Vitamins for skin health. Methods of vitamin nutrition of the skin of the face. Face mask with vitamin E and glycerin

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As a rule, vitamins are called biologically active substances that a person needs to feel healthy and look good. Their lack leads to various malfunctions in the body and causes a number of diseases. Vitamin deficiency affects the appearance: the skin becomes dull, acquires painful appearance, the first signs of aging appear on it ahead of time. Return former beauty the fair sex try with the help of various expensive cosmetics and procedures, sometimes not always justified. Whereas you just need to make up for the deficiency of vitamins. Therefore, in order to look good regardless of age and season, a woman should know what vitamins are required for facial skin and how to use them correctly as cosmetics.

Vitamins necessary for the face

To date, there are 13 vitamins, and the lack of at least one of them causes problems with the skin and hair. If you know what role each of them plays, then depending on the cosmetic defects, you can determine which specific vitamins are not enough in a particular case.

Vitamin A (retinol)

Vitamin A has an anti-inflammatory and moisturizing effect. Helps relieve inflammation on the skin of various nature, such as dermatitis or simple irritation, fights acne. Moisturizes and protects thin, flaky and dry skin. Regulates the exchange of secreted sebum, eliminates oily sheen. Smoothes out stretch marks on the face. Soothes the skin after a hard day, tones and nourishes it. Accelerates metabolism in cells. As a result, collagen synthesis is enhanced and restoration of damaged tissues is observed, and as a result, facial skin is rejuvenated. Among other things, retinol is a very powerful antioxidant. Read more about all the forms and the effect of vitamin A on the skin on our website.

Vitamin B1 (thiamine)

Thiamine is widely used in dermatology and cosmetology. Dermatologists prescribe it as the main remedy for the treatment of neurogenic dermatosis, itching of the skin, pyoderma, scaly lichen, eczema - pathological conditions directly related to disruption of nervous activity. It's pretty serious illness and if they are observed on the face, without the use of thiamine it is impossible to restore the beauty and health of the skin. Cosmetologists advise using vitamin B1 for people who show signs of early aging: wrinkles, double chin, sagging skin, etc. Vitamin B1 improves skin elasticity, accelerates regeneration. This is a vitamin for dry skin prone to peeling.

Vitamin B2 (riboflavin)

Vitamin B2 is the most necessary for maintaining the beauty and health of the skin. It is riboflavin that is involved in the redox processes of cellular respiration, establishing more and more oxygen in the tissue. This leads to an acceleration of metabolism, which is reflected in the appearance of the skin, it acquires a natural healthy tone.

Vitamin B3 (Vitamin PP, Niacin, Niacin, Nicotinamide)

Deficiency leads to dysfunction of the skin. Vitamin B3 is indispensable for problematic and oily skin. It dries oily skin well. It is recommended to use it for women after 30 years, as it very quickly helps to smooth out shallow wrinkles, makes the skin supple and elastic.

Vitamin B5 (provitamin - panthenol, pantothenic acid, calcium pantothenate)

Stimulates many skin processes, has a pronounced regenerating effect.

Vitamin B6 (pyridoxine)

Dermatologists include vitamin B6 in the treatment regimen for almost all skin pathologies. Therefore, if there are not easy cosmetic defects on the skin, and some changes associated with serious diseases, then pyridoxine cannot be dispensed with in this case.

Vitamin B9 (folic acid)

Vitamin B9 levels the harmful effects ultraviolet radiation. Folic acid Helps with acne vulgaris.

Vitamin B10 (para-aminobenzoic acid)

Affects hair growth and preservation of their color, protects the skin from ultraviolet rays.

Vitamin B12 (cyanocobalamin)

Vitamin B12 stimulates regeneration reactions in cells, as a result of which they are renewed, which cannot but affect the appearance of the skin: its tone improves, wrinkles are smoothed, age-related pastiness disappears.

Vitamin C (ascorbic acid)

Beloved by all, ascorbic acid triggers the production of collagen, gives the skin of the face firmness and elasticity. In addition, vitamin C strengthens blood vessels through which blood transports oxygen to all cells of the human body. Also, ascorbic acid has a wound-healing effect in various purulent infections skin, inflammatory processes and shallow lesions of the skin. This vitamin is the best for helping with acne. Ascorbic acid has a bleaching effect and is used in the fight against hyperpigmentation. This is a vitamin for problematic skin and dull complexion.

Vitamins of group D (cholecalciferol - D 3), ergocalciferol - D 2)

Vitamins of group D slow down the aging of the body, keep the face code in good shape in women of all age groups.

Vitamin E (tocopherol)

Tocopherol is called the vitamin of eternal youth and beauty. There are no such age-related changes in which vitamin E would not take part. It evens out the skin relief, restores and renews cells, eliminates fine wrinkles, protects the face from negative impact UV rays, prevents premature aging of the skin. Vitamin E is the most powerful antioxidant. You can read more about tocopherol in the article on our website.

Vitamin K (phylloquinone)

Phylloquinone has a whitening effect, eliminates freckles and other types of skin pigmentation. In addition, vitamin K relieves swelling and inflammation, is used for couperosis and rosacea to remove telangiectasias.

Vitamin B3 or vitamin PP (nicotinic acid, nicotinamide)

Vitamin B3 takes part in many oxidative reactions occurring in cells. And first of all, he is responsible for a healthy natural complexion, protects the skin from the negative effects environment. With a lack nicotinic acid skin elasticity decreases and irritation and peeling of the epidermis appear.

Vitamin H or Vitamin B7 (Coenzyme R, Biotin)

Vitamin B7 regulates the metabolism of fats and carbohydrates in the body, triggers regeneration processes at the cell level, contributing to the renewal and rejuvenation of the dermis and epidermis. It is used to treat alopecia and acne.

To eliminate certain skin defects, the first step is to determine which skin problem is the most important: excessive production of sebum, inflammation, dark spots, peeling, dryness, etc. others

Different problems are solved by a particular vitamin or group of vitamins. Having understood which vitamin will help improve the condition of the skin of the face, now you need to find out where to get it and how should it get to the cellular level?

Can be used independently at home various ways the use of vitamins that provide nutrition to the skin, contribute to its rejuvenation, make it beautiful and healthy.

Ways to use vitamins for facial skin

It can be:

1. Ready-made vitamin complexes, factory-made, which are sold in a pharmacy. Taking them regularly, you can get rid of most skin problems, because the cells will receive them from the inside. They should be taken strictly according to the instructions.

2. It can be monovitamins, produced in various dosage forms ampoules, tablets, capsules, oil solutions. When it is known exactly which vitamin (retinol, pyridoxine, tocopherol, thiamine, riboflavin, ascorbic and nicotinic acid) is missing, you can buy and use only it. They can be taken both internally and externally in the form of medical cosmetic masks. You should first consult with your doctor about the advisability of taking vitamins.

3. Food. By consuming a large amount of vitamins with food, you will provide them to the body from the inside, and they will nourish all layers of the skin. Instead of morning coffee, drink a glass of freshly squeezed juice, eat not noodles for lunch fast food, and the full first and second meat dish, well, for dinner, say no to fast food: only herbal products. After two weeks of such a menu, the skin of the face will noticeably improve.

4. Cosmetic vitamin masks factory-made or prepared at home on their own, they will provide the skin of the face with all the necessary vitamins from the outside.
The greatest effect can be expected from right combination all four ways.

But it is very important to know which vitamins can be combined together, in what dosages and other cosmetic details.

The first step is to determine what cosmetic problem you want to solve with the help of vitamins. If the body suffers from hypovitaminosis, then a vitamin-mineral complex purchased at a pharmacy will help. When to Eliminate a Certain cosmetic defect, then monovitamins will help.

Before using vitamins inside, a specialist consultation is required. You can consult a cosmetologist, dermatologist or endocrinologist.
You can not take multivitamins and individual vitamins at the same time, you should choose one thing, otherwise hypervitaminosis may develop, which will adversely affect the condition of the skin.

It is desirable to take multivitamins 2-3 times a year, it is better in the spring-autumn period, when there is a deficiency of vitamins throughout the body, and not just in the layers of the skin.

Also very important balanced diet nutrition. The skin "loves" oils, seafood, nuts, eggs, meat, vegetables, fruits and herbs.

Masks with the addition of specific vitamins purchased at a pharmacy have a positive effect on the skin of the face.

Recipes for face masks with vitamins at home

If you make masks with vitamins twice a week, the result will not be long in coming: the skin of the face will become healthy and beautiful. It is most convenient to add ampouled vitamins to masks, although oil solutions also mix well with other components.

Capsules will need to be crushed, tablets will need to be ground into powder. Before applying the mask on the face, you need to check if there are any allergies to it. For this a small amount of masks must be applied to the bend of the elbow for a day and see if there is redness. Carefully read the annotation to pharmaceutical preparations: although they are used externally, they still have contraindications and side effects.

Face mask with vitamin E and glycerin

Tocopherol in combination with glycerin perfectly moisturizes the skin, complementing each other, they eliminate dryness and flaking, signs early aging. One tablespoon of glycerin is mixed with two tablespoons of cold filtered water and one ampoule of vitamin E.

Face mask with tocopherol, retinol and dimexide

Tocopherol in combination with retinol and dimexide will help to cope with acne.
A teaspoon of water is combined with the same amount of dimexide, an ampoule of tocopherol and retinol is added, one tablespoon of white clay and sour cream with an average percentage of fat content.

Face mask with vitamin E, olive oil and cottage cheese

Tocopherol, combined with homemade cottage cheese and natural olive oil, perfectly nourishes and protects dry skin. Two tablespoons of cottage cheese are rubbed with two teaspoons of oil, and an ampoule of vitamin E.

Face mask with vitamin E and clay

Dilute 3 tbsp. l. white clay warm milk to the consistency of thick sour cream, add 1 ampoule of vitamin E. Apply to face and soak for 15 minutes, rinse warm water.

Face mask with vitamin E and egg

Whisk egg white, add 1 tbsp. l. potato starch, 1 tsp aloe juice and 1 ampoule of vitamin E. Apply to face and leave for 20 minutes, then rinse with water. Face mask: vitamin E and protein cleans, nourishes and moisturizes the skin well.

Acne Vitamin E Face Mask

Take 1 tbsp. l. milk thistle oil, add 2 drops of essential oil tea tree and 1 ampoule of tocopherol. Apply to face and wait 20-30 minutes, then rinse oil mask tonic.

Face mask with vitamin A and E

Add an ampoule of vitamins E and A to the cosmetic wheat germ oil, apply on the face for 20 minutes, then remove with a tonic.

Acne mask with retinol and aloe

Before adding aloe juice to the mask, you must first hold it in the refrigerator for some time. Then one teaspoon nourishing cream you need to mix with the same amount of aloe juice and an ampoule of vitamin A. Masks with retinol relieve inflammation and help fight youthful acne.

Face mask with vitamin A, oatmeal and egg yolk

Pour the finely ground flakes (2 tablespoons) with boiled milk, let it brew for 20 minutes, add the beaten egg yolk and vitamin A oil (1 ampoule). Apply to face and hold
15-20 minutes.

Face mask with vitamin C, oatmeal and banana

Ascorbic acid in combination with banana puree and oatmeal rejuvenates the skin.
To do this, you need to mix an ampoule of vitamin C with two tablespoons of banana puree and a teaspoon of oatmeal boiled in milk.

Mask with vitamin C and parsley

Finely chop parsley, take 2 tbsp. l., add 1 tbsp. l. fat sour cream and 1 ampoule of ascorbic acid. Apply to face for 20 minutes, then rinse. Face mask with ascorbic acid whitens and brightens the skin.

Mask of ascorbic acid and Aevita

Crush the Aevit vitamin capsule and add the contents of 1 ampoule of vitamin C, mix and apply on the face for 15 minutes with rubbing movements. The mask nourishes the skin and makes wrinkles less noticeable.

Face mask with vitamin B12 and B6

Of all the vitamins B12 is compatible only with vitamin B6, this mask significantly improves skin condition. In liquid honey (2 tablespoons), add fat sour cream (1 tablespoon) and cottage cheese (1 tablespoon), add vitamins B12 and B6 ampoule each, 3-4 drops essential oil lemon and liquid extract aloe (1 ampoule). Apply in the evening 3 hours before bedtime, leave on for 15 minutes, then rinse with water.

Face mask with vitamins Aevit

Add the contents of the Aevit capsule to any cosmetic oil and apply on the skin of the face for 15-20 minutes, then rinse. Oil suitable for oily skin grape seeds, hazelnuts or macadia. For dry - apricot, peach, wheat germ or avocado oil.
For normal - jojoba oil, soybean or sesame.

Vitamins are biologically active substances that affect the health of our body and beauty. appearance. It is their deficiency that leads to many diseases and troubles.

If the skin of the face lacks vitamins, it quickly fades, fades and loses its vitality. healthy look and beauty, so necessary for any woman. In order for the skin to shine with beauty and health, you need to know which face vitamins are needed and how to use them correctly.

You can be sure: all 13 vitamins known modern medicine actively involved in the restoration and improvement of facial skin. Knowing which of them performs what functions in the cells, you can determine by your skin problems which vitamins for facial skin you need.

  • 1) Vitamin A // retinol

Fights facial inflammation, thinning, flaking and dry skin. It has a calming effect, normalizes the work of the sebaceous and fatty glands of the face. Smoothes stretch marks on the face. Stimulates the activity of skin cells, thereby accelerating the cell regeneration necessary after damage and increased collagen production, which leads to skin rejuvenation. Solves the problem of age spots on the face.

  • 2) Vitamin B1 // thiamine

Fights premature aging that can overtake the skin at any age.

  • 3) Vitamin B2 // riboflavin

Provides cellular respiration and accelerates all possible metabolisms. Gives the skin a healthy color.

Perfectly and quickly smoothes wrinkles.

  • 5) Vitamin B6 // pyridoxine

Effectively treats skin diseases.

  • 6) Vitamin B9 // folic acid

Helps get rid of acne.

  • 7) Vitamin B12 // cyanocobalamin

Renews skin cells, thereby rejuvenating the skin of the face.

  • 8) Vitamin C // ascorbic acid

Stimulates the production of collagen in cells, strengthens blood vessels, quickly heals wounds and microcracks.

  • 9) Vitamin D

Slows down the aging process of cells, helps the skin maintain its tone.

  • 10) Vitamin E // tocopherol

Smoothes the skin, helps cell renewal. It actively protects the skin from UV rays.

  • 11) Vitamin K

The best remedy for fighting freckles and other age spots. Fights puffiness and inflammatory processes skin.

  • 12) Vitamin PP // niacin

It has a stimulating effect on cells. Protects the skin, improves complexion.

  • 13) Vitamin H // Biotin

Participates in fat and carbohydrate metabolism stimulates cells to regenerate.

Now you know which vitamins are good for the face and why. Try to determine what your skin lacks if you have certain problems (pigmentation, inflammation, peeling, etc.). Only then can you determine how to make up for the lack of a particular substance.

Ways to use vitamins for the face

Any skin, even the most non-problem one, requires regular nutrition with vitamins. This is necessary for her to prevent the occurrence of various misfortunes in the form premature aging or excessive dryness. You know which vitamins are good for the skin, but how to deliver them to their intended purpose - to cells that cannot live and function normally without them? There are several ways to consume vitamins that allow you to quickly and regularly nourish the skin of the face.

  1. Vitamin complexes. For some reason, many people mistakenly believe that vitamin complexes only help inner work organism. These complex preparations deliver vitamins in such quantity that they are enough for skin cells that receive them from the blood. Therefore, taking any vitamin complex, you will soon see that the condition of your skin on your face has improved significantly.
  2. Individual vitamins. If you know exactly which vitamin your skin lacks, you can purchase individual vitamins at any pharmacy. The release form can be very different - capsules, powders, tablets.
  3. Food. Another way to use vitamins for the face is the correct, balanced, varied diet. If fast foods and carbonated drinks have replaced fresh fruits, vegetables, cereal crops and natural juices, your skin will surely "rebel" against such a non-fortified diet.
  4. Cosmetic masks- both store and home cooking enriched with a number of vitamins for facial skin.

The ideal option would be a competent combination of all these ways of using vitamins for the face in order to get rid of vitamin deficiency. But for this you need to know how to combine them correctly, how often and in what doses.

Rules for the use of vitamins for the face

To maximize the benefits of vitamins for the face, you need to follow a few unspoken, but very important rules for their proper use. There is no need to take the initiative and experiment in this matter, because an excess of vitamins for facial skin, as well as their deficiency, is fraught with many problems for the skin.

  1. Decide for what purpose you want to use vitamins. If, in order to eliminate certain skin problems of the face, you need to drink a course of individual vitamins, the deficiency of which affects the skin. If for general nutrition cells in order to prevent, it is better to choose a vitamin complex.
  2. Consult a dermatologist before using a separate vitamin: it will help you correctly determine which vitamins your skin needs in your particular case.
  3. Do not combine individual vitamins with vitamin complexes: choose one thing.
  4. Between appointments vitamin complexes take a break of 2-3 months.
  5. Start eating right.
  6. Once a week, be sure to make fortified face masks.

Knowing which vitamins nourish the skin, it is necessary to take care that the cells never experience a deficiency in them. Using them correctly, you can achieve the highest results: your skin will shine with beauty, youth and health.

The article discusses vitamins for the skin. We talk about the different types, what effect they have on the epidermis. Following our advice, you will learn how to use and prepare masks for each skin type, and which preparations are suitable for internal use.

The skin needs micronutrients to develop, regenerate, grow new cells to replace those that die naturally. The condition of the skin depends on biochemical reactions occurring at the cellular level.

Collagen and elastin are responsible for the elasticity of the epidermis, the production of which is facilitated by coenzymes. Vitamins act as coenzymes. They can be taken orally or used externally.

The method of application depends on the condition of the skin. At bad condition It is recommended to simultaneously take vitamins inside and apply externally. As a preventive measure, it is enough to take them 2-4 times a year and regularly add them to cosmetics.

Most often, vitamins A, C, E and group B are used for skin care.

Vitamin A

Retinol provides nutrition to cells, stabilizes the work sebaceous glands, prevents the formation of acne, increases collagen synthesis. Under the influence of retinol, which activates the process of cell renewal and collagen synthesis, shallow crow's feet are smoothed out, dryness disappears, skin elasticity and firmness increase.

With a lack of retinol in the body, black spots on the face, flabbiness and sagging appear. skin, sweating and sebum formation worsens.

B vitamins

Nutrients in this group have a beneficial effect on the epidermis, and each of them acts differently:

  1. B1 - smoothes small and deep crow's feet, slows down the aging process.
  2. B2 - speeds up metabolic processes, as a result of which the skin acquires a healthy color, and also eliminates inflammation. With a lack of this nutrient, creases form in the corners of the lips, as well as peeling.
  3. B6 - nourishes, moisturizes, restores and protects the skin from environmental influences.
  4. B9 - helps to cope with acne, blackheads.
  5. B12 - has a rejuvenating effect, normalizing blood circulation.

Vitamin C

In most cases, ascorbic acid is used to prevent the formation of wrinkles. In addition, its action is aimed at:

  • increased immunity;
  • restoration, skin whitening;
  • increase in elasticity, elasticity;
  • return of a healthy complexion;
  • activation of the production of collagen fibers;
  • UV protection;
  • neutralization free radicals.

Vitamin E

Tocopherol has many useful properties, namely:

  1. Prevents age-related changes, activates cell regeneration, smoothes crow's feet, has a lifting effect, gives elasticity, improves blood circulation. Also good at fighting age-related changes helps.
  2. Acts as an antidepressant - eliminates fatigue, improves complexion.
  3. Protects cells from free radicals, frees from harmful substances.
  4. It has an anti-inflammatory effect, eliminates acne, pimples, black spots.
  5. Lightens freckles, age spots.
  6. Moisturizes dry skin, maintains water balance in cells, regulates the sebaceous glands.

How to use

The effect of nutrients largely depends on how they are used. Before using vitamin-based cosmetics, it is advisable to do a simple allergy test. To do this, apply a little funds to the bend of the elbow. After a quarter of an hour, see if redness has occurred or not. In its absence, the use of the drug is allowed.

For facial skin

The use of vitamins is quite simple. All you need:

  • add 2-3 drops to a regular day or night cream;
  • apply the oil solution on the face for half an hour, then remove the residue with a paper towel or napkin;
  • prepare cosmetic masks from them.

For the skin of the hands and body

In this case, apply them to clean skin soft massage movements. Optionally, can be mixed with other components or used in pure. Optimal time application - before going to bed, after taking an evening bath. After application, wait 30 minutes for the oil solution to be well absorbed. Remove excess with a dry cloth.

Use body oils in the same way.

Around eyes

Retinol, tocopherol are ideal for the skin around the eyes. They must be used in the following way:

  • add 2 drops to the finished face mask;
  • mix with olive oil, then treat the skin around the eyes;
  • use as an addition in the manufacture of cosmetic masks.

Mask Recipes

Home cosmetics will help restore the skin to a beautiful and healthy look. Below are the mask recipes.

For dry skin


  1. Green clay - 20 gr.
  2. Olive oil - 70 ml.
  3. Retinol - 3 drops.
  4. Vitamin E - 3 drops.

How to cook: Mix the ingredients, heat the composition in a water bath.

How to use: Take a small piece of clean gauze, make slits on it for the eyes and mouth. Dip the cloth in the prepared mixture, squeeze lightly and place on the face. When the gauze has cooled, soak it again in the composition. The duration of the procedure is 30-40 minutes, wash with warm water.

Result: Nourishes, additionally moisturizes dry dermis.

From peeling


  1. Natural wax - 5 gr.
  2. Borax - 0.5 gr.
  3. Vitamin B12 - 1 ampoule.
  4. Retinol - 1 ampoule.
  5. Vaseline - 7 gr.
  6. Water lanolin - 12 gr.
  7. Peach oil - 20 gr.
  8. Zinc oxide - 2 gr.
  9. Water - 30 gr.

How to cook: Heat lanolin, petroleum jelly, wax in a water bath. Add Peach oil, zinc oxide, borax. Pour in water and then vitamins.

How to use: Apply a cosmetic product to the peeling area. Wash off with warm water after 30 minutes.

Result: Eliminates peeling. Provides nutrition and hydration. Has a rejuvenating effect.

For oily skin


  1. Vitamin C - 5 gr.
  2. Vitamin A - 3 drops.
  3. Mineral water - 30 ml.

How to cook: Grind ascorbic acid so that its volume becomes equal to a teaspoon. Add retinol, dilute mineral water, stir.

How to use: Apply the product avoiding the area around the eyes. After a quarter of an hour, rinse with cool water.

Result: It has a matting, anti-inflammatory effect. Narrows pores.

For youthful skin


  1. Linden honey - 10 gr.
  2. Egg - 1 pc.
  3. Sour cream 20% - 25 gr.
  4. Children's natural cottage cheese - 10 gr.
  5. Lemon juice - 10 drops.
  6. Aloe in ampoules - 2 pcs.
  7. Cobalamin - 1 ampoule.
  8. Vitamins B1 - 1 ampoule.

How to cook: Mix all ingredients.

How to use: Apply the product on clean skin of the face, rinse off after a quarter of an hour. The course is 2 weeks.

Result: It has a rejuvenating effect, eliminates wrinkles.

For acne


  1. Vitamin A - 2 ampoules.
  2. Lentil flour - 14 gr.
  3. Zinc ointment - 3 gr.

How to cook: Mix all ingredients.

How to use: Treat problem areas with the product, wait until it dries completely, then rinse.

Result: Eliminates acne, acne.

With glycerin


  1. Vitamin A - 3 ampoules.
  2. Glycerin - 12 ml.
  3. Starch - 23 gr.

How to cook: Mix all ingredients thoroughly.

How to use: Apply to clean skin, wash your face after 40 minutes.

Result: Eliminates peeling, provides extra food.

For internal reception

In cases where the external use of vitamins did not bring the desired result, attention should be paid to preparations for internal use. Below is a list of the most popular tools.


Solgar (Solgar) is an American-made drug. Increases the synthesis of collagen, keratin. As a result, problems with the epidermis disappear, the skin looks healthy and fresh. There are only a few contraindications: pregnancy, lactation period. Estimated price - 1500-2500 rubles.


As part of dietary supplements Evalar "For skin, hair and nails" there are zinc, fructose, vitamin C, silicon dioxide, calcium stearate. Average duration course - 2 months. It is not recommended to take the drug on an empty stomach. Estimated price - 700 rubles.


The action of the multicomplex is aimed at increasing the elasticity and firmness of the skin. Recommended for dermatitis, cracks, burns, frostbite. Contraindications: pregnancy, personal intolerance to the components that make up the composition. Estimated price - 950 rubles.


Doppelherz - a complex of vitamins and minerals, the action of which is aimed at improving the condition of the dermis, eliminating dryness, preventing the formation of wrinkles, nourishing the cells of the epidermis. The composition includes wheat germ oil, biotin, vitamins B6 and B9, zinc sulfate. Estimated price - 500-700 rubles.


The action of this complex is aimed at improving the condition of the epidermis. It contains cystine, ascorbic and nicotinic acids, iron, beta-carotene. Contraindications: childhood, reception various kinds vitamins. The course of treatment is 1 month. Estimated price - 1000-1500 rubles.

Vitamins in injections

There are special injections for rejuvenation of certain parts of the body and face. Such a procedure in beauty salon called mesotherapy.

As part of one injection, there is a complex of nutrients, the action of which is aimed not only at renewing the epidermis, but also at increasing protective functions getting rid of bags under the eyes.

Most often, one injection consists of 5 components that are created immediately before use. Immediately after injections, education is likely small bruises, swelling.

The course of mesotherapy is 8-10 procedures. Sessions are held no more than 1 time per week. A second course is possible in a year.


  • hypertension grade 3;
  • kidney disease;
  • diabetes;
  • oncology;
  • breast-feeding;
  • postoperative period.

The answer is obvious: you need to help the body fight external adverse effects. When natural springs youth begin to dry up, you need to nourish them, help "restore strength."

Indispensable in such situations are vitamins - substances whose presence in the body ensures its normal and functional life. And an organism with high immune status healthy on the inside will always be healthy on the outside.

How do vitamins affect the skin of the face?

Scientists have identified a number of vitamins that directly affect the quality of the skin and the processes that contribute to the natural maintenance of its tone.

Tocopherol - vitamin E for the face

In cosmetology, the most popular form of alpha-tocopherol acetate, combined for activation with vegetable oils. This is probably the most commonly found vitamin in cosmetics.

  1. Tocopherol is a powerful antioxidant. It slows down the aging process of the skin.

Note that the antioxidant properties of vitamin E extends not only to cells, but also to other vitamins.

  1. Alpha-tocopherol acetate improves blood microcirculation, stimulates protein synthesis and cell regeneration, strengthens the walls of blood vessels. Thus, it saturates the blood and skin with oxygen, prevents the formation of rosacea and promotes natural renewal epidermis and wrinkle smoothing.
  2. As a fat-soluble element, alpha-tocopherol acetate provides deep hydration to all skin layers.

Retinol - Vitamin A

you knew you were the first official vitamin, and got it from carrots? That is why it is named after the first letter of the Latin alphabet, and provitamins A, during the splitting of which a vitamin is formed, are called carotenoids.

Retinol (scientific name) not only ensures the growth and development of the body, is responsible for the quality of vision, normalizes blood sugar levels, but is one of the most important regenerating elements that slow down cell aging.

Rice. 2. Vitamin A for facial skin

That is why both natural retinol and its chemical derivatives, retinoids, are valued in cosmetology. Their effect on the skin of the face can be described as follows:

  • restore the normal functionality of the sebaceous glands, the production of sebum;
  • heals inflammation, is used in the treatment of various skin diseases;
  • increases immunity and thus reduces the risk of infections in problem skin;
  • comprehensively rejuvenates the body, including the skin.

Digested only in fats and oils.

With a lack of retinol, the lipid barrier of the skin is broken, it becomes rough, flaky.

B vitamins

The group of B vitamins is the widest and most diverse in its effects on the body. These are about 20 vitamins, united by the presence of nitrogen in the molecular composition.

One way or another, the whole group affects the condition of the skin, but cosmetologists identify several of the most important forms.

Rice. 3. B vitamins for skin

Thiamine(Vitamin B1) - regulator of the nervous system. strong nerves– less wrinkles and a firm “no” nervous rash and redness.

Accelerates metabolic processes, improving complexion, is responsible for natural hydration, fights inflammation. It is the deficiency of riboflavin that causes dermatitis in adults.

In cosmetology it is used in the form of nicotinic acid. Promotes deep hydration of the skin, relieves puffiness (remove excess fluid from skin cells), improves skin elasticity and smoothes fine wrinkles.

Panthenol(Vitamin B5) one of the most effective elements in the group for eliminating acne and moisturizing sensitive inflamed skin. Used in the form of pantothenic acid.

Pyridoxine(vitamin B6) is a universal participant in almost all metabolic processes necessary to maintain healthy and beautiful skin.

Best for dealing with manifestations skin itching and hypersensitivity skin of any etiology.

Folic acid(Vitamin B9) - one of the favorite "rejuvenating" vitamins of all cosmetologists. It not only supports, but activates the independent regeneration of skin cells, hair and nails.

Para-aminobenzoic acid (Vitamin B10) valued for its protective properties against UV radiation. It is also used to treat the effects of exposure to sunlight (photodermatosis, for example), to reduce photosensitivity (sensitivity to the sun, close to allergies), vitiligo.

cyanocobalamin(Vitamin B12) promotes oxygenation of the blood and thereby returns the skin to a healthy glow and a youthful glow.

Ascorbic acid - vitamin C

Familiar to everyone stimulant immune system- vitamin C.

Rice. 4. Vitamin C for skin

In cosmetology, it is known as a strong antioxidant, collagen production regenerator, regulator water balance skin and anti-inflammatory element. And also Vitamin C is effective for eliminating age spots and post-acne.

AT rare cases owners sensitive skin note the weak allergic reactions on this vitamin (itching, redness, etc.). Therefore, to determine the degree of individual tolerance, it is recommended to start with low concentrations.

Calciferol - Vitamin D

The most important vitamin synthesized in the skin under the influence of the sun. Especially important is its use in the conditions of seasonality of our climate and deficiency of sunlight.

Rice. 5. Vitamin D for skin
  • Provides a complete life cycle cells from initial division to metabolic processes.
  • Stimulates the production of collagen, slowing down the aging process of the skin.
  • Moisturizes and nourishes the cells of the epidermis, tones.
  • Eliminates inflammation, reduces the manifestation of symptoms of psoriasis.
  • Prevents the occurrence of oncology of the skin.

AT large doses Vitamin D is quite toxic, so the recommended dosage must be followed.

Rutin - vitamin P

An element that owes its name to its strengthening effect on the walls of blood vessels. It reduces their permeability - P from the word permeability (English permeability).

Rice, 6. Vitamin P for skin

Its properties are similar to Vitamin C: it protects hyaluronic acid from decay, provides elasticity to blood vessels, skin, provides it with a healthy color, fights against skin infections and treats acne and other inflammations.

Vitamin K

In cosmetology, the form Vitamin K1 or phytonadione is used. This vitamin functions directly in the circulatory system.

Rice. 7. Vitamin K for skin
  • Effective in the fight against rosacea, dark circles under the eyes.
  • It has an anti-inflammatory effect - relieves redness and pigmentation after cosmetic procedures.

Other skin-friendly vitamins

Lipoic/Thioctic Acid – Vitamin N

It is used as part of vitamin complexes and procedures:

  • for the treatment of acne, acne, pigmentation;
  • to nourish and rejuvenate sagging and dull skin.

The most popular compound is alpha lipoic acid.

Vitamin F

In fact, it is a complex of polyunsaturated fatty acids- linoleic, linolenic and arachidonic.

Effective for the following skin problems:

  • First wrinkles;
  • Acne;
  • Dryness, cracking.

The right combination of individual vitamins for the face

Proper care and proper nutrition of the skin are possible only with the right combination of vitamins. Some of them complement each other, enhancing the action of companions, others are incompatible - in a pair they are either neutralized or provoke negative reactions.

Rice. 8. A combination of vitamins for the skin

Vitamins A, E and C.

  • Companion antioxidants prevent the degradation of Vitamin A, increase its effectiveness and reduce the toxicity associated with retinol overdose.
  • Carotenoids and Vitamin E enhance the antioxidant properties of Vitamin C.
  • Vitamin C restores the action of Vitamin E in the process of oxidation.

Vitamins C, B9 and B5.

  • Thanks to Vitamin C, Vitamin B9 is stored longer in cells and tissues.
  • Assimilation of Vitamins B9 and C is easier in combination with Vitamin B5.

vitaminsFand AFand E.

  • The joint intake of Vitamin A / E (not together) with Vitamin F significantly enhances their action and speeds up metabolic processes.

Vitamins B2, B9 and B5.

  • Vitamin B2 is a catalyst for the transition of Vitamin B9 to its active form and promotes easy absorption of Vitamin B5.
  • In turn, B5 helps the body absorb Vitamin B9.


  • Provided that Magnesium is present, Vitamin D has a more pronounced effect on skin cells when taken in combination with Vitamin F.

Vitamin D is not absorbed without magnesium.

Vitamins B2 and K.

  • The active form of Vitamin K is catalyzed by Vitamin B2.

Vitamins C and R.

  • These elements coexist in the same products for a reason - they complement each other, enhancing the joint effect on cellular tissues.

Overview of vitamin complexes and bioadditives

To consume the daily norm of vitamins, a very varied menu is required. Since it is extremely difficult to regularly maintain such a level of healthy nutrition, special vitamin and vitamin-mineral complexes are constantly being developed.

Rice. 9. Multivitamins for the face

Reception vitamin preparations compensates for the lack of vitamins in food.

Let's present the top of the most popular pharmacy complexes, which are considered - both in the opinion of specialists and in terms of sales - the most effective in their series.

Name Active substances Purpose Manufacturer country
. Alpha-tocopherol acetate (Vit. E) 100 mg,
Retinol palmitate (Vit. A) 100,000 IU or approx. 2.1 mg
Capsules Aevit provide additional nutrition and hydration for the skin, has a therapeutic effect on various skin inflammations, diseases (psoriasis). Russia
(Meligen, Renewal, RealCaps, Lumi, etc.)
Alphabet Cosmetic 13 vitamins

10 minerals (calcium, iodine, selenium, chromium, magnesium, zinc, iron, silicon, manganese, copper)
Coenzyme Q10
· plant extracts(green tea, nettle, horsetail, chamomile, birch leaves

Complex with daily ration calculation useful vitamins and minerals to maintain the beauty of skin, hair and nails. Each tablet contains only compatible elements. Russia
Wellwoman B group vitamins
Vitamin PP
Vitamin E
Vitamin D
· Vitamin C
Provitamin A (carotenoid)
Minerals (zinc, iron, magnesium, copper, selenium, manganese, chromium
A unique dietary supplement to maintain energy in female body. Gives strength and Have a good mood. Balances the work of the nervous and reproductive system. Strengthens defensive forces skin, improves its tone and nourishes from the inside. Great Britain
Doppelhertz Beauty Lifting-Complex Biotin (vit. B7)
· Vitamin C
Vitamin E
Hyaluronic acid
· Beta-carotene
Minerals: magnesium, calcium, silicon, titanium, etc.
A dietary supplement that improves skin elasticity and firmness, revitalizes the complexion and protects the skin from the aggressive effects of the external environment. Germany
Imedeen Flawless Update ·Vitamin C
Vitamin E
Unique BioMarineComplex
Extracts of soy, white tea, chamomile, tomato, grape seed
Complex for mature skin with a pronounced anti-aging effect. Stimulates the production of elastin and collagen. Prevents the formation of wrinkles, inflammation. USA
Complivit Radiance 11 vitamins (C, E group B, A, PP, N)
Green tea extract
8 minerals (calcium, magnesium, iron, zinc, copper, selenium, silicon, cobalt)
A universal complex for improving the condition of skin, hair and nails. Designed for effective assistance organism in urban ecology. It also helps to reduce appetite and speed up metabolism. Russia
Laura Evalar Vitamin E
· Vitamin C
Hyaluronic acid
Yam extract (phytoestrogen)
Anti-aging drug (BAA) to activate anti-aging processes in the skin.

Wrinkles are 30% less noticeable, the skin is elastic, radiant with health - this is the result in just a month

Lady'sformula Ageless Skin Vitamin E
Vitamin A (beta-carotene)
· Vitamin C
Vitamin B12
Plant extract (horsetail, thistle, citrus)
Minerals (zinc, selenium, calcium, silicon)
Complex active substances, preventing withering of the skin of the face, decollete, neck and hands. It is aimed at strengthening the walls of capillaries, removes toxins. Canada
Vitrum Beauty Elite Vitamin E
B group vitamins
· Vitamin C
Vitamin D3
Nicotinamide (vitamin PP)
Minerals (calcium, iron, magnesium, zinc, iodine, selenium, etc.)
Plant extracts (aloe, kelp, grape seeds, lemon, etc.)
A rich complex for skin 30+.

Has a beneficial effect on nervous system, immunity, digestive system.

It also saturates skin and hair cells. nutrients, stimulating metabolic processes and preventing the appearance of wrinkles and the first signs of aging.

Solgar Skin, hair, nails · Vitamin C
Amino acids
Red algae extract
MSM (methylsulfonylmethane, organic sulfur source)
Specially formulated natural multivitamin and mineral composition to strengthen hair and nails and restore natural processes skin regeneration and lifting. USA

How to properly apply and apply vitamins?

The universal rule for outdoor and oral administration vitamins - read the instructions before use. There you can get maximum benefit from the drug and minimize the risk of harm to health.

Pay attention to the presence of an allergic reaction to the components. For example, cases of allergy to vitamin C are common.

Also consider the compatibility of vitamins with each other and with minerals.

It is possible to conditionally divide the form of release of vitamin preparations into three types, each of which has individual features in application.

Tablets and capsules.

  • Manufacturers must indicate not only the percentage of each vitamin in the preparation in relation to its daily rate, but also call the exact number of times and the time of taking capsules or tablets. Just follow the instructions and follow the dosage.
  • Vitamins are a source of energy and strength, so it is recommended to drink them in the morning.
  • Take the tablets with meals.

Liquid in ampoules.

  • Most often produced in ampoules water soluble vitamins such as Vitamin C, B6, B12, etc. Fat-soluble, including Vitamins A, E, D, come in small bottles.
  • Vitamins in liquid form are easy to check for an allergic reaction: put a drop on the crook of your elbow. If redness does not appear after 15 minutes, you can safely continue the procedure!
  • It is recommended to adhere to the rule "1 vitamin -1 mask", this will eliminate the occurrence of a conflict combination.
  • Do masks no more than 2 times a week on pre-cleansed skin.
  • Store opened ampoules in the refrigerator according to the expiration date indicated by the manufacturer.

Creams and serums enriched with vitamins.

  • Be sure to choose cosmetics based on your skin type and the specific imperfections that it should eliminate.
  • Cosmetologists note that if the cream contains more than 5 vitamin elements, then their concentration will be minimal. As a result, the expected effect is unlikely to be achieved.
  • Do not use vitamin cosmetics and products with fruit acids at the same time.
  • Creams and serums that contain antioxidant vitamins can and should even be applied before bedtime.
  • Observe storage conditions.

Vitamin face masks


  1. A wonderful and simple mask with a cumulative effect. Contains a tablespoon olive oil and literally a couple of drops of Vitamins A and E. oil base heat in a water bath, mix with vitamins and apply on a clean face. Massage the skin along the massage lines with your fingertips until the solution is completely absorbed.

This mask can be done daily. The result will be noticeable in a month.

From pimples and blackheads.

  1. Take 1 amp. or one teaspoon of liquid retinol, mix with 1 tbsp. spoon of any cosmetic oil. Apply the oil solution to clean skin for ten minutes. Then remove the rest with a paper towel. Once a week is enough.
  2. It will take 1 tsp. favorite nourishing cream, chilled aloe juice, retinol. Mix in a bowl, apply with clean hands on cleansed face for about 15 minutes. May sting a little. Do not wash off the mask, but blot with a napkin.

From age spots.

  1. Use the mask from ascorbic acid(can be taken both in liquid form and in powder without additives mixed with water), 3 tablespoons of aloe juice, 4 drops oil solution tocopherol and 5 drops of any citrus essential oil (they effectively eliminate any age spots). Keep the mixture on the skin for 10-15 minutes, rinse with warm water.

From inflammation of the skin.

  1. Curd Mask with Vitamin E maintains a healthy glow and reduces redness. She needs 1 tbsp. l. fat cottage cheese, 1 tbsp. l. vegetable (olive grape, linseed, etc.) oil, 1 amp. alpha-tocopherol acetate. Mix to a mushy mass, apply on clean face for 15 minutes.

From peeling skin.

  1. For maximum hydration and nourishment of the skin, use the following recipe. Blend 1 tablespoon of sour cream until smooth chicken yolk and 5 drops each of Vitamins A, D and E. Apply the mixture evenly on the face and leave for twenty minutes. Wash off with warm water. Two treatments a week are enough to see the first positive changes.

Anti-aging injections with vitamins for the face

For deep nutrition of the skin, capturing all the cells of the epidermis in cosmetology, there are biorevitalization techniques and mesotherapy. These are procedures during which preparations saturated with vitamins, amino acids, minerals, etc. are injected into the dermis.

Rice. 10. Vitamin injections

Since the concentration of vitamin elements in such injectable cocktails is very high, they should be made exclusively by professional cosmetologists and high-quality proven formulations should be used for this. Unlike masks, cosmetic procedures held no more than once every six months.

Foods containing vitamins that are beneficial for the face

Vitamins, with rare exceptions, are not synthesized by our cells. Therefore, they can only be obtained from outside. The simplest and affordable way is a balanced and rich in vitamins food.

Moreover, in nature it was foreseen in advance - many natural products in its composition contain from one to several vitamins and trace elements.

  • Vitamin A is found in milk, butter, liver, vegetables: red bell pepper, carrots, tomatoes, pumpkin, melon, persimmon. Be sure to fill these products with oil.
  • Everyone is naturally rich in vitamin C citrus fruit as well as broccoli Brussels sprouts, bell pepper, strawberry, wild rose and even dill.
  • Vitamin E can be obtained by adding a variety of foods to your diet. vegetable oils, nuts, spinach, sorrel, red fish, rabbit meat.
  • The B group of vitamins is present in beef liver, chicken meat, legumes, oatmeal, nuts, bananas and avocados.
  • In cloudy weather, you can make up for the deficiency of Vitamin D if you eat red caviar and red fish, eggs, butter, mushrooms
  • Find additional source Vitamin P can be found in buckwheat, tomato-garlic paste, citrus fruits (especially in the peel), apricots, grapes, plums, chokeberries and currants.
  • Fans of plant foods are not afraid of a lack of Vitamin K. After all, it is found in all types of cabbage, seaweed, celery, cucumbers and beans.

Vitamins for facial skin play a big role in maintaining youth and improving appearance. Therefore, most girls are wondering what vitamins are needed for facial skin in order to always look young and beautiful. Women's skin, unlike men's, is very delicate, so she needs special care and a constant supply of nutrients. The main source of vitamins is natural products.

How do vitamins affect the skin of the face?

The table provides a list of the most useful vitamins, their effect, signs of deficiency, and the main foods to make up for the deficiency.

Vitamin name Signs of shortage Functions Products
BUT Wrinkles (crow's feet) appear around the eyes, the skin may become dry and flaky The use of vitamin A to improve skin protection against harmful natural influences makes it more elastic and moisturizes Beets, onions, carrots, apricots, liver, egg yolks, fish fat, butter
B2(riboflavin) Lips begin to crack, jams appear, permanent dermatitis Improves metabolic processes of facial epithelial cells, stimulates cellular respiration Eggs, cottage cheese, meat, fish, cocoa, almonds, yeast
B7(biotin) Manifested in the pallor of the face, peeling. Hair starts to fall out Improves the activity of epidermal cell regeneration. Egg yolk, liver, black bread, walnuts, legumes
B9(folic acid) The face looks lifeless, the hair falls out profusely Responsible for the freshness of the skin, keeps it young Coarse flour, legumes, greens, liver
Vitamin C The skin fades, becomes flabby, vascular patterns, freckles and black dots appear Improves the work of hormones responsible for the production of collagen and strengthening of collagen fibers, strengthens blood vessels and is able to remove bags under the eyes Bell pepper, leaf salad and spinach, blackcurrant, sauerkraut, rose hips and citrus fruits
E(tocopherol) The lack of tocopherols for the skin of the face is manifested in the coarsening and drying of the skin. Deficiency manifests itself in coarsening and drying of the skin Wheat germ, sunflower, cottonseed and soybean oils
P(rutin) The lack of routine is noticeable with an increase in the number of vascular patterns, an increased tendency to bruising. Strengthens the walls of blood vessels, prevents their fragility plums, chokeberry, grapes, cherries, raspberries, wild rose, Bell pepper, garlic, tomatoes, sorrel, green tea
PP(niacin) Pale and dry skin with bluish lips Improves the formation of enzymes and respiration at the cellular level Eggs, fish, milk, chicken, cheese, peanuts, wheat germ
To Skin pigmentation, swelling, inflammation Accelerates the regeneration of skin cells, improves blood circulation Tomatoes, cabbage, spinach, greens, carrots, rowan berries

Rules for the use of vitamins

Vitamins can enter the body in three ways:

  • natural substances obtained from the consumption of products;
  • synthetic vitamins and vitamin supplements (tablets, capsules, powder or liquid in ampoules);
  • cosmetic masks for facial skin.

Important! Vitamins are divided into two categories based on solubility: water-soluble and fat-soluble. C, B1, B2, B3, B5, B7, B9, B12 - these substances dissolve easily in water and are easily absorbed by the body, instantly absorbed into the blood. A, E, D, K are poorly soluble in water - they must be mixed with fats before use. Therefore, a mixture of vitamin e and glycerin for facial skin is very useful and nutritious.

To choose the best vitamins for facial skin, you should consult a nutritionist - only he will be able to prescribe as accurately as possible. necessary drugs and diet.

Correctly balanced diet taking into account all essential vitamins and trace elements always comes first in facial care. It is impossible to get an overdose with this method of obtaining them.

Artificial preparations are good in that they are easily digested and quickly absorbed, they can be easily found on the shelves of pharmacies, each drug must have instructions for use.

It is important to take precautions:

  • Open ampoules should be used immediately, otherwise the substances may react with oxygen and quickly become unusable.
  • Can't be mixed different substances they may not be compatible.
  • Before use, be sure to consult a doctor and read the instructions for use.
  • Be sure to take into account allergic reactions.

Very useful for the face vitamin masks from fresh vegetables and fruits. Their main advantage is that most products can always be easily found in the refrigerator. You can also make face masks from pharmaceutical preparations. The most important rule when preparing masks is not to mix vitamins, but this does not apply to vitamins A and E. They combine very well and help to assimilate each other.

With any intake of vitamins, it is imperative to follow the following rules:

  • Before buying drugs, you need to consult a professional.
  • You can not mix elements with each other, except for E and A.
  • It is necessary to follow the rules of admission specified in the instructions for use.
  • After the end of the course of treatment, a second consultation is necessary to change the drug.

Vitamins for different skin types

Facial skin is divided into 4 types. Every skin type has different vitamin and skin care needs. You can not use vitamins designed for one type of skin, another type. AT best case, the vitamin simply will not help, and at worst, on the contrary, it will harm. You should carefully select vitamins for your skin type.

Vitamins for dry skin moisturize and protect against harmful effects. It is necessary to include fish in the diet, as it contains a lot of fatty acids. Ellagic acid, which is found in large quantities in strawberries, will also help well. However, it should be used carefully so as not to cause an allergic reaction.

Skin mixed type and oily lacks phosphorus, iron and potassium, as well as vitamins B, E, C. These elements are found in kiwi, pumpkin seeds and watercress. Vitamin B helps to remove toxins from the skin and break down fats. The use of these vitamins leads to getting rid of rashes and acne on the face.

For normal skin type B vitamins work well. They strengthen and make the skin smooth, retain moisture and prevent it from drying out. Substances of this group are found in many products. It will be useful to include cottage cheese, eggs, fish, meat, greens and legumes in the diet.

The effect of tocopherol on the skin of the face

Vitamin E has complex action on the skin of the face. Facial rejuvenation occurs, cells regenerate more actively, wrinkles decrease, the skin looks firmer and more elastic, and blood circulation improves. This substance also acts as natural antidepressant and an antioxidant, it relieves fatigue and invigorates, the face looks more rosy. This vitamin also provides therapeutic effect- facilitates allergic reactions, regulates the sebaceous glands, helps in the treatment of anemia.

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