How to get rid of black dots? Video: How to get rid of acne forever. What is good professional cosmetics for acne and blackheads

In my youth, I believed that the appearance of acne, the so-called black dots, is the privilege of adolescents with problem skin in adolescence. However, not so long ago I realized that in fact, acne (and this is nothing more than pores clogged with dirt) can be present even on very good, smooth, almost perfectly even skin. Most often, they appear in the T-zone, where the pores are the widest, and the reasons for their occurrence are different, but the most basic of them is the banal contamination of the skin. Dirt, soot from cars, sultry summer smog in the city, heat, and too heavy a nourishing cream - all this can lead to excess sebum and severe contamination of pores along the entire length. When clogged skin stops breathing, metabolic processes in it are disturbed, and acne, inflammation and other minor troubles may soon appear on this basis. However, pore blockage is not the only cause of blackheads, they can be completely different (hormonal, infectious), and today we will talk about exactly how to keep your skin clean and effectively fight acne.

How to get rid of blackheads - home cleaning.
Let's start with the fact that the vaunted scrubs and tonics, frankly, will not help you much. Tonics, especially those containing alcohol, are usually designed to narrow pores, which actually need deep cleaning, and are only suitable for the final stage of cleansing. Scrubs contain abrasive particles that only superficially cut off the top of the blackhead, while the rest of it remains deep in the pore. In addition, the scrub can damage already tired and inflamed skin, creating extra micro-scratches on it that it absolutely does not need. Therefore, put these products aside, take a closer look at your skin, and first of all arm yourself with ... tweezers. Yes - yes, it is he who is the first effective way to really get rid of acne. Wash your face, then bring the mirror as close as possible to the problem area, and gently, with the tips of the tweezers, begin to remove blackheads visible in the pores. The disadvantage of this procedure is that it is quite long: an hour and a half, because this is quite painstaking work - to remove blackheads one at a time. Wipe the tweezers on a damp cosmetic tissue. However, the constant plus is that you remove ALL the dirt from each pore at once, the face becomes noticeably cleaner, and the pores released along the entire length begin to breathe easily and freely. After the procedure, let the skin rest, do not apply cream and thick consistency for a while.

How to get rid of blackheads - a quick way.
A faster and more convenient way to remove blackheads is with a cosmetic patch. A special patch is applied to the cleaned problem area, held for some time, and then removed along with acne. The patch must be pressed well enough against the skin so that after removal it captures the maximum amount of blackheads. Most often, after applying it, there are still some blackheads that you can try to remove with the same tweezers.
I advise one of the old as the world, but effective grandmother's ways of cleansing the skin - occasionally, 1-2 times a week, do not be too lazy to wash your face with a suitable soap. To be honest, it is a very good cleanser for the face and skin pores, it does an excellent job of removing external impurities, does not linger in the pores and prevents acne. After its application, the skin becomes much cleaner and brighter. If you have dry and sensitive skin and some discomfort arises, simply wipe your face with a mild soothing toner and, if desired, apply a cream suitable for you.
An alternative to soap can be a gel (scrub) with amino acids, without an abrasive structure.

For oily, problematic and acne prone skin, procedures such as cosmetic clay masks for deep cleansing of the skin are well suited. Not recommended for dry and sensitive skin. Good, proposed by cosmetologists for deep and delicate cleansing of all skin types: 1 tbsp. spoon of fresh baker's yeast, 1 tbsp. a spoonful of ground oatmeal in a coffee grinder, 1-2 tbsp. spoons of milk or kefir. Mix all the ingredients, stir until the consistency of sour cream. Apply a thick layer on the face, let dry. Keep for 20-25 minutes, then rinse with clean boiled water. Do not forget that all masks are applied to already cleansed, prepared skin. For normal and oily skin, you can pre-make a steam bath of infusion of chamomile or calendula herbs.

In the fight against black dots, salicylic acid solution can also help. All products containing acids cleanse the pores, as if “dissolving” the dirt from the inside, but still, you should not get too carried away with them so as not to overdry your skin. Many modern cosmetologists generally do not recommend using tonics and alcohol-based products for the treatment of acne, since alcohol itself can cause irritation of inflamed skin. They recommend lotions and tonics containing essential oils (roses, geraniums, patchouli), which also have pore-shrinking properties, while also having a soothing effect on the skin.

All of the above methods are suitable for open acne and are carried out at home. For the so-called subcutaneous, closed acne, you will have to go to a beauty salon, where they carry out various methods of cleaning the face from acne - mechanical, vacuum and others. If you do not have so many subcutaneous black dots, and they are practically invisible, and if you have thin, dry, sensitive skin, then I would not advise you to resort to salon facial cleansing procedures. Such skin then remains inflamed, damaged and “dissatisfied” for a long time.

The appearance of acne is also promoted by an unhealthy lifestyle, the abuse of fatty foods, alcohol, smoking, lack of proper skin care and other factors. Therefore, before you run to clean your face, it is important to establish the cause of acne and excessive oily skin. An important advice of modern cosmetologists - listen to your skin! It is not recommended to constantly follow the same facial care program. If today you feel that your skin does not require the application of a cream - do not apply it! Give your skin a rest, you can just get by with a mild tonic or other suitable for it. Do not forget that the main of the most important functions of our skin is breathing, and we must provide it with the opportunity to perform this very function normally.

Contrary to popular belief - try not to squeeze out subcutaneous acne and pimples! Even if they are single, one or two. The fact is that a pimple is already a small inflammation, and the body itself releases substances to fight it, these substances must “ripen”, bind the bacteria and push them to the surface. By exposing inflammation ahead of time, you thereby open a channel for additional infection. Believe me, the more you squeeze pimples, the more they will appear. Cosmetologists advise not to touch the inflamed skin with your hands and generally touch it less. Pimples are best lubricated from above with a disinfectant liquid or a suitable cream. And from squeezing out blackheads, scars can remain on the skin, therefore, as already mentioned, it is better to use tweezers in this case.

How to get rid of blackheads - Conclusion.
In this article, we talked about the so-called mild "cosmetic" form of acne - black dots, or comedones. If the acne lesion has more serious, severe forms, with an abundance of acne and inflammation, and results in a serious disease of the sebaceous glands, then your path should not go to a beauty salon, but directly to a dermatologist.

Acne is a trifle, but very much unpleasant. It's not just teenagers who face them. According to some law of meanness, acne often appears on the eve of some important meeting. The desire to instantly get rid of them is easy to understand. But in order for acne to stop bothering once and for all, you need to understand why they occur. Therefore, along with emergency methods of disposal, it is also important to identify the cause of acne.

How do acne appear?

The sebaceous glands are hidden under the skin of a person, which moisturize the skin and prevent it from drying out. If these glands work too actively, the skin becomes oily, its ducts become clogged with sebum. Often they become contaminated, and then the familiar “black dots” form on the face.

If an infection (toxins of the acne bacteria) also gets into the clogged pore, the inflammatory process will begin. It will turn out a purulent painful wound - the same pimple. Most acne on the forehead, wings of the nose, chin, shoulders, back to the shoulder blades. Here the sebaceous glands are especially numerous.

Why do sebaceous glands work like this?

Why is sebum so abundantly produced by the sebaceous glands? There are several reasons.

  • In adolescence, androgynes begin to be actively produced, causing increased oiliness of the skin. Fat mixes with dead skin cells, clogs pores. Both boys and girls suffer equally from acne.
  • Improper nutrition is the root cause of acne. Skin rashes appear more actively in those who eat a lot of sweet, fatty, starchy foods. Alcohol and caffeine also contribute to acne. This does not mean that these products must be flatly abandoned - you must comply with the measure, eat more greens, fruits, vegetables.
  • An indirect cause of acne is frequent stressful situations. The sebaceous glands as a result of emotional experiences work harder, the pores become clogged.
  • The sun's rays can dry out pimples, or they can increase their number. In any situation, the skin must be protected from the active summer sun with creams with a UV factor.
  • Lack of skin care or improper care leads to the accumulation of fat on the face. It is necessary to wash before going to bed, in the morning, to cleanse the skin of dead coarsened particles, dust, excess fat. It is a mistake to think that oily skin does not need to be moisturized!
  • Tight synthetic clothing. T-shirts, shorts, trousers made of synthetic materials often lead to the appearance of pimples on the buttocks, back, and chest. Synthetics do not allow air to pass through, sweat mixes with sebum and clogs pores.

Skin rashes in pregnancy

During pregnancy, acne is triggered by the hormone progesterone. This is one of its side features. It is noticed that hormones have a higher concentration if the body of the expectant mother lacks fluid. Therefore, to avoid the appearance of acne, you need to drink more.

It is impossible to change the hormonal background, because progesterone is responsible for maintaining the pregnancy. Therefore, it remains to cleanse the skin with lotions and masks, eliminating acne at home.

Is it possible to remove acne in a day?

Since the causes of acne are deep, it will not work to eliminate them in a day, two or even a week. And yet, how to get rid of acne, if something important is coming tomorrow, and so you would like to look perfect?

There are some ways to help reduce inflammation and make acne less noticeable.

  1. Hydrogen peroxide. Moisten cotton wool in peroxide and apply to the pimple for 2-3 minutes. It will dry out and you can powder it.
  2. The Metrogil remedy helps to get rid of acne very effectively. This is an inexpensive ointment that relieves redness, soothes the skin. Apply "Metrogil" to the forehead, cheeks, kula, chin - the whole face.
  3. If you need to eliminate rashes in a short time, salicylic acid will help. A solution of 1 - 2% is available in pharmacies. Apply with a cotton swab two or at the most three times a day, but not more often.
  4. A mixture of "Canison" and sulfuric ointment should be applied directly to acne in a thick layer and left overnight.
  5. Sometimes anti-herpes ointment "Acyclovir" is used to fight acne.

So, it is impossible to part with acne in one day, you can only reduce their manifestation. Other approaches will radically solve the problem.

Folk "anti-acne" methods

To cope with unpleasant rashes on the skin will help folk remedies, proven by generations.

How to eliminate acne on the body?

Pimples on the body bother both adults and teenagers. You should not wait for them to go away by themselves: for some, such rashes go away on their own only by the age of 30-35. Sometimes it’s enough just to give up clothes made from non-natural materials (spandex, polyester). If the rashes on the body are intense, you can get rid of acne in a complex way.

  1. Once a day, you need to take a shower with products containing salicylic acid (foam, lotion, gel). When you sweat, change clothes immediately.
  2. Problem areas should be lubricated with hydrogen peroxide, zinc ointment, salicylic acid. After such treatment, it is advisable to lubricate the skin with an alpha-acid-based cream so that there is no overdrying.
  3. Pay attention to nutrition.

Although squeezing blackheads is simple, the benefits of this action are questionable. A wound opens into which it is very easy to infect the infection. Most often this happens - pus from a burst pimple enters the bloodstream, infects neighboring tissues. As a result, acne from regular squeezing only becomes more!

Moreover, there are cases when, after such extrusion, blood poisoning occurred. After all, there are many vessels on the face that go to the brain. So the consequences up to meningitis are not a horror story. Is it worth taking such a risk? It is much safer to dry pimples with ointment or salicylic acid. It will not be possible to get rid of the habit of crushing them immediately, but it can be overcome.

How to take care of acne prone skin?

  • Facial cleansing. Washing is necessary twice a day. It is better not to use ordinary soap - it dries out the skin. Special gels, foams for washing are recommended.
  • Hydration and protection. After washing, the skin is rubbed with a drying lotion or tonic. Lotion containing ethyl alcohol is undesirable. Day cream should be light in texture, suitable for age.
  • Facial peeling. Once a week, exfoliate dead skin cells. Accumulating on the face, they give it an earthy color, and also prevent the skin from breathing, clog pores. Perform peeling with a scrub. You can cook it yourself from a spoon of natural coffee (grounds) and a spoon of yogurt. If the skin is very sensitive, you need to pick up a scrub with soft exfoliating particles, such as oatmeal, in the store.

What cosmetics to use?

Poor-quality or inappropriate cosmetics for a particular skin type provokes increased oiliness and other problems. Getting rid of acne after a long use of a bad foundation will be more difficult than just not buying it. Better a complete lack of cosmetics than cheap "mazilki".

For combination and oily skin, the presence of the following substances in cosmetics is very undesirable:

  • lanolin;
  • squalene;
  • mineral oils;
  • Palm oil;
  • red pigments C, D.

On the contrary, clay, extracts of parsley, badyagi, aloe will be useful.

Assistance from a dermatologist and cosmetologist

A dermatologist will help restore skin health. If acne is a serious concern, a visit to him should not be postponed. Based on the examination, the doctor will prescribe a course of treatment.

A cosmetologist is not a doctor, and he cannot cure acne. But you can go to a beauty salon if there are closed “black dots”, red spots, scars on your face. Then the skin will be cleansed by deep professional peeling, microdermabrasion, polishing.

acne pills

Capsules or tablets that reduce the activity of the sebaceous glands can help get rid of acne and pimples. However, it is forbidden to use them on their own! These pills are hormonal drugs. Before their appointment, tests are given. The course of treatment is controlled by the doctor. Such pills are strictly prohibited for pregnant and lactating women. Those who drink them should not do surgery, laser hair removal, deep peeling.

Proper nutrition and lifestyle for clear skin

Acne that does not go away in any way speaks eloquently: something is wrong with the body - toxins have accumulated, the liver does not work well. To forget about acne, you need not get carried away with flour, fatty, sweet. It is advisable to replace fried meat with boiled or baked.

Vegetables, fruits, dairy products will help improve the functioning of the digestive tract. Even if you just drink a glass of yogurt, fermented baked milk, kefir at night, the food will be better processed. The presence of vitamins A, B6, B12 in food is especially important.

You need to spend more time outdoors, do not forget about cleansing the skin, avoid stress, and then the skin will remain beautiful.

Such cosmetic skin defect, how pimples and blackheadsfamiliar to almost everyone. But someone was more fortunate, and acne went away with adolescence, while someone suffers from this all his life.

You can get rid of this problem, but it will take time and a little effort, just do not forget about facial care in the form .

Top 10 most useful tips for acne and blackheads

Steam a medium onion, without cutting, for 6-8 minutes. After that, you need to grind it and squeeze out the juice, to which add crushed calendula flowers (2-3 pieces).

Using a cotton swab, treat the affected areas at least 2 times a day.

The mixture is only usable for 24 hours. Treatment is carried out until the complete disappearance of acne (15-25 days).

A decoction is prepared from 2 tablespoons of raspberry leaves and a glass of water, which should be infused until completely cooled. This liquid must be washed daily.

All parts of raspberries have anti-inflammatory properties that will greatly reduce skin redness.

Place the petals of a white lily in a glass or ceramic dish and pour them with vodka or alcohol diluted to 450. Leave the mixture for 15-25 days in a dark place.

It is better to apply at night, wiping problem areas.

St. John's wort flowers are filled with high-quality vegetable oil (sunflower, olive, corn, etc.). The mixture is infused for 15 days.

The method of application is quite simple: every day the face is wiped with this herbal oil. Better to use it in the evening.

For a noticeable improvement in the condition of the skin, 10-12 days are enough.

  1. viburnum

This is one of the easiest recipes. It is enough just to apply the juice on the skin. If you use this method 2 times a day for a month, the skin will clear up and blackheads will disappear.

Viburnum juice contains a lot of tannins and fruit acids, which helps prevent the recurrence of acne, and also helps to whiten acne scars.

For this remedy, you can use leaves (dry or fresh) or buds.

Vegetable raw materials (1.5 tablespoons) must be boiled in 250 ml of water for 3 minutes. Then leave it to cool completely.

Use as a tonic after cleansing treatments.

This decoction has the most mild drying effect.

Dry leaves and shoots of wormwood (1.5 tablespoons) insist in 250 ml of boiling water for 45 minutes. The decoction can be used as a lotion or tonic.

Wormwood has a high content of astringents. This allows you to quickly remove inflammation.

This method helps to fight acne not only on the face, but also on the body.

Pour half a glass of grass with 400 ml of boiling water and leave for 1.5 hours.

This concentrated solution can be used pointwise (lotions), or added to the bath (400 ml per 15 liters of water).

This mixture gets rid of blackheads.

Grate a medium potato and add the egg white. For greater viscosity, you can mix in a little flour.

The mass is applied to the face every 2 days. The exposure time is 15-20 minutes.

  1. Yeast

Depending on the size of the processing area, you can take a different amount of ingredients.

Dilute dry or fresh yeast with hydrogen peroxide to a mushy state.

This mixture should be left on the face until completely dry.

All these tools can be used both singly and in combination, combining and alternating them.

After some 30 days, the problem that has haunted people for years will simply disappear.

Acne is not only a problem for teenagers, and although it is not so terrible, it can thoroughly spoil the appearance. It is especially offensive, and as according to the law of meanness, a pimple can come out in the most visible place on the eve of an important meeting or event. In most cases, the question of how to get rid of blackheads and acne is addressed by those who have been worried about this problem for a long time. But in order to understand how to improve skin condition, you need to know the causes of rashes. This is the only way to choose the most appropriate and effective way.

Why do you get pimples and blackheads?

If a person did not have sebaceous glands under the skin, the skin would be very dry. They perform the function of moisturizing the skin surface. But along with the benefits, there is also an aesthetic harm: when the sebaceous glands begin to work too actively, the skin becomes too oily, and the pores are blocked by sebum. Then the matter remains small: pollution occurs, and those same black dots appear on the face.

Pimples appear when acne bacteria get into the pore closed with fat. The inflammatory process begins, and on the face it is reflected in the form of a purulent wound - the notorious pimple. Most of the sebaceous glands are in the forehead, on the chin, back and shoulders, and it is these places that are often affected by acne.

There can be several reasons why the sebaceous glands start producing fat so strongly:

  • Adolescence. During puberty, both girls and boys begin to actively produce androgens, which provoke increased oily skin;
  • Unhealthy food. Sweet, fatty, starchy foods, alcohol and caffeine also often contribute to overactive sebaceous glands;
  • Stress. This is an indirect reason, but with anxiety, anxiety and stress in general, the corresponding hormones are produced that make the sebaceous glands work harder;
  • Improper skin care or lack of it. It is imperative to wash your face in the morning and evening to cleanse the skin surface of dead particles, dust and excess sebum;
  • Pregnancy. It is not uncommon for pregnant women to experience acne. This is explained by the fact that during such a period a lot of progesterone is released - a hormone, one of the side effects of which is the appearance of rashes on the skin.

What is good professional cosmetics for acne and blackheads?

Acne is such a common problem today that there are countless ways to solve it. What is not advised to use for the treatment of acne. However, there have always been special cosmetic professional products aimed specifically at eliminating acne.

It is a reasonable question: what exactly is such cosmetics good for, and how to get rid of acne and black spots on the face with it? Putting aside the question of the cost of using professional tools, several of their advantages should be noted.

Firstly, such cosmetics are made specifically to combat acne. Many use various pharmacy products that, in principle, are not designed for this. Manufacturers of anti-acne cosmetics specifically select the composition in such a way that it brings maximum benefit and acts purposefully: it dries excessively oily skin, opens pores, cleanses them and destroys pathogenic bacteria.

Secondly, professional cosmetics are convenient. No need to conjure to make the perfect complex remedy for acne. Various gels, creams, lotions contain all the necessary active substances not only to eliminate rashes, but also to heal and maximize skin nutrition.

How to get rid of acne and blackheads at home?

However, no one cancels the fact that some traditional medicine recipes are, at times, much more effective than expensive cosmetics. Not always and not everyone has the opportunity to carry out skin cleansing procedures in cosmetology clinics and centers or buy advertised cosmetics “for all acne in all places”. If you do not have the desire and opportunity to try these approaches to the treatment of acne, then you can try traditional medicine. But it is also important to know how to get rid of acne and blackheads at home without harming or making it worse.

We will share with you recipes that have passed more than one generation, but have remained all the same effective in the fight against acne:

Clay masks. For this method, probably, practically nothing needs to be done. Just buy cosmetic clay (blue, gray or white) in the nearest pharmacy and dilute it in warm boiled water. The resulting slurry is applied in an even layer on the face and kept for 15 minutes, after which it is washed off. Clay perfectly dries up rashes, pulls out all the "dirt" from the pores and blocks the development of new formations.

Honey. This is a universal remedy for almost all sores. Here and with acne, honey will be a great help. Its effectiveness is associated primarily with antiseptic action and a rich set of vitamins and minerals. Simply mix honey with a few drops of olive oil, add an egg yolk and apply on your face. Keep the mask for 15-30 minutes until it dries, then wash it off. Honey perfectly smoothes the skin, tightens pores and kills bacteria.

Badyaga. This tool is known even to your grandmothers. The swamp plant badyaga is able to remove oily sheen from the skin, draw out pollution from the pores and saturate the epidermis with oxygen. Most often, badyagu is used to remove red spots from acne - post-acne, when you managed to get rid of purulent acne, but traces remained after them. To solve this problem, it is enough to mix badyagi powder with water and apply on the face. Keep it for 10-15 minutes. It should also be noted that there may be slight tingling after the procedure and redness of the skin. Therefore, for those who have sensitive and thin skin, it is better not to use such a recipe.

Other remedies that are also very effective in the fight against acne are parsley extract, aloe juice, chamomile infusion. Of course, it is not necessary to use all the means at the same time. It is better to apply one thing, and experimentally determine the most effective option. Among pharmaceutical preparations that can also be used at home, salicylic acid, zinc ointment and hydrogen peroxide should be distinguished.

The appearance of acne on the skin is usually associated with disruption of the sebaceous glands, which is most often the result of hormonal changes in the body. The best option in this case would be to eliminate the cause, but this process is not quick. Acne can also be caused by allergies, in which case it will be much easier to deal with it. One way or another, the skin needs cleaning, and in this article we will talk about ways to get rid of blackheads at home.

The right approach for every skin type

There are many effective ways to get rid of acne and pimples, but each of them has certain contraindications. When choosing a remedy for acne, it is worth remembering this.

Oily skin

This type of skin is most prone to acne and pimples due to the production of sebum in large quantities, as well as due to enlarged pores. Getting rid of acne, you need to choose a drying agent.

Skin cleaning

Suitable tincture of calendula, chamomile, succession, or salicylic acid (the latter remedy is contraindicated in case of increased skin sensitivity). Moisten any of these products with cotton wool or a cotton pad, and wipe your face in the morning and evening after washing. Very effective remedy for acne and blackheads.

The most effective masks:

  • Laundry soap. Wet the soap, make a thick lather and apply it in a not too thin layer on each pimple. After 15-20 minutes, wash your face with warm water and do not go outside for the next 2-3 hours;
  • Pumpkin. This mask helps to draw out impurities from the inner layers of the skin, so after it you may feel that your face is sprinkled even more. It is not recommended to make a mask before important events. Grate a small amount of fresh pumpkin on the smallest grater so that the total mass of the puree is 2 tbsp. spoons. The mask also includes 1 teaspoon of tomato juice and 1 tbsp. a spoonful of rye flour. Thoroughly mix all the ingredients until a homogeneous mass is obtained. Apply to cleansed face for 15 minutes;
  • Black, yellow or blue clay. Apply the cosmetic clay acne mask to a cleansed face in an even layer, avoiding the area around the eyes. After 20 minutes, wash off the mask with warm water without soap. You can apply clay to certain areas of the skin, for example, if you want to get rid of blackheads on your nose.

Dry and normal skin

The appearance of acne on dry skin is much less common than on oily skin. Most often this is due to hormonal changes in the body, such as puberty, pregnancy, menopause. Also, the reason may be an allergic reaction of the body.

Skin cleaning

When cleansing dry skin, it is very important not to dry it further. You can use a decoction of string or chamomile (1 tablespoon per 100 grams of boiling water), and wipe your face after washing 2 times a day. After that, the skin needs to be nourished. The ideal option is a moisturizer with an antiseptic effect.

The most effective masks:

  • Baking soda. Fold the gauze in two layers, make a slurry out of soda and boiled water, and apply it on the gauze. Apply the mask to cleansed face for 20 minutes, then wash with warm water;
  • Badyaga. Apply a one-component badyagi mask on the skin of the face for 15-20 minutes, then wash with warm water without soap. Read about various recipes for acne masks based on badyagi.
  • White clay. Apply the cosmetic clay acne mask to a cleansed face in an even layer, avoiding the area around the eyes. After 20 minutes, wash off the mask with warm water without soap.

After cleansing the skin or applying a mask, it is important to use a cream. For normal skin, you can use a moisturizing or nourishing cream, for dry skin - nourishing or baby.

If the cause is an allergy

The allergic rash shown in the photo can be caused by a hormonal disorder or an allergy.

First of all, you need to identify the allergen. The reason may be in unfamiliar food, synthetic underwear, washing powder, or a new shower gel. In addition, there are other reasons. If you can’t identify the irritant on your own, contact an allergist. In any case, there are several ways to soothe the skin and at least partially get rid of blackheads:

  • Red clay. If the acne is located on a part of the face or neck, dilute the red clay with boiled water to a state of sour cream, and make a mask. Wash your face after 15-20 minutes. If the whole body has suffered, you can alleviate your condition with a bath with red clay (200-300 g of powder for an average bath). Bath time - 30-40 minutes;
  • Decoctions of herbs. Brew a string or chamomile, at the rate of 2 tbsp. spoons for 1 cup of boiling water, and wash your face, make hand baths, or add a decoction to the bath;
  • Corn starch. This method is suitable in the treatment of acne all over the body. In a medium bath of warm water, add 200 grams of starch. Bath time is 10-15 minutes.

Video: How to get rid of acne forever

Video Source: Rossy Tandann

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