ACC for children dosage instructions. Features of the use of ACC syrup for children: instructions, important information for parents, a review of reviews. Influence on the ability to drive vehicles and complex mechanisms

In a house with young children, coughing is a fairly common visitor. Modern pharmaceuticals have developed a huge number of tools to help fight this disease.

One of the best pharmaceutical preparations is ACC syrup for children. Instructions for use of this remedy states that it helps to eliminate mucus and quickly get rid of even a prolonged wet cough. Parents using this medicine leave positive feedback about ACC syrup for children.

In contact with


The drug ACC cough is sold in the form of:

  • syrup;
  • effervescent tablets;

Instructions for all types of medicines containing acetylcysteine ​​suggest their use in the fight against children's cough. The type of drug is determined by the age of the child:

  • infants 10 days after birth are allowed to take a solution prepared from a powder, according to the instructions and under the supervision of a pediatrician;
  • for babies after 2 years - a remedy in the form of a syrup;
  • children after 6 years -.

Features of the syrup form

Children's ACC syrup is packaged in dark glass bottles of 100 ml and is a viscous colorless liquid with a cherry aroma. Released without a prescription.

According to the instructions, each ml of the ACC preparation contains 20 mg of the active substance acetylcysteine. In addition, the composition of the syrup includes methyl parahydroxybenzoate, water, carmellose, disodium edetate, saccharinate and sodium benzoate.

Unlike tablets and solutions, the drug in this form is easier for children to perceive because of its consistency, smell and sweet taste.

Thanks to detailed instructions for use, organoleptic characteristics and effectiveness in the fight against cough, reviews of ACC children's syrup are completely positive.

What is treated with acetylcysteine?

Based on the instructions, the main area of ​​\u200b\u200buse of acetylcysteine ​​is respiratory diseases, which are accompanied by the formation of viscous and difficult to separate sputum.

Often the disease begins with a dry and rough cough. By this time, the child's breathing becomes hard, the breath lengthens, and wet rales are heard even without using a stethoscope. On about 3-5 days, productive coughing up of mucus begins. In such a situation, drugs containing acetylcysteine ​​​​are prescribed.

According to the instructions, medicines based on this active substance are used in the fight against:

  • and simple, bronchiolitis;
  • lung abscess;
  • cystic fibrosis.

Medications with acetylcysteine ​​are used in another area - preparation for diagnostic and therapeutic procedures of the respiratory tract (bronchoscopy or bronchography). Following the instructions, it can also be used in case of paracetamol poisoning, as an antidote.

Due to the antioxidant property, acetylcysteine ​​is able to suppress local inflammatory processes, eliminating the possibility of complications.

Instructions for use

The defeat of the respiratory tract and organs by pathogenic microorganisms is often accompanied by a painful cough. Patients have a natural desire to get rid of it as soon as possible, regardless of the type of cough and its productivity.

According to the instructions, ACC syrup for children is prescribed to get rid of a wet cough. This medicine helps to thin the mucus and successfully remove it from the organs of the respiratory system.

What kind of cough should be given to a child?

When an infection enters, the production of mucus increases significantly, and acquires a viscous consistency. It is problematic to remove sputum from the respiratory organs without the use of drugs. In this situation, ACC children's syrup is prescribed. Instructions for use are allowed to use it for babies after 2 years.

The active component of the drug ACC affects the bonds of the molecules that form mucus, reducing the viscosity and greatly facilitating its removal from the respiratory system. Mucus is expectorated, making the cough productive.


The instruction states that ACC cough syrup for children is a ready-to-use remedy. It is allowed to be used from 2 years of age using the following dosage recommendations:

  • babies of the first 6 years of life - 5 ml in the morning, afternoon and evening;
  • children under 14 years old - 10 ml in the morning and evening;
  • children over 14 years old - 10 ml in the morning, afternoon and evening.

Dosing of the syrup is carried out strictly according to the instructions by means of a measuring container and a syringe. If you use a measuring container, then the following proportions of the active substance and liquid should be taken into account:

  • 100 mg is equivalent to 5 ml of syrup (a quarter of the container);
  • 200 mg equals 10 ml (half capacity);
  • 400 mg - 20 ml (whole container).

Instructions for using a syringe for dosing and consuming syrup:

  1. Remove the protective cap from the vial.
  2. The fuse is removed from the syringe, inserted into the vial and pressed until it clicks.
  3. The syringe is inserted into the resulting hole.
  4. Then you should turn the vial and fill the device with the required amount of medicine.
  5. Take out the syringe.
  6. A standing child should start the syringe by the cheek.
  7. Pour in the ACC syrup very carefully so that the baby does not choke.
  8. After use, all items are thoroughly washed in running water.

One measuring syringe contains 5 ml of liquid containing 100 mg of acetylcysteine.

Do you need to breed?

Instructions for use of ACC syrup for children states that you need to use the drug in its pure form, without diluting it before use.

The dosage of the drug is precisely calculated by highly qualified specialists for a small patient, based on his age and the needs of the body.

How to drink?

ACC syrup should be used in the fight against cough, strictly following the recommendations for dosing the medicine, depending on the age of the child. According to the instructions, it is necessary to take ACC medicinal syrup half an hour after eating food, twice or thrice a day after an equal period of time. Using the supplied measuring container or syringe will allow you to accurately determine the required amount of the drug.

Important! During the treatment of cough, it is necessary to drink as much liquid as possible. This enhances the mucolytic effect of the drug.

Important information for parents

Before using ACC cough syrup for children, you should seek the advice of a doctor and carefully study the instructions for use.

Cough medicine ACC for children in syrup has side effects and a number of contraindications. The instruction highlights the following:

  • individual intolerance to acetylcysteine ​​or another ingredient in the syrup;
  • stomach and duodenal ulcer;
  • expectoration of blood;
  • pulmonary bleeding.

The instruction says about some features of the use of ACC syrup:

  • it is undesirable to simultaneously use syrup and other medicines to combat cough - suppression of the cough reflex provokes mucus stagnation;
  • you need to use only glassware, excluding contact of the syrup with metal objects and oxygen;
  • for young children who do not know how to effectively cough up mucus on their own, it is necessary to carry out additional aspiration;
  • in patients with renal or hepatic insufficiency, the drug may cause the formation of nitrogenous compounds.

If redness or rashes appear on the skin, it is necessary to stop using ACC syrup for children, urgently consult a doctor, and follow all the instructions of a specialist.

What reviews does the drug receive?

Parents who are faced with a cough in a child are trying to find a drug that can quickly and effectively cope with this disease.

According to the instructions and the opinion of consumers, ACC cough syrup for children easily copes with these requirements. Reviews this tool receives only positive. Indeed, thanks to its properties, it helps to get rid of even a prolonged cough in the shortest possible time. And the taste and smell of the syrup facilitates its use by children who refuse to take bitter.

According to the instructions, children are allowed to use the ACC powder in the form of a powder when they reach the age of two. Just like syrup, it helps to thin the mucus and remove it from the respiratory system.

Before use, the powder must be diluted in a glass of liquid. The dosage of the drug is calculated by the attending physician, based on the age of the small patient.

Important! To avoid disturbing the baby's sleep, it is not recommended to use this drug after 6 pm.

Children's effervescent tablets are approved for use in children over 6 years of age. According to the instructions, they are diluted with hot boiled water according to the same principle as the product in powder. The number of tablets used and the duration of the course of treatment are prescribed by the doctor.

Useful video

Useful information about coughing in a child can be found in the following video:


  1. ACC syrup based on acetylcysteine ​​is used for wet cough in children.
  2. The drug helps to change the consistency of mucus, reduces viscosity and favors its natural removal from the lungs and bronchi.
  3. This medicine is used for children older than 2 years.
  4. The required doses and duration of the course of application is determined by the doctor.

In contact with

ACC is a mucolytic drug that has proven itself well with a wet cough, accompanied by the formation of a large amount of thick sputum. The drug has few contraindications and rarely causes adverse reactions. But in order not to harm your health, you need to carefully read the instructions for use for ACC.

ACC is available in several dosage forms:

  • Powder for solution for oral administration of 100 mg and 200 mg with orange flavor.
  • Granules of 200 mg, from which, when diluted, a solution for oral administration is obtained.
  • Powder of 600 mg, from which a solution is prepared for oral administration.
  • Effervescent tablets of 100 mg and 200 mg.

Also on sale is ACC Long in effervescent tablets and ACC Active in powder for oral administration. They contain 600 mg of the active ingredient.


ACC is a mucolytic agent. It contains acetylcysteine ​​as an active ingredient. The medicine reduces the viscosity of sputum, promotes its discharge, it does not lose its properties in the presence of pus.

The drug has an antioxidant effect, protects tissues from the aggressive effects of free radicals, which are formed during inflammation.

If you give funds based on acetylcysteine ​​to a child for the purpose of prevention, then exacerbation of chronic bronchitis and cystic fibrosis is less common and the disease proceeds more easily.

ACC is prescribed for children with diseases of the respiratory system, in which thick sputum is difficult to separate. The medicine is recommended to drink if the following diseases are diagnosed:

  • moist cough;
  • inflammation and abscess of the lungs;
  • bronchitis in the acute and chronic stages, including those accompanied by obstruction;
  • inflammation of the trachea, larynx, bronchioles;
  • bronchial asthma;
  • expansion and deformation of the bronchi;
  • chronic obstructive pulmonary disease;
  • cystic fibrosis.

ACC can also be given in the paranasal sinuses.

At what age can ACC be given to children?

At what age to give ACC to a child depends on the dosage:

Instructions for use

The treatment regimen is selected by the doctor individually, depending on the age of the patient and the diagnosis. For diseases other than cystic fibrosis, give the medicine in the following dosages:

AgeSyrupPowder and tablets 100 mgPowder and tablets 200 mgTablets and powder 600 mg
2 to 5 yearsGive 5 ml 2 or 3 times a day.1 sachet or tablet 2-3 times a day.
6 to 14 years oldGive 5 ml three times a day or 10 ml, but twice a day.100 mg three times a day.200 mg twice a day.
From 14 years oldGive 10 ml 2 or 3 times a day. 200 mg 2-3 times a day.600 mg once a day.

If a child is diagnosed with cystic fibrosis, then ACC should be given according to the following scheme:

If the weight of the child is more than 30 kg, then with cystic fibrosis, the daily dose is allowed to be increased to 800 mg.

When giving their child ACC, parents should consider the following:

  1. The medicine must be taken after meals. To enhance the mucolytic effect of it, the child should drink a lot.
  2. How many days to drink ACC should be decided by the doctor. With short-term colds, the course of therapy lasts up to a week. If the drug is drunk to prevent exacerbation of chronic bronchitis and cystic fibrosis, then it can be taken for a long time.
  3. Powder with orange flavor can be dissolved not only in water, but also in juice, cooled tea.
  4. Granules of 200 mg and 600 mg are dissolved in 200 ml of hot water. It is better to drink the medicine hot, but if necessary, the finished solution can be left for 3 hours.
  5. Effervescent tablets are dissolved in a glass of water.
  6. Treatment with the drug can cause Lyell and Stevens-Johnson syndrome. These are dangerous allergic reactions that can threaten the life of the patient, therefore, if changes in the skin and mucous membranes appear while taking the medication, you should stop giving the drug to the child and show it to the pediatrician.
  7. When dissolving the drug, only glassware should be used; it is not recommended that the mucolytic come into contact with metal, rubber, and substances that are easily oxidized.
    It is not recommended to give the child ACC at night. It is better if the last dose of the medicine is no later than 6 pm.
  8. If the patient has bronchial asthma and bronchitis with obstruction, then during therapy it is imperative to control the patency of the bronchi.
  9. If the child does not consume salt or follows a low-salt diet, then parents, when giving him ACC syrup, should remember that 1 ml of the drug contains 41.02 mg of sodium.
  10. If the child is diabetic, then parents should take into account that the granulate for the preparation of the solution contains sucrose and 1 sachet of medicine corresponds to approximately 0.2 XE.
  11. A mucolytic and antitussive drugs should not be given at the same time, because due to cough suppression, sputum will accumulate in the lungs. It is a good environment for the reproduction of pathogens, which is fraught with the occurrence of pneumonia.
  12. The antibiotic and ACC should be given to the child with a difference of 2 hours. This is due to the fact that drugs of the penicillin, tetracycline and cephalosporin series (except for loracarbef and cefixime) can interact with the mercapto group (SH-group) of acetylcysteine, which can cause a weakening of antibacterial properties.
  13. When prescribing acetylcysteine ​​with vasoconstrictors and nitroglycerin, it is possible to increase the vasodilating effect.


ACC medicine is contraindicated in children diagnosed with the following pathologies:

  • allergy to the composition of the drug;
  • ulcer of the digestive tract in the acute stage;
  • bleeding from the lungs;
  • hemoptysis.

ACC should be given with caution to children if they have the following health problems:

  • ulcer of the gastrointestinal tract in remission;
  • bronchial asthma;
  • bronchitis with obstruction;
  • dysfunction of the liver and kidneys;
  • pathology of the adrenal glands;
  • high pressure;
  • varicose veins of the esophagus;
  • hypersensitivity to histamine (mucolytic should not be drunk for a long time, as it affects
  • histamine metabolism, as a result, signs of its tolerance may appear: itching, headaches, runny nose).

Side effects

ACC in children can cause side effects:

  • allergy, manifested by itching, rashes, urticaria, Quincke's edema, anaphylaxis, acute bullous dermatitis, toxic epidermal necrolysis;
  • drop in blood pressure, rapid heartbeat;
  • shortness of breath, narrowing of the bronchi;
  • tinnitus;
  • headache;
  • temperature rise;
  • bleeding;
  • loose stools, nausea, vomiting, heartburn, dyspeptic disorders, abdominal pain, inflammation of the oral mucosa.

If therapeutic dosages are exceeded, signs of drug poisoning may appear:

  • vomit;
  • heartburn;
  • diarrhea;
  • pain in the stomach.

If signs of an overdose appear, stop giving ACC to the child and go to the hospital. The antidote for drug poisoning is unknown, so symptomatic therapy is prescribed.


The price of ACC depends on the form of release, the number of tablets in the package, and on the specific pharmacy. The cost of the medication can vary from 120 to 600 rubles.


On sale there are analogies of ACC:

  • Fluditec;

What is better for a child Fluditec or ACC?

Fluditec is a French drug containing carbocysteine ​​as an active ingredient. It has a mucolytic effect and promotes sputum discharge. In pediatric practice, it is used in syrup from 2 years old and in solution from 15 years old. They are prescribed not only for diseases accompanied by the formation of thick sputum, sinusitis, but also in preparation for the study of the bronchi. Fluditec is less likely to cause unwanted reactions. But this does not mean that he is better, because he has contraindications. Fluditec should not be drunk with a gastrointestinal ulcer and in the acute stage.

What is better for children Lazolvan or ACC?

Lazolvan contains as the main component, which has a mucolytic and expectorant effect. The drug in a suitable dosage form is allowed from birth in diseases in which a large amount of sputum is formed. If for some reason a child cannot take Lazolvan inside, then there is a solution for inhalation on sale. Compared to ACC, it rarely causes adverse reactions, has fewer contraindications, and promotes the penetration of antibiotics into the lung tissue. But this does not mean that Lazolvan is better, since it may not be suitable for a particular patient.

What is better Ambrobene or ACC?

Ambrobene is an Israeli drug, the therapeutic effect of which is explained by ambroxol. A mucolytic comes in several dosage forms, including those approved from birth. in the form of a solution for inhalation and injections. Ambroxol and acetylcysteine ​​during clinical trials showed a good mucolytic effect, but the second substance begins to act faster. But Ambrobene is cheaper.

What is better Ascoril or ACC?

It is a combination drug that dilates the bronchi, thins sputum and promotes its evacuation from the respiratory tract. Available in syrup and tablets. In a liquid dosage form, it is possible from the first days of life. But this does not mean that Ascoril is better than medicines based on acetylcysteine, since the combined remedy has more contraindications and undesirable effects.

How to replace ACC for a child should be decided by the doctor, since each medicine has its own characteristics.


Parents' opinion

The network has a lot of positive reviews about the drug ACC. Of the advantages, parents note:

  1. the medicine helps well with a wet cough, with it it passes quickly;
  2. many children drink powder and tablets well, as they like their taste;
  3. granules and tablets dissolve easily;
  4. the drug has a convenient dosage regimen.

Negative reviews are due to the fact that ACC can cause allergies, the mucolytic has contraindications, not all children like the taste of the syrup. Also, the disadvantages of parents include the fact that the medicine is expensive.

The opinion of Dr. Komarovsky

Evgeny Olegovich does not recommend giving expectorants and mucolytics on his own. Only a pediatrician should prescribe them for diseases of the lower respiratory tract in combination with other medicines. Dr. Komarovsky believes that the effectiveness of expectorant medications compared to drinking plenty of water has not been proven. Therefore, a well-known pediatrician recommends that if a child has a wet cough, then he needs to drink more compote and other liquids.


Most diseases are always accompanied by a cough, so it is understandable that there is a desire to get rid of it faster. The range of anti-influenza and expectorants is wide. How to make the right choice? Not every medication is suitable for the treatment of dry or wet cough. So ACC can not always be used.

ACC - indications for use

Ass medicine is a mucolytic, expectorant and detoxifying agent, prescribed for severe coughs in children and adults. This drug is able not only to dilute sputum, but also to effectively remove it from the lungs and bronchi, relieve inflammation, and improve the functioning of the secretory motor functions of the body. The ACC instruction states that it can be used in the presence of the following deviations in the state of health:

  • acute or chronic bronchiolitis and bronchitis;
  • asthma;
  • pulmonary eczema;
  • tuberculosis;
  • otitis media;

Even this is not all the possibilities of the ACC. Due to its medicinal properties, the drug is often used for cystic fibrosis, a hereditary disease caused by a gene mutation. In addition, it is often prescribed for the treatment of mild or prolonged inflammatory processes of the nasopharynx: tracheitis, acute rhinitis, nasopharyngitis, sinusitis, which are accompanied by the accumulation of a large amount of purulent mucus.

What kind of cough is ACC prescribed for?

If the house already has a package of the remedy, then before going to the pharmacy, you can independently study what kind of cough they drink ACC. However, complex medical terms and phrases will not be clear to everyone. Doctors recommend taking the drug with a wet productive cough - when excess viscous or too thick sputum accumulates in the bronchi.

ACC - at what age can children be given

Many young mothers ask: is it possible and from what age to give ACC to children? To which experienced pediatricians confidently answer: it is not only possible, but necessary. The main thing is to do it right:

  • A child from 2 years old to 6 years old can only be given ACC 100 mg, which is available as a powder.
  • Starting from the age of 7, treatment with ACC 200 mg is allowed. This medicine can be found in granules.
  • For children 14 years of age and older, ACC 600 is available. Unlike other drugs, this type of medication is valid for 24 hours.
  • As a syrup, medicine is allowed to be given to infants, but only under the supervision of a pediatrician.

How to use ACC

For convenience, many pharmaceutical companies began to produce the drug in several forms: granules, for example, with orange flavor, instant tablets, syrup. Each form has its own doses and framework for how to take ACC:

  • It is extremely rare that the solution is prescribed for inhalation. If the nebulizer used for the procedure is equipped with a distribution valve, then 6 ml of a 10% powder solution should be used. If there is no such supplement, doctors recommend taking a 20% solution at the rate of 2-5 ml per 1 liter of water.
  • With bronchoscopy, severe rhinitis, sinusitis, the use of ACC intratracheally is allowed. To clean the bronchi and nasal sinuses, a 5-10% solution is used. The diluted liquid must be instilled into the nose and ears up to 300 mg per day.
  • With the parenteral method of application, ACC is administered intramuscularly or intravenously. In the latter case, the ampoule must be diluted with sodium chloride or dextrose in proportions of 1 to 1.

ACC-long - instructions for use

The ACC agent marked long differs from ordinary tablets or powder in that the effect of exposure to it lasts not 5-7 hours, but the whole day. The medicine is produced in the form of large effervescent tablets and is intended for oral administration 1 tablet 1 time / day, in the absence of other doctor's recommendations. Additionally, along with the medicine, it is necessary to drink up to one and a half liters of liquid, which enhances the mucolytic effect.

How to breed ACC long:

  1. Pour into a glass of clean chilled boiled water, put a tablet on the bottom.
  2. Wait for the effervescent effect to pass and the capsule to completely dissolve.
  3. Drink the solution immediately after dissolution.
  4. Sometimes, before drinking ACC, the diluted drink can be left for several hours.

ACC powder - instructions for use

ACC powder (see photo below) is used in the following doses:

  • adolescents over 14 years of age and adults are prescribed up to 600 mg of acetylcysteine, the intake is divided into 1-3 approaches;
  • a child under 14 years of age is recommended to give the same dose of the drug, but divided into several doses per day;
  • babies under 6 years old can be given 200-400 mg of powder per day.

ACC powder for both adults and children should be drunk after meals, and the composition from the bag must be properly prepared. In what water to dissolve ACC depends on your preferences, but remember: the best result will be achieved if you dilute the medicine with half a glass of hot water. However, orange-flavored baby granules can be dissolved in lukewarm, boiled water.

Effervescent tablets ACC - instructions for use

Effervescent tablets of acetylcysteine ​​are diluted with water according to the same system as regular powder. The dose of the drug, in the absence of other doctor's recommendations, is:

  • for colds and mild infectious diseases, adults - 1 tablet of ACC 200 2-3 times a day, duration of administration - 5-7 days;
  • with chronic cough, bronchitis or cystic fibrosis, the drug is drunk for a longer period, and its dose for adults is 2 capsules of ACC 100 three times a day.

ACC syrup for children - instructions

Sweet ACC syrup is prescribed for children from the age of two and older, in the diagnosis of mild colds or chronic bronchitis. The medicine is taken orally, for 5 days, immediately after eating. The dosage of the syrup is chosen by the attending physician. If no recommendations have been received from the pediatrician, then the ACC will be the guide - the official instructions for use from the manufacturer, which says that you can take the medicine:

  • adolescents 10 ml 3 times / day;
  • if the child is from 6 to 14 years old, then 5 ml 3 times / day;
  • for babies 5 years old, the dose of the drug is 5 ml 2 times / day.

Remove the children's syrup from the vial using a measuring syringe. The device comes with medication. The instructions for using the syringe are as follows:

  1. Press on the vial cap, turn it clockwise until it clicks.
  2. Remove the cap from the syringe, insert the hole into the neck and press the syringe until it stops.
  3. Turn the bottle upside down, pull the syringe handle towards you, measuring the required dose of syrup.
  4. If bubbles appear inside the syringe, lower the plunger slightly.
  5. Slowly pour the syrup into the child's mouth and let the child swallow the medicine. While taking the drug, children should stand or sit.
  6. After use, the syringe must be washed without soap.

Analogue of ACC

If you are looking for a cheap analogue of the ACC cough analogue, pay attention to the following medicines:

  • , country of origin - Russia. It contains the same active ingredient and belongs to the category of mucolytic expectorants. Its price is about 40-50 rubles.
  • Fluimucil, country of origin - Italy. It is intended to eliminate the first signs of a cold and cough, but can be used to facilitate the discharge of a viscous secretion from the nose. Its composition consists of 600 mg of acetylcysteine, citric acid, sorbitol and flavors. The price of the drug is about 300 rubles.
  • , country of origin - Germany. It is produced as a syrup, which is based on another active substance - ambroxol hydrochloride. The medicine helps to cope with a protracted, poorly expectorated cough, removes sputum from the bronchi, and softens the airways. Its price ranges from 200 to 300 rubles.

ACC price for cough

The release form not only contributed to the freedom of choice of the buyer, but also significantly influenced how much ACC costs in pharmacies. More often, its price is very reasonable, which makes the medicine affordable for every social stratum of the population. However, in different cities and pharmacies, drug prices may vary slightly. The average cost of the drug is as follows:

  • children's syrup - price up to 350 rubles;
  • granulated ACC - up to 200 rubles;
  • powder - 130-250 rubles;
  • powder with orange and honey flavor - price from 250 r.

ACC - contraindications

Contraindications to the use of ACC are as follows:

  • individual intolerance to the active substance;
  • hypersensitivity to additional components of the drug;
  • illness during pregnancy, during lactation, excluding artificial feeding;
  • duodenal ulcer and stomach;
  • liver failure;
  • history of pulmonary hemorrhage.

In addition, the medicine cannot be combined with other cough syrups, bronchodilators and antibiotics containing codeine and depressing expectorant reflexes. With caution, you should drink the medicine for those who have previously been diagnosed with venous varicose veins, adrenal diseases or abnormalities in the endocrine system. It is undesirable to take the drug along with alcohol.

ACC - reviews

Anton, 54 years old I suffered from a cough for a long time. I can’t say that he was dry, but the sputum still didn’t come out. I decided to go to the hospital and the doctor advised me to try ACC long in effervescent tablets. I drank the course, as it was said to the instructions for the medicine - 5 days. The cough has not gone away at all, but breathing has become much easier, and sputum is already coming out of the bronchi.
Anastasia, 32 years old At the beginning of the treatment of a wet, persistent cough, a friend advised me to try ACC powder. When I came to the pharmacy, at first I was embarrassed because of the price of the medicine. It cost somewhere around 130 rubles, which is very strange and inexpensive compared to analogues. I decided to try it anyway and was not mistaken, the cold went away in 3 days, and my breathing returned to normal.

Attention! The information provided in the article is for informational purposes only. The materials of the article do not call for self-treatment. Only a qualified doctor can make a diagnosis and give recommendations for treatment, based on the individual characteristics of a particular patient.

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ACC - instructions for use for coughing in children and adults

The most common problem that a child of any age can face is a cough.

Modern pharmaceuticals offer funds aimed at combating this symptom in large quantities. ACC syrup occupies a leading position in this list.

This article provides instructions for the use of ACC cough syrup for children, average prices in pharmacies and parental reviews of a children's medicine.

Description of the drug, composition, form of release

ACC drug - mucolytic syrup with anti-inflammatory action. Produced in Germany and Slovenia.

The main active ingredient is acetylcysteine. Auxiliary - sodium benzoate, disodium edetate, saccharinate, flavor and water.

The solution has a viscous consistency and a pronounced cherry aroma.

In the kit, a measuring cup and a syringe for dosing the drug are attached to the glass vial with the medicine.

When appointed

ACC is used to treat diseases that are accompanied by cough and sputum that is difficult to separate. When prescribing a medication for the treatment doctors focus on disturbing symptoms.

There may be an increase in body temperature, soreness in the throat and lungs. There is a dry cough.

Indications for the use of ACC:

ACC is prescribed at the initial stages of coughing, when sputum does not separate on its own.

When listening to the child's breathing, wheezing and lengthening of the breath are detected. The use of agents based on acetylcysteine ​​is most relevant.


Before taking, you should familiarize yourself with the contraindications of the drug:

  • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • age up to two years;
  • individual intolerance to fructose;
  • allergic reaction to acetylcysteine.

Caution is important if the patient is diagnosed with varicose veins in the esophagus, kidney and liver disease, arterial hypertension, etc.

The use of the drug is strictly contraindicated in any type of bleeding, in particular from the respiratory tract.

How quickly the effect appears

The active ingredients of the medicinal solution are aimed at destruction of the chemical composition of sputum cells. This reduces inflammation.

The sputum begins to soften and be expectorated. Dry cough changes to. Gradually improves overall health.

Cough becomes productive already on the 4th-5th day of treatment. A week after the start of the reception, there are significant improvements. Sometimes by this time the cough is completely gone.

For the correct dosage of the drug, a measuring syringe and a glass are used, attached to the syrup.

100 mg of the active ingredient is ¼ measuring cup. This volume will hold 5 ml of liquid. Accordingly, 200 mg is in half a glass, and 400 is in a full glass.

When dosing, take into account that the syringe contains 5 ml of the drug. For each age category there are restrictions on the amount of syrup.

In the interval from 2 to 6 years, children can be given 5 ml of syrup, no more than 3 times a day. At the age of 6 to 14 years, 4 doses are allowed. You can take the drug 10 ml twice a day.

After 15 years, the maximum daily dose is 30 ml, the number of appointments is prescribed by the doctor.

Methods of reception

Taking the drug implies compliance with the algorithm of actions. First you need to measure the right amount of syrup. Then the medicine is given to the child in any convenient way.

At an older age, children take medicine from a spoon without problems. A younger child may resist the reception. A special syringe helps, with which the syrup is injected into the baby's oral cavity.

Rules for the use of the drug:

  • remove the protective cap and make a hole in the neck of the bottle;
  • draw the contents of the vial into a syringe;
  • insert a syringe into the buccal region of the child;
  • wash the syringe after use.

Children positively perceive the drug. Syrup has a pleasant taste and cherry aroma. But sometimes there are exceptions to this rule.

Interaction with other substances

Acetylcysteine ​​is incompatible with other cough medicines. With simultaneous administration, sputum stagnation is possible, which delays the treatment.

With the simultaneous appointment of ACC with antibiotics, an interval of 2 hours between doses is observed. Otherwise, the antibacterial effect may decrease.

The exceptions are Loracarbef and Cefixime. It is undesirable to combine syrup with nitroglycerin. This is fraught with vasodilation.

Overdose and side effects

Side effects will not occur if the dosage of the drug is observed. If the dosage is exceeded, vomiting, nausea, stool disorders and pain in the abdomen are noted.

The maximum daily amount of the drug is 500 mg per 1 kg of body weight.

In case of overdose, gastric lavage and symptomatic therapy are required.

With individual intolerance to the components of the drug, Quincke's edema or a state of shock may develop. But this rarely happens.

Price, analogues, shelf life

The cost of ACC in Russia is about 250 rubles. In some areas, the price can reach 365 rubles.

There are similar drugs - this, and Fluimucil.

The medicine should be kept out of the reach of children. The temperature should not exceed 25 degrees.

The shelf life of unopened syrup is 2 years. After opening, its shelf life is noticeably reduced - only 18 days.

Children's immunity is formed gradually. This is the reason for the special susceptibility to colds. One of the most annoying symptoms of a cold is a cough.

It is dry and wet. With a dry cough, pain and discomfort in the throat area are noted. For its treatment, ACC powder for children is prescribed.

This article discusses instructions for the use of ACC powder (100 and 200 mg) for children, reviews of parents about a children's medicine are collected, and the price of the drug is indicated.

Composition and pharmacological properties

ACC is a medical drug to combat. Produced in Germany and Slovenia, has expectorant and anti-inflammatory action.

The main active ingredient of the drug is acetylcysteine. Auxiliary components - sodium saccharinate, ascorbic acid, sucrose and flavor.

The drug is available in the form of tablets and powder. The second option is prescribed in childhood.

The drug package contains 20 bags of granules. They are white in color and have a pleasant aroma. Depending on the additive, it can be lemon, orange or honey.

ACC has an expectorant effect. It is also prescribed in the event of a purulent type of sputum.

It is possible to use the drug for prophylactic purposes, with chronic diseases of the respiratory system.


ACC powder is prescribed for any type of disease accompanied by sputum production in the pulmonary tract.

A drug makes coughing more productive. The active ingredient reduces the inflammatory process, making the child feel better.

Indications indicated in the instructions for the medicine:

Before prescribing the drug, the doctor should listen to the child's breathing with a phonendoscope.

In the presence of viscous and thick sputum, the exhalation will be long, and breathing will be heavy, with moist rales.


Prescribing the dosage of the drug in the presence of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract is carried out with caution.

With individual histamine intolerance, long-term use of ACC is not recommended.

Doctors advise caution in using ACC with a tendency to varicose veins in the esophagus.

In case of renal or hepatic insufficiency during treatment, it is necessary to monitor the condition of the organs through the delivery of tests.

Direct contraindications to taking medicinal granules:

  • bleeding in the lungs;
  • the presence of sensitivity to the components of the drug;
  • acute form of gastrointestinal diseases;
  • age up to 2 years;
  • fructose intolerance.

How fast does it help?

The active ingredient of the drug has mucus thinning properties through the process of depolymerization of mucoproteins.

The antioxidant effect is based on the ability to bond with oxidative radicals, eliminating their viability. The intensity of the inflammatory process decreases.

The process of metabolism of the active substances of the drug is carried out in the liver. The maximum concentration of components in blood cells is reached approximately 2 hours after ingestion. The excretion process is carried out by the kidneys.

Sputum discharge is noted on the first day of using the drug.

The complete disappearance of the cough reflex occurs after a full course of treatment. Its duration depends on the severity of the disease.

Dosage - 100 or 200 mg

How to drink ACC powder for children? Mucolytic therapy implies compliance with the dosage prescribed by the doctor.

At the age of 2 to 6 years, it is allowed to take 100 mg of the drug no more than 3 times a day. At the age of 6 to 14 years, a single dose is 200 mg. But the number of receptions remains the same.

The daily dose for adolescents over the age of 14 years is 400-600 mg of the drug per day. This amount is spread over 2 doses.

In severe form of the disease, the dosage is increased. If the child's body weight exceeds 30 kg, then the daily dose of the drug can reach 800 mg.

How to breed and take, special instructions

Before use, ACC powder must be dissolved in hot water. For 100 mg of the drug, 100 ml of liquid will be required.

The resulting ACC solution (suspension) for children is taken orally, hot, regardless of food.

Without supervision by medical representatives, the drug can be used for no longer than 5 days. With complications of the course of the disease, the course of treatment is extended. But this nuance is discussed with the attending physician.

In the presence of diabetes mellitus, ACC should be used with caution. The composition of the drug includes sucrose. This is taken into account when prescribing a dosage.

Possibility of combining with other substances

The combination of ACC powder with agents of similar action can lead to stagnation of sputum in the respiratory system.

Simultaneous administration with antibiotics such as tetracycline, penicillin and cephalosporin is undesirable. Acetylcysteine ​​reduces the antibacterial effect of these components.

ACC increases the vasodilating effect of nitroglycerin, so it is desirable to reduce its dosage.

Any combination of ACC with medications is discussed with the pediatrician to prevent possible side effects.

Overdose and side effects

Possible overdose during treatment Therefore, you should adhere to the dosage regimen prescribed by your doctor.

Exceeding the dosage is fraught with the appearance of characteristic symptoms. These are stomach pain, stool disorder, nausea, heartburn.

In this case, gastric lavage is indicated. Bed rest should be observed and the use of the drug should be discontinued.

Side effects may occur during treatment:

There are two options for the volume of the package - 100 and 200 mg. The package contains 20 serving bags.

The cost of a drug with a dosage of 100 mg is 130 rubles. In some areas, it reaches 150 rubles. The average price of a package with a dosage of 200 mg is 180 rubles.

The optimum storage temperature should not exceed 25 degrees. Keep the powder package in a place protected from light.

The shelf life is 4 years from the date of issue. After its expiration, the use of the drug is prohibited.

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