to 200 ml
cheese - 40 gr still water
lean meat (beef, rabbit, turkey) - 150-200 gr
fish (perch, cod, hake) - 150 gr

Drinking regime

Immediately after childbirth and when breastfeeding is established, a woman's body loses a large amount of fluid. This loss must be made up. Modern pediatrics recommends drinking a volume of liquid instead of the prescribed 1-1.5 liters, based on own weight- 40-45 ml. per 1 kg. Before feeding, for half an hour, you can drink 1 glass warm water to stimulate lactation.

It's over, your baby is born! Now the main function of the mother is - breast-feeding crumbs. This process has already acquired a mass of legends, prohibitions and "horror stories". In case of violation of the imaginary canons of nutrition, this allegedly threatens the disappearance of milk from the mother and digestive disorders in the child. But which of these conversations, passed from mouth to mouth, is true, and which is not? And how should a nursing mother eat so as not to harm herself and raise a healthy child?

What can a breastfeeding mother eat?

The first thing a mother should remember is that the quantity and quality of her milk directly depends on psychological state. Therefore, it is necessary not only to adhere to certain recommendations in nutrition and eat a variety of delicious food but also experience positive emotions, read good books, watch good movies and smile more often.

During breastfeeding, not only the nutrition of the mother is important, but also her mood!

Mom's diet should be based on the principle of "do no harm." This means that everything that the mother eats will affect her baby. In the first month of a child's life, it is better to exclude allergenic foods from the diet: citrus and tropical fruits, honey, chocolate, caffeinated drinks (coffee, cocoa, strong tea), strawberries, garlic. You can not eat cabbage and legumes. Seafood, caviar, fatty and smoked foods are also prohibited.

The belief that breastfeeding mothers need to drink more milk high fat content for her milk to be nutritious is deeply flawed. Mom's milk has a certain fat content, based on physiological features her body, and it can neither be increased nor reduced. But the abundance of fatty dairy products will cause constipation in the baby and weight gain in the mother. By latest research milk is also allergenic product causing protein diathesis in infants. Therefore, a nursing woman needs to use dairy products very carefully, and preferably low fat.

It is also a big mistake to say that after each feeding, the mother must eat something, otherwise she will not have milk. Lactation will be mandatory, and in the amount in which it should be. But you don’t need to force food into yourself, it will not lead to anything other than weight gain. But if the mother eats right and breastfeeds the baby, then there is a chance to lose weight during the feeding period.

The fact is that lactation is the only period in a woman's life when fat from the body naturally is excreted in milk to feed the baby. If during the period you ate fully and correctly, then you will not find practically any special changes in the diet of a nursing mother. So use good whole food 5 times a day and lose weight for health!

A thoughtful menu will allow you to lose weight immediately after childbirth

Useful products for pregnant women

  • During the feeding period, calcium is “washed out” of a woman’s body, so to replenish it, you need to include 2-4 servings of protein products in your diet daily: eggs, milk, soy products, fresh herbs (parsley, dill, cilantro), stewed eggplant and bell pepper, boiled carrots, watermelon.
  • For good assimilation calcium by the mother's body and for proper development Your baby needs vitamin D, magnesium, and zinc to grow and grow, so moms need to eat more whole grains (in the form of sprouted wheat and bran) and leafy vegetables (lettuce and spinach).
  • You can not limit yourself in the consumption of liquid - it is necessary for the formation of milk. A nursing mother should drink 1.5-2 liters per day (including tea, compotes and soup), but if she is still thirsty, she should drink as much as she wants - this is her body signals a lack of fluid.
  • Speaking of soups, borscht and other first courses: they must be present in daily diet. But they should be boiled in water or diluted chicken or beef broth, with the addition of a small amount of cereals or vermicelli.

Breastfeeding mothers should enter each New Product into your diet gradually, preferably in the morning, and then for 12 hours to monitor the reaction child's body. If the baby's health has changed, colic appeared, but quickly passed, then the mother can use this product. If the child's anxiety continues after 12 hours, then the product should be excluded for at least a month. Try again in a month.

The formation of the enzymatic system of a newborn occurs in the first 1-2 months of life, so you should not worry about stomach colic- they are usually present in all babies for the first 3 months, and in some - up to 6 months.

Do not get carried away with vegetables - nursing mothers are much healthier than porridge!

Sample diet for a breastfeeding mother

  • - any. It is better to boil them in water, but you can use low-fat milk. If the newborn has problems with stool, then rice porridge should be excluded from the diet.
  • Pasta - any, but without sauces and gravies.
  • potatoes - in limited quantities and only boiled.
  • Dairy products- in small quantities, low fat, without sugar and additives. It is more useful to make casseroles and cheesecakes from cottage cheese.
  • Meat and fish are lean, boiled, stewed and baked without a crust.
  • Skinless white meat chicken and turkey. Broiler chickens are strictly prohibited as they are raised on hormones.
  • Cutlets, meatballs, dumplings, pancakes with boiled meat or giblets (liver, heart).
  • Eggs - 3-4 per week, preferably soft-boiled (or steam omelettes).
  • Vegetables boiled or stewed. Any cabbage, zucchini (boiled or stewed) and legumes can be carefully introduced into the diet 3 months after birth.
  • fruits in a small amount: 1 pear or 1 banana per day. Baked apples. All red berries and fruits should be introduced into the diet in small portions 1-2 months after childbirth. Strawberries and grapes - only 3-6 months after childbirth.
  • Salted fish and pickles - occasionally and in small quantities. They contribute to the accumulation of fluid in the body of a nursing mother, and therefore an increase in the volume of milk.
  • Nuts - in small quantities.
  • Sweets - marshmallow, marmalade ( pale color, free of food coloring), marshmallows, cakes home cooking without butter cream, candied fruits, dried fruits, dry biscuit cookies without jam and cream.
  • Drinking - low-fat milk, mineral water without gas, fruit compotes without sugar, weak tea with milk without sugar, decoctions of rose hips, chamomile, lemon balm.

During the feeding period, it is important not to overdo it with fruits.

If your baby does not suffer from increased excitability and sleeps well, then after he turns 3 months old, mom can afford a morning cup of coffee. And when the child is six months old, the diet can be expanded to almost the entire list of healthy natural products.

But for the entire period of breastfeeding, any products containing dyes, preservatives and "E-shek" should be completely excluded from the mother's diet. Also, you can not use any canned food and marinades (especially in tomato), spicy seasonings and sauces, mayonnaise and ketchup, fatty and fried foods, rich broths and carbonated sweet drinks.

Breastfeeding is a necessity for the baby and a huge burden on the mother's body exhausted by pregnancy. Vitamins and usefulness are necessary for both, so you can eat them in an increased mode. Since the main source of all useful substances is food, it's time for the mother of the baby to be more attentive to the food consumed. If the young mother will stick the following rules in nutrition, she will be able to maintain her health and provide the child's body with everything important for development.

Does food matter?

In fact, the process of lactation does not depend on food in any way. Milk is produced in the mother's body thanks to the female hormones - prolactin and oxytocin. Even when the mother eats very little, she will still have milk, and the child will have enough useful substances in it. All useful and important elements for the baby from food penetrate immediately into breast milk, but the mother is left with everything that is superfluous. Therefore, when a mother is malnourished during lactation, she herself will suffer from this. And feeders need to monitor the balance of nutrition so as not to harm their health in the first place, and the baby will take his own.

Proper Diet

During pregnancy and lactation, proper nutrition and the list of products is practically the same.

Nutrition during breastfeeding should include foods:

  • cereals cooked on water (rice, buckwheat, barley porridge, barley);
  • lean meat and poultry;
  • fermented milk products (yogurt, fermented baked milk, homemade yogurt, kefir);
  • soups;
  • durum wheat pasta;
  • vegetables;
  • fruit;
  • teas, compotes;
  • biscuit cookies;
  • whole grain bread;
  • oil (do not get carried away);
  • skim cheese.
  • citrus fruits;
  • strawberries;
  • exotic products;
  • sweet, chocolate;
  • caviar with seafood;
  • eggs;
  • peanut.

Nursing mothers can eat 600 kcal more than they ate before. If you do not overeat, then the figure will not suffer. On the contrary, you can return to prenatal form. During lactation, the metabolism accelerates, milk production spends a lot of calories, more energy is consumed, including from fat reserves.

You don’t need to overeat, you can listen to the natural urges of hunger and satisfy them in due time. Always carry something to snack on and satisfy your hunger.

The basis of the diet of the mother of the baby should be the classic pyramid of proper nutrition. The list should include cereal products, meat dishes, fish, fruits and vegetables, all in a complex. The more variety of products, the better for mom and baby.

There are no feeders strict prohibitions, but you should be careful with some foods and eat them consciously.
Breastfeeders need to adjust drinking regimen. The volume of water drunk per day should be at least two liters. But! You don't have to force yourself. If you don't want to drink so much, don't. Find your acceptable norm for good health.

Basic nutrition rules for a nursing mother

Eating mode

Mode first. Mommy needs to eat at least six times a day during feeding: among them you can eat three main meals and three snacks between main meals. You can eat as you feel hungry. For example, most mothers feel hungry after breastfeeding or during - in this case, it is better to have a snack. Fractional nutrition speeds up metabolism, but you don’t need to get involved in biting, so as not to overeat.

Product processing methods

Heat treatment destroys most of the vitamins, but there are processing methods that preserve the benefits of foods after cooking. Instead of frying, it is preferable to bake or boil dishes, you can steam them. There are very few vitamins in fried foods, in addition, it contains a lot of fat, which is harmful for nursing.

Cereals as the basis of the diet

Adhering to the pyramid of proper nutrition, to the list daily ration you can put cereals. This rule is incredibly important for nursing. The preferred side dish should be porridge: from buckwheat, rice, oatmeal or other cereals. Eating bread is not prohibited, but whole grain bread should be preferred.

Replace milk with dairy products

Milk and dairy products contain calcium, which is essential. But, it is whole cow's milk from the diet that should not be eaten, since cow's milk protein can provoke indigestion or allergies in the baby. For the digestion of the nursing mother herself, fermented milk products will also be more beneficial. You should consume enough kefir, fermented baked milk, cottage cheese, yogurt.

Fruits with vegetables

This is a great snack option. They contain complex carbohydrates which are slowly broken down in the body and provide energy for longer. They are also high in fiber, which improves bowel function and supports a healthy immune system. It is better not to eat exotic foods, they can cause a harmful reaction in the baby.

Environmental friendliness

You have to be careful when choosing products. Fruits with vegetables out of season may contain great amount nitrates and others harmful substances. If you do not have your own garden and vegetable garden, it is better to limit yourself to seasonal vegetables and fruits that are grown in your country.

The choice in favor of sustainability applies to all other products. Do not be too lazy to study the composition of the product that you are going to eat. If it contains natural ingredients - full speed ahead, and if it contains only chemicals - then what do you think, what benefit will they bring to you and the child?

vitamins with minerals

The diet should be thought out in such a way that the mother receives everything from food during lactation. essential vitamins and minerals, which will then be passed on to the baby. Usually, lactating women have a lack of calcium and iron. This cannot be allowed. Calcium, iron and iodine are rich in dairy products, sea kale, dark varieties of meat, chicken eggs, legumes. Mommy and baby need vitamin D. It strengthens the immune system and takes part in calcium metabolism, therefore it is necessary to strengthen bone mass. It is contained in egg yolk chicken or sea oily fish.

Know the measure in meat

Eating protein is very important, as it is a building material for the body. But its excess can have a bad effect on the functioning of the body. Protein can create excessive load the kidneys of the child, so mommy should not get involved in meat. The type of meat also matters. Should be preferred low-fat varieties meat and poultry.

Not salt not sugar

Excess sugar with salt negatively affects metabolism and general physical state. Breastfeeding women should refrain from eating high content sugars (and always from those in which there is a sweetener), and reduce the rate of salt to one teaspoon per day.

No chemistry!

Flavor enhancers, preservatives, various dyes, any flavors and other chemicals are far from being in the mother's diet when she is breastfeeding. They can worsen the condition of the child's body as a whole.

What can't be eaten?

In truth, there are no strict prohibitions. But with some foods you should be more careful, and if your appetite allows, then it is better to avoid them. The fact is that there is a list of foods that can cause allergic reactions in a child. To avoid such a risk, so as not to harm the baby, refuse:

  • Cow's milk. There is an opinion that it is useful for the baby. However, this product is dangerous for both mother and baby. Cow's milk is very different in composition from ours, it consists of foreign proteins. And if a mother drinks cow's milk, it can provoke indigestion in the baby or provoke an allergy. You can eat dairy products. In them, the protein is in a different form and is digested human body OK.
  • Gluten - vegetable protein. Mothers know that baby cereals should not contain gluten, but nevertheless they themselves often forget to exclude it from food. Gluten is found in all cereals, except for rice, buckwheat and corn. Gluten often provokes allergies, so other cereals should be eaten carefully, introduced slowly and monitor the reaction of the child.
  • Chemical additives in the composition. The baby's body is not able to resist all sorts of preservatives, flavors, flavor enhancers, etc. He can react to all this with an allergy.
  • Exotic fruits. You need to eat seasonal fruits with vegetables, which are grown in your native region. So you can avoid an inadequate reaction of the baby's body to unfamiliar foods.
  • Of red color. This pigment in many children causes allergies. Allergen with more likely can be eliminated when trimming the red skin.

They say that when a mother does not have an allergy, it means that the child does not have it either. It is a myth. Children can become allergic to the most harmless foods. When you introduce new foods into the diet gradually, and constantly monitor the reaction of the child, you can avoid serious problems with the health of the baby. In most cases, by six months, mothers can already eat whatever they want, as the baby gets used to new foods and accepts them.

Common misconceptions about nutrition during lactation

On this topic, there are many myths that go back to the time of our grandmothers. Let's review the main ones.

  • The more you drink fluids, the more milk is produced. The fact is that the volume of milk can depend solely on female hormone prolactin, which is produced in the process of breast sucking, therefore, it is impossible to improve milk production by consuming more liquid. In the process of lactation, another hormone such as oxytocin takes part. It is he who is responsible for the flow of milk from the mother's breast. A warm drink improves the production of oxytocin in the body, therefore, after a cup of tea, it is easier to breastfeed - milk flows by itself. Per volume of milk this process does not apply, because if there is a need for more milk, you should not change your diet or drink more liquid. The only way to achieve this effect is to apply the baby to the breast more often.
  • Nuts improve lactation, and breast milk becomes fatter. The composition of breast milk does not change, it cannot be influenced by food. Increased consumption of nuts makes breast milk thicker, that is, more difficult for the baby to get.
  • Cucumbers with cabbage can cause flatulence in a child. This is possible when, after eating these products, there is swelling in the mother. If there is none, then the child is not in danger.
  • Spices make milk taste bad. Perhaps this is so, and the taste really becomes different. But this does not mean that the child will begin to refuse it. In the course of research on this topic, there were no such reactions.

The listed nutrition rules cannot be called strict instructions, initially you need to listen to your body. But they will help you make healthy food choices to keep yourself healthy and provide your little one with everything they need to grow.
So, proper nutrition when breastfeeding moms should be healthy and varied. Eat all new foods gradually. Mommy can eat everything that is within the framework of a proper healthy diet. Alcohol, chemicals, fast foods - everything harmful should be excluded. Food must be boiled and steamed. Therefore, it is not uncommon after the appearance of the crumbs that the whole family switches to healthy food. Isn't that wonderful?!

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