How to start a healthy lifestyle. How to lead the right way of life. Rules for a healthy lifestyle

Today, more than ever, the issue of maintaining health, psychological and physical, is acute. Everyone is worried about how to start leading a healthy lifestyle, find willpower in themselves, change bad habits, go in for sports, switch to a balanced diet, but few people manage to put it into practice.

There are a lot of excuses for their weaknesses, and a new life is postponed until next Monday. Why is this happening and where is the catch? What are the main principles of the "correct" lifestyle?

Thinking about starting a healthy lifestyle, many suddenly change their schedule, diet, and intensively load themselves with training, hoping that they will be able to achieve their goal faster this way. Such an approach causes severe fatigue, a decrease in well-being, a lack of self-confidence and a desire to complete everything faster. As a result, the attempt to make changes in the habitual way of life is unsuccessful.

To begin with, you should take care of psychological preparation. Motivation is what should be the stimulus to action. Think carefully about why you want to change, what you will get from it, what benefits it will bring to you personally and to others. The concept of "healthy lifestyle" should become not just a phrase, but the basic principle of your existence.

Visualize in your imagination all the benefits, imagine yourself in a new image, then the upcoming difficulties will look like a meager entry fee into a new world filled with success and joy. You just need to have the basic concept of a healthy lifestyle, and be aware of what actions are needed to achieve success in this area.


Plan your first steps carefully. Think over each stage of your transformation, which will become the next step on the way to the right way of life. You can follow the following plan:

  • Make a list of habits that you need to get rid of, next to each, indicate what advantages it promises you.
  • Set aside one week for each bad addiction. Do not try to immediately stop drinking alcoholic beverages, quit smoking, deprive yourself of other dubious pleasures, so you will not be able to start leading a healthy lifestyle, rather, on the contrary, you will quickly give up this idea. Do everything gradually, then the body will not experience severe stress, and the changes will be perceived more calmly.
  • Think of an activity that will become an alternative to negative habits. If you smoke, make it a rule to always carry candy or nuts with you, something that will become a substitute for a cigarette.
  • Change the daily routine also gradually. Think it over before you start a healthy lifestyle, paying attention not only to work, but also to good rest. If you are used to going to bed at one in the morning, try to go to bed 10-15 minutes earlier every day, then the change of routine will be calmer, you will not suffer from insomnia. Within a month, you will notice how your sleep has improved, your health has improved, your relationships with others have become better.
  • Sports activities are an obligatory part of the program. Do not load yourself from the first days a lot and immediately, first do simple physical exercises, complicating them with each workout. This approach will allow you to exercise with pleasure, without experiencing muscle pain and without risking your health.

One of the most important success factors is the emotional state. The success of your venture depends on it, so tune in to the fact that you have nowhere to retreat, there will be no second chance. Tune in to the fact that you are obliged to start a healthy lifestyle and you simply have no other way.

Proper nutrition

Unfortunately, healthy foods are often perceived by us as less tasty. It's not about the sensations experienced while eating, but how we perceive it. Not only the figure and appearance, but also health depends on the products used.

A familiar carrot or beetroot can acquire an incomparable flavor if cooked properly. When compiling a diet, try to find a compromise between low-calorie foods and delicious meals. Choose a menu so that the dishes included in it are both tasty and healthy. After a month and a half of such a diet, the skin will look more attractive, the metabolism will be activated.

A typical mistake of those who want to lose weight is the rejection of many products, life is almost starving. The result is a sharp weight loss, physiological and emotional exhaustion of the body, which is why an attempt to start a healthy lifestyle is doomed to failure. You need to eat, and you can calculate your daily calorie intake simply: their consumption must exceed intake. Only in this case, you can count on a stable weight loss, and the lost kilograms will disappear forever and will not return. Naturally, if you lead the right way of life.

Daily regime

The human body is designed in such a way that it gets used to a certain schedule. Daily awakening at the same time, timely going to bed is a guarantee of proper rest and recuperation. At least 7-8 hours should be allocated for a night's rest. For many, the idea of ​​a healthy lifestyle is associated with many restrictions, in fact, there is nothing wrong with them.

Food. A proper diet is good, but the frequency of eating is also important. Doctors recommend eating 4 times a day at the same time. Dinner should be no later than 18 pm, then the stomach will have time to prepare for sleep. It is desirable that there are no long breaks in eating, with the exception of a pause between dinner and breakfast. The recommended interval between daily meals is up to 6 hours. You should not stretch the transition to a new lifestyle for a long time, just start living again one day.

Recreation and entertainment. After a busy day at work, relaxation is simply necessary, but is it worth relaxing in a nightclub? It is much more useful to visit a swimming pool, bowling alley, tennis club or other place where there is an opportunity for outdoor activities. A healthy lifestyle can and should be enjoyable, you should enjoy it. There are many advantages to this pastime:

  • Sports load combined with pleasure.
  • Communication with like-minded people.
  • There is no reason to drink alcohol, as people come to such places for the purpose of recovery.

public support

Often relatives, friends and just acquaintances become an obstacle to the transition to a healthy lifestyle. They persuade you to drink another glass, offer various goodies, which, at times, are difficult to resist. Not everyone is able to withstand such an offensive, breaking off the diet, changing the plan.

How to start a healthy lifestyle if friends constantly provoke you to “harmful” actions? It is important to be able to refuse, doing it culturally and delicately. For a while, it may be worth limiting communication with people who can return you to the old path. A good option is communication with their own kind, individuals who lead a healthy lifestyle. Usually they are ready to provide moral support, help with advice, suggesting better options for diets and sports exercises.

Spiritual well-being

It is important to take care not only of the physiological state of the body, but also of its spiritual health. Where to begin? First of all, tune in to the fact that you will no longer be annoyed over trifles. Remember the famous Arabic proverb, according to which you should not be nervous if you cannot change what is inevitable. Treat everything philosophically, in every event there are positive and negative features. What matters is not what happens, but how we perceive it. Then it will be much easier and more pleasant to start implementing reforms, leading a healthy lifestyle.

In reality, a healthy lifestyle is not only about following a diet, exercising, maintaining hygiene, it is about educating yourself as a person. Try to grow spiritually, this will change your perception of the world, you will reach a new level of development and will be able to appreciate all the beauty of the world in the form in which it exists.


In the weekly schedule, you should definitely find time to visit the SPA-salon. Beauty treatments, massages, physiotherapy, baths and other activities will not only help you look better, but will also have a positive effect on your state of mind, giving you harmony, giving you the opportunity to calm down, distract from problems and difficulties.

A visit to the bath, sauna or other establishments with water procedures will have an excellent effect on your state of health. Following the rules of hygiene is an essential attribute of a healthy lifestyle. Do not forget to keep your body clean, take care of your nails and hair.

Disease prevention

It is no secret that it is easier to prevent a disease than to treat it. Hardening procedures will become a powerful tool to avoid colds, provide the body with reliable protection from external influences. Getting used to the cold temperature should take place gradually: first, start wiping with cool water, gradually lowering its temperature, after which you can proceed to a contrast shower, the final stage is swimming in the hole. Do not forget to regularly ventilate your home, the influx of fresh air will give you energy and vigor, filling your soul with joy and happiness.

A great way to strengthen the body is yoga. These are not just physical exercises, but a change in lifestyle, when the main thing is mental and physical health, which in this direction are not separated from each other, but are inextricably linked. They are good because they combine benefits for the body with spiritual healing. You can train at home, but it’s better to join a group where you can learn new positions under the guidance of an experienced trainer who gives a spiritual impetus to improvement.

How to lead a healthy lifestyle, where to start the transition to proper nutrition? Basic rules of a healthy lifestyle, recommendations for improving the body.

Scientists around the world have proven the positive impact of a healthy lifestyle on life expectancy, body weight correction, and prevention of various diseases. After analyzing the habits of people, they came to the conclusion that most of the world's population is addicted to overeating, eating junk food, drinking alcohol with low physical activity. As a result, there is a high incidence of obesity and diabetes. A healthy lifestyle will help to cope with ailments, where to start?

What is the benefit of a healthy lifestyle

The transition to the rules of a healthy lifestyle allows you to activate the body's natural defenses to strengthen immunity, resist bacteria, viruses. As a result, the person gets sick less. Due to the normalization of the work of all organs and systems, life expectancy is significantly increased and the aging process is slowed down.

How to start a healthy lifestyle? Formation of correct thinking and consciousness are the first steps to self-improvement. A person must fully understand why he wants to change his usual life, and what advantages he will get from this.

Spiritual attitude

British scientists, observing patients with diabetes mellitus, obesity, came to the conclusion that most patients do not want to give up bad habits, overeating, limit their needs. Although each of them doctors recommended a diet, physical activity. To start leading a healthy lifestyle, you need to understand that in this way you can forget about diseases, excess weight, and improve your appearance.

It is necessary to rebuild the body gradually, otherwise it will be a strong stress. Abrupt changes are very difficult for a person, so there are more breakdowns and all the results obtained disappear. The formation of correct thinking, awareness of the need to lead a healthy lifestyle at the initial stage will facilitate the transition to proper nutrition, the rejection of bad habits.

The state of the nervous system can affect health, so constant stress, chronic fatigue will sooner or later lead to the development of serious diseases. First of all, the digestive organs, heart, blood vessels suffer. Many people stress eat sweets, this leads to the accumulation of fat reserves. Therefore, stressful situations should be avoided to strengthen the nervous system.


There must be a clear agenda. Eating should be at about the same time, excluding snacks between the main meal. Sleep should be full, allow the body to have a good rest and be at least 6 hours. Going to bed is recommended no later than 22 hours. During the day, you need to allocate time for exercises, physical exercises.

Rejection of bad habits

What do you need to start with? Scientists have repeatedly proved the harm of smoking, alcoholic beverages for the human body. Prevention of a healthy lifestyle completely eliminates harmful needs. Alcohol contributes to the retention of excess fluid, weight gain, increases appetite. Nicotine adversely affects the functioning of the heart, upper respiratory tract, and skin condition.

The formation of a healthy lifestyle will help restore the normal functioning of organs and reduce the harmful effects of bad habits.

Physical exercise

The main elements of a healthy lifestyle are regular physical activity and active rest. After waking up, it is useful to do light exercises, jogging, 2-3 times a week the body needs to be given a more complex load (gymnastics, yoga, fitness, gym, swimming pool). Try to allocate at least 15 minutes a day for walking in the fresh air.

During sedentary work, it is necessary to take short breaks, perform a simple warm-up to restore and strengthen blood vessels and eliminate stagnant processes. Spending a vacation or weekend should also be beneficial for health. It is useful to ride a bicycle, rollerblade, skiing and skating in winter. After all, even ancient scientists said that movement is life, and sports and a healthy lifestyle are the key to good health!

You can not carry out too intense training and overwork the muscles and the whole body. Classes should be moderate, otherwise, instead of benefit, the effect will be the opposite. Eating should be 2 hours before and after exercise.

Proper nutrition

The basis of the formation of a healthy lifestyle is proper nutrition, that's where you need to start the change. The usual diet of a modern person is a large number of fried, fatty, smoked dishes, which contain preservatives, dyes. Such components disrupt the normal functioning of the digestive tract, lead to obesity, diseases of the cardiovascular system, and the formation of toxins and toxins.

To improve health, the diet should consist of wholesome low-calorie foods.

Healthy foods:

  • veal;
  • chicken fillet;
  • pollock;
  • salmon.

The menu should be varied, include legumes, cereals, nuts. The diet should be made taking into account the body's needs for vitamins and trace elements. In winter, these components can be obtained from pharmaceutical preparations.

Make a meal schedule and try not to break it. You need to have dinner 3 hours before bedtime, otherwise the food will not be digested, it will be deposited in subcutaneous fat. Be sure to drink up to 2 liters of fluid during the day. Water must be clean, non-carbonated, tea or coffee is not taken into account.

Elements of a healthy lifestyle include accounting for calorie intake. The energy reserve obtained from food should not exceed the daily needs of the body.


Adhering to a healthy lifestyle to strengthen immunity means healing your body. The formation of immune defense occurs during hardening with cold water, winter swimming, breathing exercises, sanatorium treatment, after cleansing the intestines, liver, and other organs in which harmful toxins have accumulated.

Cleansing procedures will help to improve the functioning of the digestive tract, liver, gallbladder and kidneys.

Useful and therapeutic fasting. This is a voluntary abstinence from food for several days. In the process of therapy, the body independently cleanses, heals, burns excess fats.

Rest by the sea and in the mountains helps to strengthen the immune system, gives tone and energy to the body. Swimming replaces physical activity, while swimming all muscle groups are worked out, calories are effectively spent.

Non-traditional methods

Increasingly, there are new fashionable trends in improving the body to strengthen immune defenses. The basis of these methods is treatment with aromas of essential oils, bee products, medicinal herbs, acupuncture, light waves. Which of them to choose will help determine the study of useful literature, which describes in detail where to start your journey to a healthy lifestyle. Many scientists have devoted their works and studies to this topic.

Disease prevention

Scientists have conducted many studies and as a result have revealed a direct link between cancer and lifestyle. People who adhere to a healthy lifestyle suffer from oncological diseases 40% less often.

It is known that alcohol, smoking, obesity, eating junk food often lead to the development of malignant tumors. With the normalization of nutrition and the rejection of bad habits, the risk of getting cancer, cardiovascular diseases, and diabetes is significantly reduced.

Beginner mistakes

Why healthy lifestyles fail for some people:

  • fasting, malnutrition: eating should be regular;
  • insufficient amount of liquid;
  • there is no awareness of the benefits of a healthy lifestyle;
  • food before bed.

Mistakes and failures can occur with an inattentive and frivolous attitude to the rules of a healthy lifestyle, a lack of understanding of where to start the changes. It is useful to read scientific literature, advice from scientists, doctors, reviews of people using such a system.

So, where do you need to start the transition to a healthy lifestyle? Proper nutrition, sports and a healthy lifestyle are the basis on the path to longevity and strong immunity. It is useful for adults and children, the sooner there is an awareness of the need to change one's life, the better and brighter the years will be lived without diseases and medicines.

Observations show: they begin to lead when diseases or signs of "wear and tear" of the body appear. The active educational work of doctors and sociologists has made healthy lifestyle popular, thanks to which people who do not suffer from ailments are switching to a healthy lifestyle.

Healthy lifestyle - what is it?

Refusal of bad habits (drugs, alcohol, smoking),

Nutrition that meets physiological needs,

Physical activity for health reasons and by age category,

Personal and public hygiene.
How to adjust your own lifestyle on all of the above points, we will consider further.

General rules for starting a healthy lifestyle

Doctors and those who have already achieved results in the transition to a healthy lifestyle argue that the optimal transition mode is a simultaneous, but gradual change in all areas of life. That is, it is necessary to adjust nutrition, physical activity, etc. at the same time, but at the same time not to change the usual regime abruptly in order to avoid stress and its consequences - breakdowns with a return to their original positions.
Coaches, nutritionists and psychologists are skeptical about the brilliant results at the initial stage. Statistics show that such people have breakdowns, and sometimes they give up their goal. Hard-won achievements are fixed for a long time.

Motivation and attitude

Healthy lifestyle basics

For a successful and comfortable transition to a healthy lifestyle, motivation and attitude are necessary. Practice shows the need to set both short-term goals and goals with a distant perspective. The presence of only simple tasks can reduce motivation after their solution, and the presence of exclusively global goals does not provide the necessary incentive.
Starting to instill healthy habits should be gradual. The intention to start running every morning in the morning for a person who has never been involved in sports fails. At the same time, it's easy to force yourself to run once a week. You can increase the intensity of the loads after the new healthy habit becomes an integral part of life.
It is important to remember: a healthy lifestyle is physiology and psychology, that is, in addition to proper sleep, nutrition and physical activity, stress resistance, balance, and immunity to external psycho-factors are necessary. Constantly experiencing irritation and nervousness, it is difficult to maintain health, even with a balanced diet and constant training.


It is important to control the menu even in the absence of excess weight. There are a few simple rules for choosing products.
Avoid foods with a calorie content above 350 kcal.
Products containing less than 100 kcal are considered low-calorie, they are suitable for weight loss.
Eliminate products with artificial additives (colors, flavors, preservatives).
Difficult-to-pronounce names of ingredients indicate the presence of little useful or harmful substances. The natural ingredients of the products are simply called.
Regular and multiple meals are required - 5-6 times a day.
In a healthy diet, drinking regimen involves drinking 1.5-2.0 liters of pure water per day. If you don’t have the habit of drinking clean water, it’s difficult to immediately “go out” to such a volume. Start with one obligatory glass a day.
A gradual change in diet might look like this:
getting used to eating at certain times,
refusal of fried
reducing fatty foods
portion reduction,
increasing the content of vegetables and fruits in the menu.
It may take several months to complete all the points, but the results will be stable, there will be no desire to return to the usual regimen.

Physical activity

At the initial stage of lifestyle modification, an increase in activity can be achieved not by purchasing gym memberships, but by replacing habitual activities with healthier ones. Walk a few stops on foot without using transport, without taking the elevator, climb the stairs - such trifles are formed into habits and into a new, healthy lifestyle.
Athletes recommend stretching exercises as the primary physical activity. By doing them three times a week for 2 minutes, you will reduce the risk of injury, increase your own flexibility and mobility, and acquire good posture. Stretching performed after sleep or prolonged immobility will restore blood supply.

Medical and hygienic aspects of a healthy lifestyle

Habitual behavior may not correspond to a healthy lifestyle. Therefore, it is important to get rid of such habits.
Medically unacceptable:
untimely access to a doctor when symptoms of the disease appear,
untimely medical examination,
neglect of self-control of bioparameters (weight, pressure, pulse, waist circumference, cholesterol and sugar levels, etc.).
In terms of hygiene:
sleep disorder,
non-observance of home hygiene (airing, wet cleaning),
non-observance of personal hygiene (care of the body, oral cavity, etc.),

Unsafe sexual behavior (accidental contacts, use of poor-quality and dangerous types of contraception).

Healthy lifestyle - where to start and how to do it? This question arises in many people. However, not everyone is able to answer it. Expressions that say that we will have everything if we have health have become commonplace. With them, not only no one fights, but even does not try to argue. Almost everyone understands how many benefits will be received by those who lead the right way of life. However, there are many excuses not to think about your health. Therefore, in order to lose weight or recover, many begin to go on diets and go to the doctors. It is very difficult to meet a person whose desire for health has become a lifestyle.

You just need to pick up and start

The media is already brimming with articles and reports that aim to educate people about a healthy lifestyle. However, all these attempts are perceived by readers as boring and well-known teachings. They don't believe in success. But experts continue to insist that the right way of life is necessary. It can help you maintain your health. It remains only to begin to reckon with your body. But willpower is not enough.

Do you want to start leading a healthy lifestyle? It should not be postponed until later, on Monday or some other date. Start doing everything today and now. The main thing is to overcome yourself and begin to translate your desire into reality.

What conditions should you read?

Where to start a healthy lifestyle? First of all, you should familiarize yourself with the basic conditions that go hand in hand with it. Neither weight loss, if you strive for it, nor just health, nor energy - none of this can be achieved if the following conditions are not observed.

  1. Need to get up early. But for this you need to go to bed much earlier than we are used to. The most sound sleep is considered the period from 22 to 2 o'clock in the morning. After that, it is only superficial.
  2. Where to start a healthy lifestyle? Movement is needed. There must be a lot of it.
  3. You need to take into account the rules of nutrition in your daily life:
  • Eat anything that contains a lot of energy (sweet potatoes, bananas, apples, oranges, eggs, almonds, salmon).
  • It is necessary to eat little, at the right time and in the right combination.
  • You need to constantly drink fresh water. About 3 liters should be consumed per day.
  • Every day you need to remove toxins from the body.
  • You should do something serious that will benefit you.

What to do in the morning?

How to start the day with a healthy lifestyle? After you get up in the morning, thoroughly clean your mouth, as well as your nostrils and ears. Use a teaspoon to clean your tongue well. As experts advise, you need to walk barefoot on the grass for about 10 minutes. However, not all yards have grass, and even in winter this rule cannot be used. In such a situation, you just need to trample in cold water for about 10 minutes. You can pour it into the bathroom or into a fairly large basin. The temperature of the water should be lowered gradually. The purpose of such an event is to harden the body. After the procedure is completed, you should wipe your feet dry and put on socks.

Simple but effective steps

Where to start a healthy lifestyle? You can give yourself a head massage with your fingers or a nylon brush. This should be done until the moment when a surge of heat is felt throughout the body. Wipe your body with a damp towel. After that, you can feel a surge of energy, freshness and cheerfulness.

After all the above steps, you can take a shower. It is necessary to alternate cold jets with hot ones: about 15 seconds for cool water and one minute for sufficiently warm water.

Movement needed

At least half of the road to work must be walked quickly. And it is best to choose the route where there will be as few encounters with vehicles as possible. Naturally, not every person can boast of having the time to complete all the above procedures before starting work. However, this requires a healthy lifestyle. Where to start it? Plan your morning in such a way that at least part of the procedures can be completed. And if there is still time for gymnastics, then it will generally be good. If not, then the set of exercises can be transferred to the evening. Watch your posture throughout the day.

Where to start a healthy lifestyle? You should list the main actions that will definitely not be superfluous in your endeavors.

Action #1. Get rid of habits that are not useful

You need to be aware of your bad habits. There may be quite a few of them. These, in addition to the well-known ones, include constant lack of sleep, and completely malnutrition, and a rare pastime in the fresh air. The listing will be long enough. You have to admit that you have these habits too. Therefore, it is not necessary to shift the transition to a healthy lifestyle for later. With age, a large number of restrictions appear, which will negatively affect attempts to change habitual foundations.

How to start a healthy lifestyle? Make a list of your not-so-healthy habits. Its name should demonstrate your desire to get rid of all these unnecessary addictions. You should also state the reason. You need to understand why you want to give up bad habits.

Action number 2. Where did bad habits come from?

It is necessary to determine for what reason you have developed bad habits. There are situations when they appear just from scratch, due to an unfavorable set of circumstances. It is easier to get rid of such habits. But the situation can noticeably become more complicated if they are closely related to the circle of your communication. In addition, a person can be completely sure that without this habit it will be quite difficult for him to live. How to start leading a healthy lifestyle? You should think about what is more important to you by trying to give up your usual actions. Do not be afraid. In fact, everything is not as scary as it might seem at first glance. We must try to find alternative solutions, trying to give up bad habits and replacing them with something more useful.

Action number 3. Know Your Purpose Fully

You need to be clear about what you need. You will also need to develop a plan to achieve your goal. It should be detailed enough. The right way of life should begin with constant personal planning. It is very important to carefully think through and analyze the goals of your life, regardless of whether they are short-term or not. Try to develop a detailed plan that will describe exactly how they should be achieved. Think carefully about what can make your life more joyful and prosperous. It may also happen that some plans should be postponed until later for more important actions.

So, the beginning of a healthy lifestyle should fall on the process of writing a list of goals, plans to achieve them. You can draw up an algorithm of actions that will be calculated for several years. There is also a need for a plan that will outline actions aimed at the transition to a healthy lifestyle.

Action number 4. Expanding your interests plays an important role

It is necessary to expand the circle of your interests and communication. You should not expect that during the transition to a healthy lifestyle, absolutely all your friends will remain with you. There will be those who will stop communicating with you completely for lack of more common interests. To get out of this situation, you need to expand the circle of your acquaintances. First of all, you should really get carried away with something new. Gradually, new acquaintances will begin to come into life who will fully share your interests. In the end, life will completely change, becoming more vivid and interesting.

Action #5: What is the issue that so many reviews are talking about?

Healthy lifestyle - where to start? The feedback of those people who were able to achieve this goal suggests that it is necessary to be aware that not everything can be achieved impudently. Some things should be done gradually. It is impossible to get rid of all bad habits at once. You just need to start adding something new, useful to your life. It is impossible to make life useful in one fell swoop. If there is no strength to give up old habits, replacing them with something more useful and new, then you need to think about the reasons for such behavior. You should try to find a compromise without forcing yourself at the same time. First of all, you need to switch to something that is not related to the issue at hand. For example, you can always buy comfortable walking shoes.

Action number 6. Development must be regular

It is necessary to constantly improve, while continuing to improve your life. You need to constantly analyze how you behave every day, your habits. Try to improve by finding the most successful solutions to emerging issues. You may be able to discover a bad habit that you never even thought existed. Immediately try to analyze the situation and eliminate the identified shortcomings.

The importance of proper eating and drinking

Healthy lifestyle - where to start? Nutrition must be correct. After all, you are what you eat. And if you want to be healthy and feel cheerful even in advanced years, then you need to eat only healthy food. You should familiarize yourself with the following components of a healthy diet.

  1. Food should include 15% protein. You can eat beef, chicken, seafood, etc.
  2. The diet should be about 35% fat. This element is found in everything except liquids, fruits, and single vegetables. The daily norm of vegetable oil should not exceed 20 grams, animal fats - no more than 10 grams.
  3. The food should be about 50% carbohydrates. 40% of them should be difficult. To do this, you need to eat vegetables, cereals and fruits. The remaining 10% are monosaccharides. Under them should be understood juices, sweet carbonated drinks, confectionery, bananas.

Some experts say that about 40 milliliters of fluid should be supplied per 1 kilogram of live weight per day. Half of this dose comes from solid foods, the rest from drinks. If you drink yourself properly, you can look fresher. However, you shouldn't get carried away.

Sports are the best way to burn excess calories.

If the question arose of where to start a healthy lifestyle and weight loss, then you should think about playing sports. Remember that one gram of fat contains 9 calories. And in order to deal with one hundred grams of unnecessary substances, you should put in at least 900 calories.

Half the battle is just getting started. If you have not yet embarked on a sports path, then you should start small. In the morning you can do gymnastics. It is also worth considering using steps rather than an elevator.

It is important to control your emotions

Learn to manage your own emotional state. No need to be upset and explode over a variety of trifles. You should try to treat emerging problems with a philosophical approach. Be kind to those around you. And this, combined with the above actions and recommendations, will help to find harmony with the world. Yes, and the physical condition will be just great.

Without the right motivation, a dream will remain a dream.

Summarizing all of the above, one simple factor should be noted, without which it is unlikely that it will be possible to cope with the task. Do you want to tell your friends, children or grandchildren later stories on the topic “How I started to lead a healthy lifestyle”? Then learn how to properly motivate yourself. Without the desire to achieve your healthy lifestyle will remain just a dream.

There are many different ways to be motivated. These are images with ideal shapes for you, and the presence of a dress that will be several sizes smaller. Or maybe you have a loved one for whom you can achieve your goal? It is very important to choose a good incentive that will be effective and will not allow you to eat chips while lying on the couch instead of jogging. If there is a desire, then it will be possible to achieve the goals, regardless of the complexity. Good luck in fulfilling your intentions!

Original taken from dm_pokr in My way to a healthy lifestyle. Tips for beginners.

I recently turned 57 years old. For three years now, actively engaged in my health, I always think why I didn’t start earlier?

Why don't my friends, relatives, seeing my progress, do the same?

Why do we have so few people in Russia doing physical education, especially in adulthood?

I will try to analyze the situation, as it was with me and advise how to start changing your lifestyle.

First, let me tell you about my experience.

At the age of 50, I was a typical Russian small business representative. Own business, lots of travel, delicious hearty food, moderate alcohol consumption, little physical activity.

The only "before" photo with a naked torso.

Although it seemed that everything was in order. I had what I thought was an active holiday. I loved hiking, biking, and beer barbecues.

Now, looking at this activity, I just “I can’t laugh.”

What was my state of health at the age of 50?

Almost didn't walk. To the parking lot and back - 15 minutes daily walk. If we went with my family, I always lagged behind my wife and children. I had a double chin, a size 48-50, a matching belly, and nasty sissy boobs. And I thought it was genetics. Couldn't pull up more than twice. My forearms hurt a lot with any load on my hands, and I sincerely thought that this was some kind of serious disease such as polyarthritis. My father died from it. Well, of course - heredity!

Started to hurt my heart. The pressure has risen. There was nitroglycerin in the car. I began to go to doctors and for the first time I learned how to do a cardiogram.

In short, the prospect was not very encouraging. Life was coming to an end, and I felt it. Decreased libido, I just attributed to age. Finished me morally got out of nowhere hemorrhoids. I write as it is, without embellishment. In the topic of health, there can be no forbidden chapters. The body has launched a program of self-destruction. And this is no exaggeration. I have studied this topic well. If the body does not need movement and it has many unclaimed functions, then they begin to fade away.

In gatherings at barbecues, I saw that things of the same age were not better, and we increasingly discussed not women, as is customary in men's companies, but our sores. Public opinion supported the thesis that men do not live long, and at that age you should not strain yourself.

Here is such a schedule. I took the first step towards health in 2006, quite by accident. I was going on a mountain hike, and the leader strongly recommended that I start running. Began. Run with difficulty. No more than 20 min. It was hard. I ran for a month before the campaign and then scored.

In 2007, pain in the heart worsened against the background of high blood pressure. Again ultrasound, consultations, doctors. And here I got a good doctor. He listened to me for a long time, knocked, asked and gave recommendations.

  1. salt restriction

  2. restriction of animal fats

  3. physical training, weight loss

  4. control of pressure in the morning and evening (keeping a diary)

And he gave out a plate on the refrigerator - "Useful and harmful products for lowering cholesterol."

With this tablet, my study of healthy lifestyles began. Then I did not yet know about the possibilities of our body to fight for life and defeat diseases without pills and doctors.

So, I started to do something. But do not think that the next day in the morning I began to douse myself with cold water, threw away everything sweet and floury from the house, and started eating sprouted grain and ran a marathon. This will happen a little later. My body is just as lazy and passive, and the subconscious works like all of us. And the subconscious whispered - "nothing needs to be changed, everything is fine, everything will be fine, everyone lives like that."

The process of changing the way of life was long and gradual. I was going with the spirit of 4 years. I'll try to remember the main points.

So, I am 54 years old, height 170, weight 78 kg. Pulled up 1-2 times, clothing size 48-50, pain in the heart, hemorrhoids and pain in the forearms at the slightest load on the hands, I eat a lot of fatty and fried foods, I sleep a lot. In the evening I constantly chew something in front of the computer. Sometimes I sleep during the day. Any physical activity is tiring and not pleasant. Sometimes I smoke while driving to stay awake. Every evening a beer; often wine and cognac. Regular heartburn. Only Rennie saves.

I learned what coronary heart disease and stroke are. What causes hemorrhoids and how is it treated.

Gradually, the realization came that genetics and heredity are “just a gun, and lifestyle is a trigger.” But this gun may not shoot!

I began to clearly realize that it is necessary to change the way of life until the end of days. Then I wrote the slogan for myself: “The main thing is health, the rest later. I let the business take its course and began to devote most of my time to the theory and practice of healthy lifestyles.

With physical activity, it was more or less clear. I went skiing and running at school and institute and had an idea about training. But there was a problem with food.

How to live without sugar, flour and fat? How to replace evening gatherings in the kitchen with a glass of cognac?

How can you live without vobla and beer? What about wine and barbecue for your birthday? There were more questions than answers.

Fortunately, in the pursuit of a healthy lifestyle in the family, I was not alone. I was fully supported by my wife Irina. We only had conversations about nutrition and training at the age of 50. I must say that she began to change her diet before me. I took up yoga. And I watched her from the side. Some I agreed with, some I didn't.

It was very important. She taught me many good habits. She supported me in every possible way, selflessly watching how I was less and less engaged in housework, and more and more with my health.

Physical exercise I started with running, but quickly finished, because. left foot hurt. Miller's book, Walking Against Drugs, helped me a lot then. I started walking and bought a pedometer.

The daily norm of 10,000 steps has never been achieved. It's really difficult. But I started walking a lot. I walked at a good pace - 6 km per hour. A decent load for a beginner.

Frozen vegetables helped me a lot. They could eat to satiety and not get better, but lose weight. The weight loss process has begun. This inspired me to take further steps. Bread was replaced with loaves. Sugar is honey. Meat - fish and squid.
Vegetable soups began to bring pleasure, because. meat from the diet is still excluded.

I read an excellent book by Galina Shatalova "Healing Nutrition". There was described one experiment that turned my whole subsequent life upside down. I was literally born again thanks to this book. Now I understand this, but then I was just on the way to my most important experiment in my life on myself.

Shatalova worked at the cosmonaut training center and studied the effect of nutrition on endurance. In experiments with ultramarathon runners, she found that marathon runners eating freshly prepared salads, whole grain cereals, and herbal teas were more enduring than a control group eating according to the Nutrition Institute standards. Participants in this control group consumed from 5000 to 6000 kcal per day, and vegan athletes did not exceed 800 kcal, and only on days of heavy loads - up to 1200 kcal.

These and many other facts from the book impressed me very much. One cure for cancer in the rejection of meat was worth something. At the same time, my wife's sister died of cancer. Everything happened in front of my eyes. I have seen a person eaten by cancer. Literally in six months.

So, all these factors gradually changed consciousness. And with it, the subconscious began to understand that changes lead to good.

Changes have become noticeable in the mirror. Waist and bust have shrunk. Slowly, the second chin began to go away. Now I only have it in my passport photo.

I decided to make myself a press with cubes. At first, the task did not seem very difficult. I had to practice 10 minutes a day. Now I see how wise it was. Gradually, without undue stress, I was drawn into physical education. I didn’t even imagine that I would go from the press to cross-country, ski and bike marathons.

So, I did the press. A few simple exercises. The muscles were getting stronger, but the press was not visible. I've been watching megabytes of abs videos on YouTube trying to figure out what's going on. Finally it came to the point that it is necessary to connect cardio loads.

I chose running. This is the simplest year-round cardio device. Now I consider running one of the main sources of my current health.

Then there was a lot. I started running and decided to train for a marathon. Three months later, he's gone. Here the book “Running to Help” by our famous marathon runner Andrey Chirkov helped me a lot. He ran his first marathon at the age of 50, and his inscription on the book is still very dear to me.

Running itself made me pay more attention to nutrition. A purely vegetarian diet no longer suited me.

I remembered Shatalova and decided to try the raw food diet. Moreover, the wife had already begun, but I doubted everything. How can I run on raw vegetables? What will happen to the muscles? But what about in winter without hot water?
Again, the books helped. Sebastianovich, Eret, Shemchuk, Stoleshnikov.

Read, analyze, compare. There were many doubts and breaking habits.

After two months of switching to a raw food diet, we successfully went on a bike tour in Norway, eating only raw vegetables and fruits. This gave me hope.

It seems to many that the raw food diet is some kind of dogma and a complete limitation. I did not follow the path of prohibitions, but the path of satisfying natural desires. If I wanted fish, I ate it. I didn’t want to, then I ate salads and vegetables. And all this was not out of love for the animal world, but out of love for oneself. Although I also love animals very much and now I am glad that my nutrition has nothing to do with killing them.

And so, on a raw food diet, along with physical activity, I was born again. Now I'm already used to this drive and lightness in the body, which I had literally from the first days of switching to a raw food diet. I began to sleep little, there was a lot of free energy.

I wanted to tell the whole world how easy and affordable it is to get so many bonuses just from changing the diet. I called all the relatives, went to my friends to personally convey all this to them. I thought that they would pick up my undertakings and together we would be healthy and younger. It wasn't there. I came across a calm look and a twisting finger at the temple.

This is how my attitude to physical activity, nutrition and awareness of how to live without diseases gradually changed step by step.

So, now I'm 57. A perfectly healthy body. Baldness and minor problems with teeth are a legacy of the past. There are a few running injuries that don't count either.
Resting pulse 45-50 beats, pressure 120/80, weight 61 kg. I sleep 6-7 hours. Haven't been sick for the last 2 years. Excellent performance. It's hard to upset me. I can always find something to do anywhere. And believe me, it will be beneficial for the body. I train every day. Running, horizontal bar, bars, weights, stretching. I spend about an hour a day on physical education. On one of the weekends, a long run of 2-3 hours.

This is how I live. Full of creative plans for further improvement of the soul and body.

To briefly outline the action plan for the transition to a healthy lifestyle, I would recommend the following steps.

  • Set yourself a simple but realistic goal. The goal should be specific, realistic and achievable by a specific deadline. Having a goal immediately motivates you to move forward.

  • Learn about nutrition. What is, how much. What foods should be avoided and why. Definitely fast food, semi-finished products, fried, salty and fatty. Eat whole foods with minimal processing. I will not be specific. Choose yourself.

  • Don't take anyone's word. Think, analyze. Learn from nature. Books, videos on You Tube, websites on the net can help here. I am not campaigning for a raw food diet at all. This is not a panacea. I like it and I'm not going to quit. I never even counted calories. A raw food diet is a great way to lose weight without being hungry. Eat as many vegetables as you want and you will lose weight. But I also know a lot of strong people my age who eat traditionally. Someone does not eat meat, someone does not eat milk. The main thing is moderation in nutrition.

  • Explore the topic of physical activity. Physical activity is needed at any age. The older you are, the more time you need to devote to physical education in the broadest sense of the word. I would single out three components.

  • Aerobic exercise, i.e. loads are not very intense, without oxygen deficiency. The pulse under such loads should not exceed (220-age) x0.9. It is better to try not to raise it above 120 beats per minute. Aerobic exercise contributes to the development of the cardiovascular system, reduces the percentage of fat, normalizes blood pressure, relieves stress and much more. My rating is: running, walking, cycling, skiing. If you are overweight, then start with walking. Gradually adding running. We have seasons for cycling and skiing, but running and walking are all-weather.

  • Power loads. These are exercises with your own weight or weights. Must be done for sure. Same for men and women of all ages. At the same time, muscles, ligaments, bones are strengthened, the network of capillaries grows, blood supply improves, fat deposits decrease without loss of muscle mass.

  • Start by strengthening your abs and back. These are very important muscles and, most importantly, they are relatively easy to pump up at home. Do exercises like crunches, planks, and hyperextensions.

  • Next, be sure to pull yourself in and start doing exercises with your own weight. Squats, push-ups, pull-ups, jumps, lunges.

  • Flexibility exercises. Flexibility is an essential component of health. Here I would recommend any yoga complex for beginners. Find a video on YouTube to have a complex of 40-50 minutes and do at least 2 times a week. Choose a few exercises from the complex and do them every day for 5-10 minutes in the morning or evening. And maybe during the day. Change exercises periodically. Gradually, you will feel how you become more flexible. Set a goal to reach the floor with your palms in an incline without bending your knees. Only without fanaticism. Flexibility must be developed slowly but regularly.

  • Find like-minded people. Better next to you. But you can also remote - in social networks. Communicate, exchange experience. Look for role models. Don't let yourself stand still.

  • It is very important to do hardening. To do this, it is enough to take a cold shower every morning for no more than 30-40 seconds. Works flawlessly. Sore throat and runny nose are gone from my body.

  • Sleep at least 7-8 hours. Growth hormone works in sleep.

  • Set yourself mini goals. They are easy to perform and add confidence. For example, such. Push up 10 times. Shower in the morning. Do 100 squats in 5 minutes. And so on.

  • I had these goals:

  • Press cubes.

  • Pull up 15 times in a row

  • Do 100 pushups in a row

  • Hold a plank for 4 minutes

  • Learn to stand on your head

  • Run 5, 10,15,20,30 km.

  • Run a 42 km marathon.

  • Ride a bike marathon 200 km.

  • Run a ski marathon 50 km classic.

  • Learn to ski and run a marathon.

I have fulfilled all the goals and now I am working on the splits, handstand and exit by force on the horizontal bar.

In all these undertakings, the main thing is gradualness and regularity. It is better to do a little bit every day than 2 times a week for 2 hours. With small regular loads, the body adapts to them better, it is easier to recover.

You don't have to go to the gym at all. Machines are designed to reduce injury when working with a client and to work out a specific muscle. We do not need this yet. We need to strengthen all the muscles and develop the functionality of the body.

I never went to the gym. I prefer fresh air, only in winter I do strength training at home. For this, there are a pair of weights of 16 and 24 kg and a set of collapsible dumbbells.

That's probably all for today. The topic is endless. He did not say anything about spiritual development. Here I am less savvy, but I also have something to say about this.

I am learning new details about training and nutrition all the time. The most pleasant thing in this business for me is that you set a goal for yourself and fulfill it. This brings great satisfaction. It becomes just nice to look at your body. Every morning there is an incentive to move on.

You seem to be getting older, and the body is getting younger. No matter how strange it may be. Nobody and nothing can stop you. Only forward to a new self.

So that there is no turning back, I post my goals and their achievements on the blog and on the YouTube channel. I post photos from training on instagram. At first it was scary what my friends would say, how others would appreciate my technique.
And now I'm used to different assessments. I skip the negative and delete it right away, I wind the criticism on my mustache and try to improve.

P.S. Do not think that I am so strong-willed and stubborn. When talking about himself, each person tries to present himself in a better way than he actually is.
I am an ordinary lazy person, I just got into a situation where I had to choose between life and, I will not be afraid of this word, an early death. Think about what will happen to you in five years if nothing changes.
A short video from my fitness compilation about the abs test with the plank exercise.

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