Test for the strength of the nervous system. Nervous system. How to check the status

Explanatory note

The test work is designed to test the assimilation of knowledge of 8th grade students on the topic "Human Nervous System". Compiled in accordance with the programI.N. Ponomareva.Textbook: Biology, Grade 8 A.G. Dragomilov, R.D. Mash, Moscow, Publishing Center "Ventana - Graf", 2016. Time to complete the work - 45 minutes.

Standard requirements : Meaning, structure and function nervous system . Parts and divisions of the nervous system. Central and peripheral nervous system. Somatic and vegetative departments. Direct and reverse links.Autonomic division of the nervous system.
Parasympathetic and sympathetic divisions autonomous department nervous system.

Spinal cord.Structure spinal cord. Reflex function of the spinal cord. Conductive function of the spinal cord.Brain.gray and white matter brain. The structure and functions of the brain regions. Location and functions of the areas of the cerebral cortex.

When compiling the work, the following literature was used:

A.I. Nikishov, V.S. Rokhlov. Dilactic material on the course "Man and his health"

Moscow. "RAUB" 1995.

G.M. Murtazin Active Forms and teaching methods of biology. Man and his health. Moscow, Education, 1989

A.A. Kirilenko. Biology. Man and his health. Preparation for the exam and GIA - 9. Legion, Rostov - on - Don, 2013

Test work on the topic "Nervous system"

ExerciseI. Write down the numbers of the correct judgments:

1 - 12 pairs of cranial branches depart from the brain stem - cerebral nerves

2 - increased heart rate is associated with the activity of the parasympathetic nervous system

3 - receptors are specialized cells

4 - cerebrospinal fluid provides exchange between blood and brain tissues

5 - the white matter of the spinal cord consists of pathways formed by long processes of neurons

6 - on inner surface the temporal lobe of each hemisphere contains the gustatory and olfactory zones

7 - muscles and glands are receptors

8- dendrites can branch

9- bodies of sensitive neurons are located in thickenings of the posterior roots

10- functional unit of the nervous system - reflex

11- the vagus nerve is one of the sensory neurons

12- neuron receives basic information from dendrites

13- the cerebellum is a part of the hindbrain

14- bodies of intercalary neurons are located in posterior horns spinal cord

15- the center of the tendon reflex is located in the brain

16- bodies of motor neurons are located in thickenings of the posterior roots of the spinal cord

17- forebrain consists of two parts: diencephalon and medulla oblongata

18- the brain is usually divided into three sections: anterior, middle and posterior.

ExerciseII. Classify the following functions according to the parts of the brain.

Sections of the brain


A - medulla oblongata

B - cerebellum

AT - midbrain

G - diencephalon

D - cerebral hemispheres

1 - mental, speech activity and memory

2 - coordination of movement, maintaining posture and balance

3 - regulation of protective reflexes (sneezing, coughing, vomiting)

4 - perception and analysis of information coming through the senses

5 - regulation of temperature, feelings of thirst, hunger and satiety

6 - regulation of the activity of the main body systems (digestive, respiratory, cardiovascular)

7 - maintaining skeletal muscles in good shape (tension)

8 - regulation of digestion (centers of sucking, chewing, salivation)

9 - emotional behavior

10- orienting reflexes

11- regulation of endocrine glands

ExerciseIII. Determine and write down in the form of a code, with the defeat of which neurons and parts of the human nervous system, the following violations movements:

Parts of the nervous system

Traffic violations

A - motor neurons

B - sensitive neurons

AT - front spine spinal nerve

G - posterior root of the spinal nerve

D - spinal cord

1 - the leg moves, but does not feel pain

2 - the leg does not move (paralysis), but feels irritation, pain

3 - the leg has lost sensation and is paralyzed

4 - loss of sensation and complete paralysis of the body below the waist

ExerciseIV. Specify the features characteristic of the parasympathetic nervous system. Choose three correct answers from the six offered and write down the numbers under which they are indicated.

1 - nerve centers are located in the brain stem and sacral region spinal cord

2 - nerve centers are located in the cervical, thoracic and lumbar regions spinal cord

3 - main nerve - vagus

4 - main nerves - solar, pulmonary and cardiac plexus

5- nodes are located in the innervated organ or near it

6 - nodes are located in pairs along the spinal cord

Key to test work:

I. 1, 4, 5, 6, 8, 9, 10, 12, 13, 14, 18.

II. A (medulla oblongata) - 3,6,8

B (cerebellum) - 2

B (midbrain) - 7, 10

G (midbrain) - 5.11

D (large hemispheres) - 1.4.9

III. 1 - B, G 2 - A, C 3 - A, B, C, D 4 - D

IV. 135


1. The peripheral nervous system includes:

1)31 pairs spinal nerves 2) 12 pairs of cranial nerves 3) medulla oblongata 4) nerve nodes around the spine 5) segmental section of the central system 6) cerebellum 7) nerve nodes of internal organs 8) pons varolii

window. google_render_ad(); A) 1.3.5 B) 2.4.6 C) 6.7.8 E) E)

2. "Pale nucleus" and "striated body" - what is it?

A) components of the gray matter of the cerebral hemispheres

B) gray matter of the cerebellum

C) subcortical region of the brain (hypothalamus)

D) the inner layer of the medulla oblongata

E) pons

3. In which answer option is the structure of the gray matter of the spinal cord correctly named?

1-pair of front horns 2-pair back horns 3-pair of lateral horns

a) motor neurons b) sensitive neurons c) autonomic neurons

A) 1a, 2b, 3c C) 1b, 2a, 3c C) 1c, 2b, 3a E) 1a, 2c, 3b E) 1b, 2c, 3a

4. Extend your right arm forward. index finger touch the tip of your nose. What part of the brain was involved in the implementation of this movement, coordinating the activity of the muscles of the hand and determining the trajectory of movement?

A) spinal cord B) medulla oblongata C) cerebellum D) midbrain

E) cerebral cortex

5. The main center of speech is located: 1) in the occipital 2) parietal 3) temporal 4) frontal lobe

A) left hemisphere a) right hemisphere of the brain

A)3-A B)1-A C)2-a E)4-A E)4-a

6.Inflammation of the sensitive nerve fibers- this is…

A) ganglite B) neuritis C) neuralgia D) sciatica E) myelitis

7. Sensitive and motor function of which human organs is provided by the nerve centers of the thoracic segment of the spinal cord?

A) skin and muscles, starting from the 5th rib chest before Bladder, internal

hand surface

C) skin and muscles of the head, neck, chest, outer surface of the hands

C) skin and muscles of the palm and fingers

D) tissues and organs of the abdominal cavity

E) skin and muscles of the legs and toes

8.Highlight physical processes, which regulate the thalamus and hypothalamus of the brain:

1) perception of external and internal stimuli through the sense organs 2) conduction of nerve

impulses to the medulla oblongata and spinal cord 3) regulation of respiration and cardiac activity

4) constancy of body temperature 5) ensuring normal exchange substances 6) response to hunger

and saturation 7) protective reflexes - blinking, sneezing, coughing 8) juice - and salivation

9) regulation of the activity of the pituitary gland

A) 1,4,5,6,9 B) 2,3,5,8 C) 1,3,5,7 E) 2,4,6,8 E) 6,7,8

9. Location of the sensitive center of the skin ...

A) occipital part of the cerebral cortex B) lower internal department frontal part

C) temporal part of the cerebral cortex D) anterior central gyrus of the crown

E) in the posterior central gyrus of the crown

10. What develops when damaged nerve cells of the spinal cord and violation of the sensory and motor function of tissues and organs?

A) hematoma B) neurosis C) paralysis D) aneurysm E) stroke

11. Damage to which nerve centers disrupts the perception of external and internal stimuli?

A) midbrain B) pons C) thalamus D) hypothalamus E) C, D

12. Impulses of what receptors are perceived by the associative zone of the cerebral cortex?

A) sense organs B) muscles and tendons C) has no connection with tissues and organs of the body

D) skin E) joints and bones

13. In which part and which hemisphere of the cerebral cortex is the center that gives melody to human speech?

A) temporal right hemisphere B) temporal left hemisphere

C) parietal right hemisphere D) frontal right hemisphere

E) frontal left hemisphere

14. What parts of the nervous system regulate the lower functions of the body?

A) spinal cord, pons B) medulla oblongata, cerebellum

C) midbrain, diencephalon D) A, B, C

E) cerebral cortex

15. What part of the brain is associated with the formation of biologically active substances, the implementation humoral regulation? Name that department.

A) intermediate B) middle C) oblong D) cerebellum E) forebrain

16. How many parts does a reflex arc consist of?

A) two B) five C) three D) four E) six

17. In which answer are the reflexes of the spinal cord correctly indicated?

A) smell, digestion, respiration B) urination, pupil dilation

C) chewing, coughing, salivation D) movement, reading, speech, learning

E) crying, smell, coordination of movement

18. Determine which organs are controlled by the autonomic nervous system?

A) heart, intestines endocrine glands, chest muscle metabolism

B) heart and neck muscles

C) kidneys, lungs, eye muscles

D) pancreas, chest muscles

E) salivary glands, liver, back muscles

19. Encephalitis is an inflammation…

A) membranes surrounding the brain B) brain tissue

C) the membrane surrounding the spinal cord D) tissue of the spinal cord

E) nerve cells of the spinal cord

20. In what part of the brain is the nerve center that sets the eye in motion

BUT) medulla oblongata B) diencephalon C) midbrain

D) cerebellum E) bridge


window. google_render_ad(); 1. What reflexes are provided diencephalon: 1) sensation of cold 2) overheating of the body 3) desire to sleep 4) increase in blood sugar 5) blinking 6) cough 7) inhalation and exhalation 8) increase in thyroxine 9) thirst

A) 1,2,4,5 B) 3,4,5,6 C) 4,5,6,7 E) 6,7,8,9 E) 1,2,3,4,8,9

2. The structure of the gray matter of the spinal cord in a cross section has the shape of a butterfly and consists of nerve cells. Specify how many horns the gray matter has and what nerve cells are in them.

A) one pair of anterior horns - motor neurons, one pair of posterior horns - sensory neurons

C) one pair of anterior horns are sensory neurons, one pair of posterior horns are motor neurons

C) one pair of anterior horns - motor neurons, one pair of posterior horns - intercalary neurons, one pair of lateral horns - sensory neurons

D) one pair of anterior horns - all kinds of neurons, one pair rear horns - all types of neurons

E) one pair of anterior horns - motor neurons, one pair of posterior horns - which includes processes of sensory neurons, one pair of lateral horns - motor neurons of the autonomic nervous system

3. What does the gray matter consist of in the thickness of the white matter of the brain?

A) serotonin B) fats, proteins, carbohydrates C) pale nucleus, striatum

D) white matter E) axons and dendrites

4.Where is located main center speech?

A) in the occipital part B) in the hemispheres C) in the temporal part of the left hemisphere

D) in the midbrain E) in the temporal part of the right hemisphere

5. Inflammation of motor nerve fibers is ...

6. The centers of the autonomic nervous system are located ...

A) in the spinal cord between 1 thoracic and 3 lumbar segments

C) in the medulla oblongata C) in the midbrain D) A, B, C

E) in the hypothalamus

7. The somatic nervous system in humans controls ...

A) movements B) sensory organs C) the work of the heart D) higher nervous activity

E) the work of the stomach

8. What is the sequence of the excitation pathway in case of a hand burn? 1) receptor 2) centrifugal neuron

3) centripetal neuron 4) intercalary neuron 5) gray matter of the spinal cord

6) cerebral cortex 7) muscle

A) 1,3,4,6 B) 1,2,5,6,3 C) 2,4,3 E) 1,3,4,2,7 E) 3,4,2

9. The influence of what nerves causes an increase in heart rate, vasoconstriction?

A) cranial B) sympathetic C) spinal cord

D) parasympathetic E) somatic

10. Regulation of chewing, swallowing, sneezing, coughing, as well as protective digestive reflexes are associated with ...

A) the diencephalon B) the nuclei of the medulla oblongata and the bridge

C) midbrain D) large hemispheres of the forebrain

E) cerebellum

11. What is a reflex?

A) response of the body to impulses sent and controlled by the central nervous system

C) regulation of the activity of the nervous system

C) nervous and humoral activity organism

D) the influence of the external environment on the nervous system

E) there is no correct answer

12. Where are the centers of digestion and what nerves increase the work of the digestive organs?

A) intermediate, parasympathetic B) cerebral cortex, sympathetic

C) brain stem, sympathetic E) brain stem, parasympathetic

E) oblong, intermediate, parasympathetic

13. Where sensitive and motor functions fingers?

A) the brain B) the cervical segment of the spinal cord

C) only in the right hemisphere D) c elbow joint E) A, B

14. What depends mental activity human?

2. What forms the gray matter of the brain?

A) pale nucleus and striatum B) pale body and striatum

C) hypothalamic cells D) gray body, white nucleus

E) stem cells

3. What is the mass of the human medulla oblongata?

A) 100 gr B) 10 gr C) 70 gr D) 7 gr E) 1 gr

4. Inflammation of neuromuscular fibers is ...

A) ganglite B) neuritis C) neuralgia D) sciatica E) myositis

5. Why does a spinal cord injury lead to paralysis?

A) ascending pathways are destroyed

C) descending pathways are destroyed

C) the posterior roots of the spinal nerves are damaged

D) the anterior roots of the spinal nerves are damaged

E) the connection between the spinal cord and the brain is interrupted

6. Where is the visual zone?

A) in the occipital lobe B) in the parietal lobe C) in temporal lobe

D) in the frontal lobe E) anterior central sulcus

7. What is the way reflex arc knee jerk?

A) muscle-receptor-nerve cell-intercalary cell-motor nerve cell

C) receptor-sensitive cell-intercalary cell-motor cell

C) receptor-sensitive nerve fiber - sensitive nerve cell -

intercalary neuron - motor neuron - motor nerve fiber - muscle

E) sensitive neuron-intercalary neuron - motor cell - sensitive

cell - muscle - receptor

E) muscle - receptor - intercalary neuron - motor neuron - sensitive cell -

motor nerve fiber - muscle

8. Specify the main properties nervous tissue.

A) excitability, contractility B) elasticity, contractility

C) excitability, conductivity D) automaticity, conductivity

E) automaticity, excitability

9. Motor nerves are ...

A) nerves made up of dendrites B) nerves made up of axons and dendrites

C) nerves consisting of axons D) nerves consisting of axons of motor neurons

E) all answers are correct

10. Regulation of chewing, swallowing, sucking, as well as protective digestive reflexes are associated with ...

A) diencephalon B) midbrain

C) nuclei of the medulla oblongata D) cerebellum

E) large hemispheres of the forebrain

11. Neuroglia is…

A) a disease of the human nervous system

B) part of the spinal cord

C) cells with processes that are not part of the nervous tissue

D) cells that make up the nervous tissue and are located around the neurons of the brain

and spinal cord

E) cells that are not related to the nervous system

12. Which part of the brain is associated with higher nervous activity higher mammals?

A) middle B) dorsal C) oblong D) intermediate E) large hemispheres

13. What is the segmental part of the central nervous system represented by?

A) spinal cord and lower parts of the brain

B) higher nerve centers and cortical part of the brain

C) hemispheres of the brain

D) the brain and spinal cord E) the spinal cord and hemispheres

14. What nervous system regulates the activity of the endocrine glands?

A) somatic B) vegetative C) peripheral D) central E) suprasegmental

15. What is the function of the white matter of the spinal cord?

A) transmission of impulses of the spinal cord and brain B) motor function

C) regulation of the activity of internal organs D) humoral function

E) regulation of respiratory function

16. Specify diseases of the central nervous system.

A) otitis, paratitis B) hepatitis, osteochondrosis C) myelitis, encephalitis

D) heart attack, ischemia E) gastritis, colitis

17. How is chorea disease characterized?

A) involuntary jerky movements limbs, blinking eyes

B) change in handwriting wobbly gait D) a decrease in pain, thermal sensitivity

C) depressed mood, weight loss E) mood swings, decreased muscle tone

18. What zones is the surface of the human cerebral cortex divided into, depending on the functions,

carried out by cortical cells?

A) sensory, auditory, visual B) motor, sensory, olfactory

C) frontal, parietal, temporal, motor E) sensitive, motor, associative

E) sensory, visual, muscular

19. What characterizes paralysis resulting from brain tissue damage?

A) the muscle tone of the limb increases and the limb stiffens

C) there is pain in the limb, then paralyzes and hangs like a whip

C) the sensitivity and movement of the limb is reduced

D) pain in the skin and muscles, trembling of the hands and feet

E) all answers are correct

20. Where are the centers of the somatic nervous system located?

window. google_render_ad(); A) evenly in all parts of the spinal cord and brain

C) c lower sections brain

C) from the first thoracic to the third lumbar segments of the spinal cord

D) in the sacral region of the spinal cord

Test "The state of your nervous system" (According to K. Liebelt)

Instruction. Circle one of the four numbers in the boxes to the right next to the description of each symptom, depending on how often you find this symptom in yourself.

Results processing: Add up the circled numbers.

0–25: this amount may not bother you. However, still pay attention to the signals of your body, try to eliminate weaknesses.

26–45: There is no cause for concern in this situation. However, don't ignore the warning signs. Think about what you can do for your body

46–60: your nervous system is weakened. Health requires a lifestyle change. Analyze questions and answers. This way you will find the direction of the necessary changes.

Over 60 points : your nerves are severely exhausted. Required Urgent measures. Be sure to see a doctor.





Do you often feel irritated, nervous, anxious?

Do you often have a rapid pulse and heartbeat?

Do you often get tired quickly?

Do you suffer from hypersensitivity to noise, rustle or light?

Do you have abrupt shifts mood, there is a feeling of dissatisfaction?

Do you sleep restlessly, wake up frequently? Do you suffer from insomnia?

Do you suffer from involuntary sweating?

Are your muscles tight? Do you feel unusual tickling, twitching in the joints?

Do you suffer from forgetfulness, often poorly able to concentrate?

Do you suffer from itching?

Do you need in your professional activity be "on top"?

Do you often visit bad mood Are you being aggressive? Do you lose your temper quickly?

Do you keep trouble in yourself?

Do you feel dissatisfied with yourself and the world around you?

Do you smoke?

Do you get in trouble? Do you suffer from fears?

Do you have a disadvantage in being able to move fresh air?

Do you lack the ability to discharge, find peace of mind?

The human nervous system is a rather complex structure that permeates the body and allows for its normal functioning, since with its help we react to any external and internal influences. On the this moment there is already evidence that nerve endings present in various organs immune system, and the main function of this system is to receive, as well as store and process any information received.

It is likely that you yourself paid attention to the fact that occasionally you become too irritable, quick-tempered, and also quickly get tired. All this ultimately has an extremely negative effect on the functioning of your nervous system, and also affects your health. Everyone knows the expression "all diseases are due to nerves." That is why it is important to understand the current state of the nerves, the degree of one's balance and be able not to worry in vain, since often this feeling is simply greatly exaggerated. If you want to waste yourself on your nerves as little as possible, just try to do more of what brings you positive emotions. Take the test and find out how in order your nervous system is.

Take an online test for the state of the nervous system

    1. Can you be called a calm and self-possessed person?

    • a) No
    • b) I don't know
    • c) sometimes
    • d) Can
  1. 2. Would you go to school for a fixed period of time in order to continue your professional career more successfully? Do you enjoy working neatly but slowly?

    • a) No
    • b) I don't know
    • c) sometimes
    • d) Yes
  2. 3. Do you often have reasons for irritation and resentment?

    • a) yes
    • b) Sometimes
    • c) I don't know
    • d) No
  3. 4. Do you tend to be impatient when you are forced to wait?

    • a) yes
    • b) Sometimes
    • c) I don't know
    • d) No
  4. 5. Do you enjoy hard physical work?

    • a) No
    • b) Sometimes
    • c) I don't know
    • d) No
  5. 6. Do people around you often bother you?

    • a) often
    • b) Sometimes
    • c) very rarely
    • d) never
  6. 7. Did you imagine that you would be doing such a thing? Have your comrades often been unfair and rude to you?

    • a) very often
    • b) Often
    • c) rarely
    • d) very rare
  7. 8. Are you easily distracted from work, reading literature?

    • a) easy
    • b) differently
    • c) I try not to get distracted
    • d) don't get distracted
  8. 9. Is it easy for you to part with former comrades in order to make new friends?

    • a) easy
    • b) differently
    • c) with difficulty
    • d) hard work
  9. 10. Can you be called a diligent and patient person?

    • a) No, you can't
    • b) I don't know
    • c) sometimes
    • d) Yes, you can
  • You are dominated by the imbalance of the nervous system. It sounds like you need to get serious about treating your nerves and also reducing as much as possible the presence of factors that piss you off, whether it's your job or a failed relationship. Do not put off solving your problem, because nerves are very important.

    The test showed that you have a nervous imbalance. You should devote more time to rest and relaxation, as well as reduce the number of irritants in your life. Remember that the most important thing in life is you. Don't let people negative factors ruin your precious nerves.

    Unfortunately, the state of your nervous system is uncertain. We recommend you retake the test. You have too many conflicting and mutually exclusive answers. Perhaps you should take a closer look at some of them.

    There is a balance. Despite minor troubles and unrest, your nerves are in order. You know how to relax and take control of yourself. Your nerves are strong enough to keep you in a good mood and productive.

    Blimey! You have what is called - " nerves of steel". Problems and troubles are very difficult to piss you off. People around you can feel calmer and more confident with you. Good mood and deep sleep, for sure, are your life companions. You are very lucky!

1. The white matter of the brain performs the following function:

a) reflex

b) conductive

c) nutritious

d) motor

2. Areas of nerve cells, the accumulations of which are the main component of the so-called white matter of the spinal cord, are:

a) axons

b) nuclei of nerve cells

c) bodies of neurons

d) dendrites

3. ____ pairs of cranial nerves depart from the brain

4. Different parts of the body, depending on their functional significance for the body, are unevenly represented in the motor area of ​​the cerebral cortex. The smallest surface area of ​​the cortex of the motor zone falls on this part of the body:

a) torso

5. On average, the diameter of the human spinal cord is:

6. The hollow structure located in the center of the spinal cord is designated by the following term:

a) ventricles of the brain

b) spinal canal

d) spinal canal

7. One nerve cell can have next quantity axons:

a) only one

b) no more than ten

c) 10 or more

d) set

8. Department of the brain, having a cortex formed by numerous bodies of neurons and their short processes - dendrites - is:

a) telencephalon

b) diencephalon

c) medulla oblongata

d) midbrain

9. Directly connected with the spinal cord are structures representing numerous processes of motor neurons covered with a connective tissue sheath. This structure is called:

a) front spine

b) back spine

c) lateral spine

d) bottom spine

10. The cerebrospinal fluid in the human body is located in a structure called:

a) spinal canal

b) the space between the solid meninges and wall of the spinal canal

c) blood vessels that feed the brain

d) the lymphatic system

11. In the spinal cord, the white matter is located:

a) in the middle

b) on the periphery

c) disorderly

d) in the form of nuclei

12. One neuron can have the following number of dendrites:

b) no more than 10

c) 1-100 or more

d) more than 1000

13. Department of the brain, in which sensitive and motor zones are distinguished:

a) medulla oblongata

b) midbrain

c) cerebellum

d) cerebral cortex

14. The proportion of the cerebral cortex that received greatest development in humans in the process of evolution:

a) frontal

b) parietal

c) temporal

d) occipital

15. The folds of the cerebral cortex are called the following term:

a) twists

b) furrows

d) bumps

16. The ______ zone is located in the occipital lobe of the cerebral cortex.

a) motor

b) visual

c) auditory

d) musculoskeletal

17. Areas of nerve cells, the accumulations of which are the main component of the gray matter of the spinal cord, are:

a) axons

b) dendrites

c) bodies of neurons

18. Directly connected with the spinal cord are structures representing numerous processes of sensitive neurons covered with a connective tissue sheath. This structure is referred to as:

a) front spine

b) back spine

c) bottom spine

d) top spine

19. Part of the brain in which the nuclei are located vagus nerve- this is:

a) diencephalon

b) midbrain

c) medulla oblongata

d) cerebral cortex

20. Accumulations of the gray matter of the brain are called:

a) tangles

b) nuclei

c) ganglia

d) neurons

21. The part of the brain that is located directly above the spinal cord is:

b) cerebellum

c) hemispheres

d) medulla oblongata

22. Glial cells perform various functions. At the same time, they do not have the following function:

a) base

b) nutritious

c) motor

d) protective

23. The parts of the brain that are united by the term "brain stem" are:

a) bridge, diencephalon and medulla oblongata

b) pons, midbrain and medulla oblongata

c) pons, cerebellum, midbrain and diencephalon

d) middle, diencephalon and telencephalon.

24. The _______ zone is located in the parietal lobe of the cerebral cortex.

a) motor

b) visual

c) auditory

d) skin-muscle sensitivity.

25. The following number of pairs of nerves depart from the spinal cord:

26. Furrow separating frontal lobe from the parietal lobe is:

a) central (Roland)

b) lateral (sylvian)

c) intraparietal

d) back.

27. From the listed zones in the temporal lobe of the cerebral hemispheres there is:

a) visual

b) auditory

c) motor

d) musculoskeletal

28. Structures related to the peripheral nervous system are:

a) only nerves

b) nerves and ganglions

c) spinal cord, nerves and ganglions

d) spinal cord and brain.

29. On a transverse section of the spinal cord in gray matter, anterior and posterior horns are distinguished. Motor neurons are located in ______ horns.

a) anterior horns

b) rear horns

30. The thickness of the gray matter of the cerebral cortex is:

a) 0.15-0.5 mm

31. In the thoracic and lumbar segments of the spinal cord there is one of the parts of the autonomic nervous system, the peripheral parts of which are represented by nerves and nodes (ganglia), usually located far from regulated bodies. This department is called:

a) sympathetic

b) parasympathetic

c) metasympathetic

32. Specify the neurons located outside the central nervous system:

a) sensitive

b) motor

c) insert

d) different

33. Department of the brain, which is the material basis mental activity person is:

a) medulla oblongata

b) midbrain

c) diencephalon

d) cerebral cortex

34. Deepenings of the cerebral cortex are designated by the term:

a) twists

b) furrows

d) potholes

35. The central sections of one of the sections of the autonomic nervous system are located in the middle, medulla oblongata and in the sacral section of the spinal cord, and the peripheral sections of this section are represented by nerves and ganglions located in internal organs or next to them. This part of the autonomic nervous system is called:

a) sympathetic

b) parasympathetic

c) metasympathetic

36. The scientist who called the analyzer system that directly interacts with the stimulus, conducts a signal, and forms a sensation is:

a) I.M. Sechenov

b) I.P. Pavlov

c) A.A. Ukhtomsky

d) P.F. Lesgaft

37. This structure is not part of the analyzer system of the brain:

a) sensory receptors

b) sensitive neurons

c) neurons of sensitive areas of the cerebral cortex

d) motor neurons

38. The department of the organ of hearing, to which the tympanic membrane belongs, is:

a) outer ear

b) middle ear

c) inner ear

d) auricle

39. Photoreceptors with greater sensitivity to light are:

a) sticks

b) cones

c) papillae

d) mushrooms

40. There are three main shells in the eyeball. Of the above, the average is:

a) vascular

b) fibrous

c) retina

41. The outer layer of retinal cells adjacent to choroid eyes is called

a) a layer of rods and cones

b) pigment layer

c) layer of bipolar cells

d) ganglion cell layer

42. Place of exit of nerve fibers optic nerve from the retina is called:

a) corpus luteum

b) blind spot

c) vitreous body

d) yellow spot.

43. Receptor cells taste analyzer perceive _______ simple tastes.

d) four.

44. Of the listed receptors in the skin, the following are found in the greatest amount:

a) thermal

b) cold

c) painful

d) pressure receptors

45. All departments inner ear have hair cells. These cells are pressed by tiny calcareous crystals in the following section:

a) semicircular canals

b) snail

c) a vestibule

d) bones (auditory).

46. ​​______ receptors are "free nerve endings":

a) taste

b) painful

c) olfactory

47. Skin sense - touch - is formed as a result of the influence of many factors that specifically affect skin receptors different types. A factor whose effect is not specific to skin receptors is:

a) touching the hair

b) pressure on the skin

c) exposure to cold or heat

d) painful irritation

e) exposure to water-soluble chemicals

48. Muscular feeling occurs when special receptors are excited. ____________ lacks muscle receptors:

a) skeletal muscles

b) tendons

c) smooth muscles

d) joints

49. These retinal photoreceptors function only in bright light:

a) sticks

b) cones

50. Of the ossicles of the middle ear, the following is connected with the tympanic membrane:

a) stirrup

b) anvil

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